Zradila with the best friend of the motherland. I changed people with my friend, or else where to hide your conscience, that it has slipped. Bring for the sake

Most of all, if the squad hurt people, they won’t suffer until the end of their conscience, the docks are known. And then the behavior of the woman after that is radically changed, which is connected with її emotions. And just like a woman, after the fact that she hurt a person in the past, it’s biased to forget about everything and save your family, psychologists are glad not to tell people about those that happened. As soon as the squad knows that it hurt the person, his vanity will be hooked up in the edge, and, as if he didn’t want to probate, all the same, inexorably dokoryatime his kohana, navit not seeing that. Zreshtoy podruzhzhya both to be exhausted in the presence of such vіdnosin, and there will be residual zіpsovaniya. It is necessary for that very health to abortelly prihovuvati, otherwise you should try your own vchinok and forget it.

Vilniy Shlyub

Ale trapleyutsya vpadki, if a person allows you to change. At to this particular type I will be on the basis of free spirits, if you love one another and are happy at the same time, but you don’t hinder to take on new emotions. If both are effectively fit in such a position, then such a school will be punished. Ale varto remember those who are not excluded from the situation, if the man of the team knows the right person almost to the cherd partner. And such a possibility to finish is great.

Unfinished blue at the past

Vipadki often trapleyayutsya, if the squad brad a person with a lot of young people. Vipadkova zustrich z too many lads, rozmova in a cafe to the soul, crying out to save that nostalgia for the past. Such a zustrіch can be quickly called to hell, even sit nibi and colish, but such native person. Women are so impulsive and easily give in to their emotions. About such a zrada, they are most often mischievous. If the squad is protecting people with a big man or a lad, there is a right zrada, shards and stosunki are founded not only on sex, but on the mutual feeling of warmth, tenderness and affection.

close friends

Why do women often annoy people with their friend? The best friend of a person for a year becomes just a friend of his own, which, however, kindly cooperates with both friends. Cholovіk zavzhd vpevneniy, scho tse friendship is holy, the same friend does not irritate. "That wine is not to marvel at the squad, like a woman," people often think. Do not forget about those who are seen as a man and a woman who are rooted in mutual sympathy and inclination. Don't just be friends who love all the same. A friend of this can calm the squad in the moments of great weldings, I will open it up, blow it, take a sip. I won’t commemorate myself, as I have already made people happy with my friend.

Spontaneous zrada

A woman can heal a person in a positive way. The most fatal are the moments of welding, if the squad is infuriating and vimagaє mіtsnogo and nadіynogo shoulder order. As a rule, in such situations, the squad zarazhuє cholovіka vperche, moreover, you can be absolutely unknowing kolovіk, which you just caught at the bar. Before the vipadkovy zv'yazkіv it is possible to zarahuvat and the health of the hour of the okremnogo vіdpochinku. The resort novel is simply a classic of the genre of all friendships. If the woman changed her person for a repair, then it’s easier to catch this incident and forget about those that happened. Vidpovchinok zavzhdi perebachaє alcohol and relaxation, and if a woman is a sharp-skinned man, then the practical one cannot stand up.

Systematic for the sake of

As a woman often zarazhuє cholovіkovі, then, more for everything, in її life a new shanuvalnyk appears, which occupies the same place in the soul and thoughts. Such stable conversations with a lesser person help women to take away the emotions of suffocation, as if they had long been forgotten in their love. For a woman, it’s important to be like a woman, to be like others, to look out for a pledge of eternal youth. If a woman is slandering a man with a kohan, the blame is great for the fact that a man knows about a man's son. Adzhe, in a be-a-kind mood, it’s too early for a person to think more often that the squad is zradzhu, having remembered their behavior, that they are changing, more veiled, gleaming eyes.

Zradila cholovіkovі, how to turn?

If a woman has already hurt people, badly hurting people, it is necessary to think about those, how to help the situation and improve the situation for a less painful person. The next date is for a person’s hour, so that the wine will cool down and the light will calmly roam with you. Only the next woman can understand, how much to love this person and how much you can forgive. The first reaction of people to health is similar to the pomsta, and the squads need to be ready to go.

Zhіnka virishuєtsya zradu for otrimannya new vіdchuttіv аbo zabutih chlyubі pochuttіv, ale varto remembrance about those, how much later we happen to survive after tsієї shvidkoplinnoy weaknesses.

Otzhe, scho robiti, how did you protect people with your friend? First, it is necessary to understand why the woman herself did this. What caused it, and what caused it to itself, to hell. Options can be impersonal, and we can look at the main ones.


Sometimes, it’s like that, so that we live richly instructed from a person and we put ourselves before her in a friendly way, and then we start with a raptom bachiti її zovsіm from the other side and vіdchuvaєmo pulls. Somebody can fix the trouble, and somebody else throws himself "at the head of the virus." And after that, like a couple of friends, it’s scary to come to know that you have healed the kohaniy people and it’s scary. How to fix in such a situation? Like a woman who knows that she went to hell with a friend through stupidity and truly loves only her own person, then you can take a similar story. Obviously, only in that mood, as if you were convinced that a friend himself is not a person’s personality. If this happens, then you will lean in the highest camp. For this reason, it is only possible if you are inspired by another person.

If you dare to tell, be ready before you can spend a hundred dollars as a person, as well as with your friend. A person can simply look at both of you, and a friend can call at the one who broke your stosunki. Therefore, in such a time, only to you, chi varto but honestly, it was better to live like this, before nothing happened. Of course, you can shut up with your own conscience, but here it’s easy to suggest, the shards of the skin itself are broken, like a better repair.


If you went to the mercy of a person for the sake of revenge, then you want more for everything, so you know about it. In such a situation, there is only one food: how to fix it with your friend. Even if a woman has changed with a person, if she knows a lot of fates and trusts, then often a person can not get through her friend and make a sock with him. Obviously, your special friends with a person, for an idea, are not guilty of making friendship with him, but from the other side, you should think about how much friendship you have, like a person calmly replacing his friend with a squad. To that, as if you were virish to take revenge, then, singsongly, it is still necessary to bring this ring to the people, in order to take away the contentment of the bazhan. Still, if you want to be sure that you can’t do anything good on the site. Ale here already to the skin independently virishuvati, what will it be like for you to do it with these strong chi ni.


Well, the last, most convenient option - the woman changed, more died. The axis of this situation needs to be honest with ourselves and with people, like we are not. As if you see that you fell in love with your friend's friend, and vіdpovіdaє mutually, not varto tіkati in your feelings, and try to save your family. In your vipadku, you just kill three unfortunate people. Your man is all the same aware that you don’t feel the same anymore, and your secrets begin to torment him and early in the morning, the stoks are still ruining. It’s better for it to be honest with everyone else. Obviously, your man will not be known as such a star, and, better for everything, your stosunki will be called for a long time, and perhaps forever. However, you all know that they blamed it correctly, and your person, if you are sensible, does not care about those who hurt him more, if they wanted to, they would have blamed him honestly. Remember that a fool cannot in any way be inspired by nonsense. To that you want to be happy - tell about your zrada.

You dream that a man and a squad are fighting among themselves - your friend's life will be in full harmony.

See that the man and the squad are merciful, shy one to one reception - you are being checked for separation from the kokhanoy people. A man and a team of nibis exchange combs, count one for one - a dream promises you happiness.

Cloudy dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

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Dream Interpretation - Cholovik, cholovik

Zhіntsi pobachit u vі snі, scho її cholovіk, kohaniy or close friend having made friends, - the transfer of that which is not barred for her separation and self-esteem.

If you dream that you are fooling your man, but not yogo, otherwise you are calling yogo, and turning your back on you, you don’t think, because if you have robbed you, then your pictures are zipped. Mіzh you have spent porozuminnya that lower whimsicality. And if it is important for you, your person does not support you.

Bachiti yogo uve dream painfully blіdim, dissimilar to yourself, which means that you are checked for inaccuracies, through yakі you will spend a calm and sleep.

Bachiti svogo cholovіka beautiful (without nadmіrnosti) and accepting uvі snі - a sign of joy and acceptance nuisance.

Sleep, in which you have been treated, that your man has been suffocated by another woman, I tell you that it is your fault to give him more respect, so that yours will grow. sleeping life more gracious that cicava, to that in this hour your man of dissatisfaction with his life is with you.

Boil and bark, fight with him in a dream - a dream now, which is a vivacious radiance, and a calm one at home.

Let's beat your man into a dream, which means that you yourself can create a situation in yourself, for which you will be separated.

Cholovіkovі robiti uvі snі zhіnіch zhіnochu robot - a sign of inaccuracies, sbitkіv, stagnation on the right.

Sometimes such a dream conveys death in an unfortunate mood for a sleeper. A man with a white beard sings away your dream means that you should tell you about your health.

A dead man on the street is dreamed of - a sign that you can know a new place of prosperity. Sometimes such a dream means that your anxieties and unacceptability will soon end.

The man of his dream is a dead dream - a sign of vtrat and great life.

A lot of people uvі sn bachiti - a sign that you don't know your own place. As soon as a woman dreams of a young man who looks good and speaks to her, then it’s easy for her to check the change in a special life. Memorize the words of the people and look like they are out there. If we accept your thoughts about the new dream, so will the changes. I navpak.

Virodka pobachiti uvі snі і zlyakatisya - a sign of anxiety, inaccuracies and obscenities. Sometimes such a dream means that close people to hurt you or fool you.

Marvel at the darkness: a beard, a virodok, a stranger, a dead one.

Tlumachennya sniv z

It is important that a person's friendship is mіtsnіsha for a wife. In a situation, if the squad has slandered a person with a friend, his comrade will always be blamed. The very happiness of these people will be especially sick. If you are a friend, then a man, you can, її forgive, save your family. But a comrade, who has crossed over my friendship, is by no means able to understand. The charred human world is called, if the truth about yoga evil is revealed.

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What happened?

Causes, through yaki zamіzhnya, that happy woman is going to hell with her best friend, they can be different. Biggest rozpovyudzhenі:

  1. 1. A woman does not look up to a person with a huge cohabitation and does not take satisfaction from yoga caresses. Druzhina, how to love your man, do not go to harm.
  2. 2. Vaughn marveled at her friend with her eyes, and in that moment realized that she was suffocating like a girl.
  3. 3. The woman took revenge on the squad. If you suspect Yogo of evil, then you want to prove it in the most accessible way - with Yogo's friend.
  4. 4. Tse not the first її zrada. It means that the woman is not distinguished by deep moral intrigues, and that's why it's a black intrigue.
  5. 5. After a large and clearly addicted dose of alcohol, a person does not seem to mind a stubborn person, who often visits a booth, and with whom she has close friends.

Regardless of the reasons, ignore the fact for the sake of not seeing. You can’t go away, that nothing has happened, after all, zrada from the side of loved ones and mows to forge zrada - now, don’t respect yourself.

How to vibachiti squad?

It’s important to worry about the happiness of the squad of that friend, the person is still a building wisely think and do it right. For the correct solution it is necessary:

  1. 1. Get involved with your emotions. Don’t wave your fists, don’t make folded folds, win the court decisions, and win the judge’s decisions. You need to calm down, and then let's act.
  2. 2. Reach out to your friends to the squad. Like a man still love the squad, try to work hard and forget about pardon. As if you are wise, if you don’t reconcile yourself to the zrado, then don’t torment yourself that squad, if you separate from it.
  3. 3. Discuss the situation calmly. Z'yasuvati, naskіlki retinue important їhnya homeland that stosunki. If you almost turn around, then the best way out will let you in.

People do not forget that the people are guilty and they themselves are guilty. For the sake of women, women rarely trapleyatsya "on an empty space". They could provoke such factors:

  1. 1. A man made friends not out of love, and a woman whispers passion on the side.
  2. 2. A cold man with his squad and imagining you. You don’t need to be ashamed to show love to her and be respectful.

Call the squad varto all "for" and "against", and understand what to spend the wine, like the stink of being separated. Maybe out:

  • robit yoga is happy;
  • є gospodarskoy, dbaylivoy woman and loving mother;
  • priymaєtsya as a man like a squad, and th like a friend;
  • repent for your behavior and swear not to do it anymore.

Zvіsno, it’s a shame from the її side not to rob the squad with a good friend, like a comrade’s friend, who dared to hurry up with his squad. Ale needed to guess all the good things that were earlier, and life would be better off. It is possible, for the sake of the children, to save the hats and live far away, especially as she repents from her vchinku and earlier this has not been done to her.

How to commit with a friend?

In the eyes of the imaged person, the instigator of the cause will be his comrade, and not the squad. This situation can become criminal if you don’t spit your anger. So that there are no problems due to the law and financial compensation for the heavy beatings, varto streaming yourself in the face of thoughtless actions.

I love a person, and I also love me. And not long ago I hurt youma with your friend. Vіn pounced on me. I repaired the back of the head, but then I stopped. This person was like a good friend to me, a friend of mine. Knowing for me, that after shaking me, as if only having shaken 2 rocks to that, but for a long time, trembling. Nobody knows what happened. I do not know. Ale, I don’t know what work is like to live. I'm scared to marvel at people in their eyes. Yogo friend want to continue stosunki, but yogo I also unique. Live, deceiving, important. I can't know. Even more cholovіkovі will be even more sore. I became drastic, disrespectful. No one wants to bachiti, the soul is empty. My daughter is on vacation with her grandmother. The person believes me and trusts me. Previously, we shared everything, discussed, solved problems at once. Now I cannot explain to you the reason for my anger. How to work, how to be quiet and how to behave. I love a man, I want to be with him. Ale, maybe, there won’t be many hundred thousand, you won’t know anything like wine.

little spider, Internet, 30 years / 25.07.06

Thoughts of our experts

  • Olena

    You know, I’m sorry for you, but it’s really important - to live with such a mysterious load on your shoulders and don’t mother the possibility of telling about the one you love, because you’ll be in pain. And then I asked myself: what are the chances foreign women to talk to a friend of a person in such a place and at such an hour that nothing and nothing can make them have sex? Right, yak? What did it take to be robiti and de buti, so that a friend of a person fearlessly “attacked” on you and swung? And why should the sex of the wines go to the continuation of the banquet? Vibach, but ask for whiskers, that you are not a victim of furnishing. You singly knew and felt that you were like another person, and she herself gave Yom a lead to "attack" on you without fear of taking it off and in front of you, and with the help of your person, if you rose to You, like a friend brutally pestering you. Well, you tried it, and now, after the fact, you began to rethink what happened, and realized that the sheepskin didn’t scratch the eggs. Possibly, a friend who didn’t show up for a person in a lizhka, otherwise it would have been less so, and she herself would have wanted to continue. Probach, scho sharply, but such speeches should be called by their own names, and if you already realized that you changed it, then you didn’t need to transfer all the evidence for the price of a peasant, as if she herself was slandered with him in the hand of the world and at the hand of the hour. I’m wide of your man’s shkoda, because in the new one the squad showed up morally unstable, and the friend is not a friend, but so ... It’s sing-song, I didn’t want to know about your hurt, more than knowledge to hit on the new one from both sides. And I would spare a person from one such person. Give him such a service, because yesterday you slept with a friend’s retinue, and tomorrow you will reward your man in another important meal. With a plan of mental anguish, unfortunately, I can’t help with anything. Conscience is a thing with an enviable appetite: we have enough, ale verno. Let's live with tim, what now you є scho prihovuvat vіd sim'ї. Forget it - you won’t forget it, but it’s a little bit dull for an hour. Yakshcho, obviously, do not start cultivating yoga, like trojans near a greenhouse. Self-flagellation is not for the raja. Better than zrobi vysnovka, try to be cute for your family. The stench vzagali not guilty of what has become of you.

  • Sergiy

    So, it’s good to know that inspire soulless overcurrent mechanisms to give pardons. People, as a source of emotions, even more so. Ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd zalіza, people may be able to read on their pardons. You are nasty, shameful, scary, well, remember the axis, like that, and don’t worry anymore. Whether the situation is good or bad. It’s nasty, that you’ve sinned, but it’s good that you got it right and took the right decision. Be holy, live in paradise, and don’t know sin - it’s simple. And the axis knows yoga privablivіst, svіdomo vіdmovitysya - tse i є way of the true righteous. So, let the snot go. Everything that has become, has already become. It has already become past. Navіscho psuvati future? Throw your suffering even to the raja in glibsha. And in no way, not for any circumstances, a person is not guilty of knowing about those that happened. Tell your friend directly that you were wrong, that you love a person, and you didn’t deserve it, so there will be no repetition. I’m sure that everything is in order with the new one’s head, and I won’t, according to my right, get in touch with your man. And what about living, deceiving, it’s important - it’s right. Ale vvazhay, scho є your repayment for thoroughly. You can take another day of admission and wave to the bottom in the village. In nature, the little ones stand up more quickly.

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