Repair of bags is a great choice of accessories. Repair of bags, be it folding. Shvidka helper for favorite speeches

Repair of bags can be done in Moscow without any problems. Ale, how can we be sure that a robot over such a necessary accessory will be rightly vikonana shvidko and in a right way? Budinoks will go to Perovskiy іsnuє and successfully work for the benefit of the population of Moscow, which is far from being the first river, and in the course of this hour ours, already high-class masters, have gained even greater dosvіd. You can absolutely bring a bag to us, and we, in our own bag, are guaranteed - if there were no breakage, we will be able to repair it and your bag will be functional and beautiful again. We need to repair bags regardless of what kind of material is broken, and what kind of stench - a shkiryany case, a handy backpack, a fashionable handbag.

Wallet repair

Mi for the sake of proponing you a service - repair of a wall. The masters of our booth will try to carry out the repair of all companies, regardless of the configuration. We will change for you the bliskavka, change the combination and padlock, change the lining, perhaps the wheels and the handle of the valise. Do not hurry up for the purchase of a new speech, may it be possible to turn the old one back to life. Repair of valіz majstrami budinka will be put on the perіvskіy zavzhd to your services, we will be glad to come to your aid!

Portfolio Repair

In an hour, if a businesslike person becomes fashionable, prestigious, and such a possibility appeared practically in a person, such an accessory, like a briefcase, was used even by wealthy people. And in it there is nothing wonderful, in it you can manually put papers and not be afraid that you can eat with them, you remember the stench, but you can still eat as if you are unacceptable. But there is nothing eternal, all speeches sooner or later become unacceptable. Therefore, in our case, a service for you is the repair of portfolios. Our masters easily put the patch on the lining, replace the handle, insert a new gloss. Don't be like that, so that we couldn't bring your favorite portfolio to a trustworthy looking one. After I’m sent to the booth, I’ll go to the first place, your documents will always be safe, and you will look again in a businesslike way.

Revision photo 150 rub.

On the portal you can select telephones and addresses of Moscow studios, in which you can change the flashes on bags, jackets, jeans and other clothes. Tse shvidka is a simple service, like neatly stitching stitches in repair shops. Varity is available and the unforgettable result will pay back the cost to the masters. We took the prices for the replacement of the blissfuls on dyazzi and presented them at the tables handy for equalization together with the other servants of the Moscow atelier.

Such a fastener is stagnant in rich types of clothes: light and clean cloths, trousers, backs and jeans, jackets and coats. It includes two rows of plastic or metal teeth attached to textile stitches. Behind the help of a special lock-bearer, the teeth are fixed at the checker's order. It turns out that this is a simple service, with which you can go home. So, if you go about seeing places and delicate fabrics, it’s better to turn to the edges, to replace the bliss so that you don’t remember anything!

The main problems with glare on odaz. What will be the masters of the atelier?

Regardless of the arrogance and practicality of today's sparkles, the stench periodically comes out of tune, zmushuyuchi vlasnikov in a hurry to whisper to the nearest atelier. What can you shut up?

  • Bliskavki vіdparyuyutsya - Maistri-Shvachki unreservedly sew on a zastіbka, which leaked.
  • Bliskavki disperse and seize - ryatuє zamina castle on bliskavki. This is a quick procedure, as it will require a minimum of your hour.
  • A new breakdown of the blisk is a necessary replacement for the zipper, which is often needed for down jackets or jackets. Kravtsya neatly break the old zastіbka, find a similar new one and beautifully sew it into the virib.

The cost of replacing the bliss is to lie down due to the complexity of the work and to keep the viroba. Just change the fabric that was torn, it is easier, lower, change the entire zipper.

Raznomanіtnіst gliskavok, chi є vіdminnostі mizh zashіbkami?

Between themselves, the blissfuls are not less than quilts and dovzhina, but with the appearance of dogs, we will add that in the way of vikoristannya.

  • Tractor bliskavkas are recognized for great adventures, so they are sewn to work clothes or smart jackets.
  • Metal glitters are less important, so it is more important to have them on denim fabrics.
  • Hidden glints - those delicate and unremarkable additions, like vicorist there, de zastіbka is not guilty of turning respect, for example, on cloths and backs, washed sweaters.
  • Plastic and spiral glitters are sewn into light windbreakers sportswear and can stand right behind the recognitions, so it can stand out all the time for design purposes.

Fahіvtsі atelier miraculously understand the specifics of robots with a skin-like appearance of brilliance and miraculously run into the tasks set before them.

Not only practical but also decorative!

Sometimes, glitters are inserted into robes to vicorate to update the sound-like appearance of speeches. Boring sіra sіra s_dnitsa otrimu new life and turn into a fashionable detail to the wardrobe, as if to add їy glisten to all days. For additional brilliance, you can create a tight-fitting and fitted figure, modeling її under the features of the figure of the hairdresser. Professional seamstresses will help you find a more practical and stylish solution for your clothes!

Give your speeches to a friend a dihannya and continue the term of your service to help you repair bags at Moscow Studio Sharp. We practice with the use of types of materials: piece and natural skin, fabric, cunning.

Be like a robot:

  • zamina bliskavok, bіgunka (dogs);
  • replacement of the lining;
  • replacement of that replacement of handles;
  • repair and replacement of metal fittings;
  • sewing stitches, sho rozporolis, bags, linings, guts;
  • installation of eyelets, rivets;
  • repair of pores and podryapin;
  • farbuvannya shkiri;
  • restoration of the shkiri and the turn of a presentable look.

Vіdremontuєmo and vіdnovimo inexpensively and shvidko

Restoration of the bag in the airlife friend your accessory

After our work

Your portfolio will

look like new

Mi wonderfully listen to the pleas of the deputy

Wheel replacement, bliskavki abo dogs,

there are no unimportant breakdowns for us

Helping the client to understand new

Pіdkladku z urahuvannyam yoga perevag

We vikoristovuєmo less than yakіsnu fittings Do not fight for your luggage at the door

We practice to inspire from specific statements

Replacement of the bіgunka on bliskavtsі
Navit an insignificant breakdown can bring impersonal imperfections. Pratsiyuemo with different types of shkir and fabrics

We proponuєmo only yakіsnі components

Do-it-yourself bliskavka repair on the bag
Navit a most expensive portfolio will become a marny when the lock is broken Vіdremontuєmo, vіdnovimo, navchimo

Price list for bag repair

service Man. price Max. price
Replacement of the lock for bliskavka 140 rub. 240 rub.
Glitter Insert 14 rub. 24 rub.
Replacement of handles from piece shkіri 450 rub. 1000 rub.
Replacement of handles from natural sheets 950 rub. 1800 rub.
Shlovok preparation 180 rub. 500 rub.
Firmware 70 rub. 220 rub.
Patch 140 450 rub.
Rivet installation 70 150 rub.
Finished on bliskavtsi 150 240
Non-standard work for the weather with the master
Your bag will be like new! Phone and come 8 499 653 79 94

Our masters work on the repair of bags, no matter how folded. We have metal fittings, materials and barniki for whatever colors and models, necessary tools and equipment. All work is guaranteed.

You can be calm, arrange your speech. Evening handbags, handbags, backpacks, travel bags and valises - take all kinds of things to work. Let the road brand rich rich and practical bag for the more expensive. The breakage of the fittings can be caused by some kind of bug, regardless of the recognition. We repair, replace, replace!

How to turn the ideal starry looking viroba?

A service is required - the repair of skin bags. It's natural, even though the skin is shy to the point of being erased. The handles, the bottom and the top, the wigini and the edges of the decorative details-overlays suffer. And podryapini that porіzi? Do not beat them with your mighty forces.

At our store, you can put in traces of wear and tear, replace details, glue the skins practically unrecognizable to the eye (about those that the bag was zipped, now we know only the gentleman, do not remember the third party), attach defects and refresh the surface of the skins. Promptly and professionally!

The price for the repair of bags is available and fully true to yourself. We repair richly cheaper, buy a new one! Particularly, this way is made from natural skins, but that kind of handbag is good quality for the brand.

Before we speak, fashionistas with our help can renew their handbag from the past season. Roll up!

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