Before the chants, a wonderful pidloga sniffs her hand. How to bring yourself into harmony before pampering: beauty procedures. Vіdmova vіd alcohol

Smell - the strongest sense for our memory and pheromones (your special smell), which we rob us one for one. The calm smell on the botanicals is a kind of balance between the two, so that you can pick up an unacceptable body smell, but do not mask your natural pheromones so that you can always vibrate the bugs. To that, vikoristovyte the smell, sob zmusit your kohan bazhati greater. Take care of these croques and don’t praise in any way about how your smell smells after three and a half years of dancing.


part 1

Hygiene before pampering

part 2

Adding a smell

    Choose a light scent.Є without any possible smells, if there are deodorants on the right, perfumes or zasobіv after the fire. Not all of them are able to interact with the chemistry of your body, but some of them can induce not a pronounced smell.

    • Vykoristovyte spicy and warm aromas of winter, citruses and light flowers aromas of spring and spring. Remember, choose the olive basis of the charge, and the water inlet.
  1. Select head odor resolutely.

    • Ask an expert. Call the specialized store and ask for the ones that you can choose for yourself. See those who joke, for example, a fresh smell, soft, strong without spice, oily and so on.
    • Do not put on perfume, in front of him, how to go shopping. And for the purchase go vranci, if your scent has not yet passed through the smells of the day!
    • Smell three scents at a time. Sweat, during the day, turn around to the store to check it out, and then sum up your feelings.
    • Wonder if you can take a sampler in front of you, how to buy perfume. In this way, you can change whether this smell really suits you.
    • Be merciful and give your partner a virishiti - apply those words to start yoga with words.
  2. Apply the fragrance after you wake up.Є nasty good ways vikoristannya perfume chi cologne.

    • For a delicate living, remove the scent. Sprinkle the smell in front of you and go through the cold.
    • Take a look at the applied perfume right on the wet body. To help the pores remove the smell and see yoga when the body is heated.
    • Nasharuvannya smell to help yogo continue.
    • Don't wear perfume on your neck. Over the course of the day, the area may heat up and change the pigmentation, moreover, the shards of the erogenous zone will not be able to taste the relish of the perfume, kissing you. At night, there is a small amount of perfumes for a sweat (erogenous zone), quite enough.
    • Apply a little perfume on the entire zone: behind the ear, on the back sides of the knee and wrist. The skin from these zones will be a little warm, the lower part of the body, thereby helping the smell to be seen more during the day. It is sufficient for women to apply a little perfume to the pit between their breasts.
    • Be more careful, spreading the smell on your clothes; in such a rite you can wear clothes, and fabrics can also begin to vibrate an unacceptable smell, which interrupts when interacting with spirits. It is not recommended to spray also on panties or lower whiteness; strong chemistries- Not the best state for the delicate area of ​​state bodies.
    • Do not rub your wrist after applying the smell; you can also capture the lower smell of perfume, and the natural smell of your body.
    • Don't go overboard with perfume, cologne, or especially after the night. In the presence of a strong smell, it might be bad for others. Nasharuvannya on clothes is also not recommended, make sure to trim your fresh clothes.

part 3

Smell natural

part 4

Dovgi arable
  1. Dress those who allow your body to go wild. Clothes that are very tight, it will not be difficult to turn you into a magnet for smells. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics, so that the water quickly gets in and you are left dry.

    Change your mind that your breath is as fresh as you yourself. Brush your teeth, rinse your mouth and use toothpicks. Chew mint zukerki, chew or drink mint tea before going out. How will you have a fresher breath, to add to your smell of friendliness.

    • The first time you know one is better than the other, it is recommended to follow him, so you can see before the next hour. As if you have been ill, for 24 years, unique in the life of products, like calling out an unacceptable smell, such as a watchmaker, cibula, milk and chocolate. So that the breath is left fresh for the first farewell kiss, do not make up for it with these products instead. Vinyatok can be robbed, if the partner asks for them herself.
    • Drink a lot of water at the hour of the afternoon, so that you can rinse your mouth.
    • Don't fire. Throw fire before your partner remembers that you smell like a drunkard. If you smoke, try not to burn at the hour of the afternoon. Throw it away.
  2. Don't be afraid to take what the sweat calls out for, because you don't have the ability to bring yourself into harmony. For example, do not check on the streets in a hurry, do not run after the bus, and take your nerves, as if you sweat, if you are nervous. Do not rob the physical pressures of the afternoon, because you do not have the ability to freshen up and re-sprinkle the deodorant. Make sure you turn on the air conditioner or fan as it's hot.

  • Take a chew and Blistex with you. Show me what you think about your oral hygiene and the softness of your lips.
  • Don't wear too much perfume or cologne.
  • You can take compliments about your scent. Be prepared to say more more, lower just “Dyakuyu”. And be satisfied, as they ask you why you smell so delicious.
  • Do not screw up respect for yourself, saying that this cologne or perfume smells good.
  • Gift sets are worth more. The stench helps to take the necessary products to smell the smell.
  • Don't wear perfume on yourself; applied to all visionary areas of the zone as a whole is sufficient. If you vee vipadkovo too much perfume, you can wipe it with alcohol to remove the haunting smell.
  • Unique cheap pіdrobok. At the world of smells, you will take away those that you pay for, whether it be perfume, cologne, or zasib after the fire.
  • As you see the lightness of the smells, vicarious oil for the body instead of perfume or cologne. Apply yoga all over your body and your partner will be unaware of your smell!
  • If you work hard on the water, if you can be active on the water, use the deodorant and, for the obviousness of the opportunity, refresh yourself.
  • Chim better quality perfumes, the smell will last longer. For example, cheap perfumes from the store save their smell for 0.03 seconds, from the other side, such perfumes, like Chanel, will last a few days. Obov'yazkovo buy perfume of high quality.

How to kiss a girl: 10 joys, which is guaranteed to help + 3 life hacks, how to make your kiss unforgettable.

Late in the evening I turned home from the goydal. Looming ahead was the prospect of spending the night with the company of assistants, but in 2 days I would sleep. I shtovhav in the disgrace of the leaves and thinking about the slіnіst of the butt, so my sour physionomy, well, was not ready in any way before zustrichі with her.

Vaughn is a barista at a cafe shop. Their kava is rather savory, and the water is incredibly beautiful. Hot ore hair fell in soft hairs on the shoulders. A neat nose is all in a dove, and green eyes are exchanged for positive and calm. Schovechora I'm going through the cave. Every once in a while you go out over the vipiti kavi, if the rest of the guest is good.

Today, she stood by herself with a glass of cavi, throwing her jacket over her tendent shoulders. I was already getting ready to go through the climb, vdavshi, that I didn’t remember, like a rapt ...

"Vitannya!" - Vaughn said tauntingly, marveling at me in disguise.
“Mmm…”, - I promimriv, not chekayuchi such a turn podіy. Well, axis, skanbivsya!
“I care about the food!” Vaughn giggled. “You walk around here every day, you all marvel at me. When will you ask for a drink of kava?
“You, maybe, and so today drink kava”- I blurted out and chervonіv. Well, axis, I'm zganbivsya again. Blockhead!
"And you are funny!" , - She got out, refueling her hair for a wuha - “Tomorrow I will finish about nine. Will you check me?"
"I will," I said almost as if, and my legs became soft at the same time.
“Wonderful. My name is Marina!”- shouted the vagrant, turning as far as she could.

Fuuuh! Otse so turn! Lord, what an idiot I am! Vaughn, maybe, thought I was a total idiot! What's up, kiddo? And how do you go to a party? What are you talking about with her? All these restless thoughts were spinning in my head, already in a rapt voice: and how did you go to the right until the kiss? I'm serious. How to kiss Marina? Vzagali, how to kiss a girl?

It dawned on me that I will spend this year's night in thought, not at all with books. Possibly, you can help me think about something else.

First, kiss the girl, you need to be inspired, whatever you want so much. Even if she asked me for a kava in the same mood, it doesn’t mean that she is ready to make the closest contact and kiss.

Remember: you don’t have anything bad, you don’t want to kiss the girl, you don’t want to.

To that shoulder, shove a girl, like you want to kiss, kiss you. With whom you will be helped by the deacons of tricky tricks.

A clear sign that the girl is not against going with you to new rіven", like there:

  • marvel at your ruin;
  • wind hair on your finger;
  • snip your neck, waist, quilt with you;
  • bite the lower lip;
  • deeply sighing, staring at your guise;
  • not accepting the "hotly accepted distance", that is. let you close to yourself;
  • otherwise pragne herself will appear closer;
  • speak more quietly, fawn closer, provocatively, so that you yourself fawn before her.

Only a few show-offs, for which you can understand - a girl, if you want, kiss you. Well, obviously, there are hundreds of small “little twinks”, more than a dozen of them have been rehabilitated.

The assassination of that gliboke dihannya is not a show-off. The girl can just sleep, hurry up for a nap. And the biting of the lips sometimes becomes only a squeaky sound. All the same, try to be more kind with your heart, so that you can kiss this girl directly at the same time.

Everyone marveled at the films, de first to shine the grim and the glitter, the lad from the maiden to weld so that fir I fly, and then we winstacha її that prejudicedly kiss. Music, subtitles!
And in life, I am categorically not motivated by such a technique.

To kiss the girl, it is necessary to create the right mood, both for her and for yourself.

If you win, if you win, in the evening, if you choose to kiss, varto unique:

  • Vulgar compliments.
  • Salnykh zhartiv to її address.
  • Gostrikh topics. As you know, here yours look radically different, better not start similar roses.
  • Rozpovіdі about svoїh kolishnіh, razpituvannya about її past. Maybe just great zіpsuvati moods and tobі, і dіvchinі.

    Who wants to hear stories about "exy"?

  • Aggressive and cheeky behavior in її bіk chi bіk otochyuchih. Marry adrenaline and self-denial?

    Remove testosterone from the goydal, not at all on the girl's side.

Natomist, so that it was easier and more beautiful to kiss the girl, pray for this evening:

  • Let us be more gallant: skip ahead, help take off / pull in your coat, give a hand.
  • Listen more. Show interest in the girl, you want to kiss.

    Ask food about її zahoplennya, friends, allow that robot, music.

  • Zahist in the face of discomfort. It is beautiful to become in love with yourself under the zakhist, with whom you will be left with independent views of the lad.

    Easily tidy її by the shoulders (nі, lower than the waist - do not fit) in crowded and loud places. give up best place at the table.

    Ask if you can pay for your supper.

  • Invest in її pіdsvіdomіst more positively set to yourself. Aje vono remembers and analyzes all the information that comes up to it.

    So, try this evening, if you choose to kiss a girl, talk about the positive aspects of your life.

    About sports, about those who write, about being sent to work.

    Ale unique boasting, insanely!

  • And if you want to kiss the girl, if you want to kiss, laugh out loud, you can sing - everything is going, as required!

Obviously, it is necessary at the evening, if you have gained masculinity and kissed a beautiful girl. Adje, in a well-chosen situation, lie down and mood, and the ability to kiss a girl with a spit.

What evening is better to look at:


    A lot of music, like a bunch of dancing people, like shovhayut you from the sides.

    Ale, as an option, you can have a miraculous kiss after the concert, as if you were savored by your beloved crowd.

    Sports visits, such as MMA championship or football.

    First of all, girls can be just not enough. In a different way, aggression and that spirit of supernativity can infuse you in the wrong way.

    You know, yakі tsі dіvchata priyyatlivі!

    So, you can kiss a girl at home handily. But you can give a ride for the rabbits earlier than one o'clock.

    Do not varto kvapit podії, we have a meta - kiss a girl, and not run into the phrase "take care of the horses" that is logically dissatisfied with її side.

    Galaslivih evenings, zustrіchey.

    A bunch of people around, noise and swindlers ... You will not be particularly comfortable.

    In addition, the girl can think that having kissed її in the eyes of everyone, you rob in public.

    Zustrich from relatives.

    Your mind is not the best evening, as if you were hearing about the planting of fruit trees, or if you were going to eat, “And if there is fun?”

Ale, a miraculous option for a kiss will be:

    Kav'yarnі, zatishnі barchiki.

    Mayzhe in such a place for the skin there is a quiet little tuft “for the dead” - a water-reinforced table, where the light is dimmed and the candles burn.

    Ideally, as soon as you book such a location at a popular cafe.


    So, kiss here on the rest of the row a beautiful girl, for what a pity you are - it’s already bad manners.

    Ale, everything is wonderful!

    Park, walk.

    Obviously, the place can be not overly crowded.

    Reveal: the day, just turn on the first light, the place is cold in the autumn cold, the leaves are wet under the feet ...


    You can kiss your girl on the lookout wheel, for example.

    Vidminny variant: view of the place, you are alone on the heights.

    By the way, get home.

    Standard option for the first kiss with a girl. Order to spend її home, and already for the first time, gain masculinity and zrobitse.

Be-yaky. Rosewater warm words you can inspire a better heart, and by the same time, having roztashuvav, I will take the girl to myself.

Don't forget to pay compliments more often if you want to kiss. Speak about those who look like a miracle, like a receiving voice. Praise її organizational zdіbnostі. The kind all, scho zavgodno.

Ale, insanely, compliments may be rich! Do not tell a lie, abi turn the girl to yourself and kiss. As a rule, the stinks commemorate the infidelity from the human side.

So beastly respect:

So, don't forget: the girls take not only those who you tell them, but those who you say.

As if you see your own courage, do not beat the whispers of the maiden in your ear at the reception. For example, "You have a brand new perfume". And then, respect! Stitch for the reaction of your lady.

Like there...

  • laugh,
  • chervonіє,
  • lower your eye...

you have every chance to kiss that girl this evening.

Well, there it is:

  • to dry up,
  • growl,
  • її change my mind,
  • turn up,
  • see you…

bad right. Better save yours, try it until the next time, or start thinking about getting to know another girl.

If you dare to kiss a girl this evening, get ready to kiss a distant future.

You are guilty:

    Booty relatively warming.

    Obviously, because your image cannot be worn on the beard of a chi vus. Ale, even though the “zachіska” is regular - a smooth person, then do not forget to take a good lie.

    Sob the maiden did not lose herself in the guise of embezzlement, so that the star could take another kiss to a minimum.

    Take a shower.

    Obov'yazkovo take a shower before the chicks from the maiden, as if you want to kiss. Aje you plan to be in close contact with her.

    Unacceptable odors can not only seize the moment, but also kill the strong lady to kiss you in the future.

    Brush your teeth.

    So varto stock up on chewing gum or mint zukerki. Comments, I guess, come on.

    Don't smoke in the middle before a scheduled meal.

    First, the girl can not stand the smell of cigarettes, so make you kiss її. In a different way, you will show your disrespect to the girl.

    Remember that the system of smell and taste receptors are stronger in the protileous state. To that, those who can be “a light smell of cigarettes” for her are a hell of a drinker.

    Wimmy hands.

    If you dare to kiss the girl, you singly sing along with your disguise. Ale ti in front of them with your hands їv pots, smoking and stroking the dog on the path until the sack?

    May povagu to the girl, wim before the kiss of the hand.

Axis, admittedly, we stumbled after Marina in a cafe. And the candles are burning, and the music is hateful, and there are few people. I've seen a bunch of compliments for the drive of її igneous hair and hostile soundness. She laughs, I laugh. What did you give? How to kiss a girl?

Everything starts with a glance. As a rule, at every moment there is a couple of locks. The mitzny healthy contact is being established, but the world of dovkol is beginning to be known. You are on a one-on-one basis. We don’t understand, but at such moments we begin to dihati to the beat, and our hearts also sing one to one.

Like an evening with a girl, like you want to kiss, dragging on, all those discussions, and both of them laughed at the soul, the hour has come to proceed to this method. Shut up and stare deep into your eyes. Like a girl, like you want to kiss, keep talking, just move and marvel at the lady.

Won obov'yazkovo zamovkne i, mozhlivo, navit zbentezhitsya. Be ready, like a lady is sleeping, so that everything is in you. Having established good contact, we move on to the next point, to kiss the girl.

You have made a girl, as you should, a good contact. I live! She doesn’t look any more, doesn’t care why you’re so quick to lock and you feel comfortable doing such an intimate right, like marveling one on one. Let's go.

It's time for light dots. Tactile contact will help you to improve the already physical connection with a girl, like you want to kiss.

This is an important point. So, if you don’t make tactile contact, you can get angry, smile (kind of nerves, z nezvichki) and the moment you kiss will be spent.

Light torso to the shoulder, arm, elbow.Insolently seize the girl by the hands, forcibly grab her from her own, as if the girl is rushing.
Come by the waist.Hug around the waist, lowering your hand to the tight buttocks.
Grab your shoulders.Squeeze your shoulders to the wall, copying scenes from your favorite films. Zlyakaєtsya, phone to the police.
Take the hair out of disguise, run it along the hair, sticking with your fingertips in disguise.Hang by the hair, imitating the male. Dance your hands in disguise, wave them in front of your nose.

I think you understand my thought. If you want to kiss a girl, be sure that all your dots are lower and neat. Having shown passion, that strength is miraculous. Ale is not at the moment, if you are obsessed forward kiss the girl you deserved.

Axis and the time has come for active combat. The girl allows herself to get stuck, do not take her hand from your hand, but ruin it - why is the magnet for you? I live. Tse is the next moment to kiss this beautiful girl.

Go to active diy. You can:

    Bring your disguise closer to your disguise.

    It is correct to give your choice: return or continue. If you are with that girl, if you want to kiss, if you want to kiss a couple of centimeters - splutter and enjoy the moment for a few seconds.

    See you die, the heat looks like a disguise, marveling at your lips, like you want to kiss. And for her, I will renew all the zupinity, as she is not ready for a kiss.

    Stick with your hand її disguise and pull it right up to you.

    Quite right, Karl. Rіzkіst i vluchnіst surplus for another order.

    Grasp the girl by the waist and carefully pull up to yourself so that your stomachs are closed.

    After some obov'yazkovo, pause and try to understand: how comfortable are the girls, how do you want to kiss?

    If you don’t clean up your hands and continue marveling at your wife - work right, boy.

    Can you say directly: "I want to kiss you".

    Surely, as the moment permits. Imovirno, maiden speech: Well, what do you care about?.

    Kiss sweetly.

You, zvichayno, you can be Dosvіdchenim Maystr Potsіlunkіv. But why did you need instructions about how to kiss a girl?

To that, I respect with my obov'yazyk to tell you (about every change) the basic rules of the first kiss with a girl:

The axis of your kiss is gone! You were far away to kiss the maiden, which had been so long ago. It is necessary to end the kiss so beautifully.

Do not shave the kiss sharply. I’ll hurry to clean up the language more quickly, continue the kisses with only my lips. Upovіlnіt tempo (imovіrno, pocilunok іntenіsіnіshim z o'clock, dіhannі і more often, аnd аnd both “rose”). After a few wheezes of soft dots until your lips are inflamed, let your arms loosen. Tse to give the mind of the girl - a kiss to go to completion.

Mabut, the girl first wants to take a kiss. Todi catch signs from її side:

  • cleaned up the language;
  • eased the hug;
  • removed her hands from her shoulders;
  • begin to instinctively move back;
  • too often tidying up the ruins, forcing "repairs".

Everything must be confirmed to the one who will end the kiss. Ale tse zovsіm does not mean that the girl was not worthy of kissing you, but she was wrong, that she gave herself a kiss. Just for the first close contact, it is important not to overdo it.

About those, how to kiss a girl or 3 life hacks, how to make your kiss unforgettable

Life hack 1.

At the hour of the kiss (did you kiss the Bazhan girl in the distance?) Rob the m'yaki pause.
Lower the kiss, and whisper at the reception. For example: “How long have I been thogo check”.

The girl, having kissed you, is guaranteed to see, as if with a herd of goosebumps goosebumps. You can already feel how pleased you are with your kiss and how much you want.

First kiss. How to choose the right moment for a kiss?

Best of all, so that the spirits may be lost.

Life hack 2.

Obviously, the first kiss is unforgettable for the girl, helping to add to the addiction. Not rich, less than a few seconds of a careless and biased kiss! The girls should be treated like bazhanimi. But it’s important not to cross that boundary, your children’s kiss will become stubborn, vulgar and goiter.

For example, at the moment of the kiss with a rapt, squeeze it harder to yourself, allowing the kiss to become more intimate and intimate. Watch the girl's reaction. Just like that, it’s amazing to continue kissing you at the same pace as you do - change the wrap.

Like a girl to catch your wind and look like an addicted kiss, don't overdo it! Enjoy the hot process for a few seconds, then move on again to tenderness.

Life hack 3.

Urgent kiss. You can at the right moment taste lightly її by the lip and tongue. Even weaker, scarlet. So you see that you are relaxed and relaxed to the end yourself.
Let's sweat, if we describe the girl to her girlfriends, as if you dared to kiss her, she'll be buried!

I marveled at the anniversary - 4:45. Well, until the dawn of Marina, 14 years and 15 hvilin were lost. I did not prepare for the future sleep. Natomist I have є all day, schob_pit nabutі knowledge on the topic " how to kiss a girl". And I see that today in the evening we have an unforgettable memory.

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If you have a rage sexually, stop, whatever you want - do not deprive yourself of your partner's double hostility. Nobody wants to suffer from a swollen stomach, to see the unacceptable smell of sweat, or to take away a decrease in libido. Deyaki products play evil heat with us. All the stench is corny, if you get to the point of lowering your vag, then they can harm your unsatisfactory rendezvous. Live it in those days if you plan to sleep on your own.


First of all, order mushroom soup from kvassoleu in a restaurant, think two. Legumes revenge oligosaccharides - non-handling molecules, which are badly conquered by the body. A more serious problem in some future intimate pain is abdominal distention and increased gas production. Offensive speeches do not change the mood either for you or for your partner.

Crossflowers of vegetables

Broccoli, white cabbage and cauliflower to resist raffinose (trisaccharide, which is not recommended) and sulfate. Tsі spoluky priyat pіdvishchennuyu gazootvorennі and put you at the handless station in front of a romantic partner. Our bodies do not have the enzyme, which is the moment to break down raffinose. That is why if cabbage is consumed in the lower intestines, the stench is fermented by bacteria and converted into methane, carbon dioxide and water.

Ripchasta cibulya

As if you are virushaete on the bacon, try to find unique appetizers, in some creamy vegetables that meat is avenged sira or the cibula is marinated. Yak and cava, chasnik and other spices, cey brown product change the smell of your body. Axis why pet becomes more sour. Summer ferments in spices and coffee can start to interact with the proteins of eccrine plants. And even more unacceptable - a clear expression of the smell of the mouth. Passionate kisses are not to blame for the cubule.

Inorganic Soybean Products

Phytoestrogens - non-steroidal streaks, invade the hormonal balance in both men and women. Do not get used to co-products in front of romantic swearing, otherwise you can experience a significant decrease in libido. One of the scientific studies, the results of which were published in the journal "Kharchuvannya", showed that the transition to a vegan diet and an overworld diet of soy zmushuy cholovikiv had a libido and an erection. Do not save soyve milk, tofu, soybeans and vegan analogues of meat, as they are re-cooked, which products may have a low quality, or to avenge genetically modified objects.


Likewise, you love to drink a cold glass of beer, or you will drink your drink instead of a keliha of pure wine at the supper, following the tradition before sexual intercourse. In other words, alcohol is a sign of change in vivo, and in another way, wine is negatively associated with libido. Hops have phytoestrogen, so you should drink beer until the shortest hours.

Malt and bakery products

If you want to eat sex saboteurs, then your favorite malts are packed with trans fats and zucr. Eating donuts, pancakes and dough, you see cholesterol plaques in your arteries, which leads to cardiovascular problems in a long-term perspective. Well, if you talk about the future of nothing, then bakery and licorice desserts lead to the meeting of insulin. In humans, it is necessary to reduce the level of testosterone to a decrease. If you are a fan of licorice, then you already sing a sprat of excess fat on your stomach. Іz cim pov'zana another filthy novelty for the people. Belly fat increases estrogen levels, lowering libido and erectile function.

Licorice zukerki

In licorice zukerkas, which are prepared from licorice root, glycyrrhizic acid is avenged, as it proves for the unique taste of lasagne. However, speech can also be influenced by testosterone. In one of the scientific studies, a group of people found a small amount of licorice zucerok every day, which should not be less than 0.5 g of glycyrrhizic acid. Over the next few days, testosterone levels in volunteers decreased by 35%.


Do you know that during the production of hard syrup (and other dairy products), antibiotics and growth hormones are vicarious? Discomfort in the slunk - not the ones you want to spend an hour of sexual intercourse. If one of the partner's mutters is muttering, then vibiva s how much both.


Yakshcho є we will reconcile the asparagus cultures with a chanuval, singly, we commemorated the wondrous reactions of the body to the qi products. Nasampered, asparagus changes the smell of slaughter to an unacceptable and sharp, tainted with the smell of rotten cabbage or eggs that rot.

Processed meat products

Do you want to buy cowbass and sausages in supermarkets for better? Know that these cellophane casings are made from polyvinyl chloride. Tsya speech vplivaє on hormonal disruption and sexual cravings. In addition, a lot of processed meat products produce hormones, preservatives and antibiotics.

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that reveals its beauty. Dyakuyu for that goosebumps.
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First of all, from one side, so that you can see that very person. And for the rest - the same nervousness, as a result, nothing can be done.

website rozpovіst about 7 pardons, yakі mi іnоdі robimo on bachennі, і ways to get away. Read and speak up, even if there is a chance to get to know each other not just by yourself, then just by a ticking person. And after what you read, you still need food - trim universal gift-bonus for example stats.

7. Criticism

Does your partner ask you to chill red wine? What do you think, that the rest of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" was farther away? Not to say anything nasty in the word "їхній"? Stream the bajannya to explain, how deeply the wines are merciful. First of all, it’s good, it’s necessary for this, to appreciate the people and understand that they gave you the road. It is not easy to twist a partner for the first time, and it is easy to remember the axis with an evil pedant.

  • Porada: Chi do not criticize!

6. Talk about the amount

The joy of “do not talk about the big ones” for equal evidence can be compared with “do not see the soup”. But one thing it is worth talking about those that people often destroy the topic of their front notes on the sidewalks. As a result the partner develops an anger that does not affect him. Entirely ochіkuvane such an anger.

  • Porada: Well, what are you doing here? Just don't talk about the big ones, that's all. Aje from the side, looking like this, you brought your ex-partner out of yourselves to the party.

5. Talk about work

In conversations about work, people often fall into one of two extremes: either it’s bad, or it’s good. In the first moment you look out of place. In a different way - all the tsі zahoplenі rozpovidіd about trainings, workshops, brainstorms and communities are given a try to change us in front of ourselves.

  • Porada: Guess some funny story, tied with a robot. It’s not necessary to call for crazy people (for example, about those who, like an office toilet, covered it with transparent slick), and the axis of self-irony can’t be wounded (if you tell me about a stingy competition at a corporate party, in which you happened to take a fate).

4. Wrong topic for a rozmovi

Let's look at a lot of those jobs, and other things, like it's not recommended to talk about it for an hour with an unfamiliar person. With a person who you want to be honored with. These are the problems of health or їх in the daytime (for the people of the city, not those people will soon suffocate), religion or politics, too few pennies. The presence of justice, fair kohannya, cheap buckwheat - so dumb, as if you were thinking about the imperfection of this world.

  • Porada: Vіdomy fahivets at the sphere of vіdnosin clave 36 pitan, yakі will help cholіkovі those zhіncі better to recognize one of one and to be transferred by sympathy. Read, sing-song, and you will know among them ideas for a dialogue on the first day. Before the speech, that magic worked for everything, for the skin, according to the call, it is necessary for all power, and then with a stretch of whiting, marveling one to one in the eyes.

3. Wrong clothes

Wrong clothes - everything is not handy, that you don’t know the time to finish or the weather, that you call out, it’s better, it’s better, it’s too late. Choose a classic and handy robe (which is not a shapeless hoodie), an aubergine of a red color, and do not have mercy. I axis is more sprat happy.

  • For the women: A lot of bare shkir (otherwise covered with nylon, as if it is cold) is not guilty of overhanging 40% in the fall, as if you were joking about the three feet. On pickups, the crochet becomes shorter, and the kidnapping with quilts is stronger. Tse call cholovikiv z rozuma - shake your head.
  • The woman in the bedroom or the dresser has more chances to cope positively with the first injury. Spivvіdnennia between the waist and quilts, which is suitable for people, - vіd 0.6 to 0.8. Dress with a smell or horizontal smugs on the quilts, thin belts on the waist, and the tulip-back will help you.
  • For the sake of people: Blue jeans and a t-shirt - the very same day was named optimal by 70% of women. If it’s not a white option, then, red crimson, it’s a beautiful podloga that reacts to such colors, like purple, black and blue.
  • Most women wear short pants and oversized jackets. More than half of the women voiced their voices, which is better, as if they didn’t smell like a person, we’ll be around the freshness. Get it right, lads.

2. Vіdmova vіd alcohol

If you drink at the first half of the day and on the table, cream of cavi with tistets, nothing, then the alcohol will be unrefined. ale as if at the supper, as if for some other minds, they are accompanied by a red cell, then why not?

Not a lot (the key word) of alcohol to help you relax, and you will start to behave in a right way. This cost is expensive and compensates for a lot of pardons. And the axis, if we try to behave in a wrong way, as a rule, we should lead to embossing in roses and behavior that looks unnatural and stingy. Before speech, eat wine, lettuce leaves - tezh about tse.

  • Porada: Choose your drink (that and streak tezh), which you used earlier, so that the reaction of the body does not surprise you. Whether there are cocktails that are burning, when serving such, the bartender is guilty of hitting you on the head, leave it for later. Well, to pour lighter wine on an empty boat is obviously a taboo.

1. Filthy mood

As if you were addicted to the bad luck through your falsehood, you can’t see anything here, get up and go. But to show up on the news is no longer in your heart, it means to know to the minimum the possibility of the fact that you want to be swayed by someone else. Aje in filthy moods we use our head trump card - I’m laughing.

  • Porada: What happened before the storm (otherwise) led you out of jealousy, to transfer її. And it’s nothing terrible that you already spent a lot of time preparing. It’s better to visit this hour more times, but you can’t get the request on a friend for help. And if you don’t look at the truth, try not to get ahead of the illusions, and then everything will be richer and simpler.

What do people want? What's up on the perche? ? The numbers of that similar food circle around the heads of the beautiful half of humanity. Climbing for the first time, the women for years chepurate the mirror, sorting through the choices of those different images, trying to understand, what is better to draw in and what to say.

In order to help the readers of "Signorini" with whom they are fed, we talked with a few sociable people, how to lead active image life and chat with women, to find out what they really want in the first place.

1. Rosum and a little humor

First of all, people want to tell you better, but it doesn’t mean that you need to be surrounded by a banal and tedious rozpoviddyu about your life. The stench vvazhayut for the better you feel the ts_kavіshe, that better demonstrate your intellect and the warmness of the deputy of roses about those in which you started in the institute and as if you hate your boss.

2. Don't change your primary image

You didn’t need to experiment on your own identity and create a new image, you deserved to be like that, like you. Just before the wedding, you go to the salon and spend a day there, changing your haircut, hair color and make-up, it’s not a fact that you should evaluate the change. You yourself should wear and change the style of the robe: having dressed an extremely short back and shoes on high waists, you didn’t wear it at all, you feel stingy and wine is not always worth remembering.

3. Fast dots

I’ll give you wine like that, nibi vipadkovo stick around yogo. We are not talking about the transition to the rіshuchih diy and addictive hugs, but about those who get sick in yoga bіk and get stuck in yoga for an hour. Putting your hand on yogo's shoulder chi kolіno, give ti to yomu to know that you are hung up. І, navpaki, as tobі vіn not tsіkaviy, allow movі tіla indicative. Fold your hands on your chests, otherwise you were killed, while you are still guilty; vin, sing-song, understand your tension.

4. Dress up the scarf

The red color is often associated with love and romance. And rich people are more attracted by women, like a chervone. You don’t need to drape yourself in red from head to toe - just add red accessories, a bright red handbag, red sandals with straps and, obviously, red lipstick to shine.

5. Light perfume

Do not swear by important perfumes - most people hate the same. And yet, in honor of the rest of the scientific achievements at the gallery, the interpretation and rejuvenation of the smell and relish, carried out at Chicago, people are awakened by natural smells, for example, the smell of cinnamon or the sum of the aromas of lavender and watermelon. Vykoristovuy zasіb for mittya, lotion and shampoo іz tsimi smells.

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