List of new varieties in Russia. A look at the new varieties of Russia. New production of polypropylene pipes in Russia. Russian collections of musical equipment

Kozhen avtovlasnik knows that tires may be in power. This is one of the main components of the car system, which ensures stable traffic. To that, for their camp, it is necessary to be especially respectful. Ale, few people know that there are tire factory-makers in Russia. The broadening of the stereotype is an outrageous virib for ever better and yakіsnіshy for vіtchiznyany.

So it was until recently. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Deyakі stamps, prepared in Russia, are delivered for export from the western lands.

List of Russian tire manufacturers

A lot of water in this year is stupefied, that it is simply impossible to make like tires on the territory of Russia. Such a thought to finish it off quickly, as if a person sees a modern Russian plant. Russian tires are being prepared today according to the best international standards, norms and standards. Virobnitstvo is more automated. Virobnitstvo vіdbuvaєtsya for the rahunok of the current possession. The production technology is identical to the European process for the production of car tires.

On the territory of Russia, there are such backwaters for the production of tires:

Also, the expansion of the myth about those Russian backwaters during the production of tires zastosovuyut rubber. We call it wrong. Over the past 15 years, vicorists do not vicorist like syrovina for their products, as they are not famous for their positive powers. For passenger cars, the sale of domestic tires has been carried out five times over the past year.

PJSC "Nizhnyokamskshina" - the founder of European technologies of manufacturing in Russia

Spravzhnіy plant-giant roztashuvsya near Nizhnyokamsk. Practically a leather third car tire, made in Russia, originally from Nizhnyokamskshina. On the territory of the plant, a special scientific laboratory was created, accredited by the State Standard of Russia. The laboratory will improve its technical competence. Today, Nizhnyokamskshina is the center of science and technology. Modern and technically equipped.

In 2004, the first car tires were manufactured in Nizhnyokamsk in accordance with international standards. The license was issued by the famous Italian tire manufacturing company Pirelli. The products of PJSC "Nizhnyokamskshina" took away the name "KAMA EURO". Today, the plant produces close to 2 million environmentally friendly and high-performance radial tires per river.

Amtel-Vredestein - tires for any climate

The Amtel company in Russia is based in the cities of Kirov, Moscow and Voronezh. Today is one of the leaders in sales commitment. The products are mainly oriented to domestic passenger cars and foreigners. Ale, you can also use gum for important equipment and wind for bicycles. Amtel is constantly improving its products to suit the bleak climate of the country's latitudes.

Amtel develops tires of various categories, which allows you to take a leading position in the segment. Another advantage of the company is the presence of the high-powered headquarters of the scientists, as they constantly work on improved products. Independent experts have already proved that car tires manufactured by Amtel are not subject to Western European counterparts. The majority of car owners determine the superiority and fineness of the Maloya Futura Primato tires from Amtel. The stench is revered by the great term of service and the elevated endurance. However, to know them on the counter of shops in Russia, you need to really try.

TOV "Kontaєr" - bending the best tires for winter roads.

Popular among Ukrainian motorists car tires type CONTYRE. The largest known gum can rightly be called Contyre Artic Ice. Guma allows you to comfortably and deeply feel on the snowy roads, whether it be folded between the place and the place. Due to the fact that during the preparation of gumi, the amount of silicon increases, Contyre Artic Ice retains its elasticity for any temperature.

The great popularity of the company TOV "Kontaєr" is supported by automobiles. So recently, Contyre Expedition tires were installed on UAZ Hunter cars. Dana Guma showed high indications of the connection with the road, which allows the advancing traffic to rise.

BAT "Belshina" - in front of all

"Bilishna" is the largest enterprise for the production of gum for cars in Europe. The company has created a partnership with rich countries, and with Russia. In the presence of products from 200 types. Over 90% of products are radial tires. The plant takes its cob from the city of Bobruisk of the Republic of Belarus. In Russia, a representation has been created in Volgograd.

"Belshina" specializes in the manufacture of car tires for oversized vehicles. For example, for the "BELAZ" kar'erny self-skid. In the rest of the hour, the model range of the company can know the dimensions of tires and for passenger cars.

JSC "VOLTYRE-PROM" - the best solution for Vlasnik "Niva"

The Volzky Tire Plant has been actively operating since 1964. Today JSC "VOLTYRE-PROM" releases car huma of various categories. For VAZ vehicles, the VLI-5 VOLTYRE model is suitable.

Most car owners "Niva" equip their cars with the same set of tires. Vlі-5 VOLTYRE are breathtakingly hot. Guma vіdmіnno dolє shudder at the sight of the forest and the snow. From the shortcomings, it is possible to recognize the need for a lot of work and the trivality of galvanizing on wet asphalt.

URALSHINA - a daily tire maker

URALSHINA knows the domestic waters for the leading models of gumi K-135 and O-104. The K-135 model itself had the largest width, for a vіdmіnne zcheplennya with the road. In a rush about this model, super-intelligent thoughts were formed. Ale, as it seems - the taste of that color.

The plant also prepares "on the sly" for large-sized agricultural equipment, for tracked vehicles.

OMSKSHINA - stability and accuracy

Cordiant and "Motador" may be the founding model range of medium products for the Omsk plant. Irrespective of those that the OMSKSHINA plant, which enters the Cordiant holding, milks the young, even today we can say that for the sake of the production of the company's acid products, it was possible to win love and trust in Russian waters.

Most of the automakers are positively commenting on the company's products, and independent experts are saying that the Russian production of car tires is likely to fall in the development of manufacturing technologies for the plant "OMSKSHINA"

KShZ is the only representative of the Hidden Siberia

The Krasnoyarsk Tire Plant is the only representative of this segment of industry of the Sea of ​​Siberia. For more than 40 years, KShZ has been preparing gum for passenger cars and vintage cars.

In the midst of driving car tires from KShZ, they are not very popular, protesting the trend to the point that the plant is not barred to a new position. It is important to pay attention to the promotion of European technologies of virobnitsia.

Yaroslavl Tire Plant - the legendary tire manufacturer

Yaroslavl tire maker plant completes the list of tire makers. Bagato who knows about the legendary tire I-192. So, the tire size is not good enough for a quick and comfortable ride on asphalt. Most of the Y-192 was equipped with military equipment, but this model was characterized by its chip and stability. For this, for the pozashlyahoviks of the gum from the Yaroslavl plant, I will become the best solution. The current analogue of I-192 is now being vvazhaetsya yakіsnіsha i doskonalena huma I-471.

Russia as a country new rіven. Do not varto give more respect to those de bula zroblena guma. Of greater importance are the operational characteristics and power. Vitchiznyan backwaters made a significant advance in the technology of virobniztva, deyakі representatives zdіysnyuyut their products on Zakhіd, where Russian tires are covered with drink.

Today, if the Russian Federation has lashed out with sanctions, great respect is attached to import substitution. As a result, there is evidence of new varieties of Russia's various directness different places. What are the halls of industry today in our country - the most demanding? Proponuemo looking back at the rest of the comments.

Variation of insulation and basalt fiber

At the Rostov region, on the cob of 2016, a technological launch of the plant of the TechnoNikol Corporation was announced. It is noteworthy that the yogo zvedennya was completed literally for a river, it’s true, three more rocks were fought. Dane's work permitted the opening of 176 jobs. The new plant is practical on the basis of cupola technology for the production of stone wool, which is especially effective in efficient heat recovery from the firewood that is burned, and good productivity. The price of new production in Russia is prepared over a million cubic meters of finished products for rivers, over 90 types of combustible thermal insulation based on basalt. This plant has been placed on the market of budіvel materials, insulation for facades and coverings of various types, walls, pіdlog, partitions. Substrates are widely planted in

Processing of chicken beetroots

One more new generation of Russia will appear in the Ulyanovsk region. Here I want to make the processing of chicken beetroots. It is planned that the new complex will become the most important enterprise in the country, and there will be a growing and processing of beetroots. Markets will be zbutu when tsomu will be oriented towards Russia, and part of the products will be exported. In the future, the plant will become a part of the great agro-industrial complex, de-growing olive and grain crops.

Polypropylene pipes

The new production of polypropylene pipes in Russia has been improved at the Polyprom Kuznetsk plant. A wide range of possession allows the production of pipes, hoses, profiles, pliers, nets. different mind. Technological lines of the company give the ability to simultaneously release pressure, cladding, sewer pipes. Here extruders are launched, for the complete set of these vicorous nitrided screw steams.

New production of polypropylene pipes in Russia is carried out at the TruboPlastMontazh plant. Tse spetsіalіzovane pіdpriієmstvo, de svoryuyuutsya not only pipes, and th fittings, without which you can not do when installing scorching systems and water supply. The production is carried out on several automated pipe lines, ten injection molding machines. Krym tsgogo, on pіdpriєmstvі it is possible to add reinforcement and sewerage pipes, radiators, which are completed for plumbing equipment.

Vapna production

There are also new backwaters of vapne production in Russia. So, for example, in Karachay-Cherkessia, it is planned to implement 15 investment plants, and the main focus will be on the production of production lines at the Khabez gypsum plant. It is planned that after the launch of new pressures and modernization of enterprises, there will be up to 48,000 tons of vaping on the river, and there will also be a production of dry wakeful sums and drywall sheets. We let out the finishing and finishing putty, as it zastosovuetsya at the internal processing.

The price of new production in Russia is directly related to the release of over 40 types of budding products. It is noteworthy that the assortment of the company is constantly expanding. I will become a clear line for the release of hydration vaping, which is widely zastosovuetsya for the production of a whole series of everyday madness. At the moment, the main market for zbutu is tse pіvnіchny caucasus and pivdenny regions.

Weaving clothes

The textile industry in our country is actively developing today. Thus, I expand the sphere of my activity, the leading Russian sorcerer woman's clothes Elis. The stench is planning to launch new crops in Russia, near Volsk, to release over 220,000 single clothes on the river. It is noteworthy that it was planned to create a given undertaking in 2014, but due to a term crisis, the launch of production was postponed. And as a result, the factory was opened already in early 2016 at the city of Volsk, and now Elis’ laboriousness was put together by several businesses, one of them was roztashovane, to the point of speech, near Belarus.

New production of overalls in Russia. The launch of enterprises is explained by the fact that on the delivery of imported goods for easy industry and fencing. The group of companies "Vzuttya Rosії" plans to produce up to a million pairs of pairs for the army and lifeguards. The first game will be released soon in 2016, and before the onset of fate, it is planned to improve the brewing process. The factory itself is equipped with a garniture of equipment, for which reason it is possible to make a sprinkling of lines of production.

The company is planning to supply special services to state structures and private organizations, as if they were employed in the sphere of everyday life, including roads, laying oil and gas pipelines. Works in the company of those overalls, but all the same, the main emphasis is to be robbed on your own.


Select region Adigea rep. Altai Territory Amur Region Arkhangelsk Region Astrakhan Region Bashkortostan Rep. Belgorod region Bryansk region Buryatiya rep. Volodimir region Volgograd region Vologda region Voronezka region Dagestan rep. Jewish Autonomous Region Trans-Baikal Territory Ivanivsk Region Ingush Rep. Irkutsk region Kabardino-Balkar Republic Kaliningrad region Kalmikiya rep. Kaluzka region Kamchatka Krai Karachaevo-Cherkessia rep. Republic of Karelia Kemerovo region Kirov region Komi rep. Kostroma region Krasnodar region Krasnoyarsk region Krim Kurgan region Kursk region Leningrad region Lipetsk region Magadan region Mariy El rep. Republic of Mordovia Moscow region Murmansk region Nizhny Novgorod region Novgorod region Novosibirsk region Omsk region Orenburzka region Orel region Penza region Perm region Primorsky region Pskov region Rostov region Ryazan region Samara region Saratov region Sakha (Yakutia) Sakhalin region Sverdlovsk region Pivnichna Ossetia-Alania Smolensk region Stavropol region Tambov region Tatarstan rep. Tverska region Tomsk region Tulsk region Tiva rep. Tyumen Region Udmurt Republic Ulyanovsk region Khabarovsk region Khakassia rep. Chelyabinsk region Chechen Republic Chuvaska Rep. Chukotsky AT Yaroslavl region

Choose a place

Оберіть категорію Благоустрій Побутова техніка, електроніка Галантерея Дитячий одяг Дитячі товари Домашні тварини Інші товари Інструменти Корми для тварин Меблі Медичні вироби Взуття Одяг Оптичні прилади Відпочинок Продукти харчування Промислове обладнання Релігійні та ритуальні товари Сільське господарство Системи охорони та безпеки копалини Текстиль Товари для дому Товари особистого вжитку Trade property Transport, equipment, spare parts Chemical industry Electrical goods Jewelry items, gifts

For the sake of clarity, I’ll ask, the dovіdnik of the virobniks is sorted by the galluses of industry, regions and places of Russia.

Because New businesses and backwaters are constantly being built in Russia, the list of stock pickers is being edited and popovnyuetsya new companies today. Russian virobniki actively involved in the program of import substitution and modernization, promoting a partnership with dealers, distributors, wholesalers.

Virobnichi enterprises of Russia zdiyasnyuyut wholesale deliveries from all regions and regions of the Russian Federation, SND and for export.

Permissible certificates are issued for purchases abroad.

Ask the price lists and ask the buyer through contacts.


Select region Adigea rep. Altai Territory Amur Region Arkhangelsk Region Astrakhan Region Bashkortostan Rep. Belgorod region Bryansk region Buryatiya rep. Volodimir region Volgograd region Vologda region Voronezka region Dagestan rep. Jewish Autonomous Region Trans-Baikal Territory Ivanivsk Region Ingush Rep. Irkutsk region Kabardino-Balkar Republic Kaliningrad region Kalmikiya rep. Kaluzka region Kamchatka Krai Karachaevo-Cherkessia rep. Republic of Karelia Kemerovo region Kirov region Komi rep. Kostroma region Krasnodar region Krasnoyarsk region Crimea Kurgan region Kursk region Leningrad region Lipetsk region Magadan region Mari El rep. Republic of Mordovia Moscow region Murmansk region Nizhny Novgorod region Novgorod region Novosibirsk region Omsk region Orenburzka region Orlіvsk region Penzensk region Perm region Primorsky region Pskov region Rostov region Ryazan region Samara region Saratov region Sakha (Yakutia) Sakhalin region Sverdlovsk region Pivnichna Tatarstan Republic Tverska region Tomsk region Tulsk region Tiva rep. Tyumen Region Udmurt Republic Ulyanovsk region Khabarovsk region Khakassia rep. Chelyabinsk region Chechen Republic Chuvaska Rep. Chukotsky AT Yaroslavl region

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Оберіть категорію Благоустрій Побутова техніка, електроніка Галантерея Дитячий одяг Дитячі товари Домашні тварини Інші товари Інструменти Корми для тварин Меблі Медичні вироби Взуття Одяг Оптичні прилади Відпочинок Продукти харчування Промислове обладнання Релігійні та ритуальні товари Сільське господарство Системи охорони та безпеки копалини Текстиль Товари для дому Товари особистого вжитку Trade property Transport, equipment, spare parts Chemical industry Electrical goods Jewelry items, gifts

Виберіть підкатегорію 3D сканери 3D телевізори LED телевізори MP3 плеєри Smart телевізори Автоклави Акустичні системи Блендери Вафельниці Вентилятори Зовнішні накопичувачі пам'яті Водонагрівачі Газові обігрівачі Газові плити Прасувальні дошки Дитячі годинники Диктофони Домашні кінотеатри Домашня кінотеатри системи Інфрачервоні обігрівачі (ІК обігрівачі) Кабелі та перехідники Картриджі для принтера Apartment heaters Boilers Air conditioning equipment Computer equipment Computer bears Air conditioners Kitchen appliances Kitchen hoods Oil heaters Clippers Media players Microwave ovens Monitors Monoblocks Freezers Music centers Multicookers Air conditioners for food Wrist year This year's anniversaryНавушники Ноутбуки Осушувачі повітря Опалювальні котли Відпарювачі Очищувачі повітря (повітряочисники) Окуляри віртуальної реальності Парогенератори Планшети Принтери Програмне забезпечення Проектори Пилососи фотоапаратів Сушіння для взуття Лічильники на воду Телевізійні антени Телевізійні приставки Теплові вентилятори Теплові гармати Терморегулятори Трансформери 2 в 1 Зволожувачі повітря Фото, аудіо, відеозапис Фотопринтери Refrigerators Digital video cameras Digital frames Vaga Electronic books Electronic components Electronic years Electric stoves Electric respirators Electric dryers Electric air cleaners

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Manufacturing of by-button equipment, electronics

Russian virobniks of bututovy tehnіk and electronics - 182 virobniki factories. Catalog 2017. Great houses and new brandies. Sites, addresses, list of contacts of workers, price lists. We are talking to dealers, exporters, wholesale customers. Virobnitstvo and wholesale sales, export.

Russian manufacturers of electronic products and home appliances have yet to develop productively. The products are not yet competitive, change in the gallery to go properly. 5% of Russian electronics are exported, the share of Russia in the international market is 0.05%. It's not enough, the internal Russian situation becomes 3% of the light situation of electronics. Most Russian factories select equipment/electronics from parts that are purchased abroad. Ale іsnuyut і pіdpriєmstva pіvnogo tsіlі, scho vypuskayut ready produktіyu іz komplektuyuchih vygotovlennja.

Manufacturing companies in Russia produce: climate control, home appliances, electronics, video and audio equipment. The largest domestic trade marks supply products from the region of the Russian Federation on the minds of dealerships and sales.

Virobniks of by-butovy equipment in Russia - 20% of the venison market.

Gallery leaders:

  • “Krasnoyarsk plant of refrigerators “Biryusa”, which has been producing refrigerators, commercial refrigerators, freezers since 1963. 85% of the details are made independently. Technology - non-stop assembly line. In Chervni 2008, the factory produced a jubilee, 25 million refrigerator.
  • Sarativske electrical unit production association, as practiced since 1939, the oldest enterprise. We prepare aviation magneto and rich functional control systems. The plant manufactures and folds electrical equipment, refrigerators, freezers, juicers and electric shashlichnits.
  • The Chaykiv Gas Equipment Plant was the first to be founded after the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic. The plant did not get any investments and positions because of the cordon. The plant, owned by the French company Brandt, produces over 50 models of combined electric-gas and sclero-ceramic stoves.

There are 182 factories that manufacture products in Russia. Today Exhibition will popovnyuetsya new plants and factories. buy by-butov technique that electronics in bulk without intermediary from Russian distributors, having contacted them for contact details.

On the cob of birch, the team praised the decision to complete the package of documents, as if they were declaring the “witchiness” of the telecommunications possession. Rich in what - zavdyaki zusillyam telekom-gromadskosti, scho maє your point of view z podіlu podіlu on "ours" and "strangers".

Who is vin - vіtchinyany?

"ІKS": The main barrier to the exit was praised by the order about the provision of telecommunication status to the status of a countryman was the appointment of yoga parameters. How do you think, according to what criteria should one give the owner the status of a cook?

Grigory SIZONENKO, CEO, IVK: We’ll immediately exchange it: the terms “witch-hunting” and “witch-hunting” carry different meanings, it’s necessary to separate them and not to change them further. Status vіtchiznyany virobnitstv - suto tehnіchny. Zovsіm іnsha rіch - "vіtchiznyany virobnik". The food is more important, and the power can seriously consider it. Up to the category of a virobnik, I can see two companies, the statutory capital of which is controlled by Russian residents. It’s not just a task, but they ran into China after her. Itself for such companies I created bi as much as possible to understand business.

Illya KARPOV, head of marketing department, Zelax: In our opinion, possession can be called votchiznyany, as if it is scattered on the territory of a resident. At our point of view - on the territory of Russia. The new possession is the result of intellectual activity. Let foreign scientists create their own developments for Russia, collaborating with Russian colleagues and contributing their scientific potential to the developments of our country. Viroblene as a result of possession can rightly be vvazhnyanym.

Criteria so chi іnakshe already all were called, їх rich, і mayzhe all stinks mayut right to life. In my opinion, we omit on the basis that there is no universal designation of a vaccinal vineyard, but such a criterion does not cover the company's insurance specialization. I’m looking forward not to the formula of a single designation, but to the combination of several groups of criteria, as if to guarantee the very specialization of the company. For example, the designation of a "commercial manufacturer of PZ" seems to be based on one criterion, "community of a manufacturer of microcircuits" - from others.

Such a criterion, as the choice of 30 to 50% of components in Russia, is rightful for the automotive industry, and not for telecommunications. Frequently, local variations are imposed by the exchange processes of globalization: it is obvious that in Russia it is impossible to viroblet standard electronic components at competitive prices. Ale does not mean that it is locally viable, but it is necessary to develop. For example, on the production line of FSUE “Kalugaprilad” (which launches telecommunication stations under the license of Siemens Enterprise Communications), foreign components are victorious, and in addition to that, the entire production cycle of sales in Russia, moreover, to state-owned enterprises.

In telecommunications, it is logical to give respect, who is the master of warfare. As if the sovereigns are private Russian companies, then such virobnitstvo can be respected by Russian companies. If all companies with a large share of foreign capital, let's go and stay on the territory of Russia, then it is hardly rightly called Russian.

In our opinion, all the warehouses of the end product, including the warehousing, gifts, rent, and all the stinks are to be blamed for the development of local production. The appearance is less than the cost of components is clearly insufficient and foldable. And even more great companies periodically recommend components, which are available on the free market. It is important for this to work out a detailed assessment of the vartost. It is also easy to orientate the selection of components, the release of the Russian bіla. On the right, in the choice of components, their analysis and qualification sound at the stage of development of a new product, and the transition to other “analogous” components in the manufacturing process - very folding, trivaly and expensive process. Not to mention those great companies to cater for prices on components for sales promotion of products around the world.

Oleg TIMOSHENKO, Director of Development, Istar: A part of the cost for the development of the PZ in the co-variation of the current high-tech installation is already dominant and growth time and nadal. Therefore, take as the main criterion the compatibility of the victorious components of the pardon. It is more important that all the European and American herbalists actively collect components released from Pivdenno-Skhidniy Asia, so as not to put a summation of their products. We care that in this food it’s not a good idea to “find a bicycle”, but rather to win a match, accepted from the roaring lands of the world. Zokrema, while the edge of the product may be damaged as a variability of installation, and depreciation costs for the development and repair of the hardware and software parts of the product. Moreover, the compiler is guilty to bring that it is the legal master of circuit design solutions and software codes that are victorious, and such intellectual authority is registered on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Igor MANKO, Director of Strategic Development, Morion (Perm): The criteria are determined by the set goals. Although, as a result of that good initiative, scientific schools were formed in the country, buildings generated competitive science products, advanced technologies for the development of staff benefits were established, then the next day, there will not come a day. The next day, there will definitely be reports about this formally vikonannya from the side of all leading vendors. The process of becoming a state-of-the-art production of telecom-possession is inevitably stretched at the hour, and here it is necessary to talk about the complex of all, as the state controls. Be-yakiy virobnik - tse pіdpriєmstvo that manages the life cycle of production, which includes the phases of maintenance, NDDKR, physical virobnitstv, delivery, maintenance of operation until the product is taken off the conveyor. Yakshcho vplyaєsh on all phases, ti - vyrobnik, only viroblyaєsh - contract conveyor.

Try a subdivision of virobniks on “your own” and “shields” - this is a vicious practice. First, all the formal criteria that signify the status of a product as a product are easily implemented by a vendor, if only a few significant resources. For example, the virobnitstvom of the Russian Federation. Most of the companies of the light industry in the electronics, car industry, food industry and other - all may well grow on the territory of the Russian Federation. In another way, tse led to the formation of such a closed club, to which a group of people enters, which intermediates competition and leads to a monopolization of the market. Thirdly, it is not so important for the endangered man, what status may be the other one, but on the other side of the gut to strike a fence for "strangers". Zreshtoy, only honestly, that healthy competition spryaє emergence of garnish, yakіsnih produktіv.

Let's turn to SP?

ІKS: Deyakі analytics stverdzhuyut, scho for vіtchiznânіh vіrobnіvіv obladnannya zv'yaznіy vіdnaіyіnії sposіbіb zmіtsnіt ії sії sії ї na rynka - svoryuvati svіlnі podpriєmstva s vіbіlіh svіtovіmi kompanіyami. Your comments?

Tsezovsіm is not necessary for the largest lighting companies. They have a Chinese manufacturing base, an American and European center for the generation of new technologies. I'm using the Russian market. If they seem to stink, then, perhaps, the stench will create such sleeping businesses. Ale is a piece form, which is no longer a cover for a foreign picker, which creates a screen for a new one. Russian enterprises have nothing to propagate to the largest light companies. Hiba sho shots. Ale frames can be repurchased in an individual order.

Oleksandr KROK, CEO of Atlant-TeleCom: Russia already had a record of the establishment of joint ventures in the 90s. A joint venture cannot be called the most effective way to change market positions, even if it bears fruit. For example, we learned and did it right. If we zastosovuvatimemo otrimani knowledge in practice, spiratimemos on the accession of foreign partners, provadzhuvatimeme zahіdnі technology in our manufacturing, then spіlnі pіdpriєmstva - good. If joint ventures are created only for the buy-sell method, then pure coins of trade are blue, and not random. Spіlnі pіdpryєmstva not owing to intermingle іmport іnоzemnyh komplektuychih chi finished produktії. The head of the sleepy robot is not directly responsible for the transfer of the certificate in the field of scientific research and research a distant development virobnitstva in Russia. Such a pіdkhіd is right to see the position of the Russian enterprise. However, the shards of the prospects for development are based on the presence of foreign companies, which will be straightened out to Zakhid, and we will only be able to grow in the country.

For the establishment of a sleepy understanding, it is necessary to clearly understand in a specific skin condition that it itself is invested in understanding. It can be called a sippy enterprise like a packing shop, and a foreign production line, and a flourishing of our country. However, such a format did not bring scientific developments to Russia. In our opinion, the spіlne pіdpriєmstvo is a chain contribution, which slackens the mustache of the backside. What can you do to propagate Russian undertaking to a great foreign holding? Either the status of a brewer, or the guarantees of the market are for sale for the sale of all products of the state structure. At the same time, all the development of the technology of the foreign companies is located in their own country, the shards of none of them are not incubated in the development of the industrial production. An ideal partnership can be created for the mind, that Russian and foreign tradesmen at once will spread the possession on the territory of Russia.

P. MARYUSHKIN: Who can compare that access to advanced technologies can effectively take these positions? Why can such a joint venture be assessed by foreign partners? This food will also require serious attention.

This is one of the possible paths, and not the greatest. It is more important that the preferences were proportional parts of Vlasniks - residents of the Russian Federation.

M. KADER: This is one of the possible methods for issuing an established set of possessions of a basic and average level. Well, we are talking about the real development of manufacturing in the country, the creation of working areas, and the modernization of the country. - you need to do it in order for the companies to be vigilant to conduct a campaign here for a distant sale of the released possession of those other lands.

O. TYMOSHENKO: Cooperation - pressing tool, which allows you to strengthen the distribution of direct activities, use the shortage of resources and knowledge, open up new channels. A lot of these days could have been vyrishenі power, but after a day of such encouragement, Russian virobniks turn to out-of-band companies. And spіvpratsya often ends with the sale of a majority stake to a business with a transfer intellectual authority cordial partner. As a result, domestic technologies become global, but foreign, and the same retailers often go far away work beyond Russia. The active role of the state could increase such a turn of knowledge and specialists.

special status

ІKS: What prospects show the status of a businessman in front of Russian software companies?

Looking at the product itself, the level of readiness of the retailers of the PZ is inconspicuously high, lower than the retailers of the hardware, so the process of localization of the development has great prospects, with great chances for a successful result.

A. KISEPEV: For the largest Russian software vendors, the most priority markets are the United States and Europe, where the software security market is de facto civilized, and where copyright is actually protected. This confirms the sale of Russian software on Zahodі. Nabuttya to the status of a vineyard brewer in to this particular type nothing is wrong, the problem is more global.

S. Kuteinikov: Software companies have been given a hard blow to the promotion of insurance premiums, tobto. podatkіv to wages And the salary of these companies - the main statya vitrat. Take advantage of the great software companies, they drastically reduced the staff in Russia and transferred the developments, for example, to Ukraine. Required that the status of the Russian forager be compensated for the cost of spending.

P. MARYUSHKIN: Software can be both a classic product and a warehouse solution, including possession. As I have already said, the next step is to get the okremium status - “Vatchiznyany rozrobnik PZ”. The status is due to the assignation of those who are based on the specific features of the gallery (whose codes, licenses, whose software is vikoristovuvavsya pіd hіrobnitstva and іn.). Prospects for domestic software security as a final product lie in the hands of government officials, and the prospects for other software products - in the event of a successful solution, to which stench enters the mud.

Status settings

"ІKS": What else, the crim of a pilgrim mit, pіlgovy minds of lending, preferences in tenders, would you check the status of a vodka maker?

S. Kuteinikov: Bezkoshtovnu certifikatsiyu obladnannya or wanting to be nadannya testing and vimіryuvalnoy base for the budget budget (vartіst obladnanoї laborії for carrying out testing for electromagnetic summіsnіst, for example, vimiryuєtsya millions of dollars); easing the export procedure. The export of one copy and a million copies at a time does not depend on the procedure. In this way, the market for small businesses is actually surrounded by bureaucratic barriers.

Pilgovі mita ta wash credit - tse financial bill of nutrition, which, without a doubt, is important for the patron of the vіtchiznyany vineyard. Prote, in our opinion, the companies, like nabuvayut tsgo status and may have important preferences, are guilty of bearing the goiter of the state before the state - for example, organize probation for graduates of universities at their own enterprises.

What to ask for a disabled person's death - perhaps, the death of a Hero of Russia? There are plenty of minds. In an amicable way, there would have been a check, so that the piece of understanding of the vіtchiznyany virobnik, yaknaishvidshe, spent the sense. The mechanism of state regulation may be persh for all directives for the education of Russian fahivtsiv to best schools applied sciences on the merit of zastosuvannya tsgogo dosvіdu on vytchisnyany vyrobnicheskih maidanchiks.

P. MARYUSHKIN: The pills were divided into stimulants and boosters. It is necessary to stimulate the emergence of new vicissitudes or the transfer of zahіdnih virobnitstv chi NDDKR-centers to. Prior to stimulating entry, you can add tax, credit policy, the cultivation of qualified personnel, the development of a manufacturing infrastructure, and easier access to new light technologies. The other stage is the promotion of companies with the status of “counseling”. Here, preferences can be given to states. Come in to support the acknowledgment of the stage of the life cycle of the company and change at once with the development.

A. KISELOV: Golovnya - schob tsey status with the release of the akіsnoї produktsії, scho vіdpovіdaє the best light analogues, at the lowest price. Ale tse utopia, oskіlki zrobiti vrobnitstvo yakіsnіshim i cheap, for example, chinese - zavdannya more folded, zaprovadzhennyam statusіv yogo not vyrishiti.

It would be good to invest in the medium and small business, which will lay a trend for the future growth and growth. Also drastically reduce fees, speed up bureaucratic calls for the removal of certifications and documents necessary for the selection of documents. In addition, it is necessary to create and improve the design and development programs for proper financing.

I have a low number of tools for supporting the work of the virobniks of the country, as they were successfully victorious at Zakhod. Zakrema, okrim state projects іz preference vіtchiznânіv vіrobnikam actively podrimuetsya international expansion of such technologies for the cordon. To fight for the help of a special policy of lending to other powers from the goiter for the production of the country-creditor, through the active support of trade representations and representatives and other. private companies are unpromising. Необхідно шукати симбіоз між поки що непоганою фундаментальною підготовкою фахівців держінститутів, їхньою технічною базою та прикладними розробками приватного бізнесу, які, як правило, ґрунтуються на продуманому бізнес-плануванні та переслідують конкретну комерційну мету - створення та серійний випуск сучасного, конкурентоспроможного обладнання. Crying out that the cooperation of the business of that power in that country directly could lead to remarkable progress in such an important right for the country.

Hope that fight

ІKS: What kinds of powers do you appreciate (within the framework of the declared topics), which ones will you be afraid of?

S. Kuteinikov: With hope, I check the reduction of taxes, bureaucratic barriers and the reduction of the pledge. Ale, I'm afraid, scho, more for everything, that won't happen.

P. MARYUSHKIN: Usі preferences nіyak nіyak nіkvіduyut tehnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіchnіvn_vіdstavnіvіvіvіznіnіh companiesіvіvіd vіd zahіdnih. I hope that you will find ways to make it easier for retailers with the status of “private” access to advanced retailers and software codes, such as software security for unlocking LTE-enabled. As soon as it is possible to show up, foreign companies will be encouraged to transfer their R&D centers to Russia. Be afraid of the warto, for example, of a formal challenge to the status of "victims" in order to lobby the buyers of that other possession.

M. KADER: It is clear from the hope of a clear definition of the criteria of the local collection, the adequacy of these criteria for the transitional period and the status of the documents that are being developed. So we continue to follow the open dialogue and the appearance of the favor. We are afraid of zayvogo protectionism and inadequacy of criteria, which can give a negative effect - foreign companies do not invest in local virobnitstvo, and Russia will be left without additional investments, working areas and technologies. With all the preferences, "Russian" pickers will be brought to an even greater picking and technological development of the country.

O. TYMOSHENKO: The most secure - if the power is more likely to regulate the power supply "in manual mode". I don’t want to become neither “our own” nor “alien”, but I just want to develop in normal minds, like I’m going to take on any business. Therefore, in the light of the state, we check the open dialogue about the essential transition to the path of the vodka winemaker and specific ways of adopting them. It is possible to reconsider the militant and tax legislation, so that virobniks (be it) did not collide with difficulties when importing components and imported finished products into the country.

The state would like to take real help, and the very need for financial lending and more serious support for domestic workers within the framework of tenders, which are carried out, especially for state purchases. We hope that all the announcements come in that the tradesmen of the virobniks will be actively promoted and in the next hour you will begin to zastosovuvatsya in practice.

Deeply vdyachnyy to the ascetics, yakі tsyu topic was destroyed. I would like it if the state brought the chain to its logical conclusion and could not overcome the idea of ​​amateurs in simple solutions.

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