Point lookout quest. Walkthrough Point Lookout. The dark side of blackhole

The passage of the quests is placed in the spoilers, so that those who do not want to read late and find out about the application, would not be satisfied with the sight.

List of quests:

Mіstsevі zvichaї (The Local Flavor)

Quest ID: xx005846

After the installation of the DLC, you will be informed about the arrival at the pier at the Potomac River, the port of the Duchess Gambit from the Point Lookout Missile. As it became tsіkavo, break on the chovnovy berth, roztashovaniya on pіvden vіd Citadelі. Bіlya porom to you pіdіyde like a woman and the good rozshukati її had a daughter, Nadin (Nadine). For її words, Nadin (ore, vіku protagonist) vіdplivla on tsmu poromі in Point Lookout and more about her not a bit.

To get more expensive, talk to Tobar and buy a ticket from him;

At the pier in Point Lookout Tobar, your respect for the Calvert Mansion, which is on fire, for a bit of stuffing with pre-war belongings, in such a rank you will be busy - to visit there and find out what was trapilos. In the mansion, you will have two dogs and a ghoul in a white suit, Desmond, who can ask for help from the Tribals, who are unreasonably angry. After the fault of the unfortunate guests from the main hall, Desmond will lead you to the other part of the booth, where you will need to block all possible entrances. For whom it is possible to break through the krіz yurbi dikunіv on the cob in the zahіdny krіlі, and then in the skhіdny (there it is necessary to fall down), to the place with red balloons, which are under the vise. At the cі baloni, they should throw a grenade or strike it, so that with a path of vibuha and deboning, close all the roads to the mansion for the savages.

As soon as you turn to the main hall, you will feel Desmond's vision of a new attack, which is coming up. Varto nasleduvati yogo will please you and install the white of all the doors of the mini. They gave you a new pounce on the wild ones, through: the upper right doors, the lower right ones, the lower left ones, and the bottom of the front doors. After the attack, I’ll talk to Desmond, so that I can take the city’s perk and the next task is to get to the Arc and Dove Cathedral and find out what the dikunis have conceived.

Nagorod: perk Supernatural Defender (Superior Defender), the grave will take +5 to spend +10 to zahistu, so that you stand unruly.

Note: All your partners will be automatically called if it gets more expensive to Point Lookoutu.

Walking with Spirits

Quest ID: xx005847

After attacking the Calvert Desmond mansion, I will instruct you to get into the Ark and Dove Cathedral, occupying the savages, with the method of opening them up.

Belya steals the cathedral, which is far away on the pіvnіch vіd of the mansion, you talk to him on the intercom and explain that you shouldn’t let the doti in, the docks don’t call your mind, having passed the Ritual of the Mother Seed. Also, the virus is farther away on the way to the entrance to the Holy Swamp (Sacred Bog Entrance), behind the giant panga.

The swamp with a giant panga is likened by swamps, which is entirely natural, prote the hour of the gathering of the present, to joke, to wake up a diva - the loss of knowledge and hallucinations after the turn of the yogic. On a deadly road, the growth (like mushrooms after the last) of the giant puppies Schmolt-Tek (Schmault-Tec Bubbleheads), their activation, prompts a significant update. So you shake the red saw to the saw, which plunges into the ground and the dances of the quantum nuclei-prick, which vibrate with the sound of a child's belcot, walk along the surface, which spread from down to the head, and then watch for the neck, which pierces the ground with a steel thread. You will be attacked by primary ghouls, you will find the skeleton of the deceased mother and the body of known people who swim in the swamp (Lucas Simms, Moiri Brown, Amati, Elder Lyons and others). Come on, you'll spend on a bomb with Megatons with Mister, what's the cost of her ... no, no, not Burke, but Breck! You will say, "Don't try to get up. You will become only warmer," after which the bomb will vibrate, and you will roll over on the foothills of the entrance to the swamps. Looking around, you see that a great scar has appeared on your hero’s head, that it’s primordially called soundness (oh, zhah!)

However, the gates of the cathedral "Arc and Dove" are now for you to see, and turning there, you will understand that for the otrimannya of roses, you should know the gang of the tribe.

What would it mean... Having poked your head in this story, the hallucinations can be explained as follows:

  • podomlennya pupsiv Shmolt-Tek it’s better to talk about the manifestation of the hero’s innocence in himself,
  • a red file appears at the moment when Tobar cuts the skull of the hero, and a needle with a thread - if it sews up the head,
  • Primary hums, quantum and inverted reality, which vibrates, blames the hour of visualization of the little thing to the brain,
  • That Mr. Brek is clearly Tobar in person.

Nagorodi: Access to Dikuniv Headquarters, 300 XP and perk The power of panga! (Punga Power!), for the fruits of the panga, now it brings more crust.

Voice, sho whisper (Hearing Voices)

Quest ID: xx005848

At the cathedral "Ark and Dove" (Ark and Dove Cathedral) you can buy a purchase of little-judged dikunіv, of course, you will not pass the ore of a young girl, obviously, this is Nadin herself, she asked to know її mothers on the chnovoy mooring.

Nadіn rozpovist, scho really pіd the hour of the rite htos opening your skull and virіzav small piece of the brain, while you were at the included. Also, it seems that the Jackson (Jackson) tribe’s battalion is buried in the oven under the cathedral and it’s out to give the key to the wrecked ship that was built on a similar rock, so that you could get into the oven, moreover, tsya wonder girl may save you from the scar that you have left after the rite. Let's let Nadine break her confession about the honorability of some until the opening of skulls, you can follow her, or you can go to Desmond with additional help.

If you turn to "Duchess Gambit", you will see Nadin there, as you will become firm, that Tobar the poromchik with a scurrilous method will consecrate the little things to the brain. If you want to vomit, if you don't want to, but in the machine room, sip a poromnik and anonymous cans of gray speech ... Tobar himself wants to know everything and try to beat you. Having dealt with it, you can mark a small piece of your brain at the jar on the table (you can take it or get rid of it, the price doesn’t matter).

After helping you, Desmond will soon bark and straighten you to a broken ship (Wrecked Seatub), de, in the world of the furnace, you will have a drink on Jackson, who is meditating in front of a wondrous object. With this object you can talk, show, the whole holographic projection of the Brain. Mozok say that the dikuni vvazhayut yoga with their god, and with Desmond the stench of old enemies, and entrust the ghoul to the ghoul like an attachment, a jammer, which encircles the sphere of the Mozk’s plethora between the teeth of the zhalyugidnoy oven. Let it be clear that the stupid savages didn’t do it right, the shards of Jackson’s interpretation of the words leave the brain full of good things - even the bats of the vithlumachiv order take the jammer as an order to attack the Calvert mansion! Upon completion of your roaming with Mozkiy, the tribe’s bats will be negotiated, but nothing brown will be removed, but you should go again to Desmond, for clarification ...

Nagorod: 300 xp.

Note: tell the middle of the dikunіv at the Cathedral of Croatoa and ask yogo about those, how virostiv panga stylists, that vin will give their unique pus shovel(Required perk Forever child).

Thoughts under control (Thought Control)

Quest ID: xx005849

At the word "Mozok" Desmond bounces and talks about what else the pre-war supernik, Professor Calvert (Professor Calvert), if famous for teachings and the remaining representative of the Kelvertiv, yakі mali vpliv v vsomu svіtі and practically bought the US order. They have a popular presidential candidate, docks big scandal with a dog, without zmusiv yoga, go from a distance (so-so, on the right of Desmond's hands). So the ghoul is firmly pragna "bring down the hammer of justice on the professor's lousy head", figuratively hanging around, and you are guilty of helping him.

Desmond hands you a Cogwave Jammer generator and instructs you to put Yogo on top of the Wonder Wheel, attaching up to one of the booths, to send Professor Moviti to the whole neighborhood and screech with deacons.

On the way to the observation wheel, you will feel the voice of Calvert, and you will be able to pull you onto your wheel. In which place you can turn back and try to win 250 chips from Desmond in the name of proper service to you, and not to the professor (Krasnomovstvo!). So, otherwise, you will have a vibir (wine is not dependent on karma that is farther away):

Stand on the Kelvert's book and find the pereshkod generator. Just place the generator at the nearest pressurizer and that's it. If so, Kelvert will tell you to show your guilt and direct you to the mansion, which will vibrate at the hour of your approach. In the middle of the mansion, you will be left with some tricks ... but in the middle of the ruins you will remember the cover of the hatch, which leads to hiding, de hovavsya Desmond. Virush to the lighthouse, there yogo and zustrіnet, whole and neushkodzhennogo prote troch dissatisfied with your behavior.

Stand on Desmond's bike and put the alternator on the wheel and look around. Do not give respect to the promotion of the professor and win the honor. After the installation of the generator, the stars will crawl ahead of the lashing of the dikuni, they will be re-shooted. Then turn around to Desmond. The mansion will all the same be broken when you are near, and the ghoul will appear in Ukritt, evil through the death of him, they will “price” and their ingenuity, more than they found fault, that the professor spent all the time nearby, at the lighthouse. So you go there...

Nagorod: 300 xp and (possibly) 250 chips from Desmond.

Note: it’s not good to talk with the gravel of the sight wheel, it’s true that the NPS, who sit in the middle of the nearest bud, where you can’t penetrate without console commands(You can commemorate your friend on the compass). Vіn is not an ally to the savages who attack you, so one of them is shukatim yogo on a dahu to kill.

Sutichka іtelectіv (A Meeting of the Minds)

Quest ID: xx00584a/xx00584b

The middle of the lighthouse (Lighthouse) is now assigned to the door to the underground laboratory, where robotic guards, turrets and blocked terminals are checked for you (to all access cards, as a rule, lie here nearby). Ale, no matter what or who, you will break through at the place of Professor Calvert's brain, which swims at the glass capsule.

Here, while Desmond boils with the Mozky (comedy, the stench of insults in your sons), you varto hit a stake and zishtovhnut down all the rickety robots. If you want to talk about it from Mozkom, you’ll start to propagate a wine-coloured cicada, you’ll only have to exchange it for Desmond’s beating. I dare you to decide who to beat out of them.

Hit Desmond. After you crack down on Desmond, you find out that the professor doesn’t need more and your prize is death. Here you can’t go anywhere anymore, you’ll have to break up with Professor Kelvert, smashing the capsules (with a machine gun, shooting from a grenade launcher thinly). Then the doors of the hall will be automatically unlocked, allowing access to the microfluidic meter and direct access to the name.

Hit Professor Calvert. If you want to speak for Desmond, just break the glass capsule with the professor's brain that floats in it. If you don’t have enough protection, don’t throw it down, turn it on, but you talk to the radio Desmond and take away the key from the collection with the microfluid emitter. On the power of "what was given" to the wine, what is the time for the pivnich, even if the professor is not the only enemy.

Heaps: microwave emitter (Microwave Emitter)- looking like a hypnotron, Skoda 60, Vaga 8, MY batteries are vibrating; different ammunition; Desmond's eyepieces at times of death (vibration +5, light damage +5); 300 caps and 10 fruits of the panga from the venerable mother Nadin.

If Desmond will be beaten by turrets or robots at a cost, then Kelvert will speak to you like this, nibi bula to the right of your hands.

Note: by selecting the name of the place, you can recognize the attacks of the smuggler with a sniper rifle, who sowed on the islands for a day. Shooting veins superficially accurately, but to know beyond the boundaries of the range of manifestation and not be seen on the compass.

Note: if you turn around to the cathedral "Arc and Dove", then you will run into the wilds.

Fallout 3: Point Lookout - a quarter after a row of official additions to the original third part of a one-man series of shooters, as it allows you to break into new unsafe locations, so that you can overcome one more scam and deal with stingy enemies.

Over the creations of DLC, the all-world-wide view of the American studio under the name of Bethesda Game Studios was confirmed.


The head hero becomes immutable - the one who survived under the code names 101. The children grow up in the post-apocalyptic world after the original part.

Take us to the state of Maryland Point Lookout - all swampy territories, like swarming with creatures, with which the character has not yet had a chance to stick.

The whole plot is wrapped around a conflict between the evil professor Kelvert, who wants to support his own territory and self-made mandriving on the name of Desmond.

Game process

Fallout 3: Point Lookout bring faceless clink content to the original videogame. There is a great number of quests worthy, as if to allow the recognition of the history of this city and that of the bagmen. Among the latest innovations, you can see the following:

  • given to such organizations, like smugglers, swampy people and dikuni;
  • over thirty different characters, with which you can interact;
  • new unsafe opponents, who have not yet appeared in the series;
  • Dozens of different items of equipment and equipment - you can be vikoristat and after the passage of the addition.

head office dictatorial peculiarity DLC є yogo frown. Locations are not similar to those, as we have had to bachiti before. There is an animosity that we are not in front of Fallout 3, but like a horror, de varto fight against stingy monsters. While the visual part, then the changes are insignificant - the textures have become slightly detailed.

19 Lipnya 2009 4455 0

Please take note of your Pip-Boy 3000 about the ship that landed on the pivdni near the Arlington Library and the Jefferson Memorial. In front of the ship, the woman tells you about her daughter, how she went to see the light of the huge national park "Point to look around." The woman is already boasting for her, she wants to, so you can see it. If you want to go on board the ship, then you will be sent to Tobar, the head of the ship. Vin will ask you to break the road to the park "Point to look around", a ticket up to a certain cost of 300 gold. Having bought a ticket, we lie down on the passenger lightly and virushaemo! Now you can abandon the ship and destroy the abandoned mansion in search of treasures! When you come to entrance doors you hear a voice behind her, asking you to help youma at the slumped mansion. It will be necessary for you to roll the trees in two places - in the wicked and the shid krill. It’s less necessary to shoot at the great red thing (singingly, there is gas). Pіslya tsgogo you have to lay a beating for the booths. I'm going to attack right-handed on another version. Let's attack three from below. Having stood up in battle, the ABC, nothing is inferior (Dezmont is that goat) and vimagatime Vikonati Yogo Zavdannya. On which quest will end.

After talking with Desmond about the "right" you happen to rub yourself into the company to the dikuniv, like they worship some god. For whom you need to break up to the Cathedral. If they let you in, you will have to dedicate a rite to the viskonati. The rite is for the one who picks up the birthday from the majestic Punga tree. Straight to the passage to the sacred valley, which is at the entrance. See the sacred place, see the swampy place, let the swamps linger and grow the fruits of Punga. Having reached sacred tree punga and taking the last one, you are sprinkled with brittle gas on the Punga tree. And you, like a drug addict, go back, chattering pups in the Schmolt-Tek company, the comments of which make you smile. That and a lot of different glitches you see (such as a chainsaw, that fly in the sky, that fall from the sky and vibrate at your proximity to them, quantum nuclei-cold balls, "revolution", underground hanks that stray in front of you, the corpse of your mother , dead settlers, Amati, Sergeant Lyons, Moyri Brown, and also see Mr. Burke and the bomb, like a Megaton, after the sound of the call. Go to the cathedral and let you in, shouting that you have passed the ritual.

At the entrance, one of the dikuniv will tell you. You can find out from the new one that Jackson is the head of their game, but you don’t know wine, de yoga shukati. In the middle, you can bring out the impersonal fruits of Pungi (and not wild ones) and Nadin. Having talked with her, you will know that Jackson is at once and how to get to the next one. If you want to tell your mother what you want to do, but if you don't want to turn around home later. Let's go to Dezmont, which you think you need to get more information from the leader of the dikunivs. Going to the ship, having sunk, and recognizing that the right holographic projection is in charge of everything. If you talk to Jackson, which will deprive you of one alone with the projection, you know that you want to destroy the generator of the shift code at the maetka, and kill Desmond at once. I doruchaє tsyu right to you.

And you go to Desmond and talk to him. I'll tell you what the homeland of Kelveret used to establish, how small is half the land of the state of Maryland. And the stench spent the whole hour squabbling with Desmond. At the same time, I’ll ask you to install the alternator on the wheel and look around. Go straight ahead and you will hear Calveret's voice in your head. Vіn order you to throw the generator of the shift code at the smіtєvy press, lower the wheel on the lookout. You will have to choose:

1. As you have done wrong, install the alternator on the wheel. At the head you again feel the voice of Kelveret, which you bark for those who did not obey. And indefinitely on the horizon there are savages, like they want your death. Having fought with them (and naturally changed), go straight to Desmond's mansion. You want an airstrike on Desmond's tower. At the whispers of a corpse, in the middle of the ulamkiv, you will drain on the hatch at the bomb storage. Desmond hid himself there. If you talk to him, you will know that Kelveret, having driven in two dogs, heard a radio signal, that when he saw him, he started an airstrike on the house. Behind the radio signal, Desmond predicted that the professor's mission was a beacon, behind his house. Directly there zamіst with Desmond.

2. If you did vikinuti yoga in the press, then Kelveret ask you to Desmond's booth, you can run an airstrike, hitting Desmond's booth. Now you can go to the lighthouse and talk to the professor. And there, in your surprise, you see Desmont, who has survived like a rank. Vin to ask you to help youma beat Kelverett.

To solve this quest, you should make your way to the Gorlytsya Concentration camp. There you will see a small skirmish between robots and ghouls. If you can overcome the offending parties, break in the wake of the administration and look into the terminal. There you find out about the dead spy. You must go to the motel "Ridniy dim" near room 1D. There you will find another terminal. Win a note about the mission, as it was recognized to that dead Chinese spy, which lies behind you on your bed. You need to go to the pier to the shafka. Take the key from the pusher's luggage bag and go straight to the pier. There you will wear a faceless cloak, in one of them the details of the mission are hidden. Shown at the record is the password to the bank, from the box to the depository 1207. Let's go. Turn on the note via Pip-Boy 3000 before the intercom. The castle opens and there we take instructions for the misfortune of the Chinese spies. From them we know about the ship and about those who need it. At this point, the Chinese spy has little help from Agent Yang, information about how you can find out in the terminal about recruiting recruits. You should turn around again to the Gorlitsya camp. There, go to the mortuary and find the corpse of agent Wang Yang. It is necessary for him to have a broken root tooth, the middle of which is to know a microfilm, which is to avenge the code for the self-immolation of the Chinese submarine, as well as її misfortune. Idemo right up to her, or rather with a saw. The system of self-destruction is activated, as well as the jumper is activated, to tell about the submersion of the submarine. Now you should go to the Motel "Ridniy Dim" for new instructions. Now you need to take the cryptochromatic eyepieces in the toilet tank of the room 1D and beat them up with that note about the numerical sequence, so you can put them in the bunker. Come on a recognized place and bachimo chotiri p'edestali. Odyagaemo eyepieces and victorious pedestals in the task of notation sequence. Bіlya another p'edestalu vіdkriєtsya vhіd at the bunker. At the entrance, the protectron will tell you, to whom it is easier to tell the password, and you will need to follow him to clarify the data about the operation. Uvіyshovshi up to the kіmnati and vikoristovuyuchi terminal, you know that the agent wanted to drive in the radiation. But we are smart for them, right? Just read the instructions from the picture, if you don't know how to choose the sound. On which task to end.

You may know the Blackhole booths at the entrance of the park. In the middle of the booth, Avdiy Blackhall chimes in, who asks you to know the whole book. On the way out you see the girl. Marcella seems like a book, for which you were sent - Krivbeknykh, the middle of evil. I ask you to bring his book. So what else do you need to break up to the Ritual alcove. Having walked a little underground, you will know a book in fresh blood. We pick up our own and we will go either to Avdia or to Marselli. Ale not here Bulo! Faceless monsters attack you, like they stole this book. Let's fight for her! As a rule, it seems to be dry water (more precisely, blood).

1. If you wrote a letter before Obadiah, then just open the book, and you will have pennies and get busy at the basement terrible right with this book.

2. As soon as you listen to Marcella, and go to the її mark place, then you will reveal that the new one was attacked. After driving in the smugglers, we go to the mark and reveal the corpse of Marselli. On the table we commemorate a marvelous record. We hear that we know, like finding a book. Now we have to break at the Stolichnu Pustok to Dunwich. On the map of the empty space, the won is stashed at the pivden entrance. Tokens are guilty to help you with your searches. Find the obelisk at Dunwich Building. Press on the new one with a book that's all! The quest is over, and your karma has increased!

At the hut Margarita you see a z... it’s not marvelous with Margarita, as it seems, that you are ill with an orange lihomania. Vaughn. Їy is simply consumed by the drink, the recipe of which was passed down from generation to generation from її sim'ї. To give you a drink, you need: 10 cleansing chi, 20 wild fruits of Punga, 3 bears of yeast, 6 nuclear batteries. If you know everything, turn to her and give all the ingredients. Vaughn to destroy the preparation of "moonshine". Tse threewatime day. Take away the drink and the head of the vikonan! drink you can take it again in a deaky hour.

The manager starts to work if you see the coastal grotto at the exit of the park (screenshot of submissions). Use the middle of the new to sit on the chair Plik-gul. Vіn proponuє you take the fate of Yogo Safari. For the price of wine ask for 1000 krishechok. We bring pennies to you, and Safaris start! Idemo to the arena - there you are being challenged by two such people themselves. Let's give a signal - the battle begins! If you survived, but you can't survive, then let's go back to Plik. For the win I will give you a juice. On which task will be completed. You can come here once every three days.

The quest can be played on the ship "Ozymandias". The ship having recognized the accident. And now it’s self-sustaining to stand on the shore. You need to climb onto the ship and rush at the hatch to the lower deck. There you will know the terminal, which will have a record about the genera of gas. For all three, and after that, as you look at all of them, you deny access to the safe. Hey, what do you mean there? Bіzhimo to the birthplace. From the skin of some of them, we take the record. Caroline Saunders, the head chemist-geologist of the expedition, told about the genera of the gas and saw different facts about them. There's a difference, that you can really make a lot of money on them, but you don't know what kind of puddle there is. And from the record at the terminal we can recognize that people were buried there. We take the data of the records to the ship and take the data of the terminal. You will be given access to the place: Containers with biogas, anti-radiation suits, Rad-X and anti-radiation. Also give 50 dosvidіv for vikonannya zavdannya.

I think that someone from you will be good enough for me in what point lookout the greatest addition to Fallout 3. I've been through yoga already a sprat once: first like a gravel, like a cicava that hooting gras was trapping, suddenly like a writer at the jokes storyline for description-opisu At the turn of the hour. I wanted to tell the story about everything, but in it I didn’t manage to describe all the quests and the mysterious history that silenced us. Moreover, the deacons' speeches were not broken by my speeches. Therefore, I have written to continue a series of posts about Point Lookout written re-passage games. For the first time I do not go into the lyrical style of the opovіdі, here I will not describe the island of that creation on paper atmospheric. Navpaki, in this post, I just want to lay out the dry facts, tell about the quests of that vikonannya, create your own travel guide To the Point I look around. Meta tsigo post: help tim who is not yet engraved in PL to go through yoga (and you can motivate them for a new one), and guess about cicadas under grit, who її proyshov.

Pochnemo mabut іz dobіrki main questіv gri.


Otzhe, we inserted an addendum to Point Lookout. For a sprat of hvilin gris, we need to get to the pip-bay to be informed about those that on the pivdni in Washington there is a berth, in which a small steamboat breaks. We are encouraged to continue to the same place and, obviously, we are not against it.

Duchess Gambit as a passenger

Virushaemo there. The pier is a troch lower than Washington, so you can go to the Citadel right on the day. Pіdіyshovshi closer, we bachimo steamboat, what to smoke with pipes, and a woman, what to cost a new one. Її sound Katerina, and won't ask us to know її daughter Nadin, which virushila to the point I look around in the jokes of good. Let me help you, and let's go to the poromnik Tobaru, masters of the miraculous steamboat Duchess Gambit. Vіn proponuє us zanuritisya in a sea of ​​goodies, znahіdok and nebezpek on the marvelous zbіgu furnishing, scho perebuvat in Point Oglyada. Thinking, and virishivshi, that we didn’t get it, we bought a very expensive ticket from the skinner-Tobar and sat on the lava in a cheerfully expensive way.

Porom pliv river Natomist And without a break before our eyes, a small island full of foggy fog appears. At the gathering one can see a burning wake. Vidchuvayuchi, scho tse and є woeful luck, feed on the budinok near Tobar. The one that seems like an old maєtok Kalvertiv, where everything is found - in the form of perfumes, to the heads. Feeling this statement, we fearlessly go straight there, until the lights are completely burnt.

Even on the street, there was a booth, one could feel the shooting, that they were mooning in the middle, and we understand that it was possible to have spent at the refurbishment, or in such a rank the gentleman should drink the proper firemen. At the confirmation of the first guess, a voice is heard from the house, good for help. Noble (and flirtatious) we immediately throw ourselves into the executioner's shirt. We find ourselves in the middle of the master of the mansion, with a large number of dogs, who fight against the attackers of the dikuniv. Helping you to drive in a few of them, and asking for wine, so that we completed the rose on the right, calling out the whole house in the sight of unforgiving guests. Thinking about those that the lads will have to pay a lot for, we clean the first one, then the other one on top, again we get drunk in the cold and we will stop the attack of the savages, who crawl at all the cracks. A grenade launcher and a sufficient number of rockets do help in this last battle, for example, from satisfaction, shooting at the doors, which they did, standing on the other side, and having seen, like a shot, packs of bandits were scattered into pieces of shmatki.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Gul Desmond - Whoever comes before me with a sword, that kind of sword and die!

Zagalom, zakіnchuєmo s work and savage to the master (which is a ghoul), spodіvayuchis on the wine-growing (because I want a good word), but at the vidpovіd I feel less bravado. Ale deshcho us all the same difference - trochs having remembered, Desmond(that's the name of that ghoul) give perk "Wonderful bastard" which allows you to inflict more damage to the supernik, so that when shooting, you stand on the spot.

After the award, I will check the handover again. Desmond to ask if we could find out why the savages attacked him. Let's wait and break on the road.


I axis mi y Cathedral, in which they are hovering over the religion of dikuni. Obmirkovuyuchi scho Well zapronuvat їm natomіst іnformatsiї, it is necessary to hang on the gates of the intercom (mabut tsі lads dosit strongly pіdkovanі technіchno) and please let me in the middle. And yet, how to feed us, what kind of bisus we have pinned down, and they don’t let us in anywhere. A thought falls on a thought, and we believe, that, obviously, we want to know the master and the article on the path to enlighten and truth. The voice of the day over that intercom reminds us that in order to come to the brotherhood, it is necessary to go through the ritual, and breathe in yourself Mother Pungi. You obviously don’t want to go to your mother, but if there is no other option, then it’s more expensive to bring it up. Sanctuary the goddesses perebuvay behind the great crest of the gir, as we were led by a narrow passage, modestly hovering in front of a third-party look, wooden doors. Leaning on that bіk gіr, you can see that around the radiation water there are still swamps. Ale stink not us pereshkoda! Having reached the majestic Punga, which stands on the move and bends the right side of the head, it is breathed in. Dekilka seconds we catch a buzz, after which we turn it on.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Nayveselisha roslina in the park

If the light turns before us, we pull and break back at the park. But here comes the moment of the most distant surprise prepared by the retailers - we start to glitch! The head is spinning, everything is turning blue, we are turning green. On the way, at the various places of the sanctuary, baby dolls are traipsing for us "Shmolt-Tek" with hot inscriptions on the bots, in front and behind you can feel the dull gulls and bolotniks. Out of nowhere from heaven I begin to fall the dances and vibrate in a second, raising a miniature nuclear haze above me. In the radiation water we know the corpses of the characters we know from the gr ( Amati, Elder Lyons, Moiri Brown), and for the very exit to lie large and the right nuclear warhead (a la Megaton) is the order of the cost for us Mr Burke. The bomb is vibrating, and I’m sure it’s not possible for me to opine at the Point I look around, whitening the entrance to the sanctuary. On whom the glitches will end and we will break to the Cathedral.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

"Having eaten again at the traps - what a ram you are" - it is written on the baby doll Shmolt-Tek

There they tell us from the privilege and give perk "The Power of Pungi" zbіshuє korisny efekt vіd z'їdannya punga


Vіd dikunіv we know scho to rule the Yakiy tribe Jackson, such a contagion, obviously, there is nothing at the Cathedral. It is also clear that those dikunis attacked the maetok on Jackson's order, which was not the case. “Smoking is less necessary” - we think and we are virushaemo at the tricks of the divine leader. Ale cursed dikuni mum like a riba and navіt tight, they don’t see the place of Jackson’s current rebuke. For our happiness in the Cathedral, we will sing a girl in the name of Nadin. So, you didn’t have mercy - that very Nadin, Katerina told us about the yak on the pier in the Wasteland. We know the type of girl I'm afraid of the truth- it seems, while we were lying around without a witness at the sanctuary, they crushed a small hole in our head, nothing for our sinful mind. Damn it, you really want to recognize some kind of bastard after doing such an operation, but Nadin seems to become less visible for a few days, and proponing to streak on the birch of the river. W beautiful girl Why don't you get in touch, I think we'll be fine. Ale tse already zovsіm іnsha іstoriya.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

The cathedral is the porch of those who were deceived in the religion of dikuniv

Mother Nadin is telling that with her everything is ready and won't be obov'azkovo to turn home. And, obviously, she’s telling de Jackson - at the mystical stove on the island’s siding birch. Entry at the cave was covered by a great ship, for which Nadina had a great key. Damn girl and virushaemo ... I’m looking not for the ship, but for Desmond, maybe I’ll call. That one, having recognized that we didn’t say anything, roared and sent us back to the park. It’s important to understand, now the retailers needed to drag us back and forth without the greedy bark.

Let's go to the ship. At the cost of Bachimo one more ship I'll call it a garna "Ozymandias" But it’s also part of another story, we’ll turn to that until the next day. Our path lies far away.

We get to the ship we need and for the help of the key we open the hatch. Under the hatch there is a great cave, a coal like a veda expanses. Naturally, watching the swamps, who traplyayutsya on the way, let's go along the new one and opine in the great room de Bachimo Jackson, who is roaming with ... a hologram of the brain. And not just the one who roams, but takes away the devil in the face of holograms! Rozumiyuchi, who is the head here, we go to the brain. She tells us that I am afraid of killing Desmond and trying to kill us. He argues his own, that the generator can change the code, which makes it possible for you to spread wisdom across the Wasteland.


Nibito having waited a while to help the brain, we are again virushaemo to Desmond. This time, the ghoul is snarling us where it is like a greeting and telling us that this brain is really like Professor Calvert, yogo vintage enemy. Calverti until the war was finished with pleasurable features and little half of the land in Maryland. What can I say - some of them can win a ballot with the President of the United States! Likewise Calvert, having asked us to remove the generator of the reshkod, Desmond, on the other hand, would like the generator to be installed on the main point of the island - Devil's Number. What robiti - to be brought to a sinister attraction. Behind the wheel itself, at our head, the voice of Calvert is unbearably heard, which is trying to break us and move us out of our minds. It seems that you should be friends with him better than Desmond, preach to the great city and ask for a generator to change the code from the nearest screen for a commemoration. Vlasne, here we are confronted with a choice, in view of which lie down must be further away. Take care and let's go one of the ways.

Way of Calvert. Hearing the joy of the spitting brain, we throw the generator at the smіtєvy cat, and right there, in my head again, the voice of Calvert reminds me that Desmond, you will be in danger and proponed to go to the mansion and make a surprise there, check us out. Intrigued, let's go to the hump. The surprise is simply miraculous: as soon as we get to the mansion, we sway, and in the sight of the new one, only the huts are left to burn.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

From and there is no home ...

Way of Desmond. We install the alternator pereshkod on the wheel. Immediately, Calvert turns to us again, seeing his ugly voice in his head and threatening punishment, as it is already close. Vіn do not fool and through whilina we can take the fate of the miraculous fighter on the shores of the pier. Having finished with the dikuns, let's go to Desmond. Ale, there are no houses on the hillocks anymore. Vіn pіdіrvany i transformations to gunpowder. True, in the center of the garrison we know the hatch at the bomb shelter, where Desmond sits alive and happy. Win slyly smiles and tells you that in the right place, the stars are Calvert's signal. Viyavlyaetsya likhodіy all hour hovavsya zovsіm order - at the lighthouse. Mi s Desmond virushaemo tudi.


Way of Desmond. Together from Desmond we went to the lighthouse. There we make our way at the basement and seek out robots, like to serve Calvert. We get to the central place, in which a brain hangs behind the great glassy cylinder. Desmond speaks with him, after which Calvert re-prompts us to switch to yoga bik, but it was utterly unsuccessful. We beat in the brain and vdyachnist for tse Desmond allows us to take whatever we want in Calvert's cellars. Roєmos at the main brain and we know the new armor - mikrokhvilyovy viprominuvach. Let's pick up trophies from the lighthouse in search of new opportunities, which are enough on the island.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Those who have lost the sight of Professor Calvert

Way of Calvert. Virushaemo in the lighthouse, without forgetting to stare in front of the bomb shelter, which is in the middle of the fire. There you can know a number of short speeches, among them magnum 44 gauge.

At the lighthouse, the sign is rozsuvaetsya and we can go down to lead the earth. Virushaemo there. In one of the rooms, Desmond was sounding like he was alive. Vіn matter us (that and who would not be a mother), and it seems that we may have less than one chance to raise ourselves in yoga eyes - drink at once from him and beat Calvert. You can look up and beat Desmond on the floor, after which you can calmly break up to Calvert, or you can come in handy for yoga and beat him to the brain at once. Ale, I'd be glad to drive in the eye, the one who came to Calvert, we will not be deprived of another choice, the cream is to drive in Desmond. Let us also come to Calvert and let us know that Desmond is dead. To that radius of that fact, she pronounces to us a miracle city ... DEATH. The axis is such a bodyless bastard! We drive in the wicked and virushaemo in yoga we fell at the hoards of belongings.


The main quest is completed and we are virushaєmo far away from the searches for good fortune by Tobar. Pochnemo, maybe, from the pier. Having wandered around the new one, you can see that not all the shops are closed, some entrepreneurs still managed to endure the war and the war, and a wonderful trading point was placed on the pier Madame Panadi. She can come up with impersonal speeches related to the island. Buy boldly - you will not find such goodness anywhere else in the Wasteland. Having made purchases, we are breaking the vzdovzh lines of the shore on the way. Walking a few hundred meters away, the great mansion looked at Desmond's booths, gloomily gloomy. Let's go to the new one. Use the old one to sit on a metal wheelchair. On the back of your hand, you are punished not to come closer, but then, let’s go, even if it’s wonderfully calm, let it go to you. Vіn rozpovidaє, that the savages stole into a new important book and pronounce us to know її, obіtsyayuchi 1000 krishechok in the city! Having settled down on wealth, we will wait and die on the road.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Old Chaklun Obadiah Blackhall

But it’s not possible for me to cross the threshold of the booth, as a woman tells us on behalf of Marcella. It seems that there is a book, as if asking for a distance Blackhole magical and called Cryvbekbook. Marsella is good not to give the book of Avdia, but to bring the Krivbeknizh їy, so that she could find a hellish manuscript. Having listened to the woman, we walked through the park to the ritual shack of the mutants. Nezabarom Bachimo a small hut was ruined, and a manhole from it was entrusted to the basement. Under the hatch, there is an entrance to the underground oven, which is how we go forward. Before the speech, in the oven you can find a drink popular with the park. moonshine, so raju to lovers, ask for retelnishe. Having drunk sill in the morning, we know the observance of the place - the great room in the center of which lies the mystical Krivbekknig. We take the book and, having killed a few healthy ones who attacked us, let's go from the back door.

Now we can give the book to Blackhall by taking 1000 krishok for work. Until the speech, as if you were wondering that the chaklun Avdiy was working with her, then break the coal of the pidval after him, and sing, that you are reading the prayers of the dead people. Whatever you say, but the mystics are enough for that.

As if we were lying on the bright side and breaking up to Marselli, then in a small place where a woman lived, we know only a corpse. In її computers we know audio recordings of recordings a few seconds before death. At the record, it is possible that the book can be found only at the Moscow Porozhnechi, which caused evil to the obelisk. The obelisk itself is located in Dunwich, and, having violated it, we can easily viconate. rest my will women.

Oksamito veil

Right behind the pier there is a hotel "Ridny budinok", If you want to finish the calm, and at the same time, it’s practical to restore the backs of the coming tourists. Near the room 1D we immediately fall into the eyes of the skeleton of a lodger on a bed and a Chinese pistol, which lies right there on the chest of drawers. Podozryuyuchi unkindly scrutinize the room, and in the terminal, standing on the table, we know that not everything is really clean here. Until the end of the war, this number is shown by a Chinese agent, calling for everything that didn’t reach the mission, I’ll put it on the new one. But we can do it! Shukaєmo key vіd shafki zberіgannya in yogo Valіzі and bіzhimo to the berth. We know audio password which is necessary to win for the return of the middle of the savings from the bank. There may lie a description of the very mission of the spy. Layuchi tsikh conspirators, shukayemo bank and know it right there, not far from the hotel Ridniy dim. At the bank, there are fat radroaches to sit at the bank, as they haven’t trotted on our path for a long time (really, guess, if you’ve recovered, batchili radroaches have pumped up to 30 rubles).

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Good Chinese is dead Chinese

We drive it in and we go to the terminal, in which we say the password is taken away. Ale, the devil's system, having thought a little, vidpovidaє, that the password is in principle suitable, but our voice is not very suitable. Trohi thinking, I found a lot of wide trousers in the headroom of the audio recordings and the system. The stupid fool is satisfied and the banking center calmly looks up. Instructions to lie in it, to say that an important ship was lost in American waters, and we need yoga (mabut, so that the Yankees did not know about the secrets of knowing yoga). But the axis of failure is a password for the self-immolation of the teeth of one more agent who is zanedbany in the month of life. Wang Yang. It's a pity that our communistic culture does not know the agent (conspiracy at the new boulevard on a high level), so we need to stock up on dental tools and go and pick up the agent with your tooth. Vlasne goloshennya about rozshuk tsіgo chinese we bachiled and earlier (navit from chyom bank vono є) and virishuemo scho htos, and the police are definitely guilty of knowing about tsіkava for us specialty. Idemo to the police, which is in the order of the bank. At the great city, we know that a nuclear bomb was fired for our "Tovstun" and that computer, for whom it is written that Agent Yang was still sent and sent to the concentration camp dove. Well - what time is it necessary to go a little far away.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Tabir Turtle Dove in a serpentine mist

The dove is found on the island's pivnochi, it is buried in the middle of pain, lіsіv i buy gulіv. Rozpovshi trohi with robots and ghouls, we enter into the middle of the camp. The tabir itself is a useful treasure for a poor mandrivnik - goods, medicines, stocks - everything is here at the majestic kіlkostyakh. The corpse of the unfortunate agent Yang is known to us in Morse, after which, looming the code of the submarine's sub, we can vikonate the unfinished mission of the Chinese and destroy the rusty ship. Having left the underwater chovn, the self-defeating mechanism in the computer is activated, after which the knife switch is pressed to confirm the vibe and ticks home. On the way, don’t forget to finish the cicava piece, which lies at the screen - power brass knuckles. Vidplivemo filed in the air, and turning around, we watched for a miraculous underwater vibe. Head of vikonan and now you can turn to the terminal at your own house for further instructions. There we know the coordinates underground bunker where you need to show up. The bunker is known by the order of the maєtkom Kalvertіv. To spend it there, you need to dial a secret combination, for which we need to dial cryptochromatic eyepieces, what to lie at the toilet room. Beremo їх i virushaєmo to the burnt mansion. Poruch from maєtkom bachimo to complete the great frame as if arriving. Vases stand on massive pedestals in the middle, which are lowered at the hour of activation. How to type a password on them? It’s even simpler – wearing cryptochromatic eyepieces and bachimo on smuga vases. Orienting their number, enter the password. There is a hatch in the middle of the plates, through which we can penetrate the bunker.

At the bunker of the Chinese, you can immediately replenish your ammunition, but for the sake of robiting us, you will ask us to “pass through” for further instructions and call us we caress with a word comrade. “I won’t comrade you, shut up,” we think, but we hear about it and go to the appointed room. Ale, here one more surprise is checking for us - they are showing, the comrades from China, the beds of the vdyachn, who in the city for the sake of work have beaten us. Doors are made from a hatch that is on the ground, a divine dose of radiation begins to arrive. “The greed of the fraier to ruin” comes the devil’s thought and we start sudominally shukati out of the situation. And vin, obviously, є, even if you can’t do yoga. Ale, in order to vibrate the stars, it is necessary for the mother of good pumping repairs and science. For the cob of the repair, it is necessary to pay for the fall and pripinyaemo potik radiation in the room. Zіtkhnuvshi calmly let's go to the electric panel on the wall and open the door. An innocent robot is driven into the platform and with the full swarms of attacks we are chosen to freedom.

Safari PLIKA

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

The most original safari

Until the Descent from the Cathedral, in the middle of the skel, you can know the doors that lead to ruined grotto. Useful to know the wondrous rumble Plik scho ask us to take the fate of yoga extraordinary safari. If you are satisfied with the cost of a lot of 1000 krishechok (maybe this bastard knows how much we paid Blackhall) and we are even more surprised if we know that we need it on the ghouls, without any kind of zahistu from the side of Plik, and we still don’t see the result chi sacrifice. With a creak we give 1000 krishok and rush into the arena for us to check two more of the same divine lovers. The signal is given, and the ghouls start attacking from different sides. It seems to be honest that it’s important to pass through the testing process (as, obviously, you don’t turn on the God mode), so it’s better to save yourself. Having killed all the noises and survived, we turn to Plik, which is handed to us for valor in the city trophy juice.

Lost in hiding

Middle of the island є hut Margaret Moonshine. Seen in her, we are sleeping on a woman, apparently suffering from an important hangover. True, there seems to be an orange lihomanka, but we know how it is called її ailment ... Tim more scho to vilіkuvati її maybe only a garna charochka moonshine! I want to get rid of yoga only once, if we take some spices of ingredients for her. Please help and listen aloud to the list of products. Need drіzhdzhi(tse understood), punga(replacement of potatoes) that ... nuclear battery(I won't drink!).

Troch having wandered around the island, we know all the ingredients of those here have been enough and can be used for more than one liter of moonshine. Poshukat Raju in the huts of mutants scattered around the park, there you will surely know what you need. Pungu can be taken in the Cathedral, where we are calmly allowed to let us not be embarrassed by the death of our dikuni deity. We turn to Margarita, and immediately pick up products from us and begin to work our faces. We are asked to go through the doba and take away the city. Punctually pokavivsya late hour turn and take your own sprat of liters of moonshine. Wow, now you can use mutants with a naked saber! So, if you need 100 more krishechok, then please use Margarity's moonshine.

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Moonshine still, construction 2075

Ancient country

At the coastal waters, a troch below the Cathedral, you can see a sunken ship Ozymandias. I demo to the new one and we make our way in the middle. At the terminal, which is located in the ship, we know that geological work was carried out in Tochtsi Oglyadu, which was used to detect natural gas. Among the records, we know the instructions, from which the boss asks his assistants at the same time not to reveal the true truth of their duties. For access to the realm of truth, audioparoles were needed, and excavations were carried out throughout the entire park. Virushaemo to the park at the search for these audio recordings. In three different places, it is known to be viritating in the middle of some of them and to reach a strong radiation body. Shvidenko far away call the necessary records and turn back to the ship. Data is entered into the terminal and access to secret information is required. The soil, fertile for natural gas, is emerging as a result of the mass funerals of soldiers in the hours Hromadyan war. To come out, that on the whole island under our feet there are graves of unknown warriors. The nafta company would have liked the same thing, if it would have become a huge sum of money, then Rozmov would not have mentioned the annual gas. This fact also explains all the mystical undertones that are found here - in the presence of hundreds of people who are found on corpses, nothing else can be judged.

More quests that don't show up in pip-battle.
As you remember, the maiden Nadine told us about the main quest that it was recognized by the name of the one who cut the head in the head, and assigned us a zestrich on the birch. It is known її bіlya steamboat Duchess Gambit. Vaughn seems to know the one who dug into our brains. The captain of the steamboat Tobar appeared as a villain (we were not honored with wine). Negidnik checks, if the tribe sends someone to be tested, and after that, a small opening at the head smiled. Having removed the sounds of the little ones, she exchanged them for pungi.

The captain has taken a piece of leather from his brain, picking up such a collection of exhibits. Nadine closed Yogo in the engine room and took the ship with her. Now there is a captain and be-yakoy mit_ you can bring back to the Wasteland absolutely without a cost.

For a price, ask to kill the wicked Tobar, why are we robimo.

You can know the middle skel trochi below the Cathedral abandoned mine, in yakіy mi zustrіchaєmo slap on im'ya Kenny, what a rozpovіv we are afraid of a story about zhadіbne duke bringing their workers to my mine. It seems that the same duke will sweat himself here and hang himself, and he ghosts dosі blakaє with dark nooks of the oven and lakaє in the exhaustion of mandrivniki to spend the night. After pampering Kenny, we know that we’ve spent the best of the mines of our vedmezh and yakbi mi turned a toy, then we’ve allowed us to spend the night here, come and go. Pogodzhuєmos and virushaєmo to the mine. With zhahlivyh іstotami, scho hovalis in the mines, swamps appear, and having dealt with them, we are easily known. I will need rich. Let's turn Kenny and take away the no-koshtovny lintel at Point I'll look around.

We can help the Cathedral reversed vantage. At first glance, he has nothing of value, but not so. In the middle of the trailer there is a large lamp overlooking the lighthouse, which can be used to inspire work. We take the lamp and rush to the lighthouse, screw it into the required cartridge. After that, the lighthouse comes to life and begins to win its uninterrupted functions. Zavdyaki we are kind naturally ...

The axis and all the main ones are not the same as a quest, yakі we can take from Tochtsі Oglyada. Ale come in handy (here Tobar did not break) they won’t end up on what. If you have a lot of money, then you can know more rich speeches.

For example, having used a shovel, you can dig up pits, as if you are in abundance all over the island. True, there was no corrosive digging (obviously, the retailers forgot to put the skeletons of their wardrobe there).

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Gree Walkthrough

Lighthouse - a symbol of the Point of View

If you need to make a speech or buy supplies, in the center of the island there is a shop «Product Haley» de trade is a receptionist, as if she had already forgotten English.

Bіlya budinku de grala baby Lіli you can know faceless mutants and overalls Red Racer what gives +5 to repair.

At the very entrance of the island, we are trapped by broken flights, which, having recognized the catastrophe before the war. From the black screen you can find out the details the rest of the whilins the life of the pilots, and by throwing around the skeletons, it became clear that this death was not welcome to the reception.

Axis of principle and everything that I wanted to know about the passage of Point Lookout. It is quite possible that some details went through my respect (I was surprised even more respectfully, but you know - there is fog on the island), then I ask you, dear friends, to add to this post in the comments.

I am sure that my modest progress will help you with mastering the fourth and shorter DLC to Fallout 3.

Let's do it for respect.

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