Horoscope on birch vaga Pavlo with a globe. Horoscope for Berezen - Terezi. R_k will be for Aries to finish the unpermissible. Seeing impersonal unsatisfactory prospects, prote, to achieve great successes

The first spring month brought a lot of surprises. To be ready to eat with them, it is recommended to take to respect the horoscope of Tamari Globi on birch 2019, folding on the basis of the movement of the heavenly bodies, as well as tips natal charts. Wisdom is that exactness, laid down in the prophets, to help you overcome problems, improve your reach, adopt a new one.


The material and financial aspect of life will come to the fore. Only positive changes should be taken into account directly. Do not wait for the cym for a new robot. Bring success and nanny of the robot, as well as hobbies, like overgrowth to earn money. Berezen is a stable month, filled with love and understanding.


The whole birch, at the thought of Tamari Globi, is hard to work out. Somebody asks them what they need to get hired for a job. Ale stink with honor vytrimayut usі navantazhennya that vyprobuvannya. For subbags of Teltsiv, check the sutteva of the material wine of the city, premium. You want to please the fucking people good gifts. Also, the bedrooms can be more expensive for repairs.


Berezen is not a month of work and serious inquiries. Spring nalashtovu Bliznyukiv in a loving way. To that first, more romantic acquaintance will be taken more seriously. The astrologer does not hurry up with plans, how far to go, listen to the mind, not the heart. Spravzhnє kokhannya come a little later, and the axis spend an hour with the object of acquaintance as a whole imovirno.


Birch month passed in a calm and stable environment. You don’t see the stars from the sky, but you make the stars with the stars not in your rules. You work, you make a stable income, you can plan ahead. In this case, you have an order that is mutually intelligible. Spending finances to fall on the care of children, as well as your health, as it will be necessary to support the next month.

a lion

The month of addictions and z'yasuvannya is coming, both in the work place, and in the partnerships. You should learn how to handle emotions and not hysteria. Calm - the first helper in conflict situations. Stock up on patience, another half of the month will be stable, calm. You should give your mother a good look in any situation. On those Lion is the king of the beasts.


Month is preparing a mass of ambiguous surprises, but never wait for receptions. From one side - creative successes and financial achievements, from the other side - cooling off from the other half. Don't panic, everything is in control. You should have more time to give it to you, kohaniy people. Romantic supper, but a nice sign of respect will come before the speech in the situation that has developed.


Love and less love to rule by the birch. For family signs, the month will pass in euphoria, feelings, harmony. For the lonely Terezivs, the stars were preparing a long-term zustrich, as if the legalization of the waters would end closer to the middle of the rock. Astrologer for the sake of Teresa for the sake of happiness quietly and do not shout at all about the achievement.


Opanuє zhaga to the knowledge of all spheres. You pragnet be the first to creak that with everything. You don’t care, just blame it. Take a break, allow yourself a heartbreak at home if you are a dear person. Change the situation to the point of melancholy, you will burn with new ideas and plans of their inspiration. Berezen month will give you anonymous ideas. Moreover, the vikonannya of all that was conceived is just around the corner.


Respect for your health, and at the birch moon, listen to the smallest changes in self-esteem. Serious problems are not passed on, prote for the smallest ailment, they turn to the doctor. Drink a course of vitamins, sign up for fitness, dances, at the gym. Tse dopomozhe encourage yourself in a good form and spirit of thought.


Might be a significant promotion at the birch month. You have long jumped pidyoma in the kar'єrі. The dawn of the year has come. If you can, you can put on new bindings for the vicons of family tasks. A member of this family will not be deprived of respect, but you will spend your holidays together.


Berezen 2019 is a period of rethinking. You will become more obov'yazkovimi, sentimental. In view of older relatives, it is possible to ask relatives to visit you. It is possible to have small conflicts with a person, a squad, but to get wisdom in both and smooth out the guests. The robot will sign new contracts, cooperation with new partners is promising. This is a good start to the development of working projects.


The share was preparing the cicavi month. There are a lot of juicy checks on you, reference to the protilege statute. You, how n_koli privablі і rich, scho to allow virіshiti all the food that has accumulated. The robot is easy to slip through, tie up the circle of acquaintances, it is allowed conflict situations. Catch success for the tail. Next 31 days, the birch is out with you.

The coming spring will become an hour, if the stars prophesy a lot of robots for you. Marvel at the price from the financial side, even if your work will be generously paid. Such an incentive, Terezi, to sing your enthusiasm, so actively proceed to the top of working food!

At the birch period of 2017, your eyes will hang in the foreground with stunned ones. Different situations lead to term changes. Get ready to the fact that if you are a stounki you can just squat, but about people you happen to change your mind. Don’t worry through it, everything is better!

Happy days for the month of 2017 for Terezi: 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29.

Love horoscope for the month of 2017

Mutually with a kokhanoy people in this period, better for everything, also try to test for mіtsnіst. The horoscope for the month of 2017 will propagate for Terezi: in times of cold weather, try to bring something new to them, which you have not done before. Think about the perevagi of your kohanoi people and choose the appropriate option. It’s possible, you can call at once to shoot from the parachute or go for a ride on povitryany kuli, or maybe you want to see a family psychologist, or shovatsya in the wake of us and try for two at some kind of Kremlin city. Terezi, the choice is yours!

As you start new stounki near the birch, the zodiac horoscope strongly does not recommend ochіkuvat їhny serious prodovzhennia. A novel, a dream of this month, better for everything, a dream of failure that will bring you more experience and negative emotions. Also, the stars for the birth of 2017 are the fate of not planning the laying of the boat.

Favorable days for a kohanny near the birch 2017 for Terezi: 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.24, 25, 26, 27.

Financial horoscope of Vaga for the month of 2017

By the end of the last birch days, every day the payments and delays in payment are cleared. It is possible to spare less, what to spare you, and not to hit you. If there is such embarrassment on your right, then don’t turbulently earlier than one o’clock, it’s more necessary to get better, and everything will be rewarded again.

Tim Teresam, who thinks about the launch of new projects near the birch in such blinds, like design, art and advertising, the stars show a sprat once, think twice. With the horoscope for the month of 2017, the fate of Terezi, the ear of spring is not the best hour for anyone. It is best to put this winding on the other half of the day. And at the same time, you have enough time to properly propagate your project and get ready for its implementation.

Happy days for pennies near the birch 2017 fate for the sign of Terezi: 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31.

Health horoscope for the sign of Terezi Berezen for 2017

For a stretch of the last month, it’s not easy to splurge on folding cosmetic procedures and carry out plastic surgeries. The horoscope for Terezi for the month of 2017 gives such a joy to the fate of the improved astrological tendencies: look after yourself with the best signs. It is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the result, having changed the image radically in the whole period.

Terezi rushed forward and took the leading positions, but in the birch of 2017, you realize that gaining by force can be unstoppable. Chi don't relax! It's not yet time.
Behind the horoscope Tereziv for the month of 2017, on the cob of the month, actively joining in the creation of new contacts, you do not seem to be aware of it, so it will be easy to take a first position. Situation choice between partners and partners, or among suspіlnyh vіdnosinah stale according to your moral ideals and special ambitions. You don’t have to try to create an atmosphere of lightness and innocence among friends and colleagues, to the one whose mood changes sharply.
At the birth of the horoscope of 2017, Tereziv will have food in the foreground, connected with your mutual partners with otochyuchiyami. Different situations will signal the need for term changes, the need for updates. Deyakі stosunki zovsіm to sink into the summer and in them to be left with less than life. In any case, you will need to be ready to let the situation out and change your setting to a few people.
Your exercise to self-reliance, the development of partnerships with other people will appear strong. Declaring your interests, varto develop a strategy of behavior in order to get out of the situation depending on the thoughts of other people about you. Tse give the opportunity to designate one's place in the social middle ground and make it stand out to the extreme.
It will not be so easy for Teresa to live at home with the horoscope of 2017, through which conflict situations in social life are not excluded. Behind your initiative, there will be a lot of blue, shards to give you a sense and the prospect of future development.
Legally draw up the necessary documents, be respectful, to the fact that folding is not included.

Pleasant days near the birch 2017: 5, 8, 18, 24, 31.
Unfavorable days near the birch 2017: 2, 6, 14, 21, 25.

Horoscope for birch 2017 Terezi - Love, Sim'ya
According to the horoscope Tereziv 2017, a birch tree has a special, romantic life in conflict. Your ruler Venus for the greater part of the month collapses back and at the same time, your senses will have a sum'yattya and a rozbrіd. Do not turn off the false hopes, deceit and navit razriv ... Timchas chi will be the rest of the separation - to fall only on you, but be patient, you won’t get it. However, it can be seen to make friends, and to die.
At Birch 2017, the fate of Tereziv’s lucidity to the help of other people and search for business contacts will take away a rich special hour, creating folding and unreasonable among the slaves. If the brethren have problems, then the stench itself will let itself know in these days. A love tricutnik, or a mutually intelligible thing, threatens with a roar of insights, so that you will begin to listen to the thoughts of other people. Tse vpline on the development of the life situation. Only your arrogance, that need in close spiritual contact with the parterre, to become a support for that kohannya. Sim'ї can have important podії, which will help you control the situation that develops. Possibly, due to the need to overcome the problems with the living, power for the account under the unruliness, or the lane.
If there is a sudden cooling off and between you and your partner, a distance will appear - this is a signal about those who will bring in your communication and the regularity of the new. Because of your likeness to the character of your partner, it will be difficult for you to know that there are certain elements of novelty. An option can be a sleeping haircut with a parachute, an extreme trip for intensive training in the psychology of standing.
Start new romances with a claim to seriousness and trivality, as if to hold a party to register a party - I strongly do not recommend the end of the month of 2017!
Tі Terezi, who has broken apart and roz'їhatisya, at the birch 2017 can continue a long-standing superechka about unruliness, life, and the end of the whole, it seems, not yet bachiti. Get ready for whatever moodiness you want to be deprived of for nothing. Having poured in older relatives, it is easy to smooth the situation, but it is unlikely to allow її zovsіm. And all the same, there is someone from the family to appear as an incorruptible mediator between you and your other half, who rebelled.

Vaga's horoscope for birch 2017 - Zdorov'ya
At the birth of 2017, according to the horoscope Tereziv, your self-confidence may not be particularly stable, but before serious illnesses on the right, do not, so take care of your body in the form of overwhelm and remember the melancholy of healthy sleep.
Try to spend this month with deep and risky cosmetic procedures. Give priority to the guards to watch over the faces and hairs. Also, do not perform plastic surgery on the faces and other parts of the body. Otherwise, you risk getting upset. A radical change in the image and credits can also turn into dissatisfaction.
Then at once Teresa herself has an hour to sign up for a massage course, or else go to the swimming pool, fitness club. Dances and yoga also have their own time. Choose those that are more like you, and then enter your beauty formula.

Horoscope for birch 2017 Terezi - Money, finance
The financial situation in the month of 2017 for Tereziv is unimaginable. No profits, no hits, no points, but for some pennies you can secure on 16, 17 birch.
You can blame the hitches on those payments, but don’t panic - this is a global trend, as it will manifest itself in rich people, even if not in all. Tom, mozhlivo, you yourself spare.

Horoscope for birch 2017 Terezi.
According to the Tereziv horoscope for the month of 2017, you can be heavily overwhelmed with a robot. Take an hour on it and spend more time, lower at the front of the month. It’s all right, that it will be paid well, even if it’s with smart tricks.
Pratsyuvati that work again! At the birch of 2017, other inquiries at Tereziv bezlich. Bring a little krokiv in advance to solve the situation, take the additional evidence as for yourself, and others. Problems with other partners and opponents are not included, but it’s not new for you - all those people and all situations, but, perhaps, in a more zhorstkom and navit variant. The stinks can be cunning, cunning, threatening, in a word, they can win the whole arsenal of their cunning combinations. The stench is trying to turn your friends into enemies, vikoristovuyuchi for whom all the real cats. Ale and vie "not with a face". On your side, the majesty of Jupiter is the planet of luck, so it’s safe to go ahead and conquer favorable situations. You will easily know them and you will easily draw from them maximum greed. Make contacts with colleagues from other places in the country and don’t give up respect for crossings - you can’t go to the rock! It is possible, to talk about the spy situation, not to mention the indestructibility of the chi іnshої greії vlastnostі, i tse trivatim yakyiy hour.
In the other half of the month of 2017, Terezi will try to expand her influx. The spirit of competition, scho prokinuvshis, to help show acceptance at the development of zv'yazkіv and ukladannі contracts. Podolayuchi natural softness, be able to speak richly and eloquently or speak publicly. Tse to give you the ultimate comfort, but to allow you to easily establish contacts. Until the end of the month, financial and legal differences will not be brought to the attention of the court.
At Birch 2017 Teresa is not recommended to launch new projects in the upcoming areas: the beauty industry, advertising, art and all kinds of design. If you want the stench to become successful, then this month and until the middle of the day, better better better over your preparation. And yet at the friendly hour, which is the next Great Day, start them, cut the red lines.
Based on the materials of Pavel Globy and Tetyani Borsch

Pavlo Globa will help you to get good luck for the help of the correct interaction with the energy of the stars and planets. The horoscope of the most famous astrologer in the SND is similar to the representatives of any Sign of the Zodiac.

The good news is that there is no great dissonance between cosmic objects, that can be invested in stability in the love and financial sphere.


Aries do not hurry up to accept important decisions on the 25th, the most unfavorable day of today. On the 21st and 22nd of September, on the other hand, you will need to work in such a way that all the most important things can be done and serious organizational moments have been broken. Tsі dnі pіdіdіdut for svіshnogo splanuvannya prava tyzhnya ahead. Pavlo Globa recommends that you finish your plans before the 28th.

On weekends, dedicate more time to clearing out negative thoughts. The stench can cause thoughtless attacks. Do not varto repeat a lot of pardons, but also rizikuvati zdorov'yam that penny. Aries are not allowed to give the other half of the pred for jealousy. As a unique provocation and conflict, the day has passed away.


Monday is the most safe day. According to the forecast of the astrologer, success in work and in business will help the victims. Those same stosuєtsya and amorous sphere. It is possible, if you happen to be able to choose, but you don’t need to hurry. Pavlo Globa says that you can dedicate the first couple of days to the promotion of soil and the analysis of the behavior of the sick. To obscure the mood of Taurus is a small negative emotional outburst.

Bazhano do not fall into extremes and dorimuvatsya day regimen. For warm sleep, you can speed up with special meditation. Goofy contagion - listen to your body and to intuition.


For the twins, the astrologer will boost the energy and vitality, for this day there will be a lot of fluctuations, dynamics, conflicts, that they will, and neimover evils. It takes a lot of strength. For Gemini, these days are the most positive. Among them, the most productive and favorable in terms of energy: 21, 22, 25 and 26 September.
Lonely representatives of this Sign will have a chance to know a friend's soul mate, so you won't earn respect. The trips of a businessman and a special character, purchases, change into a booth and outwardly seem to be friendly. For the family of the Twins, varto spend more than an hour with cohanim.


23, 24 and 27 will become the most productive for Rakiv. It’s a pity that today we don’t have anything new to discover. It is best to focus all your attention on the completion of current references. For example, today there will be a lot of receiving moments for Rakiv, but for us, we need to solve long-standing problems. The most negative for the rest of the year could be stingy with the love sphere. Itself here Cancers varto show a showcase that protection.

The astrologer to please the representatives of this Sign at any time does not provoke close people into conflict. Mustaches of unacceptability are more likely to be virishuvati at once, in full, without shortcomings and negativity. It is not necessary to provoke kokhanih on jealousy and impersonate them.

Selfish Cancers are more likely to earn respect for robots. Which type can be visual propositions. Bazhano often listen to the intuition.

a lion

Levam varto buti protect at Mondays. During the whole day, the astrologer sees a change in discord among the kohanna. Rather be on your own. So on the 21st of September Pavlo Globa did not spend a lot of time at work, so as not to be dignified. Varto beware of pereutomi that trivial perebuvannya in an unacceptable situation. Energetically vysnazhennya є not safe, so it will be necessary to fight with him.

Closer to Friday of the planet "to stand on the ground", it is more energetically for the body to change sharply for better. Nastrіy Lvіv popovze uphill, new forces show up, summaries that experience. An astrologer should be engaged in active activities and physical adventures during the holidays.


Tizhdenetsya rozpochnetsya not the best rank: for the second time, the energy of the planets will become even more destructive and inconsistent. Feel free to stribatim, he wants to change the situation, or rather, don’t work until a week, if everything returns to normal. With rich speeches, you just happen to calm down, in order to spare the forces.

Rich in which the power of self-navigation appears. The more often you say that everything is good, the more you will become more good. Navit in the first days of tyzhnya, such a technique for solving internal problems will become the devil. This day is more focused on the impudent right, financial problems. Plan ahead for a few days ahead of time.


Tuga and znevira can come into the life of Therese on the 24th, if the stars of that planet see an oppressive dissonance. Pozbutisya tsgogo help to improve the effective development and promotion of activity in all areas. On the very ear of the day, on the representatives of this Sign, great loves and deeds of victory are minted, for which a creative mood is needed. Representatives of creative professions have more mercy, lower reshti Tereziv. It’s impossible to show creativity on a robot, it’s necessary to splash out energy in a different way and in a different area.

The love sphere also has creativity. Nezvichaynya that knowledge will help Teresa to know her own business, or to recognize already clearly blue. Sleepy blues with the other half will help you to be incomprehensible. The only exchange of this type is worth the physical investments. To save strength, it is necessary to uniquely change.


For Scorpios, an astrologer should take care of their families, take care of loved ones, add an hour to home turbot, picking. Sleep well help to get close to a kohanoy person and solve the problem of emotional distance one by one. Zustrichi appear brown as old friends, distant relatives. In the first days of the month, one cannot make trouble for hisism - the varto will deal with special problems.

Financial activity will be more pre-river. Varto think about getting some clothes for the house. The astrologer is on the cob of a pleasant period for repairs, moving. At the meeting important parameter become honest. Bazhano, be it by some methods of uncovering lies and hypocrisy - by such a rite you can get away with deception. The power of positive thought also plays a positive role.


Rituals for good luck will help Striltsy to get rid of problems, as they can win through the unstable energy of stars and planets. On September 23, such rituals will become the highest. In the middle of the main problems will be restlessness and a strong fall of physical and emotional forces. On the next day of Monday, especially on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, the All-world will be on the boats of Striltsiv.

On the 21st, 22nd and 25th, the prices will be more expensive, renewal, new acquaintances and purchases. Podії can rapidly develop. Tse means that an hour will fly by without memory, so the varto will be savored by the skin. pleasant moment. It’s not necessary to hurry, but sit on the mіstsі tezh not varto, so good luck can just get around the Striltsiv.


The first two days of October will be the most productive for representatives of this Zodiac Sign. The astrologer should use the most possible ways to improve his position on the right. Better than a titmouse in a rutsi - so what kind of sound the head secret of success sounds like. Varto will let go of his ambitions and focus on fixing the achieved result. Pavlo Globa for the sake of Capricorns, cleanse your energy from the negative.

Varto think about gifts for loved ones. Tse will be good hour for shopping, so that you can get ready for the coming days of the people that is holy.


In business and financial spheres of life, Aquarius need new methods to solve problems. Even better - learn to think positively in order to achieve success with the power of your energy. Tse miraculous hour for access to the love and financial front.

It will be easier for Aquarians to rectify their problems. The presence of a dream is already half the success. The other half of success is almost collapsing to these goals. More importantly, it needs the motivation of that force. Scoop їх varto there, where it is more important to work. Pavlo Globa for the sake of talking more, less looking at loved ones.


On the cob of tizhnya in Rib, you need maximum activity on the robot and on the right. Do not varto mother іluzіy schodo distant vision of problems. It’s clear, don’t worry about anything, it will be necessary for you to uniquely take an impulsive decision. Affirmations for success appear brown. Good thoughts - whole way to success.

Until the end of the day, the astrological situation is improving. On Saturday, that week is supposed to be like a next day to take up relaxation. Sit at some walls not varto, but until the end of the day the charisma of Rib is richly rich. There will be a chance to get to know your partner, or to make a lot of brown acquaintances.

The famous scientist, historian and astrologer Pavel Globa is called Nostradamus of the twenty-first century. Mayuchi vlasniy astrological center, advises politicians, looks to show business, makes astrological forecasts. The horoscope of Pavel Globi for 2017 reveals the dependence of the mystery, interprets it as a win, based on the position of the stars and the planets.

Pavel Globy's books may be successful not only on the territory of Russia; Svіtova spіlnota listen to political analytics, oskolki even more often Globa accurately describe the future processes in business and politics. It is important for businessmen to set up to protect the exchange rates and I will become a stock exchange.

The astro-forecast from Pavel Globi for 2017 can be seen as a tricky factor. R_k will be commemorations of a new round of crisis in Russia, and not only. The economy of the wealthy krai is stormy in the face of an unstable state in the whole world. The strongest years of the year don’t improve the situation, but if you save the moment, then you can get away with impersonal losses.

Zirki for the skin sign of the Zodiac give one important occasion - try to invest only on your own strength, do not make hasty purchases, unique your wicket. Savings allow without zusil to get to the point where you can see the team who are resting at the twisted station.

Ovnіv tsey r_k does not rozcharuet only to the one that the stench nicely maneuvers in any situation. And if other signs cause panic and do not know where to turn around more quickly for help, Aries can assess the seriousness of this situation, choose the right path and go to the possible. People of science, and especially those employed in medicine and technology, will achieve great success. In 2017, roci varto will begin to read, increase the level of your knowledge and qualifications - Piven goodwill to zatyakh.

Aries is stable, but chronically ill varto exult, not spring. Vidpochinok and sport to boost immunity and give the necessary strength for new animals. Carefully put up to fruits, if you haven’t tried it before - it’s possible to get rid of allergies, until such Aries can be calm.

Family representatives of the sign of peace in their family, for the sake of their other half, they value turbota. Do not forget to give respect to relatives and children - do not bring harmony to your family. If you want to know your love closer until autumn, if you don’t fall for a dream about a school - they want to know more about their half.

Tіltsi spovneni forces and vpevnennostі in sobі. Good changes are checked on them. You can not be afraid for your choice and change your life in any case directly. Leather croque bring change to better. Nova robot chi zmina directly diyalnosti - everything is given to him easily.

Do not varto vdavatisya to credits and great witrats, closer to autumn you will have a chance to save a significant sum of pennies. At the same time, you should start buying the land yourself, and a new car will be built. Investments also require changes. Possibly, you will know a good maidanchik for investment or bank proposition.

Healthy Teltsiv - those who do the stench themselves, without primus that vmovlyan. This is playing into your hands, as if chronically ill will appear in the spring. The herbal tract has special respect for itself, do not lose sight of the diet and give priority to vegetables and non-spicy foods.

Zustrichena you are a romantic person, who is a young person, can show up a share, and also be astonished by new people. Tiltsy, like a long time to change with a slave, to be hushed up with hundreds of dollars on the side, but soon they will be worn out. Children can meaningfully ask you for respect - try to be smart, and by doing so you will be able to overcome unnecessary problems.

The twins want to hide their faces, as if they began to tighten them. Dress up like a sphere of a special life, and work on a robot, friendship. The stench will understand that it is necessary to spend a lot of time on people, as you can’t do it before them. To squash the pive into the eyes into knots, like to pull them to the bottom, to feel unhappy. Varto listen to a bunch of grown-up relatives, call everything for and against, and praise the solution less than the last. Do not rubat from the shoulder.

New opportunities in business, propositions from old spivrobitniks to turn to work, chit-chat with friends of the childishness - you can become an influx.

Do not forget to vodpochivati, ale may be on the uvaziy yakіsny vіdpovchinok, which may be on the uvіzі povene svrechennya srav. Do not slouch at the hour of the holiday, in the distance, pracsyuvati chi in your garden dilyantsi. The sea and the mountains show you a beautiful shanuvalnik, and you have moral peace of mind.

Patience, that turbota about your moral health, active sports, that kind of chicken, make you a new person. The heart-vascular system will require support and, possibly, exuberance.

Have two novels in parallel - those that can puff you up, and if you don’t have a home, poke you, and you have a chance to spend everything. Like a family, so even if signs will be pragmatically realized for the account of such gifts, but they only check on you.

Cancers got tired and did not want to collapse forward. Cancers spit their depression, that rose, the stench artificially call out their own Western mood and live with a new one. The entreaties of the otochuyuchy do not carry coriste, but rather fight more.

Take a look around and find out the real reason for your becoming, throw out old speeches and dishes, distance yourself, bicycles. Lead active image life, marry your splin, otherwise, and the robot-giver will take care of you.

Undivided kokhannya - those who are stronger than you are married to nudga. Persh, tie a stounka down, admire the people, sing along with you until you plan a dream and sleepy children, and yet at the farbakh they presented your wild merriment that zvіn.

A stable income by stretching the earthly fate of Cancer's coldness, and do not succumb to the possibilities that are shown in front of him. In the distance, you can meet the needs of the dredges, which are remarkably unique. Leave the night, drink some kava and go ahead. This river gives you a chance to develop your business and to know new, promising ideas.

Levi believe in himself, in his success and not in vain. Everyone comes out quietly, who goes ahead, who is not afraid, but we don’t feel, we don’t understand, we laugh. You are the generator of ideas for the fate, your creative potential is bogged down in your head and cannot be between.

Development of business and investments in new enterprises will be successful and pay off until the end of time. Trust misguided business partners, consult with professionals, do not trust suspicious propositions and shadow business.

Look at everything new: education, expensive, business, new blues - all the checks of the patient and the hard-nosed. Do not joke chances, everything is in front of you, you just don’t care about possible options.

Friends check for your respect. Among them, you will know your soul mate. Virte to close people, old acquaintances and fathers - the stench will give the most joy.

To be careful, try a new way and try to get used to less alcohol. High є rizik otruєn і razladіv shlunkovo-intestinal tract, zahvoryuvannya sludge can also guess about yourself. Do not pull out of the trip to the doctor.

Divi calm and vrіvnovazhenі. The moment has come for their life, if the stench can shift a lot of their shoulders to comrades-in-arms, friends, family, and even more - to a new couple. Divi to know your half before autumn, that will understand the correctness of the choice, the shards of the people themselves will become their support.

A stable work, known for professionalism and, it is possible, promotion to add self-confidence. Do not varto change the activities directly. Creators Divi, in the life of such buds of stagnation, dzherelo for new projects, musical novelties. Mitzi will be at the peak of popularity. One may be successful - molting. Even though you are aware that the Piven of atrocities is before you, it helps to take the fate of your right, do not forget that you may be hurt, and you will not be allowed to lie on your laurels to the ledarians.

Take care of the ridge, rejoice at the ailment of the musculoskeletal system, go in for sports and swimming. Walk and talk with children - they have no potential for ideas, so you can get stuck.

Family Divi reap the fruits of their work at the vіdnosinakh - on the cob of fate you happen to throw firewood at the vіdnosini with a man or a retinue, the stench checks your participation in your life. You understand and correct the pardons, and your special life is covered with new farbs.

Terezi is unstable, the stench is wailing, not convinced of the correctness of the decision, the choice of the path. Your day is a struggle with yourself: you don’t reach, you can’t choose, you don’t trust your inner voice. Right up to the summer, your colivannia is inevitable. Survive tse, learn to relax and rejoice. Choose right, how to stand at the top rows of the necessary.

Learn to loosen the shoes, don't wear the heavy load on yourself. Undoubtfulness like a robot, do it at home, inconsistency with partners gives you nerves.

Possibly, there are people on the robot who don’t want your career growth, but it’s not your fault to disturb you, so you can bring your competence. Avoid the discussion of the stone worker behind his back, speak all the claims in a special way, otherwise you will be known as a tiler and a non-serious spokesman, whom you cannot trust with an important right.

For example, you will have a sum of pennies, if you want to spend money on a purchase. Lighten up your money and invest pennies in the repayment of loans, mortgages - this loan will definitely help you.

The innocence of oneself can play an evil fever in a love story. Just as you show innocence with your partner - you don’t want to be with you. You will be checked for exact vіdpovіdі and rіshuchostі.

Scorpios can solve impersonal problems and realize superficial fantasies, as if starting to go to the appointed destination. The skin of his project is a priori in the distance. Intuition, as in 2017, the rolls are on the pike, pidshtovkhuє to the correct kroіv. Do not be afraid to start new houses, plan for the birth of children, start repairs and build a house of life - you can finish as smoothly as possible.

Do not lie to people, if you do not believe it, be open at the bajanny.

Do not spread out with old friends, if new ones come, but they will be rich. If you stink of enjoying your company, stink of showing interest in you, then old and distorted friends will greet you with incredible warmth. The stench itself will lift you up in the beginnings and add to the innocence of your own.

Rejoice, be it as if you were ill at once - there is a risk, that it can go chronically. Do not forget about vitamins and dairy products, eat a lot of things.

Sim'ya ask you about respect for them, about your part of turbot that warmth. The fathers want to beat you more often. Find an hour for a conversation, and by the same token, your life will see that harmony in your life. Adultery, to some extent you are not smart, can get respect, but only for a short term. It is possible for people to appear on the horizon, with whom you had earlier boules, but the stench has lived for itself - you are guilty of reason, and do not work the rocks, you can fool around.

Shooters enter the phase of self-control and moral maturity. I don't want to stink anymore "in a Swedish way" and abyak. The stench firmly assess the situation, give fawn over and make the right decisions yourself. Striltsya rejoice with the simplest and most unviable speeches. Leather day begins with joy and commitment to a positive result.

Family Strilts - a wall, behind which all the members of this family can be known, be it a storm and a wind. You can swear on them and friends - support and assistance will be without spitting.

Vilni Striltsy harmoniously develop stosunki and bestow their half of the spirit of tomorrow. Closer to autumn, on the love front, the mighty zbіy, the ale calm and the mind of the Striltsa turn the harmony at the stosunka.

Take care of your health, don't get too cold. Do not use antibiotics and analgesics. Diagnose all possible ills in advance - so you will win great vitrates for likuvannya and save your strength.

Walk, active mind, sports bring more joy, lower lying on the beach and watching the bars. You have every chance to become the soul of the company. Your sense of humor is appreciated by friends and new people.

Capricorn to rethink his values ​​and come to the visnovka, which way is a calm and stable place of work. Possibly, you can win a big change to change your life and become a top manager of a farmer's farm. Similar to extreme nights viklikana moral exhaustion. Capricorn, navit yakshcho and buv karaterist, appreciate the silence of that homeland. The difference in incomes of yogo does not lie - you are in the best of your ability, and you are ready to practice with full self-reliance, aby not to be stressed.

Harmony in the family, love for children activates the regime of maximum harmony in Capricorn from the outer world. Who would not win - win the miraculous sim'yanin.

Vіlnі signs shukatimut their half, nasampered, for vnutrіshnіm zmіst, yogo no longer attach "empty". As a result, education is close to creativity, religion, and harmony with nature - to cultivate the vibe of someone directly and achieve reciprocity from an enviable zazyatistu.

Savings and strimanity at roses, allow autumn to be as much as possible and grow your own gift - a final purchase. Do not forget about immunity, vitamins and warm speech in the cold season of fate.

The horoscope of Pavel Globi for 2017 is new for Aquarius - change in yoga life to bump into us in front of the emotional sphere and sprinyattya beautiful. The intuition of Aquarius on a high eve and trust the wines may only be to their own wives. What is business, what is blue, what is right and what is wrong.

Aquarius, as if slender to the point of stagnation, it is easy to fall into the flow of the opposite position, be respectful to your sharpness, do not trust everyone. Your opinion is the most heady, on which varto to orient.

In business and on robots, a cascade of subdivisions and just a vibration of propositions for you. Patiently concretize all your wishes, achieve the maximum, whatever you can do. Trust your instincts and don't be too happy to make friends with incompetent people.

If there is a risk of infectious diseases, then on trips, take the side of the unknown. Do not take risks from sports and carefully take care of your car. At the same time, do not sit at the kermo, after sipping alcohol.


Ribi enters 2017 as a wrestler, because he will have to do it himself. Having reported the zusil, the stench floats afloat, and having loosened their grip, they waste a lot of something from what they have reached.

Ribi languished in the vіdnosin, for those stinks I’ll open it, and with the horse, which pulls the whole vіz. The stinks don’t look at the cues and they’re ready to throw everything. At such a moment, they blame themselves on their right friends, yak, marveling at the situation from the side, perekayut you, that everyone is viruvan, it’s better to take those shoes with you, as if you yourself brought them in.

You will be happy with your family, if you learn to say “nі”, if you speak about your own, if you ask for respect.

The finances are stable, but if you take a look at the busyness to the soul - it’s possible, you’ll become a new profession, chi hobi, as if to give you a good will. Learn more on your own, unique great companies, don't get caught up. Appreciate people who help you evaluate yourself.

Take care of your feet, keep warm and warm clothes to overcome the problem of colds, and fortify natural water and products to strengthen the immune system.

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