Simple and effective diet according to the principle “Three days of rice and three days of vegetables. Rice, trigger, vegetables - a dietary set for the fight for stringency Lose weight in 3 days on chicken

Type of diet- protein mono-diet

Changing the vaga- 2-3 kg

The term zastosuvannya- 3 days

One of the most common options for a diet on chicken breasts is a chicken diet for 3 days. You can win for emergency weight loss in depressions, if you need to lose the maximum number of kilograms in a short hour. The basis of the menu is boiled chicken breasts without shkiri, salt and spices. If they are, it is allowed to add fresh juices, tea, kava without zucru and zukrozaminnikov to the menu. For the prevention of constipation, it is recommended to live at once from a chicken leaf of a green salad.

Chicken diet menu for 3 days.

For a day, take 500 grams of boiled chicken breast without shkiri, as it is necessary to take it in 5 doses. Lettuce leaves reach the chicken breast. So it is possible to get fresh juices - better than citrus ones. Drink more water throughout the day.

On such a diet, you can throw off up to 3 kg of zavoi vaga.

Suggestions. Chicken diet for 3 days badly tolerated. The trigger gives the swede a bite, the protein in carbohydrates can lead to weakness, headaches, draughtiness. Therefore, at the hour of the diet, try not to overwork and more in the fresh air.

Zirkovy dietitian Margarita Korolova blamed the system of eating, as it helps to streamline the figure in 9 days. Ration of urges to live only three products: rice grains, chicken meat and vegetables. This diet is miraculously given to the girls, who, according to the terms, need to get rid of the centimeters and kilograms that they have come up with, before an important step, or a permit.

The product set at first glance seems to be rather meager, but if you don’t feel any particular discomfort, the living system is composed of a set of three independent mono-diets, which you need to trim according to your needs. Tse means that the menu will change skin for three days, wait a minute, tse tsikavish, lower the whole hour take the same meal. A low-calorie 9-day diet for these women, as if they were serious about taking care of their figure, even if it’s the rule, they should eat it hard.

The well-known Russian nutritionist wins for the slimming of one of the most humane systems, the shards of it were inspired by the living of products from various groups. It helps to supply the body with the necessary speeches for normal functioning. In addition, after changing the diet of the skin for three days, you will not experience the “plateau” effect, the essence of which is in the categorical body of the response to the spalling of your fat reserves on the rapid caloric content of your body. Periodic changes in the menu will help you become shocked, at the hour of which the body is strong enough to accumulate calorie reserves, instead of actively drinking them.

Strimke reduction of the vag is available for the diet of low-calorie and cinnamon for slimming. At the same time, we clean the intestines as much as possible from the slags that have accumulated, to get the most of the life components of the food, then we include in the diet easily digestible protein, then - a complex of vitamins and minerals. It helps not only to get rid of fat folds on problematic areas, but also to streamline the body.

Proper eating on a 9-day diet

The menu includes rice, meat, vegetables, the stench itself will become miraculous tools for a beautiful and toned body. Let's take a look at the report why such a food cat of Korolova's orders for quick, careless and effective weight loss.

For the first three days Korolova teaches to get used to rice, preparations for a special recipe. Take yoga varto in small portions 5 times a day, the rest of the intake is due no later than 20:00.

This product is a miraculous natural adsorbent - wine, like a sponge, absorbing all the products of protein breakdown, blast waste and toxins and removing them from the body. In addition, in the new one there is a large number of brown components for a figure and a healthy one.

The following words enter the rice warehouse:

  • vitamins of groups B, R and E (change nervous system, to help convert calories to core energy, positively pour into the camp of the hair, shkiri and nails);
  • lecithin (improves brain activity);
  • mineral salts (neutralize potassium and selenium, improve water-salt balance);
  • enveloping speech (do not promote the secretion of the mucosa and overexpose the teasing of the mucous membranes).

Recipe for rice porridge

In the evening it is necessary to drink a bottle of rice grains. It is important that it was white and long-grained, but not brown and uncleaned. Fill the cereal with cold water for nothing - to help bring out the maximum amount of starch from it, a kind of weight loss. Vranci pour water, wash rice and cook porridge no more than 15 quills, so they save all the colorful speech.

Addition of salt, zucru and other additives in the preparation of rice and other herbs has been completely cured!

Monodiet on chicken meat - a source of protein for the body

Dietary meat of the trigger to enter the warehouse of bagatioh systems of weight loss. It is valued for those that are easily acquired by the body, shards to take revenge on a small amount of collagen. This product will be korisnim not only for reducing body weight, but also for saving the elasticity of the skin.

Chicken meat includes:

Monodieta on vegetables

This is the final stage of transferring only fresh vegetables. In some variants of diet, how people add up, people's minds, qi components are replaced by an apple, don't trust provocations. Take one day to live, including apples can harm the body, shards and fruits increase acidity, be kind and take care of a balanced diet.

Vegetables are so powerful:

  • natural cleansing of the body for the rahunok of high tissue instead of cellular tissue;
  • trivale nasichennya;
  • vision of zayvoї vologists;
  • rich in vitamins and minerals.


  • 1-3 day - rice mono-diet

All the porridge, like we had from 1 bottle of cereal, should be divided into 5 parts and lived for a long day at the same intervals. In the interim, it is necessary to drink table mineral water without gas, not less than 2 liters per day, but you can’t drink water, rather drink 30 minutes before or after the meal.

  • Day 4-6 - meat mono-diet

It is necessary to make a whole cock, whether it be її parts. The gang of ready-made stravi is not guilty of revisiting 1200. Before living in, we know all the skin and zayvi fat, we mix ruby ​​and red meat, we also dilute it for five parts, like we live it for a long day. Dotrimuєmosya nutritional regimen, like with rice mono-diet.

  • Day 7-9 - vegetable mono-diet

Choose whether you like vegetables, like you love, but unique potatoes. The main additional norm is 800 g. You can cook half of the vegetables or cook them for a couple, and prepare salads with the other part, seasoned with lemon juice. Do not forget about zhu 5 times a day and drink pure water.

A small amount of glucose, which organism is suitable for the hour of diet, may increase the intake to malt. To save the “vision”, you can take a spoonful of natural honey and feed it with water, but don’t overdo it.

Positive aspects of diet

Rice, cock, vegetables - everything you need to lose weight, that diet can be called low-budget. Get the best diet in the heat of the year, if seasonal vegetables are sold at farmers' markets, store products are unlikely to bring measles to the body. A total of 9 days - and you do not recognize your reflection at the mirror.

On a diet with a wondrous name - 3 days of rice, 3 days of chicken (fish), 3 days of fruit (vegetables).
Preperedzhennya: Before that, how to go to the description of the diet, I want to tell you about the care. Diet is not suitable for those who may be allergic to some products that are vicorous in diet, Crimea, this type of diet is not suitable for these people, who suffer from chronic ailment of the bowel and intestines. To help people who are healthy, we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting a diet.

Description of the diet

I would like to hear more about the supra-vital efficiency of diet. Judge for yourself - you will spend up to 1 kg every day, so you can spend up to 9 kg in one cycle. Wait a minute, the numbers are bigger and lower. And the axis yak їх reach mi yakraz at once and rozpovimo.

3 days rice

The first part of the diet is made up of rice. For skin from 3 days it is necessary to charge 250 gr. rice (white, long grain). The recipe for preparing rice is simple: it is necessary to thoroughly wash the rice on the cob (as we saw inconspicuous starch), then pour it with water (we need 0.5 liters of water here) and cook for 15 strands. They gave the rice to be added for 5 hours 6 approximately the same parts, and then take it for 1 day. I will leave a portion of rice to be served no later than 20.00. For bajannya rice can be smeared with honey, but not varto put more than 3 tsp. per day, and the axis cannot be twisted.

3 days of trigger

Another part of the diet, sing-song, can be taken lightly, to the one who eats meat, which is at the great kіlkostakh - 1200 grams of the day. Before living in, it is necessary to steam the trigger, having cut the skin in front. Kurku, just like rice from the first part, should be divided into 5 or 6 approximately the same parts, which also need to be covered by the stretch of the day.

For bazhannyam, the chicken can also be replaced with fish (low-fat, for example, fish), though a day's portion will change to 800 grams in the same way. Before living, fish, yak and chicken, need to be steamed.

For a stretch of 3 days, do not forget to live at least 2 liters. mineral, non-carbonated water of the day.

The meta of another stage is to destroy the body from fat cells.

3 days fruit

Thirdly, the final part of the diet consists of fruits, juices and brown (the best way to get green apples) - 1 kg per day.

For some reason, fruits are not up to you, you can replace them with vegetables. The best way to eat vegetables is green color - cabbage, zucchini. If you want, you can add some carrots, tomatoes and beetroots. Vegetables need to be steamed before being cooked.

Shchob Wee was not robbed, do not forget to live at least 2 liters. mineral, non-carbonated water of the day.

The meta of the first stage is to fill up the supply of vitamins and change the stomach.

Chicken meat is a healthy dietary product. On the basis of yoga, a low diet was created. One of the most effective is a chicken diet for 3 days, about which it can be seen from this article.

Її the main advantage is a quick result. To that, as the next hour may be zahid, on which it is necessary for you to correct your stringency and prudence, boldly victorious triday smoking diet, to lift the figure.

Perevagi diet on chicken meat

The diet is based on the fact that after 3 days, the following is more important than chicken meat. It's rich in protein and revenge little fat. When such a diet is congested, the vaga changes quickly, fat streaks go, especially from the stomach. The figure becomes lifted up, the lightness of Russia appears.

Porivnyannі s іnshimi vysnazhlivimi methods shudnennia kuryach diet for three days є simple and dry. Ale's head is її perevaga - the constant hunger is not felt. Chicken meat has a lot of brown components. It is important that the product is available at a price.

Trident chicken diet recipes

With a 3-day diet, it is necessary to implant only the breast, the shards will not take revenge on cholesterol. Take it in small portions, at least 5 times a day. Dietary herbs can be prepared different ways- boil, steam, quench, smut - shchobi without salt and fat. Lubricate the meat is not recommended. Recipes for preparing herbs for a chicken diet for 3 days of attack:

  1. From the breasts you can cook meatballs. For this, it is necessary to split the breast into 2 later parts, then cut the meatballs across with a knife. Їх слід відбити and put it in a frying pan, pour trohi of hot water and extinguish it under the lid, do not boil the docks. The meatballs will be soft and juicey.
  2. Savory and dietary herbs are vegetables with minced minced chicken. For this cooked breast, it is necessary to twist it through a meat grinder. Cook the vegetables in a frying pan or in a cauldron with a lid, and then add minced meat. Everything, a dish for a diet with a chicken for 3 days is ready.
  3. Vidvarena chicken breast with mushrooms and pineapple tezh є savory dietary herb. Meat is cooked and served with a special garnish.

By the way, you need to drink a lot of water - normal water or mineral water without gas. As you can see, the water sprays the weight. Kava, green tea or herbal infusions - all without zucru. As a side dish, before meat, you can cook buti vegetables, no more than two or three tablespoons. Switch off potatoes. Fruits can be eaten less than unsalted varieties. Bananas, grapes, licorice, pear may be excluded from the diet.

Healthy menu of chicken diet for the day

With a chicken diet for 3 days, the skin is stocking the menu for the ruling court. Here we will show you approximately the same menu:

  • Snidanok: vegetable salad, chicken meatballs 150 grams.
  • Another snack: medium-sized apple and chicken fillet - 100 grams.
  • Obid: 3 tablespoons of buckwheat porridge and 150 grams of minced chicken.
  • Noon: vegetable puree and 100 grams of chicken.
  • Supper: salad with vegetables and chicken breast - 100 grams.

Vegetables and fruits for a chicken diet are selected for three days, following the most significant recommendations. It is necessary to drink, even more often, during the whole day, so that you can drink in the amount of at least 1.5 liters. Dotrimuyuchis such a regimen of eating, you can reach a decrease in the weight of 3 kg by stretching a tridenary chicken diet.

Nedolyki and contraindications for smoking diet

The main disadvantage of this method of eating is those who, after being pripinennya, are afraid of swidka turning to a huge vag. Vtіm, tse is typical for other ways, yakі zabezpechuyut strіmke shudnennya. To improve the process of turning the vag, to improve the process of turning the vag, to take up physical rights.

It is necessary to contraindicate, smoking a diet for 3 days is not recommended for people who suffer from diseases of the liver and liver, shards on the body's diet are not recommended for protein.

Diet, which transfer food products from eating every day, may be very popular among those who are worse. Their main advantages are the simplicity of vikoristannya, cheapness and high efficiency. Tsimi characteristics may and diet 3 days vegetables. It’s easy to finish it, it’s important not to try the rules of drawing and scolding for self-feeling.

Nine days of diet cherguvannya

Use special program weight loss, covered for 9 days of active weight loss. My diet includes only three main types of products: rice, vegetables and chicken meat. And the drawing itself will go through like this:

  • The first three days of the course are worse than ever, including specially prepared preparations for cooking rice;
  • Next three days (another stage) the diet is based on chicken meat (mostly low-fat, breast);
  • The remaining three days (the final stage) are carried out from the cultivation of various vegetable crops and fruits in a clean look.

The classic version of the program is presented above. However, in practice, another one is victorious. Wines are a little reminiscent of the classics, however, on a vegetable day, you can transfer the possibility of living that non-malry fruits.

The principle of working diet

Like and be-yak іnsha program shudnennya, diet three days rice three days vegetables and three days chicken meat may be watery principles influx on the body. We are in front of a low-calorie, to that I create a calorie deficit, which allows you to effectively reduce body weight without physical pressures. However, on the course of power they will not end. Efficiency is true and such tributes:

  1. Rice. By itself, cereals have a calorie content of about 320-360 kilocalories per 100 g in a dry look. V_dvariy product energy value seriously change, and it will decrease to 80-100 kilocalories, so that yoga can be as low-calorie as possible. In addition, rice helps to relieve the body of slagging and cleanse the intestines without harm for health and detox.
  2. Chicken meat. For its characteristics, chicken fillet is one of the best dietary products. It is necessary to compensate for the minimum amount of fat and the maximum amount - protein (about 20% per 100 grams of product). Proteins, in their own line, vicorist as a wakeful material for the renewal of m'yazovoi fabric. In addition, the stench of the situation will help the energy consumption and the metabolism, for which reason the waste of the energy will be accelerated and strengthened. The implantation of one chicken meat with a stretch of three dib can actually change the weight of the body without intermediary for a rahunka of a shortened fat prosharka.
  3. Vegetables and fruits. Qi products are rich in not less vitamins and minerals, but also important for etching and peristalsis of the intestines. Vegetables and fruits tend to be rich, but at the same time they are low in calories. Zavdyaki tsim power products and actively introduce programs for weight loss in a lot of people.

In this way, at the first stage of diet 333 with rice, vegetables and meat, go in to cleanse the body and prepare it for further processes of lowering the vag. At another stage, the fat prosciutto changes, and the body is fed with proteins, the muck tissue changes. The third, final stage, helps to establish the correct herbal processes and adjust the body to further work.

Basic rules for conducting the course

In order to minimize mozhliva skoda for health, and to maximize the potential result of the course, it is necessary to follow the advancing obligatory rules:

  1. Look at the salt, whether you look at it. The kitchen is strong enough to taste delicious, but it may have two main side effects: staleness and the cause of sagging. To the very same, to bring timchasov vіdmova in the form of salt allows you to quickly change the vag and introduce water into the body.
  2. Prepare the chicken less according to the principles of dietary eating. Tse means that before the uninterrupted preparation of the meat, the meat should be allowed to dry out of the skin. The trigger itself is allowed not only to cook, but also to bake.
  3. Look at the shkіdlivih zvichok. Chicken can harm exchange processes in the body. Alcohol to revenge the greatness of the number of empty calories and also may be included in the diet.
  4. Choose rice with a pre-grained, uncultivated pore. Such products have more living words and microelements.
  5. Obov'yazkovo for the duration of the day drink less than two liters of water. At qi two liters are not guilty, daily drinks are included, including kava and tea. You can develop your own form of accommodation in an individual order on third-party thematic resources.
  6. It's hard to beat the day physically right less than fifteen khwilin. Tse rule is to allow to speed up the process of losing weight and reduce the risks of the appearance of lethargy and m'yaziv.
  7. Watch out for fat creatures. The richest fatty acids in the great bones are always in charge of the body of shkodi. That stench is to blame, but they are excluded from the diet for an hour of diet.
  8. Zukor and other subsolojuvachs are also turned off again.

An effective result of losing weight on a diet 3 days rice 3 days vegetables and 3 days chicken meat can be taken only by complying with all these rules. In a different situation, you can not only change the waste of mass, but also cause negative side effects of diet.

course system

According to the classical standard of diet, it is carried out for a stretch of nine days. However, it may be shortened for the rahunka of the other stage from the stoking of the trigger. Tsej variant to a course zastosovyut, as a rule, vegetarians. In all cases, the stagnation of the diet is important to the sequence of steps.

First, drawing stage

For a period of three days, it is allowed to grow in less than rice. In order to prepare a portion for a whole day, it is necessary to boil a bottle of cereals in a small bowl and fill it with the same amount of water, leave it for twelve years. Anger the water, add | add | dip into the grits and cook the product until it is soft, until the wine becomes soft.

Another stage - the trigger

The maximum weight of a chicken carcass, prepared for a diet, can become a second kilogram. It is necessary to remove the skin and cook it in the classic way (the broth is not suitable for the hedgehog). The whole carcass must also be divided into five additions without salt and fillings (less than a small amount of soy sauce is allowed).

Vegetables and fruits

For the whole day, it is necessary to get used to close five-two kilograms of fresh fruits. You can choose whether you see fruits and vegetables for the vlasny court, protely grow up next to grapes, bananas and potatoes in any way you see. The fruits are allowed to be eaten fresh or boiled, stewed, zapkati, prepared salads, seasoned lemon juice. All dobove dozuvannya can be shared also for five meals.

Contraindications and obmezhennya at v_danni

The diet is not balanced. In addition, there are few calories in it, so it is not possible to consume the system of eating three days rice three days vegetables and three days chicken before six or nine days.

The system of living is contraindicated for such problems:

  • Vagity and lactation;
  • expressions deficiency of body mass;
  • Cardio-vascular pathology;
  • Chronic and gastric inflammation of the herbal system;
  • Constipation and diarrhea, disruption of the intestines.

In addition, dorimuvatisya such a suvoroї system of food is not for athletes and people, as they win important physical challenges of the day.

Side effects and possible aggravation

Imovirno, acute chronic ailments, reduced immunity, severe self-esteem impairment, flatulence and intestinal colic, constipation, diarrhea.

The most common negative phenomena, which are called diet for three days of rice and three days of vegetables:

  • Feel more like hunger;
    Energy shortage; chronic vtom;
  • Zapamorochennya, headache;
  • Drowsiness.

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