Romance of water ways. Steam navigation along the rivers of Western Siberia.

1844 rіk. The cob of eri siberian steamship

Steam navigation by the rivers of Western Siberia

Regularly obtained in the Ob-Irtyshsky basin began in 1843 by a commercial voyage of the steamboat Osnova, 50 kinsky forces, between Tyumen and Tobolsk dovzhina 397 versts. Steamboat v_v behind a barge vantageopidiomnistyu 15 thousand pounds (240 tons). At Tomsk, the steamship arrived earlier from Tyumen in 1844.

Nezabarom line Tyumen-Tomsk has become the main highway of the adventure flow near the pool. Through Tomsk, up to 48 thousand tons of the most popular goods were imported and exported in the 80s of the XIX century. In addition, from different cities of the Tomsk province, steamboats were shipped to European Russia and the Urals from 96 to 144 thousand tons of various syrovin.

Most of the ships in the Ob-Irtyshsky basin were supported by private capitals - a few merchants, industrialists and steamboat companies.

So, in 1893, 105 steamships were operated, and in 1895 - already 120. With a total of 120 steamships, 102 steamships were in the hands of private companies and Vlasniks, and only 18 steamships belonged to various state institutions, such as from everyday life of Zahidno-Siberian and Middle-Siberian bays.

Chimali pributki gave і transportation of passengers. Probably, the merchant of the 2nd guild from Barnaul, Evdokiya Ivanivna Melnikova, in 1892 visited the Pirson-Guleta plant in Tyumen with a small steamboat “Godivets” (200 k.p.), intended exclusively for the transportation of passengers. Before that, all steamboats carried passengers and along the way. In this rank, "Obsk steamship of Y. I. Melnikova" became the initiator of passenger transportation near the Ob basin.

Two years later, the Tomsk merchant of the 2nd Guild V.Ye. Edelstein, who inspired the passenger steamboat Ulyublenets at the same plant. And in 1899, having started floating one more double-surfaced steamboat of Edelshtein - "Evgen", the destruction of the American eye for the luxurious amenities of the salon is that far.

The competition has begun.

From 1907 to 1909, the merchant’s wife Melnikova replenished her flotilla with large steamboats, homemade rice some miracles of recovery. For passengers of I and II class, there were okremі cabins, for the public of III class - “close the accommodation” on the deck. At the salon of the 1st class, a library was opened, there was a piano. A buffet, a kitchen, electric lighting, and a steam scorch were passed before the passengers. For dovіdkami and tickets you can go to the steamship office for the address: m. Tomsk, vul. Dukhovska (nine of K. Marx).

Six steamboats until 1912, prompting the trading booth “M. Teslyariv and blue. Ale was full of rich and ancient Vlasniks. So, in 90 roki in the Ob-Irtish Basin, 22 individuals were small in one steamboat.

In this rank, steamboats have become an indispensable part of the life of the Tomsk people. Songs of tradition were formed step by step: the ship entered the neck of Tom, on the Resurrection Mountain they raised an ensign, which spoke about yogo coming. Some kind of steamboat is approaching, richly someone has learned to signify for the sound of a whistle, some one has moved a few kilometers to the approach to the pier. The timbre and melody of yogi were chosen to match the taste of the zamovnik.

Reports on this topic you can read in the articles, as posted on our website: E.K. and A. Metelkin, G. Titov "Merchant and development of steam navigation in Siberia".

Steamboat "Br. Melnikovi"
Steamboat "Bogatir"
Steamboat "Dvigun"

Steamboat "Votkinsky Zavod"
Steamboat "Charіvnik"
Steamboat "Girsky engineer Vorontsov"

Passenger fare, first class
Passenger fare, II class
Passenger fare, ІІІ-th class

April 2014, having become a black month in the history of the Kuznetsk river fleet, has been liquidated. The place has spent though not the worst, but definitely the most beautiful form of transport.

Pokhmury, with vibity podekudi vіknami rіchkovy station nemov zazhivshis nі bіla sіrikh waters of Tomі. Nibi with the sum of wines will make your own best rock. 1974, if it was introduced into the city, the river fleet was included as one of the whole range of transport types of our city, which can be compared with the obligatory transport with others. And yet, behind the romance of the river roads, no one could look up to him and zovsim.

Vtim, about everything in order.

If in 1872 a steamboat arrived in Kuznetsk from Tomsk, the pier was built on a birch, on the Ivantsivskiy protoci of Tom, near the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. Even earlier, in the middle of the 19th century, the place of roztashuvannya of the current station already began to serve the purposes of water transport - the pier of one of two ferries was based here, which called the banks of the Tom: another linking Kuznetsk from the modern Livim shore.

And then, and richly pіznіshe itself steamboats were the most important transport - there were no normal roads. By the waterway itself, many settlers from European Russia reached the unknown lands. The Ob became the first Siberian river with regular shipping, having paddled along it with its shovels in 1844.

Cruises on steamships were not cheap, and to that the poor settlers sailed on barges, which were pulled by tugboats. Firstly, there were three passenger steamship offices in Novomykolaivsk, then there were about a dozen towing companies: Western-Siberian steamship, Runin-Beylip partnership, Bogoslovskaya girnichizavodske partnership and others.

Evgeny Demidovich Vdovin, 1893, told about steam navigation on Tom, “Together with my brother and father, in 1913 I worked at the Kemerovo mine. Throughout the winter, the trolleys from the vugillam roamed to the shore, and the steamboats came from the barge and took away the vugillya. Tomsk water to Kuznetsk, Shcheglovsk (Kemerovo) went tugs and passenger ships. Navіt u rocki Hromadyan war part of them was bula at diї.

On the crimson river of Chebul, they dug up like a majestic yakir - for a long time it was beautiful at the entrance to the editorial office of the Chebulin regional newspaper, and then it was transported to the regional regional museum. Summer people said that at one time the barges went from Maryinsky to Kiev, and further from Ust-Chebul along the river Chebul. Yakir is seen at the Gur'evsk Metallurgical Plant, for example, in the 19th century. Schoolchildren near the village of Pritomskoe dug yakir in our region.

And in 1998, a steamboat with wooden slots was found on the Lower Tersi, which got stuck and tangled in one of the numerous Tomsk canals. At the same time, up to 50 similar steamboats were carried out in teams of 20 teams each - they brought naphtha from Surgut, syrovina chi from Tomsk, took them to the Wugill road, and agricultural products.
On May 20, 1937, a cargo-passenger steamboat “Smіlivy” from Tomsk arrived at Stalinsk, and another day later, a steamboat “Drokin”. The stench accommodated 500 passengers and 200 tons of vantage. There was a buffet, a self-service dining room, a room for mothers and children, a billiard room and a room for shakhistiv and shashistiv at the “Drokini”. The same thought about those that the last time the steamboats of medium water tonnage came to Kuznetsk from Tomsk in the navigation of 1930, they walked unevenly, usually, until 1937. And the first boat passage "Stalinsk - Novosibirsk" came to that fate.

I wanted a connection with the industry to Tom's blessing, the steamboats from the great grass water continued to walk to our place for a long time.

For radian hours, their own river flotillas created their own enterprises. On January 29, 1945, having created its own river steamship, the trust "Stalinskprombud" - supervised river transport at the warehouse of two motor boats, three boats, two metal and six wooden barges with a total weight of 100 tons. The main task is to provide uninterrupted services to the public services and to the timber alloy. At the same time, the shop for metal structures opened the life of a passenger boat for 70 os.

The crisis of the river fleet was connected with the step-by-step, albeit unsatisfactory exchanges of the Tom-year-old. While on the cob of the 1970s, the Kemerovo regional branch of the ZapSibshipping Company transported more than a million passengers, then, for example, in the 1970s, it was less than 700 thousand.

Alerichkovs with honor came out of the crisis - we ourselves appeared on Tom in the red of 1972 first in the SRSR river ships on pillows. “Zirnitsa” with a water engine and a 40 centimetre-long boat was wrecked at the experimental shipyard of the Sormivsky Shipbuilding Plant and took on board 48 passengers. Just as the motor ships of the PT added from Novokuznetsk to Osinovoye Ples in spring, the “Zirnitsy” reached two and a half. The first crew (captains Anatoly Solomin and Ivan Vilms, mechanics Volodymyr Varganov and Valeriy Liskov) transported 2,500 osibs during the first month.

On this wind Novokuznetsk and having added the vlasny river station to the DOZі. The original project, with a high hospitality double-dahom, was worked out by the architects of Kuzbasgrazhdanproekt, and the place went to trickery - without giving permission to the railway station to work, it was carried out on the papers like a pid'їzd five-surface. The slope of the façade was bulo poklikane to show tim who ochіkuє vіdpravlennja expanse of the water surface. Bully, it’s true, the project had an omission: those very succulent turned the charge into the refrigerator, and the scorching batteries were not transferred. Vtіm, uzimku passengers at the river station and work nothing.

Svіy razvitok otrimav especially small river fleet - private boats. The parking lot is traditionally located on the Tom birch next to the eternal station. While in 1977, 600 motors were officially registered in Novokuznetsk, and the most expensive ones with engines like the GAZ-53 fitting, then on the cob of the 1990s there were 350.0 Hocha until the 2000s Zagalna kіlkіst decreased to two thousand and less than a trio grew over the rest of the second dozen years, the quality changed sharply - mothers can handle a motor yacht or a scooter became fashionable for the middle class: if you collect riches on the mountain licks near Sheregesh, then all the parts began to beat for volume. It’s a pity only that kovzati according to the richness of the river has become with us only a share of the rich.

River Tom yak Shlyahova, that transport highway is always of little importance to the life of our place. Already at the beginning of the 17th century, if only the grapes of Kuznetsk, river ships of that hour actively sailed - planks, plows, kayuks and “little chovni”, as they delivered servicemen and merchants, as well as their vestages to the cordon prison.

Over the years, the role of Tom as a vintage artery from Kuznetsk to Tomsk only grew. The local residents and other merchants of Tomsk actively won the river for rafting on rafts knitted from Stovbur wood, bread, honey, cedar peas, bud stone and vapna, and from the 1890s, stone vugillya to the lower reaches of Tom. However, such a “didivsky” way could be delivered only to a large number of interests. Prior to that, a platoon of ship navigation (uphill by a river) had a lot of labor and was spent with a tow line for additional film traction.

On the order of the day, there was news about the steamboat development of the Tom river lower than Tomsk, where the first steamboat arrived just a century before the advent of yoga in Kuznetsk, and itself in 1844 roci. What respected the greater early connection of Kuznetsk to the riverside river navigation of Western Siberia? One of the reasons was that the river Tom (more beyond Tomsk), regardless of its significance already in the Kuznetsk region for the fish of the river Kondomi, for a long time was considered unsuitable for ship navigation through a swede, and its presence on a small number of unsafe and called milky water rapids , what to say: "Killed", "Naughty", "Scourge throat" and others. Ale, on the cob of the 1890s, at the link with the life of the Siberian Railroad (and the links of the bridge over the river Tom near the village of Polomishnoy - the modern Yashkinsky district), the connections to the river itself were activated. In 1893, a commission from Kuznetsk near the village of Khristorizdvyany (nine district of Verkhny Ostrovskaya) opened a water reservoir, which showed the regime of the Tom river (the hour of the expansion in the ice and freezing), the water was level with the water horizon, meteorological records were made. Similar sighting points were also founded near the villages of Krapivinsky (204 versts from Kuznetsk), Shcheglovoi (291 versts) and near the unknown village of Polomoshny (383 versts). The materials of these warnings, and navigation from the channel of the river showed that Tom is ship-floating along the entire distance to Kuznetsk. Those who among the carpenters were respected by the rapids, in fact, turned out to be significant rifts, as they could overstep the steamship success of even shallower rocks with their insufficient depth. It was clear that the underwater channel of the Tom’s fairway is breezed with pleasant purity: there are not many, but there are already few underwater stones and unsafe stony ledges. These encouraging results have breathed new life into the idea of ​​launching a steam-powered rush to Tomy Vishche Tomsk.

The first acknowledgment to whom was directly taken in 1894-1895, if it was the hour of the life of the Middle-Siberian zaliznitsi and the bridge in the region of Polomishnoy, the transportation of budding materials and cars from the “great land” to the city of the village began to be called for for the help of state-owned and, more likely, private steamboats. In 1894, steam-floating rivers did not get stuck here throughout the entire navigation from 1 May to 12 Spring, and on the approaching river of steam-boats, which appeared to be low-water, they did not less than walk with vantages until the Polomoshni stretched out for 70 days. It is significant that in the circle the steam barge “Tobol” went straight from Kuznetsk to the village of Sheveli (247 versts from the city): in 1894 it was near the spring, and in 1895 it was near the red moon. However, from the completion of the life of the tsgogo vіdrіzka kolіznichnoї kolії clung to the steamboat success of Tom.

The practice of steam navigation between Tomsk and Polomoshnaya showed the possibility of development of steam navigation up to Kuznetsk. Now, after the formation of the ship-floating powers of Tom, the management of the Tomsk district of the paths of success (the state structure, as it saw the river paths of Zahidny Siberia), being able to arrange the exact plan of the river with the designation of the gullies and the fairway at the boundary hour, could already boldly send to its own ship . Until May 13, 1898, the river Tom was completely cleared out of the ice. І Axis 21 May, about the 5th anniversary of the day after the “spiritual blessing of good luck” from Tomsk, destroying the state-owned steamboat “Tom” at the “Kuznetsky flight”. On board the ship, as a clerk of the city of mission, having changed one of the leading sailors in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcarrying out the steamship success, Tom's assistant to the head of the Tomsk district of the shlyakhiv, the statist officer Mitrofan Stepanovich Chernishov. The steamboat "Tom" was a small boat built on the hour by a river vessel with an intensity of 30 kіnsk forces, a dozhina close to 36 and a width of 7 meters, a single-deck with a deep fall of a troch more than a pіvmeter. This is the first time “a product of industrial manufacturing”: the hull, the machine and the boilers were made recently, at 1895 at the Zhabinsk (Tyumen) mechanical plant Kurbatova and Ignatova (before the speech, the plant until 1917 gave practically a third of the entire steam fleet, walking along rivers of the Ob-Irtish basin). Steamboat, roblyachy night-heads for navantazhennia paliva, but it’s easier to seem like firewood, but until the 7th year of early morning, the village of Sheveli reached the village, and on January 25, it appeared on the roads of Kuznetsk, ale, quietly passing Topolniki from the side of the river and not entering Ivantsivska the canal (at that time, the branch of Tom_ vіddіlyav Kuznetsk vіd poplar island), passed through the sleeping place in the channel of Kondomi and climbed uphill for 15 versts, roaring up to the Telbes mine, and then, through fear, we ran into karchі (water trees from washing ) to the roots) having moved in the wake of the trip and about the 11th anniversary of the wound, turning to Kuznetsk, robivshi, following the words of one of the eyewitnesses, made a sensation.

Axis yak describing tse vidatne historical background in life, in his memoirs, our wonderful fellow countryman is a writer and a tovstologist Valentin Bulgakov (born in 1886). "Spring. New bottling of Tom. Majestic island, occupied by "poplar", all flooded with water. The cordon between Tom'yu and the channel of the її Ivantsivka is a familiar sign: offending rivers were angry. The water expanse, representing the hump on which the Transfiguration Cathedral stands, is a great picture. It went close to the bottom of the hillock and approached close to the high embankment of the village of the town, which adjoined to the cathedral, “under the Stone”. And there, from the other side of the river, the water overflowed Mayzha up to the Falcon Hills. And the whole mass of the water did not stand, it rushed with colossal strength and swiftness, the domineering Tom yak the girsky river, lifted the city from the pivden immediately to the destination. On that day, or more precisely, on that miraculous sony afternoon, I passed the cathedral with one comrade. Ymovіrno, river bottling and grabbing us: children should not be weary of being merciful with such speeches. And here it was trapiling in an unimaginable way: marvelous, pure, the clearness of the blacksmith’s window began to tremble with a raptom, coming to life, giving its voice. Like a gigantic eol harp, similar to tiєї, which was in the garden at the mіskogo old age, but only a few names of roses, with a raptom sank and filled the whole sky, all the place with a beautiful, harmonious chord.

Mi zupinilis, as if they stopped. A wonderful sound peacefully stretched out for one or two whilins and a quick lock. Just then they became, looking around, joking straight ahead, having sunk in some kind of wine. And here, with a raptom, the insults gasped. New and no less marvelous before our eyes. There, far away on the water, behind the left edge of the Topolnik flooded with water, behind the ice of pubescent young leaves, tall trees with their trunks bulging near the water, smoothly whimpering, like a marvelous swan, like a fantastic great swan, white, with a red haze below, a floating house : red-ship. - Steamship!!! - shouted our insults: they guessed at once the images of steamboats in the pictures. We were so swamped, we didn’t directly know what to work: why go home and tell your mother, brothers and sisters, us, us, we, us, that Kuznetska’s boat would fly a steamboat, or, maybe, fly along the shore following the steamboat, Docks of wine don't hide? Our destruction won once upon a time when the fallow land did not lead us, to which the steamboat, which rounded Topolnik, turned quickly to the place and, now rushing down quickly after the stream, went right up to the embankment “under the Stone”, behind the crock of the rock in the entrance to the cathedral, and here it rumbled. moored. It turns out that they didn’t check the steamboat. If the river administration told the city administration by telegraph, then it’s unlikely, but then, as I guess, they were narrated from the side of the river authorities, that it arrived on a steamboat, that none of it was official on a birch tree. And that was true. In every case, even though the city administration knew that it was not possible to arrive from Tomsk, that from the bottom of the Tom river, the steamboat, then they could not tell about the city of the population. Little savages, with NATO lads, may not have gone from the embankment for a quiet two days, as if the steamboat had stood here, and did not stare at the sight of marvelous argument, watching the skin of the yogo detail, showing the skin of life on a new one, the skin of the ruh, the skin of the crocodile came with it people, like everything, beginning with the captain and ending with the rest of the sailor, appeared to us, sig- nificantly , invisible people. Steamboat hooted us! Everything in the new bulo is new for us. A small river steamboat “Tom”, giving us a colossal ship - more pack! - Por_vnyano z our kovalevy chovna. Everything in the new and in the new was hostile to us: a couple that came out of the thorns, a pipe, an attachment of a kerma, an anchor rose, a round cabin at the end, a captain's place, get off, a horsetail and especially, a mabut, an electric light that self-employed in the evening on the deck, - I know it was. new vіdkrittya, more about electricity in Kuznetsk at that hour, obviously, th was not. A lot of hulks, May on the street, wisely, honorable, respectable hulks, went to look around the steamboat in the middle. Їх “let”. We, who crouched on the birch, lads, obviously, could not dream of such happiness. I remember, as if eagerly hearing the reports of grown-ups, about the interior fittings and improvements of the ship: about the car, about the cabins with cribs, about the comfortable bedding on the scar, about the electric light bulbs that are lit in the evening, and so on. (Give it to be.)

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