The trimesters are respected by obstetrics. What do you need to know about the trimester of pregnancy by day, how to behave in the first, second and third? Molding that growth of krikhti

Vagity is an important period in the life of a skin woman. What happens at what stage? What type does the 3rd trimester start from? How to expand the menu correctly? At all times, we are powered by our statistics.

Vagіtnіst i її perebіg

Become a mother - great promise. The very reason for the appearance of the first child called forth the greatness of food. How to save yourself? How can you live, so that the child develops normally?

Varto designate that such food from another vagіtnіstyu is not blamed. The confirmed woman already knows what needs to be done, so that the baby will appear in the world healthy.

Є kіlka of the main stages of vaginostі:

  • 1st trimester;
  • 2nd trimester;
  • 3rd trimester.

In this manner, the whole term of child winemaking is clearly divided into trimesters. Before Tim, as a sign, from which date 3 trimesters begin, negotiable the first two.

First trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, it is not the skin of the future mother who knows the exact hour and day of the child's conception. For the same reason, the first trimester of the skin woman is respected by doctors with special respect. Tse allow not to waste important podіy at the development of the fetus.

The first trimester starts from the 1st of the week and three to the 13th. Vіn vvazhaєtsya the shortest, wanting for deyaky zhіnok vіn gravitate to finish long. This is the fact of being deluded by subjective perceptions and changes in the psyche. organism maybe mami at the same time I will adapt to the new one.

Note. on the early terms The woman's vacancy is respectfully placed before her body.

And it’s right, even if there are no more emotional outbursts, but there are other mental states. The same is guarded by the undivided. The stench can be painful, even if the egg cell is already starting to grow, and the egg in them is developing. Can be poked at the lower part of the abdomen. Everything is considered normal to the world of pain syndrome, especially at the early stage of pregnancy.

Important. If you are afraid of pain in the abdomen, doctors recommend to have a medical examiner.

Tse dopomozhe reveal different pathologies of vagity and usunut їх. At the end of the first trimester, the woman may be able to look at the appearance of the clinic. As a rule, the production begins on the 4th day.

Features of the first trimester

During this period, that cob development of the baby is born. Zaplіdnen ovum collapses on fallopian tubes. In the mother, it starts on the 7-8th day after conception. Then we start actively forming the embryo. Even before the end of the third day, the growth of the future child becomes 2 mm. On the fourth - a heart beat is heard in the embryo.

On the sixth stage, the rudiments of the nervous and herbal systems are formed. Also, during this period, the brain cells begin to develop. On the eighth day, the little one already shows signs, that head is personal.

Note. At this stage, the development of a child, doctors recommend to give a general analysis and ultrasound performance. Tse allow to reveal a difference in the development of the fetus and at the same time suck it.

The ninth week is the development of nirok. Already on the 12th-13th tyzhnі, the little ones actively grow and break their kintsivki.

Unsafe period of the trimester - 8-12 days. As the placenta does not develop in a woman, the fetus can die. In order to avoid these irrevocable consequences, it is necessary to constantly watch out for the doctor. Ninі take rejoicing in the organism of a woman miraculously rejoices for the help of medicines.

Another trimester

It is important to take into account the most important stage of pregnancy. What type does the 3rd trimester start from? If the other trimester starts on the 14th of September and ends on the 25th, then from the rest of the point you can prepare yourself to the lows. On the 26th of December, the rest of the trimester begins.

During this period, the woman develops swelling of milk ulcers. In some cases, there are pain syndromes in the abdominal cavity. It’s amazing that the baby is developing stably and correctly, and the uterus is growing at birth. Sob she got in, the trochs rose in the internal organs.

Porada. For any pain syndromes, it is necessary to turn to the doctor for a consultation.

In the next trimester, you can already be appointed without mercy to become a child. Plіd starts to break in, for an hour the head of the chimalo trouble. Especially at night.

Malyuk takes all the necessary vitamins, fermentation and food products from mothers. At the same time, a woman begins to live richer than her. Varto call, that the normal gain of the vagina with the vaginess becomes 8-12 kg. Other wines can weigh 14 kg. All fall in vіd staturi zhіnki її її organіzmu.

Features of another trimester

This period may pass with the development of various pathologies, like the placenta, and the baby. Some people are afraid when they see that they are pulling from the bottom of the stomach. In order to get rid of negative experiences, it is necessary to immediately turn to the doctor.

Third trimester

At this time, the woman's body is effectively preparing for childbirth. What type does the 3rd trimester start from? From the 25th of September, you can already take care of the days before the appearance of the baby. The end of the 3rd trimester is the 42nd day.

Until the 27th day of the month, the baby’s weight will be close to 1 kg, and the size will be 35 cm. Pro good sleep you can forget it, even if the little ones are actively collapsing.

Unsafe life with pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

As the development of the fetus proceeds normally, it’s not varto to be afraid. Especially under the eyes of a well-informed doctor. Irrespective of the price, varto but with a saw, shards of a new unsafe period - 28-29 tyzhnіv vagіtnostі. Vin can be kept up to 32 th day. All fall in vіd osobennosti zhіnochogo organism.

The doctor can evaluate the stage of the placenta and intrauterine development of the fetus. Zrobiti tse possible for additional ultrasound. Yakshcho є yakіs vіdhilennya, appoint medicinal treatment. There is nothing to harm the child and help save the vaginess.

Varto designate that at what stage in some falls guard the front canopies. A child can already live, especially with a qualified helper of doctors.

Eating with vaginess

In order to properly fold the diet of future mothers, it is necessary to clearly know if the trimesters of pregnancy will end on days (the table is shown above).

In the first trimester, the diet of a pregnant woman does not look like a healthy one. Nebkhіdno dotrimuvatsya deyakih recommendations, yakі dopomozhut to get rid of toxicosis.

In your daily diet, it is necessary to include green salads with Oliya. It is also necessary to plant fish, yak bagat for phosphorus and other minerals. You need to provide your body with iodine, vitamin C and folic acid. The stench helps to correct the development of the fetus at an early stage.

Kava is more likely to be excluded from the diet; Drink better green tea, ale tezh in the room - up to 3 cups per day.

Important. Vzhivannya citrus, exotic fruits and yagid traces to a minimum, shards of stench are potential allergens.

Menu - 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  • vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins;
  • special vitamin complexes based on folic acid;
  • mineral speech - iodine, calcium;
  • vegetarian herbs;
  • vіdvarene fowl meat and ribi;
  • low-fat meat broth;
  • bakery bins at the obmezhenіy kіlkostі.

Do not forget about living in the homeland. It is better to surround the її kіlkіst up to 1-1.5 l, the shards of nirka already serve the body not only for the future, but also for the baby. It is necessary to pray, so that the child will come to the world healthy.

The period of winemaking for a child becomes 9 months, 40 days or 280 days, with the help of some mothers and a little one, it is possible to go through folding and an important path before the wedding one by one. This term is accepted to be divided into trimesters of pregnancy according to the day, skin from some may characteristic features that symptom.

Vagination trimesters: how to extend and improve In obstetric practice, the entire term for a child's wine is divided into trimesters. Young women, as if they are preparing to become mothers in the future, do not start to understand the meaning of this term, feeding yourself - what are the trimesters, and how many of them do you have?

Do not boast, the trimester is a period of three months, which is to become 1/3 of the entire term of winemaking for a child. There are two ways of dividing vagity into trimesters of pregnancy. In the first simplified method, the maximum term for the wine-making of a child (42 items) is divided into three equal parts, each of which includes 14 items in the skin.

Another way is rational, in the opinion of physicians. Here, 40 obstetric tizhnivs are taken as the basis for the rozrahunka, subdivided in such a rank:

  1. I trimester - from the 1st to the 13th day
  2. II trimester - from the 14th to the 27th day
  3. III trimester - from the 28th day until the birth of the baby

Trimester resurfacing is carried out in order to make it easier and easier for obstetricians and future mothers to cope with the excess of pregnancy, the sagging of the skin during the period may have its own specific symptoms, which are not one specific month, but a whole stage.

Vagity trimester by day: table

Trimestri vaginosti

You can marvel at the tables, how the trimesters are divided and how it is necessary to improve them. It is shown that all vacancies are subdivided mentally into three important periods, which include three calendar months each. These indications are the same for the skin woman, they do not pass on the annual individual roses.

The first trimester is the cob stage, at which the formation of the embryo is conceived. Sometimes in this period, the mother’s future does not suspect that a new life will be born in this world. In most cases, the first symptoms begin to appear before the 4th day: the woman notices the interruption of the menstrual cycle, and the body reacts sharply to the appearance of a small “blazer” with ailments and boredom.

The other trimester is considered to be a calm and prosperous period of the "camp camp". Until that moment, the organism of the future mothers will again adapt to the point that it is necessary to work for two, wanting the figure of a woman to begin to change significantly - they appear alive, rounded shapes, and become more powerful.

The embryo to this stage transforms from a “button” to a right person: all important organs of the life system are formed in it, you can already touch it with your hands and feet, wet your finger, delivering worldless joy to mom, which is in the baby’s stomach.

The third trimester is the most important and most difficult period. Vіn trivaє z 7 months і until the very birth. At this stage, the woman's body actively prepares for the fall, and the little ones continue to actively grow and develop. For the development of the remaining three months of intrauterine life, an important preparation for independent life, it is necessary for the woman to report the maximum efforts for the creation of friendly minds for the successful passage of the final period of molding by the cry.

Irrespective of those that the skin of the trimester carried from itself sings of folding for future mothers, all stinks are wonderful in their own way. Passing a skin yard when in front of a child with a child, a woman gains a priceless message, which cannot be bought for pennies.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Reimbursement for the rest of the month through an online calculator
Vagity term calculator

How does the body of women change in tyzhn

On the images you can see an approximate illustration of the development of a baby in the middle of the womb of the skin tissue. Zlіva vіd izobrazheny short description growth of the fetus for this type of life. You can learn more about that reporting information, having passed through the “Report”, as if it were sorted out under the skin description.

The calendar of vagity on this day is more difficult.

To know, how vaginess flows through the days, not only cicavo, but even more scary! Who can help you with a pregnancy calendar. Vіn poklikaniya trimaty mum in the course of all podіy intrauterine development, help correct eating and the way of life at different periods of pregnancy. In addition, the pregnancy calendar allows you to transfer the date of the fall.

Vagination calendar by day

Vіn to ease the medical care for the future mother and її little one, and also give advice on the most important nutrition, as if you will always stand in front of you: if you begin to grow alive, why bother with pregnancy, like recognizing the first broken fetus.

Starting with this calendar, you will not forget that the hour has come to undergo screening, give analyses, and virushiti on a planned ultrasound scan. And for the near future, give such a Monday calendar to help you better prepare for the final day.

The Danish pregnancy calculator will allow you to calculate, on which term you are changing at once, the date of the future pregnancy, the date of conception, and to name the zodiac sign of the future baby and that yogo zodiac creature for a similar calendar. In the same way, you can signify the life of the fetus, yogo vag and growth, and the skilki was left for an hour before the fall. For which you need to check the date of the first day of the remaining menstruation and the validity of your menstrual cycle. In addition, our calculator generates an even more practical table of vacancy by day. You can orientate yourself on it, on what kind of vagity you can change at any time, and also to check the growth and vag of your future child.


Monthly vacancy calendar.

By months

Monthly vacancy calendar will become your guide for 40 days of vacancy. The skin of the future mother can leave here her opinions, beware, share the good news basic information. At the same time, we follow him, as our little ones grow and develop! And give for the sake of the right way of life, the way of eating that careless lure of sick ailments.

Vagity surges are seen as serious changes in the development of a child: everything is within reach great success at the physical and rosemary development, the growth of the baby's brain is strengthened, the mіtsnіє m'yazova masa, the life-important organs of the system are formed and the first natural beginners are born! Monthly pregnancy calendar to report to you about the different types of skin care steps.

Features calendar of vagity

Keep a special calendar of vaginess can be a skin woman. Moreover, it is recommended that it be used. And at the same time you will change in an absolutely special state. Rich insights for you are new, and can inspire vicious praise and fears - the body of a vagit woman knows colossal changes, moreover, like in a physiological sense, so in a psychological one.

The calendar of vagity for days and months has been compiled with a test and a method to explain the skin of them.

You can start a special calendar of pregnancy in a good manner, which you can embellish according to your mood, savor, experience, and also with whom you are looking at: a boy or a girl. Such an album will become a miraculous cob of a family chronicle or a chronicle of the life of your downfall.

Interactive pregnancy calendar

Ale, modern future mothers go to the services of the Internet and choose for caution and an interactive pregnancy calendar. Vіn zruchny, simple in zastosuvanni, precise, practical, informative and absolutely free of cost!

You can help me to do this, if you need to set a low date, or accurately set the current term of vacancy (a special calculator for this), divide your vacancy into trimesters, months, or later.

The online vacancy calendar is becoming popular. Women want to know more about this special period: how are the first signs of pregnancy, how to miss the day, how to work with an increased tone of the uterus, how to recognize the first years of pregnancy, how to become a child. Calendar dotrimuє statti, parade, clarification, as well as a calculator for the determination of the term vagity and transfer date pologіv.

You can conduct special guarding for the power of vagіtnistyu, your own and child's camp and carry out cicadas for you.

Online vacancy calendar - up to your services! Keep your hand on the pulse of the most important people in life!


How to correctly expand the term of vaginess on days and days

Obstetricians and gynecologists decide on the term vagity from the first day of the rest of menstruation. Call the real term less than 13-16 days, the shards are conceived in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then. at the moment of ovulation. Tim is not less, so that the swindlers will die, the doctors will fix the term of pregnancy 2 days earlier than the date of conception.

Trimester - three months, which is more than twelve days old. In the gynecological calendar, the trimester becomes 93.3 days, with the improvement that all vagity is 280 days. Get out of the first day of the stutter of menstruation or rest of the day menstrual cycle

Trivality of vagity behind calendars

If the fate is 365 days, then the pregnancy becomes 9 months. However, the fierce 28-29 days of skin has another month, May 31 days, and here it’s easy to finish with roses. Schob virahuvati date pologіv, odnієї arithmetic is not enough. The obstetric calendar is composed of months, skins of any May 28 standard days. Zagalom - tse ten months, and trimesters - not 90 days, but 93. If you want to take a break in the middle of the first three months from midday to birch, then you will have 92 days, less than a fierce day.

How to designate the date of nationality and that essence?

Due to the corrections in the number of years, the female woman may incorrectly transfer the date of the month. For whom it is necessary to go into two ways:

  1. If you see the date of conception, add 264 days to it.
  2. As the date of conception is unknown, on the first day of menstruation, it is due 3 months ago (during the day) and add this day. For the sake of prosperity, you can add a day, and then take a trimester.

For example, the rest of the day of menstruation is 1 breast. Meaning from 1 spring (chosen trimester) rahuyemo + 7 days, and go out 7-8 spring - the date has been changed.

The best way to recognize the date

І this year, in the best way to set the date of the fall, ultrasound is important. For yoga, the results clearly show how little babies develop and grow at 9 months. If a trimester is three months, then already from 6-7 doctors-diagnostics you can say for sure, if you check the next one. It is important to note that children do not need to live at any time, and on the 33rd-35th day it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination. It is necessary for:

  • installed, so that the child develops correctly;
  • chi varto ochіkuvati perevagi;
  • what operation will be needed caesarean rosette;
  • skilki to care for babies;
  • how a plaid develops;
  • de roztashovana child shodo uterus.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the trimesters - tse skilki tizhniv enter up to 1/3 of the trivality of vagity. It’s not enough to go up to standard praises, that three months from the cob of fate is the right thing, and everything else is just a part of the previous and upcoming periods. The trimesters at the school can also last three quarters of 3 months each, and the summer quarter is a vacation.

The development of oocytes in trimesters

As you can see from arithmetic, you can look at it systematically, as the clitina develops and begins to conceive. At the start of the year from 24 to 96 years old, in case of negligible pregnancy, it is necessary to get used to the terms of contraceptive methods in the first 24 years old. The individual spermatozoa is alive 5 deb, and from the first whilins, it begins to collapse in the egg cells. The anger of a human and a woman’s core in a clitin and means a flood. Further, rozpodil clitin is given, after which the embryo is pushed through the tubes into the endometrium of the uterus.

Eggs are hardened to the wall, and in a day you can still open the door. Vagіtnіst began, later, the first trimester arrived. p align="justify"> Dali plіd develop monthly and increase in size.

The first trimester - how life is born

The first stage is the most complicated and weak. For three months, take care of yourself, and pld. Dekilka clitin, z'ednah among themselves, develop day by day. Chorionic gonadotropin (CHL) is vibrating. Vіn nadsilає a signal to the yellow body about the need for the production of progesterone. The hormone is consumed in the slaughter, the reaction is seen in the tests for vagity and during the analysis. First trimester - how many months? All have the same - 3 calendar months and 3.4 obstetrics. The tube of the nervous system of a child appears, two sweats, a liver and a brain are formed.

  1. You can also see the outline of the child.
  2. Є "komіrki" for the eyes and nose.
  3. Fingers are already formed from a nail plate.

Until the end of the third month, the heart is formed from one chamber, and even before the beginning of the next trimester, it is possible to restore heartbeat for an hour of ultrasound passage.

Another trimester - development of organs

If the organ herbal system is formed, the plant is actively developing and gaining from the vase. Not so fast, but the brain is forming fast. The heart is already made up of 4 chambers, and the distal system is "ready" to work. Until the middle of the next trimester, until 5 months old, start stealing with your hands and feet. The blood-bearing judges have not yet been completed, but the cartilaginous tissue is already progressively replaced by the cystic one.

Until the end, the babies reach 18-24 cm (fallow due to genetics). During this period, mothers should have been taking vitamin C, glucose, and iodine. Unique infections and viral infections. For example, a sixth month, babies can distinguish sharp sounds, shudder, react to light, smell. Vіn mоzhe vіdіznіt mаmi's voice vіd third-party sounds. For a child, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is even more important; When people are born for 7 months, the little ones are vvazhaetsya life and full-fledged child.

Third trimester

It is not for nothing that doctors seem that the main recruitment in the vase is on the 9th month. Mami is guilty respectfully stezhit for eating:

  • Until the third trimester, babies already need 1500 grams, and if the mother is actively eating, then for 3 children, add 35 grams per day. And it means a greater chance for a caesarean.
  • Children up to the 7th month can flatten their eyes and bachiti.
  • The dyhal system is improved.
  • Glotally reflection molded. Often, children forge navcoloplide water.
  • Might have a whoosh in the fetus.

Until the 8th month of life, in the middle of the mother's womb, the growth of a child becomes 40-45 cm, and the vaga reaches 2200 grams approximately. The ninth month is "non-corrective" for a child, for one who "lives out" his days in the middle, getting ready to appear in the world. Yogo skin becomes smooth, a musty fluff appears, the surfactant in the legs actively smears the alveoli, so that the stench does not stick. At the first breath, the stench rises, and the little one knows a slight swaying, in the wake of crying.

Ten obstetric month - the sacrament of the people

If it is the 40th week, the baby is actively pushed through the birth paths of the name. The placenta is the only living organism in the world, which is alive for 9 months, after which it dies. Tse "budinochok" for the little one, the middle of his life, and the older it is, the more young the little one gets to know the fathers. What is the trimester for an obstetrician, which is the 10th month when a child is born into the world?

Tse 18 additional days, to establish a difference between the terms 9 and 10 months. As if the pregnancy is postponed, the babies will appear on the 41-42 th. And this is the 10th obstetric month, which sounds like a norm in medical practice. For a sprat of years, the little one gets to fix a serious and important path for grazing with his mother:

  • oil is vibrated to cover the alveoli;
  • the baby rolls over;
  • the head drops sharply at the bosom of the pelvis;
  • the first essence begins;
  • birth paths open;
  • the brushes of the pelvis expand;
  • the opening of the cervix is ​​often painful - up to 4 cm can be brought up to 8-10 years;
  • the little one pokes his head down for the help of his mother;
  • the head is consumed at the birth path, expanding the walls of the cervix.

The head is shown, the body is vydbuvaetsya - the baby is born. All the trimesters of the wines are alive in the middle and leaning for a minute on that beak of your "budinochka". It’s amazing to see - first getting to know your mother.

Knowing about those that are with the baby in the abdomen in the skin from the trimesters and being aware of the peculiarities of her body at a particular stage of pregnancy, the future mother can help ease the process of the fall, spend all 9 months in a positive mood.

Trimester of vaginess (on the days of the process of winemaking a woman’s child was classified by doctors - gynecologists in the last century) - this is the result of a mental underlay of 9 months shaping the fetus in the mother’s womb for a period, skin from these three months.

For the duration of the three trimesters, not only the physical development of a small person, but post-reformation organism of a vaginal woman. For clarity, I will become future mothers, gynecologists have created a number of standard indications, for which stench they give an assessment of a healthy woman and a child on a planned short examination.

Trimester vagity according to day is shown in this table.

To such estimated factors lie:

  • fetal vaga (signed for help ultrasonic follow-up);
  • weight of the body of the vagit woman;
  • dozhina tila child;
  • the volume of the belly of the future mother;
  • nayavnіst nabryakіv zhіnki, pain of different nature, sleeplessness and so on;
  • results high-profile analyzes cuts and blood;
  • visual inspection of the cervix (due to the presence of scars on the side of the future mother, carried out by gynecologists only in the first and third trimesters);
  • heart rate of a small person who is in the mother's womb;
  • arterial vice vagitna girl.

Zavdyaks to zagalnopriynyat pokazniki, for rehabilitating them in the skin trimester, doctors can immediately diagnose the appearance of pathology and protect them without zapodiyannya shkodi I will become a healthy mother and child. The most unsafe period is the first trimester.

In this period itself, there is a great risk of rapt’s priming of pregnancy through disrespectful placement of the future mother to her body (women do not always know about their camp from the first days, continue to lead a great way of life, proper eating and so far).

Razpodіl vagіtnostі on trimesters, months, tizhnі

Protyazh tsikh tizhnіv vіdbuvaєtsіy ovulation, zaplodnenny ova, and їії "implantation" in the uterine wall with the coming mortgages of the foundations of the distant stimulus of the human body. The first trimester lasts until 12-13 days.

Even though in this period the transfusion of vaginess was not observed, then for the reason of the presence of pathologies in the state of a healthy woman, the rapt loss of a child until the date is mild. On the 13th of September, another trimester begins, which, by analogy with the first May, is 3 months old. At this hour, the child is actively gaining weight and growing in growth, looking like a human being.

At another stage of pregnancy, the woman begins to become aware of the first violation of her baby, and also, in a number of cases, after the planned ultrasound follow-up, it may become possible to recognize it (in the other trimester, the state system of the child will already be formed zhіnka - Boy or girl).

On the 28th day of pregnancy, the third trimester begins.

At the final stage, the winemaking of a child, a woman starts to feel uncomfortable, causing a sharp increase in anxiety on her body important systems of a baby in the middle of the womb, extremely large).

For the purpose of simplification of receiving information about the incidence of vaginess for a period, gynecologists recommend that future mothers win a vitally accepted table.


Trimester Months Tizhnі
  • first;
  • other;
  • third.
  • from 1 to 4;
  • from 5 to 8;
  • from 9 to 12-13.
  • quarters;
  • five;
  • sostky.
  • from 14 to 17;
  • from 18 to 21;
  • from 22 to 27.
  • somy;
  • eighth;
  • ninety.
  • from 28 to 31;
  • from 32 to 36;
  • from 37 to 40.

Changes in the organism of the future mother and child in the skin trimester

The trimesters of vagity (during the days the child does not only grow in size and builds up its vagus, but also gains new growths, necessary for the long life of the posture of the mother's womb) signify the camp as the fetus itself, so the vagity of the woman.

It is clear that the changes in the body will clear up during the upcoming trimester, the future mother can morally prepare herself to be able to fold and grow as much as possible to avoid the discomfort.

Trimester Changes in the body of the vagits Changes in the body of a child
  • viniknennya a sign of toxicosis, which most often manifests itself already at 5-7 tyzhnі vagity (nausea, vomit, change of gustatory feelings; confusion);
  • enlargement of the breasts;
  • zbіlshennya sensibility of milk diseases (in a number of cases, at this stage, the child's vagіtnі vomit on the bіl and visibly roaring of the breasts);
  • more frequent calls before the cut (the uterus with the "implanted" fetus is embossed on the cut michur);
  • drowsiness;
  • supra-world revival;
  • transcendent emotion, viklikana perebudovaya hormonal background.
  • molding of the neural tube (the basis of the possible central nervous system);
  • start functioning of the heart m'yaz;
  • cob molding of the spinal stovp, brain and yoga pіvkul, zokrema;
  • laying the foundations for the future molding of the eyes, auricles, tips, organs of the intestinal tract and thyroid gland;
  • molding of state organs, fingers on the upper and lower ends;
  • cob of hormone production in the endocrine system, as well as the laying of the germ of milk teeth in ash trees;
  • the child begins to crumble in the middle of the mother's womb.
  • improvement of abdominal expansion;
  • it is possible to blame ailing sights at the distance across that thoracic ridge;
  • discomfort pelvic loam;
  • elimination of the development of varicose veins (through the veins, which grow rapidly).
  • zbіlshennya growth of that masi body;
  • completion of the molding of the state and cystic systems of the child's body;
  • active development of the muscles of the brain;
  • growth of rukhovoї activity.
  • expansion of the uterus to the maximum expansion;
  • twisted dihannya, pov'yazane from the growth of the vise from the bottom on the organ dichal system;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • partly call before the sechovipkannya;
  • supra-world revival;
  • viniknennya "hibnih essence" (a kind of preparation of the uterus to the future birth activity).
  • residual molding of all vital organs and systems of the body;
  • improving the ability to take in information for the help of hearing and viroblyat dyhalnі ruhi;
  • the appearance of a smoky spray;
  • more active growth of hair on the head;
  • shaping the oil on the whole body, recognized for the relief of the child's passage along the ancestral paths at the hour when the light appears.

Development of the fetus on days and months

In addition, as the development of the skin month or the day of vaginess, it reduces the general anxiety of the future mother, as well as the improvement of the father's feelings for his child.

First trimester


1 — 2 Considering that the first day of the menstrual cycle is taken as the first day of pregnancy, the first two days of winemaking are mental, the shards of the actual conception have not yet come.
3 There is an egg infestation, after which the color of the eyes and hair of the future child is genetically determined. The ovum begins to fall and collapses in the uterus.
4 (completion of 1 month of vacancy) The clitina is implanted to the uterus and expands to the expansion of poppy seeds.
5 Embryo grows up to 2-3 mm near the dozhin, with which two poles swell, then it is necessary to start forming the lower and upper ends. 3 functional balls are formed, which are the basis for further molding of the vital systems of the body of a small person. It's the neural tube.
6 Formation of the upper and lower ends of the child and the increase in the growth of the embryo.
7 Increased expansion of the embryo to the proportions of black currant berries and raspberries. Subdivided the child's brain into 3 functional areas. Active molding of kintsivok and laying the foundations for the improvement of the nose.
8 (last 2 months of vacancy) Molding ovnіshnіh rice individuals, kіntsіvok and life of important organs. Cob rukhovoї activity of the fruit.
9 Reconstruction of the embryo's growth to the dimensions of the fruit of a plum tree. Molding the state system and the little people.
10 Active development of the brain. Knowing the pleat between the fingers of the upper and lower ends. Improvement of the minerality of the cystic system.
11 Zbіlshennya rozmіrіv fetus ta yoga vaga. Stepping forward with the body of a human proportional looking.
12 The baby grows to a crisp orange. Formed zovnіshnі stateevі organs. On the fingers of the hands, there are nigth plates.
13 (last 3 months of pregnancy and first trimester) Brain cells and children's organs are actively developing. In the clear-cut baby, the rudiments of milk teeth appear. On the head, there is a regular growth of hair.

Another trimester


Tizhden Development of the fetus at a specific stage of pregnancy
14 The endocrine system starts the production of hormones. Increased breast cancer. The world has completed the formation of the upper palate in the mouth of the child, the vein of the smoctal reflex.
15 It starts with the generation of specific proteins in a specific blood group. When you get a newbie, change your veil. Increased rukhova activity (the mother's future is more likely to see fetal rukhiv).
16 Active recruitment of the veins is observed, mucous membranes are formed. As if you are guilty of a woman, a girl, then on the 16th of September, a little person will have the secretion of her own eggs - the basis for the reproductive system.
17 (last 4 months of vacancy) The first fat is deposited under the shkir of the child. Vіn actively increases his ostentatious growth and vag, continuing to practice a high level of activity.
18 Appearance of zdatnosti take navkolishniy svit for help organs of hearing. The formation of an emotional bond between a small person and fathers begins (a child calls to their voices, you feel the heartbeat of a mother thinly).
19 Roots begin to form under the rudiments of milk teeth. On the body of a child, there are special mucus, which gives the correct thermoregulation.
20 Residual molding of the characteristics of an individual child. The appearance of a savory sprynyatt.
21 (end of 5 months of vacancy) The cystic system is actively developing and starting the functioning of the cystic brain.
22 Change the color of the fur coat (become bright). Hairs are molded on the face (zocrema, eyebrows and vії).
23 The brain and the central nervous system are actively developing. Completion of the molding of the life of important organs.
24 Completion of the molding of the organs of the spleen, regardless of the duration of the pigment (eyeless). The child begins to practice various movements, twisting his body in such a way.
25 (last 6 months of pregnancy and 2 trimesters) Dozrіvannya shlunkovo-intestinal tract and osvita in the intestine meconium.

Third trimester


Tizhden Development of the fetus at a specific stage of pregnancy
26 The child develops its own daily regimen, so you can’t fall asleep at the hour of unsleeping that child’s mother’s order. The organs of the breath are actively being formed, preparing for the functioning of the posture of the mother's womb.
27 The child looks up and flattens his eyes, reacting to the bright light. The little one calms down and falls asleep during a smooth kidnapping (at this hour you can change in a public transport, walk or take care of your home rights). Increases the number of hormones that vibrate.
28 Increased growth of that vag.
29 (last 7 months of vacancy) Active development of the brain. The child is sleeping for an hour, starting to sleep, her emotions are manifesting - she will begin to snuggle up and take away her satisfaction.
30 The child begins to actively convey his message to his mother to the splendid surroundings. For example, you can often hang around, like a woman to lean around near the noise.
31 The child is increasing according to all parameters, in parallel reducing the rukhovu activity.
32 Plіd roztashovuєtsya so, like vіn lie in the belly of the mother until the moment they appear on the world, which indicates the type of future ancestral activity (natural canopies or caesarean rosetin).
33 (last 8 months of vacancy) The child begins to change her mother's daily regimen, repeating after her periods of activity and recovery.
34 Completion of the molding of the respiratory organs.
35 Іstotne zbіlshennya vaga ditini. The oil on the body has a thicker consistency, which will help a small person to repair the birth path less.
36 The final stage of the formation of the nervous and immune systems. Pidshkirny fat accumulates.
37 Completion of the molding of all systems and organs of the child's organism.
38 - 40 (end of 9 months of vacancy) In case of head prolapse, the child's head descends into the pelvis of the vaginal woman, which is a sign of readiness for the body to the future canopies.

Seeing the woman in the world the development of the fetus

The trimesters of pregnancy in the days of development of the child signify not only the physical, but also the emotional state of the future mother. In the first trimester, the vagina should show toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, confusion). Most of the women in the first month lose a lot of weight and still do not feel the emotional prettiness of their children.

Through the hormonal perebudovu organism stench often cry, so laugh, become more drastivlivym and vymagayut self respect raised.

In the world of fetal development, before the next trimester, toxicosis will end, and life will become rounded and increase in size, which allows the woman to begin to enjoy her own camp. The psychological background is vibrating and an emotional connection is born from a small person in the stomach (sound out especially strongly after the first sight of the future mother of the baby).

In the third trimester, without regard for physical discomfort (sickness, sleeplessness, partly call before the session), the future mother is stable in her emotions, checks her teeth with the child and enjoys the pregnancy. At this stage, the girls will sound 3D ultrasound with the method of generating a photo of the child to the riddle about the period of yoga in the womb.

Possible respite

Vagіtnіst lays the foundation for the future becoming of a healthy little person. Knowing about those, yakі vіdhilennya can be identified on a specific type of intrauterine life of the fetus, the mother's future may be able to save these appearances, correcting her way of life in the skin trimester.

The most common doctors in the process of vagity are diagnosing:

  • down syndrome(chromosomal mutation, which leads to bewilderment that serious stuttering of the development of a child);
  • patau syndrome(a genetic mutation, it’s rare for people to live longer than their fate. It provokes deafness, rozum development and other serious pathologies);
  • heart disease(part of them are necessary for surgical correction, otherwise they allow people to live, forgetting about their reasons);
  • pathology development of life-important organs(Not congenital and blamed on the stage of laying the foundations of the systems of the body under the hour of pregnancy).

First trimester

When the future mother is led to the wrong way of life, in the first trimester, the basis for a distant development of illness is laid.

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Another trimester

Another trimester is not safe for a small person with a development:

  • pathology of the brain and organs of the eye (with a deficiency of lutein, which enters the mother's body);
  • circulatory disorders (with the presence of products in the diet of the mother, to avoid rutin or synthetic vitamins);
  • dysfunction of the mucous membranes (for the prevention of this vagal trace of the intake of vitamin complexes with the promotion of vitamins of group A);
  • bezpіddya (like a plaid, that you are guilty of a woman, - a girl);
  • pathologies cystic brain and the cystic system of the body as a whole.

Third trimester

Under the hour of the third trimester, the wrong way of life, or lack of vitamin supplementation in the diet of eating a vagit woman, can lead to the development of certain pathologies in the body of a child.

For example:

  • ill SKT;
  • pathological organs of the respiratory system (for example, there is not enough quantity of surfactant - speech, which will change the sting of the leg);
  • disruption of the circulatory system;
  • disease of the central nervous system

Irrespective of the actual formation of the child's organism and its regular readiness to function in the mother's womb, the woman's womb at the hour of the third trimester, as before, varto buti is borderline respectful to her health.

The front curtains on the remaining months of the wine-making of a small person can rarely lead to a lethal end, but they can also become the reason for the formation of a child’s sickness to serious illness in a future one (for example, a pathological disease of a heart defect).

Features of the way of life of possible mothers in the skin trimester

The trimesters of pregnancy determine the way of life of the future mother. Irrespective of the peculiarities of the formation of the child's organism at the skin stage of intrauterine life, gynecologists recommend that the child should avoid the development of pathologies in the fetus, dotrimuvatisya standard recommendations for a long period of child wine.

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The trimesters of vaginess signify the camp not only of a small person, like being in a mother's womb, but also of a vagit woman.

Respectfully having changed your body on the skin condition of a child’s wine, the future mother can think about options for alleviating possible physical and moral discomfort in a way that is safe for yourself that your little one.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about peculiarities of pregnancy trimesters

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