Complex of incompetence: what, how dare you. A person is notorious - like a complex, they respect life Pochutya vlasnoi impovnosіnnostі

You raptomly remembered that people often speak figurative speech to you. We appreciate that it is so much easier to manage you. If something tries to litter you, ask yourself: What do you need for me? How to fight like this?” Put the food, deputy internally say: “So, I'm so guilty. It is necessary to work those who seem to me. Many fathers manipulate their children, calling out to them a little bit guilty. The stench themselves were beaten by such a rank. Stink lie to your children, embarrassing them, underestimate yourself, believe in those that stink mean less, lower, really. Deyakі people, having become mature, like earlier, perebuvayut under the constant influx of relatives and relatives.

Viklikano tse us in front of the day of self-advocacy - otherwise the stench would not have allowed such a situation. I friend: they themselves manipulate other people. Guilt someone who lives with rotten feelings. Stink, like a bi, forever wrong, to shy away in a wrong way, to stand in front of a kimos. The stench can’t in any way work out the one that they killed in the distant past, bark at themselves for those who live at once.

The requirement is to allow the darkness to develop and change its setting to itself. Those of you who feel guilty can now learn to say “n” and tell people the stupidity of their claims. I do not show that it is your fault to be angry with them. Ale and do not varto more take the fate of their games. As the word “nі” is new for you, let your answer be short and borderline intelligent: “Ni, whom I can’t work.”

Do not hesitate, otherwise your "operator" will be able to advise you according to your decision. If people talk, scho їhnі cunning do not die, stink stink. It is possible to manipulate the victim, docks are allowed. Possibly, before "nі" you will be forced to, but if you do, you will feel guilty step by step.

One woman, who saw my lectures, was a child, as she was born with a congenital heart defect. Vaughn felt guilty about herself: it seemed that she herself had caused misfortune. It’s a pity, you won’t help grief with tears, but you’ll feel sorry for them - even more so. Before the speech, її situations were not guilty. I shared my thoughts with her. Tse moment buti spiritual choice children and a lesson for them both. I made me love my child for herself, admit that it was not so broken. Such a fault cannot heal anyone.

If you rob yourself, about what you are doing wrong, stop. For example, in the past you have been slacking off, about what you do wrong, vibatch yourself. If you can blow the beat, blow it and try not to repeat the same pardon again. Shchoraz, if here in the middle you feel guilty, ask yourself: “Why am I calling myself? Who am I trying to please?" And spit it out, as if you were a witness, as if it were the very manifestation of childish fates at your witness.

People often come to me, as if they had experienced a road accident. They have guilt on the deepest level, like a fool to punish yourself. Sometimes fortune-telling is brought down to something, tied to our nevminnyam to give a good thought. Guilt can be punished.

Victim shukkaє kata. We literally become high-ranking judges, jurors and vikonavtsy viroku. We sue ourselves to the point of humiliation. If we are corrected by ourselves, no one can become our defender. The time has come for you to speak to yourself.

Freud's contribution to the development of special psychology was great. Yogo scholars and followers recounted those other positions of the yogo system, but their categorical apparatus and the spirit of mirkuvan gradually took on controversy with the theory of the founder of psychoanalysis. In the context of conflictology, supergirls between psychoanalysts represent a private interest, as a further analysis of conflicts of particularity is an interest of principles. Freud, like a child, quarreling with his fathers, begins to become powerless. The scientist and colleague of Freud, Alfred Adler, was careful to develop the fundamental basis of his theory: in childhood, the skin of a person experiences a little innocence.

In conflicts between almost no power and bazhannyami to take a high result, the specialty has been laid down to overcome its weakness and reach the heights of the possible.

“By stretching out all your development, the child will feel the incompetence of the relationship to the fathers, brothers, sisters, and soothing. Through the physical immaturity of the child, through її innocence in oneself and lack of self-reliance, in the end її demand to spire on the strongest and through the often painfully experienced in the middle camp of the middle, one develops a sense of inferiority, as it manifests itself in the whole. Seemingly incompetence calls out the constant anxiety of the child, the right to work, the search for roles, the importance of equalizing one’s strengths with others, permissiveness, exercise of physical and mental perfection, in view of the incompetence of lying down all the vikhovna of children’s buildings. In such a rank, it is possible for the new one to this region, so that I can bring him compensation.

The process of compensating for incompetence Adler, having taken the creative force to bring specialty to the highest reach. Instill real ailments and defects and can be healed by force. History has confirmed the paradoxical fact that a lot of great musicians had a small defect in hearing, a lot of great artists - a defect in sight, among famous generals people of small stature often spoke, as if in childhood they were qualified.

The most famous orator of old, Demosthenes, in his youth, spoke softly and zaїkavsya.

The most charming and wisest Athenian of the 5th century - Socrates Mav to a comically unacceptable soundness. “Looking at the new one is ridiculous: a fox skull, a steep forehead, kirpaty nіs, destroy comrade. Once before Athens, having come to the teachings of a healer, like a vmіv, according to rice, he unreservedly guessed character. Yogo was brought to Socrates - he immediately said: "Greedy, dissolute, angry, untidy to the tale." The Athenians rejoiced and already wanted to beat the healer, who did not have a good-natured and unviable person in Athens, lower Socrates. Ale Socrates shrugged them off: “And having told you, hulks, the truthful truth: I really, from a young age, have seen in myself greed, and anger, but I’ve taken my mind into my own hands, swung myself - and I became such, as you know me.”

Podolyayu their incompetence, speciality develops in his own sense of sleepiness, like Adler, having respected the birth of a human being to spivrobitnitsva, mutually intelligible, mutually supportive.

Another picture is being formed, as specialty does not impinge on a sense of incompetence. The main shifts for special growth Adler respecting the disrespect of the fathers to the child, the too great її opik from the side of the elders and the supra-worldly weakness of that other sick organ of the body. And here all the suffering in the face of adversity hіba scho compresses a complex of incompetence - a permanently profound experience of one's impossibility, inferiority. Deputy Access real results in life, the peculiarity of pragne overcompensation, to the noisy and reckless reconciliation of oneself and others in their own apparent successes. Healthy socially, the grandfathers are more muffled, and the power is growing.

Not having run into its own internal conflict, the incomparable peculiarity of the vibrancy of its name. Having become socially conflicted, the specialty drags on those who are sickened to the point of pain, generated by the struggle for power for the sake of power.

“I know the type of people, like people and all yogo problems are given by strangers and distant ones. Too richly taking care of yourself and pragmatically special power, but still resting at the singing stagnation of people, the stinks invade them, mostly with their special enemies, like they’re bad for them. Not believing in their victory and with even greater fear of a wet blow, the stench of a vrashti-resht stumbles in such a camp, that through the implacable growth of Marnoslavism, they can’t succumb and can’t succumb to the shock, there is nothing marvelous for us in the fact that someone is rich people feel a little inconsistency.”

Right up to the 20th century, the rulers were protected from criticism by the wall to the authority of the government. The images of unfriendly or vicious Volodar (Nebuchadnezzar, Irod, Pilate, Nero) appeared in mass evidence, most of all at the moment of the state of the essence for the throne, which is hit. But if the ruler looked great in any way, let him go to evil. A second direct thought was given by the theory, apparently to such a dense self-praise of the Volodar was compensation for his inner weakness, real frivolity and friability of nature, for his ignorance of his own internal conflicts. Adje created his own practice in Adler in 1920-1930s. - in the era of the "great" Fuhrers and leaders, they leaned on the misrepresentation of despots.

Change of stats:

The complex of innocence is the reason for the emotional and psychological acceptance of the human world in the mind of the created person. Vyavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєє іні і іnіtchіtі sоbіїїsnoї ї disadvantages іn thіѕ іrrational pіdnesennja over аbіlshostі representatives іn the society. When the internal “I” is equal with other people, a person with a similar problem begins to consider himself a defective word that he should have led to neurosis and try suicide.

Causes of blame for the complex of innocence

In order to relieve the slightest of inferiority, listen to the thoughts of fahivtsiv, like a low self-esteem in a child and a grown-up child, to succumb to provocative factors:

  • Problems in childhood. In this opinion, it is about two sides of the medal, which in the result lead to a total result. The fathers can either organize a hyperopia over their children, or else they will allow their troubles and respect. In the first type, the child develops the inadequacy of becoming an independent individual, in the other, the makings of an individual unsung in his own strength are formed.
  • Physical imperfections. The reasons for complexes of incompetence are often cried in the ignorance of your appearance and figure at the mirror. Sometimes the problem is simply far-fetched for getting the right soundness. However, it is necessary to protect the factor that a person can effectively have physical defects. The women sound worried about their good looks, and the men are taken over by the ranks of the state body.
  • Negative impact to society. The “good-natured” deeds do not skimp on the negative assessment of people due to their strife. Having chosen oneself like a victim and having created a complex of inadequacy in it, the stench is able to assert oneself in such a rank for someone else's rahunok.
  • Criticism of loved ones. Even if dissatisfaction from the side of third-party osіb can be ignored, then sideless comments from relatives in the building can hurt a person more painfully. You begin to think that you will listen to constructive criticism of your worthlessness.
  • Bad luck. As Fortune constantly denounces its respect for people, stench can be a sign of its inadequacy. On tlі successful znayomih people with regular black swarming in life begin to complex and fall into vіdchay.
  • Negative self-navigation. It is such a category of people, as if twisting their shoulders, vishukuyuchi pohibki in a damp special and suspenseful life. Navit as soon as possible, instilling the protilezhne, the stench is not hard to seriously assess the reality and its place in it.
  • Bad luck in intimacy. Deyakі zhіnki pіslа pologіv vvozhayut themselves not so privavlivi, as earlier, and be afraid to indulge in sexual interest from the side of a kohanoi people. Individuals after criticizing their experiences as a partner can develop a complex of inadequacy, as if they were osmiya rosmiri of their reproductive organ.
  • Family problems. Postiyni scandals and mutual understanding often lead to the fact that someone from a friend starts to sound like oneself in the pods that they are. For the obviousness of the other half of the seemingly tyrant, this factor is strengthened, to the fact that the side suffered more than wasting its power of thought.
  • Zrada. Tsya under the negative plan can lead to serious mental trauma, both as a person and as a woman. The very thought about those that a kohana person knew his partner on the side with an effective identity and a solid sexual identity, it is good to instill a complex of inadequacy in his centric peculiarity.
  • discrimination. Vіdbuvatsya out can be like a statue, so і for a national sign. In certain vipadkahs, on the right, there is a collective cry, if the victim starts not just to panic, but try to call rahunki to life.
If you don’t take to respect the complexities of your own identity, then the fahivtsy commemorated the same regularity, if hundreds of people come up with a similar problem. At to this particular type Mova time about unemployment and the slump of the economy, so as not to give people the opportunity for career growth and financial well-being.

Show a complex of innocence in a person

Similar symptoms can be obvious and addictive. The most common signs of an incompetence complex look like this:
  1. demonstrativeness. The whole behavior of a person, as he respects himself with an incompetent specialty, with a silent cry for help. Be it in some way, you want to win respect for yourself with obvious fear that this bug will come to you.
  2. Alertness. If there are complexities in people, then there will be a tricky trick in any word and vchinku otochyuyuschimi її people. Make up your mind, look, obviously whispering behind your back - real podії at the witness of such osіb.
  3. Zaiva self-criticism. The principle of "attack yourself first" always characterizes people with incompetence complexes. Inspired by in power subjects are rarely engaged in similar occupations, to those who respect themselves with special features that they have experienced in life.
  4. View of the future. Those who are in love with people who are not singing in their own eyes look at the phrases “I can’t”, “it’s necessary for me” and “professionals can take care of similar nutrition”. With this in mind, people do not just speak their sums in a loud voice, but really don’t do anything to improve the quality of their powerful life.
  5. Defects in diction. Let me immediately voice the fact that it is not about congenital anomalies of the moving apparatus. Zaїkuvatіst i zmaschena mova are often manifested in people, as if they were having trouble with the situation for her, the hour of intercourse with an emotionally strong provocateur.
  6. Perevagi complex. Psychologists call this behavior a syndrome of incompetence in one's own personality. Show your guiltiness, either people with obvious problems in life, or individuals with mental illness. Vinyatok - deyaki children of rich fathers or oligarchs, for those who consider themselves celestials of this world, they are respected by the norm.
  7. Neurotic behavior. Sigmund Freud went on to say that it is important to blame the complex of innocence. The famous psychoanalyst stverdzhuvav, that similar innocence in his own may erotically root the development of the problem and lead to neurosis.
  8. Mirror Dislike. This aspect is especially worthy of women, as they vvazhayut themselves as ugly women. Men are made much simpler to the point of nutrition, for those who do not respect their own dignity as the main criterion of affability for beautiful women.
  9. Intolerance to compliments. Lyudina, as she is impressed in herself, adequately reacts to the praise of її vchinkіv and zvnіshnostі. The peculiarity of not accepting the desired sign is notorious for it, without a second thought. Vovatime tse or by showing sorry, or we’ll deliver the famous people of її goodness.

Test for revealing an incompatibility complex in oneself

First of all, think about the need to solve a similar problem (which you may not have), fahivtsі recommend recommendations for such a strong and positive bali:
  1. People do not follow my thoughts: zdebіshogo (0), іnоdі (3), nіkoli (5);
  2. In a strange company, I feel even more uncomfortable: fast (5), fallow in the company (3), none (0);
  3. I don't get confused: so (5), sometimes (3), none (0);
  4. Be an optimist - tse: stupidity (0), important for a folding period of life (3), obov'yazkova umova (5);
  5. I want to be as successful as others: so (0), other (3), I'm not the best for others (5);
  6. I have more shortcomings, lower successes: unequivocally (0), thought of zazdrіsnikіv (3), exactly navpaki (5);
  7. The skin moment of life is beautiful: so (5), hot words(3), nі (0);
  8. I have a lack of need: often (0), sometimes (3), none (5);
  9. The motivation of my actions didn’t make sense to people: zavzhdy (0), inodі (3), in vignette moods (5);
  10. People close to me criticize me: fast (0); any situation (3); rather rare (5);
  11. I have a lot of positive traits: definitely (5); іsnuyt і negative risi (3), їх nає (0);
  12. I realize all my life plans: so (5); calling on the furnishing (3), it’s foldable (0);
  13. The skin of dissatisfaction with its zvnіshnіm look: so (0), not to be seen before (3), wrong visnovok (5);
  14. I don't believe in the helpers of society: nicoli (5); inode (3), start (0);
  15. I hear unfair criticism: so (0), with respect (3), I pin Rozmov (5).
  • 0-20 points - an indicator of unequivocal insecurities in case of negative self-assessment and fixation on the underlying problem;
  • 21-40 balls - a coefficient that tells about complexes, which can be dealt with by powerful forces;
  • 41-65 balіv - problems from priynyattyam are present to themselves, but a person for such an ostentatious person copes miraculously with them.
  • 66-75 points - whoever thinks about a person who is inspired in his own strength, which is still not a mother's fault for self-esteem.

Ways to deal with the incompetence complex

The use of impersonal methods, which allow you to gain confidence in the powers that be. Live happily under the strength of being a human being, if you want to change your setting to yourself.

Self-sufficiency in the case of a complex of incompetence

Psychologists have developed a number of different ways, with which you can really become special, which you respect yourself:
  1. Correctly spriynyattya compliments. Not a trace of shukati in the skin praise of the approach, which you really can not be. Well, well, її vymovlyaє people neshchira, dosit something to say її at vіdpovіdі and close the topic of rozmovi.
  2. Love to yourself. It is necessary not only to learn how to accept compliments, but also to work on your reflection in the mirror. It’s not wrong to be afraid of pretending to be Narcissus in this way, because for a complex of incompetence, people don’t threaten such a plan.
  3. Evaluation of your activities. In this situation, you can add a notebook to your reach, which is recommended to keep today. It is necessary to voice the smallest breakthrough in a positive book on paper with a detailed yoga description.
  4. Vіdmova vіd selfіtnitstva. The skin of a person is individual, like a trace of how to walk in the outer world. Next, let's see if you can come in, where you can let your emotions go.
  5. Rozmova with loved ones. Like this, I support a person who has a complex of innocence, you can turn to her for help. I asked until next May to look like this: describe my positive qualities. Loving people not to say anything that could hurt the soul, then take note of your mirkuvannya.
  6. Vіdmova vіd porіvnyannya. The main pardon of a person with complexes is to try to reconcile someone else's image on yourself. Having become a dozen of other people, it’s not easy to spodіvatisya self-blame to a powerful person. It is necessary to start and creak by yourself, as if you are left within the framework of the morally accepted morality.
  7. View of new perspectives. The fear of being osm_yanim on spіvbesіdі must be forgotten once and for all. Do not varto so hear for the sake of friends, like they encourage you to try your hand at a promising profession.
  8. Doing sports. Deyakі people with a complex of incompetence swear at their post. Since then, the moment has come, if it is necessary to build a gym, a swimming pool, a tennis court and a stadium with a big track.
  9. Work on the image. In this mood, you can trust like your taste, so ask the stylist for help. Nothing changes the self-esteem of a person as a change in a positive way.
  10. Work on promotion. It’s better to say sweet stupidity, lower cidity at the rose word by word. It is easy to become famous for boring, it is not necessary for him to add one more complex to himself. It is necessary to think about what you are talking about, but do not get hung up on a skin phrase.
  11. Positive character. People who show their complexes in the doorway are unlikely to be accepted friendly by any company or work collective. It is necessary to learn how to smile, to fall into a rage for a fool.
  12. The right choice of friends. Litsemirs and plitkars only strengthen the oppression of the camps of people, as they are not enthralled in themselves. It is necessary to communicate with these people, as they charge energy and do not criticize without grounds for those reasons known.
  13. Focusing on everything new. You can put your own money for the meta vivchiti 5-10 words per foreign movie otherwise, get to know the history and culture of any earlier nevіdomih lands. After a singing interval of an hour, a person with a problem of understanding, that she began to finish her erudite.
A trace of remembrance that in some people the very complex of incompetence called out in its hour the banquet to reach the whole life. Successfully overcome all the difficulties after the attacks from the side of the bulk of such celebrities, like Lady Gaga (mocking at the її zvnіshnіstyu), Christina Aguilera (annunciation of the eccentricity of the future marriage), Roman Abramovich and Oprah Vіnfі (not accepting the same litters of the future).

Additional help of psychologists in case of incompetence complex

Far from it, a person of the building is independent to get into innocence in himself. For an hour, I’ll ask for help in nutrition, how to deal with the complex of incompetence, fahivtsy can propagate the following methods of solving the problem:
  • Family therapy. As the reason for the impossibility of self-realization in a child's injury, liquidation can be carried out together with the fathers. Conversation and family training to do it effectively will help you in your mood.
  • The shield method. Not all people are friendly to each other. The exaltation of complexes of incompetence in the first black is based on the correct reaction according to the attitude to the zazdrіsnikіv. Psychologists teach themselves to take care of unkind people and to respect them with respect for their lack of respect and foolishness.
  • Method of elimination (isolation). Fahіvtsі pіd hr splkuvannya zі svoії patsієnt give yoma vstanovlennja on dialogue z inanimate object. Then you can express your oratorical mastery during the “discussion” with be-yakim we will butt with a butt but with a ticket. Vіdmіnnim rіshennyam nevnenostі bude rozmov z vіdmіnі darling.
  • Psychological training. The patient is advised to divide the arch of paper on equal parts. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to voice your negative thoughts on both halves positive risi character. The psychologist during the hour of the session will voice the problem, having analyzed it. After that, the arch of the paper is ripped apart, so that you can burn the chi ripped into small pieces of the whole writing of the negative. Positive comments about yourself need to be posted in the most prominent place near the apartment.

The consequences of the complex of innocence

Deyaki people think that it is better to underestimate yourself, or to believe in your own prospects. With such a setting to the problem, deacons can be blamed for making life worse:
  1. Decay of Sim'ї. As signs of a complex of incompetence, they may have a clear expression of character, so you can put a blow on the basis of a bet on a slave. Lyudina, as you respect yourself with a special person, you will never become a happy sim'yanin with the future.
  2. Ruinuvannya specialty. If the subject does not love the "I" in the right way, then it is not necessary to check for the sake of other people's side. Self-flagellation and poshuk nedolіkіv in oneself to bring up to the point that a person starts to consider the situation (for the present day of її analysis) as a normal phenomenon.
  3. Selfishness. The one who hesitates in his strength, often chi gurglingly tse show chi again flickering in his own. However, the result is always unambiguous - the waste of friends and acquaintances. As such behavior is accompanied by a complex of adversity, you can spend trusting your relatives.
  4. suicide. For the present mental trauma, as you have created a complex of incompetence, the victim of the situation may have such a way to overcome his problem. If there are no close people in the order, it will be conceived, so that people with such problems rarely become manipulators.
How to fight with the complex of incompetence - marvel at the video:

In order to grow up, how to get rid of the complex of incompetence, for the cob it is necessary to believe in oneself. Without such a decision, a psychotherapist is no longer available, who can no longer coordinate his patient. You can get along with some vipadkah and without a visit to fahivtsya, as a problem that has been blamed by powerful forces.

Often we notice the innocence of oneself. Tse mozhe appear in a nasty mood, nervous tension, apathy and singing patterns of behavior in associative situations. Possibly, your embarrassment is the cause of dissatisfaction with a certain aspect of your life, but not varto include the fact that the complex of innocence is manifest. About the new mi th we will talk in tsіy statti.

The complex of incompetence is the combination of psychological and emotional disorders. In other words, this is the reason why failures, mental traumas, discrimination, physical or psychological violence can happen.

The complex of innocence is the first thing to come out of the way, so that a person can get out of the way, compensating for his innocence with deaky vchinki.

I would like to understand the complex of innocence and innocence in myself. Tse two distant one kind of one understanding, which remains the same practical for everyone, then the complex is often the foundation of psychological and mental discord. Through a sense of inferiority, like a concomitant complex, a person is able to experience depression and induce suicidal abilities.

Understanding the incompetence complex behind Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud vaguely put himself before the understanding of the complex of incompetence, disregarding those who first had this term (complex) in mind the teachings of Carl Jung:

  • Vіn pogodivsya iznuvannyam іznuvannyam stimuliuyuchih fakіlіv, yakі provoku lyudinu kompensuvat tsey nedolіk for rahunok іnshih privag.
  • Freud realized that often the very "complex" can bring a person to success.
  • Ale likar, in a powerful way, leaning on an erotic adventure.
  • Vіn vivіv kіlka vidіv komplekіv, in osnovі yakikh laying ill-healthy sexual desires.

In this rank, Edipiv complex reveals the sexual desire of the son to the mother, and the Griseldi complex - the lack of notice of the father's desire for his daughter, if he is weak to hypercontrol and overprotection of her. It's not surprising, the other complex is zanedbanim after the first.

And the axis of the Iocaste complex - similar to the Edipovy complex - unhealthy sexual desires of the mother to the blue. We can watch over our mothers, as if on a equal footing, we will see the need to nurture our son, be it any other.

So Sigmund Freud viviv sche kіlka dzhe tsіkavih kompleksіv, yakі dosі є actual and zastosovnymi at our time:

  • Complex of unknown genius. Self-esteem is enshrined, as it earns you to reproach yourself with the model of superiority “boss-supporter”. Such people do not spend a long time at one place through supercars with ceramics.
  • Marilyn Monroe Complex. Low self-esteem. Pochutya inconsistency, as if provoking your own value for less than an hour of sexual intimacy and permanent change of state partners.
  • Kaina complex. Zazdrіst older brother is a hundred years younger. A complex that is often attributed to pidlets.
  • Ioni complex. Low self-esteem, as if crying out in fear of good things. Lyudina, who is experiencing this complex, respects herself to be worthless but successful or happy.
  • Polycrat complex. Feel the anxiety, after the white smog, follow the black. Such people live with constant fear of paying for their calm life.
  • Napoleon complex. Even the cicava understand. The price of overcompensation, which lies at the great goal of straightening short people.

Sigmund Freud dіyshov vysnovku, scho cause of the complex of incompetence є superechnіst mіzh I (individuum) and Over-I (manifestation of іndivіda about himself). If the rozbіzhnіst becomes comprehensibly sensible, blames the person for wrong, caused the appearance of oneself, then one begins to experience a complex of innocence.

Compensation for the incompetence complex

A person with a complex of innocence begins to be vigilant over the situation, if they sublimate their anger, forming a strain at the be-like channel. In such a rank of guilt, one can compensate for one's shortcomings in this situation, which is accessible to him. But the problem lies in the fact that you don’t start the nose of the complex to get the right one straight:

  • A lot of people, compensating their complex for the struggles of others, know that their injury has an incentive that helps them achieve success.

  • And then there are the people, the complex of those who appear strong, more and more destroying their faith in their own strength.
  • It’s good for someone who builds to recognize his own pride, less than belittling it and imagining others. Let's say that on this stink they can "virulence" in their eyes, as if to belittle another, successful opponent by piece.

all serial carding, Without blame, experienced a complex of incompetence. Driving in their victims, the stench tried to compensate for their inadequacy, having played the situation out of the blue. Most of the time, the women were the tellers. Like a hell of a butt to a complex of innocence: a serial maniac never appreciates his victim, not liquidating him. Vin is afraid of being judged at the side of his victim.

For example, a little lad was always a bachelor, like a master: there was a wealthy woman, she always belittled her mother, as a servant was serving her like a hatny worker. For the future, the whole world is recognized by yoga, like the “Panchokhov Strangler” - I’m driving in, which is choosing its victims for the kshtalt of the robotic mother.

Breaking out of the frame as a daily reason for the complex of incompetence

Get out of the frame - tse current theory complex of innocence. At once, a lot of psychologists come to the visnovka, which have outdated the norms of vihovannya, like we were taken from pelyushok, they can lead the future to a complex of incompetence and the reason for this is to go beyond the framework of such a model of vihovannya.

Tse duzhe cіkaviy way on the road from childhood, as a complex of innocence is formed. From the children we were taught to live for a single template:

  • good read
  • finish school with a gold medal
  • university - with a red diploma
  • be a good fakhivtsy in your sphere
  • vashtuvatsya on the job for your specialization
  • be a good spy
  • pragnut to prosuvannya kar'ernymi descents
  • make friends early
  • have two children (up to 25 years old) and more

There are more paradigms that we can reach with a valuable father's joy:

  • pennies are earning importantly
  • koshti is necessary stained judiciously
  • in order to reach something vagomogo, it is necessary to practice importantly (and then suffer)

And also the pikluvannya of such a character, like a power in all people:

  • Egoism. Vin zhorstko pripinyaetsya from the very childishness. For example, in front of him, how to take the rest of the pie, we can ask for help, if you don’t want some from home. Without a doubt, fathers allow their child to take lasoshchi, but what happened? Tse process vihovannya!

Think about it, take from the book of Andriy Kurpatov "Helpers for hisist", which proves that this is a basic instinct that is powerful to us people and to such primates.

  • Greed. Children teach us what needs to be done. At the group nursery we had friends and foes, but we needed a lot more. Right up to the fact that a bully is a moment to be afraid of the caretakers to inspire mothers. Most of all, everyone melts on the side of the scribbled one, even though there is no one to love greedy children.
  • Pride. It is more important and wrong to press the fathers in the early manifestation of vanity and a sense of goodness. It is my fault to ask for forgiveness from the fathers for your disobedience, and also forgive her to be friends with her falsehoods. If there is a sense of imperceptible significance from the very childhood, there is nothing to marvel at the obviousness of the complex of innocence in children.

What do you see?

To live, dorimuyuchis u sіh ptіv scenario, - well. Therefore, we often see it as a pattern of "normal" life. For example, we don’t hurry with the fun, but we live for a three-hour time with a civilized world; we throw the university and we go for the call of our true call; we don’t have a solid planting, but we encourage handicrafts, or we simply encourage children to be born. What do you see?

  • Viyshovshi beyond the limits of the tired scenario, we are tolerantly condemned from the side of loved ones. We cannot but commend the assessment that we have strayed from childhood and we begin to recognize our inadequacy in this life.
  • Viyshovshi for the borders, we don’t know what to work far. Aje didn’t teach us, how to live the way you want. We begin to doubt our own strength and realize our inadequacy. This can lead to problems with the complex of incompetence.

Reveal that today you went to pick berries with one and the same stitch. In the meantime, seeing the fox, you have sewn these stitches, and now the road is unknown to you. Those same smart people, how to go beyond the framework of a single correct scenario.

Women's complex of incompetence by Alfred Adler

The cause of the woman's complex of innocence, according to Adler's thought, may be another role of suspense. A woman is more graceful to the point of insignificance and instills worthlessness, if in her life there is a person, whose social role is richly significant. You can think of one of these life scenarios:

Vladny dad

If a little girl from a childishness posterizes for him, the social role of a person and a woman (mami that tata) differs a lot, they begin to set priorities:

  • There is nothing nasty in the fact that people gravitate towards the best, to that the girl, watching for a similar picture, assumes the role of the dominant (the sovereign father), but having become a woman, she understands the whole absurdity of the situation.
  • Being a woman, she will bring herself to a different type.
  • All people have a bachitim of the great father, mothers bow down before him.
  • The consequences of such an idea can be different: from low self-esteem and a complex of inadequacy to a disorder of specialness.

Despotic man

A despotic person can become the cause of your suffering with an incompetence complex. I would like to separate the understanding of a bad person (tyrant) and an emotionally unstable, cunning and two-person despot. The very other type of building damage is your understanding of the feeling of dampness. What happens when you do?

  • A man-despot often uses the method of "batoga and gingerbread" to create the illusion of a little guilt.
  • The woman becomes a fallow victim to such unhealthy women.
  • After a certain hour, the woman begins to watch over the need for physical punishment. It would have been better if it was stupid, but the behavior of a person with a complex of innocence is normal.
  • The despot man, after the beating, gives the victim a gingerbread. Tse mozhe buti wider vibachennya, dear gift, or osvіdchennya in kokhanni, giving you the honor of that kermo rule.

In such a rank, in a deaky hour, such visions become the norm. The victim knows the beatings, so that he can take away his pride, even if only so, he can prove his thoroughness. It is important to enter such vodnosin, because the victim is a fallow one, and she is constantly in need of compensation for the complex of innocence.

And there is another option, if you were called by the share of a moral despot:

  • Tse cholovik, who himself suffers from a complex of inadequacy and awareness, which can compensate, less impress and belittle someone, by the same token, they themselves feel the inferiority of their partner.
  • Only belittling others, you can raise your own goodness.
  • A woman, feeling her own shortcomings - varto indicates that the despots are more cunning and accentuate their respect for what you yourself recognize your weakness - begin to recognize a complex of inadequacy.
  • Five of these vidnosin zavazhayut low self-esteem, like nabula zavdyaki despot. Such women are given that the stink is not good for anything greater and for everything that comes with them, they deserve the stink.

Zrazkovy brother

The children of the building are jealous, as if they are aware that it is unfair to be placed before them. With the girls, all the trochs are more foldable, remembering that the main privileges are given to another child (that’s a brother), the stench is to repair the superiority over oneself:

  • The lads are allowed a lot from early childhood: there is no litigation before them, as if the stench inadvertently denounced new jeans or broke a knee, climbing trees.
  • Before the girl, it is more powerful to put it, arguing with the phrase "you are a girl."
  • A child can have a little bit of the dignity of a man standing above himself.
  • Nadali, pіshovshi before school, tі mоgi posilyuyuyutsya less, even though the father is often afraid. early pregnancy otherwise the filthy company and try to steal a daughter.

Such an injustice can be brought to light by the century of obscurity, or, on the contrary, it can develop a complex of innocence in a girl.

Human incompetence complex

It is also powerful for people to experience a complex of innocence. Most of the time, it’s the last time that you’re inexperienced, like childishness they impose on our lads, speaking at the same address “you’re a lad”, “don’t be a girl” just. It is not surprising that a child begins to complex. There is a lack of innocence in oneself, and the child feels incompetent, experiencing a mature age with such a complex:

  • Bos complex. Tse try to fill in your husband’s niche, it was said about the yak earlier, back. Such a syndrome manifests itself in a limp, as a woman or her character was critically belittled or even a child was even more powerful than her father.
  • Complex at the human power. Another niche is imposed by society. The world is tired of thinking about those that a person is guilty of but always preparing for sexual exploits. Yak is not surprising, not so. Such a building complex will lead a person to real disorders of erectile dysfunction.
  • Hercules complex. In other words, this is the pied cape syndrome. If a woman, whose social role is weaker than a person, starts to humiliate a person and not have the power to do it (prati, put things right at the booth toshcho), blame, that one’s libido is belittled. As a result, the Hercules complex is developing.
  • Don Juan Complex. The need to promote one's libido with additional initiatives for the development of romantic dreams.
  • Oleksandr complex. This is the most subtle view of the complex. Through discrimination sexual menshin the person of the building to recognize his incompetence to inspire in the same unrefined moods. For example, if you want to be hot about your masculinity, or wear a shirt of erysipelas and black color. Alecia complex can be last, if wines are used as a shanuvalnik of single-stage wines. Such people are already afraid of vikrittya and, in order to get away with it, write themselves down to the lava of “homophobes”.

Deyaki complexes can be seen to a number of inevitable. The stench cannot be caused by natural causes, yakіy pddayutsya all life processes - old times. It would have been given illogically, even if it’s a man, like a garne of whisky, the older one, the better, but the fear of death is a familiar one. Therefore, people are already experiencing the drive of their old times, tying new complexes to themselves:

  • King David Complex. This is a way to “rejuvenate” for the rahunok of a kohanka. People who are experiencing this complex, are able to compensate for their life for sex, and sleepy life with young girls.

  • Complex of Kotovsky. Oblisinnya for a person is similar to impotence. Don’t shove into this sense, the fact is overwritten by the fact: if a person starts a leaf, you’ll know that you’re spending your human strength. Such people can be easily shrugged off in NATO, remembering the least waste, stink to bare your head at zero.

Incompetence complex in children

Doslіdzhennya complex nepovnotsіnnostі for Adler - reassuring. Because innocence in early fates is powerful for rich children. With the correct approach of the fathers, such children of the zdatnі are not less likely to get involved in this complex, and reach the singing success. A child may suffer from an incompetence complex for a number of reasons:

  1. Physical nedolіk. Especially up to the point of the cause, it is possible to germinate the development of the complex of incompetence in children. Tse mozhe be a small increase, dysfunction, be it a kіntsіvka, or an unfriendly zvnіshnіy look. Some children are more zhorstok, and for an unmistakable child's psyche - this is a real trauma, which can lead to an incompetence complex.
  2. Vidsutnіst batkіvskoyї respect. The presence of support from the side of the father lowers the child's attention in oneself. Children are not able to explore their internal potential on their own, and this is another reason for the development of the complex. Baiduzhe is the task of the batkiv to rob the child of the innocent.
  3. Nadmirna opika batkiv. Children, like growing in hothouse minds, seem to be absolutely unsuitable for life. Such a child is not able to accept an independent decision, and it is worthy of recognition for her own children. Such a model of addiction can lead a child to a complex of incompetence and develop alcohol and drug addiction.

How to get over the complex of incompetence?

Regardless of those that in 2015 the world saw the book Wayne Dyer "How to get over the complex of incompetence", just inspire the inhabitants of those lovers of literature to self-development, they made a visnovka, which they called it "ugly" made up. Indeed, this is a help for those who hesitate in their own strength and are not able to properly deal with their lives, but the book does not give recommendations in essence.

The jubilation of the complex of incompetence has not yet been blamed, so fight it well. Ale! Varto vrahuvati, that the situation is not a stalemate, now, from your complex you can take advantage of:

  • For example, according to Alfred Adler, the complex of incompetence can be brought to success.
  • As it was said in the article, more people, as if there were signs of a complex of incompetence, to compensate for your shortcomings for the account of other achievements.

Sigmund Freud groaned as the King of Prussia and the remaining German Emperor Wilhelm II. He suffered from a complex of innocence for physiologically congenital "indulgence": one arm was 15 cm shorter than the other. Not looking for compensation in the mother's hut, I've reached the heights of the name, but I still haven't tried my father's such a dream.

It's a pity, a person can't get over the complex of innocence. As if you were aware of your own mental trauma, you can’t allow yourself to feel like you’ve been wounded, and you can’t turn around until it’s over.

For the help of psychologists, yoga can be dulled or strangled, but sooner or later, all the same, signs will be given. Why did such psychologists like Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung.

Just think, all successful individuals have recognized the complex of incompetence. It doesn’t cause you to fall into it, as you caught the mind, the smut - it’s right to sublimate your potential, direct to compensate for the complex of incompetence.

Є a lot of correct examples, if you yourself mental trauma motivated richness of their special features. For example, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Marilyn Monroe and Pamela Anderson experienced sexual violence in childhood, and Tim Roth recently found out that the yoga of power was mocking him. Prote, no matter what, tsi people have reached chimali heights. There is only one Visnovok: if you don’t need to “give up your hands” and then you can solve a problem, including, and get into a complex of inadequacy.

Video: "Complex of incompetence"

The complex of incompetence settles down, if a person is perekonaniya, who does not comply with the generally accepted standards and norms for whatever parameters. Lyudina is aware of her marvelousness and innocence, praising herself with a non-standard commodity, which is not a problem to throw on a spectacle.

Some of the faults are blamed for some in a folded life period, if you don’t go into trouble for a long time. Others feel inconsistently without interruption. Chi is not rational perekonanіst at the transfer of otochuyuchih does not allow to live in full, but nutrition "how to get insecure?" don't get out of your head. Complex people. Why is the essence of the complex of incompetence and how to wake up?

The incompetence complex is the first cause of neuroses. Wake up to the ballast and live to the fullest!

Causes and signs of a complex of incompetence

The reasons for the complex of innocence are found in children. Apparently blamed, as if in people from childhood, there are shortcomings in physiology. The notorious member of the partnership is raised by the fathers themselves, as they do not allow children to learn to work and live independently. Ale and the appearance of the Batkiv’s respect threaten the development of the complex.

One negative situation can plant the grain of a complex of incompetence, and unfavorable life in family, the absence of spring, constant criticism and negative navіyuvannya otochuyuchih rise to the maximum between.

A notorious person conducts herself defiantly, attaches respect to her own person, and she adapts badly to society. A person with a complex of innocence is afraid to have mercy and often through problems with a promotion. Remind the signs of the complex of incompetence in people, in women. This is explained by the presence in the present life of the attributes of success and respectability - expensive cars, highly paid settlements, expensive costumes.

What is really a complex of innocence?

Complexity is like a rolling pin. So that the unacceptable sight of the “rolling pins” did not respect life, people put on a social mask. The superficial image is shown to be ochouchy, but in fact, the peculiarity of the person is diametrically opposite.

The complex of incompetence is generated by fears. The person is worried that the superficial image is not visible to the onslaught of the superfluous world and the wines close behind their unsungness of the night-to-night. Lies of social masks protect people from the vlasnoi worthlessness and marnosti. All the signs of mania of grandeur are manifested in zanedbanih depressions to the complex of innocence in people, but only -.

Really, a person with a complex of innocence with all the soul of the world, so that there were those people who could accept it all at once with their peculiarities and “targans”. Vin and he himself wants to accept himself with a lot of shortfalls, in order to indulge in self-flagellation. A notorious person checks for praise, that kind of praise.

Having broken up with a sense of their own innocence, a person will be the one who is called bad luck. Vіn savor unrealizability and dig into it. Notorious regardless of the status of the material camp.

  • See the reason for the incompetence.

Dig into the clues and find out if the development of the complex has begun. Find out from memory the situation, how it traumatized you, analyze it. Give an answer: what emotions did you see? What did you think about after the unacceptable situation? How much did the situation interfere with your feelings and thoughts? How long have you experienced through the incident? The complex develops from childish rocks. Now, if the person has grown up, the hour of reappraisal has come. Write negative reconciliation, with which you go through life, in a column on the arkush paper. Navpaki, show a new positive interpretation of the negative quality. Let's say that it is more negative, that it became the basis of the complex, that there is not a lot of soundness (a long nose, a big breath, a scar, etc.). Show from the other side of the arch, lower it is compensated (a beautiful smile, a striking look, a string figure is thin). Learn the negative part of the arch, and re-read it to a friend today, the docks of positive reconciliation will become your norm.

  • Follow the blessed thoughts.

The internal dialogue can be viewed on a positive note. Blame it in your head, change it to a positive one, or want it to be neutral. Think about your character old-fashioned that behavior is exclusively from a positive point of view. It is impossible to abstract from the complex without changing the way of thinking.

  • Carry out a special analysis.

Mustache people are strong and weak in character. Analyze yourself. Knowing the power of strength, you are calmer in response to critical speech. Cheer that there can be more positive qualities than the negative sides. How to blame the difficulties, ask friends and relatives for help.

  • Know the negative sides.

Ignoring the shortcomings did not produce anything positive. The weak side of the character requires nobility and acceptance, but it is not necessary to recognize the complex of incompetence. Unacceptable risks are for everyone, but only having recognized them, you can overcome the negative side.

  • Robіt emphasis on excellence character.

Shchoraz, if the complex of incompetence takes a mountain over the situation, guess about positive vigor. Svіdomo replace the respect for the prerogatives of the special. Diet uncompromisingly and without difficulty, remember that self-esteem has grown and overcome the complex.

  • Don't take criticism to heart.

Criticism - tse subjective judgment of other people and no more. A critical one can have a fair amount of justice, listen until you hear something, but don’t forget that the thought of the restless is not the truth in the rest of the instance.

The reason for the complex of innocence over others, and your own thoughts from the first drive.

  • Follow the vlasnym otchennyam.

Life and positive people make others optimistic. Interaction with them encourages important mites and gives inspiration for new developments and the development of a good life.

  • Don't uniquite with people.

Notorious people are uniquely confused with those who are lonely. stink stream and shut it down. Marvel at fear in the guise and do not guess the obvious reasons, try to escape the conversation. As you enjoy this joy, remember that people have approached you in a positive way and do not criticize you.

  • Develop steadily.

Engage in physical, intellectual and spiritual development without interruption. Learn new things on your own, read books, take courses and trainings. Developing, and your self-esteem grows.

  • Find an example for inheriting an idol.

The butt of succession can be a person from the nearest sharpened, the hero of a book or a movie, a celebrity. Analyze the drawings of yoga character, how you are attracted. Periodically take on this role and gradually remember that the idol's achievements will become yours in no time.

  • Read optimistic literature.

Positive books with a positive plot will make you optimistic. After the garnet of literature, the thoughts were farmed from the district’s breeze. Bury books by Enton Robbins, Anatoly Nekrasov and other authors.

  • Start.

Write down the bottom of the day, the power of reach and the positive moments or the blog. See for whom you want 10 good days.

Change your mind and look at life. You will not get away with a little bit of incompetence, insecurity and negative thoughts, so you don’t report to that zusil.

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