Yaku production is produced by a heavy-duty production plant. Viniknennya and the development of a business workbench

Russian verstatobuduvannya passed the trivaliy way of its development, the first nizh nabulo of modern rice. The cob of this path can be carried until 1712, if Andriy Nartov, a Russian mechanic, vines, is equipped with a self-propelled caliper. Pavlo Zakhava, Yakiv Batishchev, Oleksiy Surnin, Lev Sobakin wrote their names in the history of Russian verstobuduvannya, they created old, tirsi, sverdlilny, and other types of versatility.

Vitchiznyan majstri rozroblyali as mekhanіchnі, and th optical fittings. These first images were prepared during the reign of Peter I in the optical workshop, as was organized by the emperor. 1726 commemoration of the awards of the Department of Optics at the Academy of Sciences, as well as the foundation of an optical workshop, ceramics, which was created by M.V. Lomonosov.

The first Russian undertaking to manufacture typesetting for metalworking steel, which was founded in 1790 in St. Petersburg. In 1815, the release of boules of taxes at the Tula sling factory. It is significant that, for example, in the 19th century, a lot of industrial machine-building enterprises began to issue a list of other products that were produced by them.

Historical documents show that in Tsarist Russia from 1914 to 1917 there were only 80-100 thousand verstages for metal processing. The strimke growth of industrial production, as it appeared in such blinds, like metalworking and machine-building, was swayed by the industry of the people's state. Verstatobuduvannya near the first rocks radianska vlady actually created anew. On May 29, 1929 Stankotrest was created by fate: the whole day became the official date of the vindication workbench gallery. Until 1932, lathes, grinders and other types of work were produced by the most specialized factories; ahead of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war Our country already has 41 such plants.

Describing the stages of the development of the art-making workbench, it is impossible to forget without respect the creation in 1933 of the ENIMS - Experimental Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgical Workbench. In the ENIMS itself, for the first time in Europe, the bagato-spindle aggregate layout was broken up. A colossal contribution to the development of the workbench was made by VNDII - All-Union Scientific and Advanced Institute.

In wartime, two main goals were set in front of the workbench galuzz - to increase the release of products and improve their technical characteristics. Minsk, Ryazan, Kolomensky, and a lot of other manufacturing plants were put into operation. In the 70s of the 20th century, the release of CNC layouts was improved, the number of models of these became close to 60, with more than 40 models, the possibility of automatic tool change was small. Wide-width nabula was used for electrochemical and electrochemical methods of metal processing, as well as a wide-width processing for light change.

At the beginning of 2017, Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the development by the Cabinet of Ministers of a new program for the development of the defense industry complex for 2018-2025. Until then, it is possible to improve the technological modernization of the production pressures of defense enterprises. Purchases of foreign possessions make the international conjuncture easier. At the same time, the Russian workbench galuz, at the thought of saving її products, do not worry best hours. The history of the fall and the revival of the gallery, the thoughts of critics and the plans of the working integrators, and the help of the guardians of the defense industry - in the overview material of the site.

They tapped from below: a historical anti-record like a demonstration in the fall

After changing the economic models from the holding plan for wash your mind the verstatobudivna gallows slumped in a deep crisis. Through a deep economic shock, having fallen into a drink on the typing of the middle of the main spozhivachіv - mashinobudіvnyh enterprises. At one time, at the undertakings, the spivrobitniks spent their qualifications, they were worn out, they went under the hammer for fatigue, ran out of pennies.

At zero fate, the agony of the Russian workforce continued. Key virobniki went bankrupt and burnt down projects. One of the rich applications is the "Moscow plant named after Ordzhonikidze", on the large territory of what is now a business center.

The post-crisis 2009 rіk became the bottom point, if the number of prepared verstatіv reached the historical minimum. According to approximate estimates, about 40 working enterprises ceased to function for an hour - about a quarter of them Russian vineyards. Organizations that saved themselves were rebuked in the zhalyugid camp.

Short-term drafting: 1990-2009

In the meantime, at the world’s machine-building, the possession became foldable and intellectual, behind the cordon, the new generation was being made up. Scientific and technical developments, caused by paralysis of the Russian workbench, formed the fallow land of foreign virobniks.

The order of having revered for the fall of the Galusia in 2007 roci. Todi Denis Manturov, at that time the intercessor of the minister of the Ministry of Industry and Energy (the champion of the Ministry of Industry and Trade - ed.), first voiced the idea of ​​​​creating a working holding in Russia. It was said that the corporation under the name "Rosstankoprom" united the holdings of the Galuzev enterprises for the creation of a "point of folding", after which the private pickers would voluntarily leave the warehouse.

Todi Robocha Minpromenergo rolled about Namir at the Basi Profit University "Stankin" Hold Ingingi-Ingovy Center, to the head of the Yaky Uvil, the NDDKR for the subolassment of the technologic vidstavnia at once, we are in the buttic to the buttes,

The engineering center at "Stankini" was recognized by the news, 2008. Created on the basis of the conceptual developments of Manturov's work group, the first government structure, "RT Mashinobuduvannya", appeared three times later - in 2009. On the foundation of the 2013 "Rostec" company, having created "Stankoprom" - "the system integrator of the Russian work bench".

Like before, I don’t see

First of all, I will explain in order to explain why the system integrator has a sense of molding, it will become clear at that hour.

The low profitability of the Russian enterprises of new developments in economic and organizational minds, which has changed: in 2007, the magazine "Expert" wrote that close to 80% of the income of the enterprises of modern enterprises was repaired by the old ones.

On the right, in the fact that during the hours of the planned economy, the working backwaters were built in a closed cycle of production - most of the components for the possession were prepared in the middle of enterprises. Through the technological streak of the 1990s, such an organizational model became prohibitively expensive.

The leaders of the light industry reformatted the galuz in such a manner that, with the help of a selection of scientific components, they took up the local centers of competence. So, electric spindles are produced by one company, turrets by another, bag-and-screw gears by a third, CNC systems by a fourth. Zreshtoy, pripriyemstvo at the rest of the stage, it’s not enough to select the workpiece from the finished parts.
In Russia, it became apparent that there is no one to cooperate with, and there is not much to choose from. The current base of components vibrated a little. In their own line, "dіdіvskі" verstati daedalі less tsіkavili potential buyers.

A side effect of the Galuze crisis is that a bad reputation was formed in Russian products: choosing between imported and local technology, slowing down the hiring of the first. My economy is called "an unfriendly forecast for drinking."

So the food was called by that call of the robot of managers, spіvrobіtnikіv vіddіlіv zabutu and marketing specialists in the production plant. Varto, however, respect that he had a hard time in the minds of the competitive pressure of high-tech manufacturers from one side and Chinese dumping - from the other.

Added to this problem, which made all Russian promislovs sore, with an influx of fresh personnel, as well as a high credit rate for enterprises on the level of 17% - and we take into account the information about those that represented the workbench in the other half of zero.

Private Russian companies didn’t want to invest in the gallery, but for foreigners, there would be some sensation for everyone at that time, no matter what. Only the state was deprived of the most important contribution to the situation.

Starting the mechanisms of the holding machine

The detachment started to active activities at the turn of the decade. In 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Trade developed a conceptual program for the reanimation of the gallery. Vaughn took away the title "Development of the craftsmanship and instrumental industry for 2011-2016". The financing of the fivefold program was 26 billion rubles.

The leaders of the program were the creation of the minds of the serial production of a competitive industrial establishment, the organization of the production workshops of the current release, and the creation of the creation of system integrators.

Good integrators are necessary for inducing a cooperative lancer between the full range of components in the component base, as well as meeting the needs of customers in this variety of nomenclature. Deliver ready-made products to the deputies - the head of the integrator.

State corporation "Rostec" undertook to supervise the integrator under the name "Stankoprom", which was the intercessor of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Glib Nikitin pіznіshe at the branch of "Komersant", calling him "an agent of the state".

In 2017, turn to the structure of "Stankoprom" to enter science centers, engineering structuring company for the release of vaping strains. Krym tsgogo, іntegraru to lie vrobnichi ploschі ta obladnannya, yakі holding zdaє zdaє stankobudіvniki, zokrema, "Savelіvskomu mashinobudіvny zavod". The fierce press service of the Tverskoy Oblast told the plant that the plant had taken a package of zamovlen vіd vіyskovskih promislovtsіv totaling 900 million rubles.

The protectionist came in as the other directly robotic power. To be praised in the fierce fate of 2011, I praised the order for the defense of the buyers of foreign possessions under the defense industry complex for the good fortune of the state for the obviousness of Russian analogues. For the tribute of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, obsyag іmport on the Russian market versatіv v і roky syagav 90%. In addition, in 2011, the program for the modernization of the defense gallery was launched and it was clear that the growth of the capital was increased for the improvement of the acquisition of enterprises.

Protektsionizm and the creation of sovereign graves without depths, with a further increase in scientific and technical development in the advanced lands. To improve the situation, the state invested 10 billion rubles in government programs in the NDDKR.

In addition, the programs included the development of imported production know-how through direct purchase of technologies, the development of cooperative links with foreign manufacturers and the localization of foreign production in Russia. For this order, announcing the creation of work clusters in the lower regions of the country: in the Urals, in the Ulyanovsk, Rostov and Lipetsk regions, as well as near St. Petersburg and Tatarstan.

Stimulation of localization has borne its fruit to harvest shvidko. The Japanese company Okuma launched a warehouse manufacturing plant in Kovrov, the Indian Ace Manufacturing systems came to the Perm region, and Kovosvit came to Azov from the Czech Republic.

The strategy in a row suggested that I would first encourage foreign investors to create enterprises from the selection of versatility from components, prepared behind the cordon, and further to get to the localization of the formation of Russian universities.
One of these "come" enterprises, the German-Japanese DMG-MORI from the Ulyanovsk Ministry of Industry and Trade, in spring 2016, was given the status of a Russian picker: 70% of the components for typography are produced by Russian postal workers.

In 2013, having launched the project "Machine-making" - the concept of combining two industrial enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the engineering "Baltic Industrial Company". Partners of the cooperation have created a Russian brand under the name F.O.R.T. from the vlasnoy nomenklatura line.

In Nareshti, a small business enterprise was consolidated around the Stan holding, which was formed on the basis of the Sterlitamak verstobudivny plant. Before "I'll Become" the virobniks from Kolomna, Ryazan, Ivanovo and Moscow have successively gone.

Typesetting: 2009-2016

Vtіm, do not varto be quiet. Behind the words of Andriy Kostenok, intercessor of the director of the company "Balt-System", which produces CNC attachments, in 2016, Russian enterprises produced about 250 automated layouts, and the price is a very low indicator. But again, in 2013, roci in Russia made 133 typesetting with CNC, so it could be smaller.

Shhoroku order zbіlshuє fіnansuvannya galuzі. So, in 2015, 1.5 billion rubles were added to the budget, and in 2016, the increase was already 2.7 billion. ).

On the eve of 2017, Vasyl Osmakov, the intercessor of the Minister of Industry and Trade, announced that the government should direct the development of the gallery development strategy to the 2030 year. The emphasis of the document should be on the "development of components and components, which are not already installed at once." Osmakov also did not turn on the private re-profiling of defense enterprises, so that, possibly, he would be engaged in the preparation of versatility of those components for a new program.

Chi is not shameless. Whom do you criticize for what?

Regardless of the order of the day, pessimistic moods are most often circulating among the camps, and the reputation of Russian enterprises is becoming ambiguous. The cross-experimentation of the deputies and the post-chief officers of the military possession made it possible to understand that it is important to develop more dynamically.

Spivrozmovnik to the portal of the St. Petersburg defense plant "Arsenal", which encouraged it to be left anonymous, having criticized the camp of the "daughters" of the working holding "Stan". In other words, the Ivanivsky plant has not released new products for a long time, demonstrating at the exhibitions one and the same versat, and the Ryazan enterprise is rebuffed by the Western country.

At the Ivanovskoye verstatobudivny zavod, this commentary came in handy. "The plant practically does not work. We knew the investors, so. Only these investors, I believe, for the second time, the unique enterprise was destroyed. On the 1st of December 2014, the plant let out "Stan" LLC two times. People come to the plant, but the robots can't ", - the site told the correspondent that the site was on the receiving end, as well, for reasonable reasons, it was decided to preserve anonymity.

For this reason, the holding "Stan" is called its key supplier of the Joint Shipbuilding Corporation. The press service of the USC on nutrition about the most technologically advanced in the country says: "The light position of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is able to introduce products to be prepared on the territory of the Russian Federation, for example, to lay the Kolomensky plant of an important workbench."

The shipbuilders also announced that in the spring of 2016 near Kolomiyya there was a meeting of the chief engineers of the USC and "Stand", for the pidbags of which side they signed a protocol on mutual cooperation.

The press service of "Stanu" correspondent's website explained the criticism that the company is the most important gravestone in the market. For the tribute of representatives of the holding, the products of "Stanu" borrowed half of the Russian work bench.

Crimean management, explore other different areas. One of the spivrozmovniki site, CNC layout operator with 20 years of experience, saying that he cares about Russian systems. automated design that reshta "software" is non-competitive.

The problem of personnel is becoming urgent. The commercial director of the Simbirsk crafting plant, Tetyana Valova, appoints that an hour will be needed to develop a new generation of qualified engineers.

"Tehnichnіchnі vіshі vypuskayut іnzhenerіv, so. But fahivets I first can come to the plant and propraciate there roіv 5-6, first of all, it's better to understand. Theory is one thing, but practice is different," Tetyana Valova said. Another problem is that she calls the name of the working youth, how to come to the factory, earn a high salary, without looking for a proper certificate and rank. For її words, іnshої motivії, okrim as financial, to work on the enterprise young generation do not be afraid.

Tetyana Valova signifies that it is safe to invest in the financial plan of the company to invest money in the young. However, such enterprises in the country are not as rich as one would like.

More fahіvets zvertaє vvagu, scho not all Russian enterprises are available to participate in state programs, zokrem, in the program of agricultural lending "Machine-making" - nadto vysoki vomogi to її uchasniki. It's a pity, we can't support Simbirsk verstobudivny plant.

At first glance, you can see, arrogantly, justly, shards about the financial stability of enterprises, market prospects, and the priming of the project. Ale vinikaє closed circle, as if in the fall of zaluchennym cadres: fahіvtsі do not go to the factory, because they don’t pay salaries, and don’t raise salaries, because they don’t get engineers for serious projects. Axis and here: the programs are only allowed to be less stable in the financial plan, but how to achieve stability without financial loans? You can get out of the stalemate situation only for additional help from consolidating workforce structures.

Other representatives of the Galusia confirm that after the state programs, loans to the worker's workers can be seen too high.

"Credit? So what can I say. We don't practice "banks", we don't have everything specially organized for everyone, - we told the marketing of the Volodymyr Verstatobudivny Plant. . value 16%".

On the production line, it was decided that the fate of the NDDKR does not guarantee the speed of technological production of products that are released. "From just the bureaucratic procedures we can go through, a lot of what we are getting old, old," the representatives of the plant voiced.

Financial position of compilations for 2015 (for the data of the information and analytical service "Komersant Kartoteka")

* "Savelіvskiy verstatobudіvniy zavod", which functions at the given hour, legal person 15 spring 2016 rock. The data at the tables are visible up to the front.

** For "Kovrіvskomu elektromekhanіchniy zavod" data are given for 2016 rіk. Krym Verstativ to the product range includes mobile robotic complexes and hydraulic systems.

A Word to the Viysk Promises

On the cob of ferocious at the Baltic plant, the innovative Italian verstat Spirit 100 variant was put into operation for about 6 million euros. This single butt is demonstrating in person to drink on the progressive promissory of possession from the side of the defense and ship-building galleys. But what is the proposition?

The most power for the spontaneous people is due to the insufficient technological level of the domestic workforce. For example, Illya Panteliev, the head of the marketing department of the Kaliningrad "Burshtin", has shown respect that not all Russian typesetters, for their ability, meet the needs of the shipyard.

"Go ahead of us about the great and high-precision coordinate-rendering typesetting, which occupy a special place in the manufacturing process. Such an accuracy of processing, as you can reach a chess, nіmetska that be-yak іnsha tehnіka, vіtchiznіnі verstati still provide security, but it's not good. hot rіven Russian possession of a similar plan by the sons of our working-class workers, having risen to a meeting higher, - having said wine.

From his side, Igor Krasilich, Director of the Department of Technical Development of the Airline Company "Sukhiy", developed a website, which points to the development of a five-coordinate high-productive state of the art with a large size of tables, high spindle speeds up to 24000 rpm and a set of options.

At the Amur Shipbuilding Plant, at the source on the site about "problem positions of the layout" they said that it was CNC metalworking. As explained in the press service of the shipyard, the Russian possession is not enough to satisfy the needs of the plant due to the lack of technological capabilities.

Consolidation sounded like an attempt to get out of the strategic deaf kuta

"Behind all problematic directives, food is constantly being blamed. I think, we still believe it," Sergiy Novikov, the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Stankoinstrument" editor-in-chief, shared his optimism with the editorial office of the site.

Expert rozpovіv, that at the same time Galuzev's stakes are actively discussing the idea of ​​creating a scientific and design-technological provision of workbench production for the federal center on the basis of MDTU "Stankin". It’s easy to get to the center like Galuzev’s institutes, so the pickers themselves.

"Let's work for the center may end with the issuance of a specific promising property," - having added to Novikov, adding that the project is still only at the stage of conceptualization and implementation.

In order to put aside skepticism about uninterrupted integration processes, we can admit that we should move away from the integration of intellectual and productive resources in a single state-private organism, which is central nervous system speaks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
I confirm this statement by Denis Manturov about those that, by the end of 2017, five more factories will reach the warehouse of the Stan company.

Significantly, that technological advancement has often been short-lived for 10 years of work in a row in a straight line. Zvichayno, about yoga outside the podlannya to say until not brought up. Tim is no less, a number of Russian scientists and structural "brain centers" have developed the development of scientific component nodes and the growth of muscle tension and capital.

The trend towards the introduction of the gallery has begun, although the pace is far from optimal. In addition, it can be assumed that the Galuze Consolidation Centers in the mid-term prospects will fade enterprises, at the disposal of them, even if they have acquired assets, they saved themselves.

The key trend in machine-tool production is more, but more correctly, the position of the manufacturing workers in the components. "Our CNC screens and warehouse components, so they drive cables and sensors, occupy 60% of the market. Siemens and Fanuc follow us, - Andriy Kostenko, the intercessor of the director of the company" Balt-System ". CNC software".

Vіm, fahіvets zaznav, scho 70-75% of the products, which are produced by "Balt-System", go to the modernization of the old equipment by defense enterprises, and only a quarter of the components that are left out, are mounted on a new bench.

Looking at the prospects of the gallery, it is necessary to understand, who will drink at the markup to look at the future. The press service of the United Shipbuilding Corporation editorial staff has updated the website that the technical redesign of the main mechanical strains is already at the stage of completion.

"Our main task is to achieve the necessary number of measures to ensure the predicted growth in 2016," - saying three times the intercessor of the Minister of Industry and Trade Glib Nikitin. It is fair to say that the "basic task" is more often than not.

On the other hand, as if on the cob of the material, Dmitro Medvedev announced a new large-scale program for the development of the defense industry complex for 2018-2025. Imovirno, the program encourages you to drink on handmade products.

The optimistic forecast is also given by the authoritative marketers of BusinessStat. The stinkers analyzed the drinking and consumption of the Russian verstobudivny market. According to their estimates, in 2017 the demand for the market will increase in 2017, and in 2018 there will be an overall increase in sales by 7.9-13.6%. For p_bags 2020, the sales date in the warehouse is 20.07 thousand pieces.

"At a time, the world has one trend - do not sell, but work for an hour. For example, the Japanese company Mazak is engaged in this. magazine "Stankoinstrument" Sergiy Novikov. - With whom "renters" remotely carry out maintenance work for consumers. I think it will come to this."

site z'yasuvav, first try to translate the Japanese practice of orendi versativ on Russian realities already broken. As it has already been predicted, Stankoprom is leasing the property to Savelovsky verstatobudivny zavod - the general director of the holding, Dmitro Kosov, spoke about the editorial process. It is logical to admit that the integrator has a victorious business model not only for Tver enterprises, but also for plant enterprises.
Higher list of facts, regardless of the problems that are saved in industry, allow us to talk about the exit of the galley from the peak. With the conservation of current trends, such as financial support, respect from the side of the order, the work of the NDDKR was targeted and mastered by the producers of new component nodes, Russian development until 2022 to promote competitiveness, increase production

Tse doesn't mean that Russian typesetting should be done with their analogues, facilitating the light market. However, mind for a distant development It is quite possible that after five years of recognition of military operations from defense enterprises, they will stop responding to the food about the quality and quantity of the Russian workforce, which are released to summaries.

site to continue a series of materials about machine tool production. Gallery is one of the main officials of the economy, realizing the release of goods from other goods, among them - defense products.

Any state accepts all the details from the one who realizes the renewal of the worker's working life, that obliges him, for whom he got it for the hour of his prosperity.

We need to say that all programs have been adopted, directed to the organization of advanced design work, to help create new types of versatility. Find out about the unique rich coordinate and highly productive metallurgical workbenches with CNC, precision CNC drafting, used for mechanical processing of parts with an accuracy of up to one hundred nm. It is also planned to create science-based component parts for the high-specialized field of workbench production.

The main retailer of the most important DKR is "Stankin", which completely replaced the NDI galuzi verstatobuduvannya. As you can see, Russia is trying to develop a European model, thanks to some scientific activity, universities are occupied, and design companies that specialize in this.

But it is necessary to designate that the potential of domestic scientific personnel for the implementation of all work will obviously be small. Before that, even more often those vіtchiznyane possessed, like a novelty for Russia, absolutely do not change foreign analogues. For the same reason, it was praised for the decision to actively lure foreign companies to work.

For example, in Ulyanovsk, the company DMG will have a factory, on which it will be possible to build a folding layout from ready-made modules, which will be supplied by the Polish and Chinese DMG factories. And such a break through the arc of disgrace, vrakhovyuchi camp of the Russian workbench.

Petro Sazonov, General Director of Savelovsky machine plant Uppevneniy at that, scho spilnі ї companies with the best rank will help to take away the unique possession and create new working areas. Absolutely, all the same to ensure a "rush of new blood" workbench factories. In the near future, we have to prepare our own original products, but we need to rebuild our products. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage foreign working-class workers to develop in Russia not only a vikrutkovy collection, but also to localize production.

Don’t care about the trash, wash your credit, the participants of the business market believe that only a little bit of work will take a steady drink, everyone will have a good time. Adzhe, as it seems, for the future, you can take out loans. Without the help of the state, it is impossible to provide the necessary food. And then, the government can consolidate the propositions of the growers and formulate a clear plan for the development of the gallery, which will be reasonable for investors. The head corporation of Rostekhnologii is the head of the development plan.

It's a pity that the uryadova program may be short, the oscal power is trying to create a technical revolution in the sphere without any institutional changes. And as we already know, finding the best possible typesetting without introducing them into the whole plan will be ineffective. Prote, all the shortcomings of the authors of state programs are already being looked at.

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