Mirror magic: stench watching us! Myths, legends, the truth about the mirror What is terrible in the mirrors

Tsya supernaturally wondrous and enigmatic history became one baggy place S. Describing by me a little place in real life, I have changed the name of the main heroine. Ale, singsongly, I wear you out, dear readers, I’ll go ahead with my speech to the apex.
Irina - that's the name of the main heroine of my roses, she was a woman of her own accord, practiced as a lawyer and lived a quiet happy life near a quiet small apartment, did not believe in mayors and spirits and respected her with bad stories. Alya became those who simply turned my light-gazing life upside down.
Irina turned around from work late in the evening, exhausted and exhausted. Alone, what did you want - sit on the sofa and relax in front of the TV with a cup of tea.
- Dim ... Yake good luck! - thought the woman, turning the key at the lock. The doors opened, but those that stank blew, it was like a terrible dream. Curtains buli zirvani, stіltsі rozkidanі on pіdlozі, splinters of dishes just sowed the apartment.
- What the…?! - the poor gentleman of the life flashed in the head. Irina began to look around with wonder at the vitality, looking at the calm, which the rest of the world was deprived of.
Ale raptom, out of the corner of her eye, she remembered that I was supposed to be a chief.
The woman turned around in a flustered manner, but did not shake anyone.
“Wonderful…” she muttered.
May I say that near Irina's apartment there was a majestic old-fashioned mirror, set in a gilded oak frame. The very same, as it happened to the woman, she kicked to post.
It was already a night of nothing, if Irina had finished cleaning up this mess. Deyakі objects of luxury were called zvsіm zіpsovanі, like, for example, a dressing table, on which you could see the traces of azures, nіbi about the new whetstone of azures playing rozlyuchenyh intestines.
The tormented and tormented Irina went to bed. Ale calm that silence did not see її uvі dream. Close to the night, she threw herself in front of a marvelous galas. It seemed to me that I wanted to make up the dishes in the kitchen with grills. The soul of the bіdolakhi went to five, quiet crumbs approached to the її bedroom.
- Lord, such a you, that I locked the door with a key, - the woman whispered.
Htos knocking at the door, ale, revealing that the stench is closed, straightening up to the hall. Irina overcame her fear and went as far as fixing the doors. Vaughn vyrishila posterigati, who today was afraid in її apartment and put a guise to the door of the Sverdlovin. Pobachene amazed її. At the hall, a white nap_prozorium silhouette of a maiden at the old shroud stood straight up. Near the hall there was an old mirror, described more. Ghost, kovzayuchi in povіtry, pіdіyshov up to the new and ... the sign of the new. Vrazhena Irina could not open the eyes of the sight. The rest of the night she spent three hours under the carpet, widely flattened in fear of her eyes.
The next day, our heroine revealed the very same mess that the day before. The axis of the same won and believed in potoybіchny svіt even the messenger lived with her in the same apartment! It was simply not safe for the Chekati before, even today the mayor tore the pillows, and tomorrow they will rob the very same people from the government's house. Irina straightened up to the church to the priest, asking him to sanctify her confusion. Ale on її podiv, that calling її rozpovid mad schizophrenic and navіdrіz inspired to go to Irina home. An angry woman with a heart that fell, left the church.
- What work? I can't live in the same apartment, - she thought, going home.
- Shoot, love! - Irina felt raptom. Turning around, she waved a gypsy woman in front of her, as if she were constantly collecting taxes on the porch of the church. - you are my help, like a bachu, I need it, - she continued after a short journey.
- Yaka help? I won’t understand you,” Irina chimed.
- I can see everything, - the old lady, having turned her cunning eyes, - you have a ghost in your house, but I can blame yoga, just give me pennies.
- Yak?! Chi can you drive yogo away? O! I'm glad! How much can I give you? - Irina was asleep, pro_yavshi in the sight of happiness.
“And slips, slips and come on,” said the old gypsy woman. Irina saw everything that was in the hamanz. It’s unlikely that she would start trusting such an evil gypsy, but at the same time, feeling that she could vryatuvat її in painful fear, which zavodіv її soul, she did not hesitate to see everything that was in її gamantsі.
Arriving at Irini's apartment, the chaklunka straightened up to a wicked mirror. How she could find out about his reason, became a mystery for Irina, even though she didn’t tell anything about him.
“The axis has got the trash here,” said the old woman, tapping on the frame. — why don’t you take your sudidka, — she added.
The witch put a candle in front of the looking glass and began to say that I am wonderful. At this moment, at the mirror, nibi in the portal, a girl in a white cloth became visible, she began to give evidence that she should be a gypsy. Irina marveled at her with fear and interest. Tim, in an hour, the spirit of the rose and the grandmother switched to moving the tony, and again in the room it began to heat up. The mirror vibrated raptly, the tricks flew on all sides. A ghost with ventilated siding under the bed and starting to go out from side to side, whispering out and not knowing yoga. Nareshti vіn viletіv vіkno, vibivshi sloіv і razchinivsya vіchіrnіy іmlі.
- Phew! Vperta how the ice spoke, the old woman saw. Having heard the flow of knowledge, the gypsy went away.
After the rite of passage, everything stuck and the heroine of our rozpovidi continued to enjoy life without the daily poltergeists and other mysticism.
As if it was not clear, in this apartment, in front of this very mirror, a girl shot in the face of an unfortunate kohanna and a restless spirit settled into the new one, wandering around the old apartment at night.

The Chinese order to witness that the mirror was invented and presented to the people by Satan.

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A long time ago, a man who was over-the-top shoved came to the palace to ask for the hand of the emperor's daughter. The emperor was already zdivuvavsya, but saying that I would give you a daughter, if you bring an object, de princess could pamper herself. Why was it given to unimaginable tasks, even if people still didn’t look at mirrors, no one could think of the possibility of arranging such an object!

Having wandered for a long time among the names of the unkempt vikupu, until, nareshti, I didn’t know the barilo with magic hieroglyphs on the krishts. Vin erased the spell and opened the container. And the devil himself sat in the barrel, if there were immured there by an immaculate monk-samitnik! The vishny unstoppable scolding, the unclean slandered the deceiver, be it in the city. That having asked for an object, from whom the imperial daughter could have been known. Otrimavshi in the form of the devil's mirror, names reappeared imperial palace. However, Vladika appeared not so honorable, like a foe to the human race, and having punished the decapitation of the betrothed, who showed himself too rich, and took himself with a mirror.

From the mythological point of view about the mirror, one can say more richly, less nasty. ZI, the position of the Dzerkalo is truthful (adhery, there is one, they are named! X no, cleanliness, illegitus, self -digit. divinely light, or inspire from the mustache of the sky. The ancient Indian god Brahma dreamed of himself and all the miracles of his power in the enchanting mirror, as in Sanskrit it was called maja; , at first witness to the fact that the mirror calmly accepted as an object, the victories of good magic.

In the mirror, one can see not only the person herself and the vast expanse, not only those who live in distant lands, but the past. Here it will be better to briefly retell the legend that the Russian Pivnochi was born.

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"On the great Solovetsky Island, on the right, she was traipsing - for a long time, even for Tsar Peter. Having drowned, turning from the trade, the fisherman Mykola. There was no strong wind, no great whiff, but like a stone to the bottom of pishov, even richly rocky fishing.

Well, do nothing. They laid the dead man under the image. At night, blue yogo Frol, having become a bіla, read the prayer book. Raptom to marvel: a towel, like a bulo behind the sound of a hung mirror, zіskovznuv. It's bad. Pidijshov Frol straighten the towel, she casually glanced at the mirror. And there - a hut, in a hut - a colossus, in a colossus it is impossible to hit.

Through a mile of vins, it’s already the first steps to rob, and the axis is already playing with the cat, then we’ll pretend to be a young man, next - to a young man, and having recognized his father from New Frol. And the mirror was given to show. Bachit Frol, as Mikola is moving to the Kola birch with a rich master, he is trying to transport him to Solovki. Poplivly. The sea was loosened up, it became bad for the pan, he lay down the wines on the bottom of the tun, entrusted with his own screen. And Mykola, having lifted the memoryless passenger, having crossed over the side, only a few stakes floated on the water. And far away, like nothing happened, three ways.

Frol looked like a looking-glass, but still he knew he had the strength to look at the life of his father to the end: as if he had buried a screen under a birch on Kuzovy - the island on the pivdoroz to Solovkiv, - like a new house of his own and having lived with new prosperity. And far away I show a mirror: to read Mykola Sink of his first job, then we put the glass on the chin ...

Frol danced all the time at the mirror - right up to the thієї night itself, if he rose from the calm waters of that very drowning pan, snatching Mikola by the throat and pulling at the sea day. And then the mirror fogged up, and the woman appeared in a new long-haired woman, all over the place she sang a vision, and she said: "You see the picture of the birch tree viry and go to the monastery of the father-abbot, let the father close the sins." He is so zrobiv.”

Ale is not so important, as if Frol had killed him. It’s better to know what kind of woman such a woman appeared in a foggy sklі (well, how can you not guess the Central American god Teskat-lipoku with dim, what to smoke, that’s a clouded mirror!). Knowledge of Russian folklore can tell about it. Stink, without hesitation, to explain that Frol Dzerkalitsa appeared - the soul of the mirror, yoga bag and volodarka. She's alive in the world in the light, which changes at once from the picture that is being seen. Starry lookїї describe it importantly: vin minlivy, even if it’s just a shadow, ghost. Ring out the Mirror is invisible in the background, but it appears only for special furnishings: the whilini of a strong spiritual praise has a restless household that night. So, you don’t know how to sleep, just play around: show yourself everything that you remember during the day, otherwise it’s just good fantasies and guesses. That is why people are not happy to look at the mirror at night - how little it is to show the Dzerkalitsa in a senseless way!

Not a trace of marveling in the mirror and under the hour of a storm: The mirror is so afraid of the glare and thunder that it literally wastes its mind and can reveal the treasury to the eyes of the guardian. Dzerkalitsa is strongly attached to the month of her residence. Vaughn love to marvel at the familiar faces, known things. For that, it is not possible to take a mirror from a stone to a stone, and for that it is no longer possible to give yoga into the wrong hands.

As if someone is dying in the house, the mirror is terribly turbulent, grieve and cry to yourself dead, you can call, luring to yourself, show your guise at the mirror. To that end, sound the hovering of a mirror, like a dead man at the booth.

And from evil spirit Don’t love the mirror and don’t try to look at it, that Budinkov, kikimori, vostruhi and other evil spirits don’t see the mirror. However, it still seems that Dzerkalitsa ate an evil chaklun from the government, changed her good-natured and cheerful character, began to tell people.

Zipsuvati vdacha Dzerkalitsi can be another furnishing. As if in the room, a sprat looked like a mirror, their sacks are jealous of their masters one to one and try to harm the supergirls, squeezing their lips with force. In the sight of that mirror, darkness, crackle, create images. Also, better than a mother in the room, there is only one mirror.

The greatest joy for Dzerkalitsa is if the mirror releases sleepy bunnies. Todі vona can vibratisya zі skla in our world, to freedom. At once, from a sleepy exchange, in one mile, all the distances of the Earth are covered, and then we turn around at our mirror, refreshed, renewed and happy.

That's why she knows about everything that comes from the world. At the Dzerkalitsa, tenaciously ring out at the sweating world, roar like the past and today, and tomorrow. The axis on which the mythological look of words is based on magical power dzerkal.

Tse vo_domlennya v_redaguvav Odyssey - 20-07-2011 - 09:59

Tsya supernaturally wondrous and enigmatic history became one baggy place S. Describing by me a little place in real life, I have changed the name of the main heroine. Ale, singsongly, I wear you out, dear readers, I’ll go ahead with my speech to the apex.
Irina - that's the name of the main heroine of my roses, she was a woman of her own accord, practiced as a lawyer and lived a quiet happy life near a quiet small apartment, did not believe in mayors and spirits and respected her with bad stories. Alya became those who simply turned my light-gazing life upside down.
Irina turned around from work late in the evening, exhausted and exhausted. Alone, what did you want - sit on the sofa and relax in front of the TV with a cup of tea.
- Dim ... Yake good luck! - thought the woman, turning the key at the lock. The doors opened, but those that stank blew, it was like a terrible dream. Curtains buli zirvani, stіltsі rozkidanі on pіdlozі, splinters of dishes just sowed the apartment.
- What the…?! - the poor gentleman of the life flashed in the head. Irina began to look around with wonder at the vitality, looking at the calm, which the rest of the world was deprived of.
Ale raptom, out of the corner of her eye, she remembered that I was supposed to be a chief.
The woman turned around in a flustered manner, but did not shake anyone.
- It's wonderful... - Vaughn muttered.

May I say that near Irina's apartment there was a majestic old-fashioned mirror, set in a gilded oak frame. The very same, as it happened to the woman, she kicked to post.
It was already a night of nothing, if Irina had finished cleaning up this mess. Deyakі objects of luxury were called zvsіm zіpsovanі, like, for example, a dressing table, on which you could see the traces of azures, nіbi about the new whetstone of azures playing rozlyuchenyh intestines.
The tormented and tormented Irina went to bed. Ale calm that silence did not see її uvі dream. Close to the night, she threw herself in front of a marvelous galas. It seemed to me that I wanted to make up the dishes in the kitchen with grills. The soul of the bіdolakhi went to five, quiet crumbs approached to the її bedroom.
- Lord, such a you, that I locked the door with a key, - she whispered.
Htos knocking at the door, ale, revealing that the stench is closed, straightening up to the hall. Irina overcame her fear and went as far as fixing the doors. Vaughn vyrishila posterigati, who today was afraid in її apartment and put a guise to the door of the Sverdlovin. Pobachene amazed її. At the hall, a white nap_prozorium silhouette of a maiden at the old shroud stood straight up. Near the hall there was an old mirror, described more. Ghost, kovzayuchi in povіtry, pіdіyshov up to the new and ... the sign of the new. Vrazhena Irina could not open the eyes of the sight. The rest of the night she spent three hours under the carpet, widely flattened in fear of her eyes.
The next day, our heroine revealed the very same mess that the day before. The axis of the same won and believed in the sweating world, even if the envoy lived with her in the same apartment! It was simply not safe for the Chekati before, even if today the mayor tore the pillows, and tomorrow they will rob the very same Mr. Budinka. Irina straightened up to the church to the priest, asking him to sanctify her confusion. Ale on її podiv, that calling її rozpovid mad schizophrenic and navіdrіz inspired to go to Irina home. An angry woman with a heart that fell, left the church.
- What work? I can't live in the same apartment, - she thought, going home.
- Shoot, love! - Irina felt raptom. Turning around, she waved a gypsy woman in front of her, as if she were constantly collecting taxes on the porch of the church. - you are my help, like a bachu, I need it, - she continued after a short journey.
- Yaka help? I won’t understand you,” Irina chimed.
- I can see everything, - the old lady, having turned her cunning eyes, - you have a ghost in your house, but I can blame yoga, just give me pennies.
- Yak? Chi can you drive yogo away? O! I'm glad! How much can I give you? - Irina was asleep, pro_yavshi in the sight of happiness.
- And skіlki є, stilki th come on, - said the old gypsy. Irina saw everything that was in the hamanz. It’s unlikely that she would start trusting such an evil gypsy, but at the same time, feeling that she could vryatuvat її in painful fear, which zavodіv її soul, she did not hesitate to see everything that was in її gamantsі.
Arriving at Irini's apartment, the chaklunka straightened up to a wicked mirror. How she could find out about his reason, became a mystery for Irina, even though she didn’t tell anything about him.
“The axis has got the trash here,” said the old woman, tapping on the frame. — why don’t you take your sudidka, — she added.
The witch put a candle in front of the looking glass and began to say that I am wonderful. At this moment, at the mirror, nibi in the portal, a girl in a white cloth became visible, she began to give evidence that she should be a gypsy. Irina marveled at her with fear and interest. Tim, in an hour, the spirit of the rose and the grandmother switched to moving the tony, and again in the room it began to heat up. The mirror vibrated raptly, the tricks flew on all sides. A ghost with ventilated siding under the bed and starting to go out from side to side, whispering out and not knowing yoga. Nareshti vіn viletіv vіkno, vibivshi sloіv і razchinivsya vіchіrnіy іmlі.
- Uff! Vperta how the ice spoke, the old woman saw. Having heard the flow of knowledge, the gypsy went away.
After the rite of passage, everything stuck and the heroine of our rozpovidi continued to enjoy life without the daily poltergeists and other mysticism.
As if it was not clear, in this apartment, in front of this very mirror, a girl shot in the face of an unfortunate kohanna and a restless spirit settled into the new one, wandering around the old apartment at night.

For a hundred years, people suspected they were standing up to mirrors. The stench showed that we should protect our spirits.

1. Hand on the mirror

Walk to the mirror at your booth and put your hand on the slope. Check it out, you don't see the docks. Sometimes it takes a lot of time, sometimes everything needs to be finished. If you see it, you will understand everything. You will shake your hand with a flicker. Shchos zі zvorotnogo side skla more often rubbed against your valley. Tse not zavdast you shkodi. But now you know what's out there.

2. Mirror image

Try to quietly climb up to the mirror by the darkness and look at the mirror from the edge. As if you were dosing with amulets and robbed everything quietly, you can remember that a little bit appeared after you.

The coming time, if you are out of the room with a mirror, take a line and turn off the light. Stand in front of the looking glass and quickly catch your hair. Vimiryayte її. Let's marvel, like a sash of hair thrives on your vibrancy. Vimiryayte її. Dovzhina will be more.

You have cleverly outwitted your imagination. Never again turn your back until you wake up. Now you know what you know. It’s unbelievable that it can work with you.

3. Mirror theory

How does a skin mirror have two sides. What does your imagination want to take you on your side? So, how can you pass through a crystal mirror, while your vision stands in front of you, blocking your way? Try to stick the mirror so that the beat does not catch up behind you. It is possible that the mirror surface is not a mirror, but the flesh of your wet reflection is cold, which shoves you back, trimming from that side. Think about it. It is possible to see.

4. Dihannia

Shorazu, if you see it, a part of your soul deprives you. May you breathe in її back, before that, how else can you piss off її. Maizhe... You were so hard on the mirror that it was foggy? Don't rob anyone.

5. Stink pretend

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror with respect? Have you ever marveled at your own vibrancy and tried to understand, what are you thinking about? Tse mozhe sound absurd and stupid. It’s less of your imagination, isn’t it? So why do you feel motorosh in your thoughts? why, if you marvel at the looking-glass, do you blame yourself that someone is watching over you? You trust your own vision, to that which looks out of the way, like you. It turns out that it can’t give you the right shkodi. All the same, it’s corying with your bezturbotnistyu, to incapacitate you. Get closer. Just remember that your mind is going to sleep for a second. The new miraculous reaction, and it conveys your skin, but it’s still lacking in swede. If you remember, by no means let you understand that you have understood everything. Tse great pardon. Just look and behave like this, nothing happened. Now the win is on your side.

6. Your vision

Why is your reflection copying you, why are you copying your own reflection? Shoranka, if you pass, you go to the bath and marvel at yourself at the mirror. It doesn't matter what you do, your appearance of confusion does not imitate your skin's movement. It’s out to work every day, I’ll do it again and again. Did you think about those, how much hatred your imagination has accumulated before you? One wound you will be thrown, as if you were, and if you go to the bath, your knife will be lifted. This time, you will be embarrassed to repeat yoga di. It's very hard to squeeze the knives in your hands, and you will cut those yourself. On this wound, I call against my will, your imagination will confuse you and put the knives right in your eyes. You scream and your imagination will scream the same. But remember that your imagination can mimic your hand, but it cannot mimic your pain.

7. Mirror people

People in the mirror are always watching over you, watching your fur. Stink to know everything about you ... Your love is strava, as you are counted, your love is clothes, inspire those that you love to eat for a meal. They never forget every detail. The stench cannot afford to pardon themselves. Look at you. Gosh want to be you. They check for a day, if they can commemorate with you the missions. The stench will be called and occupy your life, if you lean back from the other side of the mirror, and leaning your nose to the warehouse, you will see how the stench lives your life. Don't trust your wet beat. The unity of the world, as it can easily replace you.

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