Shade-loving palm trees for an apartment. Nevibagly room tickets for the whole river. Sort and see tіnyovitrivalih roslin

It is important to show your life, as if they would not embellish the room growth. The stench roils the calm homely atmosphere, quiet the eye, clear the wind. However, far from skin gentleman can boast of the presence of a greenhouse, which smells of groin, color, greenery. It is not worth talking about the necessity of the necessary proof and knowledge of the rules for the cultivation of tickets. The temperature regime and the illumination of the premises are up to the important minds of their mornings. We will try to expand in this report, responding to the question: how to choose light / shade-loving and dark rooms, name those you can know well, or you will feel about them first.

It is possible to classify the room growth by different signs: the peculiarity of the reproduction of that flower, the trivality of life, the hour of the flower, the appearance of the stem and the rhizome.

8 main types of room colors are recognized as a common sight:

  1. Beautifully fluffy growths delight the eye with miraculous flowers. Ce azalea, begonia, gerbera, troyanda, pelargonium, phalaenopsis, cyclamen and others. The stench is distinguished by the hour of bloom (from Monday to a few months), by the period of life (one river and more). For a special look, pleasing to the regular flowers.
  2. Decorative-leaf specimens are the largest group, which are cultivated by the common, leaf shape, bushes, and their various varieties. Bush-like and tree-like leaves are cut with oval, linear, rose, jagged leaves, as well as stems that hang. To tsієї groups lie ardisіya, dieffenbachіya, cypress, ficus, boxwood, myrtle, sheffler, ivy, tradescantia and іn.
  3. The bromeliads of the roslins are permeated by the hard thorny leaves, which make a rosette, in the center of which the frizzy flowers are often established. The beauty of the first sight is in the leaves, which roztashovuetsya on the way to flourish and may be zabarvlennya. These include bilbergia, cryptanthus, echmea.
  4. Cacti and succulents are a group of nonviable specimens. They grow compact, fleshy, succulent stems. Cacti covered with thorns and light harmata. View to become Kalanchoe, tovstun, hoya, sansevieriya and ing.
  5. Ferns - Volodya of pink light-green twisted leaves. They reproduce by spores, rozpodil that nirkami, not building up to bloom. Give priority to pivtin, do not ask for relay turboti. Aadiantum, nephrolepis, polypodium and other variability can be seen to the same species.
  6. Cibulinny growing - flowers with an underground stem in the form of cibulin, which picks up the color of speech. Do not endure poshkodzhenya, perezvolozhennya. Vіdіznyayutsya garnim tsvetіnnyam vіdmіnno go to the creation of compositions. Hypoastrum, hyacinth, lily, eucharius and ing are seen before them.
  7. Palm trees are the inhabitants of the tropics, which have taken root well in our climatic minds. May vitrivality, love light, building virosity over 2 meters. Good spread among the open spaces of coconut, date palm, rapis, hamedorea.
  8. Fruit and berry growth is now good to grow at home. For fruiting, it needs rich lighting, regular kindness, warm weather. Tse avocado, lemon, kavove tree, tangerine.

Right lovers of flowers are encouraged to visit their home greenhouse for a better mother if they want one representative of the skin group. When choosing room growth, it is necessary to protect all the characteristics: look, rosemary, color din, and wash the smut bright.

Vimogi up to application temperature

At the dwelling place, at the same time, growths can grow, like a bud, grow near deserts, near water bodies, in open spaces. Tse vimagaє dotrimannya singable minds of the morning, as much as possible sticking to the foundation of the natural environment.

Roslin, selected with the improvement of the peculiarities of the city, will please you with beauty and health, and also with a minimum of effort and help to keep an eye on him.
The most important indicator is the choice of growth due to the improvement of the uniform temperature regime, which ensures a period of calm and growth.

Fallow, according to the indicator, the rooms are divided into three groups:

  1. Pomіrno heat-loving - graciously grow over 14-17 °С. Before them one can see scarlet, asparagus, clevia, zebrina, zygocactus, kalanchoe, tradescantia, ivy, cyperus.
  2. Heat-loving - miraculously feel at 18 - 25 ° C and suffer from the smallest decrease in degrees. The root system is filthy rotten again and again. All tropical plants: begonia, peperomia, saintpaulia, coleus, bromeliad. When the temperature rises again over 28 ° C, the stench is also disgustingly felt: the leaves are dark, in'yane, fall off. It is important to ensure sufficient water intake.
  3. Cold weather - oleander, date, raucaria, clevia, yucca, chlorophytum, cyclamen - miraculously grow at 10 -15 ° C.

The skin of the room can grow in temperature between, with a decrease in it, it will die. For example, for akalifi, anthurium, dieffenbachia, syngonium - tse 14 ° C, begonia, kalanchoe, orchids - not lower than 10 ° C, and pelargonium, ivy, tradescantia, crowbars are saved at temperatures up to 5 ° C.

In the winter period, it is important to provide the apartments with a calm path for quick watering and maintaining the thermal regime from 10 to 4 °C. To that, if I choose to grow, I will insure the temperature regime of the accommodation, in which you plan to settle a new green friend.

Wimogi until lightening

Obov'yazkovym criteria, in view of which the growth of room growth is friendly, and the illumination of the room. Yogo on vіdmіnu temperature, watering, vologostі vіtrya can't be controlled. It is due to the roztashuvannyam pishchennya, nayavnistyu vіkon i yogo orientation. For tsim pokaznik, room growths are also subdivided into 3 groups.

Let's take a look at the skin report:

Light-loving room suites

Roslini, which range from 1000 to 5000 lux in lightness (during the winter period - not less than 700 lux), are considered light-loving. All kinds of succulents, citrus fruits, oleander, cacti, laurel, cyperus, passionflower and others can be seen before them. These cultures require the use of garnim rose lighting. Place them more often on the windows of the pivdennoy, pivdenno-shidnoy / zahіdnoy sides, not allowing direct dormouse to fall, which will scorch the leaves. When you turn up the lights, to love the light, in dark places, you need a lightening for an additional fluorescent lamp.

Tіnyolubnі kіmnatnі kіti


Rooms, which may be minimally bright until light, it is bad to endure brightly drowsy lighting, to be seen until the darkness. They thrive with 10-12 years on harvest 400-500 lux. Ce alpinia, cardamom, boxwood, spathiphyllum, clevia, senpolia, chamedorea and others. It is important for the skin to know the place, the girl felt comfortable with herself. It’s best to put them on a pidvіkonnya, or a bіlа vіkna, scho to go to pіvnіch, pіvnіchny zahіd.

Tіnyovitrivali kіmnatni roslini

scarlet barbadoske

Quality, which requires sufficient lighting (about 1000 - 3000 lux), but it is easy to endure a small shading - shade. This group includes kava tree, fern, ficus and other. Їx bright day is 8 - 10 years old (withdrawal 4 - 5 years old). Next to the uniqueness of the tributary infusion of direct exposure to ultraviolet, so the igneous mill of the flowers is reduced. For a normal growth, it will need a change of light and space in the order from the last / last days.

Aspidistra, chamedorea, philodendron, ivy, sansevieria, etc. The stench can easily occupy the book police, spread out on a stand in front of the room, or to the far corner of the room, pleasing the eye with beauty and calm. The ideal place for dressing for them is a distance of 2 m from the windows and 3 m from the well-lit windows. However, the next thing to remember is that all the shadows recognize the shadows in a different way. Deyakі їх o'clock vіd o'clock vіd hіmаyаyut tіmchasovogo vystavlennja і svіtle mіsce.


It is possible to correctly spread the light with the help of mathematical derivation: its intensity is proportional to the square of the width of the window. Tse means that, looming the room in 1 m from the window opening, you provide them with light as much as possible. On the vіdstanі 2 m it is less in 4 times, it is clear in 3 m - in 9 times.

Placement in the depths of the plant will require an additional dzherel of light. Maximum exposure to ultraviolet forbezpechat fluorescent lamps day light, aquarium lamps, as well as mercury, sodium, halogen. In the winter period, all rooms are in demand.

How to choose the roslin, which requires a minimum sight

You are a great lover of apartments, but you are afraid to start growing green, fluffy and smelly beauty in your home, so you spend most of the hour on the job, with which you often go to the repair. In this way, tezh є vyhіd: zupinіt svіy vybіr on nevibagly kіmnatnyh dews, middle є є kіmnіtnі kvіti for any relish: flowers, decorative leaves, bromeliads, fruit-berry and ampelnі.

Let's look at the report of the top most popular colors that require a minimum of sight:

Sansevieria, or the silence of the bush, love the dark, as well as the dry places that hang well. Only if you become a tight root system, put it in a larger capacity. Good to do without pіdzhivlennya kindness. Yogo vzimku vzagali not varto turbuvati.

Chlorophytum is an unviable corisna istota, which is not terrible for the dryness of the overworld, nor for the darkness of the sun. Natomist of the shortest green specimen, the building of clay chadny gas, do not know.

Hoya karnoza, or wax ivy, is one of the most beautiful ampelous specimens, you can do without water, sprat of months, eating from a thick glossy leaf. Maybe not for a long time, but don’t transplant. If you regularly pamper yourself with your respect, it will show you a violent color.

Nolina, or bokarneya - a hollow bag with a stovbur, similar to a dance. This original look is often used by decorators when decorating interiors. In order to form the correct large base (caudex) of roslin, you will need a rich rich watering. It is sufficient to plant yogo in a fluffy, not rich soil on the basis of microelements and water it once a month. An ideal option for people who are often disturbed at home for various reasons.

Kalanchoe is a roslina-lecar, which gives priority to redistribution watering, miraculous growth on the windows of the pivdennoy/pivnichny side. There are a lot of different hybrids, to quiet the eye with different farbs.

-Exot miraculously takes root in the low-living, downy soil, in the shade and in the light. Dosvidcheni kvіtnikarі to please choose the land for cacti / violets, zmіshanu with a squeak.

Spathiphyllum is a creation of a colorful flower, which is good to endure a deficiency of water. Do not accept part of the transplant. The unity of the mind is a warm welcome, the shards of wine do not bear protyazhiv.

Scindapsus - ampelny look with rounded / heart-shaped leaves of green color with yellowish blotches. Good for landscaping walls. It helps to repeat the harsh speech, to endure the shadow well, without looking at the great sight and not reacting to sharp temperature drops.

The list can be continued indefinitely. To tsієї category lie, fern, calathea, philodendron,. Do not forget: the lack of vigilance does not mean the absence of sight and watering. Skin green fold with respectful vіdpovіst garnim rostannyam, write flowers or rich greenery. Nevibagly tickets - a wonderful start for newbies at the right office.

On scho pay respect when buying roslin

Often the arrival of a green vihovantsa is the result of a spontaneous decision: after drinking, it was worthy, having bought. Tse wrong pіdkhіd, to that scho purchase of growth can be important, organized, systemic. Golovne kerіvnitstvo to diї - setting up to grow yak to a living vihovantsa, and do not embellish the interior. Evaluate universally the characteristics of the ticket, spying on it with your mind, as you can propagate to a green friend.

Hurry up with a number of florists, so that they can help you find the right choice:

  • Place sale

It’s better to buy roselin at specialized stores, what to promote great choice receipts and necessary accessories. The seller will give recommendations at a glance, recommend the best option.

  • Starry look

Decide where you place the ticket and choose the ticket that is suitable for the transfer, payment, winter garden.

  • Wash your morning

Give respect to the temperature, increase the moisture content, the level of lighting, I will need watering. Pick up the roslina, as if you were telling the minds of your living at your place.

  • Vitrivality

Choose for yourself, often you will give an hour to room colors and work your choice.

  • Roslini mill at the time of purchase

Take a closer look. Florists do not recommend bathing flower specimens during the period of active flowering. The leaves are due to grow evenly, do not be dull, withered, unnatural color.

We think that you will be greeted by the propagandists.

Folk wisdom seems to be: "What a gardener, such a garden." Dear wise and precise whistle. Choose your flower friends, nicely accommodating you with the necessary minds of living.

Lively apartments organically fit into any design of that interior. The stinks add to the style, give the house a calm and warmth, create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

But not all rooms settle down in a booth and quiet their masters. All on the right at light illumination and temperature regime.

If a large amount of sony light is needed, then it will not grow in a dark place. To that, before choosing home vouchers, the fact is safe.

Get respect! If a small amount of sony color penetrates into the apartment, then for the decor, room plants are selected, like to love the shade.

Tse іdealny variant for rich apartments and houses. Aje homely suites, which do not mean a great amount of light, are less viable. It is easier for them to watch over that stezhiti.

It is not a good idea to think that the shade-loving growers should act in the aesthetic plan to the light-loving colors. The stench also blooms brightly, smells and looks low and pleasantly.

Kіmnatnі roslini: tіnelyubnі і nevibaglyvі

Name of the ticket Short description
Kvituchi at the apartment
Spathiphyllum Roslin green zabarvlennya. Leaves of spathiphyllum are presented in a vignated oval. Roslin love obpriskuvannya.

Once every 30 days, it is necessary to wash your sponges for help.

Gardenia For gardenia, the temperature is comfortable when placed between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius. Color the garden with white flowers.
Saintpaulia Saintpaulia is often called the Uzbek violet. Viddaє perevagu flowers in the dark.

Violet loves high temperatures (from 19 to 24 degrees Celsius). Color violet with shades of blue color.

Vrieziya Vrієzіya - roslin, which is seen by the flowers in the bright-red arrow. A flower to love water. Ale vrіzіya is not unviable roslin.

If you choose to bring a similar ticket to the booth, then it is necessary to control the moisture content and temperature again.

The optimum temperature for the host varies from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Anthurium Primhliv, ale beautiful roslina. Loving warmth. Behave carefully with Anthurium Varto.

On yoga leaves there is speech, building roses of the slime shell of a person.

Ivy Ivy - tse curly kviti. Nevibaglivy, do not like the sony color. Ivy grows on nets, flowerpots and hanging pots.
Peperomia Batkivshchyna Peperomia - India. This is a tropical flower, which exudes a brightly pronounced green light.
Tradescantia Tradescantia was brought to Europe from the American continent. Vaughn vіdrіznyаєtsya raznomanіttya vіdtіnіkіv i nevibaglivіstyu.
Scindapsus Scindapsus is called a liana. The sheets of liani are embellished with white-yellow colors and ornaments that look like separation.

Liana to love the Vologda, it’s rotten to endure straight sleepy prominnya.

Palm trees
Ficus Ficus is a tree-like roslin, like vicorist for the decoration of living and working places.
Hamedorea Chamedorea growth is povіlno that long. Otherwise called a palm tree. Chamedorea to love clearer watering that shodenny obpriskuvannya.
Dracaena per old-fashioned look guess a small palm tree.
Monstera Another name was Monster - a room liana. Vaughn admires the great leaves and height.
Fittonia Fittonia has become one of the gardeners' most favorite apartments. May be rozheve zabarvlennya that non-primary form of leaves.
Nephrolepis Fern with spread leaves.
Adiantum The fern looks exotic. Yogo is decorated with small leaves of bright green color. Adiantum vykoristovuєtsya for decoration at the floristry.
Calathea Calathea is brought to the family of arrowroot. Originality її polgaє in non-singular sheets of a unique zabarvlennya.
Code The codium goes up to the family of euphorbias. I bewitch with beauty and unique charms in two color shades: erysipelas and green.

For peace of mind

For peace of mind, there are sublime or great growths, buildings harmoniously fit into the interior of the room:

  • Hibiscus.
  • Dracaena.
  • Yucca.
  • Monster.
  • Ficus.
  • Cactus.

Important! Warto remember that there is little light in the front, then if only once a day it would be necessary to change the circulation of the ticket.

For kitchen

You can decorate the kitchen space with the following quotes:

  • The penny tree symbolizes prosperity and kindness to the family. Vono is reminiscent of thick sheets of paper and glossy zabarvlennyam. This is an ideal option for a floral design for the kitchen.
  • Violets.
  • Begonia.
  • Croton.
  • Scheffler.
  • The fruits of the tree. Podіbnі minі-trees mаyut vitoncheniy aroma and pleasant look. The stench helps to neutralize kitchen odors.
  • Calathea. The peculiarity of the calathea polagaє in the її increase in resistance to water.
  • Balsam.
  • Zebrina.

Warto remember that when decorating the kitchen space, it is difficult to put vases and potters in charge of heating objects, a stove, a sink, or a hood.

For the bedroom

The bedroom is a place for people. Therefore, the growth for the bedroom is due to the improvement of warehouse storage components, as building damage to human health.

Get respect! For the bedroom, it is not necessary to choose the largest and even the greatest growths. The stench takes on a rich saw, which can negatively stick into the broncho-legenevu system of a person.

For the bedroom, the suites of the average size are selected, as they are placed on the police.

Table: Roslins for the bedroom.

When the bedrooms are decorated with room vouchers, keep in mind that there are a lot of them. The miners were put up aside during the month, de people called to spend their free time.


Find the latest roses:

  • Aspidistra. The beauty of the aspidistry is polygay in її dotted zabarvlennі. The uniqueness of the quotation lies in its non-violence.

    Vіn does not care about special attention, tolerantly tolerate the temperature regime, good growth in dark and low-lighted areas.

  • Chlorophytum. Vykoristovuetsya for decorating spaces from different recognitions. Guessing a growing stovbur with a great bunch of spreading stems.

    Chlorophytum is cold-resistant, do not be afraid of a large number of waters. Yogo head fear is dry, to this yogo varto regularly water and brush.

  • Aglaonema. It is a bush with lanceolate leaves, which are adorned with spots of yellow, shriveling or cream color.
  • Epipremnum. Tse kіmnatna liana, dozhina yakoy syagaє three meters. V'yana liana is being adapted to any kind of lighting and temperature conditions.
  • Gelksine. It looks like a grassy kilimok, which, with the ease of all, is a vast expanse.

Important! Even though the growth is shade-loving, it does not mean that it is necessary to place an accommodation in the dark for a tribal hour. Flowers do not tolerate direct sleepy changes, but light is necessary for them to have a normal growth and development.

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The room grows create a calm for our donkey, decorate the interior, delight the eye.

Deyakі svіtlolyubnі kіmnatnі vіdnі not vybálі vіd oglyadі.

Їx to put on the pіvіkonnya, including the pіvnіchnu side, zabezpechayuchi rossіyane light.

Also included are bakery exchanges of sun.

It is important to note that you can’t see the light behind such signs:

  • -Pripinyaєtsya rostannya;
  • - fall off, wither, yellow leaves of roslin (especially the lower ones);
  • - new pagons in rosemaries;
  • - the stem becomes loud, thin;
  • - a small number of buds settle down when blooming, the stench pins a rose, fall off;
  • - the greenery of those leaves, as if a little earlier, the line of zabarvlennya.

Qi signals to get ahead of you about those who grow up need more light.

The most popular light-loving room trees are є,. Їm necessary minimum sight. Therefore, you can often see them not only at the houses, but also at the office.

Kalanchoe- Lіkarska kіmnatna roslina. Vitchizna - Pivdenna America. The color of the flower is clear. Roslin flowers are the most tempting vіdtіnkіv.

Yogo can be felt like at the apartment, so on. It is not contraindicated to place mountaineers with Kalanchoe in children's bedrooms.

Vіdmіnno pіchіnіє poіtrya, zmіtsnyuє іmіnіtet people, zdatna vіdnovlyuvati vigor, maє antiviral activity. Likewise, spread the kalanchoe on the pivdenniy side - cover it with paper with a speku in the sun.

Irrigate slowly, if the earth hangs. Yakshcho pour - roslin pіdgnivatime. 2 times a month next year with mineral supplements (infusion). As if the roslin had stretched out, shorten it, having seen the top of the 3-5 sheets, and root її.

Begonia- Decorative roslin. Silence the flowers with a stretch of dekilkoh months. Leaves of different colors.

Light-loving room roslina - the necessary illumination of the place, the increase of moisture in the air. Protect from direct sleepy shifts - otherwise, there will be ops.

Don't like stretch. Watering died down. Less water. Come sooner during the flowering period ( 2 times per month). Propagated by live bait or by us.

The widest room roslina on pіdvіkonnі - ( pelargonium). Batkivshchyna - Pivdenna Africa. Need regular watering.

Light is one of the vital factors that signify the development of green growths.

At our apartments and booths, do not always go out in such a way that we can order for our green lovers to sleep or a balcony. Buvaє th so, scho with such a problem mystikaєmosya and on the open air - do you want to create a flower bed in the shade of trees, and how to grow?

Buying roslins for the home, it’s important to remember the characteristics and advantages of these roslins.

Tіnyolubnі and tіnyovitrivali kіmnatnі kvіti - tserliny, yakі nasty feel with a piece of light, grow miraculously in the tіnі і (or) do not tolerate direct sleepy changes. Shade-loving growths ring out near the apartments on windows, balconies and places, where the sun is rarely far away, or there is no light, for example, pivnichni vikna. Let's take a look at such roslins and quilts.

Begonia Lucerne(Also wear the name "shine", "coral").

The most pleasant temperature is 13-22 °C. The moisture content is approximately 60%, but due to increased moisture content, the bulbs can rot. At high temperatures, it is necessary to reapply. Let the wind sound like a dead watering, and the axis of the winter can be watered with giblets. For lovers of that bud, it’s better to buy a sum for planting begonia - you won’t have to take care of all the necessary elements for the proper growth of growth.

poinsettia(because how else її call - Euphorbia is the most beautiful - a breathtaking name, isn't it?). More її call Rіzdvyanoy zіrka - it's more likely to be closer to the Catholic Rіzdva.

To look after such a ticket - one is satisfied. In the first place, the beauty of the buds that have blossomed, all true susilla, stained for the river. I want some kind of poinsetti, which will bloom more often. In a different way, looking after a ticket, swearing, not folded - poisettia dosit nevibagly. Growth should be practical, protected from stretching. In the presence of the pink light, without yaskravih changes, the wind can be brought to the loggia or balcony. Trivale well lighting can zatrimuvat appearance of buds - so the very place for a beautiful flower - pіvnіchne vіkno or balcony. Regularly prepare your beauty - from the beginning of spring to the autumn of the skin two days. As if leafing through the fall - do not be turbulent, it's just that she has a clear expression during a period of calm. From the end of the spring, it is necessary to twist the growth on anything with a dark package, and know that it’s more than a lie, so that poisettia spent about 14 years at the last dark. The cost of labor is approximately 8 days. In this manner, you will bloom the flower until the New Rock. Watering is needed only once, if you remember that the surface of the soil may have dried up. Under the flower hour, the temperature is to blame but a troch lower than the norm, while the tickets are worn for two to six months.

Ruelia- more like a garn, but a non-recognizable name. And I myself often get a ticket so often on pіdvіkonnyah at home and at the dacha. A lot of sights of the flowers of the voucher give the advantage of darkness, but all are warm-hearted, because Homeland Tropical America, Africa, Pivnichna America. Rules can be impersonal sights and visions and in a different way zabarvleni kviti, which gives us a great choice for any color and relish.

The smut for this growth is more lightly watered, especially during the growth of that flower, and the axis after the flower can be changed. Vletka will require support. Sound ruellia brightly blooming fierce until late autumn.

Arrowroot tricolor- the main advantage of the roslini - is superbly beautiful for the zabarvlennyam, original and rіznomanіtne leaf, like you can bring into the capture of a practically any kind of kvіtnikar. Maranta can create a unique decorative effect on your booth. In England, they call it “praying arrowroot” - this is how Roslin took away that which burns and raises its leaves in the night.

Love bright watering and high watering again. Irrigation fee can be changed, but the upper land sack is always responsible for being laid, and especially - at the hour of the growth of the growth. Є cicavia fact- Leaves maranti before a thunderstorm to be in a vertical position. For planting, take a plastic hiller, the best way to trim the water. It is possible to transplant once in two rocks, and the mountaineer should be taken larger in diameter, lower in front.

Saintpaulia fialkokvitkova- Small-width roslina, but popular and loved by kvіtnikarіv. Other people call it Uzumbar violet.

For the beautiful flowers of the Saint-Poliy, it is enough to follow a number of rules: the temperature is equal, the water level is high, and the refreshment is regular.

If you just start to take care of the tickets, then I can give one important joy to the rahunok of the ticket - it is necessary to take care, so that the leaf does not stick out the error, because it’s not the growth you have on the windows. Don't let the water get on the leaves. The collection of Saintpaulia requires a temperature not lower than 18 ° C. It is important to remove the leaf in the host, and if the leaves are infected with shkidniks, it is necessary to remove the leaf at once with live bait. I smut - rossiyane light chi pivtin; Saintpaulia respectfully trim far away from direct sleepy light.

Cycad vіdіgnatiy (tsikas vіdіgnatiy)- Finish a rare sight in the booths.

It’s better to feel warm in the sleepy days, although you can endure a sprig of rose light. Under the hour of the flower, the cycad loves the calm watering, and in the fire, it is necessary to be wonderfully placed before watering and robiti tse carefully. Bazhano vzhivatit zakhodіv shkodo vologostі povitrya, podskuvannya - one necessary minds zmistu. With its appearance, the cicada is already similar to a palm tree and therefore borrows one of the first months of the middle of similar to new growths. In his own time, the Swedish botanist Karl Linnaeus, in Oman, looked like a cicada and gave it the name "palm tree". Sound the cicada grows up to 1.8-2m, but more or less. Pochatkіvtsy kvіtnikaram do not recommend the plant tsyu roslinu, tk. it vomits primhoy.

philodendron climb- liana sang with wooden needles, sometimes half grassy, ​​may be rooted for a long time, but do not plant.

Philodendron is one of the smallest lianas and it’s not bad to go for growing in hanging flowerpots and cats. In principle, roslin is not viable, but there are real problems in it. A trip to the tropics of America. The temperature suitable for liani is: inlet 25-28 degrees, wintering - 15-18 degrees. Watering is to be done in such a way that the soil needs to be planted, and in the winter hour it is necessary to water a little bit. When the lower leaves are redistributed, they dry up, and when the soil dries out, the tips of the leaves dry up. Pіdgodovayuchi philodendron, it's important not to oversaturate the soil. But it’s also good that you’re suffering for a good marriage, if you don’t transplant and forget to get married. It is also necessary to grow up in yogic ailments, so turn up and listen to your mush green wihovantsya. Philodendron does not tolerate cold stretches. І obov'yazkovim for the new є - obskuvannya whether it be pori rock.

Monstera- One of the most beautiful lianas, like growing in a room environment. In sympathetic minds, a frill can reach 3-5 m. The word "monstera" comes from Latin, which means marvelous, chimeric. Some people call it a "crybaby". Її tsіkavoyu osoblіstyu є those, scho in gloomy weather on the tips of the leaves are droplets. In this way, you can predict the weather for the harvest - as soon as the droplets appeared - check on the board.

The temperature of the monstera is overwhelmed, the charge is 10 to 14 degrees, and at higher temperatures it can increase its power. Monstera love regularly obraskuvannya, and if necessary, її leaves can be wiped with a wet servlet or a special brush, so that he drank without clogging the pores on the sheets.

Miraculous myrrh- Evergreen chagar (may grow on what looks like a small tree), the leaves of which are oppositely planted. On the light, you can dabble at the leaf with small droplets - essential oils Zavdyaki yakim myrtle has a pleasant aroma. From the ancient Greek name, it is translated as "balm" - in Ancient Greece i Rome myrtle is a symbol of youth beauty.

Volatile. Don't let the soil dry out! In order to irrigate a tree, it is necessary to clean it up, as in the winter hour you can pin it down, or more richly. Watering also changes the troch, but the smut is not rich. Mirtu will need fresher weather, in warm weather it is recommended to bring a tree to the balcony or to the garden, and then take care of it for your self-confidence, so that it doesn’t pick up shkidnikiv, in the presence of those sweat it’s important to ryatuvatisya. The temperature of the vzimku can be low - 8-10 degrees. The transplant should be sounded to break the skin 2-3 rocks, but even more carefully, so as not to damage the trunk. And the axis of cutting myrtle is easy to carry. The color of the myrtle is even more beautiful - small, mostly white flowers, which make the heart of the kulbaba. To marvel at the quality even more stubbornly, it is povtryano in the leaves of the bush.

Boxwood- you can spread yoga like in the sun, so in the dark, you can miraculously endure the shadowed moon.

The soil is forever slathered and laid down - boxwood to love the Vologda. Ale vin is also bad to endure nontrival on dry land. The other half of the lime is a pleasant hour for pruning. Kuschiki with a crown, which has already been formed, form scallops in a suitable way. Even more diverse forms of boxwood haircuts. So, like a vin, it is widely venerated like a livestock, then give the form of youmu - obov'yazkova on the right. Boxwood can be hibernated on the streets, smut, so that they didn’t scatter straight dormouse on the roslin. It’s more necessary to grow a growing tree, if the stink is good to take root.

Selaginella Martens. This beautiful dryness of the rose does not bloom, it is short, it looks like a guessing moss.

Growing up in such a growth, it is necessary to unique the direct sleepy changes - selaginella to love more intoxicating places. Watering is carried out with soft water and we can clarify, especially inlet. It will require increased moisture content again - close to 60%. Roslin is also thermophilic - it grows at a temperature of at least 20 ° C, and it grows at a temperature of 12 ° C and more. If you want to viroshchuvat selaginella on the street, it’s necessary to get ahead of the poor by її ravliks - the stench of the most headless її shkіdniks. Revitalization is the best work at the hour of vegetation. In addition, as your kuschik is a pidroste, the roots of the new one begin to appear again, but it will grow with age, if the chicks begin to lie down to the ground. Selaginella vіdmіnno growth and with piece light, but we must not love the darkness. Transplant the best awnings after a couple of rocks after the first landing.

You can continue to apply shade-stained room growths.

· Epifilum;



· Zukharis;

· Clivia;

· Kiparis;

· Pittosporum;

· Ofiopogon;

Japanese aukuba;

Fatsia Japanese;



Green leaf cordolin;


and other room growths.

Among the tіnyovitrivalih roslins are also є th tі, yakі they reach the chimalih rosemіrіv, and in the other ones they can grow a large leaf:


· Monstera;


· Aukuba;

· Aspidistra ta іn.

List of found non-viable roslins. Before them one can see:

  1. Spathiphyllum is loved among florists through garnoy vouchers, what can I see a small kachan, burnt with a white pelyustka. Vіn nevibagly. From the minds of the minds of the smut, the vology is revisited. You feel good in a shaded place, ale for pіdtrimki tsvіtinnya sіd zastosovuvat schodo nіgo razom rozіyanogo koloru.
  2. Zamiokulkas is a nonviolent exotic guest from the tropics with dark glossy leaves. For the minds of a closed destination, flowers are more difficult to reach. To save the form of the leaves of yoga, periodically turn them with different sides to the light. Love pivtin. On the sun, you can buti opik.
  3. Sansevieria came to the room culture from Africa. A long way to the minds of a closed occupancy. It is possible to spread її skrіz: on windows, policemen, tables, on pіdlozі.Її leafing is even more decorative. Seeing that zanurenі near the water, the stench is saved for a long time and allowed to root. Culture looks beautiful on aphids of stone walls, straw mats. Sword-shaped, upright leaves with transverse males, with an overworld kindness, you can spend a lot.
  4. Crassula, the people call it a "penny tree". Won can be shaped like a bush chi tree. Particularly attractive are small trees, yakі you can take away, seeing the bichnі pagons of growth. Bushy form is stuffed, pinching the tops of new pagons.
  5. Adiantum is a type of curly fern. Z-pomіzh kіmnatnyh crops the most wide-spread two "venereal hair" and "beautiful". In the occupants, they choose poorly lit areas. In nature, the growing will be able to settle in gorges, chagars near water bodies.
  6. Nephrolepis is a species of one of the favorite fern ferns. The cream of a thinned form, privablivy tim, which kindly cleans up again in the form of shkidlivyh speeches for people. There are no daily problems for yoga breeding. Vіn nevibaglivy, shvidko pristosovuєtsya until the new month.
  7. Roitsisus in nature grows like a liana or bush. Zovsim unviable roslina. It is good to endure moving and it normally develops practically for any minds. To love yoga more for those who are easily multiplied and fast growing.
  8. Selaginella (Plaunok) is a relative of moss, a bugatoric evergreen grass. Reproduce by superchicks. Developing in a warm and voluminous place. From indoor cultures, the expansion of nabula Selaginella Martens. May look like a bush. For breeding a booth, Selaginella gachkovata is also suitable, reminiscent of a bright light that appears in obscured minds and disappears in a bright light.

Curly bushes

For home gardening, curly and ampelous growths are more popular. Shanuvalniks of these forms show a great fantasy, creating a green area in the house. You can spread it high above the underbelly, having built the bellies of support, direct the growth of the stem in a straight line.


  1. Ivy, evergreen chagar with pagons for climbing. With this help, you can create a living green wall, and having constructed a vigilant support, give bushes the most chimerical form.
  2. Tradescantia - bagatorichna roslina with succulent stems, green or streaky leaves. Vitrimuє tin for any room temperature. Edina obov'yazkova umova - tse watering. In old times, the stems are bare. Renovation of cutting old stems. New pagons are rapidly growing, reaching more than a meter of windmill. You can simply embed the cut into the soil, root it out without a hitch and start a new development cycle. Tradescantia can establish the tsili overgrowth without any kind of soil, є garnoy hydroponic culture.
  3. Philodendron is a chagar plant of tropical forests, which develops well like in the light, so for thin minds. From the dermal node of the winding stem, the new one develops multiple roots. Stovbur covered with dark green leaves. The good is multiplied by live bait at any substrate. You can grow a lot of rocks without a transplant.
  4. Chlorophytum chubatiy may be linearly leafy, picked with root bunches. Propagated by rosettes with repeated roots. There can be up to 20 such sockets. There are beautiful rich-tiered growths.

Palm trees and large world

Especially rozkіsh give the interior of the great. Up to the tsієї category, roses of high-rise room growths are brought. They embellish Holi, galleries. The specimens have matured, the right trees and chagars. It is not easy for a living occupant to know for them to lighten up the place. You can't put such a giant on the pіdvіkonnya.

Arranging the large world with an apartment, following the vrakhovuvaty, you don’t like the stench of some permutations. To that, embellishing the room with them, take it to respect as a stylistic peculiarity of the place, and wash it optimally at the roses. The most popular middle varieties of crops have become .

One of the most unviable representatives of the family of palms - hamedorea vitonchena comes from Mexico. Irrespective of those who are natural growers - vologists of overgrowth, it is normal to endure on dry land. Weak illumination also does not disregard the growth.

To embellish the interior of other families, often choose the following types of room growths:

  1. Monstera is a liana with great leaves of the genus Aroidna. When growing with it, they establish a supra support. Vaughn is not viable to the light and navit vzimka can grow far from vicons.
  2. ficusi - Numerical family of mulberries, deyakі see some kind of dissimilar among themselves. See more large-leaved trees. However, there are ficusi with garnii dribniy leaves. The middle ones are streaked with ampelous vidi, specimens with curly stems.
  3. Dracaenas from the asparagus family have impersonal species, which are distinguished by the color and size of the leaves. Most of them require pink lighting, but be afraid of direct sleepy changes. Deyakі see dracaena rise to shade-loving roslins. Zovnіshnyo їkh can be vіrіzniti for the color of the leaves. Tі, scho dark, to light unseen.

Watching the shadow-loving roslins

I called the roses, I called them “shade-loving”, to talk about those who are representatives of the flora, who cannot endure the bright light, directly exchanging the sun. It does not mean that a normal development is possible for the full presence of such minds. As a rule, tse pivtin, rozsiyane light.

Place such cultures no closer than 3 meters from the vіd vіkon skhіdnogo i vіdenny directly. On the pivnіchnіy storonі tse mozhe buti pіvіkonnya. For other furnishings, the growth will be oppressed and weak. Trivale perebuvannya with uncomfortable minds can lead to their death.

Shade-loving rooms should be watered regularly. However, the work should be done carefully, not allowing the soil to be redistributed, which can lead to root rot.

Access to a fresh air for the daytime stretching of footwear. Periodically, it is necessary to fluff up the soil, which will also require access to the soil. Substrate is individual to the skin for the species, as well as agrotechnical methods. Nevibagly vikhovantsі in kvіtkovyh miners from long ago they accompany the people, delight the look and create a pleasant climate.

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