If it’s better to go to recovery until oae. If it's better to go to the UAE. Life hack #1 - how to buy good insurance

The Arab Emirates have gained a high drink from tourists, regardless of the vast territory of the desert. Here are the best beaches, the largest shopping centers, the anonymous monuments, one of the most advanced infrastructures. You can get acquainted with the purchase of brown goods, and also get to know the local culture and sounds. There is a lot of tourists to buy food, if the season is in the Arab Emirates. You can see the country at any time, even if the temperature continues to approach +500C, causing some discomfort.

The winter months here are the most suitable for looking around the old memorials. It warms up to + 250C, but sometimes it stays at + 170C, so it’s cold to swim in the sea. At the same time, it’s more time to go for excursions and shopping. Trade festivals are held here, where you can see a lot of speeches. For tourists, they are encouraged to take steps at local water parks, dolphins and other rose centers.

Lyuty is respected by the daytime month, if the number of clear days is minimal. Breasts and days are comfortable months for recovery - you can spend a few days on the beach under the change of warm sun. For tourists, swimming pools are offered on the territory of the hotel with girkas and other ranks.

The breasts on the streets of the region are miraculously embellished, like a Kazakh boudinka. Sales are held at the stores, which especially attracts tourists. At the shopping centers there are a lot of different rozvazhalnyh entrances from the fairs. For tourists, there is no need to borrow money for help.

Vidpochinok at the spring month

This period is one of the most comfortable for the UAE. The temperature throughout the day stays at +250С - +300С, and the water in the sea is warmed up to +230С. you can swim in the sea and spend an hour on the beach under the sun, full of chic zasmagi.

This hour is especially suitable for taking care of children - it’s not scurry here, the water is warm, enough for excursions. At the restaurants, the Vishukan cuisine is promoted and it is a miracle mind for a good time. At dolphinariums, water parks and rozvazhalnyh centers, children know impersonal roses.

Especially spring is ideal for divers - the water is clean and warm. Underwater light is revealed at the best farbs, so that we can fill up the busyness with more beautiful hostility.

Possibility of summer recovery

This is the most special hour in the Emirates, before the trip, the varto will be announced about the roses. The weather warms up to +500С - +600С, and the sea - up to +380С. it is important to endure excursions during this period - it is strong and little falling, so it is dry and important for walking streets. bathing by the hot sea also does not bring cold weather, and zasmaga on the beach can be enough for unsafe busyness.

The local residents spend the whole hour at the shopping malls and other roosting complexes. The celebration of the holy month of Ramadan is held at the chervni, which depends on the behavior of the tourists - it is fenced in the clothes and it is recommended to be strimanist in behavior and outward emotions.

This is the reason for the low tourist season - there is a significant reduction in prices for tours, which adds to the benefits of those who are. Tourists spend the daytime on the territory of the hotel or see the water park, dolphinarium and hydro-lime complex. In the evening, the temperature drops a little, so you can walk along the streets of the city or the beach.

A trip to the Emirates in autumn

The first month of autumn still saves high temperatures again, but closer to the sun the already comfortable weather is restored. You can spend an hour on the beach, enjoying yourself and swimming by the sea. On the day you can take a stroll around the city, so that you can get to know the culture and traditions of the country better. Varto walk through the bazaar and skushtuvati stigli fruits and other prepared straws. Excursions take place for more comfortable minds.

Zhovtnі here often blame the pіshchanі storms, also you will see the beach will be folded. At the resort of Fujairah, there is no drill, which allows you to conduct a miraculous release. At the fall of the leaves, there are a lot of woods, but the tide of tourists gradually grows. Closer to the beginning of the high season, the hotels will be back up again.

High season in UAE

Most tourists go to Dubai - here a great number of roses, impersonal beaches, gloomy places and the sheikh's palace are shown. The country accepts the most protracted fate, and even then, if the number of tourists grows sharply.

The high season starts at the same time until Sunday. The most comfortable months for beach resort zhovten vvazhayutsya from leaf fall and birch tree from autumn. Take a swim in the cold sea, but you can dedicate the remembrances to the memory of those excursions. It is also the ideal hour for the opening of shopping centers, where sales are held, consecrated to Christmas saints. You can buy anonymous speeches with good prices.

For children, during the high season, there is a dolphinarium, a water park, a skiing complex, a rose center in the malls. Various exhibitions are held, where you can get to know the masterpieces of world culture. For grown-ups, there is also a lot of rozvag, yakі will not give nudguvati. The Emirates are actively developing in the tourist direction, attracting a large number of tourists.

Low season propositions

The low season begins at the red, and ends at the sickle. This period is characterized by the highest temperatures again - up to +500С. The sand warms up to +700С, which makes it impossible to walk on the beach. And warm the sea up to + 380С, so take away the blissful cold weather in the water.

At the same time, you can kindly save for a refund - the prices for tourist packages are significantly reduced. For tourists, there are a number of entrances at shopping centers, dolphins, water parks and the Ski Dubai ski complex, as well as a variety of aquariums, where there is a majestic number of sea species that amaze with their beauty and incomparable roses.

Trochs can be overshadowed by the sacred holy Ramadan, as if they were at the hearts. For tourists, it is necessary to follow the current rules - modesty is needed in clothes, rage and emotions are defended, as well as strimanish behavior. Anonymous mortgages to propagate the permit, and the restaurants are closed until sunset. To have a chance, to make a pledge, which pronounces the possibility of a meal behind a special screen.

Chi varto plan a trip to the United Arab Emirates from the grass and the spring

The grass from the spring is occupied by the cordon between two tourist seasons - high and low. At the same time, it’s not too sloppy, so we’ll make it comfortable for you to make it comfortable. Denna temperature is less than +380C - +400C, sea water is warmed up to +300C. at the evening hour it gets a little colder, so take a few warm speeches from you. Water content rises to 90-95%, and it can be very windy, but for people who can easily endure the sinter, you can spend an hour on the beach wonderfully.

There are not a lot of people at the shopping centers and the rozvazhalnyh centers, so the purchases go through at the receiving minds - there’s no damn thing, you can get a discount and you can calmly put on your clothes, without a trivial reconciliation. Dolphinariums and aquariums are free, which allows you to get acquainted with the light of the water during the day freely, without looking at other species.

For young couples, this is the ideal hour for romantic walks around the city and in the evening at the best restaurants in the country. Excursions are carried out in a normal mode, so it is possible to take advantage of the unique space that they save old culture.

Best hour for a beach getaway

The ideal time for bathing in the sea and smoky on the birch is autumn and spring. The warmth of the sea and the speck of the sun give you the opportunity to get a chic zasmagu in a short period of time. Shorter months for people, it’s bad to endure sintering, leaf fall with birch, so take vouchers for a month. At the fall of the leaves, it will be possible to kindly protect - the number of tours is significantly reduced.

For the quiet, who sees the greater speck of the weather, varto wait until the summer and summer months. It’s spicy during the day, but in the evening before sunset, you can spend an hour miraculously on the beach, swimming in the warm waters of the sea. Buses are equipped with air conditioners, so you can move around with maximum comfort. There is a welcoming atmosphere near the shopping centers and rozhavalnyh centers - for tourists, a lot of roses are promoted, the opportunity to bring souvenirs and other interesting speeches. Mіstsevі inhabitants lie down to vіdpochivayuchih іz spravzhnіm good-naturedness.

Seeing the countryside with a sightseeing method

Offer excursions earlier than the hour of the high season - from late to late. Varto accepts the weather - not stingy, that low water content. A stroll around the place will bring a lot of positive hostility. It is especially easy to see the important reminders of the payment - the weather is warm, but it does not exceed + 300C.

A lot of tourists walk to the market and the Old Town, and also see museums of just the sky. Mosques need to be worn at the solemn occasion - swamps and fenced sarafans. When you see the mosque, it is necessary to think over the shape of the dress.

In Dubai, group tours are often organized with a view from home on special buses with air conditioning, and in the evenings walks are held in the city. The order from the Burj Khalifa is to dance the fountains, de night after 19:00, there will be a spectacular show. Here you can spend a wonderful evening, adoring the invisible sight. At the Dubai Creek bay, excursions are periodically carried out at the evening hour - this is a miraculous year to fill the night place, embellished with electric lighting. A walk will give you unforgettable feelings and emotions.

A trip to the Emirates for weekend shopping

For shopping country vіdkrita tsiliy rik. Shops proponuyut tourists bezlіch goods - from souvenirs to rіznomanіtny clothes, gold is thin. Protyag rock sales vashtovuyut sales. The best seasons with decent discounts:

    from the middle of the chest, that is practically the whole day at the rich stores of vashtovuyut rіzdvyanі sales;

    from the last day of grass to worms, the holy celebration of the holy holy Ramadan is celebrated, if prices for goods are also reduced;

    from midnight to fierce, numerical trade festivals are held - state draws, sales and lotteries;

    The festival will be held famously holy Dubai Summer Surprises (the date will be set soon) - mass discounts are available at stores.

The most valuable discounts are seen on the expensive categories of goods – gold, branded clothes, hutryans and women. In the speech of the low price category of sales, it’s not worth it.

At what hour is it cheaper to sleep in the UAE

Inexpensive to see the Emirati is possible in the low season, if the tourist flow decreases - from black to sickle. Even if the speck is not strong, then it’s a miracle good fortune to spare on the train. The greatest experience can be spent in a hotel or in a roosting center - all buses are equipped with air conditioners, so moving around the place does not cause any particular discomfort.

There are few people during this period, which allows you to calmly walk in the shopping malls, with the comfort of reconciling new clothes and without shtovhanini, taking excursions. In the early evening you can spend an hour on the beach - the sun has not yet gained a special speck, bathing will give you a lot of receptions. On a lot of goods, power sales are held, and restaurants are promoted for democratic prices. The number of tours is significantly reduced, which gives an additional tax on trips.

Vіdpochiti in the Emirates can be-yakoy poru rock. The country promotes impersonal rozvag for tourists, as the function of the whole river. During the low season, it is possible to kindly spare for the tours and bring a lot of brown goods. For a strong speck, you can check into a hotel - see a spa, swim by the pool or go for a massage. Changing seats in buses will be comfortable and welcoming - air conditioners will work. In order to bring satisfaction, it is only necessary to choose the date and choose the method of the trip.

For the same quiet, who doesn't know or forget (as the author): when is the season for recovery in the OAU? І chi varto їhati at the off-season?

We flew to Emirat at the fierce. Why did I even zdivuvalsya, so I'll call to change the T-shirt for a sweatshirt, it became cold in the evening. Theoretically, UAE = speka (desert, close to Africa), but in practice it turned out that you can freeze. It’s a small change in truth: Dubai was the point of the 16th anniversary of the transfer, and we were turbulent in the weather forecast in the other country.

However, unsolicited food is constantly spinning in the head. Also, today, it’s been broken up, if it’s better to go to the OAU?

The bathing season in the UAE starts all over again from mid-autumn and three to winter. On the coming month, the "new peace" will be replaced by "chastkovo", but it will reappear already on Thursday and finish until the summer.

Our mini-table will help you estimate the season in the UAE by months:

sіchen lute berezen spring grass worm lime tree Serpen spring zhovten leaf fall chest

✓ It can be seen that most of the rock can be safely traveled in the Emirati for repairs, and the inlet axis is better than varto.

✓ Chotir months on the river near the cordon: grass and spring - to those who are in between seasons, and this fierce month is the coldest month, swimming at this hour is not comfortable for everyone.

Services for searching for cheap tours

Emirati is a package country (doti, docks, and do not fly anywhere on your own on Emirates or FlyDubai, with a transfer). For this reason, the price for vouchers can be buti garnoy - from 38,000 rubles per day for two in the low season and 55 thousand in the high season.

They monitor the tours from the available tour operators and manually sort out the options in order from the most expensive to the most expensive ones. Know what promo codes are.

At the time of writing, we have already visited the UAE 4 times: 1 time on our own and 3 times for a ticket. All three tours were bathed on aggregators. We know that the prices there are directly from the tour operator, and if you have a tour with a good hotel for 40-60 thousand for two people from the region - you need to take it right away!:)

So I didn’t get it, if it’s better to go to the Emirates? The same is known to the reporter.

Weather in UAE (Dubai) by months

In the photo, the famous Parus hotel is famous - the beach itself was not worthy of us,
varto come get a photo

Why is Dubai in the title? That is why it is the most popular of all resorts in the UAE. Leather from the emirates, extremely unique in its own way, but their climate is similar. Axis and vivememo monthly weather by months, taking the season from Dubai as an example.

OAE in infants, sichni and fierce

At breast the weather is spoiling with a temperature of + 27 ° C per day. Dmukhati pivnіchnі vіtri, but the water still heats up to + 24 ° C, and the bathing season is three. The breast is more beautiful than ever, so that you can see the UAE with children in return. The cost of admission is acceptable, from 35,000 rubles per day for two, only if you do not plan a permit for a vacation. Those who want to see the New River in the UAE are too rich, which explains the "wild" prices.

We oh-bo-zha-emo Dubai at the chest. In 1 2018 and 2019, the week before New Rock was spent here. The weather is miraculous - you can smear it without cream, you can also bathe, but it’s cold on the cob. The place is embellished to the holy, to build the power of the holidays of the fair. Ale smut axis sho: from the middle of the chest and up to ≈ 25th day - a "deaf" period for tour operators (all potentialities are busy with preparation until NG). That's why the stink is steeply lowering prices for tickets, and flying for 20 thousand rubles per person is real!
For example, we inserted the text our video from the rest of the trip, you can first get to know the weather in the chest :)

In sichni the beach vіdpochinok vіdhodit on the other plan. This month - good hour for excursions and shopping. First: the temperature will not rise above +23°C. At night, it becomes noticeably cold, at +18°С. Water by the sea - for harvesting (Russians, Tobto), +21°С. About a friend: The Dubai Shopping Festival is three days old, and the prices are right. For example, Zara Home in Dubai is cheaper for sales, lower in Russia. It would have been better if the tours were charged less, but if not so: the minimum amount is 40,000 rubles for the same day. And then after the 10th of the feast of the end of the holy day.

In the fierce the weather is more similar to sichnevu, until birch it is getting warmer. The sea warms up to +23 ° С, first swimsuits squelch by the water. We traveled in a fierce way to Ras al-Khaimi, it was normal, and we swam, and swam. Until the speech, Perska inflow, on the birch that Dubai is known, it warms up more. Tourist tips to delight at the fierce resort of the Oman dam, for example, Fujairah.

UAE near birch, flowers and herbs

Al Mamzar Beach (Dubai) and Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

By the birch come warmly. Temperature rises up to +27°С, water - up to +24°С. As you see, if you fly to the UAE with small children, birch is recommended. Prices for three things, lower for sich-fierce, from 55,000 rubles for 7 days.

Tim, to whom birch is given to an insufficiently busy month, varto rule the trip at the apartment . The average daytime temperature outside becomes +32°С and at night it does not fall below +25°С. Water temperature - + 26 ° С. Until the 10th day of the price - on the birch level, and then increase up to 60,000 rubles.

OAU in red, lime, sickle

Cherry The thermometer stand can reach up to +40°C. The water is heated up to +32°C and does not bring any satisfaction. The beach season is continued by the most popular tourists. In the countryside, there are frequent storms, the sand clogs everywhere. I don’t want to talk about the prices on the tour, obviously it’s not worth it (although it’s even more necessary - it’s like 60,000 rubles for two).

in linden from the country they are sending out vikhati to inspire the workers. The day here is + 42 ° С, you can only use it there, de є air conditioner. In sickle sintering continues - +43°С during the day, +33°С at night. Water temperature +34 ° С! To tsієї prinadіtsya sche y pієї vologіst.

UAE near spring, yellow and leaf fall

La Mer beach near Dubai - in our opinion, the best beach without a cat

Veresni it is still smoky, the daytime temperature again drops to +38°С, and at night it is +32°С. The sea water is warmed up to +32°C. Prices for the whole month of the month can be equal to the summer ones. A seven-day break for two will cost 50,000 rubles.

Zhovtni it becomes colder and more cold degrees: in the daytime +33°C, at night +29°C. Already you can not only sit steadily by the water, but also go for walks. It's the tourist season. All-inclusive accommodation: for July 2020, you can find tour packages for 125,000 rubles for two for 7 days.

If you have chosen a family vacation in the autumn, or else you think, in what month you will be able to get better sooner, my pleasure to you - choose a yellow, moreover, I perch half. The climate is mild for the children, but the fathers don’t find prices.

If it's better to live in the UAE? Our dosvid

View from the observatory maidanchik from the Burj Khalifa, tickets are better to take back
(details below) and Bin Rashid Boulevard (the main pishohidna street)

Zvichayno, if not too hot and not too expensive! It’s better for us to go chest(More in the text they explained why). Zhovten, if the season is just beginning, and spring, if the season ends - those are good, for your mind, what the sea needs to be warm. Go ahead and share our nomination "the best month in the UAE".

What can you do in the UAE?

Must visit one of the most popular Arabian wonders:

  • Burj Khalifa in Dubai - the most gloomy world with an observant maydanchik
  • Palm Jumeirah - a great piece of island, buoyed by the shores of Dubai (no cost walk)
  • Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi - recognized as the most beautiful mosque on our planet!
  • The old forts of Ras al Khaimy
  • King Faisal Mosque near Sharjah

At the mosque from this list, as well as at the Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai, newcomers are allowed free of charge (at Friday - vines, closed for tourists).

It can be said that Dubai in the UAE is the only place that is good in any season. Navit at summer +40 ° С here є, de shovatsya in the speck, and є chim when you do it (for sure, you are ready to spend all the admission in kilometers through the shopping centers, which are air conditioned).

Our recommendations

We will look at the Sheikh Zayed Mosque
obov'yazkovo varto skushtuvati safari on jeeps!

Do not be tempted to repeat that the security of the garnoi of the admission is the retelne of the vіdgukіv. And for those who already want to read the bagatobukaf, all the important moments I called in one small list like this:

  • On the Internet, they write that the UAE is a Muslim country, and to this end, they should follow the rules of singing in clothing, especially for women: for example, do not show up outside the territory of a hotel with a decollete and open knees. All the same - outdated information, in Dubai girls-girls-women walk calmly in legins and tops, in short shorts and cloths.
    P.S. Ale here vzhe vybіr - povezhat chi mіstsevі traditsії, chi vіddati vanquish vlasnomu comfort.
  • The country has a dry law, alcohol under the fence. Ale for іnozemtsіv zrobleno vinyatok - you can drink in bars and restaurants (near Sharjah z tsim naysuvorіshe). In Dubai, alcohol is not sold in stores.
  • Do not go to Emirat at the sacred month of Ramadan - a lot of land. And the axis after Ramadan can be visited as needed, especially for lovers of shopping: all great stores have sales. Ramadan 2020 falls on April 23-May 23.
  • Beach season in the UAE Ale, the sun in these latitudes is so active and stronger that Europeans burn to inspire gloomy weather. Take more sunscreen cream!

Why do we need the OAU? Think for yourself:

- Visa is not needed - no additional problems and pennies!

- the tourist season in the UAE begins, if in our latitudes there is a slumber, which means that you want to warm yourself more strongly

- how long to fly to Dubai, depending on which flight you need to travel. Direct flight from Moscow on a loan of 5 years - in principle, not long

Before the speech, as if looking at the end of the breast in the Emirates - you can marvel at our video:

If it's cheaper to buy in the UAE?

For those who want to spare that place in the Emirati not in the holiday season, the best month may be breasts and the end of grass.

Likewise, varto pay respect to those who steal the tour. As has already been said above, saving the Oman inlet is refreshed by a mild climate, the lower resorts of the Persian inlet (Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah and Abu Dhabi). And Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah will cost less than futuristic Dubai or Moscow's Abu Dhabi.

The copying of materials is allowed only with the obov'yaskovoy kazіvkoy direct, active and open to indexing hyperlink to the site.

Shukaemo tour with a discount.

The season in the UAE starts at the same time and ends at the end of the day. Before the trip, it is recommended to check the UAE weather for months.

The United Arab Emirates are located in the arid zone of the tropical climate, which explains the presence of pustles on the territory of the region.

Features of the climate in the UAE:

  • The winter was not warm.
  • Summer for a long time.
  • The temperature is too high.
  • Low coefficient of encumbrance.
  • Already a small number of falls.

The period of doshchiv - from breast to birch, proteofall in this period is also less. homemade rice The climate is the Shamal wind, which flows from the territory of Saudi Arabia into the area of ​​low pressure, which settles in the UAE in the heat of the time of fate. The wind lifts the squeaks of the desert, satisfying the squeaks of the storm. The temperature of the waters of the Perska zatok inlet is 33°С, and the winter temperature drops to 16-24°С.

Monthly weather

Numerous pools with pidgrivom proponuyut to tourists. The very hour is most often taken for familiarization with the ancient remembrances and cultural traditions of the OAU.

The winter period marks the beginning of the cob. At festivals, you can find goods with a discount of over 80%. The end of autumn and winter is the season of rain. The season is characterized by non-trivial storms and thunderstorms.

At the end of the month of the season, in the UAE, a tourist can catch a sign of a storm.

Hanging and winding often sing storms. Deyaki stormy buildings cover the city. With this dry cry, the piss is taken at the distal path, making the breath calmer and calling out a strong dryness at the mouth.

Temperature repeat by months

UAE (season varies by month with descriptions of resorts in the descriptions below) is exhilarated by a high temperature stretching through the earth.

Month Temperature per day, ° Night temperature, °C
Sichen 24 15
Lyuty 25 17
berezen 29 19
Kviten 33 23
Traven 38 27
Worm 39 28
Lipnya 42 (inode 50) 30
Serpen 41 30
Veresen 39 28
Zhovten 35 25
leaf fall 30 20
chest 26 17

It is recommended to wear warm clothes and warm clothes for the night. The coldest temperature is reached in the sich, in the fierce it becomes a little warmer, and the warmest month of winter is the chest. The country has such a fierce majority of tourists during the walks and excursions in the significant months of the UAE, as well as the sightseeing of shops, oskolki sіchen - the coldest month.

In birch, the temperature rises sharply - the difference between fierce and cold becomes 8 ° C. The temperature at night is not less than 20°С. The cob of grass is the most comfortable hour on the river, which is warm during the day and cold at night.

In the period from the end of the grass to the cob of the sickle, the temperature is even higher, as it is expected on all bags. The most special month is lime. People are suffering sleepy strokes and opikіv, the speck does not fall down to wake the night. Serpen is the most friendly for tourism and business trips. The heat and the air are diluted by the wind, which is empty. By protyag usієї autumn posterіgaєtsya smoothly lowering the temperature.

Water temperature by month

UAE (season for months to fall, including, depending on the water temperature in the inlets) is strongly affected by the climate in different parts of the region, which is at the temperature of the water in the Persian and Ottoman inlets.

In the tables below, the average temperature of the inflow waters is shown:

Month Average water temperature in Persky Zatotsi, °C Average water temperature in Osmanskiy zatotsі, °С
Sichen 17 12
Lyuty 18 10
berezen 22 15
Kviten 24 16
Traven 27 20
Worm 29 25
Lipnya 31 26
Serpen 33 26
Veresen 31 24
Zhovten 27 23
leaf fall 24 22
chest 18 16

At the time of winter, bathing is not recommended, but at the same time, tourists and local residents are encouraged to look for a better look. Rizik otrimanna sleepy opikiv practically null.

The Ottoman inflow warms up more, lower Perska. Already in the birch of the Perska inflow, it is warmed up for bathing. During the whole hour the temperature of the Ottoman tributary is over 15°С. The flow of water at the Persk zatots is filled with milk for the guy, and in the Ottoman zatots the water is cold.

In autumn, the water in the Ottoman zatok reaches adequately, so until the end of autumn the temperature of the waters of the two inlets is approximately the same.

Average number of falls

UAE is a dry land. Vologіst infuses nebulousness and breath, which, with its blackness, infuses the season into a breeze. Below is a table showing the fall and water content of the OAU by month.

Month Fall quantity, mm Water content, %
Sichen 11 45
Lyuty 35 45
berezen 34 55
Kviten 10 60
Traven 3 50
Worm 1 70
Lipnya 2 80-90
Serpen 3 90
Veresen 1 72
Zhovten 2 63
leaf fall 4 50
chest 10 50

The total number of river falls does not sound more than 800 mm, and the water content fluctuates from 45% to 90%.

Lyuty is the most important month (about 1/3 of river falls fall).

At the birch wood, it is rare to go, and it will soon end. Kviten is a foggy month. Fog insinuates the wealth of tourists, the shards of vines make you look around the old memories. There are few doshchiv. In grass fogs change, water content decreases. In the meantime, tourists are urged to travel to the coastal areas, especially popular coastal areas of the Ottoman zatok.

The cherven is especially dry, so tourists and misters know the order near the cold pools and rooms with air conditioners. Lipen is the “most suffocating” month, richly someone marks a lack of sourness. In sickness, the moisture is trimmed on the main sign, but the stuffiness comes in.

On the cob of autumn fogs appear, moisture changes. At the fall of the leaves, the boards are reborn, the prote is not a trace of the rozrakhovuvati on the livi. The breast does not seem to droop in the fall of the leaves - the protea number of fall continues to grow.

Vlada is stormed with dry spells, to which the Swiss vcheni rozroblyayut for the OAU the way to call the piece fall. In 2010 bulo viclicano 52 piece boards.

When winter begins, summer

OAU, the season changes month by month in some descriptions earlier, it starts with a trivalent summer, which starts in the middle of May and three until the end of spring. It's time for rock to be characterized by a haughty spiciness, a high moisture content, and a sleepy vibe. On the day of the weather, the baggers are disturbed by air-conditioners and cold pools.

Coming people do not follow the OAU influx:

  • With children.
  • Like pathologies, connected with the cardiovascular system.
  • Like pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Yaki suffer from diseases of the organs of SHKT.

From the middle of the morning to the middle of the wormwood in the country there are a lot of pilgrims, as well as the obezzhennia, connected with Ramadan. Ramadan is pouring into the robot transport. Winter is setting in - fierce. The winter season is characterized by rankovy fogs. Snіg vіdsutnіy, the streets are embellished with snowmen made of polystyrene. For example, in winter, the season of rains is coming.

The temperature during the winter hour, as a rule, does not fall below 10°C, however, in single valleys it can reach 0°C. As it is said above, winter is the season of lows, prote at svyatkovі days, prices grow fast. The food of the storm is practically daily.

tourist season

United Arab Emirates, the season after month, which is strongly influenced, widely sees over 15 million tourists. Fallow depending on the number of tourists and available rozvag razryznyayut sprat periods.

high season

The beach season will pass two on the river: birch-tree and yellow-leaf fall. This hour is breathed in by comfortable weather and warm water inflow. At the peak of the tourist season, shopping is more popular. The streets are richly crowded, the prices are dependent. At the winter hour, the OAU observes more importantly at the holy days - there are a lot of festivals.

low season

Vletka (from May to Spring) on ​​the streets is unbearably hot, wildly flocking, there are few tourists for that. It’s quiet in the middle, who dared to see the country’s influx, it’s popular to see aquaria, dolphinariums, water parks and closed reminders that are in good spirits.

Average number of sleepy days per day

In the UAE, the number of sleepy days becomes 350-360 days. The sun is already active, that's enough sleepy year milk it big, especially at the summer time of rock.

The table presents data about the sleepy year in the regions of the United Arab Emirates:

Months Average number of sleepy days by region, year (indicators are rounded according to the rules of mathematics)
Dubai Abu Dhabi Al Ain Ras Al Khaimah fujairah
Sichen 8 8 8 8 8
Lyuty 8 8 8 8 8
berezen 8 8 9 8 8
Kviten 10 9 10 10 9
Traven 11 11 11 11 11
Worm 11 11 11 11 11
Lipnya 10 10 10 10 10
Serpen 10 10 10 10 10
Veresen 10 10 10 10 10
Zhovten 10 10 10 10 10
leaf fall 10 10 10 9 9
chest 8 8 8 8 8

Protyagom summer day the sun is grіє with different strength:

The amount of a dormouse year-old is to lie down in the roztashuvannya of the place - what is the best place, the less is the dormouse-year-old.

Weather in places and resorts by months

The weather of the place to fall due to the onset of natural factors:

  • Proximity to the distance to the ocean and the inflow.
  • Proximity to distance from the desert.
  • Pivdenne chi pivnіchne roztashuvannya (schodo zagalnoї territoriї ї OAU).

See below for popular resorts.


Sharjah is a coastal place, the ocean brings trochs of water and cold. The temperature during the day is 1-2 °C lower, lower than the average temperature in the United Arab Emirates, during the night it is 2-3 °C higher than the average.

Temperature by seasons roku:

The beach season of autumn is shifted by 1 month (leaf fall-chest). Falling off is small, and the average amount of a dormouse annual for harvest is rich. The maximum amount of litter is reached in birch (10.8 mm), and the minimum is in grass and red (0.1 mm). In the period from zhovtnya to kvtnya, the amount of falling off exceeds 1 mm.


The weather in Ajman is similar to the weather in Sharjah. For example, the average temperature every month is about 1°C. Іstotna vіdminnіst of Ajaman and Sharjah is a lot of falls.

Average temperature in Ajman vische:

  • Winter: 24-26°C during the day / 20-22°C at night.
  • Spring: 28-37°C during the day / 23-30°C at night.
  • Summer: 40-41°C during the day / 31-33°C at night.
  • Autumn: 31-39°C during the day / 24-38°C at night.

The most special months are lime and sickle, the most important month is birch (10.1 mm). Veresni does not fall off.

The average age of a sony year old is older or more than 10 years old.

The temperature of the water is above the average, so not all tourists dare to swim in the yellow and leaf fall.

Ras Al Khaimah

Ras al-Khaimah, or Ras al-Khaimah, spitting out to the ocean. The weather near the city mayzhe does not change during the average weather. Temperatures today in Ras Al Khaimah are in line with those in Ajman. At night the temperature drops to 18 ° C in winter and up to 32 ° C in air.

The maximum amount of falling off is 6.9 mm (for birch). Protyag 6 months (from leaf fall to spring) fall fall more than 1 mm. In spring, the amount of fall is more than 0 mm. The wind is weak, bringing little fall and cold. The temperature of the coastal waters, on the other hand, is higher than the average, so the beach season falls on chest-cloud.

Umm al Quwain

Umm al-Quwain is the smallest emirate in terms of population. Yogo is called differently: Umm-al-Quwain and Umm-al-Qaywain - which is connected with the difficulties of the English name Umm Al Quwain. The city of Umm-al-Quwain is the capital of the same-named emirate, as it may be washed with water on the sides, shards are found on the farm.

Average temperatures:

  • Vzimka - 24-26 ° C per day; 20-21 ° C at night.
  • In spring - 28-37 ° C per day; 25-30 ° C at night.
  • Vletka - 40-41 ° C per day; 31-33°C at night.
  • Autumn - 31-39 ° C during the day; 24-31°W at night.

The temperature of the water from the lime during the spring rises to 30°C. The number of falling off near the birch is more than 10.3 mm - the maximum value of the indicator. Yak and in Ras al-Khaimy, the beach season in Umm al-Quwain is sunbathing.


Hatta is a mountain resort that cannot go to the sea. Bedouins have lived near this settlement since ancient times. Climatic indications are indicated in the tables below. The temperatures are constantly changing at the borders of the norm.

Number of falls:

  • Stitch - 4.5 mm.
  • Lutium - 13.5 mm.
  • Birch - 18.2 mm.
  • Kviten - 4.8 mm.
  • Grass - 1 mm.
  • Worm - 0.2 mm.
  • Lipen - 1.7 mm.
  • Serpen - 0.6 mm.
  • Veresen - 0.1 mm.
  • Zhovten - 10.6 mm.
  • Leaf fall - 8.4 mm.
  • Breast - 7.1 mm.

The number of sleepy days on the doba in Hatti is overtaken by showings greater number mist, and swidkist wind, navpaki, lower for the middle.


UAE, the season after month of a certain vіdmіnniy vіdmіnniy vіd tsy pokaznik near Fujairі, roztashovuєtsya between two streams. Fujairah is planted on the birch of the cold Ottoman tributary, which flows into the climate of the place. Fujairah is located in a pro-cold region - the temperature during the day does not rise above 37 ° C. The minimum amount of fall is available in red, lime and spring (0.2 mm).

With a stretch of fate, you fall richly falling:

  • Size - 9.7 mm.
  • Lutium - 23 mm.
  • Birch - 32.8 mm.
  • Kviten - 6.3 mm.
  • Grass - 2 mm.
  • Zhovten - 42.6 mm.
  • Leaf fall - 14.2 mm.
  • Breast - 14.8 mm.

Wind speed is low. Fujairah is one of the most popular resorts, because it is cold in the place, and the amount of falling, which exceeds the norm, is not only one of the reasons for lower temperatures, but practically turns off the air. The bathing season is three times from leaf fall to the middle of the grass.


Gantut napovneniya roslinnistyu, yak seldom grow in other parts of the OAU. The resort is located on the banks of the Perska zatok.

Average indicators of the temperature of the coastal waters:

  • Winter: 24-26 ° C in the day / 20-21 ° C at night / 21-24 ° C - floods.
  • Spring: 29-38°C/23-30°C/23-29°C.
  • Summer: 40-42°С/32-34°С/32-34°С.
  • Autumn: 31-40°С/24-31°С/28-33°С.

The red fall does not fall off. The speed of the wind in Gantu does not help to turn into a spicy, as it does not enter the night.

Abu Dhabi

Near the capital of Abu Dhabi, there are few falls, but the temperatures are trimmed at the borders of the average shows.

Temperature check day/night:

  • Winter - 24-26°С / 20-22°С.
  • Spring - 28-37°С / 23-30°С.
  • Summer - 39-41°С / 32-35°С.
  • Autumn - 30-39°С / 25-32°С.

In herbs, reds, lindens, springs, and yellow drops do not exceed 1 mm. The maximum fall off is 9.1 mm (for birch). Abu Dhabi includes the islands, about 1/3 of the place is on the mainland, which explains the strong (other places) wind.

Al Ain

Al-Ain does not go to the bay; The wind is weak, which is also explained by the expansion of the place. The temperature over the months is closer to the average indicators. Falling off is not enough - in birch trees, the number of falling off is less than 5 mm. The wind speed is fluctuating from 2.9 m/s (zhovten) to 4.4 m/s (grass).

The middle dobova kіlkіst soniachny year pereveschuє 10 years stretching the mustache rock. Due to the continentality of the climate, there is a great difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures (up to 10.6 ° C).

Island Sir Bani Yas

The island of Sir Bani Yas enters the warehouse of the emirate of Abu Dhabi. There is little fall (dry tropical climate). Short-hour boards fall off. Over the main part of Abu Dhabi, the maximum temperature during the night becomes 16°C. The island is breathtaking with a special ecology - fresher, like a national park, reminiscent of wild creatures.

Island Dalma

The climate of the island of Dalma does not differ from the climate of the island of Sir Bani Yas.
The wind is weak, and the temperature of the water allows diving. The UAE is popular among tourists (at the season it is quite crowded on the streets). The weather even changes from month to month, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main weather indicators before the trip.

Article formatting: Volodymyr the Great

Video about the weather in the United Arab Emirates

What is the weather in Dubai u Lipni:

Planning a trip to the OAU, next to know, if, at the right time of the year and de best to spend your admission. Even if you know the whole color of these months, you can only do it in that moment, as you choose for yourself and your needs the optimal hour.

Choose an hour for the trip

It’s safe to say that in the UAE the sun shines for about 255 days on the river, that it’s time to turn off the risk of getting wet under the house, regardless of which hour you choose for the trip.
The united Arab Emirates has an arid climate of the subtropics, the temperature here does not drop below 20 degrees with a plus sign, and it is worth bringing the coldest period of rock - winter.

If you look at the climate of the OAU, you can see that it is even similar to the climate. From May to Spring here, the average temperature is around 38 to 40 degrees, and on the linden and sickle, the temperature can rise as much as 50 degrees with a plus sign. For the quiet, who hates to endure the scorch, there is no heat in the summer months in the UAE, and even in such heat they do not ryatuyut nor the shadow of the trees, nor the bathing by the water, the oskilki її temperature, first of all milk. Influence all the sounds of ryatuvatisya in the shopping centers, as if they have air conditioners, but such a sharp change in temperature can lead to colds, but not those who want to take it for a cure.

Spravzhnіy tourist season here starts from s, and three to svіtnya, but the weather is most comfortable during this period. Ale, I want to tell you more about all the pluses and minuses of rebuying in the UAE during this period.

In the spring, near the birch, in the summer, and in the grass, the temperature is still the most comfortable, it rises no more than 32 degrees, and the autumn axis has a maximum daily temperature of 35 degrees of heat. Let's understand, what is closer to summer - then the temperature will be higher, for example, on the cob of the day it will be colder, lower, for example, the month. And also celebrate the autumn months, yellow, shards of vines more close to summer will be spekotnishim, lower leaf fall, which is already closer to winter.

Winter is the coldest place in the country, but it doesn’t matter to warm up the brushes under the sun and bathe. The temperature during the winter days in the middle reaches 26 degrees, and the axis of the night is cold - the temperature can drop to 14 degrees. The coldest month is here today, the lowest temperatures (not lower than 21 degrees) fix themselves in the first month of the new fate.
The water in the UAE does not get very cold, so you can swim in the whole river. Ale varto vrahuvati, that the bathing will be troch badyorim, and the bathing will turn into a thermal bath. The temperature of the water is 19 degrees, the snail is up to 32 degrees.

To that, it is impossible to say, as it is time for rock itself to be beautiful, even if it is warm here, you can look and bathe. Ale, then turn your attention to prices, in the tourist season from midnight to dusk, the price for tours in the UAE will be the highest, in the summer period - the lowest, because the spec in 50 degrees is not calm, and in the UAE, you can charge for the middle one. prices

Kudi to the UAE is the best way to go

7 emirates enter the warehouse of the OAU, so you can find the ones who find the cowardly, and you will be able to satisfy your needs. Take a look at the most popular destinations for tourists, because everything is concentrated there the best, that you can indulge, see that recognition.

Dubai is considered the most progressive region of the UAE, both in terms of development, tourism, and in the economic plan. There are 11 districts in total in Dubai, ale for short repair go for more than two of them, although it doesn’t include the fact that the reshta of the districts is not a cicava.

Important! Virushayuschie itself to Dubai in the next hour, it is important to lie, that at the same time, new shopping centers will be located near the center of the city, the center will open and new hotels, so staying there may not be seen as comfortable, especially, if you want to walk around the city.


At the same time, tourists visit the whole area of ​​Dubai to plant a beach garden. Here are the best hotels, both middle class and luxury class. The Palm Jumeirah archipelago adjoins this region, so-and-so, that very island, which prompted the palm trees, one might say, is the visiting card of the OAU. On 17 leaves of the palm tree there are the most luxurious villas of the millionaires of the whole world, the stovbur palm trees are the most important shopping centers with expensive boutiques and vishukani restaurants, and the sight of the island, which protects the world from the hvil, is a large number of international class hotels.

For chotiri kilometers from Dubai, another marvelous project is being rolled out - The World. This piece archipelago of 300 islands, like, as if marveling from the sky, represents a map of the world. There is one more popular reminder of the OAU here - a hotel in the shape of a majestic glass case.

Duntown Dubai

Tsei district is one of the most prestigious in Dubai, and is famous for the most famous house in the world - Burj Khalifa. From now on, you can see the name panorama of the place, and make it look like a desert. And there is a dancing fountain, one more "celebrity" of the place.

Lovers of shopping breaks to the taste of Dubai Mall, the largest shopping center in the world. And opposite the majestic shopping center shopping mall, which will tell the Arab market, where you can buy the very national goods.

Abu Dhabi

This is the capital of the UEA, the richest place on earth (before the speech, you remembered that in the UAE everything is just nai-nai ?!). Tim, who wants to visit all the places and all the places, can recommend visiting the bus tour.

So in Abu Dhabі roztashovana that itself is a great mosque of white color. The mosque Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque is amazing, due to its size it is not the largest in the world, but takes only a second position, but 82 domes and 1000 columns all the same tie the respect of tourists from the rest of the world. Varto vrahuvati, that the entrance to the mosque is strictly according to the dress code, that women are welcome.

Abu Dhabi is ideal for families with children, even if there are two parks for them here, vtim, the stench cannot be filled with canoes to bring grown-ups.

It is important to note that the OAU is a Muslim people, and also, it is necessary to respect the laws of their religions. So, for example, you can drink on a month, in which it is categorically impossible not to drink alcohol, and to drink alcohol, vtim, wine is not sold in such places, so women are to blame for it, so that their clothes are not necessary. Residents of the UAE are more loyal and respectful of tourists, so that tourists should show their loyalty, respect the traditions and laws of the country.

The sleepy place of Dubai is ready to host the guests, come and go, come and go. In the UAE, the water temperature does not drop below +20°C, and the number of bazaars and moths inflamed work independently during the season. Therefore, the flow of tourists is by no means attached to the whole river. And yet, all the same, beach holidays, excursions and shopping near Dubai are not always good, which means that before going up in the Arab Emirates, it’s a must to learn about the peculiarities of weather minds in this metropolis of the skin month.

high season

It is important that it is best to go to the Emirati from autumn to spring (zhovten - kviten). At the same time, autumn and spring months are more suitable for bathing - yellow, leaf fall, birch, spring. You can also bathe in the sea, but at the same time it is often cold and windy. In the meantime, for the citizens of our latitudes, the winter in the UAE seems to be superbly warm, so many people are violating on the holidays, to host festivals, wedding centers, exhibitions and cheap shopping in Dubai. Aje same at the chest - sіchnі at the mіstsevyh butіkakh hour chergovyh seasonal nizhok.

low season

From black to the end of the sickle, Dubai has a low season. Why is it due to this, that summer in the Arab Emirates is even more speculative, to bring the inhabitants of the city at the same time to the hour, as soon as they come out of the river. The temperature of the air inlet is warmed up to +50°С, the temperature of the water is +70°С, the water is up to +38°С. Tobto, to look at bathing in the sea, take a look at the freshness you can’t see.

The ideal place to visit Dubai in the low season is to visit the number of wedding centers, aquariums, a water park, as well as skiing at the ski complex Ski Dubai.

Tours in Dubai are found cheap. Ale bazhayuchi save on the train to the legendary metropolis, do not forget one more peculiarity of the country. The red Muslims themselves celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. Before the hour of Ramadan, tourists are recommended to show respect to the inhabitants of the city and be more strimanim in emotions and feelings. A lot of rozvazhalnyh zakladіv and restaurants at one o'clock post is closed until sunset, so for the sake of insult it happens to shukati zakladіv, like servants coming behind a special screen.

Chi varto їhati to the UAE at the grassy chi veresni

Grass and spring near Dubai - tse months between high and low seasons. It’s hot at the middle of the month, but it’s more comfortable, lower from black to sickle. This is the ideal hour for seeing shopping and rozvazhalnyh centers, evening romantic excursions. People who endure summer heat well can bathe in the sea in full.

The temperature is warmed up to +38°С - +40°С, the sea - up to +30°С, it is true, at night it gets chilly - it will again cool down to +26°С.
Zagalom, spring and grass cannot be called far away for a trip to Dubai. The temperature is high, the humidity is increased (even on the coast, the indicator reaches the mark of 90 - 95%), strong winds - everything is not comfortable.

Beach resort

Most tourists go to the UAE for the sake of the sea. The best way to see and bathe in spring is in the autumn. For people, it’s bad to endure speck, it’s better to take a ticket to fall leaves and birch. In mid-month, the temperature again reaches +25°С - +30°С, water - +23°С - +25°С. Moreover, the months are transitional, so that on the cob of birch the weather can be called refreshing, then, for example, the next month, it’s already worth the right heat.

Tim, who loves baking, you can go to Dubai on the cob of corn or closer to the grass. At the whole hour, the water is still warm on them, there is a lot of sun and a breath of unbearable heat.

In the low season, swimming in the sea is more problematic, but the temperature around +40°C does not allow you to stay outside for a long time, and the water temperature +38°C does not let you feel cold. Even though the entrance is scheduled for the whole hour, it’s not necessary to wait until the beach entrance. During the day you can ride on a comfortable bus with air conditioning, shopping malls and other important memorials, and you can see a couple of years swimming in the sea. About the 8th anniversary of the wound, the sun is not yet high, that water in the sea after the night is not too hot.

Best hour for excursions

For excursions near Dubai, it is traditionally recommended to travel to the United Arab Emirates from the middle of the day to the middle of the day. At the same time, you can comfortably change places by local transport or by car, and you can also take a walk around the market, the Old Town, and see the museum of just the sky.

It is especially acceptable to walk around the metropolis in winter, when the daytime temperature is between +20 ° C - + 25 ° C, and also, you can calmly put on a T-shirt and a shirt with long sleeves, so that you can go to the mosque.

Arriving in Dubai, you should focus on organizing excursions, which are arranged by buses with good air conditioning, as well as on evening walks. For example, the show of dancing fountains in the Burj Khalifa is played only after 19-00 in the evening, the skin can be seen for 3-4 years with a naked sight. Romantic tours of Dubai Creek are also recommended to be done only after sunset. In the evening, from the boat, you can see a wonderful view of the night metropolis, which will be lost in memory forever.

If you go to Dubai for shopping

Virushati for shopping in the UAE is possible, if you will. For a long time, there are a lot of sellers and shopping centers in the power of various sales, so for any request, the goods here are accepted to bargain.

Ale є th season, if mass discounts are checked for purchases:

  • Month of Ramadan (the fast of Ramadan will take place at a fast hour, tentatively, this is the end of the grass - a worm). It is important that during the hour of Ramadan prices fall the most.
  • Shopping festival (sichen - lyuty). At this hour, the whole emirate has a holy day, everywhere there are various drawings, lotteries, fireworks are launched in the evenings, and prices in stores fall by 60 - 70%.
  • Dubai Summer Surprises ("Summer Surprises"). Tse trading is holy in vlіtku, shorazu at a different hour.

Thinking about what to buy in Dubai, varto vrahuvati, what for stocks you can buy the most expensive products - gold, smart, firm robe, in. On inexpensive goods, the prices are reduced, but not the flooring.

In this rank, go up to Dubai, you can be far away at the time of fate. Aje in this pompous place you can find yourself busy regardless of weather minds. To enjoy the spicy weather, you can always go to the store with a cool air conditioner, or spend the day at the SPA center, or go snowboarding. Particularly satisfied with your shopping in Dubai, even during the low season, the city's merchants are in power for purchases of trade festivals and promotions.


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