Гіа 9kl іstorіya training variant. Online test gia z istoriї. Lesson from the supplementary general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU

For vіdpovіdey on zavdannya tsієї part (31-35) wink okremy arkush. Write down the number of the order (31, 32 shortly) on the back of the heading, and then we will repeat until the next one. Vidpovidi write down clearly and succinctly.

Read a fragment of the historical dzherel and read the task 31, 32. Conquer the relevant information to the text, as well as knowledge of history.

Lesson from the supplementary General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee

“Vidomo, scho Rest of the Rocks Unacceptable tendencies have grown stronger, and there have been many difficulties. Starting in 1983, the leaders of the active robotic party began to push the work of the wealthy arms of the people's state and improve the situation. However ... the difficulties are far from being overcome, and we happen to report a little bit of knowledge in order to create a superb basis for the swedish pushing forward.

Zvichayno, having known the inflow of natural and low-level factors. Ale Golovna, build up, at the Tsomo, his own bili rifle, the co -co -serpent at the counters of the Rosvitka, the non -reckless yoga izhkatsya, the serpent of the Mr. -ted. We need, comrades, deeply and to the end to understand the situation that has developed, and to develop the most serious windings. Historical parts of the country, positions of socialism in to the current world rich in what to lie in, as we have fared on the right

It’s a headache for that, for the sake of which the country can achieve an accelerated economic development ... "

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2) naming the period - "perebudova"

In the first paragraph, it is necessary to find out and write down the description, which describes the situation, the reasons for which the other paragraph is named. Write at least two reasons for this situation.

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At the end of the day, the proposition is assigned: “It seems that unacceptable tendencies have gained strength with the remaining fates, there have been a lot of difficulties.”

The following reasons may be given:

1) injection of natural factors and injection of low natural factors;

2) at the same time, they were a proper rite of evaluation of changes in the objective minds of the development of viability, the need to accelerate yoga intensification, changes in the methods of the state;

3) there was no arrogance in the development of great entries in the economic sphere

On the eve of the spring sivbi, the villagers, scabby to the weakened mіstsevoy and central government, began to divide the land of that mіstsevoy helpers. And in the autumn, the decree of Z'izd Rad was seen, for some kind of landowner, the stench could legally divide the land.

1) State the river, if you could get it.

2) Why did the weakening of the central government, which the villagers scurried, become?

3) What was the name of the document, which was legalized under the land of helpers?

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Correct opinion may revenge foot elements:

1) r_k, to which one can see the future, - 1917;

2) the reason, for example: after the fall of the monarchy, it caused opposition between Rada and Timchas, which led to a weakening of power;

(You may have given another correct reason.)

3) document - Decree on land

There is a thought that during the period of fragmentation, in spite of the disintegration of the structure of politically independent princedoms, the development of Russian lands was richly sleepy. Point out at least two facts that confirm this arbitrariness.

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You can point out the following facts:

1) the inhabitants of all Russian princedoms spoke only mine;

2) the inhabitants of all Russian princedoms belonged to a single old Russian nationality;

3) the inhabitants of all Russian princedoms adopted the Christian (Orthodox) faith;

4) the inhabitants of all Russian principalities were observed by the single legal norms, which were up to the level of the laws of the Russian Schopravda.

Can you point out other facts

You have been instructed to prepare an open speech on the topic “The fundamental change in the course of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war". Lay down the plan, depending on how you see the topic.

The plan can be revenged at least three points. Write a short explanation of the two points.

The plan with explanations may show the main signs (phenomenon) associated with a radical fracture during the course of the Great War of the Witches.

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One of the options for the plan of disclosure of these topics

1. The concept of a radical change in the hour of the Great Great Vitchiznyanoy War.

2. The first stage of the root fracture (leaf fall 1942 - spring 1943):

a) counterattack radyansky viysk near Stalingrad;

b) successful operations in the Pivnichny Caucasus, Middle and Upper Don, on the Bryansk and Kursk routes;

c) completion of the revival of craftsmanship in a virtuous way;

d) the development of partisan movement.

3. Another stage of the radical fracture (summer 1943 - late 1943).

Before another stage, one can see: the Battle of Kursk, the battle for the Dnipro, the achievement of the peak level of the military vigor in the SRSR, the change of the anti-Hitler coalition (Teheran Conference).

4. Underbags of a radical fracture under the hour of the Great Great Vitchiznyanoy war.

It is possible to have other numbers and (or) other correct formulations of points in the plan. The stench can be presented in native, nutritious or mixed forms.

ODE 2017

M.: 2017. - 208 p.

Helper to avenge 10 options for typical test tasks of the Main State Council of 2017, valid until all dates report instruction from a re-verification and an assessment of the order from a roaring vіdpovіddu. The authors of the zavdan - providnі vchenі, vikladachі and methodists, yakі without intermediary take part in the development of control vimіryuvalnyh materials ODE. The appointment of a helper is to train practical learners in the first hour of preparation before the exam (in a new form) in grade 9 of history. A helper of appointments for teachers and methodologists, like victorist tests for the preparation of students to the Basic state education, as well as for self-training and self-control of students of the 9th grade of the main school.

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Peredmova 4
Instructions for vikonannya roboti 5
Part 1 6
Part 2 16
Part 1 19
Part 2 29
Part 1 32
Part 2 42
Part 1 45
Part 2 55
Part 1 58
Part 2 67
Part 1 71
Part 2 81
Part 1 84
Part 2... 93
Part 1 97
Part 2 107
OPTION 9 110
Part 1 110
Part 2 120
OPTION 10 123
Part 1 123
Part 2 133
The system of assessment of examination work from history 137

The helper has 10 options for examination work from the history of Russia. The stench is on typical tasks The main sovereign test for students of the 9th grade of the main school.
The structure and the choice of exam options are similar to the structure of the demo version of the Main Sovereign Experience, published by a friend and published on the Internet.
Part 1 of the examination work was submitted with a short notice. The head of the graduate student is responsible for choosing the right advice from some of the suggestions. Numbers of managers reconsider the basic level of preparation of studies - knowledge of dates, facts, understanding, terms, characteristic phenomena, reasons for and similarities, knowledge of information in historical records: urvkah s litopisiv, documents, guessing contemporary and other The number of such orders in the unit is 1 - 22.
Part 1 also includes the 8th day of the advanced level of folding. The stench is to rivet the vminnya to the correctness of the correctness, the systematizuvati of fact, understanding, know, to know the non -format at Jerelah, prazuvati zі, the statistical іnformasyyu, and the giggling schemes, the paravyvyuvy, and this is understood.
Part 2 includes the 5th order from the fired fire. Tasks 31 and 32 transfer the analysis of the historical dzherel, 33 - the task of the task for the analysis of the historical situation (reconsideration of the general historical process and the facts), 34 - the task of the date historical backgrounds, yavishch that zavdannya 35 - on the basis of the plan vydpovіdі on a matter of fact.

In 2019, the rotation of the connection with the transition of part of the line system revival of history, another plan was created for the folding of the KIM variant (DEMO-2), which was designed to cover the period of history from the most recent hours until 1914. The number, type and folding of the task of two proponated options with KIM stacks are declared the same, so in our test tasks we focus on the KIM DEMO-1 option, which is the widest for today.
At the heads, the following methods are used in the framework of the discipline:

  1. Knowing the main dates, stages and key milestones in the history of Russia and the world from ancient times to the present hour.
  2. Knowledge of prominent children in the countryside and global history.
  3. Knowledge of the most important achievements of culture and the system of values ​​that was formed in the course of historical development.
  4. Significance of succession and trivality of the most important subdivisions of votchiznya and ignoble history.
  5. Vykoristannya danih rіznih іstorichnyh dzherel at vіdpovіdі on food, vіrіshennі іznih navchalnyh zavdan; por_vnyannya svіdchen vіznih dzherel.
  6. Work from a historical map.
  7. Vikoristannya naboutih knowledge when folding the plan and writing creative robots.
  8. Spivvіdnesennia zagalnyh istorichnyh protsessіv and okremyh facts.
  9. Systematization of historical information.
  10. Explanation of the sense of historical understanding of those terms.
  11. Revealing the spіlnostі and vіdmіnnostі porіvnjuvanih іstorichnykh podіy i yavisch.
  12. Determining the causes and the most important historical events
You will find online tests at this branch, which will help you prepare for the ODE (GIA) exam in history. Thank you for success!

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2019 format will have two parts in history. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. As a matter of fact, for some variants of test results, the ordering of real control and testing materials (KIM) is not passed, we have decided to significantly increase the number of test options in order to bring our test as close as possible to the one with which you happen to experience a shock.

The standard ODE test (DIA-9) for the 2019 format will have two parts in history. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. As a matter of fact, for some variants of test results, the ordering of real control and testing materials (KIM) is not passed, we have decided to significantly increase the number of test options in order to bring our test as close as possible to the one with which you happen to experience a shock.

Standard ODE test (ДІА-9) for the 2018 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. As a matter of fact, for some variants of test results, the ordering of real control and testing materials (KIM) is not passed, we have decided to significantly increase the number of test options in order to bring our test as close as possible to the one with which you happen to experience a shock.

Standard ODE test (ДІА-9) for the 2018 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard ODE test (ДІА-9) for the 2018 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard ODE test (ДІА-9) for the 2017 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard test ODE (ДІА-9) to the 2016 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard test ODE (ДІА-9) to the 2016 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard test ODE (ДІА-9) to the 2016 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard test ODE (ДІА-9) to the 2016 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard test ODE (ДІА-9) to the 2016 format is the fate of history to avenge two parts. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard ODE test (ДІА-9) to the format of 2015 has two parts in history. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard ODE test (ДІА-9) to the format of 2015 has two parts in history. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Standard ODE test (ДІА-9) to the format of 2015 has two parts in history. The first part to avenge the 30th day with a short break, the other part to avenge the 5th day, before which it is necessary to give the fired up. At the link with zim at this testi, only the first part is presented (the first 30th day). Zgіdno s flow structure іspitu, mid 30th day of variant vіdpovіdey proponuyutsya in 22 of them. However, for the sake of clarity, passing the tests on the administration of the site, the site failed to request the options for responses from all tasks. However, for the task, in some variants of tests, the ordering of real control and simulation materials (KIMIV) was not passed, we decided to significantly increase the number of these options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you happen to experience.

Opening hours of the meeting A1-A22 choose only one correct option.

At the end of the hour, the task of A1-A20 is to choose only one correct option.

At the end of the hour, the task of A1-A22 is to choose only one correct option.

DIA chi sovereign pіdsumkovu attestatsiyu zdayut ninth grade students. More to lay down to fold ODE (the main state sovereignty). Children with limited opportunities and learning to close schools should close up with GVE (sovereign graduation experience). GBE pass in the format of the choice of a ticket with meals, preparation of reviews and presentations in front of the examiner. ODE has its own black tse itself test. The test is not for a narrow set of nutritional values ​​with the choice of the correct ones, but the test is thought out as a standardized system for presenting various tasks and an anonymous unified processing of the tests.

On the 1st of March 2017 the fate of Russian schoolchildren will be given to ODET and GVE from history. And now a report about ODE.

The structure of the festival ODE 2017 from history

There were no significant changes from ODE 2017 in history. The test is three times 180 minutes (or 3 years). For this hour, the graduate may visconate 35 days of a different level of folding. At 30, you need to give a short answer (write in the number or number of the numbers that give the correct answer / in the answer, enter the number, word or phrase). For five minutes, it is necessary to give the fireworked vіdpovіdі.

The first 30 meals thematically describe such historical periods of Russian and world history: VIII - XVII centuries, XVIII - the beginning of the XX century, 1914 - 1945, 1946 - 1945.

The managers are revising:


  • key dates, stages and the most important signs of Russian and world history from ancient times until 2012;
  • eminent children of vitchiznyanoy and global history;
  • cultural (tobto technological, economic, social, political and moral) reach of different eras and generations;
  • historical to understand that terms.


  • practice with a historical map, statistical data, diagrams, illustrations, original and adapted texts;
  • to establish causal-hereditary links between historical podias.

Views at ODE 2017 from history

The Internet is simply filled with propositions to capture the real KIMI GIA (ODE) 2017 from history. Dehto navіt proponuє ready vіdpovіdі. One mind - pennies. You pay and take nothing. Otherwise, take away those that are so accessible to the skin: demonstration materials, KIM past fates.

That's right, KIMI 2017 can only be propagated by scams, as if they really can't think of anything. Control and monitoring materials for DIA work not in the kitchen but in the garage - they are taken seriously Sovereign organization FIPD (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Vimiriv). Imovirnist in the form of anyone to take away the original KIMI 2017 is worthless to rock.

Get the key to the completion of all tests right now!

To that, use the Internet itself, assistants and just finish the story. Yak bivi didn’t work out so much, a lot of which you already know. You are left with less to build up knowledge, and not learn history from scratch. And for whom the hour is more than enough. You will catch.

GIA (ODE) in 2017

In 2017, roci ninth classes are given to chotiri obov'yazkovі objects. Two of them - ГІА (ОДЭ) from the mathematics of the Russian language - suvoro fixed. Іnshi two you can choose from the retelling, to which region of history has gone: physics, chemistry, biology, literature, geography, modern science, computer science, English, German, Spanish, French movies).

Articles about other subjects:

  • Vіdpovіdі on ODE z english movi (26th and 27th of May 2017)
  • Vіdpovіdі on ODE z іspanskoї movi (26th and 27th May 2017)
  • Vіdpovіdі on ODE z french movi (26th and 27th May 2017)
  • Vіdpovіdі on
Derzhavna pіdsumkova attestation for graduates of the ninth class of nіnі є voluntarily, zavzhd it is possible to compose zvichnі traditіynі іspiti.

What is more attractive then ODE form(DIA) for graduates of the 9th grade of 2019? Carrying out an uninterrupted attestation in this new form allows you to take an independent assessment of the training of schoolchildren. All tasks of the OGE (GIA) are presented in a special form, which includes food with a choice of requirements for them. A direct analogy is drawn with EDDI. With whom you can give like a short, and roaring voice. Our website website help you prepare well and really appreciate your chances. Crimea, testi DIA and ODE online with rechecking of opinions help you to be appointed to a distant choice of a high school profile class. You yourself can easily evaluate your knowledge of a given subject. For whom our project offers you different tests from low disciplines. Our site, dedications preparation for the GIA 2019 Grade 9 online, by a new world to help you get ready for the first serious and epidemiological testing in life.

All materials of our site are presented in a simple, understandable form. Whether you are a round leader in your class or an outstanding average statistical student - everything is now in your hands. We will not call you to see ours. Here you will know the answers to all the food that you need to tickle. Be prepared before the difficult testing of ODE, GIA and the result is to overturn all your tests.

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