Creole bamboo massage: pre-massage indication, wiping technique, bamboo sticks for massage. Chim brown massage with bamboo sticks Bamboo sticks for do-it-yourself massage

Bamboo whisk

As a rule, you come to the clinic to relax after working days, not only a procedure, but also a coryne, helping to restore the body. Let's guess! Just don’t get overwhelmed by the temperature that hour is spent at the steam room. And see all the beauty of the width, allow bamboo whisks for lazni. Tsey pristriy є vykhіdtsem z China, oskolki climat may in its own order growing bamboo. And yet, at the same time, in Russian spas, practice yoga itself. It’s rich who I’m just starting to understand, like a snarl I’m carrying a bamboo whisk in the light of yogo zastosuvannya.

How to steam with a bamboo whisk?

How to properly steam with a broom from bamboo, to know the professionals, who go to the lazna with a star, to know that with a hard broom from bamboo it is necessary to grow only if the body is well steamed. Then it won't hurt so much. It is necessary to steam the body, if only twice, before the cob of the procedure. Yogo is not accepted to soak.

Massage with bamboo whisks

As if it were something else, massage with a bamboo twig, so it starts with stroking, that is the name of the preparation. Let's sweat from the lungs splashing, when it's for a person to lie down, it's not guilty, but it's like a torturi, but it's like a viklikati for malt. It is required to reach the singing rhythm, so that the transition from the full splashing, to the soft ones and navpaki. Such a massage is three times close to three whilins, then we will next break. The vikoristannya itself is not disposable, only after skin procedures it should be rinsed with water.

Chi є korost vіd bamboo vіnik?

The measles in the form of a bamboo vine, tse confirm and medical facts, first, burn the skin, in a different way, improve the blood flow. It is not paradoxical, but such attachments can relieve pain in the back. Also, women have known the meanness and okremo for themselves, as a method of relieving the body from cellulite. After that the skin becomes springy, and the fat lining comes out. Another advantage is the bamboo vine - the vine does not cause an allergic reaction.

Today the beauty industry is full of all sorts of servants, which help to improve the beauty. Іsnuє impersonal health-improving procedures, straightened out at the reach of me. Before them, by right, lie Creole massage. Vіn chimos similar to other technіki, but at the same time it's significantly irritated.

What to do with massage?

The tools of the procedure are bamboo sticks. In Asia, stench symbolizes longevity and health. Ringing sticks are smooth on the surface, and in the middle: on one side they are empty, and on the other side they are filled with grain or sand. The diameter of the tool is three centimeters, and the length of the tool is thirty-five centimeters.

History of the winery

This kind of massage first began to work in the Indian Ocean on the Mascarene archipelasis. The island of Mauritius is respected by the heartless fatherland, de vin vidomy is already rich in centuries. The name resembles the city dwellers - Creoles. In Russia, Creole massage is still a new phenomenon. Until this day, yogo should be protected to exotic species. Not leather beauty salon promotes this procedure to its clients.

- To finish a new sight for our country. Vіn z'yavivsya yakraz pіd hour chergovy fashion boom for everything exotic. Up to this moment, the bamboo victorious and accepted as a decorative element. If you talk about bamboo massage, then wine has been practiced for a long time, and the history of yoga begins on the islands of the Mascarene archipelago. Inhabited by Yogo Creoles, they themselves are attributed to the first zastosuvannya bamboo for massage. For the same reasons bamboo massage often referred to as Creole. 3 o'clock Danish view I have expanded my massage to Europe, and now we are moving to our SPA-centers.

When you get stuck bamboo massage

Oskilki bamboo massage tse still innovation, then varto guess about those, how to stop it and smut for what. The basis of di Creole massage is the expansion of that sound of vessels circulatory system. Creole massage helps with obesity and cellulite. As a rule, the top of the problem supra-world vaga bring rich people to fakhіvtsіv іz tsієї tehnіki.

The Danish type of massage greatly accelerates the circulation of blood and the exchange of speech, which in its turn beneficially flows into the life of cells and tissues of the body. Well, obviously, this massage helps to relieve physical stress, relax and relieve stress. In a whole ninth, a miraculous way to change the mind like a physical one, and a romatic one.

The high efficiency of bamboo massage is of great importance. In addition, wine takes significantly less than an hour, lower traditional manual massage. Not varto lykatisya dirty mind of bamboo clubs, massage does not call out the pain of the day, more navpak, wine dosit receptions. The average course consists of fifteen sessions, which can be carried out every day or a day.

Bamboo massage technique

The technique of Creole massage, it would seem, is unimaginable. The main element of vikonannya massage is two sticks of bamboo. Part of the club is empty, and the open space is filled with grain or a breeze. This allows not only to create a sound effect, but also to increase the vibe and the balance of the club is optimal.

So the most indispensable attribute of Creole massage is various massage oils, most often almond oil, nutmeg or cypress oil, and other variations. The process of massage is laid in the step: the back of the head is rubbed deeply with a bamboo stick, which allows you to relax the mind and prepare the body in such a rite for massage. Then the massage therapist began to tap the body with sticks at the rhythm of about one hundred and twenty strokes for the whip.

Practically start bamboo massage accompanied by ethnic Creole music. It's not surprising that the music is played not so much for the sake of the aesthetic nurturing, and for the atmosphere, as a guide for the massage therapist to get the right rhythm of the massage. The very rhythmic part of the hour of the massage will begin to achieve maximum efficiency.

Hit the bamboo vibrate on the dot, and here at the right you step in, looking like a squeak of grain. At once with a blow, instead of a bamboo stick, I create an additive microbiobration, which improves blood flow. The main sensation of Creole massage is used in injections at various points in the body, for the promotion of blood circulation and relaxation in them. Such a massage gives the best result after all thermal procedures, such as a spa or a sauna. You can vikoristovuvatisya like okremo, so in the complex with some kind of massage.

Chinese and Thai bamboo massage

They also develop other techniques of bamboo massage. The stench is less popular and, like a legacy, less wide, so that at the same time you can’t rob them less than cikavi. Tse Thai and Chinese massage. Thai bamboo massage improve blood flow and increase the number of wounds, as well as help to introduce different fluctuations in the body. Such a massage is carried out with heated bamboo stalks, and, in tandem with the Creole massage, it relies not on the rhythm of the beat, but on the forceful and energetic injection into the body.

Creole bamboo massage came to our country recently. Yogo fatherland є take care of the Mascarene archipelago, which is near the Indian Ocean. Creole bamboo massage appeared about 5 thousand years ago on the island of Mauritius. The native inhabitants of this island are the Creoles, the bait of the children of Euro-African and other foreigners. The stench has long vikoristovuyut tsyu technique of massage.

Creole massage is now widely occupied by medical practitioners of SPA-centers, as they stand for even the highest level of professionalism.

Creole bamboo massage is a novelty in Russia. For the time being, only a small number of fahivtsiv practice wine. Physiological practice of Creole massage is practiced in the sound and expansion of vessels. Tsі processes lie down due to the strength of the blows, the pace and the trevalosity.

Bamboo massage does a good job of helping with obesity, problems of the superficial vagi and cellulite. Vіn indications are the same with rozum and physical resection. Masazh with bamboo sticks is more appropriate and in order to take away the m'yazova and nerve tension. Relieves stress, helps to relax. Vin effectively reduces blood flow, especially venous, can help to treat pain symptoms. May have a positive impact on the lymphostrum, improve the eating of tissues and clitin, speed up the exchange process in the whole human body.

Before the Creole massage can be surpassed, it can be seen to be effective. Particularly worthwhile is the operation of the zone stegon and sitting. It’s even more convenient that a session of such a massage takes three to an hour - it’s a short time for a session of manual massage. This type of massage is absolutely painless. The recommended course is 15 sessions.

Such a massage takes place with the help of two special sticks made of bamboo. The length of the warehouse is 35 cm, diameter - 3 cm. This allows you to create the desired sound effect. For a massage, use different massage oils: almond oil, sesame oil, nutmeg, guavia, avocado, papaya oil or cypress.

A special technique can be used on the spot, so that the massage therapist can work more deeply on the body of the client with a bamboo stick. With this, the main effect is on the m'yazi of the people.

Then the massage therapist will beat with chop sticks and hit the body in the rhythm of 100-120 hits for the whip. This type of massage is blamed for the ethnic Creole music of this. Warto remember that rhythm plays an even greater role here. Not rhythmically, this kind of massage is simply not possible.

Hit with sticks to be applied on the dot, at your own guilt, dodatkova vibration, which is created by the grain of the chimney. A number of other methods are also victorious: turning, twisting, moving and other.

The essence of massage with bamboo sticks lies in the effective operation of active points on other parts human body. Tse allows you to chew body sensors. Two bamboo sticks practically ideally match the contours of the body and ensure energy balance.

This type of massage is recommended to be carried out after hydrotherapy - taking a bath, shower, hydromassage, swimming in the pool or the sea. The good work of yoga is also accompanied by such thermal infusions, like a sauna, a spa and SPA-capsules. After the completion of the Creole massage, the best procedure is to go through such procedures as choking with algae, ford or application of blaky clay.

Creole massage can be used as an okrema procedure or in combination with other types of massage, for example, honey massage with sesame seeds, anti-cellulite, Thai, neurosedative and others.

Creole massage is accepted to celebrate national music. Tsey rhythmic musical suprovid iz razny tempo malyuk є yogo obov'yazkovoy umovoy. The traditional music of the island of Mauritius is sioga. It accompanies a single rhythmic national dance.

This music is played on three instruments: ravani, maravani and trikutnik. Ravana is like a drum with a goat skin, and a maravana is a straight-cut, like a filling of grain. Tsі rhythmi zdatnі navіt to introduce a person into a trance camp. However, music cannot reach shamanic rhythms.

Musical support helps patients to become more relaxed, so that massage can be effective. The music is light and light. The rhythms of India and Africa are chilling.

In Asia, bamboo is a symbol of vibrancy, gnuchkost and longevity. Zastosuvannya yogo as a massage tool is more expensive. Bamboo sticks exude gnuchkіst and mіtsnіstyu. From old, long ago, they helped me to turn my health around.

Bamboo sticks allow you to significantly reduce the massage technique. They can be rubbed, rozkachuvati, rozminati, nakochuvati, presuvati, roztyaguvati, twist, vichalyuvati toshcho. Under the hour of the procedure fakhіvets vikoristovuє usі surfacial palytsі.

Not all kinds of bamboo are suitable for the preparation of sticks, which are whipped at the Creole massage. So, for example, the Abkhazian bamboo has a bad mechanical power. Such sticks will crackle. Panamanian bamboo is also not very good, but it does not crackle so much. Require additional heat treatment. Vietnamese bamboo needs to be polished and varnished. Laos bamboo is the best in the world. Yogo itself is better than vibrati for making sticks.

Best, like massage bamboo sticks will be of different diameter. It is necessary to know that the diameter of the sticks is smaller, the Creole massage will be more penetrating and sensitive.

Massage with bamboo sticks is a new technique for Russia, which has not yet gained wide popularity. With this interest, it grows up to her, but apparently, more masters and salons appear, as if to promote this way of healing and relaxation.

Bamboo pagons are stagnant in traditional medicine of Asian countries, including as a tool for injection into the pulp and other fabrics. Some of the most widely used methods of bamboo massage:

  • Creole;
  • samurai;
  • Thai;
  • Chinese.

The first arrival at Russia from the island of Mauritius (Maskarensky archipelago). The Creoles developed their method of healing, stimulating and relaxing infusion on the body of a person. The procedure is beaten with two sticks for national music.

Thematic material:

Japanese samurai massage to work with the help of bamboo vine made from thin roslin pagons. Vіn helps to restore strength, to live tissue with sourness, to improve blood flow.

The Thai system is characterized by active work with earthen muck, wacky bamboo, heated in a special oven. The technique is directed to the relief of pain relief.

Chinese masters vicorist massage sticks of various sizes, as well as vines, including springs. In the national philosophy, bamboo (wood) is one of the five life elements, which harmonically ensure successful ceremonies. More chotiri metal, repeat, water, fire.

Instruments used for other procedures

Creole massage is followed by two bamboo sticks 3 cm in diameter and 30-35 cm long. This is a universal massager, for which it works - the main surface, and the steps, and the ends.

Meister zadіyuє sticks like one at a time, so at once.

The middle of the bamboo stalks are empty, so rice is often boiled in them, or sand is more reminiscent. In this way, the tools are optimally weighted and balanced. In addition, instead of sticks, they move, creating an additional rhythmic sound support. Not all Maistris are shriveled up, deyakі volіyut natural vagata and the sound of growth. Bamboo is hypoallergenic and has antiseptic power, beneficially blending into sensitive skin.

Crimean instruments and special devices, a great role is played by Creole technical music and aroma. Fahivets is to blame for the mother's good hearing, and, having caught the rhythm, follow it through the prolongation of the procedure. Sound the massage to celebrate traditional Creole music today.

Aromatic and oily olives - one of the most important attributes, often zastosovuyut sesame, nutmeg, cypress, oliya guavi, papaya.

Massage is good to go with other corny procedures. In front of it you can swim by the pool, steam by the lazna, warm yourself by the sauna. When active, shkir will be corny choking, life masks.

Long term effect

Take a Creole massage of varying degrees, for this, the hour of the procedure is three times a complex treatment on the skin, hypodermis, mucus, tendon, slush, and vascular system.

It is possible to achieve such positive results:

  • improvement in blood flow, vessel tone;
  • eating textiles with sourness;
  • activation of speech exchange;
  • removal of metabolic products, toxins;
  • starting the process of burning fats;
  • stimulation of lymphatics;
  • relaxation of the mind; relieve spasms;
  • rozrobka suglobiv, usunennya discomfort and pain;
  • nadannya fresh shkir;
  • amelioration of the infamous self-confidence, psychological state.

To my credit, the anti-cellulite effect of bamboo massage is meritorious. In the process of straightening, pouring into the subcutaneous fat cell.

Bagatioh lakaє description of the procedure and the very fact of zastosuvannya clubs. Qi poboyuvannya marni. For the observations of patients, the maestri vicorist instruments are more delicately poured onto the fabrics without pain and wind up the reception. In this case, such a massage is an effective “strus” for the body, under an hour of the session, the whole body is actively working, the tissues undergo exchange and regeneration processes.

Accept that robotic technique with sticks

The optimal hour for one massage session is 35-40 minutes. Maistry, as you have passed the training of the Creole technique, you have to put the cream in such a way:

  1. tapping;
  2. migration;
  3. beat;
  4. razminannya with the butt of a club.

Tapping is paired with stroking at the classic medical massage. By this method, properly prepare the body to an intense infusion, a stronger influx of blood to the tissues. Start the procedure from the bottom: stop, step on the homo lki and steg. Tapping completes the session, calming and relaxing the tissue.

Rolling - intensive action on the shkіra, pіdshkіrn adipose tissue, m'yazi. The process of guessing the dough with a rocking chair. For example, when working with its back, the stick falls on the ridge and hits the m'yazovy shaft with delicate, albeit sensitive onslaughts. Working from the surface of the stegon, the seats (there are no stony protrusions), the master pours in with strong, wide arms. In order to secure deep lymphatic drainage, with two clubs, shove a single part of the body - for example, homilka and with an onslaught to carry out along them. Rukh go for a direct lymph photo. Sometimes, before rolling, a vibration comes. Fahivets lifts the fabrics, squeezing between the balls, and lightly shaking.

The battle is beaten with two sticks. The most dynamic part of the massage (up to 115 strokes per stroke). Painless and acceptance process that brings great harm, especially in the fight against cellulite.

The end of the club is pointwise injected into the m'yaz. Tsej priyom also go with vibration, stop on the shoulder blades and when working with trapezium-like m'yazami. The butt of that with protrusions on the fingers is pressed onto the surface of the foot, deconcentrating energetically significant points.

Maistris of the Creole school begin to massage the legs, hands, the back and the back, or the abdomen. The Chinese technique touches all the parts of the body, the core of the face.

The Japanese technique of massage with a whisk is also based on a light dotik, similar to stroking. Step by step, the speed and strength of the injection grows, but hit with a bunch of bamboo vines not to hurt. Go to the robot from active points.

Thematic video

Indications and contraindications

The middle indication before the bamboo massage can be called the following:

  • vtom through physical and rozumovі perevantazhennya;
  • stress;
  • overvoltage;
  • wrong m'yazovy tone;
  • bіl;
  • cellulite, zaiva vaga.

Contraindications for medical massage:

  • sickness of the skies;
  • stay sick; high temperature;
  • oncology;
  • suttvo movement of arterial pressure;
  • sechokam'yana and zhovchnokam'yana twig;
  • vaginess;
  • menstruation.

Bamboo massage, which has taken on less lovers of the exotic, is getting more chanulers. A target audience has appeared to inspire the midst of quiet people, so they don’t take the dot to the body of other people’s hands, or they don’t want to be bared in front of third-party people with religious chi special mirkuvan. Infusion at qiy

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