Fierce 23 - the day of the victory of the Radian troops. conducting combat information with military services

The day of the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Radianian troops against the German-fascist troops at the battle near Moscow (1941)

For 16 long months, the residents of the brewery capital minted for the bells of the Nazi era.
On September 12, 1944, artillery cannonade made up the fate of the sweatshirt. The first blow, the task of the enemy, was superbly strong. After the two-year artillery and aviation preparation, the radyansk infantry rushed forward. The front of the breaks at two places of the ridge is five and eight kilometers. Pіznіshe offended vіlyanki dilyanki broke through.
On September 18, the blockade of Leningrad was broken, the Germans spent tens of thousands of their soldiers. Tsya podium meant a great failure of Hitler's strategic plans, and it was a serious political shock.
On September 27, after the offensive operations of the Leningrad, 20th Baltic and Volkhov Fronts, for the support of the Baltic Fleet, the main forces of the guardian group of the troops "Pivnich" were defeated and the blockade of Leningrad was lifted. The line of the front went 2 km from the place.
The defeat of the Nazis under Leningrad completely undermined their positions in Finland and other Scandinavian countries.

On February 2, 1943, the Don Front completed the liquidation of the enemy troops at Stalingrad on September 10. Vorog having spent mayzhe 140 thousand soldiers and officers. 91 thousand osіb were buried in the full Bulo, including 2.5 thousand officers, 24 Generals and Field Marshal F. Paulus.
The victory of the Radian wars under Stalingrad became a pivotal turning point in the Great Veteran War and pushed into the further course of the Other World War. Vaughn became the cob of a strong offensive of our military and other peasants of the Radian-German front. Viyskovy prestige fascist Nіmechchini sharply fallen. The defeat of Stalingrad left behind the plans for an attack by Japan and Turkey on the Radyansky Union. Zmitsnila anti-Hitler coalition. A new beginning of the anti-fascist movement has begun. Opor near the krains.
The place on the Volz by right bears the title of the city-hero.

Chapter 23 - Day of victory of the Chervonoy Army over the Kaiser's troops of the Niemchyna (1918)

This is how our history has evolved, so that we can gradually prove our independence, and it is possible for Russia to be famous for its generals, and steadfastness and masculinity are unapplied in the blood of a Russian soldier.

In the first month of Radyansk rule, the Chervona Guard bula was built as a bulwark, in 1918, on the cob, there were over 460,000 inhabitants. By the forces of the innumerable and weakly trained military forces of the Red Guards, it was impossible to defend the country from the intervention of the regular armies of the Nimechchina, Austro-Ugric, Entente and organized military forces of opponents of the Bolsheviks from Russia itself. The old army could not vikonate, the soldiers did not want to fight, exhausted from the tractors of the first light war. The threat of the invasion of the German troops forced the Radyansk detachment to speed up the recruitment of the standing army in volunteer ambushes from the choice of the command warehouse. At the minds of another path to the creation of the military elements of the letters.
On September 15, 1918, there was a decree "On the organization of the Robot - Peasant Army", and on September 29 - "On the dissolution of the Russian fleet and the organization of the Robot - Peasant Red Fleet". In the fierce fate of 1918, when the Chervona Army was only just beginning to emerge, the Austro-German troops launched an offensive on the entire front, leading a headstrike against Petrograd. On February 23, 1918, the registration of volunteers to the Chervonoy Army and the formation of її parts began. The young Chervona Army, the Red Guard corrals, the sailors of the Baltic Fleet heroically beat the pressure of the German troops. Fired up battles near Pskov, Narva and Revel, the Chervonoarmiytsy were forced to keep their distance, and in the course of time and again the enemy of the young Radyansk Republic was destroyed.
Through the river, the first birth of the creation of the Chervonoy Army was marked, and from that hour on the 23rd of the fierce day Radianskaya Army and the Vіyskovo-Navy Fleet, and since 1992 - the Day of the Defenders of Vitchizn. The evil forces of Russia are experiencing an important hour today. Ide Viyskova reform, reorganization of z'ednan and parts. A lot of things have already been destroyed, the time has come for the power to bring respect to your army. The people and the army were united - the whole perevere was extinguished for an hour without guilt, but from the order of the day. Treat the army in these difficult times - henceforth, in this school, seriously prepare young people for service, make them physically and morally, turn to a valuable sign of the military-patriotic vihovannia, thoughtfully train young people, help them to the boss.
The day of the zahisnikіv vіtchizni has already long ago turned into a nationwide holy.


April 5 - Day of defeat by Russian soldiers of the German Livonian faces on the ice of Lake Peipsi (Battle of Ice. 1242)

The battle between the Russian soldiers and the Germans took place on April 5, 1242, on the ice of the western part of Lake Peipsi. Vaughn ended with a rout of the guards.
At the rocks of the German cross-bearers, Danish and Swedish feudal lords, the Mongol-Tatars of Batia Khan were rushing to the weakened Russia, the land that was at the same time ruined by the Mongol-Tatars. In 1240, the Swedes were defeated in the Nevi arm, and the Christian bearers of the Livonian Order plundered Izborsk, and then, for the help of the soldiers, the boyars on the choli with the mayor Tverdila Ivankovich - Pskov. Having taken the Koporsky tsvintar (1240 r.), the bearers built a fort here. In 1241, the stinks planned to bury Veliky Novgorod, Karelia and lands near the Nevi region. Prince Oleksandr Nevskiy arrived in Novgorod for a good night, and after 1240, after welding with a part of the Novgorod boyars, he had paid his bill. Zіbravshi viysko z novgorodtsіv, ladoga, іzhori i karelіv, vibiv vibiv 1241 Teutonic faces from Kopor'ya. The Novgorod army, before which the Volodymyr-Suzdal regiments arrived, entered the land of nature. Ale potim, unstoppably turning Skhid, Alexander Nevsky laid siege to Pskov and nevdovzі zvіlniv place. After this wine, I will re-transfer the Viysk Dії to the land of nature with the help of picking up the head forces of the Christian bearers and destroying them to the hour before them. The people took great strength, and, being enthralled by their cross, they destroyed them. The white of the village of Khammast, the Russian advanced zagіn under the ceramics of Domash and Kerbet, showing a great face of a warrior. At the battle, zagіn buv razbity, but those who lost their lives, they told about the approach of the cross-bearers. The Russian military came to Skhid. Oleksandr Nevsky roztashuvav russian army (15-17 thousand people) at the narrowest part of the Peipus Lake on the shore of the lake. Voronіy Kamin and nav'yazav vorogovі battle in the city he had chosen, that he tucked the way to Veliky Novgorod and Pskov. The army of the enemy - the lions' faces, the faces and soldiers of the Derpt and other bishoprics, the Danish cross-bearers - vishikulyas "line" ("pig", for the Russian chronicles). The plan of the enemy was broken in order to crush and destroy the Russian regiments with a blow of a tight armored "wedge".
On Svitanka on April 5, 1242, the German "wedge" rushed to the Russians and a battle began on the ice. Zmіvshi advanced zagіn, chrestoners vvozd that the battle stench won. Ale, Alexander Nevsky, hitting the side of the gate, smashing their lavi and defeating. The Russian troops achieved a great victory: 400 people were driven in and 50 were taken in full, more fell on the battlefield and the warriors from the miracle. The beaten faces ran to the west, and the Russian warriors followed them on the ice of Lake Peipus.
The victory of the Russian defense on Lake Peipsi is of little great historical significance, as the Donians are trying to apply the deacons of German historians. Vaughn sounded the passing of the cross-bearers of Skhid, that mav on the method of rooting and colonization of the Russian lands.

On May 9, 1945, the rest of the volleys of the war were brought to fate. The German fascism was united by the Zusills of the Ukrainian anti-Hitler coalition. Prote the main role of overcoming the fascist Nimechchina was played by the radian people of that її Zbroyni force. The Great Vitchiznyan War lasted 1418 days and nights. Dozens of millions of blue that daughters were spent by our Batkivshchyna - mothers. Historical significance of the victory of the SRSR in the Great Vitchiznian War of the Poles was not only in the strongest of their territories and the preservation of the integrity of their Batkivshchyna, but also among the strongest peoples of the European involuntary fascists. The defensive strategy of the Wehrmacht fell under the blows of the Radyansk troops and the bloc of fascist powers collapsed. Behind its scale, the Radian - German front is the main stretch of the battlefield. The Wehrmacht itself here, having spent over 73% of a special warehouse, up to 75% of tanks and artillery armaments, and over 75% of aircraft. At the end of the war, over 7500 days, and parts of the Chervonoy Army and the Viyskovo-Navy Fleet became order-bearing. Some of them were rewarded with orders for a sprig of times. The majestic number of those who were awarded orders and medals of the Radian people was reconciled to mention those that our people, as they accomplished the famous heroic deeds, were not alone. Navpaki, hundreds and thousands of warriors have lost their skin. Their contribution from the peremog was robbed and the Yamal people. 8982 individuals were called up from the rocky war to the Chervonoy Army from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The high title of Hero of the Radyansk Union was awarded to six Yamal warriors. Over 3,000 were awarded orders and medals, including 570 residents of the indigenous nationalities of Pivnochi - Nenets, Khanty, Selkups, Komi. However, the price paid by the peoples of the SRSR for the victory over fascism was exceedingly great. German-Fascist garrisoners often destroyed 1710 towns and settlements of the Russian type and over 70 thousand forces and forces, burned down and destroyed 32 thousand industrial enterprises, 98 thousand collective hospitals, 1876 hospitals. Direct material slaughter has reached a third of the entire national wealth of the country. At the front, near the crowd, on the territories that were paid off, perhaps 27 million deaths perished. Over 6 million people stooped at the fascist field.
On the Day of Peremogi, we commemorate the glory of the unparalleled feat of our people, warriors at the front, behind the front line, workers at the front. The Day of Peremogi is the day of mourning, the day of remembrance for the millions of those who perished and were martyred. At that very hour, the Great Vitchiznyan war showed the depth, advanced character, and spiritual strength of the Ryan people. At the hour of the war, in all greatness, the spiritual mity of our people appeared, selflessly entrusted to their Batkivshchyna, taken in battle for the right to the right, inactive in practice, ready to be sacrificed and saved in their prosperity of Vtchizni.

27 chervnya (8 lipnya) - Day of victory of the Russian army over the Swedes at the Battle of Poltava (1709 rec)

There was a Pivnichna war, as Russia led from Sweden for a break at the Baltic Sea. In April 1709, the year of Charles 12, who invaded the borders of Russia in 1708, began the taxation of Narva. The garrison, consisting of 4.2 thousand soldiers and 2.5 thousand military townspeople, successfully defeated a number of assaults. For example, the area was stormed by the head forces of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great. On 16(27) chervny 1709, fate was decreed to give a general battle.
Until 25 chervnya (6 lindens) the Russian army with 42 thousand people with 72 garmats was squandered at the fortified camp that it had created, 5 km on the pivnich from Poltavi. Charles 12, having attacked the Russian army, having won the victory, and sponkati Turechchina, stand up against Russia. Nearly 20 thousand people and 4 harmati were seen for the attack. The rest of the troops (about 10,000 people) were transferred to Poltava in the reserve and on the protection of communications.
On the 2nd year of the night, on the 27th chervnya (8 limes), the Swedish infantry fell in 4 columns on the Russian redoubts, followed by 6 columns of kіnnoti. After an inveterate two-year battle, the Swedes were able to shoot down 2 forward redoubts and the stench began to regroup to the left to bypass the transverse line of redoubts. With this, six Swedish battalions fought against the lead forces and went into the forest on the pivnich near Poltavi, were defeated by a film under the command of A. Menshikov and gave up.
Part of the Russian cinema, following the order of Peter, began to enter the camp. The Swedes rushed to the redutivs, and then they drank the artillery and flank fire from the camp and wandered helplessly into the Budishchensky forest. Close to 6 years old, the wound of Petro viviv army from the camp and prompting її at the two lines, mayuchi in the center of the infantry and on the flanks of A. Menshikov's kіnnot.
The camp had no reserves (9 battalions). The main forces of the Swedes were standing opposite the Russian troops. About the 9th year, hand-to-hand combat began, Russian cinematographed the enemy's flanks. The Swedes began the entrance, which pretended to be 11 years old for a troubleless run. The Russian cinema retried them all the way to Perevolochnaya, where the remnants of the Swedish army were completely abandoned. Charles 12 that hetman Mazepa with a small corral ran into the territory of the Ottoman Empire. The Swedes spent over 9,000 killed and over 18,000 taken, and the convoy, while the Russians spent 1345 were killed and 3290 wounded.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Poltava, the Swedish might of Sweden was broken and the war became a turning point in the greed of Russia.

15 lime - Day of victory of Russian warriors under the wire of Oleksandr Nevsky over the Swedish guards.

The battle between the Russians and the Swedes took place on 15 lime 1240. The method of the invasion of the Swedes was the suffocation of the mouth of the river Nevi and the place of Ladoga, which made it possible to open the most important village road from the "Varangians near the Greeks", which was under the control of Novgorod the Great. Otrimavsku about the appearance of the Swedes under the command of the son-in-law of King Erika IX Birger, Prince Oleksandr Yaroslavovich of Novgorod, without checking the progress of all his forces, tearing down the river Volkhov and earlier the Swedes wiyshov to Ladoga, where the squad of Ladoga arrived before it; at that hour, the Swedes with allies (Norwegians and Finns) reached the girl's Nar. Izhora.
Scurrying in the fog, the Russians uncontrollably attacked the Swedish tabir and defeated the enemy. Only the present dark weather stopped the battle and allowed the remnants of Birger's military, wounded by Oleksandr Yaroslavovich, to turn.
At the Battle of Nevsky, the Russian warriors Gavrilo Oleksich, Zbislav Yakunovych, Yakiv Polochanin and others were especially noted. for the commander’s mysticism and masculinity were revealed in the battle, they called Nevsky. The military and political significance of the Battle of Nevsky was at the forefront of threats of the guards piled up at the security of the cordons in Russia from the side of Sweden.

September 9, 1714 - Day of victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish squadron hit the Miss Gangut (peninsula of Hanko, Finland) near the Baltic Sea.

Yishov 1714 rec. May 15 years ago, the Trival is a blessing for Russia Pivnichna war. The Gangut battle between the Russian and Swedish fleets played a significant role in the outcome of the Pivnichnoy war of 1 years, which was favorable for Russia.

So that there was enough news about the departure of Russia to the Baltic Sea, as controlled by the Swedes, it was necessary to hit the Swedish fleet. For example, in 1714, the Russian rowing fleet under the command of Admiral General stood in the middle of the safe coast of Gangut. The way to the Russian fleet blocking the Swedish fleet under R. Vatrang's stonework.
Tsar Peter I zastosuvav tactful maneuver. After breaking part of your galleys, throw them into the skerry area on the peninsula from Gangut through the isthmus of the pivostrov, the zavdovka 2.5 kilometers. Having found out about it, Vatrang sent the bank of the pivnіchny uzberezhzha of the pіvostrova to the zagіn. Under the command of Rear Admiral Erenskiöld. Іnshiy zagіn pіd kerіvnitstvom vіtse-admiral Lіllіv vіn virіshiv vykoristati for avdannya blow on the lead forces of the russian fleet.
Peter I, having checked such a decision, hurried under the hem of the opponent. Tsyumu hid the weather. On the 6th of September, there was no wind and the Swedish sailing ships lost their maneuverability. The avant-garde of the Russian fleet under the command of the commander, breaking through the ravine, hugging the Swedish ships, and getting out of reach of their fire. After the first corral, I broke through the next corral. In this rank, the need for perevolok vіdpala. Zagin Zmaevich having blocked the zagin of Yerensheld on the island of Lakkisser.
Vatrang vydklikav zagіn Lilli, zvіlnivshi in such a rank coastal fairway. Having speeded up, Apraksin, with the lead forces of the rowing fleet, broke through the coastal fairway to his vanguard. About the 14th year of the 7th, the Russian avant-garde at the warehouse of 23 ships attacked the Erenskiold bay, which prompted their ships along the curved line, offending the flanks of which pressed into the islands. Two attacks of Russian ships against the Swedes were driven away by the fire of the ship's armatures. The third attack of the Russian squadron was directed against the flank ships of the Swedes, which did not allow the enemy to gain superiority in artillery. Nezabar they took them for boarding and zahopili. Petro especially took the fate of the boarding attack, showing the sailors an example of masculinity and heroism. After a fierce battle, the flagship Swedish ship was built. All 10 ships were buried in the Erenskiöld corral.
The Russians have resurrected the mustaches of the European lands! Cunningly planning and defeating the great Viysk fleet for the help of more than rowboats, no one else went into it. The victory of the battle of the Gangut Pivostrov became a great victory of the Russian regular fleet. Vaughn secured freedom for him in Finnish and Botanical tributaries, effective support of Russian troops in Finland. Petro having equated this victory to the glorious victory of Poltava and having punished him with the gold and silver medals of the city from the images of his portrait from one side, the scene of the battle - from the other. Wrote on the medal saying: " diligence and fidelity will change greatly. Lipnya 27 days 1714 fate ". This medal was awarded to 144 officers and 2813 soldiers and non-commissioned officers, who took part in this naval battle without intermediary.

One of the great battles Another world war was the Battle of Kursk. At the birch tree of 1943, the fate of the Radian-Nimets front, having settled so the titles of the Kursk ledge. Here the Hitlerite command planned to attack with a method to sharpen those ranks of the Radian military, to take a strategic initiative, to prevent the collapse of the fascist bloc. Before the beginning of the battle, a grouping was created (Central and Voronezsky fronts) of 1336 thousand firearms, over 19 thousand garmats and mortars, 3444 tanks and self-propelled guns, 2172 aircraft. New tank formations were being formed, and now they were no longer mixed up, as it was in 1942, but of a uniform warehouse. The enemy for the offensive operation "Citadel" on Kursk directly, having captured the army groups "Center" and "Pivden": 50 divisions, of which a third - tanks and motorized. The battle near Kursk broke out on the 5th lime. The Radyansk warriors went over to the defensive defense, having prepared ahead of time. Plich-o-plіch with our pilots fought the pilots of the French air regiment "Normandie". The battle ended in a miserable defeat for the Wehrmacht. The enemy was put over a pivmillion of soldiers and officers, 1,500 tanks, 3,000 garmats, and over 1,700 aircraft. The victory at the Battle of Kursk forced the Nimechchina and its allies to go on the defensive in all theaters of the Other World War.

Battle of Borodino - general battle Vytchiznyanoi war 1812 between Russian and French troops - it became 8 spring (26 September) 1812 near the village of Borodino (124 km to the stop from Moscow). Here, Field Marshal M. Kutuzov, victoriously gave a decisive battle to the French army. The Russian army was about 12 thousand inhabitants at 640 garmats, and Napoleon's army - 130 thousand inhabitants and 587 garmats. The numerical advance of the French was smoothed out by the advance of the Russian artillery. The battle began on Svitanka on the 7th of spring with a cannonade from both sides. The head blow of the French fell on the left flank of the Russian army, commanded by General Bagration. Zav'yazavsya baked bіy. For a long time the French did not go into the evil of the Russians. Gibayuchi thousands of Russians stood to their death. Bulo and Bagration were mortally wounded. The masculinity of the Russian soldiers and their arrogance allowed Kutuzov to throw part of the troops from the right flank to the center. The French were unable to break through the center of the Russian army. From now on, the offending armies were led out of the battlefield. The French spent at this battle, for their pranks, over 28 thousand inhabitants, and, for the tribute of the Russians, from 50 to 58 thousand inhabitants, and 49 generals. The Russians spent 45.6 thousand people, including 29 generals. The Russian army was picking up the vranci to continue the battle. However, the discord in the rows and the number of days in the reserve (the reserve in the Russian army had less than 5 thousand people, and in the French - 19 thousand) forced Kutuzov to deprive the battlefield and bring the army to Moscow. The Russian army marched to Moscow, in full order and without a shadow of snowfall near the military. Navpaki, hatred and rightly avenge boulli panіvnim mood. Directly following the Battle of Borodino, it was "... the arrival of Napoleon from Moscow, the return of the old Smolensk road, the death of the invasion and the death of Napoleonic France, as if the hand of a strong-willed enemy had been placed in front of it."

Spring 11 - Day of the victory of the Russian squadron under command over the Turkish squadron beat Misu Tendra (1790)

The history of Russia proves that our country constantly fought for a way out to the sea. The entire 18th century went to the top of the problem. The arrival of the Crimea to Russia in 1783 and the settlement of the Russian fleet on the Black Sea brought the Russian-Turkish ships to the point of complete settlement. PIDBURUVANA Angliyu that franziyu, Turkey in the Serpni 1787 Rokuyeded the Rosya Ultimatum, Ale rewriting Richesuu Vidmova, she romocated Vіina і at Viyskovsky di, on the Chornaya Moroda of the Solden, Yako Kiro Kiro, Urzdi Kirojd. The protege garrison of the fort on the island of the famous commander, having defeated all the attacks and thrown off the fortune-telling landing at the sea.
In spring 1790, the Turks landed a hard 40,000-strong landing force in Anapa. After the landing of the landing force in Krim, in the Kerch region. However, the new commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear Admiral, passed on his idea. Only the wind and windshields were winding the Turks in the face of a new blow. Tsei bey, which became the first independent operation of Ushakov, showing that a new talented naval commander had appeared. Like before Suvorov, I looked back over the tactful tricks and stopped my original tactics. The main elements were a daring maneuver, a brilliant attack of the enemy without trivial stereotyped interruptions. Having tried the fortune-telling landing and not knowing the cost, Ushakov virishiv, that the hour has come to lay the edge of the panuvannya of the Turks on the sea. The Russian fleet, having begun an active search of the enemy, with the method of imposing a general battle on you and defeating Yogo. In the end of 1790, Ushakov became aware of the appearance of the Turks in the Ochakov region. Vіn negoyno vivіv the entire fleet and directing yoga to the arm of the Dnipro.
On the 28th, the Russians revealed a fortune-telling squadron of the beating island of the food island under the name of Tendra. At the warehouse there were 14 linear ships, 8 frigates, 23 auxiliary vessels, and there were 1400 garmats on board. Commanding the Turkish squadron, Kapudan Pasha Hussein.
The Russian squadron again gave in to the Turkish numbers. At the warehouse there were 10 linear ships, 6 frigates, 20 auxiliary ships, about 830 garmats, 1 bombarding ship. Ushakov won the attack of the opponent, vikoristovuyuchi factor raptovostі. The Turks were burying the znenatska and did not want to accept the bey. The stench chopped off the yakirnі ropes and began to go up to the mouth of the Danube. The Russian ships began to reconsider the enemy, and then they fastened yoga to the darkness.
On the 29th Svitanka, the Russian squadron again overtook the Turks. During the baked attack, 2 enemy ships of the line were destroyed. The Russian frigates continued to search for the Turkish ships, burying three more and missing sprats of small fortune-telling ships. Under the hour of the battle, the Turks spent over 2,000 people, including over 700 - they were taken. The Russian fleet, without using a ship, 25 crews were wounded and 21 sailors were killed. In this rank, on September 28-29 (February 11), 1790, Rear Admiral Ushakov, having gained a brilliant victory over Tendra Island, overwhelmed the enemy’s forces into a reckless flow. The strategic victory of the Russians on the sea was up to the end of the war after the Turks began to unify the stars with the impossible "Ushak Pasha". The Russian fleet, having become the ruler of the Black Sea, having provided significant assistance to the land army during the capture of the Turkish forts of Kіlikіya, Tulcha and Isakcha, and transporting that sea blockade of the Danube. For the support of the river courts on 11 December 1790, the famous assault and capture by the military of Suvorov of the most intense Turkish fortress - Izmail, which was the rest of the way to the Balkans.
In honor of the great naval commander Ushakov, the Order of Ushakov was founded in 1944. We are rewarded for outstanding successes in the expansion, carried out and safe sea operations, after which in the battles for the Batkivshchyna we achieved victory over a numerically superior enemy. achieved success at the lower forces of the enemy’s fleet and yogo coastal bases, strengthening the succession of a rapt and decisive strike, establishing on the basis of mutual interdependence of forces and helping the fleet.
The Order of the Name is one of the greatest awards for an officer of the fleet. I would not have fought the Russian and Radian sailors with the enemy, the stench of the stench was constantly cultivating the immutable rule of the eminent naval commander "Do not respect the enemies, they are beaten!".

At spring 1380, the Battle of Kulikovo took place - the battle of the Russian military under the wire of the Grand Duke of Moscow and Volodymyr Dmitry Ivanovich Donsky with the Mongol-Tatar troops of Khan Mamai. Up to 300 thousand warriors settled on the Kulikivsky field. Under the ensign of Dmitr, there was no military at that hour, which was available from 100 to 150 thousand warriors. The people’s militia became the main mass of yoga, and the main core was Muscovites, warriors of the lands, who recognized the power of the Moscow prince, Ukrainian and Belarusian corrals.
Zavdyaks of the correct fighting attitude, the stamina of the Russian warriors, to the dear vikoristan reserve - the ambush regiment, at the critical moment of the battle the enemy was to be defeated. Spent from both sides they piled close to 200 thousand people killed and wounded.
The battle on the Kulikovo field played an inestimable role for the farther part of our Batkivshchyna. And although the Russian people needed more than a hundred years of inveterate, self-confessed struggle for a complete siege under the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the poor defeat of the Golden Horde on the Kulikovo field became the beginning of its collapse. Vaughan could no longer create panuvannya over the Russian lands, and in 1480 she spent more than half of it. The immortal feat of the heroes of the battle on the Kulikovo field, called by the people the field of Russian glory. The memory of the new one is alive with bilins and opovіds, works of literature and art.

1st day - Day of the victory of the Russian squadron under the command over the Turkish squadron beat Misu Sinop (1853)

From the beginning of the Crimean war, the Anglo-Turkish command prepared a great offensive against the Russian army at the Caucasian theater. Close to 20 thousand troops of the Turkish army with strong artillery were stationed near the Batumi region for landing in the regions of Pot and Sukhumi. There was a rush to the Turks from the side of the nationalistic pens of Shamil. Tsimi forces were transferred to fight the Russian army in Russia, in the Pivdenny Caucasus.
An important role was played in these plans by the Turkish squadron, which went from Constantinople to the Caucasian coast to support the Turkish troops and mountaineers. Nakhimov's squadron (3 ships of the line) blocked the Turkish squadron in the Sinop Bay. The entire Russian squadron was formed from six linear ships and two frigates with artillery in 716 garmats.
The Turkish squadron under the command of Osman Pasha was composed of 16 ships with 472 garmats and was covered with 38 garmats of 6 coastal batteries.
Nakhimov, vrakhovuyuchi mozhlivanya priyannya to the Turks from the side of the Anglo-French fleet, who was in the Bosporus, in less than two crossings to Sinop, attacking the Turkish squadron for 30 leaves. Bey began about the 12th year of the 30th hvilinі wound and it was three years before the 17th year.
Under the bag of yoga, there was an increase in the number of Turkish ships and all coastal batteries. The Turks spent over 3 thousand people killed and wounded in the Battle of Sinop. Commander Osman Pasha, 2 commanders of the ship and 200 sailors were taken from a full buli. The Russians were beaten - 38 osib, and wounded - 235 osib.
The Battle of Synopsis is the last battle in the history of the Vitril Fleet. At the Battle of Sinop, the Russian squadron showed a glimpse of an offensive naval battle, the result of which was the downfall of a strong enemy squadron at the core. The defeat of the Turkish squadron significantly weakened the naval forces of Turechchini and led a strong blow to the Anglo-Turkish plans to slaughter the Caucasus.

5th chest - Day of the beginning of the counteroffensive of the Radianian troops against the German - fascist troops at the battle near Moscow (1941).

The autumn of 1941 turned out to be very unfriendly for our evil forces. The enemy rushed to Moscow. On the 20th of Zhovtnya, a camp of oblogs was introduced near the city, adjacent to the new areas. The whole country rose to the defense of the capital. From the Urals, from Siberia, Central Asia, echelons with military, military equipment, ammunition, winter uniforms, food went. Nebezpeka, which hung over Moscow, even more scurried our people.
Opіr our viysk on Volokolamsky, Mozheysky and Maloyaroslavsky directly grew steadily. Until the end of the next hour, the pace of the fortune-telling attack on Moscow dropped sharply, and the unfortunate opponent of the rebellion went on the defensive. Regardless of the proximity to the front, Moscow saw the traditional military parade on Chervoniy Square.
In those days, on the sides of the newspaper "Chervona Zirka" the words of the political officer of the 316th Strile Division were heard: "Great is Russia, and the way out of nowhere is Moscow behind."
On the cob of breasts in 1941, the spivvіdnoshennia of forces on the front strategic direction has changed. The enemy still maw under Moscow numerical superiority, but she was no longer superior. To switch to a counterattack, it was necessary to choose the moment, if the enemy’s offensive capabilities are already exhausted, but still not able to go over to the defensive.
The basis of the offensive of the Russian troops under Moscow was the following plan: a rapid strike on enemy tank groups that would threaten Moscow. The capital was given to the Germans as close as possible. The offensive of the Russian troops from Kalinin to Yeltsya was slow to the middle of the chest, the enemy's grouping of the enemy entered. Throwing equipment, flooding the snow with thousands of corpses, and wounded Germans stepped forward hastily.
Until the end of the breast of the Kalinin Front, Staritsa was framed, and they reached Rzhev and Zubtsova. Forging hundreds of settlements, the warriors of the first front pushed their way along the Rzhev straight for 120 km.
The ROZGRU NIMETSKO-FASHIST VIISK PID by Moscow, which has become a virisal fate of Viyni I, the great part of the other Svitovi Vіinі, the Nazzhdi Rosvizhiye legend about non-transit an Army.
The Kerivnik Reich was faced with the need for a protracted war. Sensitive Bula and Skoda enemy - under the hour of the winter campaign, Hitler's tribunals condemned 62 thousand soldiers and officers for desertion, self-imposed withdrawal, reluctantly thin. Bulo was put in jail for 354 generals.
The battle of Moscow is small and of great international significance. Vaughn stole the anti-Hitler coalition and weakened the bloc of fascist powers, forced the rulers of Japan and Turechchini to rise up from the ledge beyond Nimechchini. Involuntarily by Hitler, the peoples gained a war against the fascist yoke and intensified the war against the rebels. 36 thousand of our warriors were awarded orders and medals, 110 were awarded the title of Hero. Moscow also took away the city - it became a city-hero. Numerical monuments and memorials have been erected near Pdmoskov on the battlefields.
After the end of the war, the marshal wrote: "If you ask me what I remember the most from the past war, I will forever confirm: the battle for Moscow."

For modern authors, it has long since become a sleeping place, that on the 23rd of February, 1918, the young Chervona Army did not achieve the annual victories, but it was sacredly zapochatkovo from the good luck of the Decree on the organization of the Robotic-Peasant Chervona Army. And 23 more fierce bullets were published for the sake of the People’s Commissars “Socialistic witchery in heaven!” and there was a massive enrollment of volunteers to the Chervonoy Army and sent to the front against the Austro-German troops that were advancing.

Decree on the establishment of the RSCA
But all the same, this day the victory was won and on the 23rd of this fierce fate we can mark 95 fates from the day of the defeat by the Red Army of the Romanian occupiers near Ribnitsa. For a long time this episode, having been rebuked by the zabutti, the commander of the Radyansk troops on the front was the leader of the leviy eser Mikhailo Muravyov, Lieutenant Colonel of the Russian Army.
Nazhgada, the Kyivska is central to the 20th leaf fall 1917 Roku voted in the storage of the Ukrainian folk republiki at the federal federations, at the TSOMU before the Teritatorial, the Khersonski, Katerinoska, Tavriyku (without Krimu Tunsku (without Krimu Kurmska, Tavri Kurmska Tavri Kurmska Tavri Kurmsk. Well, it’s true, a lot of what was lost on equal declarations: the real power of the Radi, for the knowledge of її kerіvnikіv, did not stretch beyond the borders of the Kiev outskirts, and the lands of Novorosiya were controlled by the power of the mіstsevih Rada.
On the 25th of December, the First Star of the Rada of Ukraine, which voted for the Radyansk UNR, and the Central Rada was voted down by the law, was born at Kharkiv. The unauthoritative Kiev regime for 5 days, having gained power over the greater part of the territory of Ukraine, the military of the Central Republic was broken up, and the number of low cities and provinces was reduced. In fact, no one commanded the troops of the Ukrainian army. The warriors of the numerical "kurenivs" and "koshivs" sat in the barracks, rallied and passively checked, if the Muraviovs came and rose for the devil. On the 8th of the fierce radian war they took Kiev.

Poster by Volodymyr Fidman
However, a difficult situation arose at that time in New Russia. The Kingdom of Rumunia in Persh svitova vіynu for a long time virishuval, on which side to step forward, in a gypsy way, pretending a zisk. Zreshtoy, King Ferdinand vyrishiv, that victory was on the side of the Entente and voicing war on the Central European Alliance. As a result, the Germans and the Bulgarian troops quickly paid for the entire country, the detachment vtik to Yas, and the Russian army had a chance to push the front line even more for the invasion of the new "ally".
And after the Zhovtnevoi revolution, a small hut on the Danube River blew up under the guise of showing its teeth and drinking more clothes. If, like the fate of 1917, the “self-demomobilization” of the Russian soldiers began, the Romanians began to churn out the reserves of the army. Vikhati from the front is possible only if you have left everything to him. Then the occupation of the lands of the Russian Republic began to rise. On December 7, 1917, two regiments of the Romanian army crossed the river Prut and occupied a sprat of cordon villages to buy food. And on the cob of September 1918, the fate of the city began to swell. Bulo paid off Bolgrad, Cahul, Leovo, Ungeni. 6th day of roaming-translvantsiv іz kolishnіh Austro-Ugric polonenyh buv directions to the flooding of Chisinau. Diali stench on the kshtalt "echelon war" - they arrived by train just a passenger station. But here they were taken in by the Red Guards and they were razzbrooked. On September 8, a great offensive of the enemy began. Workers drive Bulo impossible yoga stream. After three days of fighting on September 13, Chisinau was built. Bloody battles took place in Izmail, Kili, Akkerman, near the pubs of Bessarabia. The legendary sailor-anarchist Zheleznyak - Anatoly Zheleznyakov, the commander of the fleet, who fought against Rumunia, the head of the Revolutionary Headquarters of the Danube Flotilla, guarded the defense of Vilkov. Bendery found herself trimming. The place was occupied by soldiers of the 5th and 6th Zaamursky regiments, the robotic corrals of that militia militia. The assault on September 29 was witnessed. 2 fierce Romanians escaped to the mist, but through the Dnister they sent reinforcements and they killed the occupiers. And all the same, the 7th fierce place fell. Nearly 3,000 people signaled to the locomotive depot from Rumuni; outer garment and the whole day trimali in the cold. Nearly 500 people were shot at the depivsky fence, they called it “Chornim”. We'll perish the monument on any place.
On September 26, 1918, the RRFSR officially opened water from Rumunia, which began the occupation of Bessarabia (and sequestered a gold reserve, which was brought from Bucharest to Moscow). Prote could really stand against the Romanians radianska vlady, one of them was the Odessa Radianska Respublika, established on September 18, 1918, on a part of the Kherson and Bessarabia provinces.
Formation of the enemy forces of the ZRR went right. The real force of the army was less than 4 and 6 Russian armies of the Romanian front. The guards in the region of Tiraspol self-organized into the "Special Army" with the chosen command. The commander was the Leviy eser Petro Lazarev. The number of people at once from the armored forces of the Odessa Republic, the ice fought 5-6 thousand men, of which 1200 were cavalry, up to 1500 were infantry. Others represented the masses of tiloviks, ezdovikhs, guards, yaki dressers.
The Central Vikonavchy Committee of the Council of the Rumunian Front, the Black Sea Fleet and the Odesa Region (Kherson, Bessarabska, Tavriysk, part of the Podilsk and Volinsky provinces) came forward as an organizational force for the region, shortly RUMCHEROD. Vіn bu v utvoreniya on 1 front line and regional star Happy 10–27 May 1917 in Odessa. The greatness at Rumcherod lay on the back of the Menshoviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries, as they supported the Timchas order. On the 16th of December, the head of the Chervonoy Army, Mykola Krylenko, released Rumcherod, which does not inspire the mood and will of the soldiers and sailors. On the 2nd star, I'm glad, that on the 23rd of the day, a new warehouse was built, so that I will recognize the radian order and praise the yogo policy. There were 180 deputies: 70 bіshovikіv, 55 livih eserіv, 23 village deputies, 32 deputies from other factions. Volodymyr Yudovsky became the head of Rumcherod and later the Radnarkom of the Odessa Republic. The Viyska Tsentralna For the sake of (haidamaks) those junkers, who saved loyalty to the Temporal order, after 4-day battles were defeated and on September 17, 1918, the fate of Odesa was driven out. On September 23, Rumcherod voted for the Romanian war.
After a few moments on the Dniester, the Romanian command was called for a truce for the period of negotiations, and the 8th of the fierce was put down. The Rumuni did not check the support, but the brand, their army was not able to fight. In the minds of the strong offensive of the Ryansk troops of Odessa, the Rada of People's Commissars established a special Supreme Collegium for the struggle against the Romanian and Bessarabian counter-revolution on the basis of Khristian Rakovsky, who, having intervened in the negotiations of Rumcherod, presented the Romanians with an ultimatum about the negaine was cleared. Rumunia started yoga and the conversation was interrupted on the 15th of the fierce.

Odessa republic
Appointments of the 14th fierce commander of the front, Muravyov, having read the telegram of V.I. Vіn podomiv, scho from Podillya to Bessarabia go vіrnі bіshovik part of the 8th army and zaproponuvav with them unite. With a head stretching doby, they transfer echelons of 3,000 of their soldiers from the east of Kiev to the Dniester in the Bendery region, and they themselves destroy to Odessa, de-robbing the headquarters of the front. Zvіdsi vіn sent a telegram to Lenin: “Becoming super-serious. The military front was disorganized, in fact the front did not have much, they were deprived of their headquarters, the place for which they were not assigned. Nadiya is less likely to support calls. The Odessa proletariat is disorganized and politically unwritten. Regardless of those that the enemy is approaching to Odessa, the stench does not think to boast.
On February 20, 1918, the fate of the Radyansk military under the command of Muravyov began a decisive attack on Bendery. Here the Romanian regiment was beaten up, three harmati were slaughtered. Parts of the 8th army, which came, were given the command to advance on the Balti-Ribnitsa line.
In the book of A. Sobolev "The Red Fleet near Gromadyansky Vyny" (1926) it is stated: "Romanian troops, who invaded the borders of Bessarabia, quickly choked up the rest and began to hang on the line of the river Dnister. However, we organized parts of our army, creating at this moment Rumcherod, far away in the area on the back of the Dnistrovsky estuary, to stop the enemy’s attack, and three more, after the battle at Bender (110 miles to the front of the Dniester river), to defeat the enemy. Tim for an hour on the pіvnіch vіd kerovanih comrade. Muraviovim Chervonogvardijskie chastiny 23 Fierce 1918 the fate of the Romans zhorstoka porazka near Ribnitsa, on the Dnistrі (100 versts to the pivnіchniy skhіd from Chisinau), moreover, we buried up to 40 garmats.
Successful battles lasted six days. The Rumuni were also divided in the Slobodze region, on the Rezina-Sholdanesti line, they took a sensitive blow in the Kitskan region. Until the 2nd birch, 1918, Muravyov's military life was left to try and settle in Transnistria. The Romanian army was slaughtered 15 garmatas and a large number of arrows, 500 Romanian soldiers were consumed by the full. The rout at Ribnitsa, showing the immaturity of the Romanian army to serious combat actions.
On the cob of birch 1918, the battles on the approaches to Akkerman broke the rock. The defense of the place was strengthened by the bilshovik - commissar M. Shishman. Mobilization was carried out near the bula and the 1st Bessarabian Regiment and the Akerman Front (30 km from the place) were created, with the forces of 2,000 bagnets, which made up the defense against the Romanian army until 9 June 1918. Muravyov navit, having propagated Moscow, attacked Chisinau - Iasi with the forces of his army, in order to spread the revolution of the world from Moldova and Romania. Vіn also rozroblyaє plans for redeployment pіd Akkerman 2 thousand soldiers and attack near Bіk Izmail.
Rumunia hurried to propagate the talks. The stink took place in Odessa and Yassy. A joint protocol on the attachment of the Radian-Romanian conflict to the conflict was signed by the Romanian Prime Minister Averescu on the 5th of June, and the representatives of the Radians, including Muravyov, on the 9th of February. Rumuniya goiter was a stretch of two months to bring its own war from Bessarabia and not to work the annual war and fortune tellers of the RRFSR. On the 8th day of Chervona, the Army withdrew the order to take military action against the Romanian military.
However, after a few days after negotiations with representatives of the German Empire and the Austro-Ugric region, the Romanian side annulled the peace treaty Radyansk Russia. At the same time, Rumunia leaves the alliance with the Entente and falls under the German-Austrian inflow. The representative of the Romanian order, Arzhetoyanu, signed a separate peace treaty with Buft, the representative of the Central Powers, the German General Mackensen. Nіmechchina and the Austro-Ugric region allowed Romania to pay for Bessarabia. The royal order of minds, that the Austro-Nimets military, who rushed on the cob the birth of 1918 to the fate of Kiev and Vinnytsia, will be in Odessa from day to day and will be poor or rush to enter the army of Muravyov. This is explained by those who already on the 9th of Birch, 1918, having forgotten about their goiter for the contract, Rumuniya zahoplyu Akkerman (Ninishniy Bіlgorod-Dnistrovskyi) and the Susidnє village of Shabo, having completed the occupation of Pivdenny Bessarabia (Budzhak). Among other Romanians, they repeated the way of the Vignano from Kiev Central Radi, the representatives of which, exactly one month earlier, signed an agreement with Brest-Litovsk from the German Empire and the Austro-Ugric region. The German military "peacekeepers" were allowed to go to the territory of Ukraine and solve the problems of food supply there. 450,000 soldiers straightened up on the fertile expanse, so that, like the ninth Ukrainian historians, the Bilshovites and the independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic are stubborn. In this rank, Ukraine in 1918 vryatuval fate fortune teller of the empire in famine and small and far away be squandered її barns.
And in that forgotten war, spend revolutionary battles on the Danube, Akkerman and Pridnestrovian fronts, it’s definitely not known to historians, as they are engaged in this period. But you can let it go that in the battles with the Romanian soldiers near Budzhaku and Pridnistrov, 1.5 to 2 thousand soldiers perished.
On the eve of the Odessa Republic, the battle began with the troops of the Austro-Ugric region. Until the 3rd birch, the Austrian troops, having buried Podillya, reached the Balti, where the camps of the UPR army were concentrated. The appearance of the Austrian parts near the Baltic threatened the tilam and the commander of the Pvdenny Radyansk armies M. Muravyov, punishing the parts of the 3rd Odessa army with the zupinity of passing the Austro-German military uzdovzh lines Pivdenno-Zakhidnoy zaliznitsi and close the front Dnister - Birzula - Pomichna - Znam'yanka.
On 5-7 birch, battles were sharpened between chervonims and the Austro-Ugric army beat the stations of Slobidka and Birzula (nine metro station Kotovsk). Before the speech, the defense of Birzuli was commanded by the same legendary sailor Zheleznyak, the “liquidator” of the Installations. In these battles, the Austrians spent over 500 soldiers and officers driven in. Innumerable and poorly organized parts of the Odessa army could not resist the enemy's regular army and began to advance. The Austrian soldiers, having buried Birzula, hit the Rozdilna station, which takes a year to travel from Odesa. It became clear that there was no place for the Belarusians.
Odessa is glad to propagate the building of the city without a fight (296 votes for evacuation, 77 against), relying on the passivity of the masses. Rumcherod also recognized the defense of Odesa by marna. Ants buv zmusheny vіddati order about vіdstup. On the 12th of June, the Mіska Duma took over the power in Odessa, and it was in charge of the Austrian command for the uninterrupted evacuation of the Red Army. On the coming day, parts of the Austrian troops under the kerry of General Kosh occupied the place without a fight. The Republic of Odessa has pinned its reason at the link with the occupation. Radyansk vlad evacuated to Sevastopol on the ships "Sinop", "Rostislav", "Almaz" at once from archives, valuables and military lane.
Documentary epilogue.
On December 26, 1940, the People's Commissar of the USSR V.M. Molotov handed the note to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Romania G.Davidescu: Unity of Bessarabia, populated mainly by Ukrainians, with the Ukrainian Radianian Republic. The Radyansk Union did not put up with the fact of the forcible invasion of Bessarabia ...
Now, if the military weakness of the SRSR has entered the region of the past, the Radyansk Union respects for the necessary and in its own time, in the interests of justice, rozpochat together with Rumunia negain vypishennya about turning Bessarabia to the Radyansk Union.
The SPSR of the SRSR, Pitannya about the turn of the Bessarabi Organized Patannyam to the Radyansky Union of the TII PARNI of Bukovini, the populated of the same bailhhosti ovyanskoye, Ukrainians, Yak Svlnista, so, so much, so much of the movia, so. Such an act would be more just, that the transfer of the peninsular part of Bukovina to the Radyansk Union could reveal, really, only an insignificant world, the blessings of this majestic shkoda, as it was given to the Radyansk Union that the population of Bessarabia 22-river in Bessaramunan.
The order of the SRSR preaches to the Royal order of Rumunia:
1. Turn Bessarabia to the Radian Union.
2. Transfer to the Radyansk Union the pivnіchnu part of Bukovina at the borders of the vіdpovіdno before the map is added.
The order of the SRSR is conspicuous, that the Royal order of Romania will accept the right propositions of the SRSR and they will give the opportunity to resolve the conflict between the SRSR and Romania in a peaceful way, which will drag on.
The Kingdom of Romania could not follow these propositions. More precisely, it didn’t rhyme.

For reading and publication no more 15 min

On the 23rd of the fierce in Russia, one of the brightest and most chanted saints in our country is celebrated - the Day of the defender of the Motherland.

The history of which is holy begins from the day of the victory of the Chervonoy Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Niemchi in 1918. During the whole day, drive the Red Army, which is being formed, rattled the enemy on the steps to Petrograd.

At the fate of the Radianskaya vlady, the wines were celebrated as the Day of the Radianskaya Army and the Viysk-Navy Fleet, with the skin fate of the true national character. Sacredly gave the honorability of all our spivvitchizniks, to us in front of people, to the defense of this family, the Batkivshchyna, to the wines of old Russian traditions.

From 1992, the 23rd of the fierce is celebrated as the Day of the defender of Vitchizni. This day of shouting, tell us more than anything about those who at once carried a difficult military service in the lava of the Russian Formidable Forces, and having given the strength of that life, the hour of defense of their country.

Decree of the President Russian Federation No. 32-FZ "About the days of the Victory Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia" in 1995 on the 23rd of the fierce inclusions before the retelling of the days of the Victory Glory of Russia.

The end of the first light war

persha light war 1914-1918 pp. was the result of a protest against imperialism, uneven development of capitalist lands. The largest cities were founded between Great Britain - the oldest capitalist power - and the economically powerful Nimechchina, the interests of which converged in rich regions of the earth's backwoods, especially in Africa, Asia, at the Close Descent. This super-nativity was transformed into a baked struggle for panuvannya on the world market, the suffocation of foreign territories and the economic captivity of other peoples.

The hosts were also rooted in the Nietzsche and France.

The interests of Nіmechchini and Russia were the leading ranks at the Close Descent and the Balkans. Kaiserivska Nіmechchina also broke into trade in Russia, Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states. Super strengths were founded and between Russia and the Austro-Ugric region through the bazhanya on both sides to establish their panuvannya in the Balkans.

The super strengths between the imperial powers made a significant contribution to the alignment of forces in the international arena, the enlightenment of the political unions that stand one against the other. In Europe, for example, 19 - on the cob of the 20th century, two largest blocks were established - the Trinity Union, which included Nimechchina, Austro-Ugric and Italy; that Entente at the warehouse of England, France and Russia.

Creation of the robotic-peasant Red Army (RKKA)

After the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917, Russia actually left the war. "Light - to the peoples!" - such was extinguished from the first days of its foundation, the Radyansk state voted, proclaimed to all the lands that they should fight, start fighting on the fronts of the first world war and make peace. On the 2nd of the month at Brest-Litovsk, an agreement about a truce was signed, and later negotiations about peace began.

The regiments of the old tsarist army were disbanded, their soldiers, tormented by trench warfare, broke home. Ale peacefully re-repairing bula was unhappy.

Trotsky and the “levites of communism” were the main opponents of the way the world was organized. Trotsky, like a delightful radian peaceful delegation in Brest, hanging out "No peace, no war" and declaring that the Radiansk region of the annexationist world did not sign, but instead of ending it, I would demobilize the army again.

Having speeded up the winter, the German command on the 18th of the fierce began to attack with great forces along the entire Russian-German front. On February 21, 1918, the Kaiser's Niemechchina, having broken the truce, brought down its troops on Petrograd.

Peace talks were interrupted. Nezabar it became clear - the new power of the enemy will not give peace and її happen to protect the zі zbroєyu in the hands. Therefore, in 1918, the Rada of the People's Commissars praised the Decree on the creation of the Robotic-Peasant Chervonoi Army (RKKA). Vaughn was created with the largest gatherings and organized representatives of the working people.

The Radyansky detachment turned to the people from the beasts: "Socialist Batkivshchyna in Nebezpetsi!". Thousands and thousands of volunteers looked up to the new and joined the newly created parts of the Red Army. The spirit of patriotism, love until the Motherland forever became the sour rice of the peoples that inhabit Russia.

Both the old and the young went to the defense of the Motherland. On the 22nd and especially on the 23rd, near Petrograd, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and other places, with a majestic podium, rallies of workers were held, at which decisions were made about entering the lavas of the Chervonoy Army and partisan pens. Nearly 60 ths. osіb, of them close to 20 yew. once sent to the front.

On the 23rd of fierce 1918, the regiments of the Chervonoy Guards were already driven out and fought against the enemy and launched their attack near Pskov and Narva. This day and vvozhavshis in the afternoon the people of the Chervonoy Army. So, in the battles for the freedom of the Batkivshchyna, an army of a new type was born - the Robotic-selyanskaya red army.

During 1918-1920, 98 riflemen and 29 cavalry divisions, 61 air squadrons, artillery and armored units were organized. Until the autumn of 1920, the number of the Red Army reached 5.5 million people. But the most important problem of military life at this hour was the training of command personnel, without which it was impossible to create a regular army. Nevipadkovo already on the cob 1919 rock near the country initial mortgages, including 6 academies, and until the end of 1920, 153 primary mortgages functioned in the country. During the period of the civil war, 60 thousand. commanders

The Gromadyan war was an important test for the peoples of Russia, it encouraged our people to mobilize all material and spiritual forces - and they overcame us. During this period, thousands and thousands of our spivvitchizniks and commanders glorified themselves - Blucher, Lazo, Postishev, Chapaev, Shchors, Budionniy, Voroshilov, Vostretsov, Dibenka, Kotovsky, Kuibishev, Parkhomenko, Timoshenko, Eikhe, Fedko, Yakir, Primakov, Fabricius and Bagato who else.

The state during the period between the Gromadyan and the Great Vitchiznyan wars (1922-1941) gave great respect to the everyday life of the Evil Forces. Yakshcho, Lack, 1928 Roku on Ozbrini was overwhelmed by 92 tanks, then 1935 Roku Bulo at 7663, Kilkisty Litakiv Zbilshi Z 1394 to 6672, and the artillery Garmat - Z 6645 to 13837. In 1939, the adoption of the T-34 medium tank, created by designers Koshkinim, Morozov, Kucherenko, was launched. This is the best tank in the world, having proven itself well during the period of the Great War. An important KV-1 tank is on the way. Zhodna kraina in the world is not small of such combat vehicles. The serial issue of those was born in 1940 and on the cob of warfare was issued KV-1 - 639 and T-34 - 1225.

The Red Army ahead of the Great Vitchiznyan War

The Great Vitchiznyana War of 1941-1945 became the greatest test for the Evil Forces, for the entire people. Vaughn delivered a victorious infusion of political and social change to another world war, marked the result of the most important podias.

The method of the war of the fascist Nazism was the destruction of our state and the involuntary її narodіv (plan "Barbarossa", 1940). It is obvious that in 1941 the fascist Nіmechchina took part in 190 divisions on the cordon, including 19 tank and 14 motorized divisions, 5 million 500 thousand. osib, ponad 47 ths. garmat, close to 5 thousand. litakiv, 4300 tanks, shock grouping: "Pivnich" (Baltic and Leningrad), "Center" (Belarus and Moscow), "Pivden" (Ukraine). The Hitlerite command transferred about 80% of all its allied forces to our cordons. Everything was worthy of the Chervona Army in a vinyatkovo important mind, and it created great insecurity for our country.

On the cob of the war, the enemy turned our battles in people 1.8 times, for missiles and mortars - 1.25 times, for medium and large tanks - 1.5 times, and for aircraft of new types - 3.2 times. Tse poluvalosya zapіznennâ priznennia vіysk vіysk povnu militant readiness through misjudgment of the cob attack on the SRSR from the side of Nіmechchini, in what pardon especially Stalin is great. Aje in the district sent a command about bringing them to combat readiness less than a frantic 22 March 1941, although the General Staff had to be informed that the Nazis had crossed our cordon in the next quarters, so the troops were not ready for combat action.

The readiness of our military personnel and repressions of military personnel in 1937-1938 were negatively marked. Usy's name was given to the commander's warehouse 1834 ch. (6.1% in number), 861 of them were arrested, 1091 people were excluded from the party. Tse in one district, which at that time was a cordon.

The army was actually decapitated. Judge for yourself - on the 22nd of April 1935, the decree of the RNC of the SRSR was published on the provision of personal military ranks at the Chervoniya Army. The rank of Marshal of the Radyansky Union was taken away by 5 commanders, commanders of the 1st rank - 5, commanders of the 2nd rank - 10, commander - 67, division commander - 186, brigade commander - 397, colonel - 456 and іn. And in 1937-1938, most of them were one people. From 1300 of the command depot, 350 were lost. Without commanders, all 16 military districts and 5 fleets, 33 corps, 76 divisions, 291 regiments, 12 air divisions were lost.

Speaking at the meetings of the Golovnoy Viysk for the sake of it, it took place from 21 to 27 leaf fall in 1937, the commander of the Transcaucasian Viysk district commander M.V. Kuibishev: I'll give you the facts. Today, in the vicinity of Trioma, divisions are commanded by captains. Ale rich is not in the ranks, but rich in the one who, for example, commanded the captain of the Virmensky division, who had never commanded a regiment or a battalion, and commanded only a battery. And the commander of the Azerbaijan division is a major, a kind of former assistant of the school, and the commander of the Georgian division, Jabakhidze, commanded two years of a company up to the last, and I can’t have more command experience.”

Knowing the repressions and the General Staff is the brain of the army. In 1937, he was sent to the General Staff, and then the shooting of Marshal Radyansky to the Yegorov Union. In the course of fate before the war, in the General Staff at the settlement of his chief, one three people changed one another - Marshal Shaposhnikov, Generals of the Army Meretskov and Zhukov.

Chervona Army near the war with Nimechchina 1941-1945

Later, the SRSR entered into a war with weakened cadres. The light had problems on the right in the Red Army was an offensive rank. In 1940 (before the war), the number of new appointments was 246626 people, chi 68.8%, up to the regular number, for the top group - 1674 people, for the senior - 37671 people, for the middle - 159195 people. For the completion of the largest construction settlements, 2452 people were sent to the regiment commander. Such was the situation with personnel in our army. Those who thrashed Stalin that yogo sharpness can only be equaled with the great military catastrophe. As you can see, in 1418 days of war we spent three front commanders, four front chiefs of staff, 15 army commanders, 48 ​​corps commanders, 112 division commanders.

The cob of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war was even more important. Our army was zmushena bula on the march. The army and the people fought heroically. Until the last cartridge, eleven doba led the battle in the sharpened 13th cordon outpost of Volodymyr-Volinsky cordon paddock on a choli with Lieutenant Lopatin.

Zahisniki wrote the Yaskravu side to the chronicle of the battle glory of our people Brest Fortress under the supervision of Major Gavrilov, Captain Zubachov and Regimental Commissar Fomin. For a month, the stench stood up to a small lot native land, which became a symbol of the masculinity of the Radyansk warriors. For a riddle about the feat of the Brest Fortress, it was awarded the honorary title of “Fortress-Hero”. Warriors of the 100th and 161st rifle divisions fought heroically on the pivnіchny entry into Minsk, and the 26th chervnya, on p_vn_ch from the capital Byelorussia, immortal feat zdіysniv crew on choli with captain Gastello, who directed his flying at a column of fortune-telling tanks. The warriors of the Chervonoy Army fought heroically and in other quarters of the battlefields, protesters, our military turmoil was on the march.

Marshal G.K. Zhukov, saying that yakbi yogo was fed, that the battle of the war was the best, then vin bi called the battle for Moscow. The German command, having called the operation under Moscow loudly and loudly “Typhoon”, it is not enough to take the capital of the SRSR on the spot, by the same token, our country’s state of war and moral shock, having ended the war against our country. Here the Germans were in the middle of 75 divisions, including 14 tank and 8 motorized. There were 1.8 million people, close to 15 thousand. garmat and mortars, 1700 tanks, 1400 aircraft. Our forces are 1.25 million people, 990 tanks, 7600 mortars and mortars, 677 aircraft. Mayuchi great numerical victory, the enemy’s shock grouping after the invading battles broke through our defenses and began to move swiftly forward. There was a critical situation. The very same command of the troops defending Moscow was recognized by G.K. Zhukiv.

Vinyatkovo tense battles broke out in the other half of the millennium of 1941. Nimtsі went to Moscow for 30 km. A threat of insecurity hung over the Radyansk capital.

The mass heroism was shown by the soldiers and commanders of the 316th Striletsky Division under the command of General Panfilov. The birth of roses Dubosekovo created their immortal feat of 28 Panfilov warriors. For chotiri years of battle, the stench drove 18 tanks, hundreds of Hitler's soldiers. The enemy is not passed. At the end of the battle, political instructor Klochkov said the famous words: “Great is Russia, but there is nowhere to go, behind Moscow.”

Under Moscow, distant divisions fought heroically: the 107th motorized rifle division, which became the guards (2nd guards motorized division), the 78th riflemen, for masculinity during the defense of Moscow by order of the people's commissar of defense No. 322 on the 28th leaf fall of 1941

In the wake of the counter-offensive of the Radian military shock troops, the enemy grouping, as if they were trying to capture Moscow, on the cob of September 1942, they were defeated and attacked 100-150 km to the west. The Hitlerites spent over 168 thousand. of people. In an hour, 11 armored, 4 mechanized and 23 infantry divisions were destroyed. So, under Moscow, Hitler's plan of the blissful war and the development of the myth about the impossibility of the Nazi army was brought to light.

For the whole hour, our soldiers fought heroically, defending Sevastopol and Leningrad. It should be noted that the spring of 1942, the fate of the military-political camp of the SRSR, against the summer of 1941, the fate was full. However, the Hitlerite command planned to re-initiate a strategic initiative and decisively strengthen the main forces of the Radyansk Army.

Hitler defeated the attack on the pivdenno-zahіdnomu directly, zahopivshi Caucasus with yoga naphtha, as well as the native regions of the Don, Kuban, Lower Volga, and secured the entry of Turechchini before the war against the SRSR. Before the summer-autumn campaign of 1942, the stock of our young army was: 5.1 million people, 45 thousand. garmat and mortars, close to 4 thousand. tanks and over 2 thousand. litakiv. Nazi Germany is small 6.2 million people, 57 thousand. garmat and mortars, 3230 tanks, 3400 aircraft. In such a rank, the Radianska Army still acquiesced to the Nimechchiny in the number of soldiers and defences.

Following the not-so-distant advance of our troops under Kharkiv near the spring of 1942, the Germans crossed Stalingrad at the onset. Thus began the Battle of Stalingrad - one of the greatest battles of the Great Vitchiznyan war, which lasted 200 days. Near Stalingrad, the enemy won over people 1.7 times, in artillery and tanks - 1.3 times, in aircraft - more than 2 times. Up to 2 million people, over 2000 tanks, over 25 yew, took the fate of the battles on the sides. garmat and mortars, over 2000 letaks. Provided information about the scale of the Battle of Stalingrad. For masculinity and heroism at the battle on the Volz, the title of Hero of the Radyansky Union was awarded to 127 soldiers and commanders. For 200 days of battles (and for three days of forcing the Dnieper, the title of Hero of the Radyansky Union was awarded over 3 thousand soldiers and officers). Sings A. Surkov writing:

The hour will come. Rise up dim.

Zmovkne viyskovy grim.

I take my hat off for an hour to snuggle with him,

Tell the people about the new one:

“Tse zalizny Russian soldier,

Vіn having captured Stalingrad.

The Germans spent 700 thousand at the battle on the Volz. especially killed and wounded, 2 yew. harmat, over a thousand litakiv, over a thousand tanks. Great losses were from our side, but the Radian warriors stood to their death, the stench faded a little: “There is no land for us beyond the Volga. Let's die, but Stalingrad is not visible.

In the course of the final stage of the Battle of Stalingrad, 330 yews were taken and taken in full. soldiers and officers, a total of 22 German divisions, a total of 24 generals, including the commander of the 6th Army, Field Marshal Paulus.

The feat of the sailor-Pacific Oceanian Panikahi. Tse wines, half-witted hoarseness, rushing under the fortune-teller's tank, and scorching yogo, and dying himself. One can see the fact that, as if under Moscow, at the Battle of Stalingrad, warriors-distant warriors were appointed. For masculinity in the battles of 1167 soldiers of the 96th rifle division, formed on the banks of the Amur, awarded with orders and medals, then the day became guards. The men fought under Stalingrad in the war of the 204th Striletsky division, for 6 months of fighting they lost 25 thousand. soldiers and officers of the enemy, 227 tanks, 247 vehicles, 1 March 1943 renamed to the 78th Guards. Dalekoskhіdnі 81-a, 86-th guard division also fought for Stalingrad.

Speaking about the fighting path of our Zbroynye Forces, one cannot but say about the Battle of Kursk (5 limes - 23 sickles 1943). This was a historical battle. Here, from both sides of the battles, over 4 million soldiers and officers, 70 thousand. garmat i minometiv, 13 ths. tanks, 12 thousand. litakiv. 70% of their tanks (new "Tiger", "Panther"), self-propelled guns "Ferdinand", "Focke-Wulf 190-A" bombers, attack aircraft "Heinkel-129 M" - a total of 65% of the aircraft of Nimechchini and її allies. Nimtsі virishili on the Kursk railway, take revenge for Stalingrad, pulling up 50 of the most powerful divisions. The Radyansk command was put in charge of the operation for the successor of the Radyansk commanders - Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Vatutin, Konev, Rokossovsky, Malinovsky, Popov, Sokolovsky.

On July 12, 1943, there was a great tank battle near Prokhorivka, in which 1200 tanks took part, it was a turning point in the battle on the Kursk River. The Germans stepped forward, and on 5 September 1943 Moscow saluted the first time, talking about the great victory on the Kursk railway. On the 23rd of the month of the capture of the city of Kharkov, the battle ended, which lasted 50 days and nights. This was the greatest battle of the Other Light War.

German-fascist soldiers spent: 500 thousand. soldiers and officers, 1.5 thousand. tanks, 3 thousand. garmat that close to 4 yew. litakiv. In the face of such a blow, the Hitlerite army could not speak up until the end of the war.

Sides: 1

On the 23rd of the fierce one of the days of the Victory glory of Russia is celebrated - the Day of the defender of the Motherland. This date was established by the Federal Law “On the Days of Victory Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia”, adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin on 13 Birch, 1995.

It was important that on the 23rd of fierce 1918 the corrals of the Chervonoy Guards gained their first victory near Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of the Kaiser's Niemechchina. The axis of the first victory became the "day of the people of the Red Army".

1922 the date was officially announced as the Day of the Red Army. Fierce 23 was celebrated in the Soviet Socialist Republic as holy nationwide - the Day of the Radyansk Army and the Viysk-Navy Fleet.

On February 10, 1995, the Derzhavna Duma of Russia praised the Federal Law “On the Days of Victory Glory (transitional days) of Russia”, and on February 23, the following name was given: “Day of victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s military forces of the German Empire (1918 Rick) — Day of death”. Federal Law No. 48-FZ “On the introduction of changes to Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the days of the Victory glory and memorable dates of Russia”, adopted on April 15, 2006, it was established that “After the changes made, the day of the Victory glory of Russia on the 23rd of fierce changes on the Day of the defender of Vitchizni ... ". Vіn є official weekend. I, irrespective of the name, on the first day of the day you have been entrusted with the right people - defending their Batkivshchyna.

Today, for such people, the holy 23rd of the fierce day was lost to people, whether they serve in the army or in law enforcement agencies. Prote most of the citizens of Russia and the krajn of the colossal SRSR are smart to look at the Day of the defender of the Vitchizni not in style, as a symbol of victory, the Day of the People of the Chervonoy Army, skilki, like the Day of the right people. Zahisnikov at the broadest meaning of the word. And for the majority of our spivgromadians, that significant date is important.

It is also necessary to note that not only people, but also another woman, are veterans of the Great War of the Victims of War, women of military service. Among the sacred traditions, which were preserved even today, is the memorial service of veterans, the tribute of honor to the memorial sites, the foundations in Moscow, the memorial tribute of the vinks to the Tomb of the Invisible Soldier was the first person of the Kremlin. And also the holding of Christmas concerts and patriotic actions, the organization of fireworks at rich places in Russia. Before the speech, until 1917, the day of the Russian army was traditionally celebrated on May 6 - the Day of St. George the Victorious, who is considered the patron saint of Russian warriors. Together from Russia, today is sacredly traditionally marked by Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.

Day of victory of the Chervonoy Army over the Kaiser's troops of the Niemchyn (1918) - Day of the defenders of the Motherland

Among the impersonal traditional ones and the newly-born saints, one especially - the 23rd of the fierce, the Day of the Protector of the Motherland. At the very name of yoga, there is a noble call to that obligation to protect the Batkivshchyna and its people.

Tse sacred in different fates are few different names. Today's name is the Day of the defender of the Motherland of adoptions by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on February 10, 1995, zgіdno z yakim February 23 - the day of victory of the Chervonoy Army over the Kaiser Viysks of the Nіmechchini (1918), in Russian. Let's go back to history. Ishov 1918, hromada war.

Particularly warm was the news about the creation of the revolutionary army at the tie-in with the offensive of the 18th of February 1918, the offensive of the military Kaiser's Niemechchini on Petrograd. The combat program for the mobilization of the working people on the frontiers of the city became the decree “Socialist Fatherland in Nebezpets”, the adoption of the 22nd fierce Rada of the People’s Commissars. Volunteer enrollment for the Robo-village Chervono Army was carried out everywhere. Її the first military units became the defenders of the young Radyansk republic and in the battles near Pskov and Narva they gave a good sign to the garrisoners. This is how our Slavic Zbroin forces were born. On the riddle about the 23rd of the fierce, having become shorіchno, it was celebrated as the Day of the Radianskaya Army and the Viyskovo-Navy Fleet.

Red Army

national day

Bov near Narva

have a day of battle.

Our ancestors

our didi

Vіznachal yogo win,

Vіznachal bugnet,


At a clean field

under snowfall.

Germans went -



with peaks on makivtsi!

Pіdganali їх


Behind the police

harmati kittens.

And behind them

carried shells -

Those make up

across Petrograd!

Lizla to St. Petersburg

evil power,

Pulverized fire


Didn't mess with the pig


Lantsyugs of red fighters


Ale, without flinching,

the stench stood

To Petrograd

did not enter.


Germans were beaten

At the snowy field


bogged down

їх now.

Virsh near Narva

grim harmat.

From that time

people signify

Red Army

national day.

It is not an easy time for the young Russian army to go through, but the name of the defender of the Motherland is not darkened, the memory of the gentry is not forgotten by the people.

We offer food for historical competitions, games, quizzes.

"With the Russian warrior through wiki"

(historical competition)

I round "Our strength is rich"

1.Strong and mighty rich boules in glorious Russia! Illya Muromets, Dobrinya Mikitovich... Do you know any bilinnyh bogatyrs? (Mikula Selyaninovich, Volga Vseslavovich, Svyatogor - bogatyr, Alyosha Popovich, Samson Samoylovich, Danube Ivanovich, Vasil Buslaev, Vasil Kazimirovich, Berm'yata Vasilovich, Vasilina Mikulishna ta іn.) Div. Magazine “Read, read, read.” - 199 No. 3.-P.109.

2. What kind of hero did the earth carry through strength? (Svyatogora-hero from bilini "Yak Illya from Murom became a hero".)

3. Whom among the rich “to love Mother is the orphan of the earth?” (Mikul Selyaninovich from the bilini "Yak Illya from Murom became a hero".)

4. How did Illya Muromets become a hero? (“Pour the mandrinnik into a ladle, drink Illya and see the strength of the hero.”)

5. Who is rich not by force, then by cunning? (Volga Vseslavovich from the bilini "Yak Illya from Murom became a hero".)

6. Which Russian prince was served by the bogatyrs Illya Muromets, Dobrinya Mikitovich and Alyosha Popovich? (To Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Chervone Sonechko.)

7. Skіlki rokіv sidіv Nightingale the rattlesnake on the direct road from Chernihiv, not missing a movie or anything? (Thirty years.)

8. How many fates did the young Volzya experience, if he gathered his mighty squad of twenty-nine people and went with her in an open field, in a wide steppe? (Fifteen years.)

II round "With the Russian warrior through wiki..."

    Why did the old Russian war develop? (Tsibulya with arrows, write-offs, swords, maces and sokiri. From blows they were protected by chain mail, sholomi and shields.)

    What was included before the concept of "combat armor"? (Chain mail is a “zalіna shirt”, smashed from metal rings. A linen shirt was pulled under the chain mail. Noble warriors wore coats or armor made from solid metal plates over the chain mail.)

    Who commanded the army? (As a rule, the prince and voevoda ruled the military. The regiments were commanded by boyars and noble combatants.)

    When did the word "soldier" appear in Russia? (At Petrovsky doba.)

    The main striking force of old. (Cavalry.)

    Good part of the Russian army was privileged, first created by Peter I. (Guard.)

    Who has sent the Andriivsky prapor to the fleet? (Peter I. White color- The symbol of purity and purity is tse faith, the oblique cross is a symbol of integrity. On what cross was the Apostle Andriy for the preaching of Christianity. Whose apostle, for instructions, with a good sound, travel to Russian borders.)

    On a riddle, about three wins of the Russian fleet on blue sailor comirs - 3 more smugs? (Gangut, Chesma, Sinon.)

    Which Russian commander should say: “It is hard in training, easy in battle”? (To A.V. Suvorov.)

    Like a similar phrase "from the great to the funny one crochet". (These are the words of Napoleon, throwing him an hour during the flight from Moscow in 1812)

    What are the words of the great commanders you can bring?

    Guess the names of the blessed Russian military leaders. (Oleksandr Nevsky, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, P.A. Rumyantsev, G.K. Zhukov.)

    If that one military uniform appeared in some Russian warriors? (Among the archers - from the middle of the 17th century.)

ІІІ round "Irresistible is that legendary..."

    Name the date of the nationalization of the Russian Army. Why the whole day? (On February 23, 1918, in Petrograd, there were voices of deafening “On the day of the defense of the fatherland.” On this day, a lot of thousands of Petrograd robitniks entered the lava of the Chervonoy Army. The initiative was taken in rich places. 23 having won a fierce one, I will win.)

    What kind of commanders do you know Hromadyan war? (Budyonny, Kotovsky, Blucher, Tukhachevsky.)

    If the title of Hero of the Radyansky Union was established? Who is the first to receive yoga honors? (April 16, 1934, 7 pilots, who were the crew of the Chelyuskin: Kamanin, Vodopyanov, Doronin and others.)

    What are the battle orders and medals, named after prominent Russian commanders and naval commanders, founded at the time of the Great Vitchiznyan war? (Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Ushakov, Nakhimov.)

    Name the commander who, for the operation Bagration, took off the rank of Marshal of the Radyansky Union. (K.K. Rokossovsky.)

    Yaka zbroya Great Vіtchiznyanoї war became a prototype of today's rocket firearms? (Guardian mortars, kohannya were nicknamed by the people "Katyushas".)

    Name the pilots of the Heroes of the Radyansk Union. (I. Kozhedub, A. Pokrishkin.)

    Name the current military. (VPS, Airborne Forces, Navy, cordon military, Zaliznichnі military, military PPO.)

    For which emperor blames Russia for the regular military-marine fleet? (Under Peter I.)

    Name the sight of the archery of the XX century. (Trokhliniyna gvintivka, ships of the SKS automatic AKM and Abakan, Degtyarov machine gun, TT pistol toshcho)

    What is the emblematic sign of our soldiers? (Patch.)

    To name the names of the heroes who put the Flag of Peremogi over the Reichstag. (Kantaria, Egorov.)

    Yak "chuє" underwater choven? (For help with hydroacoustic equipment.)

    What are the names of Viysk pidrozdili? (Division, brigade, regiment...)

    Name the sights of the military ships. (Battleship, destroyer, cruiser...)



    Aleeva N. Heroes of Russian history M., 2001.

    Bilovinsky L.V. With the Russian warrior through the century: A book of studies. - M., 1992.

    Begunova A. Way through the century: Fragments of the history of the Russian army. - M., 1988.

    Durov V.A. Russian fences of the XVIII-XX century. - M., 1997.

    Zverev B.I. Storinki v_yskovo-maritime chronicle of Russia: A guide for scholars. - M., 1981.

    Mavrodin V.V., Mavrodin V.V. From the history of vitchiznyanoy zbroї 1984.

    Yunarmeyts' book., Collection. - M., 1982.

    Smirnov G.V. Rozpovіdі about zbroyu. - Novosibirsk, - 1989.

    100 meals - 100 messages: About the army, aviation, navy. - M., 1986.

Articles from periodic reports:

    Amusina L., Viktorov A. “It is possible to make the Andriyevsky ensign”// Vikhovannya schoolboy. - 2000. - No. 2. - P.41-43.

    Bobrova L.V., Budkova L.M. “Hussars are dashing faces ...”: Evening of honor // Read, read, read. - 2000. - No. 7. - P.40-46.

    Bichova E.V., Egorova E.Yu. “On the death beat for our land...” Evening of historical portraits // Read, listen, sing. - 2000. - No. 7. - P.52-58.

    Vorobyova N. The Day of the Protector of the Vitchizn // Vikhovannya shkolyariv. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.64-66.

    In search of the holy grail. Material for the knight tournament. - "Vchitelska newspaper", Spec. Release. 2001. - Nos. 30-31. - P.45-48.

    Danilova O.G. "Soldiers are not popular." Evening - see you off to the army //. Read, read, read. - 2000. - No. 8. - P.4-8.

    Degtyarova O.V. "Bend, Russia!" Vechir, dedications to the day zahisnik Vіtchizni // Read, read, read. – 2002.- No. 8.- P.4-10.

    Day of the protector of Vitchizni. - Scenarios of school saints, - book 2. - P.3-15.

    Zharikova V.I. "It's hard for a navchanni - it's easy on a hike": pіznavalna gra // Read, vchimosya, graєmo. – 2000.- №7.- P.36-39.

    Kashinets M.G. “It’s hard in training, easy in battle / Obladunki, zbroya / Viyskova istoriya Rosії XI-XIV st / / Read, vchimosya, cheer. - 2001. - No. 8. - P.10-13.

    Kirikova I. Day of the protector of the Vitchizn // Vikhovannya shkolyariv. - 2002.- No. 10.- P.57-60.

    "Beautiful in the ranks, strong in battle." Oglyad-competition on the best yunarmijska vіddіlennya” Gvardієts // Uch.gazeta. - 2001. - Spec. Issue No. 30-31. - P.39-42.

    "Chervona Zirka". Quiz // Read, read, read. - 2000. - No. 7. – P.61-62.

    Kurnosova L. Yunaki swear allegiance to Russia // Vikhovannya shkolyariv. - 2002.- No. 9.- P.74-78.

    Kurnosova L. At the Day of the defender of the Vitchizni // Vikhovannya schoolchildren. - 2000. - No. 10. - P.49-50.

    Lesnicheva T. "Rus bogatyrska" Scenario for the competition of scholars, dedications to the defenders of Vitchizni // Addendum to the journal "Pozashkilnik" - 2001. - No. 3. - P.5-8.

    Morozova L.B. “With the Russian warrior in a hundred years...” A cycle of visits until the Day of the defender of the Motherland // Vikhovannya shkolyariv. 2003. - No. 2. - P.62-65.

    Petrushina E. Vechir, dedication to the Day of the defender of Vitchizni // Vikhovannya schoolchildren. 2003. - No. 2. - P.62-65.

    "Field of Russian Glory". Scenario gri, dedications to the Day Russian Army// Pozashkіlnik. 20002. - No. 2. - P.16-19.

    Ryazkikh M., Aleksandrov A. "Soldiers - ditlakhs" // Vihovannya shkolyariv. 1999. - No. 4. - P.54-56.

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