The main systems for recruiting political elites are. Type of elite that її structure. In modern political theory

4. Elite recruitment systems

The great impact on social representation, yakіsny warehouse, professional competence and effectiveness of the elite is slamming the system of recruitment (recruitment). The scientific obіg qi has two terms after the American political scientist B. Rockien. In a clean looking two systems, the recruitment system rarely traps. The entrepreneurial system prevails in democratic states, the system of guilds - in the lands with authoritarian regimes, although these elements are widely expanded in the West, especially in the economy and the state-administrative sphere.

The skin of these systems may be specific. For the guild system are characteristic:

1) closeness, selection of applicants for the highest position as the head rank from the lower levels of the elite itself, more advanced, step-by-step paths uphill. As a butt here, є folded bureaucrats descend, scho transfer step by step through the numerical gatherings of the service hierarchy;

2) a high level of institutionalization of the process of selection, the presence of numerical institutional filters - formal powers for occupancy of the settlements. Tse mozhe buti partіynіst, vіk, work experience, osvіta, characterization of ceramics;

3) small, clearly close the gate of the selectorate. As a rule, before the new one, only a member of the greater cerebral organ enters, or one first kerivnik is the head of the order, the firms are thin;

4) selection and recognition of personnel by a narrow stake of kerivniki, the presence of open competition;

5) a trend towards the creation of a particular type of elite. In fact, the name of the rice stands out from the front - the obviousness of numerical formal powers, recognizing the planting as the greatest ceramics, and bringing a trivial applicant to the lava of the organization.

The guild system has its pros and cons. Up to її strong sides one can see the vrіvnovazhenіїnі іshenі, її її її її її її її ї її її її її її її її її ї її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї і shnіh konflіktіv, bolsha perebachuvanіst politiki. The main values ​​of the system are consensus, harmony and offensiveness. At one time the system of guilds is up to bureaucratization, organizational routine, conservatism, swaville selectorate and subordination of formal criteria for selection by informal ones.

Entrepreneurial recruitment system is rich in why it is opposite to the system of guilds. Її vіdrіznyayut:

1) openness, broad opportunities for representatives of any public groups to claim to occupy leading positions;

2) a small number of formal votes, institutional filters;

3) a wider circle of the selectorate, as it can include all the electors of the country;

4) the high competitiveness of the selection, the severity of the super-price for the occupancy of key posts;

5) the minimum value of the warehouse of the elite, the first value for which special features, individual activity, to know the support of a wide audience, to get excited about ideas and programs.

Entrepreneurial system of the greater world, lower guild, value of prominent people, there is more recognition for young leaders and that innovation. At one time, with singing shortcomings of victoriousness, there is a remarkably great rhetoric and unprofessionalism in politics, equally weak transmission of politics, the silliness of leaders to the outrageous suffocation of outward effects.

In this order, the recruitment systems designate: who, how and from whom the choice is made, how and why the order and criteria, about the selectorate (osib, how to change the choice) and spontaneous motives. Establish two main systems for recruiting elites: the guild and the entrepreneur.


The elite embraces the most naive stakes and the grouping of the economically and politically sensitive class. Tse people, as if they had in their hands the great material resources, the acquisition of mass information, technical and organizational security.

“The role of the elite in the economy, in management, the economy, they also show their functions:

1) elites play the most important role of the appointed political will of the social group, their own class in the development of mechanisms for the implementation of the will;

2) elіti poklikanі formovat političnі tsіlі svoєї grupi, class, їх program documents;

3) eliti regulate the activities of the political representation of the group, class, dozing support, helping to intermediary її;

4) elites are the main reserve of key personnel, the center for recruitment and deployment of key personnel in different business areas of political and management”.

Zagalom, for the rest of the decade, the Russian elite recognized the essence of change. The monolith of the nomenklatura pyramid was occupied by numerical elite groupings, which are among themselves among the competitors. The elite has spent more important power, like the old ruling class. In the minds, the role of economic officials under the management of prosperity grew. The replacement of a stable ruling class with strong vertical links between the tops created impersonal dynamic elite groups, between which the development of horizontal and informal links was created.

Grouping, scho to become a niche elite, fluffy and amorphous, they tear apart the gostrі rubbing. May the place was baked by competition between the groupings themselves. The alignment of forces, which is in the middle of the elite, does not allow one of them to occupy a noble camp.

The weakness of the Russian elite is manifested in the presence of a reform program in it, in attempts to mechanically transfer to the votchisnyany the main value of liberalism. In the minds of the widows of life, values ​​often succumb to unfamiliarity: individualism transforms into a non-striking egoism, freedom - into a lack of evidence and svaville, competition.

The Ninishniy Stan of the Russian Elite is giving me the opportunity to make sure that the molding process has not yet been completed. Vaughn does not have such necessary ruling elites of power, as it is evident aggregation, integrity and unity. The greater number of warehouse groups in the middle of the day, the social base is not wide, the trend towards closedness and isolation of the elite is growing.

To carry out an analysis of today's elite, it can be seen that the upper echelons of the state are characterized by fluffiness, pinkness. The base is savage, as if it were a different grouping of the elites, even weaker and, in the first place, between them there is a struggle for the same panuvannya at the upper echelon of power.

One of the most important reasons for the weakness of the political elite is the fact that most of the warehouse groups have a broad social and political support.

That is why the stink of that elite mayzhe allowed the opportunity to victoriously organize a wide and organized promotion of sugary masses.


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3.Gaman-Golutvina O.V. Purpose of the main understanding of elitistology // Polis. 2000. N3.

4. Gryaznova A.G., Eskindarov M.A. Politology. - Infra-M, 2007.

5. Lyubchenkov Yu.M. Political leadership as technology// Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 16. Sociology and political science. 2005. N1.

6. Code M.I. Suspili-political association and formation of political elite in Russia (1990-2005). M., 2005.

7. Kravchenko A.I. Fundamentals of sociology and political science. - Prospect, TC Velbi, 2008.

8. Krishtanivska O.V. Anatomy of the Russian elite. M., 2005.

9. Ponedilkov A. Party elite and party life in Russia // Obozrevatel - Observer. 2004. No. 5.

Vlada cannot be held in one center. The political elite may have a prominently independent character, although it may be widely articulated ties with the economic elite. The political elite of the absolutely essential system of power share in the power of the ruling and the opposition (counter-release). For a functional sign, the political elite can be divided on the basis of political ...

Life was on the Orthodox skygazer. 4.1 VID REGIONAL ASSOCIATIONS TO THE STATE DUMI For the whole period of 200 years, in my opinion, there were only two moments in the history of the representative bodies of power, on the way of war to win respect. Tse klikannya put on commission under Katherine II and Speransky's project. In the context of declaring the meaning of the ideas of enlightenment for the sovereign...

Recruitment systems may have a great impact on the social warehouse and the same characteristics of members of the elite. There are two main recruiting systems: 1) the system of guilds; 2) entrepreneurial system. The main rices of the guild system are:


Povіlny way uphill;

The impersonal intermediary relatives of the career growth;

There are a large number of institutional filters (formal civics for employment - party membership, age, enlightenment, work experience, social activism, positive characteristics of ceramic work);

Vuzka kolo selectorate (as a rule, members of a higher body, yakі zdіysnyuyut selection - selection of candidates);

The trend towards the creation of an already clear type of leadership.

The butt of this system of recruitment can be the Radian nomenclature system of the 1960-80s.

The entrepreneurial system is rich, which is why it is similar to the guild system and is characterized by greater competition, increased significance of special features, a small number of institutional filters, a wide number of voters (electorate). Tsya system prevails in all rozvinenih democratic lands.

The skin system has its advantages and disadvantages. It is important that the entrepreneurial system of the gnuchkish, a guide for innovation, is well attached to dynamism. daily life. Ale won't rob less peredbachuvana political course of the state, zbіshuє risiki, pov'yazanі z possible radical change of the course of the order (if you choose the course of the order, you can turn 180 degrees). The system of guilds should work more to change the behavior of the new culture, change the dynamics of internal conflicts, but it can lead to bureaucratization, gerontocracy (rule of the old), the formation of “families”, “compatriots” and “clans”. The process of molding the power of the "Kremlin elders" in the SRSR can be turned back to the table. If you need a mother in the country, then the occupants of the lower nomenclature settlements did not make a person a member of the political elite. The nomenklatura was a kind of ruling class and a dzherel of cadres for the formation of political elite. In the whole period of the Radianian history, people often clung to political heights, if they were already over 60 years old. M.S. Gorbachev, who became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU for 54 years, accepted as a very young man.

"Dovzhina" of nomenclature career in different periods of Radian history


Until the mid-1970s. the variability of the kar'єri was shortened: when a checkpoint (“asset”) appeared, it was necessary to pass through it, so that we would be admitted to high-status positions. The role of such a "frontman" played the role of a mid-Lankan stone worker: the director's intercessor, head engineer, secretary to the party committee. Until the mid-1970s. vertical mobility residually swelled the nature of the full-scale protrusion by strictly vibrating kar'erniy gatherings. It became impossible to make a career without being a kerivnik. Suspіlstvo became daedals closed. Mobility, which did not occur, was a serious depressive factor, especially significant for people who were career-oriented. The higher the social resources were valued, the stronger was the frustration. Whether it is possible to change the situation is small especially privablivist: all eyes were broken by the prism of visionary mobility. In the 1970s "old man" and the Komsomol. So, one of the remaining leaders of the VLKSM, Boris Pastukhov (first secretary of the VLKSM from 1977 to 1982), took over his post from 44 years. In 1966 the middle age of members of the Politburo reached 58 years, and 1981. win over 70. Middle trivality perebuvannya at the ministerial chair 1980 r. revisited 13 years. Another peculiarity of the Radian nomenklatura system was the bula її clannishness, which formed the forms of compatriots. Navkolo L.I. Brezhnev was formed in the Dnipropetrovsk and Moldavian compatriots, representatives of some of them worked together with him in Ukraine and Moldova, and after that, as Brezhnev became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, they occupied the key plantations in the party and the order.

M.S. Gorbachev, having begun perebudova (zocrema political system), not to think of creating your own commands, having already accumulated a lot of pardons, and, zreshtoy, having spent power. The test of spiraling on the individual changes of the visuvants in the nutrition personnel policy, ignoring the vіddanіst of the head of the state, appeared not far away. Constantly changing frames, M.S. Gorbachev didn't think to form a final command for himself. With the new, there was a transition from the guild system to the entrepreneurial system of recruiting elite members, which clearly demonstrated the subbags of the election of people's deputies of the SRSR in 1989. In the elections, a part of the deputies was selected, having passed a real competitive struggle of candidates. The rest of the transition to the entrepreneurial system is already behind B.N. Yeltsin. Free choice of deputies in the parliament and regional kerivniki in the 1990s. radically changed the very system of recruitment of the elite. For B.M. Yeltsin’s political elite “rejuvenated” (especially in the Uryad of the Russian Federation, if people of up to 40 years old were often stupefied at ministerial posts). A number of pluses (energy, readiness to be market economy) such a sharp “rejuvenation” is few and rich in minuses. Under the rule, there were often incompetent, incompetent people.

During the presidency of V.V. Putin, in general, the entrepreneurial system is being saved, and there are tendencies to turn to the guild system. Nevipadkovo political scientists begin to talk about the clearly pronounced clan system, like in the Brezhnev hours, about the dominance about the "Petersburg", as represented by associates V.V. Putin by work in the city of St. Petersburg and in the organs of state security. St. Petersburg compatriots became more numerous, lower compatriots under L.I. Brezhnev. In principle, the entrepreneurial system does not include the basis of the president's command, the members of which are selected by him especially, with improvements, including a lot of good work. But if the team has been under the government for ten years, if access to the elite for new people is shortened to a minimum, and the deputy rotation of personnel is “transplanted” by the greater officials from the same chair in the other, if the special authority is clearly behind the system, the system is proven Guild qi and not the authorities to inspire the nomenclatural epic. Go about the homeland and friendly links, which are shown by the deeds of the members of the order. Such “family spirit” was not powerful for the Radian elite. It is not typical for the risen democratic powers from the entrepreneurial system of recruiting elites.

26. Political leadership: essence, theory and typology.

The problem of political leadership can naybagatsha іstorіyu doslіdzhennya. Already in ancient mythology, the leaders were endowed with supernatural powers. A look at history as a result of the rulers' long time before being panivny in historiography. On these positions were the thinkers of antiquity (they gave the ruler different incomparable qualities), noble historiography (the change of the ruler - the change of the epoch), middle-class theology (history is created by God through the kingdoms of queens) and so on. mas, provіdnі pozitsiї polіtsi zalishav for the leader. Hegel wrote, scho tsili, like how great people cry out, to avenge the moment of the wild. T. Carlyle, having taken into account what the leaders say about "reasonable NATO". G. Tarde added that all the achievements of civilization are the result of the activity of great leaders. Although ideas about the growing role of the masses in history (G. Lebon) were circulated, the Masi were presented in this way as “natovp, who is going after the leader”. This is how the Russian populists spoke.

On the current concept of political leadership, the greatest contribution was made by the Marxist pidkhid to the problem of the peculiarity of the people's masses in history, the idea of ​​leadership, was broken up by 3. Freud and his followers. The modern political science has no personal approach to the rosemary essence of leadership. The largest extensions are:

Theory of devils (E. Bogardus). Leadership is accepted as an everyday social and psychological phenomenon. A leader is a person who can especially be rich in such rice, like intellect, character, organizational strengths, communication skills, tact, a little bit of humor, instill respect for oneself, etc. a person as a leader automatically.

2. Situational change (E. Fromm, D. Rismen). Leadership lies in a specific situation. With the improvement of the situation that has developed, a person who is blessed with singing rice can become a leader. In any other situation, I will not become him. Obviously, the leader vibrates in his own strength, which is indicative of conjuncture to "situational drink", and is his own weather vane, which is behind the furnishing. In recognition of the independence of specialty, the leader adopts passivity, subordinating minds from the method of saving one's own career.

3. Functionalism (D. Edinger). Leadership is the same as the establishment of a society, as it is characterized by the ability of one individual to direct and organize the collective behavior of all its members. The leader, through his zdіbnosti, takes on a number of the most important functions in the context: management, regulation, control of political funds. This theory does not lie against the fact that for the implementation of the special needs, you need to think about that innovation.

4. The theory of the primary role of successors (F. Stanford). The leader is the leader of the successors. Visunennya leader to lie down in the wake of the group's support. The leader is a tool in the hands of a group, like Yogo hangs for the sake of his own interests and transforms into a puppet, which is necessary for the needs of the NATO according to his criteria. The main meaning is not the analysis of a dial leader, like a follower. Without revealing the essence of leadership, this theory reveals the main reason for the weakening of leadership.

5. The compensatory theory of the politics of justice! rue the problem of leadership on the basis of psychoanalysis (A. Adler, G. Lasswell). Leadership, which is more advanced to leadership, seems to be a way of compensating for one's special incompetence in singing galuzi (physical, mental, morally lean. bud.). The struggle for power (primarily for leadership) is taken as a struggle for self-assertion, for the achievement of a secure position in the support, with the method of compensating for all one's experiences. Historical examples are similar, but the stench does not exude from the objective regularity.

6. Psychological interpretation (3. Freud). At the heart of a suspenseful life lies the psyche, and whether a person has a right to rule. And yet, the exercise of people manifests itself in a different world. Leaders are obsessed with will to power. And leadership is a singing kind of god-ville, like a legacy of neurosis. A number of political leaders were neurotic, moreover, there was no trace of regularity. Suspіlstvo is subdivided into mentally normal people and leaders (neurotic).

7. The "synthetic" approach to leadership in western political science is brought up to the level of one-sidedness of the previous concepts. However, judging by the different points of view and being influenced by their objective analysis, the followers cannot create a united, internally non-supervisory theory of leadership. Every hour you come and go, the stench takes away the eclectic concept, as it does not give anything new.

8. For vіtchiznânoї politicheskoї ї characteristic deshcho іnshiy pіdhіd to the problem of political leadership.

The very concept of "leader" in translation from English means a leading, authoritative member of an organization of a small group. It is important to explain the reasons for the appearance of the leader of the political arena in the roman essence of leadership.

First, traditionally functioning in this institution of political leadership, if another person comes to replace the leader (in recessions, recession, or other reasons). Democratic supremacy transfers the foundation of a wide number of leaders, as if constantly competing with each other, replacing one by one.

In another way, the appearance of a political leader is stunned by the singing social and political minds that are developing in the country. This sound is connected with various crises of prosperity and social upheavals that lead to a change of power.

The political leader wins a number of functions in partnership. American political scientist R. Tucker saw this:

1. Leaders create the function of evaluation, to give their own and universal analysis of the situation that has developed.

2. Leaders change the line of conduct, expand the program for reaching the goal.

3. Leaders win a mobilizing function in order to take the mass support from the planned plan.

4. The leader praises the solution. Analyzing changes in the political situation, we will determine promising ways for the development of the political process and direct the entire community activity in which direction.

Acting as an active subject of politics and being a direct bearer of political power, the leader, in fact, already invests in political life. In today's success, leadership is a way of shaping power, based on the integration of different groups to solve problems and the task of a successful development of a path to instill in the life of a program that hangs out as a leader.

Obviously, one can say that leadership is based on three social equals, deviating from different goals.

Leadership is less on the equal footing of a small group, united by political interests. It directs and organizes diversified groups. The headline meaning may be the special qualities of a leader: the building is to take a decision, to take the blame in the long run. bud. Given the leadership of power to all the branches. The leader of the victorious integration function.

Leadership in the realm of political change in the context of domogan on the authority of specific social groups. Here, the meaning is not of the interests of the big group, but of the global social status. Significance for the appearance of a leader already may not be less than its special quality, but the building of the building reflects the interest of that social environment, as it hung. The leader wins not only an integrative, but also a pragmatic function, which is manifested in the developed programs. And this level of leadership is manifested in any kind of success.

Leadership as a way of organizing power within the framework of the entire society, but also for the mind of the foundation of the community of society, the division of power, as well as the social-class subdivision of the society. The greatest riven of leadership is only in the hands of the appointed minds. Vono conveys mutual satisfaction with the interests of the leader, and “revealed” (it can be illusory, obvious). Adzhe at the suspіlnіy svіdomosti є perekonannya, scho dії leader bring benefits to both sides. The leader supports his position not only for additional legal regulation, but also for moral and valuable regulators of behavior. Crimea of ​​integrative and pragmatic functions, here the leader wins the coordination.

The levels of political leadership are examined, revealing the stages of the formation of the most political leader. On the third level, the leader becomes the real bearer of power and the creator of politics.

On which eve you can talk about leadership on a national scale, as it is characterized by such signs:

Distance leadership, so that the leader and his followers cannot make direct contacts;

Bagatorol's leadership, vol. the leader is oriented to the needs of his uninterrupted sharpening, the political party, the bureaucratic vikonavcho machine, the entire population, that yogo task, then, to support the interests of the singing rivnovazi;

Corporate leadership, even individually. In today's minds, the leader is the product of "organized activity", it is symbolic to post, blame for the boundaries of the songs, established norms, as the role of victorious other people, the headquarters (team), "vikonavcha elite". Leaders are less likely to personify the decision, shaped by a team of people, like a professional knowledge.

Political leaders hang out as singing social groups, that role is to lie in the camp of this group in the succession and support of the leader. The leader cannot create history on the authority of the court. Wanting, insanely, political leaders, vislovlyuyuchi interests of singing groups of people, can significantly contribute to the transition, The role of leaders is especially great in the critical period of development, if it is necessary to take a decision, building a correct understanding of specific tasks.

What are the qualities necessary for a leader to win that victory over his guiding camp in the succession? Without claiming to be complete, let's just name the main characteristics of a political leader. The leader is responsible:

Vrakhovuvati, turn and vіdstoyuvati the interests of the singing social group, put the interests of the welfare more for the special;

mother your own power (or hang out with a group) political program;

Mati zdatnіst organize dії mas for vykonannya tsієї programs, fight with your political supermen for the implementation and development of your programs;

Vmity to conquer the masses, to secure popularity;

Mothers often have the opportunity to prove their leadership;

Constantly strengthen my practical activity to assert my right to leadership;

Volodymyr equal equal to political culture;

Take care of your political person independently in the face of the presence of an official plant and spend it її;

Be an active participant in the suspіlnyh vіdnosin, pour into their change;

Voloditi with a set of singing special qualities (erudition, correctness, professional training, moral stamina, will, purposefulness, arrogance, communicativeness, oratorical brilliance, etc.).

Right political leaders are formed in the political struggle. The skin leader of the pragmatic mother is more adventurous, formalizes, rises to the main political system.

For pіdbags vshogo vyshchevyladennogo can be given a fire for the appointment of a political leader.

A political leader is a specialty, as if he had his own successors and hoped for a steady and dominating infusion, get all the support of those who are more politically united and take a decision from the realization of their political interests.

The formation of a political leader can practically be marked by the next steps:

1) the vindication of the public revolutions and the vision of their leaders;

2) the establishment of parties, the modification of their program settings and organizational principles;

3) molding the ієrarchії of party-political kerіvnitstv;

4) struggle for power, the coming of the party to power, participation in the ruling power, delegating party leaders to the core of the state plant, the appearance of leaders-kerrivniki.

The impersonality of different approaches to the problem of leadership has given rise to an insolent need to expand typology leadership. A classic example of a similar classification can be called a typology propagated by M. Weber, who sees three types of leadership:

1. Traditional leadership, based on faith in the holiness of traditions, zvichaїv. The authority of the leader is traditional and most often transferred from the fall. This type of leadership affects the development of prosperity in the pre-capitalist era.

2. Rationally-legal leadership, founded on the rule of law in the fundamental order, yoga “reasonableness”. With whom, the political leader becomes a leader-bureaucrat, who performs the most important functions in the system of state administration. Leadership becomes an instrument of law. The leader hangs not for special merits or merit, but for the help of legal bureaucratic procedures; This type of leadership affects the "industrial" industry. The most important manifestation of this is the woeful nomenclature. The goal of leadership is not special.

3. Charismatic leadership, founded on the supranatural peculiarities of the leader, giftedness, uniqueness, creation of the cult of specialness. Empowering the leader with vinyatkovy zdіbnosti vimagaє i bow to you. On top of the two previous types, charismatic leadership wins out in the crisis period, the development of prosperity, and then in the world of stabilization it transforms from the traditional and rational-legal.

The original version of the ls-Areble typology of leadership propagates the American political scientist I/Herman sees 4 selected types of leader. /

1. Leader-ensign, who can keep up with the reality, hang the program of activity. This leader has an idea, for the sake of which it is possible to take revenge on the current political system.

2. Leader-servant, who speaks out the interests of his followers in the same name. Vіn acts as a conductor of the ideas of his group and a vikonavtsy її zavdan.

3. Leader-merchant, for whom it is important to change buildings. Zavdyaki tsyomu group "buy" yogo plan and itself zaluchaetsya to їhnoy zdіysnennya. For such a leader, it’s smut to present your “goods” (that’s your program).

4. The leader-pozhezhnik, like a quick one, she in her own time looks at the hotspot of the problem. Tse people, yak lovlyu consume the urgent moment and for the money of the loan of the thogo borrow the camp.

Tsіkavim є pіdhіd Pareto, yak rozdіlyav lіderіv fоr methods of activity on levіv аnd foxes.

You can classify leadership by looking at the mechanism of leadership as a leader in the transformation of society (R. Tucker).

1. The leader-copservator speaks out against changes, galmues development, relying on traditions and established norms.

2. A leader-reformer, who believes in his own suprising ideals, rubs against them with that practice, calls on people to change their behavior.

3. The leader-revolutionary, as if breaking stereotypes, and the ideals themselves, hardened by the soul. Tse leaders, yakі call and zdіysnyuyut change the socio-political harmony. A populist type of leader is activated on the evils of the Suspension.

G. Lasswell propagated his classification on the basis of the smartness of leaders to a singing model of behavior and saw leaders - agitators, organizers and theorists.

It is possible to classify leadership at the stage of institution - influence: formal and informal.

The cult of specialness will be the best, slanted form of leadership.

The system of political leaders, which has been broken up, allows the recognition of the existence of leadership, the rise in its particularities.

For its own sake, leadership is owed to the plight of power, and yet, as a leader, to dispose of its power, it is rich in why it is the development of political powers in the supremacy, the formation of a singing type of political system.

The information about the specifics of the recruitment of the elite is one of the most important in this context. At the top of professional elite communities, political elite open the system.

In front of the hromada suspіlstvo stand the task of molding, reinforcing the elite, uninterrupted control over it. Критеріями еліти демократичного суспільства є її ефективність, соціальна та організаційна представництво, організованість та інтегрованість (не кастовість і корпоративізм, а згуртованість і всередині еліти, і еліти з громадянським суспільством для успішного вирішення завдань, що стоять перед країною), горизонтальна (між елітами і всередині elite) and vertical (reinvention of elite) mobility.

The most important forms of recruitmentє guild systemі entrepreneurial(principal) system(Terminy vviv American political scientist B. Rokien). The characteristics of the system of guilds are the fencing of a number of applicants for management plantings, the number of institutional filters (formal criteria) is large, the virishal value of the idea of ​​a kerivnik when they are recognized for a planting. Inevitably generating caste, unrealistic privileges, low standard and carierism (the end version of the guild system - the price nomenclature system in our recent past), the guild system, at the same time without care, for the mind of її effective zastosuvannya, professionalism, professionalism By the very criteria, the crime of special recognition to the authorities, the applicant for the plantation is to blame for the mother, as she will require participation in the decision. Behind the cordon, under the molding of the administrative bureaucracy (the staff of the vikonavchoi government), as well as the greater and the middle corps of managers in the private-corporate sector of the economy, the guild system prevails.

Entrepreneurial system- tse, first for all, the system of election of organs of self-regulation and representative power, as well as the first osіb administratsii of various equals, the system of elections in hromada organizations of various types, and in other cases - the election of lower and middle plantations in the private sector. In tsikh vipadkah - the number of contenders for the vibornu posada is very wide, the channels for the selection of all are different, one of the most important characteristics of the contender for the vibornu posada is one of the most important ones, and the command of the assistants and radnikov to create a sad image. The inexhaustible shortfall of the entrepreneurial system is the necessity of joining different (and, often, to supersede one to one and not to be united in one person) traits of a candidate for a landing:

Vminnya "sell yourself" as a socio-political "goods", on the one hand, that kind of things that are necessary to be a viable person:

It is important to make decisions, work with specific people, and not with the “electorate”, competence and professionalism, moreover.

Elite of modern Russia.

The problems of molding the new elite are not the outer stone of social and political modernization, and the molding of the hromadyanskogo suspіlstva in modern Russia. For all the superfluousness of the transitional processes, the hulks of the migrants hoarded new realities: the stench of the stench of the apprentices was earning a living, trying for themselves at the entrepreneurial activity. The very elite understood freedom as the freedom to steal. Appearance great number publications of authors who do not know either K. Marx or M. Weber and explain that stealing and swindling are necessarily synonymous with the accumulation of capital on the cob, which reflects the idea of ​​the largest part of the nomenklatura elite, inspired by criminals.

Molding new elite– the central process of growing up among the nadry of the hromada community of new major and professional leaders. “It’s clear at once,” wrote the Moscow political scientist G.K. Ashin in the grass of 1993 - so that in order to help the country with the greatest economic and social crisis, and the development of culture, you need right people. The stench is the fault of the mother, even less so viciousness, like honesty and competence, prudence and far-sightedness. Numerous serious socio-political investigations, and not upright quirks of the one who “politics is on the right”, bring the obvious improbability of the ninth Russian elite to the re-listed criteria (G. Ashin, M. Afanasiev, Sh. . ). The problems that piled up one on one and led to a resonant collapse of society were the existence of controversy over the radian hours and the fact that over the ten years of reforms, the controversy did not take shape. The practice of political struggle does not take the form of a democratic elite. Tim is not less, pererakhuєmo deyakі ways and factoring the formation of a new elite:

Institutionalization and professionalization of political leadership, formation of rational bureaucracy;

Preservation and development of parostkіv hromadyanskogo suspіlstvo;

Obedience to the law, as by the organs of the government, as well as by the hulks, propagating “wealth for any price”, “swag and theft as a dviguna of modernization”, a creation of a natural atmosphere for a civilized supremacy of the atmosphere of rejection of norms and principles malicious world;

The development of the soil of pluralism, democracy, mass self-regulation and other forms of civil and communal control of power.

By the passing fates they showed how foldable and super-intelligent the process of growing the parostkiv of the hromada community and the yoga elite.

Based on the analysis of the Russian elite, it is possible to see some of the main stages of the elite transformation in Russia:

1. Latent period (1985 - 1989). Stepovі zmіni suspіlno-politiсі character svoryuyut minds for inclusion radyanskoi elіti (nomenklatura) to new for her vidіv іаlnostі. The whole period of the so-called Komsomol economy, cooperative movement, the first estimates of the part of the shadow capital in the economic sphere, is just.

2. Conversion period (1989 - 1991). The nomenclature has been prepared, taking an active part in the creation of new institutional, economic and political minds in the development of the country. Vlasne, it's time for the new rules to be established. The emergence of new areas - public policy and business - opens up previously unknown channels for recruiting the personnel corps of the elite. Itself for this period falls first of all, the renewal of other versions and the main personnel increase "by people from the side." The business elite is being formed. The continuation of the economic crisis, which shook the country, and, as a trace of internal tension, there are signs of sickness in 1991, as if wedged into the change in the old and new balls of the political elite.

3. The period of confrontation (1991-1993). In the minds of the open transition to the market, reform sovereign bodies power and intense political fragmentation are formed by the main branches of the elite system: presidential administration, council, parliament, regional elites, business elite. Head characteristic etapu - a short confrontation. A clear polarization of forces is emerging, a new configuration of elite groups is being formed.

4. Stabilization period (1993-early 1998). After the forceful introduction of new rules, a new alignment of forces is being established, which does not allow the current elite from the factions to take a dominant position. The political process of the stage is marked by two main trends. The first move in the bik "super-presidential" republic. The second trend is the consolidation of progress, which is indicative of the upcoming elections in 1996.

Ninishnu situation, dictatorial peculiarity which is the dominance of the President for the preservation of the pluralistic structure of the elites, can be regarded as a non-stable jealousy.

The characteristic of the process of transformation of the Russian elite has been given, to check that the elite theory of the beginning of democracy is stagnant with the description of Russian realities, but with some warnings.

First, let us know our country clearly about those that the result of elite interactions may not be the achievement of normative democracy, but the situational outcome of an internal elite crisis.

In another way, in the descriptions of the Russian elites, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvat vіdpovіdny іinstitutsіonalny context pіd vіkoristannya elіtistskoїї ї ї ії.


So what is "elita"?

In the first place, those are the most beautiful, to serve the greatest interests of society, without bribes, without guards, without hesitation.

In a different way, the elite demonstrates a truly patriotic service to the welfare of everyone - great and small, commemorative and attached. Still hanging around, tse postyynyy viyav gromadyanskosti.

Thirdly, the elite - tse dotrimannya could not morality. Postiyne showing vydpovіdalnosti that, as M. Weber said, Volodinnya "ethics perekonannya." "ethical enormity", the manifestation of the "politics behind the call".

I’m on the verge, mother’s need for uvazі nastupnіst polіnі і molovanny elіt, bo rich yakostі vіdshlifovuyutsya protyazhі low kolіn, chi english aristocracy chi russian nobility.

It became clear that the elite is the ideal of the state, then what is necessary for the right.

It’s not vague, but for now, this ideal is far from us.

The order of the necessary molding in the support of the hromadyanskaya political and legal culture, the necessary change in the position of the hromadas to political leaders. The deputy, who has wisely slandered the lower contenders for the role of the “warriors of Russia”, the bazhannia “give up on them,” may be formed naturally for the democratic and legal system of distrust to be-like power in the hands of the roses in the hands of the new power of the skin thunder.

Axis, even ideally, to the point of elite, can know the support and necessity of the suspense.

9. List of literature:

1.R. Michels. Sociology political parties for the minds of democracy. Lesson from work // Dialogue, 1991, No. 3.

2. Moska G. Lessons from work “Theory of government and parliamentary government”, “Elements of political science” // Sotsis, 1994 No. 10, 12; 1995 No. 4,5,8.

3.Novgorodtsev P.I. Introduction to the philosophy of law. The crisis of modern justice. M., 1996.

4. Pareto V.Z work “About the development of sociological theories” // Sotsis, 1995 No. 10; 1996 No. 1,2,7.

5. Ostrogorsky M.Ya. Democracy and political parties. M., 1997.

6.V.P. Elizariv. Elite theory of democracy and current Russian political process. // Polis, 1999 No. 1.

7. O.V. Gaman-Golutvin. Appointment of the main understanding of elіtologii. // Polis. , 2000, №3

History of legal and political science, vol. 5, p. 194. For the editorial board of V.S. Nersesyants M. 1995.

History of legal and political science, vol. 5, p. 202. For the editorial board of V.S. Nersesyants M. 1995.

History of legal and political science, vol. 5, p. 195. For the editorial board of V.S. Nersesyants M. 1995.

R. Michels. Sociology of political parties for the minds of democracy. Lesson from work // Dialogue, 1991, No. 3, s. 44.

R. Michels. Sociology of political parties for the minds of democracy. Lesson from work // Dialogue, 1991, No. 3, s. 46.

Ashin G.K. Ruling Elite and Suspility // Vilna Dumka, 1993 No. 3, p. 66.

for example, Obolonsky A.V. Reform of the Russian state service: concept and strategy // Suspili science and modernity, 1998, No. 3.

V.P. Elizarov, Elite theory of democracy and the current Russian political process.// Polis, 1999 No. 1, pages 72-77.

Shevtsova L. Post-Communist Russia: Logic of Development and Perspectives. M., 1995.

At different lands The soundness and functions of the political elite are markedly different. This is mindful of the influx of rich factors, on the appearance of which there will be classifications of elites. That part of the elite, as if they have sovereign power, that takes the most important political decisions, is called ruler. The same part, as it is possible to have the right functions, call to name controversy. From the fact that the political elite is changing, they see I will close the elite tobto. scho popovnyuєtsya vyhіdtsami z sevnyh klіv, stanіv, for example, aristocracy, and do not allow representatives of other classes to their lavas; їй to resist vіdkrita elite, in yaku vіdkritiy access vyhіdtsam іz usіh social groups.

Classification P. Sharan

Indian political scientist P. Sharan having seen the traditional and modern elite, they are inspired by the resources of power. The power of traditional elites is rooted in zvichai, rituals, religions. At traditional the elite of Sharan, including the religious elites, the aristocracy, the Ukrainian ceramics of the krai, which are developing.

Today the elite is rational (they rely on the law, formal rules) and add up chotirioh group.

  • 1. I'm looking for an elite to establish kerіvniki vladnih structures. The stench takes the most important decisions. If you don’t want to turn off the flow to this process, and quiet, who officially doesn’t cover the graves, plant, for example, the head of the president’s bodyguard, and some special friends too. The magnitude of the greater elite in western democracies Sharan assessed 50 representatives of the dermal millions of residents of the country, who made decisions about 50 cases.
  • 2. Do middle class enter individuals, yakі mayut povny equal to income, professional status and osvіtu. These pokazniki allow them to professionally judge those which political course is acceptable for society, and which one is not. The middle class becomes about 5% of the adult population.
  • 3. marginal elite fold these groups, for some of them one of the three most named indications. In the future, the lack of signs of stench can rise to the middle class.
  • 4. I come, administrative elite presenting the most prosharok of state servicemen (certifiers of ministries, departments, committees). Won zdіysnyuє vykonavchі funktsії, wanting to have a significant impact on power, oskolki may dosvіd administration.

Selection systems to elite

The dependence of the dynamics of the development of the state of affairs in terms of the effectiveness of political decisions, which is accepted by the elite, makes it possible to make a decisive choice for the implementation of government and administrative functions. In the western lands, politics has long changed into profession Serious respect is attached to this process of preparation and selection to the elite. Most important at your own food: how and from whom is the selection to be made, who is to be selected, to what criteria can a candidate for a kerivna settlement be approved?

In different krajnas, more or less systems of selection and recruitment of elites were formed. You can see two such systems: entrepreneurial that system guild. Obviously, the vision of these systems is smarter, the shards in practice are victorious every day. The importance of elements in this system of recruitment allows you to make statements about the deadly mechanism of recruitment.

Entrepreneurial (pіdpriyomnitska) system

Vaughn is focused on special as a candidate, his building is like people. For such a system, the selection of candidates for positions of power is established from different groups of the suspense behind the main camp. The system is characterized by openness, democracy, the number of filters, tobto. formal vymog, yakim maє vіdpovіdati candidate. Entrepreneurial system transfers fierce competition between candidates for stone planting. In a competitive skin struggle, a candidate can be influenced by his guilt, warmness, and activity. the selectorate, tobto. Tim, hto vіdbiraє, razі є all grown up population. Therefore, the entrepreneurial system has been expanded in the lands of a stable democracy. In the entrepreneurial system not may be of particular importance and professional competence of the candidate, nor the quality of his knowledge. Vaughn is kindly stuck until the hour, the moment. For example, US President R. Reagan started his career as a film actor, not a professional politician, and neither legal nor economic nor political university education. However, it didn’t make you become one of the most popular presidents of the famous military America.

The greatest suttevim short Entrepreneurial system of choice, the possibility of entering the politics of voluptuous osibs, adventurists, and building workers is no longer a good effect. Weak transmission of the behavior of the candidates, since they become representatives of the elite. In addition, with an entrepreneurial system, there is a high level of heterogeneity of the elite, the possibility of conflicts in the middle of it.

Guild system

This system of selection transfers more and more of the candidate to the top of the mountain with the power of the authorities, which is due to the impersonality formal he could reach a candidate for a key post (revenue of education, party experience, work experience with people). The choice of candidates is determined from the first social groups (stations, classes, castes, clans, etc.) of the parties. The recruitment system is closed. Dobrіr candidates zdіysnyuє uzke kolo kerіvnih pracіvnіkіv pії, ruhu, korporatsії. Guild system conservative in this day there is competition, to that it is out of step to the creation of one type of kerіvnikіv, prikayuchi elіtu stepovymirannya, transforming into a closed caste. Prote tsia system vіdboru zabezpeču vysoky stupіnі stupіnі vіdbachuvannosti in politiсі, nizhuіє possiblіє konflіktіv seredinі elіti. Elements of such a system are characteristic of democratic lands, deriving the parties from a strong structure: strict party discipline, fixed membership only.

The effectiveness of the activity of the political elite to lie only in the system of recruitment, and in the political orientation of the members, the stage of support from the side of the population, social support and party affiliation of the representatives of the elite. In the western lands, the elite is represented by people from these groups of the population, who may have a high social status (possible class), university education. Enter before her and representatives of workers, farmers.

Nomenclature system

This is a special variety of the guild system. The won bula was expanded in the lands of socialism. The peculiarity was that the replacement of the key settlements in all spheres of life was carried out only by party organizations of equal equal. The paradox lies in the fact that Marxism will block the elitism of that elite from the socialist society as if showing nervousness. However, in practice in the Soviet Socialist Republic and other socialist lands, a system of power was created, which was grounded, honestly, not on economic, but on political nervousness.

Having appointed M. Djilas, the Radian nomenklatura elite is small in the hierarchy (supervision). Usy nomenklatura planting was divided into 14 ranks. Vishchiy schabel of the party-state pyramid borrowed general secretary The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, members of the Politburo of the Central Committee, candidates from the members of the Politburo and the secretaries of the Central Committee, too. The sense of archeology prompted the nomenklatura to shove the fact that the candidate consistently went to the meeting after the meeting. For such a system, serious conflicts were excluded in the middle of the elite, the advancement of the political course was ensured, creating one type of leadership. At the same time, the system cultivated the candidate’s special expertise, dogmatism, and I’ll show my activity just a little. For this reason, the system allowed more and more independent people to come to power.

  • Div: Sharan P. Porіvnyalna politologiya. M., 1992.

Zalezhno vіd dzherel vpliv elіti pod_lyayutsya:

· not recessionary , like the aristocracy,

· prices - individuals, as they occupy high-prestige and splendid suppliments and sovereign positions,

· vladni - uninterrupted volunteers of power

· functional - professional-managers, as a necessary qualification for the occupation of the core towns.

Middle elite are divided I edit, without intermediary volody sovereign power, that oppositional (Control); vodkritu, who is recruited from the suspense, that closed, what is created from its middle ground, for example, the nobility.

The elite itself is subsumed on I see that middle. The greater elite without intermediary indulges in the adoption of decisions that are significant for the state. Belonging to her can be swayed by reputation, for example, unofficial servants of the president, yoga "kitchen room" or a place in the structures of power.

Approximately 5 hundreds of people are brought to the middle elite, which are seen at the same time for three signs - income, professional status and light. Individuals who are more than capable of show-offs for one or two of these criteria, lie up to marginal elite.

Rich political scientists point out the trend of the growing role of the middle elite, especially the new generations, the titles of "sub-white" - the greater servicemen, managers, scientists, engineers and intellectuals - among the preparers, accepting and implementing decisions. Tsі verstva ring out to turn the tide of the elite in terms of information, organization and building up to one day.

One thing to do is to achieve a change in the classification of political elite in a democratic society - to see the degree of separation and the spivvіnennosti of vertical (social representation) and horizontal (internal group typification) zv'yazkіho їlіti:

· stable democratic ("tablet") elite - high representation and high group integration;

· pluralistic - high representation and low group integration;

· vladny - low representation and high group integration

· disintegrated - low resentment showing off

Elite recruitment systems

The great impact on social representation, yakіsny warehouse, professional competence and effectiveness of the elite is slamming the system of recruitment (recruitment). Such systems determine: who, how and from whom the choice is made, how the order and the criteria, how the selectorate (osib, how the choice is made), and the spontaneous motives of the choice.

Establish two main systems for recruiting elites:

1) Systems guild:

· Closeness, selection of applicants for the highest position as the head rank from the lower levels of the elite itself, more advanced, step-by-step paths uphill.

· A high level of institutionalization of the process of selection, the presence of numerical institutional filters - formal powers for occupancy of the settlements.

· Small, clearly close the gate of the selectorate.

· Recognition and recognition of personnel by a narrow stake of kerivniki, the day of the competition;

· A trend towards the emergence of a certain type of elite.

2) Entrepreneur Elite recruiting system:

· Openness, wide opportunities for representatives of any public groups to apply for leadership positions;

· A small number of formal votes, institutional filters;

· Wide range of selectorate, which can include all the electors of the country;

· High competitiveness of the selection, the state of super-nice for hiring key posts;

· Minority to the warehouse of the elite, first-rate significance in case of special qualities, individual activity, it is important to know the support of a wide audience, to buy її privablivimy іdey and programs.

Tsya system more valuable people. Won v_dkrita for young leaders that innovation. At the same time, there is a risk of risk and unprofessionalism in politics, a weakly pervasiveness of politics, a weakness of leaders to an epic suffocation with a splendid effect. Zagal, as practice shows, the entrepreneurial recruitment system is well attached to the dynamism of everyday life.

The guild system also has its pluses and minuses. Up to її strong sides one can see the vrіvnovazhenіїnі іshenі, її її її її її її її ї її її її її її її її її ї її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї і shnіh konflіktіv, bolsha perebachuvanіst politiki. The main values ​​of the system are consensus, harmony and offensiveness. At one time the system of guilds is up to bureaucratization, organizational routine, conservatism, swaville selectorate and subordination of formal criteria for selection by informal ones. It will give rise to mass conformity and make it easier to correct pardons and adopt short-term initiatives from below. Without supplementing by competitive mechanisms, the system leads to stepwise degeneration of elite, її vіdrivu vіd suspіlstva і transforming into a privileged caste.

11. The evolution of the political elite in Russia: the ruling class, the radian nomenklatura, the current Russian elite.

The rest of the decade of the XX century. in Russia it became the period of the formation of a new post-traditional elite. Head Feature this process - the internal zmistovna super-clearness. From one side, the ruling group step by step fills the rice, in many respects it is similar to the rice of similar groups of democratic lands. The basis for this is to carry out the edge of the reform, change the social structure of the household, change the spy of the population. On the other side, near the tops of the elite, the signs of the sky-gazer are steadily observed and the behavior that was characteristic of Radian nomenclature: exercising your corporate interest, creating your own privileges and int.

But regardless of the fact that there was a close relationship with the ruling class of Radyansk, the most striking characteristics of the elite were recognized in the 90s. dosit suttєvі change:

· її significantly rejuvenated (tied with the radian period for 7 - 10 years). The middle age of a representative of the elite of the 90s. - 45 years;

· Significantly decreased the proportion of withdrawals from the lower versions of the suspenst.

· Increased the number of osib with the greater illumination.

The recruitment system itself has also changed the most. In the post-traditional period, non-nomenklatural paths to the mountain became possible for sub-elite groups.
Іtotnoy singularity current Russian eliteє її structural heterogeneity. Vaughn manifests itself less on equal tsіnnіsnih orientations. In the regions, three types of elitism are seen in the fallow land in the years before the reforms that were carried out in the country. All groups of liberal, non-conservative and socialist elite. The liberal elite prevails in industrially separated western and central regions, great megacities (Nizhniy Novgorod, Ekaterinburg). In areas with a middle level, the development is more important than the agricultural profile, and also in the cordon regions, politicians of a conservative orientation are more important, as they represent the idea of ​​sovereignty, a strong central government, guaranteeing the rights of a dominant national group. In the areas of the so-called "Red Belt" dominated by the elite socialist orientation.
Heterogeneity is also manifested on the equal status positions of people, as they form the Russian elite. Krym vyhіdtsіv z kіl radyansk nomenklatura in nіy clearly prostazhuyutsya groups:

· many dissidents - opponents of the communist regime;

· Representatives of the business, yakі zrobili kar'єru and camp at the period of rest;

· Number of personnel officers. In their active penetration of the power structure (foreign state and regional) the singing world seems to need to improve the discipline and diligence of power;

· scientific and artistic intelligentsia;

· Politicians, during the nomenklatura past, declared themselves to be leaders of new parties and revolutions.

The legacy of heterogeneity is the weakness of internal corporate relationships between other countries of the elite. The regional elite of the country is moving in opposition to the central one; at the borders of the central elite, there is a constant struggle for a monopoly panuvannya in the political arena. Conflicts are formed between different segments of the economic elite. Nebezpeka polagaє in the fact that the skin of them is used to gain political power for the weakened competitors.
Fahіvtsі to swear at the whiskers, which, starting from the other half of the 90s, there was a tendency to vodokremlennya elitist in the form of suspіlstva and pragnennya to zamikannya. Pevnym oskanik tsgogo є fact:

· Initiation by the heads of the regions and the place to fight for the rent of the border on the repeated (third and further) occupation of the quiet posts themselves;

· Entrance of 1/3 of the deputies' corps of the Ninishny Sovereign Duma to the warehouses of the Duma on the 1st and 2nd call;

· Significant ties between political and economic elite and actually angry at the mass equal.

12. Political leadership, yoga day and specificity. Modern theories of political leadership.

A political leader is a specialty that gives a constant and victorious influx to a society, a state, an organization. The following types of political leadership are distinguished:

· Leadership in equal small groups, united by political interests;

Leadership is less on the level of political changes, connected with the commonality of political interests, based on the same social status, but not on the level of group interests, like in the first one

Leadership on the sovereign level, as it can be seen as a way to organize and build power in the minds of democratic development of socialism, differentiation of social beliefs on the basis of economic status and political independence.

The leader creates authority, the wine is not officially assigned to anyone and navit is solidified. From the list of candidates for leadership, the one who wins the most activity, encouragement in the right, information and efficiency of political activity is selected. In this rank, the leader is not the one who wants to follow him, but the one for whom people follow without a primus. And what the greater world proponated him meta zbіgaєtsya with the trend of the progress of the nation, this leader of the broader people's masses of vistupaє. Distinguish formal and informal leadership.

Formal leadership is a priority influx of the individual on the members of the organization, fixed in the norms and rules, and which is rooted in the camps of the subordinate hierarchy, the ministry in the role structures.

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