Clematis is a representative of bagatorichnyh roslin on the balcony. Landing that sight. Clematis in containers Clematis varieties for planting in hillers

A lot of horticultural crops miraculously grow among mountaineers and dizhkas. Clematis is a miracle butt. In addition, mountaineers, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd flowerbeds, mobile, they can be rearranged behind the towers vlasnik in the garden, on the terrace, beating the entrance to the houses or the balcony.

Which varieties grow best in a container?

The most successful is the cultivation of miniature clematis, which can form a compact form, and the stems of them can be no more than two meters long. Read about such varieties as "Joan of Arc", "President", "Misis Cholmondeliv" and others. The stench will bloom long and brightly, moreover, they have a large number of colors, a lot of textures of flowers. For example, the variety Angela blooms with swarthy blotches, and the dwarf Piilu looks like brightly double flowers, and then starts blooming swarthy.

It is possible to hang also medium-growing varieties, it is better to grow them not in the lower mountaineers, but in the lower ones. Dwarf clematis miraculously feel in hanging flower pots or other boxes, descending the caravan to the very earth.

The sapling for planting in the room is to blame for the mother’s well-established root system, otrimana either as a result of the growth of the grown-up growth, or grown by stretching two or three rokiv.

Landing Rules

To properly plant roslina, Nebkhіdno dotrimuvatisya sing algorithm dіy.

  • To plant clematis in a canopy, for which the high-mountainers will grow. The outer diameter is not to be blamed, but less than 30 cm. There will also be boxes made of wood.
  • The back to the bottom lays a ball for drainage, the wine is to be folded approximately 1/8 of the height of the wall of the mountaineer. The substrate can be turf and the usual land from the city, mixed with compost, humus, squeak and peat. Obov'yazkovo need to add superphosphate - 0.5 bottles and crade - 1 bottle.
  • When planting, it is necessary to take care of the installation of the support - put a flail or a trapezium with a height of at least a meter, so that it would be possible to close the pagon with an interval of 20 cm.
  • They gave it to be necessary to dig into the soil in such a rank that it would appear more often. For the protyag season, clematis will take root, yogo pagon will be good.

For example, the cob of leaf fall needs to dig up a container and view the upper parts of the pagons. Those pagons, on which the flowers bloomed, do not tidy up from the support. Put the place with a thick line in the basement, the temperature in the future will not be lower than 0 degrees and not higher than +2. There, clematis will stand until now. Zmist yogo in this period is clumsy - regular watering, it is not necessary to grow.

Then it is necessary to transfer yoga to a closed balcony, having installed it in a lighted room. The temperature can be +8-12 degrees, while the process of budding is done in a controlled way. At higher temperatures, an annual bud may appear. As soon as budding has begun, it is necessary to increase the temperature to + 15-18 degrees, or simply rearrange the capacity to a place where it is warm. Approximately like winter - on the ear of spring, clematis starts blooming. It is important to step, so that they didn’t scatter straight sleepy shifts on the ground in the room.

If the bushes grow strongly, then it is best to plant them to the critical soil, and young growers hang into the mountaineers.

Єmnіst better choose more, independently, in addition, the ground chain or the lower planter. The optimal option is 20 liters, however, in the five-ten-liter capacity, you can create a composition of three food bushes.

Looking after the growth

Watering the clematis, which grows in a container, is taken from the bottom, and not the beast. Maintenance is carried out regularly, mineral and organic fertilizers are planted near the water for irrigation. If clematis lacks light at the hour of the formation of buds and flowers, you can change the blooming of flowers. There is nothing terrible for him, it is just necessary to provide the growing plant with a sufficient amount of light and feed it with calcium nitrate, then the flowers will again be filled with adequate supply.

More than two years of sleep it is impossible to grow for vining with the same clematis sage. Tse to lead to a strong growth of growth. Therefore, after the courtyard clematis vines, it is necessary to settle in the garden and give peace on a sprat of rock, allowing it to come out. Naturally, mind that garniy sight to perceive tsoma. As soon as the intensive color blooms, you can re-plant clematis in Vigontsi.

Tsya roslin is rather unsightly, it feels good on the streets. Yaskrave promises not to love the sun, but the axis is pivtin - best place for new. It’s not easy to look at yoga, but regularity is needed for everything - for watering, reviving, showing illness.

The transplantation is due to the skin two or three times in obov'yazykovom order.


Clematis are more sensitive to injuries of the stems; through them, various infections are consumed by the roslin, including the fungus, which is the most safe for them. Tse sickness led to the drying up of the stem and most often the death of all the growth. As soon as you remember the signs of the fungus, it is necessary to carry out a total education of clematis- all stalks grow vshchent, only so it is possible to vryatuvate yoga. If you caught it, and the fungus did not start a radical shkodi growth, then soon new stalks will appear on the vines, and the bush will grow again.

Clematis are shy and to the point of influx of shkіdnikі - popelitsі, borosnisty worm, passing flies, ravlikіv. Such a sickness powdery mildew, borax, the swollenness of the leaves and the irzha, do not bypass them, if you want them to be sorted, more steaks to the point of coma and ailment.

De vicorist clematis in containers

These bushes are beautiful, suitable for both home and outdoor decor. Vertical gardening zastosovuetsya contagiously and in living quarters, and in offices, and looks organically. In summer, clematis look beautiful in long boxes on the sides of the terrace. Tse can be vikoristane and in the decor of the restaurant, and kav'yarni, and zamіskogo booth. The diversity of varieties and the versatility of clematis allow you to organically fit it into any interior, giving it a Mediterranean flavor, relaxation and freshness. Tsya roslina cleans up again from different shkidlivih houses at the sight of a vision of phytoncides.

You can choose varieties of one color, or you can create different color compositions that suit the colors every day.

About those, how to grow clematis among mountaineers, marvel at the oncoming video.

Magnificent flowers of yaskravih zabarvlen or impersonal other lower succulents of pastel tones - all varieties of clematis are superbly effective and vitoncheni. Roslin vicorist for the creation of vertical compositions, clematis look especially effective on decorative arches and pergolas, planted in pairs of trojans. In order to be admired by the marvelous bagatarians of rich rocks, it is necessary to win all agrotechnical entries when planting and growing crops. In this article, everything is about the growing of clematis and the sight of the enchanting lianas.

Clematis: choose a place for planting

For vibroschuvanny vytonchennyh lianas with original yaskravnymi kvіtami varto correctly pick up a delyanka, even clematis - expelling whims, and do not grow and make happy flowers in unwitting minds.

  1. Lightening of sadzhati clematis can be done in the sun, aloe in the minds of speky speckled light, the growths often burn, may burn to a white color, navit najaskravishi pelyustki, to that on the pivdni for planting clematis, you can see the trees in the pivtіnі.
  2. Soil for planting tsієї roslini soil needs to be prepared carefully. For planting crops near the lowlands, especially with supernatural, salty and sour soil, do not go categorically.

Roslin develops badly on clay and sandy soils, as well as on peat bogs and food plots.

An ideal warehouse for soil for growing the original barvisty lianas - enrichment of loam with lively rivers. The soil is prepared in advance, to carry out deep digging with soil loosening.

For clematis great value may be good drainage building soils on the planting area. During the spring planting of bushes near the beginning of the soil, the work is carried out in autumn, when the autumn planting is planned, the preparation of the soil is started a month before the end of the day.

Since the mainland soil is not suitable for growing clematis, it is necessary to carry out yogo cultivation:

  1. In clay soil, add peat, sand and lively leafy humus in equal parts.
  2. Peat bogs to reduce the addition of sand and native land in equal proportions.
  3. At meals, add loam and clay.
  4. The soil from superficial acidity is vaped in front, for which it is added per 1 m2 of vaping (creide, dolomite borosno) in a quantity of 300 g.

Before the wind blow - planting clematis next to grow in places protected from the wind;

Vіdstan between okremi roslins - close to 1-1, 3 m.

Planting clematis at the vіdkritiya ґrunt

Clematis can be hung in the garden in spring and autumn. During the spring plantings, afterward, the digging up of the plot was carried out, as it was carried out in the autumn period, it is necessary to prepare plantings. As early as before, the preparation was not carried out in the fall, the lot was cleared from the soil, dug up, ground was ground, and then proceeded to the preparation of the pits.

Fallow in view of the expansion of the root system of garden plants, preparing plantings of two types:

  1. Light soil - 50x50x50 cm.
  2. Shchilny grunt - 70x70x70 cm.

In waterlogged soil, it is necessary to excavate in the landing pits, drains from crushed pebbles or pebbles. After laying the drainage, it is reminiscent of the pits of the native earth with the addition of superphosphate, ash, overripe with pus or mature compost.

Important! Varto was used for draining from near-trunk kіl doshchovoї water, or to live in other entrances to change the supra-world water content of the soil.

Before planting saplings near the open ground, take a look at the root system, see the root, which is dried up and damaged. If necessary, the roots of saplings should be soaked in water and biological preparations before planting.

Hanging clematis gardens in calm, windless weather.

At the landings, the preparations of soil sizzle, forming a cone. On the upper part of the hump, a sadzhanets is installed, spreading the roots along the sides of the soil cone. They sip the roots with earth, with which the root collar can be buried the troch:

  1. Sadzhantsi century to rock - 5-10 cm buried.
  2. Mature growths - the root neck may be buried by 10-12 cm.

At the same time, with the planting of sadzhants, a small-diameter pole is installed. Roslini watered and mulched or visadzhuyut odnorichnі kviti: calendula, stunted phloxi, tagetes. For the growth of the growth, it is necessary to provide a support for looking trellises, arches. For rozpodіlu vaga grow on the support and advance the confusion of pagonіv, clematis need to be moved, straightening the stems along the support, dominating the harmonious form of the growth.

Keeping an eye on clematis near the open ground

In order for clematis to please their with a sultry look And they bloomed well, it is important to correctly look at the sight, it is especially worth watering, making good and trimming bushes.

An even more important aspect of organizing the supervision of clematis seedlings, hanging from the soil is proper watering. After planting, young growths should be watered 1 time per day, for smoky weather, watering is increased up to 2 times per day. It is not recommended to water the root of the growth with a streamer, with careless watering, the root can become bare.

Important! Roslins need light watering, the vologa is guilty of penetrating to a depth of up to 70 cm, for this it is also necessary to manually dig plastic pipes in near-burning stakes in the same distance from the roslins and fill them with water, reaching the set irrigation schedule.

As if when planting saplings near the landowners, the soil was planted for life, carry out the follow-up of the summer. In other cases, the introduction of the addition should be carried out at the next term:

  1. Spring, the period of the pagonian windfall - the growth is annual with nitrogen fertilizers, you can vicorate the infusion of chicken after, cow's yak or amniac nitrate.
  2. The period of budding is to be replenished with mineral and organic warehouses.
  3. Vletka - shom_syatsya it is necessary to carry out a deepening of the path with a rooting of green masa with a variety of sechovin at a rose of 1 tsp. per 10 l of water, water the root of the plant with potassium permanganate (2-3 g per water) and boric acid (1-2 g per 10 l of water).
  4. After the color - superphosphate, potassium sulfate and special osinnє dobrivo are added to the soil, for example - Kemira osin. Korisno add pіd kozhnu roslina zhmenu ash.

Ignorance of the group affiliation of clematis should be brought to the point that after cuttings, the growth does not bloom. Plants of charіvnoї liani varto are less likely to be bought from specialized companies, to clearly indicate the botanical belonging of the variety to the singing group. A rich selection of varietal clematis in the Becker company's online store, de leather sadzhanets can be described exactly.

Otzhe, as a requirement to cut clematis vzimku. All on the right in the fact that people grow up mentally divided into 3 groups according to the method of circumcision:

  1. The flowers appear on the pagons of the past fate - the growths of the tsієї group bloom in the spring, the cut is contraindicated for them, the shards still do not give in to the full bloom. The cultivars Malish, AlbinaPlena, Jeanne d'Arc, Rubens, Montana Grandiflora, Pamela Jackman can be seen up to the clematis group.
  2. Clematis that blooms on new and minuloric pagons is a bush covered with flowers from spring to late summer. Up to the group included varieties Multi Blue, Joan Picton, Lavsoniana, Madame leCultre. Pagoni roslin tsієї groups of autumn are lightly shortened, seeing that they are less dried up, they are laid for the winter like vines.
  3. Examples that bloom exclusively on new pagons - blooms from mid-summer to spring, pagons dominate the autumn cardinal cut. The varieties Rouge Cardinal, Zirka India, Durana, Memory of the Heart, Viola, Tangutika lie before the group.

Important! If you don’t know what group your roslin belongs to, watch out for the terms of the color of the liana, so you can, with a high degree of ability, graft the roslin, which grows in your kvіtnik, up to one of three groups.

Yak virosity clematis in containers

Cream of watered soil, you can grow a prince in a container. The original flower to embellish the balcony and garden patio, roslina in a container with bright flowers in the greenhouse.

The container can be made of ceramics, wood, plastic, whatever. Rosemary - 60x60 cm, height 50 cm. Drainage from expanded clay or pebbles is laid on the bottom of the container, then we cover the sum of leafy soil, humus, peat and sand. Roslin's visajuyut is the same as in the first place. It is important to choose a place for growing up - you can’t have sunflowers. In order to prevent the overheating of the earth, litniki are sent to the mountain worker to make a thick kilim: iberis, alisum, arabis, lobelia or dribnokvitkovu petunia.

To support the growth, drabins and trellises are installed. The pagons are carefully lifted up to the supports. After 2-3 years, the roslin will be transplanted in the open soil. Trimmed for the winter vykonuyut vіdpovіdno to group belonging to the variety.

Keep an eye on the growing plant for tiye and agricultural technology, like for clematis, hanging from the soil.

Clematis lays a charming flower that I want my mother to inspire in her garden to these gardeners who live near areas with a short summer. How do you feel it, how does summer last 2 months, and winter comes without warning? Vihid є - clematis in containers. When it gets cold, you can bring beautiful growths into a greenhouse or a greenhouse, and the stench will not know the influx of frost.

But sometimes you want to be adored by the bushy clematis, which grows without a middle in the soil. In such a mood, respect for hybrids, created especially for a problematic climate. Do not buy pivdenni raznovidi roslini, the stench is unlikely to be able to adapt to suvorih minds.

The best varieties of prince for growing in the minds of short summers and cold winters: Comtes de Bouchot; Joan of Arc; Purpua Plena Elegance; Mrs Bayman; Nadia; Luther Burbank. A short time for breeders to breed new frost-resistant varieties of clematis - follow the news to the Becker online store.

Usі vіdomі roslini podіlenі in vidi. Deyakі can be utrimuvat exclusively at vіdkritumu poіtrі. Otherwise, you can see it less in domestic minds without a street. Іsnuyut rosliny, scho will bloom in important minds - even if it's warm, even on the streets. Having signed a ticket to some degree, it becomes necessary to secure the necessary sight. The main storage warehouses of cultivation are formed from the regulation together with the water level, the intensity of watering and the control of the safe temperature. Visvitlennia is one of the critical warehouses.

Growing clematis on the balcony (near containers)

For growing on small plots, terraces, as well as on windows and balconies, large varieties of clematis are suitable, which bloom on torshnіh stems: "Andre Leroy", "Barbara Dibli", "Daniel Deronda", "Joan Picton", "Jeanne D" "Kam'yana Kvitka", "Lazurshtern", "Losoniana", "Multi Blue", "President".

On the balconies (loggias) you can see dribnokvitkovy varieties of clematis (Armanda, Tangutika, Manchurian), as well as medium-low-growing varieties (Lanuginoza, Florida, Patens).

For clematis groups of Jacqueman, Integrifolia, Vititsella, more intensive trimming is needed, so as not only to change the height of the liani, but also to increase the number of colors. For a barvy design, it’s better to hang at once a sprat of different varieties, which are distinguished by contrasting colors: erysipelas, raspberries, buzkovy, buzkovy and violet.

The best place for roztashuvannya є shіdne, zahіdne or pivdenne at the end or else a little place, nadіno protected from the wind. The best option is to serve as a screened loggia, where weak winds are guarded, and on a bright balcony you can make a shelter.

Sadzhantsi, nurtured by the stretching of two or three years, or taken away by a rose under the mature growth, are guilty of a well-established root system (take three healthy roots).

For planting clematis, there are wooden boxes with a size of 45x30 cm and 65 cm curls. The bottom of such containers (for all days) is nailed with two sticks 3x5 cm. In this way, the boxes will be raised above the bottom, and water cannot accumulate on the day. Containers are laid on the bridles of the side walls and back walls of the loggia, and under them, shoes and tongues are placed on the pads. Small spaces can be placed on racks or hung on the wall. Ale, in this moment, it is not guilty to sleep on the surface of the earth.

Shards on the cob of lettuce, a good growth of the liani reaches its apogee - up to 10 cm, then about the laying of the support system of the varto, step back. For example, you can fasten the old Ribal lace with a size of 10 by 10 cm, or you can independently weave a similar canopy, spreading it 20 cm in front of the stele. Then, on the very cob of lita, the right waterfall of flowers will be thrown off from it.

Let's plant at the container and clematis the necessary parts of watering and priming (compared with garden representatives), retelna (and smut its own!) pidv'yazka pagoniv, obov'yazkove raspushuvannya and mulchuvannya ґrunta. One roslini sings around 3-5 liters of water. As such, such a small number of natives can’t get in, carefully (for the help of a wooden bunker) open around the perimeter and along the corners of the container.

As if the liana, which grew along the stele, reached the edge of the loggia, then dotally turn it back, moving it in such a rank, so that the flowers hung from the stele or were grouped at the upper part of the wall.

Scattered loggias, the temperature can reach a record 30-40 degrees, it’s time to think about the well-ventilated growths. Even zastіy povitrya that promotes moisture in the closed development of ailments and activates the activity of schoolchildren.

Planting clematis at the container

Transplant clematis hanging (sound at the door) skin 2-3 rocks, replacing the bushes that were planted, on fresh plots. For long-distance living, the liani pick up a wooden screen (container) or a small tall mountaineer with a diameter of over 30 cm. It includes 4 parts of turf (possibly urban) land, 2 parts of compost (overgrown with pus), 1 part of peat, 1 part of sand, vaping flasks and insoles and superphosphate. Immediately, a mitzna of a trapezium-like support of a curtain up to 1.5 m is installed: on it, every year, the frogs will be fixed, which will melt (skin 15-20 cm).

They gave the mountaineer from clematis or dig it into the ground to the very edges, or simply put it in the garden. Until the end of autumn, the sadzhanets will take root well and establish the rebirth of the frog. After that, the memory of the bushes will turn, see the top, on the boules of the kviti, and the batogs, lifted up to the support, will be covered with short-lived ones. With such a look, the mountaineer can endure cold weather with an optimal temperature close to zero degrees.

garden roslini

Roslini in containers

We recommend clematis and other garden liani in containers P7 (7x7 cm), P9 (9x9 cm), C2 (14 cm) and also C10 (10 liters). Roslins in 2-litre C2 containers can make 2 or more heads of seedlings approx. 60 cm, as attached to bamboo sticks length 90 cm.

Part of the roslin is proposed for sale at the birch and sickle, and more roslin is ready at the sickle and spring.

Roslins can be packed in wooden boxes with a size of 40x60x24 cm or wooden pallets 100x120x100 cm and are picked up by the customer's car.

The minimum ordering fee is 2000 roslins for C2 (minimum 25 pcs. of one spool in one delivery) or 4000 roslins for P7 or P9 (minimum 200 pcs. of one spool in one delivery).

To tell you about the report information about our activity, be kind, contact us.

Clematis in containers C2

Growing clematis in containers

Side 1 of 2

Clematis are wonderful growths for the "Mist" garden and growing on the balcony. To vibrate them in containers - wooden boxes with a size of 45x35x65 (height).

It is important to guard that between the bottom of the container and the concrete underlayment of the balcony or the loggia, it is the responsibility of the refills of the flasks, which will ensure the growth of the necessary amount of water.

The box is filled with life-giving earth with additional piss and humus. There, you can bring in flasks of superphosphate i, so that you can get enough in flower shops, and there are fluffy vapes. Vapno can also be replaced with a bottle of ash or a cradle. Dosit often kvіtkarі vikoristovuyut like pіdzhivlennya nitrogen goodness.

At the container, plant less than one roslin. For planting, it is possible to vicorate and plastic buckets or pots for sewing with holes drilled for water runoff with 10-15 openings per day. Results, schopravda, deshcho gіrshi. Containers are spread in such a way that direct changes of sun do not sink to the surface of the earth, shards of clematis roots are sensitive to overheating.

Immediately after planting, he instructed to put a support from the root. As soon as pagin reaches a height of 30-40 cm, it is necessary to lift it. How to weave a mesh for clematis, you take away the whole color of the colors. The species is especially well-known, as a sprat of varieties of various varieties has been planted.

Planting clematis is less than right. Do not forget to periodically fluff up the soil and annually grow with mineral and organic fertilizers. With a good eye, the stench grows and blooms in one box for about 7-8 years.

Growing clematis in a container

At once, the kvіtnikarіv showed great interest in growing garden roslins at the containers for embellishing the booth.

Clematis can grow on a vіknі, as well as on a vіdkritіy terrace, on a balcony or a loggia like a mountain culture.

Viroshchuvannya clematis on the vіknі

For vigonka on vikni, varieties of clematis are used that bloom on pagons. front rock, so as not to give too long a shot (for example, varieties Jeanne dArc, The President, Mrs. Cholmondeley etc.). Choose for planting in a container saplings with a well-established root system, cut off either under the mature growth, or specially grown with a stretch of 2-3 rokiv.

Before planting clematis in a container, proceed with a hanging, vicarious tall mountaineer (with a diameter of at least 30 centimeters) or a wooden box. The area is filled with drainage (for example, gravel) at 1/8 of the height. As a substrate for clematis zastosovuetsya: turf or city land - 4 parts, compost or humus - 2 parts (humus can be replaced with 1 part humus from Californian worms), sand - 1 part, peat - 1 part. At qiu sumish, add pivsklyanki superphosphate and a bottle of crady or dolomite boar; Neutralizing material can be replaced by 0.5 bottles of slaked vape. Immediately after landing in the mountain for clematis, a support is installed (at the sight of flakes, trapezium 1-1.5 meters high), on which it will be necessary to fix the flogs, which will melt, through the skin 15-20 centimeters.

A container from planted with clematis will be dug up near the ground near wet soil. During the season, clematis saplings are well rooted in containers, and they establish roses. In the late autumn, the mountain worker wails out of the dewy, gazing at the upper part of the pagons. Batogi, de buli kvity, zalishayut pіdv'yazanimi to the support. Gorshchik іz clematisom put at lioh іz temperature 0. +2 degrees.

On the cob of the cob, transfer the container from the bush to the glassed-in veranda or loggia, install it in a bright place. Here, at a normal temperature of + 8 - + 12 °, clematis budding takes place. If the temperature rises instead of growing, then the buds may not appear. A little bit, but the buds have settled down, the temperature is increased to 15-18 ° or transfer clematis to a room with the same temperature. For example, a fierce-on-the-cob birch tree vines bloom.

Clematis growing in a container should be watered peacefully (from the bottom), systematically planted with mineral and organic fertilizers near the water every year. Nestacha light at the hour of budding and flower can change the infestation of clematis flowers. For example, instead of bouzkovo-erysipelas raptom, white-green or milky erysipelas flowers are released. Dosvetlennya that podzhivlennya roslina calcium nitrate to correct this little.

One and the same clematis sapling can be vicorated for vigonka no more than two years later, after which the growth is strongly vysnazhuetsya. Todi yogo, on the cob of summer, they relocate again near the garden, de clematis grows like a sprat of rock in natural minds, with a good eye. If the roslin is reborn and blooming more intensively again, it can be victorious for grapevine.

Growing clematis on the balcony and loggia

For growing clematis, it is ideal to walk on the side; possible pivdenno-skhidna chi pivdenno-zahіdna side. Unauthorized umova viroshchuvannya - tse zahist liani on the balcony and loggia from strong stretches.

For planting clematis, a wooden box is knocked down with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides no less than 30 cm. Two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed along the entire bottom of the box, so that the box is lifted above the bottom, so that water does not accumulate on the bottom. Pіd box obov'yazkovo put pіddon.

Boxes with clematis can be placed on the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with roslins can be hung on the walls or placed on shelves. With every sun, it is not guilty to fall on the surface of the earth in a container.

The most folding is the support system for clematis pagons, and even on the cob of the leaf on the balcony, a good growth of liani can become 10 cm and more. Bazhano set up such a spore as a support, so that in the autumn it would be possible to easily take the flock from it. To support the pagons of clematis, you can vikoristovuvat ribalsky merezha (with centers 10x10 cm), placed for 15-20 cm from the stele. And in autumn, it will be important to look at the clematis from the fringes of the clematis, which have clung to it; often vikoristan merezh is simply thrown out at once from the circumcised pagons.

For planting on balconies and loggias low-growing varieties Clematis, which can be seen up to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. viticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens. Place a handful of cultivars of clematis with flowers of various varieties (erysipelas, deep raspberry, lilac, violet), that species will be especially barwy. Moreover, plant such varieties according to the state, so that their flowers were planted approximately on the height.

For planting on balconies or loggias, vine varieties of clematis, which can have the highest color coefficient - the most intensively flowering varieties, which make yacomoga flowers closer to the root system. Tse, for example, such varieties:

    , Yubileinyi - 70 (C. jackmanii group);
  • Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine (Group C. viticela);
  • Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov (C. lanuginosa group);
  • Jeanne dArc, Mrs. Cholmondeley (C. Florida group).

I want the Rouge Cardinal variety after rozpodіlu kusha vimagaє pіdroschuvannya at the great miner 2-3 years, ale wine of this variety: the color of the new one is unimaginable - velvety, cherry-purple.

Obviously, varieties of clematis for growing in containers can be vicarious.

Go for this and dry clematis. Of particular interest is the winter-hardy variety Fargesioides, which flowers all summer and does not require special knowledge of education, which is free to form. Truth is, during the summer, the new one grows even more long agony. When cultivating clematis of the same variety, there is a larger volume box for placing the first root system (it’s not the same as with the original clematis, but more guessing the root system for the chagarnik).

Clematis, planted in a container, the need to die, and a few parts (lower in wet soil) watering and replanting, retelna and proper pidv'yazka pagoniv, obov'yazkove mulchuvannya and fluffing of the soil. Land in containers with clematis is not guilty of drying out. If the soil is dry, water does not get into it - it’s not enough to talk about those who water clematis even more rarely. For one growing plant, when watering, sound 3-5 liters of water. You can dig three small miners into the soil of the container with clematis, fill them with 2/3 gravel - then watering and maintenance will be carried out through them.

If the liani of clematis along the stele gets to the edge of the loggia, turn it back and move it so that the clematis vines are grouped at the upper part of the stele, or hang from the stele.

On a covered outdoor loggia, where on the surface the temperature in the sun can reach 30-40 °, it is necessary to ventilate. The weather is still, the temperature is raised, and the moisture in the fringed space is taken up by the appearance of clematis shkіdniki and the rose of ailments.

Clematis of the C. lanuginosa, C. patens, C. Florida groups will bloom at the closet on the closed loggia, and until the middle of the grass - varieties that bloom on the pagons of stream rock.

Transplant skin clematis 2-3 rocks, ring out the hanging (near the house - herbs), replacing the bushes in the mountaineers, which “was tired”, on the new, digging in the garden.

Ukrittya container with clematis for the winter

If the temperature on the closed loggia is negative, then the clematis pagons are trimmed (depending on the group, to which the variety lies), they are removed from the supports and the liana is laid on a box, sifted with peat or dry thyrsus. Curve the box from above (with an old carpet, coat, newspapers) and place the wrapping of clematis at the great polyethylene bear, tidy up the clothes with the clothes of the loggia and put it on the high ground (for the police or the box). It is important that the soil near the box with the roots of clematis is not much frozen through. Therefore, this method of wintering is not guaranteed, as there is no possibility to regulate the temperature of the morning; that wrapping clematis takes up a lot of space.

On a vіdkritіy logії аbо balconіnіnо dіyno vkritі clematis dоwt thаt саn tо thе thе container wіth thе growth іt іn tіvіlі vіdval (pіd іdlogu, nepalyuvanu greenhouse) аr prikopoyut іn thе ground till the onset of spring (knіvіvayut yak і іnshі clematisі in the garden). As a decision has been made to dig up clematis in the soil, then it is necessary to think about those, so that the cultivars of the C. lanuginosa and C. Florida groups do not have a target. Clematis will need this for the winter, so that the ground in the container does not freeze.

For the protection of clematis in the frost, it is necessary to saturate it with a dry-dry coat, which allows you to dry the dew itself and turn on the high temperature and freezing. To cover the clematis, it’s better to take it dry and leafing, to kill the beast, be it a frame, (for example, turn the box upside down). Unauthorized mind of such a ukrittya - re-opening the gap between the frame and the sheets. Sob the middle of the frame did not penetrate the vologa, the frame is covered with non-shocked polyethylene slick. In the middle of the clematis, it is necessary to lay out whether it is necessary to take care of the bears. Tramping the snow on the paths next to the tacked roslins guarantees the comfort of their bears.

As soon as the severe frost ends, peas from clematis can be taken from the shelter and placed on the closed loggia or balcony. Tse mozhe buti and birch on the cob - for the mind, that until the month of morning the vityagnets of the ukrittya and the roslin, that they demolished in the rіst, did not penetrate the frost. A short-term decrease in temperature (up to -3 degrees below zero) does not harm clematis on the cob of their growth.

Suggest, be kind, how to grow on the balcony of clematis? and taking away the best vіdpovіd

Vidpovid vіd ANGELA*****[guru]
Growing clematis on the balcony and loggia
For growing clematis, it is ideal to walk on the side; possible pivdenno-skhidna chi pivdenno-zahіdna side. Unauthorized umova viroshchuvannya - tse zahist liani on the balcony and loggia from strong stretches.
For planting clematis, a wooden box is knocked down with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides no less than 30 cm. Two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed along the entire bottom of the box, so that the box is lifted above the bottom, so that water does not accumulate on the bottom. Pіd box obov'yazkovo put pіddon.
Boxes with clematis can be placed on the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with roslins can be hung on the walls or placed on shelves. With every sun, it is not guilty to fall on the surface of the earth in a container.
The most folding is the support system for clematis pagons, and even on the cob of the leaf on the balcony, a good growth of liani can become 10 cm and more. Bazhano set up such a spore as a support, so that in the autumn it would be possible to easily take the flock from it. To support the pagons of clematis, it is possible to vicorate a ribal lace (with centers of 10x10 cm), placed in 15-20 cm from the stele. And in autumn, it will be important to look at the clematis from the fringes of the clematis, which have clung to it; often vikoristan merezh is simply thrown out at once from the circumcised pagons.
For planting on balconies or loggias, medium-sized and low-growing varieties of clematis should be used, which can be seen up to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. viticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens. Place a handful of cultivars of clematis with flowers of various varieties (erysipelas, deep raspberry, lilac, violet), that species will be especially barwy. Moreover, plant such varieties according to the state, so that their flowers were planted approximately on the height.
For planting on balconies or loggias, vine varieties of clematis, which can have the highest color coefficient - the most intensively flowering varieties, which make yacomoga flowers closer to the root system. Tse, for example, such varieties:
Jacmanii, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Hegley Hybrid, Star of India, Rouge Cardinal, Kosmicheskaya Melodiya, Lyuter Berbank, Nelli Mozer, Yubileinyi - 70 (C. jackmanii group); Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine (Group C. viticela); Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov (C. lanuginosa group); Jeanne d'Arc, Mrs. Holmondeley (C. Florida group).

Vidpovid vіd Zoya Oleksandrivna[guru]
є varieties, yakі can be grown in containers, for example - Ashva, Blakitniy yangol

Vidpovid vіd Victoria Chaikovska[guru]
go to my blog and find "clematis" for tags, the topic is "Zhakman's clematis - mining culture."

Vidpovid vіd Gene Abos[guru]
It's possible, it's possible. Ale, less of those varieties, yakі bloom on the growths of this rock. Don’t forget to bring the oskelki for the winter to the place of adoption. Tse is relevant, clear river, for cold winters. If it’s warm in you, or it’s warm on the balcony, then on the right it changes to the shortest beak for clematis.
Good luck to you.
Try greening with peas. The English seem to be simply divine. Nameless varieties were naived. If you don’t have too much speck, then the peas will be miraculous.

Vidpovid vіd 3 types[guru]

Vitannia! Axis dobirka those iz vіdpovіdyami on your inquiry: Please, be kind, how to grow on the balcony of clematis?

H and growing up in containers at once is a great fashion. For another reason, clematis settle in a new space for themselves: on a vіdkritіy terrace or in a loggia. Until then, the stench blooms sooner. For viroshchuvannya on the vіknі come varieties, scho to vibrate on the pagons of the old rock (Daniel Deronda, Lazurshtern, Jeanne D'Arc, President, Barbara Dibli, Losoniana, Kam'yana Kvitka). Select saplings with a well-established root system, or take away or undergrowth of growth, especially stretching 2-3 years.

Before landing, start hanging. Take a tall mountaineer with a diameter of at least 30 cm or a wooden box. Place on 1/8 of the height with gravel, give it a substrate from soddy or urban land (4 parts), compost or pus, retransfer, (2 parts), sand (1 part), peat (1 part), add superphosphate over the flask vapna. At once, a trapezium-like support with a height of 1-1.5 m is installed, on which, through the skin 15-20 cm, fasten the frogs that grow. A mountaineer from clematis is set up near the garden, or dig to the brink of the earth. Until the autumn, the sapling is well rooted and establishes the rebirth of the frog. In the late autumn, the miner wilted, gazing at the upper part of the pagons, de buli kviti, the batogs were lifted up to the support and the miner was placed near the cold weather with a temperature of 0 ... +2.

Transfer the growth to the cob near the room and place it on the light window, defor + 8-12 ° and undergo budding. If the temperature is high, the buds may not appear. A little bit, but the stench has settled down, the temperature rises to 15-18 °, and even more fiercely - clematis blooms on the cob of birch.

Roslin should be watered peacefully, with a piddon, and systematically planted for a year with mineral and organic fertilizers near the water. Vinyatkovo corisny watering with a complex organo-mineral preparation HUMAT +7, which should be collected microelements (1 teaspoon of the preparation per 10 liters of water). Nestacha light can change the clogging of tickets. So, instead of buzkovo-erysipelas, they will be white-green or milky-erysipelas. Dosvetlennya that podzhivlennya roslina calcium nitrate to correct this little. After the flowers of clematis on the cob of summer, I renew them near the cages, ensuring a good sight. "Viganyati" one and the same sadzhanets can be no more than 2-3 years of sleep: the growth is heavily damaged and will require "rehabilitation" in the soil.

Explore your own nuances by growing clematis on the balcony or in the loggia. Nasampered to go to pivdenna, zahіdna chi is hidden side of that little place, protected from the wind. Wherever the loggia, obviously, wins, to that here the streams are weaker, vtim, and on the balcony you can control the shelter. For planting clematis, wooden boxes with a diameter of 65 (height) x45x30 cm are beaten, two bars 3x5 cm are nailed along the bottom, so that the boxes are raised above the bottom and water does not accumulate on the day. Under them, it is necessary to place pads under the shoes, and the boxes themselves should be stashed behind the back tabbing walls of the loggia, small containers should be placed on the walls or placed on the racks. With every sun, it is not guilty to fall on the surface of the earth in a container. From the great retelnistyu, we should think over the system of supports, even on the cob of leta weave on the balcony a good increment of liani can become 10 cm. on the cob of summer from the new fall of the river, the waterfall of kvіtiv. Place instructed to plant sprat varieties of various varieties: erysipelas, thick raspberry, lilac, violet, that species will be especially barvisted. Для посадки на балконі або в лоджії підійдуть середньорослі і низькорослі сорти, що відносяться до груп Ланугіноза, Патенс і Флорида, а також Жакмана, Вітіцелла, Інтегрифолія (останнім потрібно більш інтенсивне обрізання, щоб знизити висоту рослин і збільшити кількість квіток). : six-pellet, serrated, tangut, Armanda, Manchurian.

Clematis, planted near the container, the necessary parts, lower in wet soil, watering and replanting, mulching and mulching the soil. Wag 3-5 liters of water on one roslin, as if it doesn’t get out, carefully open it with a wooden bunker around the corners and the perimeter of the box. If the liani moves along the stele to the edge of the loggia, turn them back and move them so that the beds were grouped at the upper part of the wall, or hung from the stele. At the glazed loggias, where the temperature can already reach 30-40 ° in the sun, it is necessary to ventilate: the air is stopped, the temperature and moisture in the closed space are increased to catch the appearance of shkіdnikіv and the development of ailments. Clematis of the Lanuginosa group, Patents and Florida will bloom at the closet near the closed loggia, and until the middle of the grass - varieties that bloom on the pagons of flowing rock. Transplant skin clematis 2-3 rocks, sound hanging (near the flower-grass), replacing bushes that are tired, on new plots. Ukritti containers made of clematis have nothing foldable for the winter. As in the sealed loggia, the temperature of the winter doesn’t drop below minus 10-12, then the liani are trimmed to a group, to the point where the variety lies, take them out of the supports, shorten them and put the box on the beast, sizzle with peat or tirsa, curl the beast, coat, old wool place wrapping clematis at the great polyethylene bear, clean up the shoes from the loggia and put on the bottom - the police or the box. At the vіdkritіy logії or on the balcony vkritі clematis nadіyno it's important to clean up the container near the basement, podpіllya, opaluvalny greenhouse or dig near the ground until the onset of spring.

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