Mfti Phystech. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). The results of the monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science for the ITF

Rector of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Mykola Kudryavtsev on the air of the Life of Rozpov about changes in the university, setting up to ЄDI and the reasons for the high positions of the institute in world ratings.

D. NADINA: Good evening. Our guest this year is Mikola Kudryavtsev, Rector of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mikolo Mikolayovich, I swear.


D.N.: Mykola Mikolayovich, 5 Russian cherries have been taken to the top 1000 ranking of universities, which is the warehouse of Saudi Arabia. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MDU on this list. MFTI rose a little more. We always do it for the sake of our victories, as they occupy the most prestigious positions. I would like to understand, whose rating is important? І on yakі ratings sled to give respect?

N.K.: The ratings are really rich. The world has three such ratings, which are considered by the most authoritative. Tse Times Higher Education, QS and ARWU - Shanghai ranking. The World University Ranking is headquartered in Saudi Arabia. Win is also more authoritative. The skin from the ratings is divided into sub-profiles, related to subject ratings, from global ratings. At to this particular type Mova ide about zagalniy rating. There are 5 cherries. We went up even more strongly, here on the 35th day.

D. N .: Torik your vish bov on row No. 250, which year you have risen and already borrowed No. 216. MDU is the best. Torik buv on the 59th mist, and having dropped down to the end of the 77th row. MDU, the highest ranking country, 77th row in the rating of Saudi Arabia. Aje mi in the current ratings rarely takes a good job. Why is it related? Can't we have such a filthy light?

N.K.: At the same time.

In order to take high places here, and as a rule, more widely experi- ence , where close to 10 thousand and more experts can take the fate, you need to be well informed, including for foreign experts. Here, perhaps, is the largest stone of the Russian cherry blossoms. We occasionally deal with these topics. Our institute is shamefully said, since 2013.

D.N.: What about MDU and SPbDU? Did you start stinking earlier?

N.K .: The stench rose earlier. The stench is collapsing, occupying a high place. Ale, it seems, є yakes ahead of time. Ale, I'm guessing, the problem is not in tsyumu.

D.N.: Previously, our nominees at VNZ were often skewed, and experts were scorned by those who in their ratings add serious citation to the fact that VNZ is actively engaged in citations, as they are actively quoted in foreign scientific journals. Movlya, it’s rotten with us from the right side, I think, first, little respect is given within the framework of the university, in a different way, it’s like we are expanding, we rarely write publications in science journals, we rarely get a citunya. Did Nini start to get busy?

N.K.: In my opinion, this position is wrong. Modern teachings, both fundamental and applied to the plan, can, of course, be familiar to the whole world.

To that tse may obov'yazkovo be present. In our hour, if I had begun, the leading Russian magazines were shifted to foreign language We got it for a whole penny in checks, on the yak in "Beriztsi" you could buy what you didn't have. Having punished God himself at once, and ring out to swear, for you can know the whole world.

Obviously, the situation is improved with quotations, succinctly. But the situation with the citations in these ratings is skrіz in a different way, but it is broken up approximately like this: you see the streaming rock in the 2nd year and take the high-quality publications for the previous 5 years. Therefore, the result will not come immediately. Russian universities, I can say, for Rest of the Rocks sharply demolished forward in the ratings of both special and global ones. Zavdyaki itself to the one who started to take care of these meals. More universities began to get students, and then positively pour into the initial process. And not only our institute.

D.N.: I marvel at the leader of this rating, which we can discuss at once. Vlasne, the leaders are almost the same. Tse zavzhdi Harvard, Stanford, Massachusetts Technological University, Cambridge, Oxford. I think that all of our listeners, to learn far away from those enlighten, to know more, for the sake of those places, where to be a good schoolboy, to learn there. Explain to me the difference between the students, mentally, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the difference between the students at Harvard and the MDU. Why is this illumination so highly valued, are you ready to take it with your hands and ready to give a million salary, if you are a graduate, but ours is not valued?

N.K.: The reason for this is their ratings. One of the last of these ratings is those who are the first to lay the foundations, as they occupy high positions, become more widely known, and schoolchildren, as if they would finish schools from the earthly world, then go away. That's why the ratings here are too steep. In general, Russian education - I'm a techie, that's what I'm talking about natural and technical - it, especially natural, in principle, does not work. You can say that we are here, it is possible, it’s a bit old-fashioned.

I know well, how do you do it at MIT, we have an international council, like the president of which university. There we also have wires from Europe, Asia. The stench is a lot of practice for our graduates. At MIT. And the stench is already satisfied. I in other places are the same. The enlightenment of the Russian is not girsha. Won, well, deshcho іnshe. To say that we are often relearned.

Obviously, illumination can change. First, the principle is required to go, that the task is not to put in the student all the knowledge of the subject, which can be, but it is necessary to set it on fire. And then the most efficient way is to establish yourself. Nini - revolution. The information is available, available more clearly, more quickly. Obviously, її can be taken away. Therefore, all systems of illumination need to be changed, moreover, there are a hundred of new trends. Tse, maybe, those, de mi deshcho vіdstaєmo.

D. N .: I used the axis of the lesson for publication. There, the associate professor of the MDU said (she is engaged in admission to the faculty of journalism), why are we accepting aliens. Before buying pardons, many fates at the introductory іspitah and zagalі problems with my Russian mother were allowed to go. I call to everyone EDI, to that, if schoolchildren are getting ready for graduation, the stench will only be put in empty squares of letters. I don't work well, and speak badly, think inconsistently, unsystematically. There tsіla vіdpovіd shоdo ЄDI. Are you coming? Do you have the same setting before EDI?

N.K .: It’s definitely not the same with us, because, first, if EDI was introduced, we were one of the last, non-intrusive addicts. Fiztekh accepts lads from all krai and SND. We began to realize that the geography of our reception began to concentrate on the central part of Russia. There was an important economic situation, not all fathers could secure the road to Moscow.

D.N.: To help you with the selection of your students?

N.K .: On the very cob, if it just started, not everything was familiar, there was a lot of work, there was a need to guess. Among them are mathematics. The won was divided into A, B and C. Axis A is guessing, B is thinking a little, and C is normal tasks. We took an active part in rich children, yakі buli pov'yazanі z udoskonalennyam ЄDI among that number. We had a lot of skeptics at our institute, I think, 50/50. Therefore, we conducted a remote monitoring of what to go out. In the first years, everyone knew that we were pregnant with Olympiads. And ЄDI give lads more nadіynyh, yakі nasty nachayutsya, stench nazdoganyayut potіm already, after a lot of courses. Today, everything has changed dramatically. Such a wild thought of all vikladachis, who are involved in foreign disciplines, in the first courses,

D.N.: Do you have a passing ball 97?

N.K.: Tse is wrong. By the end of the year, we have an average score of ЄDI from three subjects: either mathematics, physics and Russian, or mathematics, computer science and Russian - we have two straight main ones - the average score is 93.8.

D.N.: Why do you need to be mean, to write like that. It's just too much to talk about corruption warehouse. Stobalne EDI can be taken off by paying more. Feelings to walk.

N. K .: It’s not safe at all. There are not many such graduates. The graduate, who showed such results and knows nasty things, shouted out loud respect.

D.N.: Talk about EDI, about those, how far away children learn. Cleverly, having written the wine for 94 balls EDI, having entered the budget, I studied, the first session of the past, the other session of the past. And what about the new check for 5 chickens? Behind him, vishikovuvatimutsya, like vishikovuyutsya for graduates of Oxford, Cambridge and other significant universities?

N.K.: At once the bachelor-master system. Completed 4 courses. Deyakі lads go to work in IT-companies, kudis after 4 courses, but it's not rich. Then, as a rule, they turn around and get a master's degree. As a rule, 75-80% of our lads are not from Moscow and the Moscow region. There is a financial situation, and the lads begin to sound from the third year of education. What does it mean to subdue? We have about half an hour for a student to spend at the base organization - organization, de vin to work scientific practice. As soon as you come to the third or fourth year, you will immediately be included in the scientific work. I will take away pennies and more stars. At the new one, everything adds up at once. There is nothing to marvel at. If they are satisfied and befitting the place of work, then that's it, wine of manufacturing. Graduates are not the ones who deserve the devil, they have a lot of problems with such a regime.

D.N.: I know a few graduates from one of the universities who are actively supplying personnel for our space companies. There, the problem is that you finish on the vіdmіnno, you learn well, you ask for a job after practice. Tobі give a salary of 18-20 thousand rubles. Cholovik pratsyuє rіk, two roki. Let's spit on everything on the right and go anywhere, it's impossible. Young fahivets live lean at our hour. Do you have those yourself?

N.K.: Ni. Obviously, the lads have a bigger salary. Still lie in the segment, de stink pratsyyut. Behind the IT segment, the stench is in the first place. What fate, I remember, on average, that the stench demonstrated, robots tse 100-120 thousand.

D.N.: But what about non-state companies, how far can I understand?

N.K.: For a large non-state company. Understand, if you take international information, then it’s too rich to develop an aerospace plan, aviation, stink from small companies, de є leaders, de є even harder motivation. As a result, great companies, such as Boeing, Airbus and others, are already coping. The stench acted on the kshtalt by choosing them directly, rozrobok, yakі robili іnshі.

D.N.: Why so? Even in us, the officials deyaki earn absolutely crazy pennies in the state service. Golden parachute. Vlastuvavsya for acquaintance, popratsyuvav prik - otrimav parachute. Adzhe, we have had many such applications. Why do we, mentally, have everything good with the officials, stink the papyri there, don’t shy away from the practical meaning, and young specialists, like rockets, rozroblyayut, help to be, IT workers, like they can organize security, why should they pay so little? The main part of the sovereign policy in our country is this: why not encourage young people?

N.K.: Sovereign politics is of no use here. Then, you know, in my case, in the case of spіlkuvannya, all the balls, like you, were named at once. I can say that there is a lot of overkill.

D.N.: Vin, obviously, necessary. Only we have more officials per capita, but the Brezhnev hours have more.

N.K.: More food. I say, a good official is needed. Still, great corporations need internal optimization of this process. Vin, in my opinion, is very important today.

D.N.: Until the feed about the entry. You seem to have 94 passes. And yakscho child's axis scored 90. On the budget do not pass wine? Do you have a paid month? How much does it cost to pay a place?

N. K .: The pay months are a trifle winding down, the stench is costing close to 250 thousand on the river. Ale tse, I did not say bi, what is the axis! The state saw about 240 thousand of our student. We can't do less. We don't seem to have many such lads. We trim the bar as minimally possible. Because we don’t accept everyone on a fee basis. We accept it on the fee is quiet, whoever has a high bali, but still doesn’t hang out. And sponsors, from our graduates, how to pay, so that the lads got on the payroll. I tsі payers, to be honest, not stovіdsotkovі payers. We may have an internal camp, as if we are building a couple of sessions without triples, mi yogo is transferred to the budget. To that, until the end, the education of them is not enough.

D.N.: And why do you think the state sees a lot of pennies on the functioning of the entire MIPT?

N.K.: Tse duzhe folding system. Є derzhzamovlennya. National government 1.63 billion rubles. We have a great infrastructure. Us students live at the school, navit Muscovites. I know I'm not alive. More pennies for the “5-top-100” development program, more pennies for infrastructure. We will suck at the same time, it will be hard, at once two engineering laboratory buildings, one maid.

That's why it's much more to come out. We earn little on payers. I robimo tse in order to trim the minimum bar. And zaroblyaemo on scientific achievements.

D.N.: The axis of life was calculated for radian hours, as if objectively marveling, it was strictly regulated. Tomorrow’s hopes for tomorrow, for a moment, don’t especially get over your material well-being, to the one who has a new salary. If a person started to study science, it means that she will take an apartment early, she will always have a salary, and she can learn to work here like that. At the same time, science can be engaged in such a stable way, with the advancement of tomorrow, science is not quite right, it’s better to go to the company and earn money there?

N.K.: There is a lot of science in IT companies. The ABBYY company falls into thought, as our graduates have broken. Tse translations are electronic, with which we are all greeted. Tse linguistics and mathematics at once. In order to work, it is necessary to work scientific research and research. To that it is direct coding - tse zavdannya is not for our students, graduates, they do not deal with stinks. Tobto in IT is science.

Obviously, everything has changed. In the 70s, here the number of women has increased even more. I, seemingly broad, bright minds are not so rich. That’s why everything comes at once to the point that it’s right. Zvichayno, calm that vpevnen_st in the future may buti. Ale maє buti i component, pov'yazaniya іz realіzatsiєyu vladnyh opportunities. Grants have been created for this, funds of various kinds. They stink and give such an opportunity that you can have a stable income, as well as the ability to earn money, as you can have a high reach. Tse correct system.

Ale cim and people are busy burying themselves, as they sounded like that. One needs, that the skin of the coming day, exactly repeating the previous one, if it changes, it’s already stress. Vcheny live in a different paradigm. In the new, navpaki, the coming day of the skin can be resurrected from the front. Vіn is guilty of vodchuvati tsey ruh - vinikaє drive. At the same time, everything and come at the vіdpovіdnіst. It dawned on me that it is not possible to rob everything at once, but to start this trend of imprisonment correctly. Vіn give you fruits, like we take away from the future.

D.N.: The first thing that falls into thought is Lev Landau, who, having ostentatiously inspired a career in the Radyansk Union, having seen a friend, who is worthy of the nameless popularity, having lost his majestic spadshchina, a bunch of pearls, on the kshtalt call it "". It is quite obvious that the person was engaged in science on her own, no matter what.

N. K .: Understand, tse zovim correctly matched. To that, in the Radyansk Union, after the creation of an atomic bombardment and the delivery of military equipment, they took their fate, they could not be led into anything. That's why it's impossible to vindicate that. But in that hour, there were people who worked in the pre-slidnitsky institutes for a salary, but the price was not supernatural. As soon as you guess that hour, then a lot of specialists from scientific institutes and primary institutes traveled in summer to earn some unreasonable practice.

D.N.: What is corruption about? Vzagali, we had a lot of scandals flare up. A short time to start talking about the wind. І students, joining to the vishіv, zazdalegіd induce dovіdki - with swag chi nі, you can independently zdavati chi you can pay. I especially know a sprig of cherries in our city, where everyone wields a penny, for the friends’ roses, as they themselves started there and paid. What do you have on the right?

N.K.: We have a different world. For all my already not small history, as a rector, there has not been a good mood. I don't know yoga front rocks, And I've been at the institute for a long time. Chi є sense? You need to know the other subject, so that we can master the next subject. Aje osvita is so awakened. You have mastered, you can zastosovuvat tsі knowledge. Obviously, how can you control garnu robot there is no need for such knowledge, just, singsongly, you can bathe there. In our history, you can control the work for the fach and do good work, only as long as you have all the competencies. To that it is absolutely stupid tse robiti. I can also say that it was like this trapilos here, then which vikladach would have been drunk instantly.

D.N.: Recently I read a publication that you have reformed the institute. And you are all elected to serve under the central body, if not on the missions are chosen cerivniki, the heads of the departments are thin, but are recognized by you in a special way. What does it all mean? Is there such a centralization? Is such a legacy of the rector right for all departments?

N. K .: You, maybe, I just read one part. Really, it’s better on the right, if everything needs to be accepted by one person. High risks are here.

We were not small at all in the Institute of Serious Science, we worked on our basic organizations. In a short span of time, we have developed science in the middle of the institute. The first won gave us 40% of high-ranking publications in 2015.

We are participants in the "5-Top-100" program. There are analyzed and promoted current trends. At this program, visha, yak take part (there were called strategic academic units) it was necessary to expand their program development from the improvement of current trends. Usі ts_ strategic odinі svtovaristvo called schools. We have 11 faculties. After finishing the long discussions, we ended up on the 6th school. Mi qi schools are created on the basis of the original scientific achievements, yakі maєmo at once. First of all, in the fiztekhiv style, if the science of that enlightenment is inextricably linked one to one.

Vlasne, don't hesitate. Post a nutritious food for these schools. Who can cherubate them? At these schools, they are being sent around, so that they will show the visuvatimut of their directors, as they will be unconditionally encouraged. Therefore, we will decentralize the central head of management into 6 segments.

D.N.: Accept the call. Good afternoon.

HEARER: Igor, St. Petersburg. At MIFІ, I'm a Chuv, the department of theology appeared. Has the world of the learned become something new? Do you have plans for something similar at VNZ?

N. K .: Not for physical technology. We don't plan.

HEARER: Can you tell offhand how much the cost of one student's education from the first to the rest of the course? Why don’t you think that the Russian payers of taxes, paying for their guts through state grants and subsidies to your institute, spend both their money and their pennies, if students fail to continue their education abroad?

N. K .: This is the same theme. True, in the 1990s, the 1990s looked like a lot of lads on the cob of the 2000s. Zdebіl s quiet universities yakraz, de gave more good lighting. We are respectfully posed to the problem. Vyvchali zokrema chomu. It turned out that there was no food for the low wages of the first. The first is the presence of the necessary possession. Lyudina is also passing the qualification. We prepared yoga, but we cannot realize it for ourselves. Other - stink want to live here, so they come to them. I'm only on the third month of salary. To that, those who robbed the world in the future, like the payers of tributes and powers, first, who began to rob me, - it’s better to purchase today’s possession. At the same time, we don’t only care about those who, with the appearance of a modern tool, already have a new lad and spivrobitniki. Bachimo, because of the cordon, our graduates, yakі went earlier, start to turn around. Vcheny is guilty of the mother of contact with the whole world. Ale here was arguing about what is expensive from a one-sided move.

D.N.: Before the speech, why don’t you wonder what the state will need for foreign exchange? How did you study without a cost, sing for a derzhrahunok, having graduated from a schoolboy, you were given a good education, why is it not necessary to surround Russia for 5 years? Schob vin vіdpratsyuvav tsey borg before the state, the state company chi here just in the fatherland?

N.K.: It’s sing-song, you can be shy. But the result, in my opinion, will not be reached.

If a person is administratively primused to some extent, then I think the effect will not be the same, as we can see. So youmu may want to work here. Somebody wants to turn around at once, because they have lost their roots here, dear. Washing away the competitiveness behind the great ale stink is already acceptable. Stop chasing this trend, which is destroying this problem. In nineteen years, I survived the fates myself. The most important thing was not those who had an important life, if we dried potatoes in the laboratories on the ground, but in the one that was insignificance, for without showing anything, what science is needed, what enlightenment is needed. They repeat on all equal terms: it’s important.

D.N.: Before talking about EDI. Chi don't know what you need to change in EDI? Vіn proyshov to finish the hard transformation for the rest of 10 years, do you have any claims to the new one?

N.K.: Not those claims. Eat steadily. My colleagues are busy with some of these schoolchildren. Stink in tsomu sensi competent for me. I may have more information on them. Those who stink to speak at once, that the situation has become significantly better, and out of power.

D.N.: One more ring. Good afternoon.

HEARER: Andriy, St. Petersburg. Himself in 2003-2005, having started postgraduate studies, applied chemistry. What is a scholarship for graduate students? To that in my hour it cost 1,500 rubles, you couldn’t live on it, obviously, no one could think of science.

N.K.: The stipend for graduate students is not the same, but it’s not that great. I'll turn around before I say. The graduate student is engaged in scientific practice. І for vikonanny tsієї scientific work Vіn okrіm stipendії otrimuє vіd organіzаtsії. Whose sensi have income, like our graduate students, the price is not 10 or 20 thousand rubles, but more.

D.N.: Let’s take another call. Good afternoon.

HEARER: Yevgen Mikolayovich from St. Petersburg. I have been in contact with the physicist, with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, with the Department of Quantum Electronics. I would like to ask, the Nobel laureates of our Russian, two. The stench is found in Great Britain. You can’t tell me, stink, you can connect with physics and technology, and with some faculties and some departments?

N.K.: Here is the story. They took away the Nobel Prize in 2010 in turn for the award to graphene. This is a class of two-dimensional materials, which did not exist before. One of them, Andriy Geim, is the eldest, having learned in the eighteenth years. Vіn viїhav earlier for the cordon. Another laureate is Kostyantin Novosyolov, who entered the university in 1991, graduated in 1996, and graduated from graduate school in 2000. After what happened. І 2010 Nobel Prize. The youngest Nobel laureate for history.

Kostyantin comes here for sure. Too often. If I won the Nobel Prize, I came to the institute. Until then, it’s too cliche. We sent a car for him, asking him to take Yogo to the Savelovsky railway station, having arrived by train, take the same road, and then walk straight from the station to the gartozhitka. Zayshov with her maids, chiseled with the commandant, yourself summer woman. Potim pishov to the beloved vikladach, who is not far behind. I sweat on zustrіch іz students. Vin often comes to Russia, with a new father to live here, I know how. I also know that they stink from graduates in informal settings. To the university - a few times on the river. We’re already busy people, but we’re trying to get there, where we need the potential for raising the peace of our other strategic tasks. Andriy Heym, I know that the Ministry of Lighting asked for it, having arrived for a few days. Vіn gave a gift, as if they were awarded the Nobel Prize, our museum is going to receive a replica of the Nobel medal in their honor. Ale in the new, as I understand, a rich variety of goiter. Vіn lyudina, vіdkrita usomu svіtu. So-so position.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is the leader of the technical education of the country, which is included in the most prestigious ratings of the best universities in the world. The University conducts education in the fields of fundamental and applied physics, mathematics, computer sciences, chemistry, biology and others.

Door Opening Day at MIPT online:

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is the only Russian university, which is included in up to 100 of the best universities in the world in the field of physics according to the version of international ratings. The university is also included in up to 100 of the most prestigious universities in the world.

The university recruited students for more than 1,700 budget and nearly 500 paid courses for 17 courses for bachelor's, specialty and master's degrees.

The largest number of students are trained on enlarged lines:

  • Physics and astronomy 82.26%
  • Mathematics and mechanics 11.83%
  • Management of technical systems 3.94%.

Less than 1% of students study directly: "Information safety", "Informatics and calculation technology", "Industrial ecology and biotechnology", "Aviation and rocket and space technology".

VNZ has a Viyskovyi Headquarters. The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology maintains a material and technical base: 78% of students are provided with school uniforms, 6,146 sq.m. sports spores, 92328 sq.m. primary and laboratory buildings.

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has the authority over the training system, known as the "Physical Engineering System". Tsya system continues to be fundamentally enlightened, the fate of students in scientific research and work in partner enterprises is already in the process of learning.

There is a large number of contributors over 1900 osib, with 75% of them being able to reach higher levels.

The average salary of young specialists, as they started at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, to become.

The Fiztekh foundation hour can be divided into two stages, from 1946 to 1951, if the Fiztekh is essentially the FTF MDU, and from 1951 on the right day, if the replacement of the molded FTF MDU is the MFTI, as an independent institution.

In the first period, the rector was not like that, he was the vice-rector of the MDU for special education (post, creations specially for the FTF curation) - Sergiy Oleksiyovich Khristianovich, and the first dean of the FTF - Professor Dmitro Yuriyovich Panov.

After the creation of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology at the spring of 1951, Fedir Ivanovich Dubovitsky, the director of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, became director of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, until April 1952, when Lieutenant General of Aviation Ivan Fedorovich Petrov became the director of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In 1961, after changing the name of the director of the institute, Petrov was appointed the first rector of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In 1962, a new rector was appointed as one of the first graduates - Academician Oleg Mikhailovich Bilotserkivsky. Vin ocholyuvav Fiztech until 1987.

From 1987 to 1997 as rector, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikola Vasilovich Karlov, graduate of the FTF MDU in 1951.

Professor Mikola Mikolayovich Kudryavtsev graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1997, a graduate of the Physics and Technology Institute in 1973, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences on May 22, 2003.


Vice-rector for special education FTF MDU from 1947 to 1951


In. director of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology from 1951 to 1952.


Director of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology from 1952 to 1962.


Rector of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology from 1962 to 1987 b.b.

Vlasne, about change and all our roses. МФТІ іz closed vishu, becoming rapidly transforming into a structure that can be swung to zdіysnyuvat zmіni in the shawls. Yogo spіvrobіtniki among the goals of the working groups of the National Technological Initiative - programs of entries for the formation of fundamentally new markets and the creation of minds for the global technological leadership of Russia until 2035. How loudly! Axis I and drink Mikola Mikolayovich.
- How far did the little virost have great ambitions? Aje in the Radyansk Union, the greatest initial pledge was called for o...
- Vіn i zalishivsya for such - nibi pereproshyuchi, m'yako vіdpovidaє rector. - Kozhen, who entered before us, is a national ban, and after the first three courses, it is more. We can save everything, to save it. Tse does not mean “for the burden of hardship”, if you don’t get involved, tse means to work in such a way that you learn wine. Understand, a person is less than half a teacher, and half a middle man. The humanities and techies have the same thing. Spend your time up to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, inspire you to the middle ground, but also to the best, then you will become a front-line physicist.
- You say so: you call the higher education institution and the university in one word. Phystech and Phystech. And what is Fiztech? They appeal to Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, who said that Dovgoprudny can have a primary process, and science and lighting - only at the basic departments of business ...
– I don’t know the right certificate of these yoga words. And Sergiy Petrovich Kapitsa, who has headed the department in our country, having stverdzhuvav, that such a thing could not be said in a moment. So, we have close to 120 basic departments, ale for the Radianian years of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, but in the order of the Ministry of Education not of the SRSR, but of the RRFSR, which is of a lower rank. The first scientific and advanced part of ours was a different category. At MAI, MIFІ - first, obviously - financial and feasibility. Up to two-thirds of the warehouse of vikladachiv - summaries. At the bases, ozumіlo, stink and practiced, but here it’s more important the bagmen read physics, mathematics. So it was like that. To the one who stinks of the same physics, they make it otherwise, lower than the one who only read about it in books. The merit of Oleg Mikhailovich Bilotserkovsky, our rector from 1962 to 1987, is great, who got me to the university richly important people. We took in their knowledge, marveled, put power - it gave life drives. In the 1980s, we have a pro-rector for science Anatoly Timofiovich Onufriev, a suvorius, a modest person, a student of M. Lavrentiev. Having finished the dean’s credits, domaging, so that science developed at all faculties. And then, in order to take the stake, it would be necessary to carry out a decision on the level of the ministry. Everything was zhorstko limited. I don't care about it, at that hour it was just the impulses of our violet corpus for applied mathematicians. The merits of O. Onufriyev in the development of postgraduate studies and science at the Phystech were underestimated, and that of O. Bilotserkovsky tezh. And Oleg Mikhailovich vvazhav, scho VNZ termіnovo need three corpora for science - mathematical, physical and technical. The first one was lifted, but the other two did not come out. Oleg Mikhailovich was actually seen by the stars, and his plans for the long run were bogged down ...
- Protegodni biological corps, like a battleship, high, two engineers laid down. Did MIPT change the development paradigm? What rank?
- If I became the rector in 1997, then it’s a reversal: without science, our institute of sayings. Understand, it’s not enough to spend two days for self-realization for a day. And our spіvrobіtniki and graduates may іnshі mozhlivoє zavdyaks іn_kalniy podgotovtsi. In the nineteenth century, the fates of the stench of themselves went to work abroad and built up a brilliant reputation for the institute. So, it often seems that once the black market was opened for the supply of scientific personnel to Zahid, but if it were to be left without one’s own work, then it was too bad. In a word, zavdyaks to graduates who went beyond the cordon and ruined their careers, having lighted up and assessed Fiztekh. And in me viniklo bazhannya at the first stage of the rectorship of Fiztekh, as I deployed the names, at the old world, so that the blame is not in the middle of the orientation itself, but the bells and outlined the nameless zv'yazkiv. Then it was just an idea, unspecified without minds for creation. Practically until 2004, such a weak science base of Phystech was not upgraded. All universities, according to the words of our rector N. Karlov, were “equally laid down”, and Fiztekh did not see anything from the impassioned recumbent camp of that hour. Since the arrival of Minister O. Fursenok in 2004, there have been changes, in my opinion, important changes: they started talking about the need to see the best victories and to fight the whole system. It’s obvious that it’s hard, but before that everything was out of the blue. Serious competitions began for Fursenok, if you don’t just give pennies, but - it’s important - for specific goiters ...
– What about the contest “Innovative Wines”? We played yoga, guess.
- So. At that moment, they seriously thought about how to quickly get our lads across the cordon. They spoke to them. Suspіlstva had a thought that we have low salaries and that stinks. But more and more broad social services, not only on the basis of Fiztech, showed: go, first, to those who have no obvious possession and work science for no reason. In a different way, for those who want to live well: read and raise children, nurture the old ... Normal people should think about it all the time, and not about their own science. And only in the third month - material compensation for labor. It was our decision to spend all the pennies earned for the “Innovative Wine” program for the purchase of money. The solution is again simple, but it turned out to be strategically correct.
- There was a lot of discussion on this topic. Get peace of mind: collect more pennies today, and don’t worry about tomorrow.
- I know a cape in front of the physicists - everything went smoothly with us. Let's keep up the competition for “National Presiding Universities”. And again we bathed the possessions. The first axis is now, already for the minister D. Livanov, the more sensible project “5-100”, they have been asked to write a development program without intermediary support for their university, without looking back at others. Here we vyrishili invest the main resources in human capital. Everything is closed with us: there is a miracle scientific base - you can ask for the best specialists.
– What is your opinion about the International Warehouse for the sake of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology? Head - the president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Leo Reif, at the warehouse - the vice president of Schlumberger Technology, the president of the Polytechnic School of Paris, the head of the National Corporation for the Protection of Health of Great Britain, then. Zі spivvіtchiznikіv Academician Oleksandr Andrєєv and Evgen Velikhov. How did they lure such an elite?
- Well, Velikhov, Andreyev is already closely tied with Fiztekh. In fact, there are two guardian angels of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Golovnym for the sake of buv vibir leader - the head. With Raif, we spoke richly, spoke about Russia, I guess, through me I recognized. For the time being, he was the rector of MIT, repeatedly seeing Moscow at the junction with the works of Skoltech. If I urged you to please our International Rada, I’ll wait a moment. And dalі pіd yogo іm'ya zіbrati shtu command appeared simpler. The president of MIT is trusted. Three meetings have already passed, for the sake of us, they came.
- What ideas did the stench give you, let's surround our glorious names?
– I’m sure I won’t name one. We say that we are working and that we are choosing to work, but the stench hangs out of our drive, dilyachis dosvіd that to their situation. At the first two meetings, we added a significant hour, so that we could instruct the university in the context, give analytical information about it. Now the stench of Fiztekh is good and they don’t give us a descent, digging to the dribnitsa. To think more pragmatically and simpler, lower we called: how many students are students, how many people are vikladach? You know, it was said that all universities - ours, EU and USA - face the same vikliks. Well, for example, it is necessary to implement interdisciplinary speeches, gradually learning about different specialties, which is important to understand.
- And how the stench is put up to the fact that the skill of the head of the technical elite is lower for you, lower for the humanities at the MDU and the economist at the Higher School of Economics? I know that in Russia you pay up to 500,000 rubles for education - it's too much.
- I am with great honor to the MDU and Vishki, because the stench is pushing a lot of innovative projects in the world. Ale at the skin path. Our field is the intelligentsia, as it is ready for its advancing generation to pinch the skills of practicality, industriousness, virility, patience for additions to good knowledge. Aleone, among the military servicemen, humanitaries, whose children have died before us, there is no way for a child to learn. Obviously, we set the minimum price, as we can according to the law - 176 thousand per river.
- And the last ball at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - the most among the technical highlights of the country?
- Exactly, more than just in MDІMV, zovsіm is not a technical university. In the era of EDI and Olympiads, we are zhorstko taken by balls, and if we don’t get to the budget, we ourselves for the sake of the lads - go to other universities on the budget.
- Do not let Skoda in?
- Shche yak! Bagato who is shifting through the river-two. And what year did we realize new idea, for some kind of future. Razumієte, it’s not only wise men to go to us, but lads with a sensible head and golden hands, potential wine-makers and technіchnі pіdpriєmtsі. And then the stench is created by successful high-tech companies. And at the entrance, the stench may be average and bring the lower ones to the average results. According to the balls, we can see it, but on the right ... Stinks are brought to the conference on their own, unmanned drones, computers. Previously, there was no passing ball at Fiztech, but even though such lads won the titles of the selection ball, then they were asked for a commission, they scrupulously sorted out the situation, trying to understand, chi vide from the entrant of fiztech, which is still weak. That fate was blamed for the recommendations of the faculty committees to praise such lads on a payroll.
Who the hell did they get loans from?
- No one I knew of sponsors. Well, our graduate student Ratmir Timashev is such a yoma, who himself had been transferred to another course before us, and at once enter the top Internet businessmen in the world. I wrote a sheet of paper, I was happy with my partner, also our graduate student, and I completed my professional education for about 40 osib. A good idea is contagious: our bases have begun to finance such students, and graduates are rising to the top.
- Do you guys, having finished your career, be able to work for sponsors?
- Ni. Only the basic organizations seem to be attached to them. І turning to your food, what is Phystech? Fiztekh ce is a mix of fundamental and applied people, these two categories at once. Today it is important for an applied person to know well the fundamental ambush, otherwise one cannot come up with a new one. That th for the deep understanding, de zastosuvat yogo glibokі znannya, already important.
- Your main science is physics, the bomb... and at the same time you have biology, physiology, nano-optics in favor. How do you know people on cі ​​directly - to catch sensible people with wide marennyam? What stench from your physical technology has grown?
- That biology, you say about it, is the application of physical and chemical methods in biological and medical studies. We don’t have too much resources to throw a wide beacon, you guessed about the yak. It is important for us to concentrate on what we can do to compete. Qi directly in our hour nabuvayut new yakosti, vikoristuyuchi methods of exact sciences, but our conic.
- Also for you at the Project 5-100 smut - education, science, personnel, integration with international trade your school?
- All together. Give respect to the skin aspect. For example, I cannot say that I am satisfied with our internationalization. Phystech was closed by the university, like and in the city of Dovgoprudne, our campus, until 1991. First of all, if you asked for a foreign professorship, the arrival of a foreigner was a labor feat for the team: to ask, accommodate, provide work and comfort ... Nina all the time to work for an application on the VNZ website is a mechanism of practice, and it was not easy to create and achieve it. It’s not enough for Aja to ask for a spontaneous scientific leader to create a laboratory with us. But I’ll first make a selection: what do we need those that we take? As the main help - a worldly magnitude here may have a permanent intercessor, to whom you transfer competencies, in the laboratory - you can really practice Russian specialists, as they prepare publications, study, study science, our students experiments. For three years, a strong school of science grew.
– How many such laboratories have already been created?
– 33. First 10-12 – like the fate of 2013, a lot of laboratories created the past fate for the competition. About those that happened, we can objectively judge for a sprat of fate. Ale can see that there will be good luck. For example, until Maxim Nikitin in the laboratory of nanobiotechnologies, one should work in the black. Vin himself is young, energetic, really busy with students. Another example is Oleksiy Arsenin, laboratory of optoelectronics. I have a lot of such applications. For the sake of our graduates, they may be able to do work outside the cordon. It is important for us that the leader shows how science is ruled in different places, how it is necessary to organize the right, so that postdocs rushed to you ...
– Did you yourself turn around and did you turn them back one by one?
- Whomever was specially called, bachachi, who should turn back to the alma mater, and whoever himself, having recognized that Fiztekh is growling and changing, turning around. Of these, Tagir Aushev is at once a vice-rector who is engaged in our science, and having learned about new laboratories, he won over the competition, having launched the laboratory and now takes care of all our science. Deyakі not phyztehi navit, for example Oleksiy Arsenin - vin zakonchiv -Stankin. He came to us quietly, having begun to practice, and then we all smiled more, became more children. Talanovita people are everywhere Talanovita. Ninі nayprosunutіshi fіztehi yogo recognize.
– And it’s not important for you to come out with your own ideas, something from biology, something from computer science, but you need to understand what is more here - talent or incompetence ...
- It’s even more important, but there’s a sprinkling of priyomiv, like they help. Like one was energized: "Ti - a clairvoyant?". And vіn vіdpovіv: “Hi, I just know well, how everything is done, and I can talk it over ...” Yogo rozpovid may be logically vibrated, or it may flow like a fountain - noisily and in different sides. For me, it’s even more important, how much a person is overwhelmed with his idea. And how to behave, if it seems to you: “Good, take and work. We will help you.” I am a lover to give you the opportunity and marvel at what you see, lower yourself. As a rule, I myself don’t know why, it’s good to go to physicists. But the axis is the butt of Andriyem Ivashchenko and yogo biocorpus. Vіn came from tsієyu ideєyu. The first enemy is garne, but the area is new for us, chi varto rizikuvati? Prote phyztechs are napoleglivy. An hour later, Sergiy Guz, our head of the department, telephoned me, whom I have known for a long time. Asking once again to listen to Ivashchenko. Movlyav, vin at the committee of the Komsomol at the new pratsyuvav and do good work. Listening to a friend. As a result, the biological corps has risen, and in a new way, the prospects for Vishu!
- Did the idea suit you?
- Oh, we have a fountain of ideas here, just listen. The administrator needs to evaluate, how much effort is required to throw on the implementation, how finance, how the infrastructure of the enterprise and what, if the work is done, so that we will help Fiztehu to be rough, proportional to the vitrata. All at once for sure and it’s impossible to estimate at once. Praise solution for an hour is similar to shamanism, based on intuition. And the result is not to be silenced. Ale, it’s not without reason to say that the experiment is not far off. Lyudina, imprisoned less for overcoming, as a rule, not a good one. He explained to me one foreign colleague: “Let's put a deck or a doshka in your office on a trial, and you can easily pass through it. And pull її mizh vezhami-twins? The stinks were still standing. In a word, it is impossible to overstrain a person with the stress of all kinds, but if you need help and get suffocated - and everything will be gone. I try not to bark for one-time pardons, only as people, day after day, stand on the same rake.
- Your people, how are they mainly trained?
- Madly, physicists, you know, have a thin professional air and a scent. If we started to buy new fittings, then they finally showed up, graduate students got rich. Їm cіkavo, and the stench is not lazy. As if by itself, new laboratories began to appear.
– You have fixed at Project 5-100 that until 2020 Fichtekh will offer its students the opportunity to receive at least 15 types of undergraduate diplomas. Chi go?
– So, earlier at the Fiztekha such a thing didn’t happen, but at the same time, the vice-rector for international activities, Hanna Derevnina, boldly and successfully promoted a new practice for us, developing joint programs with the best foreign viches.
- And what about the grandiose? Aje, it’s important for you to read it. Before the speech, what is the geography of students?
- Geography - 30 thousand contingents from the capital and the Moscow region, reshta - from the Ukrainian krai. And even more so, EDI’s addicts, who give the wine a chance to make us the strongest, and the stench, as it seems, is equal to the dales and vagahs of the division. Great places are not concentrated. Vіdsіv have become noticeably smaller ...
- Are you bad? To say, the standard is 20 vіdsotkіv.
- No, the rest of the 10 years the boys began to read better. Dean Ivan Groznov has worked with us. Surely, yoga students were called Ivan the Terrible. So from, tsey suvoriy dean came to me and seemed to say: "You appear, you don’t need to turn anyone away - everyone learns." True, I felt the thought that Fiztech can be small, a man of 200, based in Moscow, mothers of super-equipment, and if you want to let out one Nobel laureate, then, having said, you will lose your function. And we already revisited - let out two Nobel Prizes. What now, start up? If only you could get 200 of the quiet lads that we accept, the talents and ordinary engineers are so self-sustaining there. So creak - and in us, and there. I repeat: all physical technologies are a national ban, and our task is to learn and save them for science and technology.
- Did the young refined elite of Fiztech take the stars?
– We have the base of all strong readers in physics and mathematics in Russia. We ask for it, show it to the laboratory, we can send a correspondence school of physics and technology. And for young students, they started publishing their lectures on physics on the Internet. So that everything was at the door of the cat-free access, so that a child in any part of Russia, even in the countryside, could know for himself the lectures. International platforms, such as Coursera, know us, we pass on our websites and our lectures in Russia. Who to rob? So, young vikladachi on choli with vice-rector for primary duties Dmitry Zubtsov, stink - fans of cієї do it. Our students come home for the holidays and talk a lot about Fiztech there. In the beginning it is a bagatoplan robot, for example, Artem Voronov, vice-rector, and in the past he was a member of the selected Russian physicist, who won a gold medal.
- And after 10 years after the end, where talents show up - beyond the cordon?
- Again, there are no statistics. Leave everything in an hour, if the stench ends. Nin lads go a little.
- Tse to the fact that the middle has become unfriendly?
– Are you talking about sanctions? Last autumn, we had an International Rada here. Mustaches arrived, even though the politicians squeezed hard on two of them. Well, they took the stink and they came. In such a political situation, there is a choice: be patient and be defeated by your independence and self-confidence and react. I realized that there can be no reaction for us. Science, enlightenment and mysticism - those that bring people together - in a folded environment, it gains special significance and allows you to stabilize the situation. We do not see any changes in the international scientific research institute of Phystech. Until the end of the day: MIPT was accepted to CERN, at the CMS collaboration. Now we can access data to the CMS experiment, we can analyze and publish articles in the name of a full member of the collaboration. This is an important step forward to the growth of our scientific reputation. Plus, the fate of the creation of new detectors and subsystems that transfer the development of new technologies, sensors, the acquisition of additional serious competencies, which we will build up at home, based on the knowledge of others and our own power ...
– How long will it be before I enter CERN?
- Not one decade. If Tagir Aushev had come a few months before the CMS was founded at CERN, it was not necessary for them to clarify the stars of wine: the stench of knowing physical technology and yoga is especially strong as strong specialists, as they work at CERN. But before the MIPT was praised in the CMS, the official stench could not show their affiliation with the university in the articles. Now they can. We have a lot of experience with various scientific collaborations through the basic departments. Vzagali Fiztekh worked up to work at an important hour and imprisonments. The axis and the rest of the fates mi in the form of industry, the power is more respectful, lower the fates of the rest.
- And if Project 5-100 is completed, how would you like to win your cherries?
- Inshim at the por_vnyannі z tim, scho buv. Recognized by the university of light, which gives temples scientific opinion that breakthrough technology. That wine has already radically changed at the same time. in the new more life became. Light is changing. Previously, great corporations ruled the ball in technologies, and now breakthrough technologies are significantly shy of small teams, demotivation can be inconceivably high. Let's sweat them, or buy a great company, or sell your technology, and create yourself far away new things. We try to catch the trend. The factor of singularity, when it comes to it, is even more important. And the right physicist, turn around, keep joking, how to solve the problem, and not why you can’t get into it. And you need to know what specialty is on the terenas of the country, learn, wiggle and motivate, which signified Phystech in the past and is significant in the future.

Elizaveta PONARINA
Photo by Mikoli STEPANENKOV and Viktor Anaskina

MIPT Rector Mikola Kudryavtsev;

New biosensor chip based on graphene oxide, creations at MIPT,
to help significantly speed up the process of vaccinating against cancer and IVL.


1967-1973rr. - student of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, faculty of molecular and chemical physics.
1973 - graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology for the specialty "Physics and mechanics of chemical processes".
1977 - having received a dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
1987 - having received a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from problems to the heat engineer of the space ship of the Bagatoras vikoristannya "Buran".

Professional certificate

1977 - Assistant at the Department of Molecular Physics.
1978-1987rr. - Intercessor of the Dean of the Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics.
1987 - Dean of FMHF.
1988 - Head of the Department of Molecular Physics.
1990 - given the title of professor.
1991 - becoming one of the founders of the AT "Laboratory of Impulse Technology" (LIT) at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, created for the transmission of ultraviolet disinfection systems for the region. Cheruvav rozrobkoyu tsikh systems.
1994 - selected for landing by the General Director of AT "Fonon"
1997 - Declaration by the rector of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University).

Reward that achievement

2000 r. - Honorary title "Honorary practitioner of your professional education Federation".
2001 – Laureate of the Prize of the Order Russian Federation.
2005 - Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the gallery of education.
2007 - Honored by the title of "Merits of the Russian School of Excellence".
2011 - Badge of the Governor of the Moscow Region "For the Korisne".
2011 - Sign of the head of the city of Dovgoprudny "For the glory of Dovgoprudny".
2013 - Support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2015 - Sign of the head of the city of Dovgoprudny "For the contribution to the development of the Moscow district Dovgoprudny, Moscow region."

On May 22, 2003, the date of appointment as a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. May have over 110 scientific works, 9 monographs (co-authored), 10 patents. Requesting for lectures and scientific work in the USA (1991, 1992, 1993), France (1992, 1993, 1994), Italy (1994). Also repeatedly asked for original and review lectures at international conferences on shock tubes, aerothermochemistry, chemical and gas-dynamic lasers.
In 2009 - 2012 rock. Mikola Kudryavtsev was a member of the Radiation under the Presidential Russian Federation for Science, Technology and Development, since 2008. Vіn є a member of the international For the sake of the international award "Global Energy".

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