Rune evaza meaning straight and inverted cards. Rune Evaz: meaning in fortune-telling, magical power. Rooney Evaz magical meaning

Rune Evaz. Magic Rune Evaz. The meaning of the rune Evaz. Vorozhinnya on the runes Evaz. The power of the rune Evaz. Diya Rooney Evaz. Rooney name Evaz. The power of the rune Evaz. The meaning of the inverted rune Evaz. The rune Evaz has a direct and an inverted position. Poednannya rune Evaz with other runes.

ᛖ Rune Evaz - Rukh. Progress. The 19th rune Ehwaz (ᛖ) is the nineteenth rune of the Elder Futhark. The name runi means "throw",
"ehwaz" - translation into Rooney of the Elder Futhark:

  • Rune of progress. The symbol is Odin's kin, Sleipnir. Friendship, intercourse, conductor of the will of the gods. Nadaє zdatnіst before the partnership. Synchronize the ovnishnіshnі chinniki and vnutrіshnіy nastrіy people. Evaz - this is a fair wind and a miracle, which helps to improve the connections.
  • Rune Evaz - ruh, sleepy kimos of the robot. Mutuality of soul and body. The partnership of the human and the female is equal to the cob, which works not only on the physical, but also on the mental and spiritual equals.
    The rune ensures the sound of that connection on any plans. Dopomogaє that prosuvaє at the reach of the harmonious and dynamic version of any situation.

Interpretation of the rune Evaz for pochatkіvtsіv

EVAZ is a rune of rapt changes and a good banner for courageous and new initiatives. In order to guess the change if you knew better, write it in after the “fitted” runes in your runic inscriptions.


  • For yaknaishvidshogo zdіysnennya rework.
  • For innocence, it's more expensive to appear careless.
  • The power of the Rune Evaz by Zinaidi Sur
    Evaz - kіn, ruh. Rune change, change, progress.

Basic understanding of Rooney Evaz

The rune symbolizes the coexistence of coexistence with the harmonic aspect.
Runa ruhu that rose, get ready to change - the stench is friendly.
Tse vіdnoshennia soul і tіla аbо special vіdnіshny vyazku іzh dvoma іstotami.
The rune is invisible, ale strimko the magic wind changes.

Light meaning. Harmonies with other people are checking for you.
The rune can be a sign of a change in the place of living, or the generation of new approaches to life, to work, to people.
You understand the need to give and receive. The robot will give good results, but for the sake of courage, that bazhanya, such a change, which is brought by runes - the mug is not good enough to hold a bucket.
Let's take a fresh look at the old problem of laying down the process of development.
The development of the current situations and the internal world is happening in parallel. It is necessary to pay respect to those who have died down in your life, zupinilosya, change yourself in such situations, otherwise the damage and damage can only be recovered through the unreasoning of what is being seen.
It’s new to stand on the edge and only to lie in front of you, like victorious energy and it’s already smart to be smart, nasty, children, shards are still a rune of help, encouragement, fertile energy. There is only one meta gift: harmonization will become a human being, lightening of minds - development, stabilization of spiritual growth.

Tlumachennya Rooney Evaz by Ralph Blum

Rukh. Progress. Kin
This is a sign of passage, the transition of that turn, new places of living, new approaches to a new life. Vіn also signifies a change in the sense of correcting the improvement of any situation. For tsієї runi is characterized by progressive development and steady progress, more and more growth through the inevitable destruction of that change. Tse mozhe stosuvatisya right, and the development of ideas. Vzaєmini tezh owe to know the changes, to establish and develop.

Tlumachennya Rooney Evaz by Frey Asvinn

Traditional meaning: kin. In its most obvious meaning, "Evaz" is associated with the means of transferring. For the old hours, the cloak and the chariot were changed by great means. In our days, this rune can mean a car or a motorbike, a motorcycle. In addition, "Evaz" symbolizes happy speech and speech, including the middle ground for lyrics, and as such can be stagnant in jubilation. On a grand scale, the rune "Evaz" means psychological well-being, which allows us to spivvіdnіsnі zvnіshnіshі svіt zі іmоїційніmi installations, аbo, in іnshimi words, vіnnya pristosovuvatisі to raznih situatsіy.
But still not all. It is quite obvious that this rune was tied with Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged stallion. C. G. Jung in "Symbols of Transformation" affirms that in ancient times Odin was depicted at the sight of a centaur - like a man-like horse. In addition, they blame the associations with the fathers of Sleipnir, one of the names of Loki, who took on the appearance of a kobili.
A lot of runologists will bind the rune "Evaz" from a hat. As if spreading "Evaz" like a vertical rice, two runes "Laguz" are being established, and "Laguz" is spiving with love. I’m sure that Evaz can not only go to the school, but also to the partnership, and also to the joint ventures, be it of any kind. This rune is a good thing to connect two people with close bonds of mutual assistance and mutual friendliness.
In this rank, "Evaz" symbolizes the partnership that spivpratsyu on kshtalt quietly, scho to unite the horse and the apex. The svetlі tsgogo staє ozumіlo, why іnshі maistri runes associate її z pіdnіstyu і slyubom: аdzhe vydomo, scho horses nizhno pikluyutsya about their offspring. Before that, the mating of horses is a kind of garniture: as a rule, a stallion behaves with a kobila dbaily and affectionately.
On the psychological level, the rune "Evaz" teaches us the magic of attachment. While "Raido" - a rune, is closely linked with "Evaz", - helping us to take control of the situation from our own hands, then "Evaz" allows us to stick to the situation and fight all the greed from it. Like a magic zasib won't add success to be-like a successful enterprise. In occult practices, "Evaz" symbolizes the astral or ethereal body- that part of our "I", which can be seen beyond the boundaries of the physical body. In the operations of shky magic "Evaz" serve as a rune of werewolves: with the help of it you can give your astral body a look of a horse and in such a look you can make a magical attack. Astral entities of this kind are called maras (porіvn. English mare - Kobila). If you bind the rune, which is made up of "Eyvaz" and "Eyvaz", you can victorious for "watering for souls": at the same time, two runes help you to get to Wodan in the yogo ipostasі the Wild watering team.
At the witch "Evaz" mayzhe invariably signifies, po'yazane with a woman's cob; often she symbolizes matir chi inshu mature woman. Such an interpretation is based not so much on myths, but on evidence. Vzagali seeming, the kin is vvazhaetsya psychological symbol of instinctive sponukan, and the rune "Evaz", judging by the mustache, is closely connected with women's libido. In an inverted look, the rune often indicates that it was a waste of money, having broken hundreds, if not, on treacherous friends.

The dark meaning of Evaz (the rune is inverted)

Evaz - tse one of the poor runes, yak, in the case of a return position, it is graceful, but more sweat and less active.
I’m feeling calm, putting specks over the “I” and it seems - everything is fine, don’t hurry, don’t get embarrassed at all your time.
When Evaz arrives, it is necessary to reconsider and reconsider, as far as your behavior is more than proper. Zupinki that bezvihіd just spіvvіdnosya z nedorechnoy behavior.
All possibilities are not given to everyone, not everyone is given access to these gifts. The kin cannot ride all the roads at the same time. If you throw a gallop, don’t go there, you may happen to turn around until you get angry. If a person does it right, catching a sense, dictating with a rune, then the rune changes its position with it turned upside down on a straight line.

Ruh nashtovkhuєtsya on pereskoda. Be aware that you work (otherwise you do not work), at the same time. On the right, we are not in omissions: we are simply guilty of understanding that not all possibilities are revealed to us.

Robots alone Evaz Rooney

Initsiyuє symbiosis of energy Rukh and energy of God, God's witness.
The union of matter and spirit.
Harmonize life and bring people with passion to a jealous person.
Ideas are easily developed on their own, think about it.
Inclusion in the future, what is expected, and on the road.
Spriyaє remіshchennyu, Rukh - litakom, horse, car, ship - other transport means.
In the esoteric plan, we believe the possibility of astral journeys.
It helps to know your way in life, straight ahead.
Protecting the people in the astral and physical roads.
Allows you to hide the secrets of people - be it like a podia, diyu, information.
You can try to taєmnim navit clearly otherwise.
Viklikaє zmіni on krasche, rahunok step-by-step development and steady progress.
The energy talisman of the mandrivniks.
Let me forgive and say goodbye to the past.
Sprinkle the blessing of the enemies, the guardians, leading them to the judgment of the Gods.
Cleanse your bitterness. arrogance, irrationality.
Healing the endocrine system, lymphatic system, ailment of the brain, stroke, nerve ailments. obesity, osteoarthritis.

Runa Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz). Straight stan.

Im'ya Rooney: Evaz, Ayvos (Ehwaz)
The rune meaning of Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz): in the distance, zbіg furnishing, "friendly change"
The literal meaning of the runes Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz): kin, kin, change

The old German name, the meaning of the Rooney Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz): Eys (Ehwaz)
Old Norwegian name, Rooney meaning Ehwaz, Ehwaz: Ehol, Ior
Anglo-Saxon name, Rooney meaning Ehwaz, Ehwaz: Eh or Eoh
Ancient Celtic name, Rooney meaning Ehwaz, Ehwaz: Eirich
Old Icelandic name, Rooney meaning Ehwaz, Ehwaz: Eh, Eol

rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz). Tlumachennya when fortune-telling, the meaning of the rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz):

Rada Rooney Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz). Change yourself. You have everything. Changes can be found in your homes with comfort and in your way of life. Tilki after that you can come and ovnishnі zmeni.

Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) meaning of the rune. Key concepts. Change; ruh; way; road; uninterrupted growth; change; dovira; successful building is up to the furnishing in different situations; reach meti.
When the rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) falls, the clouding of the rozpovida about the changes that occur at a given moment of the hour. Severe changes in life can be made quickly, but it is the result of a good, even a sufficient steady development of that growth. At once you know the vershoks, after you have worked earlier, and tsі vershoks give you the opportunity to marvel at the future. Runa Evaz, Ayvos (Ehwaz) suggests that wisdom is gained over time and without the help of intelligence. Hello way, what's going on. Evaz, Ayvos (Ehwaz) points to more, but more recent and more advanced progress.


Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) meaning of the rune. MORE DETAILS

Fleece Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) to move at your own darkness - Independently from the food that you clink, You collapse in the right direction, You correctly perceive the naturalness of what you see, you can easily vikonat set the task and know close to success.
This rune has two head meanings. In one way, you can tell about new things in your life: You can meet new people, you have the ability to create a completely new way to work, people and life in general, you can change your place of residence, move somewhere.
In a different way, there is a gradual process of development in direct positive changes: molding and developing it, putting ideas in, refining them with people.

Basically, when the meaning of the runes is Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) - changes that appear in the appearance of something new. As if the rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) - appeared at your place, the rune means the process of an ear of positive changes. Tse i є the main clouding її meaning. You are getting closer to something good, if you call the unknown. However, this sign (Rune Evaz, Aivos) speaks and about those who change to come, at the top, as if you yourself are changing, but be ready to let positive changes into your life. A person is changing, life is changing.

Rune Evaz. Tlumachennya meaning rune Evaz when fortune-telling on the love of a pure woman.

Tlumachennya runi Evaz with runic forecasts is more different - the rune of new beginnings, zsuva from the point of view, the rune of ochіkuvannya change to better. Rooney Evaz appeared at the rozkladі on the kohannya chi stosunki to say what about the right choice paths that are close to success.

The runes of Evaz appeared in the context of the fortune-telling on the stosunki can be interpreted in such a rank - you can see the prospects of your stosunki from the kohanoy people and the stink є dosit friendly. However, in order to ensure that the prospects are not deprived of only prospects, it is necessary to improve, look over the passed stages and with new forces to continue the development of your ventures with new forces.
Podії, scho rune rune Evaz, vіdbuvatimu dosit quickly, hard-nosed - the rune Evaz vіschuє romantic vіdnosinі i love, zahoplenієі zlozkіst. Runa Evaz in asekti kokhannya for the sake of - be with a hundred women with a person close to you, not only easy-going, but also amusing, so that you will understand to accept the correct life of your choice, you need to learn how to convey the legacy of your skin.

Cloudy runes. Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) clouding, rune meaning. Internal zmist:

Rune Evaz, Ayvos (Ehwaz) є Rune passing through new stages in life and turn to positive changes. Rune Runa Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) is equivalent to the progressive and permanent development, as it is accompanied by an increase in spirituality, low numerical destruction and positive changes. Seeing you come to your senses by showing moral masculinity and resilience among us - your motto may be “Everything is now recognized and felt for me the way I believe in myself.” Symbolizing the horse Runa Runa Ehwaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) also means the unity of the inextricable link between the horse and the ruler, tobto ruh, which was judged to be rapt with an unstoppable perestroy. You need to be transferred to the knowledge of the subsistence and the depth of the underworld. Not all are appropriate at first glance and easy to see, far from all friendly options are recognized for you or available in the equal world. It is possible that the most correct decisions, that I have the right chances for success, will be like those, like they will let you see if they are.

Runa Runa Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) is associatively tied to Sleipnir, Odin's horse, which is the moment to transfer your Owner to other worlds. Therefore, the appearance of the rune shows your building to the point of splintering on different levels of the butt. Wisdom You add less to splintering, moreover, it’s not less necessary to splurge with people, your companion and teacher can become a creature, a roslin or a mineral. The rune Evaz (Ehwaz) also symbolizes the need for equal partnership between men and women.

Runa Runa Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) - a rune of progressive vimirіv and progressive movement forward (progress, zsuv from dead center). Embraced in the runes of magical forces, they will ensure the development of this development, I will overcome death, pass between the worlds and the worlds.

Cloudy runes. Rune Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) clouding, rune meaning. Magic zastosuvannya:

Cast Rune Ehwaz, Ehwaz after healing runes for more powerful changes. Ale, do not forget to think well before such zastosuvannyam - chi ready You yourself to such quick changes.

Zastosuvannya in runic records (runescripts), as well as when preparing a runic amulet:

Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) meaning in runescripts - strimki change;
Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) meaning in runescripts - directing ruh; way-road;
Rune Evaz, Aivos (Ehwaz) meaning in runescripts - To guarantee a safe price.
Rune Evaz, Ayvos (Ehwaz) meaning in runescripts - For the current change.

Information about the topic was added on the other side

Rooney name: Evaz, Ivos

Latin name: Ehwaz

Rooney type: Scandinavian

Main meaning: Good luck and change for better

Evaz (Aivos): Big value

Straight mill

A literal translation of the meaning of tsієї runi - kіn. Oskіlki tse ancient mode of transport, then more tlumachen runi is connected with physical movements and the results of them (as material, and damage). The rune also points to the exercise to the result, the swiftness of the action, the energy and the onslaught.

Directly call the camp to talk about those who will be more expensive to be successful, or bring mischief, to tell fortunes. So it can be shown to change the place of residence and all the changes that can be connected with him. Also, the rune often points to those who are difficult for people, but they are at the bottom of them, as if they are actively shukatiming out of the situation (sometimes they say “trouble” about this).

Evaz can be a direct ticket to a future trip, moreover, to help land transport. Vono and realized - there were no signs for vikings, but other signs show more expensive on the sea.
Flip the camp

In an inverted position, the meaning of the rune does not become negative in a right way. The head yoga zmist is a mismatch for an hour, or later it’s more expensive. It’s possible to understand how unbearable the need to go is (for rich people, the novelty is not welcome, but it’s not scary!) or the jam in the train (I’m still aware, no one panics through the line, but for those who don’t need to arrange it right in the installation!).

Another rune can feel the change in life, not accepting it in essence, but for raptovistyu that step. Too large-scale and swedish changes will inevitably beat the pantel.

Stupіn nepodіvanki and rudeness of transferring Evaz to lie in the warehouse of the entire layout. Chim vin girshiy - tim zhorstkish sled razumiti and Evaz. However, at times, even among the nutritionists, clear terms were established, ignoring the practicality less at this interval of time. The exit from such a situation is simple - it will rise in price until the end of the recent period.

Evaz (Ivos): Significance of Kohanni and Stosunkah

Straight mill

The meaning of Evaz in the fortune-telling of love can be even more different. In the whole, the rune shows that the kohanna and women have equal rights, the connection will be on a mutual basis, that recognition of the rights of one alone. However, in some layouts, the rune can talk about those that one of the partners is the leader in the pair, and it can lead to conflict.

For some deacons, Evaz can talk about those who call the bells. People are assigned to burn one to one, and may realize it. Sometimes it seems that the stench was already tied up in the past life, but after that, the unintelligible chi was lost, and the new “coil of karmi” may turn out to be nourished.

As well, it was put about the quality of a partner, the rune to talk about those who are accepted in the intercourse, it’s a good person, it’s easy to make acquaintances and get along with people.

Flip the camp

Evaz is turned upside down to talk about problems in the vents, but not the same as to produce before the opening. The rune is a sign of other inaccuracies, pointing to those that a person chose not an ideal partner for herself, and cannot be thrived on a lack of blue with him.

Other runes can show you how to work, to get rid of the transfer of problems. Tse mozhe buti recommendation should be taken care of s kimos unequivocally dosvіdchenim that is unequivocally good-natured. In some combinations, Evaz can talk about those that in a person not everything is safe in a special life, through yoga, the power of mindfulness and the need to change a partner, strangle yoga.

Evaz (Ivos): Significance in the situation and nutrition

Straight mill

In different situations, the runes can be interpreted differently, but always it is definitely more pleasant.

As if it was about a penny or another income, Evaz should tell about those who are getting rich in material camps. As if they were telling good fortune, runa to talk about those people who had problems with her, but in the past, but at the same time she definitely sees it.

In some deacons, Evaz can talk about the future cicave and familiarity. Well, if food was set about some ideas that would never be realized, then the appearance of Evaz is a symbol of the fact that the time is right for the right, a pleasant moment has come.

Shards of the main sense of Evaz are more expensive, the rune often travels. As if food was set about seeing relatives, they would transfer a visit to them (as a layout of friendly people - from a receiving drive, as well as not - from a drive of ailment, but not fatal).

As if the food was raised about the problem with the relatives of the close people, Evaz talks about those who the conflict is unrelentingly virulent, moreover, to the satisfaction of the fortune-teller.

Flip the camp

In such a position, the rune will sound to indicate to those that the situation cannot be reversed at once. Ale virok is not in any way residual - you can try again after an unfavorable period.

The new layout indicates those for whom an unacceptable period has begun. So, you can talk about those people who can’t change the situation right away – you can’t lie in it. Other combinations of Evaz talk about those people who know the solution to the problem, if you notice and accept the changes that seem to be very different.

As a rule, a food was placed about the right, turned upside down Evaz means stagnation, timchas' tooth. Fleece does not recommend the development of new projects and checks for any memorable results. In some cases, Evaz can point out to those that the situation was aggravated by such an intrigue of competitors.

Deyakі well poєdnannya pojdnannya scho, scho in people really one problem - there is no understanding of the essence of the situation, її korinnya, and that can not do anything.

Evaz (Ivos): Zastosuvannya runi in magic

The magic power of the rune is to activate the processes that are "stuck". By such a rank, you can give an impulse to the right, so that you can “stand on the mission” for a long time already, or lead a person out of a spiritual “stupor”, give him the energy of life. You can use this rank to end an old conflict.

The rune “helps harden”, so that the situation is more malleable, more pliable for manipulating it, that direction is necessary for the channel.

Tsіlyuvachi zastosovuyut tsyu rune in zmovah, recognized for corystuvannya old and chronic diseases - the process of likuvannya again zsuvaєtsya z mіstsya.

The rune is the patroness of mandrivniki and vzagali all those who are on a journey. Won to rob the trip and away in principle, and carefree and easy in terms of travel itself. Such a talisman to please mother waters.

Also, the rune spryaє іnshim types more expensive - astral. In this role, victorious shamans have to activate the building of moving between worlds. Why do Evaz zastosovuyt at the rituals dedicated to magicians; tse one of the head runes at the oaths for the hour of initiation.

The rune recommends not to “catch” on something alone, to show the gnuchkist, to smarten up the change, to accept them and stick to them. Bazhannya change in the present world is indistinctly connected with changes in the middle of the person herself.

It is not necessary to admit that these changes were imposed, it is necessary for you to understand the need yourself, to direct this process. Then you can go navkolishniy svit bring to the camp, and make peace with yourself, and make contacts with other people.

Straight mill

The main literal translation for Evaz is kіn. Otzhe, here at the front of the line it is necessary to talk about forward movement, pracity, vibrancy, speed.

Otzhe, Evaz - tse relocations, three trips, change of place of residence, new people. Tobto mova in to this particular type to talk about the physical displacement and change associated with them. Moreover, obviously, in direct position such changes are positive and look better.

Sometimes the rune can mean the hour of taking away the final results, like to come, so that the person does not lint, does not check, that success and success will be shukati yogo, but shukkaє i know їх himself.

In addition, the interpretation of the rune is more expensive (sound, on the ground), especially, as the rune Raido was instructed to vip.

And Evaz can also be vithlumachena, like a distant zbіg furnishing that has been folded, or else it’s smart to stick to the furnishing and speed up with them for a damp coriste, or be satisfied. And so, as a building, objectively take on the extraneous action.

Krym tsgogo, in a combination with an inverted Ansuz rune Evaz symbolizes a trip to a sick relative, with Berkanoy (in a straight position) - a trip to a zustrіch from a native land for a good drive. And the Evaz-Dagaz couple can be vitlumachen as a fact that people had health problems, but now they’re definitely going to the right direction.

Flip the position

The inverted rune Evaz does not create a strictly negative clouding. She has a low kіlka nizhuєtsya rіven pozitiv. For example, as a rune signifies a trip, you can be unstoppable (and, as you know, always bring singing discomfort to life). Together with Laguz, the rune Evaz in an inverted position can be interpreted as a trip, as a trivatime more, lower it is cleared. If there are changes on the right, then such Evaz can tell about those that the stench will be sharp. The rest of the interpretation is even more characteristic, if the layout has a drop in Uruz.

Prote, as if turned upside down, Evaz is rebuying at the spread of the middle runes with unfriendly values, and the values ​​will be lost. There is no way for the world to lie in its own negativity in Evaz, as instructed from it by negative runes.

In an upside-down look, Evaza is guilty of prompting a thought, that the implementation of what was planned, perhaps, would not hurry faster, that the future trip, perhaps, would rather say, or I would like to reschedule it for a later hour. If the food before the runes has a specific watch frame, then the negative of the surroundings with them, and at the end of the wine period, you lose the chivalry.

Kokhannya and stosunki

Straight mill

Like the rune Evaz near the place on the blue, it was like a characteristic of a person, it shows on this comradeship, love to new places, more expensive, and bring those who are easy to know and get along with people.

Evaz's attitude is to talk about those that a couple of people will be their blue on the minds of equality. If you are willing to fight for a problematic situation, you should take it as a good recommendation, because here it is clearly obvious to try one of the partners to dominate over the other, which, in fact, is the core of inaccuracies.

Together with Inguz, the rune glooms like a shvidka, an incomprehensible cherry with a close person and a great relief from that.

Dosit tsіkava combination Evaz i Odin, to that you carry in yourselves a sense of a special connection between people, which is based on deyaki dolnosnyh podіyah. Behind the great rahunka, two runes can mean that people were aware in the past life, but did not know how to untie the karmic vuzol of their vidnosin and zmusheni robit at once.

Flip the position

In an inverted look, Evaz symbolizes the marne of welding, conflict situations. Ale ce zovsim does not mean that a couple can separate through them, so that Evaz navit in an inverted position does not carry anything fatally negative. It is necessary to interpret such a rune as timchasov incomprehensibly, yakі z zniknut hour.

In the case of Hagalaz, such a rune suggests that the partner of the fortune-teller is far from a friend half for the new one, so you can’t see the blues with him by any means be ideal. Together with Mannaz, Evaz is turned upside down to serve as a joy to get to his problem of a reasonable guardian, in the breadth of which it is absolutely motivating. Combination of inverted Evaz ta rooney Odal talk about those people who are perfectionists, and the same cause of problems in a special life.


Straight mill

For layouts on the car'er, Evaz indicates steps and inevitable changes. "Raptom" will not become anything, but with the addition of a sizable kilkost, the success will come without fail. Tsya rune suggests that the first successes may already be sung, and then it will be even better.

To finish the types of clouding runes - new knowledge of knowledge, variety of innovative (or, at least, just new) methods of work, changing the power setting to one's professional activity. And if the rune in the layout appeared at the same time from Ansuz, then it means that the person can literally bend it.

Evaz can also speak to those who had an idea, until which hopelessly “hung in the window” without any special chances for success, now they’ve decided to take the development. If, at this moment, a person is aware of serious problems, then it is necessary to tell about them, the Swedish one, to the greater satisfaction of the zapituvach.

Krіm іnshgogo, it is necessary to take it to respect and so, the singing world of philosophical, clouded runes: Evaz means that the situation is changing on the floor, on the walls are changing around the people.

In combination with Feu rune, the rune was gloomy as an improvement in material goodness, with Kenaz - as a fact, that the robot of the one who tells fortunes will become more cicavoy, creative.

Flip the position

In an inverted look, Evaz can be interpreted as simple emotions on the right, as a pereskoda, as if the dynamics were fixed by that increase in repair. Ale, with this change, the problems of timchasov, are strongly crossed over by their traces, hardly varto. It is possible, such a grain and zowsіm є sense to take it as a possibility to repair and spend an hour on the repair, that it is ringing.

Krіm otherwise, the inverted Evaz іnоdі is interpreted as a pleasure not to rizikuvati for nothing, not to kvapit podії, but, on the contrary, to show patience and take a vicіkuvalnu position. Otherwise, it’s like a record about those people who don’t want to remember the changes that are being forced.

In the pair with the Mannaz rune, Evaz is turned upside down to talk about those that at the present moment, the height of the problem cannot be found, with Teyvaz - suggest that the problems are connected with the approaches of competitors, with Turisaz - that the person is unfamiliar with the situation, that it has developed, but not you want to know your pardons.

Be gnuchkishimi, do not hesitate to accept those new things that come from the world that you have. Just by changing the middle, you can change just as well those other sides of your life. Think about your way of life and putting yourself in front of specific people from your point of view.

Energy of Jupiter. The symbolic field of tsієї runi is tied with a metaphor of a horse - strimke pushing forward. If Evaz falls, the same person will be at the unity with the light. Vіn not ototozhneniya z navkolishnyu diysnistyu. Fleece, like a horse, carry a person in a straight line. For this sensi, Evaz is identical to Raido: strimke pushing forward, acknowledging novelty to space, changing kaleidoscopic hostility. Evaza was tied up with happy podia, with a turn on the edge. Vaughn is positive both to the direct one and to the turning point. A negative position does not mean a lack of success among the friends. It’s not enough to put the same problems. In the light of a person, it is important to adapt to the situation, to allow the process to self-excite, to recognize the legitimacy of spontaneous changes, to take more expensive safety.

If Evaz vipades, we can say: You will be talanted, and you will be talanted.

Call to import, especially to the direct Evaz, moreover, whatever the situation. The rune is invisible, ale shvidko. For її d_yami it is important to rush. The very same magical wind changes, which is in the expanse of the Thin world and transforms the situation with the help of hier orders. Є viraz: "People are talking, but God can be in his order." Evaz - tse God can be in his order. Those who appear to be known under the ceremonial will of the Greater One. Vaughn sees the situation as the deputy of the people.

In life, there are two analogues of the rune Evaz: walking under a glass and riding a horse. Busy dosit heroic and husband. In both ways, the victorious person does not have his own energy and follows it.

Evaz symbolizes a horse. A person can be endowed with courageous, suffocating and believe in safety at a higher price. Kіn vіdchuvaє, as if to be afraid of yoga. She is forced to carry people, as if she were afraid of the ride. The child, who seems to be grown up, the floorings are choked with future experiences, that she won’t get angry. For a new kin - it’s great, a good colossus, like it’s different, it saves far and it’s not scary. Such a childish setting up to the flow of energy reaches the singing internal susillis. As if Evaz didn’t feel the same way, as we wanted to bachiti, then the problem lies in our lack of spontaneity and ability to trust to what we want. Destroyed under the dispensation of Evaz, we are constantly succumbing to our blessed pardons, moreover, dosing the bad ones, tying us in front of us with distrust of ourselves, accepting the change of swedes for carelessness.

Zahist gives recklessness to trust Seeley without a rational analysis of the process. Spravzhnya dovira develops in decent people. It is the fruit of humility, of the appearance of that serious staging to the point that it seems, leveling off a bit of airy importance. Stop lifting a person to the knife, and be it a wind, you can easily carry yoga from the p'edestal. Evaz vimagaє as people do not mess with themselves. Її motto: nisudh! (Not the point, not important). This motto stands before our powerful place at the Svetobudov. The real importance of these other people is not as great as it is. Pid Evaz needs to be read to let yourself in, as if it’s a good thing - to be put up to yourself. For some sensi people, I can become empty, open, wild, like a drushlyak, so that through it everything was seeped, flowed, spilled, etc. Todi vin becomes trustworthy, like a child.

In order to master the art of letting oneself into the past, they victoriously fought the psychological right - watch out for the arrows. Letting go of the arrow, the man accompanied his thoughts. Tse gave special proof of experience. The person ottozhnyuvalas with an arrow and flew with a bow at once from it.

Let's guess a fairy tale. Viyshov tsar on the gank and calling three blues. I began to stink in three sides and let out arrows. Here is something to think about. Evaz called out to the great change. The stench may not be visible on the surface, but it is always real. It's great to hang out on the vіdstanі. To that Evaz is given a sign after a long time, if only through a sprat of tizhniv. It is necessary to be prepared to confirm the changes and get involved in the process that is being taken. For the sake of courage, that bazhannya will change. In life, dosiit unsmiling people. We are afraid to destroy jealousy, we are afraid of serious rearrangements and destruction. In Agni-Yozі go, that people who are afraid of moving from a place to a place and if not in a big capacity to do more expensive, stupidly think about the Subtle World, about resettlement after death.

Evaz, Jupiter, Strilets, the 9th house - all the great things are more expensive and, of course, great changes. Paying for them is usually not a failure, but a risky experience. The stench means readiness to risk and put everything on the line.

Otrimuyuchi Evaz, the person spontaneously specializes in the sense of urochistnosti, which inspires Jupiter. I won’t be in such a mood, go through the poz. Evaz, like that іnshі runi, not diє crіm lyudskoї svіdomosti. What is the vessel of evidence, so change what is brought by runes. In practice, keep the rule unbreakable. (The mug is not good enough to fit the wind.) To that, sleep through the period of the day, ignore yoga, accept God's gift for the egg, then the results will be culinary.

Evaz symbolizes the stable process of change. There is no catastrophicity and sharpness in them, so that you should change your progress. Evaz is accompanied by a second root, tobto. I feel a little attached to the foundation. It is impossible to stand on the ground at once and fly with an arrow. Blame the need for wanting to be seen for a certain hour due to fallow land and pov'yazanosti z kim bi there wasn’t there and z chim bi wasn’t there.

Evaza reveals great possibilities. Tse vіdchuvaєtsya according to the present, radio mood, which accompanies the deiu tsієї runi, as if not at the moment of її vіdkrittya, then after a deaky hour. Evaz novlyuє priynyattya and hope the possibility of new approaches to the completion of old tasks. Let's take a fresh look at the old problem, lay down the process of її virishennya. Motto of Evaz: the problem is correctly posed, it will grow on its own.

For a person, di egregor, Strength, Might. Youmu is left with less to praise the decision and wait. The current motto of Evaz is simple: "You are worthy of your plans."

Evaz zrushuє z dead center whether it's a zastigly process. With the otrimannі tsієї runi є sensu uvagu respect for those who ossified, froze, zupinilosya. Changes will appear on their own at these points. The process is similar to the moment the rope is pulled out, to some kind of attachment. povitryana sack. Evaz protilezhna di runi Isa. Moreover, it is necessary to be careful, the shards of rozbudzhene will be awake to the potential, which we have sown in the new one. People often get embarrassed by the power of the drive of quiet chi іnshih programs, not being imprisoned somehow. Ale potim vyyavlyaєєєєєє that scho zatrymka was fertile. Vaughn guarded against negative experiences.

Evaz melts the ice Isa and spryaє the awakening of the situation. Ale, instead of cereals, kukil may appear. Until then, it is necessary to be prepared, for the energy of the rune will sound more than change the directness of the process. So we are always in the mood to talk about what is developing, we do not deserve, and redirect those that are in the required book. Evaz - after all, the rune of the conquest of the vision of human plans. This is not a rune of bezosobovoї will, like a panuє over our lives. Tse rune help, support, fertile energy. Tse own kind of credit dovіri lyudinі, vision Mogutnistyu.

Appearance Evaz vkazuє those who come a new non-gateway. In the Apocalypse it is called "already at the door." New to stand on the edge, ready to invade our lives. I only see us lie down, we can open the doors ourselves, we will invade the volcano, or else it will. Under the influence of Evaz, ideas develop by themselves, thoughts fall in independently and easily. And it’s hard to get smart with the filthy child.

It is recommended next to Evaz to draw a couple of runes from food: " Kudi pide process? and “What will end?

Independently of the scale of the present podias, Evaz is leading us forward to internal transformation. The person is not guilty of losing the invariable. Moreover, you don’t need to do anything, but you just need to watch over yourself and after that, which is in the soul. The development of the current situations and the internal world is happening in parallel. І damage to the value of the appearance is caused by our ignorance of what is expected. We are defending ourselves by becoming new, we are renovating. We do not feel quiet changes in our voice, as it is recognized to us by the very course of the current development. As we know fences, it is easy to see changes in the soul, in assessments, goals, judgments, which are parallel to the changes that are called.

Diya Evaz is escorted to bear commemorative podia, as it can be seen by an indefatigable eye. Since the appearance of Evaz is connected with some right-handed spheres of life, in which people began to remember the changes, then in parallel it is necessary to look over the way of life and the nature of the sights. A person is a wholesome person, and why not only about the wholeness of the psyche and body, not only about the wholeness of the outer and inner, that one is guarded, that there is a way to register, but also about the wholeness of the right, the right and the life. Why is it necessary to act like this? You can change yourself. Ale, as a beastly respect for them and take care of them kindly guards, we may call the graceful Forces, as if to come to Evaz.

If we don’t give up respect for changing the rhythm of life, if we don’t accept the spontaneous reduction of the eyes, then the runes become galvanized. All the same, the human being is not mechanical, and on the skin of us lie the same resilience for the acceptance of this other Strength, for the throating of that other process. Іstotno improve those that we can think of as little as possible. And the axis of galmuvati, create, zіpsuvati vdaetsya easily. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through elementary disrespect and incomprehensibility to the Law of Omniversity: if you change in one of the parts of our identity, then the stench will come in other vimіri individuality.

Calmly and peacefully guarding the changes in all parts of its integrity, a person can let the energy of Evaz pass through himself. And then you will grow up to full strength, and people will know the gift of Zeus, the gift of the geese world. There is only one metaphor for the gift: harmonization will become a person, lightening of minds - development, stabilization of the process of spiritual growth.

The metaphor is simple. Get off the sun. I want to accept yoga change and skushtuvati yoga grace, it is necessary to turn around at least to the new one, squash your eyes, smile and look forward to receiving it. The sun descends every day and warms our bodies without such preparations from our side. But if you look at the light with a beastly look, then the effect will immediately be smaller. Tse will not be less zіrіvannya tіla, but tse will be spiritually transformed. It will be a small resurrection, a small resurrection.


Evaz is one of the few runes, as if in a reverse position, it’s the same, like a straight rune, only less active, more secretly, like a retrograde planet.

The motto of the evil Evaz

Bezpliddya є the result of prihovannoy negligence to transform. The cost of all spheres of life. Nudga is the result of distrust to the one who invades.

Dekilka sliv about the problem, pov'yazanu z Evaz.

We rarely ponder over this fact, which we do not see as new, as we do not want to accept. We are so sleepy, and the sleep is really real. We do not commemorate quiet changes, as if it were our fault to remember that they should be accepted for the renewal of life. So the perceptual apparatus of the human being is already ruled, so is the human nature: the one you don’t want a little bit is not heard of. The vibration is repeated, and the sense of the word is lost in the pose of a rose. Lyudina sees the spheres of information that you want to accept. Vіn isoluє tі signals, signs, stimuli, as they are invested in the matrix of the bagan sprinyattya. Because of this, people often do not understand one another, they can smell different speeches, scribble different objects.

That is why, with the return of Evaz (and with direct Evaz tezh), the problem of readiness to register a new one is so acute. The problem is guarding for changes, for changes that invade. The person is guilty of opening her eyes and ears, preparing herself to the utmost. The person is guilty of understanding that at once there will be those whom she longed for so long, whom she forgot so long. However, there will be less of a quieter world, which is the fault of what is being seen. If we lose our wines, then we don’t commemorate the head changes, as they will be in the sphere of the unregistered by him. Therefore, when vipadanna Evaz, the breadth of spriynyattya is so important, freedom of spriynyattya, expansion of knowledge. Not to reason, but to evidence! That is why it is so important to expand the registration field of what is entered - both calls and in the middle. Zvorotna Yevaz points to those who still have not yet been able to find all the possibilities. Tobto itself otrimannya Evaz to speak about wide possibilities. Ale, yakscho won’t turn out, it means that not all the possibilities are yet open. If a person is right, I catch the sensation of coming Evaz, then the rune changes its position with it turned upside down on a straight line.

Why call to come back to Evaz? To that a person does not commemorate the gift of his ability, does not win over what he can. Vіn not vikoristovuє ways, yakі in front of him vіdkritі. People do not care about them, the shards of them are unimportant, irrelevant. You are wondering if you can keep these roads in reserve. You don’t understand that the possibilities for a special opening are opened, like the gates of paradise: only once and for a short hour. Zvorotna Evaza points out to those who can be more amazed at themselves, and pay more respect to others.

Extreme turnaround of Evaz: reckless changes can lead to serious expenses. You can’t throw yourself into the stream and get angry with it. It is necessary to respectfully follow yoga with your hands and not to throw yourself with clips at the Force, which is exclaiming. The metaphor is rather simple. If you throw a gallop, don’t go there, you may happen to turn around until you get angry.

One more old motto of the gate Evaz. Ruh galmovy not blame the people and not through the onset of chaos, but shack internal reasons. Tricks don't show up on the results. It’s just that the hour hasn’t come yet, it’s just that not everyone can do it all at once.

Zvorotna Evaza has one more positive moment. For її dії you can venerate, grow up, let yourself in, gain strength. Like a person so shatter at the hour of the turn of Evaz, Evaz will come straight to her.

Zvorotna Evaz guesses that the znevira in this situation is called galmovuvannya inconsistently, the shards that appear in due time and correctly. The singing sense has a psychotherapeutic rune. Vaughn calm down, put specks over the "i" and it seems - everything is fine, do not hurry. For the rest of your hour, you go on the right path. The process develops naturally, do not marry horses. Get out of trouble, or else, calm down, relax, but for the smut - don’t fall into anger, don’t be confused and don’t rush around to no avail.

Even more serious meaning is wrapped by Evaz. A person can get an idea from someone who is not all, which is always and creakingly openly. What is not given to everyone is ability. Tse healthier vіshtya vlasnoї obmezhennostі. The kin cannot ride all the roads at the same time. The way may be the cob and may be completed. And as we choose one, we are guided by another. Obviously, in this situation, it is too much, so that children, radiates, expands. And if a person doesn’t understand, it means that she won’t take the knowledge of the return Evaz and won’t learn the lesson of Jupiter, in this retrograde state.


When Evaz comes, a person can be proud and trusting, but even then often they don’t get enough strength. Evaz's secret is in the fact that a person can ask for the power of inspiration for such confidence. It is worth doing a cunning procedure, but all religions follow similar procedures: a prayer cannot be invented, you can only ask, you can only get it. You can take away the gift of prayer, but you can’t mechanically press a button on yourself and go to the high prayer camp.

If Evaz comes, do not forget to turn around for that courage, for that trust, which is necessary in this situation. Remembrance of this important psychological moment allows you to join the work of Evaz more and more.

When Evaz enters the life of a person, it is necessary to prepare to expand the cordons. This is directly related to the symbol of Jupiter. The borders at di ї Evaz are constantly expanding. Do not start to see, in a kind of bik, in a kind of brightness, in a kind of sense, but always, the space of people expands. Jupiter is the principle of expansion. Evaz, kіn - the principle of giving space for children. When Evaz was taken away, a person is guilty of nibing inhaled again in order to fly to the open air.

People need not just relax, let themselves in, but spontaneous dynamism of life. We want life to flow according to a given channel and within the singing framework, as if it were subject to our control. Evaz vimagaє recognize the fleetingness of the storms of life and try to block them with rowing of their unreasonable and nebazhan. The power of the diatime at any time. Vpline vpline in be-yakoma vipadku. And if we are afraid of it, then we are suffering in front of us. The year for those, so that everything flowed and changed, is even more important for harmonious interplay with the rune Evaz.

Dakh spravzhny boudinku - skyscraper. Walls of the right booth - obriy. Pіdloga spravzhny booth - the earth. The person is guilty of breaking the cordon to the point of being visible, to the point of being ascertained by him from the principle. When diї Evaz it is necessary to read the dream. It is necessary to read boldly and rozsovuvat obrії rozumіnnya. And as the days of our psychological booth - the stars, as if the world has expanded to the horizon, as we see the Mother Earth as the foundation of our life, then Evaz can freely expand in our mental space, then it’s easier to send us your gifts.

It is important to remember that diya Evaz is a gracious messenger of the Greater world, and not a vipadkovist, a freebie that is simply satisfied. Zіtknennya z Evaz it is necessary to accompany the witnesses of podiaki, the experiences of vdyachnosti, the great movchasnym "dark", independently, depending on the fact that it is easy to mi її z the bear, but sticking with it, for example, entering the subway.

Metaphors Evaz Numerical. Tse and an oasis at the desert, and fresh horses at the postal station, and failure to lend, and a fair wind for sailors, and hitchhiking is more expensive.


Good enchanters. Wand-viruchalochka, chobots-walkers, kіn-fire, ringlet. Giving dad a son's ring. I thought blue, it's simple. And he rubbed yoga like a villain, and a ring of charms appeared. The rune Evaz faded.

Vovk, who can reach the Far Far Away kingdom. Konik Gorbokonik.

Footage Evaz: flying on a hang glider with a dvigun. Watering the fly with a hare. "Sesame, wake up!" - Typical Evazny plot.

Z Evaz po'yazanі deyakі problems of Jupiter: you can't forget what new paths, what they open, symbolize the future pracі. This rune is not self-sufficient, earlier it was pointed out that it was necessary to draw additional two runes - how to complete the process. Recklessly radіti Evaz may be a less important person. Having accepted the rune, it is necessary to worry about those whom the situation has natomisted. It’s not about paying for rachunks, but about the need to do good on the paths of Jupiter. The axis of which astrologers seem to say that for the skin Jupiter comes your own Saturn, for the skin possibility to come work.

Evaz is an impulse, a fair wind, a wind, an initiation of the cob of fluff. Ale potim happen to go independently and do it actively, the impulse to move to save yourself. And, obviously, long time ago, we had to change without the help of the runes, there is no sense. After a few days, it is necessary to walk the rune and marvel at what is seen. If you go to give yourself - trim the swarms wider and take away those who give (gifts to this and call). Call to give more richly - and rozuminnya, and possibilities. And people are crying, and everything is turning around at the barns with your heart beat. Evaz is a rune of heartfelt grace. Vaughn is calm at the sight of heroic runes. In case of divinity, the runes always seem like a diva: either I change the position of people before you, or I change your eyes on the world. For sure, there is a lack of miraculous renewal. It's not in the plan that we can't possibly be prepared for what's to come. І axis of this element of the miraculous arch is important to capture.

It is also important to remember that Zeus (Jupiter) shuns people not for merit, but for special divine will. Zagal to look at the appearance of tsієї runi as a result of any previous work not varto. Tse just spryannya, tse just help at the front. It’s a little marvel of life, like it’s necessary to vikoristaty, if it’s out of the blue.


Situation: way.
Wiklik: more, steady progress.
Warning: inertness.
Statement: changes are not completed.
Porada: do not let the intense sounds and inner podias speed up the rhythm of your share.

What does it mean? As soon as we are intensively included in those who come, we report to the zayvi zusillya, we begin to fuss, hurry up, hoard, take stock of those who come, we keep a thread of watchfulness behind the process. Povіlny rhythm, calm and vrіvnovazhenіst є the main mind saving balance. As soon as the internal rhythm of the psychological chi ovnіshnіh podіy grows, the stink mends burdens on the mind, and the person loses control over the situation.

Wіha: a truly wide river is less on the river.

In case of direct action, Evaz needs to change the style of duty, change the approach in mutual relations with sharpening. New do it, new people, new energy can be mastered in a way to change the style. The person is guilty of behaving in a new way.

Direct Evaz corrects the bad situation. Everything was caught up, dispersed, thrown over. This rune gives the ability to correct those that were wrongly broken: pardon, through ignorance, or overlooked. Particular respect for the very strengthening of the links and the renewal of the rooted.

Why is more progress being voiced? To the one that vin accumulates great number little-remembered changes, as if they are angry in a single flow. For this reason, there is no sense of such a catastrophic zsuvu. Great zmina grows in small portions. The stink nibi nakochuyutsya one on one, whistle on whil, ball to ball. I stand before a person as a task: to save the camp of a proper internal rhythm, to learn how to make other changes, to please them, to consider, as from the mosaic of the mosaic, a single picture of change is formed.

After otrimannya Evaz, do everything right to start working more efficiently. A person knows the possibility of a child more beautiful, happier, more harmonious, with greater productivity. Vіn otrimuє more satisfaction in life, enjoy tim, scho vіdbuvaєtsya. Even before the end of Evaz's guilt, he is ottozhneniya with the process of deeding, then after Evaz's wine is angry with the process: there is no more authority between him and him, that he should work. The most positive experience of Evaz is to be happy with the contact with the action, seeing yourself in a single dynamic unity, in total integrity with the world. The world shirks down to a human being, nibi puts yoga on your hands and takes it there, where the human heart jumped.


Situation: there is a shift on the road.
Viklik: recognize a deaf kut in the distance.
Guard: frontal attack.

Jupiter is opposed by three signs for the management of the city: Capricorn (with the Martian frontal attack), Divi (with irritating rationalism in twisted situations), Gemini (with their empty mentality). From one side, we need to rely on intuition. On the other side, seize the moment, if you turn back, so that you don’t wind up on the right side of the rest.

Vkazіvka: be careful: joke around until you find yourself in trouble.
Porada: marveling at the far distant, know everything that is staring at the wild dawn.
Vіkha: deaf kutami will end with less closed ways for us.

In order to avoid the frontal blockage from the gap, it is necessary to immediately catch the moment of support that is growing. And there you are, ahead of the zіtknennya - a mute spring pillow, a mute spring that squeezes. When closed with such a spring of a deaf kuta, it is necessary to immediately press on the galma. It is necessary to reconsider and reconsider, but your behavior is more than proper. Dead ends simply spivvіdnosya z nedorechnoy behavior. The stench is pointed out to those who have been reduced to a term, to the present friendly environment of minds. You can look at it as a version of the share, but you can't see it. And it’s richly couried in the future to see the opir and drink at your beak, for all the same we’ve led you there, where it’s our fault to go, only now through the stump-deck, with bumps and with blueberries. Dead ends, like milestones, encircle our passage and help pave our own road.

For the whole ninth, Evaz has a rune of a small dedication, as if conveying the death of the dedicatee. Tsya rune enshrouds us. There is a favorable wind at the back. For the next hour, but I'm new in myself. And it appears that the world is not evil, that the Mights are not inhuman, as they are given to us. Evaz ruining negative forecasts and it seems that everything is not so bad. Є Jupiter, є give Zeus, that fair wind is holy. Tsya rune is assigned to a person in a new sama. Vaughn allows you to turn to yourself and believe in your strength. Fly that fall - such a marvelous life. But if we are on zlotі, you need to be glad, for we have given all one fall; more like life.

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