Vitamins for m'yazіv. The best vitamins for growth, renewal and improvement of mind. Chi dіysnі pivnі drіzhdzhі in the process of growing masi

You know how to pump up the m'yazi. Tse vimagaє training. For whom it is also necessary to eat food. But do you know what part of the diet includes certain vitamins and minerals? Yaki? Read more.

One of the biggest myths about the growth of m'yaziv, which is easy. Tse not so. Be - a kind of bodybuilder tell you scho to collect m'yazov masu trohi folded, lower pidyom vag and poglanat protein or protein supplements. Є krihіtnі pozhivnі speech (vitamin and minerals) that work for lashtunki, like vibukhova growth of m'yaziv we can.

Axis de sportive eating is often near the topic. The words of sports food and supplements, ring out, call out loudly. It is important to note that supplements are less likely to be used as protein shakes and fat burners. Be - yakі dodatkovі pozhivnі speechovina, yaki vikoristovuєte, schob zapovni progalini in tavern vvazhayutsya additives.

Otzhe, how to build up m'yazi more effectively, not spozhivayuchi zayvih calories and spend your time, and not kolyuyuchi nadnormovogo year at the gym?

Vidpovid can zdivuvat you.


For riches, it’s important to take care of other operas.

So what to go about?

Try to enable Navit deaki high-yield vitamins and minerals in your set of supplements.

And how do vitamins and minerals work to ensure vibukhov's growth of m'yaziv?

It's easy to get it right. If you marvel at those how macronutrients are processed in the body, then you will see that carbohydrates provide the body with the main source of energy, and proteins and fats are the ones that make tissues in the body. If you can increase the increase in vitamins and minerals, then you can ease the increase in fat and protein for recognition, - the growth of fabrics in your body (such as m'yazi), so that you can ensure the memory of the growth of m'yazy.

First of all, slander the kitchen police with flakes and packs of skin-like vitamins, let's take a quick look at the top 10 vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of m'yaziv.

#1 Tiamin - vitamin B1

Tiamin v_domy is also like vitamin B1. Yak vodorozchinny vitamin, wine is necessary for the growth of m'yaziv.


Wine helps the body reshape in carbohydrates, fats and proteins in energy for vikoristannya їх body. Oskilki all vitamins of group B waterproofing the organism does not save them. In this way, yoga deficiency in the body is easily established. Deficiency of thiamin can lead to the consumption of m'yazovoi mass, it is important to reconsider, if you take an additional dose of vitamins, so that you can drink at a sufficient amount.

Wine also assists in the assimilation of other vitamins, such as vitamin B12. As a matter of fact, B12 plays an important role in the production of testosterone. The rise of testosterone rіven can lead to a swedish growth of m'yazіv.

The body cannot synthesize vitamin B, so its reduction is the only way to overdo it if you take an adequate supplemental dose. Offal is one of the most important equals for thiamine. At the bottom of your bag, your task is to try systematically to get used to the liver, “licorice meat” or to dare and try out some other language.

#2 Vitamin D

True, this sleepy vitamin is one of the most underestimated vitamins for healthy people. Vitamin D has been known for a long time, as a necessary support for healthy bones, and further studies have also shown a link between the camp of the m'azovoy mass and the improvement of vitamin D.

People with a low level of vitamin D tend to have more fatty tissue, lower tee, as a rule, may have an overlying rіven.

Vitamin D can also help you at the gym.


Vіn vydpovіdaє for nalezhne functioning nervous, yakі control m'yazi. Without a sufficient amount of vitamin D, inflammation in the body can transcend the connection between nerves and ulcers. And, if it happens, your training may become ineffective.

Older people need 600 international units of vitamin D per day in order to increase the level in the body at the required rate. Usogo 15 chills on sun (without sun protection cream) can provide your body with enough vitamin D for the whole day. Obviously, you don't want rizikuwati, come out without sun protection cream.

Well, I know, you can live in the same way in the city, de sleepy hour on the vag of gold. Ax de good vitamin D supplements can help ensure that the right amount of vitamin D is needed in your diet. On the other hand, if you want to develop a constructive approach to diet, based on natural and organic food products with a high content of vitamin D, then start a star systematically eating tuna, salmon and eggs.

#3 Vitamin A

Vitamin A may be of great importance for the growth of diseases. In order to inflate strong mucus, it is necessary to provide your body with the ability to more effectively repair the torn mucus. Among the yogo numerical achievements, vitamin A is recognized for the growth and renewal of m'azovoy fabric.

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіtamіn B, vіtamin А - tse zhirorozchinny vitamin. Vіn provadzheniy in fat bags and zberіgayutsya in the body protyag thrive hour. Shards of wine are easily depleted in the body, and you can overspend the necessary dose of vitamin A.

It is better to know the kharchovі dzherel vіtamіnu


Believe it or not, large doses of vitamin A can be toxic. The main source of vitamin A was the liver of creatures. If the liver does not suit your culinary tastes, you can taste cheese, licorice, potatoes and spinach. Tse all the best dzherela tsgogo vіtaminu for a set of m'yazovoї masi.

#4 Vitamin C

Vitamin C, perhaps, is one of the most popular vitamins in the world. Ale, get ready - it’s not just zasіb in the cold, chim vin us in front of the house.

Vitamin C - much more!

It is important for global health, including the immune system and the development of tissues. Vitamin C - chergovy vodorozchinny a vitamin, which, if it is too much, is taken from the body and, therefore, is often guilty of being replenished.

Bіlok vіdomy yak zirka show synthesis m'azovoї fabric, ale vitamin C gray flooring and an important role.

Yak so?!

Vіn helps to help the robot with a protein, which helps the growth of the world that inspiration. Vitamin C is a healthy vitamin. Vіn can help you to be aware of the training, vindicating the torn m'yazi swidshe.

Citrus and vitamin C go hand in hand. Here is one more aspect of this marvelous vitamin. Ale є y іnshі products, yakі mіstjat vysoki rіven tsіgo vіtaminu, including bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower and svichaynu cabbage.

#5 Calcium

Calcium vіdomy as a stone mineral, ale vine also plays an important role in the way the m'yazi functions. Under the hour of strength training, the m'yazi rush and relax.

Tse create crying rose, as if to yourself inspire and they will start talking and they themselves will make slander. Calcium helps m'yazam effectively skorochuvatisya.
Too little calcium and m'yazi not in the mind quickly. What to talk about those who are too rich in calcium can increase yours m'yazi woody.

Milk already for a long time serve yak king calcium. well, tse not zovsim Korisno for quiet, who vegetarian or suffering view intolerance lactose. Garna novelty in volume, what є rich others non-dairy products, yaki take revenge equivalent or, in deyih vipadkah, more calcium, chim milk.

Tse yaki and?

Try for what cabbage, sardini, amygdal or Chinese cabbage bikwhose.

#6 Biotinvitamin H

Biotin also name vitamin H. Vin celebrities Tim, whattse vitamin for hairy, shkira і nіgtіv. hoch youmu і bulo given name vitamin H, wine formally appear before alone h vitamins B і, so rank, wine dіє similarly.

Biotin gray polite role in discounts fat.


Tse vіdbuvaєtsya for help help organism spit protein і fat. So qi macronutrients transform in processes exchange speeches in energy і, so rank, help save body stringy і pіdsmazhemo. Zbіlshennya energy means more strain training. Tse, in my cherga, maybe only help out m'yazam grow up.

Biotin take revenge in bagatioh products, ale not in great number of bones. Products, yaki naturally take revenge biotin peanut, mushrooms, eggs chewing gum, Rice і potatoes.

#7 magnesium

Magnesiumtse marvelous, moving energy mineral. good apparently, what stress і short sleep shkidlivy for set m'azovy Masi. Magnesium help rosum і body probably.
What help renewal m'yaziv. Vin also help organism conquer macronutrients, shob secure yoga energy.

At Magnesium є mutual communication h calcium. pong resentment need friend others, shob achieve success. De calcium help m'yazam rush, magnesium help ym relax. Magnesium often missed h mind in yakosti additives before diet, ale tse necessary mineral, So yak wine help h smoky і conquered calcium organism.

Additives Magnesium available yak in walks, So і in form powder. Yak і all vitamins і minerals, є options eating, yaki can help out to you reach your whole equal magnesium. Try stravi h spinach, mackerel, avocado і brown rice. Tse today products may healthy spіvvіdneshennyam in carbohydrates, bilkiv і fat. Vono also may temple zmist magnesium.

#8 Zalizo

Yakscho in and take away garnet number sleep in nightly hour і Tim not less you know yourself mindful і mlyavim, in and you can interpret your rіven hall.


Nestacha hall maybe mother serious side effects effective, yaki can buti shkidlivy for your I'm healthy і regime training. Zalizo necessary for production chervonikh bloody clitin і help endure kissen on body. Without hall, in and you can apparently zamorochennya і what your dihannya fight in hour training.

W bay, respectfully significantly, what yakscho your rіven too late low, one extraordinary eating maybe buti not enough, shob correct problem. Tsіlkom ymovirno, what to you necessary accept additives hall, shob move number erythrocytes. What seems about volume, victoria diet, rich bay, maybe help out only save rіven hall on the reliable equal. Creature protein h high zmistom hall order h dark green leaves vegetables.

Insha important rich, yaku necessary mother in mind, yakscho in and lied take additives hall then, what stink, yak rule, yell constipation. At results, in and guilty stems per Tim, shob take care products h high zmistom cellular tissue in hour accept supplemental hall.

#9 Vitamin B12

At then hour yak vitamins groupie At all technically lie down friend others, leather okremium vitamin groupie functionally sprat resent view others. Vitamin B12 hot topic about vitamins h pidyom popularity diet on the rosemary basics. Problem in volume, what rich vegans not take special equal vitamin A About 12 in x rations.


Cause in volume, what Vitamin B12 maybe buti taken away in great number of bones only h products creatures camping. Kharchov drіzhdzhi, roslinny dzherelo vitamin A About 12, ale what hardly chi enough, shob organism himself on sobi satisfy drink on the About 12.

Yakscho In and not vegan, then maloimovirno, what to you not not vistachaє vitamin A About 12. Amino acids, present in About 12 help will be і inspire m'yazovu textile. Products h high equal vitamin A About 12 include in yourself eggs, chervone meat, bird і fish.
Є also roslinnі products, yaki enriched vitamin About 12,so yak bread і crupi, ale stink not natural, yak ti, yaki avenge in m'yasi.

#10 Zinc

Zinctse respectful mineral in human I'm healthy. Won help move rіven testosterone.

well, tsey rіven start go down h vіkom. Testosteronetse hormone, cotriy confirm per m'yazovu masu. Yakscho your meta growths great m'yazi, then zinctse your friend. Vin gray role in sexual I'm healthy, a also, help manufacturing spermatozoa і libido. Not wonderful, what so products, yak oysters h high zmistom zinc є natural aphrodisiacs.

oysters, yalovichina, spinach і peas cash'yugarni dzherela zinc. Yak і h deakim others vitamins і minerals h what list, too late rich zinc maybe viklikati side effects reactions. Wper what, better otrimati peace of mind zinc h help extraordinary eating і leave out undertaking h zinc additives on the vipadok recommendations view doctor.


Vitamins і minerals play life polite role in zagalom I'm healthy. Navit at diet, yak bagata usima products maybe vinicnuti non-stacha deyih old speeches і axis if change diet or additives in additional help.

Vitamins і minerals call out add іsnuyuche healthier life. In and never not guilty bow down inclusive on the are sold without prescription additives, shob help out sobi reach goals. Not forget, what navіt vitamins can buti shkidlivy in great number of bones.
Deyaki h them can lead before nebazhanim m'yazovim і training results.
Deyaki navіt can opine fatal. Not forget consult h doctor earlier chim independently x dial up.

Yaku role in your training processes play vitamins і minerals for growth station m'yaziv? Write in

I know radium you bachiti, dear chitachu! Today is the order of the day "dry" topic about vitamins. Let's talk about those, which are the most stimulating for our "olis". Such stats will always terrify me in pozіkhati - but what do you see, you need to know.

To that I will propagate this article yaknaishvidshe, and to that we will go straight to the right. Forward!

Usі vitamins, as we accept, can be divided into two types:

  1. Water resistance. They include vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folate and pantothenic acid and biotin. The stench, when necessary, is transported to the blood and is easily conquered. The main plus, and the singing world is not big - the stench is not hindered in the body and is easily eliminated. Tse allows you not to worry about too much and even a few negative consequences, but from the other side without constant replenishment, you can find a deficiency in the body.
  2. Zhirorozchinnі. This group includes vitamins А, D, E, and К. It's a problem - the stench can accumulate and do not require constant replenishment, but too much of it can negatively splatter on your body.

People for the normal functioning of all systems and organs need to balance the balance of their brown tongues. And now let's look at what vitamins are needed for the growth of m'yaziv?

List of vitamins for growth of m'yaziv

  • Vitamin A (retinol) - taking part in the synthesis of protein, converting amino acids on cells and m'yazovoi tissue. Vin also takes an active part in the production of glycogen, which is necessary for swedish sprout m'azovoї masi (). As a natural antioxidant, improves tissue health, protecting the athlete from injuries and stretching. Found in rich dairy products, ribs, orange/yellow vegetables, greens.
  • B1, or thiamine - well acquire protein and take part in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, by the same time, the most m'yazovі tissues are sour. This is especially important in case of trials and intensive workouts, when you need wine together with meat products, cereals, bean roslins, fish.
  • B2 (riboflavin)- Increase energy during the process of glucose metabolism, as well as during the oxidation of fatty cells, taking part in the metabolism of protein, which helps to increase the rate of inflammation. The basis for riboflavin diet for people. Avoid all foods rich in protein (liver, milk, cheese, poultry, fish, legumes, green vegetables, mushrooms, oysters, eggs).
  • B3 (niacin)- vibrating even richer energy, vibrating ATP molecules. Expanding judges and more mastering living speeches. Mist in white meat, salmon, tuna, shrimp, eggs, peas, milk, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes.
  • B6 (pyridoxine)- Krіm participation in the process of the exchange of proteins, the introduction of carbohydrates into the body. Under the hour of a protein diet, an increase in the amount of this vitamin is needed. You can know yoga in white meat, ribs, eggs, bananas, peas, sonyashnikovy nasinn, potatoes, carrots.
  • B7 (biotin)- contributes to the exchange of glucose and the synthesis of glycogen, helping to acquire amino acids. Spray the growth and relief of m'yaziv. Mist in peas, beans, corn, soybeans, baked goods and nirkah.
  • B12 (cobalamin)- Necessary osmosis of nerve tissue, as a means of transmitting impulses to nerves from the spinal cord. Take part in the rapid coordination of muscles. Yoga promotion in yalovichi, birds, eggs, ribs, mollusks and dairy products.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - Reducing the driftwood for additional collagen fixation, taking part in the process of amino acid exchange. Another important achievement is the fate of the synthesis of testosterone. Improves the absorption of saliva by the body, vitamin C improves the movement of sour through the body, optimizing the work of the mucus. Being a powerful antioxidant, this vitamin reduces the severity of injuries and the recovery of chronic diseases. Vitamin C present in citrus fruits, berries, kale, cabbage, spinach, radishes, broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes.
  • Vitamin D- recommended for better absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The number of elements is one of the most important in vikonannі rights. With a normal short-lived m'yazіv, the stench tends to start to get better in obsyazі. Mist in riba, low-fat syrі and milk, in vivsyanci. Tsey vitamin is one of the most common in natural products, it is more reasonable to use yoga in a pharmacy.
  • Vitamin E- Vidminny antioxidant. Vіn protects the membranes of clitin from stress after navantage and helps them to become more rejuvenated. Know the wines of various olives of the dewy season, avocados, green vegetables (leafy), peanuts and almonds.

Perelik of the necessary minerals

Іz vitamins were taken. Now it is especially important micro and macroelements, like obov'yazykovo are present in the diet of a bodybuilder. Must stink to take part in the process of regeneration of m'yaziv

  • potassium- Vіdmіnniy pomіchnik for vіdnovlennyа m'yazovї ї teknіnі after important navantagen. Found in cereals, peas, dried fruits, bananas, milk, yalovichi.
  • Phosphorus– help to improve the support-rukhovy device and good fabrics. Nezaminno with trainings and zbіlshennі masi. Take a look at ribs, seafood, legumes.
  • calcium- Vіdpovіdaє for zmіtsnennya kіstkovyh tiskanin that normally skorochennya m'yazovyh fibers. You can ask for help syra, dairy products, gorіhіv, nasіnnya and beans.
  • Magnesium- Vidpovіdaє for razsláblennya musculature, zmenshuyuchi rizik court, dopomogaє in the development of amino acids, as well as in the acquisition of other important minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus. Foods rich in magnesium - peas, sesame, flax, harbuzov.
  • Mid- spryaє rostannya m'yazovoi tissue. A great number of them are in baked goods, cereals, apples, tomatoes and beetroots.
  • Zinc- taking part in the molding of whites in m'yazakh, helping not only to their active growth, but also to the rapid growth in case of injuries and rapid regeneration after significant advancement. It is rich in broccoli, corn, raspberries, peas and legumes.

And don’t worry about what kind of vitamin the same product should have. Worrying about it is definitely not varto. Dorimuyuchis zbalansirovannogo kharchuvannya and raznomanitnogo menu can be more secure your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Ale, often for athletes, and especially for bodybuilders, it is necessary to introduce your eating at the singing frame, or conduct a course of drying before the magic. This time can not do without the help of special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Then post food, take vitamins as soon as possible. Obviously, you can get it in a pharmacy, but the stench is more suitable for people with a more relaxed way of life. For athletes, it is better to choose vitamins from special sports food stores.

There you will find a wide assortment of brown chemistry for both men and women. Specialized sports supplements are properly balanced in their warehouse for those who train intensively, lift weights, for athletes, for those who are ready to get ready (for example, "").

Often, supplements necessary for athletes can be included in the warehouse - proteins, amino acids, antioxidants, as well as polynutrients. The stench helps in the main goals for everyone who trains at the gyms - increase vitrivality, physical performances, improve the exchange of speech, increase the resistance of the body to stress.

Take vitamins step by step during the day, or rather before an hour, drinking water. Try to take the rest of the dose a couple of years before bedtime, even at night you need rest and an hour for inspiration, and not a surge of strength.

This tedious article has come to an end, for which I am waking you (however, you have survived to this moment)! See you in new posts, friends.

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Below is a description of the necessary vitamins that are necessary for your mind to grow like a yeast. Ale, don't forget: you can stay less for the mind of active trainees.

1. Cobalamin (vitamin B12)

Ensures carbohydrate exchange and fabric maintenance nervous system(The spinal cord and nerves transmit signals from the brain to the mucosal tissue). Stimulation of m'yaziv for the help of nerve cells and important crocodile in fast, coordination and growth of m'yaziv.

B12 is available less in wild foods: yalovichina, kurka, fish, and pork.

2. Biotin

It plays the most important role in the metabolism of amino acids and the production of energy from various nerves. On a note: bodybuilders, yakі їdjat syri yаєchnі squirrels, possess speech, yak call Advin. Tsya speech blocking biotin.

Dzherelami biotin є: egg zhovtok, liver, nirki, pidshlunkova zaloza, milk, soybeans and barley.

3. Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Actively take part in three main processes:

  1. glucose metabolism;
  2. oxidation of fatty acids;
  3. course of water through the Krebs cycle (through the cycle citric acid depevnі molecules are broken down into energy in the form of ATP).

For stimulating the general effects of riboflavin on the effects of protein metabolism. Іsnuє tіsny vzaєmozv'yazok mizh m'azovoy massa body and riboflavin diet.

Products enriched with riboflavin: liver, almonds, soybeans, seafood, milk and other dairy products, eggs.


4. Vitamin A

Vitamin A improves fat. Might be more important in the synthesis of protein (growth of m'yaziv). I also take part in the production of glycogen (a form of energy for intensive activity of the body).

Products with a rich mix of vitamins: all the same milk, liver, oysters, tea leaves, broccoli, sea kale.

5. Vitamin E

As a tight antioxidant, it takes part in the protection of cellular membranes. Reminds that spray of growth of m'yazovykh clitins, as if they lie uninterruptedly in the form of healthy clitin membranes.

The most wide-spread dzherelami eating, scho revenge vitamin E, є raznі roslinnі olії, peas, green leafy vegetables, as well as fortified porridge

6. Niacin (vitamin B3)

Take part in 60 metabolic processes associated with energy production.
Nicotinic acid in the form of niacin causes expansion of the vessels. However, large doses of nicotinic acid sharply increase the body's ability to mobilize and burn fat.

Kharchov_ dzherela, scho vengeance niacin: turkey meat, dairy products, birds, fish, meat meat, peas and eggs.


7. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Even though the necessary reserves of calcium in the m'yazah are not available, you will not reach the top and most soon m'yaziv. Shvidki and sweaty m'yazovі skorochennya are also protected by phosphorus. The rest is also required for the synthesis of ATP.

Kharchov_ dzherela: low-fat or low-fat milk.

8. Tiamin (vitamin B1)

Necessary for metabolism and growth of proteins. It takes an uninterrupted fate in the established hemoglobin, which is a protein that is found in the blood erythrocytes, which ensures that the body is sour to the body, which works.

Kharchov_ dzherela tіamіnu: green peas, spinach, liver, yalovichina, pork, sea beans, peas, bananas, soybeans, goji berries, whole grains and rich cereals, bread, dried yeast, wisps of unpolished rice and legumes.

You wouldn’t be engaged in any kind of sports activities – big, basketball, gymnastics or powerlifting – you can’t achieve success without a properly folded body. Correct choice products, vitamins and food additives will be a guarantee that the body will be provided with the necessary and necessary speeches for carrying out intensive training with further signs and symptoms of the entire body volume of your body.

Eating for successful training

Athletics, big

Obov'yazkovo get used to enough in zhu kіlkіst bіlkіv: the stench will be vikoristan like a budvel speech for the restoration of the structure of clitin, the synthesis of hormones and antibodies. Even though there is not enough protein in the diet, it can cause the destruction of the tissue of the malignant tissue, the damage to the production of hormones, the fall of the practice.

Yak brand dzherel energy it is recommended to choose carbohydrates, but remember: unutilized energy reserves (glycogen) are stored in the liver, and in the future they are stored in fat reserves. Zhiri, being a warehouse of clinny shells, also wraps life and energy function.

Before training (maximum for the second year) next take a serving easily digestible carbohydrates(for example, energy bars or cocktail-smoothies with banana and milk). Fibers in carbohydrates (vegetables, grain bread, porridge) are more likely to survive after exercise, or back to the beginning, shards of such products are important for the drain and can cause discomfort or pain during exercise.

Strength training

An athlete's life during power training can be buti suvoro unbalanced and naskіlki can be partial (meat in portions through the skin chotiri year). In the skin portion, the main part of the diet has the same amount of protein, the amount of carbohydrates and brown fat. For the second year before the training cob, you can win a portion of the right carbohydrates ( porridge, a sandwich made from whole grain bread), after training - a protein cocktail (powdered, from a sports food store, or homemade preparations - milk, egg whites).

The diet of a person who is engaged in rights with tightness is guilty of following the set goals:

  • If a person is known, then in the її diet of the guilty, they should include the full amount of acidic proteins, more carbohydrates and trochs of non-essential fats.
  • Have a vipadku, yakshcho vy natsіleni gain "masu" (more obsyag m'yazovoї fabric) - an acceptable small surplus in carbohydrates and proteins.

Meta - weight loss

Independantly in the form of training, as if your first task was thinner, you are guilty of strictly following the lower rules:

  • Obov'yazykovy calorie deficit- Useful, online calculator and table for rozrahunka additional calorie content of a person depending on її physical parameters, frequency and severity of anxiety. Your task is to live away from the calorie value of minus 10-15%, at this time you will be provided with the right amount of energy without deplorable consequences for health;
  • Choose colorful and similar products, v_dmovtesya as indecent: confectionery malts, cakes and spicy, cowbass, fatty sauces and high-calorie creamy beverages, to avenge the mass of high-calorie components, barvniks and preservatives;
  • After some kind of training (whether it was a jogging or a set of the right with dumbbells), get up in the air for a long time, at that hour the body will stain the adipose tissue yak energetically dzherelo.

Vitamins and minerals for runners

Safety for the body necessary speeches(Such as calcium, zinc, manganese, selenium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins A, C, E, all groups B) have an important role: to ensure good sports results and promote health. Samy short version- the possession of these speeches from a balanced and varied environment, for which it is necessary:

  • The skin is taken with vegetables and fruits (mostly seasonal);
  • Do not include any of the product groups in your diet;
  • Eat differently, try different foods.

For runners, it is especially important to fill up a shortage of offensive minerals at the same time:

  1. Calcium and phosphorus are essential for healthy bones. Best dzherelo tsikh minerals- Dairy products (syrah, syrah, yogurt, milk), peas, fish, leafy greens. For the recommendation of a doctor, you can also take pharmaceutical preparations, like you can take vitamin-mineral complexes.
  2. Zalizo is needed for the synthesis of healthy immune and blood cells (such as, for example, hemoglobin, the main carrier of sour). Natural dzherela zaliza- Liver, egg, green apple, prunes.

What complexes can be accepted by runners? Due to the specific nature of the venture, it is recommended to take such vitamin preparations yak:

  • Venotonics - preparations that restore the tone of the venous vessels, as a means of preventing venous varicose veins veins, thrombi. Mist vitamin C, zinc, rutin, rosemary extracts from grapes, chestnuts.
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - a liquor elixir: Omega acids are included in the storage of internal loam oil, in such a way, when you are guilty of illness, caused by cartilage tissue breakdown, osteoporosis, inflamed loam, it is an important supplement to take yourself.
  • Glucosamine-chondroitin complex has chondroprotective power: it improves the process of destruction and degeneration of cartilage tissue. anti-slip effect, dopomogaє in the removal of mud after sports injuries, spriyaє povnotsіnnuyu indkladennyu calcium in the bone tissues.

Yaki vitamins vicorist for the growth of m'yazyv

Intensive strength training increases the body's consumption in eating, essential vitamin and mineral resources. To drink sports food additives and food additives wide range beautiful jars with multivitamin and mineral complexes.

As a rule, such complexes may be rather high. What can you add vitamins for the growth of m'yaziv in the primary pharmacy? It is possible, below it is indicated perelіk quiet vitamins and minerals yakі play the main role for the growth of m'yazovoi masi.

  1. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is important for the complete metabolism of proteins and essential fatty acids, with an acidic utilization of carbohydrates. Kharchov_ dzherela, scho vitam_ B6 - tse bananas, yalovichina, veal, peanuts, avocados;
  2. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, functions as an enzyme for the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates during the production of energy, wine is also necessary for the normal transmission of nerve impulses. To be smothered by legumes, meat, food drizzles;
  3. Vitamin B12 - cobalamin. Plays an important role in clitin rozpodil, stimulating the growth of nerve cells. Zustrichaєtsya in the products of the creature's journey - m'yasі, milk, sirі;
  4. Antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, copper, zinc, selenium) - protect the tissue, improve the elasticity of the skin and links, stimulate immune processes, to help the body fight free radicals, which can make up for the hour of exercise and start the process of oxidation and destruction of cells in the body. The best kharchovy dzherela antioxidants: carrots, citrus fruits, egg yolk, broccoli, seafood, kiwi, peas;
  5. Coenzyme Q10 is a lipid that takes part in the process of generating energy. Polypshyuchi like a sour on the klinny rіvnі, building to improve aerobic displays. Repair injection on the functioning of the heart m'yaza;
  6. Folic acid (folacin, vitamin Bc) assists in the process of cell formation for protein synthesis. Mist in green leafy vegetables, cereals and legumes.

Doctors recommend always orienting on kharchovі dzherela: products of eating with the best supplies of vitamins and minerals. Yakіsno vivirena diet with the necessary mix of meat, ribeye, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. shortest way achieve sports goals that pіdtremati camp svogo zdorov'ya. As soon as you know that your eating will require nourishment, you can live together with that supplementary vitamin-mineral complex.

First, choose from the anonymous presentations of the preparations, which, if you care, necessary for you, you will need to consult a physician-therapist, if necessary, perform an analysis to control instead of quiet speech in the blood, and also exclude the risk of side effects.

Video. Preparations for links and suglobiv

M'yazova tissue of a person is characterized by a high intensity of biochemical and electrical processes. For the good mechanical activity of the m'yazy, people will require a large number of living components, including vitamins and microelements. The demand for growth increases with physical interests, fitness and sports activities. The work of m'yazіv, zbіlshennya m'yazovoї masi without intermediary lie down in the form of specific vitamins and microelements.

Particularly important for vitamins

Vitamins group In especially important for normal and healthy robotic people. Vitamin B1 (thiamin) takes part in the metabolism and exchange of protein structures. For yoga, I participate in the establishment of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. In this way, vitamin B1 makes the body tissue sour.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for ailments, but it is also closely related to protein metabolism. The new one will require the children to grow up and the athletes at the time of training. Riboflavin takes an active part in the exchange of glucose in the body, transforming it into glycogen with a decrease in blood levels. Taking part in the Krebs cycle, riboflavin delivers oxygen and ATP molecules to the mucosal tissue. Vitamin without interfering po'yazaniy іz rozvitko m'azovoї masi.

For efficient work, it needs energy. Vitamin B3 (niacin) takes part in biochemical processes associated with the vibration of ATP molecules. Vitamin expands the blood-bearing vessels, increases the sourness and sourness of the living speeches to the pratsyuchoy m'azovoy tissue.

The function of m'yaziv is closely related to the metabolism of proteins. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) takes an active part in the metabolism of protein molecules and is necessary for the growth and development of malignant tissue.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) plays an important role in the processes of shortening and coordination of mucosal fibers. For yoga, the processes of transmission of the nerve impulse from the spinal cord to the ulnar fibers are involved.

Biotin (vitamin H) is a necessary substance of the mucosal tissue, like speech, as it is responsible for the metabolism of glucose in the body. Vitamin takes part in the synthesis of glycogen in meat tissue. Metabolism of the biotin of the coatings from sirkoy, yak, in his line, takes part in the established amino acids. Thus, biotin is important for the growth and development of m'yazovoi tissue, the basis of which is filled with amino acids tablets.

Vitamin A (retinol) is a natural antioxidant that protects the malignant tissue from the influx of free radicals. Retinol takes part in the synthesis of glycogen of m'yaziv, without prejudice to their growth. Vitamin A has a positive effect on the viscous apparatus, which reduces injuries in case of intensive work of m'yazyv.

Reinforces the structure of mucosal cells, spraying the growth of mucosal fibers with vitamin E (tocopherol). The antioxidant power of the vitamin helps protect the cellular membranes of the fibers, protect the cellular tissue from the skin.

For normal work and m'yazіv the value of ascorbic acid is important. She takes part in the synthesis of collagen - the main budding protein of healthy tissue. Improves the structure and elasticity of the tendon, vitamin C sprays the development of the malignant mass, preventing injury. Ascorbic acid takes an active part in the metabolism of saliva, which is important for the synthesis of hemoglobin and eating sour meat tissue. Vitamin C also takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones (testosterone), which is responsible for the development of mucus.

Minerals and microelements for m'yaziv

Without mineral speech, protein metabolism in meats is practically impossible. Therefore, for normal work and m'azova tissue, it will require the supply of such speeches as sodium and potassium, zinc and magnesium, selenium, calcium, chromium.

Sodium and potassium are essential mucosal tissues for the fast transmission of nerve impulses, for the support of electrical energy. Under the infusion, there is an increase in the speed of the meat fibers, and the practicality is saved.

Zinc and magnesium are important for substances like speech, which in the synthesis of anabolic hormones. Under їх infusion there is more intensive growth of m'yazovoї fabric.

Selenium and chromium actively fight against free radicals, take part in the metabolism of hormones in the thyroid gland, and act for protein synthesis. Energetic processes in the m'yazovy tissue are dependent on the participation of calcium. Mineral protects against ruptures of ligaments, injuries of mucosal fibers.

Vitamin preparations for oats

For effective work and m'yazіv such vitamin-mineral complexes will be indicative:

  • Vitrum. It is practical to take all necessary vitamins and minerals in optimal quantities.
  • Compliment. The complex is optimal for normal work and diseases and the whole organism.
  • Alphabet. For people, it will be effective Alphabet for people, to avenge the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for m'yazovoi fabric. Women can accept Alphabet Classic.

The reception of any vitamin complexes may be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.

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