These are seen in the early terms of vaginess. Seen on the cob of the photo. Poor brown vision on early terms of vagity

Mousimo to alert the woman, but not to call out panic. Be it for us to understand, it is necessary to just regularly see a gynecologist and take care of all your scars, so that you can find out the cause of your anxiety and not be turbulently, to that which is similar to the experience of shkidlivy children. However, the pilnist to show all the same is not to be mischievous.

Similar sightings can be of a different color from clear to dark brown. Our task is to tell about those of them, which are the norm in case of pregnancy, and for the obviousness of which, medical assistance is necessary.

So, seeing on the cob of vaginess, you can see but a transparent color, do not mother the smell and be indistinct. As a rule, for their characteristic marks the stench is similar to that motherland, like the other half of the standard cycle. As a variant of the possibility of seeing a mucus similar to protein chicken egg. The mucous membrane of the reproductive system synthesizes vision in order to protect something and something else. Zocrema, stinks win the transport function: help the spermatozoid to reach the eggs.

A skin woman knows how to make a cream of transparent color and smell, the stench is not guilty of discomfort and sverblyachki. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the body is actively rozbudova. The main reason is the hormonal background. On the right, in the fact that progesterone is sprayed on the appearance of a viscous and thick mucus, which is also allowed in this period. Yogo actively viroblennya spryaє attaching the embryo and molding the placenta. In this period, the vision is in'yazkі and indistinct.

Seen in the first days of pregnancy, Vaughn is formed with the method of closing the entrance to the uterus and protecting the embryo from the penetration of infection.

Even more often, on the back of the woman's life, there are more mucus, like a sirn consistency, a sour smell and are seen in a great number. Tse є (tobto vaginal candidiasis). Krіm tsgogo, z'yavlyaєtsya discomfort at the crotch, which will increase in the night period, after the act of bathing. As a rule, ailments often develop in women, to the fact that the functions of the body are reduced, because they attract the activation of fungi. Sometimes you experience depression, if you don’t change the strength of your pregnancy, and after that, like a baby, you get used medically and independently.

Like a woman turbobuyut bloody vision on the cob of vagity, at the same time blame the development of pathology on that mimicry day. Such a possible cause may be the pozamatkova vagіtnіst. As a rule, similar visions can be bright, so practically unremarkable, like pale erysipelas, so brightly red. As if the stench is bright and accompanied by pains in the abdomen, following a negaino call I'll help the shvidka.

When a brown color appears, it sounds like the norm. They blame it too, if the woman's menstruation is small.

As a sight on the cob of vagity, a yellow color can be seen, it should be noted about the ignition process. If there is an unacceptable smell, it is important that a development of pathogenic microflora is observed. The woman is guilty of remembrance that the ignition process in the first trimester can be called a mimic weekday, so that the veins can stick out and the mucus uterus, the germ develops.

It also sometimes causes bleeding of cervical erosion. It may be more similar to the status after the statutory act of a gynecological review. This is due to the fact that the mucosa becomes more sensitive, to which the synthesis of hormones changes. Ale through tse not a trace of his visit to the doctor. As if you don't have many pathologies, looking around you can be cheap for all your vaginess.

Vision at an early stage of vagity is a sign of practical skin future mother. The secret, which is revealed, is a different type of reaction of the body to hormonal and physiological transformations. The body of the vagina attaches itself to a new role, the woman's body begins to function differently - the immune system becomes sensitive.

The cob of vagity - how can you do it?

Vidіlennya z pіhvi poklikani zabezpechiti zahist mucosa and organs in the small pelvis in the form of infected particles and ear. At the warehouse of the secret: mucus, which vibrates with the cervix, the root of the stave ridges, the widows of the cloves. These include lactic acid bacterial organisms. The stench is viable for the function of zahist, in the organism of a healthy woman, it is not necessary to be active. The secret of state paths is to use the mentally pathogenic flora of the peninsula, to support the friendly internal environment.

The entire menstrual cycle can be mentally subdivided into 3 phases. The cob of the cycle is characterized by the maturation of eggs and the destruction of the functional sphere - menstrual blood is established. Then the endometrium grows again, under the influx of estrogen, the secretion becomes rare, sometimes it becomes watery. In such minds, it is easier for the spermatozoa to reach the “meti”.

For ovulation, progesterone “enters into action”. As a woman, the concentration of the hormone continues to increase. Result: the secret of a thickening consistency. In this way, the body will protect the best protection of the reproductive organ from infections. Tsya regularity is signifying old look and structure early pregnancy.

What sights are called normal?

The whole thing is normal early terms vision of clearness, not overly clear, do not smell pathological. Similar secretion is similar to the vision, which marks the woman at the hour of the 2nd phase of her cycle.

Seen in the early terms of vagility, it is not the fault of the patient's turbulence, as if the stink of the mucus membrane is similar to egg white. This nature of the secretion is explained by the main function of the current period - uterine infection against pathogenic microorganisms.

The nature of the vision may not alert the doctor, the proteus is not normal in appearance, the secretion is active and safe. A woman can see the discomfort, see the liver, see the light of a clear, poor secret.

At this hour, with a clear secretion, a woman can beat a hygienic pad, or a tampon.

Under the infusion of progesterone, vaginal mucus swells white color becomes thick and viscous. At this hour, the fetus is fixed on the uterine wall, the placenta begins to settle. The cream of the tsgogo, zasli vydіlennya at vaginostі on early terms utvoryut special mucosa, blocking the entrance to the reproductive organ, protecting the embryo.

When do you need the help of a doctor?

The main "indicator" will become the future mother, the development of the fetus - the vision of early terms. Therefore, it is not necessary to ignore the change of color, structure, obligatory secretion at a special hour for a woman.

For everyday conditions, it is not recommended to visit a gynecologist, so be careful:

  • sverbіzh and liver in the zone of state organs;
  • change of mucus secretion;
  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen;
  • brown mucus with blood and pus;
  • dark red vaginal secretion;
  • blood clots for a long period;
  • uncharacteristic clue to a secret.

Ignoring the anxiety symptoms of the head of not only a healthy woman, the reason is also aware of the pathology, which is negatively signified on yoga development.

Vision characteristics

In the tables below, there are possible options for normal, pathological visions in the period of pregnancy, representations of other causes of women:

Until you see that you are on your guard, when you are pregnant, you can also see greens, piny mucus, and also the secret of a gray color.

Implantation of a fruiting egg is a natural and harmless phenomenon

Blood sightings in the early terms of pregnancy are often said to be the first 7 days after conception or the last three days. Such a symptom does not belong to the category of serious ones. The mucus that is seen is heterogeneous, it may be brown or with a small amount of bloody oozes.

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Different reasons for seeing people

At this moment, the sympathy of a friendly overflow of pregnancy is manifested, and at the same time, why should the embryo be fixed in the mother.

Such sightless sightings under the hour of wine-making, children are vvazhayutsya only in times of lonely episodes.

Must be blamed for hormonal imbalance

Later, the vagility has come - the sights appeared in early terms, and the very hour of the transfer critical days. The organism took the information about the cycle and did not promptly perebuduvatisya in a new way.

In such a time, fahіvtsі to talk about the natural hormonal perebudova in the organisms of the vagina. For such circumstances, the future mother is recommended:

  • watch out for the physical challenge and important day;
  • do not irritate, dotrimuvatisya psychological peace;
  • do not take a hot bath;
  • Disable article contact.

Ignoring the promptings of the occasions can become a clearer sight in early terms, building overgrowth into bleeding.

Mage after sex or going to the gynecologist

Often the secretion in the first trimester is manifested through the weakening of the mucous tissues of the state system. Provoking factors in this time can be:

  • article contact;
  • a look at the gynecologist;
  • mucosal injury during the process of introducing candles;
  • I didn’t get a douche test.

In the early terms of vacancy, there is little blood seen, or a brown daub sometimes unbelievably turbulent a woman. The cause of such a symptom may be erosion of the cervix. Even more often, the pathology itself can lead to unimaginable sightings after ovarian occlusion. As a rule, stench does not call for concern among specialists.

Brown daub - 100% good for the chorion?

Smearing blood sightings on early terms does not necessarily confirm the fact of exposing the placenta, the fertilized egg. A similar station of a woman can be called out from the office of physical interests. The tension is brought up to tension, which is accompanied by insignificant blood loss.

The situation is advancing: mucus begins to be seen from insignificant blood clots, which can increase over time.

In such environments, it is not necessary to call for a visit to the doctor. Patients should check ultrasound and, in case of confirmation of pain, write calm and effective preparations.

Shelter on the pad as a sign of vaginess that has faded

For the sounded diagnosis, there is no hope for a child. From the singing reasons, the life of the fetus is attached. Vagіtna poserіgaє rіzke zniknennya symptomatology:

  • filthy self-feeling;
  • nudoti;
  • swelling of the breasts.

However, the exact sign of such a situation may be less characteristic of secretion. Brown vision stretch, dosit ryasnі. Most often, a woman suffers from sickness in her stomach and across the board.

The right problem can be solved in a less surgical way. Ultrasound is given to medical manipulations.

At the threat of wikiday, there is a bloody secretion

As if with early vaccinity, the appearance of a red color can be seen, we must first turn on the possibility of an hourly change of vacancy. The sights are accompanied by pain sensations in the abdomen, across that area of ​​the creases.

Over the course of timely sparing therapy, abortion progresses - the process becomes irreversible. Bіl, scho poserіgaєtsya, zminyuyut character: they become transient, large blood clots are seen, and sometimes profuse bleeding is observed.

The chance of saving a child in case of a mimic abortion, which, once it has begun, becomes 50/50. It is similar to posterity in 2 women out of 10.

Chi not pozamatkova vagіtnіst?

Often, with uncharacteristic visions (with vagity in early terms), there is a description of the development of the fetus between the uterus. Tse means that the fruiting egg is fixed in the forbidden zone.

Such a completed furnishing is one of the most important. God, a woman, rebuying on the 6th pregnancy, can not suspect about her “cicada camp” and take shelter for the first menstrual vision.

For the duration of the life of the new arrivals, the embryo develops in an unlawful place, provoking bleeding, as if threatening the building of the vagina again, the birth of a child. Under the threat, the life of the patient also appears.

Zhovty mucus - what is it?

Zhovta secretion in the early term of vaginess indicates a malfunction in the reproductive system of the future mother. Ryasnі zhovtі vіdіlennya (along with an unacceptable smell) connected with the development of the ignition process. Call to go about ZPSSh. In such a way, we can talk about grafting ailments to vagity and "rozkvit" symptoms during the period of fetal bearing.

Vidіlennya accompany the life of a woman regularly. Do not always mean that you are sick of the organs of the reproductive system. In a different way, take care of that fluctuation, as if seen with vagity in early terms. Such visions can be different for the color, transparent, white, brown, dark red. What kind of vision is a drive for anxiety, and what is a physiological norm?

At the period of vagity female organism know about the impact of physiological processes and the hormone progesterone. Blaming the sight of bright eyes on the cob of pregnancy is considered the norm. In some cases, visions can be bloody, especially on the first days of pregnancy. It can be similar in the daytime, if the menstruation came earlier to pregnancy. The normal secret during the winemaking of the fetus can be zagali buti during the day.

The main reason for the vindictive vision in the first trimester is hormonal changes in the woman's body:

  • The most safe are the visions of vision.
  • Slightly brown vision in a small obsyaz (daub) can be in the days before menstruation in the first month of pregnancy. In case of viniknenniyuchy pain sensations across the lower part of the abdomen, it is recommended to go to the doctor.
  • What a woman remembered at home brown vision, you can talk about the threat of vaping. In certain situations, wines are accompanied by nothing else severe pain lower abdomen.
  • Bloody visions, similar to those of menstruation, are considered unsafe: for some reason, the placental vagity may be affected.

Infusion of progesterone

Opaque cream-like visions of another type are considered to be the result of active production of progesterone, the key hormone of pregnancy. Changes in vaginal visions are seen immediately under yoga. An increased concentration of progesterone forms a positive mindset for the organ fixation of the germ in the uterine endometrium. Attachment occurs approximately 8-10 days after conception. The axis of this was more and more densely seen by women can be an indicator of vaccinity.

A fragrant secret on the first days of a child’s eyelids comes out with a small amount of bloody streaks, and it can also be erysipelatous or brown. Blame the stench at the hour, if the germ is attached to the endometrium of the uterus. With this, it is often possible to see the shock of the upper vessels, which provokes a small sight of blood. Obsyag saw with his friend maly, himself manifesting it in short hours. Similar to the vision of the first days of vagity in general safety. If there are sums, then it is better to take care of the doctor.

Mucus plug molding

Overworld sightings on the first days of pregnancy, similar to Syrian whites of a chicken egg - but not rare. The reason for milking is simple. Approximately on the 3rd vacancy, the development of that molding of the mucus plug is observed, as it is supposed to protect all the vagity of the internal empty uterus, and, later, the child itself from the penetration of various pathogenic speeches, sbudnikiv іnfektsii. For reasons of reason, the women in this term are moving towards obliging the seen transparent mucus. Similar sightings in the first 4 tyzhnі vagіtnosti tsіlkom zakonіrnі.

hormonal background

During the period of winemaking of the child, the woman's organism becomes aware of the essence of transformation. at the back, a change in the female hormonal body is observed. In singing situations, such hormonal changes are caused by singing delays, skin shards are individual. There may be options, if a woman with vaccination during the period of potential menstruation is blamed for seeing a white house with a bloody house. If such a secretion is not accompanied by pain spasms and deterioration of health, pass independently and again change to significant pain, then there is no need to worry. As a rule, with vagity, there is an increase in the number of whites in the form of a splendid state, and this is the norm.

allergic reaction

In the period of wine-making, children's spontaneity of female women increases in razi. The axis of this allergy is that of teasing and sverblychka zdatnі vyklikat navit zvichnі zasobi, scho not yell earlier negative vidovіdі vіd organіzmu. Gel for intimate hygiene, powder, synthetic materials - everything can be blamed for rare rare proteins, as they are accompanied by stinging and tearing. Such sightings on the 11th day of pregnancy can be provoked, found, without any reason. It is necessary to try on the hip and swallow the allergen. It’s enough for someone else, so that such a vision stuck.

Prozory vіdtinok, small volume, vіdsutnіst aroma є normal camp of the secretion of state organs under the hour of vagіtnostі. Mucus visions seal the mucus plug, which means that the fetal egg is successfully fixed in the mother. The process should be carried out properly, so it was clear that the visions were seen to accompany the future mother with the protracted term of pregnancy.

Abnormal vision in early terms of vaginess from photo

Knowing that, as seen at the early stages of pregnancy, it is important for the recovery of normal women, to help the woman, if necessary, look up at the hour and turn to the doctor, which will help to save her pregnancy and her life.

What can alert the woman at the camp in different visions:

  • The presence of pain is that self-perception;
  • Trival vision;
  • The consistency of the secret;
  • Kіlkіst;
  • I saw the sight.

In order to signify some kind of vinickly sight on the 10th tizhnі vagity (or be it another tizhnі), it is necessary to coristuvati with good pads.

Red bloody vision

A similar sight is an unsafe sign of destruction. The most common reasons for such visions are such unsafe conditions, like:

  1. The threat of a reboot. A bloody vision of a bright-red color that pulls pain in the lower part of the abdomen, pain across or across the ridges. A positive result in such a situation is more important to lie down in the early morning before the medical mortgage. It’s better to call for emergency assistance and checks її in the supine position.
  2. Erosion, polypi, oncology of the uterine cervix. Bleeding is possible after sexual contact, if you look around you.
  3. Mihurov's entry- Destruction of the molding of the fruiting egg. This will not be safe for me to bleed brightly and succumb to cancer formation.

The real reason for such visions can only be determined by the help of additional ultrasound, gynecological examination, blood test for the presence of the CGL hormone in the obstetric term of vaginess.

Smear brown vision

Similar sightings can become signs of unsafe damage:

Zhovtі vidіlennya

The reasons for the appearance of zhovtih vidіlen z pіhvi є:

  1. Ignition of state bodies. Vono zdatne provokuvat vicidy chi іnfikuvannya fetus. In order to initiate this process, it is appropriately assigned to the jubilation.
  2. State infections (often chlamydia, ureaplasma). Data on infections in the building to provoke a weekend. For these reasons, it is important to assign effective and appropriate therapy. However, to engage in self-deprecating defence, the shards of self-destruction are guilty of being chosen by the doctor himself with the improvement of vagity. Similar sightings produce an unacceptable aroma.

Green vision

The reason for the blame is green, often navittyh visions, in the early term of vaginess, trichomonas. Ailment, yak stinks provokut, ringing trichomoniasis. Krіm vіdіlen until such a sign I'll lay sverbіzh, peіnnya, bolyuchi vіdchuttya in state bodies. Trichomoniasis is unsafe with vaginess, shards can provoke a weekend. I seldom fahіvets mozhe zaznachit further therapy, to the fact that with self-sustaining therapy, there is a great hemorrhage of vicarious effects, which are toxic to children.

Been seen

Often, on the cob of vagity, there is a lot of people who can get stuck with candidiasis. Її virazi: bright sirnі vision, sour aroma, sverbіzh, teasing. The most common cause of thrush is physiological immunodeficiency. It is not necessary to engage in self-admiration, because the main diseases against candidiasis are vicarious when vaccinated through their negative impact on the plaid.

When blamed for any of the rehabilitated more pathologically different types, it is necessary to turn to fahivtsya. As a creamy vision may have an irregular character, before going to the gynecologist, take a picture of the gasket, so that the doctor understands, about how to go yourself.

Pіhvoviy secret of yellow color

There are two options for the appearance of a lot of new visions in the period of pregnancy in early terms:

  • Ignition process in state organs;
  • Reproduction of infection (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gardenelosis).

In parallel with the cyst, the woman may develop pain in the abdomen and in the area of ​​the folds. Sverblyachka and razdratuvannya can also be in some variants. Such sightings in the first trimester of pregnancy are not safe, the shards can cause spontaneous abortion, increase the development of a child and її іnfіkuvannya vnutriuterno, in the distant - lead to the front curtains.

Krіm change the color of the vision, the woman can remember the temperature rise and the pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Similar to the viklikan ailments, which are transmitted by the state path. However, it does not mean that the vagina itself was infected during the child's winemaking period. Nayimovirnіshe іnfektsіya bula pіdhoplenа earlier, аlе oscilki іmunnі forces weakened, іt got stronger and gave signs. It also forms a threat to vaginess, so it is necessary to turn to the doctor.

Brown vision on early terms

  • Vagity has died down

In singing situations, brown visions can tell about vaginess that has faded. As if the woman's hips had all the signs of a vagitic state, and then the stench sharply all swelled up, plus brown visions appeared on the white, then it's amazing that the death of the fetus in the middle of the womb was observed. The step of seeing the uterine walls of the fetus leads to the appearance of brown visions. In order to develop one's own experience and confusion, it is necessary to go through an obstezhennia. Most trustworthy ultrasonic follow-up, I'll show you that in the embryo there is a heartbeat

  • Erosion of the cervix

In fact, erosion can become the cause of brown visions, as they are explained by mechanical skin lesions on the surface, as it is hostile to illnesses. Similar sightings can be worn out, for example, after looking at the gynecological chair. Therapy of erosis is not considered in case of vagity, it is necessary to bring it up to delivery. Detailed details of the treatment of erosion after the gradual varto will be discussed with the doctor.

Dark vision at the hour of vacancy

Seen on the 6th day of pregnancy (as well as if it were the other day, the wine-making of a child), which is accompanied by a dark shade and is complemented by a host of painful feelings and a wild weakness, cannot be seen to normal and natural phenomena. Similar symptoms are characteristic of post-uterine vaginess, if the embryo attaches over the uterine emptying, and, for example, in the tube, emptying of the cervix and ovary. Similar damage can be made unsafe for the self-feeling of that life of a woman, shards in the world of an increase in the fetus increase the possibility of opening an organ and the appearance of clear bleeding.

Green color

Vinification of green vision (pus) can be a symptom of such illnesses, like gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Tsі stateevі zahvoryuvannya zdatnі provokuvat mimovіlny abortion. Signs of this will become:

  • Bakery;
  • Swollen state of the lips;
  • Spit pus;
  • Unacceptable smell.

With the appearance of such signs in case of vagity, it is necessary to turn to fahіvtsya and zdіysniti vidpovіdne obstezhennya that therapy.

More plastics in the vaginal secretion

Such sightings on the 11th grade of vagity appear with the same frequency, as, for example, on the fifth grade of vagity or on the thirtieth. The thrush zdatna z'yavlyatsya be-what kind of vagity. This stage is more characteristic of the change in the body's stamina, through which such an unacceptable ailment is often formed, like a thrush.

The back of the eye is similar to white plastic or sirn grains, which are easily cremated one by one. In the world, the disease progression of the plastics passes from the sir plivki, as if the mucosal membranes are affected, they cover the carrier wounds. Discomfort significantly increases in one's own. The ailment is accompanied by irritation, stinging, bruising, hyperemia of the outer organs, and a characteristic sour aroma is established.

Such sightings during pregnancy in early terms do not cause problems for the fetus, but rather bring discomfort to the future mother. For this reason, it is important to consider antifungal therapy, as the drug is to blame. Most often, with vagity, vicory is produced in the form of a mist infusion.

Bіlі plastіvtsі і vіdіnіlі sekretі vіd svіchok Utrozhestan

Utrozhestan is a synthetic analogue of the hormone of vaginess - progesterone. This hormone is a gestagen, which is formed in the yellow color after ovulation and during the development of secretory endometrium.

Viniknennya bіlih vіdіlen vіd stіchok Utrozhestan nebhіdno razdіlit. Thus, when the drug is administered intravaginally, it can be seen just as a capsule. If the woman has correctly introduced the drug, and the wine has become different (if the capsule has been stuck for about a year, it is necessary to stay in a horizontal position), then there is no turbulence about what.

It is not necessary to saturate the surplus with the drug from pikhvi, it is fenced with it to douche to clear the surplus. Nadmirna hygiene in such a state of mind may cause shkodi - the active component of the drug should not be allowed to manifest an overbearing effect. Tse can provoke the formation of dysbacteriosis pikhvi.

If Utrozhestan is taken orally, it may be evidence of fungal infection molding. It is necessary to respectfully follow after your own self-confessions, and when you are guilty of sverbly, liver, reddening of your lips, it is necessary to turn to fahіvtsya for the exclusion or treatment of infectious ailments.

During the treatment of Utrozhestan, there was evidence of a lack of rebuking the woman in the supine position for soaking the drug. Let's guess that it is necessary to lie very close to the year.

Exalted vision with vacancy in early terms

Wash your mind, as they caused the accusation of specific visions on early terms, zastosovuyutsya different likuvalni come in. Below we present them in a small scheme:

Diagnosis Vikoristovuvanі come in

Removal of the placenta

Hospitalization to a likuval mortgage, saving that hormonal likuvannya.

Threat of mimic abortion

Hospitalization to the initial mortgage, saving and hormonal treatment (implantation hormonal benefits, dotrimannya on bed rest). Taking blood spinal preparations (if necessary).

Erosion of the cervix

Zdіysnennya lіkarskoї ї ї pії, vyklyuchennya procedure pіkannya.

Vagity has died down

Hospitalization to a likuval mortgage, medical abortion, mini-abortion, vacuum, piece birth or vyshkribannya.

Pozamatkova vagіtnіst

Hospitalization, operational care.

Krіm shvidkogo vіdvіduvannya likarа, zhіntsi, yak vіdstezhila іn uncharacteristic viіdіlennіa, it is recommended dоtrimuvatsya povіnіі control.

Minasyan Margarita

The first trimester is considered to be a pivotal and anxious period. It's an hour, if the future is not even more at ease before the influx of unfriendly factors. The axis of which the future mother can be especially respectful until I become in the first pregnancy. One of the guidelines for potential well-being (or not well-being) is seeing in the early terms of pregnancy.

The type of vision during the hour of vaginess may change day by day. In some cases, the secretion is of an abnormal nature, which means that the normal development of a small life is under threat.

In these statistics, we can see, as seen, they are explained by natural changes that occur in the mother's organism, and are generally acceptable, and they signal about the health problems of the woman herself and the future baby.

Future mothers are praised, as a rule, by similar nutrition, we will try to find out about the widest of them, looking at the stories and views of real women.

Vision with vagity in early terms: options for the norm

Infusion of progesterone

Inna T. (m. Samara): About 18 days have passed since conception. The test is positive. . I didn’t notice this earlier before the months. What can be seen on the 2nd degree of pregnancy? What can stink mean?

There are two variants of blame for the number of sightings with vagity in early terms: inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system and reproduction of infection (ureaplasmosis, gardenelosis, chlamydial infection). At the same time, a woman can be afraid of sickness in the stomach and areas of the crisis. Sverblyachka and razdratuvannya are also present. Similar sightings in the first trimester of pregnancy can be unsafe, the shards of the birth provoke a spontaneous abortion, increase the development of the fetus and yogo intrauterine infection, nadali front canopies.

Yellow-green Dark yellow Yellow bright yellow

Brown vision on early terms

Embryo development

Larisa V. (M. Sochi): “If there was a hitch on the 2nd day, the test showed two females. On the robot, there was a period of time, I didn’t go to the doctor once. Seeing on the 6th grade of pregnancy caused me to change my mind. The stench was brown, of a pungent nature. Mimovoli vinikli sumniv: maybe the first test had mercy? I bought another one and gave a negative result. Is it possible? Daubing is not attached, toxicosis is known. Didn’t I guess everything, and was it just a drift?

In some cases, the brown secret may be indicative of the early development of the embryo. As if the woman had all the signs of gestation, and then the stench sharply stumbled, and at the same time storms appeared on the bliss, then, perhaps, there was an internal uterine death of the embryo. The first step of yoga penetration into the walls of the uterus provokes the appearance of a brown secret. In order to expand the sumn_vi, you should pass the obstezhennya.

Mazhuyuchi Daub

Erosion of the cervix

Ganna Z. (m. Kirov): “. Tse daub of brown color. For a couple of years everything passed. Before conception, she did not overtake vilicious erosion. What can be seen on the fourth tizhn on the last of the old era?”

True, erosion can become the cause of the appearance of a brown secret, which is explained by mechanical damage on the surface of the ill-affected plot. A similar secretion can be seen, for example, after looking at the gynecological office. The rejoicing of erosis is not transferred during the period of the child's wine-making, її will be brought to the moment of birth. Discuss the details of future therapy with the doctor.

Dark beige

Dark vision at the hour of vacancy

Yana S. (m. Voronezh): “Raptom sent dark vision on the 6th grade of pregnancy. Not much stronger, from blood clots. With whom it hurts from the right side. Weakness appeared. The person is on the verge of "Shvidka", but I don't like to panic. Maybe it's not so scary? Can you see dark colors as normal?”

Seen on the 6th day of pregnancy, that a dark color can appear and be supplemented by severe pains and severe ailments, it is unlikely that they can be taken in by natural ones. This symptomatology is typical for post-uterine localization of the fruiting egg, so I will, if it is implanted not in the empty uterus, but, for example, in the tube, ovary or ovary. Such a pathology can be extremely unsafe for the health of a woman’s life, shards in the world of the growth of the fruiting egg, the growth of the growth of the organ and the cause of bleeding. Kira D. (m. Sevastopol): “I am at my current pregnancy rate. I had an unusual secretion of green color with an almost unacceptable smell. It hurts more to go to the toilet, itching and hurting everything. What can be seen for the 7th grade of pregnancy?

The appearance of a green secret (pus) can be a sign of such illnesses, like trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. Circumstances of infection may cause mimic abortion. In case of guilty similar symptoms during the first hour of vagity (burning, liver, swollen lips, following pus, smelly smell), it is necessary to quickly turn to the doctor and go through the exacerbation of that liquor.

Green Mud

More grains in the vaginal secretion

Nataliya S. (m. Kolomna): “At once I’m on the twelfth obstetric type. A few days ago, the signs of whiteness began to change and turned into grains. There was no discomfort on the back, but then a strong vermin came up. What called such a vision on the 12th grade of pregnancy? How can you be known on the camp of my future child?

Similar sightings on the 12th day of pregnancy are blamed for this very frequency, as, for example, on the sixth or thirty-nine. Candidiasis may be blamed for the term vaginess. To this life stage of power, a decrease in the body's stamina, and the anatomy of which often develops such an unacceptable illness, like a thrush.

The back of the masa, as you can see, looks like it was plastic, or grains of syrup, like it is easily watered in the form of mucus. In the world of progressing ailments, plastics are transformed into sir plivki, as if they were tried in the form of mucosal membranes, small wounds are covered. Discomfort in one's own significantly increases. The disease is accompanied by stinging, swelling, hyperemia of the outer organs, as well as a characteristic sour smell.

Like not to become a threat to the future child, but to give rise to the increased discomfort of the woman herself. It is important for him to go through an antifungal treatment, acknowledge that he may be a doctor-gynecologist. Most often, the first hour of vacancy in early terms zastosovuyutsya for the sake of local activity.

with Candidiasis

Like a bachite, in the first trimester, the secretion of pikhvi can be even more varied. It is easy for the most important vipadkіv of the future mother to develop independently in symptoms. It is very important for that, in case of all doubts and suspected signs, to seek the help of competent fahivtsiv.

On the cob of the vagity of the future mother, you can remember that from the statuary paths there are visions, that they can be of a different kind. A lot of women start to feel very nervous and nervous about that drive, even if they don’t see the norm, they can be the first to worry about the destruction of vaginess. To that, it’s obov’yazkovo to see the doctor, to ask or confirm the authority’s suspicions.

Vision on the early term of vagity

We must remember warto about those who are not independent of that lady woman, characteristic of them were or should be seen from the state paths, with which the stench does not smell.

Well, in the early terms of vagity, the sights had a sulfuric character, they smelled an unacceptable smell, they called out more strongly, they needed to turn to the doctor, the shards were the first signs of a thrush. Obviously, at the hour of the vacancy of jubilation, it will not be the simplest, but it is necessary, so it’s not okay to let everything go on self-fueling.

On the cob of vagity, the most safe and the very sight of blood, shards of stench can be pathological manifestations. The skin woman knows that during the hour of vagity, months can not go on, the vines become literally sprats of blood, the sight of such streaks is attached to the uterus of the fruiting egg.

As for the early terms of pregnancy, brown visions are blamed, and it is also the risk of vikidnya or fetal death. There are fluctuations that such sights are manifested as a head sign that the egg with the fetus has stuck behind the boundaries of the walls of the uterus. It may be less necessary to confirm the diagnosis of the disease, and to continue the tasks of the study of biomaterials assigned to the hormone hCG, but in times of such pathologies, there will be a decrease.

Practically in all types of gynecologists, the cob of vagity, which is accompanied by visions, brings to the group the risk of fetal incompetence. Ale at the same time to milk often, after carrying out all the necessary maintenance, it becomes clear that the vaginal flow is normal and the correct development of the fetus is observed. In some cases, women can be prescribed a lot of money, not only emotional, but stately calm, right down to the slopes.

Vision for vagity: normal

bloody vision

The most bloody vision and the most safe are not only for a healthy woman, but also for the safety of pregnancy. Such visions can be bright, so even miserable, the colors are pale erysipelas to dark brown.

For a wash of clear bleeding, which is accompanied by unacceptable pain sensations, it is necessary to help the doctor, who needs medical help. Until the arrival of the help of the lady, the woman is obliged to lie down and take care of her physical calm.

Bloody sightings can be the main sign of a threat to vaccinate, or evidence of poor vaginess.

The most safe, less insignificant, shards, most often, stinks appear on their own in those days, if menstruation can begin.

Head litter procedures

To improve the reasons, as it provoked the appearance of smearing visions in the early terms of pregnancy, there may be different procedures:

  • yakscho vіdbulosya vіdsharuvannya placenta, є nebhіdnіst nіnіnіy hospіtalіzії vagitnoї in gynecologicheskiy vіdіlennya, tsomu not іlki tіlki tіlky tіlki tіlki, scho zberіgaє, аlе і hormonal therapy;
  • as a threat of a weekend, you may need hospitalization, with which medication you prescribe a therapy, what you save, if you need to take bed rest, as well as hormone therapy. In times of need, blood spinal therapy is prescribed;
  • as if there were erosive changes on the cervix of the uterus, it is necessary to carry out a special treatment, at the hour of which the vagina is prescribed pharmaceutical preparations. Not carried out pikannya eroziy;
  • As a result, the woman was diagnosed with a dead woman, the woman was guilty of being hospitalized to the hospital, after which a medical abortion, mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration, piece curtains were carried out.

    Only the obstetrician-gynecologist chooses the method of likuvannya, I will become a healthy woman, if the term vagity does not matter;

  • as a rule, it was appointed, in times, to be carried out in a non-operative manner.

Regardless of the term vagity, the woman is guilty of remembrance, that when a sign appears, it is necessary to help the young woman. Until such a sign appears, a weakened pulse, a sharp decrease arterial vice, stronger heartbeat, clearly pronounced weakness, clearer sweating, sharp fading of skin curves.

Before the arrival of the doctor, the woman is obliged to seek complete physical peace.

When seen in the early terms of pregnancy, the requirement is not only to turn to the doctor, but also to seek proper hygiene:

  1. Strictly trim, wash the organs with special methods, recognized for intimate hygiene (required to consult with a doctor).
  2. It is necessary to revisit the vіd vykoristannya flavored milk, stumps for baths too.
  3. Include licorice in your diet, shards of malting malt can provoke the appearance of a bad microflora.
  4. The lower whiteness can be buti vykonana from bavovnya fabric.
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