How can you call a widdel from the top dress. How to name a women's clothing store. Golovne, vrakhovuvati deyakі aspects

No wonder they say that Moscow is a place of majestic opportunities. Zavdyakov to finish the great clothes of shops in clothing, buyers can change it like a woman's, so a man's wardrobe. Also, on the shelves of fashionable boutiques near the capital, you can find original and inexpensive children's clothing, which will allow your child to look more impressive and beautiful. A list of clothing stores in Moscow, the schemes of travel and other things can be recognized from the article.

The best names at sensational prices are the ones you'll find when you buy from Burlington. Think of a brand-name lady's dress from brands you love, and designers like you don't want to buy anything. You can subdue your fashion addiction for a small fraction of the wares of other retailers.

Name for the youth fashion store

Burlington can live fashion for everyone. Styles that are on trend, such as rural blouses, maxi-cloth, remaining in women's denim and rich other. Abo, as more than an hourly wardrobe, Burlington also has classics. Cloths for shirts, pants for work, blouses, backs and more. Burlington also carries the name of the women's choice plus a wide range of fashion and other fashion.

To the most popular women's stores man's robe you can see a number of outlets of such brands as STEILMANN, MEXX, ZARA, LACOSTE and many others. Boutiques STEILMANN give to the choice of their customers only the best and affordable women's clothes from Germany.

Women's clothes shops in Moscow: list and description of boutiques

As already mentioned above, Moscow is a place that includes a number of different shops inexpensive clothes. Most brands are aimed at an audience of possible buyers from 18 to 25 years. And the axis of the smaller stores sell their goods to the choice of more mature buyers in a large number of 25 and more.

Special costumes, like to shine and freeze, as well as women's boots and accessories, so that you could create clothes that make you blind. Chi, maybe it's your day to call the gym, and then we'll win the handover? Learn from our brand-name training selection. We have outerwear and trousers, which will give you a stylish old look in gym or after him.

Work hard, wear Burlington with your women's clothes and save it. Vlasnik Bill Hallman stocks his policemen with vintage and one-of-a-kind clothes from local designers for lower prices so that new tags can be changed for more. "Malyuvannya": labels "luxury" luxury class and miraculous service - the axis of such specializations is the store of the bag charging companies Jeffrey Kalinski.

How to choose the right clothes for yourself? What is the next respect for the choice of choice? What are the stores and clothes of Moscow, a list of some of the possible refurbishments, which are the most optimal and inexpensive? Tse that richly else can be recognized from tsієї stat.

Father, shops woman's clothes in Moscow (list i short description brand):

What is the name of the child's clothing store?

Go to the list of e-mail to the store to dial the request. Foaling: If you can't get to work before the store closes, ask Rebecca Penner and Laura Macris to call. The stinks continue their anniversary, so that you can close the cloth for your date.

Advertising - Continue reading below. Nichiya: there is no peace in this boutique. At Greenville, in the rooms for the bedroom, put a mini-fridge! In the middle of one of the first stores, like if Martin created Marjila and Marni, Blake love to develop and develop great graves at the sphere of fashion for shopping, as all life goes on. The only shop in the state, where you can wear the lines of Jason Wu, Takuna and Isabel Toledo, to rob yoga with natural magic.

  • ZARA is the brand that specializes in deliveries fashionable clothes for the target audience vikom vіd 18 to 25 years. All products from the nearest stores are available. The boutique also has a program of seasonal sales and discounts for late purchases.
  • LACOSTE - not only women's shop, even in the new є goods and for the cholovіchoї part of the population. This brand has proven itself to be the most trusted and trusted one for an hour. Most of the goods were given to looking at shirts and polo.
  • STEILMANN is a women's and man's clothing store, which includes all kinds of brandy in the world of fashion. At the boutique you can buy for yourself or as a gift only some original and original clothes.

Naturally, not the entire list of popular stores and boutiques of women's clothes in the capital, but in the new refurbished and available points of sale, which sell less of the same goods. The list of clothing stores in Moscow includes many different brands.

Prices are cool, but clothes are practically supplied with a guarantee of turning the head. Fillinger to bring his stylish sensibility to the little boy's shop in a short Pivnichnu region with a shop equipped with vintage lamps and antique ottomans. Be aware of the international lines, like you don’t waste a day in the States, like Willow, Losselian and De Couture. Nichiya: don't let the tourist name fool you.

The foundations of Humanoid get such listeners as Julia Roberts and Naomi Watts. Ale leather, the buyer may be important. Nіchia: spys of Danny Masterson and Ilariya Urbinatі verify at the service. Designer: Kristen Chi know what to wear clothes without accessories - like a cake without ice cream - new turbulence? The white walls demonstrate a constant collection of unique features from nearly 70 different new and independent designers, such as Zanzan and Wunderwall.


As already mentioned above, the ZARA brand is one of the most popular and demanded to the current world. Bagato girls and women are encouraged to upgrade their wardrobe themselves in this boutique. What is the reason for such popularity? Vіdpovisti on the food chain is not important. On the right, in the fact that ZARA boutiques offer their purchases not only the same goods, but also special offers at a discount and sales of the rest of the collections.

Naming and name generation

American clothing store. Foaling: Yew for life here is 30-50% smaller. Colors and products are tested at the store, so you can find items that will never go to the main market, or simply do not come to regular outposts. Register in the online store to get a behind-the-scenes look at how everything is broken.

As long as the Scout collection is on sale in another area, you'll know here that it wouldn't be there. In addition, the high price range satisfies all budgets. 20% reduction for all areas. Check your clothes at the bright palette for prices, which will fill you with some spare changes that will damage your tourism fund. Buyers love that the three French founders of the same brilliance are more likely to marvel at the flattering smoky of Paris, available in the States, for the right price.

How do I get to ZARA stores in Moscow? The most popular address of the local boutique can be entered as follows:

  • Chervona Square, GUM.
  • Prospect Vernadsky 6, shopping center"Ramstore-Capitol".
  • Sheremetyevskaya street, shopping center "Ramstore-Marina Guy".
  • Square of the Kiev railway station, TRC "Evropeisky".

ZARA is a boutique where you can know whether you are rich, starting with a simple accessory and finishing with a perfect rank.

The stinks also demonstrate paintings on the whitewashed walls to the store and the master's art, evenings with a drink and an oxamite sack. Nichiya: We have signed a signature under the brand name, but the women’s styles were enough to get us to this store, but there is one more reason: it’s one of two places in the USA, de shukana line Killah, is sold by Japanese street clothes.

How can I guess the original name for a clothing store?

Mark of Oscar Adams, which was specially designed to meet his clients. There is also a music bar where the buyers can hear and mourn the melodies of the melodies of the artists. "Nichcha": Karen Elson, model of the "White Smug" squad "Jack White" this year has shown this vintage store clothes with stylist Emily Patterson.


LACOSTE Vіdomy brand, which viroblya firm shirts and polo. The store is known for its wide popularity among young people and people of age 30 and older.

LACOSTE - a chain of clothing stores near Moscow (list address):

  • Chervona Square, GUM.
  • Manezhna Square, TC "Mislivsky Ryad".
  • Square of the Kievsky railway station, shopping mall"European".
  • Kolorovy boulevard, 15.

Buying speeches for the LACOSTE brand, you don’t hesitate about the purchase!

Obov'yazkovo vrazіt їхнє without cost service for special purchases, if you see it. Foal: Do you want you to be able to pull your clothes out of the ZPS? You can shop at any store, for the rest of the decade, the top picks from the podium of purchases have been brought.

This boutique showcases talented, new designers, ready to take the world by storm in a gallery environment adored by stylists. You will also know clothes, accessories, cosmetics and whiteness according to your favorite designers - from 35 to 65 pcs. The combination of shop-salon-gallery is similar to the Olympiad of fashion, in which the best talents from the earth are selected.


STEILMANN - a family of women's boutiques and a man's clothes from Nіmechchini. The brand gives its customers less of the same and affordable goods for the price.

STEILMANN - Merzhezhі shops and clothes of Moscow (list and directions):

  • You can buy goods of this brand in the department store "Meta" on Marshala Biryuzov Street.
  • Warsaw highway, shopping center "Retail Park".
  • Vulitsya Vavilova, trade complex "Gagarinskiy".

STEILMANN is a defiantly hopeful and misunderstood brand with purchases, both a woman's and a man's outfit.

Pardons when choosing, name the store clothes and vzuttya

With. Porom troch pokhitnuvsya, ale znahіdki lost. Appropriate fashion products are made available by trenders like Kate Moss. I don't miss the slippers! The global lancer has built its own name, selling light, beautifully priced violins and footwear, luxury items, so like cashmere lamps in tickets, I’ll work in Skіltiv bags. Vlasniki respect that yarliks, like wearing stench, grow together with them, you can always turn to the quiet lines themselves.

Youth clothes shops near Moscow: list

To the most popular stores in the middle of the youth, you can already carry refurbished brandy clothes, such as STEILMANN, LACOSTE, ZARA and many others. However, there are few similar boutiques near the capital.

Shmatki, yakі zapovnyuyut mustache n'yat mіsts near Manhattan, - tse designers, yakі roam headlines on Tizhnі modi. Vaughn sells those known items, which will be resold here. You will take away cheap Mondays and other hot knowledge for 60-80 dollars less, lower retail price, at a cold, but handy place.

S. to sell Gemma Degar from Barcelona and Emily Kaziz from Paris. Don't check anything trendy trendy. Natomist think about the fabrics in the sleepless pores, to inspire the wardrobe. Today, you will find sewing machines that sew around 30 different, most importantly, designer propositions in the middle of the day. Vlasniki Hank and Bruce Grinberg represent daily high-class brands from a near-nearby place.

Otzhe, youth clothes is to include simple style, comfort and originality. To similar stores, the products of which are oriented to the younger generation, you can save like this:

  • "Stylish thing." The boutique includes all the necessary things for young people: comfortable clothes and affordable clothes. The store is located at the address: Lyublinska Street, shopping center "Mar'insky Passage".
  • GLORIA JEANS - it's important to get the brand and demand from the modern world. The store promotes the choice of buyers of all goods, starting with denim shorts and finishing with original jackets and vests. A retail boutique near the shopping center "Sonyachny Rai" on the Borivsky highway.

Youth clothes - the most popular lace on the world market for sale.

Day calls are often sent to them for the entire seasonal wardrobe, those negodniks, like in two years here they can viconate those who would have taken two tizhnі strips from New York. A member of the certified staff having tried all the options in the store, the stench is ready to help you in the perfect match. Check to know Susie Ferchajdl's line-man, who will wear his faceless vintage costumes.

Apply in the distance the names of the shops in the clothes and that vuttya

The dressing room is equipped with a damp chandelier and a blue curtain from the curtain. Don't forget to check out my designer Julietty Roger expensive stone- the same place in the city, de vi yogo you will know. The stench can be more widened, lower in other places, but in the Valley there are boutiques for clothing, which can compete with the best of them. But do not worry, we have chosen here 10 favorite boutiques near the valley. Take a reading, and then press "Pop".

Internet shops

As you can see the success of online shopping, you must be able to speed up the network of online stores, to guarantee fast delivery and easy payment methods. These online boutiques can be reached by and Ozboro. The rest store specializes in selling clothes from American, Korean and Japanese varieties.

Your onset of falling in love with little things can be a little less than a lifetime. Frances. Depending on what you need in the beginnings, to revive the old reserve equipment, ideally embellish, to complement your new top, or cloth, like obov'yazkovo more or less, you will find yogo at Francis. Rarely do we enter Francescu from a special list of favors. Ale, she, we don’t say anything. You will need to get to the bottom of yourself to find out what is true. Take a couple of modern working boots or a nice ring with a geometric ring to complete your assignment.

Human clothes

Boutiques, oriented towards buyers from the human half of the population, rejoice with their streaming style and numerous positive vibes.

Also, a list of clothing stores in Moscow for people and their special needs:

  • MEXX is not only a man's boutique, it has goods for both women and children. The store is filled with its own yak_snimi and over-the-top goods, which do not waste their power after a few years: do not sit, do not stretch and do not sew slanting seams. The store is located at the address: SEC "Atrium" Zemlyaniy Val, as well as at the SEC "Pyata Avenue" on Marshala Biryukov Street. The boutique has special offers for regular customers and seasonal discounts.
  • Pimpollo gives people outerwear, hats, and more at an affordable price. The boutique is located on the Altufevsky highway.

This is not the whole list of people's clothing stores, but it also includes only a few re-arranged and available outlets.

Antiquarian tsukor Just remember that they just don’t shy away such speeches, like they sounded, grab their hamanets and binoculars and break into the antique tsukor, which we should think about Mecca in the center of Phoenix for a vintage dress. As soon as you finish dressing up the stitches, build up the bandages, and then wear them into accessories.

At a chic shop, women's clothes have everything, to put on clothes, to meet with friends with a blazer Riz Rili on cloth by Marie Hoffman, so as to make your offensive titles offensive. It only left me to say: "Long live the Phoenix General." Fashion by Robert Black. The city has shops for clothes and clothes for consignment clothes, and then Robert Black's Fashion. Harvest shmatki, like black ones, to choose for your store, on the vіdmіnu vіd shogo, scho you know in another place in the city. If you are there, look at the purple number at the back and tell us better.

Child clothes

Baby clothing stores in Moscow, the list of which will be given a troch lower, are popular among young mothers and children. The assortment of such boutiques is breathed without middle, the quality of fabrics, most of all, in the preparation of a child's clothes, only natural natural materials, as well as shops selling goods at an affordable price.

It's not surprising, how important it is to know the clothes that are suitable for petites. But be ready before you get excited - this little market is growing richly. From great designers to niche online boutiques, 35 retail merchants, as you are guilty of buying the next day. Ellison Idyu quickly realized how designers go to a miniature frame. At 52 won, she put her name on the market with her own special brand, which is specially intended for more short women.

The beauty of anthropology is those that are out of the question for the little ones. With a full release, most of the sold items were distributed - only short versions of their collections. Now you can enjoy these very things, but there are others. Take from yourselves hoary tricks and designer tricks. On 5 1 Reese Witherspoon conveys her full charm and little frame to Draper James. The collection promotes small roses, as if to give priority to petites.

Popular baby clothes stores in Moscow (list and addresses):

  • "Ship". This store has its own inexpensive goods and a wide range of assortment. Here you can find the cream of a child's clothes and soft toys to develop kilimki and something else. The store is located in Moscow on the street Zelenodolskaya 44.
  • "Karapuz" is a majestic boutique of a child's clothes and accessories. Raztashovaniya near Moscow on Kavkazsky Boulevard.
  • "Child Rome". This store is dedicated to young mothers for a variety of goods, we use natural materials, so as not to tease that allergy to a child's skin. Vіn znahoditsya on the street Lukinska, budinok 5. In any store you can find whether it's an accessory and an item of clothing for new people.

Children's shops near the capital give seasonal discounts and sales to buyers. The list of clothing stores in Moscow, more than that, includes re-arranged and other retail outlets.

Creating a business from scratch, you can think over the leather stage, transfer the possible failures and risks. In the middle of these important moments, I would like to pay special attention to the choice of naming your store, naming it as a functional wine in the Internet format. It directly infuses the process of attracting clients, shaping a positive reputation of the business.

How to name a women's clothing store - options

Choose to name a woman’s robe for a shop - an important manager, who often gets little respect, but this aspect is far from being the first. The best thing is to name professionals in the field of naming, branding. Ale, even though the financial station of the reception-pochatkivtsya does not allow you to pay for their services, you can try to independently create a name for your store dressing. Varto remember about obov'yazkovі vimogi before namenuvan (the stench is relevant for the enterprises, yakі vyrishili).

  1. Be positive.
  2. Easy to remember.
  3. Garni warehouse and originality.
  4. Positive associations.

Visually, nasty names are taken, as if they are added together with letters, which for their crosses go beyond the row, for example, a, o, n, s, t, do. r, b, d. It is important that the presence, the over-importance in the words of the voice “i” creates an enemy of another row, insignificance. If the name is folded more or less from 5 signs, it cannot be mastered. In order to ensure the growth of the sale and to improve the accuracy of the work of the staff, the next thing is to give special respect. Most often choose a linear-functional (management can only be appointed by one dominant person), and it includes a director, an accountant, a senior salesman, a waterman, a cleaner, sales consultants. Ale ce orienting scheme, the skin slate creates an organizational structure under the concept of his business.

Choosing a name for a women's clothing store, you can win this way:

  • z'ednati warehouses from the names of the founders (Marko);
  • add to the title or name off (Kreatiff, Brukoff);
  • create an abbreviation or shorten the word (Tata vid Tetyana, TIK - Ty and Beauty, BTB - Be the Best or Be the best);
  • choose a description name that calls out positively (Fashionista, Your Style, Mister Chic, Elegant, Luna);
  • binding to geography (shop of beach clothes Malibu);
  • vikoristovuvaty a group of words (“MaRUSiya” - emphasis on the root “rus” for analogy with the word Rosiya and the Russian names Marusya);
  • create a neologism (importantly call on those that new words want to be 100% original, but be forgotten more - Rassana, Majestic).

To choose a garniy option, name the clothes for the women's shop and increase the chances of success, if you do not varto vikoristati deyaki go:

  1. Take as a basis the names of relatives, relatives (Olen's store, Karina's showroom).
  2. Vigaduvati folded names, like foldedly remember, remember, as not everyone can comprehend this mind (Minerva is the goddess of wisdom in Roman mythology, Miscellaneous is at the translation of english movie means "confusion").
  3. Change the sound of brands, imitating the process of creating neologism (for example, Abibas).
  4. The name is not guilty of Viklikati of the Nesmotsi, the borders of the tractuwan (the debut is old by the Assotziyvatystoy, Vidsutsetya Dosvіda Roboti, the name of the Zhilocho Cholikogo Divine, the dumpy, the diet , Tsatsa).
  5. Named the store according to its profile, status (viviska Royal does not harmonize with the industrial district, shattered the facade of the house, or on the other side of the house), as well as the place, the hour of that concept of business (selecting the name Passage, next, they know that scho zadnuє 2 streets, and if you don’t mind, then choose the same name not varto).
  6. Vykoristovuvaty foreign words, which have long since become loud, banal (Chercher la femme, Violette).

Okrim far away, call the Vlasnik Bazhano to think creatively. Vіn may be concise, cіkavim, pіdshtovhuvati client before purchase.

How to name the store of a man's clothes?

I’ll choose a dress for a person’s store, respectfully respect the interests of the target audience, voice on the one that evokes positive emotions and trusts. In order to find out, as far as possible, the option is chosen, we can conduct a small test among potential clients. Name the store is very much like that, the sophisticated one was harmonious, the concept, the style of the Piddrimism, was the same half -titskiy (to a little trade, the point of the style - not the luxury of the Duma) , Provocateur). It is also better than the unique banal names: Cavalier, Don Juan, Fashion for people, Shop for a man's clothes, Zovnishnist. The store of a man's clothes can be called, for example, Stilyaga, Estet, Casanova, Your style, Forward, El Bravo, Oscar. Let's give you the opportunity to express your right to the support of an informed franchisor and not to think about the choice of name (for example, you can sp_vpratsyuvati z 7 Camicie, TOM TAILOR, VD one and іn.).

List of clothing stores

If you ask a person, you know how many brand names you know, singly, about a dozen will be named, but only 2-3 will be the first to spit in memory. Those same stand and specialize enterprises, like clients see at their place. It is important to say something to the lungs and at the same time I will name what I will remember. Obviously, for a successful sale of clothing to the store, recognition of the brand, it is necessary to expand and implement an effective advertising campaign, even though it is not called a guarantee of success in itself.

We suggest you look at some of the original options for the names of stores in women's and human clothes (they can also be used for online trading platforms):

name woman online store clothes can be laconic, imaginary, positive, not calling out ambiguous associations: House beautiful, Сarino, Best Brand, Lady Mart, Brand Factory, 4 seasons, Fashionista, Charm, Fashionable thing. Ale krіm tsgogo it is important, schob naming vіdpovіdal equal tsіn, the assortment of the virtual trading maidanchik, bіkovy, social chinniki was insured. It is important to register variant spellings of the domain name. Bagato who is listening

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