What was the point, no one knows the doss…. Nobody knows about the dossi dosіzhe: Svіtova “behind the scenes” already praised the decision about the leadership of cooking on a planetary scale. Tse means that it will be impossible to “neither buy nor sell” without singing minds.

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Our world has a lot of marvelous places, we don’t know anything about it, because there are no tourists and it’s not easy to reach. Islands with black waters, flower fields and waterfalls. Well, doesn't hiba look like a fairy tale?

website literally in secret tell you about the 15th month on our planet, about which few people know.

Bless you, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Thankfully, this is a small village, in which, in the middle of small waterfalls and blaky waters, small white houses stand under a straight-sided skeleton, and a monastery hangs in the middle. This is a holy place for dervishes and sufis, who forged a village in this paradise.

Vacacina, Peru

Huacachina is a place-oasis in the middle of a majestic desert, the road to which loan is close to 5 years per day from the capital of Peru, Limi. The population there is less than 200 people, and if you walk there, you can even see yourself in the air. And there you can also ride sandboards on peruvian pagorbs.

Lake Hillier, Australia

You only show yourself white pisok in the polished eucalyptus forest of the very erysipelas lake near the world. Lake Hillier is located in Australia, on Middle Island, and was declared as early as 1802. Let’s remember that we have an erysipelas color and do not change our infestation of the cilian river. It was said that special algae and microorganisms give the erysipelas color to you, but they didn’t confirm it further. That is why no one knows why the water was filled with such an unusual color. The only real way to get to Hillier is through repeated transport.

Marieta Island, "Howing Beach", Mexico.

"Attraction Beach" (Playa de Amor) - a taєmny beach with crystal clear water, a great number of diverse birds. The only way to reach this water-kremlin paradise is by water. Through the sprat of hvilin swimming by labirinths of underwater caves, you see a wonderful view of the beach ruined in the depths of the island.

Silfra Gorge, Iceland

The Silfra Rose is located in Iceland in the Thingvellir National Park. This wonderful place is loved by divers and outdoor enthusiasts. Floating here, it is easy to spend a little depth, shards are clean, cold, and the water of the gap is clear, so that the visibility of it becomes as much as 300 meters.

Isola Bella, Italy

There is no doubt that the Italian island of Isola Bella on Lake Maggiore is one of the most beautiful in the world. Mayzhe, the whole wretched klaptik of the earth is occupied by the luxurious palace of Borromeo and the richly flourishing garden with grottoes, terraces and fountains. Harmonious additions to all the tsієї pisnoti є slowly wandering garden of royal birds - white pavichi.

Popeye Village, Malta

Village Popeye (Popeye village) - tse derev'yanі budinochki, pobudovani for zyomak musical "Popeey" in 1980 rocky. And at the same time, there is a resort area with a park of roses, cruises along the bay and wonderful landscapes. In some houses, the situation was saved for hours of zyomok and may be extended to the film.

Red Land Donchuan, China

Red soil Dongchuan (Dongchuan Red Soil) - tse mountain valley at the entrance to the city of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province. Due to the remoteness of the infrastructure of this city, there is no place in the tourist map of China. It was released in the middle of the 1990s. Windy landscapes, similar to carpets, sweep brown-red vistas through the great intermingling of mineral cavities and copalins.

Florish Island, Portugal

Island Florish (Flores island) is not for nothing perebuvayut from the list of UNESCO, even though there is a national park with a unique flora and fauna. Wines are located near the most important points of the Azores, on the white coast of Portugal. At the translation from the Portuguese language “mis quit”, even practically the whole territory is covered with colors of different farb and types. And here you can also find natural hot springs and lagoons, rice fields, unique villages, lakes, as well as volcanoes and all-worldly caves.

Darvaza "Doors to Hell", Turkmenistan.

Darvaza is a gigantic crater that burns, about 60 meters in diameter and 20 meters deep. Mіstsevі inhabitants call tse mіsce "brama baked". If the geologists knew the cave here, then there might be a great supply of gas. Gas, schob shchidlivy spit on people and thinness was burned. Ale fire, like a mav, go out in a few days, the axis has been burning for 45 years. This is a unique sight, like a charm, on the yak, people from the whole world marvel at.

"Lencois-Maranjensis", Brazil

Lençóis Maranhenses National Park Atlantic Ocean at the beer gathering in Brazil. Under the hour of the season, windows of wine are just an unforgettable sight. In the midst of the sand dunes, thousands of lagoons are filled with turquoise water and life. It is filled with a mystery, as if dry land is here to eat ribi and crabi, but the scale of such a sight is simply impossible not to dislike. The shortest hour for the view of "Lencois-Maranjensis" - the period from lime to spring, if the pools reach the full extent.

Good day! I want to tell you one story. I don’t want any oratorical skills, so I’ll tell you how. Let's…
Mayzhe at the skin podletka let it go to the dacha, mine went by itself. The place was not too garrisoned, that and sensitive, like they went there, did not instill confidence. There was a man in one of the houses on the outskirts of the bag, who killed 6 people and burned their corpses at his stove. That the silhouettes were flying around the abandoned booths. And that one person died of a heart attack, succumbing to those who cannot be explained. Well, now my story. There was a place in us, de mi sat, we can say mayzhe in the fox. The place was unremarkable: the crack of a tree, the bushes and the floodplain nearby. I won’t lie, it was closer until the end of summer. We sat like a zavzhdi: bagattya, noch, merry, do everything right ... I can smell an expensive sound, make a marvelous sound for the night. The sound of a buv is similar to a vіzok - nіbі htos htos duzhe shvidko bіg z vіzky stony road. The mustache laughed, no woman sleeps on the bus, and they wanted to forget. And then the sound became closer to the daedals, everyone became already tense. Raptom sound sharply pripinivsya. And then there were those who made us leave our place. From the side of the bay bridge, I felt a strong dullness (if you go by the bridge, make up, screech). Then, after the bridge, already in the distance, I again felt the sound of that vizka. But why is the problem: there was no one on the bridge for an hour. I thought, what happened to me, but the denunciation of everyone who sat with me, they talked about those who didn’t hallucinate. The mustache ticked the stiles, the skils could. Having passed enough, all of them stupidly laughed, taking it for a cool joke and roamed around the houses.
The coming day, forgetting about those that happened at night, everyone, including me, obviously, went back to that place. Nothing has come, no one has guessed about the wagon and the rocks on the bridge. Ale, here I began to listen, what do you hear about us. I don’t know, now I’ve started tse robyv - rather not robbing bi. And to myself: I sighed a little bit. Well, think about it, how is a normal person going to pick mushrooms at night? Mustache began to poke fun, nibito mouse-mutants, attack and attack you. Ale crocs became closer to the Daedals, but there was still a clear streak on the grass. I'm already on the border! And raptom mi chuёmo, like a club behind us with a bang. The axis here is already all the humor buv shovany. Well, I know all our brave company lamanulsya at the bek of their booths. How many times have we not been so cheerful, simply, clasping hands with one another, we went home.
Chergovy day on tsomu mіstsі rozpochavsya vzhe z ochіkuvannya chogos supranatural. proishov duzhe calmly.
Nareshti came that day, if I went home. The weather was terribly lousy, wanting to call the sun that speku. Until 5 o'clock in the evening, the sky was of a black color, a strong wind was blowing, and you could see bright sparkles. Saying goodbye to us, I went home, forgetting about those that happened to us. If I had already changed from Moscow, they wrote me in ICQ about the following type: "Lech, don't believe me, we took a picture tse ...". When friends came to Moscow, the stench threw off my photograph. Mene tse entered into a stupor that fear. On the photos of the images, my friend, on all the photos, there were bags of marvelous color, as they call ectoplasm, and on the aphids of the guise, there was a potik of dima. In this pot, 3 individuals can be seen: a female with a strongly open mouth and large eyes, and from both sides - individuals of children, roki 3-5. At the time of the shooting, there was no fog on the street, no one was smoking, and the camera was in order. Fortunately, it’s a pity, I don’t go to the dacha any more, but like my friend, who is in the photo, you know that you want to follow him.

10 years ago, 3rd of September 2008 year, a piece from the life of the famous klepnik of the Radian civilization Oleksandr Solzhenitsyn. What a cіkavo, whose writer to love like in Zakhodі, so Russian government that provadni ZMI. On the right, in the fact that Solzhenitsyn depicted the SRSR as the "Empire of Evil", which was as clear as the rulers of Zakhod, as they were waging a thousand-year war against the Russian people, so it was with the liberal liberals, as they cast Russia in the 1990s ford. Spilka. To that, to finish the middle writer, they spun, hoisted up his name as an ensign to fight against radian totalitarianism, and all that they wrote, they voiced the pure truth.
Oleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was born on December 11, 1918, near Kislovodsk, in a village family. In 1924 Solzhenitsyn's motherland moved to Rostov-on-Don, where the boy went to school. Literature began to choke on the older classes, trying their hand at this poetry. However, after the school entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics before the Russian State University. Ale, being a student, without depriving her of her written clutter, she wrote the first part of "August the Fourteenth".
On the cob of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war, having gone for a rozpodil from the retinue to Morozovsk, de pratsyuvav teacher (yogi for the camp of health was recognized as inapplicable to construction service). Ale, unsuitable for military service, private Solzhenitsyn, as a mysterious rank, about some kind of history of castle, having spent up to the artillery school. Lieutenant Solzhenitsyn went to the front after spending the spring of 1943. I didn’t take a direct part in battles and battles, shards commanded a battery of sound intelligence. At the front, calling for everything, Oleksandr Isaevich felt good for himself: having read and written richly, eating well. One miraculous day, the orderly of Oleksandr Isaevich, for false documents, brought from the evacuation in Kazakhstan the squad of Captain Solzhenitsyn. Natalia Reshetovska from the warm hour of the hour, holding a man at the front: the stench walked a lot, read, took pictures, shot and fired. Zdobuv nagorodi: orders of the Vitchiznyana war and the Chervonoy Zirka.
Not long before the victory in 1945, Solzhenitsyn's rotisseurs were arrested for listing - the captain was busy with it, rozsilav knew the leaves with criticism of the commander-in-chief and the radyansky way and pronunuvav create conspiratorial "p'yatirki". Captain Solzhenitsyn could not know for a moment about the reasons for the military censorship and counterintelligence. In addition, friends of the children of that youth of Oleksandr Isaevich Kirilo Simonyan and Lidiya Yezherets commented on the epistolary activity of their friend in this way: nіt yogo svetogladu... "Professor K.S. Simonyan Visnovok roaring simple:" Vіn clearly bachiv, yak, vtіm i zhen z us, scho in the minds, if the victory is already vyrіshena in advance, happen to go through the rich, and not turned off the possibility of death was the death of oneself. The only reward was to drink to the teal. Hello yak? ...Become a moral self-inflicted blow in the right direction for Solzhenitsyn, the best way out of the camp. And the stars and the flow of leaves, bad political Balakanina.
From the end of 1945 to 1953, the fate of the wines of the courts. "Curved Stalin's kativni" for Solzhenitsyn were incendiary. Oleksandr Isaevich himself describes his stay at the central political office: “Ah, what a life of licorice! Chests, books, spring beds, down pillows, solid mattresses, gleaming linoleum, pure whiteness. I’ve forgotten that for a long time that I also slept like that before the war ... ”Enjoying the sweet life, Oleksandr Isaevich willingly gave witness against his friends and warned against the squad. Prote seriously suffered less than M. D. Vitkevich. Pіznish reabilizations Vitkevich Zmіg the bail out by his own certificate of the i Todi, who was sitting on the yogo friend of the dinstery - Oleksandr Solzhenitsin, who was writing, pydpіlnu pydrivna, who was at all, the nasalnitziyi
After the Lub'yanka buv Novy Yerusalim, then we'll wake up in Moscow, then Ribіnsk, Zagorsk i, nareshti, Marfino, then I'll renew Moscow. And at Marfina - a pivkilo of white bread a day, at Marfina - Vershkov oil, be it books, volleyball, music on the radio and a robot in the acoustic laboratory. At the end of the writer, at the thought of a number of doslidnikiv, becoming an informer and provocateur on the vіtrіv prize. From Marfin, after drinking to the Ekibastuz camp, de bov as a brigadier, working as a moular, then as a librarian. All the whole hour I was writing and trimming at the memory of the verse, so that later I would transfer it to paper. Vin described the life of the tabernacle in the novel "At the First Time" and the description of "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich".
After the permission of the writer, they ruled to live until the end of Kazakhstan without the right to leave the village of Berlik. There Solzhenitsyn worked as a teacher of mathematics and physics. 1956 the fate of the writer was rehabilitated, he was allowed to turn back from mischief. We settled near the Volodymyr region, then near Ryazan. In the past, create Solzhenitsyn were published in 1962 in the journal Novy Svit - the title of the essay "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". It is important to remember that a few years ago the famous XX z'їzd CPRS, de M. Z. Khrushchov rose the cult of Stalin's specialness. The rebirth was accompanied by a great lie: Khrushchev, knowing that at the time of the death of the yogo successor in the camps, there were close to two millions of convictions, having voted about ten millions. From that hour, the topic of reprisals, great and crooked, became an official siege in the hands of the anti-sporadic forces, and Zakhid took away the miraculous information siege against the radiant civilization. I warto bulo to say about the triumphs of the Radyansk fret, about those who, like a lot of SRSR, gave their hulks, like a lament about "one hundred million shots" began. Khrushchev slayed out of ten million afflicted, and Solzhenitsin gave in and propagated a hundred million, and not just aggravated, but aggravated ). Tim Khrushchev and Solzhenitsyn themselves repeated the propaganda materials, as the Hitlerite ideologists predicted.
The theme of reprisals, as it instilled in the wealthy people of Radyansk an ogida to the state power and a complex of guilt, began to actively victorious in the "cold war". The Soviet Socialist Republics began to turn around and tі, hto having respected Khrushchov as a renegade and a resident (in China, Albania), and tі lіvі on Zakhodі, hto dosі podtrimuvav radyansky ustriy and communist idea. In the Soviet Socialist Republic itself, the rejection of the Radianian mode also came into step by step fashion, especially with the improvement of Khrushchov's "overgearings" in the gallery of national security, people's rule, culture, and so on. Union that on Zahodі. After whom Solzhenitsyn took up the "Gulag Archipelago". Solzhenitsyn and in the SRSR, and at Zakhod became the most fashionable, most famous writer.
However, the nevdovzі pisnik vtrachaє prikolnіnіnі vlady (under Brezhnevі criticism of the Stalinist period was scorched with fire), yoma guard against friendliness. Ale on the right was already broken, the author was hyped, and її podrimuyut at Zahodі. So, in the 1970s. a large group of French writers, scholars and scholars hung Oleksandr Isaevich on Nobel Prize. The prize was awarded unexpectedly. The novels "At the First Time", "The Cancer Ward", "The Gulag Archipelago" were ordered beyond the cordon. During the whole of 1974, Solzhenitsyn's fate was spared by the Radyansky enormity and hung over the cordon. The author calmly ruled on the cob in Switzerland, then in Canada, and then in the USA, at the top behind the high parkan. And the Americans so zoomed in on the image of the GULAG, that the wealthy inhabitants of the whole world of Russia do so much to associate with such crooked zhahs, mass arrests and strata of millions of people. "Archipelago ..." becoming one of the most famous images of the SRSR.
Russian scholars are fooled by the method of fooling the students of the "Gulag Archipelago" (though the book has no literary merit, no historical truth). In this book, terrible evils are attributed to Stalin, which will overturn all the evils of the German Nazis. Solzhenitsyn launched a myth about dozens of millions of people being persecuted for Stalin (as many as 70 or 100 million people!). The Americans, like they gave Solzhenitsyn an armchair, did not stop talking nonsense, the shards waged a cold war (informational, ideological) against the SRSR. The United States demanded that the SRSR be taxed as an "evil empire", to which Solzhenitsyn added.
Wanting one of the “think tanks” of the American empire, the Rend Corporation analytical center of the CIA, relying on demographic data and archival documents, citing the number of persecutions in the Stalin era. It appeared that in an hour, if Stalin stood on the edge of the countryside, 700 thousand yews were shot. man. Numbers of data are found in other recent Stalinist eras, the authors of which are not cited in the original especially of Stalin and the SRSR. At the same time, the share of convicts to the political statute of the 58th statute falls no more than a quarter of the rights. Such a part of itself was wary of the middle of the aggravated labor camps. In this rank, the number of persecutions in the Stalin period was a hundred times less, lower it was attributed to you. It is confirmed by the demographic statistics, because of the failure of the first hour of the war, the population of the SRSR was steadily increasing steadily during the reign of Stalin. For comparison: at the fate of the ruling liberal-democratic rulers (Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev), the population of Russia is steadily declining, it’s impossible to say: they are dying (so the sound of depopulation). Another worse situation with demography is in another “independent” Ulamk of the SRSR (Great Russia) – Ukraine-Little Russia, which is rapidly dying.
Another important note from real statistics: less than a quarter of those who were repressed and those who were aggravated can be treated as victims political repressions, and other three quarters were taken away according to their merits for criminal mischief (warto remembrance that most of the people stand up for the stratum of how to beat, valtivnikiv, drug dealers and other virozhentsiv). And Solzhenitsyn’s shanubilists and others like them in a crowd set up as innocent victims.
Not everything is so simple and “political”. Among them were the real "enemies of the people" who were working at the entrances of the special services; Trotsky-Shkіdniki, yakі mriyut znishchiti radiansky project; a lot of kati, practitioners of the Cheka-NKVS, in some of them their hands were up to the elbows in the blood, and they “cleaned” them from the organs; Vlasivtsi, Banderivtsi, Basmachi, "fox brothers" of various families, that people, like Svidomo, fought against radianska vlady. With whom, one cannot forget about that era, which radically changed, let’s say, in the peaceful and stable hour of Brezhnev’s reign. A terrible geopolitical catastrophe ended in Shoyno - death Russian Empire, embarrassment Gromadyanskaya war. Radyansky project mav bezlich vorogiv like in Russia, and there. Our old enemies tried to prepare the “fifth column”, so that at the critical moment a new “fierce” was created. So, one of the main reasons for the defeat of Hitler's Third Reich became a fatal raven: in Berlin, the SRSR was vowed with an ear on clay feet to mark the Russian Empire of 1914-1917. or Radyansk Russia 1920s. The war is not enough to lead to the collapse of the SRSR - a military slaughter, a palace coup and a numerical rebellion in Ukraine, near the Baltic states, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. However, our enemies were broken, in the SRSR they caught up with the introduction of a greater part of the various “fifth colony”. At the fate of “rebudding” and reforms, the most repressed en masse (and innocent, and real enemies of the people) were recorded at the “innocent victim” of Stalinism.
U 1991-1993 pp. in Russia, the counter-revolution prevailed, opponents of the Radyansk project, the pribіchniks of the zahіdnoy “matrix” - husky capitalism, caste neo-feudalism, liberal social-Darwinism with the meanness of people to the “successful and obranih” and “nevdas”, to the “two-legged znaryaddy” - seized power. The Radyansk project, which, having begun to induce the ideal supremacy of the future - the supremacy of knowledge, the service of that creation to the panuvans of the ethics of conscience, was destroyed. Outwardly, dominance was taken away by the suspense of the “golden calf”, the suspense of spontaneity and self-blame.
It is not surprising that such upside-downs, like Solzhenitsyn, took away the green light in the new Russian culture. To the name of Solzhenitsyn, against the background of the greater people, they name the streets, install monuments and memorial plaques on the streets of him; create yoga, include it in the language school program, and in the press they talk about the new one, like a brilliant writer, a thinker of all hours and peoples, a prophet and a double truth-teller.
Taking the fate of the great provocateur that rozval SRSR. On the 18th of spring 1990 one hour in "Literary Gazette" and " Komsomolskiy Pravda” was published Solzhenitsyn's article “How to Obshtuvat Russia”. They have “Russia, as they have spent me”, and pseudo-Russophilia (hibne “turning to the winds”, false Great Russian nationalism), and the order in the “ballast” in the eyes of the republics of the SRSR, and the rise of ties from the colossal social and economic camp vodnosin, and so on. Why did Solzhenitsyn receive recognition from the Radyansk community for further criminal justice, from chest awards of the Sovereign Prize of the RRFSR for "The Gulag Archipelago".

Kutuzov, the genius of the war [“To destroy Russia, you need to burn Moscow”] Nersesov Yakiv Mikolayovich

Razdіl 26 Doleva “Supper at Fіlyakh”: until now, no one knows how it was…

Dolenosny "evening at Fіlyakh": dosi nіhto don't know how it went...

After the greedy victims of Borodin, everything seemed to matter to the defense of the ancient capital. Soldiers, the same Muscovites themselves were ready to die sooner, lower the enemy to the place. The invasion of Moscow could undermine the spirit of the Russian army, negatively damage discipline, give rise to astonishing attitudes. Ale z vіyskovoy point of dawn, the defense of Moscow was impossible. Under Moscow, it was handy for the defense of the position. Before that, in the first place, the costly losses turned out to be terrible for the worst battles; in a different way, from the Borodino field, which came out, about 90 thousand soldiers and officers, more than 60-65 thousand. were no less informed, and even more less combative, but it was, insanely, not enough for a re-battle with Napoleon. And vin, otrimavshi pіdkrіplenya, forces up to 95 thousand. a man, and then, mayichi may have the second victory in strength, already ishov from Ruzi to Zvenigorod, bypassing Moscow every day with the corps of Poniatovsky on the Borovskaya road. First time, the Russian army did not take away after the battle of Borodino new reinforcements (zokrema, from the governor of Moscow Rostopchin) and it took an hour to increase the reserves. It’s possible to get well at this hour, only having created Moscow in front of the tsar’s banquet, the mood of the army and the people.

Kutuzov had to make an important decision, a very unpopular decision.

On the back it was planned to capture Moscow with the forces of Dokhturov - from the side of the Sparrow Hills and Prince Eugene of Württemberg - from the side of the Dragomilovsky fort. Vrakhovuyuchi analytic warehouse to Barclay’s mind, Kutuzov punished himself to evaluate all the pluses and minuses of the commanding officer’s position on the birch of the Moscow River between Files and Sparrow Hills for the rest, the victorious battle under the walls of Moscow. The methodical Mikhailo Bogdanovich prepared a report analysis of the expansion of the Russian army, then showing Mikhail Ilarionovich a little position, which turned the “old fox pivnochi” into a stronger hostility.

The new 6-kilometer position on the birch of the Moscow River between Philami and Sparrow Hills was chosen by Kutuzov's lover K.F. The right flank rested on the forest, and in view of the one who zavolody him, there was a situation with a detour at the right-handed til. The left wing was on the top of Vorobyovy Gir, and in front of it there was an equal mass, where the enemy could be in the middle of an attack close to 30 yew. man. I wanted the Russian position, which became less than two kilometers, crooked the Moskva River, but there it was, and also a large place in the body significantly made the entrance more difficult. Tim more that the descents to the construction of eight floating bridges were even steeper and would have had a chance to throw all the artillery, the convoy of that cavalry would have had a bad time. In case of failure, the whole army would not be transported to the other shore, but the part that crossed would be used during the passage through Moscow. Krіm tsyogo, mіstsevіst bula "spoiled with yars" and two winding rivers Setun and Karpіvka, which flowed through the roztashuvannya vіysk іz the sunset of Skhid. This made it easier to maneuver with the troops and the dizziness in the columns and the carts. On the whole, the city did not allow the lord to occupy a camp over the enemy, it could have a good look at him, and military and artillery positions, roztashovanny here, could be shillnі to the deadly artillery fire. They also appreciated that the front of the battle order would be too stretched out for the already weakened Russian army.

"Vin sighed, having heard me," Barclay wrote afterwards. The staff officers - and Misho, and Crossar, and Yermolov, and his son-in-law Kudashev, who was especially trusted by the person - all, with whom the "wise crucian" "Larivonic" consulted, were about the same thoughts.

1 (13) spring about the 5th anniversary of the evening of wine, having called the Viysk Rada at Filiah, at the hut of the peasant Andriy Frolov, where the Russian army entered. It is important that generals L. L. Bennigsen, M. B. Barclay de Tolli, D. S. Dokhturov, F. P. Uvarov, A. I. got there. Osterman-Tolstoy, P.P. Konovnitsin, N.N. having worn the chauffeur's general's bindings to the headquarters of the commander-in-chief.

…Wtim, іsnuyu raznochitannya at the warehouse of the members for the sake of, but the minutes of the meeting were not conducted and the debates about the debates went to us in the middle of the sight - from the participants in the long "supper at Fіlyakh". In the memoirs, as it seems, the participants, who are eyewitnesses, sometimes “forget” some details, and sometimes they “add” to themselves; so buvaє: human memory of vibrkov ...

Miloradovich by rank (general of the infantry) was momentarily present on the radio, but he was not present for a good reason: Kutuzov entrusted him to command the rear guard, which streamed Murat’s avant-garde, which he constantly planted. And the axis of the presence of the Don otaman-“vikhoru” M.I. Platov lost his food.

…Mizh іnhim, indeed, in the historical literature there is no unity - “and why did the Don otaman Platov on this valley for the sake of “rejoicing” for the help of such a beloved pepper, girchichnaya chi kizlyarki ?!” As part of the doslidnikiv, mostly relying on the data of memoirists, they know that Platov there was with his power and courage and uncompromisingly speaking out against the deprivation of Moscow and for a new battle. Vtіm, not all good, but Matviy Ivanovich is still there, it’s true: the protocol of the meeting is not up to date, but the entry in the “Journal of military affairs” is miserly, that neither Raevsky nor Uvarov appeared there ...

For one of the widest versions, it went something like this! On the rights of about. Chief of Staff of the Army Leonty Leontyovich Bennigsen, putting on a rhetorical question for discussion: “Who can fight under the walls of Moscow? With the right of the commander-in-chief, Mikhailo Ilarionovich Kutuzov - the great master of “transferring the arrows to the weekly hour” - quickly transferred the subject of the discussion to another area: “Check on the attack at an invisible position, why give up the enemies of Moscow ?!”

... Before the speech to say, the memory of the famous Kutuzov to the general’s generals, or, having called them the names of the middle ones, A.P. yatnogo vіyskovogo for the sake of Fіlyakh, dear raznomanіtnі. It is not excluded that the very fact allows one to admit that the commander-in-chief even trusts his "witches" a little, willingly in full-time roses with them does not speak a word of the truth about his right minds. It’s quite possible, after a long day of good luck to those “imitations” of Field Marshal P.A.

Taking the floor in front of subordination first (the first for the tradition of the military councils had to speak out for the younger ones for the rank, the tenure of those commanders), Barclay's voice is categorically the right one! Having criticized Vin, I will pick up the position for the battle with Tolya in down and gunpowder. To the authoritative thought of Mikhail Bogdanovich, even more, she was similar to the position of pid ... Fridland! Vіn firmly hung out for the redundancy of the Pershoprestolny with the help of the order of the army, and urged them to enter the Volodimir (Nizhny Novgorod) road in order to save the memory of St. Petersburg.

Prote Generals Bennigsen, Dokhturov, Konovnitsin and Yermolov hung out for those who gave Napoleon a treat! And then generals Raevskiy and Osterman-Tolstoy urged Barclay on the steps. Uvarov - for some tributes, voting for the entry, for others - the opposite.

Todi Bennigsen, having begun to grow up to ... patriotism of the Russian soul! Some of the historians do not exclude that having voted for one more battle richly in why, through their opposition to Kutuzov, for some reason, they are ready to “put the chicks into the wheels”: more and more vipadok. Osterman-Tolstoy, who has long angered Bennigsen, posed a rhetorical question to you: "Who will you entrust in the success of the battle?" Sprytnik Leonty Leontiyovich, speaking in a manner in power: “Yakby doubted in what way, would not have been glad of the Viysk’s council and would not have been asked for a judge.”

…Mizh іnhim, Yaky buv at that hour through his settlement (chief of staff of the army) in the course of bagatyoh podіy, Oleksiy Petrovich Yermolov hung out later on the cicave of the pripuschnya. We must admit that Kutuzov, firmly repeating to everyone about the need for a new battle with the Napoleonic army under the walls of Moscow, is really not going to risk his reputation again in the big battle with Bonaparte! Right in the fact that suddenly the categorical order of the army "Stay dead!" (so why was the battle of Borodino for the rahunok and was “starred in the sky” by him!) you can’t get through the moment: you can’t see the two in one river! For herself, especially the “old fox of the night” has long ago done everything wrong: build Moscow, so that the army and Russia can be thwarted. ale first pro tse voice vіn z low vagomih reasons say n_yak not a moment! Tim is bigger, which we recently called on all our sheets to the Moscow Governor-General Fyodor Vasilovich Rostopchin Mikhailo Ilarionovich writing that he would not give Moscow, swearing by the sivine, swearing to lie down with brushes, writing that do not give up the ancient capital. And he himself robbed zovsіm all navpaki: vіdstupav і vіrіshiv zdati Moscow. So buvay s ... people, yakі know what to tell the truth ... it’s impossible! Kutuzova todі on behalf of Fіlyakh "vryatuvav" Barclay! Vin, as a colossal military minister, categorically stating that the Russian army was definitely not exposed to another similar battle before the Battle of Borodino: the best way to save money; you need to deprive Moscow without a fight ... If we don’t waste our masculinity and we’ll be active, then Moscow’s volatility will prepare Napoleon’s death. Behind the words of the same Yermolov, if Barclay was the first to speak about the need for an access, Kutuzov "couldn't take his hoard, so the idea of ​​an access would not be appropriated to him." "Larivonich" (this is what yoga was called among the generals) rightly quickened to zbentezhennyam, as it has come after such a sharp statement by Barclay de Toll and not far away super girl Bennigsen with him. At the oppressive silence of "Larivonich", which has come, even at the hour, having uttered the historical phrase: "... I punish you!" After getting out of Barclays at the necessary entrance to Moscow, we still chose the other straight line, as it turned out, the strategically correct one ...

With a touch of deep grief, Russian soldiers flooded Moscow.

Moscow! - Yak rich in what sound

For the Russian heart was angry,

It seemed like a rich thing in the new.

The Russians have deprived their old capital, as if for 200 years it has fallen in the hands of foreigners. In addition, there were no long-term visits to evacuation from the place of material and other valuables.

Kutuzov's decision about the desolation of Moscow called out the fear of Emperor Alexander I. The king was angry, that, having taken Moscow, Napoleon went pіvnіchnu capital Russian Empire - St. Petersburg.

... Before the speech to say, the tsar bov, even if dissatisfied, not only in his old old capital, and th tim, why did it burn out later! Today, before the speech, it is no secret that the Russians themselves fired! Vіn wrote a sheet of paperwork to the newly minted Field Marshal Mikhail Ilarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov: and i was getting ready for the appearance of vagomih pіdstav usunuti yogo vіd command ( for deakim tributes, for the quarter of the tenure, the candidacy of P. A. Zubov was already being discussed). Kutuzov suddenly covered himself in front of Filiah with Barclay's thick frills, but he gave little to you for the decision. Moscow lost not only its entire arsenal (156 garmats, 74,974 towels, 39,846 shabbat and 27,119 artillery shells), but thousands of wounded. per life dzherelam Moscow has lost from 2 to 15 thousand. injured. (The truth is, some historians estimate the number of people left up to 20-22 thousand.) The Moscow governor-general Fyodor Vasilovich Rostopchin did not know about the evacuation for the next day ... a warning, like letting the fire-fighting teams on the visas of the fire-fighting teams, so that the French would not be able to put out the fire. The king was fighting, what a crafty old (I swear to this wine that Moscow will not be redundant for the occasional furnishing!), accepting such a decision, not hastening to tell about the new sovereign. Mikhailo Ilarionovich rozumіv, what happened, and, zreshtoy, having sent a report, I didn’t have a word of truth: “All the treasures, the arsenal and the maya all the lane, like the state, so it’s private, from Moscow it’s not overwhelmed." Vikrutlivy Mikhailo Ilarionovich pretended to be a note to the chief of staff of the Napoleonic army, Marshal Berti, in which he wrote that “wounded, who are abandoned in Moscow, entrusted to the philanthropy of the French troops.” With whom I know for sure the type of balak Fedka Rostopchin that Moscow will be burned and many wounded soldiers - the heroes of Borodin - perish at the fire of a gigantic fire, as if they swarmed the capital without a hitch. (A lot of the dead are becoming the subject of a hospitable super-cat among historians!) Truthfully, most of the wounded Russian officers were denounced by the French. Priskivy Oleksandr I sent a special messenger, his especially trusted detective, Adjutant General Prince P.M. !" Yermolov zoomed in as a rank of recognition for the arrival of the “identification” and the master’s sign for the next hour, “leaning against the access zone”. Knowing Oleksiy Petrovich, if it's better to get out of the forest. At one time, the sovereign, remembering evil and with fates, predicts the “wise piskarev” Yermolov, the yogi maneuver. Ale, it won't be too soon.

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