The meaning of 3 earths of taro manar is turned upside down. The meaning of the young lasso taro manara. elements of the earth (direct camp along the boiler house). The plot of the card of the Trinity of the Earth deck Tarot Manara


IMAGE. On the map we see a girl "in juice" in a sharpened emerald wine, an earthly lady-lord. Vaughn separates the goddess Isis, the mother of the forces of nature.
The theme of the Arcanum is life, family, the natural flow of all processes, peace and passivity. This idea is expressed by a calm, deep green ashes. Green color- The color of earthly self-satisfied peace. This is a typical zabarvlennya of a mature summer, if nature podolil spring - the hour of storm and onslaught - and plunged into self-satisfaction calm, giving ripening to the fruits that have begun. How accurately characterizing the green color in his book "About the Spirituality of Mysticism" V. Kandinsky: "The green color is similar to tovst, even a healthy, unruly lying cow, as a child only chews a zhuyka and marvels at the world with bad, stupid eyes."
The Ace of the Earth is kindly aware of its rightful female power, earthly recognition. Їy do not need zovnіshnі efekti, there is more practical simplicity of forms. The image of the card is close to the classical type of the Empress, as if it were a long time check, if you leave what you need, you yourself will not come to it. Von vmіє vmіє vmіє vbrati better z that scho zhіttya, without poinayuchi in "bezplodnі", from її points of dawn, almost that mrії.
Our Іsіdі needs a stronger human shoulder - chi for earning pennies, chi for help around the house, chi for giving you a singing status. Be inspired, you won’t name all the talents and strengths of your partner and know them well. The girl of the Ace of the Earth is not intellectual, but has a practical mind. Її budinok - a full bowl. In the warm kitchen, it’s always squealing, an appetizing, calm smell wafts around the apartment; children catch a glimpse, the booth has cleanliness and order.
The next thing is to designate what women are able to serve as masters. Ale one hіba scho vіdpratsovuє obov'yazyok, іnsha know sposіb sіbіb zіpkhnuti home turboti, for the third tse flour. A woman, as if representing the Ace of the Earth, vodpochiva, busy with her booth, and take the malt out of it. Budinok - tse її robot and hobi at once. Won to try to turn the place into a small quiet booth. Lord, that support at the right for a person, as if miraculously perceive their beauty and strength, you won’t pretend to be a leader in a human role. Sim'ya, budinok - axis її patrimony, її territoriya, on yakіy out it feels like sovereign sovereign-empress.
Such a woman will never let her goodness in. Won wildly marvel at the world - as if at their own power; to marvel at people appreciatively and not zazіhne at someone else, so as not to indulge in someone else’s good for yourself.
VALUE. Material, earthly rozrahunok. Vpertist, obsession. The card can be shown on the bazhannya slubu, stable stoksivnіv and navit vagіtnіst (with others).
In the image of the Ace of the Earth, there is little poetics and a lot of povchalny and povchalny. Vіn є garnim social zrazkom, like the need to live, to create a well-being (with the camp of internal happiness there is nothing - for the heroine of the card, food is not worth it, as there is no practical sense). Here there is no abundance of spiritual strength, no spontaneity, no uncharacteristic diy. The rules of social games will be conquered by the suit of the Earth, the dominance of globally accepted norms. She emphasizes the recognition of a woman as a woman, as a servant, and for that she took away all material benefits.
Cicavo, what in our society, the roots of the Christian tradition, so look rooted already mitzno. Like a woman can't have an official family, like a woman a glanced person and children - so be there a super business lady or an academician of all the most important academies of sciences, society marvel at her with such a frequent regret: the axis, moving, everything is good in her, and she didn’t realize herself like a woman ... Well, a woman is a beautiful squad, mother and master are respected that she is recognized as a viconal. Obviously, the present imposes on the qi the manifestation of its own victories: if a representative of the beautiful state is inspired by other life opportunities, then for this reason I can take a great advantage. What is the cost of zisk and yak її take? What is a living realization? About this time, the rose of the Suit of the Earth of the Erotic Tarot.
MILL. The card is non-emotional; kohannya like prihilnіst.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Sim'ya chi hromadyansky whore. You can see blue and calm. Yak behind a stone wall.
PHYSICAL STATION. Seemingly healthy, the right way of life is not unbelievable in the future.
I FEEL. Tactile (dotik) intellect. In order to be able to see, it is necessary to dotorknutis.
EARLY. Chi is not overly virile; why don't you fool around with the ziska there, de better than fool around else? In this world, the material world, there are other values.
PORADA. Marvel at life and at cholovіkіv firmly, practically, charitably, realistically.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Earth element. Winter.
IMAGE. The girl chose her couple. Vaughn to succumb to the kvolom, troch to an old-fashioned partner, or a handy man, or a practical benefit. If you tie up with such a human being, the stench will be mіtsnі and nadіyni. We are unlikely to establish our own rules in the booth, or we will be useful on the side. More than anything, a person of the same type as a whole will be "in the family", in the world of forces and possibilities, bringing in their contributions to її dobrut. The maiden promotes the partner - let’s get ready to drink at the link with them, but to rob it delicately, so as not to slander the person (twist this card with the Trinity of Fire, de, it was given, the situation is similar, but it’s like a fire and passion). And the lad, shvidshe, zdivatsya - chim wins the moment, calls out the interest of such an unusual intelligence and beauty. Adzhe vin zovsіm not robbing the woman with respect. Divchina dіє, singsongly: you know how to take what you want. In other words, play in good vidomu їy gro - did not pass for nothing until the Water and Fire!
VALUE. The very ear of the vіdnosin. Ide "sight", "estimate", "pereverka" - the partner is ready to step in at the link. To marvel, first to show obvious activity, the girl flirted, and a drop of yogo hit her on the head (otherwise, having robbed her partner, having fooled in the innocence of the situation and the vlasnoi daring). This is similar to the soft preparation of a selected candidate to more serious stature. In the plot of the card, the cards do not appear under the influx of feelings, but like a rozrahunka.
As if the blues were formed a long time ago, then the Two Earths can be said about the "promoting" of a partner with the method of taking off like a win.
MILL. Accurate interest. Light playfulness. On the side of the person - low self-esteem, yak, prote, the presence of a partner begins to grow rapidly.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. It is easier to coquetry with a method, with pre-stroke names. One-to-one zatsіkavlenіst is obvious and far from the remaining factor is the material profit.
PHYSICAL STATION. Natyak on the cob of sexual stosunkiv.
I FEEL. Estimations, lower and lower blues can be brown. Gravity for your own purposes. Mercantile interest.
EARLY. Chi is not necessary ty charms? Do not varto focus on the partner’s thought about yourself. He may have low self-esteem.
PORADA. Diy, ale delicately. Show the guts of the initiative. Your task is to rob the partner of the people, until they figured out about it.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Jupiter in Capricorn. First Dean of Capricorn. Roughing. Dotrimannya zagalnopriynyatikh i kordonіv.

IMAGE. Expansion of the map of sounds and borders with a frame. Above the crypt, where young people are seen in love, - deities that tell the family couple below. Tse Lari and Penati are the patrons of the boudinka. The position of the hands of the person at the bottom is blessing. It dawned on me that tse vіdkritiy zv'yazok, praises otochyuchimi. Surrounding frame - budinok, sіm'ya.
VALUE. The main one is the sparkling zmist of the card - a blessed union. The shape of the frame is similar to the outline of the crypt. Tse mozhe be a crypt from the XVI Arcana, especially how to guess what one of the meanings of Bashti Taro Manari is an official union consecrated by traditions.
The symbolism of the Arcanum is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. The crypt is a family underground burial place with stone crypts, possessed under the church. Sporudzhennya crypt Bulo is available only to high-born, possible people, the status of such Bulo was assigned to burn - by God, not by people. Such a status cannot be bought - the wine was passed from generation to generation. Therefore, the first meaning of life was seen as the preservation of that continuation of family traditions. Everything that was with the family was considered eternal and immutable, like the temple itself and the burial place under it. I send love to that people of children, giving in to a special sensation. Dotrimannya fidelity was respected as an unbreakable rule. Those who, having entered into a love union, knew well that they were safe in life - right up to the rest of the death and rest in the crypt. Stars and meanings of the Trinity of the Earth: continuation of trivalent family stounks, traditions. Virnist. The art of sex, mastery. Obitsyanka real result. Trivale sex life.
How to go about the first zustrich - the first stone at the wake of the house of the sim's. Zustrich may be blessed burn. Vminnya, great vibes.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. You can see the family’s huh of the hromada, from deep friends, trips to the fathers, family joys and their great and small rituals.
PHYSICAL STATION. Sex in the framework of this slut. The physical camp exactly confirms the age and way of life.
I FEEL. Possibly, sex with sim'ї, blessed stosunki. Vpevennіst in the future, based on material prosperity. Virnist partner chi partners.
MILL. Calm, steadfast, orderly, harmonic stounki (family).
EARLY. You want to make friends, drive out the family framework.
PORADA. Pleasure the request to organize your own special life, perhaps, nalashtuvatsya on the creation of sim's (turn to sim's). It is possible to think about the continuation of the family.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Mars in Capricorn. Another dean of Capricorn. Sex in frames.
On the cob Go down

IMAGE. The man chimed in with the maiden and sang, richly declared, "forgetting" guess about those who are not guilty. Won bachit yogo at the support with the retinue of that power scandal, trying to defend their rights. The girl, in the absence of a way out, behaves hysterically: there is nothing to spend, wanting to turn those that were, it is impossible. She is grabbing for a person, trying to get rid of it and zmusiti yogo to turn around, not respecting the public litigation.
VALUE. Scandal at the community (the plot of Anni Karenina). Taєmne becomes obvious. Bazhannya stand up for yourself, your own stosunki against the bulk of the Duma. Defender of his rights.
This card has three actively playful individuals: wine and won’t bet with a family bet (characters of the Trinity of the Earth) and that girl, as if trying to take a person in any way - to wind up a way to publicize their svyazku and a scandal in the vast world. At a glance, you can see that the map has more Fire, lower Earth. Ale Thursday speaks to me about the stability of the stosunkiv and the bajannya save those who are. Respectful to the heroes of the plot: Cholovik does not get victims of his own sineman prosperity, Zhinka of the order was not in his own way, the navigo niggles (won іz, the senile of the gags of the sizhi on this morning. today. If you admire it respectfully, then it becomes clear that the whole trio cherishes pragmatism and rozrahunok, the hope is not to betray your own. Such sobі zhadіbnіst, yak kindly expressed in the classical Four of Pentacles.
MILL. Spend the greatest fear. Vіdstoyuvannya svoїh claims to vodіnnya subject bajannya. Try to save your power, family sisters, your power. Vіdsutnіst self-control.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Do not start the harmony, but only the mitzna. If it’s good, then it’s good and even better, if it’s bad, then it won’t be worse.
PHYSICAL STATION. Impossibility to predict situations and deal with them. Scandalousness and misbehavior. Let's stop controlling ourselves.
I FEEL. Vtrimati, turn, zmusiti. Be fit, yaki ways - however, try everything, better for everything, do not bring anything. To get rid of the skin at your own. A little more fluffy, but the fillings are extravagant, to bring to a real result. All dosiit shvidko turn on your stake.
EARLY. Possible evil. Why don't you see your partner as your authority?
PORADA. Fight for those who care about yours. Show your interests.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Sun in Capricorn. The third decan of Capricorn. Defending your rights.

IMAGE. The plot of the card is a continuation of the previous one. The eccentric vchinok of the girl called for total humiliation of that vygnannya іz suspіlstva. (As they say, don’t get into other people’s pockets and don’t sharply “tighten the carpet” at your own beak. the very day of life (special life). Vtіm, її її not zmushuvav put yourself in such a camp - she herself, as it seems, ran into unacceptability. And I can’t help but look away to her hodno - take care of your skin, hurry to your skin on inconvenient right ... Ale, it’s similar, the heroine of the card is quiet, who is trying to find a pearl barley grain. "There are no furnishings for the filthy floorings, so that from them it would not be possible to take away the crust for yourself."
VALUE. The leitmotif of the karti is vtrata that poshuk. Chi is possible in a situation effectively to know the cost - to show the most useful or supplementary maps.
MILL. Humiliation, rubbish, decay. The girl does not allow herself to get up. The root is crying in the Fourth of the Earth: after humiliation, I am not good for anyone. Complex "I Zayva". Vidchutya vlasnoi incompetence - like a nebazhannoy child chi zavaltovanoy maiden. Low self-esteem.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Vіdnosini z kimos vtrachayut be-such a sense of value. Try to know in them what a plus.
PHYSICAL STATION. Seek satisfaction from self-abasement.
I FEEL. Vlasna incompetence s bazhannyam know hoch schos well in the coupe of the line. Possibly optimistic mood and internal review of values.
EARLY. Isn't your self-esteem too low? Chi is not over for a long time riєshsya at smіtі (failure, worry, pardon)?
PORADA. Take away the snobbery, get down on the ground. Do not fight to get your hands dirty and get to the point of "smite", perhaps you have spent a lot of gold.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Mercury in Taurus. First dean of Taurus. Poshuk healthy gluzdu.

IMAGE. The maiden nareshti knew the sensation at the stosunkas. After that, as if she had visited the very day, she began to beat the people and take revenge on them at once. The current representatives of the strong half of the people are now seen as borzhnikov, for which it is necessary to choose the Borg (if you turn the card over, then it’s more like a figure of a classic increased). Tsya girl in a golden klitz knows well that she herself in pennies and gifts of sens stosunkiv іz cholovіkami. She has everything, krіm kokhannya (ale if, maybe, love herself did not bring her happiness). The seagull, depicted on the map, is a bird of self-sufficiency, ale self-sufficiency of the thoughtless and self-sufficient.
VALUE. Zmist. The partner is looked at less like a lost income. The most important is yogo hamanets. Material hypercompensation after humiliation (the gift was not paid in return). Kohanka - for a penny, squad - for a penny. Love to the exotic and expensive speeches. Such a woman terrifies her partner too much to practice and stain her satisfaction with her needs. "You have to pay for everything..."
MILL. Feel dumb, inner self. Zmist - gra in one gate. Dependent self-esteem. Even more secure, but deep self-righteous people. Self-admiration, the acquisition of material wealth.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. See the blue nouveau riche and yoga utrimanki - everything is clear, simple and understandable. Vіn pay - vykonuє yogo bajannya in the boundaries of the appointed sumi. As if the sum is not vlashtovu - joking to another nouveau riche.
PHYSICAL STATION. A call from the rozrahunka. Internal indecisiveness.
I FEEL. Vision of feelings. Rough pragmatism.
EARLY. You win, you have a present vampirism, there is no mutual exchange.
PORADA. Vykoristovy partner itself. Take away from the new those that you are guilty of otherwise.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Moon at Taurus. Another dean of Taurus. Love to comfort. Kitty sieve.

IMAGE. The situation is gloomy, the room is dark. The woman at the white man reads leaflets scattered around, she is occupied only with her experiences and thoughts. In the background, at the door opening, there is a man-commander (at Sim'ї Vodi, which guessed our plot, whose image has not yet filled with real outlines, but it is similar, imagining an unkind viniclo itself). What are you reading? Chiis love leaves? Or maybe, the purpose of the Commander himself is slaughtering obіtsyanki? Abo the leaves of the schodennik, de so good if they dreamed ... about material well-being? A woman, yak herself drove herself into self-sufficiency, takes a man like a despot. Vaughn put the material more wide feelings and as a result she took away the darkness, the lack of enlightenment and the inner indignity, which does not allow to inspire such a dream.
VALUE. This card is about those who, when they are friendly, give hope for a kohanny, and who - a lot of promises. At the result, the obityanki do not wince, they do not lie, but people are so wisely trimmed by the material plan of the butt, that the stench is overwhelmed at once.
A call from the past, as if attracting to itself. Living on a thin line between myth and reality. "Today and at the same time" is less pronounced, less pronounced. Svіdome obmezhennya sexual life for the sake of іnshої activity. Sublimation.
MILL. Indulgence in the form of interchanges, rethinking without leaving the camp. Awareness of the one-sidedness of your life. Leaves, as if a woman is reading, are a breath of life in hopeless everyday life.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. People, having staked on the material, thought that everything else would be possible. Like it seems, "be patient - get angry." But it turned out, fortunately - not in security, but "the trap of dreams" from the drive of the kohanny, like an hour later the treasury-stars were broken, not to come. People are so deprived of strangers one to one. Vіdstoronenіst i rozcharuvannya sobі that y partnerі.
PHYSICAL STATION. The white clothes and the heads of the women are drawn to innocence. Vіdsutnіst, svіdome niknennya chi obezhennya proximity.
I FEEL. Obviously replaces the real. Nemaє kohannya, razuminnya, sympathy. Those emotions "with a minus sign" - hatred, fear, anger - are also inaccessible to the heroes of the plot. There are not many feelings that make our everyday life in the richly blooming district. The sir_st rozcharuvannya, lack of escape, apathy is being abandoned ...
EARLY. Chi do not zaganyaєsh ty yourself in the kennel?
PORADA. Svіdomo encircle yourself (for that number in vzaєminah), rethink the situation.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Saturn in Taurus. The third decan of Taurus. Fear of any kind of loss.

IMAGE. Trohi is sideways to the worldly wild girl, sitting in the pose of a cobra charmer, playing on a flute. Navkolo rozkidani bіli zіm'yatі leaflets - urivki spogadіv i klaptiki kolishnіh bazhan. In front of her, a film-maker bursts into flames at the sight of a snake - її past. Internally zvіlnivshis vіd new, the girl "prograє" svіy kolishnіy dosvіd and shy to do it cold-bloodedly - she's just "reviewing" otrimani lessons, nizh worries about the drive of something unrealized chi unrealized. Vaughn learned her self-sufficiency. Now self-sufficiency becomes a guarantee of peace, and the last dosvid - insures against bad pardons.
VALUE. "Sho bulo, you will be ..." There is nothing new, new - well forgotten old. Talent. Non-verbal speech. Equal and calm perebіg vіdnosin.
MILL. Internal confirmation; internal soundness - having sat on the order, and already good. Everything was better already. But it’s not a waking dream - such a camp is more like a meditative one, after which clarity comes.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. It's been a sign of tsіkavіshe, nizh sogodnya. Vіdnosini tremayutsya on sleeping slopes. In special situations, the card can be used for a dream, foundations for the controversy of souls, for a karmic mindset.
PHYSICAL STATION. Vision of proximity. Razstavannya chi break at vіdnosinakh.
I FEEL. Calm self, self-sufficiency, take care. Sometimes we say about the need to confirm that you are dependent on the partner.
EARLY. Do not play with your tricks. Don't forget about your partner for a joke. Memory - reality tezh іsnuє.
PORADA. Reconsider your dosvіd, spoof on your own.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Sun in Divi. The first dean of Divi.

IMAGE. Hanging over the Old City is awkward to post a maiden-poor. Like Alice in the Land of Miracles, like she ate a cupcake with the inscription "z'zh me" and suddenly became great, so the girl grew too fast - outgrew her sharpness, her own colossal way of life and stature with a great light. But our Alice has not yet accepted, she has not mastered the "new world". She stands crouched and tries to look around to know who is at the ancient monument, which symbolizes old ideals. Above her, the sky is comically black, dotted with impersonal stars, to exalt new possibilities, even if there is a whole world behind the skin. Ale, the maiden, gazing at that motherfucker, who is roaming under her feet, is not yet ready to straighten up and start a new life. Vaughn grew, but still you can’t go beyond the borders of the Old Town at the expanse of new worlds. Sounds blame the problems of our Alice.
At the right lower fold of the card, mi bachimo cry the figurine of a man, which is ticking with a flicker of a maiden-veletnya. Vіn razumіє, scho Alice shukaє yogo, oskolki zvіlki recently stinks were close, they had stoks, in some people feeling quite comfortable and for an hour with an important look to instruct and povchat your nedbaylivu girlfriend. In a single moment, everything changed: the baby grew up, pretending to the majesty of its specialness. Now a person is roaring in the flow, to that one who is born to the birth of people, as if to be afraid of something "great" (beautiful, sensible and yaskravih) women.
VALUE. The Nine of the Earth is a map of expansion. Shvidke has matured, accelerated, if self-confidence does not reach the growth of specialness. The people have new opportunities, but they continue to cling to the old. Internal "rozmіr" specialty vіdpovіdaє sharpening.
MILL. Daily adequate self-esteem; Might be understated. Selfishness and pretentiousness to the past. Fear of the unknown. The most significant is the conflict between the people and the hour-suspility, which is known in the literary works of Jonathan Swift "Guliver at the Land of Liliputiv" and Eugene Schwartz "Budynok, who has awakened Swift".
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Even more foldable blues, yak, it is possible to survive the crisis through the need for change, which is with one of the partners. "Nerіvny shlyub" - vzaєmodіya dvoh duzhe raznyh people. Vіdnosini can tremble on the significance, bestiality and indulgence of one of the partners. At the position of the future - one of two overgrowths of a hundred.
PHYSICAL STATION. Doslіdzhuvan specialty strong and significant for his partner chi sharpened, to marvel at them from the height of his camp. This card can be in advance about physiological insanity.
I FEEL. Razbіzhnіst temperamentіv chi "scale" of partners to povnoї vіdsutnostі emotsіynoї prihilnostі. Feel the anxiety. Another aspect of the meaning of the card is the great arrogance of the vodnosins, respect for details, pedantry.
EARLY. You're too fast, you're tall - and you yourself can't get close to your new abilities. Your sharpening is not ready to accept a new one for you.
PORADA. Grow up and don't change your mind on dribnitsa. Straighten up to the fullest - and you will win the stars. If you want to be squandered in a lot of vodnosins - grab your mind, how easy is indulgence.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Venus in Diva. Another dean of Divi. Povіlne "vіdtavannya" that osvіdomlennya svoїh mozhlivosti.

IMAGE. Our heroine "proprietary" all the energies of the Earth (the material plan for the provision of security), but what good is it? The life of a girl shows that you don’t make the presence of a comfortable apartment, a large man and a fine cloth give the soul peace and harmony. The food of all food terrifies our heroine to turn to the books and look around there. Vaughn began to sound spiritual, walking step by step at the element of Povitrya. Whole house. None of them are isolated.
VALUE. Є material wealth - ale empty inner yelling nudga; є comfortable zruchna apartment - even more comfort more similar to a picture from a glossy magazine, more consolation tієї beautify, how to give a booth warmly shirі stosunki; є zruchny that successful person chi partner - ale no kohannya; nareshti, є minuliy dosvid - but there are no dreams, there are no actual plans for the future, there are no quiet aspirations, like helping us not to stand on the mission, but to collapse forward.
Bookish idealism, romanticism. Surogat from serials and melodramas. Yuna rich merrily. The material plan for more security, the time has come for satisfaction of intellectual needs. Possibly, living for someone else's rahunok.
MILL. Baiduzhist or navit gidrolivist to sex. Everything passed without a hitch. Dejaka idealism. Informing yourself. Idealization for yourself. Perspectives of the card - "Legends can be made about the life of a bet." The problem is that people are overwhelmed by the analysis of vіdnosin.
Promotion of qualifications for reading novels. Romani is a tribute to a hopeless life.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Calm, reconcile and understand. Founded on the last date and material warehouse. People do not want to consume, but the internal needs to break up, and also to injure one by one with their problems. Yakshcho problems z tsієї cards and і є - the stench virishayutsya quickly and constructively. Usunennya, I have an eye on the right of my interest. The sexual aspect of the stosunki does not call for tsikavosti. Vіdnosini tremaє іdealіstіchnіstі, romanіchіnіstі.
PHYSICAL STATION. Refrigeration. Vіdsutnіst Іnteresu to chuttєvih nasolod.
I FEEL. Vidnosini - light romance. Bookish idealism.
EARLY. Chi is not necessary for you to think that she is busy with mental constructions?
PORADA. Look from the material to the mental plane (for example, reading). Raise your rіven, get better, solve problems for the help of your intellect. Vikoristovuy otrimaniy dosvid and do not hesitate to fight for the dosvіdom of others.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Mercury at Devi. The third dean of Divi. A realist, who can clearly see what is necessary and what is not.

IMAGE. Some people have everything in their life, and others have only a shortfall Christmas table. I skin, who, by the will of the share, appearing on the mountains, strive to peck at the Ugly Rock. Ale Bridke Kachenya is far from always pretending to be the Beautiful Swan. Some of the wines are subdued by their unenviable role and begin to become elusive, truly proving their honour. "You call me greedy, so I will become such for you." Wins are angry at the whole world and hate us for their humiliation and deprivation. This unacceptable hunchback does not have a wet life, ugly wine, wickedness, ale, prote, does not suffer from the presence of arrogance, so you can accept hypertrophied rosemary.
VALUE. The character of the card has chosen all possible vadi. Vіn podslukhovuє, pіdglyaє, pіtkuє, weave intrigues, write denunciations, collect compromising evidence. Vіn taєmno rozkidaє sіtі sіtіh pіdstupnyh zadumіvі, vіdchuvayuchi dominіvі over usіm svіtom. The appearance of this card in the layout does not look good. Only in a friendly manner will you show on a deeply unfortunate person, how she herself suffers bitterly in the face of her shortcomings, but to bring good luck to close people.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. The fear of selfishness stifles people at once. Fallow.
PHYSICAL STATION. Map of hidden waters. Possibly, homosexuality as a hypercompensation for one’s inadequacy and a place for women for recognition (in fact, the card can describe a woman, even though everything else can be listed as a warlike feminism with contempt for all human status). Complexity, be it lack, insecurity. On this card, you can admit the presence of serious illnesses.
I FEEL. Emotional dryness, nezdatnіst bestow kokhannya. Greed, volodarstvo, suspicion, maniacal jealousy. Bigotry that hypocrisy, vengeance.
STAN that description of the people. Genius of ignorance, domestic Napoleon, very sensitive to criticism. Schemer.
EARLY. Carefully! Behind you, after you, intrigues stray, and sometimes tiles are opened.
PORADA. Respectfully be astonished to the point where you see it for a long time. Be drunk.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. The beginning of winter.

IMAGE. A young, smart woman, whose tops were robbed of a shy glance of her dominion, snarled, to neatly fix the fence. She will work absolutely calmly, not stepping off a horse and not wasting her goodness. So all worktime is beautiful and neat. For her, even more important is the form. The master of the ranch, the right Diva, she herself created this material world and knows a blade of grass in a new skin, a skin growth to the last leaf. Everything is in order right up to the rubbish - for her, the natural camp is a good sound.
VALUE. Self-sufficiency and independence, among them, is material. Accuracy in words. Accuracy on the right. "Order makes a thought" - why didn't we run a ranch in the Ten Earths in other circumstances?
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Vіdnosini mіtsnі, spokiyni, ґruntuyutsya on material well-being. The skin is busy with its right hand and especially not to chirp on the same diyalnistyu іnshoy, perekonaniy, that the partner should be robbed like a slid.
PHYSICAL STATION. Calm that sharpness.
I FEEL. Appeal on the basis of a sleeping state (є so garni words - sleeping life). Dejaka drіb'yazkovіst. Retelnist.
MILL. Roztashuvannya. Won. Lord's rozrahunok. Impressionism.
EARLY. Do not you need a lot of respect to give you a form, and not to change? Pedantry chi zayva organіzovanіst can zashkoditi vіdnosinam.
PORADA. Diy neatly and independently, with a touch of moisture.

IMAGE. Razderta zhіnka in vіdchaї pozі. Vaughn is driven to the bushes, squeezed to the wall, de zaylyaєєє to post Buddy. Ale, in the absence of that mountain, don’t run out divine sign. Bіl rob us blind. Focusing on our experiences, we cease to commemorate the light of the world, but let it pass even more importantly, forgetting that there are no hopeless situations. At that very moment, when you realize that everything is skinned and life has spent every sense, you begin to live. Less than hopelessness, you can change your position to the situation. Death is given to those who can accommodate the new people.
VALUE. Breakup. Pasta, for no way out. Thoughts about the absence of a situation, about the wrongness of what is happening. Impossibility to change now. A dead end in life. Problems of kohanny pіdshtovkhuyut to special growth.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Painful rozryv vtrata. Rozcharuvannya. Vidnosini are similar to zhorstok in the practice of karmic borgs.
PHYSICAL STATION. Strong, ale, oppressed bazhanya. Tension ochіkuvannya.
I FEEL. Rozpach that bіl. You need to speak your mind, speak everything that hurts.
MILL. Hysterical rozpach after stagnation. Zruynovanі mrії. Spend the fear, the fear of losing one. Desolation.
EARLY. This situation you zaganyash yourself at the kut (bezvihіd).
PORADA. Respect the buddha (those who showed you from a deaf kuta). If you go nowhere, rethink, evaluate the situation (cancer is a topic of rethinking through emotions and experience), marveling at it from a different look.
ASTROLOGICAL VISION. Capricorn. In Caperose, the Sun remains in the world - and start your new life.

IMAGE. On the first plan, we see a girl with a black kalamut water. Vaughn stick around with a long thin wand (be afraid of feelings), trying to find out what it is, and at once afraid to get lost. Attaching a character with such a wand is careful, or maybe, guidingly lifts the girl’s back. Cholovik - її taєmna vada. Vaughn knows about the new, but is afraid to know from whom.
VALUE. Taєmnі vadi, zbochennya (abo sexual discord). Possibly, "spiritual teacher" (hibniy, hypocrisy, brudniy). Voyeurism. Body fear complex. Fear of corporality. Vytisnennya human on the cob.
The other meaning of the card is to try to understand it indirectly: through someone, it is possible, to inspire through provocation. Abo try to smuggle a person to put your vadi on a dirty look.
CHARACTERISTICS OF VIDNOSYN. Vіdgorodzhenіst, prihovuvannya spravzhnіh namіrіv. Gra by other people's passions. Self-assertion through sexual stosunki.
PHYSICAL STATION. Non-traditional sexual orientation chi yakіs sexual discord.
I FEEL. Taymnі wadi. Fear of sex and your own emotions. The test of vivchennya pochuttіv - rationalization of chi їх preparation. Insensitivity.
MILL. Frowning in the form of mystery. Waste, fear of one's real feelings. Fear of the body, conflict with one's sexuality. hypocrisy.
EARLY. You’ve got the kimos from the stosunkas, which warto beware of. The stink of moyut, shvidshe for everything, unclean character.
PORADA. Look at the corporeality, do not stick to the unclean, watch calmly, from afar.

The card of the Tarot Manara deck is coming - the Trinity of the Earth. “Friendly bed - what is more sensible? What is more stable and what is cuter? Vono is more pleasant for the nobility, more pleasant for ordinary people... "Dmitro Nevsky.

The plot of the card of the Trinity of the Earth deck Tarot Manara

How to explain a lot of authors, the artist wanted to show the picture on the kshtalt frescoes, de є gods and people. The gods are seen on the top of the picture, below is a friendly couple who are making love. Shards fall into the family union, the gods seem to everyone - so! Family union to this particular type symbolizes the frame, de, vlasne, and all the action is seen.

The meaning of the Trinity of the Earth card of the Tarot Manara deck

Straight mill

As you can see from the plot, the map can only talk about one thing: calm, stable families. In these countries, practically everything is subject to the rules, which, obviously, are not dogma, but the standards are clearly christened. Moreover, this sіm'ya mayut on uvazі have sensi: tse native zv'yazku.

Flip the camp

Turn the positions of the cards over to those that are not in order at the same time. Tse not povny discord, but chogos do not hang out. Having offended the partners, ceremoniously, but a little bit of marriage fantasies in order to make them grow up, as if they were criminally manipulative. This zastіy will be non-trivial and, so chi іnakshe, vіn all the same, give a new round to the stosunki.

You are tormented by guesses about the drive of the fact that your partner is familiar with you - a friend, friendliness of a friend? Return to the wisdom of the Tarot cards, the stench will expand the mustache of your sumniv!

500 rub.
Meaning of the card for vidnosin- maybe, only with a card I can say that people have practically ideal stosunki. They have everything about what a person can dream of - all the emotional wealth and full, normal family, all the sleeping friends and relatives. Possibly, addiction is not strongly manifested in these women, but, perhaps, she will not be known to the river. To that, the tsukerkovo-bouquet period is long over, and the days of everyday life are advancing at five fast. That is why the card is especially ideal for me. Like a hromadyansky slubu, so official.


Bless me with love, say a word.
I'm ready for the eternal sim's abode.
I am new squad, I am new virna,
and all back to back.
Learn. More than one.
Became hearsay.

Image. Expansion of the map of sounds and borders with a frame. Above the crypt, where young people are seen in love, - deities that tell the family couple below. Tse Lari and Penati are the patrons of the boudinka. The position of the hands of the person at the bottom is blessing. It dawned on me that tse vіdkritiy zv'yazok, praises otochyuchimi. Surrounding frame - budinok, sіm'ya.

meaning. The main one is the sparkling zmist of the card - a blessed union. The shape of the frame is similar to the outline of the crypt. Tse mozhe be a crypt from the XVI Arcana, especially how to guess what one of the meanings of Bashti Taro Manari is an official union consecrated by traditions.
The symbolism of the Arcanum is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. The crypt is a family underground burial place with stone crypts, possessed under the church. Sporudzhennya crypt Bulo is available only to high-born, possible people, the status of such Bulo was assigned to burn - by God, not by people. Such a status cannot be bought - the wine was passed from generation to generation. Therefore, the first meaning of life was seen as the preservation of that continuation of family traditions. Everything that was with the family was considered eternal and immutable, like the temple itself and the burial place under it. I send love to that people of children, giving in to a special sensation. Dotrimannya fidelity was respected as an unbreakable rule. Those who, having entered into a love union, knew well that they were safe in life - right up to the rest of the death and rest in the crypt. Stars and meanings of the Trinity of the Earth: continuation of trivalent family stounks, traditions. Virnist. The art of sex, mastery. Obitsyanka real result. Trivale sex life.
How to go about the first zustrich - the first stone at the wake of the house of the sim's. Zustrich may be blessed burn. Vminnya, great vibes.

Characteristics of vіdnosin. You can see the family’s huh of the hromada, from deep friends, trips to the fathers, family joys and their great and small rituals.

Physical state. Sex in the framework of this slut. The physical camp exactly confirms the age and way of life.

Almost. Possibly, sex with sim'ї, blessed stosunki. Vpevennіst in the future, based on material prosperity. Virnist partner chi partners.

Mill. Calm, steadfast, orderly, harmonic stounki (family).

You want to make friends, drive out the family framework.

Porada. Pleasure the request to organize your own special life, perhaps, nalashtuvatsya on the creation of sim's (turn to sim's). It is possible to think about the continuation of the family.

Astrological evidence. Mars in Capricorn. Another dean of Capricorn. Sex in frames.

Kotelnikova A., Gerasimova E. - Erotic taro. Doslіdzhennya taєmnits kokhannya


Friendship bed - what do you understand?
What is more stable and what is cuter?
It is pleasant for the nobility,
Pleasant and for cross people.
No passion there? Axis pardon!
I feel dumb? Want to add!
I don’t know how to make friends, I’m sorry
And good luck є, і rich - over the edge.
You do not understand who throws himself in sum'yatti,
To whom the share of buti s milim is not given,
To the one who is in the cup of vlasnyh hvilyuvan
Topping up the wine.

The plot of the card
The map shows a fresco. The gods of love and the family fire, perebovayuschie at the upper part of the fresco, help the man and the woman, as they are known below. The stench was angry in a single strife of passion, and їhnya love game to know rose in their hearts, and in the hearts of the gods.

Reversed card meaning
The map points to those that the primary mutuals have experienced a decline. Partners do not have the power to change their minds, but they will not develop new fantasies. This is the natural course of life, followed by a new round of mutual relations.

Be positive in the situation (stronger rice)

Stability and significance are the axis of the main positive aspects of the situation. Do not varto check sharp changes for a burst of feelings. Everyone go your own way. Everything is natural and predictable.

Show the situation negatively (weaknesses)
People, who have sounded to such stability and predictability in their partners, do not know better in themselves, in their feelings and in their partners. It's not only harmony, but the singing world of the sound.

Trends in the development of the situation with a positive value (what to look further)
In such a situation, it is easy to appreciate something extraordinary, splintering straight ahead and developing intellect on a rich scale in advance. Everything will be like a zavzhdi - primly and peacefully, without excesses and benefits.

Trends in the development of the situation with negative value(what can you estimate distance)
The couple can have a flare-up and search for new hoardings and interests. Tse try not to change your partner in such a way, as to add a new note to the new, bring in your call. Such a pidkhid is pardoning and can be less complicated and so difficult to mutually, at the extreme approach of this stage.

D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. Magic kokhannya

Key words, meanings: stable prices, three valid prices, improved scheme, conservatism, zvichka.
The reason for the podії is the hour, which to rob, whether it be the harmonies of the sounding blues, or the tired ones. There is nothing terrible for him, just before the scheme, the factor of the hour has turned on, which has done everything mіtsnishim, mіtsnishim, inert.
Lessons from the future: you can see the routine, yesterday, today, tomorrow everything will go in a knurled amount. I htos may not be seen.

The value of the card in the direct position
Map to tell about calm, steady weather between partners. It’s better to go about making friends with people, whose stosunki try fates and for some reason it’s not enough to make everyday surprises.
The couple panuyat harmony and stability, tradition in behavior and vchinkah. Sex is harmonious and reconciliatory, which is the power of both partners.

Podiya at the real hour
10 years, 15 years, 20 years. guess what it was to live and be like this forever. And from one side, you can be so that you know fears, restlessness, praise. And from the other side, you can blame the illusion of a careless, unsafe camp, like, “seasonings” with a camp “bisa in the rib”, you can zip everything.

Description of the situation, plot, environment
The plot is conservative and zvichny. We are talking often-densely: people live together for a long time and this time has grown into a camp of the hour. Everything is quiet and peaceful. І tse maє silence.

Vchinok people at the robot, on the right
On the right, the present rhythm of the person knows exactly what is on it today, tomorrow and through the day. Everything is stable, which creates a comfortable vision and allows you to focus on the right.

Vchinok for pennies and financial nutrition mutually
In finance, like in the right, everything goes with a knurled amount. Prosperity, stability, and prosperity are the clear standard of speeches.

The reason for the psychological state and the behavioral aspect
Psychologically, the majority of people give priority to the conservative stability of the revolutionary changes. The very conservatism that forms the comfort of the situation, stand on the basis of the situation.

Fear and fear
The fear of "tomorrow" is invisibly present in the situation. Aje tomorrow everything can “call”, everything will change early, it will end sooner. I can't help but lie.

Mutual reaction of people
Most people give priority to old friends, new ones, and put old and old stosunki on choli, be it the situation, in order to change the priority and know people. So here is an old friend who is breaking for the new two.

Love form of expression is sensitive
The map demonstrates that the cohabitation between partners has gained a new quality. Tse is not just a sense of sukupnіst emotsіy. Tse camp of people, that camp of life.

Sim'ya vchinok
A similar card characterizes the stosunki of the family, as if they had over ten rokiv. I'm fine. And from that it’s less than ten years, and for her the card falls, it also leads to think not about stability and harmony, but about the sound and stability of another camp, a kind of transmission of roses.

Magic signs in vlivu
For a magical infusion, the situation is described by a map, to finish the spill. It turns out that everything is under control and there is nowhere to go. Ale, the calm one dulls the respect, opening the way for the enemies.

Porada, recommendation
The first joy, dictated by the card, enjoy the peace of that order. Do not forget to watch over him, who is creating a calm order. You will be able to enjoy as much as possible for the longest time whatever you want.

D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. All farbi kokhannya

In this card, positive emotions are combined with the work, from the right. Wu" Erotic Tarot Manari "on the niy is a Budіlya, he will be able to. Cleaned, Cholovik at the apron Maistra, Yaki Milu is barely exposed to Zhіnko. And the call of the partine of Budovli is made up with the sculptural compositsyu, the Zyatniyta Svynoye is allotable ... symbolizes, and evenings in the collective of spivrobitnikiv, and housework, sometimes you can say, to the point of speech, about the coming of life or indestructibility.

Blessed union. Shlyub, sіm'ya, vіdpovіdno to social norms. Vіdkritі vіdnosinі, vіdnosіnі vіdnosіvі, vіdіnі otochyuchimi, produzhuyut іmіneі traditsії. As soon as the stench rose up, then there is a great potential. Stable and stable. Garny sex at the borders of the sim'ї. The position of the future has miraculous prospects. This is one of the cards for the slubu.

Pochuttya: Virnist, physical whim, calm. No one thinks about love addictions - for a bet, an important good material dobrobut. Spilka trims not so on emotions.

Oleksiy Klyuev

What is a map:

Two windfalls caught on the facade of the house - a show for all the ladies. Ale tіlki not for the watchful. Surprised, you can understand the real camp of the right one with whom you love. Winning at the right hand behind the back of the squad The cup is a symbol of their sexual bazhan, it means that all of your intimate life should be held at the secret and on the side, win an affair, new love for the fall, to that old woman became tedious and not a cicava (5 pussies by the statue). Mіtsnіst їhnіgo union only for the sake of visibility, that vіdvedennya eyes, vіdnosinі caught (statues), hats just crack at the seams (crack was the foundation). 2nd season - tse cholovik and legal woman. The man who holds the cup behind his back, that lad behind the girl’s back, is one and the same person, the man, the kind of zraju. Tobto, behind the back of the squad, this man has created his own new romance. Vіn powerlessness be-scho change in family vіdnosinakh. 2 fingers of the left hand approve the sign V, but not victory - victory, defeat, weakening of the splits, splintering the hand is shown to us by the right side, and the axis of the link from the kohanka of vin blesses right hand and break the sign of Victoria V. The blues weakened and gave a crack. Vіn zahopleniy іnshoy, beautiful sensible whitewash, sexually that rosy.
It can be said that those who appear on the map are qualified sexual servants for the wine city (the girl is a courtesan), skin jokes to the robot, how to do good. Vіn profesіonal і zrada, maister gri, and vain - povіya, but vain yomu befits. The man of friendship - at the new hair was tied with a bow, and the courtesan - with fluffy hair - she is unstoppable, but wimpy and calm. Tse zdrada at slyubі. Tse zustrіch for an hour, zustrіch at the hour, for the record, you must be able to work.
Zovni - vin behave decently, vin not zbiraєtsya ruinuvat shlyub and unique team. Ale vin knows a woman, with which vin you can freely speak to yourself. Vіn successful from her in sex. І він vikoristovuvatime її і in the future. Sculpture - the school has already been created, the wine has already been twisted, having created it, that yoga team is deeply unhappy. І vіn rozpochav a new right, curled his own kohanka. Vіn rob everything, to overcome life. Kokhanka rob everything, to earn money and expand your business. the squad is left in the unknown, there is no one in the shade, the shade covers her chest and cheeks.

Significance karti:
Love trickster. A new novel, an affair on the side.

Dissatisfied with the hat, caught the ostentatious facade of the hats.

Good luck with love. Vіn zradzhuє his retinue, but to rob tse taєmno, favorably that more than once. Win a new kohanka for pennies. Everyone goes for the layout at the working hour.

You need to continue your life and seem to solve your problems. Vіn wins nudga, and she earns pennies.


A person on the floor can choke on a kohanka to gain control over himself. A person can be put up to the price of an affair more seriously. Another guard, that stosunki can be revealed, and the squad does not want to spend theirs.
for the woman of the guard, what does the person protect.


If you live by those who appeared in your life, groaning and defiantly support, then venture on more serious stoks, take care of your papers - the process of separation. To the one that your love already has nothing, just suffer yourself and torment your squad.

Nataliya Manok, Olena Boyko (Suriya)

Taro Manara. Mustache Farbi Kokhannya Nevsky Dmytro

3. Earth

3. Earth

Key words, meanings: stable prices, three valid prices, improved scheme, conservatism, zvichka.

The reason for the podії is the hour, which to rob, whether it be the harmonies of the sounding blues, or the tired ones. There is nothing terrible for him, just before the scheme, the factor of the hour has turned on, which has done everything mіtsnishim, mіtsnishim, inert.

Lessons from the future: you can see the routine, yesterday, today, tomorrow everything will go in a knurled amount. I htos may not be seen.

The value of the card in the direct position

Map to tell about calm, steady weather between partners. It’s better to go about making friends with people, whose stosunki try fates and for some reason it’s not enough to make everyday surprises.

The couple panuyat harmony and stability, tradition in behavior and vchinkah. Sex is harmonious and reconciliatory, which is the power of both partners.

Podiya at the real hour

10 years, 15 years, 20 years. guess what it was to live and be like this forever. And from one side, you can be so that you know fears, restlessness, praise. And from the other side, you can blame the illusion of a careless, unsafe camp, like, “seasonings” with a camp “bisa in the rib”, you can zip everything.

Description of the situation, plot, environment

The plot is conservative and zvichny. We are talking often-densely: people live together for a long time and this time has grown into a camp of the hour. Everything is quiet and peaceful. І tse maє silence.

Vchinok people at the robot, on the right

On the right, the present rhythm of the person knows exactly what is on it today, tomorrow and through the day. Everything is stable, which creates a comfortable vision and allows you to focus on the right.

Vchinok for pennies and financial nutrition mutually

In finance, like in the right, everything goes with a knurled amount. Prosperity, stability, and prosperity are the clear standard of speeches.

The reason for the psychological state and the behavioral aspect

Psychologically, the majority of people give priority to the conservative stability of the revolutionary changes. The very conservatism that forms the comfort of the situation, stand on the basis of the situation.

Fear and fear

The fear of "tomorrow" is invisibly present in the situation. Aje tomorrow everything can “call”, everything will change early, it will end sooner. I can't help but lie.

Mutual reaction of people

Most people give priority to old friends, new ones, and put old and old stosunki on choli, be it the situation, in order to change the priority and know people. So here is an old friend who is breaking for the new two.

Love form of expression is sensitive

The map demonstrates that the cohabitation between partners has gained a new quality. Tse is not just a sense of sukupnіst emotsіy. Tse camp of people, that camp of life.

Sim'ya vchinok

A similar card characterizes the stosunki of the family, as if they had over ten rokiv. I'm fine. And from that it’s less than ten years, and for her the card falls, it also leads to think not about stability and harmony, but about the sound and stability of another camp, a kind of transmission of roses.

Magic signs in vlivu

For a magical infusion, the situation is described by a map, to finish the spill. It turns out that everything is under control and there is nowhere to go. Ale, the calm one dulls the respect, opening the way for the enemies.

Porada, recommendation The first porada, dictated by the card, enjoy the calm order. Do not forget to watch over him, who is creating a calm order. You will be able to enjoy as much as possible for the longest time whatever you want.

The whole text is a cognizable fragment. From books of Neporushne author Roerich Mykola Kostyantinovich

By the appearance of the Earth, Hanna Yaroslavna was the Queen of France. Insha Yaroslavna bula for the Scandinavian, for King Harald. Sin of Andriy Bogolyubsky - Yuriy buv friendship from the famous Georgian queen Tamara. Vplivova is loved by the squad of Sultan Suleiman Chudovoy Bula Russian

From the book of Divine Evolution. From the Sphinx to Christ the author Shure Eduard

From the book In the name of science. About zabobons of the 20th century author Moroz Oleg Pavlovich

"All Ailments - in the Earth" Pismennik Valeriy Agranovsky swearing at the "Literary Gazette" drew a drawing "Visit to a psychic", rozpovіv at a new one, as if going to an appointment with up to one doctor. Reception - a full-time official, in one of the polyclinics, with the permission of the head physician. Downstairs at the lobby to hang

author Nevsky Dmitro

1. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: practicality, realism, thought, pragmatism, clarity of sight, vchinok. You can walk around for a long time and think about "high matter", if

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

2. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: interest, tsіkavіst, bazhannya, provocation, activity. The reason for the undertaking is to realize your dream. For the time being, there is no full-scale action and no implementation of the plan, but only the first step, perhaps, provocative,

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

3. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: stable blue, triple blue, adjusted scheme, conservatism, zvichka. There is nothing wrong with anyone, just a scheme

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

4. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: conflict, scandal, forfeiture, blackmail, threat with a method of vigodi. Htos ask, htos house. And in this vipadka nada

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

5. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: vtrata, vtrata, rozcharuvannya, disorientation, traces of moral, more physical violence, payment for pardons or damage. Vіn not zmіg іz them

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

6. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: rozrahunok, vigoda, otrimannya bazhany in exchange for shchos, melancholy, for special interests. y direct, so і in

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

7. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: vice, tyranny, despotism, moral pressure, grace, obmezhenist. The reason for the fall is the weakness of one and the strength of the other. Even the weak begin to suffer under the onslaught of force

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

8. Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: a pause at the breath, a break, the transformation of the breath, the need for confirmation. The reason for the undertaking is the natural one of the partners. Ale not stіlki one vіd one, sіlki vіd routine chi zvіchnogo perebіgu podіy podіy situatsії, if all

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

9. Earth (Earth) Key words, meaning: lack of equality of partners, dominance, vice, moral threat, imbalance. The reason for failure is often found in nature itself. The other one is so deprived of his job. Inodi

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

Page of the Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: accessibility, deceit, evil namir, anger, ignorance. Qi characteristics are to be found in a particular person. The reason for the podії people, yak is not honest, accessible and cunning. Win this for your sutty, and not less up to you. Be

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

Face of the Earth (Earth) Key words, meaning: neatness, arrogance, self-control, discipline, inner harmony, prosperity. I varto less trohi change the pace

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

Queen of the Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: see, fear, panic, day out, selfishness. Tse buva z usima, who cares that everything is right to rob, but it’s not really possible to rob

From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

King of the Earth (Earth) Key words, meanings: spozhivannya chi spozhivach, zіpsovanіst, dissatisfaction, indulgence in weaknesses, narcissism. The reason for the podії is human wadi and weaknesses. Htos fight іz them all life. And in this mood, a person enjoys them,

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