Charging scheme for 4 lithium ion batteries. Charger for lithium batteries. Design features of memory

Charging attachment for li ion batteries, The scheme of which is induced in this article, it was developed on the basis of the construction of similar chargers, susilly for the elimination of pardons and the achievement of maximum simplicity. The charging attachment boasts a high output voltage stability.

Charging description for lithium ion batteries

The main element of the design ї (IO1) is the support voltage socket. This stability is significantly better, lower is acceptable, but, as it seems for lithium-ion batteries, it is an important characteristic when charging.

The element TL431 is used in this circuit as a stabilizer of the stream in robotic transistors T1 and T2. Charging strum flows through R1. As a result of the voltage drop on this resistor, it changes approximately 0.6 volts, the stream is exchanged through transistors T1 and T2. The value of the resistor R1 is equivalent to the charge stream.

The output voltage is indicated by the main element TL431. The value is determined by the output voltage dilator (R5, R7, P1).

Component R4 C1 for strangling the shift. Even more convenient is the indication of the size of the charging stream, behind the help of the LED1 light. Lightly shows what kind of stream flows into the base tube of the transistor T2, which is proportional to the outgoing stream. In the world of charging a lithium-ion battery, the brightness of the light is gradually decreasing.

Diode D1 of appointments to protect the discharge of a lithium-ion battery for the current voltage at the input of the charger. The battery charging circuit does not need to be protected from the wrong polarity of the li-ion battery.

All components are placed on a one-sided drukovaniy board.

Struma sensor - resistor R1 is composed of a number of resistors connected in parallel. Transistor T2 needs to be placed on the heat sink. Iogo rosemіr lie down in the charge stream and the voltage difference between the inlet and outlet of the charging outbuilding.

The layout of the charging attachment for the lithium-ion battery of the floor is simple, which, with the correct installation of radio components, can be charged the first time. The only thing you may need is the installed output voltage. For a lithium-ion battery, approximately 4.2 volts. With an unfriendly move, the transistor T2 is not guilty of being hot. The input voltage is due, but if you want to be 2 volts higher, the lower output voltage is required.

Charging strum vart circuit up to 1 ampere. It is necessary to increase the charge of the li-ion battery, it is necessary to change the opir of the resistor R6 and the output transistor T2 is to blame for the increase in tension.

At the end of the charging process, the light diode still shines a little, you can just plug it in parallel with the light diode with a resistor with a support of 10 ... 56 kOhm. So, when the charge is lowered below 10 mA, the light will stop glowing.

Bagatioh, singly, blames the problem of charging a Li-Ion battery without a controller, I have a similar situation. The laptop was taken out, 4 cans of SANYO UR18650A in the battery appeared alive.
Replace three AAA batteries for the light-colored lighter. There was a post about their charging.
Having rummaged in the Internet, I know a bunch of schemes, but the details are tight in our area.
After trying to charge in the style of charging a stylnikov, the problem is in charge control, you need to constantly keep warm, the troch starts to heat up.
Virishiv robiti independently. Having bought a postal battery from the store. I bought a charger at a flea market. For the sake of clarity in the completion of the charge, it is necessary to know with a two-colour light, which signals the end of the charge. Wine changes from red to green after charging is completed.
Ale, you can call me. Charging can be replaced with a USB cable and charging from a computer or charging from a USB output.
My charger is more for batteries without a controller. I took the controller from an old mobile phone battery. Vaughn follow it, so that the battery does not recharge more than voltage 4.2, but discharges less than 2 ... 3 V. So the circuit shuts down short flickers, including the bank itself, slows down at the moment of a short flicker.
On the new one is the DW01 chip and the folding of two MOSFET transistors (M1, M2) SM8502A. Є and with other markings, but the schemes are similar to tsієї, and pracciuє similarly.

Mobile phone battery charge controller.

Controller diagram.

Another controller diagram.
Golovna do not confuse the polarity of the soldering of the controller with the bed and that of the controller with charging. On the hub of the controller, the contacts "+" and "-" are indicated.

At the bottom of the positive contact, it is necessary to grow a clearly marked indicator, with a red farboi or a melt, to self-adhesive, to avoid polarity reversal.
Buying everything, buy it and see what happened.

Charge wonderfully. When the voltage reaches 4.2 volts, the controller turns on the battery for charging, and the light diode changes from red to green. Charging completed. You can charge other Li-Ion batteries, only charge another bed. Good luck everyone.

Most of today's gadgets gain life in two ways: in the form of funds, in the form of batteries. Which of them do you choose? Chantly, different, like the best. And let's talk about their regular exercise. For this special equipment - a charger for lithium-ion batteries. Vibirayuchi yogo, ring out the chirping of the number of batteries and the number of batteries, which are renewed at the same time.

But if you don’t forget about it, it can be optimized for work with specific batteries. Most of the out-of-the-box battery types are also available in wet chargers, which will allow you to look at the different types of batteries. Why do you have a specialty and how to orientate yourself in the same sea of ​​products? At once we will tell you a report.

Charger for AA batteries

This accessory is a necessary item for people, yakі give priority active image life, yakі transferred the maximum number of gadgets to the robot in the form of batteries. One of the most widespread among such devices is a mobile phone.

All stinks are equipped with lithium-based batteries. Therefore, it is recommended for them to buy a charger for a 18650 lithium battery.

Sound for charging lithium-based batteries with vicarious attachments with EP marking. In a mobile phone, the battery is charged by the most important place. І in case of inconsistent charging, the term її of service can be shortened, it will be more quickly charged, which can deliver a lot of unhandy moments. In order to get away from it, it is necessary to correctly pick up possessions for renewal. Moreover, it is not obov'yazkovo pridbati ready model, you can build a charger for lithium batteries with your own hands. Such an attachment can be cheaper for promiscuous virib.

Design features of memory

The classic charger circuit for a 18650 lithium battery includes two main details:

  • Transformer;
  • Vipryamlyach.

Vykoristovuetsya for vibrating a constant stream with a voltage of 14.4V. Such a parameter value is not selected in a selective way. It is necessary for the jet to pass through the discharge of the battery. Oscilki at the same time the voltage of the battery becomes close to 12V, then charge it with an attachment, which at the output is also impossible. By the same token, the value of 14.4V was taken.

The principle of robotic memory

Renewal of battery capacity starts when the battery is turned on in the measure. With this, the internal support of the battery increases, and the strum decreases. As soon as the voltage on the battery reaches the 12V mark, the strum will approach the zero mark. These are the parameters to talk about those that charge the battery successfully and can be removed.

Okrim zvichaynogo protsesu, kakiy occupies dosit trivalny hour, іsnuє і accelerations. Strimka charging significantly short terms, but at the same time negatively pouring batteries into the robot, it is not recommended to use the fahivtsi method.

Criteria for choosing a charger

You can determine how much you can use as an accessory, what to buy, you can for the coming moments:

  • The presence of independent channels of charge;
  • Struma;
  • Functions in a row.

Let's take a look at some of them. Let's start with the most important - independent channels of charge. The obviousness of the chosen model is to talk about those that the electronic filling of the building is capable of separately controlling the charging process and applying it, as only the capacity of the battery will be renewed. Ale, under any decision, you won’t be able to restore your capacity, but with a constant repetition of such a situation, you’ll lead to a quick exit from the fret of the batteries.

Replenishment of battery energy can be done in three ways:

  1. Weak strum;
  2. Middle;
  3. Vysokim.

The first choice of charger for lithium-ion batteries is based on the upgraded nominal capacity of the battery. If so, the strum that vibrates with him is not guilty of overestimating 10%. This way of charging is the most generous and sparing. With constant variation, the term battery service practically does not shorten.

Vykoristannya priladіv, zі strumom, scho to become less than half of the nominal capacity of the battery, vvazhayut golden mean. With a new battery, it practically does not heat up for an hour, the cycle is not too tight, like the first one.

The remaining way to charge with a great strum is practically equal to the nominal capacity - it has its own kind of stress for the battery, which leads to a very short term of service. When new, there is a stronger heating, which means active fan cooling. Yogo vikoristovuyut less in extreme weather, if it is necessary to charge the battery for a year.

We looked at the video review of chargers for liquor batteries:

Іsnuyut and ranks of intellectual arrangement. The stench vikoristovuyutsya for charging batteries by professional photographers, like vikoristovuyutsya in lighting fixtures and other similar situations. The versatility of such a charger for lithium-ion batteries is great, but it’s important for you to use the gadget’s incompetent robot, it’s better to invest in the purchase of an accessory, lower the batteries regularly.

Intelligent chargers can have a discharge function. It is necessary to re-discharge the battery, turning on the memory effect. Three times continue the charging cycle, and then continue the term of the battery service.

Some models have a training function. Її vikoristovuyut for turning to work I will often zapsovanyh accumulators.

The best pickers

The leather product has its own characteristics. Therefore, choosing a specific brand, it is necessary to focus on the number of batteries and the type of batteries in order to be charged. If the robot is equipped with a choice of batteries, then you can use the Rodition Ecocharger model. This is a small annex, a building replacement to install disposable puddles of batteries. Highlighting these functions is installed with a toggle switch, ruffled on the back panel of the case.

Appliance maє chotiri channels and building control is equal to the charge of the skin element okremo. I will add a light indicator on the panel, which shows which battery is already changing. You can get such an attachment for 20 dollars.

Watching the video about Rodition Ecocharger products:

One of the most popular and richly functional ones is the charger for lithium batteries of the brand La Crosse BC-700. It will be worn until it is put through and opened on the finger baiaoєєk formats AA and AAA on the basis of nickel. I am especially equipped to charge 4 batteries of different capacities at the same time.

Attachments work in a number of modes. Є strum regulator, which allows you to choose the most optimal value for the skin protrusion.

Charging steps

The process of renewing the battery fahivtsi is recommended to be started from a new discharge. If there are any reasons to charge the battery, which has not yet been fully discharged, then I will choose the inserted model.

Having shown that I have a lot of well-placed lithium batteries lying around in dead mobile phones, but it’s too thin, so you can vicorate with different virobas. They need to be charged. Some important details were found in the armor, and it rushed off ...

Charger diagram

Small shemka z looking at the presence of details in the drawer. For the sake of such a simple mistake, go to the store once in a while.

between strum, TL431+IRF between voltage. Nothing special, singsongly, more than a dozen of the exact same schemes have already been painted. The jet exchange is wired for 125 mA, depending on the capacity of a plugged-in transformer, and it is exchanged for thermal imaging in a small plastic case. Vzagali, navit small accumulators in the form of mobile phones, charge a larger charging jet without overheating.
The board tried to make it compact enough to fit it into a plastic case.

For respect!
Igor Kotov, editor-in-chief of "Datagor" magazine

For respect!

Recommended lithium batteries, 6 pieces, free delivery.
6Pcs 18650 3.7V 5000mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery

You can find out about the charger circuit, which is a guide for Li-Ion batteries.

On the other hand, the author wants to reveal a simple option on the lm317 microcircuit, but in the same way, charging should be carried out at the highest voltage, lower than 5 volts. The reason is that the difference between the input and output elastic microcircuit lm317 is to blame but not less than 2 volts. The voltage of a charged lithium-ion battery becomes close to 4.2 volts. Also, the voltage difference is less than 1 volt. And tse means that you can come up with another solution.

On Aliexpress, you can buy a special board for charging lithium batteries, which costs close to the dollar. So, so, so, but now you bathe those that you can work for a sprat of whilin. Tim is more needed for a month until you have a prayer. All the same, they were ready to get ready, so that they could immediately greet him, buy from any Chinese store. Ask for the store, enter: TP4056 1A

The simplest scheme

Today, let's look at options for a UDB-charger attachment for lithium batteries, which can be repeated on leather. The scheme is the simplest, as you can only think of.


This is a hybrid scheme, de є stabilization of the voltage and exchange of the charge of the battery.

Description of the charging robot

Stabilization of the voltage was inspired by the improvement of the popular microcircuit of the regulated zener diode tl431. Transistor as a supporting element. The charge stream is set by the resistor R1 and there are only a few parameters of the battery that are charged. The resistor is recommended with a voltage of 1 watt. And the resistor is 0.25 or 0.125 watt.

As you know, the voltage of one bank of a fully charged lithium-ion battery becomes close to 4.2 volts. Also, at the output of the charger, I will install the voltage itself, as it is set by the selection of resistors R2 and R3. Іsnuє rich online programs for rozrahunka voltage stabilization microcircuit tl431.
For the best adjustment of the output voltage, replace the resistor R2 with a multi-turn opir of about 10 kilo-ohms. Until the speech, it’s possible and such a decision. Svіtlodiod we have in the role of a charge indicator, pіdіyde practically be-like svіtlodiod, color to your taste.
All adjustments are made until a voltage of 4.2 volts is set at the output.
Dekilka slіv about the stabilitron tl431. The microcircuit is more popular, do not confuse with transistors in a similar case. Tsya microchip zustrіchaetsya practical in any case pulse block eating, for example, a computer, de microcircuit is most often used in binding.
The power transistor is not critical, if there is a transistor of reverse conductivity of the middle or high tension, for example, for example, KT819, KT805. Z smaller tight KT815, KT817 and whether or not other transistors with similar parameters.

What kind of batteries are suitable for an attachment?

The scheme is recognized for charging only one can of a lithium battery. You can charge the battery to the standard 18650 and other batteries, as long as you need to set a different voltage at the output from the charger.
For some reason, for some reason, the circuit does not work, then reverse the presence of the voltage on the output of the microcircuit that controls. It can be no less than 2.5 volts. The minimum operating voltage for the external reference voltage of the microcircuit. If you want to see the options for viconnanny, the minimum working voltage is to become 3 Volts.
Dotsilno also encourage a small test stand for a designated microcircuit, to check it for practicality before soldering. And after the selection, the installation is re-verified.

More in one publication material about polypshenya.

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