The largest engravings of the verstatobudivnaya gallery in Russia. Russian verstatobuduvannya: thorny path to success. The market for metal fabrication in Russia: current trends

Statue of V'yacheslav Yakovlev - a cerifer at the plant "Kubanzheldormash"

For the pіdbags of the exhibition "Metalworking 2017". Objectively, without embellishment, that creak.

All the ZMI, social services and mailing lists once in a while tell about those who in Russia don’t have a lot of work.
Russian verstobuduvannya is reborn! Laying out "Zrobleno in Russia" will soon be out of the competition market. TOV "STAN" is a light leader. Dilova Russia, VEB, officials in suits for the price of turning cartridges Rohm, magazine "Smart Choices", journalists. At the STAN booth, young lads work, they don’t know what a rich cutter is, but they get more pennies, lower instrumentalists of the 6th category in Kolomna, Azov, Kіmrakh chi Sterlitamak. Zagalom, we don’t see the attributes of modern industrialism and the prosperity of modern Russia for people who perceive “Russian industrialism” through the prism of federal ZMI and sites like “It’s grown with us”.
There is no work in Russia. Won died. The axis for you is the description of “STAN” at Wikipedia: “STAN is a Russian integrated company for the design and production of a working environment. Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation D. V. Manturov, calling STAN a “serious private engraver” russian verstatobuduvannya».
I think that the best description cannot be invented. Vidminna and even more “relevant to sound” characteristic for a made-up corpse with pomaded lips in funeral caps. On which stained and stained billions from the state budget under the look of "pryatunka, pidtrimka, help, inspiration" thinly. And absolutely everything is in the gut, you can’t turn the plant to life. If you don’t believe it, let’s turn around in five years to the same. There will be a lot of criminal inquiries about the sighting of bankruptcies on the NDDKR and everyday life, official bankruptcies of enterprises, the change of TOV to PAT and PSHIK on the way out. Fakhіvtsyam do not need a check, stink and know everything.

Twenty-seven Rocks of Japan at the Summit

And in what situation do you overwhelm the Japanese easel industry? Haven't Japanese companies been stuck with the same share as their American colleagues? Chi є japonska іndustrіya vverstatіv imminent decline? Verstats are often referred to as "mother machines". The stench is an invisible part of the process for everything: from cars, planes and trains to everyday objects, such as mobile phones, cameras and yearbooks. In fact, these machines are for the preparation of components of other machines.

I don’t want to go deep into the evidence and, more importantly, super girls with these “managers”, as if they are mastering pennies from the budget in a big way. We must know the undertaking of "SAVMA", if the pride of our workbench. On the sent, you can get a real camp right at the top of the beauty.

These elements were needed for the adoption of the new economy in ten years after the war. Z ієї digits Japan was another for the size of China. Nimechchina was the third. The three lands, at once, dominated the market in Rest of the Rocks. Japan was left in the first month for twenty-seven years, so far.

USA and European companies in the 1970s

The American system of warfare and mass warfare has become the head emblem of the economy, as a miracle, and hello to the light. In the 1970s, American publishing companies were an invisible part of the American system. Gleason, a maker of gear grinding tools, planted on the 15th month, was the only one who appeared from the USA on the longest list, which was dominated by companies in this country.

Even more bravura and galas, moreover, the stand "STAN" impresses foreigners with its scope. There is nothing more to fight Aje. I stood for 5 hvilin standing at the stand and listening to that madness, as if there was a young lad and a girl in suits reading to the mikrophone in the intimate shop. They briskly reported about the successes of STAN, talked, built a unique milestone, created the first milestone in Russia, blew the whole world at a milestone. Zvіsno zdivuvuly, more so typing in the world passed 50 years ago. And those backwaters of the SRSR robbed them in the 90s of the last century. Vzagali nothing, krim rozdratuvannya, the stand is not viklikav. Black design is suitable for typesetting, as it was not destined to be known to be stuck in the people's state. Before the speech, at other stands they said that they gave 160 million rubles to Italians for the design. All the while, I wanted to pamper, the skils already swelled pennies from this mіkhur. Cry, what are the lads doing with their hands. If I’m sorry that I’m for the promotion and promotion of guillotine knives, giving more than 200 thousand (tіlki for rigging!) to the organizers of the exhibition “Metaloobrobka”, and also the styles for the rosettes that were written on the frieze, it’s scary to show, skilki vіddav “STAN”. Ale, they don’t get a penny there, which is normal for those who win the names of the largest radian-based business enterprises, it’s not enough for the economic allocation of funds from the federal budget. I would also like to have mercy. At the exhibition, people whispered that the top representatives of the fourteen of the "import substitution group" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade wanted the STAN group's lobby. Zavdyaki why the garniy portfolio of investments has an amount of approximately 1.7-2 billion rubles. Well, well, the primus’s accommodation needs to be done for real help, but all the same, the installation of the USC, UAC and KTRV is more like a piece of equipment for the patient, which has been lying with the coma for 30 years. To the point, on the market of a livable possession, the prices have risen, if you buy the old ones in bulk, slacken the modernization and sell it under the eye of the new ones. Tsikavo, who is it?

Japanese and German domain threatens China

Europe also had some virobniks. European technology was synonymous with precision and precision, and Japanese brewers fought for the security of technology with European companies in the 1960s and 1970s. Although the names were saved as trademarks in certain ways, most of these companies actually ceased to be recognized as independent entities. Nіmechchina, like before, is overrun by the biggest competitor of Japan in the galley of the workbench. Japan began to be seen in the first half of the 80s.

I am a primal Russian virobnik, fanatical. So it turned out that up to 40 years I saw practically the whole color of the light workbench. Grinding backwaters Studer, Ewag and Reishauer, Gleason-Pfauter backwaters, all Mazak backwaters in Japan, backwaters in Italy, Germany and Austria. I can do more for others, as I work in their workbench industry. I myself buy a lot of possessions in the whole world. Every once in a while, every once in a while, a Russian worker did not turn up until I saw a plant for the production of "wonderful" sights. I am miraculously aware of where our verstobuduvannya is known and without the removal of machines of competitors it is impossible to destroy the city, not to compete. Unfortunately, there is no such task. With all the aggravated situations, I really don’t want to depict people who are widely seen in our living room. Thanks to Nelidovpresmash, SASTE, the Middle Volz Machine-Tool Plant, TBS, NAKAR and rich others, who survive, try and grow up in the country, no one needs industrialism.
It would have been better, I'm a Russian maker, I'm the same savior of the Russian typing industry, which is reborn, but once again, no one has sent the STAN catalog of typists. Garazd, I won't talk about empty.
I want to signify that a lot of light leaders took the crying stands and all for presence. Despite the fact that they have one versat koshtuvatime 6 times larger, lower than the old one of the entire Russian verstatobuduvannya, the stench modestly hung on the stands of 6-10 square meters. You can understand, the market in Russia is miserable. We buy new possessions from state-owned corporations. Too many people buy "crookedly" from the urahuvannyam of sanctions, but to buy impressions, otherwise it will be impossible to do anything, because our military-industrial complex has more great work in European, Japanese and American possession of the SRSR. So, for certain values ​​of bloodlines, which are to be brought during the radyansky hours from the hardest work of their own, practically all the complex technological operations in the military-industrial complex and on the bulk were carried out on the import property. All the fairy tales about import substitution are too much for the electorate, fakhіvtsі razumіyut, scho zamovnіkі v produktsії, espe- cially viisky, can be vikonat only on a modern high-tech installation, like in Russia it does not vibrate. Type of word ZOVSIM.
I would like to point out that the laying-out is a fundamental bogus. Tse on the right of the sovereign vaga. Virobnitstvo zasobіv virobnitstva - the foundation of an independent state. Ale, one on the right, rozdmuhuvati cheeks in front of zahіdnimi and skhіdnimi partners, and zovsіm іnsha robiti on the right.

The first country was successful, as it successfully implemented numerical control methods at its workbenches, and the price of innovation allowed it to overturn European and American companies in the next hour, as they were still friendly with the idea of ​​​​creating machine-functional folding.

Dynamics of the development of metallurgy versatility in Russia

Zagalom 37 out of 143 refurbished companies are Japanese. For Japan go Nimechchina with eighteen companies. Tsі dvі kraїni mayut great prevag before reshta. China has lost only six companies. And at a glance, the Chinese production of craftsmanship cost over chotiri millions of dollars more, lower Japanese. Vrakhovuyuchi number of the Chinese population and the expansion of its infrastructure, it is obvious that the majestic Chinese market will overturn the already mature Japanese market.

Cover. Duje. І soromno for the show. Unfortunately, the promises of Russia are the same today.

From our side, we’ve mastered the “working table”, already the Turks and Chinese have begun to win the market of mechanical guillotine knives, we sell the simplest peeling-grinding tools, on the way there is a stand for testing grinding wheels. The exhibition showed that all our main machine tool workers simply rivet the nameplates on imported machine sets. It's marvelous that, under the circumstances, everyone has gained status. Russian virobnik". Ale tse is already nourishing to the people, as if behind the planting I destroy the industry, and behind the fact "carry projects."

Even though there is not a lot of unbelievable hope, China may sing-songly become a world leader in the selection of versatility for the nearest one. Japanese typesetting is especially strong in the areas of high precision, folding and processing of folding cutting materials. It is possible that Japanese fabricators will no longer be able to represent China with a look at the quality of manufacturing, but Japanese companies will continue to stand out as handy leaders in high-quality, folding technology, processing and processing of cutting material.

Prote diversification on a scale between markets for Japanese and Chinese publishers continues to grow in the future. It’s too early for the quality of the Chinese versatility to be improved, and the Chinese, like for the versatility, so for the quantity, show up in what they occupy positions, de Japanese versatility are corrosive. The decline in American manufacturers was not only due to the boom in Japanese companies.

In 2016, roci completed its own subprogram "Razvitok vіtchiznyany workbench and instrumental craftsmanship” of the Federal Target Program, as she started her work in 2011. Subgram (PP) bula razrahovana on the suttєve growth obsyagiv verstobudіvnoї galuzі.

The curator of the implementation of these plans was the Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation.

Importance of the automotive industry

The stench was also weakened by the storm of anger and anger that followed the chaos of conglomerates in the 1960s and 1970s. It is important not to think that Japanese companies were sued for that very share. Small 1 shows the layout of the international market. The Japanese craftsmanship of the versatility embraces a wide range, from a wide range, which is connected with the expanse and sailing, to the wild components. Compilers of components will supply details to manufacturers. Dali down the pyramid - the great base of companies equal 3 and equal 4, as if they were not members of the association.

До початку реалізації ПП в Росії налічувалося близько сотні верстатобудівних компаній, обсяг продукції, якою ледве покривав десяту частину (це офіційні показники, а тому цілком могли бути ще й прикрашеними) потреб російської економіки в верстатах та інших інструментах для створення промислової продукції з високою доданою вартістю . For obvious reasons, such ostentatious people were clearly not satisfied with them, as they were like Russian industrial production. It was necessary to work hard to give machine-building in the country at least some kind of impulse to develop after two decades of fasting fall.

The total amount of capital investment in the automotive industry was 1.62 trillion. Ієн, scho vіdpovidaє 21, 6% of the condition of the general industry. Investitsії at the verstat to become less than a small part of the sum. At first glance, it doesn’t look like a 60% staleness in the automotive industry, but even if we include the equipment for the components of the equipment for the cars of the global category, the electric equipment for the precision equipment for the automotive industry, then the industry of the warehouse is close to 60%.

The consequences are obvious: the Japanese industry is heavily structured in such a way that it will stagnate, as if the economic downturn has contributed to the automotive industry. This is a strong, and a weak point of the Japanese craftsmanship of versativ.

Under the implementation of the subprogram, it became clear as an increase in the number of industrial workbenches, and the development of the entire complex of machine-building, including NDDKR from the development of new models in the workbench and the creation of new work places in the industrial workbench. The total amount of funding for the implementation of the subprogram segment was transferred to less than 50 billion rubles (before the beginning of the implementation of the PP - about 1.7 billion US dollars). Of these, close to 52% - the cost of the federal budget.

Mіtsnі japanese vyrobniki verstаіv

As a result, the order of these countries is violating the incentives for the development of the wet automobile industry and is trying to freeze Japanese products, zastosovuchi laws, like accustoming the components to either verstats, vibrating in the wet lands, Japanese veneers of the versatility will appear without spirals. Nearly 200 companies in Japan perform the estimating, including 77 out of 92 members of the Japan Association of Publishers and 27 of the 37 members of the Association of Publishers of the Bank of Japan.

The beginning of the implementation of subprograms on the “civilian” level actually went down with the beginning of the implementation of plans from the redesign Russian army. About 3 trillion rubles were transferred to the development of the development of the workforce within the framework of the modernization program of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation until 2020. The sum is more low serious, and it inspired positive optimism about the fact that the verstobuduvannya in Russia is still going uphill, moreover, it’s even better.

Together with companies, if not members of any of these organizations, 200 companies make up the Japanese craftsmanship. The companies have expanded their versatility there in different ways. Other companies have created joint ventures from European virobniks. These companies use cutting-edge technologies in Japan to try and develop important market segments there. Other companies are expanding their operations, manufacturing high-current layouts and components for high-current layouts in Japan and manufacturing impersonal machines for mass production across the cordon.

Some of the results of the PP “Development of the brewing industry and instrumental craft”, as it actually appeared as a part of the project of military-technical modernization, - we will try to figure it out.

And it’s not easy to do this, although for those reasons, that 2016 will end more than 3.5 months ago, and data about the implementation of a part of the federal government program for the fortunes of 2016 is not presented officially. At the link with the cim, it was supposed to, navіscho run ahead - well, pokat zvsіm not rich, tidzhen-another - marvel, vіdpovidalnі "comrades" and represent the zvіt implementation of the PP and for 2016 . From now on, it would be possible to analyze what is there from the program of typing. And why the axis has a problem - it’s possible to get a boulo b, the yakby is not one miracle aspect. On the site, which publishes the popularity of the implementation of a different kind of federal target program, there are a lot of pidbag data not only for the minutes, but for the past (2015) r_k! Postaє pitanya: but how is it so? - How many more checks for zvіtnіst schodo implementation of the "implementation" subprograms of the FTP?

Figure 2 Outstanding variety of Japanese culinary versatility

Dzherelo: Association of Publishers in Japan. The results were hostile. Japan can look over food vartosti. In an era that changes rapidly, it’s important to talk about it, as if it will be in five years, but companies, which have no uniqueness, can’t afford the necessary qualified personnel and stand idle in front of the few market trends, for hours, to push against them, many years. Japanese makers of metalorizal versatility can only successfully solve the problem, but they are often blamed for it.

Vіdpovіd tse zapnіtnya v deshcho veilovanіy forms represented by people, yakі zvіtnіst schodo FTsP published. Z'yasovuєtsya, scho pіdpogramma, declared under the full name "Development of the vytchisnyany verstobuduvannya and instrumental handicraft", actually punished the long life in 2014 roci (shone less, zvіtnostі z that hour - nіyakoї). The very fate of the fuse of the federal financing of the PP zіyshov nanivets, and the subprogram itself, like a manifestation of strategic importance, punished long life. The axis of the graph is the table of budgetary financing and the so-called cash flow, which is “hanging” at the moment on the site. As you can see, the remaining 32 million rubles (which could not be left behind the program) were seen three times ago.

About machine-building of the future

The author sees another company. Editorial Director Kanagata Shinbun and Nihon Sanki Shinbun. For his 35-year career, he made approximately 3,000 copies of versatility and koristuvachiv in the whole world. Russia is already working on the first steps in direct technical independence.

From the other side, which time the order has been crossed from the beginning to the right: a new law, which regulates the replacement, can gain the ceremoniality of that lit. In the spring, right after the introduction of sanctions against Moscow, Russian government replaced imports with one of the priorities of the economic development of the country.

And tse data about those who planned the machine-tool production in the Russian Federation were blamed by individuals, as they created the paper version of the PP, and to such results came the gallows.

Refinement of warehouses in the PP for the obligations of products, which are released at the warehouses of the warehouses, - 4.5 ths. until 2016 rock. And the axis of popularity behind the results for 2011-2016 is zero or zero ten. So either the ministry of industry and trade of data from that drive, or the data, but about them is either good, or nothing ... So far, nothing ...

Aeronautics and machine building. It is true that Russian companies are already active in the construction of aircraft, including the design and manufacture of air systems. However, it is simply impossible to organize the production of the singing possession in a short-line perspective. This aspect was criticized by the critics of the project - it was necessary to lie in the import. "For now, I can only get one American screw, Washington has the right to block the sale of this year to third countries." The Spaniards got stuck with this problem, if they tried military-technical cooperation with Venezuela.

Refinement of the ordering officers of the PP on the introduction of pressure on the creation of virobnicheskih plots from the release of the development of technological facilities for machine-budding virobnizstva - 672 per river. This is a plan, but a fact, and in this case, there are no data for the future of the implementation of the subprogram.

For the period from 2011 to 2016, it was planned to create 17 new systems of science-based component parts, which will ensure the viability of the feasibility of recognition. Vikonano of them - 9 (2012 and 2013 rocky).

Tim is not less, Russia is already working on the first steps in direct technical independence: the first commanding center, which is responsible for the design of the possession for civil and military aircraft, as earlier they were imported, recently having built their doors in the country.

The market is growing, the share of imports is declining

As far as other types of transport, Russia is completely autonomous in transshipment transport; the country can also independently produce important vintage cars and buses, and at an unpredictable turn of high-speed trains. Metallurgy and naphthochemistry.

Plan your computer systems automated design, Rozrahunki, modeling, technological preparation of virobnitstva, support of the life cycle - 45. Vikonano 26.

Plans for the construction of systems with a hinged recognition for the production of parts without mechanical processing - 22. Viconano 19.

Plans for the creation of instrumental systems - 14. Created - 11.

Like in the aerospace industry, the Russian craftsmanship still cannot become self-sufficient: the factories of the country in a given hour provide only 5-7% of the drink for the whole key industry sector. that the role of the state is of paramount importance in this world - it would be impossible to start such high-tech sectors as aerospace, atomic industry and electronics without state support.

Naphthochemical companies of the country also take part in the import substitution program. Today, Russia imports maybe 60% of acrylates, which they save. Tim is not less, the country is more important than wheat to mild wheat and to that it is embarrassed to import durum wheat, as it is necessary for the production of high-yield pasta, in Denmark, less than 15% of wheat, cultivated in Russia, is durum wheat. Russia wants to finish the “Swedish” meat - for example, the trigger, or maybe the mother of the deyaki problems with the yalovichina, as it will require a long-term investment.

For the sake of justice, vikonanі, and navіt chastkovo revikonani plans. For example, we reconsidered the plans for the implementation of the project of forging and pressing machines with CNC, which lie before the technological possession of the hinged recognition (plan - 8, fact - 12).

Zvіtnіst until the song hour by publishing the Department of state-sponsored programs and capital investments of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

However, in the security room itself food products Russia is the most protected. In this hour, the Russian order is expanding financial instruments to support the industry of the country, including short average effective rates for loans for general companies from 12% to 4.5-5%.

A Word to the Viysk Promises

Vlad also create a fund for support. Pochatkovy kapital Fund stock from 0.8 to 1.4 billion. That short-term import, caused by devaluation, has become the main driver of economic growth.

Vivchennya realizatsii pіdpogramami to produce even one cіkavogo fact. The Federal Register of State Contracts rozpovidaє, that the contract plans were for all the terms of the implementation of the program, but the real contraction did not last for two years.

At 2014, Rotsi, Yakim, go through the Ostanniy “Slid” Zvytnosti Z FCP, Miniger Promoslovosti I Torgіvli said, Scho Derzhinvestovannya in the Galuz to go to the RIVNI 5 billion ruble for the perioode of the Rocks, at the Central Hospital of the Private Rynvesty Ruznoye Runs.

Denis Manturov:

For the first time until 2020, a part of the number of programs developed in Russia with numerical program management on the domestic market will increase more and less losses, which will accept the modernization of industry and the development of a competitive Russian workbench.

Everything is wonderful, but it’s all about the checks of 2020, so that you can announce your results, as if I’m wondering about the implementation of the subprogram, what has already completed its work? It is possible that in the rating tables of the main working powers of the world, our country (due to the presence of state programs and specialized ministries that supervise their implementation) is still in the third decade. And if she claimed the first place in the world ...

On the basis of aphrodisiac business, they speak about surcharges, which are steadily growing, due to the fluctuations of the workforce.

Zakrema, about the growth of obsyagіv viruchka, the largest Russian worker - STAN, that can sim prommajdanchikiv from Moscow and Kolomna to Azov and Sterlitamak. Among the deputy heads of such companies as Russian Railways, Roskosmos, Rosatom, Rostec holding companies and others. It’s more stable to talk about those who will drink on the bench in the country in a great way, and who will drink today is clearly not satisfied with the propositions of the state. I want the propositions to be sufficient for their own quality and quantity, why do we want to check the same fate in 2020, so that we can marvel again at the drive of the "used" zvіnostі? Chi all the same varto rozіbratisya s real efektivnіstyu FTP at once?

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