X-ray technology of preparation and conduct. The order of preparation to diagnostic examinations. Ultrasound of milk follicles

For the X-ray image of the skull, preparation is not necessary (women are responsible for cutting hairpins and hairpins). When removing the brushes, remove iodine from the skins, replace the massive oily dressings with light aseptic ones, and remove the sticky plaster. As if a plaster bandage was put on, you need to check with the doctor, whether you need to take a sign from the bandage or you need to take it. As soon as the gypsum is removed, you should begin to shy away in the presence of a doctor, who, after looking ahead, sees the food for further immobilization. It is necessary to take it well, that without special instructions from the doctor it is not possible to take a plaster bandage, to apply the infusions necessary for the sign of the situation, to transport the sick, without fixing the infusion. These rules may be of particular importance for traumatological or orthopedic ailments, but they should be known to the staff, who watch the ailments of the surgical departments, and sometimes they are held on the bones and snowballs.

For a picture of the shoulder girdle (scapula, clavicle), sternum, ribs, cervical and thoracic spine, it is not necessary to use the preparation.

In order for the cross-krizhovy cross of the ridge and pelvic cysts to look good on the sign, it is necessary that the intestines have enough cleansing, for this the enemas and the famine regimen are necessary.

It is not in vain to shy away - the ailing can be allowed a light meal.

Preparation of ailments and conduction of X-ray examinations of the tube and small intestine

Ailments from normal function the intestine does not require any special preparation before the X-ray follow-up of the drain.

In case of pathology of the duct of the intestine, preparation of ailments and X-ray examinations of the duct of the small intestine is necessary

Illness with normal bowel function does not require any special preparation before the X-ray follow-up of the drain. Follow-up should be carried out in vain.

In case of pathology of the intestinal duct, 2-3 days before the end of the day, the end product is excluded from the diet, which should be used for gasification (black bread, vegetables, fruits, legumes, empty milk). 14 years before the obstezhennia ailments, I take a drink, in the evening I take 30 ml. castor oil, and after 2-3 years Ima give a clean enema with 1-1.5 liters of warm water, infusion of chamomile or a little rosemary (5 g of baby milk). 2-3 years before the due date, re-clean the room temperature enema. On the day of doslіdzhennya, ailments are not guilty of drinking and burning.

For the obviousness of the ailment of the ailment for a large number of rіdina, mucus, surplus of їzhі (for example, with an organic sounding of the extirpation of the pharyngeal duct), next promit the flask for 2-3 years before the end of the term.

With sharply pronounced flatulence and chronic constipation, a cleansing enema is recommended 1.5–2 years before the next appointment.

Preparing for irigoscopy

For carrying out x-ray examination of the colon - irrigoscopy (lat. irrigatio - sprout) - it is necessary to clean the intestines in the presence of gases. Radiopaque speech up to 1.5 l of warm (36–37 ° C) suspension of barium sulfate is injected into the intestine for additional enemas directly in the radiological room.

Contraindications before irigoscopy: infection of the rectum and sphincter (inflammation, swelling, fistula, sphincter fissure). There may be situations, if the patient is unable to avoid the introduction of Ioma Rhidine into the intestines (rectal weakness, sphincter weakness), to perform this procedure without success.

Stages of preparation of the sick to the end:

  1. Appointed 2-3 days before the date of death, which includes food, a bagat for growing tissue and to avenge other speech, which should be taken away by the advanced adoption of gases. It is necessary to include fresh wheat bread, potatoes, legumes, fresh milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, fruit juices.
  2. Ahead of the next appointment, the patient is assigned a light evening (no later than 8 o'clock in the evening). Allowed scrambled eggs, kefir, caviar, sir, boiled meat and fish without seasonings, tea or kava without zucru, semolina porridge, boiled in water.
  3. Ahead of the day before the ailment, give the ailment 30 g of castor oil for internal intake (contraindication to the reception of castor oil - intestinal obstruction).
  4. On the eve of the evening (after 30-40 minutes after the evening), the patient should be given cleansing enemas with an interval of 1 year before the cleansing of clean waters.
  5. 2 years before the date of the patient's arrival, it is necessary to clean the enema also until clean water is taken away.
  6. Dosledzhennya to spend in the future. If necessary, for the doctor’s admission, the patient is allowed to take a light protein snack (low-fat cheese, soufflé with beaten proteins or scrambled eggs, boiled riba), which allows the reflex to pass into the small intestine and accumulate gas in the stomach. In this period, I will clean up the enema in 20-30 minutes after the snidanka.
  7. 30 minutes before the due date, a gas-deployed tube should be introduced to the ailing person.
Oral lavage is the best way to cleanse the intestines before radiological and endoscopic procedures. For yoga zdіysnennya zastosovuyt іzoosmotichnі razchini, for example, fortrans. Fortrans packaging, recognized for one patient, is made up of four bags, which should be taken in 64 g of polyethylene glycol in 9 g of electrolytes each: sodium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride. The leather package is opened in 1 liter of boiled water. As a rule, by taking the first 2 liters, the amount of sickness is prescribed according to the cost for the day, which is before the next; Give another portion in a quantity of 1.5-2 liters on the day of delivery. The drug (intestinal emptying) is not accompanied by pain sensations and tenesmus, it starts after 50-80 minutes after the cob is received and lasts for 2-6 years. Intestinal deformity in case of re-appointment to Fortrans vranci begins after 20-30 minutes after taking the drug. Ingestion of Fortrans is contraindicated for its manifestation in ailing nonspecific viraz colitis, Crohn's disease, bowel obstruction, abdominal pain of unknown etiology.

Computed tomography

Computed tomography (CT) is one of the methods of X-ray follow-up. Otrimannya whether any X-ray image is rooted on different thicknesses of organs and tissues, through which X-ray changes pass. In case of normal radiography, the sign is in the organ, which should be treated, or some part. In case of any other pathological closure, it can be badly visible, or not visualize as a result of the superposition of tissues (overlapping one ball on another). For usunennya tsikh reshkod in practice, the technique of linear tomography was introduced. Vaughn gave the opportunity to take a quick look later on the image. The sight of the ball reaches for a one-hour rush in the opposite direction of the table, on which the patient lies, that cassette with a torch. The next stage was computer tomography, for which the creators of Cormac and Hounsfield were awarded Nobel Prize. The method gives the possibility of obtaining an isolated image of a fabric transverse to the ball. Tse reach for help wrapping x-ray tube from a narrow beam of x-ray changes to the patient, and then reconstruction of the image for the help of special computer programs. The image in the transverse plane, inaccessible to primary X-ray diagnostics, is often optimal for diagnosis, but it gives a clear indication of the organ spiving. For a successful and effective CT scan, it is necessary to check the indications and contraindications, the effectiveness of the method in a specific skin type, to trim the algorithm, which is based on the principle “from simple to folding”. Computed tomography is guilty of being recognized as a doctor for improving clinical data and all anterior follow-up of the patient (in a number of cases, anterior radiography or ultrasound is required). Such a pidhid allows you to designate a sphere of interest, to increase the follow-up of goals, to avoid a follow-up without indications, to reduce the dose of promenades.
  • Computerized tomography of the skull and brain (no preparation required).
  • Computed tomography of the sinuses of the nose (preparation is not required).
  • Computed tomography of skronevy chastices (preparation is not required).
  • Computerized tomography of the chest organs (requires anterior x-ray follow-up, no preparation required).
  • Computer tomography of the organs of the empty stomach (obov'yazkovo anteriorly ultrasonic follow-up).
  • Computed tomography of the sub-sleeve (obv'yazkovo anteriorly ultrasonic follow-up).
  • Computed tomography nirok (requires anterior ultrasound follow-up).
  • Computer tomography of the pelvic organs (obov'yazkovo anteriorly ultrasound follow-up).
  • Computer tomography of ridges and intervertebral discs (requires anterior x-ray follow-up, no preparation required).
  • Computed tomography of the bones and globules (obv'yazkovo anterior x-ray follow-up, no preparation required).
Preparation for CT of the organs of the empty stomach (CT of the subscapular cavity, small pelvis, nirok).
  1. Dilute 76% urographine in 1.5 liters of boiled water in two ampoules.
  2. In small portions, drink in the evening ahead of the day before sipping 0.5 liters of water.
  3. The allowance for the day of the due date is to replace the loan to drink more than 0.5 liters of water.
  4. 0.5 liters (take with you) that you have run out of, drink 30 mins and 15 mins before the next day.
Dodatkova preparation for CT of the small pelvis. Do not urinate 30-40 minutes before the end of the day.

Preparation for magnetic resonance imaging

At MRI emptying of the stomach and organs of the small pelvis is recommended to be taken in the form of a drink 5 years before the next appointment. Special training before MRI of other organs is not required. Contrast in MRI in most cases does not show up, but sometimes you can’t do without it. The contrast is injected at the vein through a catheter, no inappropriate findings are to be blamed for this. MRI-contrast for vagits contraindications.


Mammography- Special X-ray method for the treatment of milk diseases in women with reduced doses of X-ray changes.

The goal of follow-up is the early manifestation of the milk vine puffs. According to the recommendations of the American Cancer Fellowship for Methods for Detecting Cancer Illness, the first time mammography can be broken for women after 40 years, up to 49 years, skin may be treated for 1-2 years, and after 50 years - schory. Mammography helps to reveal changes in the tissue, which is important when looking at that promotion. It should also be used for recognizing inflammatory diseases in the milk cavity, before admitting a preoperative diagnosis for the cause of breast cancer in order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

How do you win the due date?

X-ray signs are seen at a specially equipped office for an additional X-ray machine for mammography. It is better to carry out obstezhennya on the 7-14th day of the menstrual cycle, if the chest is less sore. For women in menopause, mammography is a must at any hour of the day. At the end of the hour, the woman should stand or sit, her breasts are placed between two plates.

Znіmki vykonuyutsya with singing zdavnі milk sill. You need to fight in order to change the dose of the drug and take away the signs of the highest quality. Under the hour of doslіdzhennya, small ailments can be blamed. Call for two skin tests. Dodatkovі znіmki squirm in some vipadkah. Most of all, it is necessary for the presence of scars on the breasts after previous operations, and also, if the doctor wants to evaluate additional details of the structure of the ridge.

Informativeness of the method of yoga between. The method has proven itself well for early detection of breast cancer and is widely used for obstezhennia zhіnok. For additional mammography, the diagnosis of breast cancer can be suspected in 85% of cases, but more importantly, in 45%, the method reveals signs of swelling in the early stages, if neither the woman herself, nor the doctor, when looking around, do not notice the patient. At the same hour, as the doctor shows a bulge in the burrow, and the mammography data are normal, after biopsy of the suspected burrow, the mammography does not show a sign of swelling in 15% of cases. Ring out when the mammography signs are looked through by the doctor. As signs appear, they suspected the development of fluff, the woman asks for a look around before fakhivtsya, which virishuu nutrition about further obstezhennya that necessary exuberance. Even more important is the order of znіmkіv, yakі vykonuyutsya stretching for a number of rokіv. A biopsy, in order to take tissue from the colon for histological follow-up, can be carried out under the control of mammographic follow-up. The reliability of the method is reduced with small breast sizes, it is not carried out in young women, as well as for the visibility of the implant in the milk cavity after plastic surgery for an increase.

Preparing for delivery

There is no need for special training before delivery. Before mammography, it is not possible to use talcum powders or deodorants, as they can cause difficulties or pardons in diagnosis.

Nebezpeki that ukladnennya

Like in case of skin X-ray examination, mammography, it is very small, as a whole, X-ray changes are acceptable. The method does not give any complication.

Qi methods are the most widely used. In clinical practice, there are more and less age-old terms and began in 1895, if the German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen in his laboratory inadvertently saw a special development, as a result of a bad clinical experience. Then came the studies of the French teachings of Mary and Pier Curie. Today, radiology is of great importance, like in the diagnosis of ailments, and in the field of medicine

You can mentally divide it into yakі do not forego the previous training until the next one will require її. So, with skeletal injuries (fractures, dislocations), injuries of the chest and inflammation processes in them (pneumonia, pneumothorax, hydrothorax, pleurisy), special preparation of ailments to obstezhennia is not necessary. Ale, in greater vipadkіv at їх vikonanny, it is necessary for the suvor of the singing to become ill. Так виконання часом дуже інформативного обстеження черевної порожнини-оглядової рентгенографії живота необхідне вертикальне положення хворого, а за неможливості, положення його на боці (щоб виявити вільний газ у черевній ділянці при перфорації порожнистого органу, рівні рідини в кишечнику, наявність рідини у грудній клітці, спеціальні posit the manifestation of the skeleton's weakness - break it too thin.

Vodnocha for spending X-ray follow-up of the mucosal-intestinal tract special training is needed for the sick, as the great world needs to lay down the reliability and informativeness of the results of research. The nature of the її to lie down due to the fact that it was necessary to obstezhit the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. So enjoy yoga upper vіddіlіv(stravochid, slug, duodenum) in patients with normal bowel function, no special preparation is required before the radiological follow-up, so you need to spend the first time. The vranci are defended, whether it be a reception of a hedgehog, native land, chicken. Slid explain to the ailing that the presence of surpluses in the schlunk, can lead to the wrong fold, and the hen before the end, teasing the sliver of the slug, enhances the secretion of that peristalsis of the slug. With sharply pronounced flatulence (bloating) and constipation, a cleansing enema is recommended 1.5-2 years before the next appointment. In case of pathology, the intestinal mucus 2-3 days before the end of the day is excluded from the diet of the end product, which should be used for gasification (black bread, vegetables, fruits, legumes, thin milk).

d.). For 14 years before the obstezhennia ailments, I take a drink, in the evening I take 30 ml of castor oil, and after 2-3 years, I give a clean enema with 1-1.5 liters of warm water, infusion of chamomile or a mile of rosemary (5 g of baby milk). 2-3 years before the due date, re-clean the room temperature enema. In case of suspicion of a ringing in the exit of the duct (stenosis), 2-3 years before the ailment, the ailment should be washed with the aid of a duct probe in the presence of excess ducts. Effective follow-up can be carried out only for an empty hose. As a contrasting speech in the case of an extended slough and a twelve-fingered intestine, barium sulfate is dependent on barium sulfate, 100 g of powder per 80 ml of water are prepared from rosemary.

X-ray examination of the colon ( irigoscopy) to carry out for additional contrast enemas. Zastosuvannya irygoskopії allows you to determine the shape, position, camp of the mucous membrane, tone and peristalsis of other parts of the colon and plays a great role in the recognition of these diseases - puhl, polyp, diverticulum, intestinal obstruction. Under hour її carrying out the necessary cleansing of the colon in the form of feces. With planned preparation, an ailing person is prescribed an easily acquired diet, which does not tease the intestines. For 2-3 days in the evening I will clean the enema. On the day of the due date, I will again give a cleansing enema. Optimum - zastosuvannya Fortrans (macragol), which is the most effective way to improve the intestines from feces. Diya macrogol is surrounded by water-soluble bonds from water molecules in the intestinal lumen. Water rises in the intestines and increases its volume, helping peristalsis and repairing the effect itself.

The drug will gradually evacuate from the intestines at the same time with yoga.

Fortrans is not absorbed by the intestines and is not metabolized in the body, it appears to be unchanged. The preparation of the sick person before yoga is carried out in the following way: . The patient accepts a light allowance for donation until the next delivery. Nadali the patient does not offend and do not dine (only licorice tea). Close to noon, the patient prepares 3 liters of cold boiled water and dispenses 4 sachets of Fortrans into it. Rozchin is taken in portions of 100 ml with such a rozrachunka, so that 100-200 ml of rosemary is lost. Given a portion of the dose, the patient takes a loan on the day of follow-up with such a relapse, so that the drug was completed 3 years before the procedure. Light sleep is allowed. It is not recommended to recognize Fortrans in case of suspicion of intestinal obstruction, stenotic process in the intestines (fluff). As a contrasting speech, the vicorist depends on barium sulfate (from a rosemary of 400 g of powder per 1600 ml of water), as it is best prepared in an electric mixer. To bring it up to the temperature of the body, it is necessary to administer it for additional enemas.


The follow-up of sich paths (urography) includes examination (before the contrast is blocked) urography, excretory or visual (internally introduce contrasting speech, as you see with nirks and make visible sich veins: nirks with balls and cups, sechovodu). the drug is injected through the catheter directly into the sieve, or instilled at the nirk balium in order to complete the entire sich system - from the nirk to the sich mihur inclusive),

Urography assists in the preparation of the intestines, so that the accumulation of gases and feces does not override the manifestation of stones in sieve paths. Before looking at the sign, the nirok for a stretch of 2-3 days is switched off from the sickly gas-producing products (black bread, potatoes, sauerkraut, legumes, licorice fruits, unsweetened milk and in), do not prescribe salt-carrying. On the eve of the evening, clean the enema from warm water with infusion of chamomile. 3 years before the due date, repeat the cleaning of the enema. In case of X-ray follow-up with contrasting speeches, in order to eliminate iodine, a sensitivity test should be performed the day before the procedure.

In case of an allergic reaction, follow-up is contraindicated. On the day of the due date, you can allow the sick person to drink a bottle of tea with a piece of white bread. In front of the old sich paths, it’s not necessary to zmushuvat the ailing, but on the contrary, to recommend you to walk. 30 minutes before the end of illnesses, the presence of gas in the intestines is checked radiologically. With a large amount of gases, repeat the enema and, after 45 whilins, shy away the sight of the eye. Tsim intermedium preparation to the survey urography, the task of which is more than at the revealed nirk shade (behind which one can approximately judge the camp or the size of the nirok) and great stones. At excretory urography to inject at the X-ray room intravenously, a water-expanding contrast agent is required. Internal administration of the drug is carried out by the procedural sister of the ward department. When carrying out excretory urography, a radiologist's examination, a charge from ailments is guilty of rebuvating a drug, ready to give additional help in case of a non-allergic reaction to contrast speech. Sound at the internal introduction of the ailment, you will feel a weak pain, or a liver stretch of the vein, sometimes hot in the mouth. Tsі vіdchutya shvidko pass. The next thing to remember is that extravasal extravasal introduction of certain contrasting speeches can lead to thrombophlebitis, necrosis of the fatty cell. In case of retrograde urography, contrast speech is injected through a catheter at the sieve michur (cystography) or through a special catheter in the nirkov ball. Let's take X-ray signs later. After taking the urograms, evaluate the position, rozmіri and the shape of the nirok, the camp of the cup-and-pelvis system (the presence of deformities) and the sedges (change of clearance, the presence of calculi), sich mіkhur (signs of adenoma of the anterior ridge), determine the functional nirokzdatnіst.


Preparation of ailments and conduction of X-ray examinations of the duct of the small intestine.

How is the preparation of the sick to the X-ray follow-up of the duct of the small intestine?

Ailments with normal bowel function do not require any special training until x-ray follow-up.

In case of pathology, the intestinal mucus 2-3 days before the end of the day is excluded from the diet of the end product, which should be used for gasification (black bread, vegetables, fruits, legumes, thin milk). For 14 years before the obstezhennia ailments, I take a drink, in the evening I take 30 ml of castor oil, and after 2-3 years, I give a clean enema with 1-1.5 liters of warm water, infusion of chamomile or a mile of rosemary (5 g of baby milk). 2-3 years before the due date, re-clean the room temperature enema. On the day of doslіdzhennya, ailments are not guilty of drinking and burning.

For the obviousness of the ailment of the ailment for a large number of rіdina, mucus, surpluses of їzhі (for example, with an organic sounding of the lateral ventral stool), next promit the stool 2-3 years before the end of the term.

With sharply pronounced flatulence and chronic constipation, a cleansing enema is recommended 1.5-2 years before the next appointment.

How to carry out X-ray follow-up of the duct and the twelve-fingered intestine?

How contrasting speech is when X-ray examination of the duodenum and duodenum vikoristovuyut hung on barium sulfate, yaku prepared with rosemary 100 gpowder for 80 ml of water.

Preparation of ailments and conduction of X-ray examinations of zhovchnoy mikhur and zhovchovividnyh paths.

How is the preparation of ill people for radiological follow-up of zhovchnoy michur and zhovchovividnyh paths?

For X-ray follow up most often there are two main methods: cholecystography(X-ray follow-up of zhovchny michur with anterior oral administration of a radiopaque preparation) and cholegraphy(X-ray follow-up of the bile ducts from internal injections of contrast speech). Before carrying out cholecystography and cholegraphy, the patient is obliged to take a diet for 3 days in order to prevent flatulence (excluding gray cabbage, black bread, thin milk). The accumulation of gas in the intestines, giving a rounded center of enlightenment in the X-ray image, can be superimposed on the shade of the chewing mіkhur, making it easier to correctly interpret the data that are removed. Special obov'yazykovyh cleansing enemas, so just like that the title of "fat snidankiv" ahead of time is not necessary. Cleansing enema to put less for pronounced flatulence.

How is cholecystography performed?

In case of cholecystography of ailments, one should take a radiopaque iodine preparation (cholevid, iodine and in) in advance with a dose of 1 g per 20 kg of body weight of the sick person, washed down with licorice tea, and 0.5 g through the skin 5 times a day. Contrasting speech, touching the liver, is seen from the stomach and accumulates in chewing michuri. At the same time, the maximum concentration of the drug in zhovchnomu michuri is observed after 15-17 years after taking it; Since cholecystography is recognized at the age of 9-10, the drug should be taken the evening before 17-19. It is necessary to get ahead of the ailments about the possibility of the appearance of nudity and a rare deformity after taking the appointment of radiopaque preparations.

The coming day to sing x-ray signs (roentgenograms) of zhovchny michur. How to carry out analysis of radiographs of zhovchnoy michur?

In the analysis of radiographs, the intensity of the tint of the zhovchny mіkhur, its shape, size, camp, visibility or the presence of deformities, calculi (kam'yan) and other.

How to carry out the follow-up of the rukhovo function of the chewing mikhur?

For clarification of the rukhovoї function of chewing michur, the sick person is given the title of zhovchogіnny snіdanok (2 or 20 g of sorbitol in 100-150 ml of water), after which, after 30-45 whilins (more often serially, through the skin 15 whilins), repeat the tests soon chewing michur.

How is holography performed?

When conducting cholegraphy, contrast speech (bіlіgnost, bіlіtrast аnd іn.), as it is also seen with the liver and the contrasting zhovchnі ducts, should be administered internally. In order to improve the possibility of allergic reactions on the cob, administer intravenously a test dose (1-2 ml) of 50% of the difference between whitegnost and whitegrafine, warmed up to body temperature. For a day after 5-10 minutes of allergic reactions (sverbіzh, chills), it is necessary to administer the main part of the drug. More intensive duct filling occurs after additional administration of 0.5 ml of 1% morphine to the sick person. The onset of images is carried out after 20, 30-40 and 45-60 minutes after the introduction of a contrast agent.

How to analyze radiographs of the bile ducts?

On roentgenograms, assess the expansion, contours, lumen of the intrahepatic liver ducts, the presence or presence of calculi in them, clarify the concentration and transient functions of the gallbladder. For more accurate identification of the gallbladder duct, internal cholegraphy is often supplemented by X-ray examination of the duodenum ( duodenography).

What are the contraindications for cholecystography and cholegraphy?

Cholecystography should not be performed in case of severe liver damage, increased sensitivity to iodine, but cholegraphy. moreover, - with acute inflammation of the zhovchny ducts, which flow with elevated temperature (cholangitis), pronounced hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Preparation of ailments and carrying out X-ray examination of the colon.

What method is used to carry out X-ray examination of the colon?

X-ray examination of the colon (irrigoscopy) carry out for the help of a contrast enema. Zastosuvannya irygoskopії allows you to determine the shape, position, camp of the mucous membrane, tone and peristalsis of other parts of the colon and play a great role in the recognition of її lіznih illness of puhl, polypіv, diverticulum, intestinal obstruction.

How to prepare for irigoscopy?

For the preparation of a sick person before irigoscopy, in the yoga diet for 3 days, they turn on the hedgehog, which will relieve flatulence, prescribe porridge, kissel, scrambled eggs, meat and fish products. Three times a day, give internal infusions of chamomile, insert a gas tube;

Ahead of the day before the ailment, give 30 g of ricin oil before the meal, in the evening, give a cleansing enema, or rather two with an interval of 1 year. Sick do not supper. Give the sick person a light snack and again put 2 cleansing enemas.

How to carry out X-ray examination of the colon (irrigoscopy)?

As a contrasting speech, the vicorist depends on barium sulfate (from a rosemary of 400 g of powder per 1600 ml of water), as it is best prepared in an electric mixer. To bring it up to the temperature of the body, it is necessary to administer it for additional enemas.

Preparation of illnesses and carrying out X-ray follow-up of the sieve system.

How is the preparation for the X-ray follow-up of the sieve system (urography)?

For 2-3 days, before looking at the sight of the nirok, they include grub-sick gas-producing products (black bread, potatoes, sauerkraut, legumes, licorice fruits, unblended milk and other), do not prescribe salt-carrying products. On the eve of the evening, clean the enema from warm water with infusion of chamomile. 3 years before the due date, repeat the cleaning of the enema. On the day of the procedure, ailments are not guilty of eating and drinking.

In case of X-ray follow-up with contrasting speeches, in order to eliminate iodine, a sensitivity test should be performed the day before the procedure. In case of an allergic reaction, follow-up is contraindicated.

How the procedure is carried out urography?

For 30 hvilin before the end of illnesses, the presence of gas in the intestines is checked radiologically. With a large amount of gases, repeat the enema and, after 45 whilins, shy away the sight of the eye.

In case of retrograde urography, contrast speech should be injected through a catheter at the sieve michur ( cystography) or through special catheters in the nirkov ball. Let's take X-ray signs later.

Preparation of ailments for radiological follow-up of bronchi, trachea and thoracic cavity.

How is the patient prepared for bronchography?

Bronchography- ce radiological examination of the bronchi and trachea for additional contrast speech. During the preparation time, the sensitivity of the sick person to iodine preparations is changed, postural drainage of bronchial tubes is increased, respiratory, bronchorrhagic diseases, antibiotics are prescribed. Before the procedure, atropine should be administered subcutaneously, if necessary, popolphen, seduxen.

What are the features of the procedure?

Bronchography is carried out under general anesthesia or general anesthesia.

After the procedure for 3 years, do not give the sick person food.

Catheters for the supply of contrast speech are sterilized with boiling water.

How to carry out X-ray examination of the chest?

Examination of the chest (radiological and radiographic) should be carried out without special preparation of the patient. p align="justify"> The method of photographing X-ray images on swimmers 7x7 cm or 10x10 cm is called fluorography.

Tsіl. Radiography is carried out with a diagnostic method. Metapreparation is used to prevent gasification and bowel cleansing.
Contraindication. The overworld mass of the patient.
Technique of preparation for visual radiography:
1. For 1 - 2 decibels before the end of the patient's eating, turn on the products that call gas:
bread, milk, legumes, apples, grapes. In case of flatulence 3 times a day, give chamomile infusion or 2-3 tablets of carbolen.
2. Ahead of the next day, the other half of the day is surrounded by the reception of a home.
3. On the evening before that, on the day of the due date, give a cleansing enema.
4. On the day of the follow-up to the end of the procedure, the follow-up to the patient cannot be taken to that motherland.
5. After 45 - 60 minutes after the bowel movement, it is necessary to deliver the patient and his history of illness to the X-ray room. The patient should be advised to urinate before going to bed.
Notes. In some patients, they are deprived of snidanok. After finishing the history of the disease, they turn it around.

Preparation of the patient for internal urography.

Tsіl. Follow-up is carried out according to the method of diagnostics. Metapreparation is used in the prevention of gasification and bowel cleansing.
Indication. Illness of the sechovivid system.
Contraindication. Sensitivity increased to radiopaque speeches, to avenge iodine (allergic reactions); contraindication before setting a cleansing enema
Equipment. Radiopaque speech: verografin, urotrast; possession of an x-ray room.
Technique of preparation for internal urography:
1. For 2 - 3 days before the end of the day, the patient's diet should include gas-producing products: milk, black bread, legumes, thin apples. With flatulence, the drug prescribes Carbolen 2-3 tablets 4 times per doba.
2. Ahead of the next day, the other half of the day is surrounded by the patient's mother.
3. Evenings and vrantsі 2 years before the next date, the patient should be given a cleansing enema.
4. Until the appointed hour of the patient, that history of illness is delivered to the X-ray room.
5. At the x-ray room, the procedural nurse is responsible for intravenously injecting the patient with radiopaque speech, which is well seen with nirks, at a dose of 25 - 40 ml 30 - 50% difference. Let me take a series of X-ray images.
6. The history of illness is turned to the end after the end.
Note. Before the introduction of radiopaque speech, it is necessary to reveal an allergological history in the patient, blazing on iodine speech. Before the appointment for 1-2 doses, the patient's individual sensitivity to iodine is checked. For someone else, it is more appropriate to inject 1 ml of verografine intravenously and watch for the patient's reaction by stretching the doby. With the appearance of vermin, undeath, kropivyanka, tachycardia, weakness, decreased arterial pressure, blockage of radiopaque speeches is contraindicated.

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