“The greatest reading sings at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Car with internal combustion engine

Structuring folk poetic dosvіd, writings on paper, giving the basis for the transition from the vulgar to the private, from the feudal and religious ideology to the inner world of the people. So the era of the Renaissance or Resurrection came, in a kind of lyrical hero, speaking out against slavery, endowed with a strong will, with a deep sense of it, entering into a tragic confrontation with action. Resurrection formed "humanism".

For example, in the 16th century, the Renaissance is transformed into the baroque - directly, the coincidences of predilection and abstractness in the light of the day in its own practice to writing, overb_lshen, collapsible metaphors. Lyudina in poetry now does not have a clear manifestation of otochyuchoyu, but pragne to sum up the obvious knowledge about her. Baroque opposed classicism. In the 17th century, the exercise of freedom, the greatness of reason and the abundance of light, prevailed in poetry. And yet, before the end of the century, someone had a direct change in sentimentalism and pre-romanticism.

Dali ruh vzdovzh timchasovoy line is characterized by the strimkistyu zmіni vіh, scho lie in the development of scientific progress and suspіlstva. Romanticism is easily attached to decadence - a fashion for demonism and gothic, then indulges modernism, which focuses on respect for epistemological problems. In the middle of the 20th century, it was the turn of the century, as it gave life to the “Stream of Light”, passing the baton to postmodernism, searching for the truth in ontological nutrition.

Foreign poets of the 19th century

Before the poetry of the romantics, the link with realism should be put:

J. Byron (1788-1824, England) Having corroborated Europe, let's frown with its zism, this hero evokes the mood of the merry-go-round and the satisfaction of the post-revolutionary society, as if exuding faith in perfection.

Selected lines:

From the early novelists of England, the varto is distinguished by John Keats ( 1795-1821 ) up to his twenty three fates bestowing the light of creation, filled with meditative respect for the inner light of the people and the sound of the high, eternal beauty of nature. Vin became the founder of the maximalist theory of art for the sake of art.

Selected lines:

A follower of Byronism was the Spanish writer José de Espronceda ( 1808-1842 ), let's go to the golden fund of light literature. Doslіdzhuyuchi svіt іzgoїv і Protestantіv, Espronseda propratsyuvav rhythms poezії, vvіv і vzhitok little zakrobuvavі before vіrshovaі rozmіri.

Selected lines:

Christian Johann Heinrich Heine appeared at Nimechchyna as a "remaining" romantic poet, master of the feuilleton and travel notes ( 1797-1856 ). Yogo is a direct merit in being German rozmovna mova otrimav elegant lightness. "Geynizm", like a spectacle, taking the cob from the "Book of Songs" of 1827. Having poured into Heine's creativity, insanely, they give out folk tales of that legend.

Selected lines:

V. Hugo (1802-1885, France) - poet-romanist, herald of freedom of speech. Yogo p'yesi boldly shout out the power that we usurp. History with an unprecedented vision of Hugo's productions has reached the level of literature under the name "battle for Hernani". Aje Hugo ventured to prescribe the standing of a powerless plebeian to a titled despot, who did not fall to the relish of the ruling "upper". For another fifty years of France, that whole world will think about “forget” about the foundation of beautiful images of romanticism.

Selected lines:

Foreign poets of the XX century.

Twenty centuries are respected by the centuries of modernists and postmodernists,


G. Apollinaire (1880 - 1918 ) - a French poet of the Polish pojzhennya, the author of the term and the founder of "surrealism", the master of Aristophaneous farces, who passed his hour for a few dozen years, speaking with the manifesto "New Spirit". Vіn be an innovator, who tries the author's punctuation, freshly її vіdsutnіst, baroque form that difference in tone, continuing to accept the emblematic sheet of the melancholy explanation.

Collections of verses:

K. Cavafy (1863 - 1933 ) - Oleksandriysky sings, who deserves 154 published verses of the New Greek mine. His creativity, expressed in a lapidary-simple, archaic mys, with a striking sub-subjective nature of the work, made a significant splash on other poets, directors, caused the creation of "ten inventions".

Selected lines:

T. Eliot (1888 - 1965 ) - an American-English poet and literary critic, who is still leaning on the avant-garde current, in which, with the energy of a rebel, he depicts a fall in spirit, a desolation of people chasing material values. Since 1993, Great Britain, Ireland (now America) have awarded the authors of the shortest selection of poems that are published in the past, awarded a prize in his name.

Selected lines:


B. Brecht (1898 - 1956, Berlin), a German sings and playwright, having respected the rhythm for better “rips”, as one of the protests against the accepted “smooth” performance. Brecht's main method was the ability to show the change of the world, regardless of the obscurity of the sovereign order, in which a person can only guess about the right reasons for the fall.

Selected lines:

W. Auden (1907 - 1973 ) - Anglo-American sings, a kind of different methods of writing. Youmu lie close to 400 vіrshiv and chotirioh dovghi sing. Auden's mastery called out different cultural reactions, for example, the blame for the beatniks.

Vibranium vіrsh:

Let's mark the poets of Japan in a row in history, who saw the spirit of freedom in other lands.

(1872 - 1943 ) - a realist sings, zavdyaky to whom the reform of the state was born, that the residual broke the link with feudalism.

Selected lines:

Japanese poetry is strongly influenced by new forms, new ways of expression, intertwined with the traditions of Japanese culture. At that hour, as European poetry no longer pronounces a break, you are ready for a solution, but a way to live - to save for the sake of the world at the world of daedal, more than the day that was riveted by the callous forces of this day.

Zitknennya Marxism with anarchism and positivism called out in the other half of the 19th century. a number of "side effects".

One of them is a boisterous development of an overshoot of a suspenseful thought (for the first time ever in the genre of artistic literature), known under the name "science fiction". Until the middle of the nineteenth century. tsey literary genre, having changed daily in the bud and engraved in the development of the concept of the future, a modest role. Natomist in the other half of the nineteenth century. becoming angry: began to appear not just novels-fantasies about the future, sing-alongs, but science-fiction works (J. Verne, Flammarion, Wells, etc.). Their authors spoke at the all-encompassing achievements of modern science, extrapolating trends in the development of science, technology, culture (for the help of daily artistic practices) on a distant future.

This marked an important collapse in the development of looking at the future, the shards made it safe for the mass audience and significantly expanded the range of looking at the specific problems of the future. Such a role was preserved by science fiction and dosi (create Bradbury, Clark, Sheckley, Simak, Merle, Abe, Lem, I. Efremov and іn.). From one side, її tekhnіchnі priyomi and vikoristovuyut at the methods of daily forecasting (for example, when constructing some types of forecasting scenarios). From the other side, you will know about the problems of predicting a wide number of readers. It is important, prote, that science fiction does not lead to the problems of the future, but to an organic part of artistic literature with its usual peculiarities.

Another “side effect” is the emergence of a new genre of scientific journalism, as “thinking about the future” of some writers who are well aware of the problems of modern science, trying to look at the future with not only science, but also science. The deacons of them were positivists, but did not try to calmly break one of the commandments of positivism - to be left within the framework of logical developments from the analysis carried out, which are subject to empirical revision of preparation. Too great scientific interest until the distant future, judgments about how to witness went beyond the positivist dogmas of that and to bring the late hour.

The authors of “thinking about the future” squealed more importantly not the social future of the people in the fire, but the specific private perspectives of the other sides of the scientific and technical and less often (at the link with it) social progress. Specifically, the prospective energy industry and the material and syrovine base of virobnitstv, craftsmanship and locality, the strong government, transport and communications, the protection of health and public education, the establishment of the culture of law, the development of the Earth and space - the axis of which was stubborn at the center of respect.

A bunch of elements of the new genre of scientific journalism began to appear more and more often in scientific supplements and articles, in utopias and artistic creations, in drawings, etc. Then special works appeared “about the future”: “Rik 2066” (1866) P. Harting, who spoke under the pseudonym Dioscoridi, “After a hundred years” (1892) Sh. Tarda, "Tomorrow" (1898) and "Mista-garden of the future" (1902) by E. Howard, an addendum about the future chemistry M. Berthelot, "Reminders" (1904-1905) D.I. Mendelev, "Studies about the nature of people" (1903) and "Studies for optimism" (1907) I.I. Mechnikova et al.

The most significant of these works was the book of G. Wells "Preparing for the progress of mechanics and science in human life and thought" (1901). Factual material and assessments, which are included in this book, wisely, outdated. Ale pіdhіd of the author before the problems of the future and the rіvеn viklad may not be considered in the same way roіt, scho came to Zahodі not only in the 20-30s, and in the 50s - on the cob of the 60s of the XX century. Wells, apparently, having gone through the years of his life under a strong influx of ideas to Marxism. And yet, this light-gazer slapped a significant infusion of that іnshі directly to utopism. This yogo of the social character of the visnovka was traced back to Wells, the utopian socialist. More specific features of a scientific and technical character, which belong to Wells the futurologist, as well as in the height of our days, also show their impossibility in some kind of young people. Ale can not forget about the mind, for which the book appeared. For its time, it won out, obviously, it was the main sign of the development of the revelation about the future.

The tradition of “thinking about the future” was revived in the 1920s at Sunset by the impersonal writers, especially the young ones. Continuing the line of Wells' "Predbachen", a young English biologist (a possible member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Great Britain and one of the greatest biologists in the world in the middle of the XX century) J. B.S. Goldane, who successfully graduated from the same university, having written the pamphlet “Dedalus, or Science and Future” (1916). This pamphlet after ten years, when the discussion about the principled possibility of planning the development of the economy and culture flared up, became the basis of a series of more and less than a hundred brochures on the most promising problems of science, technology, economics, culture, politics, and science. The series was published 1925-1930. a lot of movs under the solemn name “Today and tomorrow”. They took the fate of rich children of science and culture Zakhod, among them there are a low number of young graduates - future generations with holy names B. Russell, J. Gine, B. Liddel-Gart, J. Bernal, S. Radhakrishnan and іn. The series called for a discussion in the world press and significantly stimulated the interest of the scientific community to the problems of the future.

At the same time, fundamental monographs about specific prospects for the development of science, technology, economics and culture began to appear at Zakhodі. To the most significant middle ones, one can add the practice of A.M. Law "The Future" (1925), "Science to Marvel at Forward" (1943), F. Gibbs "The Day of Tomorrow" (1928), Earl Birkenhead "The World of 2030 Rock" (1930) and in.

Understandably, the early futurology of Zakhod was not limited by the enumeration of robots. With "thinking about the future" prominent children of science and culture were more often daedals. In the 20s and on the cob of the 30s, there was an increase in the growth of futurological robots, appearing in dozens of books, hundreds of brochures and articles, with a few insignificant fragments in robots, attributed to current problems. A significant place in this literature was continued by Wells ("War and Future" (1917), "Practice, Kindness and Happiness of People" (1932), "The Share of Homo Sapiens" (1939), "The New World Order" (1940), "Razum "bіlya svoєї interі" (1945). Vіn rich in what he transferred the futurological concepts of the other half of the XX century.

On the cob of the 30s, the economic crisis and the near future light war put into the background the problems of the distant future and literally for a few years, until the middle of the 30s, they called forth a new flow of futurological literature, which grew rapidly before that. On the foreground, step by step, hung robots about the future of war - the practical work of the theoreticians J. Due, D. Fuller, B. Liddell-Gart and іn.

"Think about the Future" were typical not only for the suspenseful thoughts of the 20s. In the Radyansk Union, it was directly mediated by the influx of forecasting developments, which, according to the GOELRO plan, such literature has also begun to develop rapidly, moreover, it clearly remembers the origins of modern ideas of random and normative forecasting.

The most important place in this literature, as it is obvious now, has been occupied by a series of brochures by Tsiolkovsky (“Recovery of the world's expanses with jet attachments” (1926) - corrected and supplemented by the work of 1903 and 1911 "all" (1911) "Montuzm" Future of the Earth and Humanity" (1928), "Meta-Seafaring" (1929), "Roslin of the Future and the Creature of the Cosmos" (1929) and in.). These robots went far beyond the interscientific and technical aspects of astronautics and made a significant contribution to the development of the future.

A large group of robots was dedicated to the promising problems of localization (the works of L.M. Sabsovich “SRSR through 15 years” (1929), “The Place of the Future and the Organization of the Socialist Pursuit” (1929), “Socialist Locality” (1930), as well as M. Meshcheryakova "About socialist places" (1931) and in.). Dozens of brochures and hundreds of articles were devoted to the prospects for the development of energy, the material and syrovine basis of industry and the state of the state, transport and communication, population and culture, and other aspects of scientific and technical and social progress. The first zagalnyuyucha radyansky robot with given problems for the editorship of A. Anekshtein and E. Kolman appeared - “The Life and Technology of the Future” (1928).

Naprikintsy 1935. AM. Gorky spoke out of the proposition to prepare a wide variety of sights, dedicated to the bags of the first fives. One of the volumes of maw utrimuvati razgornuty forecast for the development of the country for 20-30 years in advance. The work on the volume took the fate of the great figures of science, literature, and art (O.M. Bakh, L.M. Leonov, O.P. Dovzhenko and others). It’s a pity, for some time now, that journalistic work of science has calmed down for a long time. Vaughn reminded me less of the other half of the 50s.

A.B. Davidson


A.B. Davidson

Davidson Apollon Borisovich- Doctor of historical sciences, professor,
Institute of Global History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Mikoli Oleksandrovich Erofiev, my teacher.

Following the important date - the 450th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our lands - the next one is approaching: the centenary of the Anglo-Russian favors of 1907, as they regulated the low of old super-events and brought to the union at the first world war. One of us was marked by an international conference and a bright exhibition at the Kremlin Museum near the baby in 2003. More needs to be pointed out. Offenses from dates turn respect to the history of the mutual relations of the two lands and to the necessity of a relatable and, I support, ob'ektivnishhogo їkh vchennya.

Ale on the right, obviously, not only and not in the memory of the dates themselves, even if they were important stinks. At the sights between Russia and Britain, the remaining rocks showed friendly signs. I would like to think about how this trend will change, and at the same time, there will be wider prospects for education - for a greater objective development of Russian-British rich-faceted diamonds that have historically formed.

The possibilities of the work of Russian English scholars in the archives and libraries of Great Britain have expanded. There have been more contacts with British officials. April 2004 The Institute of Global History of the Russian Academy of Sciences has inspired the practice of Russian-British colloquiums. For spring 2005 an attack was planned - already in London - from behind a narrow topic: we see blue and mutual images of Russia and Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries.

But, unfortunately, these other signs are disturbing. Autumn 2002 Russia had an experience of the hromada thought - sob z'yasuvati, as the appointment of the Russians to foreign lands changed. Bulo septenary period was taken: change from 1995. to 2002 The experiment was carried out by two authoritative institutes for the development of the public idea. It turned out that from 1995 to 2002. The number of osib, among some of the riddles of England calling out "importantly positive," decreased from 76.6% to 64.1%. And the number of people, among whom the word "England" sounded "importantly negative," grew sharply: from 4.2% to 14.5%.

So what did the results of the experiment show? Growing xenophobia in our country? Unfortunately, it is not included (the results of the experiment showed a weakening of sympathies to rich powers). Ale, if it wasn’t there, it means that there are anti-British sentiments. The stench of the moment will be known by pouring in some new pods. And behind them, without a trace, you can see the vitality of the old Anglo-Russian rubbish, wiping out that mutual incomprehensibility. These are the traces, nasharvannya, accumulated by the protracted life of the wealthy generations, until the next time. The work can be important. Deyakі mirkuvannya about tse i is assigned to this article.

* * * The super-nation of the two largest empires of the 19th and 20th centuries - they did not appear in such forms for a long time! Tse became obvious at the dawn of the 19th century. Well, we know recently, Russian sailors, following the order of Catherine II, underwent probation in the British fleet, studied maritime education in England, sailed on ships to India. Katerina Dashkova, associate of the "mother-empress", zithala: "Why wasn't I born English? How I adore freedom and the spirit of the country!"

And in the 19th century, it began with the fact that Paul I broke the blue from England (July 7/18, 1799), and on December 31, 1800 (September 12, 1801) ordered the departure of the Don Cossacks to British India. It’s true, I didn’t see it - at the birch, 1801. Pavel was driven in, in the autumn of 1807, already for Oleksandr I, - I rediscovered the entry from England. I’m less likely to lose the share of Russia against Great Britain - in the coalition against Napoleon. Then, right up to the middle of the 19th century, we started to have a calm settlement, lay down low contracts, to bring the visit of Mikoli I to England.

But Anglophobia developed in Russia more often, before the Crimean War, especially among the middle words of the Yanophiles, and that among them. V_domy scribe Prince V.F. Odoevsky vvazhav, that the history of England gives a lesson to the peoples, "what to sell your soul for pennies", and what її is right - summarily, and death is inevitable. Historian, writer and journalist M.P. Pogodin calling the English Bank the golden heart of England, "otherwise it's unlikely to be in it". Professor of Moscow University literary critic and literary historian S.P. Shevirev tavruvav England more razkishe: "Vona argued not a spiritual idol, like others, but a golden calf in front of a lot of peoples, and for those, if you give a hit to heavenly justice". The journal "Vitchiznyani Zapiski" said that British writers "dіyut on the crust of the flesh, not the soul" .

What can you say about the Crimean war and about the whole other half of the 19th century. Razke zagostrennya protirich in Central Asia in the 1870s; vodkrita fortune-telling at the link with the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, if Great Britain allowed Russia to reap the fruits of victory over the Ottoman Empire. Tody from the footbridge of the London music hall made up a little dog, in the light of which "Russians do not bachiti Constantinople" part of the public went crazy. І even more in the couplet:

And in Russia - like only a few did not call England: "approaching Albion", "old Albion", "metropolis of gold". To the boulevard, that and not only to the boulevard other buv viraz "English to shit."

Axis butt from that hour literature: "No way can I reconcile myself with the current international politics based on hisism, Macchiavellism and inhumanity to all the other peoples of the earthly backcountry. It is not for nothing that politicians have called England an accessible Albion." So it was said in the song "John Bull of the End of the Century", seen in St. Petersburg in 1898. .

Under the influence of such moods, sometimes they drank the bright minds of Russia. A A.I. Guchkov, who later became the head of the Sovereign Duma and the military and naval minister of the Timoshovy order, at the gymnasium, went to London to kill B. Disraeli.

The Russian General Staff jealously guarded everything that was shy of the British enemy forces. In 1894 p. We have been preparing for a few years in detail - to that 400 sides of the great format. Special respect was given "Those parts of the British all-world power, as much as possible, better for everything, become a theater of war, at the time of closing Russia with Great Britain" . Tsya part was called: " private glance British Indian Empire.

Just like in our hour some of the politicians said that the Russian soldiers are guilty of swooping down on the rainy seas, or to sail directly into the Indian Ocean, then, I’m sorry, buv hot. At the reign of Alexander II, Alexander III and Mikoli II, right up to the end of the XIX century, the price was hardly hot. At 1899 p. General M.V. Grulov, who served in the Turkestan district of Viysk, was not easy to fight with him, who named wine "Mitsno stood up with us with glances that Turkestan is guilty of serving as a springboard for a campaign in India." Youmu "it was punished for the beginning of the first day of training in closed trainings, as it was only available for generals and officers of the General Staff." I want some of the officers of the General Staff to be nice to him, "what is it really necessary to fight against these unsafe pardons of a huge thought", all the same, publish it, look, it was known "Untimely". And the stench appeared at the press in a completely new way, less than ten years later, since "At the serpnі 1907 the rock was laid to please England for the good food that the Middle Asia is hankering for" .

Hocha more 1899 richly at the General Headquarters, she realized the ruin of the policy of the cordon of India, after all, under the hour of the Anglo-Boer war of 1899-1902. Mikola II repeatedly turned to the idea of ​​creating a threat to British India from Turkestan. Vin wrote about the price in the sheets, and in the student. Narіkav, scho vіdsutnіst zaliznitsi to Turkestan, they do not give the opportunity to effectively transfer there to the military.

Direct closure of Russia from Great Britain during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902. not vidbulosya, but Mikoli II's order, pursuing a clearly anti-British policy, volunteers from Russia fought in the Transvaal on the battlefields of storms, the entire Russian press fiercely branded the deeds of Great Britain. And the Russian General Staff, having sent official and secret agents on the day of Africa, and having chosen the floorings, it was blocked, which was the only material published by him on 21 collections.

Through sprat of rokiv, pіd hour Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905, Great Britain paid Russia by itself. Sympathy to a number and a small part of the bulk was for the enemy of the Russian Empire. The Anglo-Russian fortune-telling ended in 1907. creations of the Potry Union. The reason for the reconciliation was the strengthening of the military power of Nimechchini.

True, even in the fates of confrontation, the blues were still ambiguous. Russia took positions of British banks. And Mikoli II is rich enough to inspire an Anglophile. The rest of the empress, even though she had no time for her trips, was not only a stalker, but a twisted Queen Victoria. All the great special listing of Mikoli II with the retinue was carried out by the English. Kolya Mikoli II in 1916 was awarded the title of an English field marshal and handed over to the field marshal's baton, vin cim was written.

Not entirely unequivocally it was the task of the Russian bulk. In the books and articles of the writer and publicist I.V. Shklovsky (pseudonym - Dioneo), among some Russian readers more familiar with the life of Great Britain, was sympathetic to the British in that way of life, wanting and condemning English imperialism. Many deputies of the State Duma were Anglophiles. Among Russian sailors sympathy for Great Britain at a later date - during the hours of Katherine II, if naval officers were sailing from the British fleet. With Anglophobic attitudes, it was judged by the hoarding of English literature. And in the middle of the aristocracy - and the legacy of rich British traditions: in the style of behavior, in the manner of dressing, in sports. The English Club, and then the Yacht Club, creations near St. Petersburg in the English style, were fashionable places for breezes even as pleasurable ones. There, among the unimpressed roses, a lot of sovereign problems were hovering.

April 1907 was exchanged by delegations between the Sovereign Duma and the British Parliament. Expanded and contacts between the scientists of Great Britain and Russia. One of the most important was the support of the Russian events of the First Global Congress of Races, which took place at the University of London on April 26-29, 1911. The method of Congress voted: "To discuss with the light of science that modern manifestations of the blue sky, which is to be understood between the peoples of the Sunset and the Gathering, between the so-called whites and the so-called color peoples, then, in order to accept the full understanding of the minds of them, the development of the most friendly" heart-practices. Nipzabuty now, obscured by the luminous storm, which swelled indefatigably, this congress was a great success for its hour, one of the most representative luminaries of the luminous bulk.

It is quiet in the midst, who was present at the congress, or having supported the idea of ​​​​yogo holding, were in Russia: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tiflis, Tomsk, Tartu, Helsinki, Odessa, Warsaw, Vladivostok; among them - Academician M.M. Kovalevsky (1851-1916), author of the five-volume "Adventure of Modern Democracy". At the congress, the wine was read out, like L.M. Tolstoy, already deceased at that hour, praised the hour of preparation for the congress.

For example, in the history of imperial Russia, offended lands became allies in the First World War. Splna struggle sharply increased sympathy for Great Britain. Tse appeared in the suspіlnyh moods and in the press. Among the yaskravih manifestations - books by K.I. Chukovsky, one of the best Russian publicists. Together with a group of writers and journalists (O.M. Tolstoy, V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and others) having visited England during the first hour of the war. His books did not only give a figurative imagery about England, what to fight, but also a similar sympathy for the English, sometimes inspire suffocation.

The work on the great book "The Soul of Russia" has become an important role to establish contacts between the Russian and British communities, scholars, writers and clerks of culture. Vaughn was seen in England in 1916. There were published articles about Britain, draw about the enemy of the English on trips to Russia, articles about Russian folklore, literature, art, social life and, understood, about the fate of Russians in the world war. Directions - from the original and translations - verses of Russian poets. Paintings by N.S. Goncharova, M.F. Larionova, I.Ya. Bilibina, N.K. Roerich and other artists.

G.K. Chesterton, dedicating his article to the theme of English pardons in rosy Russia. Introduction to the History of Words by R. Seaton-Watson – to Britannia in the Words of the World. P.M. Miliukov, I.V. Shklovsky (Dioneo), P.G. Vinogradov, V.M. Bekhterev, A.F. Koni, 3.N. Gippius, N.A. Kotlyarevsky, I. Ozerov, N.K. Roerich, I.F. Stravinsky - to the different sides of life in Russia, politics, history, culture.

The article of the historian N.I. is especially great. Karєєva "In the deepest way Russia knows England". He reportedly reviewed Russian knowledge about England, accumulated until 1916, for the hour of preparation and publication of this book. The article is given in English translation. I still haven’t been able to know the relics of the Russian original, and I’m not handy to quote from the Russian translation, I give only a short translation.

Karєєv vvazhav, scho to know England in Russia richer better than Russia in England. Russian language translated like impersonal novels and verses, and practice on philosophy, history, law, political economy, natural history and other areas of science. Shifted like classical robots, but also recently, new. Karєєv navіv dozens of names. Navіt like the Russian community did not praise foreign policy Britannia, the illumination of the people of Russia, zavzhd її її vnutrіshnє stavishche, passed and today її the people were constantly honored with respect, vychalos and universities and other women's courses. Among the professors - historians, economists, legal scholars - were always quiet, who specialized in the problems of England, worked in English libraries and archives.

Concluding his great and well-thought-out statute, Karєєv having spoken out that offending people will become more and more wise one by one, improve each other's feelings and be able to marvel one on one with sympathy.

Chi could be true nadії Karєєva, yakbi Russian empire spared? It's important to say. Already richly abandoned in Russia in the form of ideas "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Narodnist" in its primary, uvarian significance. And through this prism, England looked at the edge of what was unacceptable to Protestantism, "rotten liberalism", worship "golden tile"і "Sho sell your soul for a pittance." And the British public opinion was much richer in the Russian autocracy, as before, it was not close to us.

And all the same - in 1907-1917 rr. there was a political rapprochement between Russia and Great Britain. Exchange delegations of parliamentarians, writers, journalists - which did not happen before. Appearance at the disposal of mass information materials, like talking about mutual understanding. Destruction in the economic and suspenseful life of Russia, like they brought before the appearance of such glances, like at the statue of Kariev. Zreshtoy, fighting spіvrobіtnitstvo, krіplene blood at the war with Nіmechchina.

Identity boules sang a chance and get farther away. Vtіm, scho divination - іstorіya, yоо vіdomo, іn't mає а mental way.

* * * Ale nadії Karєєva fell against the backdrop of the Zhovtnevy coup of 1917. One of the first official political decrees for the sake of people's commissars - September 14 (27), 1918 - denounced the Anglo-Russian land 1907. On the following day, on March 15, the London conference of foreign rights of the powers of the Entente praised the decision about the non-existence of Brest to the world and the landing of the US allies on the territory of Russia.

I want England itself to become the first capitalist country, like V.I. Lenin laid down an agreement on trade (March 16, 1921), nevertheless, the very government of the SRSR designated a particularly sworn enemy in its propaganda - to instill hatred on aphids to the entire "bourgeois Sunset". The Soviet Socialist Republic marveled at her as at the oldest citadel of capitalism and a bulwark of anti-Sovietism. Before that, the new regime had declined in the face of a great deal and a lot of old failures. Everything appeared in official and official publications, in the collections of mass information, in artistic literature, in broader manifestations. Not unique tsgogo th vcheni.

Vivchiti stavlennya raznyh groups radyanskogo suspіlstva to Great Britain is very important. Only, as they said, at the rosemaries "in the kitchen", at the closing of the doors, could only seem to turn around. And in all the methods of mass information, there was only one thought - the thought of the ruler. As if there were many anti-British demonstrations, the stench was always organized "burn down". So it was 1927, at the link with the opening of diplomatic vodnosin. So Bulo for N.S. Khrushchova and L.I. Brezhnev, if, as a sign of protest against the British policy at the Close Gathering, the authorities hired tens of thousands of Muscovites to work and sent their "anger" to the British embassy.

Stosovno Radyansky Union to Great Britain can be called a low stage of hardness. The stench was cursed with timchasovym pom'yakshennyami and navіt ally - the fate of both countries in the anti-Hitler coalition. But the distrust of the English modern politics, that skepticism about everything connected with the English way of life, was characteristic of the Bolshovism of the old. It can be boldly said that the Bolsheviks succumbed to these hostility to Great Britain, characteristic of imperial Russia, and added to them their own, new, connected already with the ideas of class struggle and look Great Britain as a classic land of capitalism. And understand, like "rotten English liberalism", crossed during the pre-Radian hours and is typical for all stages of the Anglo-Radian waters.

What tone did the Radian propaganda of the 1920s-1930s have about the sovereignty of Great Britain? The axis of the article "Great Britain" in the widest and most recent publication is the ten-volume "Small Radianian Encyclopedia" (circulation of a skin volume - up to 140 thousand copies). І axis "the most reactionary", "especially reactionary", "violent politics", "the policy of strangulation and strangulation", "fierce terror", "with the greatest ferocity".

And the article about Churchill: "The cursed enemy of the SRSR and the secular proletariat. ... Nin step by step move to the door of the fascist position."

Under the Great Hour Vytchiznyanoi war like a row, the people of the SRSR sued Great Britain (like the Successful States) through those that the Radyansk Union fought for three years against the land of Nimechchini all the way, and the allies were less likely to open another front. With the drive of Churchill's and Roosevelt's speeches, another front was opened up among the Radian people, it is important to translate into other hostile fires: "They christened, they christened, but Roosevelt's words are silent." The image was fair.

And yet, with whom, respect was not attached to the fact that from the middle of 1940 to the middle of 1941, Great Britain fought against the Nazis of the Vich-on-Vich. This fact seems to have not been confirmed, that, perhaps, is not fully confirmed by the doss.

For a few months after the end of the Other World War, a new round of resistance began. Tse appeared in propaganda, and in the messengers of rebellion, and in that support, like the SRSR, hitting the anti-British forces literally in all parts of the British Empire. At the closed radian political bases, the military workers and activists of the anti-British struggle took away ideological training, and at the military-training camps - the military-sabotage. The CPRS and the Radianian order established the most powerful anti-British regimes that followed the collapse of the British Empire and carried out the most energetic anti-British policy.

The topic of the collapse of the British Empire was widely discussed in the propagandistic, politically sophisticated and scientific literature - one would not want to say that with direct evil, but it was stated that it was not happy, that it was not welcome.

Everything was aimed at the other half of the 1980s, before the awakening. Ale and for the Radian hours, wind up at the rocks of the most intense resistance, pull up to the British culture, the SRSR is already great and, in fact, if it were weaker.

In the 1920s, when the anti-British hysteria reached its apogee for an hour and mass demonstrations were organized under the accompaniment of "Our speech to Chamberlain" and "The Lord in the face", the reading public was filled with English literature. Translate "The Forsythy Saga" in the 20s of the 1920s was the middle of the largest literature that is read, it was repeated in the 1950s, if the book was seen again.

Statistical experiments have not yet been carried out. That's why I rely on my memory. At the fate of my childhood, in the middle and in the other half of the 1930s, the schoolchildren loved the book "Island of Treasures", and among the films - the same "Island of Treasures", brilliantly staged by the director V.P. Weinstock, for the participation of such artists, like N.K. Cherkasov, O.M. Abdulov, M.I. Tsaryov, S.A. Martinson.

They read the novels of Walter Scott - "Ivanhoe", "Rob Roy". Not seeming already about W. Shakespeare, J. Byron, or C. Dickens, may be the skin of the skin of some of them, shifting to my Russian bagatorazov. Create literature of the XX century. they screwed up such great respect that they were also shifted in a bagatora-like way, with different shifts, with unrelenting kohanny. R. Kipling's Versh "The Commandment" ( if.) were translated numerically, the number of times, the most few of the most common translations themselves - less than seven. Interest to Kіplіng buv in the SRSR and the same, if in the Great Britain itself the wines are depleted.

Navit in 1939-1940, among the rocks of the Radian-German rapprochement and sharply anti-British Radian policy, one of the most popular authors in the SRSR was J.B. Please. Just after it was translated in 1938, Yogo's song "The Unsafe Turn" was played in theaters, and the halls were bursting with the public. The story "Blackout in Gretl" was translated in the same direction, if it was not English, 1942, the book became literally the most popular work of foreign literature in the SRSR. Nezabar mayzhe such success reached the novel Pristli Denne light on Saturday ": in England, wines were born in 1943, Russian - in 1944."

The best fates for the recognition of Radian readers from foreign literature Rest of the Rocks Stalin's life - from 1946 to 1953 Aletody under the influence of cultural life were the verses of Burns, Shakespeare's sonnets and other English verses at the translation of S.Ya. Marshak. The stench is filled with dosi masterpieces of translation work. Bagatorazov saw each other and see each other until the next day.

Just a little bit of application of that broad interest in British culture, which in the Soviet Socialist Republic was inspired by the older fates. I, not respecting the anti-British course of official policy, a significant part of whose interest was still satisfied with the sovereign shows, theaters, and films. Mi, schoolchildren, read the magazine "British Ally", and 1944-1945. sang a song about James Kennedy, the captain of the English destroyer

Valuable vantage of trust to you, James Kennedy,
Have SRSR call friends, James Kennedy.

From the middle of the 1950s, during the days of the "leading leagues", in the SRSR, schools were opened English language. Step by step they violated in the past suvori fences for showing foreign films. Artists from foreign countries began to come to the USSR. The journal "Foreign Literature" began to appear, and there were a lot of English novelties. The number of translations of English literature has sharply increased. At the theaters there were gleaming productions of English plays. And the viconess V.B. Lebanese roles of Sherlock Holmes in the film series behind the motives of the works of Conan Doyle in Britain itself were assessed as unfinished.

The reading public did not know, zrozumіlo, with such "not safe" creations, like "1984" or "Cattle Farm" by J. Orwell. Ale and stinks were exchanged and exchanged, even if only in small print runs (hundreds of copies) - for the recognition of the top of the CPRS. To see similar literature, a special editorial office was created by one of the Moscow publishing houses. The whole channel, as the ruler of the top of the SRSR, recognized about the "fortified" political and cultural trends from Zakhod.
And for ordinary people the radio station Bi-Bi-Sі (if you could feel the crackle of the jammers) was a victor at the outer world. Trying to compromise the radio station and quietly, whoever heard it, official propaganda spoke a derogatory word "beat up".

* * * A.S. Pushkin wrote about the "History of Pugachov": "I don't know how you can abuse me, accepting according to my conscience vykonav ob'yazok istorika: shukav іtru with diligence and bladav її without falsehood, not trying flattery nor strength, nor the fashionable way of thinking" .

How easy was it in our country in Radiansk, that often and in pre-Radian hours, truthfully, objectively writing about Anglo-Russian blueprints - according to the conscience of typing the language of a historian? Under the pressure of "power" - official politics, and "fashionable way of thinking" - mass zaboboniv. That scho say - and obvious censorship!

Not to that, in the Russian classical English studies, the introduction of our country to Great Britain was not included in the priority topics. Most of the English scholars in their homeland have paid attention to the history of the social and economic life of England in the middle of the night and the new hour. So practiced M.M. Kovalevsky, P.G. Vinogradov, D.M. Petrushevsky, O.M. Savin, S.I. Arkhangelsky, E.A. Kosminskiy, Ya.A. Levitsky, V.F. Semenov, G.A. Chkhartishvili, V.V. Shtokmar, V.M. Lavrovsky, M.A. Barg, E.V. Gutnova, L.P. Repina. In this sphere, the yaskra praci N.I. Karєєv and Y.V. Tarle are historians who use English knowledge as the main direct work.

One can judge from the sight of their practices in England itself. І behind the inscription on the grave of the historian P.G. Vinogradov, who died in Oxford: "Underlanded England is a foreigner".

Why did the galaxy of brilliant Russian successors get so caught up in the long-standing history of the English village, the mass self-regulation, parliament, reforms and the revolution of the farthest across us in the country of Europe? Obviously, their skin problems had their own causes. Ale, yak on me, bulo th bed. Without a doubt, I wanted to reconcile to Russia that path, which the power went through, which became one of the first to become capitalist and voted for the idea of ​​a good democracy.

Without a doubt about the Russian-British works of scholars (not yet books, but articles) are published in 1907-1917, if the situation is hot - the rapprochement between Russia and Great Britain - has become welcoming to this. O.M. Savin, ahead of the first holy war, published the articles "English bishops visiting Russians" and "Russian ruins of the community and English gardeners". And at the hour of the war - the article "Anglo-Russian zblizhennya at the link with the adoptions of the Potriynoy zgodi". At the Fellowship of Closer Relations with England, they said the promos "Russia and England" and "The English Gromadska Thought about War and the World."

All the Anglo-Russian Suspіlstvo bewildered Kovalevsky, and after his death - Vinogradov. Without a doubt, rock and Kosminsky developed an interest in the history of cultural ties in Russia and England.

April 1917 MM. Bogoslovsky, the author of the rich tome practice of Peter the Great, continuing to revise the unique Russian and English documents in the three-month period of rebuking the Peter the Great Embassy of England in 1698. From the beginning of the Russian-English season of Peter the Great, Vivchav L.A. Nikiforov. (and England - L. Hughes). Great contribution to the formation of Anglo-Russian cultural links and interpenetration of cultures in the XVIII-XIX centuries. brought in by philologist M.P. Aleksiev.

But skilki ob'ektivno vyvchati іstorіyu vzaєmovіdnosin, scho folded already in the new hour, it was superbly important. At the radian official and official propaganda, why only England did not call! Under the hour of the civil war in Russia, she supported the great ones and took part in the intervention. At the sumptuous political trials of the 30s, rich judges were vilified for bringing their connections with the British intelligence. At the politics of England, they rushed over to the trap of another front. And the ear of the "cold winter" was observed in the promotion of Churchill at Fulton on 5 February 1946. The translation of these calls may be inexcusable.

Also, unfortunately, you can understand why the Anglo-scientists, like I.S. Zvavich, F.A. Rothstein, L.Є. Kertman, A.M. Nekrichi in the books and articles of Mayzha did not stop at the Anglo-Radian vodnosin. I want to, well, it’s all right. (V.M. Lavrovsky and A.M. Nekrich, I remember, the last hour of my apprenticeship in graduate school at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic in 1953-1956, more than once, because of the great excitement, they discussed this topic). Ale vіd vyslovluvan at the press tried to calm down. And not only through political censorship slingshots. At the radyansky hour of the robot at the vtchisnyany archives, acquiring new history, the bula was closed. And it’s impossible to take the restoration to work in the British archives. ON THE. Yerofєєv, having devoted all his life to Anglo-cognition, a certifier of the Great Britain sector at the Institute of Foreign History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, did not even manage to reach it. Having visited England more than once, less than a few days, and then only as a tourist. So was the share of the Anglo-scientist A.M. I don’t cry: less than a few days, a tourist.

As a sign of the problems of the new history of Britain, and D. McLane, who, as and K. Philby, was a rozvіdnik, who was a pratsyuvav to the Radyansk Union. After the completion of the work of many years, it is alive in Moscow and published under the pseudonym S. Madzoivsky statti in the journals "International Life", "Svitova ekonomika i international vіdnosiny", "New Hour". However, it’s true, maybe, for their own special reasons, the press had little contact with those British brethren from our country.

All the same, in the last hour, at the 60s - on the cob of the 80s, after some help from the censorship fences, the time was low. Their authors jumped the stamps, as if they were in propaganda, and they were svіdomіst. For some, more was given, for others, less.

V.G. Trukhanovsky published articles about the Anglo-Radian blues ahead of the day on the cob of the Other Light War, and in the same authorship of N.K. Kapitonovoi - a monograph about the Radian-English blues in 1945-1978. . Volodymyr Grigorovich scribbled like a document, and y vlasny dosvіd. Vіn took part in the work of the Russian delegation at the Potsdam conference and until the middle of 1953 worked at the MZS SRSR for the British direct. The nature of the Anglo-Radian vodnosin Trukhanovsky dedicating a lot of sides and in the biographies of Churchill and Eden.

The monographs of A.F. Ostaltsev about the Anglo-Russian favor 1907. A.V. Іgnatiev about Russian-English notes ahead of Zhovtnya, diplomat V.I. Popov about the diplomatic notes of the USSR and England in 1929-1939 pp. , G.S. Ostapenko about the Anglo-Radian professional spirit. I.V. Alekseeva and M.M. Karliner; Russian-English community links like the XIX century - on the cob of the XX century - N.V. Ivanova. T.A. Filippova and M.D. Karpachov. The adoption by the English of Russia of the remaining third of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century Vivchav I.V. Karatsuba. About the Anglo-Russian weather ahead of the day and the first hour of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. publіkuvav cіkavі statti V.M. Vinogradiv.

The book by N.A. Yerofєєva "Foggy Albion. England and the English eyes of the Russians". Wanting to talk about another quarter of the 19th century, nevertheless, the analysis of the author of that visnovka is broader in nature, which can be directly placed up to the image of England in Russia in the 20th century *.

* It is marvelous that the author did not imagine miracles about England and the English - "The Oak Root" by Vsevolod Ovchinnikov, - as they were instructed in 1979 in the journal "Noviy Svit" and were crowned with unimaginable popularity. - V.V.
About the work on this topic, my teacher dreamed of fates. Ale, having endured and for example the 30s, if yoga was turned off from the party, and for example the 40s, if he had spent a lot of money on the campaign to fight against "cosmopolitanism" and "covetousness before the Sunset", Yerofiev in 1975 p. having taken a new blow: from the beginning of the book "What is history" the editors tried to make everything fresher, newer, for the sake of which they wrote this book. I was not worthy of yoga of non-prejudice (as they used to call it - "objective", really just objective) analysis of non-Marxist glances.

I still called vin. Vvazhav, what can not be deposited: you have been already 70 years old. Vykoristovuyuchi content-analysis, little known to the same votchiznyanim historians, turning to Russian periodicals for the last period. Right up to the "Ladies' Journal" that vidannya, as it was called "Rumour. Newspaper of fashion and news". And we’ll write his memoirs, and his notes and notes - there are a lot of numbers.

Zvichayno, writing carefully, so as not to run into those vivisections at the sight, the book recognized it as such. Why is it difficult for the new censorship once? Rich in tim, scho Єrofєєv, on the view of riches of other authors, who want to look like a state policy, and y avovlennya, scho suspіlstvі. With such an approach, it is impossible to promo about the wrong people, to inspire zabobons of your own powerful people, yogis of hromadas, illustrious writers, publicists, journalists. And why does everyone get such criticism at the same time? Foreigners, criticize as much as you like, slander these statements about our country. You can navitt zvinuvatiti at the misinformation of falsification, ill-fated history. We know a lot of those who, on the basis of gibberish, have earned both popularity and capital. Ale criticize "your own" - here you can say that you are not a patriot. Mikola Oleksandrovich repeatedly shared with me these sums.

Have 1980 r. there was an article by Solzhenitsyn "What a threat to America to the filthy rozuminnya of Russia". Having read it, Yerofiev said: - And why did Solzhenitsyn not write, with which I threaten Russia with the filthy rozuminnya of America? For us, in Russia, nobility, singsongly, richly important!

The autobiographical book of Solzhenitsyn also called out zdivuvannya. The best phrase is: "Under my soles, all my life is the land of the fatherland, I only feel it, I only write about it."І іnsha: "I don't know any zakordon, I don't know, and I don't know the hour of life in me - to recognize yoga". Well, wondering Yerofєєv, - it doesn’t require a little bit more people? And go out in a rage, what other people can you not know? Oskilki Mykola Oleksandrovich, having taken up the history of both the British Empire and Africa, they denounced Solzhenitsyn's ironic words: "Africa suffers".

Zvichayno, mirkuvav Yerofєєv, tsі words Solzhenitsyn, singsongly, waving at the hearts, if you know the persecution. And then the persecution went not in the face of the cordon, but in the form of their own, here. Having drunk sweat, then blame the locals, who has the most cordon and crusty yogo hotel, why are you talking about her without feeling that sympathy? For himself Yerofєєv zrobiv vysnovok: Yakshko navit Solzhenitsyn, one of the Volodarіv thoughts, mirkuє axis so, then why are the checks from the censors?

І він having begun to probe between censorship fences with articles in small-circulation collections of "Problems of British History". Have 1978 r. by publishing the article "Promistory coup in England at the mirror of the Russian press". Potim - ""Druhliy Albion": England in Russian journalism of the 30-40s of the XIX century.” І, nareshti, "The Land of Divaks" (from the history of Anglo-Russian contacts).

I zoom in to say if not everything, then it’s rich in what you want. Fortunately, the book came out without special notes. Viishla, if youmu was 75. Yogo swan song. Vіn vklav іn іn іt ії ії ії ії ії ії ії ії dіzhіtії і dіdіletії dоsvіd rozrobki tekhnologii konkreto-istoricheskogo podhodі і vychennya ethnіchnyh vyavleny, іnshoy іnshoy people. The first distribution of books - not about England and not about Russia - "Ethnic Statement". She helps the skin, who is taken up to the image of a foreign land, a foreign people. "Aje Russian image of English,- writing wine, - tse okremy types of ethnic manifestations. And, later, we are drawing closer to the understanding of how ethnic manifestations are formed in the future " .

As far as the specific themes of the book: the image of England and the English in Russia, - those here Yerofєєv vysloviv mirkuvannya, as if they go far beyond the period he lived. The axis is less effective than them:

"Thus, the wealth of England was not found in what it was destined to be, that is not in factories and plants, not in the mighty virobnic forces, but in the abundance of gold and coins, such as England had little. The turbulent development of English capitalism was taken as a brewing crisis, which brought catastrophe close at hand."

“Reveal, tied with a sharp development of capitalism: the all-powerful power of pennies, the pursuit of “clean-cutting”, the virility, which rose people's breath - all this led one to think about those who spiritually life of England is poor and has entered a swarm of stagnation. On the edge, as a whole, they marveled like at the world of "speech civilization", deaf to spiritual drinks.

"Vidomius, having fucked the image of Anglietsia, pressed the I self -income with the Rosіyans of his National character: in the image of someone else's people knew such a scales of the zynniki, Yaka fell in ti roky. this way of thinking goes, obviously, not about the realities of the Russian character, but about that paradigm that panned in the minds of the Russian people. .

Book N.A. Єrofєєva dopomogaє shukati vіdpovіd on the question: why koshtuvatime Russia unreasonable England. Everyone who is praised by the traditions and tendencies of the Anglo-Russian languages ​​will be brought to the book again and again.

Zagal richly from that, as they were put before England in Russia, one can say in the words of the great Goethe: "We called out that people know about something that the stench cannot understand." Obviously, these words can be attributed to the English, to the image of Russia in Great Britain. Ale and there, like in us, it was in the 20th century that there were a few good days, commencing with the work of G. Williams, B. Peirs and M. Bering, as if they lived rock in Russia at the dawn of the 20th century. A stormy surge of interest to Russia fell in England on the fates of the first world war, in London the books "Russia Today", "Borg Europe Before Russia", "Russia That World" were published. The fundamental two-volume work of T. Masaryk "The Soul of Russia" was also translated into English and seen in London in 1919. .

* * * From perebudova at the SRSR, from zustrіche M.S. Gorbachova with M. Thatcher and її yaskravih TV interviews, from visits of V.V. Putin to England, a new stage has opened up in the Soviet Union, Russia and Great Britain. It’s too early to buy bags of this period - it’s only two decades left. Until then, this period is ambiguous. You can talk to someone else in state politics, and in the moods of the bulk.

All the same, the main trends of the Russian state policy of the last two years of the decade are the steps of the expansion of links with Great Britain. The interest in that respect for British culture is more and more taken care of. The words "Cambridge" and "Oxford" can gain strength in the student's middle. І zagal for the Russians "Straight up No. 1 became Great Britain"- so every time you go to the vplivovy magazine "New Chas" and in "Izvestia". BUT "Russian business elite settles in the capital of England" *.

* Axis of only a small number of names from the "elite" who inhabit the capital of England - Berezovsky, Yavlinsky, Abramovich, Zakaev ... - V.V.
The routes of the Anglo-Russian trade have grown exponentially. Known so suvori censorship fence. There were opportunities for work in the archives of Great Britain and more, lower earlier - in the archival archives. Obviously, we all say at the same time on the other hand - the wretchedness of the material security of the debt, especially for the work beyond the cordon. But all the same, deep records, often founded on archival materials of the 19th and 20th centuries, go out more often, lower earlier.

I'll bring only a sprat of applications. L.V. Later, she published the monograph "London-Moscow. British Gromadska Dumka that SRSR. 1939-1945" (M., 2000), as well as a number of articles based on I.M. Travnevoi, a kind of rich rocky bov Radyansky ambassador to London. In the wake of the trival work in the English archives V.P. Shestakov published a report about the life and activities of Russian scientists at Cambridge and the book "English accent. English mysticism and national character" (M., 2000). O.A. The treasury, also after the work in the British and Russian archives, published the monograph "Russians in England: Russian emigration in the context of literary contacts in the first half of the XX century" (M., 1997). O.M. Zashikhin, a historian from Arkhangelsk, having withdrawn a grant from the Soros Foundation, the British University of Oxford for the sake of that, zmіg, acquiring from Great Britain, and voicing the assessment of English scientists, publicists and mandrivniks about Russia, seen in 1916 from 1816.

Books about England are published near St. Petersburg, near Voronezh, near rich places. Moscow and Kalusa since 1996 there is an international journal "RuBriCa (The Russian and British Cathedra)" with English language, attributions to the problems of British civilization, history, philosophy, literature, Russian-British historical links, understanding of Russian and English culture. In one of the remaining books - "England and English", seen in 2004, - clearly spelled out "England and Russia - Traditions of Splicing".

In the Institute of Global History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there was no news after its creation in 1968. the sector of the history of Great Britain was created. Seen the book "Problems of British History", was conducted a sprat of interviews from the scientists of Great Britain. Ale, the sector has ceased to be empty, the scavenger - tezh, zustrіch - seemed to have died down. Provid English scholar, N.A. Єrofєєva, retired - like a rich man was given, before the hour.

In 1992 with the initiative of the Institute of Global History of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zavdyak V.G. Trukhanovsky, Director of the Institute O.O. Chubar'yan and Y.Yu. Polyakova, L.F. Tupoleva, G.S. Ostapenko and other Anglo-scientists, a new breed was broken up to the emergence of Anglo-cognition: the Association of British Studies was created. Її President until his death (2000), becoming V.G. Trukhanovsky. It is impossible to say that the activity of the Association immediately flared up even more widely. Ale is still in 1997-2002 rr. three collections of articles "Britain and Russia" were seen with the articles of Russian and English historians. The fourth collection is dedicated to the Russian-British vodnosins in the 19th and 20th centuries. and earlier preparations to the next, including no less than the articles of British authors, and th guess R. Line, who was the ambassador of Great Britain in Moscow right up to the sickle of 2004, that student of the other ambassador, R. Braithwaite, who is remembered to a memorable Moscow sickle 1991 - the worker gave notice, as if you were battling from the English embassy.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, generations changed in our country, one successive device changed another. And yet, in Great Britain, two images invariably came together: love to culture and criticism (sometimes harsher, sometimes darker) of state politics and to inspire the way of life of її meshkantsiv. І Anglophilia (navit, possibly - Anglomania) fell with Anglophobia, the proportions changed. So, with the two-faced Janus, this country swayed.

In the analysis of Anglo-Russian connotations, often, and even more often, more was said about mutual rubbing, mutual dissatisfaction with that claim. Chi did not signify in that experience of our zagal, as I have wound on the cob of the article. Stars from 1995-2002 pp. such an increase in "mostly negative feelings" in relation to England, without seeming already about a lot of other countries? Xenophobia? Isolation? Antizahidnitstvo?

Obviously, the development of a community thought will require a foldable rich-faceted analysis, but the wine has not yet been carried out. And yet, I repeat, it is necessary to think over this disturbing fact. Tim is bigger, which is set to Great Britain - part of the great problem, as it becomes a welcome for Russia. In 1989 in the course of global national events, how to conduct the VTsVGD, to ask: "How do you think, what are these days at our edge of the enemy?" - less than 13% named the powers that be, the characters of their power. And ten years because, in 1999 - 2000 rr., 65-70% of the children were born: "So, Russia has enemies" .

Perhaps, the hour has come, so that many tendencies and traditions are brighter than those that brought us closer. Those are good, good, that we have taken one kind of one. I will direct the butt, which is important and for the history of my homeland. In 1921, when the Volga region was dying of famine, the English Quakers organized a great supply of food to help. The center of their activity was the place of Buzuluk, near Samara - this stench was called "the place of death". Both my grandfathers perished there, and even though a part of them survived, it was the merit of the English Quakers. About those, how they organized their help, a lot of documents were saved in their archives in London. I have a lot of comments that need to be published in Russia.

About those that Britain took from Russia, I guess, say the English. We, in Russia, can see our Russian side better, and we give more respect to us, supporting our British colleagues to take on the main burden of analyzing our own, British.

It’s worth noting that the British colleagues can do their best to help the English understand Russia. For example, the book by E. Kros "The Russian theme in English literature. From the 16th century to 1980" is beautiful. І tі volumes from the history of Anglo-Radian languages, with additional anonymous documents from 1919 to 1950, as if they were seen in London in the 1940s-1950s (the first - from Lloyd George's forerunner). Zrozumilo, books I. Berlin, and many others.

It is worth noting that those who practice British scholars appear in Russian translations - more often, lower earlier.

At once, if our planet has become so accessible for a look, - and narrow, like a large communal apartment, - a poignant country and people are important, like no one. Ale, it’s impossible without the sight of different points of dawn - no less than its own. The very same way we try to turn the Anglo-Russian blue. It is necessary to understand what we can understand. And it is clearer to show what we ourselves are still not wiser to understand. You want to beat Britain unperturbed, with flattened eyes, listen carefully to the thoughts of your English colleagues.

Today's Russian intelligence gives the English scholars more opportunities, less earlier, to improve the correct image of Great Britain - to overcome the distortions of that other one. Show the English the history of their arrivals from our country in such a way that they no longer have the slightest opportunity to repeat Churchill's words: "Russia is a mystery, covered with a mystery, and all at once - in the middle of something that is not bugged" .

I will not end with such gloomy wailings. I'll give you two more. stink head idea tsієї statti. Words by M.Yu. Lermontov from "Beli": "We can always vibachaemo those that are sensible." I already call old times - the wise Spinoza: "Rozuminnya is the cob of good luck."


1. June, 8.X.2002.

2. Div: Sakulin P.M. From the history of Russian idealism. Prince V.F. Odoevskiy - writer-thinker, vol. 1. M., 1913, p. 580-582.

Davidson A., Filatova I. 20. Russian Newspapers, 1910 No. 223.

52. Sternina I.A., Larina T.V., Sternina M.A. Drawing of the English communicative behavior. Voronezh, 2003.

53. Pavlovska A.V. England and English. M., 2004.

54. The image of the enemy. Collection. M., 2005.

55. Cross A. The Russian Theme in English Literature. 3 Sixteenth Century to 1980. Oxford, 1985.

56. WP. and Zelda K. Coates. A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations, v. 1-11. London, 1943-1958.

57. Nasampered: Berlin 1. Russian Thinkers. London, 1978.

58. For example: Kros E.G. Bіlya temzkih shores. Russians near Britain in the XVIII century. St. Petersburg, 1996; H'yuit K. Understand Britain. M., 1992; Braithwaite R. Beyond the Moscow River. Light, scho spread. M., 2004.

59. Edmonds R. The Big Three. London, 1991, p. ten.


Russian symbolism originated and took shape in the 90-900s. Balmont was destined to become one of the yoga leaders. He sings with the lightness of sounds in his early verses with the motives of pitiful love of the people and more and more transitions at the bosom of artists, as if they were respected by the people for the sounds of licorice and prayers.

In 1900, the book "Hot Budіvlі" appeared, which confirmed the name of the poet and glorified yoga. That is true bov angers Balmont, yoga of creativity. Vіn buv zakrіpleniya "book of symbols" - "We'll be like the sun" (1903). Before the book, the epigrapher drew rows from Anaxagoras: "I have come to the light of the world, to bachiti the Sun."

Sings declaring new freedom in order. Yogo's verses have the joy of the buttya as the key, to sound the spring hymns. For all Balmont, it was important to notice that the presence of the sun was attached to him:

I do not believe in the black cob,

Let the father of our life be nothing,

Only a little sun rose in my heart

І zavzhdi tіkaє vіd tіnі get.

The theme of the Sun at Yogo's bridge over Temryava went through all of Balmont's work.

Ricky, sleepy eyes to lie on the tops of Balmont ahead of the day 1905 And yet the strongest Balmont in another way - in the poetry of tensions. Symbols, stresses, acknowledgments of sound recordings - everything was known alive in the hearts of lovers of poetry on the cob of the century.

We are home to the world of miracles,

Unbelievably Beautiful!

The beauty of you is to bask in the method, and in the light and pathos of your life. Beauty is like a whole. Beauty that panues over good and over evil. The beauty of that dream is the day of Rome for Balmont. The reality of the dream, the vision of the dream, the farthest view of reality, were the best of the poet.

Vіn declaring the spontaneity of creativity, non-tidying, dovіlnіst, new vіdchuzhenіst according to the rules and order, according to the classical approach. The poet's world, thinking wine, is worldlessness. Yogo thought - madness. The romantically rebellious spirit of Balmont's poetry is seen in yoga verses about natural elements. A series of his verses of wines is consecrated to the Earth, Water, Fire, Spirit.

Cleansing fire,

The fire is fatal

Garniy, Volodarny

Shiny, alive!

This is how the "Hymn to the Fire" begins. Sings peacefully the merekhtinnya of a church candle, a litter of fire, fire of a bagattya, a glare of a bliskavka. Before us are different hypostases, different faces of the fiery element. For a long time, the fire has been hidden and rituals have been tied with him to choke Balmont at the depths of human history.

Quiet, grumpy, lower, string-important,

Ty - like life: i truth, i deceit.

Let me be your powdery hair,

Dripping at the eternal... Eternal! Ocean!

Balmont - nature is more indulgent, artistic, indulgent. Vіn neviryavsya, schob a stranger, new, but everywhere bachiv himself, one to himself. Illya Erenburg virno stating that, having traveled the seas and continents. Balmont "not remembering anything in the world, let's surround our souls". Vіn buv lyric for everyone. The skin has its own Russian, the skin has its own thoughts. Such is yoga nature. Balmont is alive, revealing his vinyatkovuyu rich facet and his vminnya to penetrate all the world's nautical worlds.

Subtitle of one best books Balmont "Hot Budіvlі" - "Lyrika of the modern soul". Tsya lyrica vibrating shvidki, for an hour indistinguishable, shot-blasted, shvidkoplinnosti. The lyric itself characterizes the mature manner of the poet. All the mites came together in Balmont with a sense of cosmic integrity. The disparate mites did not dislike him with their dissimilarity. Vіn viriv u їkhnu єdnіst.

Ale with whom sings mav pragnennya mittevo to sing for the full knowledge of the world. In the book "We will be like the sun" Balmont rightly put the Sun in the center of the world. It was all light and conscience, at the direct and allegorical meaning of the word. He sings hymns to the service of the head dzherel of life. The sun bestows life, life breaks down into death.

Skoromovіst was established by Balmont as a philosophical principle. Lyudina is only used in qiu mit. Wu qiu mit shows the whole yogo buttya. The word, the prophetic word, come only to the qiu to mite and to the whole to mite. Do not ask for more. Live for the life, for in it is the truth, in it - the joy of life is dzherelo that yogo turmoil. About the great and not imaginary, the artist - abi vyhopiti at eternity tsyu mite and fix yoga in words.

I do not know the wisdom that is given to others,

I put only a little swidkoplinnosti at the top.

At the skin swidkoplennosti I am running light,

Povna minliva rayduzhna gra.

Tsyu minlivist, cunning raiduzhnist, Groo sings in his creations. Some of them called him an impressionist, others called him a decadent... And Balmont simply prejudicedly bazhavchit vіchnіst krіz mite, look at the historical path of the people, and his own life.

Rick 1912. Grandiose circumnavigation is more expensive. London, Plymouth, Canary Islands, Pivdenna America, Madagascar, Pvdenna Australia, Polynesia, New Guinea, Ceylon and іn. Tsya dearly nurtured the drunken poet, his creativity has new plots, new farbi. Axis maєmo vіrsh "Indian motive".

Like the red color of heaven, like not red.

Yak razbizhnist hvil, sho mіzh yourself fit

Like a dream, that they vinified at the clear light of the day,

Like a dark smoke like a bright fire,

Like the light of shells, in which the pearls breathe,

Like a sound that's in the ear, but I don't feel it for myself,

Like whiteness on the surface,

Like a lotus in the sky, as the growth of the bottom,

So life from zakholennyam and a blissful pardon

Є dream of another dream.

Ale yak and musical movn river zahoplyu Balmont at home, vіn pіdorderkovuєє її її її flow її її її ії її ї ї ї іroy, nizh ssensu vyslovlyuvannya. On the verses of Balmont, like notes, you can put down musical signs, like composers put down. With this sensi Balmont follows the line of Russian poetry, which took away its classical expression from Fet. Balmont credited his successor to the very one who established the exact distinction between the swedish-lined remarks and the vibrating rhythms.

I am the vishukanist of Russian popular language,

Before me, others sing - forerunners,

I first saw this promo go away,

Respivnі, nіvnі, lower calls.

The alliterativeness of the Russian word was greatly enhanced by Balmont. Vіn i himself, іz authoritative yomu zarazumіlіstyu, writing: "I'm calm perekonanіst, but before me, in tse ^ gyum, in Russia they did not dare to write sonorous verses." At the same hour, Balmont knows his love to the Russian language.

Mova, our miraculous language.

Rich and steppe in a new expansion,

At the new scream of an eagle and a wolf's roar,

Drink, and dzvin, and incense is easier.

At the new cooing blue curtains,

The lark is angry until the sun - more, more.

Birch Guy. Brightly bright.

Heavenly board, throwing on the dash.

Headiness of musical themes, licoriousness, intoxication with promo lie at the basis of Balmont's poetics. The magic of sounds is yoga element. Innokenty Annensky wrote: "At the new, Balmonte, there is no verlenivsky cry: the music is ahead of us."

Balmont was euphonically highly gifted. Yogo was called "Paganin of the Russian Verse". But the alterativness of Balmont is intrusive for an hour. At the time of the appearance of a poet, like the past century, the music performed was given to the secrets of that high mastery. Prote already Blok wrote that "Balmont and after him a lot of fellows vulgarized the alteration." Partly vin mav ration.

The music is all overflowing, all is flooding at Balmont. Listening to the sounds of yoga verses:

Mіzh skel, under the power of imli,

Sleep tired eagles.

The wind fell asleep at the door,

From the sea, a slightly unimaginable rumble.

The poets far away set a record for their own kind: music was put on top of the second hundred of yoga verses. Taniev and Rakhmaninov, Prokofiev and Stravinsky, Glier and Myaskovsky created the romance of Balmont's words. Blok, I Bryusov, I Sologub, I Akhmatova strongly "stand up" in this sense.

Understanding, a poetic word is important both for its sounds and for its meanings. The sense will require the word, the word will require the sense. Romance, high language at the best works of Balmont show through with a swaying force. Youthful spirituality, encouragement, the joy of buttya sound at the verses of Balmont. Tsim stinks most lulled like thin pozinovuvachiv, and all of them take the tops without middle, with the strength of the soul.

Basically, it is customary to talk about Balmont the lyricist, but at the same time, you will be driven by your satirical creations. The fates of Balmont's literary success are the fates that blew the first Russian revolution. Usіm buli vіdomі anti-uryadovі performances of the poet. As a butt, you can bring the line "Little Sultan". There is little success. Ponad those, tsey verse - the main chapter of the biography and creativity of Balmont, and the Russian illegal friend. Viniklo out as a reaction to the beating of demonstrators on the 4th of June 1901 at the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg and the repressions that followed the CIM. The "Little Sultan" was handed down from hand to hand, memorized, rewritten, scribbled at political proclamations.

It was Bulo in Turkey, de conscience - river is empty.

The fist, the whip, the scimitar reign there,

Two or three zeros, chotiri are bad

I stupid little sultan.

This is how the celebrity vіrsh begins. On the ruling zeros, the non-guys, that little sultan was "swept by the NATO bashi-bazouks." The stinks rose. The first line of inquiry asks the poet: how to get out of these dark places?

I chose that one, thinking, saying so:

Whoever wants to speak, let the spirit of the new one die with a word,

And if someone is not deaf, let him hear the word,

But yakscho ni, - a dagger!

It was clear to all readers, who had not been prepared, that it was not about the Turech region, but about Russia, Mykola P. First of all, there was a whole series of publications behind the cordon, near Geneva. In Russia, її vіrsh expanded on the lists. Poetov was defended by living near the capitals, metropolitan provinces and university places with a stretch of three years after the writing of the verse.

The collapse of tsarism was triumphantly adopted by Balmont. Vin declaring his accountability to sleep well - "a mighty stream." Ale tse bulo at the fierce 1917

Balmont sees the Zhovtnev revolution, interprets it as violence, puts all his hope on General Kornilov. He sings not accepting destruction, terror, rіshuchі ways to stay in the world, to fight for the water of the literature in the form of politics.

In 1920, Balmont's roci murmured about allowing you to travel across the cordon. In 1921, roci vin їde z sіm'єyu u vіdryadzhennya the term rіk. Ale tsey rіk trivav twenty one rіk until the end of life. Balmont became an emigrant.

Tuga Balmont in Russia is unskinned. Vaughn is expressed at the sheets: "I want Russia ... Empty, empty. There is no spirit in Europe." About her go to the top:

My dim, my father, the best fairy tale nanny,

Shrine, happiness, sound - s u sіh bazhany,

Dawn that opivnochi, I am your slave, Russia!

Kostyantin Dmitrovich Balmont died in Paris paid off by the Nazis on December 24, 1942.

At the article "About Lyrics" Oleksandr Blok wrote: "If you hear Balmont, you will always hear spring." It's true. With all the varying themes and motives of his creativity, for the bazhannya to convey the whole din of sensible people, Balmont still sings of spring, awakening, the cob of life, primrose, spirituality. The axis of one of the remaining rows of Balmont:

Extinguished in the abyss of waters, the headlights went out at sunset,

In the sky, the Architect of Darkness drives in flowers of stars.

Chi call Chumatsky Way on the road without a turn?

Chi until the New Son of Vede a starry mist?

At the heart of the old poet, the image of death - the road "without a turn" - is beaten with guilt, and then he immediately interrupted another image of the dawn bridge that leads to the Sun. So the shabby line of the poet's people is proclaimed.

-Russian people - tse special people (the people are God-bearers), calling to a high role in the world.

Visnovok :

Basically, do it words'anophilism - The philosophy of the religiously charged collectivism.

The stench of the far-off rose of Russia blew the stench of that one, so that the spirit of Orthodoxy permeated the whole huge organism, giving it a great zmist at the rose.

Freedom of the individual is possible, but only way yoga ordering absolute values-authority of religion and the church, the state, its people.

2) Zahidnitstvo:

Russian philosophy was formed by polemical words and yanophiles individuality, heavy to the quietest forms of zahіdnitstva.


Oleksandr Ivanovich Herzen (1812-1870)

Vissarion Grigorovich Belinsky (1811-1848)

Timofiy Mykolayovich Granovsky (1813-1859)

Mykola Gavrilovich Chernishevsky (1828-1889)

They were the forerunners of the idea of ​​a single progressive light development.

1. Voni actively advocated for Europeanization of the country , then. the liquidation of feudal-krіposnitsky vіdnosin and the development of the bourgeois path.

2. Respected religion and the church galom social progress.

3. Highly rated human mind and science , Shanobly were placed up to the legal norms of the court.

4. The main value of support for them is individual , and the power was called upon to seize її right-hand man and freedom.

5. In the social sphere, the stench was oriented to a constitutional monarchy , or on the socialist and anarchist forms of sovereign rule.

In the last third of the 19th century, the other historical form poles in Russian philosophy:

-Traditions of words'yanophiles continued primers:

Apollon Oleksandrovich Grigor'ev (1822-1864)

Fedir Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)

Mykola Yakovich Danilevsky (1822-1885)

Kostyantin Mikolayovich Leontiev (1831-1891)

-Traditions of visitors - populists.

Petro Lavrovich Lavrov (1823-1900)

Petro Mikitovich Tkachov (1844-1886)

Mikhailo Oleksandrovich Bakunin (1814-1876)

a) "Grunniki" - philosophically direct, for which the idea of ​​\u200b\u200babout " national soil "as the basis of the social and spiritual development of Russia.

1) They were characterized by the idea of the predominance of mysticism over science (the sphere of knowledge), shards of mysticism are more aesthetically povnіshe vgaduє consume the era and the spirit of the people. F. M. Dostoyevsky, having nominated “Philosophy is also poetry, one more degree of її”.

2) religious orientation of philosophy .

Dostoyevsky prompted the whole concept to divide the history of mankind into 3 stages:

-Patriarchy (natural collectivity)

-Civilization (painful individualization)

-Christianity like a synthesis of the former.

3) We saw capitalism and socialism as a way to the development of Russia.

4) The ideas of soil workers formed the basis of Dostoevsky's book "Russia and Europe", in which he saw 12 civilizations and especially the words "yanska", as may be the first, which harmoniously follows the main types of human religion, science, politics (religion).

B) "Populists":

Save the faith in science

They respected that the kingdom of "morality, justice" could only come through the activity of heroes, building stories in their own unseen mass movements.

As a result of ideological searches for the development of Russia in the middle of the 80s. 19th century in Russian philosophy two strained straight lines :

1st:Russian religious renaissance end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century.

2nd:Russian Marxism .

Yak zaznav Russian philosopher ON THE. Berdyaev:

“The intelligentsia split into two races: the “cultural elite” concentrated on one pole, as it longed for mystical secrets and religious bloodlines, on the other - “the forces of the revolution, which were inspired by the ideas of Russian radicalism and Marxism.” Tse buli future bogoshukachi and bіshoviki.

For a whole ninth Russian philosophy of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century became the fermentation of the ideas of the historical path of the development of Russia.

In the confrontation between the ideas of the words "yanophiles" and "zahіdnikіv", the foreign orientation overcame with a grain of salt, but it was transformed on Russian soil into the theory of Marxism-Leninism.

3. Russian idea of ​​Mikoli Berdyaev.

great value at the development of Russian philosophy of the Mav period, which is often called the spiritual renaissance of the beginning of the twentieth century.

The most typical philosopher of this period, Mikola Oleksandrovich Berdyaev (1874–1948). Vin is one of the most important representatives of the Russian religious philosophy.

One of the main problems that Berdyaev praised was the “Russian idea”. Berdyaev's judgment about Russia, the Russian people, the Russian soul is unique, free and wide. Yogo “Russian idea” has a lot of consecutiveness and terminological accuracy, natomism is present and bright figurativeness and allegory, a lot of aphorisms and historical parallels, contrasts and paradoxes. The Russian soul, write wines, according to different daily beginnings: “an incalculable number of theses and antitheses” - freedom and captivity, revolutionism and conservatism, innovation and inertness, acceptance and latitude.

Looking at the history of Russian statehood, Berdyaev criticizes the idea of ​​the words "yanophiles", for which statehood developed organically. Navpaki, vvazha Berdyaev, for Russian history we are characterized by perervnіst. Five periods are seen: Russia of Kiev, Russia of the hours of the Tatar yoke, Russia of Moscow, Russia of Petrovsk and Russia of Radianska.

In addition, the thinker spodіvaetsya still on those who are “possible new Russia". Now, we’ve worked out that the hopes of thinkers have succeeded and a new Russia has appeared, prote naskіlki won’t support Berdyaev’s ideal and we will continue to develop in the new “Russian idea”, great food.

The development of Russia is catastrophic. Contrary to the words of the yanophiles, Berdyaev vvazha, that the largest, "greatest Asian-Tatar" period was the period of the Muscovite Kingdom. More beautiful than the Kiev period and the period of the Tatar yoke, they did not have isolation, there was more freedom.

Pogodzhuyuchis from the Vistula of Klyuchevskoy, to the one who in Russia “The power was mіtsnіlo, the people of Khіrіv”, Berdyaev designates that the triumphant hour of the strength of the Russian people was straightened out by the head rank of support of the great Russian state. “The Russian people were oppressed by vitrachannyam of forces, as if they were vimagali for the expansion of the powers” ​​. “Innumerably important task stood in front of the Russian people - the head of the organization of that organization of their indefeasible land”

The Russian idea was vibrated by the stretch of a century and the initial significance for the її molding, giving the very superb character of the Russian soul. We won’t specifically spur on the stages of the formation of the Russian idea, it’s much less significant that such people, like the monk Philotheus, made their own idea about Moscow, like the third Rome, Chaadaev, the words’ yanophiles Kirєєvsky, Aksakov (, Khomyakov (, Khomyakov) ( especially valuable is the idea of ​​sobornost), great Russian writers Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, philosophers Leontiev, Rozanov, Solovyov and others. Bakunin, Chernishevsky, Pisarev and others also played a great role, although for the assessment of Berdyaev it was better for the forbidden falsehood than for the creations. Well, according to Berdyaev's thought, I believe that this idea is truly national and was formulated by the best representatives of the people and confirms the deep folk bajans and spodіvannyam.

Berdyaev deyshov vysnovka, scho “Russian thought, Russian shukannya of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century (they also emphasize the meaning of the previous thinkers) to testify about the basis of the Russian idea, which is based on the nature of the people” p align="justify"> The formation of the Russian idea will appear before us, that "Russian people from the national, labor sphere, inspire if they stink in Orthodoxy, continue to slander the truth, slander God and God's truth, sense of life." And let the jokes for an hour lead to opposite results, from the affirmation of the principles of anarchism to Russian communism, in their depths, the greater number of thinkers and ordinary Russian people are still important in their own way. The Russian idea, from Berdyaev, is the idea of ​​"community and brotherhood of people and peoples." The Russian people, for their spiritual type, are the most slender to the point of inducing “personalistic socialism”. "Russians don't have such subdivisions, classifications, groupings in different spheres, like Western people, there is a great integrity."

In connection with us, with more evidence, Berdyaev vvazha, that the Russian idea is the idea of ​​the month, the Russians called on to play the role of the history of the world in the affirmed principles of communarity. However, the thinker clearly distinguishes the national and nationalist idea and fights against all manifestations of nationalism. Vіn navit vvazhaє, scho shukati dotik dotik is necessary and with peoples, the idea of ​​some is similar to the Russian one: “the German idea and the Russian idea are the same. The German idea is the idea of ​​panuvannya, the Russian idea is the idea of ​​brotherhood” . Prote bazhati brethren vodnosin іz nemetskomu people for the wisdom of the will and the will to power. Those same can be brought to the attention of any other people. Moreover, such an assessment of the Berdyaevs’ vidnosin from the German people changed after the war. Having taken into account that the Russian idea overcame the German idea of ​​the Other World War, prote the shards out of the idea of ​​brotherhood, it is necessary to vibudovuvat the blue of Nimechchina on the її (idea) principles.

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