Judo history and development. Judo - judo - schools of fighting arts - catalog of articles - campo


JUDO unchangeable; since. Wrestling in a free style, based on selection and modernization of jiu-jitsu, has become a special kind of sports wrestling. Accept bud.


(Japanese: ju - softness, do - way), a type of sports wrestling, vinik in Japan of the XIX century, modernized jiu-jitsu, converted to sports. A number of methods of fighting are allowed and іnshі, for example, pain. The International Federation (IJF; founded 1956) has close to 160 countries (1997). World Championship 1956, Europe 1951, program Olympic Games from 1964 to rock.

Steps vary depending on the color of the line. The Kodokan has seen five classes of uchniv, if you wear two kulaks and ten master-classes, if you wear black tsibuli, if you wear red tsibuli with white swarming swamps, you can wear pure red kulki. Donations sound to wear black gloom and red-white and red ones to wear less on holy days.

in Europe sports judo more learners, more colors. Marking and the number of steps vary from country to country. In addition, the children of vicorist are variously occupied in the clinic and smoothies. The first president was appointed by Prof. Dr. The Japanese martial arts of judo vindicated the other half of the 19th century. Judo, translations of the "Wonderful Route", foundations on combat art Japanese samurai, known as jujutsu. The latest form of Kodokan judo is tse visukan and the form of hatini has been changed from a number of old schools, as a new system.


JUDO (jap. judo. ju - gentry, lower i do - way), a kind of sports wrestling based on jiu-jitsu techniques. (div. JIU-JITSU (jiu-jitsu)) Vinik at Japan, for example, 19th century. In a row with methods of fighting, pain is allowed (on the hands) and suffocating. Athletes at the kimono (div. KIMONO)(Dovga jacket with a belt and white pants) fight on special mats - tatami (div. TATAMI). In order to achieve victory at the stand, the attacking wrestler is guilty of vikonati throwing a superman on the tatami on his back (bolovy or suffocating reception or stretching for 30 seconds). The technical skills of the wrestlers are assessed by the coming rank: pure victory - ipon (10:0), vazari (7:0), yuko (5:0), coca (3:0).
In 1956 the International Federation (IJF) was founded; up to 187 countries (2002). World championships have been held since 1956, Europe - since 1951, in the program of the Olympic Games since 1964 (Crimea 1968). At the Olympic Games near Barcelona (1992) judo competitions were first held among women.
History of the winery
Judo viniklo based on jiu-jitsu, priyomi yakoї migrated to Japan from China. The founder of judo was a prominent Japanese teacher, educator and trainer D. Kano (1860-1938). In 1882, having fallen asleep its own judo school "Kodokan", it became the world's largest center for training fahivtsiv judo wrestlers. Recognized by the leaders of modern judo is Japanese judoisti. The Olympic debut of judo brought him three gold medals, and A. Gesink (Netherlands) won in absolute first place. Yogo win became the biggest sensation. Such countries as the Soviet Socialist Republic, Korea, Canada, Great Britain became a year of competition for Japan.
The development of judo in Russia
A development of Russian judo named after U. Z. Oshchepkov (1892-1937), a former student at the Japanese Kodokan Judo Institute. Turning back to Russia in 1914, opened his own school. Ale, in a right way, judo began to develop less and less than the famous military fates.
In 1962, the SRSR became a member of the European Judo Union and the International Federation. In 1964, at the Olympics in Tokyo, the judoists of Radyansk successfully made their debut, as if they won bronze medals. In 1972 the All-Union Judo Federation was founded. Tsey sport became quickly gain popularity. The first gold medal was given to the judoist viborov by the Radyansk athlete Sh. Chochishvili at the Games of the XX Olympiad in Munich (1972). Olympic gold medals were also won by S. Novikov, V. Nevzorov, N. Solodukhin, Sh. Khabareli, D. Khakhaleshvili. At the Olympic Games near Sydney (2000), the Russian team also performed successfully: one silver medal (L. Bruletova) and two bronze medals (Yu. Stepkin and T. Tmenov). At the Olympiad in Athens (2004), Russian judoists won two silver medals (V. Makarov and T. Tmenov) and three bronze medals (D. Nosov, Kh. Taov and T. Donguzashvili).

The head of judo was Prof. Jigoro Kano. Those who did not show similarity with the last elements, step by step went into trouble, as if it were in the samurai's way. Jigoro Kano came from the birthplace of the virobnik and the sake merchant, but he himself went through the training course. At that time, less than half of the boys saw pochatkov school. Vіn, however, the reach of university education, which was very rare. Vivchayuchi Jujutsa, thinking hard and experimenting, more not satisfied with his old initial program. After starting to practice a small group of students.

Encyclopedic dictionary. 2009 .


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Abo sports wrestling, in a kind of smut - spritnist, not strength. It is important to mention the strength of the superman.
His appearance in modern judo is to the Japanese teacher and coach, Professor Jigoro Kano.

Yoga meta opined in order to preserve and improve the cultural recession and adaptation to the current goals of the welfare. Vіn zaseredivsya on the creation of the institute, which is to ground on the principles of human enlightenment on the basis of old locomotives in new minds. Tsya setting bula founded on the cob of the century that bula is called judo Kodokan. Moral enlightenment, physical education and self-defense were the main idea of ​​this institute.

Kano, at the age of 21, could change a lot of young people, so that they could learn from more old forms of youth, try their own way. In the course of the year, the scientists and Kan spivpraciuvali at the development of joy. The school has its own authoritative code of ethics, which should be confirmed by the student with his signature. Tsey code otrimav name "Oath of five articles."

Creation of a new type of martial arts

Being still young, I thought about the harmony of the body and the spirit. jigaro buv great people, who does not seem to have special physical abilities, the protégé learned in a short hour to master the most advanced technique of jiu-jitsu, which was known in the fifteenth century. I can touch the mysticism, vin zrozumiv, that not everything is ideal in the new. From the beginning of the vindication of the new

Shards of methods were unsafe, stinks are practiced by a controlled rank. Qia controlled to the right was called kata. The attacker and defender were prepared ahead of time, and the methods of attack and defense were also known. Tough wrestling, named randori, bula surrounded by its own troubles. Kano, having leaned on a safe right, hitting that focusing respect on the so-called methods of small method, especially the vase and gosh vase. Judo quickly expanded, and the scientists of Kan themselves opened their dojo.

Kano was more important than a teacher, which was observed by him in the analysis of combat mystics. Vіn not only mav a private school, but also worked at Gakushin University, which in the present hour was the faculty of education at the University of Tokyo, de vin became a proctor at the city of 25 years. Vіn takozh pratsyuvav on kіlkoh posadas of the Ministry of Light and later became a senator.

Kano, taking the best of jiu-jitsu, tidying up the unsafe strikes and adding some of his tricks, creating a new system of spiritual and physical perfection - judo. “Dzyu” - “fuzzy, soft”, “do” - “knowledge, thought, singing warehouse of reason”. Now you understand, what is judo?

Appearance of the first section of judo

After graduating from university in 1882, Kano in Tokyo at the temple of Eisi opened the first school of judo. Koshtiv for the possession of the accommodation catastrophically did not come out. Less than nine students worked at the school's clerk. In 1883, a system of discharges was introduced, and later, in 1900, the court rules for the strike were introduced. In 1909, Jigaro became the first member of the IOC in Japan, and three years later, in 1911, he became the president of the Japan Sports Association. Professor Kano residually formed the technique of judo in 1887 roci. The system itself was completed before 1922, before the anniversary, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Kodokan school. The professor just turned 62 years old. The first championship in judo on a light scale took place near Tokyo in 1956. After such a shock began to appear regularly in different countries.

At the turn of the century, Kano is destroying the initial trip to Europe, to push Jude, and also weaving the system of physical vihovannia. Yogo learn to follow him, to spread the ideas of his teacher in the whole world. Kano is even more successful in Japan. Iogo position in the political and social spheres of the temple, and became the director of the University of Tokyo. On the way back, Kano is dying from pneumonia.

The last name is the European Judo Federation. In this hour, competitors are divided for the vagogue of that age category. Chotiri roki for that in Tokyo, Japan, hosted the first Olympic games in judo. There they took the fate of less than a man in several categories. The amateurs were Japanese and did not dare to act in the face of victory. Three different categories were played by Japanese racers. Tim is not less, the category has brought a great deal of attention and a great rozcharuvannya for the Japanese. The Dutch racer Antonius Gezing deserves credit for this, he wins at the final round in the fight against his widow competitor Akio Kaminagu.

First Russian judoist

Russia has food about those who take judo, zavdyaki Vasil Oshchepkov. Having leaned on the young priest in Japan, he started at the spiritual seminary near Kioto, and then started to study at the judo section. In 1911, Oshchepkov's roci began to try out and entered the "Kodokan" school, without prejudice to learning from the school about the destruction of the language. In 1913, the first dan is given to the roci yoma, another dan is given to the year. Oshchepkov, gifted and practicable, at that time was the only foreigner, who graduated from the Kodokan, and became the fourth foreigner in the history of judo, who was awarded such an honor.

Judo is the world of bridges in the world, that international competition is held regularly. Of course, the Czech Republic did not appear. Professor Frantishek Smotlch first guessed about judo in the first decade of the century. The cob of education at the rock was created only by judo-kіltse at the Middle Sіlskogopodarskіy school.

Vіn pratsyuvav pochatku in Spiltsі uchnіv vchenih high school secondary school, and then through the river became a member of Spartak Třebich. Karel Tufar from Jihlava is currently the head coach, and today he practices at the regional judo. This year, Trzebic re-created “Physical Unity” by Spartak Trzebic.

The cob of learning to fight the battle of Russia

Turning to Russia in 1917, the roci, starting to develop judo at the Far Skhod, organizing their own school of martial arts, about fifty people took part in it. Later, Siberia has its own development of judo. Tse became 1928 fate. In Moscow, the first section appeared in 1930. Near the capital of Oshchepkiv, the basics of judo are taught by militiamen and security officers. Vіn navіt vіdkrivayut department of judo Sovereign Institute physical culture, de their training, the future coaches of this sport took place. However, until the end of the thirty years, a gloomy doba came: they put a fence on judo as if it were “an occupation alien to the Radian people”. The head of judo in Russia was repressed for denunciation and stunned by the “enemy of the people” in 1937.

Our participants are the girl and the lads in 6 years, like weaving the foundations of the youth in the preparation. Vіn so vykladaє young and many mature. The judges are subdivided into three groups according to age and productivity. We practice leather day at the kimono on mattresses. Let's lie down for a week until the ferry. We are chosen at once, so that we can get busy and spend other bedrooms come in.

One of the head coaches, who are still active in the division, is Rene Javorek. The head coach and the person who knows everything is tse pan Franz Wildmann, vin - Den and Komisar from testing. Under yogo, with a glance, the mustaches of Trebicha passed the test. For the rest of fifty years, a lot of children, youngsters and trainers were replaced by Tetyana Trebic. After a few years, most of them ended, and some of them turned to Yuda in a day's time, and today they act like coaches.

Great robot bulo vikonano not without reason

For his life, Oshchepkov grew up chimalo, glorifying judo and popularizing yoga. The basis of yogo was taken by practical single combat: Oshchepkov mav of anonymous theoretical studies in manuscripts, which mysteriously appeared on the day of arrest. After the death of the teacher, the comrades-in-arms of Vasily Sergiyovich (never mind those biased people who promote judo) were maddened, on the basis of their knowledge, to develop another type of wrestling - sambo.

Judo is the lower way, the best way of life. The first for all sports, which will entice you and give you a good basis for life. At Třebíči judo began to practice this fate. How many years the head coach є Karel Tufar іz Yіhlava, docks deyakі members do not add up to coaching. For yoga, Yaroslav Pavlo also represented yoga from Jihlava.

The head coach is Frantishek Vildman, who is a Volodar. Yirzhi Mashin, who was no less than a miraculous athlete, a coach and an official of the Czechoslovakian people, and especially a miraculous person, whose heart was open. For the wealthy of us, we will be the best friend, whom I, if anything, have known.

The cob of judo development in Russia

In the process of re-engineering into the fighting technique, different changes and rules were introduced. Through the years, the struggle began to develop, swell characteristic rice and gaining more popularity among the Radyansk Union. Just after the fact that in 1964 judo was included in the sports program of the Olympic Games as an independent sport, single combat in the SRSR was again promoted from the college. In the 70s of Russia, the All-Union Judo Federation is being created. Tse was caused by regular maintenance. In such a rank, the popularization of this kind of sport was carried out. The first gold at the Olympiad for our country was taken from 1972 in Munich by Shota Chochishvili, and later the judoists from the Radyansk Union of Bagatoraz won the prizes of the light and Olympic podiums. Championship of the World of Judo Russian athletes.

The professionalism of the coach and the high level of education have become a guarantee of a successful future. Members of judo won low medals and significant international successes at European and light magics. Part of the members of the section at the sovereign representation is always great. From the weakest fates, often less than 30% to the most successful fates, when the indicator becomes up to 90%.

The club is welcome at the sports hall "Folimanka" near Prazi. Proud of the compartment is a miraculously judo-made mattress with an area of ​​350 square meters. The hotel also has more possessions gym, sauna and regeneration. So the name of the child of judo will win popularity and create a healthy base for the product, and then for the categories of students, for which the team has a more promising future.

Leading sport, regardless of failure

On the cob of the 90s, through the economic situation that has developed, the development of sports in Russia, including judo, zіyshov mayzhe nanivets. The last of the failures of Russian athletes on the magic of light. Only on the beginning of a new century, the start of a successful robot of the Russian Federation of Martial Arts, as well as financial support to a number of great companies, it is once again becoming one of the leading sports. The championship of the world of judo is renewed by our athletes. Chimalu played the role of a special butt of the president of the country V. V. Putin, who is engaged in judo from children. At the current stage, you can boldly affirm that there is a fighting art in Russian Federation develops that prosperity, bringing the country well-deserved wins on international streaks.

The team is actively creating new ideas for the best ships from the Czech Republic and taking their wings. Sound, after graduating from high school and before entering college, the representative takes the proposition to go to Prague and learn from Prague. Not long ago, the Tokugawa warrior detachment, a period of renewed distrust and anti-rank-and-file activity. At that fate, Lincoln became president of the Happy States.

If Jigor was 10 years old, yoga mother died. In the new era of rule, Meiji Yogo's father became a sovereign official, and he moved to Tokyo about the eleventh. The school of Kani has a talent for foreign language. In addition, since Iudi was the successor, the varto also signified the high academic level of that її vinyatkovі novіchka. Apparently, there are a lot of notes of Kan at the beginning of jujutsu and yoga further transformation into Juda were written in English language, and not native to my Kana, Japanese.

What can you take away by doing this type of martial arts?

Judo - tse wrestling, is recognized as important for self-defense. How is this kind of martial arts developing? For us, the strength of training with a partner is to saturate the ostentatious vibrancy, speed, and reaction of that force. It is important that those who, around the physical strength, the athlete is guilty and think over his skin on the tatami, even if you can win a fight, spying your superman on the best yoga pardon. No wonder it seems that a strong one can be overcome by a reasonable one, as a substitute for the one who resists the overpowering yoga force, to direct him in the right direction for himself.

Wanting one of the reasons for this practice, there were those who did not want to leave their ideas for themselves alone in the period of great competition between jiu-jitsu schools. In addition, it also took on the old with the new, calling for new ways of thinking and creating new methods and methods of learning.

After being praised at Teikoku University in Tokyo, the intensification of yoga studies in Jjujutsu increased even more. At the Kanolsky College of Vins, I learned such subjects as political science, economics, and aesthetics, and at that hour, I began to look at the light as more importantly - learn about others, and then pass on the knowledge to others.

In today's day, children may think at least the least notification about this fighting art. Coaches encourage the choice of judo for children and grown-ups as a sport, for the help of which you can improve the physical form as grown-ups, so for children, through the appearance of any type of martial arts, impersonal technical elements, which will take a lot of preparation into a pink mind.

Vіn judging judo as more efficient, and to that virіshiv dedicate your life to training. What is the fate of becoming a teacher at Gakushuina. Tse buv is also a river, if you fall asleep Kodokan, Kani Juku and Kobunkan. Kano Yuku was preparing a school with a dress coat, which, having poured in, created the character of children. Kobunka was an Anglo school.

Kano vivіv uї svoї svoї іz vlasnyh koshtіv. Yakshcho tsikh koshtіv was not enough, the stench added pennies, won for their reprimands. Early early in the night, Kano devoted all his energy to various pedagogical activities. Chotiri roki for that reason became a guide teacher at Gakushuina. The University of Tsukuba has a good reputation pedagogical college in Japan.

Judo will help you to improve yourself, your own body and mind. And to the head, what a child is going to do, doing judo, - tse innocence in his own, elementary self-defense beginners (fathers can be calm for their child at the dark hour) that discipline, like, in his line, develops a strong character, and then, be strong , an indecent person.

Why did Kubungakuin fall asleep at a school for Chinese students. Among Yogo learners Buv Lu-hun, which by the time he became a miraculous writer. At the University of Tsukuba, he embraced the director's quarters for 26 years, leaving behind him a great success at the gallery to enlighten the development.

Expansion of physical development Zgіdno with the illumination of Jigoro Kan, wines are composed of three main parts - theoretical knowledge, moral development and physical development. Gaining new knowledge, a person expands his knowledge, morally develops and consolidates moral principles, and they practice physically right.


We tried to look around at the meaning of the word "judo", as well as about the facts, as they supported the formation of this type of martial arts. Let’s hope that this glance will help you to choose the most wicked kind of struggle. And so you decided to start doing such a martial art, varto bless you good luck. Success in sports achievements!

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