What better thing to do for the twins of the people of the river bika. Characteristics of a twin woman, people on the river bika. Madness at the kohanna

Horoscope of insanity: twins the sign of the zodiac the characteristics of a woman in the river of bika - the most recent description, less theory, based on astrological warnings of a thousand thousand.

Twin woman, born in the river Bika, samoviddana i vіdpovіdalna. She is always ready to sacrifice her own interests for the good of others.

At the same hour, at the meeting, the woman of Bliznyuki-Bik is light and welcoming, and she sees her warmness and cheerful vdacha.

Tsya woman loves to be in a human suspіlstvo, їy priymna respect of the opposite state. Passionate about her nature, she often suffocates, and, when it is necessary to take her feelings, she often becomes the initiator of close vents.

The sexy woman Bliznyuki-Bik behaves like a hot man, temperamental and confirmed partner.

However, among the zamіzhzhі they become a faithful and viddan squad. The woman of Bliznyuki-Bik should be put more seriously before the slubu. In choosing a partner, you show high vimogi, a person can be arrogant and viable.

Vіdkrita that comrade, she becomes the living room master and iz zahoplenny takes care of children.

Bliznyuk is the most comradely and cheerful of all representatives of the signs of the zodiac rock of Bik. Tse is no longer a typical Bik, impertinent, monumental and zazyaty, tse good-natured, emotional and open-hearted person, always positive and radiant, helpful and lively, delicate, respectful and correct. These people show maximum practicality and vibrancy, concentration and sophistication, clarity and reticence, minus the fact that they have absolutely no initiative, they have no ideas of their own. The Biki twins can take good into the lives of others, think, plan and dream.

The twins, people on the river Bika, miraculously adapt to life and practice. Your charisma and reception ovnishness attaches respect, zmushuyuchi just zakohuvatisya in them without looking back. In various collectives, the stench is gaining a reputation as the most soulful truth-seekers, the shards hate and stick tiles and empty Balakan of any kind.

Twins of the people on the river bika

Kohanna Bik-Bliznyuk, a woman’s woman’s status, has an ideal partner, respectful, chuyny, lower, lagniy, who can express her thoughts and listen to a spy. These people are able to be friends and love, respect lonely people, especially the older generation.

Boundary showcase, advanced practicality, deep and gnuchka mind, building up to creativity and self-expression to rob them of eminent viconauts, as if they weren’t handed over to them rightfully. It’s a pity that you don’t mind the keruvati and panuvati stink, for the one who takes all the work themselves, with a hand, but plant it for the kerivan is turned off. Then, with the orders of wine put in front of Bik and Bliznyuk, they cope with a bang.

The sphere of interests and suffocation of the tsієї, the gifted person is great. I’m happy to go on a trip and go fishing, for the joy of seeing the overseas country and marveling at a theater show, go to the cinema and sit at the bar with friends. Everything that brings emotions to Bliznyukov-Bik, he tremblingly and deeply takes away from his great and kind heart.

Twins - Bik: Characteristics

Twins who were born on the river Bika similar horoscope, miraculously get along with people and quickly take root in any kind of team. Zavdyaks of high practicality, people who belong to the Gemini sign miraculously merge into the team, and win the well-deserved reputation of the best practitioners.

Cholovik Bik-Bliznyuki

The Bik-Bliznyuki man is a total hard worker, who cannot be pierced by the most evil decree of the great authorities. Tsі movchaznі workaholics sing everything calmly and neatly. The best people Biki-Bliznyuki feel in the service of the military and in state institutions because of the sovereign statute, where all rights and obligations are laid out in the police and according to the song regulations.

At family life Biki-Twins are kind and respectful people. The best way for such people is one hour, spending time with their native kolі and close friends.

Woman Bik-Bliznyuki

The woman of Bik-Bliznyuki is miraculously good with different people, love to talk and smile. You feel miraculous at the sphere of art, You can dance or paint, so you can inspire an actor's career. At the plan of family stounks, the woman of Bik-Bliznyuki is already calm, hopeful that virna. Vaughn, similarly to the people of a similar subordination of signs, wills of repentance at the number of these other types of roses.

Biki-Bliznyuks are nadiy, straight people. Behind your nature, the stench of the truth-teller, which does not spy on an easy car'er, but a flawless plus in the sphere of family vines.

Cholovik Twins - Bik

A rich cіkavo yak is a characteristic of the summіnіst of the person Bliznyuki, who was born in the river Bik. Such a person is just a good kaleidoscope. At the same time, each person has a lot of different special features, and at the same time no one understands.

This man is Bliznyuk, the people of the Bik River are simply charming, the women of a different age will suffocate in them at the first time. Vіn the same, always love shukati romantic experiences and love addictions. Ale yoga novels do not spend a long time, the shards of the wines forge a beautiful statue.

As if a woman should praise the decision to tie this person to her for a while, it is necessary for her to have an extraordinary specialty and increase the interest of that person. A man-Bliznyuk, by his nature, is intellectual, and you will become simply boring and not cicavo with no more reasonable woman. Don't try to tie him up with jealousy, you can do it, as if to give another person their freedom.

Characteristics of the person Bliznyuki - Bika

Why a person is respected simply by a unique specialty, even if in a new one there will be no less than Bliznyuk, but Bika, and it gave him a lot of advantages. This person is more like a comrade and can pick up the key to the skin woman, like yoga. It is not important for you to know the big topic of roaming. For the sake of the sign of the Gemini, and the axis of the yogo seems to be obov'yazku that vіdpovіdalnіst grant yoma Bik. I want to make yoga ideal for partnership, I feel like peace with everything.

Characteristics of the kohannya man Bliznyuki-Bik

This person is mostly carried out fast, so that there are love stosunkivs, so that yogo will be drawn to come in handy. Vіn zdatny duzhe shvidko switch from one affiliate program to another one, and continue shukati ideal. your other half, but you can’t know in people that you can feel yoga. The person of the same sign will soon spend almost as much as his partner, for that in the beginning of the year you need help, and everything else is on a different plane.

Alec this man can be no less inconsistent, but navpaki. Vіn zdatny z usієyu vіdpovіdіlnіstyu started to steal half of the other. And to that, the Twins joke at her such a quality, like the most valuable. Ale z roki, the new one has a review of his values ​​​​at the vіdnosinakh, and the wines of the building will change my mind again. So you give more respect to your partner and don’t joke with her filthy.

What a man - Twins - Bik at the girl's

Such a man of the building will make friends through be-yak_ furnish. Then you will be a miraculous master, especially as a new one has children. So the Yogo team was created for a long time, but Yogo alone. Before children, wine is not put too harshly, prote and do not indulge them, so that wine is wise to go through the middle, at the edge of that zahochennya. І yogo stosunki sіm'єyu come out kind and calm.

In that case, as if he himself had laid a hat, it’s not enough to talk about those that his partner’s partner already has an unimaginable specialty, as she replaced your decision. It is possible to zatsіkavit yogo like rice yogo character, otherwise you will get drunk. You will be a wonderful partner and share life with your image.

Wisdom of a man Bliznyuk - Bika

Good luck with the man Bliznyuk, who was born in the river Bika, can be built up with a woman, so that you can give him the freedom that is so necessary and share with him all the suffocation of that interest, the exercise of that life position. Women can be seen before them, as they were born under the signs of Aries, Teresa and Aquarius. They live by similar principles and can give to any person about what they think.

And the axis with the representatives of the beautiful state of the people under the sign of Taurus, Cancer, Divi, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn does not add up, because these women may be more svetoglaz and interests, and vimagatimut in Bliznyuk's virtuous order.

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Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Gemini, born on the river Bika

Like a sign of the Zodiac, so is a similar sign to the fate of the people of the people to be able to have individual power, to be so mindful, as it is more importantly manifested in the characteristics of the people and її in the spirits of the soul.

It is important to pay respect to those that the Zodiac and the evil fates are formed from twelve parallel vertical lines, on the basis of which people show the same methods of behavior and react to individual mind in the surroundings, like setting up mutual people before them.

The sign of the Zodiac is formed in the character of a person of tactfulness and is one of the twelve equal methods of behavior.

A similar sign to the fate of the people forms the mind that laws of dovkіllya for the people, її vіdnosin with otochyuchimi people, in which they win their own method of behavior, I assign the sign of the Zodiac. Rіk narodzhennya forms for a person one of the twelve equals of yoga self-realization. A similar sign is called a strategy, to that it forms a field of activity for a person and in which field a similar sign shows the law of the principle of setting people up to a person.

Twins are the eleventh sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this sign of the Zodiac are logical, wise, pragmatic, courageously strong-willed and cunning because of their nature.

Specialty for the sign of the Zodiac Gemini - " radnik". A person of this sign of the Zodiac is prejudiced, on the strength of interest to win his own favor with other people. Twins live by the principle: " Chi є sens show tse reproach?". The stench is able to prorahovuvat everything, otrimuyuchi in the light of whether or not the child is aware of the mischief as a resourceful mood. With whom, they try to attach information about themselves for special security. Twins can and do invisibly manipulate people through their working processes. The twins of the building are effective, but impulsively samovolodit and control close and mutual people. The twins are fair in words, dorimuyuchis their own wealth and safety at the right. The stench splurge on the basis of vigodi, the interest of the coriste for themselves and those who interact. Competitors Bliznyuki overcome absolute hostility with rapt cold zhorstokistyu and bastards. The twins severely punish people who interact, for allowing pardons.

Hidny sign of river Bika - 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045, 2057

River Bika forms a natural strategy, the field is visible on the third level of furnishing. People, people in the river Bika, are surrounded by vodnosiny at the suspense with people, like they lead them to vikonavchih processes. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, people, people on the Bika River, have to take part in working processes, in which positions are shown in mutual behavior. chiefs". Mutually, people behave impudently and intransigently in the presence of people living in the Bika river. Navkolishnі people are independent of their signs of the Zodiac and similar fates among the people with the people, people born in the river Bika, they show a heightened sensitivity and strife. Navkolishni zahoplyuyuyutsya details and details of micro-invasion. Mutually, people from among the people, people born in the Bika River, lead the way according to the principle of the sign of the Zodiac Taurus: “ Be zіbrany, but not fetters ».

Horoscope for the zodiac sign Gemini, born on the river Bika.

Such signs are manifested in humans by impulses of a highly active behavior from the different tongue-and-greedy attitudes of some strange people. The twins pour into the mood of lonely people their positive coyness and perseverance. Bliznyuki zdatnі zastosovuvati vіdnosinakh z people vіso svidkіst, іnоdі zhorstokіst і “dry” logic. Rіk Bika forms in the minds of the mind for creative processes and is born from vikonavchi people, chiefs over small groups of people. Sign of the Zodiac Twins, peoples on the river Bika, perebuvaє in the minds of the environment, in which you can compete in the natovpah of the friendly and kind people. At the same time, the Bliznyuks of the buildings bring the necessary masses of people to the top of their sleepy tasks. Vzaimodiyuchi people skhilnі podkoryatisya tsіy lyudinі through її zv'azyazki suspіlstі, vіdnosіnі іz sposobnіmі people, їх zhorstokostі chi cunning. The twins can easily win the victory in the surroundings of someone else's results and ability. Rick Bika accompanies women with self-sufficient people, as if they are drawn to their dribbling coyness. The twins are chomping with different malts, they stink richly in what they are unpretentious, when threatened, they do not immediately go into violence. The person of the sign of the Zodiac has become enlightened, slender to atheism, manipulating ideas. The twins are vidpovіdalni to the core of their єї make money in households. The stench of the building shave the blue through the threat of special security, or the waste of profit from the blue. The policy of the sign of the Zodiac Gemini is harmonious, it is based on tsikavo / not tsikavo. Rick Bika is full of people who are sympathetic to those people who interact with each other.

You can take a closer look at the characteristics of the signs of the Zodiac and the fate of the people in the programs " Scanner of the individual» ta « Vіnets osviti". The programs include the terminology of horoscopes, Zodiac and similar fates. The programs highlight the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. Tse podnannya form a new science pіdhіd up to the іnformatsiynoї budovi lyudiny, as it is called " Psychonomy ».

Chinese calendar creatures behind the rocks!

The character of women Bikiv - Bliznyukiv: Tsі zhіnki mаyutnu vіdmіnіst vіd іnshih predstavlіkіv tsy sign - vіnnya іdіati іtіla. All your goals are reached by behind-the-scenes activities. If so, it’s not obov'yazkovo, that there will be intrigues and intrigues that are not accepted. It's just that they understood so well, like a child. The stench of the samіtniki for a vdacha, surround the colo splkuvannya to the whole number of people, like to believe. Ring out, dear women, family.

Behind the character of a stіyka, a strong-willed person, you can reach everything in life yourself. The stench always lets your glance at the speeches, and your glance resounds with strength. They always let everything go, because the stench is practical, strong and stressful. Almost all initiatives are successful. And they try to do something rich for their zusilly, active character. Prote stink especially for lashtunkas.

Zhіnki Biki - Twins at the kohanna and stosunkah: Romantic women of these women will always be following our plan. Tse dbaylivy that respectful woman, yakі can create a unique mind for a family lull. However, one often sees the blue in early age Opinyayutsya under the threat of bursting through the bazhannya often usamіtnyuvatisya. The stench is not built on the trival of splintering, to love more movcha, to recycle information in oneself, less pragmatic splintering.

Zhіnki Biki - Twins at finances and kar'єri: Kar'єru stench roil zhartom. It’s not easy to reach the knowledge of the practical in any sphere. Vitrivality, the mind that vminnya nastuvat zhіnok to their whim allow them to reach high positions in the shortest term. Financially well-being is also on the side, the shards of the stench are happy, they can properly arrange the penny. The financial market is a natural element, de stinks take away a lot of opportunities for the realization of their talents.

Biki's Women - Twins at Sim's and Love: Family Vіdnosiny they will stink naturally. From one side of the stench I want to start a family, but from the other side I want to get familiarized. Self-sufficiency for them is the ability to bring thoughts into harmony, take new ideas and expand the paths of their reach. However, half of the other half do not know how to understand, and spend evenings on their own. The stench is over the name of your own family, but you should remember such a self-worthiness in the eyes of your household.

Porada to the women of Bikam - Bliznyuk: These women are recommended to move into self-sufficiency; Varto correct over the expansion of the contact field. It is also recommended to them to gradually work on themselves, in order to reduce the infusion of negative character into life as a whole. Change your character and the stars in your power, just to stink just to report up to your zusil for the taking of the best possible blessings.

twins zodiac sign characteristics of a woman on river bika

Non-serious beak. Ale is more vitrival.

Zodiac horoscope: sign of twins

So Biki is less serious for others. The stench chews openly, reacts swiftly, the prote can be overwhelmed by their rightness. Ale next to Bliznyuki-Bik is a welcome company.

The hospitable mind of the Gemini sign will come together with the great guilt of Bik. Number of people and women in their own building to develop the best ideas. The fault is that the comradeship of these people is to rob them of these people with those charming people.

Bliznyuki-Bik can easily attach themselves to new people in that situation. These people have a strong will to work everything in their own way, but the stench is always open for new concepts and even more sensible people have started. Irrespective of those that people are constantly interested in, stench always know the hour to move. The stench understand and value the importance of communication for achieving emotional well-being. The stench may be majestic a lot of patience and hate tiles, no matter what kind.

The cream of their ingenious mind and adaptability of the stink may have a calm and sensitive character. Їхнє is more important than setting up to other people to help them with special brethren. The stinks easily express their thoughts and can hear. Tsі people vvazhayut for better mothers kіlka friends, nіzh richly know, stink to know what friendship is like.

In special ventilators, through active waking, they may begin to have violent outbursts of insouciance, which lead to jealousy. A wide range of skills are practical for any profession.

Weakness in the peculiarities of these people is that if the stench is felt underestimated, or if it is a lie, then it becomes more shy to become gloomy, stubborn and quarrelsome. Good luck, the stench didn’t pout for a long time.

Gromadskyst, zhvavist and merry giving to the sign of the zodiac twins to make corrections in the nature of bika - not a typical representative of his fate. You know how to communicate with different people, knowing your skin tone and your own words. Bik is the twin of the building, the work of the kіlka is right in the air and everywhere to reach. Vіn zberіgaє bichає pochutya obov'yazku and yakshchos poobіtsyav - vykonaє, navіt yakscho for whom you happen to sacrifice your own interests.

The main features of a twin's human being are the practice and the vibrancy. Women twins biki vіrіznyayutsya strimanіstyu and vminnyam control their emotions.

The conservatism and obedience of the buffalo twin are manifested in the fact that they do not in any way show initiative, they will simply victoriously defeat the entrusted yoma on the right. It’s true, it’s necessary to say that, if you don’t rob the twins, you won’t be able to rob the twins. You can swear on the new leader and be sure that you won’t be blamed.

Twin people on the river Bika

Bik's twins are weakly separated seriously shuttered to life, then you can greet the skin for their vitrivality. Bik-Bliznyuki soul, be like a company, prote often love to be in front of and vpevneno bring their point of view to everyone in need.

People, people on the river Bika, are more guilty. And the wisdom from the warm Twins endows these people with ingenious vigor at the discovery of new ideas. Your fantasy and positive character are attached to spivrezmovniki, with them you should start to spit on them.

In whatever situation, Bik-Bliznyuki is easy to fit in and know spilnu mova from usima. You always need to know how to speak and to love to speak richly, but to put up with respect and to the dialogue of a speaker, which is a kind of obov'yazkovo visluhaє yogo with roses. These people also love and value the communication, but it is critical not to blame the communication. Therefore, among the natives of Bik, among the people of the period of Bliznyukiv, try not to allow roses to be unacceptable for the new ones.

Bik-Bliznyuki are calm people, respect the lonely and always ready to help at the bіdі. Friends know the value of Bik-Blyznyuk's merits, to which friendship is a blessing. In the case of the creation of vines from the protileous statute, it helps them with sensitivity and breadth, which attracts the character of rice to them. People who are born in the twins, to practice the mother of a great number of friends, and the axis of Bik's character in the Bliznyuks is a better stimulus - they are more like the mother of all the big friends, the less important friends.

Sometimes in the relationship with a kohanoy people, Bik-Bliznyuki shows weakness and innocence, through which you can be jealous. The stinks are more irritating, but they reach it swiftly. You can’t underestimate these people and lie to them, otherwise kind and sweet Bik can become evil and frown.

Choice of professions for people whose zodiac is majestic. The stench of the building at the bagats straight away and quickly learn something new. We have set the task of Bik-Bliznyuki victoriously. Vіn duzhe vіdpovіdalny and may garne pochutya obov'yazku. With the help of the right, it’s easy to cope, to know the pidkhіd to whether it’s a person that helps to help those who want to inspire bad interests.

Women, people in the river Bika in the suzir'ї Bliznyuk, breathe in good manners, manage to stand up for their emotions and always stay calm. The people of Bik-Bliznyuki are parasitic and vitrival. To be like a robot, to be put up more and more, to beat everything without a hitch. Qi people are always priced by robot sellers. Bik-Bliznyuki, not caring about their presence in yoga character, work everything in their own way, the robots have more cherished tasks, they manage to do their best. And the axis itself shows the initiative, like to love the work of the Twins, respect conservatism and zayva povilnist.

Twins - Bik

Before to the sign of Bliznyuki-Bik lie people who were born from 22 May to 21 Chernya 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

Bliznyuki-Bik is more comradely and a receptionist at the congregation. In this variant, the hospitable mind of the Gemini sign will go to Bik's great guilt. Here a person like Bliznyukiv otrimu vminnya splkuvatisya with different people, that building work and kilka right at once, and the axis feels like a shoe, diligence and practicality - like Bik. It is marvelous that Bliznyukiv's bachiti with such a set of qualities is like vitrivality and smokyness.

Vіdminnі risi people, narodzhenої under the sign Bliznyuki on the river Bika, - purposefulness and practicality, comradeship and life, positive mood for a skin day. Bliznyuki-Bik is a worthy and honest person, moreover, a truth-teller. Zvichayno, tse not spryaє easy kar'єri, but є bezperechnym plus in the sphere of human and family stosunkіv.

The twins, who were born in the river Bika, miraculously get along with people and quickly get used to any team and win a well-deserved reputation as the best practitioners, resisting their strength of spirit and extraordinary thoughts. Bik, s poednannyam Twins are less serious, lower more Biki. Vіn vpevneno vede rozmovu, quickly reacting to the podії, prote buvaє nadto vpevnenim at his rightness.

Twins - Bic characteristic

Bliznyuki-Bik - to a comrade that zhittєradisne podednannya, zavzhd honed by friends and outside of tsіkavih idey. Vin easily expresses his thoughts and listens. Such a person is happy to share and value the importance of communication to achieve emotional well-being. Vіn tsіnuє shirі stosunki, that may not be rich, then vіddanih friends. Bliznyuki-Bik, hospitable and kmіtlivy for dacha, may be famous as a visionary and visionary, original wine and pleasant call. I have a great reserve of patience and willpower, and a wide range of skills are practical for any profession.

Lyudina, narodzhena in the river Bika, is already screwed and screwed, ale, the sign of Bliznyuki gives specialness to life and love, and smooths out the day of "imgrabnist". And conservatism and the validity of the sign of Bliznyuki-Bik are manifested in those who do not show initiative in any way, they are simply determined to victoriously entrusted to you on the right. And start to rob tse yakіsno that bezdoganno. You can swear on the new one, but be sure that you are not blamed. Bliznyuki-Bik is a non-typical Bik, the building worker of a sprat can do it at once, to inspire his own special vigo. Also, I may have a special talent, which I use in the fact that I can’t grow my own right myself, then you should know a person who can be trusted.

And the y axis love notes Bliznyuki-Bik, sooner, can reveal Bliznyukovsky pidkhid. Vіn zakohaniy and easily permekaєєє z odnієї її її її її її її її її її її її її її і і і і so you can try to finish the trivaly hour.

Twins - Bik Zhіnka

The woman of Bliznyuki-Bik is also cheerful, energetic, loving to talk and to be friendly in a right way. It’s up to those who think and stick all the tiles to the empty Balakan to speak. She always helps in important situations, is positive and positive, to which the impersonal shanuvalniks are added.

Folk in the river Bika, the woman-Bliznyuki is artistic, has a talent for the art, easily organizes and destroys a tedious company. You can reach success, be it right, de need to show creativity, but especially there, de need to express yourself with your hands - you can dance and artistic gymnastics. The woman of Bliznyuki-Bik is an optimist and a merry fellow. Navit car'er will be hot, easy and gloomy. It’s not easy to achieve recognition practically in a be-yakіy galuzі. Vitrivality, practicality, rozum, mindfulness to bring everyone to a positive note, to help reach the goal set in the shortest term. In the financial sphere, it is also happy that, in the meantime, the penny is properly organized.

Motherland for the woman Bliznyuki-Bik may be more great value and won, as a rule, pragne to make friends. Ale, at the same hour, without regard to her pragnennya, start a family, she won’t be assimilated. That is why family girls can be more like their own. Those close to you need to remember that self-reliance for the woman of Bliznyuki-Bik is the ability to organize one’s thoughts, to take a new idea to expand the path to their reach. The special women have a woman Bliznyuki-Bik, a number of people who will be married, and we will have a better and better partner, a strange and respectful one, who should love their relatives. Vaughn is calm, vrіvnovazhena and vіddaє perevaga vіdpochinku sіm'єyu to all other types of roses. Zavdyaks of their creative nature won't be able to organize for their own family a unique mind for the purpose of living.

Twins - Bik cholovik

Cholovik, people under the sign of Bliznyuki on the river Bika, even unique. Vіn poddnav at your own place both signs of the flooring are good, that having taken away a lot of gains. Vіn duzhe comradely, privablivy, scho to know the key to the skin woman. The robot has a total hard worker, the building calmly, more patiently, to finish his work.

Varto designate that the person of Bliznyuki-Bik can cope with the defeat. Yogo is important to “recognize” and smoothly transfer yoga diy. You are already talented and you can show yourself on different sides. From one side - wine may be the mother of literary zdibnosti, and from the other side - kindly practice with your hands. At the same time, wine is reasonable and physically vitrival. You can also feel comfortable military service and at the state governments, we have a statute of laws, de yogo the right-hand man and obov'yazki are laid out according to the regiments and under the order of the singing regulations. Zagalom yogo kar'єra maє buti pov'yazana with different practical areas. Vіn zdatny zastosovuvat navit grains know so that you can see the result. Vіn can reach the high kar'єrnih heights, but youm need an hour. And the axis of a penny for that person is not an end in itself, if you want, and it’s acceptable, if it’s rich. A smut for a new one is to learn how to develop one's various talents and go to one's own goal.

The kohanna's man, Bliznyuki-Bik, is impertinent, the shards are constantly looking for goodies. You can often remember the girls, joking around your own ideal. For women, first for everything, the cost of building until the end of the conversation, and then we’ll do everything else. You can endow the object with wickedness, like you already deserve it, and then we will be enchanted, without revealing it. Varto designate that with age the person of Bliznyuki-Bik begins to understand the value of intercourse and can again change their criteria for the selection of a squad. It’s easier for you to get on the boat, as if you are an extraordinary woman, I’ll replace you with all the wonderful ones.

Nation near the river Bika, the twins have a kind and respectful person for family life, for whom they themselves best repair bude perebuvannya at the native number and close friends. And then you will be happy, to make friends with a mature person, if youthful maximalism and courage vikriti and criticize a partner, you will be behind, and in the first place you will see a blessing to take care of that spiritual warmth. For a person Bliznyuki-Bik, it is important to learn to allow a woman to be herself and not to try to analyze and prorakhovuvat її vchinki. If until the moment of creation this person of Bliznyuki-Bik can see, then it will be easy to take away all the joys of family life. You will be especially happy if you have children. The vikhovanni do not have suvori, but they do not allow empty spaces. Vіn vіdchuvaє gold the middle between the punishments and the desires.

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The man of Bliznyuki-Bik is simply unique - having removed both signs of goodness, having taken a lot of advantages. Tse comrade lad, who knows how to know the key to being a woman. Vіn vmіє kindly choose a topic for the rozmovi. Bliznyuki gives you such vibes, and almost a binding that Bik’s viability. As a result, an ideal variant of a partner emerges, who knows almost everything about the world.

The share of these people can be radically changed by them themselves. They love to tell the truth about everything and often do not show respect for obvious signs. Tse can make life easier. So for people in power to achieve the greatest goals without support from the side of the rest. This way, I allow them to get maximum privileges. And it is more necessary for them to achieve moral satisfaction in the most.

Behind the character - tse smilie, honestly and temperamental features. You can't imagine your life without friends, but their unhappy nature often sees close people in front of them. In life, the stench is cherished by the principle that it is necessary to rely on evidence, and not theory. For whom the stink is picked up by yourself cіkavі facts. The stench is self-singing, it is rare for them to call on the thought of otochyuyuchih. A stink of stench to the gossip of the very wickednesses themselves, which they won’t get along with.

Characteristics of the person Bliznyukiv-Bik at Kohanni

The wines of the kohanna are often inconsistent, for the one who always finds suitable. You can often switch from affiliate to affiliate, joking around like an ideal and don’t know yoga from your perfection. Vіn dosit shvidko reaches the partner program, oskolki, not respecting all your bazhannya, shukkaє all the same svіvrozmovnitsyu in the first black, and then everything else. With whom you can have mercy, giving sharp and inaccurate judgments to your kohana.

In kohannі wines it is inconsistent, it is possible to live and іnshiy pіdkhіd to kokhanny. Vіn may need to be sure to go to the choice of kohanoi. As a result, wine shukatima in nii ti yakosti, like youmu most befits. However, the mature person has a clear understanding of the value of the wine and can change his mind again. Zokrema, we can better respect you before your own judgment and do not see any negative pictures in it.

Twin people, peoples on the river Bika, in a lizhka

Wines can be placed up to the intimate sphere of the vіdnosin and borderline vіdpovidalno. Vіn love experiment, prote pragne to the bitterness. It is important for you to bring satisfaction to your wife, as well as yourself. If you don’t see anything, I’ll read the literature on this topic, to understand, how to reach the bazhany. Ale, such a pidkhіd sounds like a noise from quiet people, from some dominating Bik.

In the intimate life of wines, love to experiment. Zokrema vіn can love new, cіkavitisa tsієyu sphere less with the method of nabuttya dosvіdu. In addition, you can remember the partner program, as if the kokhan is not satisfied with yoga, you do not know what is new in these waters. As a rule, the wine is too rickety and joking less than the versatility that one sees on one’s feet from a woman.

Horoscope of a person Bliznyukiv-Bik at Sim'ї ta Shlyubі

You can make friends with a splash of furnishing. In this way, vin becomes a bright ruler, like vin maє children. In addition, this squad can become a permanent partner. From the children of the wines are not suvoriy, but do not let them grow up. In addition, vin vіdchuvaє gold the middle between the punishments and the desires. As a result, yogo is associated with relatives, retinue and children are normal and equal.

If you call yourself a schlub, it means that your partner is an extraordinary person, as she could replace you with all the wonderful ones. It should be noted that you can be intrigued by the singing rice, it might be possible for you to bury it. Vіn vіdmіnniy companion, to the one who is ready to share all the benefits of that diversity of life of Kokhanoi. With such a woman, we will be happy.

The person of Bliznyuki-Bik is a receptionist. Zavdyaki komunіkabelnostі and great pochuttu vіdpovіdalnostі such a young man zavzhd excrement people. Yogo can be described as a practice that vitrivalu people.


The Bik-Bliznyuki man has an unusual character. Win at your own place shorter capacity yakі only can be with a person. This is a more comradely and amiable young man, who can win people over to himself.

The representative of this horoscope is not so simple as to be taken at first glance. Sometimes it’s easy to find out what’s new in the mind. This is a talanovite and a sensitive person, as if for a job you can show vibrancy in all spheres of life.

Physical and moral vibrancy allows people to know the call to the military professions, as if to show the presence of a hard-headed mind of those dear hands. In addition, the young man has a leader’s strength laid down, for some reason he can become a miraculous military leader.

With such a person, start talking about what to talk about. Reading and drinking help you to know pidhіd to the point of being a philanthropist. With this, the young man knows for sure that it is possible to make friends, and with it, it is better to keep the same distance.

The share of such people is definitely due to them. Everything that is seen in the life of such people, to lie only in the vlasnykh vchinkіv is the solution. Don’t start helping to improve the situation, sometimes you’ll stop the young people to mark obvious signs.

A man, people near the river Bika under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini, do not require third-party help and the building itself can reach the intended goals. This building allows the lads not to lie in the face of someone else's thoughts, but rather to rely on themselves.

Such a lad has a strong character. Vіn dosit courage and honesty, and at the right moment, the building will show temperament. Rarely if Bik-Bliznyuki listen to dark colors, pride and self-confidence zavazhayut yunakovі shnobly put to someone else's thoughts.

The folding nature of such a person is important friendly blue. It’s impossible to bring such a person into something else, otherwise he’ll be overwhelmed. Postiyni razbіzhnosti can lead to the fact that a person is deprived of self-sufficiency.

Set up to sіm'ї ta slubu

Cholovik Bik-Bliznyuki values ​​family ultrasound, but he himself can’t rouse his motherland. In young people, the fates of the wines have more straight lines on the car'erne, and the love hoarding sounds on another plane. Such a person can make friends, as if he were to lie down and work.

As a representative of this horoscope, having made friends with a kohanny, that means, with yoga way of life a special woman was shot. Such specialness can be obtained by an extraordinary lady who has a special aura. Yogo can promote the profession of a partner, or it’s a talent that sees a girl on aphids.

The head of this should be put up to kohanoi and ready to share with her, whether it be of interest. With the appearance of children, we become a suvor father, who resolutely lashes out for their vihovannyam. Tsya akіst allows cholovіkovі virosity disciplined and vidpovіdalnyh people.

Madness at the kohanna

At the young vіtsі yunak Bik-Bliznyuki does not look at the steel among the hundred girls from the girls. Vіn often change partners in order to know the middle woman, which is the ideal. Such a person quickly slept, but so very quickly achieved.

Perebuvayuschie stosunkah іz odnієyu dіvchinoy, lad in parallel shukaє new companion. And to that, the checks of the new fidelity in the young rocky are not varto. Only having reached a mature age, such a person can become sensible and know one single girl for making love.

In the adjacent field of Bik-Bliznyuki, the value of practicality and life of love. It is important for him, because the girl is small, easy-going nature. It is not guilty of being in love with the partner of scenes of jealousy and constantly provoking the young man to a scandal. Parts of the prichіpki and, if possible, can be easily thrown on people, and veins should be pinned like this.

The Bik-Bliznyuki man can be smart with the ladies, as they value special space and can keep secrets. Such is the beauty of the girls, people in the rivers of Shchura, Bika, Kota and the Dragon under the signs of the zodiac Terezi, Aquarius or Aries.

The most difficult and unfortunate stoks of such a young man can be tied up with a woman, born on the river Pivnya, Tiger, Horse and Mavpi under the sign of Sagittarius, Taurus and Cancer. Such individuals may have a rather foldable character, absolutely insane with the nature of Bika-Bliznyukiv.

Career and finance

A representative of which horoscope can show his life with whatever profession. Be it in the sphere of wines, you can reach high showings, and to that you can choose the path that you are worthy of. To reach the goals of a person, it is necessary for us not a lot of time.

Such people are building to encourage career and reach a stable financial position. With all the material blessings, it is not of the greatest importance for them, it is more important for Bikam-Bliznyuks to self-realize in life.

It is recommended that people often listen to the moods of their loved ones and protect someone else's thought. Let's tolerate setting up to third parties with communicative advantages to help Bik-Bliznyuk mothers have a good career.

About the behavior in the kohanna of a man, born under the sign of Bliznyuki, marvel far away.

The character of women Bikiv - Bliznyukiv: Tsі zhіnki mаyutnu vіdmіnіst vіd іnshih predstavlіkіv tsy sign - vіnnya іdіati іtіla. All your goals are reached by behind-the-scenes activities. If so, it’s not obov'yazkovo, that there will be intrigues and intrigues that are not accepted. It's just that they understood so well, like a child. The stench of the samіtniki for a vdacha, surround the colo splkuvannya to the whole number of people, like to believe. Ring out, dear women, family.

Behind the character of a stіyka, a strong-willed person, you can reach everything in life yourself. The stench always lets your glance at the speeches, and your glance resounds with strength. They always let everything go, because the stench is practical, strong and stressful. Almost all initiatives are successful. And they try to do something rich for their zusilly, active character. Prote stink especially for lashtunkas.

Zhіnki Biki - Twins at the kohanna and stosunkah: Romantic women of these women will always be following our plan. Tse dbaylivy that respectful woman, yakі can create a unique mind for a family lull. However, it is often seen in the early evening that they are afraid of the threat of roaring through them, they often become tired. The stench is not built on the trival of splintering, to love more movcha, to recycle information in oneself, less pragmatic splintering.

Zhіnki Biki - Twins at finances and kar'єri: Kar'єru stench roil zhartom. It’s not easy to reach the knowledge of the practical in any sphere. Vitrivality, the mind that vminnya nastuvat zhіnok to their whim allow them to reach high positions in the shortest term. Financially well-being is also on the side, the shards of the stench are happy, they can properly arrange the penny. The financial market is a natural element, de stinks take away a lot of opportunities for the realization of their talents.

Biki's Women - Twins in Sim's Love: Family stosunki they buduyutsya even naturally. From one side of the stench I want to start a family, but from the other side I want to get familiarized. Self-sufficiency for them is the ability to bring thoughts into harmony, take new ideas and expand the paths of their reach. However, half of the other half do not know how to understand, and spend evenings on their own. The stench is over the name of your own family, but you should remember such a self-worthiness in the eyes of your household.

Porada to the women of Bikam - Bliznyuk: These women are recommended to move into self-sufficiency; Varto correct over the expansion of the contact field. It is also recommended to them to gradually work on themselves, in order to reduce the infusion of negative character into life as a whole. Change your character and the stars in your power, just to stink just to report up to your zusil for the taking of the best possible blessings.

You were born at Friday.
Friday is the day of Venus, people, the people of this day are a little people (but not emotions). The stench is nadіyni, practical and you can rely on them literally for everyone. On Friday, naturalists, actors, people of the creative cob, peacekeepers and bearers of the world come to the world - the best of them. Have a girshmomu vpadku care for your passions, ledari and pristosuvantsi. It is important that Friday is the day of the world that justice, that look of magic, that love to aestheticism. Tse best hour for acquaintances, connected with love contacts, and call for a connection. But on this day, there was a trace of the uniqueness of all supernatural things, for the stench of the building would lead a person to be jealous and be fatally recognized for his health. Bazhano post.

Astrologers vvazhayut what a person is, what kind of people of this day of the day:

It is impossible to stand before the charm of this artist, and if you seem to love you, you yourself think so. Subtlety and softness lie at the basis of your character. Yomu needs a sincere jealousy. I see that you love him, praise him, talk about him. And if this romantic hero falls to women's embrace, then hope that he will be left there forever.

Sumy with a horoscope

Visible Blue Between Aries and Gemini

Pratsyuyuchi in pairs, tsі Sonyachnі signs could sell Manhattan to Indians - accidents with electricity, robbers, creaky subway, uncleaned exits and more. However, offending the stench of idealism, and, denouncing those who indians take away such rubbish, the stench for a couple of threads of the namist and the badge turned New York at once with other rights, as if a person had stolen from her red-breasted brother. The yakbies could, of course.

Oskіlki і Ovni, і Bliznyuki cry out sympathy and insults cherish the talent of creativity and boldly promote their goods, stench can take fantastic benefits in the case of your projects. But for both of them, the powerful building is less than an hour in the middle of the hour in their hands, the great power is pennies. Possibly, to that very stink, they rarely reach that success that they could achieve, as if to ward off all the emotion (Aries) and rozum (Gemini) energy, with such a stink they are taken for those who cackle them. It's a pity, everything is obmezhuetsya less than porivs. Nothing dwarfs the interest of one of these signs of the past, of the worst. Well, sometimes two or three.

The shards of Aries boil with naїvnoy stickiness, and the Bliznyuks of the twins of brilliance gain absolute independence, raising all spiritual bonds, the maturity of the thought rarely becomes a companion of their sleepy efforts.

It can be said that this model of sleepy signs has become less shrill with a picture of optimism, with short (sound even short) spalahs of sensitivity and addicted unsungness. If the Aries and the Twins stick together like judges, friends, business partners, relatives, friends, they become friends, they will individually fight to freedom against everyone who wants to take away their smarts and care. At once, or one at a time, the stench looks young, but it’s the same, and to that, for sure, it’s like a child for an hour. And children are often amiable, simple, and inspire love, but not in the least hisstical, irrational, and thoughtless. Such can be representatives of these signs. More shortly, if you want to offend, or if you want one of them to grow up, or more part of the hour, you will be given grі in the kennel with a pair of brightly furred buckets and great shoulder blades you-know-for-what and there will be miles at the stosunkas one with one and with the solution of the world.

At the heart of their own are Aries, and Bliznyuki are honest (especially Aries), and two of them can be foolish in such a way that they forget, de self-deception begins. Tse - innocence or ignorance, if you want. In other words, the stench so masterfully fools itself, like the public. Whenever a drink is for sale, Bliznyuk call the first of the two to suspect it, because the power of Mercury’s gostry and analytical mind is powerful, and to outwit the building’s wine, having consumed it in full of vlasnoy wavy.

If Aries is worthy, then it is even more important for you to designate a difference between them, which shines so calmly, and with right gold. Such a navik of wines can be nabout, only having stuffed faceless cones.

I was talking about two. Really, it’s possible, you need to talk about three, shards, if you want Aries - one insanely inappropriate specialty. The twins are, without a doubt, two people: that specialty, which is true, and the one that they wanted to be. Twins, you know. Representatives of these signs, which are essentially vague, would not have liked to disperse and cast a fresh glance at one another. Tse banish a part of the fog, which inevitably climbs between them.

Aries instinctively makes its way forward, crossing over like a breadth of its motives, so in the end, mayuchi little chi vzagali not able to calmly calm the situation for an hour. The twins, on the other hand, count and classify all the possible maneuvers and maneuvers with cold recognition and logic, which is so powerful in all the signs of Povitrya (there are two more - Aquarius and Terezi). And all the same, rozumovі zusilla Bliznyukіv not zavzhd bring results. The twins can cheat a little, what they can’t see on the right, but often they cheat to outwit their share for an additional reasonable Mercurian strategy.

Є y іnshі vіdmіnnostі u vvedintsі tsikh znіkіv. Aries, cherished by Mars, be the head of everything, conductive, direct, always showing initiative and inspiration with enthusiasm and brilliance. Vіn accept be like an idea, like a beast to emotions, special stature. The inconstant sign of Bliznyukіv vіddaє surviving a special manner and accepting ideas, turning to a rozumous deductive process, turning to the logic and intelligibility of Mercury, then just like that, the right "I" is left in the background, guarding. Aries from zahoplennyam shows himself on a white horse before the triumphant NATO, and the Twins do not grieve with glory. It is much more important to have freedom in terms of viability, the ability to try new ideas, discover new places, speeches, people. The twins approach every sight of the mind, but they are fit for the emotion of Aries, wanting to stench can be choked with yoga ideas. With the help of Mercury, people are unaware of Mars, they are no less aware that for them the best path is, if possible, uniquely entangled in an emotional pasta.

Nearby human bodies, which threaten to pretend to be tractors, did the robot without changing the code - a mustache, which ruins the world, raising the wings of Mercury, calling out the suspicion of Bliznyukiv. Tsey Povіtryany sign of pragne soar above the half-lights, which spreads the Fiery sign of Aries. Trembling on the sidelines and posture of reach, Twins often reach that freedom, like Aries also whispers, but you don’t have to know. Obviously, too great a rozumova that emotional freedom can create a powerful swindler, and at the same time the directness of Aries can help to stray the knots.

For goodness sake, typical Aries is like a duality of Bliznyukiv, and sound ready to accept її. That is why such an alliance is often viable for the Bliznyukivs, because they are rozuminnya (or not yogo) they dream to lie down, to stink, to simply die out and become unattainable. Representative of the sign Bliznyukіv dream and in early childhood, and in deep old age. Vіn zavzhdi pereslіduє i nіkoli do not syagaє. Most of the people tsіkavіst and experimentation of Mercury are created similar to kilimok from the handless, small claptikov, ale Aries, similarly, we see that there are many worlds of interests - the sample of Bliznyukіv zіbrati together is richly sided, charіvnu mervіans.

It is small that Aries will make the Gemini purhati from the subject to the subject at the whims of good vibes in an uninterrupted flow of manifestation of static energy. To interrupt the “bird of Mercury”, if it seems like vin (won), - all the same, it’s all the same to slander the fireflies and it’s wonderful, but Aries, ring out the great master to interrupt, wise. Tsі two constantly interrupt one one, anіtrochs do not fight, and tse miracles in this union.

This is the negative aspect between the Sun and the Month or the Ascendant in their charts of the people. Aries can call the Bliznyukіv in the supra-world diversity and inconsistency of specific diї and try vimagati in their direct opinions. Todi gostra mova Bliznyukіv can catch the lightly wounded “tse” of Aries, and spall tribal battle. And yet the wind will soon change, even if the stench of insults rarely allow you to scold yourself for a long time. Aries and Twins are mostly good friends, they can discuss for a long time, docks do not come to a conscious thought.

The Mercurian mind of the Bliznyukiv, independently of that, slyly in the hour of conquests, under the mask of calmness, that quiet enchantment, forever collapses. Docks Aries do not suffocate the free spirit of the Bliznyuks with too much food and too great helpers, between them everything will be done smoothly. Aries and the Twins can redeem the locks from the combined visible images, reach the temples, straighten them to the stars. Ale, the foundation can be mitznoy and stable, otherwise the stench will fall. Ale navіt like a foundation of mіtsny, the top may be simply not visible - all її veselki, blizzards and gnomes. Golovne - patience, and then Aries and the Twins, forever young, always whispering Shangri-La, Smaragdov's place of the land of Oz, the Land of Miracles and the Jare of youth, there may be more chances to see all the cities, there are more people except for the skin.

Wisdom for a partner

Woman-Aries - man-Gemini

The woman-Aries and the man-Gemini can, hand in hand, walk through life, no children. Ale is so self-possessed invariant, if these stosunki will be a match of sarcastic, naughty skirmishes, that they don’t get stuck in the morning until the evening. Often, the emotions of Mars and Mercury in love bring forth an intrusive tenderness, which is interspersed with hospitable images, which can be robbed of the possible and suffocated, and unhappiness. For whom wine and Twins, not similar to other signs of Povitry, like they hang and suffocate, and znevaga is so clear and without mercy, and Aries, unlike other signs of Fire, suffocation of the mitt, passion for love and hatred, never thought about us.

Without a doubt, parts of those boisterous superchicks are checked on them, and all the same, essences of easing aggression. The stench hangs in the door, closed, but if it’s not too serious, you don’t know what in the wild welding can rush one to one in an embrace. It is said about them:

Who cares to love - Nibi hatred is possible. Well, m'yako is hated - Mi kohannya and in tsimu bachimo ...

The kohanna woman-Aries and the man-Bliznyukiv zavzhda have a small stream. If the stench zakohuyutsya one to one, you can’t imagine how the novel will end, what will be the love. The cob mutual pull, the magnetic gravity of these non-turbo natures sway both trustingly gravitate one to one, not intercepted by a possible end. How are we now? graft.

At first glance, a bezkhmarnі stosunki can obscure jealousy. A typical woman-Aries is more jealous and seldom sure of herself. On the right, it’s not in the strongly exasperated sense of sovereignty, but in the symbolic fear of the “thinny child” tamed by Aries to appear abandoned (which would mean a catastrophe for her) and in the hospitable need, just smell the word kokhannya. This is explained by the fact that Aries is often childishly hopeless and more likely to lay low in a trival and uninterrupted whimsicality, even though he reluctantly comes under the mask of freedom, independence, and completely independence, defending himself with such a rank in the navkolishny world.

A typical twin-man is not jealous, and through it, it’s not surprising, they can blame the significant difficulties of the Woman-Aries, bachite, would like to sweat, be jealous. Looks like youmu will get away. Convince yourself of the tse chi, ale їy, Aries, it is simply necessary to arouse jealousy in your man. This proves the importance for the new one, and such proofs are so abundant that no one can go overboard here. Cholovik-Twinski, it’s possible to give a bay bajannya, Yakshcho Vaughn Stan Stone Vosteni Zukhokho, Ale Clotha Vyn Vynnani, Zmіnyuchi, Ideali, Mriya, Schover, Scho-Rogo, Nonvinnaya Flice, for the pre-paley navigation of the same.

Well, youmu, on the other hand, will not be able to get mad for a long time, in order to arouse jealousy in him. Dosit lower greetings from the saleswoman from the newsstand on roses. And the shards in the new strong love to freedom, that fear of emotional kaydaniv, can’t be so long. Їy happen to learn how to control, or how to own your fears, but he is guilty of reason, which is the behavior of the viklikan to internal battles, which is the marriage of womanhood. A type of smooth, sexually accommodating, soft intestines with smoking bees, as if thirsting for a leather man, having been propagating so long that it is impossible to judge a woman-Aries for neurosis, having grown up, from the drive of a swedish mind, straightforwardness in a accessibility.

Vaughn has courage and initiative, she is energetic and ambitious, and yet there are no human figures. People are aware that they have a guilty right to this quality. Why will you punish the work of a woman-Aries, to get into a woman's mind? Rubbing your cheek against the shoulder of your kohan, murkoti: “Dear, you are wonderful” - and don’t you do anything yourself? It’s like it’s bad, isn’t it?

Oh, I respect, there are other ways to bring your femininity, for example: praty, stroke, cook, don’t speak, basic, stroke, praty, cook, nurture children ... Am I repeating myself? I ask again, I started to get angry. Aries herself, I didn’t understand at all why a girl needs to be called a scoundrel only to someone who is sensible and doesn’t attract anything. As more people will have the freedom of a robot-household gift to a right woman, there is a problem.

Zhіnki-Avni, yak і zhіnki Striltsі and Levi, miraculously cope with human right, and sometimes it's much easier to get out. The stench can endure more pain, lower people, make a healthy mind and especially logic, understand that the war did not violate anything, and remember the insecurity and the evil of the past, like the stink of showing up, is the axis of our efforts. We are also more sensitive, intuitively and physically, expressively spontaneous and yet richly realistic, lower people. Ale is not sentimental. (You didn't know that people are sentimental? Nastіlki, scho th zhіnok taught Bachiti poetry and the beauty of Life!) The feminists would be better off to know their equivalence and femininity in terms of marriage to people, and also the stench is also guilty of “acknowledging the interpersonal equivalence and femininity of women. We can also talk about the right womanhood and manhood.

Zhіntsі-Aries, with an innocent faith in miracles, once judged the wisdom of a man, who jokes about a right woman, and he can appear as a representative of the Bliznyuk sign. A new one may not have two heads, then a dependent bazhanya, and a vіn vіdchuvaє nagalnu need to play in the intellectual game with a woman, like to love. A siren without a turbo, to marvel at a new one with a quiet, quivering addiction, is not for a Gemini man, it’s easier, it’s easier to try to get away from him in stilettos. Vіn impeccably zakohuєs kohuetsya rosy roza, then the heart, and then we blame the physical trouble. The novel with the Twins develops in this order. Shchodo Aries, then the order mayzhe is the same. Vaughn zakohuetsya heart, then quickly turns on the mind, and, nareshti, physical banter. The cob models do not work, but it is not so important, the shards of the cob need to be sensible and emotional. Tse duzhe gave the formula.

Shards of wine cannot but appreciate the post-intellectual cry of the maiden-Aries, it’s safe to believe that you love wine like that, like you are. Then you can be in a right way lagid and lower with a person who brings his prestige in some speeches, but at once you are clearly choking on її high-handed things. Tse folding trick, ale cholovik-Bliznyuki building yogo robiti. His natural charisma and zhvavist (deacons are called celibates) will help to calm Marnoslavism from Mars.

Perhaps, it will be important to attach to the yogo typical for the sign of Gemini, the stars will start. Vaughn often herself is not known to be incompetent in her life, but Aries powerfully comes out of herself, if she is strong-armed against them.

If there is a need for physical voluptuousness, then one of the poor people who create those enchanting actions, like a woman can associate with sex. The ideal of a sexual expression of love for her is a very colorful bagatosharova spore, tied from all the books, like she read all the films, she cried over those, from the mustache of the bright hope, if you ever lived in the depths of your heart. Vaughn is literally perekonana, scho vmit, if the stench melts into one whole, call the bells. With him, you can feel it, to that yogo, it’s possible to create all the fantasies, you need it, so that the Popelyushki’s dream will come to life.

This type of empathy itself suffocates one by one, sometimes at first glance (you can’t sound right). Ale pіznіshe nadobitsya vzhe schos more, lower fantasies, schob їhnє kokhannya continued to burn brightly, if yogo vіchuzhenіst, domineering to the Twins, more їй to conquer, even for her sex is not only in reality. Їy need and vіdchutne. You can see that you don’t see yourself in any way, and, more for everything, mother right. She doesn’t leave anything for herself, and you, maybe, don’t dare to destroy in such natural Aries physical impulses. Todі vіnіshіt, scho charіvnі іstorії - nothing, if there is no fire, to kindle їх, and become drаіvlіvlý аbo, scho richly girshoy, frigid.

Tse thin food, but you can see more chances for success, like the Moon is that (or) the Ascendant at the yoga card of the people is changed at the sign of Fire. Otherwise, you can teach її what is out of the building by the fact that it is idealistic preparation to make її pochatkovu galmovanіst. The Twin Prince can wake up the Aries Princess with a kiss, but then I’ll wake up again, as if I don’t know all-season addiction, so I didn’t recognize it, it’s not enough to be. Then the fire of the sign of Aries can turn into Ice, and it will be a great waste, even if it can be so rich, if the fire of nature helps to develop.

Japanese horoscope

Zgіdno s calendar, adopted by Japan and in other lands Immediately, in the midst of the 12-river cycle, a short time to pass under the sign of a creature. Lyudina, narodzhena at the singing rotsi, otrimu low innate powers, fallow in such and share. The popularity of this calendar of Skhodі is already great.

These people are tolerant, not wealthy, inspire confidence. However, at times the stench can be eccentric, it is easy to see into oneself. At qi moments and їх varto beware - the fierce Vola does not know between. Ring out non-balakuch, at the moment the promos start to suffocate. There are miracles of reason and physical data. Mayut glory to people of easy character, but with whom they often show obstinacy - do not like rubbish. Deyakі z them marvel at kohannya yak at sports, which leads to incomprehensibility from relatives.

  • ideally fit like friends and companions of life: ZMIYA, PIVNIK, SCHUR.
  • fit more-smaller: DRAGON, RABBIT, MAVPA, BOAR, VIL.
  • not suitable, absolutely contraindicated and can cause misfortune: VІVTSYA.

Chinese horoscope

BIC (robot, family, fatherland)

Patient and gentle, strimany and more common, unremarkable and vrіvnovazheny, accurate and methodical BIC attracts the original mind of the kіlka zilskoy zvnіsnistyu. Vіn maє the gift of calling people to the door, tse one of the main kozirivs of yogo success. Vin is a lookout. It is possible, for that very reason, to love self-sufficiency.

BIC can become a sectarian right up to fanaticism. Vin is often a chauvinist, a hypocrite. This is why yoga is often criticized. Ignoring my calmness, I'm a choleric. Strimaniy, and at the same time of obsession. If yogo's anger manifests itself rarely, but in others it is even more terrible. It is important not to repair your support, you may be unsafe. Ignorant of the unfailing sight, guilty of stubbornness and do not tolerate failure right. Unfortunate for those who lean on yoga path. Tse chief, kerіvnik. Ring out the closures, and then you will be buoyed and promoted, if the end is necessary.

BIC hate innovation, yakі can steal yoga calm camp. Vіn iz quiet, hto vismіyuvav Picasso, new jazz, mini-spіdnіtsі ta dovge hairy, and not to allow, schob tse boulo accepted be-kim _ from the members of yoga sіm'ї or close ones. Vin is already domineering. Tse prikhilnik of intelligences and traditions.

On the woman of this sign, you can invest in life, so that the pancakes can be dressed up to the furnishing. But there is not a trace of a check of courage and fantasy in її dyazi and in life.

BIK - a right robot, which bring goodness to your family. Yogo presence at the booth is beneficial already through those who are guilty, as a rule, I can do it right or work for it. Yomu is suitable for a profession. Vіn spritny and in the physical, and in the intellectual plan, you can be a good kerіvnik. Especially gifts in the sphere of the agricultural state.

In commerce, that suspіlnyh vіdnosinah orients nastily, stench is important to you. It’s better for him not to choose a profession, I’m tied up with trips, more expensive ones. Vіn trachaє in them their jealousy and health.

Zhіnka-BIK is a housewife, even dbaє about her pit. Chudova is a respectful lady, she often leads the "family ship".

It's a pity, the BIC is rarely understood by the mindless. Tse vpert sectarian. However, you must love your family and write with your children. Zastosovuє their power without the right tact s tієї reasons, scho is the head of this, like a building, be like a victim.

It's a pity, love for the new one is less than loving wild heat. Vіn can be lower, vіddanim, chuttєvim, but if you don't become a romantic. I don't care about love flirting and problems of addiction. Materialistic setting up to life is for the new dzherelom rich, including friends, crotches.

BIC will not be jealous of your man or his squad, but friendliness for him is the greatest prerogative and the main priority. The wine itself does not hurt a little, but there are not enough ratings for the price. Yogi childhood and youth will not have anything special. At the other part of your life, you have difficulties, tied up with a man and a squad. Yogo companion rizikuє be embarrassed in the face of baiduzhostі and more often shukati romance, yaku can not know at home. In this BIC mood, as if it were not too much for one’s own mind, one recognizes antipathy and inspires those who are distasteful against oneself.

Truly a worker, a sim'yanin, and you can understand the difference in glances, what is between him and otochyuchimi. In the last third of your life, it is very difficult to blame someone else, but if you let go of them, your old age will be calm.

For BIKA, the ideal shlyub is from PIVNIKOM, which is allowed to shine. The year of two conservatives will be miraculous. Everything is good with a squint. Zakokhana in BIKA, there will be youmu virna right up to death. The snake, although it is often wrong, will be reasonable and, accept, do not leave yoga. Yak and shur, Bik will be enchanted by mavpo. If the mother is successful in her, he will need all the fantasy that is waking up. Be careful of you, follow the GOAT: that windmill is bright, it can bring out the drama of its inconsistency.

Folk wisdom proves that the BIC cannot live together with the TIGER in the same time. The struggle will begin, as if the TIGER will die less with the entrance of the TIGER. BIC, the strongest, repair the vice on the new one, until you become poor. Mati-Bik can never know mutual understanding with a child - TIGROM. For the rest of the next, deprive the booths.

At the end, it is significant that the BIC, the people of the Uzimka, are happy: the new one will have less work. The people of the vltku can diligently practice the whole river.

Horoscope of friends

Harne tree, ale without special charm. In youth, I often get more garni, but after an hour I spend this quality. The hornbeam is brought to the navkolishny world with indulgence. Tse type estetu. Yogo respect is attached to a better form, lower zmist. In a special life of yogo, we are in front of a vlasna cry.

I can express my courage to the point of discipline and listening to it. To love vіdmіnnostі, mrіє about hedges and honors, grieve for hoarding from the side of others. It is best for you to conform to the established order, and to that you rarely show initiative. The praised solution is accompanied by a new fear of a pardon. At the same time, I feel like there is evidence of justice. Not to love the steps in the face of the arbitrarily accepted rules, it is reluctant to leave the straight, trodden and perverted road. And before new ideas, one should be guarded, at the same time being an opponent of the installation: "a, baiduzhe!".

The kohanna is distinguished by great order. I almost look like I’m looking to the right. Newly come out dear and adoptive partner. And yet, as a rule, life will be proponed to you by choosing between love and obov'yazkom, as a rule, stealing from a friend.

Figures, people under the sign of GRABU: intelligence, intuition, fantasy, skill to artistry.

Kvitkovy horoscope


Conservative Be-yak zmina lakaє, throw at vіdchay. Poryatunok Dzvinochka - goodness sіm'ya, good budinok. Loves zasіb peresuvannya, as if by rapt to send at the resurrection - train. Let it happen to anyone.

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