Skіlki trival vlog of the Brest fortress in 1941. Skilki tried to defend the Brest Fortress. Women in the defense of the Brest Fortress

On the first day of the Great Veteran War, 22 Chernya 2941, the Brest Fortress attacked, about 3.5 thousand people were attacked. Regardless of those who were obviously nervous, the garrison of the Brest Fortress honorably defended for a month - until 23 March 1941. Wanting to feed on the strength of the defense of the Brest Fortress, there is no single thought.

Acts of historians vvazhayut, scho ended already like worms. The reason for the rapid flooding of the fort was the rapid attack of the German army on the Radyansk garrison. Whom they didn’t judge, they didn’t prepare for that, the Russian soldiers and officers, who are located on the territory of the fort, opined znenatska.

The Germans, on the other hand, diligently prepared for the burying of the old fort. The stench worked on the skin on the mock-up created behind the images, taking away from the photographs. Nіmetske kerіvnytstvo razumіl, scho with the help of tanks zmіtsnennya not zahopit, to that the main respect was robbed.

Causes of injury

Even before 29-30 hours of the chervnya, the enemy, having practically buried all the fighting fortifications, battles went on throughout the entire territory of the garrison. The protégés of the Brest Fortress, the husbands, continued to defend themselves, wanting the stench to practically bring food.
And it is not surprising that forces fell upon the Brest Fortress, that they reversed in raze those that were known in it. Infantry and two tanks launched frontal and flank attacks on all entrances at the fort. They shelled warehouses with ammunition, medicines, food. Next came the German shock assault groups.

Even before the 12th year of the day on the 22nd of the chervnya, the enemy, having broken the link and broke through to the Citadel, the Proteradyansky troops went far away. Nadal budіvlі Citadels repeatedly passed from the Russians to the Nimtsiv.

On the 29th-30th of the chervnya, the Germans launched a two-day uninterrupted assault on the Citadel, after which the radian battle commanders ate to the fullest. In this rank, 30 worms are called the day of completion of the organized support of the Brest Fortress. However, the insulated pits of the support, marvelously Nimtsiv, appeared, for deaky tributes, right up to the sickle of 1941. No wonder Hitler brought Mussolin to the Brest Fortress, to show that he had to fight against such a serious enemy.
For the deyak Radiansky soldiers, those officers broke through to the partisans at Bіlovezka Forest, others were drank in full, de officers were immediately shot. Most of the defenders simply perished, for them this war ended in the first year and days. great war.

Surprisingly unimaginably, the defenders of the Brest Fortress recognized how, for a month, what a stench trimmed the defense, the country was far away preparing for the war.

It is important to be a historian and having seen the Brest Fortress, do not write anything about it. I don't get involved. The history of the defense of the Brest Fortress, without any significant facts, which, of course, is known to historians, but also to a wide range of readers. Axis about the “small house” fact and my current post.

Who attacked?

The assertion about those that the 45th infantry division of the German division carried out the operation from the burying of the Brest Fortress was more often than not. As soon as the food came literally, the Austrian division sank the Brest Fortress. Before the Anschluss of Austria, it was called the 4th Austrian division. Moreover, the special warehouse of the division was formed not from anyone, but from fellow countrymen of Adolf Hitler. The Austrians were no more than a warehouse of cobs, and the next step was to rise. After the capture of the fort, the commander of the 45th infantry division, Shliper, wrote:

“Against these losses and the zhorstkoy humility of the Russian, the firm fighting spirit of the division, which takes away the top line, is more important than the Fuehrer’s fatherland and the greatest commander, from the region of the Upper Danube ...”.

Field Marshal von Kluge added:

“The 45th division from Ostmark (Austria was called Ostmark in the Third Reich - approx. A.G.) fought on and off and can rightly write with its robot ...”

At the time of the invasion of the territory of the SRSR, the division had little combat experience in France and Poland and special training. The division trained near Poland on the Warsaw forts near the old fortifications with water moats. They were right to force the water crossing on inflatable strings and additional benefits. The assault corrals of the divisions were prepared for the rapt slaughter of bridges from the flood, began close combat for the minds of the fortress ...
In this rank, the enemy of the Radian soldiers buv hoch and not zovsim nіmets, ale mav good preparation, fighting dosvіd and vіdmіnne order. To strangle the support of the division, they fired over-stretched missiles "Karl" six-barreled mortars and other.

Emblem of the 45th Division

What was the fort?

Be it to a person, as if looking at the elements that were left behind, the citadels of the Brest Fortress oppose the inconsistency of defense disputes against the forces of Another light war. The fortified citadels came, maybe for quiet hours, if the opponents went on the attack in a closed formation with muzzle-loading towels, and the garnets fired with chavunny cores. Like a defensive argument Another world war - the stench looks funny.
Vidpovidnu characteristic was given fortezi and nіmtsі. On January 23, 1941, the inspector of similar fortifications to the Wehrmacht gave command to the additional command, in which he sorted out in detail the fortifications of the Brest Fortress and built the visnovok:

"Zahalom, we can say that the krіpaks do not present us with any special change ..."

Why did they defend the fort?

As a sign of the dzherel, the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress was organized by ... the German command. Pіdrozdіli, scho knew at the fortezі after the cob of fighting dіy zgіdnim zgіdnimi plans jumped yaknaishvidshe vyyti z forteє, shchob z'ednatisya zі svoїmi parts of the floor. While the battle of the Pivnichny gates was surrounded by 131 light artillery regiments, they trimmed the defense, a significant part of the Chervonoarmytsiv was far away from Kobrin Island. Ale potim, the remnants of the light artillery regiment were rebuilt and the fortifications appeared more polished.
The defenders of the fort didn’t have anything left to take up defense.

Who was the first to go?

After the fortifications were sharpened, they lost their various parts. Tse kіlka "pіdruchok": chauffeur courses, cavalry courses, courses of young commanders too. And also the headquarters of that tilov and drozdil of the rifle regiments: clerks, veterinarians, cooks, military paramedics, too. In their minds, the soldiers of the escort battalion of the NKVS and the cordoners appeared to be the most combative. Wanting, for example, if the command of the 45th German division was no longer in a special warehouse, the stink of the escort squadron was driven, motivating them that "the stench is not attached to someone." Among the defenders of the Brest Fortress, the most important were not the guards (they were more importantly words, members of the Komsomol and the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks), but the Poles. The axis as described by the clerk of the 333rd regiment Aleksiev A.I.:

“Before the beginning of the war, the initial selection of the military warehouse assigned to the Brest region took place, as before they served in the Polish army. A dekilka of people from the assigned warehouse passed through the town, turned to the left bank of the river Mukhovtsya, vzdovzh earthen rampart, and one of them trimmed the white ensign at the river, crossed at the bank of the gate.

The clerk to the headquarters of the 84th Strile Regiment Fil A.M. guessing:

"... from the number of zahіdnikіv, scho passed the 45-day gathering, like 22 more worms, they threw more prostrate at the window, but they were part of the population ..."

Among the defenders of the Brest Fortress, there were a lot of representatives of different nationalities: Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Georgians, Armenians ... Alemas zrada was more likely to be on the side of the Poles.

Why did the Germans know such great expenses?

The massacre at the Brest Fortress was ruled by the Germans themselves. Not allowing the soldiers of the Red Army to leave the fort, the stench began an assault. The defenders of the Brest Fortress in the early days of the assault were covered with floorings, which practically did not repair any support. Zavdyaks of the assault group of the Nazis went to the central island, littered the church that far. And at that hour the fort came to life - a battle began. On the very first day - 22 worms, the Germans recognized the largest losses at the Brest Fortress. Tse "new assault on Grozny" for the Nazis. Mayzhe evaded without shooting, and then sharpened and destroyed appeared.
Tsikavo, that the name of the fort was not attacked. The mustaches of the head pods were in the middle. The Germans penetrated the middle and the middle, where they were not fighting, but the victors attacked the ruins. There were no underground passages near the fort itself. Radyansk fighters hovered at the basements, and often shot from the tops of the basements. Having blocked the door of the citadel with the corpses of their soldiers, the Germans saw and in the coming days they did not live such massive assaults, but collapsed step by step attacking the ruins with artillery, sappers-pidrivniki, fire-throwers, bombs of especially tightness ...
Deyakі doslidniki stverdzhuyut, scho 22 worms of the Germans recognized at the Brest Fortress the third of all their expenses on the same front.

Who zahidavshis nadovshe?

In cinema, that literature is told about the tragedy of Skhidny Fort. Yak vin fought until 29 worms. Like the Germans dropped a second ton bomb on the fort, like women and children came from the fort. Like sweat, the reshta zahisnikiv fort surrendered, but the commander of that commissar did not appear among them.
Ale tse 29 chervnya i, perhaps, troch pіznіshe. However, fort No. 5, for the tribute of German documents, was up to the middle of the sickle !!! At the same time, there is a museum there, a prote, about those who went through the defense of yoga, who were defenders of yoga, nothing is known today.

April 20, 1941 is considered the date of the end of the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress.

Brest fortress bula was inspired by the Russian military in 1836-42. The fort was formed from the citadel and three fortifications, which were protected by її, with an open area of ​​​​4 km² and the length of the head strong line of 6.4 km. In 1864-1888, the fort was modernized according to the project of Eduard Ivanovich Totleben. Vaughn was surrounded by forts for 32 km at the stake, where the Kobrin zmіtsnennya was called Zakhidny and Skhidny forty.
In 1913, the life of another village was fortified, like there is not enough mother in the distance of 45 km, but until the ear of war it was not finished.
On the cob of the First Holy War, the fort was heavily prepared for defense, but on the night of 13 April 1915 (for the old style) during the zagalny entrance, the bula was stripped and partly destroyed by the Russian troops. On June 3, 1918, the Peace of Brest was signed in the Citadel, near the so-called White Palace (the church of the Basilian Uniate Monastery, then the officers' gatherings). The fort was in the hands of the Germans until the end of 1918, and then fell under the control of the Poles. In 1920, the Brest Fortress was taken by the Red Army, and in 1921, along the Rizky World, it reached the II Commonwealth. In the interwar period, the fort was victorious like a barracks, military warehouse and political warfare.
On the 14th of spring 1939 the 10th German Panzer Division was raised, they tried to take the place and the fort at once, but they were beaten by the Polish infantry for the support of 12 FT-17 tanks. On the same day, the German artillery and aviation bombarded the fort. On the offensive wound after the zhorstok street fights, the Germans denounced the local place. They defended themselves at the fort. On the 14th of April, the defenders made 7 attacks, spending up to 40% of the special stock at that.
On March 16, the Germans (the 10th tank division and the 20th motorized division) launched an assault on the fort, beaten by the garrison; over the evening the stinks were rimmed with a crest of the rampart, but they could not break through far. The Great Skoda led the German tanks in two positions at the gates of the fort FT-17. Under the hour of the assault, Guderian's adjutant was mortally wounded.
Early on the 20th of May, the German military began methodically to shell the defenses of the forts, which were left out of kilkom with howitzers. Prote infantry attacks were not robbed.
The camp changed on the 22nd of spring 1939, when part of the 29th tank brigade of the Russian Army on the side of brigade commander Semyon Moiseyovich Krivoshein entered Brest. On the same day, until the delimitation of spheres of interest, according to a supplementary secret protocol to the Non-Aggression Treaty between the Radian Union and the Nimechchina, after the clearing of the German military Brest, it was handed over to the Radiansk administration.

Our frontiersmen on the western island of Brest Fortress

Parts of two rifle divisions of the Red Army were deployed on the cob of wormwood in 1941. Tse buli stіykі, zagartovanі, good navchenі vіysk. One of these divisions - the 6th Orlovskaya Chervonopraporna - is small for a long time and is glorious combat history…Іnsha - the 42nd rifle division - was created in 1940 during the Finnish campaign and already managed to show itself well in battles on the Mannerheim line.
At the forefront of Viyni to Taborsov on the forefront of the Fortyski Bulo, the biwano more than half of the pirzdiliv Tsich Diviziy - 10 Is 18 Velesky Bataliav, 3 Iz 4 Artpolkiv, one of the divi -ili tu, the rosvidbaliyv th. On the early morning of 22 chervnya, 1941, the following were called at the fort: the 84th Strile Regiment without two battalions; 125th Striletsky Regiment without a battalion and a sapper company; 333rd Striletsky Regiment without a battalion and a sapper company; 44th Striletsky Regiment without two battalions; The 455th Strilet Regiment without a battalion and a sapper company (there are not enough for the staff - 10074 individuals of a special warehouse, the battalions had 16 anti-tank ammunition and 120 mortars, the police had 50 ammunition and anti-tank weapons, 20 mortars). The following were deployed near the fort: the 131st artillery regiment; 98th anti-tank defense division; 393rd anti-aircraft artillery division; 75th rozvіdbat; 37th battalion zvyazku; 31st Autobat; 158th motor battalion (out of state - 2169 special warehouses, 42 artillery barrels, 16 light tanks, 13 armored vehicles), as well as the body parts of the 33rd engineer regiment and the 22nd tank division, 132nd escort battalion of the military NKV-a frontier commandant's office of the 17th pen, 9th frontier outpost. In this rank, up to the morning of 22 worms at the fortress, about eight thousand people perebuvali.

On the Delian Front, de Roztashova Brestska Fortetsi, and such a room on Pivnich Vid Fortotsi is the road to Pivgery Vid Fortetsi, Malaya Nimeska 45-ahita Frikiya. The division is small combat record of the Polish and French campaigns.
The Germans in advance vyrishili that the Brest fort would have to be taken only by infantry - without tanks. Foxes, swamps, river ducts and canals crossed the forest, which left the fort. The closest commanders of the 45th division were: taking the Brest Fortress, the spanning bridge across the Bug to the front entrance to the fort and a lot of bridges across the rivers Bug and Mukhavets in the middle, on the day and to the exit from the fort. Until the end of the day on the 22nd of the red division, the small division will stick out 7-8 kilometers into the coals of the Radian territory. On taking the fortifications from their own Hitler's strategists, they spent three more than eight years.
Nimechchin's attack on the SRSR It started on 22 Chernya 1941 at 3:15 a.m. after the Berlin hour - by artillery and rocket mortars. Skin chotiri whimpered the fire of the artillery, moving 100 meters downhill. About 3:19 an assault zagіn (pikhotna company and sappers) on nine humov motor lines leaning on the choked bridges. About 3:30 another German infantry company, for the support of sappers, took the zaliznichny place across the Bug. Until 4:00 zagin, having spent two thirds of a special warehouse, having buried two bridges, which will connect the Western and Pivdenny Islands from the Citadel (the central part of the Brest Fortress). The two islands, which were defended only by cordoners and the NKVS battalion, were taken by two infantry battalions until 04:00.
At 06:23, the headquarters of the 45th division was added to the corps, which would soon be taken Pivnichny Ostrіv Brest Fortress. Dopovіdі said that opіr radyansky viysk That they let the armored vehicles into the air, they got better, but the situation was under control. However, later the command of the 45th division had a chance to enter into the reserve - the 133rd infantry regiment. At that hour, two five German battalion commanders were killed near the battlefields and the regiment commander was seriously wounded.
At 10:50, the headquarters of the 45th division added to the command of the corps for great losses and baked battles at the fort. The addendum said: “The Russians are scorching hot, especially behind our attacking mouths. At the Citadel, the enemy organized defense with infantry units for the support of 35-40 tanks and armored vehicles. The fire of Russian snipers called for great losses among officers and non-commissioned officers. For one day, on 22 chervnia, 1941, the 45th infantry division was only beaten by 21 officers and 290 lower ranks. For porivnyannya, under the hour of the Polish campaign, the 45th division, having covered 400 kilometers in 13 days in battle, spent 158 ​​people killed and 360 wounded.

At the same time in the center of the Citadel, St. Michael's Cathedral - a large fortified church - was stumped in the honed remains of a German company that broke into the Citadel, from the 2nd battalion of the 135th infantry regiment in the strength of about 70 osib. This company - one of its own battalion - could break through to the Citadel from Zahidny Island, sacked the church as an important stronghold and destroyed the Central Island to the shid edge of the Central Island; However, the 1st battalion did not manage to get as far as the Citadel from Pivdenny Island, and the company, having spent two thirds of the special warehouse, stepped back to the church, de її surplus took up all-round defense.

St. Michael's Cathedral of the Brest Fortress, at which the leftovers of the German company were blocked.

On 23rd Cherry at 05:00, the Germans launched shelling of the Citadel, trying not to hit their soldiers blocking the church. On the same day, tanks were planted against the defenders of the Brest Fortress. Tse buli chotiri trophy french cars Somua S-35
. One of them was hit with hand grenades beating Pivnichnaya brama forte. Another tank broke through to the central courtyard of the Citadel, and then hit the 333rd regiment. Having offended the tanks, the Germans evacuated far away. The third tank was hit by an anti-aircraft defense in the Pivnichniy brama fortez and stayed there for a long time.
On the 24th of the worms, the enemy managed to create a corridor and bring in their soldiers, who were blockading near the Church. Crimea of ​​the Central Island, under the control of fortifications, as before, the same part was abandoned. Pivnichny island. The shelling continued all day long. About 16:00 on the 24th of the night the headquarters of the 45th division was added, the Citadel was taken and strangled on the middle support. At 21:40, the headquarters of the corps was informed about the complete burial of the Brest Fortress. Prote fights continued.

Nebelwerfer 41

Petro Mikhailovich Gavrilov. After the attack of the Nazis on the fort, having selected a group of soldiers from the 1st battalion of his regiment and other divisional detachments of the 333rd and 125th rifle regiments, on the choli I fought on the shaft of the bіl Pіvnіchnoi brami Kobrinnyas; In the course of the year, having stunned the garrison of the Skhidny Fort, all the defenders of the Kobrin fortification were in the middle of 24 worms. Having lost one, 23 limes, seriously wounded Gavrilov, he is full. After the recruitment from the German army, the inspiration for the army military rank, in the autumn of 1945, Yogo was recognized as the head of the radian camp for the Japanese military commanders near Siberia, having taken a sprat of a podiak in service. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada for the sake of the SRSR on September 30, 1957, Gavrilov Petr Mikhailovich was awarded the Order of the Hero of the Union by the Order of the Hero of the Union. Petro Mikhailovich Gavrilov died near Krasnodar on September 26, 1979.

On the fourth day of the battle near Brest near three infantry policemen of the 45th infantry division, the Wehrmacht formed an assault group of sappers and infantrymen for strongholds, which were lost in the hands of the soldiers of the Chervonoy Army. On the trail, they saw six-barreled Nebelwerfer 41 mortars. Their range was short, and the axis of the vibukhov mіts was majestic - after the vibukha was set up a 3.5-meter zone of expansion, in which the legens of people burst.
Plich-o-plych with the soldiers who defended the casemates of the fort, there were women and children. Chervonoarmієts Grigory Makarov sipped the corpse of the boy, who choked on Dim. The ensign sat yogo mother i, as i earlier, veiled the appearance of the child with a cunning mitten. Darina Dmitrova, the squad of one artillery soldier, with tears, she thought about those who happened to survive the first hour of these battles: “ They spent a whole day sitting at the basements of the barracks without a driver. After escaping at the fort, the Nazis began to throw smoke grenades. Before my eyes, gasping for breath, children perished, but I could not think of anything.».
On 26 chervnya on Pivnichny Ostrov, German sappers broke the wall of the school of the political warehouse. There Bulo taken 450 polonen. The main center of support on Pivnichny Ostrov was the Skhidny Fort. 20 commanders and 370 soldiers from the 393rd anti-aircraft battalion of the 42nd rifle division were defending there on the 27th chervnya with the commander of the 44th infantry regiment, Major Pyotr Gavrilov.
At the Lipny, General Schlipper at the report about the employment of Brest-Litovsk said: “ Step on the fortress, where to sit in the vіdvazhny zahisnik, koshtuє rich blood. Tsya simple truth was once again brought to light at the hour of the capture of the Brest Fortress. The Russians in Brest-Litovsk fought viciously and non-violently, the stench showed the miraculous vishkil of the badness and brought the miraculous will to support».
28 red two German tanks and a sprat of self-propelled guns Stug III
, who turned to the front for repairs, continued to shell the Skhidny Fort on Pivnichny Ostrov, but it didn’t bring visible results, and the commander of the 45th division, having turned for support to the Luftwaffe Prote, through the low darkness of that day, the airstrike was not given. On 29 pm at 8:00 a German bomber dropped a 500-kilogram bomb on the Skhidny fort. Then another 500-kilogram bomb was dropped and another 1,800-kilogram bomb was dropped. Fort buv mayzhe zruynovaniy.
Tim is no less, a small group of soldiers continued to fight at the Skhidny Fort with Gavrilov. The major, having consumed more than 23 limes, is full. The Meshkants of Brest recounted that until the end of the linden to wind up to the first days of the sickle from the fort, the shooter and the Hitlerites brought stars to the city, where the German army hospital was placed, their wounded officers and soldiers. The official date for the completion of the defense of the Brest Fortress is 20 lime. It was accepted on the basis of a letter, a kind of manifestations at the barracks of the 132nd NKVS escort battalion, which was escorted to the battalion: “I am dying, but I do not give up. Farewell, Batkivshchino. 20/VII-41".

Having attacked the Radyansky Union, the fascist command was not supported, but it took a few months to get to Moscow. Proteo German generals shot down the opir, stepping over the cordon of the SRSR. At the capture of the first outpost, the Germans led a sprat of years, and the defenders of the Brest Fortress for six days streamed the majestic fascist army.

Obloga 1941 became

For the historical fort of Brest, prote to attacks, she knew it earlier. The fort was built by the architect Opperman in 1833, like a military dispute. The war got to her only until 1915 - then it was broken at the hour in the entrance of the Mykolaiv troops. 1918, after the signing, as if it was in the Citadel of the fort, it was left under German control for an hour, and until the end of 1918 it fell into the hands of the Poles, which they ruled until 1939.

The right military forces overtook the Brest Fortress of 1939. Another day Another light war broke out for the garrison of the fort with bombardment. German aviation dropped ten bombs on the citadel, destroying the main building of the fort - the Citadel, which is the White Palace. Just at the fort there was a sprat of vipadkovyh and reserve parts. The first defense of the Brest Fortress was organized by General Plisovsky, which was a kind of different troops, as if they were in a new, zoomed out battlefield death of 2500 people and hourly evacuated officers' families. Against the armored corps of General Heinz, the Plіsovsky zmіg opposes only an old armored train, a sprinkling of the same tanks and a pair of batteries. That same defense of the Brest Fortress lasted three daily days

From 14 to 17 September, under which the enemy became stronger for defending Mayzha six times. On the night of the seventeenth spring of the wounds, Plisovsky povіv surpluses of his corral for pіvden, near Terespol bіk. On April 22, the Germans handed over Brest and the Brest Fortress to the Radyansk Union.

Defender of the Brest Fortress of 1941 league on the shoulders of nine Radyansk battalions, two artillery divisions and a small number of infantry units. Nearly eleven thousand osіb, without urakhuvannya three hundred officer families, became a stalemate. The fort was stormed by the infantry division of Major General Shliper, which was reinforced by additional parts. At the end of the day, General Shliper had about twenty thousand soldiers in order.

The attack started early. Through the quickness of the attack, the commanders did not manage to coordinate the dividing garrison of the fort, so the defenders were immediately beaten into sprats. The Citadel was suddenly far away from the Citadel, but the stench was not able to stumble into it - the guardsmen attacked the Radyansk parts, which were left behind, and the Citadel was often vilified. The next day, the defenses of the Germans chanted

capitulation, 1900 people were lucky. The defenders united under the patronage of Captain Zubachov. The forces of the enemy, however, were immeasurably greater, and the defense of the Brest Fortress was not long. On 24 worms, the Nazis were able to hoard 1250 soldiers, and 450 more people were hoarded on 26 worms. I’ll leave the stronghold of the defenders, Skhidny Fort, 29 chervnias were fired, if the Nazis dropped an 1800-kilogram bomb on him. During the whole day, the defense was completed, the German proteges cleared the Brest fort to 30 worms, and the rest of the defenders were reduced to nothing until the end of the sickle. Less than a little far away to drink in Bіlovezka let go to the partisans.

The fort was built in 1944, and in 1971 it was mothballed and turned into a museum. That’s when a memorial was erected, so that the defense of the Brest Fortress and masculinity will be remembered forever.

The attack on our country in the heart of 1941 began along the entire cordon, from pivnochi to pivdnya, the skin border outpost took its beating. Ale, the defense of the Brest Fortress became legendary. The battles went already on the steps to Minsk, and from the battle to the battle, a bit was transmitted, that here, at the entrance, they were still defending, not giving up, the cordon fort. According to the German plan, on the outskirts of the Brest fortification, it was springtime. Ale, not in a day, not in two, the fort was not taken. It is important that the rest of the day of defense is 20 lime. For the first day of dating, he wrote on the wall: “We are dying, but we won’t give up ...”. The certificates were stupefied, that the sickle had a little in the central citadel the sounds of shooting and vibrating.

On the night of Cherry 22, 1941, cadet M'yasnikov and rank-and-file Shcherbina were kept secret in one of the ukrittivs of the Terespol fortification on the sleeves of the Western Bug. The German armored train, which is approaching the railway bridge, was commemorated with the smell of the stench. They wanted to see the outpost, but they understood - badly. The earth trembled under his feet, the sky darkened in the presence of the fortune tellers.

Head of the chemical service of the 455th Strile Regiment O.O. Vinogradov guessing:

“At none of 21 to 22 worms, I was assigned as an operational worm at the headquarters of the regiment. Headquarters changed at the Kiltsev barracks. Having sunk a deafening gurkit on the sweater, everything was drowned by the fiery sleeping-bags. I tried to call the headquarters of the division, but the phone did not work. Pobіg have pіdrozdіli parts. Z'yasuvav, why are there more than chotiri commanders - art. lieutenant Ivanov, lieutenant Popov and lieutenant Makhnach and political instructor Koshkarov, who arrived from military schools. The stench already began to organize the defense. Together, from the soldiers of other parts, we drove the fascists out of the club, from the distant command warehouse, did not give the opportunity to escape to the central island through the Three-arch Gate"

Cadets of the school of drivers and guards, soldiers of a transport company and a sapper platoon, participants in the selection of cavalrymen and athletes. all those who are thієї nights at zmіtsnennі, - took up defense. The fort defended the kіlka group near the other parts of the citadel. Lieutenant Zhdanov took care of one of them, and the group of lieutenants Melnikov and Chorny prepared the order before the battle.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the Germans destroyed the fort. At the same time, there were about 300 people at Tepespolsky fortified. The stench attacked with torch-machine-gun fire and grenades. However, one of the enemy's assault corrals managed to break through to the sights of the Central Island. Attacks followed a few times a day, it was possible to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Shchorazu the Germans came out of the vtrata.

On 24 March 1941, in one of the bases of the 333rd Engineer Regiment, a team of commanders and political practitioners arrived in the central citadel of the Brest Fortress. Bulo created a single headquarters for the defense of the Central Island.. Captain I.N. Zubachov became the commander of a star combat group, his intercessor - regimental commissar O.M. Fomin, chief of staff - senior lieutenant Semenenko.

The situation has become important: did not receive ammunition, food, water. 18 people who lost their lives, were embarrassed, lost their defense and trimmed the defense in the Citadel.

Ryadovy A.M. Fil, clerk of the 84th Strile Regiment:

“Even before the war we knew; at the time of the attack of the enemy, everyone was raised, for a little wine, the groups were covered, it was up to them to go out of the fort to the area of ​​​​the center.

Ale, I’ll repeat the viconate’s order did not go away: all the exits from the fortresses and її water lines mayzhe suddenly stumbled under heavy shelling. Triharkova Brama and the place across the river Mukhavets were under a strong fire. I had a chance to take up defense in the middle of the fort: at the barracks, at the engineering office, and at the White Palace.

... We checked: for the artillery raid, there was a fortune teller. With a single rapt, the fascists pinned down the fire. On the square of the Citadel, people began to drink heavily from the hard vibes, at the barracks of the barracks they drank like a fire. Krіz serpanok mi beat the great death of the fascists, fired by machine guns and machine guns. The stench collapsed to the wake of the engineering department. The regimental commissar Fomin punished: "Hand to hand!"

In this battle, the Nazi officer was taken in full. We tried to deliver the valuable documents, selected in the new one, to the headquarters of the division. Ale road to Brest bula vіdrіzana.

I will never forget the regimental commissar Fomin. Vin zavzhdi bov there, de important, having died, raising the fighting spirit, in the Batkiv way, about the wounded, children, women. At the commissar, the suvor vigor of the commander and the sensitivity of the political practitioner were reduced.

On March 30, 1941, a bomb hit the ground, where the headquarters of the defense of the Citadel was deployed. Fomin was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, nepritomnіv і after eating full. The Germans shot Yogo Bil Kholmskoy bramy.. And the defenders of the fortress continued the defense of the Trimat.

If the Germans hoarded women and children on Volinsky, they drove them in front of them to the Citadel, no one wanted to go. They beat them with rifle butts, shot them. And the women shouted to the Radiant soldiers: "Shoot, don't harm us!".

Lieutenants Potapov and Sanin guarded the defense at the two-top barracks of their regiment. The order was a wake, the 9th cordon outpost was deployed. Here the soldiers fought under the command of the chief and forced Lieutenant Kizhevatov. Only if in the future only ruins were left behind, Kizhevatov with his fighters crossed the barracks and continued at once from Potapovym to guard the defense.

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