The bone marrow donation pays the salary. A project for the whole nation. Why skin can be included in the registry of bone marrow donors. Yakі mіfi ta zaboboni іsnuyut navkolo those donations

Transplantation of the bone marrow builds up the immune system of a person and kills cancer. Tom will drink on this donor material even more great. How to become a donor of the cystic brain, it’s not safe and you can earn a living, peacefully in our statistics.

Which types of patients require transplantation?

The bone marrow calls out a sponge and is known, as if crying out its name, in the middle of human bones. Vіn maіkalnu vіkalnu vіstіvіst — zdatnіst genruvat krov. Doctors call such a phenomenon hematopoiesis, or hematopoiesis. In the organism of a mature person, there is only one tissue, which is enough to avenge a large number of stovburov clitins, whose budova is similar to embryonic ones.

Pro unique powers, Like stovburov klitins, we already wrote in our article “Likuvannya stovburov klitins”, and we won’t be able to report to that moment. Guess what Danish view clitin of its kind is “universal” and can give the beginning to any other kind of clitin material.

Transplantation of the cystic brain, in fact, є transplantation of hematopoietic Stovburov cells, for which blood is established, from healthy people to sickness, like suffering from oncological, autoimmune and genetic diseases.

Such a transplant is necessary for:

  • hostile myeloblastic and lymphoblastic leukemias, as well as chronic myeloid leukemia;
  • juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia;
  • myelodysplastic syndromes;
  • malignant disease of plasma cells;
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.

In a similar way, non-malicious ailments are also rejoiced, including congenital disorders of metabolism and the immune system, VIL-infection, aplastic anemia, systemic sclerosis, Crohn's disease, systemic worm and other.

Who can become a bone marrow donor?

Become a bone marrow donor I have the right to be a full-fledged citizen, who does not reach the 50th age, does not suffer from autoimmune and oncological diseases, does not have HIV infections, tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis B and C and does not have nerve disorders.

What do you need to grow up to become a bone marrow donor? First, go to the hospital, where they will tell you where you can find the nearest donor registry.

In another way, put the favor of bringing your data to the register and donate 9 ml of blood for the so-called “typing” - a procedure during which the main typical indicators of donor material are determined. On their basis, it is possible to predict the potential for confusion with the body of the sick person, which will require transplantation.

If you are left with only a few checks: if your leukocyte antigen (HLA-type) shows up as a sum of ailments, you will be ordered to commit a violation for the sampling procedure.

100-year summity of antigens is found in identical twins; In reshti, the relatives of the zocrema, ymovirnіst zbіgtisya by HLA-type is even small.

Why is the procedure of donation and why is it unsafe?

Parkan is carried out in two ways, the choice of dermal z, which is not determined by the donor, but by medical indications:

  • from the stipe or club pelvic cyst. Parkan is wound under general anesthesia for the help of a special needle, as it is introduced into the bone tissue. The syringe is inflated up to 2000 ml of liquid. Sob I will need a lot of material, I will have to work a sprat of punctures.

This procedure takes about 30 minutes and practically does not cause harm to the donor, as it does not suffer from an allergy to anesthesia, otherwise it will not be possible for you to infect through a puncture. The organism will renew itself in 1-1.5 months;

  • from blood. A day before the procedure, the donor begins to take a medication that stimulates blood flow in blood cells. With whom you can feel boredom head bіl. After 7 days, blood is taken from the donor with one hand, for the help of a special device, Stovbur blood cells are cremated from it, after which the blood is poured into the vein of the other hand.

For all 5-6 years, the donor is guilty of being left without a hitch. Renewals are three times up to 2 days.

Donation of a cystic brain in the Russian Federation and Ukraine is anonymous and free of charge. Tom become a bone marrow donor and make money on your stem cells legally do not work.

Truth, there is another way. A lot of fathers in sick children independently whisper donors, making noises from ZMI and talking about the wine city. You can make up one of these propositions and sell your Stovbur klitini, but it will be entirely on your own.

What is Rusfond promoting

“Forty-one years ago, Americans began to create a registry of potential bone marrow donors. Forty years ago, the order of the RRFSR, having adopted a decree on the structure of the structure, how to take care of it themselves. Today, the United States has a registry of 8.7 million, and in Russia - 74,000 potential donors," the President told Rusfond Lev Ambinder at meetings for the sake of the rights of the people and the development of the hromadyanskogo suspіlstva for the president of the Russian Federation.

The larger the registry, the greater the chance of choosing a new genetically rich donor for a person who needs a bone marrow transplant (TCM). This method is victorious against us in the treatment of oncological illnesses, such as leukemia, damage to the lymphatic system, neuroblastoma.

One of the factors that influence the promotion of Rusfond's programs is the existence of a clear indication among medical professionals, which registry is needed by Russia rightly.

“If we have a register of 300 thousand donors, then there will be a register for the “Four”, and if we have 500 thousand, then there will be an additional register,” Boris Afanasiev, director of NDI im. R.M. Gorbachova. "The register can be small, but effective," - voicing wine. Adzhe deyakі zakordonnі regіstri are formed with dead souls”, yakі nіkoli not fit to become donors.

Registry with a size of 300-400 thousand is less than a small world to provide for the acquisition of materials from state donors. And yet, the most important task is the cooperation with international registers. Oleksiy Maschan, intercessor. General Director of NMIC im. Dmitry Rogachov.

For danim Igor Paramonov, director of the Kirov NDI of hematology and blood transfusion, the Russian registry can have 500-600 thousand potential donors.

Registry, but don't know the law about them

The second factor, on which the Ministry of Health and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency instructs, is the existence of a legal framework for the establishment of the register.

“A country can have a system of a single register, but the system is sovereign, a system of separate registers can be, and there can be non-state organizations. Ale, you can think of buts, standards; Oleksandra Levitska, radnik of the President of the Russian Federation.

What is missing from the legislation? The norms that regulate the donation of Stovbur cells of the cystic brain and the total of cell transplants. Appointment of the supreme control in this sphere to the body of the federal vikonavcho.

Do not see clearly formulated vimog to laboratories, de need to be typed. Maxim Zabelin, patron of the FMBA

It is necessary to make amendments to the Labor Code, so as to allow the donor to temporarily deprive his work space for a trip to the month, to deprive him of the parkan of hematopoietic Stovbur cells.

We need amendments to the Tax Code, shards at a time “when paying the donor for travel, that accommodation is due, you can pay 13% of the PDFO to the winning income,” said the director of the Gift of Life Charitable Fund Katerina Chistyakova.

Tse is far from being the latest change in nutrition before legislation, as it is blamed on experts.

“Natural nutrition of the Ministry of Health: why is the base (normative) daily, as if the same clinics have been creating registers for a dozen years?” - write in one of your articles about the register Lev Ambinder.

Pluses and minusesNGS-Type of bath

The technology of NGS-typing did not immediately catch up with scientific and medical facilities. Behind the words of the head of Rusfond, NDI im. R.M. Gorbachov's heart was inspired to work it out in oneself.

“We’re too bad that we didn’t go into the first wind to install NGS sequencing,” Sergiy Bagnenko Rector of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, a structural part of the NDI. - What is the fate of my tsy reachable and lower the compatibility of typing.

“Our institute is in the order with other installations of preparations for the implementation of NGS technology for the presence of a high-quality property and window materials,” said Oleksandr Chechetkin, Director of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology, FMBA.

With the help of NGS technology, you can take away the information, which allows you to know the total donor for the patient and considers the need for re-typing, it’s “ideal for molding the registry”, but Oleksiy Maschan.

Earlier, the wine was against the register, that having respected, that it was unrealistically high. Even if you don’t know how many transplants you can go to work for help with the help of the base of data. Now Oleksiy Maschan has changed his mind. “I’ll wait for you, that you can have a business register. With the technology of NGS, your creation is sharply cheaper," - even wine.

However, NGS-typing allows the process to be cheaper only in that case, as the device produces a large number of sights per day. Valery Savchenko, General Director of the National Medical Research Center of Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In real life, 190 zrazkіv per day is not needed, if the strength is 5, at the same time “the price falls, if 190, and it becomes high, if 5”, - adding wine. Therefore, small laboratories, like before, are inspired by a new method of typing.

Can NPOs be trusted with the basis of phenotypes

President of Rusfond Lev Ambinder. Photo from

The central registries of Germany and Spain (ZKRD and REDMO) are described by the Rusfond program as managerial NGOs, lists of national phenotype databases, independent clinics and local registries. Such an eye is not welcomed by the rich Russian oncohematologists.

“The transfer of a database of potential donors of the bone marrow to an organization, as it is in the form of NGOs, is impossible within the framework of decent legislation,” says Sergiy Bagnenko and Boris Afanasiev.

“We specially returned to Roskomnaglyad, and we were told that the phenotype is one of the personal data of the individual,” Lev Ambinder said at the Radi meeting. – Vidpovidno to the law on personal data, be it physical or legal person in Russian Federation have the right to take care of the personal data of an individual, as if a person gave a letter of income to save that collection of personal data.

The head of Rusfond marvels at the fight, as if calling out to some doctors about the fight against NGOs.

Even private laboratories and clinics are constantly working with biomaterials and personal data of patients. And the National Registry can eventually reach the international base of potential donors, at the same time from the information that can be avenged in the new. Why don't NGOs merit such a grant? Tim more about the register of potential, and not real donors, assign wine.

And to whom do you entrust the type?

“I support the creation of the register on the basis of non-commercial organizations,” said Oleksiy Maschan. - I am absolutely convinced that I am Sovereign organization you can’t get around zim. More than once I spoke with the head of the Kirov Register, if I was sitting and checking on reactive: “I don’t type anything at once, I don’t have any finances.” This is the quintessence of what is expected, as the task of creating the register of the state. There are no quotas - until you are sacked.

In addition, giving the status of NCOs to Russian registers to make it easier for them to cooperate with foreign registers, taking into account wines.

Laboratories typing the guilty in science centers, vpevneniy Sergiy Bagnenko. “These science-based type of activity, the wines of the language can be victorious both in other directions, and in the enlightenment of future doctors. To that it would be short-sighted to simply transfer it to a supposedly non-commercial organization, ”saying Vin.

According to Lev Ambinder's thought, vedennya registers are another order for medical institutions, for such a stench of creation. Okremі laborаії-podpriєmstva praczyuvatimu effektivnishe.

Active participants in the discussion are aware that the main role in the creation of the registry may lie with the regional blood transfusion stations. And the FMBA can expand the register for the recruitment of personnel blood donors.

“The right problem is the whole lot of lies”

“In my opinion, how many undisputed donors have not been added to the Russian registry at the same time, the number of bone marrow transplantations will not be increased. Just a problem, like їх limіtuє - tse kіlkіst lizhok, "- signified Katerina Chistyakova.

Suitable for her Oleksiy Maschan: “The fraud of a navigable regirist of the donor is possible for the deprivation of a parallel to the novelty of the New Transplantyni Center, the PIDGOTOVOTE TO OF PERPLANTATSINAYAINAYAYANYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA, and the same Virishnnya of the Kinnaya, and not Faynin, the technologists, and not fake of the technologists, and not fake of the technologists.

“It is necessary to develop everything in parallel: diagnostics, rehabilitation after TCM, including in the regions, - you Valery Savchenko. - After the exaltation of Moscow, there are a lot of people who turn home and die without professional help: there is no infrastructure, fahivtsiv.

In any case, the Russian register needs to be created, said Sergiy Bagnenko, Oleksiy Maschan, Boris Afanasyev and other experts at the meeting for the sake of people's rights.

The first partner is known in Kazan

The first step to the implementation of its programs Rusfond has already been completed. Vіn domovivsya with the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology (Kazan) about the registration of ANO "Kazan (Privolzsky) Registry of Donors of the Cyst Brain". The joint venture has three functions: recruitment of volunteers, selection of phenotypes of potential donors, collection and processing of their personal data.

The Institute sees the placement of personnel for the new laboratory of primary NGS-typing, and Rusfond purchases the property and professional finance. The number of reagents for one type in Kazan is 7,000 rubles (less than twice, lower at R.M. Gorbachova NDI).

FMBA can discuss with Rusfond the establishment of similar business ventures based on three installations.

Registry of bone marrow donors- Tse organization (system) that seeks to obtain Stovbur blood cells from an undisputed donor. It collects information about the phenotypes of potential donors of the cystic brain, coordinates the activities of donor centers, which leads to the recruitment and type of voluntary donors, in cooperation with transplantation centers and centers for transplantation. Registers are responsible for supporting the All-World Association of Donor Registries (WMDA) and national legislation.
Rusfond(Russian Fund for Help) is one of the largest charitable funds in Russia. Created 1996 rock. Yogo mission - to help seriously ill children, encourage the development of the community society, the promotion of high medical technologies.
Since 2013, Rusfond has been developing the National Register of Bone Donor named after Vasya Perevoshchikov. The national registry was created on the basis of the NDI named after Gorbachova, at the moment there are phenotypes of 74,000 potential donors from 14 Russian regional registries. Of these, 38 thousand - from the registers of the FBMA system, which are formed for the money of the state budget. 28 thousand - from the registers, as supported by Rusfond. For 4.5 years, Rusfond has invested 540 million rubles in the creation of bone marrow donor registries.
Federal Medical and Biological Agency(FMBA) has been developing a registry of undisputed donors of the bone marrow for about 40 years. In three institutions of the FMBA of Russia, the methodology for recruiting donors on the basis of voluntary information was broken down. Three specialized laboratories have been created to determine the molecular HLA-typing of potential bone marrow donors in high-rise buildings. Two of them (“Rosplazma” and RosNDIGT) are eligible for international accreditation.

In the fierce year of 2016, the action “Keep the life of a child with leukemia” was held in a number of places in Russia, organized by Rusfond and the medical laboratory “Invitro”. The participants donated blood for typing in order to get to the National registry of bone marrow donors.

If you need a transplantation of the cystic brain

Transplantation of the cystic brain (TCM) is successful, for example, in the treatment of oncological diseases, such as leukemia, damage to the lymphatic system, neuroblastoma, as well as in aplastic anemia and a number of congenital defects in the blood.

It is not necessary to think that the ailing man will be "changed" his bone marrow for someone else. In fact, the patient takes internally hematopoietic stem cells of healthy people, as they restore the health of the body to hematopoiesis. Qi cells can develop, transforming into erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets.

The most important moment in all procedures for the collection of the cystic brain is anesthesia, which is important for doctors. The rіven hemoglobin is reduced by trochs. The cystic brain lasts for about a month. Bolіsnі vіdchuttya at the back go through a sprinkling of days.

Another way is to remove hematopoietic cells from peripheral blood. In front of the donor, give the drug, which "reduces" the consumption of cells from the cystic brain. Let's take blood from the vein, it will pass through the attachment, which divides it into components, the hematopoietic stovburov cells are taken, and the blood is turned into the body through the vein on the other hand. For the selection of the necessary number of people, all the blood of a person can pass through the separator once. The procedure lasts five or six years. If not, the donor may experience symptoms similar to flu-like illness: pain in the bones and swollen areas, head pain, and other fluctuations in temperature.

How to drink in the register

A donor can be a person of age 18 to 50 years old, as it is not small for hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, malaria, VIL, no oncological disease or diabetes.

If you have become a potential donor of the cystic brain, then you need to donate 9 ml of blood for the type of signing for entry to the register. If your HLA type is suitable for someone who is ill and needs TCM, you will be asked to undergo supplemental obstezhennia. Crazy, you are guilty of confirming your ability to act as a donor.

A list of laboratories has been published on the website of Rusfond, where you can donate blood, so that you can contact the National Register of Donors.

De in Russia to conduct TCM

In Russia, transplantation of the cystic brain is carried out in several medical facilities: in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. The number of specialty lizhok is obmezhena, like and the number of quotas for bezkoshtovne likuvannya.

Federal Scientific and Practical Center "Children's Hematology, Oncology and Immunology" im. Dmitry Rogachov The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation should work on up to 180 transplantations of hematopoietic Stovbur cells in children.

Institute of Child Hematology and Transplantology named after R. M. Gorbachova in St. Petersburg in 2013, roci, for the tribute of Komersant, conducted 256 such procedures for a quota and 10 paid ones, in 2014, the roci of the Ministry of Health saw that 251 quotas were established.

At the Sverdlovsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1 Since 2006, more than 100 transplantations of the cystic brain were harvested, and in Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 (for adults) for 2015 more than 30 TCMs were planned.

If there are a lot of specialized lizhok, then in the Institute. Gorbachev, for example, їх 60, and in the Sverdlovsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1 - 6.

Tim hourly, for the tribute of the benevolent fund "Give Life", a large-scale transplantation of the cystic brain in Russia will require at least 800-1000 children - the Crimea is grown up.

To rejoice for one's pennies, then the payment of one less than a day at the transplantation of hematopoietic Stovbur cells to the Institute. Rogachov will cost at least 38,500 rubles. In general, the cost of TCM in Moscow, for the data of the Med-Connect company, can be 3 million rubles, and St. Petersburg - up to two million rubles.

You have to pay up to 210,000 euros for jubilation in Nimechchina, and up to 240,000 dollars in Israel. And all the same, without urakhuvannya, I asked the donor to the International Registry, which still has 21,000 euros. In Russia, they pay for their jokes, as a rule, blissful fondi- so like "Rusfond", "Give life", "AdVita".

The first channel and "Rusfond" are continuing a joint action to help seriously ill children. It’s even easier to take a part in it - it’s enough to get it right from a mobile phone SMS to short number 5541 with the word WELCOME, typing in letters of the Russian or Latin alphabet. Caution: you can ask for confirmation from the SMS confirmation of the mobile operator. Be kind, build up, otherwise the children won’t get pennies.

Today's report on the First Channel about the National Register of Donors of the Cyst Brain. To wear it in the name of Vasi Perevoshchikov - a boy who needed a transplant of Stovburov's cells, but a donor, more than a sum of money for a child, is not far away. A report about you, the testimony of the First Channel, calling out a great comment from our viewers. For a few days, a hundred million rubles were collected.

For TV viewers, the number of donors at the National Registry has increased 10 times. Today there are more than 50 thousand people. Among them is Evgen Pavlov. Having given shelter, she became the right elixir of life for the boy, who does not have any other chances.

“If I had children myself, I became sentimental, and here I started a similar story about those that people would demand,” donor Yevgen Pavlov said.

Vіn no longer remembers, like a child, having swayed at the plot of the First Channel, but he was simply struck by the tears of a baby. Evgen pishov and having given shelter, without thinking. A small test tube was corrected for analysis, as it was buried to the base of data - so the titles of "registr". This was five years old.

Vin adds: “I don’t see a brunka, I don’t see a hand, but I see those who were inspired in me for three days. The very ones who build the blood."

Evgen became a potential donor of the cystic brain - hematopoietic cells, which are also called Stovburov. The stench of the building will wake up the immunity of a sick person and instill the danger of a cancerous fluff. But it is necessary that the donor and the recipient - the one to whom the cells are transplanted - were genetically close. Two years later, Evgena was told that his bone marrow could turn such a boy. Vin bezsterezhivsya wait for the procedure. And even zdivuvavsya, that the building of the cystic brain is a simple and absolutely careless procedure.

“With one hand to take away shelter, to іnshої scatter. The blood passes through the separator, and stem cells are inserted there,” the donor explains.

What is it for the lad, de vin live, Evgen didn’t know anything. The donor and the recipient are protected for two years after the operation, the law protects the anonymity of personal data. A year later, these terms are merged, and the First Canal, after proponing Yevgen, is talking to him, whom he blames himself, he doesn’t check, vryatuvav. A couple of years from St. Petersburg to Rostov-on-Don, three years by car to Yeysk, and stink.

If you are gaining altitude, in the St. Petersburg Institute named after Raisa Gorbachova, a new laboratory for blood typing is being opened up. Here, a suitable donor is selected for the patient. As earlier, 600 blood shards were typed here in a month, now they can have more times with the second one! And all the same, we take the hearts of you, TV viewers, pennies and hearts of the unbearable donors from the Ukrainian country!

In the next hour, the laboratory will be inspected by the European Commission, and Russia will reach the international donor base. Our National registry of bone marrow donors named after Vasya Perevoshchikov will become available to foreigners, and we will also have access to European data. Ale vіtchiznyany Registry needs to be expanded and expanded.

“We are sorting out 10 thousand donors from the international base, in order to know our one, what a crazy one of our ailments, and here - 500! Understand, how effective, one hour will soon be a joke! ” – Radio President of Rusfond Lev Ambinder.

On the right, in that the foreign base is the alien gene pool. Our country has close to 200 nationalities, and for peoples who live, for example, in the Extreme Pivnochi in the Caucasus, with their genetic uniqueness, it is impossible to pick up a donor outside the cordon. The National Registry named after Vasily Perevoshchikov has nearly 50,000 donors. Required schob bulhocha b 200 thousand, and more shortly - pіvmilyon. Age laboratory, in fact, virobnitstvo, and as a matter of course, the more products to this particular type samples - tim lower sobіvartіst.

Director of the National Institute of Childhood Oncology, Hematology and Transplantology named after R. M. Gorbachovoi Boris Afanasiev explains: “The power to avenge the number of holes, the scanner goes through these holes, and as if the holes are empty, then the skin type of the skin is thin, and if it is a sweat, then the type is lower!”

But still, it’s more important that more people take away the chance to get dressed. The national registry has only three decades, and even a hundred transplants from a virile donor have been broken. Tririchny Kiryusha Mironov had such an operation three months ago. “These bula was just a gibberish novelty, mi stribali, radіli! Tse bulo, like a gift, burn, what is it here! - I guess Kiril's mother Irina Mironova. - In the first place, it’s marvelous that here a person instructed us to walk, as if you could vryatuvat the life of my child, give me a chance to dress outside. I can’t work neither I, mother, nor ours, but maybe other people’s work.

Stovburov's cells took root, leukemia progressed step by step. Kiryusha pіdrіs, obrіs, viduzhav. Following the parade, which was marveling on the 9th of January on television, virіshiv stati viyskovim. Vzhe vіdpratsovuє stroyovy krok.

“We will change everything we see here, and little of us. I can only help the weak, if the child has no instructions, and so we will all be together until the end, ”Katerina Priyatelova seems to be. The mother of Igor Priyatelov is also going to St. Petersburg for an operation. The National Registry knew about 40 donors, most of them crazy! Igor knows that St. Petersburg has new procedures. Ale, don't be afraid. Look out for braided bracelets. And Igor sleeps badly. At their nine fates, having already performed at the holy city, yoga was shown on television. “I was praising on the back, shaking all over, there were a lot of people, but then we fell asleep. The tata already had tears in his eyes, ”the boy said.

At the small town of Yeysk, Elina and Proud Chagin are trying to get their donor. The first channel told about them in the chest of 2015: Proud ishov on the way. Ninі vіn warehouses _spit, finish 11 class. Welcoming, hand-shaking, smiling laughter. We are left alone. From a distance, the boys are similar. To say, tse to the fact that they now have one shelter. In the skin of a child, the final may be happy. Obov'yazkovo.

We, grown-ups, have the ability to grow so, as we can. For whom rich is not necessary: ​​correct SMS to number 5541 with the word WELCOME or provide shelter for the National Register named after Vasily Perevoshchikov. It doesn't matter and, as it was, it was not scary.

In Russia, a single registry of bone marrow donors is being created. The main operator is the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FMBA). It is also initiating the title of "Honorary Donor of the Bone Brain" and influencing more tax-paying pills for yoga Vlasniks. About tse, as well as about the revolution in the treatment of cerebrodiabetes, and about the work of the FMBA in the field of transplantology, Volodymyr Uyba, a researcher of the agency, told Izvestia.

Apparently, FMBA specializes in the medical care of a special contingent: meshkants in closed places, practitioners of especially unsafe objects, space galleys. Chi pratsyuє organizatsiya іz wide versions of the population?

Today FMBA of Russia is a system of medical, scientific, scientifically advanced, sanitary and hygienic, visual, sanatorium and resort organizations, distribution in all regions of the country. We have 38 territorial bodies, 188 organizations, including 11 clinical doctors, 15 medical centers with branches, 56 centers for hygiene and epidemiology, 14 medical units, six lighting installations, 29 NDI, 11 sanatorium organizations, five pledges of blood services. We have long grown out of the uniform of the department. Narazi mi pratsyuemo to the whole country. We have centers, like creations, like a single institute of medical science, culture and practice.

For example, on the basis of the Child Scientific and Clinical Institute viral infections in St. Petersburg mimo childish infectious diseases of the world. There, on one Maidanchik, all the technologies of exaltation and rehabilitation were selected. This is where the most severely ill children come. In the institute, those children with ailments successfully rejoice, as before they were respected by the unfortunate.

The second example is the Center for Nuclear Medicine in Dimitrovgrad, where the world's most advanced proton trap was installed. Our studies at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna) improved the Belgian model and added 15% more fatigue. As a result, we can allow you to examine the entire amount of swell in one course: firstly, and metastases. Today, we are forming a register of patients from the US country, which shows the help of a proton nurse. For the sake of fate, we plan to open the first operation.

You form a registry of bone marrow donors. How do you plan to cooperate with other organizations, how to select donor bases ?

According to the decisions of the Ministry of Health, we are the main operator in this sphere. In Russia, the robot's registry is still at the cob stage. We have a sprat center for the recruitment of donors. Central Kirovsk National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Russian National Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology FMBA, Rosplasma. We do not choose to work with operators already in the bases, even if more bone marrow donors are found, then more people can be recruited.

Transplantation of the cystic brain should be carried out promptly, even if the damage to the cystic brain is not diagnosed for a long time. The manifestation of the illness is in the stage that has gone far. To know the donor well, it is necessary for the mother of the great registry.

Naygolovnіshe, schob tsey registr postіyno popovnyuvavsya. The European lands can also be co-opted with them. At the right, there is no salvation for people, and it is not guilty, but between.

At the same time, you are spivpracing from foreign registers with a search for bone marrow donors for Russian patients ?

We see the possibility. In Europe, there is a great opportunity for the selection of donors, their registration, and the collection of data about their safety. І tse absolutely correct. The most important thing is not to transplant the virus to the recipient at once from the cells of the cystic brain. We are testing our organizations for the participation of the European Center for Transplantation of the Cyst Brain, which has already passed a few steps. It is necessary to become a center of competence, recognized by the European community.

- What is the current base?

Small, close to 70 thousand osib. The registry of bone marrow donors is recruited more, the lower registry of blood donors. Building a cystic brain is not an easy procedure. It is necessary that a person has matured to such a decision. The search for volunteers is conducted steadily.

- Tse accumulative bank? Can the cystic brain be taken to the measles?

The bank collects less information about donors. We take care of ourselves. If necessary, we know in the registry a person with the required HLA alleles and request to come. Donors are ready before the call from the harvesting center can be found at any hour of the day or night. In addition, the donor may be regularly tested for infection. All the work is free of charge, out of a sense of solidarity. The world bank of bone marrow donors is also cost-free. The food of social viability.

- Blood donors are still interested. What bonuses are awarded for bone marrow donors?

At Subsidiary code for the donor of the cystic brain, a monthly reduction in the surplus tax of 500 rubles was prescribed. We don’t know our fortunes with the help of numbers and it turns out that we need to take the initiative to look over the norm. Lyudina with the title of "Honorable Donor" can receive compensation of 12 thousand rubles. rubles per river, and won't be indexed quickly. Today, there is still no understanding of "Honorable Donor" for donors of the cystic brain. We are prepared to ob'ektivne obґґruntuvannya, scho it is necessary to praise such a decision and, obviously, to increase the amount of compensation for the surplus tax. Vaughn may become wanting to b two yew. rubles per month. On the right, not only in the complexity of the parkan procedure, but also in the fact that we are preparing the donor before it. It will require serious self-discipline.

– Through more than a few years, can a person be honored as a donor of a bone marrow?

Until such an understanding is not known beyond the cordon. There є іnshі come in social assessment. So the decision is important. A donor of the cystic brain can be given a more honorable name earlier, a lower donor of blood and plasma. Ale post-yna readiness before the procedure to navit without a fence, the client can also be properly assessed.

- Which term do you plan to create a register?

Our single plan is to work with whom directly. But tell me, what will be in two or three years, we still can’t. Foreign countries went to their registers dozens of years. Mi rozpochali tsyu robot less than five years ago.

- How many transplantations of the cystic brain have already been given to the vikonate of vikoristannym register?

Already, 83 transplantations have been performed for Russian patients in different settings, no less than those initiated by the FMBA of Russia. Another transplant was needed in Astana - we helped patients from Kazakhstan. More than 80 transplantations - not serious. Aje mi were able to fully implement the law on transplantation at the moment when the law on transplantation came out, and you could not doom this day.

What opportunities can FMBA have in the field of organ and tissue transplantation? What are you really planning to develop?

On the basis of the Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia Functioning Center for Organ and Tissue Donation Coordination. There are 16 philanthropists across the country, conducting regular monitoring of the situation with donor organs. Created brigades of non-gay response, yakі vіzhdzhayut on viluchennya organіv. Such a system is no longer available in any organization in our country.

The medical organizations of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia are undergoing transplantation of heart, liver, nirka and pidshlunkovoj slough. Preparations are being made before the transplantation of foldable vascular tissue complexes and kinks.

Today we are running the largest program in Russia for liver transplantation for mature recipients. Transplantologists of the FMBA of Russia, for the first time in our country, performed a split liver transplantation for two mature recipients. What is the first time in Russia for laparoscopic right-sided donor hepatectomy (removal) of the right side for a controversial transplantation. Such operations have been carried out in the world only a few dozen, but only a minimally invasive method, which allows the donor to be recognised.

We hope that such methods will accept the development of lifelong donation and allow us to treat the maximum number of patients. The past year was spent with the specialists of the Viysk Medical Academy named after. Kirov (Petersburg) specialists of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency carried out transplantation of an individual. In 2017, roci launched a heart transplant program.

What kind of nutrition in Russia is in the world of transplantology? How many transplants are still not working or not successful enough?

It’s a pity that, despite the development of organ and tissue donation, Russia is still strongly developing in the Western countries and is changing to the equal ones, which are developing. At the same time, in our country, we stand in front of the food organization and coordination of organ and tissue donation. Weakly osvinene child donation, in connection with which such a category of patients is embarrassed to go to foreign clinics.

– How do you see the future of Russian transplantology? What role does the FMBA of Russia have?

Now we are faced with a large-scale task to increase the number of transplants and the geography of transplant centers. In the nearest future, a transfer is planned at the FMBC im. A.I. Burnazyan's beta-clitin of the podshlunkovo ​​follicle, as it will become a breakthrough in the treatment of cerebrodiabetes.


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