Why don't you come in. Cause the transition to Nepu in Radian Russia. The development of the economy of the USSR in the period of

Introduced on the cob of the twenty years of the past century, mave become a transitional crop to encourage socialism. The country, as it was not long ago announced in the wake of the revolution and the mass war, wanted to be calm. Timchas's policy of the Bilshoviks, which lived for itself, lived out its rest days. If Russia was great during the inter-serious social crisis - then and now the transition from the Soviet communism to the NEP. The very decision was voted on the black (tenth) date of Moscow in 1921.

The reasons for the transition to NEP were understood. Nasampered was marked by an important camp of the country at the border of such changes: Russia, having escaped the political one, and Promislov_ bula ruynovana, the backwaters stood. The workers of the Daedalus were declaring more - they were too rich, the stench wanted to work and fought hard for the skin of the working place (although they didn’t hang out).

Those who worked, did not take away any special moral and penny satisfaction from their work. At the link with zі skasuvannyam commodity-penny vіdnosin people otrimuvali wages a natural product, and chi is not a penny. This kind of reconciliation did not lead to a sense of satisfaction in moral justice, but to the point of greater anger and rampant speculation throughout the country.

The strong state, the most indestructible villagers, were inflamed with destructive elements to the Bolsheviks. The rural volodinnya, through the rapidity of the pastures and the instability of the situation at the edge of the daedal, more hovered in their own way and were similar to natural-gospodarskie osviti. Vihіd spozhivchiy market їm buv netіkavim, zbitkovim. The Crimean villagers honored the Chervona Army, and the military servicemen, who were demobilized later, more and more filled the towns and villages, popovnyuyuchi rows of kaliks, nevdas and priyomishivs.

Now the check was a trivale of the transformation of all spheres of the economy new policy- Direct transfer to the NEP. Golovni ї Ida (rocking of the prolongation of that introduction of the exodus) drilled not up to Kinzi Zrozumili to a simple village, Yak was resting in an izіkavanni zmin, I wanted the antibylshi-shaped, “ you will only be gershee").

Another source of change is the roaring of the throat and the rise of various forms of power. The market, with its own charm, instantly received infusions of foreign capital, as if securing the transition to the NEP. The value of the currency at that time and the motor inflation led to the penny reform, which was introduced in the first years after the introduction of the policy.

Within an hour of founding the party, the party made a residual change in its positions - the Bolsheviks ceased to be associated with political power. Now, the stench has become a part of the expansion of ideology and the promotion of it in all spheres of a suspenseful and special life, which led to a complete and undivided control of the society of the Bolshevik party. In such minds, the transition to the NEP, becoming the most possible, the shards and the economic, the political, and the ideological spheres were in the hands of one "lyalkovoda".

The promotion of the new economic policy of the population was different. A lot of villagers were redirected to finish the job and began to actively go to the market, the workers, from their quarters, took away the miraculous ability to conserve their forces at the factory, even if they crossed to the NEP, having secured the possibility of the country’s economy prospering, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it was so unsuccessfully used.

NEP - new economic policy.

Nep the whole cycle of economic approaches to the exit from the crisis, as it changed the policy of “military communism”.

“We are re-creating capitalism until the singing world”

V.I. Lenin

Nep "to be introduced all the time and for a long time, but ... do not forget"

V.I. Lenin

"Nep - tse economical Brest"

"From Russia Nepivskoy, Russia will be socialist"

V.I. Lenin

Chronological framework birch 1921 - 1928/1929 rocky.

Cause the transition to nepu.

The policy of "military communism" led the economy of the country to a total collapse . Z її help did not go far to fix the ruin, generated by 4 fates of Russia's participation in the First World War, and borne by 3 fates Hromadyan war. The population has changed, a lot of mines and diggings have been built. Through marriage, pale ta sirovini backwaters rippled . The workers were embarrassed, they left the place, and they looked to the village. Petrograd, having spent 60% of workers, if the main enterprises closed. Inflation steadily increased. Only 60% of the pre-war obsyagu was vibrated with strong support products. The fields of land shrunk, the shards of the villagers were crowded near the expanded state. In 1921, through the nevrozhay mass famine, having swarmed the place and the village.

In parallel with the economic crisis, a social crisis grew in the country. Robotniks were fought by the unemployed and the lack of food products. The stinkers were dissatisfied with the exchange of rights of professional splitters, with the provision of primus prats and її wages. That is why in places like 1920 - on the cob of 1921 strikes began, in which workers stood up for democratization. political system kraїni, yakkannya Installation fees, skasuvannya rations. The villagers, overwhelmed by the deeds of food rations, no less stopped giving bread for food storage, and went on to fight again ( one of the largest - "Antonivshchyna"). In 1921, the rebellion in Kronstadt was fired .

Devastation and famine, strikes of workers, rebellions of villagers and sailors - everything spoke about those who are deep in the country economic, political and social crisis. Besides, spring 1921 rock bula I have exhausted my hope for the Swedish revolution of the world and I will help the European proletariat materially and technically. Tom V.I. Lenin looked over the internal political course and recognized that the satisfaction of the villagers could vryatuvat the power of the Bilshoviks.

On the X star of the RCP (b) near the birch tree 1921 V. I. Lenin propagating a new economic policy. The purpose of the anti-crisis program, the existence of which was in the hands of a wealthy economy, was to achieve organizational and technical support for capitalists for the preservation of “command heights” in the hands of the Bolshevik order. Under them, political and economic important things were brought to mind: the RCP (b) was restored to power, the sovereign sector was in industry, the financial system was centralized and the monopoly of foreign trade was centralized.

Tsіlі nepu:

1) Podolannya political crisis vlady bіshovikіv.

2) The search for new ways and economic ambushes for socialism.

3) Polypshennya social and economic state of sustainability, creation of internal political stability.

Economic day to day- an economical zmichka between crafts and commodity farming for additional trade.

Political reality is not- A union of a robotic class with a hard-working peasantry.

Nepu main elements:

1) Replacement of additional laying with a food tax (natural tax). The giver was deceived late, ahead of the day, the wine was 2 times less for the additional laying and could not be increased by the rock. The main hauler laid a tribute on the crossroads of the village, the poor people roamed from the new one.

2) Allowed free trade in bread, and later allowed renting land and hiring practitioners . In this rank, the zatsіkavlenіst of the villagers at their pracі was reaffirmed.

3) Dozvіl private undertaking in industry . The decree on the new nationalization of industry was enacted, the lease of sovereign enterprises by private persons was allowed, and the creation of concessions was sought.

Concession- Tse agreement on the lease to foreign firms of enterprises or lands on lease with the right to act freely (this was the name of the enterprise, created on the basis of such an agreement).

For the sole purpose of reinforcing capitalism through concessions, Lenin was able to provide them with the necessary machines and locomotives, to establish that possession, without some kind of inspiration, the state was impossible. However, a significant extension of the concessions did not come, as foreigners stuck with the zhorst sovereign centralization, and were also given as signs of distrust of foreigners to the Radian power.

4) Vіdmova type of primus irradiation of working force, transition to voluntary employment (through exchanges of practices). Workers could now freely move from work to another. Claims of hard labor duty.

5) Introduced material incentives for workers fallow in terms of qualification and quality of products that are released (zamіst zvіvnyalіvki - new tariff scale).

6) Changes in the management of the sovereign industry: sovereign enterprises were transferred to state transparency, which gave the possibility of step-by-step transition to self-sufficiency, self-financing, self-sufficiency.

7) Reinvention of the banking system and the role of pennies. In 1922 - 1924, a penny reform was carried out (People's Commissar of Finance G.Ya Sokolnikov): a firm penny alone was provided, so that they could be secure with gold coins.

8) Provision of free trade, renewal of market vodnosin. Spivіsnuvannya sovereign, cooperative and private trade.

9) Liquidation of the card system, the provision of payment for housing, utilities, transport, etc. bud.

The peculiarity of the nepu is the use of administrative and market methods of government,

NEP - " new economic policy» Radyansk Russia was an economic liberalization for strict political control of power. NEP came to change Viysk communism» (« old economic policy"- SEP) and the main task: to overcome the political and economic crisis of the spring of 1921. The main idea of ​​the NEP was the establishment of the people's state for a distant transition to a socialist life.

Until 1921, the fate of the Gromadyan war was large Russian Empire ended with a blast. They fought against the unfinished Bilogvardiytsy and the Japanese occupiers to the Far Departure (near the Far Eastern Republic), and the RRFSR already appreciated the clashes, the leaders of the military-revolutionary shocks:

    Spend territory- the posture of Radyansk Russia and the allied and socialist sovereign abode Poland, Finland, the Baltic lands (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), Western Belarus and Ukraine, Bessarabia and the Kars region of Virmenia were mentioned.

    Spend the population as a result of wars, emigration, epidemics, and the fall of the nationality, it became approximately 25 million cases. Fakhіvtsі pіdrakhuvali, scho on the territory of Radyansk at that time lived no more than 135 million people.

    Buli ґruntovno zruynovanі and zanepali industrial districts: Donbass, Urals and Baku naphto-and-bore complex Catastrophically did not get syrovin and ash for working plants and factories.

    The rate of production of industrial products decreased by about 5 times (the melting of metal fell to the ear of the 18th century).

    About 40% contracted the volume of the sіlskogopodarskogo virobnitstvom.

    Inflation passed all reasonable boundaries.

    Іsnuvav and growth of the shortage of goods of the national vzhitka.

    Degrading the intellectual potential of the soul. A lot of scholars, technical fahivtsiv and children's cultures were emigrated, the deacons knew reprisals, right up to physical degradation.

The villagers, overwhelmed by the surplus appropriation and the excesses of the food rations, did not only sabotage the delivery of bread, but everywhere they raised it. slaughter. The farmers of Tambov region, Don, Kuban, Ukraine, Volga and Siberia rose up. The rebels, yakі often cherished by ideological esers, hung economically (suspending the surplus) and political vimogi:

  1. Changes in the agrarian policy of the Radyansk government.
  2. Say one-party dictate of the RCP(b).
  3. Select and click Install select.

On strangling the rebels they threw pіdrozdіl and navіt z'ednannya Chervonoy Armії, but the wind of protests did not smell. The RSCA also had an anti-billshovitsky mood, which on the 1st of February 1921 rolled around the large-scale Kronstadt rebellion. Already in 1920, the voices of okremy leaders (Trotsky, Rikov) lulled the fate of the RCP (b) that VRNG itself, and they called out to the top of the surplus appraisal. The food for changing the social and economic course of the Radyansk government is overdue.

Officials who shove on the praise of the new economic policy

The introduction of the NEP in the Radyansk state was not expected to come, on the other hand, the NEP would be deluded by a whole low factor:

    Political, economic, social and ideological developments. The concept of the New Economic Policy was formulated by U.I. Leninim on the X z'їzdі RCP(b). The leader, having called out at which stage to change, go to the administration of the country.

    The concept of that which, by the destructive force of the socialist revolution, is the proletariat, is indestructible. Ale labor villagers yogo ally that Radyansk vlada can learn to “get along” with him.

    In the country, we can buti have a system with a single ideology, which should be taken into account whether the opposition of the current government.

Only in such a situation the NEP could secure the solution of the problems of the state, as they put the wars of that revolution in front of the young radian power.

Zagalna characteristic of NEP

The NEP in the radian krai is an ambiguous phenomenon, shards of unambiguously super-scientific Marxist theory. If the policy of “military communism” gave a zbіy, the “new economic policy” played the role of an unplanned detour on the path of life to socialism. V.I. Lenin postiyno podkreslyuvav the thesis: "NEP - timchas's manifestation." Vihodyachi ztsgogo, NEP zagal can be characterized by the main parameters:


  • Podolat political and social and economic crisis in the young radian state;
  • discovery of new ways of economic life on the foundation of socialist welfare;
  • raising the level of life in the Radyansk Suspіlstva and creating a situation of stability in the internal politics.
  • Poednannya command-and-administrative system and market method in radian economy.
  • Command high places were taken into the hands of representatives of the proletarian party.
  • silsk state;
  • industry (private enterprises, lease of government enterprises, state-capitalist enterprises, concessions);
  • financial sphere.


  • Prodravistka is replaced by a food subsidy (March 21, 1921);
  • the zmichka of the city that village through the introduction of trade and commodity-penny vіdnosin;
  • admission of private capital to industry;
  • allowed to rent the land and hire hired workers from the rural state;
  • liquidation of the system of distribution for cards;
  • competition of private, cooperative and state trade;
  • promotion of self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency of enterprises;
  • skasuvannya labor duties, liquidation of labor, distribution of labor force through the stock exchange;
  • financial reform, transition to payroll, and payment of cost-free services.

The Radyansk state allowed private capitalist ventures in trade, other business and navitat on certain enterprises of the middle industry. At whom there is a great deal, transport and financial systems were regulated by the state. Hundreds of private capital of the NEP, allowing the formulation of formulas from three elements: admission, streaming and approval. What and at some moment to stop the radyansk and party organizations from the political dotsilnosti, what developed.

Chronological framework of NEP

The new economic policy was put into the clock from 1921 to 1931.


Hіd podіy

Starting the process

Progressive development of the system of Soviet communism and the introduction of elements of the NEP.

1923, 1925, 1927

Crisis of the new economic policy

The appearance of that stronger cause is a sign of a trend to the throat of the NEP.

Activation of the process of completing the program.

The actual view of the NEP, a sharp increase in the critical setting to “curcules” and “nepmaniv”.

Out of the throat NEP.

The legislature formalized the legal fence of private authority.

In the whole NEP, in the style of the term, he inspired and developed a well-lived economic system of the Radyansk Union.

Pluses and minuses of NEP

One of the biggest negative moments in the new economic policy, according to rich analysts, was those that in the whole period did not develop the development of the industry (important industry). This situation could have been a catastrophic legacy for a period of history for such a country as the Soviet Socialist Republic. Ale and okrim tsgogo at NEP, not everything was assessed with the sign “plus, boules and suttevі minusi.


Reinvention and development of commodity-penny money.

Massive unemployment (over 2 million osib).

The development of a small business in the fields of industry and services.

Great prices for manufactured goods. inflation.

Deyaké promotion of the life of the industrial proletariat.

Low qualifications of most workers.

The prevalence of "middle peasants" in the social structure of the village.

Acute living problems.

Created mind for the industrialization of the country.

Increasing the number of spіvsluzhbovtsіv (officials). Bureaucratization of the system.

The reasons for the rich economic negativity that led to the crisis were due to the low competence of personnel and the super-policy of the party and state structures.

Imminent crises

From the very beginning of the NEP, showing the unstable economic growth, which was characteristic of capitalist capitalists, which led to three crises:

    The crisis will strike the year 1923, as a result of the inconsistency of low prices for the products of the agricultural state and high prices for the handicrafts of the goods of the people's economy (“knives” prices).

    Crisis of grain procurement in 1925 to the fate, that the savings in footwear were purchased by the government at fixed prices with a change in the export of grain.

    Gostra kriza grain procurement 1927 - 1928 years, filed for additional administrative and legal approaches. Closed to the project "New Economic Policy".

Causes of change in the NEP

Zgortannya NEP at the Radyansk Union is a little low priming:

  1. A new economic policy has a clear future for the development of the SRSR.
  2. Unstable economic growth.
  3. Socio-economic vadi (mainly rozsharuvannya, lack of work specific malice, robbing and drug addiction).
  4. Isolation of the Radian economy from the light state.
  5. Dissatisfaction with the NEP significant part of the proletariat.
  6. Nevir at the success of the NEP of a significant part of the communists.
  7. The CPSU(b) risked spending a monopoly on power.
  8. More important are the administrative methods of managing the people's state and the economic primus.
  9. Zagostrennya unsafe military aggression against the SRSR.

Pouches of the New Economic Policy


  • in 1921, the 10th party adopted a resolution “about the unity of the party”, thereby leaving the factionalism and dissent among the ruling party;
  • a trial was organized against prominent Socialist-Revolutionaries and the AKP itself was liquidated;
  • discredited and undermined as a political force of the Menshoviks party.


  • promotion of the development of agricultural production;
  • the reach of the advanced war equal creation;
  • rіven vyrobnitstvа comrades of the people's well-being, not satisfied with the drink;
  • increase in price;
  • better growth of the goodwill of the population.


  • fivefold increase in the numbers of the proletariat;
  • the appearance of a ball of radian capitalists (“nepmaniv” and “sovburiv”);
  • robіtnichiy class commemoratively raises the cost of life;
  • the "apartment catering" was overstayed;
  • zbіlshivsya apparatus of bureaucratic-democratic management.

The new economic policy is didn't last until the end understood and accepted as a tribute to the rule of the people of the country. As if by peace, come in, NEP was true to himself, ale negative sides the process is still more. Bulo's head bag shvidke revival economic system to the level of readiness to the upcoming stage of socialism life - large-scale industrialization.

From the end of the civil war, the policy of “military communism” has gone into a deep recess. It was not far off to repair the ruin, born by 4 fates of the participation of Russia in the first world war, and it was overcome by 3 fates of the Gromadyansk war. There was a threat of restoration of pre-revolutionary agrarian vіdnosin, so the peasantry no longer wanted to put up with the policy of replanting.

The country has no organized tax-paying, financial system. There has been a sharp drop in the productivity of the real wages of workers (navit when looking not only for a penny part, but also for fixed prices and free-of-charge species).

The villagers were embarrassed all the excess, and most of the time and part of the least necessary, building the state without an equivalent, because. There were no manufactured goods in Mayzha. The products were primus-like. Through tse near the country masses of peasants began to march.

Z sickle 1920 in the Tambov and Voronez provinces, the “Kurkul” stabbed, stunned by the Eser A. S. Antonov continued; great number rural moldings in Ukraine (Petliurivtsi, Makhnovtsy and in.); the insurgents' middles vinekled near the Middle Volga, on the Don and the Kuban. Zahidnosibirsk "rebels", enchanted by the Socialist-Revolutionaries and numerous officers, near the fierce birch, 1921. they made bunkers molding in a kilka of thousands of osibs, they slaughtered the entire territory of the Tyumen province, the city of Petropavlovsk, Kokchetav and іn.

In the form of prodrozkladki, they were hijacked by a path of prikhovuvannya grain, translating grain into moonshine and in other ways. In the commodity agricultural state, the incentive to save is more likely to be obvious equal, moreover, to expand. Lack of traction, work force, wear and tear of inventory led to a speedy turnaround. The absolute number of the rural population from 1913 to 1920 Mayzhe did not change, but the number of practical cases in connection with the mobilizations and the results of the war significantly decreased from 45% to approximately 36%. The area of ​​the smell was running short for 1913 - 1916 r.p. by 7%, and for 1916-1920 r.b. - By 20.3%. Vyrobnytstvo was surrounded by superfluous needs, pragnennyam to secure the necessary things. In Central Asia, the growing of the bavovna practically clung to the ground, the natom_st began to grow bread. In Ukraine, the crops of buryak crops have shrunk sharply. This led to a decrease in the marketability and productivity of the agricultural state, because. Buryak and Bavovna are high-commodity cultures. Silske gospodarstvo became natural. It was necessary for us to economically expand the villagery in the newly established state, expanded cultivation. For whom it was necessary to surround the goiter of the state with singing frameworks and to give the right to freely dispose of the products. Exchange of agricultural products for handicrafts first necessary to make connections between the city and the village, to take the throat of light handicrafts. On the basis of this, it is possible to create savings, organize a financial state, so that we can raise an important promise.

For which plan, freedom of circulation and trade was necessary. Tsі tіlі reconsidered the resolution X of the RCP (b) and the Decree of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Commission dated 21 February 1921. "About the replacement of food and syrovin laying out with a natural tribute." Vіn obmezhuvav natural crops of the villagers with suvor established norms and allowing the sale of agricultural surpluses in the order of commodity exchange in the local markets. This made it possible to establish a local turnover and product exchange, as well as private trade at narrow borders. They gave more than enough vinyl to the need for new freedom of trade in the territory of the country, moreover, over the appearance of natural product exchange, and over the appearance of penny trade. In the protyag 1921, the fates were spontaneously broken and resisted by the law of crossing the border with the development of trade. Trade grew wider and wider, being in the period the main important factor for the restoration of the people's state.

The former state, through the exchange of cats, was guided by the direct management of other and often middle business enterprises. The stench was passed from the authorities to the authorities, or they were rented to private persons. A small part of the business was built to foreign capital in the form of concessions. The sovereign sector was built by the great and middle enterprises, which made the core of the socialist industry. In a row, the state acted in the form of a centralized supply of products, giving enterprises the right to enter the market for purchases. necessary materials and for the sale of products. At the diyalnist of enterprises, the cobs of state transparency began to be actively promoted. The people's statehood from a strictly regulated statehood of the natural type to the period of "military communism" gradually moved to the path of a commodity-penny economy. In a new order, the most significant sector of state-owned enterprises was the private-capitalist and state-owned enterprises.

The Decree on food support was the beginning of the liquidation of the methods of state giving to "military communism" and a turning point to the New Economic Policy. A development of ideas that, at the basis of this decree, became the basis of the NEP. The passage to the NEP looked like an inspiration to capitalism. It was important that, having established itself in the main positions, the Radyansk state could expand the socialist sector, emphasizing the capitalist elements.

An important moment in the transition from direct product exchange to a penny state was the Decree of April 5, 1921 on the introduction of binding bindings to pay for goods that are allowed sovereign bodies to private persons and organizations, incl. cooperative. First, wholesale prices began to be formed, but earlier they were delivered daily through the planned supply of enterprises. The establishment of wholesale, retail, procurement prices and raising prices for monopoly goods took over the Committee of Prices.

In this rank, right up to 1921. the economic and political life of the country went smoothly until the policy of "military communism", the policy again in the form of private authority, market powers, absolute control and management from the side of the state. The administration was centralized, and the establishments of enterprises in the municipalities were not less independent. But all the cardinal changes in the economy of the country were spontaneously produced, not planned for that life. Such a zhorstka policy only helped the devastation of the country. This is the hour of heavy, transport and other crises, the fall of industrialism and the strong state, the lack of bread and the cart distribution of products. There was chaos in the country, strikes and demonstrations were constantly taking place. In 1918 p. a military camp was introduced near the country. To get out of the difficult situation that developed in the country after the war and revolutions, it was necessary to make cardinal social and economic changes.

In the minds of the Gromadyansk war, that military-communist policy of the population wasted, whether it be material incentives, to the point of war. The proté leaders of the bіlshoviks realized that their policy was not supra-disciplinary, but completely lawful. The stench was classless, free of commodity-penny money, the suspense of the future, communism. In different regions, one by one, in different regions of the country, the village insurgents are fighting hard (in the Tambov province, the Middle Volga, the Don, the Kuban, in Western Siberia). Spring 1921 near the lava rose against the bіlshovitskoy dictatorship already needed over 200 yew. chol. Prodrazvyorstka in 1920 bula vikonana, the majestic zusilla were stained on the strangled stabbed and the peasant uprisings.

By the birch 1921 sailors of the Red Army of Kronstadt, the largest naval base of the Baltic fleet, stood up in the hands of the Bolsheviks. Against the rulers of the Bilshoviks, they were talking about the dictatorship of the proletariat, a working movement is rising. In places, there is an increase in the wind of strikes and demonstrations of robot workers. V.I. Lenin was embarrassed to characterize the situation in the winter of 1920-spring 1921. like the economic and political crisis of Radyansk power.

The power of the Bilshoviks opined under the threat. L.D. Trotsky, in order to subdue the crisis, forcibly bring in the “Viysk communism”: rehabilitate the peasants in the land, create gigantic labors of the army and win them over for the life of communism. Trotsky, having also advocated the formation of punitive and repressive organs for organized violence against them, who voluntarily did not come to the labor armies. Some of the opponents of the so-called “working opposition” (A.G. Shlyapnikov, A.M. Kollontai and others) urged to take on the role of the Bolsheviks and transfer control to the professional unions.

The most seriously unsafe situation for the Belarusians was assessed by Lenin. Vіn tsuraєtsya try the negayn cob communism with additional violence. Domestic policy vibudovuetsya for two straight:

1. In the economic sphere, the bilshoviks moved in accordance with the colossal course. In order to urinate their power, they are ready to go to the deeds of the villagers, to go to the life of the ruler's life in the face of total sovereign control.

2. In the political sphere, the course has grown stronger. The centralization and struggle against the opposition forces strengthened, saving the dictatorial character of the Bolshevik government.

The first “anti-crisis” peace of the bilshoviks was the replacement of the surplus appraisal with a natural food subsidy. Її having praised the X z'їzd of the RCP (b), which happened on 8-16 February 1921. The replacement of the surplus appraisal by the food tax and allowed free trade started the new economic policy (NEP).

With the introduction of a food subsidy (vin buv less surplus appropriation and deafening late, ahead of time sowing) the villager had extra surpluses, which could be freely ordered in an instant, tobto. trade. Freedom of trade led to the collapse of the state monopoly in the distribution of agricultural products, and in the management of industry in the city. Undertakings are transferred to state transparency, which gives the possibility of step-by-step transition to self-sufficiency, self-financing and self-sufficiency. Material incentives for workers were introduced. A lot of undertakings were given to hired cooperatives, partnerships and private persons. Tim himself vouched for the decree on the nationalization of all things and handicrafts.

According to the new regulations on 7 lime 1921 p. it is possible to use handicrafts for craftsmanship, but no more than one per sackcloth. It was allowed to hire up to 10 workers with mechanized work ("with a motor") and up to 20 - without mechanization ("without a motor"). More fakhіvtsіv succumbed to the sovereign backwaters. Skasuvannya to the law about the secret labor service in 1921. gave me the opportunity to engage in business. The process of molding the "radian bourgeoisie" (nepmaniv) has begun.

The cob of the NEP succumbed to hunger - a legacy of the colossal policy of "military communism," as the state power was spared by some reserves, which roiled the defenseless before any kind of neuropathy. Khliboridny districts of Ukraine, the Caucasus, Crimea, the Urals and the Volga region in 1921. choked dry. In 1921-1922 rr. close to 40 provinces out of 90 million people were starving, and 40 million of them opine on mezhі death.

The order was forced to shukav out. Bulo created a low commission to help the hungry. The campaign of the Russian Church began for the voluntary donation of its valuables to the fund for a few starving people, the values ​​began to come from Russian emigrants. Prote nevdovzі on the church began a retrial. For the purchase of food, it was often necessary to go to the church very often. Sold for a cordon create mystetstva. The Radyansky detachment is sent to the world with a cry for help. Її proponuyut and give the American Administration of Assistance (ARA), the international proletariat, the European powers.

One of the most important elements of the NEP was the financial reform of 1922-1924. (People's Commissar of Finance G.Ya. Sokolnikov). The reform began on the basis of 1922. from the release of the Radyansky chervіntsya. 3 o'clock on birch 1924 in obіgu at once buv stіyky chervonets and falling sovznak. In 1924 radyansky pennies, which were lost, Derzhbank bought from the population. The gold chervonets was priced higher than the British pound sterling and reached 5 dollars 14.5 US cents. The rubel became an international currency.

Until the most important laws adopted by the Radyansk government on the cob of the 1920s, lay down a law on concessions (dozvil, deed). Radianska krajina under the contract handed over to out-of-pocket undertakings for the song term in exploitation of natural wealth, undertakings of other state objects. Through concessions V.I. Lenin was able to bring the necessary cars and locomotives, to establish that possession, without some kind of recognition, the state was impossible.

It was laid the concession between the order of the RRFSR and the Great Pivnіchniy telegraphic partnership (1921) for the operation of sub-water telegraph lines between Russia, Denmark, Japan, China, Sweden and Finland. In 1922 the first international airline Moscow - Koenigsberg was launched. Special joint-stock companies are created - Russian, foreign, foreign. But then they gave concessions, and the enterprises did not take away their development through the sovereignty, as it was between the freedom of enterprises.

Cooperation, like the fate of "military communism" was an appendage of the People's Commissariat of Food, gained a prominent independence. Efficiency of cooperative production of the bula, accepted, udvіchі vishchoy, lower in the sovereign industry. Vaughn took care of the good organization of work. In industry in the mid-1920s. 18% of businesses were cooperative. 2/3 of the cooperative commodity product fell on the field. Until 1927, 1/3 of all rural households were slandered by the agricultural cooperatives. There were about 50 different types of associations: credit, Buryakov, potato, olive, etc.

The agrarian policy of the Radyansk government promoted economically German middle-class states. At once stream for the help of a tax-paying policy, regular transfers of land to the growth of the great rural (Kurkul) states. Pitoma vaga of the great states was not raised more than 5% of the total savage number along the edge. Prote, the stench itself was a forger of commercial products. The governments falter with the promises of a good deal, but not a sale. To increase the population to the crushing of rural households. There is a stagnation and a fall of virobnitsia. With all the prices for agricultural products, they are individually underestimated by the power, so that the invisible virobnitstvo should be robbed by the invisible.

Consume in the agricultural production of the Russian population that craftsmanship grows, but they cannot be satisfied. Power, yak retained control over the "command" heights, tobto. over the great promiscuity and banks, it gradually began to dictate its own mind in other recesses of the economy. Cats of support for the great craftsmanship constantly roamed out of the other recesses of the economy, galvanizing their developments. Depending on the prices for crafts, the goods made them inaccessible to the village. For whom, all the most important causes of the crisis were the NEP of 1923, 1925, 1928, yakі, zreshtoyu, they brought to the hardening of the zhorstkoy command-and-administrative system, the military-communistic one for the money.


1. NEP. Side view: Collection / ukl. V.V. Kudryavtsi. - M.-1991. - S. 42-56.

2. Russia and world. The beginning book of history. At 2 hours / For Zag. ed. A.A. Danilova. - M.: VLADOS, 1994. - Part 2. - S. 101-131.

3. Talapin, O.M. vіtchiznyana іstorіya. Course of lectures: head. a guide for students of non-humanitarian faculties of higher professional education / O.M. Talapin, A.A. Tsindik. - Omsk: Type of OmDPU, 2012. - S. 98-99.

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