Why is the middle empty. The inside is empty, what a job. Why blame it for the feeling of being empty in the middle and how to fight against it. That's why we look empty, like a turbulence and zavazha take away joy

Oh, it's more sverbly in the middle. Here you are, physically you can look empty in your soul, as if everything is far away you will be dragging you out of your dark day. If everything that is in you, is it worth it, navіscho to live far away? More and more often they blame the thoughts of simply drinking from life, putting an end to that stupid reason. Zupinyaє less fear that vіdpovіdalnіst for loved ones. Ale and continue in such a spirit of strength is simply not enough. Here, if you want more - what else is an illusion, a dream? .. Where did all the great hopes go? Isn't it all that prepared life for you?

The complexity of which lies in what is impossible to say, what is not true. Until we verbalized our problem, we were powerless over it.

Empty - tse those that are not. And what can be there? Just try to fill it with a robot, new emotions, rise in price, zakohanistyu, the training will then be similar to a poulticed fracture. There is only one other way to heal the empty soul - to find out that you can really be on your mission.

The training “System-Vector Psychology” reveals that it is obvious that life is filled with good luck, if we realize ourselves to our natural potential. And on the other hand, even though we don’t see anything, we see the stupidity of life and desolation.

But why is it far from being a skin person? Aje ti, singsongly, naming people, like just living the day of your life and not thinking about anything. Your rozpovidi about the empty in the soul are given to them marvelous. Such experiences are blamed on people from our knowledge and sound vectors.

Almost empty of soul blames a person with a healthy vector for trival self-sufficiency and the presence of emotions. For a healthy person, the sense of life itself lies in the fact that you love and be a kohanoy, and your main interests are kokhannya, stosunki, psychology. The best youmu - emotional connections with other people, almost like an honorable heart to the heart of another person.

Blaming the law of nutrition - how can you blame self-esteem with these exercises in a healthy person?

As if when grown up, the peculiarities of our specialness are not guarded, as if we were swung in the face of our nature, we grow up to be the same as how we can be.

With the right development, a child with a healthy vector develops into a person with a majestic heart, a good soul, feel better, love yoga, grow up with someone else without too much, give everything to yourself and cherish the best happiness.

Ale, sorry, it doesn’t turn out like that. Somewhere, furnish not to let our natural bones unravel. For example, s shortly after, fathers can lay the foundation in us. "Be strong, daughter, never cry." As a father, having survived the bіl i zradnitstvo at vіdnosinah, vі want to protect his own blood. Otherwise, in this case, it is important to show one's emotions in public with an unacceptable, blasphemous attitude. As a child with a healthy vector (it doesn’t matter, the lad of a girl) should not be allowed to speak to himself, to show emotions, and then they will show them more - they won’t know the poor nasledkiv. All the same, dress the little lower and quivering, sensitive heart in rusty, creaky metal armor.

Such a person grows up with inspiring attitudes that to show one's emotions means to be weak, squishy, ​​to be weak. We wear the mask of a strong individual, who is enthralled anywhere, fearing nothing and no one. Even the inner need to love and make emotional bonds has not gone anywhere! But there is no way to implement it. Emotional svyazok (and then love) is blamed, if we all the soul experience other people, if we open our soul and all the strings are tuned to the same frequency. And yet, as a pardon, the intentions are to make us show our feelings, be sensitive and quarrelsome - which cannot be.

Buvay, scho already in the childhood of a glyadatsky child is brought to go through a serious trauma - having opened an emotional connection. Since their emotional amplitude is already great, then to wind up a little starer is already attached and to love even more strongly, with a strong sense of seriousness, and it is not so important who the stench will be directed at - at mother with a tatom, a domestic creature, a school friend. And the cost of a close stench is taken from no less pain, lower grown up, - for children it’s a tragedy. The separation of the fathers, the death of a beloved vihovanets, the zrada of the first kohanny can become a poor blow for a little peep. " Tattoo, my cohany and dear tatko leaving me! .. " How is it possible to understand and survive? Tse mozhe buti bіl, which is impossible to fix, and more children, as if you have not yet learned to acquiesce feel good and go after them.

This is such a podia, that you injure yourself for your strength, that a person hangs in an unknown place. Ale, it pours in yoga life. Tse bіl, which one cannot be blamed, which one you do not bother to navіt vorogovі. "You closed your heart to the castle, so that I won't see a new one" - rows about them. The stench will forever close your heart to other people. And at the same time, from now on, curl up for yourself the path to happiness, to a sensitive life.

My soul is empty: give me peace!

If a person, okrіm zorovoї, maє sound vector, tse dodaє especially the line of її spiritual empty. In the singing camps of the new one, it is self-evidently guilty of a bazhannya to be alone in peace and quiet. Well, other people relish yoga, inspire thoughts, not let them concentrate on something important. Navkolishni are given by bad ones with empty roses, tiles, stupid foodstuffs, on which there is no sense to inspire evidence. I want to go back to my calm cocoon and be left alone - so that you can find everything in me! Well, it seems that there, having lost all the time with your thoughts, you’ve found the right mind to be important. But why should I not come again, you will feel the Daedals wondrous and resurrecting in the sight of other people. Not so, like stench, unreasonable, self-sufficient.

Tse apparently empty pov'yazane іz prihovannoy depression. The sound vector gives people inner pragnennya to the sense of life, cultivating the secrets of light and the peculiarities of the human psyche. I don’t seem to see anything, I’m in a state of humiliation, emptiness, I’m not busy with anything, in my life I don’t always see something important, small, but the most important details, like I would give all the yoga sensation. And the searches for this sense in religions, spiritual practices, esotericism, literature, philosophy are unsuccessful. With so many unrealizations, the sound vector is getting bigger and bigger, and at every moment it seems that you don’t want anything. The soul is empty and full of emotions and bazhan. And yet, the axis is the most diversified: the person himself, with a sound vector, is able to learn especially to roztashovuvat other people to himself - that is why a person has the potential to open up and understand the psyche of a person. And for whom it is necessary for us to learn to recognize our needs and realize them.

How to choose a psychologist to get rid of empty souls?

“... Acquaintance from the SVP breathed into me new rіven luminous. I listened to bezkoshtovny lectures, and she choked on a long-winded rubbish to herself. Time and again, my depressive camp, having swelled more and more thinned forms and swelled up. Sound hunger - an empty cuff after the size. Here you will need new training, detailed explanation of anchors, injuries, additional correction of underdevelopment of authorities in all vectors ... "

“... my the main problem bula vіdsutnіst bajannya life. Considering the vlasnoi marnosti, to that I cannot know my place in this world. Postiyni rozcharuvannya, if you try to "live like normal people," they did not lead to anything. I did not believe that I could know for myself. Yakіs speeches could have been less zatsіkaviti, but not for a long time. Everything was given empty. And people were also given up empty, neticavim.
And then, in my life, there is a system-vector psychology. It’s important to show me now, but without training, I could speed up the “reserve way out” - at the window. Now I'm not afraid that my thoughts will turn around. The stench is simply not succesful of new thoughts. I am no longer afraid of migraines, it became clear that this is the way and how to die ... "1746

I often feel about “internal empty”. in the form of clients and acquaintances.

“I have nothing empty in the middle. It’s important to make me understand what I see and what I want. I try to save as much as possible an hour of talking, books, a TV set, so that I don’t get lonely on my own. Every once in a while, I throw, I put on a hedgehog, so that it was not so empty in the middle. Ale, don’t help. Yakshto help not for a long time. But at the same time it grows empty. “- even if I have a client.

Actual? Let's get smart.

REASONS for internal emptyness can be like from early childhood, and like the result of growing older life.
1. At the CHILD, if they “disliked” or “overloved”. At the first stage (hypopia), if the child is consumed in the cohanna and closeness is ignored, the wine is not chosen to be seen more, but at the same time, it’s better not to want and not to be jealous.
For another type (hyper-custodial), for a child rich and often, fathers pay. Such a child seems to be shaped normally to the cordon, and the bond is broken with itself, with its emotions, bazhanny.
2. In a grown-up life, like a person, with a stretch of a thriving hour, intolerable emotions (expenditure close people, zrada, ruination of the splendid picture of the world, etc.), and to live, inadvertently blocking one’s own building.
In this rank, the empty interior is by no means completely empty. This is the result of the manifestation of strong negative emotions (in an early adult age).

Navit on the cob stage, if you go to find out the reasons (we marvel more) її viniknennya, razozumіt, with some vibrating emotions she is filled with, almost empty, as a rule, weak.
The reasons were given.
And now to show your emptiness at the sight of the image. And paint this image more briefly, or tell someone about the image (it’s a close, trusted person). WHAT DO YOU FEEL (imagining, painting, robbing)? Shvidshe for all the prices and your emotions.
All the first crumbs. "Glibshe" can be practiced with qiєyu in therapy.
Do not try to fill in the empty calls more, but kick in the middle. Learn a little bit about your emotions.

It's great about the “empty inside”, like on me, Aglaya Dateshidze imagined in her verse.

If you want to wonder, but if you don’t want to, then don’t wonder:
I gave birth with a majestic motherfucker in my breasts.
I don’t scream at night in fear,
The mustaches did not remember.

Likar, looking at the walls of the kilim,
Through me, having told me, there are no dirks.
Mom hung yalink tinsel.
Tato zveliv me soromitisya svoєї nudgi.

I poured kava into it, carried tickets,
Shchob like ryatuvatisya empty.
I inserted there people, girlfriends,
Books, ideas, the robot is all right.

Folded zukerki and chocolate
Tons. And then leafy lettuce.
A man, a child, a car, his own dreams,
Yaskravі drіbnichki, smartphone, cross.

Better sickness. With hope, marveling at a distance,
Vіddanim glance, joking, well, de that friend,
Prince, healer, guru chi saints,
Who can help me to get in the empty space.

Vіdrazu bula is ready to let in kohayuchi
First zustrіchnogo, but not to herself.
Nibi the dog is hungry in the future,
Nachebto zhebrachka bіlya prokhіdnih doors.

It's shameful to think that you robbed, de slept
She spent the night with Kim, she ate, she lied about what.
Yak on the wound, having grown a decent look,
She told everyone that we didn’t want to hurt.

At brand new cloths, dihannya zataї,
Secretly dreamed that I was not me.
Farbuvala hair in the wrong color,
Invariably tried to destroy the fence.

Rocks to go, and I'm joking again.
Radiation to various things, and about the ailing sum.
Paradise will not. Ale here, nibi light
Shine into my soul. I seem to sing in it.

Well, if there is not enough daylight,
Promin break through nibi z me.
Through my dirka, dumb at the magnifying glass of days,
People order to bachat themselves clearer.

Come by yourself and often speak.
Forever in her, I seem to be.
Children kiss the empty edge,
I trust me secretly.

Htos (the axis is right zdivuvav!)
Learn to recognize my empty at the kohanna.
Yakos the artist came and, roaring the company,
Meni kaz, scho not bachiv such emptiness.

Htos pomitiv, scho is quiet empty
Usіh accept until obіymіv. I todi
It becomes a miracle. I just get up,
Do not crumble, start healing us.

I would like to tell you that everything is good,
I scho dirka drag on just like that.
Ale vi vibachte, I'm definitely not talking
I don't know how to patch me up.

Seem wise, up to forty years,
There, on the mist dirka, the scar is lost.
Like the weather before us, mortals, favor,
That vin mayzhe not none and do not hurt.

Possibly, after rich days
I will calm down and become a little wiser.
Navit once razumіyu, scho dіrka that turmoil
Exactly razmirom from God. I laugh.

Exactly razmіrom іz soul. I, do not hurry,
I will understand what is the soul.

Empathy - just like people

Empty interior

mental apathy

I think a lot of people in their life stick to the sight of empty, internal empty. Some people experience yoga often and see yoga, at other times not so clearly, it is possible not to notice, but, otherwise, we know everything.

Get rid of yourself

Tsey camp lakaє us, people tried to try to get away yoga, do not talk to the newcomer. And people who can’t talk to themselves alone, they lie, wanting to know the stench in the very fear. Characteristic signs the fear of being deprived of the night-to-night - people turn on the music, TV, or just read a book. Ale here is a little one, ale, one to shy away for the bajans, so they want to read, marvel, hear. It's easy for the stench to get drunk on one's own, that's fine. And then there is another option, if a person starts to feel restless, confused, nervous in silence.

What is a wise man, resting at the empty camp? The first one and the most beautiful feelings - it feels like the stupidity of life, people are given up, that everything that otchuu yogo, stupidly and around the roscharuvan does not bring anything, everything that a person has done is given such a rubbish and useless. At this moment, all the health, as if they were in a person, wasting their sense. The person feels empty, not needed by anyone, not significant in this world. Tsei camp is not suitable for anyone, and the mind starts to shukati prove that it is not so. A person has an internal conflict, he is guilty of his inconsistency and is not suitable for cim.

People are having a struggle, bad luck, and, naturally, they start to shukati, show their significance, fill them empty familiar signs, but the cultivation of internal spiritual qualities. Some begin to remind their world with speeches and cym stench to show their significance, value, others become spiritual simply good people- tsіhnya tsіnіst. Stink yourself so appreciate it, it’s not important, you’re aware of it, or you don’t recognize a person, that you assign your own price of wine yourself, with speeches that are indebted to you, I’ll plant, like you borrow wine, but by internal qualities.

Having looked at her body, she looked down on yoga, seeing lightness, lightness. Tse didn’t blulotom chi vyzvolennyam. "It's just easy, it's just so necessary," Vaughn said. Potim trohi slyly added: “But it’s not guilty, right? I'm empty. I feel good about myself. Ale is empty - empty. Sounds like bad. I don’t deserve to be moved.”

Right after we say, the women were fighting. Їy was silent and unreasonable, that you should work with this empty space. Vіdpovіd "remind" - bula vodkrovennyam for her, nachebto obvious, but still new. And the axis here is out, forward, zumila with a smile, and not roaring, talk about those that you WANT to get out.

Її bajannya, so far away and inaccessible, brought їy only hot water, it was often tight. And now she could see them, see the possibility of instilling them in life. Vaughn niby tasted them, smeared them, heard them. Vaughn let it go, that її bajannya is not empty, not hopeless, but toil the right to be.

PISLYA, a little later, forces appeared, about which she herself did not suspect. Forces for the realization of such a bazhany and meaningful. It really seemed that “fear had big eyes” ... boules. Previously, everything was so collaborative, laborious. And now it came to її life so easily and correctly. And, smut, she triumphed as she considered herself the master of everything that she saw. I didn’t mention earlier that everything is so simple?

Empty - is it good or bad? Empty - tse "well done" chi "loser"? Do you need to be afraid? Do you need to pragnate before it? Sometimes such a camp can and nalyakat, and relieve strength, and lie down with an important loader with a gray veil on your eyes. But if empty in the middle - the result of the "cleared" territory, it becomes archaic. Even the same zavdyaki, we will take the opportunity to bring to our territory only those that are really necessary for us, that are really important and important.

Chi is easy to clean yourself from a zayvogo? Chi easily pozbutis smіtya that brud? All our zustrіch DNs were important, painful, sometimes scary. Tell me, emotions, thoughts - it was given, there would be no end to them. All the stench, as if alone, were inexplicable, invisible, stingy in appearance, flickering. It was unacceptable to get to the rich topics, but it was unacceptable to talk about it, but to understand ...

Empty by itself can become valuable only if you can equalize. If for a while there was one nevikoristovuvaniya motloh, and now - the empty room is clean. Decorate it like the soul zabazhaє. Fantasy, remind me.

Such an empty cell. Vaughn gives a mighty surge of strength, that bazhannya diyati. Ale empty yourself, say goodbye and let in the leftovers of the past - you need to be brave enough to get involved.

Empty in the middle zavazhaє life abo like nabouti sensu

You go to work, study, plan your future, everything will be yours and you will lose your senses. Those who are still a little greedy - today are not necessary. Are the stars taken empty in the middle and how not to fight? How do you see the joy of life in a period of such a spiritual “daylessness”? What is needed to grow to fight against the internal cold and empty? Yakshcho you have revealed in yourselves “empty” - it’s time to plant a “fluffy garden”. Read to the end and in the middle you will not be left empty-handed.

Reasons for blaming empty

If you think, “I can no longer fight for baiduzhistyu to the fullest,” then it’s time to give yourself a moral coward. It is important to discuss why in the middle you have ceased to boil life, and you will guess the lemon. Psychological zanepad is impossible to blame like this - youmu є obgruntuvannya. Why did life turn into a similarity to a gray mass, why is there no joy, no sense of freedom? Life is transformed into a black-and-white cinema, if the specialty is morally abandoned. Routine, eternal turmoil step by step takes away energy.

As the first river of office work with a strict barefoot of guilt, then for three years you don’t want to just get up from bed and think about going to work. The presence of stress is another factor that can kill a person in a kut, choose whether or not the child is born. Fear of sudden changes, loss of money, critical situations, to which we are not ready - similarly instills a sense of self-reliance and ruin.

Empty in the middle often becomes the result of shocks. How can you think about the positive, if you have healed a friend chi, navpaki, ti yogo? If you have created a whole project for obtaining investments from your business, and your competitor has bribed investors and won. Shocking is a great stress, which beats a person from a starry path.

If unplanned situations come to change important goals, psychology can not be seen. Sound after such a cowardly person like “I can’t take it anymore” and it’s more scary in her mind to be empty in the soul. The hot period has passed, but the last traces of the new one are overwhelmed by the bad beat. Here, it is difficult to come to the great rhythm of life and want to work again for new results. As if you spend those that you have saved so long, which you value - your hands are automatically blessed, and in the middle there is calmness.

We are empty in the middle, but what did they give work? Under the influx of baiduzhost, tightness, apathy, depression sets in. Under the її infusion of the person, the status of “lifelessness” and the total viability of the initiative to work are increased. To that, as if it had just entered the soul empty - її it is required to be viprovadit by all the zusills. Otherwise, a person ceases to be special, and his life becomes similar to a mess. So that such a camp does not have enough relatives, friends, the prospects are happy, it is necessary to distinguish the right reasons for the worst. We often empty ourselves with a camp, in which we are lured to ourselves through such reasons:

  • Lack of respect for the existence of a special life. "I'm so selfish / selfish, no one can love me." It is necessary to go to the zustrіch splkuvannyu with the people of the Church and not to get stuck with your own.
  • The whole day on the robot is over, and then only lie down on the sofa and marvel at the TV. The work of vimagaє vіdpovіdalnogo pіdkhod, vykonanny obov'yazkіv, yakі іnоdі go against the outside of the practitioner. Importantly, but we are preparing to work our contribution, or think about searching for a vacancy. We ourselves create frames, in which we know we are embracing.
  • For a long time ochіkuvannya success progressively takes away energy. After a deaky hour, you will know whether there is a bajannya to reach goals. If you don’t consider the result, the effect of your own actions, you gradually lose interest. It is necessary to look over your mind at the idea, or to add respect to another type of activity.
  • “I can no longer live in sins, I don’t want to be with these people, I’m good / -in the shortest.” Not a lot of blessings, dissatisfaction with the splurge to rob the world today, and the people - the pessimist. Only, what have you grown for whom, so that you can live with kindness and sharpen by people? It is important to live in, to get out of the social bottom.

Vitayu, chitachiv I cry. Hi! Many who went through the moments of life, if they ceased to enjoy life, perished in the nebuttya of that which was born. Everyday I repeat again and again. Seeing that in the soul is empty, there is nothing to remember. Sound your camp at the moment of deep apathy or depression. Good, as if a similar camp is passing quickly, but if the wine drags on that trivaє already trivaly period? What work, if that self-sufficiency is empty on the soul? How to fill empty at the soul? The reasons for such a strange life can be different. It is clear only one, from this I will become necessary to come out, obviously. As long as it hasn't rotted you out.

Reasons empty

Sound, the person herself does not see, as if it seemed to be empty, as if the beginnings of clay life were beginning to fade. From the side, the whole camp may be unremarkably drowsy. A person with a “wild” soul, live a lot, normal life Prote, in the middle of yoga, eat up to everything. Є singing factors, how to direct at a similar station:


If a person is tired of the post-mortem routine, eternal fuss, that moral exaltation, all the strength of life.


Rizka zmina obstavin, serious problems chi welding with close people just. Everything is accompanied by stress, which is similarly signified in the spiritual state of a person.


Tsey becomes irritable under stress. It’s shocking, if the Cossack future is sharpened out of harsh reality. Ring out, visibly shocked at the moment for the sake of the kohanoi people. If they respected us, that the very same prominchik was bright, but the wine was extinguished, directing us at the darkness.


At the moment, if we have reached what is supposed to be. We don’t know what to take for ourselves. We just tinyaєmosya streets without a mark, we lie down living on the sofa. We don't have any interest in what we've got to know about what's going on, we just know.

Holy period

Vin manifests itself, if everything that is possible only in that very period is called upon a person. At this moment, vіn vіdchuvaє, scho burnouts and devastations in podіy, scho stingy.


There is no possibility to secure a bajanim for yourself. Bachachi the beauty of the life of lonely people, zavdyaki their financial possibilities.

Vision of the Kohanoi people

It’s easier to live in life, it’s easier, if it’s a person, you’ll always help us. Without a new one, marriage is turbot and respect for our person, through which we often become enchanted in life.

Zvіlnennya empty

Empty my soul, it is necessary to remember. Tse is not such a folding process, as it seems at first glance. Do you want to enjoy life, but still get stuck in an amorphous state? It is necessary to take into your hands that child for the creation of your bright and beautiful world.

Stage one

Don't be afraid to complain about those who come across. You have people who are ready to give you a support. Don't be afraid to speed up. Tell them about your camp. Listen to what the stinks give you advice. Whip out the emotions that you have accumulated.

Stage other

Dovіrchi vіdnosinі. The hour has come to understand that, for those stench and close people, that they are ready to help you shamelessly. The stench is appreciating you and always ready to come to the rescue.

Stage three

I will find out the reason for this. Try to change the place of rotting for the next hour. Possibly, you need to be on your own, meditate about life, and perhaps relax. Do not ask yourself: why do you need to blame it like that? Simply, tear down on nature, die in fresh air. Have a small picnic for yourself, relax in the face of everyday turmoil. Similar tips will help you cleanse your spiritual and emotional state, instilling them in the norm.

Stage four

Try to develop your emotional state. Add some adrenaline to your life. Get into sports training or improve your fights. Watch a non-self-motivated film. Calm down, watch out for the sunset and the wind. You need to bring new farbi into your life.

Filling the soul empty

The empty spheres of people's lives are torn about. At the link with the cym, it is necessary to pick up a complex pidhide to the soul’s glee and understanding, which should be filled empty:

Feel like in a special life

People need to be aware that they are needed and loved. Don't be afraid of people, shut up, talk. Do not focus on the past roses, let it go and forget about them. Open your heart for a new person. Possibly, you will be the one who brings happiness to your life.

Vіdnosini with relatives

Know the hour for talking with friends and relatives. Go to the guest, see your sister, grandmother, girlfriend. Talk to them about something worthwhile. Relax in a spiritual atmosphere over a cup of tea and a reception conversation. These people value and love you broadly, help you to come to you.


Most often, rich people, in these situations, ryatuє outwardly zanurennya at the robot. During this period, you can concentrate on it, but the shards of you all the same do not say anything about your urgent needs. Urge it to be vikonannya, work it out in such a way that you yourself will take away the satisfaction in the vikonan work.


Look out for different people come in. Buy new acquaintances and hobbies that will make you happy. Zavdyaki tsomu, you refresh your emotions and remind life with new farbs.

If these options didn’t suit you, then find out. I tell her how to live, if you don’t know how to live further.

Everything is easy to finish. It is necessary to take care of your life and take satisfaction from what you are given. Golovna, you are guilty yourself to go on a journey to the beautiful, reminding your life of farbs and new feelings that will fill your soul with hostile hostility.

The camp of the soul is empty, which is a trivaly trivaly interval of time, not safe for a person, shards in such a camp can fall into apathy or deep depression. Shukaite get out of the situation, vikoristovuyuchi nadani me. Do not tighten up with the camp, to the one who has done it to you, it will be better to choose the new one. At the same time, do not falter with your own, otherwise you will risk ruining your life in the best possible way. You are to blame for that shukati, bright, positive emotions, like putting you on the road of love and joy of life. Share your opinion in the comments. How did you get away from empty souls?

You can reach heights in various spheres of life: in business, family, politics, etc. Only a few people don't seem to be happy. Empty in the soul, tightness, turmoil, turmoil - a lot of "revealing" the human heart. Why are you marrying? What does it take to live peacefully and happily? The conclusion is banal - they do not reach the elementary understanding of their butt and the appointment of more significant goals.

Deyakі lead a roguish way of life, trying to know happiness on the day of the dance, or in the unfavorable love conditions. Hello, are you happy? Empty in the soul is less growth.

Spiritually empty is often seen immediately after awakening. If it’s sim'ya, it’s necessary to dbati and subdue it, then people want to move forward, but what about? You can speak fluently, mirkuvati about religion, but it’s all the same when you look empty, especially if you are empty of wine alone with yourself. Problems on the robot, ailments or other inaccuracies can make people angry, strike hits and renew their souls empty.

For almost all of us, the primary motivation for choosing a robot is pennies. Wanting to the senior-seniors, it was not possible to show mutual relations between equal income and happiness. In the period from 1957 to 1990, the United States experienced an increase in the income of the couple. But the statistics of experiment showed that the rіven of happiness remained unchanged, and the number of depressions grew tenfold. We all know how to live, but how to live with rich people from us.

For the next hour, people are ruining the incentive: I’ll buy a harn car, a booth, I’ll be able to see the world in the most beautiful little places, and I’ll be happy! A person is within his reach, but he does not know happiness. Vіn again zustrichaєtsya with empty space. A person is gaining more kindness, but there is no fear of a spiritual awakening. It is necessary to know all the new and new floods, to sit for days on end playing the TV or playing computer games, spodіvayuchis in such a rite of vіdvolіktisya vіd gnіtyuchih thoughts. Ale becomes less important. Others start more rozmirkovuvat about religion, but still calm them less than timchasovo.

Why is everything so complicated? The reasons for this can become a kilka. One of them is the importance of priority. Mustache is due to mother. The one who knows the “now” of life, vytrimaє be like “yak”.

Today we can develop: spiritual, physical, intellectual and more significant, lower purchase new clothes chi machines. For example, a believer in no way blames a bit empty in her soul. At the moment of "spiritual dryness" for a new skin, the word is like a clear board with a variety of fun. That is why a believing person becomes only a mіtsnіshoy, wiser, gnuchkіshoy, sticking with difficulties and inaccuracies on way of life. Generating negative in positive emotions, you will always take joy from your heart and enthusiasm for success. Yoga is practically impossible to destroy the life of life.

To control one's feelings, oneself, one's anger is the key to happiness.

Empty in the soul - the companion of self-sufficiency, as we all watch at times. People are trying to be unique in every way, they are afraid of being left alone with themselves, with their thoughts, spiritual nourishment and methane. We turn on the TV, the radio, we try to make ourselves and if we can borrow, but we don’t feel what is in the middle of us.

Why is Samota so terrible? Why do you need yoga to be unique?

Selfishness is the best way to grow in yourself.

Empty in the soul - tse camp, if the soul throws itself at the search for the truth about life. We start to feel empty, if we don’t know that we are not satisfied with the food of the soul on the head.

People are very weak and often go on the occasion of people's thoughts and stereotypes that have formed, living in such a rank not their own life, forgetting about the needs of their souls. Tіlesnі satisfaction and passions prihovatý vіd us just іtіnі. Getting bored with the uncommon fuss, we cease to look at the real life. And when you are left alone with yourself, you casually think about it.

In the absence of self-sufficiency, empty and tight, it is important not to joke in the quiet in rozvaga, not to indulge in empty occupations, but to try out the best on the priority nourishment of the soul.

Trappyaetsya in life so that a person dies like selfishness and apathy to all and sundry. Like an empty soul, you can blame it once or twice, or you can often honor the life of your own life. Without timely response, this camp can develop into depression, which is considered serious psychological illness. The information below is provided to help you to recognize the characteristic symptoms of such a phenomenon, or to identify them.


The camp is empty, it can be blamed unsupported. People may not remember what got stuck in it. It's just that you stopped feeling happy. Life, obviously, continues, but it doesn’t bring joy anymore. For the most part, you can’t guess about your problems, but you, at your discretion, ask questions: why did the empty woman appear in the middle of me?

Among the reasons for the onset of such a crisis period are called the following:

  • Banal vtom. The skin of a person at some point is ready and no longer wants to endure a constant routine, hate the work, eternal vanity, etc.
  • stress. Feeling empty is often feared as a reaction to the loss of a close person, serious change in life is too thin.
  • Shocking. It is similar to a stressful situation, but buvay viklikane with joy, health, ruining the sonic picture of the world and the other.
  • Vtrata life landmarks, goals. The skin of a person in life may be exercising. It can be easily implemented or dodovgostrokovim, but it’s a waste, or it’s possible to make it empty in the soul.
  • Whether it’s an important life situation, you can destroy a person. Empty interior- tse natural result of such environments.


People who suffer from these ailments, are shaken by the great baiduzhistyu to the point of neediness. The stench flickers in oneself, on high-handed problems, which are most often just contrived. If you’re empty in your soul, you don’t want anything: follow your own callousness, for the situation in a booth, leave your beloved walls behind. In such a situation, a person is often left alone, the shards stop talking with friends that they know. It’s better, like a family, like not throwing in a twisted situation that bestial respect for such a camp.

Often blamed just a little, for some reason they put their soul on display. It is especially important to be careful among people who have been hurt.

Spiritually empty zammaryuє everything on the spot. Podії, scho otochuyut you, just fade. Tsey sickly camp quickly tightens the virus of selfishness and darkness, knowing earlier significant speech. A similar camp, as it is vvazhaetsya in psychology, building to bring to physical pain. A lot of people, if they appeared empty, start suffering from migraine. In this situation, medicines may appear powerless.

If you don’t react to the whole camp at the same time, don’t take it into your own hands, or don’t turn around for help from a psychologist, you can bring yourself to a right sickness - depression. The result of the rest, apparently, is often suicidal behavior.

What robit us forward?

The empty interior will require serious respect from the side of the people, bazhano, її relatives. Itself to fight іz іz dіm yavіschi dіlії foldedly without pіdtrimki, аlе mіlіl. Great willpower is required. Look in this direction with one stand: did you want to be truly weak, helpless, or a human being, as if you were happy, love and live? If you have taken a friend, then the axis of the change is called the clumsy emergency entries:

  • Start cursing. So-so, skarzhitisya yourself! Tse, like nothing else, take a look at yourself from the side, voice all those that have boiled over the soul. Lost to know the people, just take it and cry.
  • Trust people. It’s possible, if it’s more comfortable to slay people who have been wounded so well, but to marvel at your sharpness. It is sing-song to know the one to whom you can fearlessly hang out, and who is assisted by an obedient joy.
  • Joke the reason for my becoming. Self-digging in times is less likely to be greedy. Think about it, maybe your robot is the fault of everything. Come to usunut this reason: to know that I am in love with the right, or for good to say goodbye to the guilty inner empty.
  • Unleash your emotions. It’s not very important here, if there will be emotions, you’ll be afraid of baiduzhost, for the rest of the hour, marvel at the world. Reach for adrenaline in the blood. Iz cim to help extreme sports. Read a dramatic book, watch a funny movie, or just enjoy the sunset. There are a lot of options, just choose your own to the soul.

Otherwise, food is stored up by those that I like to remember empty from the soul. From this drive I have a lot of information in psychology. Lower than the main position.

Why fill my soul empty?

At this fair, it’s enough to simply rozmirkovuvat people at their own splendid camp, not weak to an empty call and in the middle. Sladniche take this information, if you don’t want anything, and know the sense of life.

Having remembered the emptiness in your own kind, it is necessary to try to take it into your hands, as if it didn’t sound right at once, but ask your relatives and relatives for help. I’ll be able to get out of whom, for whom it’s more necessary to think up what will fill the empty, what I’ve settled into life. From which drive it is possible to propagate a number of options:

Life Specialist

This is the same sphere, as if a person is buried with a head that is all heavy. Reach out to the light of the senses, find a place for them in the heart, and you will see yourself alive again. Yakshcho є kohana lyudin, then let me tell you about you. If there are children, tell me about them. Їm, singsongly, you don’t get respect at once. Find your own point of support: like people, groups of people chi sub. Really instructed you to boil help life. Don't let it get around you!


Possibly, the hour has come to change the profession and the field of activity. Have you ever wondered, how many forces are taking the robot away from you? Maybe it's time to change lover of busyness those who bring surpluses? Activity by itself gives us room for maneuver: new acquaintances, employment, and nothing else.


The hour has come to occupy yourself with the help of the cicavi and the invisible. Look forward to be-like propositions, it’s possible, it’s possible to get you hooked at once. How long have you wanted to sign up for a dance or gym- just one hour. Get yourself some new stuff, and you just don’t have time to waste, as if you were empty in your soul.

Think Positive

As if empty in the soul, then there was a lot of space for something new and extraordinary. In time for that period in life, if you can start everything from pure arkush, with new emotions, feelings and friends. At the heart at the same time there is space, which will require the filling of absolutely new information. While you are practicing yoga, try to know the support from the side of your loved ones. At once, you don’t need any information.

In times, if I independently get out of this I will not go out, psychology and psychotherapy will come to the rescue. Zvernennya to the fahіvtsya is not guilty of roznіyuvatisya like shchos ganebne. Among wealthy people, the camp of desolation leads to serious manifestations. In order to get away from it, it’s better to go through a dekilka session of psychoanalysis at this stage.

The skin of a person, if only once in life, felt almost empty in the middle, if you sit, marveling at one point, and you don’t care anything, you don’t chip anything, you don’t whine. Life to pass through, but a person’s posture behind her, do not sit on the very bottom of the lake and marvel at how to pass a bridge on the surface. It may take more than a few years and be the result of a strong physical and / or emotional automi. Ale traplyatsya so that empty in the middle does not pass for a long time for many days, tizhniv and rokiv. How to fight from it? It's even more important to live with her.

First of all, Olena thought that she was empty in her soul, if she was 18 years old. For today's people, it's not surprising, it's a new age for spiritual crises. Olena quickly realized that everything, which is somehow illusory, and if you flatten your eyes, then everything will be known. It seemed that there was only a thin membrane between the empty and empty, and, as if it were torn, there was nothing to lose.

It was so close to pіvroku, until they got there, a friend dragged me to the lessons of rock climbing. Having lifted his pershu height on the wall and hovering on a level 30 meters above the ground, Olena stared sharply, to lie down in the distance in the presence of the order of the hand of the one who trimmed the last throw of the hank below. A long time ago, it seemed like an empty hour came, and a change came for the sake of seeing the life of that remembrance.

For the Deer, it is far from being recovered, if it wandered empty in the middle, however, the first dosvіd zavzhd nad helped to get out of the crisis.

A lot of fahіvtsіv often gladden to fight with them in a way of a detailed self-analysis, but don't help the protégé. Why?

Today people live at an accelerated pace (along with the previous centuries), they live in a strong information field, as if it is necessary to rework. New ideas, thoughts, almost, podії nakochuyut on people, zmushuyuchi її so chi іnakshe react to them. The mind and the soul, like the body, are drawn to constant practice. Їm necessary vіdpochinok. It seems to be empty, as if it were a sign of nezdatnist chi nebazhannya vporatis with the necessary world, and also with his own thoughts and thoughts.

Often in the soul of an empty one blames itself for the fact that a person gets tired of himself. None of them are perfect, let us all practice to the point of perfection. This is our fight against chaos and against death. Spiritual incompetence can evoke a little bit of fury, anger, self-hatred, if not powerlessness. If powerless slanders people, they often shy away from fighting for life and themselves.

As empty as it is in the middle, it became the result of a shrill introspection, people are more likely to go to their world. Change your emotions according to your ability, change the situation, take up a new kind of activity, as Alyon did. It's important, so that the new people began to splurge. It is also important, so that it could be more “carnal”, tobto. physically sensible and gave the opportunity to see your life, your body, yourself.

Once you see yourself in the middle of the scorched steppe, where everything is calm, but lifeless. I can’t tell anything about those who are in the garden here. It’s amazing, even if the devil is in the middle of you. What work, how empty is that cold in the soul? Let's take a look, the stars came up today and what should I remember, so that I can see the joy of life again.

Stars are taken "black dirki"

Possibly, you yourself did not remember, if it happened. At some point, your inner Vsesvit gave zbіy, and in the new one the likayucha “black dira” hid.
You continue to live extraordinary lives, and you won’t be surprised that you are living in the middle of black and white silent cinema.

At what point did the bowl dry up to the bottom? First, what is necessary for oneself to understand, having overcome the problems of one's inner self.

The axis of the widest reason for this will become:

Survive the warm period. And now, in your midst, you can feel the lakayuyu moon of emptiness.

What did you give?

Right, what? NOTHING. Motoroshne word, as in our mood can mean baiduzhіst, tightness, apathy, depression. All "prinad", as if they can make life similar through absence of life to a straight line of heartbeat on the monitor. If you don’t say anything, you can still turn around, and just keep your mood.

A person ceases not less than to chatter, that he is getting a long time, and to follow himself, to communicate normally with his relatives, to zamikaetsya. Through desolation in the soul, growths and desolation into the booth, blaming the neohaynist and mess. Baiduzhіst, vіdsutnіst Іnteresіv can vіdshtovkhnut druzіv.

In order to prevent such a development of the situation, it is important to understand that the grass has been burned in the spiritual vacuum - for nothing else, as the experience has passed, as it is already withered, but to warp the soil of the soul even more strongly, making it important for us to get to the relative. I can’t sprout through that ball of withered grass.

Correcting the situation: digging the field

What work? Response on the surface: empty - fill in!
- Zapovnyuyte ... It is easy to say that it is important to grow. - Z already zvichnoy baiduzhistyu zaperechit vy. You will be absolutely right. Ale, as if everything is in the world, it’s possible, as if it’s a feast.

- You've forgotten, I haven't had any bazhan for a long time, - continue the controversy in the exhaustion.

I didn't forget. Itself to that s bajannya mi and pochnemo. Change the reason for the povnotsіnne at the spiritual plan of life.

Give me a hint, what better: to be left in the colossal camp of a soulless robot, or to be happy, nervous, love, suffer and be happy in the spirit of the living soul? Hint: even now you have taken to read the rows, it means that not everything is hopeless. As a matter of fact, even more viniklo, just embarrass yourself, overpower your specialty, read those that have been deprived of it. Be angry, you are angry: how could a rich-faceted person opine in the middle of an empty cistern?

Dekіlka first krokіv, yakі will help rozpochati process "rehabilitation":

Narikat. Cry a little at the waistcoat. So-so, richly someone cares what to say unkindly. Ale zgasati, gritting your teeth - even harder.

Trust. Don't be afraid to seek help from your loved ones. Do not hesitate, love to love you and understand, listen, breathe in.

Understand the reasons. Take a break. Go. It is necessary to be alone with your inner self. Before that, in order to plant and check fresh parostkiv, it is necessary to dig up the soil, see the weeds and dry turf. Pozbutis vipalenoї herbs.

Let go of the emotions. Who needs more extreme and adrenaline. Komus - wide films and books. Komus is a glimpse of the Niagara Falls from the very beginning of the sun over Lake Baikal. And komus is a new kokhannya.

Did you prepare the soil? And now - sit!

Desolation succumbs to all aspects of life. Remind the soul of various people, even, to store its corny, savory and balancing diet.

Special life and world of feelings. Kokhannya, tenderness, passion… How many hours do you spend on the surface of your “dead lake”? At once, if the water becomes alive, the very hour to die down the clay. Give the kohaniy people the opportunity to win you over, they will endure your sideness for a long time. As such, there are no such people, you need to open your soul and look around. Really, it’s just that the floorings were vіdchuzhenі vіd uhogo, that the share of the virishila saved the important zustrich until the shortest hours.

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