Similar horoscope for river scorpion. Love horoscope of Scorpions

2018 will be a pleasant period for representatives of the sign. If you are nourished, you will vibrate with ease, as if you were to listen to your inner voice at the same time. The penny plan has everything in it - you can afford to raise your material budget.

The ear of rock for Scorpions will be calm, without shock. Garniy hour in order to pick up the bags of the old fate and lay down the plan of your goals for the new one. Ale does not need to hurry to take in everything that is conceived in life. Children strictly follow their own plan, do not waste time for a sprat of projects, otherwise you may not dare to complete.

Follow the guardianship of splintering with lonely people, shards walk around you with a lot of zadrіsnyh people. It is not possible to safely believe everything that is said, to reconsider the facts and trust your inner voice. Before that, as if I had shared my relationship with a new person, it is necessary to try to find out more about her.

In the middle of the year, there will be a good opportunity to correct it thoroughly before the pardon. Hour vіd vіd vіd і hіѕ wіth thе people whісh аrе formed. A pleasant hour for the sake of vibachitis and rekindling friendship. So, for this period, it’s important to finish on time, the end of such trivals was an hour.

Closer to winter, the energy of that high practicality will appear, and the autumn depression will come. It is possible to make new acquaintances, pushing through caravans and helping out people who are drunk. In order to achieve success in any sphere of life, you need to understand that everything is ingenious - just don’t take a more folded path.

Person-Scorpio: Horoscope for 2018

Individuals will be honed by the respect of their relative status. Under the hour of the summer holiday, it is possible that a novel will be revealed, which is a trivatime of a sprat of fate. Scorpios do not hover in the air, so it is possible to crush a mustache, so that the subject of passion is entrusted to them.

The new river promises impersonal indeterminate moments, which one can cope with. To help friends, it is not possible to rebuild. Also, you are called to nameless tiles. At the link with the cym, it is necessary to behave strimano and carefully, so that you don’t show up on the car.

Friends chi colleagues to encourage to take the fate of the sumnіvnіy financial operation. People wait a little while, but already for a few months they find out that the stench has squandered it and spent pennies. After that, I pulled up to the risik for a long time.

For example, the fate of a lot of people will see themselves torn apart, give a beat nervous system. It is recommended to spend more than an hour on repairs, start a romance, or break up in a short time. Positive emotions and a change in the situation bring a charge of vigor and a surge of new strength.

Scorpio Woman: Horoscope for 2018

For representatives of the sign r_k, it will not be the simplest, but luck is not mine. There may be difficulties in the love sphere, vipade chimalo test for mіtsnіst. So that everything ends well, you don’t have to play with the partner’s feelings, but show more luck and turboti. Otherwise, you risk losing yourself on your own.

It is recommended to start new work projects, to start a master's degree. 2018 rіk is the best hour, for which it is no longer possible to deposit. It is necessary to take all the important decisions, if only good, having become cloudy and calling, you can’t act out of the heat, on emotions.

A lot of scorpion women want to have more respect for their person and take care of their fineness. They don’t show arrogance to them, so it’s not too difficult for them to commemorate and sip with recognition and compliments. Ale, but be respectful: in the pursuit of beauty, you can take a moment, like a man choking on another woman.

People on the river Shchur (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

At the Scorpions, the people of the Shchuriv rivers, the whole river will pass safely. Energії - even if I'm rowing, I'll be successful on all sides, and the Dog will prepare a few surprises. How to try it for yourself at the police - the last hour. Ale, before accepting the decision, the decision should be made and call all “for” and “against”, along the coast for pardons and failures.

Scorpios are richly spitting and in business sphere, and with your friends. But I won’t be able to trust what they will say. Possibly, if you want to fool me, imagine. The innate penetrability of the representatives of the sign will help you to instantly recognize the zradnik and not let yourself be fooled.

People on the river Bika (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Representatives of the sign to shoot a lot of their dreams. Under the circumstances, it will not be necessary for you to work for yourself, furnish yourself with the most distant rank. A pleasant hour for participation in the drawings of lotteries to you ob'yazkovo have mercy.

On zakohanih checks the swede of fun, and tim, who has not yet seen his soul mate, is recommended to respectfully look at all sides - happiness is close here. In robots, the representatives of the sign can show themselves more clearly that obov'yazkovo evaluate kerіvnitstvo. Ale does not need to forget about the reparations, at the hour of the release of the obov'yazkovo it is necessary to break at the warm edge for the inspiration of forces.

People on the Tigris River (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

Representatives of the sign will be inspired by energy and optimism. That river of the Dog will give impersonal garni propositions, and it will also work richly. Competitors understand that it’s more difficult to catch up with you and trochs to step in. Pomіrnі ambitsії and vpevnіnіst іn svoіh prіshennyakh to deprive supernikіv far pozad.

In a special life, welding is possible through a jealous partner. Do not provoke yoga, but rather behave more modestly. All of them have shortfalls, and you have the same, that and over the special stosunki happen to be corrected. Natomist good-natured atmosphere in the house and support of the partner will be friendly to the workers on the right.

People on the Rabbit River (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Representatives of the sign - zhittradisnі and comradely people, yakі infect with their garnim mood and optimism usіh navkolo. Zhovtiy Sobaka is nicely placed before such people, bringing them success on the right and whatever the initiatives. Seeing you, you need only a little bit of sitting and diligence, to bring the right to the right to the logical end.

People on the Dragon River (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Representatives of the sign will be engaged in creativity, more so that fortune itself will help them in tsoma. Sound your ideas out loudly, shards, perhaps, come to the aid of lonely people. The financial problem is escalating by itself - a penny patron will appear raptom. Also bring good luck on the right hand side to the children of the rіshuche that shvidko.

With relatives and close friends, varto buti trohi m'yakshi. Do not varto show categoricalness in super girls, it’s better to know the compromise, which is the offending side of the government. Such a quality will help you and have a working right. At the offensive Zhovtiy Dogs the representatives of the sign will be constantly leaning in the right place and in that very year.

People on the River of the Dragon (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

The purposefulness and perseverance of the representatives of the sign will help to get a lot of wins. Ale, it’s not varto to stay in the dark for a long time, so that someone from your sharpness should overtake you, or imagine. Everything is miraculous in special vіdnosinah, and the self, without a bar, strikes with its soul mate.

The serpent may have a mindfulness of thought and respect, but calm and vminnya vichikuvati pleasant moment help you easily get out of important life situations. The natural enchantment and charm of this fate will become more powerful, ale varto follow oneself with other people and be a trifle tactful.

People on the River Koni (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

You will have a lot of pratsyuvati. Ale, not for nothing, you’ve done it for real, the shards will result in a strimky angry kar'ernimi gatherings. Ale varto remembrance, that the power of vimagaє greater peace of vidpovіdalnostі, also on vіdpovchinok that rozvagi time may not be enough.

Problems can be vindicated through the inevitable planning of your activities. In order to come to your destination, it is necessary to lay down a clear plan and follow it, and not go ahead. If all important goals will be achieved, and you will be able to afford yourself a little bit.

People on the river Kozi (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Representatives of the sign will be more happy. Natural kindness and comradeship will help the Svidko to solve his problems. Competitors come to the business sphere, come good hour for the business. Making papers will not take a lot of time and do it right away. Nespodіvan help to put on the old zv'azki.

In family life, everything will be without special praise. Budinok is a full bowl, with a partner that love is thought of, and children are cheerful and healthy. It is possible to have another recession, or the birth of a child from close relatives.

People on the river Mavpi (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Representatives of the sign see a surge of more energy. Ale not varto nadto turbuvati yourself. As if you will be able to try yourself in the role of a clerk, learn how to organize the work among colleagues, and not call everything important on yourself. Colleagues such a camp is right to take it even nicely.

Be careful to talk to people, especially with little-known people. In 2018, turn on the way to join good people, that is not fair. Don’t show your distrust to everyone in a row, so that you don’t see yourself as a decent person, but you don’t start a guard.

People on the river Pivnya (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

2018 is a period for you, if you can add your material standard. Ale not warto about your plans to tell your colleagues and competitors, so that you don’t cross yourself on the right. Koshtіv nadіyde stіlki, scho vystachit on rozkіshne zhittya: it is possible and at the entrance to the border, and steadfastness to come.

Unfriendly representatives of the sign will be sharpened by the respect of the opposite status. Don’t rush for a long time with the choice, 2018 rіk is a friendly hour for friendship and the cob of family life. Innate comradeship and merry vdacha spriyat to those who Scorpion richly talk and make new acquaintances, including those who are born.

People on the River Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Scorpio-Dogs of which fate will be right lucky. Fortune is friendly to all spheres of life on the robot and on the family's right. It is possible to have a hope of a cat in the presence of already zabutih borzhnikov, but it is a viable proposition in the presence of a spitting people.

People of this sign are even stronger individuals. At one time they have a strong emotional connection from their home, their homeland. 2018 rock varto spend more than an hour with your relatives. The better the atmosphere in the sim, the happier you will be on the right in the robot. You can’t give in to a little distrust of your loved ones, to show suspicion. Really stinks bazhayut you good.

People in the River Boar (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

You will have to improve, the more the number of obov'yazkiv will become wider. Ale doesn’t need to get confused through it, bring new shards of new money to the bank account. Imovirno, and omitting propositions to occupy a graveyard - you can’t imagine it.

At the meeting with friends, you need to stream a little bit, do not allow yourself to be smartly jarred at the address of chi sumnivnyh compliments. River of Dogs - the hour of acquaintances. As a whole, you are going to be married to a person, with which you will be tied up with friends and lovers.

Scorpio is not just a goal straightening, but a goal straightening sign of the zodiac. If you go ahead, then don’t mark anyone on the way. Yogo meta, be it can be reached, and so it will be, even if you are more grasping and stubborn.

Global trends

Why is the calmness of the master of fate, and the Dog is the isolation of the calmness of that vpevnennosti in the future, Scorpio will be better served by it. Obviously, it’s not a good idea that the god of fate will already get involved in such a sublime. She tries to direct him in all known ways, but, unfortunately, don’t start the vistacha. Fortunately, the very representative of the water element has enough reason, so that he doesn’t make a fool, obviously, so that a naughty temperament doesn’t enter right. The only one, at whom the two protylezhnosti converge - tse bazhannya pratsyuvati, pratsyuvati. True, the Dog has more good and altruistic goals, lower in the one who has good favor.

On the cob of rock, the imovirnist of small welds is great. It costs like a robot, so a special life. At the birch month, inspiration will come before you, do not miss this moment, it is possible, if you are “born” at your head, which is constantly practising.

Summer, of course, you can let go for reparations, and even people who will make you feel like spending time on the beach. But for you it will be a miraculous period for new earnings. The style of Scorpio is to drive everyone with fear to their sting and to conquer a new territory. Ale you slid obov'yazkovo on nіy no more. It will be necessary to reap fruit there, de vie.

In the autumn you can relax a little, but not more than two days, new achievements are being minted on you.

Love horoscope of Scorpions

Scorpios are miracle cochants, independent of the state. Nich, spent with them, forever lost from the memory of a partner. Romantic vіdnosinakh stinks not only about themselves, but also about those who know the order. Most of the time, it’s the most hisstical, they just need to be the best of all first. You know the psychology of people and you can turn knowledge into your selfishness. And the awakened intuition allows you to foresee a little in advance, to instill in love novels.

It’s a great pity that in 2018 you will have to work with a robot to start new novels. Prote those representatives of the sign, who already think they are serious, may want to legitimize them. For this reason, it is best to pick the cob of autumn, if the business partners have not yet announced their protracted holidays. Truthfully, call on this serious croque Scorpios will help them in future other halves.

Vzimku and vltku you actively earn pennies, and virishuvatemete nagalnі problems. For love affairs, 2018 is the best time to celebrate spring and autumn.

Don't play novels on trips and on vacations, otherwise you'll be blown away. And do not ignore such gifts from the desert, from the farthest islands to the remote dacha village.

Zdorov'ya Scorpions on the Dog River

Definitely your body is healthy and healthy, especially the head. Yaku, before the speech, take care of the best and keep it at firmness. Scorpios are not only rejoicing in the warm hospitality, but in the alchemy of friendship. And friends, as usual, often beat them into the right path. Not varto in 2018 is poisoned by alcohol drinks. Remember: you have to do something important.

Also, the horoscope is recommended to representatives of the water element in the sports hall. See the energy, if you don’t spend the energy with the rust, you won’t filth self-feeling that dissatisfaction with oneself. There is no opportunity to go to the gym, go big, or if you want to, go to work. Remember - without ruhіv you can not.

In the spring, there is a great increase in the severity of gastritis and induce it to appear. Irregular schedules, winter snacks will cause you great harm. Just as people are often aggravated by guests and banquets, then women are angry about their problems. Try to act like an emotional "chewing".

In the summer months, the next respected on the roads - it is worth walking and driving and walking: often marvel at all sides. None of those who threatened as if they were not safe, but to people, as if they were always thinking, not to be naughty.

The end of summer and may the whole autumn is rich in fruits and vegetables, the horoscope is for the sake of people who are weak to allergies, but be careful. With skin fate, dobriva and make it easier to work on them more and more and we’ll be sick, so that it’s better to harm healthy, especially healthy people, as they suffer from allergies.

Like you tsikaviy, you can read yogo, going over to the prayers.

Penny horoscope of Scorpio on the river Dogs

Think firmly and far-sightedly, all your plans are correct. Stink obov'yazkovo bring dividends. At the Pivnya River, you saved up and stored grains, at the Pivnia River you will be asked to take up the vitrates. Otzhe, rіk Dogs, it is ideal for bringing up your capital and earnings. Won to love the state and obov'yazkovo help you with whom. All your investments are bound to pay off, obviously, as you are engaged in business. For creative and social children, the river will be just stable. Until you come see different zarobіtkіv, yakbi vy vmіli order them, buv b result. You can consult with specialists and try out your right, which suits you. Before speaking, in what food we should take advice from our intuition, you will definitely know what to do. I would like to say once again that the intuition of Scorpios is already devastated, especially the cost of financial nutrition.

One more garna yakist whose sign is optimism. To learn how to go out, how to burn and burn out, so people always save faith from a good future. It's easy to stench up to pennies of that post-house rush. Hocha, zvichayno, "wuho requires trimati gostro." In our country, like a snuff-box, there is always whiskey.

One more important moment, about what next to say to the Scorpios. You also love to kill sins with the method of letting the saw out of the vіchі. Shkіdlivka zvichka, yak can vysnazhite your gamanets to the bottom. Be respectful in your meals: as you treat your future business partners, try to sort out the potential income in the future. Is it possible, for some of them, to strike out on the filigree of the kawi in the office? Do not show it to everyone, you are generous, even sometimes such a behavior is similar to a fool.

Horoscope Woman-Scorpio

Woman Scorpio, like a man, so always reach your own goal. Vaughn zuhvala, tsіlespryamovana, even love to show your character in public, and vіrnіshe, yoga strengths. You don’t have patience, like a dog can give. Ale on vіdmіnu vіd cholovіkіv, the representative of the weak status all virіshuє herself. She won’t ask for any help, she won’t hear the joys of the day, she will fight everything in her own way. A tolerant dog can be checked for a long time, until Scorpio is shamened, but still it is periodically put on a plate. Sir, remember: not everything is false to you. Speech, no one can fit into yak.

It is better to spend the winter hour for a zamіzhnoї zhіnki for be-yakim family right. And it is best to dedicate the axis to the free girls this period of work. And remember, your streaming is directly proportional to your quarry way. Don't argue with the authorities, the boss will call you with an unkind word. Let your assertiveness go in a different direction: in the direction of earning pennies.

In the spring, it's best to go in for sports. And not to the fact that the hour has come to get ready for the beach season, but simply during the winter you have accumulated a lot of problems. Sedentary way of life, not eat properly and so much more, that the following terminology is changed.

Summer is a miraculous time for fate to get to know each other and have fun. Women can speed up this moment, especially self-representatives of a weak status. Wanting an hour of infidelity and in order to be appointed to work.

Horoscope of a Scorpio man for 2018

The people of Scorpio are unsafe, temperamental and sticky. Don't hesitate to get in touch with such people, who don't want to cheer for them. Even though you all the same have done this, be ready to partly shut up, so it’s impossible to say, to wind up to the warriors’ deeds. Obviously, the Dog can easily subdue the furious fuse on the floor, but sometimes it’s impossible to nave the sinister invasion of the stingy representative of the zodiac system.

Until the speech, women, as they have managed to get along with a scorpion, to take the horoscope to take the initiative to their own hands, but so, having thought about the seriousness of the stosunkiv nibito independently. Autumn is a wonderful hour for fun.

During the winter period, it is recommended that you stream more to your colleagues, kerіvnikіv chi pіdleglih. Great ymovіrnіst tedious and drіbnih welding. Often the opponents are wrong, but it’s possible, here you can give up the war. Zayvі welding bring more than a waste of nerve cells, but not a bad result.

The spring period, as it was written more often, is the hour of your inspiration. Go to the new one on occasion. Listen to your inner world. What does your soul want? Possibly, throw it all away for a few days, so that you don’t hit people. To grow such a crock, only not for a long time. Just give yourself a couple of days to get cold feet.

You can change the weather and improve it, for you the period is even calmer and more pleasant.

In the autumn, it’s brightly lit, and it’s blue, as you yourself call it serious, it’s like a special, and a working life. It is possible that someone calls you to a new job, but you don’t dare to tear up your old one. Think about it, you can almost scratch it. The axis, however, will get used to the new team, it will be more foldable, not at once showing its sting. Ask a wise dog for yoga patience.

Having seen the horoscope for 2018, Scorpio can look forward to that turn of the year, which checks on the new cob of fate. Even the past fate, you had a chance to complete the execution of documents of a different nature, and at the same time, you were already calmly taking out tops. But everything will turn out differently. I’m going to have to take care of you again with the paper cart. Tilki tse bude priemny klopit. Purchase of non-violent bridge, car and registration of a visual lease.

Varto make the appointment of your elder relatives and friends, stink to make an inestimable contribution from your share - they will help you majestic for you. Until the moment comes, if you ask for help, make contact. You will be more comfortable talking with them on any topic, and you will spare a lot of time, strength and pennies for professional help.

There is no place, de vie feel bad, you easily know spilnu mova from usima. Try to expand even more, do not hurry to encourage yourself at the reception time, the shards of the freedom to communicate with new knowledge will give you new ways to develop. You can be encouraged to take part in this project, devi realize all your abilities and know that horoscope for 2018 for Scorpions guarantees success in such projects.

Students of that school of life can learn from life even a good lesson - illuminating, learning new things to lie down only from their future. R_k Dogs for Scorpio - R_k development, enlightenment, suffocation with their work and direct education.

Don’t varto rozrakhovuvat on good mutually from the protileous state, you see that it’s easy for you to get along with the relatives of the protolezhny state. You have a sort of confrontation, competition, and you declare to yourself, like a person, that you know more richly, more positively and vindicate for your words that diї. You have a rich attitude towards friends, but more than that - respect for yourself. Even though friends are often busy and can’t go to your first call, you respect it with goodness, to make your way as insignificant for both.

Summer may appear in the distance, so you will make plans for all summer months, and not flytime for the flow. Vidpochinok that sport will help to put together all your emotions and not allow you to develop a little apathy in your own mind, or induce guilt.

Health and wellness

Don’t worry about what to bring and give you everything, here you can take care of your mother and be healthy. Only your initiative and that serious pidkhid will help to overcome great problems. Horoscope for Scorpio for 2018 will protect you from the illness of the upper wild roads and that legen.

Nayneobkhіdnіshe, starting from spring, as if you fire, obov'yazkovo throw tsiu shkidlivu zvichka. It can cause chronic illness, it will not be easy to kill it like a vilіkuvati.

If you don’t understand the situation for a while, you can more closely until the autumn show some signs of allergies, or induce asthma. Therefore, as soon as you have the opportunity, blame the diagnosis, do not mess up the hour, shards, turning to the doctor of the spring, you will avoid serious complications.

The reason for that work for you is inseparable understanding. You know that you can miraculously balance between freelancing and negligence at work, but not so. Soon you will have problems with zv'yazku z zim. Therefore, learn to separate the hour of repair and work at home.

Trips to the resorts, on the basis of recovery, you will be able to stay until the autumn, and you will have to put all your efforts into the work of that education.

In autumn, you will feel good at the sea, for your healthy sea, you will become that elixir, which will strengthen your immunity, and also add positive emotions, new hostility.

By the end of the year, do not forget to see in the fresh weather, the winter forest and the frost are more brown, especially for the bagmen.

Finance and purchases

The financial horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio diligently looks out and tries not to think about those who for a long time have come the hour to seriously go to that meal. Until the middle of the year, you will be rich in yourself, and if closer to autumn you realize that the budget is cracking at the seams, you will be able to recognize the whole seriousness of the situation.

You love stained glass, like you love to look, like you love to be greedy with a credit card, you know everything about commissions, about changing banks, about the benefits in this other proposition, but you forget about those that you can just change your life. In order for your mother to have a penny, you need to work, if you don’t have enough money - change the work, if you can’t change the work - take proper care of enlightenment and take away the necessary space.

Do not trust your emotions if people are willing to support you. As if you weren’t smart before them, don’t give up the rest of the pennies, trusting the promises that the pennies will turn around in the next hour. You will check for a long time, then we will ask you unhandedly to turn the borg for you, and your stosunki will be zipped forever. So you will spend a good friend only to the one who won’t be able to see the goiter.

Do not hurry to make purchases, which, in fact, are an indecent waste of pennies. You happen to be involved in great purchases, you are checked for the purchase of indestructibility or a significant exchange, and you are constantly to blame for having good access to savings.

Career and business

Mercantile to the work of Scorpio, whose career 2018 is the fate - big with changes, more, less reach success, I want to bring it to the point, which can be richer. From one side, this is a wonderful motivation, and from the other side, you are responsible for understanding, what is more, lower for you, no one needs it.

The blues with colleagues can be put together smoothly, and the curtains can go into the supernice phase, since it’s practically impossible to turn around to form a team, like you’ve been earlier, but you’re better able to do everything possible, so you can’t get to the right one.

As if you are a kerіvnik, and your suggestions do not hasten to secure your mind, if you have hardened, let them understand, that you do not fuss, otherwise they will accumulate those wrong words before you, because the words of those recommendations of the kerіvnik do not play a role.

You have been punished for promotion with stars, as you work in the field of medicine, in the military structure. Vcheni that people, yakі to conduct a long-term activity, can take up the project, until such a trivaly hour the heart did not lie. At once you will have those about which you did not think. The ideal hour is autumn.

Kohannya ta sіm'ya

The family and love horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio can be taken in one cіlim, the rocks for them at once are inseparable and two understand. As if the representative of this sign has not yet learned his halves, as if he is ready to be called a man and a team, he’s pragmatically up to him with his whole soul. Alerik does not convey to you new serious acquaintances and the most important ones in your life.

Don't hurry, don't work for the later krokiv, serious girls can only be closer to you until the end of fate. At once, all your strengths can be mobilized in one straight line - training, advancement, development.

Don’t worry, like a person, for which you went through fire and water, raptom cool down to you, better for everything, your little time needed is out. Don't eat food, don't try to become the best, respectful, shards on the right not with you, but in some special internal conflict. Just see the kill and ignore that coldness. If wine is ruined from your life - do not varto shkoduvat, for what is not the one that is prepared for you.

Signs, people from 24 years old to 8 leaf fall, can calmly expand their rights in the field of medicine.

Signs, people from 18 to 25 leaf fall, guilty of parting in their own past, otherwise the stench does not have a chance to grow a crock in the future.

Woman - Scorpio

You don’t waste your hopes on those that your life will change with the appearance of a new person on your way, but it turns out that it’s not so “new” anymore … Read more more >>>

Cholovik - Scorpio

You have no illusions, but you don’t waste your hopes, and you believe us in front of your strength. Those who can stand with you, turn your life upside down and change your mustache in front of you, look at life, values, set new priorities.

The earthling of the master of fate will not falsify you - the whim of the Dogs of the water lads looks already on the cob of spring. Lay Zhovtoi tsarіvni 2018 rock will not be dirty, but more affectionate - you will easily swear whether you are nourished, as if you will listen to the prompts of the dreadful Dog. The sphere of finance has peace and grace - the intuition of Scorpios is growing in a sprawl of times, and you will not only have problems, but you will be smarter. Is it bad to think of pennies from the earth, what are you trapping on the road?

The sphere of love in 2018 will be a rich one, but the axis of blacks and orphans of Scorpion will not be swayed. Yaskravі zustrіchі and zamorochlivі romanov zamusuє you forget about your guardianship - enjoy the cares and do not worry about the future. It's true, just one thing, about some astrologers just goiter ahead of the sentimental and romantic Scorpios - you can put your head through the best shanuvalnik, and even then you will feel Mendelssohn's march.

The family of Pluto the Dog will attract surprises to the other plan - you didn’t know that you have relatives. Numerous visits of uncles, titons, third-year-old grandmothers and second-cousin grandparents are sensible, but you are trimming - you should raptly get rid of the spadshchina, or call yourself a guest (a quiet mansion near France). Leleki on the river Zhovtoy Dogs will be especially active - the birds have long been arranging a nest on your dahu, and they checked at the right moment to show up with a cute packer.

All the miles come in handy to return the Scorpions to the service turbos - beware, the competitors have been going all summer, and until spring the stink will get out of your office with help. Raiders zahoplennya you, zvichayno, do not threaten - The dog will show his hostri teeth, and even the supernik does not show such a sight.

The influx of ideas from the sphere of business is expected to spread in the future of 2018. Competitors languish, bureaucrats relax, and drink on talent growth - Scorpios can show vigor in what you want: you want to have a child’s creativity, you want a restaurant right, you want bred horses. Blame food: where do you get the pennies? The other signs of the zodiac didn’t dream of the vikhovants of Pluto їх stіlki, sіlki Іншм signs of the zodiac and did not dream of - give astrologers a tip.

The fall of the leaves and the breasts will fly away without a hitch - that on the warm little bird of the sea, the Scorpions will not be up to the morning of the day. You deserve a break and you can lie on the beaches until the end of 2018. Scorpios to turn on the respect of some pleasurable lads - to bring you to the resort to get you out of vigilance and contracts (solid uncles are ready to change their clothes into tubulars, and bigy to call you out of namists and turtles, and then wave the contracts to replace the fan).

First of all, about what a reminder to Scorpios: do not advertise the chaklunsky gift, you will rap one time, and for the best lads from the Battle of Psychics they were hanging out for autographs - do you need it?

Love horoscope for Scorpio for 2018

In the rivers of the Dog, there are no alike in the middle of the water - Scorpios bathe in the love of the numerical shanuvalniks.

You can risk the fate of the Dog in love rights. Your charisma is off the charts, you have no equal in flirting - the chanuvals have bought apartments from your donkey, and until night they rap the spring march on the batteries, and whistle romantic motives. Be careful, otherwise you will break the guilt of the smite, and you will be ringed right on the Maidan.

Do not lead by the nose of the numerical zalitsialniks - at the rivers of the Dog, the shanuvalniks can also learn to read thoughts. More to manage yourself and write a book: how to call Scorpios for tyzhden. think about serious vіdnosinakh, even 2018 is suitable for the meeting of the Sims. Cupid will fly for days on your way, try not to miss your soul mate.

Pretenders for the heart in the river Dogs are rich, and it will be easy to look at the look. Vlast for zіtkhachіv zmagannya: chop off the head at times of blows, obviously, it’s not required. Wimogi can be reduced to chanuvalnikiv - they didn’t learn the stench in the courses of princes (princesses). Zirki whisper in secret that half of them entrusted to you, but you don’t remember why.

Business horoscope for Scorpio for 2018

At rivers Dogs, Scorpios are supposed to remember the treasury - pigs with a little girl will not be enough. The time has come for us to acquire a special bank, with such and such capitals.

Scorpion 1 decade (24 zhovtnya-2 leaf fall) With your talents, villains do not threaten, but for arrogance you can speed up with magic. It is not necessary to spread dried frog legs around the office (to lure pennies, but spread partners). Put the bronze toad in a quiet little hutch and put a bill under it. Pratsyuvati tezh be brought, at river Dogs financial successes come only to practical lads.

Scorpions 2 decades (3 leaf fall-12 leaf fall) R_k Dogs in the distance for the realization of creative zd_bnosti. If the Scorpios take it upon themselves to make the verse, then it’s not a problem to bombard you with propositions of all kinds. And if you paint a picture, then prepare your head under a laurel wreath - praise the sea for honors. And there, the collectors will pull up - they will have to choose who is more likely to drive their robots.

Scorpions 3 decades (13 leaf fall-22 leaf fall) Salary supplement Nova robot- What do you want, Dog on your side. A penny of success is not far off, it is not necessary to competently speed up with your talents. Shakhrai have long rushed to get away, and the competitors are shaking, you can smell the stench of Scorpions. There is only one joy in the night - to buy a solid hamanets (pennies to love neat savings).

Family horoscope for Scorpions for 2018

Rick Dogs for more Scorpios will become licorice and honey, and you won’t remember a teaspoon of dog - they will be ideal in the family.

Scorpion 1 decade (24 zhovtnya-2 leaf fall) Take care of your household, but don’t shy away yourself - following this motto, Scorpions will overcome all family problems. The secret of happiness on the River Dogs is simple - to spread the clogged mess. Like a fisherman, learn to understand the finer points of fishing, and like a lover to love bigati around the stadium, give him new sneakers, that and yourself at once.

Scorpions 2 decades (3 leaf fall-12 leaf fall) River of the Dog will be rich in all that holy place - the time has come to come up with your own family tradition. Tim is bigger, the lives of the Scorpios have a lot of good things for joy - cherish not to fly past your quiet little house. And learn to control jealousy - learn to learn not to get rich, and only adore you.

Scorpions 3 decades (13 leaf fall-22 leaf fall) In 2018, Scorpios can be written by themselves and by households - the stoks of the family will be warm. Navitt day from the side of a partner to listen to your thoughts more often - write a list of bazhan, so as not to waste time. Until the speech, rіk Dogs are a garni for more expensive ones - close people have long been mrіyut to visit the cordon, also hurry up to pick up documents.

Health horoscope for Scorpio for 2018

When the time has come for distrustfulness and anxiety - in the river of the Dog it is easy to know the positive tagar mood.

Scorpion 1 decade (24 zhovtnya-2 leaf fall) Zhovta lord 2018 fate will take you under his guardianship and give you one joy: stop tormented by diets and physical education. Everything is good in the world, and you will find the courage to be separated from us by shkidlivymi zvichka, not ob'yazkovo robitse in one day. Yoga will help the deyakim Scorpios - the dog pose is an ideal zasіb for relaxation.

Scorpions 2 decades (3 leaf fall-12 leaf fall) Folk medicine- it’s wonderful, but on the river of the Earth Dog you can listen to the breeds of specialists. Scorpios can download from the Internet, and the axis of the lust of the cold is more likely to trust the doctor. If you want to do something, don't hurry to lie down on the sofa. active see it is more expensive for sports to bring a lot more crust.

Scorpions 3 decades (13 leaf fall-22 leaf fall) R_k Dogs nibi creations in order for you to be engaged in zovnіshnіstyu. Procedures aimed at beauty, lead to a miraculous result. Ale do not walk the street in the mass of clay - raptom you ring at the nervous visions of the passers-by. And don't forget about fruits - they used an apple, and wiped their face with a rag, they made a stump, and put a couple of mugs on their eyes.

Horoscope for small Scorpions for 2018

At rivers Dogs, water shibeniks will become completely militant, that desert intuition will go wild - all family taemnits will open up in two seconds.

Neposidi Scorpio 1 decade (24 Zhovtnya-2 leaf fall) Batteries in children are adjusted to the citric regimen. Stars don’t call to add water shibeniks to the lake, rather take them up with sports (let’s run, you won’t fall asleep at the docks at the stadium). The little ones will have a lot of new friends - do not be surprised if you do not show your favorite toys (generous Scorpions are ready to leave the car).

Naughty Scorpions 2 decades (3 leaf fall-12 leaf fall) At computers, children are more likely to grow up, lower in the house of hackers - the time has come for them to come out of the blue. Buy some books, but don’t give them to little Scorpions - try to get away from the child of the library yourself, she’s so choked up that you can’t look at the head. Shche y you before going to sleep, smut, shchob the plot is good, otherwise you will torment nightmares.

Children of Scorpio 3 decades (13 leaf fall-22 leaf fall) The problem with your Scorpios and the Dogs will be the same - discipline, vernishe, її vidsutnіst. Play with deserters in the army, and let the stench be commanders - in a month you will not recognize your fidgets. True, the judges are not in capture - but who is worthy, if the cry of the moon is about the first wound: Come on, and the budinok is shaking at the sound of the drum.

Horoscope 2018 Scorpio for the rock of the people

Horoscope for 2018 r_k Scorpio - Shchur

Scorpions-Schur have 2018 with a ponytail with a pistol, and their eyes shine with satisfaction. If you don't get lucky, the Dog will fill you with surprises. Stars to please try yourself in the political sphere - it seems that the deputies have a bad salary. Tilki vyzhe vzhe vzhe vypravdite ochіkuvannya vybortsіv. There are no problems on the love front - your temperament is not worthy of a cold-blooded chanuval.

Horoscope for 2018 r_k Scorpio - Bik

Possibilities for building a bazhan on the Dog River will be the sea. Scorpions-Bichkas and robiti will not get anything. Sit yourself at home, and deliver a penny bag to your door. Tse in ideali, deyak zusilla report, zvichayno, treba. For the cob, go to the kiosk and bring a lottery ticket (or rather two). The sphere of kohanny has the same history - the shanuvalniks all blew it, and you need to reconcile the springtime.

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Tiger

You are completely badyori and optimistic - so the Dog filled you with vigilant propositions. About the competitors in 2018, the Scorpio-Tigers can forget - the super-natives will think about you to be afraid, and not tired, they can hardly smell your name. In a special life, the situation is not easy - a shy fellow will become jealous, about every change social measures your photos, under some compliments from the shanuvalniks

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Kit (Rabbit)

Scorpions-Cats in 2018 will lean on the pinnacle of bliss. You will not be able to eat a bear or get food from important places - The dog will attract everything to your little house. We are in front of the profession - for a long time, throw an hour to a nabridla robot, even if you are checked in by great and reputable firms. At the sphere of the kohannya, change your chances - check good leleks, the stench has been surprising you for a long time.

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Dragon

Flutter in the dark for a long time - Fortune for a couple with the Dog will take the situation under control. You will have new wings, and two heads to praise the decision. I create energy, but zastosuvat with reason - share your plans with crooked people how to help inspire ideas. If you don’t happen to ask for financial assistance, you will be recognized as a patron, who before that will appear as your shanuvalnik.

Horoscope for 2018 r_k Scorpio - Snake

Self-singing has fallen upon riches, but only not Scorpions-Snakes. Your stubbornness is stuck to the soul of the master of 2018 fate - The dog is already hoarse, pulling you out of endless victories. Ale down to the ground every once in a while - cunning competitors are near, you can show a sting, like the enemies are too smart. On the love front, everything is miraculous - Cupid having completed his work, and half of the axis-axis knocks at the door.

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Kіn

The mane is unraveled, the hoard is knocking, the eyes are shining - Scorpions-Konyaki jump on the watering. You quickly rush to the upper gathering of carnival gatherings - people are already whispering a black head, so that they will appear slowly, without nervousness. Remember - the government on the right is viable, and an hour for rozva will not be enough. Wanting, if you have fun, even a little rustle of krill, it’s better for everything, it’s safe to fly to your donkey.

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Goat (Vіvtsya)

Zustrich іz sіrimi vovkami on the river Dogs don't threaten you - Scorpios-Kіzochki miles and comrades, and navіt navіt navіt competitors swear shoditi. Koristuytesya moment and vіdkrivayte your right - pennies є povno zv'yazkіv, left to choose the right niche. family life in 2018, the rotation will be ideal - the refrigerator has fresh grass, the fruits and vegetables have a lot, and in the children's room, it's radiantly grubby.

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Mavpa

Active Scorpio-Mavbuds will become even more lively and energetic. Do not replicate, even if it’s for Dogs, they’ll check for you great help. Try yourself in the role of a kerivnik - invite colleagues, so that the stench voted for you, you won’t get it. Colleagues have long dreamed of cheering you at the armchair of the barefoot. On the family sky, the sun is shining - the household members played the game according to your rules (smut, don’t break them yourself).

Horoscope for 2018 r_k Scorpio - Piven

Crow the whole river, and the Dog will bark at the air. But there will be no competitors - let yourself sleep while you earn. The financial situation in 2018 is chic - Scorpio-Pivni can and choose between, and buy yachts with yachts, that’s good, abys tax service was far away. On the love front, the current shanuvalniks come to their senses - the outcasts are tired of talking to the unknown.

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Dog

The success of the Scorpion-Dogs in 2018 is the pose of doubts - you are Fortuny's favorite. Wear your title proudly, buy a crown, so that the mustache will be lifted. A worthless sphere of riches for surprises - then the old barmen turn up, and turn everything around for you, then blame the uncles who blew, they said that they needed your spivpratsya. Kokhannya will be too much (Cupid will take care of you).

Horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio - Pig (Boar)

Scorpions-Pigs will have new bindings in 2018. Don't hurry to get lost - The dog has a lot of opportunities. Virt in yourself and rob yourself short version- Prestigious Kerіvna Posada is just around the corner. At the sphere of the kokhannya, the crosses will clear up, ale hіba you tsim nalyakaesh, you are natural thoughts. Just like that, Cupid will help you - only just prosteg, so that you will shoot an arrow at the need of a person.

Stop dbati about the thought of otochuyuschikh and often take away the satisfaction of life, I recommend the horoscope for Scorpions in 2018. During this period, make the woman smile with courage and inspire in her own smut - ce vіdkritisya to everything new. The horoscope for 2018 rіk Scorpio is a woman's responsibility to read it respectfully, to understand what it is necessary to go through in all spheres of life. At the rivers of the Earth Dog beautiful stati to get ready to let in your life some people from sharpening. It’s not varto to be embarrassed, to that the patroness of 2018, the deputy will give true friends and comrades. In the love sphere of Scorpions, there is a right surge of emotions, however, do not bring good.


In the first half of fate, the love horoscope announced a rich reception of changes for dying symbols. The other half will be ready to develop love, and everything will be stored away. Selfish signs (Tiger, Zmії and Pivnya) will try to show initiative, as if a nice companion will appear on the horizon. If family women think about the nation of a child, then they will be able to infuse their motherly feelings into life soon.

In the middle of the woman's fate, the love forecast from the beginning can be tested as respectfully as possible. The chervni on deyaky self-sufficient women have checks of long-bearing zustrich. Love horoscope show how best to spare the Dragon, Mavpi and Bika. Absolutely bezkoshtovno that promising vdastsya poznajomitisya pіd hour probіzhki near the park chi promenade mіstom. Fight for your love stosunki to be brought to the woman Boar (Pig), Goat and Horse. In the trinity of the trinity, there is an increase in the tension of love passions, as it is necessary to simply survive.

For example, in 2018 the fate, as a love horoscope is assigned, the Scorpions' family women will have to deal with current problems. Forecasts of love seem to be a slogan, so that they won’t lose the sign of the zodiac and don’t forget about romance in a couple. The love horoscope of secularity shows that a strong sexual connection in the middle of autumn points to such a sign as Shchur, Tiger and Piven. At the end of the day, the chances for promising acquaintances are equally low. Love forecasts are important that it is better for Scorpios to switch to their career and try to be especially happy on the cob of 2019.

View of Vasilini Volodya

Having lived the horoscope for 2018, Scorpio woman can easily get into trouble with current problems. If a woman like Vasilina Volodina tries to put in the correct recommendations, then don’t be fooled. Good prospects for the first month of 2018 will be cast on such women as Bik, Koza and Kin. Kar'єra in tsey period folded successfully, so next try to take everything possible from the surroundings that have folded. Such signs are like: Snake, Dog, that Shchur is guilty of animal respect for your health. Engaged in sports, that correct eating is the head of a garnier self-confidence. For all Scorpios, the first decade of the year is marked by hoary acquaintances and trips.

Like a woman of Scorpio in the middle of 2018, the fate of the fate of trying to fix their own love stosunki, then praise is the right decision. Porozuminnya fit in love pairs with such signs as: Dragon, Mavpa and Pig (Boar). A bezkoshtovny horoscope according to Vasilina Volodya seems like women have to deal with a difficult situation that has developed from a friend. The astrologer knows that in the middle of the rock it is important for women to understand who is a friend and who is a foe.

"Uvaga! For example of 2018, the reality of the promise of the wife of Scorpio can sink into the reality. If you are not ready for something, then you can miss the important part of your life. Kohana people, like a heart.


Having seen the horoscope for the future 2018, Scorpio, the woman knows that she is checking for her in her car. The tower will take away the commandment to lift the hanging will be great, so that the Scorpios will vibrate “with their heads”. The horoscope for 2018 recommends that you try not to take all the problems to heart and do not introduce colleagues to take the zapovіtny. The Tiger, Shchur and the Dragon are guilty of trying in the first decade to give more respect to their health. Tsіy trіytsі it is not recommended to spend more money on the robot, and also try to spend more time on the day.

Under the end of the summer woman Zmiya, Piven and Mavpa can know the work of your dream. The horoscope for 2018 recommends all Scorpios not to be afraid of change, to the one who allows himself the stench better at this time. Bezkoshtovnі forecasts vіd zіrok kazayut, scho try to solve love problems and take care of their work varto Dog, Bik and Pig (Boar). Know the very trio of peace, taking care of your beloved right. The horoscope for 2018 shows that Scorpions should not start in the middle of fate. friendly friends with the authorities, who threaten me with incompatibilities.

In the fall, all women will get ready to change. Kіn, Goat and Tiger can show their power to the right. If everything is going to be important, then it’s not enough business to bring the first commemorative surpluses. On the eve of the end of 2018, Scorpions, as the horoscope shows, are more importantly respectful of your health. Vіdvіduvannya massage therapist and laznі allow women to get in trouble with the problems that have accumulated on the job.


Rozrakhovuvati on the basis of financial heights, on the thought of the horoscope, for 2018 rіk varto tim scorpion women, yakі will be ready to practice. In the first decade of 2018, it’s important not to give pennies to your relatives. The horoscope signifies that such a thing will bring less problems into the life of Scorpions. Zmiya, Piven, and Sobaka can learn how to manage your budget. If you don’t want to go out on your own, varto ask the other half for help. The horoscope of serenity seems to be that most Scorpios will attract pennies to themselves in another decade.

In the middle of 2018, Patsyuk, Mavpa and Bik will be guilty of commiseration over them, so that they can start putting money into the memory. With such an arrangement financial horoscope promise prosperity already like fate. The Dragon, the Goat and the Rabbit are guilty of escaping from the bazannya, take the pennies from the Borg. Credits that position are not enough to overcome their financial problems.

  • See pennies for your health. The introduction of fahivtsiv and health-improving procedures at the sanatorium allow yourself to be better. It is especially necessary for Swine (Boar) and Horse;
  • Try not to spend a lot of money on roses and look like clubs. At the thought of the horoscope, Scorpios can please themselves that without cost, the stars of the zustrichas from friends and hikes;
  • Invest pennies in the lining of your life. New renovations and purchase of furniture of that fate allow Scorpios to feel comfortable and harmoniously. Horoscope for the sake of special respect to add to the details: update the decor, glue the trellis and refurbish the bedroom.
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