Chichikov is a non-transversal and bright specialty (for the sung by M. U. Gogol "Dead Souls"). Roadside lands at Gogol's "Dead Souls" Chichikov checks a scam with "dead souls"

Until then, Vіn spritny, cunning, do your best to know, pretending your own hisstical thoughts with a mask of vihovannostі and sticking to the situation. At Manilov’s, she pretended to be a “sensitive” person, as if she recognized chimalo “ganen” for those who “trim the truth”, “giving a hand to a widow without a reason, and an orphan-bіdolashnі”. Having pulled on the governor, that at the yogi province "in'zhzhaesh, like in paradise, the roads are criss-crossed with oxamites ...". Navit vyklikav Plyushkin's whimsicality, being inspired by the frequent under the drive, scho "already and beer and їv." The creak of wines is treated as a "gidnist", and among the officials who are greedy for a penny, they become known as a "millionaire".

The pridbannya overgrowth with Chichikov at the reception. At the reach of the cunning goals of the wines, they do not sing in front of him, guiding their actions on the master’s veiled villainy. Stop, the worst yogo scam - buying dead peasant souls with a method of gaining capital. The scam didn't go away. Chichikov vikrito, ale vikrito vipadkovo, wine in the same place, do not pay the due punishment. From this one can see that Chichikov is “his own” person for the noble-bureaucratic middle class, and Yogo “failure” is vipadkov. In another place Chichikovi reach his own. For whom, the social and economic life of Russia and Western Europe developed directly in the 30-40s of the 19th century. Obviously, Gogol, conveying such a trend, deliberately moved in the direction of us to correct the “negіdnik-nabuvach”. In every case, try the author of the art of Chichikov to "sorry" his vices while writing about "honest" heroes in another volume (Kostanzhoglo, Murazov, etc.) did not give altered artistic results. In the presence of a reader, Chichikov is left with a typical representative of bourgeois hobbies, independently of the view, which is out of the question. The secular significance of the image of Chichikov was poignantly commemorated by Belinsky and Chernishevsky, who wrote that the Chichikovs could be learned from France and England, wherever the bourgeoisie was gaining strength.

Together with the artist Bogorad, we carry out a social project - we tell the people, like books they read, but forget about what is written there. Let's explain at once about "Dead Souls" - not so they told us about them at school.

We read the first volume of "Dead Souls" up and down. I understood: adzhe good man Chichikiv. It was not clear why everyone cares about yoga.

Brief plot. Pavlo Ivanovich Chichikov, official at the office, come to the placeNN. HereAnd get to know the governor (the axis of the hour is the first time to get to know the governor).

Let's keep Chichikov as the most useful assistants and pronounce to buy dead souls in them - that the villagers are quiet, that they died, but they still come alive for documents. Buy pieces of chotirist, turn to the placeNN, draw up documents for the purchase. Here atNNNizdrev's assistant arrives, rozpovidaє, as if he had tried to buy dead souls from New Chichikov, but did not sell wine. Nіzdrevu do not believe. Ale, next to the house, the box arrivesto find out why the souls of the dead, chi did not lose out.

Everyone here: ah! what a zhah! what a scam! Chichikov, maybe, a robber started.

And Chichikov lives quietly in his hotel, knowing nothing. Let's go to the governor's house at the guest's - but they won't let him in anymore. Chichikov is out of place.

The volume ends with the famous Gogol's speech “Rus, where are you going to rush to? give me a hint. Do not give advice.

What was given is unclear. That's why Gogol wrote another volume, some burned Yogo pardon, some burned Svidomo. Chi yogo vkrav Count Tolstoy (not Lev Mikolayovich, but Oleksandr Petrovich), Gogol died at the booth.

Mav buti sche third volume - but Gogol simply did not write yoga.

To the fact that Gogol wants to tell us about Chichikov, we can only add more.

From what is available to us, it didn’t even dawn on me that such a filthy Chichikov was robbed. The new one, Chichikov, had a plan to buy 1,000 dead souls cheaply, and then take a position in a jar for 200 rubles per soul. For the price of 200 thousand, buy maєtok and robiti yogo by a cost-effective state.

Practically speaking about the problems of Russian start-ups in the agricultural state. The bank does not give a young farmer a position without being forced. The farmer sees the scheme - buying into the outpost of dead souls, paying them for taxes on helpers (they are responsible for paying for the villagers, if they still get in alive) and pay extra for them (atBoxes of wine bought 18 souls for 15 rubles, from Plyushkin - 198 souls at 32 kopecks apiece. Manilov gave 100 souls. Sobakevich, having sold close to hundreds at 2.5 rubles per capita).

It dawned on me that Chichikov himself didn’t have anything criminal in his activity (a small deception to the bank - before that, there were no surprises yet - not in the rahunok) - still not becoming and calmly sitting in the cityNNochіkuyuchi vikrittya.

Somebody cares that Chichikova introduced an aggressive marketing policy - it was not necessary to collect dead souls from helpers so boldly.

And we suspect that Count Oleksandr Petrovich Tolstoy is to blame for everything, some other volume of "Dead Souls" (and what Gogol wrote about Chichikov - no one knows). Proving the fault of Count Tolstoy, of course, everyday. And it’s not without reason that I won the Chief Procurator of the Synod. We do not trust the Synods, nor the Chief Prosecutors.

And the artist Viktor Bogorad vvazhaє that the whole book by Gogol vzagali was written for the sake of a row about a trio bird and where to rush you. And Chichikov - so for the oblige.

Even pitanya about “where to rush ty? give me advice” Bogorad is borrowing.

Sergiy Baluyev

What is Chichikovshchina? at N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"

The poem by M. U. Gogol “Dead Souls” is left to the timeless works of art, like large-scale artistic references, directing the solution of the fundamental problems of human life. In the deadness of the souls of the characters (assistants, officials. Chichikov), Gogol is playing the tragic deadness of people, frowning at the turn of history with a closed stake. Winds of spiritual empty people are crying out, at the thought of a writer, not only in social minds, but in the peculiarities of the mental warehouse of specialness (in the equal world one can reach "dead souls" and helpers-krіpaki, and dilok-nabuvach Pavlo Ivanovich Chichikov).
Accept realistic typification of Gogol miraculously catching Pushkin. “Having spoken to me forever,” the author of “Dead Souls” guessed, “what a writer did not have such a gift - to expose the vulgarity of life so clearly, to christen in such a force the vulgarity of a vulgar people, so that all that rubbish, like hanging out of the eyes, To the very same, the characters of Gogol's sing - tse, in the words of V. G. Belinsky, "know the unknown".
The image of the dilka-nabuvach Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is typical. The problem, however, is not in the fact that Pavlo Ivanovich is dilok (for example, our lives increasingly use the word "principality"), but in his spiritual inferiority, disguised vulgarity. The deadness of Chichikov is supported by a new day of change in his spiritual life, zanurenistyu in vanity. Pavel Ivanovich's chaise will never leave such an enchanted stake for a long time. The share of the hero, like Gogol, always turns around “into its own circle” (a new scam will end for vikritts, like, with his own heart, he does not respect the “unsinkable” Chichikov anew and start again from scratch). The biography of Pavel Ivanovich is the subject of deep psychological research. Gogol writes about his hero: “Do not look deeper into the soul of the author, do not steal in the days of the one that hangs and hovering in the light, do not show the deepest thoughts, which people do not trust to anyone else ... and all would be happy to accept for the cicada people”.
Chichikov's life is under one order - enrichment for achieving comfort, "all affluence", "all affluence": a crew, a house of a house, savory insults ... Night -to -cowl Knibrati Kopіyka. "Spіvchutti to the people of the scenes of the heroes of the hero (cast on the svaville of the deprivation, he was drunk, the head of the service chief of the service, the temple of the mesh of the mosquito, Vibiva in love with his own “Holesysteu il Okhainistu”, the Slosyaga “The Spirit of the Chief”, Yakyvuvov by the Service Pokіrnist. Having moved to a new house, becoming a necessary and necessary person, buying and boar, and zukor, with a daughter turned away, like a named one, ovitchika clicking tattoo
and kissing yoga in the hand ... ”In a word, Chichikovka reveals everything,“ which is necessary for this world: acceptance at turns and ribs, and vitality at business on the right. With such means, having obtained wines from non-trivial people, often those who call a bread place, and miraculously succumb to it. Having arrived at the provincial town of NN, Pavlo Ivanovich had the heart to flatter the local officials. "Having pulled on the governor as if it were a little bit more, that in this province you are in, like paradise, the roads are crossed by oxamites ... The police chief said that it was even better for my workmen ..." Enough talk with Manilov and Sobakevich about the Russian officials.
The unprincipled appeasement of Pavel Ivanovich under the charcoal spymaster vindicates the borderline character of the hero: from the combination of these and other people, it is possible to take a specific benefit (buy dead souls, try to get through the service only). Their role is played, obviously, by the knowledge of the real life and the singing of the actor's zdibnosti. Pavel Ivanovich’s portrait was painted in the first place, Gogol specially emphasized Chichikov’s “insignificance”, “amorphousness”: one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so, that he is too young.” Such a callousness allows the hero to quickly change the psychological masks (the rose of Z Manilovim Chichikov has a shabby youth, the rose of Plushkin has a well-trained life and a good-natured gentleman). Once again, say that all the “talents” of Pavel Ivanovich serve only one purpose - wealth (smart speculation at the Moscow School, a new way of taking khabarіv on the “bread field”
echke”, the life of a state-owned bunker and the robbery of treasury, zmova with smugglers for an hour of service at the mitnitsa, a scam dead souls).
Shiri people are almost alien to Chichikov. The joy of bringing you more than one thing is vigidna favor. Guess what you will be able to wake up with, since you could see the dead souls at Plyushkin’s in the distance. Chichikov's vulgarity is manifested in thoughts about beautiful blonde, zustrіnuti after seeing Nozdrov. The hero’s head falls into a thought not about beauty, but about the possibility of the wealth of a ignorant woman: “Age, even, let’s say, this girl should give a thousand and two hundred pogos, from her it would be a moment to come even more, more like a lacy little thing.”
The image of the vulgar Chichikov is universal, not binding until such a songful historical hour. Chichikovism is by no means exhausted by bourgeois greed. Vaughn by the power of vain vulgarity, internal empty, Dribnosti, falseness. And, unfortunately, it manifests itself in any era ...
At the end, sing Gogol, having pointed out the prospects of the hero’s spiritual rebirth (it is reported in another volume of “Dead Souls”), roaming over the possibility of a vulgar “mortality”, “nedotorkanosti” world. Podolannya evil polyagaє, on the thought of the writer, over the social reorganization of society, and the revelation of the non-exhaustive spiritual potential of the Russian people.
Blame the image of the endless road and the trio bird that rushes forward. In this non-Hamonic Russia, Gogol's affinity is felt by the great recognized Russia, by the spiritual resurrection of people.

Pavlo Ivanovich Chichikov - a naughty guardian - arrives at the station N. at the small garniy britz with a crew, which consists of the coachman Selifan and the footman Petrushka. The author describes Chichikov as a master of the "middle hand": not red and not bad, not thin and not thin, not old and not young. No one remembered his arrival, only two men - the tavern owners, who knew the only hotel in the city, discussed the importance of the wheel of the britzka: how far to Moscow, what Kazan, what?
Next, the hotel itself is described: typical for this kind of provincial town, for 2 rubles for the booty, the guests rent a room with a majestic number of targans, like a “prune” look like a prunus behind the door, forced by a chest of drawers. At the hall - darkened from the bottom and darkened the beast from the walls, smoked a stele with a chandelier. The facade of the hotel is just as neohaynous, as is the interior decoration: there was a double-topped faucet with a standard yellow farboa, but the first one is already richly rocky with bare red stone masonry, which darkened at the hour and the hour.
If they brought the speeches of the visitor to the room, they were allowed to have a meal. They gave wines, having begun to sing a warm servant (state) about the ruler, the guest, the governor, the head of the chamber, the prosecutor, the helpers of the place and with a special fate - skilki skins of peasant souls. The province and wretchedness of the place are described: a single-mantled farba on stone budins, and sira on wooden ones, one-, two-and-a-half-topped spores, a variety of viviska, a billiard room, a tavern, a garden with trees “no more than a cane”.
On the coming day, Chichikov, becoming a worker to visit everyone respect people place: governor, architect, inspector of the medical board, head of the chamber, police chief, vodkupnik. After greeting the first dignitaries, Chichikov became ready for the governor's evening: he rushed in and shaved especially resolutely, dressing himself in the best tailcoat of "cowberry color". Chichikov, having got to know the important persons of the place and the assistants, yak, without asking, asked for yoga as a guest. All of them lost their friendly animosity about Chichikov - “a friendly person!”.

Split another

Chichikov dares to go to Manilov's assistant. Spopchatka Chichikov confused the name of the village (according to the militia, they call it Zamanilivka, but in fact it’s Manilivka). Let's keep Chichikov's chaise long for thirty versts to replace obіtsyanikh Manilov's fifteen. Further, a self-made budinok is described on the high ground with a rare overgrowth around and an altanka. Manilov sings Chichikov with kisses. The author paints a portrait of Manilov: a man, not allowed to accept, in a way it was "too ... sugar." Life and dominion at Manilov went “as if by itself”, everything ended “only with one word”: and with no twisted underground passage, and with the drive of a stone bridge that was not driven over the stave, and with books laid on 14 sides already two fates , and in an unknown number of peasants who died for the river. Naming the blues with specific Greek names - Femistoklus and Alkіd - Manilov's headless test to show its nibito illuminance with the constant virishuvati of elementary butov nutrition.
Chichikov carefully shows the bajan to buy Manilov in a new village soul, as if “it’s as if they had already died”. Manilov roared, groaned, and then wrote Chichikov’s words about those who were obligated and the law for the new one - “on the right is sacred”, calmed down and free of charge waited for dead souls, taking the bill of sale on himself.

Razdіl third

Satisfaction with pleasure, which I saw, Chichikov їde at a high price. For a deaky hour after the day of departure from Manilivka, a strong thunderstorm begins. The crew huddle along the path in the impenetrable dark, the road is roared with anger, the britzka is thrown into the ford. Chichikov laying the coachman Selifan for those who drove from a deaf kut, and obіtsyaє vysіkti. Raptom, you can feel the barking of dogs and you can see the booths. The helper - Mr. Budinka accepts Chichikov for nothing. Leaping through the door, Chichikov assesses the situation of the house and the house door: paintings with birds, between yakimi - a portrait of Kutuzov, a year-old man, what to hiss, in the window, what to go to the barn, the last door of the birds and all kinds of living creatures, "expansive cities" with throwing in them fruit trees. Let's get to know Chichikov from the landlady herself (his nickname is Korobochka, behind the plantation is the secretary's wheelchair), and we are informed about the number of village souls: the living and the dead. On Chichikov's proposition, sell the yoma of the "dead" villagers, The box is not conscious for a long time and marvels at the drive of the dead villagers, placing bad food on the kshtalt "Is them to come out of the earth?" otherwise, “maybe, in the state ... need ...”, and then, if we are smart, we are afraid of “knowing the beats”. Chichikov is angry and calls himself “cudgel-headed” and “colon-headed” to himself. Zreshtoy, go into the mind. Pomіshchitsya skarzhitsya on lower incomes from the government and try to impose on Chichikov, buying either fat, or bird feast, or honey and a lot of other things. Having called on the obnoxious assistant at the next hour, everything is in her, Chichikov is going to leave. At the conductor's, Korobochka gives the young girl Pelageya of eleven years, I don't know what is right and what is left. Predilection for accumulation, panic fear of sbitkiv and boundless dullness

Split quarters

Having served well in the roadside tavern, Chichikov remembered the brichka and the "wagon" that they would bet until they bet. At the tavern, two people were seen: a black-haired man of medium height and a tall white man. Tse buli assistant Nozdryov from son-in-law Mіzhuєvim. Nozdryov, who, in a roaring manner, grafted Chichikov and quickly changed to “tee”, roared about those, like wine “boomed” chotyrokh risakiv, a lancet and a birthday and fifty rubles with grі in the card. Potim Nozdryov talks to Mizhuev about those who can drink 17 champagne flakes. They gave Chichikov after a long time to go in May to Nozdrov.
The author describes Nozdrov as a “beaten malim”, a balakun, a scorcher, a lover of women, balls, fairs and drinking mortgages, and also - a “historical person”, as if he were constantly drinking in history with gendarmes, friends, beaters and booze. "I nabreshe ... without any need," and in a swear word - "trash man."
Nizdrev shows his dominion: houses, dogs, horses, a forge, a collection of daggers and pipes. After seeing off the drunken son-in-law, Nozdryov pronounces a card, and Chichikov starts a rozmov about the dead villagers who are not resurrected from revisions. Nіzdrev for a long time to be drunk, now it is necessary. On the proof of Chichikov about the prestige of the presence of a great number of souls and the prospect of making friends with a garnoy girl, Nozdryov categorically says: “Nonsense!”. For dead souls, they gave Chichikov to buy a bunch of kobils from three dearly, then dogs and a hurdy-gurdy, and in the city to buy your own chaise. After the voice of Chichikov, Nozdryov did not order the servants of Porfiry to give yoga to the horses of vіvs, only som. Tse formed Chichikov.
After a sleepless night, Chichikov wants to go, but Nozdryov pronounces to play with him at the checkers. Nizdrev is playing unfairly, so Chichikov is inspired. On the right, the ice does not reach the beat, but Chichikov vryatuє the visit of the captain-guide to the drive of the ship's view of Nozdrevim.

Brozdіl p'yaty

Chichikov hovered and shvidkosti where at his britz in the village of Nozdrova, thinking to himself that the yakbi, having not drunk the captain-guide, would have happened very importantly. Raptom on the road, the britzka, through the oversight of the coachman Selifan, sticks with the carriage, the horses stray in teams. For a long time, the peasants from the sudidny village pulled horses. While it was still cool, Chichikov was amazed at the young girl who was sitting in the carriage, thinking to herself, what we would give at the "thousand two hundred" she would have been caressed with a little piece.
Gave respect to yourself wooden booth, which was characterized by a total presence of architectural frills and style, then the mass and bulkiness were not visible to you: tovstі and renovating logs, one small at the end, three columns to replace chotiryoh, “mіtsny oak” to wind on the logs.
Sobakevich viyshov at the blue of the visitor, having said more: "Please!". The "wedge" image of Sobakevich is described: the tailcoat of the "weddy color", the feet "curved and navskis", rude, mute chop with a sharp image, called "Mikhailo Semenovich". The interior of the booth was also cumbersome and "wild", similar to the master: important furniture, "pot-bellied" bureau of pea color, wind a drіzd in the picture - and the one similar to Sobakevich.
Chichikov starts from afar - to start a rozmov about high officials, but, on his own, take Sobakevich’s categorical opinion about those who are all robbers, fools, shakhrai, “Christ-sellers”, and the prosecutor is a “pig”. Then, insults recede: Sobakevich sighs with well-prepared strains - the stink of “not you who scurry in the pan’s kitchens” and do not forget, at one sitting, to live half a lamb’s side. I wrote about the insult of the bov in the armchairs. Chichikov cautiously cackles at Sobakevich's presence of dead souls. That anіtrohi did not rise and bend the price of 100 rubles per soul. Chichikov was taken aback by such impudence. Far away the stinks were haggling for a long time: Sobakevich at the farbakh, having painted the transfers of the dead people sold to Chichikov, and poured on the high vartost. Zreshtoy zіyshlisya 25 rubles.
If you please, Chichikov climbed up to Plyushkin, who, for the words of Sobakevich “starved everyone ... starved to death” and for the presence of eight hundred souls “live and offend ... cherish for the shepherd” and who the strong peasants call “paid”.

Razdіl shostii

On the way to the village of Plyushkina, Chichikov was immediately aware that the replacement of the road was broken from logs with logs with logs, to walk uphill and down. Silsky budovi and the very situation in the village were “especially dilapidated”: the dahi “permeated like a sieve”, the logs were dark and old, the windows were without a hitch, the railings squinted, the fields of bread stagnated, the church was “sealed and stained”. The caretaker's hut is like an old "old invalid" with clogged windows and cracks in the walls, which shine through the plaster, "overgrown and dead" garden behind the hut. At the yard there was a loaded cart, which arrived, standing either a man or a woman with a ring of keys on her belt. After the question “De pan?” the “housekeeper” punished the checks in the rooms.
Uvіyshovshi to the booth, Chichikov bov fights without a fret, a bagatorіchny saw and a ford. The order lay in those speeches, like in a normal situation, no one is guilty at once: an old wine in a shkiryan palіturtsі a book and a withered lemon, a wardrobe with old porcelain dishes and a pendulum year at the pawutin, which zupinivsya, a glass of rіdinoyu, in yakіmіmіy swam from the canvas, similar to a cocoon. At the kutka - a cup of smіttya, cut into a deshcho with a centimeter ball, saw that fat.
The housekeeper turned, as if looking at her closer, she appeared to be a housekeeper, and after the first two phrases, it was explained that Plyushkin was the assistant. The robes at the brudna were greasy unreasonable (cloth, dressing gown or hoodie), undressed, arched like a zhenbrak. The ruler had a great stock of wood, dishes, and komori cloth of various natural varieties, as they stood like that and rot. Ale Plyushkin did not allow them to greet anyone, but he himself picked up all sorts of speeches from the streets and put the qiu in the room in the room.
Then Plyushkin began to tell about those, how hard it is to live: a man is lazy, there is little land, he is a guest, but “in the state there is something missing”, horses need to be born as a son, the kitchen is filthy, expensive tea is thin. Let's find out later that 120 villagers died in the last three years. Chichikov urged to buy dead souls from Plyushkin, at which Plyushkin cheered on the back, and then he was so healthy that it would not be useful to hug him. And if he found out that Chichikov was ready to pay the bill for the bill of sale, his mood moved even more. The Zhalugidna quarter paper with the names of the dead villagers was written off vdovzh, across and around. The ink became splashed with flies on the day. The servants were always suspected by Plyushkin, I don’t want to rob Yogo. The author chooses the key words that characterize Plushkin's day - worthlessness, drib'yazkovist, guidota.
Plyushkin, without asking, without a litter, pronounces to Chichikov to buy a cream of dead souls, which they inject, for five hundred rubles per skin. Ale, the purchase ends at 24 rubles. 96 kop.
Chichikov turns back to the hotel, has dinner and sleeps.

Spread somiy

Chichikov wanders and begins to read the lists of dead souls, as if he could buy from helpers. There were unknown names (Disrespect-Korito, Cork Stepan), short characteristics. It turned out that Sobakevich had sold his wife, Elizavet Sparrow. After revisiting the lists of Chichikov, they go out over the door, where Manilov gets to know him. The stinks are hugging. Manilov handed Chichikov carefully writing a list of dead souls with oblyamіvkoy.
Chichikov went to the Moscow chamber for the bill of sale. For a long time I went from one table to another, from one official to another.
Then, at the hall of presence, the head, Chichikov, Sobakevich and Manilov, are picked up. They gave the fortifications to write down, signify, bring them to the book at the certificates. Sobakevich boasts of the head of the chamber, having sold some miraculous masters to Chichikov (one carriage maker Mikheev of which varty).
Then they went to wash the bill of sale to the police chief, who in good time knew good snacks. The mustache began to ask to be spared Pavel Ivanovich from the city, if only for two days, and they also promised to make friends.

Razdel eighth

The city sent a roar about those that Chichikov would see fit to take the villagers to vysnovok and how important it would be to relocate the villagers to pure native land. The population of the place has been introduced, that Chichikov is a millionaire. They began to talk about Chichikov and the women of the city N. love leaf as if you were a girl, I put yoga on the poster for the poster that was requested for the wedding of seven years ago. Dali Chichikov received a request for the governor's ball.
Mustaches of high places at the ball with Chichikov were even more important, navit lagіdnimi: they just went from one embrace to another. Chichikov, stumbling behind the viraz of his eyes and manners of behavior, told a woman, how she sent a love sheet to you in advance at the top, but did not know. Winning with the ladies of the mustache, it’s even more vvіchlivo, which called out to them the absolute pretentiousness and devotion to be honored. Then the governor came to the new one with the donka, in the same Chichikov, recognizing that very girl, who was running at the vіzka with the horses hit by the road from the village of Nozdrova. Here Chichikov broke down, and then we went to the ball after the governor's donka that її mother, trying to spread the secular conversation. Tsim vin vyklikav the bewilderment of other women, who have lost their posture of respect. In this rank, the ladies of the place N were on the opposite side. And even at the most inopportune moment, Nozdryov sings, rehearsing with all his might about the purchase of dead souls by Chichikov.
The troubles of Chichikov come to their room in the hotel and begin to think that the ball is "trash" and everything is out - "look like a mavpi." Becoming even more powerful was the arrival of the helper Korobochka on horses without horses and in a vіzka from a looking kavun with ripped handles. Having spent three sleepless nights, she came to know in the place “how ... dead souls” and she didn’t get cheaper.

Razdіl nine'yatiy

One woman (the author calls her simply a reception woman) arrived early to the other woman (as it is called, “reception in the current day”). At the same time, the discussion of fashion trends begins: scallops, scars, armholes, frills. We started talking about those, like a filthy and unacceptable people Chichikov, about those who are dead souls - not without reason, and then we went to the visnovka, that Chichikov, having thought up to win and bring the governor's daughter.
News about Chichikov, the dead souls of that governor's donka were roiled all over N. Officials began to question quietly, from whom Chichikov bathed dead souls. The box said that vin is shakhrai, having given only 15 rubles, and the bird feasted that bacon and promised to buy it, but not having bought it. Manilov and Sobakevich spoke about something good.

Razdel ten

The mustache officials of the city go to the police chief and start thinking and admitting: who is this Chichikov? The postmaster whistles that Chichikov is the captain Kopeykin.

The Tale of Captain Kopeykin
In the winter of 1812, captain Kpeykin was wounded in fate - he had his arm and leg torn off. Batko asked for help to help him, after which the captain went to St. Petersburg to ask for mercy and help from the sovereign. Arriving, an abyak ruled in the Revel tavern, where he lived - one karbovanets for production. Then they told him that he needed to go to the Palatseva embankment, to the palace at the reception. Kopeykin went to the thief and gave the recipient a chotiri check. Then a nobleman-official came, having learned that no matter who, the devil went to Kopeykin. Having described the situation about the injury, that impossibility to practice, on which the suggestion was taken away: “Look for days.” The captain, happy at the tavern, drank a glass of burner, then pishov at the theater. For three-chotiri days, it’s almost a decision to come again to the minister. Ale minister vіdpovіv, that it is necessary to check for the arrival of the sovereign and without it the problem cannot be solved. For a few days Kopeykin to come - do not accept the sovereign, moving, come tomorrow. And the pennies run out, you want to, but you don’t have the ability to earn. At the reception, they immediately say: “Come tomorrow.” Here Kopeykin is not vitriav and virishiv stand until the end. Approximately such a dialogue appears. The nobleman seems to say: “Check for a decision”, Kopeykin: “I don’t like a piece of bread.” - "Your own cats." “I can’t, I can’t have my arms and legs.” - “I can’t tempt you with a wet coat, be patient with you.” - "I can't check." - "Men nikoli, I have to do important things for yours." “I won’t leave without your resolution.” Potim Kopeykin feld'jäger povіz at the treasury place for timchasovy life. Far away, no one knows where Captain Kopeykin went, but only two months later, after that, a wild man appeared in the Ryazan forests, a hero.
The police chief seems that Chichikov cannot be captain Kopeykin, because his hands and feet are in a new state. After others, they let the rhetoric about Chichikov Nozdrov go. Nіzdrev stumbled upon stіlki, scho scary to reveal: Chichikov turned out to be a counterfeiter, a spy, and a swindler.
The prosecutor in the mind of the drive of such podia in the city, super smart thoughts and a bit, raptovo die.
Chichikov did not know anything about the sense of his own person, because catching a cold and sitting at the hotel. After dressing up, Chichikov, having robbed himself, visits the governor and is even more cheerful, if he feels like a porter that he is not punished to accept. Then neither the police chief, nor the postmaster, nor the vice-governor took yoga. The destruction of Chichikov turns to the hotel. And here it’s not up to the new є Nozdryov. It seems that everyone in the city is against Chichikov, that the prosecutor died through a new one, that he started arranging the blame for the right of the governor’s daughter and did not win 3000 from Borg. Chichikov, opening his eyes, not believing what was said.
Chichikov, having punished Selifan, got ready to get out of the place.

Razdіl eleven

Chichikov leaned in pizno. It appeared that the britzka was not ready and that the horses were not bred. For five and a half years they forged, asking for a price six times more expensive for the price for terminology. Nareshti the chaise bula is ready. Chichikov left two servants. Having walked the road of the wines to the funeral procession, they called the prosecutor. But the people who came to the funeral were only disturbed by those who would be the new governor-general. Chichikov viїhav іz mіsta.
The biography of Chichikov is revealed. Born in a noble homeland. Batko from childhood, having added to his life of newcomers: wait for the chiefs and teachers, live with the rich, save money for the rich in the world - a penny. Rozpovidaetsya about the villainy of officials at that office, de pratsyuvav Chichikov, that about the bureaucracy everywhere. Potim Chichikov worked as a militant official. Vіn mav is just a scent for smugglers, such vin mav is enough to translate. superiors for garnu robot gave you the rank of promotion. And then villainy began - thousands of sprats were stolen through smuggling. Then Chichikov's clerk "split", both had five services. Chichikov marveled at why the misfortune of life had fallen on his own head, even taking wine there, de “be it a brave one.”
Let's chat, now Chichikov has bathed dead souls. Prior to the submission of the revision, the opikunsk council gave two karbovantz per soul - you can take the government capital.
Gogol's lyrical speeches about Russia went on. The author compares її with the “bird-three” to rush from the light of the distance. The epithets “inspired by God”, “God wonder” are zastosovuє to her. I golovne pitannya: "where to rush ty?". There is no evidence. The food is rhetorical.

How are the peculiarities of the stranger revealed in the pointed fragment?

Skoda, how important it is to guess all the strong world; Let me tell you that the visitor has given special attention to the visits: to bring honor to the inspector of the medical administration and the city architect. And then again I sat at the britz, wondering who else would visit, she didn’t know any officials in the city anymore. At rosemaries with tsim volodar vines, it is even better to soften the skin. Governors 13 having pulled it as if it were easier, that in this province you are like heaven, the roads are crossed by oxamites, and that these orders, like appointing wise dignitaries, days of great praise. The police masters said that I would like to receive some of the bottlers; and in roses with the vice-governor, that head of the chamber, as if they were only state guards, saying to pardon the girls, your excellency, as it was fitting for them. The last thing that happened was that the governor, having asked you to make a request for a home party until the same day, other officials also, from their side, something for an insult, something for a bostonchik, something for a cup of tea.
About yourself come, it was given, speaking in a rich voice; well, having said that, as if in sleeping places, with commemorative modesty, and Rozmova Yogo, in such vipadias, took a sprinkling of book wrappers: what an insignificant worm in the world of this world, having recognized in the service for the truth, mav a lot of enemies, that they robbed the swing to inspire yoga on life, and now, calmly calm down, joking, turn to find a place for living, and that, having arrived in this place, having honored your honor for not having a duty yoga dignitaries. - The axis of the mustache that was found out in the city about this new person, as soon as she did not forget to show herself at the governor's party. It took more than two years to get ready for midnight, and then the arrival showed such respect for the toilet, which could not be broken. After a small, pleasant sleep, after punishing the tribute, he swept up and, for a long time, endured sweet insults, poking them in the middle with his tongue; then, tying a towel from the shoulder of the tavern servant, winding it from the sides of the outside of his appearance, lifting it from behind the voh and slamming us in front of two in the face of the tavern servant. Then we put on the shirt-front in front of the mirror, plucking out two hairs that came out of the nose, and leaning behind it behind him at the lingonberry-colored tailcoat with a spark. Dressed in such a rite, leaning on the veins of the hairy carriage with infinitely wide avenues, illuminating the thin illuminations from the windows, which de-not-de blinked. Vtіm, the governor's budinok buv such illumination, hot bi th for the ball; carriages with lighters, two gendarmes in front of the door, postillion cries in the distance - in a word, everything is as required.

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Prizhdzhiy, descriptions of this fragment are none other than Pan Chichikov. From the first hvilin perebuvannya at the city, the hero of the prague should not turn himself up to the yoga of the inhabitants, or rather, the “batkiv” of the city. So Chichikov “told the governor that it’s like paradise in his province,” and “the police chief said even more about the city’s workmen.” Everything is worth mentioning about such a quality of a hero, like hypocrisy, it’s supposed to be attached. Those who Chichikov won the words "Your Excellency" at the Rozmovs with the vice-governor of that head of the chamber, wanting to stink "more state officials", talk about the far-sightedness of the hero

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