The manager of the 7 house about 9 for the woman. Somyi natalny budinok. Managers. planets. Top the booth in signs. Abo de know your person at the natal card

A seemingly small analysis, as astrological significance may be the ruler of the 7th booth (partnership, club) at the 5th booth of the horoscope (children, creativity).

Yakshcho the ruler of the 7th booth at the 5th booth of the horoscope

Ruler of the 7th booth in the 5th booth - negative:

a dream can be ruined through the flirtation of a person, one of the partners will turn to themselves the respect of the bulk, the possibility of sleeping scams, bluff and speculation.

The ruler of the 7th booth in the 5th booth is positive:

love with love, making friends with a cicava and a talented person. Povnі warm emotions that broad kohannya stosunki, creative life pov'yazane z suspіlnoy diyalnіstyu. Anonymous public speeches, richness and equivalence among children and children.

Creative energy is successfully victorious for achieving success with the public. It is possible to show creativity in cooperation with a partner in the service of the sphere of art.

People who have a ruler of 7 houses in the 5 house of the horoscope

People with the ruler of the house, which symbolizes the hat, have the 5 house, which symbolizes creativity, romance, rude contentment, start making friends with the kohanny, if you want you can create problems for them, as it was for the vipad with Robert Browning, for the horoscope of such a Mercury letter Tiltse at 5 houses and keruvav 7 houses at Bliznyuky.

In spite of their relatives, they became friends with their bazhanna with Elizabeth Berett, and they became friends, and they were a happy couple.

From the other side, you can be a clear individuality, like Elizabeth Taylor, at the horoscope, which is at the top of 7, Aries, and Mars - at Ribah at 5. You can know the horoscope in another book.

Vaughn made friends 7 times and all 7 times - with love. Maybe, there’s no sense of blaming that the shards of Mars are in opposition to Neptune and in square to Jupiter, it took a little more than an hour to win the planetary energy in a constructive manner.

Why do we, women, so passionately want to name the manager of the booth in your Horoscope? That the ruler of the house 7 describes our future person, our companions with him and arrange acquaintances.

Hiba you don't care? I know what it's like. You are just stunned by the cіkavo, as if you are still unstoppable.

Otzhe, how to appoint the ruler of the 7th house?

A lot of astrological schools, a lot of thoughts. I will tell you how I work. I am a practitioner, the main criterion for this is that the manager of the 7th booth is guilty of describing the real situation in the life of a person.

As we marvel at the horoscope, more horizontally all 1-7 buds. The ear of the 1st booth is called the Ascendant - tse Ya. The ear of the 7th booth is called the Descendant - tse Vin. We stand alone against one: we can manage and add one to one, but we can not manage that trick. It is worth depositing in the form of yakos and the position of the planets, the rulers of 1 and 7 buds.

Today we know the planet - the ruler of the 7th booth.

Three situations are possible here:

1) 7 budinok move in one sign, or more part of the bunkinka scatter in one sign. The simplest vipadok is that you have one ruler of the 7th booth.

We marvel at the sign, where we eat the Descendant (the cob of the 7th booth). With a skin sign keruє pevna planet, yak є your ruler 7 booth.

  • Aries - Mars
  • Taurus - Venus
  • Gemini - Mercury
  • Cancer - Month
  • Leo - Sun
  • Diva - Mercury
  • Terezi - Venus
  • Scorpio - Mars, Pluto
  • Sagittarius - Jupiter, Neptune
  • Capricorn - Saturn
  • Aquarius - Saturn, Uranus.
  • Ribi - Jupiter, Neptune

Why do deyaky signs make 2 planets?

That is why the ancient astrologers victorious for cherubing the signs of the planet, like stench could bachit in the sky with an unbroken eye. There are 7 planets of the septener: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Then we will see the naive planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - as they were given in the administration for the sign of the Zodiac.

Yaku take the planet for the ruler?

Denis Kutalov does not look at the largest planets. As if I wrote at the forum: if I began to look at the septener planet, like the rulers of the houses, my understanding of my horoscope was forgiven. I always marvel at the offense. Your planet is supplementing information about the gateway and stosunki.

2) At 7 booths, 2 signs are used. Here one is established as a ruler, and he is a spivu ruler. The ruler is the planet that controls the sign, having spent the 7th booth on the cob, the spіvurulyator is the planet that controls the 2nd sign.

For the significance of the head manager. The spivruler shows himself kindly, as if in another sign they spend like planets.

3) Until the 7th booth, 3 signs are consumed. Here there is an inclusion sign - a sign that I will be in the middle of 7 buds near the horoscope. Inclusions (transitions) are the sign of the theme of karmic astrology. At once, I will not tell you about it, so as not to complicate the article. Golovne - the ruler of the sign included up to the 7th booth, especially in the new planet, is guilty of being equal to the ruler of the 7th booth. The ruler of the 3rd sign, I don’t see how the 7th booth is.

Also, the main symbolic ruler is the planet, as a rule of honor for hundreds of dollars - tse Venus. Venus wins for stosunki for both men and women. For Venus, we are taking a partner.

If with Venus - bіda, then our choice will be viable. I strongly recommend it to anyone.

Nine and kilka applied.

On the little one 1 ruler 7 house - Venus. On the little one 2, the ruler of the 7th booth is Mercury, the spіvupravnik is Mіsyats.

We have appointed the planet of your future man and your squad for you. Now the camp of this planet is near the house, and the interaction with other planets will tell us the secrets of your dream. Ale about the other time.


Yakscho you were born in the latitudes of pivnіchnyh - for example, near Murmansk - you have a Descendant and an ear of the 7th booth do not zbіgayutsya. Don't forget to lie. Here the next thing is to choose the system of booths correctly.

Somyi natalny budinok. Managers. planets.


Tsey budinok can be called to everything that a person opposes himself - suspіlstvo, a person and a foe. Vkazuє on the preferred type of partner, the peculiarity of the slubnyh zv'yazkіv and vzagalі possibility of tsikh. Vіdnosini u suspіlstvі. Possibility of being popular.


Ruler 1 at the 7th booth - show that the respect of the person is most directed towards the partner. Yogo zabaganki that bajannya is important. In case of damage, pied heels.

Ruler 2 at the 7th booth - a penny staleness of the partner. Vіn є sponsor.
(The manager of 7 at the 2nd booth - the pennies of a person are calculated as their own. The work at once, the earnest income of a person to earn from your income.)

Ruler 3 in 7 houses (Exercise 7 in 3 days) - Mozhlivy shlyub on a distant relative, known, sudіd. (Bagato splіkuvannya through zasobi zv'yazku-dovgi phone lines and etc.)

Ruler 4 to 7 booth - Sim'ya vtruchaєtsya at the special office. Fathers can live together with them. Family problems are to be blamed on the court, they are advertised - in case of shock.
(The ruler of 7 in the 4th booth - sіm'ya pours into the choice of a person. If they are hit, the inflow is ruinous.)

Ruler 5 in 7 (exercise 7 in 5) - Shlyub z kokhannya. In case of defeat - separation, that child suffers, or they become the subject of a trial.

Ruler 6 in 7 - Office romance. In case of shock - a person is ill and watch over him. Work on the street, connected with splkuvannyam, with the public (stage, theater, consultations and ing), especially as Jupiter, Saturn.
(The ruler of 7 in 6 is a robot at once with a person. Vin can appear as a doctor or as a boss.)

The ruler of 7 in 7 - Shlyub for the sake of Shlyub, to that so lie down with the soul. It is important to confirm the sufficiency of that suspense. Bagato tete-a-tete tete-a-tete.

Ruler 8 in 7 - traumatic, unsafe partners and stosunki. A person can become an enemy. (Similar to the position of Lilith and Pluto in the 7th house.)
(The ruler of 7 in 8 is a wealthy person, a decline in a new one. In case of a blow, the death of a partner is rapt and there are problems with a lot of recession.

Manager 9 at 7 budinku - legal advice. The man is a foreigner, he lives in the distance. Abo cholovіk bear be-yakі socially that hromadskі vantagennia. A lot of talk from the family of a person. Trips together with a man, more expensive.
(The ruler of 7 to 9 is an acquaintance for a repair, at a rehab. A person is different.)

Ruler 10 7 - shlyub pіdvischuє social status і tsim obumovleniy. Shlyub for rozrachunk. When struck, the rose is not correct.
(The ruler of 7 in 10 is popularity with the soul.)

Ruler 11 at 7 budinka - you are founded on friendship, sleeping right. You can adopt children (children are friends).
(Ruler of 7 to 11 booths - Lovely girls outgrow with friends, little emotion.)

Ruler 12 at 7 budinku - taєmnі stosunki. There is one more homeland. Platonic feel, psychological trauma in the slave - when struck, it is important to forget, to separate. Repeat love. Kokhannya on the vіdstanі, in fact, it's easier to love someone far away, less close. (similar to Neptune at the 7th booth)
(The ruler of the 7th at 12th booth is for the sake of the person, the new one has his own secret life. Abo separation from the person for various reasons (v'yaznitsya, vіd'їzd, likarnia, etc.)

The ruler of the 7th booth is the ruler of the 8th booth - addiction and aggression among the slave, with a loss of separation, loss, widowhood. With a strong urazhennі and іnshih. chinnikah - injuries and driving in a slave.
The ruler of the 7th booth is the ruler of the 12th booth - a strong spiritual connection from a person, a platonic one. When amazed - deceive, for the sake of, the mystery of this. In case of strong shock, the enemies are mentally ill people, drug addicts, alcoholics, fanatics and etc.
The manager of the 7th booth is the manager of the 10th booth - a school that promotes social status. In case of shock, the negative behavior of a person injects reputation and image.
Ruler 7 є manager 11 house - Friendly blues at the slubi. The person helps with the plans. In case of shock, a girlfriend / friend can bring a person. Plans don't work.


SUN at 7 booth

The importance of friends stosunkiv. The person is visible. Vіn provіdny іn stosunkah i vіd yogo lie rich (especially true in women's charts). A lot of important vidnosin, the ability to speak and be popular. Splurge and encouragement of support play an important role.


1) Princess Diana (Sun in Cancer at 7 booth exercise 9, -8-) - Prince Charles' squad. Bagato spilkuvannya z usієyu tsarist family and її spitting on a friend's life \ on separation (Pluto z 9 booth control 12 in 60 gr to Sontsya) - the queen napoljala on razluchennі.

2) Cholovik (Sun in Bliznyuky at the 7th booth exercise 9 days) - The squad is visible from the family. Її fathers vtruchayutsya at їhnі stosunki steadily.

3) Zhіnka (Sun in Cancer at 7 o'clock exercise -8-) - swedish rozryv slyubnyh vіdnosin through violence and beat. (+ Exercise 7 to 8 booth)

4) Zhіnka (Sun in Capricorn in the 7th booth exercise 4) - A prominent person in the household of a person. Mother vtruchalsya in її sіmeynі in celebration, wine "smіttya z khati". Mother lived with her for an hour.

Month at the 7th booth

In a person's card, you can talk about those who have mothers and squads of similar names or characters. The importance of stosunkіv іz mаmі, yakshcho sоobistіstі po'zana z tvorchestyu, privyachuvatim yоgo mіmі. The woman's card indicates a weak, prim and emotional person, like a child. In case of shock - foldable stoks and with mom and with a person.


1) Marilyn Monroe many people. Turning to the largest vіdnosin. Vaughn respected partners weak for herself. Mother is mentally neurotic.

2) Elvis Presley - (Monday at Ribah at 7 budinka exercise 11 days) - Important vodnosini from mother, friendly. The bula squad is similar to her.

3) Cholovik (Month at the Bliznyuks at the 7th booth exercise 8 days) - Mother was jealously placed before all the contenders for the heart of her son. Ruinovala stosunki. The squad is similar to matir.

4) Cholovik (Month at Divi in ​​7 exercises 6 days) - The squad is already similar to the matir. Robotic dating. The work is tied up with the theater, talking to the public.

MERCURY at 7 booth

You can talk about an early coat, a young man or a one-year-old. Enemies can call, overpower leaves, follow cars, swipe and collect information.


1) Yu.Nikulin (Mercury at the Striltsi at 7 budinku ex. 1,2,-5-) - the importance of the lovers. One mіtsny shlyub, early. By love.

2) Princess Diana (Mercury retro in Cancer at 7 o'clock exercise 7,-9-) - Early slub, for the slubu. Strongly pouring in my husband's sim.

3) Arthur Conan Doyle (Mercury at Taurus at 7 budinka exercise 11 and 9) - having organized a spirit group (Pluto at 7) together with the squad and increased in price at once.
4) Zhіnka (Mercury at Striltsi at 7 o'clock exercise 1.5) - early that mіtsny shlyub, for kohanny. On your one-year-old.

5) Cholovik (Mercury at the Bliznyuks at the 7th booth exercise 7.10) - it is important to talk to the slave. Social status. Problems with telephone calls of many girlfriends.

VENUS at 7 booth

Talk about a romantic partner, creatively gifted and soft. Important is the physical side of wines, sensitive to that predilections. In case of shock, try to recognize the great number of connections and new insights. Enemies of women's status, tiles of intrigue.


1) Charlie Chaplin (Venus in Taurus in the 7th booth, ex. Skhilny to the splash of the squad and the woman vzagali. The stench podkoryuyut yogo, looking like weakness.

2) Herbert Wells (Venus in Scorpio at 7 budinka control -1-, 7 at 180 gr to Pluto at 1) - Sprat of love, widowhood, separation. There is a great number of sexual connections, less important for women.

3) Georges Simenon (Venus in Ribs in the 7th booth exercise 2.9 in 180 gr until Month in the 1st night exercise 11) - impersonal connections with women of easy behavior. Dekilka razluchen.

4) Arthur Conan-Doyle (Venus at the ram at 7 o'clock exercise 12 and 8) - taєmna zakokhanіst, vіvstvo.

5) Zhіnka (Venus in Bliznyuky at 7 budinku control 7.11 conn. z Lilit) - the first hat broke out through the jealousy of that violence of a person.

6) Cholovik (Venus in Bliznyuky at 7 budinka ex. 7.11 in 180 gr to Saturn in 1 ex. -2-) - three blues. To all the squads, when separated, having stripped their mustache, that mav.

MARS at 7 booth

Mars to rob many of its richest weldings, jealousy and stasis of physical strength. What to cause to the last and impulsive separation in case of injury. In other ways, a person is already an active person and all activity is oriented towards her, or at the same time it is driven out of her and is expressed by the energy of the sign of the Zodiac.
Vіdkritі essences with enemies.


1) Charlie Chaplin (Mars at Taurus at 7 o'clock ex. 6 at 180 gr until Month at 12 ex. 9) - sprat of love and separation. Judicial processes for the establishment of the fatherland. (Paying alimony - for the commendation of the court, even if it was not for the father's confessions from the examination.)

2) Cholovik (Mars in Taurus at 7 exercise 7 at 90 degrees to Venus at 4 exercise 1.8) - ruining the sky, through aggression and jealousy. on DS); court proceedings from shahrai.

3) Cholovik (Mars at Teresa at 7 budinku exercise 2.9 at covid z Lilit) - before the death of the squad.

4) Zhіnka (Mars in Aries in the 7th booth exercise 8 in 180 gr to Pluto in 1 booth exercise 3) - victorious zv'yazyom zі zі nayomim, schob zavagіtnіti. Calm down to the people.

JUPITER at 7 booth

Great drinks from the slave that clearing. You can talk about the second hat on your person. Gentry enemies.


1) Cholovik (Jupiter at Bliznyukah at 7 budinka exercise 1 in 180 gr to Neptune exercise 4 days) - Zrada squad, separation. Repeated stosunki, schlyub.

2) Woman (Jupiter at Levi at 7 budinka exercise 12 at 150 gr to Mars at 2 exercise 4) - for the sake of separation. The taemnі stosunki with the other person continued after the second trip to the squad.

3) Zhіnka (Jupiter at Aquarius at 7 budinku exercise 5 at 180 gr to Lilit) - Shlyub for kohanny, ale separation. Reinvention of many vodnosins.

SATURN at 7 booth

You can talk about one mіtsniy shlyub, with a blow-widowhood, separation. Important signs of foundation on goiter, borgu, vіdpovіdalnosti. The person can be older. Bezshlyubnist. Enemies of the elder for a century and vplivov.


1) Joe Dassin (Saturn retro in Aries at 7 booth ex. 4 in conjunction with Month ex. 10) - two separations. So the very separation of the fathers.

2) Marcel Marceau (Saturn at Teresa in the 7th booth exercise 11 in 180 degrees to Lilit in 1 day) - two separations.

3) Herbert Wells (Saturn in Scorpio in 7 exercise 10 and 11 days in 120 gr to Uranus in 3 exercise 12) - widowhood, separation.

URAN at 7 booth

Self-sufficiency. Partners treat like friends. Zvyazki not mіtsnі in case of damage. Early love. Marvelous stosunki, schos on the guest's shlubu. Unsuccessful vipadi enemies.


1) Zoya Fedorova (Uranus in Capricorn at 7 budinka exercise 10.9 at 180 gr to Neptune at 1 exercise 11 days) - sprat of love \ separation. A call from a foreigner. Popularity. High-ranking enemies and friends.

2) Cholovik (Uranus in Cancer in the 7th booth exercise 3 days in 90 gr to Saturn in the 9th booth exercise 1) - There is no strong pretense in the waters. Might as well live without a squad - go to the swimming pool, it's more expensive.

3) Cholovik (Uranus at 7 booth control 1) - a lot of energy is spent on the link. Easily shave stosunki and tie new ones.

NEPTUNE at 7 booth

The human being is undesirable, elusive. Abo can become a creative bohemian musician, actor, artist, etc. Vіdnosini vkritі taєmnitseyu, deceit. The weakness of the partner to alcohol, narcotics under the hour of injury. When separated - try to turn chi to restore the stosunki. Dark enemies.


1) Woman (Neptune in the 7th booth exercise 11 in conjunction with Mercury exercise 1,2,5 days) - the first person of the same age. Chi is not necessary. Addicted to alcohol. Repeated slub.

2) Cholovik (Neptune at 7 weeks exercise -1 - at 135 gr to Saturn at 1 exercise 12) - separation through one's own sake. The need to turn a lot of stosunki, that impossibility of growth, appeared in creativity.

3) Zhіnka (Neptune at the 7th booth exercise 10 days) separation. Try to win money for a rock sprat.

PLUTON at 7 booth

A strong link from a man. Vіdnosini karmіchnі, so you can't take care of them for your bazhanny. A person can be tied to crime, be jealous and despotic. Enemies are more unsafe.


1) Arthur Conan-Doyle (Pluto at 7 budinku ex. 2 at conjuncture with Mercury ex. 9, 11) - having taken up the charge at the judge. True splint of a friend, a friend. The other squad is a medium. Conducted seances at the same time. Letter of detectives.

2) Cholovik (Pluto at 7 budinka exercise 9, -8- at 90 gr to Sontsya at 3 exercise 7) - a link to crime, spying on their authorities. Raptova death with a criminal twist. (Pluto at 180 degrees to Jupiter at 1 exercise 10 days) - a popular actor / director.

3) Zhіnka (Pluto in the 7th booth ex. 10 in 90 gr to Venus and Mercury in the 3rd booth ex. The death of a person in a criminal investigation.

4) Cholovik (Pluto at 7 budinka exercise 10.11 days in conjunction with Month exercise 7 day. At 90 gr to Mars at 9 exercise 3 days) - Death of the mother in the death camp. Driving in squads and friends - a group of evildoers.

3/3 have a hat from a foreigner to a foreigner.
At 1/3 - enemies from afar, or call people from afar, as well as a retrial for not calling for an airlift to Gan (and to tighten the court of the ottoman).

Manager of the booth at the booths

Negative: the companion of life is far behind the glances and a stranger behind the spirit. Possibly post-ideological super-girls and ideological intransigence. Imovirna vorozhnecha with people from іnshої mіstsevnostі and predilection to the ideas of chauvinistic nationalism. Such a person herself can generate hatred for a racial character.
Positive: schlub spryaє active life Vіn increases prestige, allows you to rise in price and gives you the opportunity to expand your horizons. Suspіlna diyalnіst such a person, too wide, is popular far from home. Shilny to distant business contacts.
There is a weight to the partner from another supple, ethnic religious environment. Acquaintance with the future companion of life can be in another world. With the right choice of energy, they add up garni vodnosiny with the partner's relatives. In a different way, an emotional connection with a companion of life, which resembles a different social environment, can lead to complication that inaccuracies. Such a person is successful, like a defender at the court, or like a professor, like a professor, who encourages her to listen to the latest ideas with justifications. Such people often spend an hour with a partner on the road, or together with a partner they work with a travel agency.

Indubala. Kerіvnik booth at the booths. (Indian tradition)

The squad will be religious; be successful in a foreign land, indulge in a friendly capacity to see the famous city of that great temples. If people are right in what they do, then there will be trade and diplomacy. Show up ambitious bajannya vlady.

This is the first house, not an indication from the specialty of a person without a middle. "I" from the first booth become "tee" at the second booth. Aries begins to understand that there is more than one fault in this world. Somy budinok lie down to the apex, wine is the house of vіch-na-vіch and “there are two of us”. Terezi is a symbolic sign, and Venus is a symbolic ruler of a house. About Teresa and Venus, it seems that the stinks of a suspіlnu nature, and to the very same, somy budinok - the budinok of your stokіvіv іnshimi. Vin will describe your position as a partner, to your colleagues for the job of service, as well as to lawyers and defenders, such as you hire.

To describe the powers of which booth, like a hood, it is customary to say that you manifest yourself clearly and through a supple sphere. Traditionally, wine is respected as a house of obvious enemies, a house of support for your stature from them. This booth is called the booth of the enemies, the shards are changed in opposition to the Ascendant, which makes you special. Tsey booths show what you are looking for in others, that kindness, as you need, in order to remember your weaknesses and reveal your strengths.

Ruler of the 7th booth on the sign:

  • Aries: sincere pidyomi and porivi pov'yazanі z spіlkami, podruzhennyam or love zv'yazkom.
  • Tiltse: unions mіtsnі and dovgotrivali.
  • Twins: even more often one glances at each other with a good thought, even a lot of fantasies, partnerships and friendships are unstable.
  • Crayfish: wesillya deeply in the future at the pіdsvіdomіst zagalnopriynyatі family values.
  • A lion: pragnennya gleaming, effective club union.
  • Diva: to reach a closed friendship life far from outside eyes.
  • Terezi: hats and other unions with people occupy an important place in life.
  • Scorpio: individualism, often insane with harmonies and family vodnosins.
  • Sagittarius: a person pragne to uncover a reconsideration of a clear partner. Love from a foreigner.
  • Capricorn: love union and other unions, for us, to serve the satisfaction of Marnoslavism. Often there is a difference between the partners (moral and physical).
  • Aquarius: a search for an ideal person who can easily create utopias and unimaginable fantasies.
  • Ribi: unstable, chaotic friendly life. The identity of people.

Ruler of 7 houses in 1 house. Vlasnitsky feels like a hundred and fifty people, schilnist to his centrism at the same time.

You are a person, who needs to be angry again, to get along with his partner, a group of people, so that you can recognize that child as a whole and that full specialness. As in this situation, Venus does not appear as the ruler, Month or Neptune, You will be the leader in the uprisings, if you happen to show others, as if you need to work in the spheres, de Vi will feel inspired. Call out to the right teachers and teachers. It is also wonderful to show yourself in such shawls, like show business, trade and politics. Mahatma Gandhi was the spiritual and political leader of India. Aries is in the horoscope at the top of the eighth booth, and Mars is in the first booth in Scorpio, and Mars of inclusions is in the great T-square, being next to Venus in opposition to Jupiter and Pluto in the second booth and to the quadrature of the Month in Levi at the tenth. Trin with Uranus at the ninth booth, giving him the necessary energy, and having secured the ability to easily win over the energy, connected with the manifestation of the T-square. The axis of why Gandhi is able to overcome national problems and peacefully, without resorting to violence, and as a leader, greed with love and respect for his people. Such a constellation is often found in the horoscopes of movie theaters.
Elke Sommer has Ribi at the horoscope at the top of the seventh booth, and Neptune has the first booth at the trinity of the Moon, Neptune at the first booth in the trinity of the month, which explains that the swedish one is angry to glory and that great popularity, which is out there with the public. Merle Oberon's horoscope has Leo at the top of the first booth, and the Sun in the first booth is the same as Kim Novak's. In Carroll Landis, the Finnish movie theater of the fortieth years, which has tragically developed, in the horoscope at the top of the seventh booth, there are Gemini, and Mercury without aspects is at the first booth in Striltsi.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpratsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve to create the image of the “I”, the person, the molding of the manners of behavior, the image of that ovnishny look. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - advice: “Teach yourself, develop your individuality, refine your manners, image, old look, change your look at the world and wines. Choose a partner who will enhance your current look and express your image to yourself. You want your partner to love you for your good looks. Your vіdkritі vіdkritі vіdkіv vplyvayut vіdkritі vіdvanі vіdії vіdkritі vіdі 'I'. Interaction with the enemy to bring you to the point of need to change your appearance about the world and yourself, develop your specialty, work to embrace the subtle. You create an image for yourself, so that you can beat the attack of the enemy and heal yourself from the enemy. You project the quality of your specialty on the partner and the enemy, on the other meaningful people. Those, as you spіvpratsyuєte chi konflіktuєte, є first rіchchyu, like other people with you. Your zalezhnistvo vіd stosunkіv z іnshoy lyudina is the first thing that other people commemorate in you. Dіlovі partners, cholovіk and vіdkritі vіdkritі vorogi vplyvayut on that mask, like you wear. Negotiate and contract signify your old look and pidkhid to life. Partners mayut majestic infusion on your shutter to life. You have a diplomatic pidkhіd to life. You are like a lawyer that judge.

Ruler of the 7th booth at the 2nd booth. Friendship is about significant material benefits and feasibility of a successful spivpratsi.

Such a constellation is often associated with people who make friends through a penny or a position in a household. Zvichayno, your partner is guilty of such a system of values, like Vi. This situation can be indicative of those that you earn pennies in the hallow of rights, or through direct super-nativity with others, like in the case of the Olympic champion in important athletics Max Ber, in the horoscope of which Aries is at the top of this house, and Mars is in another house in Sagittarius oppositions from Pluto. Such people often earn a lot of pennies, reaching success with the public. You can earn money together with your partner, like the couple with the actor Paul Newman, the horoscope of which has Cancer at the top of the house, and Month - at the other house in Ribs. Vіn pratsyuvav at once with his retinue Joan Budward. Another butt here can be Joe Nemeth, at the horoscope of which at the top of the house there is Sagittarius, and Cancer at the other house. As a ruler of good distributions in a horoscope, then, as a rule, such people make friends with him, who makes good money, or knows money for pennies, and always have a chance that your partner will turn out to be rich in depression, and your other budinok is eight.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpratsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve your financial stability, giving power and special values, self-esteem. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - opinion: “To sort out your own system of values, change their accents, look at your self-esteem, your attitude to private authority.” You will need a partner who will ensure the reliability of your financial plan. Joke a partner in the middle of the quiet, who independently earns such a system of values ​​\u200b\u200bto match yours. Favorite partners spit on those who are happy. Choose a partner who will improve your financial position, which will give you the opportunity to earn money independently, and to independently manage a penny, to spend pennies independently. Choose a partner who can raise contributions up to your special income. Partners to take advantage of your special wealth and serve your special income. The partner needs to be attached to your witrats and earn sounds, it is necessary to fit into your system of values, your setting up to private authority, the world of physical speeches. Partners are responsible for your self-confidence and self-esteem. You will win your significant achievements to induce financial security and enter into business opportunities for increasing your income. You sign contracts that bring pennies. You sign contracts for mine and power. Business partners are not guilty of super-cheating you in your way of earning that stained pennies. Lovers and business partners are responsible for your needs, mother of material speech, as they represent value for you. You are friendly with your pennies or your speeches. Vіdkritі vorogi infuse into your self-esteem and self-advocacy. Vіdkritі vorogi infuse your income. You can earn money on open roads and on ship processes. Your zdіbnosti to diplomacy and negotiations can be for you a lifetime of earnings. You win your diplomatic skills in order to secure yourself everything you need for life.

Ruler of 7 houses in 3 houses. Parts of roses from a person.

In this way, a person can make friends with him, whom she loved more in childhood, it is possible, to inspire for a distant relative, or for someone whom she knows through her brother and sister. You care that you and your partner can have a garne of understanding, and the aspects of the ruler show what kind of world You go alone to one. Paul McCartney can be used as an example, having put together miraculous music with his friend from the group of the Beatles John Lennon. In the horoscope of the new one, on the top of the second booth, there is a Diva, and Mercury in the Bliznyuks is at the third booth. Charles Lindbergh, who became famous for having flown alone atlantic ocean, Formerly letavz vzdovzh usієїAmerica with his retinue on the fly, photographing the lands of the earth in order to win photographs for the preparation of zemleistuvalny maps. Vin cheruvav lightly, and the squad made signs. In Charles Lindbergh, Mercury is found in Ribs at the third booth, and cherue wines with the same booth, and mi Bachimo, which is more expensive with the retinue of the bula korisnoy. Yogo squad Anna Morrow Lindberg was a writer (third day). Analogous vipadok buv іz Robert Browning. At the yogo squad, Elizabeth Takes Browning at the horoscope at the top of the som booth is Ribi, and Neptune is at Striltsa in the third. They wrote one by one, and, if necessary, one for one. Use it to show how the need to interact with your partner is realized, how it appears, and how the situation is looked upon.

Olga Ivanets: Spivrobitnitstvo, conflict, meaningful partnership and negotiation is a subject for reflection, spitting and dzherel information. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - conclusion: “Vivchіt partner that problem in the natives. Turn for joy to fahivtsya. Move with your partner, sing the words, explain to you, so that you understand the yoga behavior, yoga words. Choose a partner, with whom you can talk, whoever listens to you. You believe that your partner has a lively mind and a smart conversation. You know that partner, who you hear what you say, and who will infect yours everyday life. The partner will have to call (pristosuvatisya) to your style of talking and learning. A partner of madness will join your natural life situation, accept your everyday sharpening: brothers / sisters, friends, acquaintances. Those, how you spivpratsyuet chi conflict, pour in those, how you collide. Vykoristovuєte your zdіbnosti to conduct that negotiation (zdatnostі to diplomacy), vikoristovuyuchi sheet, dreaming, navchannya and other see communications. Obviously, the enemies are pouring into your building of thought. Negotiate that contracts with your sharpened, among you know those brothers and sisters. Important stosunki inject into your style of the sheet. You blog about stosunki. In your childish conversation, you see an important person for you. Diloví vіdnosiny wrap around splіkuvannya, navchennya chi leaves. Cholovik spit on those that you happen to speak. Business partners are worried about your way of dealing with other people. Partners encourage you to talk. Imovirny hat from a close relative.

Ruler of 7 houses in 4 houses. A partner easily fits into the frame of family life.

You are a person, as if you are trying to reach the reach of plunder, vicorist and various stoks with other people. Such people often make friends with each other, or else they become unfriendly, but at the father’s house the stench is satisfied and happy. The stench can be vvazhat, that the transferring partner can not go to their fathers. However, as the planetary energies are victorious incorrectly, You can spend a good deal of time to make friends through a little binding and goiter by bringing up to one of your fathers, which I will lie in wait for you. You can also tell that my partner plays a role in your life, I'm going to play the role of one of your fathers. Your love may seem happy, but your activity in the public arena does not give you the opportunity to be with your partner for the whole hour, but your time is about the houses. A good butt can be General George Patton. In the new one in the horoscope, on the top of the seventh booth, there is Sagittarius, and Jupiter is near the fourth booth. While fighting in foreign lands, the squad was dancing about the houses and waving children. Often this situation points to a partner, who will change in darkness and secure comfort, stability and paradise of life, a necessary squad, who will take an active part in the community.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpraktsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations to saturate your satisfaction with your needs in emotional security, created the foundation of the psyche, the family's victories, the roots and the recession. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Opinion: “Deal with your fundamental life positions, with your father's patterns of behavior. Give more respect to the house, sim'ї, harmonize the stosunki with the fathers. Choose a partner who fits in with your homeland, with which you can create a house and fall asleep together. Your partner takes care of your comfort at home. The partner is guilty of adhering to your culture and recession, to your setting up to this home, that root. Way, yakim You spіvpratsyuєte chi conflict, you can add to family blue. Your building to negotiate and diplomacy to serve your homeland and culture. You have a family law. Partners are responsible to attend until your mother needs a special hour. Vіdkritі foes perebuvayut at your home. Look at the enemies of people from your homeland. Significant other things help you to see your root. Tact and diplomacy are parts of your essence. Significant stosunki will ensure your stability in life. You know the business partners of your family. You choose a partner quietly, whom you marry as your own blood. Partners will want your need to "root".

Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house. Gliboke razuminnya with a partner in games and solodah. Family life to bring rich fruits.

Such a constellation can often be seen in the horoscopes of richly romantic people. People with the ruler of the 7th booth, which symbolizes the hat, at the fifth booth, which symbolizes creativity, romance, rude contentment, call friends with the kohanny, if you want to create problems for them, as it was in the fall with Robert Browning, in the horoscope of this Mercury boon at Taurus in the fifth house and cherub with the same house at Bliznyuki. In spite of their relatives, they became friends with their bazhanna with Elizabeth Berett, and, yes, the stench became friends, and they were a happy couple.
On the other side, you can be a clear individuality, like Elizabeth Taylor, in a horoscope like Aries at the top of the seventh booth, and Mars - in Ribah at the fifth booth. Vaughn was friends with each other and all this time - with love. Maybe, there’s no sense of blaming that the shards of Mars are in opposition to Neptune and in square to Jupiter, it took a little more than an hour to win the planetary energy in a constructive manner. On different levels, you can win your creative energy (five dim) in order to achieve success with the public (som dim), otherwise, it is possible that your creativity will manifest itself when interacting with a partner in the service of the sphere of art.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpratsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations are the basis of creativity, special self-expression, risky, hobbies, romance and interplay with children. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Suggestion: “Develop your creativity. Live life, climb in, flirt, play, play, spend an hour with children, do hobbies, art, dance, create. Choose a playful and romantic partner, like a child, like a child; be the one who amuses you and brings you satisfaction. Partners support your self-expression. Partners help you with your creative projects. You want a slub, to that you want a mother of children. Business partnership revolves around art, music, dance, sports, and theater. Business partners become cochants. Business partners are creative and expressive. You sign contracts and negotiate, engage in art, music, dance, theater and sports. The partner is guilty of attending to your needs, your mother's hobby, and satisfaction. The partner is guilty of fitting in with your appointment before the romance of that child. A way to help you cope with conflicts, you can infuse your feelings with your children. Your zdatnіst negotiation and diplomacy help to change your creativity. Vіdkritі vіdkritі vpryvayut on your creative self-expression. You know the victorious enemies, in that hour you create. Partners will want you to grati ta rizikuvati. You are negotiating on those mystetstva and laying down musical contracts. You are in love for the sake of the kohanny.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 6th house. My friend has a double robot and a double turbo.

Such people often call the companion of life on a robot, or at a link with it. Possibly and such an option, if they make friends with each other, and then at the same time throw off the robot. Such a situation can be experienced by those who work with people, for example, as a psychologist or a lawyer. Sigmund Freud has Taurus in the horoscope at the top of the seventh booth, and Venus is in Aries at the sixth. Vіn was the founder of psychoanalysis, the sensation of which can be brought up to help people solve their psychological problems, victorious like a technique of free association of ideas. For two of our clients, a young bet, in horoscopes, the ruler of the sixth booth is found in the sixth booth. The stench got to know each other on the robot and after that they fell asleep in the air and already prosperous firm, they spent ten years at a time. With important aspects, such a situation may suggest that you have a partner, who may have problems with your health and mental nature, which will become a drive for you to help you and help you. Your attitude to others can be expressed by the words “friendship is friendship, and service is service,” especially as the ruler of Saturn.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpratsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve your satisfaction, be healthy, be healthy, mother work and interact with creatures. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Vidpovid: “To return respect for your health, zvichki, everyday routine work, beat, work for hire, domestic creatures, servants and work tools. Bring order to this sphere. Bring harmony to it.” Choose a partner who fits into your daily routine and that activity, which wins over the very work that you are. Choose a partner in the middle, who may have similar interests in the sphere of the created world. Choose a partner who has equal interests with you in the field of health, diet and fitness. Choose a partner who loves the layout of the work. The partnership benefits your health. Negotiate that contract and spin like creatures, robots, employment, service workers and spivrobitnikiv. Business partners deal with domestic creatures, diet, fitness and work. School partners become your servants or helpers. Partners are guilty of adhering to your stosunkiv іz creatures. That way, like you spіvpratsyuєte chi conflict, can pour into your stosunki for an hour of work. You have a love with your work.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 7th house. Have a more friendly mind for harmonious family stances.

Giving everything to a partner, You strongly identify yourself with a partner and support a long and mіtsnyy zv'azok, which may be a deep zmist. But if you can’t win the planetary energies with a proper rank, you can find out that you will change your negligence and often change your partners, the number of which cannot replace you. This situation is indicative of the need for those who are sympathetic, including those on the side of the court. Often, as a leader, you find yourself in the center of public interests. І in Adolf Hitler, and in John Kennedy in the horoscope on top of the som booth, Aries, and Mars in Taurus in som. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis has Taurus in the same house, and Venus in the Twins, and also in the house. Oskilki її Venus was in opposition to Saturn, I realized why she didn’t skip the brilliance on the stage. Vaughn squandered her partner's peculiarities to the point of enormous respect. If the Sun, Uranus or Pluto is the ruler of your house, you will be able to know a strong and dominating partner, a good one to take on yourself, but as the ruler of many disharmonious aspects, your supernatural partner will not end. As well as the ruler of this booth, Moon, Neptune or Venus, you are more attracted to the type of people with whom you feel comfortable. Saturn appears to be the ruler, you practice confidence and often choose a mature partner, you know that you are unhappy. If Jupiter or Mercury governs our house, at once changing into the new, then you will be captured by people, who will cherish those philosophies that you can easily establish contact with.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpratsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations will be necessary for you by yourself. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Vidpovid: "Be your friend informed." Choose partners with whom you can mother right. Travel partners are your business partners, and business partners are your travel partners. You want to be a cooperative partner together. You want a partner, who is a good negotiator. Partners become vicious enemies, as you could not know the paths of spivpratsi. You obviously fight with your partner. You have a strong position to negotiate a contract. Shlyub for you nothing else like a contract, like a record on paper. Shlyub obov'yazkovy. The blues are not real, the docks do not have a blue sky. Business partners are responsible for signing the contract. You love contracts, because the stench is fair and objective. You lie down to the ship until the negotiations. You are ranked up to significant others like business partners. The partner will require voluntary negotiations and cooperation with you. Friendship with a lawyer or a lawyer. You become a legitimate partner. You are negotiating with open enemies.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 8th house. Imovirnist of the hourly vdіvstva.

Such a constellation is often found in the horoscopes of politicians, ideas such as finances and morals are rooted in popularity and support. In Josip Stalin's horoscope, on the top of the seventh booth, there is Cancer, and Month is at the Divi at the eighth. Yogo's retinue laid hands on itself, becoming an asshole. The same constellation is in Ted Kennedy. The stench both reached a high, suspenseful camp, zavdyaki to the one who had little support for the suspense. In the presence of your partners, you check for help and financial support, and if you reach you, you will depend on the aspects of the ruler. Sometimes your love can be based on good sexual dreams, and in the other case you can have a little sleep with your partner. It turns out that the constellation provides a strong sexual attraction for the public. In the horoscope of the artist Clint Eastwood, Venus is found in Cancer at the eighth booth, and keruє with the seventh booth. Levi's partner Lindy Ronstat has Mercury at the eighth booth, and here we go. I that, and other buildings are strongly exposed to the public and may have a clearly pronounced sexuality. Tsya constellation also secures the building with other people's finances, and you can work as a bank manager and may keep the family budget in your hands. We have a client with Gemini at the top of the seventh house and Mercury at Cancer at the eighth house at the next with Pluto and at the trinity with Uranus. Vin was a psychologist, who worked with people, who had sexual problems.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpraktsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve your satisfaction and need to experience deep, dramatic moments, satisfaction with your interest in nourishment of life and death, access to the resources of other people, sex and deep benefits. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Vidpovid: “Penetrate the very essence of your relationship. Do psychoanalysis with a partner. Explore the depths of your psyche. Reveal the hidden sexual desires and please them. Let your partner be a joint financial program.” Choose a partner who calls out your emotional conflict and emotional anger and downfall. Choose a strong partner. Choose a partner who will talk about taboo topics in sexual practice. Choose a partner for sex. You need to be safe, who can pick up your emotional baggage. Partners are to blame for your arrogance. Partners either give you financial support, or turn you on in their finances, give you financial support and spiritual encouragement. You need to make friends, so that your mother has access to the partner's finances. The business partnership is spinning for the sake of savage resources, gifts, lane, recession, insurance and death. Intensive business partnership. Favorite partners are guilty of fitting in with your need to continue occultism and taboo. Contracts and negotiations are tied to death, tributes, unruliness, wild resources and recession. A way to help you avoid conflicts, infuse into your potential recession. A way, like you spіvpratsyuєte, vyznaє skіlki you are guilty. Vіdkritі vіdkritі vоrogi іn the soil оf уої spadshchina thаt уоur borgіv.

Ruler of the 7th booth in the 9th booth. Visnovok sends a ship across the cordon, or a ship with a foreigner.

Such people often gravitate towards a partner from another supple, ethnic religious environment. Get to know your partner You can find yourself in another country. If the ruler can have good aspects and positively influence other elements of the horoscope, you will have good relationships with your partner's relatives. In a different way, your sentimental sympathy with a partner that resembles such a dissimilar to your social middle ground can lead to complication that inaccuracies. Barbary Hutton, a rich recession, had a rich time, the horoscope has Terezi at the top of the house, and Venus is in the ninth house of Sagittarius in opposition to Pluto and the Quince to Neptune. -foreigners, for whom the foreigner went out. As a manager of good distributions at the horoscope, then You will succeed as a defender at the court, or as a professor, who raises her voice with his hearing explanations, povni podnesenih ideas. You can also spend an hour with a partner on the road, or, as it was in the fall with one of our clients, check with a travel agency with a couple with a man or a squad.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpratsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations will serve to expand your horizons, increase the value of that achievement of other cultures and philosophies. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Witness: “Expand your vision of the world: take away the light of light, break farther on the road, cultivate philosophy, foreign culture, religion, feed the light-gazer, rights, write, write and see books.” Choose a partner who is your mandruvatime. Joke your significant partner behind the cordon. Your partner can fit into your culture and ideology. You want to be a kimos who loves to discuss philosophical topics. You want to wear a kimono, who will support your needs at the roadside. The partner helps to expand your horizons. Shlyub is a good thing. The affairs of the blue are wrapped up at an hour more expensive, publications, journalism, religion, philosophy, systems of religion and culture. Lovers and business partners are gifted philosophically and think broadly. You sign contracts and negotiate on those publications, which are more expensive. Vishcha osvita in conducting negotiations, diplomacy behind the cordon. Religious law. Law in the sphere of culture. Lovely philosophy. Guru vіdnosin. Befriend a foreign diplomat. You are friends with a journalist. Your enemies are the people from other cultural and religious regions. You can see the enemies of the middle foreigners.

Ruler of the 7th house in the 10th house. The slyunny union spryaє prosuvannya sluzhdovimi and hromadskim gatherings.

You have the opportunity and zdatnist to reach suspile recognition in the sphere of politics, show business, art and creativity, and somehow you can reach what you feel. A partner can give you help in your career, supporting you and pushing you at your side. If Saturn is confused in a situation, then everything can change dramatically, and you will have to prove that you can reach the goal without the help of a partner. The famous filmmakers of Walt Disney and Vittorio de Sica have Ribi in their horoscopes at the top of the seventh booth, and Neptune at the tenth booth, which was revealed in the fact that the stench created the whole illusory world for the public. Helen Hayes, a prominent artist, also has Ribi and Neptune at the top of the horoscope at the top of the seventh booth - also at the tenth booth, even if everyone knows, like a man, journalist Charlie MacArthur (Neptune at the sextile with Venus). You want to be ambitious, so that your dream will be successful, and before your partner, you are put with respect. It is also possible that you have a successful and famous partner. Fallow in the aspects of the ruler in that way, in a way that you will victoriously yogo energy, your bazhanya will be victorious.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpraktsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve to your satisfaction, you need to create your own reputation, take recognition from the court for your reach and know your call. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Witness: "Know your call and seek a high camp in the future, work your career." Choose a partner who will help you with your career and reputation. Choose a good and partner who is famous. Friends with a handsome young man, who will reinforce your social status. You need a partner to improve your public image. You need a partner, which may have ambitions. You need a partner who will help you to know your place in the world. Partners support your professional goals. Partners help you reach the status. You need a blueprint for the one who can reach significant insights. You want your business partnership to be on everyone's lips. You create business stories with other fakes. Diloví vіdnosini dopomagayut you reach authority. The partner is guilty of fitting in with your professional life. The way, as you spivpraciuet chi conflict, infuse your social status and reputation. Your building before the negotiations, that diplomacy helps or crosses your reach in the world. You have your own reputation.

Ruler of 7 houses in 11 houses. Glybok razuminnya among friends, united by a common idea and plans for the future.

The most important river, on the contrary, you recognize the type of partner, - this is friendship. You are a person, yaka and vіddaє, and otrimuє, but you will always swear at the vіdnosinah with others and get rid of yourself. You can also get a partner, who can have children, who can be dbaty. This position can also be applied to those who are working with each other or friends. Deyakі aspects of the steward can instruct those who will be the same, who do not like the same need to tie yourself with love ties, chi nі. You feel absolutely independent, as it was at the beginning of the day with the famous pianist Liberachchi, at the horoscope of which at the top of the som booth there is Cancer, and Moon - at Striltsa in the eleventh. Tsya is already a welcome and loving person who is completely satisfied with her independent life and is less turbulent to show off her individuality. On the contrary, you can point to a woman, how small a sprig of lovers is, and how she felt inadequate without a partner. “Pragnuchi domogtisya kokhannya”, eleven budinok never get full of satisfaction. With Zazi Gabor, who has come out of the world six times, at the horoscope Neptune has become a budin and has changed with Levi, and with Mikka Runn, who has become friends with the light of the book until the moment of the exit, being in square with Pluto and the trinity with the Moon, which often explains the success of women, as well as the intolerance of reaching what you want.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpraktsya, conflict, important vodnosini that talks serve your vzaemodії z people, yakі dotrimuyutsya these thoughts, scho y you set to social reforms, mriyu about those scho y you. Your partners mutually lead to the fact that you will find friends and chancers. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - inference: “Your partner relationships will be good, if you and your partner will have a common abstract idea, shared hopes on the future, shared long-range plans, shared friends, as you and your partner will both spend an hour at the club, even if you are in the same group ". Choose such a partner who is your friend at the same time. Which podіlyaє your predilection for social reforms. What a bi pіdtrimuvav vіdіdeї, іlі і mriії pro іdеalne zhittya. You can find a partner that is important to you in clubs and groups where you change. You can find a partner for a slubu via the Internet. Your partner is guilty of fitting in with your friends. You have a bi partner, who loves to be with friends, of one mind, live a collective life, and respect your independence, giving you freedom. The partner is guilty of supporting your goals. Vіn can be your found shanuvalnik. Your love is more like friendship, less like love stand. Your business activities are wrapped around like clubs, groups, with whom you change, based on common interests. Business partners are also your shanuvalniks and support your interests. Business partners are your friends. Your diplomatic interests are the most important in the sphere, as they represent your friends, groups of your work and cooperation, clubs, collectives.

Ruler of the 7th house at the 12th house. Friendship can become the lifeblood of suffering and selfishness.

Regardless of the fact that your hat has appeared in the distance, you will need to mother the hour and the month, as you could win only for your special purposes. As the aspects of the steward are disharmonic, you will always have suspicions that are related to the behavior and needs of the partner. If you learn to think about how to deal with such problems, You will understand how to deal with your partners in such a way that it will be mutual, but still you won’t be able to lose your mind, they will ruin your mind. You lie down to people who support their partners. You are often the trusted special of your friends and of the same mind, yakі so chi іnakshe to lie in front of you. Rosalind Carter has Ribi at the top of the eighth booth at the top of the horoscope, and Neptune - at Levi at the twelfth booth. She was always there, where Jim needed it the most, and he himself recognized wine, which he often paid for his joy. Camellia Wallace has Ribi at the top of the 12th booth at the top of the horoscope, and Neptune - at Divi at the twelfth booth. If that George yonder povinchalis, vіn zumіv skoristatis її miraculous knowledge of political environments, otrimaniim in children rocky, if yonder on the knees of her uncle, the great Jim Folson, was often in the orderly chamber.

Olga Ivanets: Spivpraktsya, conflict, significant partnerships and negotiations serve your satisfaction, you need to feel sorrow and grief, your needs to be rebuffed on your own, dolay your fears, engage in grafting speeches and show mercy, grace. Your connections with other significant people - partners and enemies - can be the reason for your self-destruction. Through a partnership, or through a spell, you can develop bad sounds. To the question: "How can I improve partnerships?" - Insight: “You need to subtly understand the psychology of your partner; learn to see the subtle sense of what is behind these other manifestations of the current behavior of another significant person. You need to raise the level of inner honesty. You don’t want to fool your partner, intrigue, make bad things happen. It is necessary for you to safely save the secrets, as another person has entrusted to you. Choose a partner who will develop your knowledge of fine speech, for example, mysticism, psychology, occultism. Choose a partner who can tell you about your unrealistic claims to the light, help you deal with your fears, entangled food of the past, show you your unseen self-destruction, help you deal with chronic ailments and shortcomings. Choose a partner who respects your need to be on your own, your privacy and modesty.

March 27, 2011
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