Strong vision on the early terms of vacancy. Such sightings can be on the early terms of vaginess. Brown vision at the hour of vacancy

Numerous hormonal changes that occur in the body of a woman to increase vaginess, mothers can show. One of such manifestations - seeing the weekly hour, yakі є norm, yakshcho do not cry out rozdratuvannya, discomfort that does not have an unacceptable smell.

Vision on the early terms of vagity

During the period of pregnancy, a woman may have a vision, provoked by various changes that appear in the body and are associated with yoga perebudova. We call it not obov'yazkovo, that the stink is the reason for threatening the mother of the child.

Under the hour of vagity, the woman’s body is rebuked under the influx of the hormone progesterone, which is the norm seen on early terms vagity

  • thick;
  • opaque;
  • in'viscous.

Under the influence of progesterone, the process of fixation of the fetus and the formation of the placenta are observed. During this period, the vision is very small, practically nothing. So such a vision may great value pid hour of vacancy:

  • to close the molding of the mucus plug, as if closing the entrance to the cervix, in such a way, protecting the embryo from infections and other external effusions.

In order to avoid discomfort, you can use sanitary napkins, or use tampons.

However, not all sightings at the hour of vacancy are indicative of the norm. And if you have stinks, then you need to turn to the doctor for a consultation.

Bіlі ta zhovtі vіdіlennya

Seeing such a color is usually called whites. White - tse clear vision from the uterus and pikhvi. For normal minds, the stench is minuscule, insignificant. Normal vision:

  • sklopodіbnі;
  • in lonely temperaments, mothers can have a white color;
  • odorless.

Causes of guilt seeing a white and yellow color

  • fungal infection;
  • venereal disease;
  • constipate

Skin woman, yak she showed in herself bіlі or zhovtі vіdіlennya vаgіtnostі, it is the fault of the yakomoga to turn to the doctor earlier. To that scho likuvannya can be recognized only after carrying out the necessary laboratory investigations.

Sverblyachka with bіly

White, which is seen among the great number, can become a cause of discomfort and teasing on the surface, which is accompanied by wintering. To tidy up the sverbіzh with the bills is necessary:

  • to follow the rules of intimate hygiene and to be sweet, for intimate places;
  • zastosovuvat sitz baths with measles and chamomile;
  • vikoristovuvaty ointments, prescribed by a doctor.

Brown vision at the hour of vacancy

Different reasons can zoom brown vision. Such visions, as they do not carry everyday negative consequences, and are observed through hormonal changes, which is the norm. However, such visions can signal about some problems:

  • Seen in case of post-mortem vaginess, as a serious drive for anxiety. The more you turn to the doctor, the more you will have the operation, the more you will have a chance to save the uterine tube.
  • Vision can be a sign of a threat to the weekend. With the right scrutiny of that pretrial bedtime regime, the ability to save a child can have a high chance.
  • Pathology of the placenta. Naychastishe zustrіchaetsya vіdsharuvannya or placenta previa.
  • Infectious disease of the state system.
  • Removal of the mucus plug that stands in front of the canopies.

bloody vision

Women in the first trimester may show up bloody vision Ale tse do not start means the threat of a wiki day.

Causes of bloody visions:

  • The placenta is not large, due to which blood is pooled, as names are seen by the year. If you haven’t seen it for a long time, then you don’t have a drive to fight.
  • Slight sightings of the brown color you may have in the day, if you have a menstruation to vagity. It’s safer and, better for everything, to be hormonal in nature.
  • Vision can be from the lower state of the paths and pikhvi, and not from the uterus. The stench can be the result of an injury during a state contact, especially when there is evidence of erosion or a polyp.
  • Visions can be a sign of actual infectious diseases. To accurately determine their presence, it is necessary to take a smear.
  • Most of the blood sightings in the early terms of vaccinity signal the threat of vaccination. In this case, a visit to the gynecologist is not good for luck. Than earlier you are angry for help, there is a greater chance of saving your pregnancy.

Other visions

  • Seeing that it may be yellowish, greenish, or serpentine, may be the result of the presence of infections that are transmitted by the state way.
  • Visions from the pixie in a mucus plug appear in a woman approximately 1.5-2 days before the fall.

Seen in non-specific ignition processes

Such ignition processes are called non-specific, because the stench is typical for various health problems. Most often you can use:

  • staphylococci;
  • Proteus;
  • intestinal wand and in.

Ignition processes of such a plan rarely have a hostile character. More for everything, the stench began to vacillate, and at the hour of vacancy they became bright. Therefore, it is of great importance to regularly see a gynecologist and exultation of possible illnesses to the present vagity.

Under the hour of the start of the ignition process, the vision can be filled:

  • yellow color;
  • unacceptable smell.

Tse note about the appearance of pathogenic microflora. A fuse of this nature in early terms may end with a fleeting streak, shards of such a fuse may suffer from the mucous membrane of the uterus.

The beginnings of the development of medicine can be carried out at the same time by the treatment of ignition processes on the early terms of pregnancy without a threat to the child.

Before I saw the hour of vacancy the woman is guilty of being placed with due respect, but in any case she is not guilty of panic. A consultation with a doctor at a woman's consultation will help you understand the reason for seeing.

Do not forget that the health of your future child will lie ahead of you!

  • 1.2 Diagnosis of vision on early terms of pregnancy

What kind of vision is the norm at this stage of pregnancy?

At the early stage of pregnancy, the presence was seen as a normal state. Tse tim that the secretion of pihvi under the influx of progesterone is increased. Normal visions є:

  • Prozorі - do not wash the color and smell (do not brighten);
  • Mucus - stinks are vibrated by the mucous membrane of the state organs. Їx recognition of the protection of women's organs and the provision of yoga with other functions;
  • Chi is not clear, thick, viscous vision - they are due to the influx of progesterone on the body and are considered normal.

Cі vidіlennya at an early stage of vagіtnіst іn aid in the molding of the mucus plug, yak not allowing the access of infections to penetrate into the uterus, where the plіd is found.

Pathological vision

Bili - є ryasnі with a sour smell. The stench can be a white color and a blue texture. Such a sighting about candidiasis (thrush). The symptoms of illness are characteristic of the liver and the fall in the middle, the stench grows after the soul, the state act, and also at night.

Ailments can be blamed on the back of a change in the hormonal background, due to which the acidity of the pine tree changes and the immune system is taken into account, and the fungi that live near the pine tree become free, because their development does not matter. Candidiasis can last for a long period of vinification of the fetus, shards are important to enjoy.

Zhovti - stench is blamed on the results of the ignition process. The sights are accompanied by a specific smell, which indicates the presence of pathogenic microflora. In the event of inflammation, the mucous membrane of the uterus may suffer, and it may provoke a mimic weekend. The presence of any infection in the mother's body is not safe for the fetus.

Bloody - even unsafe for a healthy woman and saving a fetus. The stench can be bright or miserable, bright red or pale erysipelas, and also dark brown. As if seeing the light and accompanying them with strong pains, it is necessary to break the terms to the medicine. Von svіdchat pro zamatkovu vagіtnіst аbo the threat of wickedness.

Brown small grains - they are called daub, є basically harmless, to that they are at the moment, if menstruation is due to the vagina, but through the vaginess it didn’t happen. However, sometimes stinks can be indicative of problems in the body of the vagina and be a symptom of an important pathology, such as the appearance of a fruiting egg. Different women need a term for hospitalization to save their vaginess.

Diagnosis of vision on early terms of vaginess

For an accurate diagnosis and recognition of a significant jubilation, the next step is to determine the reason for blaming quiet chi other sights. For this reason, it is necessary to see a doctor, who knows the vagity. Vin recognize diagnostic follow-up, to include:

  • Observation by a gynecologist;
  • Blood analysis is critical, as well as syphilis, hepatitis, VIL;
  • Section analysis;
  • Obstezhennya on ultrasound.

After which doctor you can see the infectious disease, and the steps of your sickness. Depending on the results, the doctor is guilty of acknowledging the women sparingly medical treatment, and if necessary, then his squad.

  • treatment of apparent gynecological illnesses to the present pregnancy;
  • Exchange of physical assets;
  • Nation of a baby up to 35 years old;
  • Dotrimannya rules of hygiene

Seeing on the early terms of the vagility of the building to change your character, and to discuss the skin change with the doctor. It is not guilty to fight because of this drive, the greater number of problems caused by these problems can easily be overcome. Golovnya, shob likar, who knows the vagіtnіst, bv qualіfіkovanim and dosvіdchenim fahіvtsem.

  • What about an infection

Seeing the term “vagity” embarrass the woman to worry about those who are not a threat to her camp. However, most of them do not become a particular threat in the early terms of vaginess and blame, as a result of the increased level of state hormones on the female organism.

If there are any signs of vagity, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to detect pathologies and avoid threats

Not all visions are disturbing and unsafe

Why are the views of a woman changing in the early terms of pregnancy? Here everything is easy to finish, even in this period the woman's body becomes especially sensitive to any kind of splash. And to that, banal and obvious dossi zasobi special hygiene can provoke the appearance of clear visions from an uncharacteristic smell. Also varto remembrances about those that women's organs in the period of pregnancy become especially sensitive to infections, and also, when you see it, you can tell about the presence of the ignition process, which is not a safe threat to the weekend.

Light bloody vision is not normal, shards accompany the attachment of the germ to the wall of the uterus.

What vvazhat for the norm?

In the normal vision of a vaginal woman, they may be similar to Syrian egg white - gaps and mucus, odorless, do not play and do not cry out. Such sights protect the state organs and create a natural character. Before speech, in early terms of vagity during the period of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, there is an overworld vision of the hormone progesterone, which is the result of the appearance of thick, viscous and opaque visions.

Pathology and blood sightings are not respected in the early terms of vaginess, even if the stink is most often manifested on those days, if menstruation is low, then vaginess has come. Before speech, one of the reasons for the appearance of such visions is the attachment of a fruiting egg to the wall of the uterus, the so-called washing of the fetus. With such visions, most women can feel and feel pain, which pulls in the lower abdomen and across, which is typical for the menstrual period.

Zhovti, white sirns or green vision - a sign of the ignition process

What about an infection

The appearance of white, clear and blue visions of a sour smell, as a rule, is a symptom of thrush, as it sounds “to know” in the skin of another vaginal woman. Blame it on aphids, changes in the hormonal background, and even with the current vagity, the acidity of the middle of the state organs changes, the immune system decreases, and fungi begin to develop, as if they live on the mucous membrane of the lungs.

The appearance of bloody visions in the early terms of pregnancy can be evidence of the threat of a weekend, and a high level of hormones, as if synthesizing the placenta. For such a woman, it is necessary to take into account the recommendation of the doctor and, for the need, lie down on the savings.

As seen in the early terms of vagity, a yellow color and an unacceptable smell can be seen, it is not necessary to speak about the presence of the microflora of the state organs in the pathogens of infection, and also, the aggravation of the ignition process. And the axis of the appearance of greens, as well as the zhovtyh pinistih visions, testify to the presence of infection, which is transmitted by the path. In such a time, it is recommended to go through a retelne obstezhennya and yakomoga earlier adequately rejoicing, so as not to harm the future child.

Particularly unsafe for vagity is brown and bloody visions, which are accompanied by pain, confusion and weakness, and can threaten both for the fetus and for the life of a woman.

Seen in the early terms of vagity.

  • Dotrimannya doctor's recommendation and at the same time rozpochaty likuvannya allow to solve a lot of problems already on the early terms of pregnancy

Vision on early terms of vacancy Look back: 718

What you need to know about vision in the early terms of pregnancy

As if they didn’t see the sights on the early terms of vagility, they still don’t look marvelous, all the same varto tell the gynecologist about them at a scheduled appointment. It’s better to zayviy once to shake the doctor with a scar, but don’t give respect. A dekilka of indirect signs will help to recognize the insecurity for the mother and the little one long before it becomes a work. Particularly relevant is the connection with the possibility of a weekend and the development of pregnancy, which has faded.

Let's look at how you can see in the early terms of pregnancy, and also about what the stench is about.

Under the hour of vagity in the early terms, normal visions are considered normal, blurred and odorless vision.

Be-yakі іnshi іnshі іdіlennya at vagіtnostі may be on guard, but not lyakat. The future mother is guilty of understanding, that in the situation the following should be resolved and help you to get only a woman’s doctor’s advice. Seeing different colors: clear, erysipelas, pale yellow, red and dark brown.

Norm of vision

With vagity in early terms, normal vision of a transparent color is taken into account, which does not smell like it is not clear. For their characteristics, such visions are similar to those of another phase of the menstrual cycle.

In a whole healthy woman, a variant of the norm is mucus objects, similar to chicken protein. The mucosa of the state organs vibrates the vision of the protection of the female organs, and induces the safety of other functions. So, for example, the spermatozoid would have been more foldable to protrude to the egg, mucus did not help it.

On the cob of vagity, women sometimes see a turbulence, on a doctor, they don’t give respect. On the right, in that everything is normal, until the sights do not repair the discomfort (liver and sverbіzh), do not smell the color (bіli chi lucidity).

Under the hour of vagity, the woman's body is globally re-awakening, especially the hormonal body. In the first trimester, progestrone is strongly injected into the body, which is why it is thick, thick, opaque, and is considered normal. Under the injection of progesterone, the fetus is fixed, the placenta is molded. During this period, the sight is scanty, but even more viscous. With such visions, you can peel with a sanitary napkin, but not with a tampon in any case.

Similar sightings on the cob of vagity work over the molding of the mucous membrane, as if closing the entrance to the uterus, protecting the embryo from the causative infections.

Been seen

Seeing that a white color can be made, women are often turbulent. The stench is to wash the texture, brighten, with a sour smell. Given the observation of recent vaginal candidiasis or thrush. then the illness is accompanied by severbіny and pecheni near the middle, which increase after the state contact and water procedures, as well as at night. Can a thrush appear in the vagina? It’s easy to do everything, when the vagity hour is hormonally changed strongly, after which the acidity of the pihvi changes, the immune system is taken into account, and the fungi that live near the pihvi become free, that’s why it doesn’t grow. Often, vaginal candidiasis accompanies the future mother with all the vaginess and does not give a glimpse.

bloody vision

The most safe for the preservation of vagity and healthy future mothers are bloody visions, which can be small or bright, pale erysipelas or bright red and dark brown. Different people can see that they are married severe pain next negainoly go to the likarni for otrimannym indispensable help. It would be better to call the shvidka for help.

The very similar sightings can be evidence of the reversal of vacancy or post-mortem vacancy.

Wretched brown vision on the cob of vagity, which are called daub, are considered harmless, to that which they feel in the days, if the vagit woman has little menstruation, but did not traipalsya through vaginess.

Zhovtі vidіlennya

Such sightings are blamed on the cob of vaginess during the burning of the ignition process. Seeing an unacceptable smell, which indicates the appearance of pathogenic microflora. Ignition process on the early terms of vagity can be triggered by a fleeting break, so that when it is inflamed, the mucous membrane of the uterus can suffer, and the germ is introduced into the yaku.

Whale and Whale

Signs of vagity in early terms

At to the current world practically all women in any country know about basal temperature female organism, tsyu іnformatsiyu zhіnki otrimuyuyut zі shkіlnoї lava. Knowing the features of the special graph of basal temperatures for your body, you can easily first signs of vaginess(Until I show obvious symptoms, I will come). Ale, just like the graph of basal temperatures, the picture is already clear, women (so it’s already in place) need more clarity to confirm their health and allowance.

Before the best methods of confirmation of vacancy in early terms, one can see:

2) accessible to everyone - a test for vaginess.

Especially well-read women can be recognized in the first days after conception, listening to new feelings and changes in the body.

Obviously, cardinal changes are not blamed immediately after conception (after the statute act).

After a singing hour, your body starts to re-bud, switching to a new mode of functioning, creating the necessary sympathetic mind for saving the eggs and the full development.

The first obvious expressions are not clear (they do not stand out). Ale, show all the same, and the woman, as a respectful way to yourself, recognize the first signs of pregnancy.

What changes in the body can a woman be aware of in the early terms of pregnancy?

Changes in vaginal vision

After a successful conception (on the sixth - twelfth day), the woman may have an insignificant vision (bloody) from the pixie. Seen:

a) - in the sight of great whites with streaks or house blood,

b) - vision of a thick creamy consistency of a yellowish, beige aborigine color.

The appearance of blood cells in vaginal visions is explained by the implantation of the embedded egg in the wall of the uterus (the fruiting egg at this hour is called planting - attached to the wall of the uterus).

The egg is filled - the blastocyst, in order to creak in the uterine wall, like a bivish kribay in the balls of the epithelium of the inner wall of the uterus, it is specially buried (as nature intended), in which the fruit egg is mіtsno utrimuє - grow (let the root grow).

Therefore, from a medical point of view, insignificant bloody visions can be connected with the increased activity of the fruiting egg itself. signs of vagity in early terms.

Deyakі zhіnki, yakі not zasslyuyutsya over the present vagity, priymayut the presence of such vaginal visions for the cob of the black monthly cycle.

bloody scanty vision, as an early one, does not appear in 100% of pregnant women. In the case of bloody visions in the early terms of pregnancy, there may be other symptoms that characterize the full conception, which occurred, in the early terms.

Symptom of GRH is one of the symptoms of current pregnancy

Reveal this situation: you have a slight increase in body temperature, a small undead, a slight pain in your throat, an ache in your body, a strong fever. Sounds like a thought to come, scho tse - a banal cold. You, then it’s too hot, then you start to shiver (that’s why there are sharp drops in body temperature), moments of suffocation are blamed - you don’t have a chill (to wind cold winter days and ask to open a balcony). But the very same sharp drops in your physical body start to get confused - and why is it just a cold?

It is not surprising at first glance, but the symptoms of such an illness can accompany the first days of your pregnancy.

From the first days of pregnancy in the blood of a woman grows equal to the hormone progesterone, and progesterone can increase the body temperature. In connection with the increased temperature, the immune function of the body decreases, apparently, it starts to show a catarrhal character. At the time of the early term of pregnancy, the mother nature herself conceived such a combination: it weakens the body (the immunity falls), so that the ovum occluded on the walls of the uterus and was not engulfed by the body, like a foreign body. Our body is a good defender and we try to avoid the alien "zagarbnik". Therefore, when the organism is conceived, the level of immune function decreases, thereby helping the embryo of the future baby to get into the wall of the uterus, take root there and often develop in minds that are comfortable for the fetus.

It is right for women to swear for such spirits, as they begin to rejoice not with medicines, but folk secrets. Folk methods likuvannya (warm tea, bed rest and so on.) Do not make your future baby mischievous and do not call for a mimic day in the early term of pregnancy, as it often happens when you are overwhelmed medicinal products.

Change of taste and scent - nudota and vomit

Milking often is such a symptom, like tedium and vomit: the woman is literally turned as if in different smells, so in products. In the skin woman, the smell of those products is unacceptable (to think about them) even, naturally, the reaction force is different. Smakovі and nuhovі perevagi in women sharply change - as if they were unacceptable, so I protilezhnu.

In the early terms of pregnancy, boredom and heaviness in the tube, sluginess is strong, and especially, as more vomit, it is often taken by a woman as a symptom of diarrhea.

Really so signs of vagity in early terms- Tse zahisna reaction of the organism to the embryo in the mother. If you threaten the germ, such a camp does not carry, so, obviously, the symptoms do not go beyond the norm. In times of bright blue water, frequent bright blue vomit, a sharp windfall and a worsening of the woman’s fever (to identify a negative influx on the fever of the fetus), it is necessary to turn to a woman’s doctor for medical help and relief of negative symptoms.

Alas, the situation is different: in the early terms of pregnancy, the woman has an increased appetite - there is often a lot of it, the last product in the last days of the transfer (the woman herself does not understand and lakaetsya in the presence of such strengths to їzhі).

Constant drowsiness and neumovirna vtom

Before signs of vagity in early terms(Together with the appearance of sacramental visions and signs of a cold) bring signs of a cold to your body.

Have physical and moral vysnazhenny.

The woman considers herself a bed of strength, that it is important for her to go to bed, she wants to sleep fast, and it’s really rich to sleep. Especially sleep mіtsny іz vechora, and the axis night dream you might collapse, the woman doesn’t feel like a lie - she didn’t sleep well. Before sleep breaks, a change in mood at bik apathy comes.

Such symptoms are typical for the first days of the development of the embryo of the fetus and can be seen until. The explanation of such signs of the activity of the hormone progesterone - the main hormone, which prepares the body of a woman for the winemaking of a future child, is explained. In the body of a woman, there are great changes. The mood of the woman often and unrepentantly changes: you can react sharply to different drіbnitsa, but you fight even more. Such symptoms until the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, as a rule, change to a better one (the body adapts to its internal changes). About the state of your psyche, in this way, the hormone estrogen is used, the amount of such in the blood without intermediary lies in the term of vagity: the larger term is the greater equal to the hormone in the blood.

Indeed, it is often a sight, which is typical for the early terms of pregnancy - often sechoviparous: you note that you often began to go to the toilet, especially at night (though this did not happen earlier). Experience with this drive is not varto, shards with the development of such vagity sign of vacancy in early terms How sechovipuskannya normalizes. Frequently the sechovi- sion , due to the conception of the fetus, is not accompanied by sharp livers during sechovi- sion , cuts in the lower abdomen. In the case of the presence of “pathological” symptoms, you have an acute infection of a sechostatic infection. You need a term to turn to the doctor!

Seeing the change of women's breasts

Фізичний стан жіночих грудей (її відчуття) може змінюватися в залежності від процесів, що відбуваються в жіночому організмі: зазвичай перед черговими місячними у всіх жінок відзначається набухання грудей, груди стають більш чутливими - рівень змін індивідуальний (у одних - менше, в інших - більше ). In the early terms of vaccinity, the skin woman signifies what is felt with her breasts: sensitivity can be raised to the edge - the smallest dot to the breasts causes a sharp pain or discomfort, the breasts become important, the areolas darken around the nipples.

But at the same time, because of such changes, a picture can be and is similar, if, in early terms, the woman’s breast vagity, on the other hand, does not hurt and does not get better.

Non-violent observation in the area of ​​the woman's uterus

The walls of the uterus swell in the ligament with the veins of the fruiting egg, increasing in size, looking at the additional strength of the blood circulation. Such changes are often seen by a woman, as if they were spreading in the middle in the pelvic cavity, at the uterine cavity. How can be small ailments, feel, tingle, pain, which pull in the lower abdomen.

From the current vagity, in the early terms, zgіdno z medical achievements, can be blamed for pain in other parts of the body. Pokolyuvati, ailments, pulling may be: pain and shot across, in the back, in the cupric area, pain in the legs, headaches, teeth may be ill, etc.

Most of the time, such unacceptable sights arise after two or three months after conception, and then the women of women become aware of the whole term of the child’s winemaking. However, the woman has chronic or systemic illness, in the early terms of vagity, there are signs and symptoms of illness. On the early terms of vaccinity, the pressure may be reduced, in connection with this, there may be parts of confusion with inconsistency. If you have a temper, turning to a woman's doctor, I will help you learn about the processes that your body needs.

Followed by basal temperature

What did you recognize, having learned from this article?

And you knew you were coming: vimiryuyuchi basal temperature, vibudovuyuchi schedule, for which you can see the change, you can determine the vagity on the early terms.

As soon as the conception has come, then it is shown basal temperature(At the phase of the yellow body), will be increased to 37.1 - 37.3 degrees C. Such a temperature will last no less than 18 days after sleep, and not fall off (like it was earlier).

Until the implantation of the basal temperatures: if the temperature drops sharply on aphids, then we rise again.

The delay of planned menstruation is your first suspicion of current pregnancy. Zrobіt test for vagіtnіst. The test is recommended to be performed once a day at intervals of a few days.

At the end, on the other hand, the same symptoms can be manifested in the skin woman in their own way (individually): the signs can be in the same general description of the above - then, maybe one chilka, or, maybe, one or the other. In fact, the skin woman knows at her station in the early terms of the density of the change: it can be a sharp reddening, especially in the evening; the deacons have long been forgotten thrush; it looks like a swollen belly, it is possible to get hemorrhoids, people who suffer on a strong basis.

Having changed your mind, scho you vagіtnі, try to get the recommendations of your doctor. Bazhaemo you are guilty of an absolutely cute and healthy baby!

Seeing women is a regular occurrence. Prote, tse zavzhdi svendchennya be-yakikh vіdkhilen chi ailment of the reproductive organs. That vision is not to be blamed in case of vacancy in early terms, as they are respected by the norm. Like the most natural and what is the best evidence about the cob of illness, find out further.

In the period of vagity, the woman's body knows the rest. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya zv'yazku with natural physiological processes and under the influence of the hormone progesterone. At the start of vagity, light vision is the norm.

But in this period, there are also a few bloody sightings, and in the same days, if the month has come to pregnancy. It does not include daily hours of sightseeing during sleep hours.

What is seen with vaginess

Seeing the gaps in case of vaginess - a legacy of hormonal changes. You can see a mucus secret, similar to that of Syrian chicken protein - everything is great. Vіn represents a kind of zahist of the female genitals and will soon pass through to the egg of the spermatozoa. Tsey secret can be seen. So:

  • at the moment of flooding, the vision becomes viscous, thick, opaque;
  • if conceived, then the mucus miserable secret that vibrates the mucous membrane of the pikhvi;
  • protyag vagіtnosti can become now we see, then we beat; Ymovirno, scho - chervonim, brown chizhovtim.


The main reason for the culprit was seen in the first trimester, as it was appointed more, hormonal changes in the female organism.

Like visions of unsafe and safe

The careless secret of the visionaries. As a wine with a brown color, it is, as a rule, characteristic of the first month of vacancy at the end of the day of menstruation. In times of guilt in the lower part of the abdomen and across the slightest pain, go back to the hospital.

About the threat of pregnancy interruption can be evidenced by the appearance of a rich secret of brown color. In this vipadka, it was possible to hit the bottom of the abdomen with strength.

The secret of bloodiness, similar to those that are guarded at the hour of menstruation, is also not safe: it can threaten the placenta, and it is also characteristic of post-mortem vagity.

Infusion of progesterone

For another type of vagity, it is characteristic to see a cream-like character and opacity. This is the reason for the decline of the head period of gestation to the hormone - progesterone.

Pain and vision-bringing turn to the doctor

The concentration of the remaining spray was increased to the superficial fixation of the embryo in the mucous membrane of the uterus approximately on the 10th day after conception. Therefore, the above description of seeing a woman in front of a month can be a vagity.

Fertilized egg: implantation

Visions on the cob of vagity can be insignificant, turned into a brown or horn color, and also with blood streaks. On the right, in the fact that at this stage in the endometrium of the uterus, the fetal egg is introduced.

Often there are blood-bearing judges, signs and mini-bleeding, which timchasovo blames. Varto signify that similar visions do not become a life of insecurity. Yakscho є sumniv, turn to the doctor.

Mucus plug molding

On the first month of pregnancy, a mucus plug is formed: it is necessary for infection as an internal emptying of the uterus, as well as for the fetus to penetrate the infection during the entire gestational period. To that, the secret is clear, which is to be understood, on this term it is completely lawful.

Hormonal infusion

During the period of winemaking, the woman’s body recognizes serious transformations, nasampered, caused by changes in the hormonal background. Often such a hormonal rearrangement is sometimes delayed, the skin fragments of the organism are individual.

It’s like an insignificant bloody vision at the hour of the planned menstruation is not painful, and your self-feeling when you don’t get lost, don’t varto turbuvatisya.

allergic reaction

In the period of vagity, the sensitivity of the woman is growing. Therefore, it’s more obvious, earlier, that cats can now evoke an allergic reaction, as it is manifested by the sightings of rare bright whites and, moreover, accompanied by rashes.

Nasampered, next to reveal the allergen and use yoga infusion. Most of the time, it’s enough, so that similar sightings in the period of pregnancy stuck.

Mihurov's entry

Such a pathology of the development of the fruiting egg is dutifully respected even more seriously. And it’s very rare to get out (maybe one drop per 1000).

The lower back manifests itself in a similar way to extreme gestation: positive test, it is important to endure intense toxicosis, "haircuts" of a bloody vice, severe weakness. Dali mozhliva blood on kshtalt pini. And the woman herself feels hotter and hotter.

It's a pity, as it turned out to be, operative delivery is the only possible method of therapy. So, seriously put before the rehabilitation period, and throw all your strength into the restoration of health, without fail, taking everything that is attributed to the drug.

Vagity has died down

The appearance of brown visions in some varieties may indicate that the development of the embryo has died. The death of an embryo in the middle of the mother's womb is possible in different cases, as if the woman had gestational signs on the back of her head, then they sharply stuck, and in parallel with the cysts on the whites they appeared as brown colored patches.

The rest (seeing the brown secretion) is seen through those that the embryo has grown out of the walls of the uterus. At times, there is less suffocation to help the development of sumniv.

Erosion of the cervix

Storms of vision can also be caused by erosion of the cervix. At different times, the appearance is explained by the mechanical failures of the surface of the plot, which can lead to illnesses.

A similar secretion can be predicted after a gynecological examination. The therapy of erosis during the first hour of vagity is not extended, but is applied to the postnatal period.

Only likar can recognize faces

Seen in the early terms of child winemaking: how can you be

Pіhvovy secret is the best way to tell about the camp of the woman. In early terms, the smell, consistency, color are important, you can see it, as if accompanying the appearance of a secret. The norm in the I trimester of pregnancy and vision:

  • bezbarvnі;
  • do not smell;
  • rare.

Ale, invariably, turned back to the doctor at the time of the mucus:

  • yellow chi green vіdtinku;
  • brown;
  • white sirn.

What sights are respected by the norm

Translucent color, small quantity, presence of smell - everything is considered the norm for seeing from the state organs with vagity. An insignificant amount of transparent mucus without smell forms a cork, which means successful attachment of the embryo to the cervix.

Vidіlennya, yakі vvazhayutsya pathology

Seen in women in early terms, they are accompanied by sickly symptoms and vicarious fungi and bacteria, leading to pathological ones. So, the reproduction of the fungus Candida can be the cause of candidiasis. Yogo exaltation in women is impossible because of those who need therapeutic treatment for them are contraindicated.


Candidiasis in case of seeing white, aloe with a nasty smell and a snake-like consistency (like it has become syrn), and also accompanies the reddening of the state organs and livers, it can succumb to those that, in the course of the fall, will be deeply torn apart. The fabrics near the puffy walls become fluffy, lose elasticity: such a woman has important canopies.

There may be bleeding on the cob of vagity, provoked by the implantation of a packed egg


The most unsafe for vaginal appearance of a red secret. Even though the bleeding is strong, with intense pains in the lower abdomen, such a secret can be known to threaten the weekend or post-mortem vaginess.

Even in early terms, brown or light brown and small, the stench is considered fatal to the fetus.

The reasons for the appearance of a red secret can be:

  • mihurove entered;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • polyp of the cervical canal;
  • "incorrect" gynecological examination;
  • nedbale douching;
  • ailments, caused by the problem of blood choking;
  • myomatous nodules.


Syrah secretion in early terms, as a rule, is accompanied by the liver in the genitals and an unacceptable smell. You can tell about the article infection. Zokrema is not safe for vaginal trichomoniasis. A woman with such a diagnosis is hospitalized. It is not easy to wine a baby and a woman with bacterial vaginitis.


Seeing such a color can be evidence of a lack of the same hormone progesterone in the blood of the vagit, which supports the organism in this period, adhering to the tone and growth of the uterus lean.

Also, a small number of creamy and beige visions with discomfort in the sphere of the outer state organs in the early terms of the wine-making of a child can mean an illness of a fiery character. The reasons could be:

  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis or gardenellosis;
  • staphylococci;
  • intestinal stick.


An insignificant secret of a light-brown zabarvlennya can be a mother in a period, if a fruiting egg is attached to the uterus. If so seen at the start of the vacancy of one-time and short hours, as well as scanty, then do not become unsafe.

And from dark brown vision With discomfort in the lower abdomen, there may be evidence of the appearance of the outer fetal membrane of the embryo and the possible placenta.

Blame it on the brown secret that a one-time appearance in the first three months of pregnancy may indicate that the woman’s vacancy has died. This is due to the death of the embryo and the fruiting egg, which is left in the empty uterus.

Unexpectedly, the placenta begins to break into the uterine walls, which causes a brown secret in the vaginal cavity. Such a pathology will require a negainny training to the doctor.

Therapy seen on the early terms of vaginess

As an analysis in case of pathological vision on the early terms of vagility, they confirm fungal or vaginal infection, women give a safe treatment, so as not to harm either the fetus or themselves.

The bloody secretion in the present period of pregnancy is rejoiced at for the help of taking medicines and special diets.

Vinykla after the current vagity of the cervix is ​​removed due to electrocoagulation stagnation. As a complication, indications of antiseptic drugs.

Seeing with vagity does not lead to pathology, but will require confirmation from a doctor

Therapy is to be carried out for the help of effective pharmaceutical preparations But it’s not suitable for everyone to help them.

Just as a threat to the weekend, women prescribe hormonal drugs.


In the first three months of pregnancy, the woman's vision is especially strong, but it's natural for the hormonal background and the body to change.

It is necessary to systematically take care of hygiene, to brush with special pads. Do not allow the development of an infectious process.

The article discusses the observation of the first hour of vacancy in early terms. Rozpovidaemo, like stinks buvayut: brown, yellow, white, erysipelas, bloody, clear. You know if they are considered pathological, and if they are normal.

For a long life, they see a woman, and the reasons for their appearance can be different. If you see the gaps, do not smell the smell and do not cry out, then panic is not varto. And how did the visions appear on the cob of vagity?

Seeing with vagity is not a sign of pathology

Under the hour of winemaking, the woman’s body recognizes a number of physiological changes that are associated with a change in the hormonal background and an increase in progesterone. Fallow in the color, I saw the main reasons for the appearance:

  • prozory - vvazhetsya normal secret;
  • a light brown eye - in a small number of women, such a slight vision sounds like the day of the planned menstruation in the first month after conception. The drive for the animal to the doctor is the presence of a slight pain across the lower part of the abdomen;
  • clear secretion of a brown color most often means a risk of a weekday, in some cases it is accompanied by sickness in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody visions that predict the months - they are considered the most safe, to those who should be aware of the placenta’s death or else.

Norm of vision

A lot of future mothers praise food, like they can see but a child when they drink wine. First, it is necessary to pay attention to the smell, color and consistency of the vaginal secretion - it is not possible to reveal the manifestation of pathological processes in the body at the same time. In a different way, it’s necessary to go to the doctor if you see slime:

  • brown color;
  • bila sirna;
  • Zhovta abo (rotten secret).

see the vision

Fahіvtsі to pathological vidіlen vіdnosit ailing secretion, as caused by fungi and bacteria that harm the fetus. The Candida fungus, which provokes the development of candidiasis, is among such pathogenic microorganisms.

The treatment of pathology is carried out only under the supervision of fakhivtsya, but more medicines in the form of pathology are fenced for the hour of wine-making of children. You can identify the presence of thrush for sverbіny, liver at the crotch, thick syruphant visions with an unacceptable smell.

About other pathological observations at the hour of vagity, we will tell you below.


Like the stink of peace, without the smell of that house, bring it to normal. In some cases, they may be more common in the days of passing menstruation, in which case the secretion is not responsible for causing you any discomfort.

Photo of brown vision with vaginess


As if on the cob of vagity, there is a short-term and one-time weak secret of a light brown color, which is accompanied by slight pains in the lower abdomen, do not panic. Such a camp can be enchanted by attaching a fruiting egg to the uterus.

With a dark brown secretion, it is necessary to go to the doctor;

Infrequently, or a one-time adoption in the 1st trimester, it can be a symptom of post-mortem, dead, or vagity, which does not develop, with a kind of embryonic gyne, and the fetal egg is filled in the uterus empty. Step by step the placenta is exposed to the uterine walls, which leads to the appearance of a dark secret. In such a situation, it is necessary to once again turn to fahivtsya!


It is not uncommon to see such a color - a sign of changes in the organism of a future mother, but remember that stinks are not accompanied by stings, livers, and an unacceptable smell.

If the secretion of a dark yellow color is closer to brown, then it will lead to a doctor’s appointment, so that the language can go about a passing weekend.

They can also be signs:

  • candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • vaginitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea.


Pomіrnі vіdіlennya white color not a pathology. At the same time, as if the stinks are accompanied by an inhospitable smell, they tell the sir by consistency, with which the reddening of the organs of the body and the fall of the trough can be seen, such a camp can be evidence of the presence of candidiasis. Tse illness vmagaє likuvannya, іnakshe rises rizik rozrivu statevyh wayіv pіd pologіv.


Necessary or creamy vision with vaginess in the 1st trimester sounds mean ailments of an ignition character. In the process of contagious illness in a woman, discomfort can be caused in the external organs, which is accompanied by the elimination of milk secretion. Reasons for:

  • gonorrhea;
  • intestinal stick;
  • gardenellosis;
  • proteins;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • staphylococci.

Another reason for the beige secretion is lack of the hormone progesterone in the organism of the future mother. Vіn is necessary for vaping vaginess, it depends on the tone and growth of the uterus, and also changes the activity of the immune system on the cob of vaginess, which is especially important for the acceptance by the body of the ovary. Well, as far as beige visions, the bloody house is reaching out, then turn around for help to fahivtsya.


The secretion of erysipelas can be elicited through:

  • microcracks, which are blamed through a sloppy look at the gynecological chair:
  • vaginal ultrasound;
  • active intimacy;
  • douche.

Often blamed on the day before menstruation. Also, the stench can be evidence of the attachment of the fruiting egg to the wall of the uterus.

Sometimes erysipelas mucus can be a symptom of thrush. As if there is a brown house in the present, such a camp can be an indicator of the placental discharge, deadness and post-mortem vagity, especially if such a camp is accompanied by pain in the lower part of the abdomen.


Wow. The most safe in case of vaginess. Can be bright or small brown color. With the appearance of severe bleeding with severe pain in the abdomen, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital. A similar secretion means both the interruption of vaginess, and so it is a post-mortem break. Indistinct brown or light brown visions in the early terms of child winemaking are not considered unsafe for the fetus.

The main factors for the development of this will be:

  • mihurove entered;
  • queue injury;
  • pathologies, which are blood clotting;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • myomatous nodules;
  • ushkodzhennya through douching;
  • looking back at the gynecological chair;
  • polyp of the cervical canal

Photos of other sightings during pregnancy


On the cob of vagity, there is a characteristic smell that accompanies the liver in the intimate zone. Qi symptoms mean the presence of state infections, for example vaginitis or trichomoniasis.

Trichomoniasis is not safe for future mothers and will require stationary treatment. With bacterial vaginitis, there are problems with winemaking in children. To that, as you commemorated the ser secretion, once again visit the gynecologist.

What is Robity

If you remember your pathological vision, do not check if the stench appears by itself. Be-like recovery in a robotic organism can cause problems by protracting vaginess, or cause it to become a cause of interruption.

Carrying out a vaginal ultrasound, looking at the gynecological examination, taking a smear for infection is the main axis, which will help to reveal the cause of the pathological secretion. In case of confirmed illness, the doctor prescribes adequately that safe treatment, so as not to harm either a child or a woman.

Seeing the blood of the vagina rejoice for the help of singing preparations, special diet and bed rest. Therapy for cervical erosion should be carried out only after gentle slopes, vicarious electrocoagulation. Ale, with the development of complications, there may be signs of wound healing and antiseptic preparations.

If there is a threat to the weekend, then hormonal therapy is prescribed. Vagity died down and ended with a surgical or mimic abortion.

Therapy of pineal visions is carried out with the help of a selective selection of medicines, most of them are taken in case of vaginess. For the adoption of candidiasis, warm sessile baths with herbal teas or liquors are allowed, as it is allowed for an hour of wine bathing for children.

Self-sufficiency and pilgrimage of medications, shards of stone can be brought to an aggravation and resurfacing of vaginess.

The cervix of the uterus of the female organism systemically vibrates mucus - ce natural natural process. In the period of the menstrual cycle, a sprinkling type of secretion is generated - a clear / rare secret, which makes it easier to penetrate / destroy spermatozoa for conception (the first half, dominated by estrogen) ).

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the function of the uterus with appendages is increased by progesterone, and in the thirteenth to fourteenth trimester, estrogen plays a role. The most important hormones are known to be responsible for the secretion process from pihvi.

The lower values ​​of changes in the structure, viscosity and intensity of manifestations of manifestations of natural physiological processes with vaginess and are brought up to the norm, can be changed at the time intervals due to the individual characteristics of a particular female organism.

1st week

Another day

The secret becomes slimy, sometimes with small houses of blood. During this period, ovulation / installation of the egg to the walls of the empty uterus is in progress.

3rd day

Mild or moderate implant bleeding, which is sometimes accompanied by a painful syndrome, which is painful, in the lower part of the abdomen. As an alternative - cream-like sights of erysipelatous, brown chia zhovtih vіdtinkіv, yakі pripinyayutsya in a few days after the cob of the process.

4th day

Fixation of the implantation process, accompanied by a thick one, we see a thick one, or a light white secret without an unpleasant smell, sometimes with a house of blood. During this period, global hormonal changes begin, and an increase in mucus comes through a great rush of blood to the organ.

5th day

It is the norm to see odorless vision in a small number, whether it is more secret to show on infectious, venereal problems, or the threat of vaccination (in case of blood clots).

6th week

During this period, one sees a clear vision, or a little white secret in small obligations, odorless and of a standard structure.

7th week

Changes in the hormonal background cause an increase in the flow of vision, the stench becomes not only clearer, but also lighter. The dense secret of any kind of observation can be pointed out to pathology.

8th week

Seen dead, it's important light color and slightly sourish smell, not rare, excellent consistency. Even the unsafe secret of brown color, which sounds to accompany the birth of the rudiment of the fetus in the walls of the uterus with the onset of pregnancy.

9th week

The secret may have a slightly watery consistency, it can be seen without smell, it may be bright and not guilty of causing any discomfort.

10th week

During this period, it is most likely to undergo the first gynecological examination. Seen similar to the 9th day, but in lonely depressions there may be a small, bloody, bloody secret - it’s not safe, it’s a daytime pain in the abdomen and there may be micro-shocks, which have become fluffy, the walls of the uterus through a mechanical examination, a pap smear in the process a statutory act or in the aftermath of cervical erosion.

11th week

The secret is thick, bezbarvny or light, seen in a small obsyaz.

12th week

Garni vidilennya peaceful character, light chi whitish vіdtinkіv, іnоdі mayut trohi sour smell. In the given period, it is even unsafe venereological disease, which manifests itself in stinging, liver, mucus / pus, and unnatural diseases.

13th - 25th day

The visions become clear, but they did, through the increase in the injection of estrogen, begin to grow, gain more and more rare consistency. Bili swell troch sour smell.

25th - 36th day

Pomіrnі chi ryasnі vіdіlennya svіtlih, rіdshe bіlikh vіdtinkіv іz pronounced sour smell. In lonely wetlands, there may be a frequent occurrence of navcoloplidnyh waters (zhovty vіdtinok, sparse consistency), which pathology and will require a negainnnya to the doctor. With severe constipation / hemorrhoids, the secret may include blood clots, as if seen brown or be a different color - a signal about the presence of a serious pathology.

36th - 40th day

Pomіrnі vіdіlennya bіlyastogo vіdtіnku can cherguvatyut іz secret mucosal type, іnоdі z adding krov'yannykh zgustkіv scho signal protsess p_dgotovki predkhodzhennya cork and cob pologіv. Napіvprozorі rіdkі vіdіlennya іn great kіlkostyakh - tse vіdkhіd navkoloplіdnіh vіdіv аbо change the structure оf fruit shells. In case of any kind of depression, when they are guilty, it is necessary to turn back to the gynecologist.

Below are descriptions of the main sightings of the pikhvi, which are most often seen by representatives of the beautiful state during the period of pregnancy.

Svіtlі, bіlі vision

The reasons for the blame are the generation of mucus by the galls of the gallbladder, the renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the arterial organs, the reproduction of microflora.

The norm is respected:

  • Thick and viscous secret of a light milky flavor.
  • Indistinct vision of watery consistency.

Obsyagi secret, which is seen to lie in the concentration of the same type of hormones - progesterone or estrogen.

Yak rule, likkarі yawyazu, the type of vision with a menstrual cycle (vidpovy days before the earnings of Nastanni VagiTi) - the first yogo part of the confrontation of the secret of the consistent, the prime, is a density of the same substance, the overalls of the backstage, the overalls of the backstage, the overalls of the back of the Bar. Until the end of the cycle, I saw a new growth.

Also, white, light vision can be formed after a statutory act or a stoppage of hormonal contraceptive preparations. A clear secret of a white color, a sulfuric structure with a sharp sour, chi-beer smell is already a pathology, usually caused by candidiasis. Bіlі, napіvprozorі rіdkі rіdkі vidіlennya іn а great number оf unacceptable odor - vaginosis bacterial nature is the most common.

Does the Danish type seem to be accompanied by feelings of tension in the lower abdomen or a pain syndrome? Negainoly turn to the doctors!

Zhovtі vidіlennya pіd vаgіtnosti hour

The reasons for the blame are an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, ignition processes, and the treatment of rainy waters.

The opacity of light-yellow vision in a small number without a strong smell, overthrows, hurts and causes discomfort.

Zhovtі vіdіlennya in representatives of the beautiful state are not respected by nature, but the smell is not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and pass through one hour on their own, serious fears of viklikati are not to blame. Obov'yazkovo varto negainoly turn up to the gynecologist in that moment, if the secret is brightly dark-zhovty vіdtinok - it can be a sign of a fleeting change of vaginess or a serious allergic reaction.

As if the visions change their sights on the greens, it should be noted about the presence of a venereal disease. Often, in this case, there is a secondary symptomatology, pain and inflammation during septicemia, liver in the genital area.

The bright-yellow color of the secret is also indicated for the connection to pathology of bacterial infection from inflamed ovaries, appendages or fallopian tubes. Even more light-yellow rare sightings most often mean frequent floods of rainy waters, which are respected by the norm without intermediary before birth - be it another situation in the hospital.

Green vision during the hour of vacancy

Causes of guilt - venereal disease, bacterial infections, the threat of vaccination, ignition processes, the term vagity over 42 days. The pathology is unequivocal, seeing that it is impossible to be considered normal.

Green vision in case of vaccinia is always pathological and can lead to a number of low causes.

First and other trimeter

Here, colpitis and cervicitis are most often diagnosed. The first may have an infectious nature (streptococci, gonorrhea, chlamydia, in.), others - by the ignition process in the cervix. More often in women from the secretion of green color, bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed, which is due to the disruption of the normal balance between the coryza and pathological microflora in the internal emptying of the lungs.

Генералізовані бактеріальні інфекції у разі відсутності належного лікування можуть долати плацентарний бар'єр і викликати серйозні патології у плоду, що розвивається (аж до переривання вагітності і смерті майбутнього малюка), тому при виникненні секреції зеленого кольору необхідно якнайшвидше звернутися до гінеколога.

Third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, up to all overexposure of the factors that can be seen on the appearance of green visions, chorioamnionitis can occur - severe inflammation of the fruitful structural membranes of an infectious nature, as it is practical to change into endometritis, so the inflamed walls of the uterus. An infectious-inflammatory process, which is accompanied not only by the secret of a higher color, but by an increase in temperature, due to the effectiveness of an effective conservative countertherapy, it affects the amniotic rіdina and can infect the patient.

With a significant delay in the process of birth over 42 years, normal navcoloplids will turn green, which is indicative of the process of hypoxia of the acute / chronic spectrum. In this period, the doctors perform a piece-by-piece cycle of the birth process;

Brown vision at the hour of vacancy

Causes of guilt - canopies, pozamatkovі vagіtnostі, damage to placental structures, strong ignition processes. sechostate system, A direct threat of wickedness, erosions of the 2nd and 3rd type, microtrauma of the walls of the mucous membrane, sagging of bleeding.

A small amount of secretion of the middle consistency of a light brown color in front of the curtains, after the implantation of the fruiting egg, as well as microtrauma of the mucous membrane during the statutory act/examination of the gynecologist, is respected by the normal norm.

Most of the sightings of this vision can be traced to pathologies. So, Danish view the secret is the basic symptom of post-uterine vaginess with ovarian regurgitation. Crimson, in women with normal signs, brown vision of dark colors in the middle and high intensity, point to the threat of a weekend - in this situation, it is necessary to return to the hospital for conservative treatment and operational assistance.

Napіvprozorii rare secret in supra-small kіlkosі, scho z'yavlyaєyatsya regularly stretching all vієї vagіtnostі, zvuchâ erozіyu erozіyu uterine cervix - dosit vіdomu gynecological problem, which is relieved after the birth of a path of application.

Very strong sightings with brown local areas, blood clots and a mild and intense pain syndrome in the lower part of the abdomen ring out about the wrong day and the need to carry out the procedure for emptying the uterus and seeing a dead fetus.

on the in other terms vaginess, but up to the ear of the 36th day, a brown secret in a viscous consistency, which is seen in small cases, indicating the placenta is being removed or the work is damaged. Even more clear visions of brown spots after the 36th of September led to a negative hospitalization - the most important cause - rupture of the uterus.

bloody vision

Causes of guilt - physiological hormonal changes, extraction of the fetal egg into the wall of the uterus, infectious diseases, the threat of rebirth, pozamatkova or vagity has died, placental expulsion, microtrauma of the uterine mucosa.

The norm vvazhayutsya seeing this type in the menstrual period (during the days before the cob of vagity), a small nap_vprozoriya secret after the state act or gynecological examination.

Hemorrhagic vision is a part of the physiological phenomenon in women in the first trimester and is associated with hormonal changes, active bleeding of the state organs with the development of their sensitivity, as well as rupture of the epithelium of the uterine stool. In all vital situations, there is little secret, the wine is transparent and does not have blood clots.

Pevnі poboyuvannya mozhe vyklikatnya іntensivnosti vіdіlenі vіdіlenі i zmіna їkhny koloru ії ії nіshny і nіshіnі. So, in the middle and middle terms, the secret of the erysipelas color of the middle intensity can be shown on the placenta. The appearance of large blood clots in visions, as well as secretion of mucus with thicker blotches, closer to brown, signal pozamatkovu / dead vagity or hematoma of the uterine structure.

In solitary depressions, gynecologists diagnose the so-called mihurova intrusion - structural changes in the fetal cavity with the growth of placental tissue. In this period, you can see buti and not intense red wine, but the stench is even brighter and continues with a long stretch, with which pain syndrome is not blamed. At times of professional medical assistance, the help can be lost.

The most unsafe bloody sightings in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and may be evidence of a low pathology, from injuries of state organs to myomas.

Additional criteria for assessing the vision


The norm is vvazhayutsya vіdsutnіst chi seen with an insignificant sour smell. In times of sharp unacceptable smells (beer, rotten, sour, etc.), it is more likely to go to a gynecologist for diagnosis of problems and pathology.


  1. Insignificant - sound like a norm regardless of the color of the secret for a normal consistency.
  2. Average - the norm with visions and visions of normal consistency.
  3. Great intensity - the norm is only visible from the 13th tyzhnya of vagity and evokes an increase in estrogen production. So, a short-line straining potik to the secret of a yellowish vіdtinku from the 36th of tyzhnya to tell about the exit of the navcoloplіdnyh waters and the ear of the birth process.


  1. Rіdki - vvazhayutsya norm zdebіshhogo. Sounds start from the thirteenth day of the day after the fall and continue Mayzha until the birth.
  2. Gusti - to speak about a direct injection of progesterone, which is the norm on the first days of pregnancy.
  3. Mucous, pasty - can be evidence of various illnesses (for example, candidiasis), - the norm after the state act, at the time of the placental plug.

Immediately after the birth of a protracted month, a woman develops a particular type of vision, which dynamically changes, which is characterized by the secretion of a bloody character and the appearance of so-called lochia. The appearance of the rest is caused by the process of natural engorgement of the internal structure of the uterus and the physiological destruction of the folded tissues. Main stages with descriptive characteristics:

  1. Ryasni bloody vision with blood clots, bright red color. Call continue until three days after uninterrupted canopies.
  2. Serous-sanitary secret with overdose of erysipelas and brown spots. Vision itself turns pale, normal daily hemorrhagic clots and bright red blotches. They start from the fourth day after the fall and rise until 10-11 deb.
  3. Seeing a yellowish color with a house of white flowers, mazhuchchi, importantly rare and odorless. They know until the third day after birth.

From the third day onwards, after gently sloping lichens begin to appear, and the sights become more miserable and watery with houses of mucus of a sloppy consistency from the cervical canal, leukocytes are either daily or appear in solitary depressions. After the sixth day of the uterine vision, I will be guilty again, and if secretion comes at a pre-existing norm, it’s less until another month after the normalization of the hormonal background of the woman.

Korisne video

Seen from pikhvi

Olena Malisheva about the smell from the vagina

Minasyan Margarita

The first trimester is considered to be a pivotal and anxious period. It's an hour, if the future is not even more at ease before the influx of unfriendly factors. Axis to what future mother I may be especially respectful until I become in my first pregnancy. One of the guidelines for potential well-being (or not well-being) is seeing in the early terms of pregnancy.

The type of vision during the hour of vaginess may change day by day. In some cases, the secretion is of an abnormal nature, which means that the normal development of a small life is under threat.

In these statistics, we can see, as seen, they are explained by natural changes that occur in the mother's organism, and are generally acceptable, and they signal about the health problems of the woman herself and the future baby.

Future mothers are praised, as a rule, by similar nutrition, we will try to find out about the widest of them, looking at the stories and views of real women.

Vision with vagity in early terms: options for the norm

Infusion of progesterone

Inna T. (m. Samara): About 18 days have passed since conception. The test is positive. . I didn’t notice this earlier before the months. What can be seen on the 2nd degree of pregnancy? What can stink mean?

There are two variants of blame for the number of sightings with vagity in early terms: inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system and reproduction of infection (ureaplasmosis, gardenelosis, chlamydial infection). At the same time, a woman can be afraid of sickness in the stomach and areas of the crisis. Sverblyachka and razdratuvannya are also present. Similar sightings in the first trimester of pregnancy can be unsafe, the shards of the birth provoke a spontaneous abortion, increase the development of the fetus and yogo intrauterine infection, nadali front canopies.

Yellow-green Dark yellow Yellow bright yellow

Brown vision on early terms

Embryo development

Larisa V. (M. Sochi): “If there was a hitch on the 2nd day, the test showed two females. On the robot, there was a period of time, I didn’t go to the doctor once. Seeing on the 6th grade of pregnancy caused me to change my mind. The stench was brown, of a pungent nature. Mimovoli vinikli sumniv: maybe the first test had mercy? I bought another one and gave a negative result. Is it possible? Daubing is not attached, toxicosis is known. Didn’t I guess everything, and was it just a drift?

In some cases, the brown secret may be indicative of the early development of the embryo. As if the woman had all the signs of gestation, and then the stench sharply stumbled, and at the same time storms appeared on the bliss, then, perhaps, there was an internal uterine death of the embryo. The first step of yoga penetration into the walls of the uterus provokes the appearance of a brown secret. In order to expand the sumn_vi, you should pass the obstezhennya.

Mazhuyuchi Daub

Erosion of the cervix

Ganna Z. (m. Kirov): “. Tse daub of brown color. For a couple of years everything passed. Before conception, she did not overtake vilicious erosion. What can be seen on the fourth tizhn on the last of the old era?”

True, erosion can become the cause of the appearance of a brown secret, which is explained by mechanical damage on the surface of the ill-affected plot. A similar secretion can be seen, for example, after looking at the gynecological office. The rejoicing of erosis is not transferred during the period of the child's wine-making, її will be brought to the moment of birth. Discuss the details of future therapy with the doctor.

Dark beige

Dark vision at the hour of vacancy

Yana S. (m. Voronezh): “Raptom sent dark vision on the 6th grade of pregnancy. Not much stronger, from blood clots. With whom it hurts from the right side. Weakness appeared. The person is on the verge of "Shvidka", but I don't like to panic. Maybe it's not so scary? Can you see dark colors as normal?”

Seen on the 6th day of pregnancy, that a dark color can appear and be supplemented by severe pains and severe ailments, it is unlikely that they can be taken in by natural ones. This symptomatology is typical for post-uterine localization of the fruiting egg, so I will, if it is implanted not in the empty uterus, but, for example, in the tube, ovary or ovary. Such a pathology can be extremely unsafe for the health of the woman’s life, the growth of the fruiting egg in the world, the growth of the growth of the organ and the cause of bleeding. Kira D. (m. Sevastopol): “I am at my current pregnancy rate. I had an unusual secretion of green color with an almost unacceptable smell. It hurts more to go to the toilet, itching and hurting everything. What can be seen for the 7th grade of pregnancy?

The appearance of a green secret (pus) can be a sign of such illnesses, like trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. Circumstances of infection may cause mimic abortion. In case of guilty similar symptoms during the first hour of vagity (severe, liver, swollen lips, following pus, a smelly smell), it is necessary to quickly turn to the doctor and go through the exacerbation of that likuvannya.

Green Mud

More grains in the vaginal secretion

Nataliya S. (m. Kolomna): “At once I’m on the twelfth obstetric type. A few days ago, the signs of whiteness began to change and turned into grains. There was no discomfort on the back, but then a strong vermin came up. What called such a vision on the 12th grade of pregnancy? How can you be known on the camp of my future child?

Similar sightings on the 12th day of pregnancy are blamed for this very frequency, as, for example, on the sixth or thirty-nine. Candidiasis may be blamed for the term vaginess. To this life stage of power, a decrease in the body's stamina, and the anatomy of which often develops such an unacceptable illness, like a thrush.

The back of the masa, as you can see, looks like it was plastic, or grains of syrup, like it is easily watered in the form of mucus. In the world of progressing ailments, plastics are transformed into sir plivki, as if they were tried in the form of mucosal membranes, small wounds are covered. Discomfort in one's own significantly increases. The disease is accompanied by stinging, swelling, hyperemia of the outer organs, as well as a characteristic sour smell.

Like not to become a threat to the future child, but to give rise to the increased discomfort of the woman herself. It is important for him to go through an antifungal treatment, acknowledge that he may be a doctor-gynecologist. Most often, the first hour of vacancy in early terms zastosovuyutsya for the sake of local activity.

with Candidiasis

Like a bachite, in the first trimester, the secretion of pikhvi can be even more varied. It is easy for the most important vipadkіv of the future mother to develop independently in symptoms. It is very important for that, in case of all doubts and suspected signs, to seek the help of competent fahivtsiv.

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