What is such a pre-emptive advance to the people? Pre-emptiveness, which is vital to life Pre-emptive characteristic

Authoritative, unprepossessing, friendly, prihilne, vіrne, high, far-sighted, podvіyne, kind, filthy, one-flock, healthy, tsіkave, canonized, critical, vtіshne, hibne, folk, unfriendly, not high, ... Dictionary of epithets

I; since. 1. Judgment, which expresses the assessment of whom, what l., setting up to whom, what l., looking at whom, what l. Hromadske m. Uperedzhene m. Fight of thoughts. Vysloviti yakes l. m. Do not mother wet ... Encyclopedic dictionary

thought- I; since. div. tzh. on a thought 1) Judgment, which reflects the assessment of whom, what l., putting up to whom, what l., looking at whom, what l. Suspicious thought. Forward thought. Fight of thoughts. Vysloviti yakes l. me/nya… Dictionary of bagatioh viraziv

lead, lead, tendency, lead, lead, lead; subjectivity, subjectivity, pre-emptiveness, pre-emptiveness, unpreparedness, partiality, pre-empted thought. Ant. objectivity, … Glossary of synonyms

Leading-edge, tendentiousness, inconsistency; one-sidedness, advancement, advancement, advancement, subjectivity, advance thought, personification, likeness, subjectivity, injustice. Ant. restlessness… Glossary of synonyms

Div lead... Glossary of synonyms

Div. advances... Glossary of Russian synonyms and similar ones for the splendid language. pid. ed. N. Abramova, Moscow: Russian dictionaries, 1999 weakness, lack of activity, weakness; shillnіst, roztashuvannya, injustice, ... Glossary of synonyms

Preemption, preemption, preemptive thought Dictionary of Russian synonyms. anticipation div. advance Dictionary of synonyms of Russian language. Practical guide M: Russian language. Z. Y. BUT … Glossary of synonyms

Preemption, preemption, tendency, preemptive thought, non-activity, preemption, likeness, tendency, preemption Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. personable div. non-activity Dictionary of … Glossary of synonyms

Leading, leading, non-active; predilection, predilection, tendency, tendency, preemptive thought, partiality, navmisnist, subjective, preemptive, preemptive. Ant. restlessness, restlessness, … Glossary of synonyms


  • Card games of Russia, N. Rozaliev. Unfortunately, the bagatiohs had a preconceived idea about the cards. Not a single hour spent for non-robbers, cheaters and others. Zvіsno, pevna part of excitement, elements of risk ...

What is pre-emptiveness

Preemption, zgіdno z etymology of this word, means ahead of time to the point, shown far ahead. Tse mozhe stosuvatisya estimates, vysnovkіv, thoughts, the last of which є ahead of the stage before the situation, podії, a phenomenon, people are thin. Such an appointment can be both sub'active and objective causes.

Objective causes of preemption

Objective reasons are dictated by the evocative norms and rules that have evolved into a suspenseful political situation. For example, there is a rule of etiquette: it is unacceptable to zap_znyuvatisya to the applicant for a interview, which should be carried out before being hired. Obviously, you can explain a good reason. Deyakі HR managers, okrіm interview, great value slap a test term, de pracіvnik can open it up for yourself. In such moods, without regard for an unfortunate incident, the stench of taking a worker to work. Ale, over 50% of recruiters consider delaying an interview is unacceptable. This is often dictated by the company's corporate culture. Obviously, such attitudes to the candidacy of a late person will be ahead of schedule as a person who is not punctual.

Subjective causes of preemption

The subjective causes of an advanced setting, for example, a kerivnik to a light one, can be related to the specifics of the approach to the special. The stink of lying in the presence of such authorities, as if self-esteem is underestimated, the fight against competition through young vіku otherwise, the yakkravih leadership qualities, greater competence, nareshti, charisma, like a kerivnik, will be a potential reason for taking the same chair. Often at school, a teacher can develop a pre-emptive attitude, more negative, distrustful of learning, who entered school from a dysfunctional family, or children of immigrants, who came from many radian republics.

Preemption and stereotypes

Pre-emptive setting - those that can be grounded on stable zabobons, that formed a huge thought, stereotypes. Not long ago, in our country, there was a thought that a woman-cervical worker was a senior, a lower person, to fit into the role of a boss. It was easier to establish yourself in leadership positions, especially when you join a new team, which is already famous. Life, social and economic development is changing a lot. In our day, women are often stunned by companies, firms, as if they are showing their right. In rich regions, especially in glibintsy, the thought about the woman-kerrivka is left behind.

The legacy of pre-emptiveness

Preemptive setting, the significance of that legacy, which can be assessed as negative, lead to spiral situations. The conflict on the ground of distrust can be blamed in the middle of the team of spivrobitnikiv, between the kerіvnik and the supporters, between the teachers and the teacher, the fathers and the teacher, the coach and the athletes too. In my line, it is indicated on the image and robots of the enterprise. In the face of difficult life situations caused by inter-societal waters, no one is insured. It is impossible to move them forward. Follow the memory that you left є zavzhdi. It is also important to know yoga yourself, to turn around to friends, relatives, a professional psychologist.

What is such a preemptive setting? Make me understand, be kind


preempted - it is unequivocally negative, with already folded my own thoughts about nutrition, I like people. For example: "preemptive judgment" - one team whistle for the least pardon and without it, the other - say goodbye "follow the rest of hope" ...

Queen of clubs

Preemption means: `foundation on preemption, which is said to be far behind, to the knowledge of the day, which is the fruit of such grace. "For example, a thought is preempted, a thought is preempted, a decision is preempted, judgment.
In other words, the thought, as it has already been formed (often negative), and change people do not pick up, as if they didn’t change.


Preemption means: `foundation on preemption, which is said to be far behind, to the knowledge of the day, which is the fruit of such grace. "For example, a thought is preempted, a thought is preempted, a decision is preempted, a judgment. to the clerk of advances (advancement of a thought, decision), expresses the same meaning: For example, judge without prejudice (Ushakov, 3, p. 711).

Preemption - behind the back of the verse of nutrition, behind the back of the thought, the thought is folded, as it does not give clarification and the discussion and the truth in the rest of the instance.
Takes - yak already behind the leg + prefix before - nadaє dodatkovo in front of the meaning.
Preemption means: foundations on preemption, which is said to be far behind, until you are aware of the day, which is the fruit of such grace. For example, a thought is ahead of it, a thought is ahead of it, a decision is ahead of it, a judgment. Naturally, the word pre-emptiveness, the crim is an abstract meaning according to the applicator of anticipations (advancement of a thought, decision), it has the same meaning: pre-emption, pre-setting to the point. For example, judge without prejudice (Ushakov's dictionary).


In advance - in front of the bribes, tobto, before them, as an assessment was given to the people’s deeds, or if they were judged, the sackmaster’s mind was already thought of that drive and not respecting those who were given an assessment. Sound the score is underestimated. People are often inert and change their settings to the point of shockingly smoothly, as if becoming filthy for any reason, then the advance of the setting is 90% safe

So if a thought is formed about whom or about what or about and svіdomo tsyu thought subjectively. Butt: tsya people ******, which means that there is moral indulgence, ailments of people, etc. and so on. But the axis of your thought is pre-formed about it ahead of time.

Darya & marek

put ahead of time, even if mothers are raised to people, they are less likely to be appointed. apply an early warning:
1. to be negatively towards people who are in a state of aggravation
2. Judge people only by old-fashioned look(If you value a person not for її inner light, but as it seems, according to the odor)
3. to accept people, because of their particular sympathies and antipathies (like me people are good, and like no bad things)

Artem viyna

Tse if you think about people, imposing stamps and mirkuesh stereotypically. For example: "blonde-bad" and far from all fair-haired, without discrimination you will be considered foolish regardless of your intelligence, to be ahead of it.

Se7en pro

Words of advances, advances - books, intellectuals. The stench vikoristovuyutsya more importantly in the styles of mirkuvannya, journalistic and scientific treatise. Preemption means: `foundation on preemption, which is said to be far behind, to the knowledge of the day, which is the fruit of such grace. "For example, a thought is preempted, a thought is preempted, a decision is preempted, a judgment. to the clerk of advances (advancement of a thought, decision), expresses the same meaning: For example, judge without prejudice

What does preemptively mean?

Marina Avanesova

Get out of the warehouse of the word: "takes before (before)" - tobto before chimos.
For example, in front of them, like a dosvіdchenim path, a thought is folded. It's unkind ahead. (I didn’t chula in any way, so, speaking about my pre-emptiveness, small positive assessment on the court...)

Great gloomy dictionary:

Leads, -a, -e; -taken, -a, -o.

The formations are far behind, until you are aware of kim-smth. , without correcting the actual facts; lead times. First thought, assessment. First, the post. Mati p. look at scho-l.< Предвзято, нареч. Писать п. Относиться к чему-л. п. Предвзятость (см.)



1. to Leads. Obvious item P. assessment, judgement, indication. The hvilyuє is obvious n. decision.
2. Proactively putting up to someone, something. Suffering like chiєї-l. advancement. Be brave in the face of pre-emption. Judge without prejudice.


What is such an inappropriate setting (do not stray from the lead)?

What is non-active setting(Do not stray from the lead)?

Uperedzhennosti add a kіlka categorіy synonyms with parallel zmist Key words: preemption, non-activity, preemption.


The two meanings are similar for the features of their semantics, but also the principles of discretion in meaning.

It is similar to them that those who stink both of them, make a statement with themselves, like they see the essence of the truth, as well as the characteristics of specialness.

The difference between them is that the non-active setting, as a rule, according to semantics, conveys an incorrect assessment, viklikan positive settings to the people. For example, you can induce zakohanih. Remember the legendary film "The Irony of Doli", in which the hero Yakovlev, Ipolit, like Nadi, was played by Barbara Brilska, so it's not to be put objectively, but the whole thing is clear, through love feelings.

As for being ahead of the curve, then here, on the other hand, it is on the back of a negative attitude, one person before another, just like that, not objectively.


Non-objective setting - tse, later, subjective, formed under the influx of special likenesses. If, for example, a kimos yogo kohana a person is taken in an ideal look, he is riding the horse of perfection, if the real shortcomings of his specialness, character, and elegance are not noticed. The image of such a person is not effective.

Non-objective appearance of real historical, political podias - embellishment, magnification, retouching, creation, manifestation in the visible light of one side and obscuration of unpretentious speeches, "unhandled" facts. (Tse, obviously, I don’t have anything good with victories artistic receptions- elements of guessing, hyperbole and others.)

Non-objective setting - then through the prism of an idealistic light perception; ignorance of real facts.

  • Why is pre-emption unsafe?

How often do we stick with the unfair attitudes of people, how, indeed, do not know anything about us? How often do you yourself become blind handcuffs of advancement? It trapleyaetsya often-densely - all mi tієyu chi іnshoy іroy nagorodzhenі a short lead.

Preemption - not an unreasonable thought that was formed on the basis of stereotypes, in advance make a decision, which is based not on specific facts and arguments, but on a special emotional attitude. The antonym of forwardness is lack of forwardness - to take decisions, based on logic and docility, without the participation of feelings, emotions and imposing clichés.

If we look ahead of the brushes, we will come to the visnovka, which is not a pure product of human stupidity and depravity - rather, this varto can be called a side effect of logical processes. As it happened before, pre-emption will be based on the improvement of stereotypes (read " What are stereotypes”), and the stinks, at their side, yelp from inductive windings: “If you rude the water of the bus, it means that the bus drivers are rude.” It is based on a logical pardon for those who inductively reason only in 80% of cases.

The proactive promotion to a person can be based on a number of typical criteria - to become, century, statura, color of the coat, reputation, ability, etc. Guessing a sprinkling of stereotypes that gave rise to monsters of preemption:

  • all blondes are bad;
  • all Muslims are terrorists;
  • all people of a frail age do not mind using computers;
  • all other people indestructible;
  • all dark-haired people should beware;
  • all the wealthy people have made their way into an unholy way;
  • and rich-rich others.

As you can see, these assertions are fairer than often, shards of all different people. Є Muslims who vibrate litaki, and є loving people that father, yakі stand up against violence. Іsnuyut summer programs. І women-doctors of sciences with charming straw hair color. I inspire honest business.

And yet, like a lot of inaccuracies, bring us pre-emptiveness, which is based on these stereotypes! How much hatred we can pour on a person, only to one who has a smaller color of the sky; skіlki foolish respect to endure schodo svogo professionalism women's garni; like the orderly people suffer because of the distrust of their crooked girlfriends, the uplifted ones, that “people need only one” and “all the stink bastards”.

Why is pre-emption unsafe?

  • a preemptive person is not able to objectively evaluate the situation and make a correct decision;
  • Vіn not listening to others, not accepting other people's glances and live by the principle: two thoughts - mine is wrong;
  • Vіn vyborchiy stosovno facts: tі, scho vygіdnі yoma, priymaє, іnshі - vydkidaє;
  • proactiveness helps gnuchkosti myslennya, start exploring new things and expand your horizons. A typical butt of a forward position: "Our ancestors worked so hard, and we are so robbed";
  • The result of advanced reparation is a fatal pardon for those who have taken important lives and professional decisions.

The lead can be molded under the injection of low factors:

1. Suspіlna thought

Suspіlna predzhenіst is based on the stereotypes of a sing-song prosharka special dosvidom. For example, most people are negatively placed before women for kerm, so they didn’t squander in an accident chi unsafe situations for the fate of a woman-water.

2. Special approval

Precedence of this type, on the other hand, swells up from its own twists, broken from the improvement of the experienced podias. As if a person once appeared to be involved in a conflict and was a representative of a different religion, and now he respects all the noses in religion as aggressive - this is especially pre-emptive.

3. ZMI, tiles, sensitive

It often happens that the negative attitude to the specialty of the appearance is grounded exclusively on what the woman said and felt on television. For equal reliability of information and two dzherels are practically equal - they stink of truth and nonsense, not knowing who is right and who is guilty.

Є jarth from any drive: “I didn’t get used to my grandmothers on benches - that’s it, now I’m a drug addict!”

Why does the third paragraph look like the first one? The bulk of the thought is based on real statistical visnovkas, but not vrakhovu vinyatkіv - for someone else there is a piece of truth, for others it is great to report. A thought based on ZMI and tiles is often completely opposite to the truth.

Political forces often fight back: it is enough to create a negative stereotype of a competitor, and they are no longer noticed, it’s not true.

4. Fears and phobias, fear of failure

If a person is afraid of something, they will be put negatively before it and try to be unique. If you are afraid of failure, you will form good arguments against the necessity of ciєї dії. Like a butt - a person does not change the unacceptable low-paid robot, fearing that nothing can be seen in it in a new job. To tell the truth to yourself, to start making a fool of yourself, to believe it yourself: “Use the proposition of the main payment - tse “scam”. Mustache chiefs of the filthy, in view of my own, I know what the check is. In this rank, a person creates a negative proactive position, in which she herself believes.

5. Pride

At some stage of the professional life growth, specialness can be evoked by pastors of self-confidence, as it is expressed in one motto: “I can’t have mercy!” Tse shouting ahead of others against other people, blindly listening to and reasoning with anyone, let's surround ourselves. Kerivniki suffer the most.

It is rich to bring indestructible conviction in one's rightness, which calls out the anticipation of logical arguments. So, the final designer may not hear the fair arguments of the young fahivtsya in a century. Tim himself is guilty of inflicting trouble on the life of people, as if they would be greedy for yoga chairs with a bridge or like that.

Where do we most tend to lead?

As a matter of fact, we are sticking with it fast, and yet we are discovering the “hotbeds” of sickness. Tse be-yakі suddіvskі systems (starting in the contests of beauty and finishing, in the courts, by the courts), practice, stosunki between articles, politics. Whether it be a sphere, in a way, decisions are based on the thoughts of singing people, suffering from preemption, even all subjective ones. Navіt akshcho not bazhaєmo tsgogo to know.

What is positive pre-emptiveness?

For as long as we have been talking about negative prejudice, generated by preemption, now the time has come to guess about the other side - positive prejudice. She collapses special vigoda, bajannya, emotional likeness, sympathy.

A person can take a proactive position, which is obvious: a banal butt is swag. You can only take a decision on the selfishness of a person only to that which is appropriate for his call. We will forever become on the back of a person, with what we know, to instill what is not enough good, we know.

Why is it bad? Tim, that competent practitioners have to practice under the care of narrow-minded nephews and undereducated daughters of pleasurable people. Officials, who have spent on acquaintance on a landing, do not start to understand well what they need to work. І to instill in the state machine of management the prosperity of all kinds of “nepotism”. Well, it negatively affects the work.

Zv'azki, patronage, blat - all these are the covers of positive pre-emptiveness, based on special advantages: I will help the one I know better, which will become my wrestler, less objective and I will not take anything for the price.

In the face of pre-emption, the mustache suffers - and її noses, and objects, on the yakі it is straightened out. The vision of justice drives in the bazhannya of children. Preemption gives rise to undeserved criticism and unfair foolishness, fanaticism and favoritism; put under the blow of life that share of people and whole nations. Inquisition, cross walks, genocide - the children of pre-emption

A preemptive person can be seen a mile away - people, if they think, will not call on her. You can boldly say to that that the presence of a preemption of your future wear to success, such baggage drags its ruler down.

How to fight among them? Vihovuvaty in your own life is ahead of time, lack of advancement. For whom it is necessary to acquire a deck of rules:

  • Calm down pride and accept the fact that we can have mercy, and the thought of other people is true, ours is lower.
  • Cold-bloodedly look at prove that fact, without thinking about those who stink.
  • Do not take everything that seems to be true, distort the information from the first generation.
  • Feel free to look at the new, do not be afraid of fresh ideas and original looks.
  • Understand that one food can make a sprat of dawn, and the skin will have its own piece of truth.

Obviously, and bending the chicks is not a varto - it’s necessary for the unfortunate people to rightly cry out for the unpraised suspense. Still, we have emotional and social reasons, we have no right to be inspired by close people, humane values, love that speaks less to that which is so punished to prove to reason. The golden mean between these two things is sufficient objectivity for making important decisions that do not guard against special experiences of that emotion. In such a future, the stench will become the dear companions of our intellectual growth and professional activity.

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter.

preemption- The presence of unpreparedness, pre-emptiveness, pochatkova schilnist to the singing position, the readiness to the next vysnovka was completed.
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Preemption (a preempted unreasonable thought that develops behind the back) is a way of psychological reaction, which manifests itself in a clearly negative attitude to some extent. Tse - pre-emption and responsibility for a negative result in the negative aspects of a person (a group of people) regardless of the reasons. Such a thought, as a rule, is formed behind the scenes, spiraling on hibni principles, installations and insufficiently distorted information. Preemption is cold to arguments of logic and baiduzh to facts. Її give rise to stereotypes, and the fear of change lies in the winds, the line and the old steel of thought. Vaughn draws strength from pride, self-confidence and vlasnoy infallibility.

In order to improve the lead, it is necessary to learn to think freely, relying on specific facts and logical proofs, and not preformed installations. It is even more important to understand that accept the rich facet of the world and distance yourself from pride and grace to self-truth.

  • Pre-emptiveness is pre-emptiveness and intolerance to facts.
  • Preemption - tse negligence to change your thought.
  • Pre-emptiveness is not forgiving in its rightness.
  • Preemption - ce far behind, a negative thought is formed.
  • Preemption - tse unfair perevaga one side on Skoda іnshіy.
  • Preemption - tse courage to ignore information that does not fit into the given framework.

Shortfalls of pre-emptiveness

  • Precedence is formed in the steel of that little girl of thought.
  • Preemption to rob a person with a non-spoiler.
  • Preemption to lead to the adoption of unfair decisions, building and wrongful shoddy to other people.
  • Preemption drives a person into the framework of stereotypes.
  • Pre-emptiveness overcomes the carelessness of thinking and forming an independent point of dawn.
  • Pre-emption does not deprive the chances of those against whom it is directed.

Show prowess in everyday life

  • Preemption in judgment. Preemptive judiciary has become the scourge of today's sport. Non-objective judgment instills a fighting spirit in athletes, and faith in justice in football players.
  • "Dyakuyu" for the lead of the lion's pivkul. The skin of our brain has its own special functions. The right is recognized for imagery, freshness of inspiration, novelty and intuition, and the axis is left for logic, clarity and intelligibility. The preemption is either the result of a special negative evidence, after which a stable “cause-effect” relationship is formed in the brain, or it is adopted by the judgment of other people, and helps us with this levy. It is necessary to develop “right-wing” sprinyattya, if life is given to new scrutiny, but if you think about it, you can spire to the logical support of “levopivkulnyy” spriynyattya.
  • Preemption, intolerance, fanaticism. Preemption is the first step on the way to such destructive speeches, like racial and political intolerance, religious fanaticism and ethnic genocide. As if a person’s presence in a group of people is infected with zabobons and advances, it becomes easily cherished, the result can be blamed for such a large-scale harshness of speech, like a revolution, a war, a concentration camp and an inquisition.
  • Preemption spryynyattya chi tverezny look at reality? Our acceptance of reality is constantly changing between two speeches: emotions and attitudes. It seems that the very same person, one and the same, takes on the same way in a different way, stalely in the back of the molded blue and blue thoughts of the third osib. That is why it is necessary to constantly balance between advancement and idealization, pragmatically hard thinking. [Jerelo]

How to get ahead of yourself

  • Think logically. Live, free more logical thoughtє the best helper in the fight for advancement. Joke facts and arguments, pick up evidence. Work on your own sovereignty, practice the independence of thoughts, assessments and judgement.
  • Sounds like stereotypes. Try to unique phrases as much as possible and judge, as they will be in a similar order: “all people ...”, “start everything ...”, “there is no way ...” and so on. mittevu spriynyattyu, vіlny type of stereotypes and prejudice.
  • Don't lie to everything you hear. Let the sumnivation and logical analysis of the information that comes to you, revise, think, blink, work the wisps. Do not varto without guarding the evidence of the known to the firmaments of ZMI. Know in yourself the strength to fight against pre-emption and stereotypes.
  • See what other thoughts you look at. In life, there are impersonal thoughts and a point of dawn, and it’s not a fact that you have a monopoly on truth. Listen and feel, whisper and know the truth, as you grow up with facts and require real evidence.

gold middle


Restlessness, objectivity


Krylatі vyslovlyuvannya about proactiveness

It is easier for the sum total of the world to split the atom, lower the lead. - Albert Einstein - I think that if there were too many stereotypes, it would be supernatural. - Tommy Lee Jones - Trying to get the truth out of the stereotypes and clichés. - Harold Evans - Zaboboni do not think of reasonable ideas, they cannot be called by reasonable arguments. - Samuel Johnson - Jane Austen / Pride and prejudice A beautiful and romantic book by the famous British writer Jane Austen speaks not only about the folding, but also about the happy history of the head characters, and also about the strength of the backing of that forwardness. A person can gain spiritual harmony only once, if he rises above stereotypes and becomes enthusiastically manifesting his best spiritual qualities. Oleksiy Ukhtomskiy / Selected services Tse - academic reading, prote same study of Oleksiy Ukhtomsky about psychology, establish that the fundamental theory of dominance can shed light on the rich nutrition of the problems of modern life.
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