Snowden misunderstanding. Edward Snowden - biography, information, special life. The lad was the hero of the book and the movie

The 30th Edward Snowden is a member of the team, who is one of the most widely discussed spivrobitniks of the special services. A lot of information from the National Security Agency (NSA) was called by the US detachment from the state srada, shards of public secret data about the mass duty for the hulks, as if the NSA was in charge. Itself tse zmushuє Snowden to lead an arc of closures way of life, practically not allowing outsiders to himself.

And all the same, I see my friend, with whom stosunki will tie, like a trip over the great rocks. With her, I've gone through some difficult episodes. Її call Lindsey Mills (Lindsey Mills), їй 31 рік, after fah won є ballerina. With her alone, the NSA’s colossal spy works for his new life near Moscow.


Edward Vikrivach

Financial Times 11.09.2016

Snowden trembling at the darkness

National Public Radio 07/01/2016

Snowden: Repairing Russia is 'wrong'

The Hill 07.09.2015

People throw a wiklik to the sovereign stezhennu

The Guardian 06.06.2015

Tvereziy Snowden: the life of a “miracle”

The Washington Post 01/11/2015
Little is known about Lindsay. She was born in 1985 in Maryland (the rock of Snowden), she is engaged in full dances, maintains her own blog, in which she writes her thoughts. Grab a photo, evidence of which is a post on Instagram.

If you talk about your character, then people who are closest to the bet seem to be red-hot evidence that the opposites converge. If Edward is movable, withdrawn, strimany and trashy, then Lindsey is clearly proliferating: he can clearly express his special characteristics, pragne splintering, be friends with his friends and zovsim not zamkaetsya in himself. In the face post on Instagram, you can add faceless photos that tell about everyday life ballerinas, often in the lower white or without it.

This difference in characters is less than a couple that you can watch for the documentary film Citizenfour, which won the Oscar for the best documentary in 2015. Citizenfour gives Shan Snowden that yoga shot.

A photo Posted by L (@lsjourney) on Aug 25, 2016 at 1:23pm PDT

At the same time, young people together and live a happy life near a Moscow apartment, even though in 2013 a lot of stinks were falling apart on the river. The reason for the timing of the stosonics was the call of Snowden, who somehow worked in the NSA from the one who, having spoken about the masses, as if led the NSA, blaming himself for the sake of the US interests.

The decision about the opening was praising Snowden. Todі voni z Lindsay lived in Hawaii. Snowden, having told Lindsay that she is violating the work, wanting to spend a few years, the ballerina found out about the ins and outs of her kohan and yoga, in some wines declaring that to the edge, de respect the freedom of speech.

Perebuvaya at the camp of confusion and roar, Lindsay had a chance to work hard, so as not to become a victim of international ZMI through її proximity to Snowden, like wine leaving and, moreover, vyklav at social networks її photo at sdnіy bіznі. The ballerina was embarrassed to close her blog and accounts in all social networks, explaining at the same time that she was “not available at the time”.

“If I write tse, tears will drip on the keyboard, if I guess all the faces, they have embellished my road. Must be quiet, who is laughing. I be quiet, whom I trimmed. The one who died. And quiet, to whom I never said goodbye. Even though life does not give guarantees that it’s okay to say goodbye. My light creased and closed at once,” wrote Lindsay, embarrassed, after the arrival of someone who might have become a man. I’ll tell you in a good time that you’ve squandered її at the same time, so that you can protect yourself from the side of the sovereign judicial authorities.

A photo Posted by L (@lsjourney) on Oct 30, 2015 at 1:58pm PDT

Ale, everything worked out. At the end of 2014, through the river after Snowden's flow, Lindsay arrived to Moscow, where she lingered with Snowden, having taken away a certificate of residence in Russia in the term for three years. They took them for sleeping cooking in the kitchen, but it is a sign of reconciliation. The stench is even better in Russia, about Lindsay for the first time, tell her about her Instagram account. She did it to herself like that at once, taking a picture, like the stench of Snowden was smeared curly.

Materials of ІnoСІРІРІР‚в„ў misty assessments of exclusively foreign ZMI and do not reflect the position of the editors of ІnoСІ.

Edward Snowden was born in the state of Pivnichna Carolina, in a small town with a romantic name of Elizabeth City, and childhood that youth was spent in Maryland. There he graduated from school and entered the college, in which he studied computer science. What a cicavo, Edvardov, not for the first time, took away a diploma.
In 2003, Snowden, having risen to the ranks of the US Army, prote pid hour not far away, take off the fractures of both nig and buv zmushheniya retire from service

Snowden took a job at the US National Security Agency. Yogo zavdannyam bula protection of this secret object, which is located on the territory of the University of Maryland. Imovirno, tse buv CASL (Center for Advanced Movie Studies). In an hour of work, Snowden took off the Top Secret clearance, which is why he could have access to a wealth of classified materials.
On March 2007, Snowden worked for the CIA at the head of information security (the system administrator was behind the fahm vin). Until 2009, I worked at the UN under the cover of the US representation, and I was engaged in the security of computer security.

However, once Edward grew up in the robots of the American special services. Vіn rozpovidav, as in 2007 rotsі bv vіdkі v vіdkom v vremennoї іstorії: svіvrobіtnik CIA got the Swiss banking serviceman drunk, imprisoned for kermo and forced to go home. If Yogo was arrested for water from an unsteady-looking person, the agents propagated him to please him - to help him in exchange for access to secret statements to the bank. Snowden said that for an hour of service in Geneva he sang: the activity of the yogi in the order makes the world significantly more shkodi, lower coriste. Edward was convinced that with the arrival of Barack Obama, the situation would change for the worse, but everything became worse.

Edard called for the CIA and spent the rest of the day at the same time with his girlfriend hiring booths in Hawaii and practicing with Booz Allen Hamilton.

Disclosure of secret statements

In September 2012, Snowden wrote a handful of encrypted emails to Lauri Prayglava for the Free Press Foundation, Guardian journalist Glen Greenwald, and Washington Post author Barton Gellman. Vіn proponuvav їm deyakі sektnі vіdomosti, chim, nevdovzі, i got busy.

On June 6, 2013, the fate of the public became aware of the foundation of PRISM, the state-owned absolutely secret program of the United States. The program is aimed at the booth of secret and not even information on the Internet, such companies as Microsoft, Google, Yahoo!, Facebook and others are eager to use it. At the lava spіvrobіtnikіv of the Agency for National Security panuval chaos and hysteria, stench in the shortest term turned back to the FBI for help from the investigation.

In fact, the Americans told Snowden about those who could be followed by a massive force through e-mail, telephone, video chat, and special listings from socialist organizations.

At the same time, Snowden shared information about the use of the British Tempora security program and about those that the British special services penetrated computers and watched links of foreign politicians at the G20 summit (London, 2009).

Numbers and a lot of other classified information led the majestic shkodi to the secret services of the United States and Great Britain.

Snowden, talking about those who pass on far from all secret data, but rather those who don’t give a damn to specific people, but help for a second to work the light of the best - people are guilty of knowing about those who in their private lives can penetrate moment. .

What did you give?

After the disclosure of secret data, on May 20, 2013, Snowden got a pass to the NSA, saying goodbye to his girlfriend and flying to Hong Kong. 6 hours later, having told Gellman that he had been in a yoga booth in Hawaii, he had been shoved - on the same day, secret data was published by the Washington Post and the Guardian.

On the 22nd of June, the US Department of State returned to the government of Hong Kong, apparently because of the United States, the government was forced to protest - they were not ruled by the deacons of the formula.

23 worms were sent to Snowden, tied with Russia. We have received information about those that Edward Snowden at once from Wikileaks representative Sari Harrison arrived at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. Snowen, who does not have a Russian visa, does not have the right to cross the cordon with Russia, to which he was left in the Sheremetyevo transit zone. For information from the press, Snowden and Harrison did not get to the airport, but immediately transferred to a car with the numbers of the Venezuelan embassy and appeared in an unknown direction. On the evening of 23rd Snowden asking for political support from the ruler of Ecuador.

Minister of Foreign Inquiries of Russia Sergiy Lavrov on 25 chernny said that Russia could not have a happy birthday before the day of Edward Snowden, in any case did not conduct and did not conduct annual inquiries with him, he did not commit mischief in the territory of Russia, the United States has no help for that .

On 30 pm Sarah Harrison handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia the documents that Snowden's scam to give him a political lockdown in Russia. The President of Russia Volodymyr Putin said that Russia should give the saboteur, what to kill, a little bit, but with a mind, that you should stop slandering the US order.

After returning to the USA, I will threaten Snowden with a prison term of up to 30 years, while the defendants will collect millions of signatures for the defense against Hong Kong, and petitions against the walls of the US embassy will be carried out in Hong Kong.

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Porada 2: Edward Snowden: biography, career, special life

In 2013, the speech of Edward Snowden did not descend from the great newspaper spats and sounded at the releases of TV shows. CIA technical specialist, NSA special agent demonstrating American services to the injured civil rights that freedom of people throughout the world.

Childhood and youth

The future special agent was born in 1983 in the city of Elizabeth City. The head of the family, serving at the coastal defense of Pivnichnoy Karolin, mother devoted herself to jurisprudence. The couple parted unexpectedly, Edward and sister Jessica lost their life with their mother. The child's rocky lad spent time there, graduating from high school there.

In 1999, the homeland moved to Maryland. Yunak became a college student, having studied computer science, getting ready to enter the university in preparatory courses. Ale to complete the illumination, the filth of health suddenly aroused me, the youngster of the kіlka mіsyatsіv bіvіdsutnіy at work. The training was carried out remotely via the Internet until 2011, after which Edward finished his master's degree at the University of Liverpool.

2004 Snowden served in the US Army. Spend a dream before Iraq and "help people to get sick of blasphemy". At the training camp, the recruit broke his legs and wounded his demobilization.

The work of the special services

A new stage in Snowden's biography was a job in the national security agencies of the state. The young man's career began with the burying of an object at the University of Maryland. Vіn otrimav the admissions of the highest level not only to the secret, but also to the development of information. Dali yoga was transferred to the NSA base in Hawaii in the system administrator's settlement.

The CIA became the next place of Edward's service, de engaging in feeding the defense of information. By stretching for two years near Geneva, under the diplomatic cover of the wines, having secured the computer security. During this period, Snowden experienced great disappointment in the activity of the military secret services, especially the methods were opposed, for the help of such spіvrobіtniks they recruited and took away the necessary information. Since 2009, Snowden, having worked with consulting companies, worked with the NSA, was among the middle and military contractors.

Disclosure of information

Pobachen in Switzerland allowed Snowden to be delusional and made him think about the greediness of such an order. The further diyalnist was less confirmed by yogo rіshuchіst and the need to move on to active activities. Vіn podіvavsya, scho came to the White House of President Barack Obama to improve the situation, but it did not get better.

Rishuche diyati Snowden began in 2013, if he sent an anonymous email to the director and film producer Lauri Poitras. The sheet contains information about those that the author may have important information. The next critical moment was the encrypted reference to the Englishman Glenn Greenwald from The Guardian and the author of articles for the Washington Post, Barton Gellman. For obvious information, Snowden handed over to them perhaps two hundred thousand files with the heading “secretly”. From the end of spring, two publicists began to review Edward's materials for the PRISM program, created by the American intelligence agency. The essence of state programs was based on the unspoken collection of information about the inhabitants of the whole world. Shhorіchno the system outdid the second miliardi phone lines that electronic notification, and also recorded the transfer of billions of people - the masters of mobile phones. Behind the words of the information researcher, the system worked on legal bases, as they allowed guarding against the traffic of a network of coristuvachs of other Internet resources. Potentially, under the cover of the moment, whether a huge citizen of the United States appears, foreigners called out special interest. The system made it possible to review mail, photographs, listen to video chats and voice messages, as well as draw details of special life from social measures.


The National Security Service has launched an investigation into the fact of a round of information in the press about the work of the PRISM system. After the crowd of a lot of companies, the Googl zocrema, they started reverifying the encryption systems of information in order to save a further round of reports about their coristuvachiv. Previously, the Internet company, like many others, encrypted data for only a few hours, and on the servers the stench was kept unprotected. The American Law Enforcement Organization filed a call to the judicial authorities to declare such data collection unlawful. Nezabara was the reaction of the European Union, that they are also planning to come in and get information.

A technical fakhivets having seen information about the fastness of a billion people in dozens of countries. This list included great companies on the Internet and a stylistic connection, which they used to work with the special services. Edward was true to his children, who stood up for the recognition of the lawful interests of society.

The director of the NSA cited Snowden in the fact that the fault of the source of information is not only the intelligence of the United States, but the UK. And the Pentagon, having declared that the Volodya is guilty of reports about a lot of military secret operations. The vinyl version, that Snowden technically could not carry out a similar operation one by one, there were words about an immovable support from the side of the Russian intelligence. However, no proof was known, and Edward asked for help from the side of other powers. He himself miraculously realized that he would have to “suffer for his own guilt.” Vin made a sacrifice of a peaceful life in Hawaii, to stand up against the destruction of people's freedoms with a path of total strength. Vіn not vvazhiv vchinok heroic and not putting on the whole penny: “I don’t want to live in the world, why don’t you have mysteries private life».

Crossing the cordon

Mayzhe against Snowden having closed the country and the flights to Hong Kong, de continuing to talk to journalists. Two days later, the police showed up at the yoga booth in Hawaii. The Washington Post and The Guardian have recently published abridged material denouncing the PRISM system. Wu Hong Kong together with the journalists recorded the interview on video and declared about himself. Dali Edward planned to fly to Iceland, despite the fact that the country is the best supporter of freedom of speech, living in Hong Kong was left unsafe. Russian diplomats urged you to move to Russia. The craftsmanship of the country was lucky enough to give a three-fold permit for living for the mind and attached to him a driving job.

Life Specialist

If you want to live, come in, the special security officer of the life of the vikrivacha is left in the dungeon for a wide stake. Before that, like yoga, it became known to the world, Edward is alive on one of the Hawaiian islands of Lindsey Mills. Є version, that the bulk of the bet is trivaє and the stench lives at once rental apartments at Moscow.

Snowden is filled with Asian culture, Japanese culture. anime combat art zatsіkavili yoga for an hour of work at one of the military bases of the United States in Japan. Todі computer fahivets pochati mova Land of the sun, scho to go.

How do you live today

In the fatherland, Snowden was voted out at the international rozshuk and called in absentia at the espionage and embezzlement of sovereign power. Today, exactly, the place of knowledge is unknown. Russia has extended the disgraced agent the right to relocate to its territory until 2020. The director of the CIA complained that Snowden had to testify before the court of America, but he did not go to contact with American diplomacy. Fahivets with safety ready to turn to America, yakbi buv upevneniy, scho gazing will be open for a wide zagal.

The famous vikrivach does not know a closed way of life. Yoga guise can often be seen at various conferences for the protection of law enforcement and computer technology. Bagato krajn request you to give a course of lectures at festivals of music and culture. For such a video-split, Snowden takes inexcusable fees, and today's payments have come close to earning in America. But Edward himself does not get tired of repeating that life in Russia is expensive, more, leaving the fatherland of wine without taking anything from himself, he has to earn pennies himself. I don’t know the language, for the nights Snowden spent time at the rich little places of Russia, and even more than a part of the hour, like before, spend at the global border.

It is ambiguous to post a technical fahіvtsya called out the interest of the retailers of igor, becoming the hero of such wines. The British journalist Grinwald dedicating the book “Catch Nowhere” to him, and in 2016 the American director Oliver Stone presented a film about the life of an agent.

Edward Joseph Snowden(Eng. Edward Joseph Snowden; people. June 21, 1983, Pivnichna Carolina) - American technical assistant and a large spokesman for the CIA and the US National Security Agency. On the cob of worm 2013 rock snowden handing over to The Guardian and The Washington Post newspapers the secret information of the NSA about the total support of the American intelligence services for information communications between the huge powers of the rich powers all over the world for additional information and communication, including information about the PRISM project. U.S. link Edward Snowden in absentia, a call was made to the violated law.

Edward Snowden
Type of duty: System administrator
Date of birth: 1 black 1983
City of Nation: Elizabeth City, Pivnichna Carolina, USA
Community: USA

Career and special life of Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden Born in the city of Elizabeth City, Pivnichniy Carolina, in the family of Lonny and Elizabeth snowdeniv. Childhood of the provinces near Elizabeth City, lives near Maryland, near the headquarters of the NSA (Fort Mid). Having studied computer science at a college in Maryland, I did not immediately take a diploma. since 2003 evil forces The United States, having lost it after the fracture both nіg and nіg nіd h navchan. Then I worked at the NSA, having opened a career in the protection of a secret facility on the territory of the University of Maryland, ymovirno, CASL. Having removed the tolerance of the Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information. After the NSA worked at the CIA’s information security office, from March 2007 to February 2009, it worked under the diplomatic cover of the permanent US representation in the UN (Geneva). Edward Snowden's robot Bula pov'yazana іz security of computer security.
In 2009, Edward worked and began working at consulting companies that work for the NSA, first at Dell, then at Booz Allen Hamilton's contractor in Vienna (less than 3 months until early 2013).

At the process of work on the American intelligence services Edward Snowden the daedals more rozcharovuvavsya in that activity. So, in other words, the year 2007 became a testament to the fact that the CIA spivrobitniks recruited a Swiss banking officer by some rank. On the back of the stench they drank yogo and got them to sit for kermo and go home. If Yogo was arrested for watering in a drunken sight, the CIA agents urged Yogo to help, which allowed Yogo to be recruited to gain access to the secrets of the bank.
“The richness of the fact that I’m a bachelor at Geneva really helped me to have illusions about those, how do my order and how to bring light,” having said Edward Snowden. "I understand that I am a part of what brings richer more shkodi, less coriste."

Behind these words, even though he thought hard about the rhetoric of service secrets, he didn’t say anything for two reasons. In other words, “most CIA secrets are about people, not about machines and systems; And I didn’t feel comfortable with myself, voicing those that could hurt someone.”
Original text (English)
In another way, I spodіvsya on zmіni following the abuse of Barack Obama. And yet, without a bar, I changed my wines, but with the arrival of Obama, the camp became even worse.

At the beginning of 2013 Edward Snowden residually praising the decision of children. Vin wrote an email list to Laura Poitras, a huge American film producer and one of the creators of the Freedom of the Press Foundation ruen. With whom, Snowden did not reveal his name, but only revealed that he had important secret information. Nezabara vіn zv'yazavsya Glenn Greenwald (Glenn Greenwald), a journalist for the English newspaper "Guardian" (The Guardian), and publicist Barton Gellman, who wrote articles for the newspaper "Washington Post" (Washington Post).

Spelling was done at the sight of encrypted e-mail notification. Snowden wrote that from time to time the specialty was revealed - from the power of the will, chi superficially, - but before that hour he asked not to rob the old quotes for yogo remembrance, from the fear of being identified by the semantic analysis. Like a wine, the secret services "mayzhe sing-song you, as if they were thinking that you are the key figure, through the yak you can sing out the information."
The other half of May 2013 Edward Snowden having begun to convey to Greenwald and Gellman key information about the PRISM program, but asking not to speak out once.

Changing the appointment of Edward Snowden before the service

snowden disclosed information about the PRISM program, which includes a massive effort for negotiations between Americans and foreign communities for help telephone and the Internet. PRISM allows the Agency to review e-mail, listen to voices and video chats, review photographs, videos, review files that are forwarded, and to learn other details of social media. The PRISM program takes the role of Microsoft (Hotmail), Google (Google Mail), Yahoo!, Facebook, YouTube, Skype, AOL, Apple and Paltalk.
Edward Snowden handing over to the journalists a copy of the secret copy to the FISC court dated April 25, 2013. By order of one of the largest American telephone operators in the United States, Verizon calls are now to transmit to the NSA "metadata" about all calls made in the United States, or between the United States and other countries, which include the subscriber's telephone numbers, IMEI of phones, hour and trivality of calls, roztashuvannya viklik. It is not the fault of the sound recording itself to be transmitted.

By decree, it was also defended by the usm sovereign and private servicemen, who were responsible for the collection of such information, to reveal the very fact of such a basis was praised right up to 2038. At zvyazku z tsim zhurnalisti zagodly allowed, scho scho could be applauded but directed to other stіlnikovim operators in the United States.
Edward Snowden stating that since 2009, US intelligence agencies have illegally penetrated Pacnet's computer networks, as well as Chinese mobile phone operators, to gain access to millions of SMS messages. Zgіdno with the statement of the Hong Kong newspaper Sunday Morning Post (English) ros.

Edward Snowden public information about the basis of the British degree program Tempora.
On June 17, The Guardian, relying on Snowden's tribute, reported that the UK's secret services were monitoring computers and spoofing telephone calls of foreign politicians and officials, as they took part in the G20 summit in London in 2009. The secret work was carried out by the Great Britain and the National Security Agency of the United States. In addition, the British special services at half an hour of the summit outsmarted the telephone conversations of the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev.

Edward Snowden podkresliv, scho povіdomiv far not all the visible information:
I am resolutely twisting a leather document in order to perekonatisya, so that its voice can serve the legitimate interests of the court ... Documents of all types, the voice of which is not enough, but I don’t pass them on, my meta meta is a message, not a slander to people.

Motives for Edward Snowden's speech about the PRISM programs

In a supra note to the first batch of documents, Snowden wrote: “I understand that I will have to suffer for my vchinka,” but “I will be satisfied, like secret laws, nervous bezkarnist that inexhaustible vikonavcha power, edit topic light, which I love, will be opened, wanting to be blessed. “I really want, that at the center of respect, these documents were stumped, and I am convinced that it was even more discussed among the masses of our world about those in which world we want to live.”
Recently, Edward is alive to make a comfortable living with a salary of about $ 200 thousand per river, hiring a house near Waipahu in Hawaii together with his girlfriend and working in the office of the Booz Allen Hamilton company.
"I'm ready to sacrifice everything to that I can not, in good conscience, allow the US order to destroy privacy, freedom of the Internet and the basic freedom of people in the whole world for the help of the majestic system of stiffness, like a stink sweat breaks", - having said in u "Guardian".
“Yakbi, my motive was pennies, I could sell these documents, whether the country was rich or rich.”

As if mitigating the wines of the visnovka, the process of the creation of the NSA security measures will become irrevocable. “You can’t check until you are more active. I have judged the leaders, but I have understood that the leader is in the one who is the first child. “I don’t respect myself as a hero, to that which I act in the interests of power: I don’t want to live in the world, why there are no secrets of private life, and there is no place for that for intellectual achievements and creativity.”

The life of Edward Snowden after the speech

May 20, 2013 roku snowden saying goodbye to his maiden on a weekly day and taking a pass to the NSA under the drive of epilepsy, driving to Hong Kong, de taking a hotel room and continuing the electronic listing with journalists.
On Thursday, June 6, 2013 Snowden told Gellman: “The police saw my alarms in Hawaii this year.” On the same day, with the permission of the Washington Post and the Guardian, they published a PRISM tweet.
On 9 June 2013 Snowden revealed his specialty. Vіn requesting to Hong Kong for an interview with journalists, including Greenwald and Poitras. This video interview and this guide was published by The Guardian on this blog. In front of whom he declared: “I don’t have a name to tell who I am, I know, shards, that I haven’t done anything nasty.”
After revealing his identity, Snowden passed on these secret materials to journalists. Many spivrobitniki NSA and the CIA vyslovlyuvannya warned that Snowden could give secret information to China. Snowden said that in such a time he would have stayed at the palace in Beijing for a long time.
June 10, 2013 close to noon snowden leaving The Mira hotel in Hong Kong, where he was in the USA. Vіn planning to know a political place in Iceland or in another country, as a way to promote freedom of speech

On March 11, 2013, the press secretary of the President of Russia, Dmitro Peskov, spoke about the readiness of Russia to look at the Snowden about the need for a political socket, as such a hope. The position of the Russian government was confirmed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergiy Lavrov.
On March 21, 2013, on the day of the 30th day of Edward's Day, in the United States, a ringing was made between the embezzlement of sovereign power and the voice of sovereign secrets.
On March 22, 2013, it became known that the State Department of the United States had turned to the rule of Hong Kong because of the help of Snowden and, apparently, the United States. The authorities of Hong Kong thought to see Snowden, relying on incorrect wording at the request.

December 23, 2013 snowden with the accompanying representative of WikiLeaks Sari Harrison (English) grew up. Arriving at the airport "Sheremetyevo" near Moscow. If you don’t have a Russian visa, then you could change your wine in the transit zone of the airport, as it was transferred, a year before the scheduled flight. For the version of Izvestia, snowden And Harrison didn’t get to the airport’s wake: after landing, the plane was signaled to a distant parking lot of the airport, they were taken out of the plane and put into the car, where they got close to the gangway, with the diplomatic plates of the Venezuelan embassy, ​​and then straight ahead journalists do not care about Snowden. until the 12th linden of the law enforcement officers called on him. For information taken by ZMI correspondents, Snowden did not call at the Sheremetyevo hotel, an airport located in the transit zone. Navpaki, the newspaper "Komersant" says that from 23 chern to zustrichi with law enforcement officers on 12 linden Snowden has changed at the transit zone of the airport "Sheremetyevo".
Yak povіdomiv Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, evening of 23 cherny snowden asking for a lintel of the edge. For information from the press, from Moscow, Snowden climbed the virus to Venezuela through Havana the next day, the prote yogo armchair in the air appeared empty. Conceived from a statement to the US Department of State, dedicated to an individual Snowden It was officially annulled by the American government, but, as the press service of the US Department of State reminds, it did not spare a lot of enormity. Following the words of Julian Assange, Ecuador gave Snowden a replacement for his passport. Vlada Ecuador explained that the issue of transit documents by the consul was not sanctioned by the Ministry of Health of the country, and the documents are not valid.

On March 25, 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergiy Lavrov announced at a press conference in Moscow that Russia did not have a chance to relocate Snowden according to the world, and Russian government found out about Snowden's plans get back to Pivdennu America with information from the press. The President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin, having confirmed that Snowden is in the transit zone of the Sheremetyevo airport, that a Russian visa is not required, the cordon of Russia has not changed and on the territory of the edge of the city has not done any mischief, and has been sent to the United States for this kind of trapping nothing. Putin also declared: “Our special services are in no way Snowden they didn’t practice, they don’t practice today.” On 30 pm in an interview with Echo Moscow, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitro Peskov clarified that Putin, for the most part, Snowden special services were sorted out.

Significantly, transferring to the territory of the transit zone of Sheremetyevo airport without a Russian visa (primary transit visa) is allowed by the term no more than 24 years. For five days afterward, none of Snowden's journalists arrived in Moscow.
On March 28, 2013, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that he was ready to give Snowden a political backstop. At the hour of the press conference, Maduro guessed that the United States had slapped Luis Posad, who was sentenced to the point of being aggravated by Venezuela. The father of the ex-CIA intelligence worker this very day, declaring that Yogo Blue can turn to the USA on singing minds; when I vociferated, that I was only expressing my own special thought, I didn’t talk to Edward himself about the call.
On March 30, 2013, Snowden asked for political support from Russia. At 22:30 Sarah Harrison, from Great Britain, as a legal escort, submitted relevant documents to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

On June 1, 2013, at a press conference near Moscow, Volodymyr Putin announced that snowden you can get enough in Russia, but “one mind: I’m guilty of pinning my work, directed at those who want to hurt our American partners, I want to celebrate my words wonderfully.” Dmitro Peskov told the attacking wound that Putin would not be able to control Snowden.
2 Lipnya 2013 Undad, Ispani, and the Portigliy, and such a row of a number of єvropyan powers was leaked to the lines of the president of the Boliviye Morales to enter the reinforcements of the Prostir of the Switch Pilot Vilota Z Muscovy, at Zv'yazku, he was landed at Vimuns. The fence of the bula is connected with the battles that Snowden is on board the liner. For an hour I looked around the plane at Vidnia, the Austrian security service announced that Snowden was not there.
On April 7, 2013, it became known to fate that after raising a rumor about a political shack more lower in 20 powers, Snowden took off three positive ones - in Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

12 Lipnya 2013 Roku Edward Snowden provіv zustrіch from "Sheremetyevo", where representatives of the international law enforcement organizations "Amnesty International", "Transparency International", "Human Rights Watch", the Polish law enforcement organization "Crido Legal", as well as the representative of the UN in Russia were requested. In addition, the request was denied by Deputy of the State Duma V'yacheslav Nikonov, member of the Gromadska Chamber of the Russian Federation Olga Kostina, Ombudsman Volodymyr Lukin, as well as lawyers Anatoly Kucherena, Genrikh Padva and Genrі Reznik. On this occasion, Snowden, having told about us, ask Russia for a timchasovy abutment, oskolki yogo bezpeka at a time can be safer than in that case, as if you were deprived of timchasovo in Russia, wanting to plan to settle in Latin America. Representative of Human Rights Watch, Tetyana Lokshina, spoke on the phone that on the way to the airport, telephoned the American ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, and asked him to tell him that the United States respected Snowden not by victorious, but by someone who violated the law. PM the situation Snowden discussed by phone the presidents of Russia and the USA, Putin and Obama.

Reaction to the events of Edward Snowden

Criminal records of Edward Snowden
The United States called Snowden in absentia in stealing state power, revealing data about national defense and foreseeing the transfer of secret information to third-party persons. In marriage for tsim zvinuvachennyami I threaten you with up to 30 years of marriage, and possibly even a stratum.

Petitions against Snowden
Two lesser petitions appeared on the Internet against Snowden. One of them was made on 9 chervnia on the website of the White House and was repeatedly discussed in the press. The petition will vote Snowden a "national hero" and demand a new amnesty. For 27 chervnia won, I took over 120 yew. voice, tobto raised the threshold (100 thousand to 9 lindens), after which the Biliy Dim will goiter to give an official confirmation.
Another petition created on the 12th of the month on the Avaaz website and clicked “look at Snowden

Edward Snowden is an American technical assistant, in the light of the general public low sensational vikrittivs of the US special services along with the massive zeal for the hulks. Since 2013, the fate of yoga was figured on the first sleepers of the ZMI, and little information about the violation by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the rights and freedoms of millions of Americans and Europeans struck the worldly bulk.

During the rest of the hour, Snowden was alive in Russia, he was given a political shack, the US remnants voted him out in the international rozshuk, calling in absentia in the secrets of the state secrets, which are considered as a threat to the security of the country.

Childhood and youth

Edward Snowden was born on March 21, 1983 in the city of Elizabeth City, roztashovanomu in the state of Pivnichna Carolina. Yogo daddy - guardian of the coastal service Lonnie and lawyer Elizabeth Snowden - separated. With this, Edward, a young child, has an older sister, Jessica, who works as a lawyer at the Federal Maritime Center in Washington.

Snowden's childhood and youth passed near his native place, the future CIA and NSA spy, having reached the middle of the world. 1999 Snowden's homeland moved to Maryland. There, Edward entered the college Enn Erandel, de proyshov preparatory courses for entry to the university.

I did not finish my course of study, but I had a chance to remotely continue my studies, which did not lead Snowden to take a master's degree at Liverpool University in 2011.

In 2004, Edward Snowden's role as a reservist in the United States Armed Forces, stars in a few months after serious injuries to both of them were commissioned. From that moment on, Snowden's biography was completely connected with computer science, programming and IT technologies, in which the lads showed professionalism and special talent, regardless of the formal confirmation of the qualification of a fahivtsya.

Service with the CIA

Pіdёm kar'єrnimi descents at Edward Snowden's bov vpevnenim and strіmkim. The first professional recruits fakhivets took away from the NSA, working in the security structure of a secret facility at the University of Maryland. For a few years Snowden was accepted into the service of the CIA and under diplomatic cover of directions to Geneva at the plantation of the US Ambassador to the UN. There, before yogo obov'yazkіv included zdіysnennya security computer merezh. Behind the words of Edward, a robot in Switzerland, he opened his eyes to those who are guilty of special attention in the US special services, like bringing people more shkodi, lower coriste.

In 2009, a part of the programmer worked for the CIA and started working in the consulting companies Dell and Booz Allen Hamilton, as well as spivpratsyuyut with the NSA, vykonuyuchi ob'yazki ovnіshny pіdryadnik.

Snowden did not praise the activities of the US National Security Agency, leaving the future American huge illusions about the lawful order to the whole world. At zv'yazku z tsim 2013 roci special agent of the NSA vyrivishiv diyati for the orders of his heart and reveal to people secret information, as if the American special services were victorious in mass respect for people.

Snowden repeatedly announced that the secrets of the illegal activities of the NSA and the CIA would be released in 2008, but he hoped that the situation in the US secret services would change with the coming to power. Unexpectedly, the programmer became obvious that the new US president is continuing the policy of his successors and does not allow us to change the activities of "spies".

Vikrittya and criminal re-investigation

Snowden's work to declassify the evils of the American intelligence services started in 2013. Another CIA and NSA agent contacted film producer Laura Poitras, American journalist Glenn Greenwald, and publicist Barton Gellman, saying that he was preparing to give secret information.

Snowden's slander was communicated through encrypted e-mail notifications, and 200,000 secret documents were angered to journalists through an IT specialist. Їхній status of taєmnostі perevischuva published earlier materials on WikiLeaks about conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. After that, a scandal erupted, and the compromising evidence was slandered, having removed the effect of a thermonuclear bomb from the press. The founder of WikiLeaks was told to say that the leaders of the international non-profit organization Snowden are free.

The attack on Edward Snowden was avenged by the fact that the US intelligence services were squeezing the populations of 60 countries of the world and 35 government agencies throughout Europe. The programmer has disclosed information about the PRISM program, for the help of which special agents conducted a massive effort for negotiations between Americans and foreign communities through the Internet and mobile calls.

For Edward's data, the PRISM program allowed the NSA to listen to voices and video chats, look at e-mail and photographs, look at files that are being crossed, and retrieve all information from social networks. A lot of popular services took part in this program: Microsoft (Hotmail), Facebook, Google (Gmail), Skype, Yahoo!, AOL, YouTube, Apple and Paltalk.

Also, Snowden's sensational denunciations became a secret praise to the FISC court, which is why the largest telephony operator Verizon is now transferring metadata to the NSA of all links that are being made in the borders of the United States. On the aphids, the journalists praised that they could have been caught by other American style operators before such goiters.

Krіm tsgogo, zavdyaky Snowden became aware of the Tempora security software, as well as Internet traffic and phone calls, and the integration of the iPhone security software, which allows you to follow the activities of the koristuvach.

One of the most resonant criticisms of Snowden was the revelation of the fact that the United States hacked telephone roses of foreign politicians and officials, who took part in the G20 summit, which took place in 2009 in London. Before the victims of illegal actions, the NSA of the USA killed a lot of politicians from the earth.

For tribute to the Pentagon, Snowden Volodya 1.7 million secret documents, most of which are worth living important information about the operations of the American army and the navy, marine infantry and military strike forces. This information, in the opinion of the journalists, is step by step developed in order to subdue the national interests of the United States and the NSA.

After praising the decision to reveal your specialty, Edward Snowden, confirming that you will have to pay dearly for all the toppings, vtik.

On the fly, the programmer changed hands in Hong Kong, de planning to get a political seat. Pislye of the head of the off-based zvinuvachenin, American Vlad in Rodanni, that is the secret of the rest of the holding of 30, the day of the reasons for the reasons for the reasons in the asteroport “Sheremet”, alarm. airport zone.

For ZMI data, the Russian programmer got a car from the diplomatic license plates of Venezuela, which is Snowden's way to an unknown person directly. Imovirno, through Moscow, Edward maw namir break to Pivdenny America.

On March 30, 2013, he asked to give him a political lock in Russia, and the next day, the President of the Russian Federation allowed the programmer to stay on the territory of the country for a reason to blame the work of the American special services.

Under this, Edward Snowden filed a plea for pardon with the American authorities, asking for those who do not detect anything nasty and illegal in their veins. The American government can be superbly placed before Snowden's arraignment, despite the fact that the programmer of goiter should stand before the court, having seen the US state secrets. American explorers consider the charges of the CIA and the NSA to be harsh and illegal, as the head of the US intelligence service is an incorrigible bastard.

For its own part, for the European Union, it is categorically put up to the food of Snowden's re-examination. The European Parliament repeatedly called out to the EU to recognize the punishment for the American, to give you a defender to prevent his extradition to the USA or turn it over to a third party.

At the end of 2016, US CIA director John Brennan said that Snowden could turn to the United States and stand trial. The same clerk of the American modern intelligence did not support the position of the great Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, who called Snowden's activity "a meritorious service." The head of the CIA does not believe that Edward's troubles in the country began to discuss socially significant meals.

2016 Former ex-reporter of the National Security Agency in an interview with the Financial Times about his life in the Russian capital. Snowden knew that his knowledge of Russian is less for those who work in restaurants. Snowden added that I live for the American blue hour and spend most of the time on the Internet, but it was so good in my life forever.

Snowden repeatedly spoke about the idea of ​​Russian anti-terrorist laws. A large-scale spokesman of the American intelligence services criticizing his microblouse in social networks "Twitter" a package of laws (“package”), how to introduce additional notification for international terrorism and calls for operators to call, messengers and social media to collect information about the facts of rozmov and listing koristuvachiv and їх zmist.

“Massive restraint does not work. Whose law takes away pennies from the skin of the Russian, without painting the security. Do not varto yogo sign,” Snowden appoints.

In 2017, as before, the rulers of the wealthy of the krai svity will ask for a great help from the American special services to hang out from low food, as well as to give lectures.


"Nairozshukuvanisha people in the world" by Edward Snowden after the publication of public secret information of the American special services, becoming one of the leading persons for writers and cinematographers, as they intended to work out part of their creations. Vin was the lead character in the documentary film "Citizenfour", filmed by Laura Poitras based on an interview with an ex-spy for the CIA and the NSA.

A film about Edward Snowden, having won the prestigious Oscar, is the best documentary film with a funny plot, which from the first to the last seconds carried sensational information of a vicious character.

In 2016, the world saw a new project by the famous director called "Snowden", attributions to the history of the great IT specialist of the US special services, which is in the face of the evil American order. The main roles of the filmmakers were played by the actors, that.

Life Specialist

The special life of Edward Snowden after his rich vikrittiv through the adoption of the law, come in became a secret place for suspense. Pro family life Vіn having guessed as if it were better - in 2013 having proved that the new one had that child. It seems that since 2009, dancer Lindsey Mills has been a girl’s rock, with some wine bags with a civilized girl on the Hawaiian island of Waipahu.

There were a few things that the couple broke up in 2013. And then director Oliver Stone, the author of the film about Snowden, asked for some information. The American spy, like before, lives together with the border in Russia. Which fact is evidenced by those bedroom photo, which appear on Lindsay's personal public post on Instagram.

In 2013, the police officer of the Russian special services urged Edward Snowden to become friends with her. She wrote about it on Twitter, but the koristuvachi called such a croc s її side PR.

Behind the words of journalists, like they interviewed Edward in Hong Kong, Snowden is filled with a good-natured and sensible person, whose character is tinged with notes of romance and idealism. The programmer is quiet and healthy image life, practicing Buddhism, spending a lot of time at the computer and reading books from the history of Russia. With this "vikrivach" NSA and the CIA dorimuetsya vegetarian diet, do not drink and do not live in alcohol.

Edward Snowden at once

Repeatedly, the programmer declared that he was ready to move to the Successful States for the reason of conducting an open court review with the presence of a jury. Ale, the head of the state would not have given Snowden such guarantees. In 2017, a lot of journalists hung up, that Moscow would no longer welcome Edward to the territory of Russia, and see it to the new president of the United States, but the programmer again zoomed in and allowed him to live.

2018 to the rock, the American has pinned the links with the bulky term on the pivroku. In the fall, I will participate in this video with a video speaker from the University of Management of the Austrian city of Innsbruck. Edward said that at the same time the American Foundation is encouraging the freedom of journalists.

At the borders of his activities, Snowden develops a program that secures the protection of information from external threats. Behind the words of a huge CIA spokesman, they praise us for the problems of American society, with which we continue to fight. However, Edward does not criticize the Russian order and reforms.

At the fall of the leaves, Snowden delivered a lecture for the Mossad storage warehouse, giving evidence at the videoconference that the NSA was working with the Israeli intelligence agency. About new speeches in 2019, Snowden’s team is still not giving information, but it’s still being reported that the programmer will continue to tell the American intelligence services.


Snowden himself from the citation of his tweets seems to be as follows:

“I am resolutely twisting a leather document, so that I can change my mind, so that I will become the legitimate interests of the suspense. Documents of all types, the rhetoric of which is not enough, but I don’t pass them on, my meta shards are an expression, and not a slander to people.

Edward Joseph Snowden (Edward Joseph Snowden) - a large spіvrobіtnik of the Central razvіduvаlіnja upravlіnnya that Agency of national security. Cherry 2013 rock Edward Snowden passing confidential information to the NSA to ZMI. Zavdyaky the whole world is aware that the American special services are keeping a watchful eye on information communications between the bulk of the powers in the whole world for the help of the essential information network and the link.

The government of the United States called Edward Snowden in absentia in order to steal state authority, to reveal data about national defense and to transfer secret information to third parties.

Biography of Snowden

Learned computer science at a college in Maryland. Since 2003, he served with the US military forces, having suffered from serious injuries for the first time.

After serving in the army, he started working at the NSA, guarding a secret facility on the territory of the University of Maryland. On this robot, Edward Snowden has removed access to top secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information.

After the NSA, Edward Snowden was in charge of the information security of the CIA. From March 2007 to July 2009, working under the diplomatic cover of the permanent representation of the United States (Geneva).

In 2009, Edward worked in the state service and started working in consulting companies that work for the NSA: Dell, and the Russian contractor Booz Allen Hamilton (in the rest of the city, he worked less than 3 months).

Edward Snowden seems to have become step by step in his hour of service: “I understand that I am part of what brings more richly, more shoddy, less brown” (from an interview with The Guardian).

As if mitigating the wines of the visnovka, the process of the creation of the NSA security measures will become irrevocable. “You can’t check until you are more active. I have judged the leaders, but I have understood that the leader is in the one who is the first child. “I don’t respect myself as a hero, to that which I act in the interests of power: I don’t want to live in the world, why there are no secrets of private life, and there is no place for that for intellectual achievements and creativity.”

Spivpratsya Snowden with press

In September 2013, Edward Snowden wrote an anonymous email list to Laura Poitras, a huge film producer and one of the creators of the Freedom of the Press Foundation. Snowden told Poitras that it is important secret information. I got in touch with The Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald and publicist Barton Gellman, who wrote for the Washington Post.

Snowden was consulted by journalists for additional encrypted e-mails. In the other half of January 2013, Snowden began to pass on to Greenwald and Gellman key information about the PRISM program, but asked not to speak out loud.

Secrets of Snowden

Great brother stitch...

One of the most opposing public shocks of Snowden's data was the data about the PRISM program. It includes the massive effort of the American intelligence services behind the negotiations of the Americans and foreign citizens behind the help telephone and the Internet.

PRISM allows the NSA to look at email, listen to voices and video chats, look at photos and videos, look at files, look at social media updates. The PRISM program will take on the role of a corporation, with software products and gadgets such as those used by hundreds of millions of people all over the world: Microsoft (Hotmail), (Google Mail), Yahoo!, AOL, Apple and Paltalk.

Diplomats under Kovpak

It also became clear to Snowden that the British special services were monitoring computers and spoofing the telephone calls of foreign politicians and officials, as if they were taking part in the G20 summit in London in 2009. The secret work was carried out by the Center for Orderly Communication of Great Britain and the NSA. In addition, the British intelligence services at the hour of the summit outsmarted the telephone conversations of the President of Russia.

Inflow from the USA

  • On May 20, 2013, Snowden caught the ticket to Hong Kong on a robot. There, at the hotel, I continued leafing with journalists. On Thursday, June 6, 2013, Snowden spoke to journalist Gellman: “The police saw my houses in Hawaii this year.” On the same day, with permission from the Washington Post and The Guardian, the PRISM tweet was published.
  • On Thursday 9th Snowden requested journalists to go to Hong Kong for an interview. This video interview and this guide was published by The Guardian on this blog.
  • On March 22, 2013, it became known to fate that the US Derzhdep had returned to the rule of Hong Kong from the side of Snowden and, apparently, the United States. Vlada Hong Kong acted tse robiti, asking for incorrect registrations of the request.

Snowden in Russia

  • On March 23, 2013, as ZMI said, Snowden was with the escort of Sari Harrison, a WikiLeaks representative, arriving at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. As a reminder of the minister of foreign affairs to Ecuador, on the evening of 23 chervny Snowden, asking for the apex of the cієї power (guess that the embassy of the cієї power in London already has a lieutenant of American secrets, Julian Assange). However, Snowden did not fly either to Ecuador or to Venezuela, the president having voiced his readiness to give him a political backstop.
  • On the 30th of Chernya Snowden, asking for a political shack from Russia. Sarah Harrison, as a legal escort, filed with the relevant documents. A week later, it became clear that Edward Snowden was slandering a scam about a political lockdown for 20 powers. Positive feedback was given by Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua.
  • 12 snowden provіv near the transit zone "Sheremetyevo", having spent a lot of time, zustrich from representatives of international law enforcement organizations, deputies of the State Duma and lawyers Anatoly Kucherenoy, Heinrich Padva and Henri Reznik. In the meantime, Snowden suggested that he should ask Russia for a temporary residence, and then he plans to settle in Latin America.
  • On the 16th snowden, Snowden officially turned to the news about the time of the timchas's porch in Russia.
  • On April 24, 2013, lawyer Anatoly Kucherena told that Snowden wants to stay in Russia forever, to know the work here and start learning Russian language.
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