Turn the vrock at the sight of the ailment back, sir. How to turn back the psuvannya without a trace to the one who її zhrobiv? Rules against your enemies

Same report description: a prayer for the return of the one who robbed - for our readers and those who pay

In this article, we’ll talk about those, how to turn back the psuvannya to someone who is zrobiv. People who have the honor to send a psuvannya on a person should be forgotten by those who have magic understanding of a back blow. Tse inevitably a fee for the zapodiyane for the help of Chaklunsky rituals evil. Let's find out how to pretend to send a message and direct yoga to a person, as if he was the culprit of such an injection.

How to turn the psuvannya

People who have been violating their enemy for additional magic need to remember those who, if any negative ones, will turn back. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya zavdyaki law of conservation of energy chi karmi. As a rule, a person who wants to bring a psuvannya, turns for help to the magician. And that one, not bazhayuchi rizikuvati yourself, to transfer the blow from the guard to the deputy. Now you yourself are a leader, and not a magician, we bear all the responsibility for your deeds.

As if it were a victim of contempt, to suspect it is unkind and try to turn it around for help of special rites, check the negative for the deputy at the three-time rosemary. Fallow in that, on the very same direct infusion, and yak bula yogo force, that having sent psuvannya threaten ailments, self-esteem, problems in work, or cause death.

In any case, the deputy suffers more because of his vchinka, the victim is lower, like, obviously, this magical infusion is taken at once.

If you want to induce negativity, you yourself will always turn to the head of the government, you also use impersonal rituals of turning the trap.

If you suspect that you were given a magical blow, it is necessary to act negligently. In order to get rid of the negative infusion and turn yoga to the deputy, special rites can be performed.

Golovnya, about what it is necessary to remember when trying to turn the psuvannya to the deputy - at the same time you won’t try to get him evil for help magical splashes. Otherwise, you will bear the same responsibility for your actions, like wine.

How to imagine the psuvannya when podkladі

The role of the pilgrimage can be played by objects: soil, strength, vugillya, droplets of wax, heads, nezrozumіlі gortka chi rіdina. It's just that the stench doesn't sound like that. If you remembered such a suspected speech on your threshold, do not hang around. It is necessary to carefully pick them up with a wreath and burn them, or else they were thrown into the grave and filed into the booth.

Now it is necessary to remove the damage and turn it to the right man. Navit, as long as nothing is turbulent for you, and life continues to go like a dream. If you don’t react negatively to the deposit, then you can be already pizno.

Having seen the suspected objects of the entrance door or the wind, it is necessary to cross one twelve times and say:

Having read the call, you can tidy up the treasure, not sticking up to the new and not bringing in the living. All the objects that you were sticking around with yoga, it is also necessary to throw away or burn.

The ritual of ryatuvannya vіd pіdkladu for help vіnik

Sound zastosovuєtsya at the vapadki, if you have picked up a suspicious object when you walk out of the house. You need a vіnik, salty water or a real budyak.

Under the hour of the ritual, diet in this order:

  • Trembling with your left hand, read the words of the move:

Hello to you, bida-mother. I'm fixing your gates, but you can't get in to your hut. So I'm not nice to you.

  • See the street and close behind you entrance doors or a cold. Take a deposit for help of a vine and burn it or bury it in a wasteland.
  • Turning back home, start cleaning the life. Take a good look at the application for other suspicious speeches, even if there may be more than one.
  • Heat the water and add power to it. Rozchin may be more like salted potatoes. You can also vicorate for this rite herbal infusions, for example, budyaki, thyme or sprinkling.
  • Walk around the whole house for the year's arrow, sprinkles with salty roses on the walls, leather tufts and doors, reading with such a sound:

Under the hour of carrying out this ritual, the windows of that door may be wide open, so that negative energy could easily fill the houses.

How to turn the psuvannya, point the sill with pepper

Even more often unkind people go to the piss, crushed on the strength of that pepper. At this time, the victim can know the white of his doors and in special speeches and the attributes of a magical rite. It is necessary to take such a psuvannya yaknaishvidshe, until the child starts to get out. To turn back, to conduct such a ceremony.

For the ritual, it is necessary to collect water from three dzherel, for example, rivers, lakes and wells. But just don't vicorate the water from the common stagnant waters. So take a stone and eat in this order:

  • Place the selected water in one bowl and throw a small fireplace in there.
  • Then we need to light a candle and read this sound:
  • It is necessary to wash the place with zamovlenoe water, for they knew the treasure. The stone with which it is necessary for three days to leave the white of its doors. It is not possible to tidy up for a month for a stretch of yoga.
  • Three days later, it is necessary to place a small stone on those places, devi yogo knew. Now the damage has been inflicted; now there is no power over you and you can turn to your leader.

How to turn the psuvannya, how do you know the right man

If you are sure that you are sure that a particular person has sent a curse on you, you can turn to help such a rite.

  • Prepare a fresh homemade egg.
  • Wrap the whole body with an egg after the year's arrow, reading with such a call: “I’m taking the piss, I’m putting it in an egg! I’ll turn it around, I’ll forget it!”
  • After that, it is necessary to lay an egg under the door, which sent a psuvannya. You can also come up with another way to make it so that the keeper of the psuvannya steps over the egg. Golovnya, don’t let this baby grow innocent, someone from your relatives you know.
  • After which egg it is necessary to break it and throw it into the toilet. Negative action for every pide to your own leader.

When vikonannі ritualіv after turning psuvannya, it is necessary to be sure to be blamed, who is to blame for whom you are infuse. If you turn the psuvanna of an innocent person, then you yourself will become a keeper of the psuvanya and you will confess evil for the zapodiya.

Before the vicons of the rite, it’s a good idea to try your falsehood, strangle that hatred in your soul to a new level, rightfully avenge it not to think of evil.

If you are definitely not convinced, whoever has sprung on you, it is better to bring in negative energy from your biofield and deprive your mind of greater forces. It's better for you to know to whom the won is recognized.

Find out more about the rotation of the psuvannya, which made it easier for you to help the video:

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How to turn back I will direct the prayer with prayers

As if you want to independently reverse the damage that has been inflicted, to build it up not with wickedness, but with holy prayers.

Whether it be without a blame, the psuvannya is effectively supported by the Orthodox vtruchanny.

My dears, it’s more painful for you and covered for those who are the enemy, as before, live.

Ale, understand one important word.

"Shtik-na-shtik" does not lead to victory.

You are very angry - as a result of which the evil energy "mixes" and strikes both of you.

Well, if you turn to prayer help, I don’t threaten you with anything, but I encourage you to turn back by the Divine channels of Orthodoxy.

How to behave, see Orthodox church, submitting a recommended note for good health.

Place 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ and Mykoli the Wonderworker.

Vimovte indistinctly qi rows to the Pleasant:

Miracle-worker Mykola, cleanse me of my zip-ties and straighten back the fortune-telling robe. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

Dodatkovo buy 12 candles for the house, the icon of the Blessed Matron and Mykoli the Wonderworker. Gather the words of the saints into the melancholy.

Turning back home, starting at the room. Light the candles. Instruct you to put an icon and a decanter with holy water.

Read the prayer to Mykola the Wonderworker, as if I were turning the wind back.

Wonderworker Mikolay, Zahisnik and Savior. Please me in the presence of a fortune teller, in the presence of terrible ailments and stingy writhing. Send me from Heaven miracles of healing and far away without tormenting my soul in languor. Let someone else's anger turn back, and God will give it three times. Vorogіv I forgive - and ti їх vibach, my sins for ever let go. Let your will be done. Amen.

Religiously baptize. Drink holy water. Extinguish candles. Blame the bad guys. Take away the icons.

Approximately in 10 days, again see for yourself the sight of the sent psuvannya, turning it back for God's command.

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Prayer can bear Love, Faith, Repentance. And here we see you turn people around, you get them and you want them. Back to the Temple, then cross over, buy a candle and pray fast. Or maybe, on God's judgment, send those evils that we shy away, and not turn back.

Or maybe, on God's judgment, send those evils that we shy away, and not turn back.

Do not waste your time on perverting falsehoods and do not force an energy surge on them.

Navpaki - gain courage, sob sprout them and let them in again at once from psuvannyam.

This quote is from the publication.

I call to pray, so that the Lord God sends retribution.

Under the turns, follow the mind of God's will, and not avenge the objectionable.

Otherwise it would have been the fault of all the hizhaks of the earth.

God is peace, calm.

And among people the war of confessions is called good and evil.

Really, everything is in order.

And people punish less, and nothing more.

God cannot understand good and evil. Win the posture of our dilnitse, so ...

Commentary, scho zmushu zamislitsya.

It's wisely said, it's possible to do so і є ...

Be happy, Julia!

Explain, be kind, so nourishing.

How to turn the psuvannya for the help of prayers, like “good” people, like they killed them, but they are not alive anymore?

Let me not bang you this fact.

Regardless of those who do not have your enemies alive, read a prayer.

Vaughn to clear you of negative vtruchannya.

Where the psuvannya herself rises, only God knows.

Leave all your doubts.

Live in joy!

A familiar family couple borrowed pennies (20,000 rubles) when buying a car for two and a half millions.

Pozichalnik through tyzhden having spent in an accident, Thank God, he is alive and well, and for tyzhden he burned down the store.

My family lives near the countryside, even if it is Muscovites.

May we have our own small state. E chicken.

Twenty days have passed.

Cholovik pishov to give wheat to chickens.

Mustache smoke pіdbіgli, like zavzhd. And one side hovaєtsya.

Tsya trigger came to us another month ago.

Mi її yearned, and our chickens її ganya.

And here a person respects that the cock has a paw with a motuzko mіtsno slut.

The skin paw is entangled, with nodules.

The Woozleys could use more than their hands.

What do we need to work? We are in school.

Be kind, don't brag.

Seemingly true, it’s easy for me to show the psuvannya at the sight of the trigger that I got lost.

Vibatchte, ale її you can work in a more secret way.

If you suspect that you were given a negative in such a rank, then the correct decisions will be taken.

If you celebrate your life in the coming time, read the prayer on this side.

Cross yourself that chickens. Drink holy water.

Nothing will happen to you.

You will live long and happy life!

I more. Cholovіk on foolishness rozvyazav vuzli.

Zrobiti is very important.

The cock was rehearsing like a gut (they hammered yakbi її).

Chi began to z'yasovuvati, whose won? Appeared susidskoy.

Її turned back: they took it negainno.

I suddenly fell, I didn’t break my legs a little ...

Oleno, I'm already on the supply line.

So you can independently submit for yourself the most suitable material.

I am not a healer, I can no longer guess.

Dyakuєmo for vydpovіd on my letter to you.

I believe in God, I read prayers, I know a lot of people to remember.

I hope for better.

Allow me to write to you in a month or two?

Dear woman, let the Lord spare you in the form of a baked baptism.

Write, pray, live, love.

I am waiting for your services.

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  • Inessa - Prayer for the child to build and sleep, 3 prayers for the mother
  • Site administrator - Zmova on stronger kohannya on the roof
  • Svetlana - Zmova is on a strong bed for shelter

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Today I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, will tell you about the ritual of removing damage from turning. What is it, and why is it literally to understand the turn to the negative to the point of pershogerel? The purges are low, the mechanism of some kind of zmushue is more strongly encouraged to turn to those who, after having killed, oh, so, the magicians may be able to correct the situation after the curse, or steal, and magically take revenge on the false bastard. Ale, there is already a smell of magical wine, like a strong enemy and recognition from the Chakluns on the right. But we will be drawn into such a war, which is too much for a magician.

Another topic, like me, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, to bump into this statue - how to turn your dobrobut after psuvannya. As if it were a thief of good luck that spring (the thieves have already suffered a lot, and they are suffering more), it’s good to go, be it cleansing, the main rank is the channel of magical healing. The black cleaning on the bottom is good, and also the forks fell off.

Vіdsіkti kradnik - remove the damage and turn back to the one who navіv

Zagalom is a sprinkling of magical rituals of robots with thieves of those heritages. To lay everything in the form of your special directions - how and why did you vikli pratsyuvati. The magician helps the swidshe to turn the lost, stolen. And yakscho є nastrіy i bazhannya, it is possible to punish the villain, turning the crushed psuvannya, or having robbed the thief on that very sphere, otherwise, taking a turn for yourself, hit on the vorogov with such a wrapped garna.

After the magical cleansing of people, that zastosuvannya strong slings in the direction of the turn, For the sacrifice of good, put the lives of runes, power engineers. Once again, it is important to put a normal defense on the patient, wanting a strained defense against the negative, so that the client does not waste again on your own. Ale, you need to give Yomu an hour to come to you, so that a strong defender in the face of prejudice and prokloniv Yogo does not strangle.

Therefore, I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom raju, for an hour of resurrection of the patient’s strength, after acknowledging the negativity, snuggle up with an alternative to zakhist - seal the enemy at the mirrors. Tse, zvichayno, not zvorotne psuvannya, but the effect will be even more reconciled. After that, as a victim, I should put even stronger magical defense against black psuvannia and energetic negativity.

Correct the spoilage back to the false one - overtake the heap of the bis

The magic ritual does not apply to cleansing and turning to negativity. This is a different topic, as it will require a different approach. Not everyone needs to strive for the sub-settlement of daily life. Ale, as you have such a pіdselenets, yogo can be thrown to the unkindness of yours, but in the purest way. It’s all the same, that you can independently bring back the psuvannya, wanting to take revenge so you can not only foe, but it’s magical for you to mischief, but to the one who spoils the enemy in the physical plan.

In the villages, all kinds of daily life were called bises, so the chaklunsky rite is suitable for binding black various essences. Buvay, scho y bіsa pomіchnik, on the job of a chaklun of titles, in the form of hands vydbivaєtsya and start shkoditi. So, such a demon can be thrown onto a thief. Ale, diagnostics before the robot is required. For the Chaklun rite of passage (as the curse worked with the Bisivsky settlements, then the rite can be zastosuvat in the complex with purges on znyatya damage to the turns) need:

  1. enemy photo
  2. cup of chicken blood
  3. wax candle
  4. cock for pickup

On the photo of the enemy, paint the church cross with blood, put a candle in the middle of the cross, light it and read the words, move the turn of the induced psuvannya:

If the candle is lit, you need to take a photo at the crossroads, throw a smoked carcass there, read the words of the spell on the turn of the lieutenant:

Right there to go from the city. After the broken rite, 7 days to trim Suvor's settlement. At the complex with purges and turns, which allows the magician - vikonavtsu correct the psuvannya back to the one who її zrobiv, tsey ritual spratsyuє like dodatkove punishment. You can zastosovuvat as for the client, so for yourself, sparing your followers.

In this rite, you transfer shkіdlivі energy.

Such a program is asked from the beginning. Often the negative is going, and everything is normalizing. However, even if you yourself, or if some of your clients curses are strong, then the situation cannot be corrected by one change. Pratsyuvati happen seriously, long time in a complex way. The axis is a chaklunsky ritual, which allows you to sprout the return psuvannya. The price of vipadok, yakshcho є bazhannya chi is necessary to punish the nevgamov's follower chi supernik, some kind of negativity hangs on you and good luck to rob. You can independently make such a profit, turn the enemy gift. Such a ritual of the removal of spoilage is to turn to the one who navіv good to go out, navіt with independent conduct in the home minds.

Zvorotne psuvannya - shob the enemy at the tears stomped

At the funeral, where people are confused, you need to take away the hustka of those mourners, which is torn with grief, and tears of grief. The axis of this is just, leaked with tears, and it is required to win in an independent rite the turning of the vorogov’s pierce.

And the i-axis describes how to turn the negative to the one who sent you.

It is possible to carry out the ceremony on your own, whether there is a day, if before that you have watered it, and you have the strength to do it. Khustka slіznu speak on tsvintarі required. And they say so.

Stand at the crossroads of the tsvintary and trich, read the words, move the turn of the psuvannya to the one who її zrobiv:

After that, drink with a treasury, and wipe 7 grave crosses with a sharp wipe. Be yakih, pull up to yakih. Wiping the skin of the cross, read the text of the move to turn back to the one who you її navіv:

Khustka that, on the yak, the zmova was read in the form of a psuvannya s turns, for punishment for doing wrong, to throw your enemies. From that hour onwards, all the dashing victories will follow.

How to turn vroki to someone who has done it - a ritual through a well of water

Pristrіt is a different type of energy supply. You can fool a person for sure, if it’s worth it, and be it. It’s necessary to get rid of this negativity, like only a few people, that it’s hard to fight, that life has gone ahead, that nibi rolling pin sit here. Such a negative is known, there are ways, how, ways and ways to turn it to the point where it has hit you.

How to turn will attach your people, who її naslav.

Axis of independent ritual from the well water. Put a cebro with water in front of you, scoop up a new ladle and pour that water onto the ground.

Scoop up another, roll on the ground, from the other side. When you meet, scoop up water and take it in, read the words, move, to turn it around:

The water that was left behind is splashed on roses over the left shoulder. This ritual is known well from the people, the one and the one who to piss you off evil, take the evil back. And the axis is still a chaklunsky rite, as if it were necessary to turn it back. Here they chuckle with their heads.

Pick up and turn people off and shoot through 9 goals

Magically turning to the negative, which will add to the blackness of the middle strength, you can work independently, being a novice, but still mastering the practice of chaklunstva. Need axis sho:

  1. fresh yalovicha liver
  2. 9 new goals
  3. clapping of natural canvas

The liver, riddled with gols, read like a yak zmova schob turn point psuvannya back, it is necessary to burn into a cloth, throw it into a smіtnik, or bury it in a compartment of pus. You can bury a booth of the enemy nearby, as you know exactly what is to blame for your inaccuracies.

  • Vstromlyayuchi tickle the neck, say the need:

Shvidko turn the psuvannya through the force - to the one who її zrobiv

So without great expenses, which is called, little blood, quickly turn the psuvannya to the one who її robbed, it is necessary to diagnose it hourly, until the energy negative takes root, and the program of psuvannya did not begin to take full force. In order to help a person in the face of an impersonal condition, it is important to know what helps, and to choose the right magical cleansing. It is necessary to know and the power of the elements, with which you happen to practice. Let's say cleansing sill іz turned negative- Translating to strength, about what I am, the magician Sergiy Artgrom already rozpovіd in his materials, having recommended himself well.

Іsnuyut and positive results of relief from the induced chaklunskaya destruction, and positive feedback from practicing magicians, and quiet, who independently zastosovuvav tsey way of throwing off the negative for help shifting to strength. Ah, I'll show you the way, maybe, and here.

For you, an independent rite of turning the induced psuvannya through the force.

Robity, on the fall month. For which rite do you need:

Sip strength on the pan, with a fork cross the entire surface of the pan (from the bottom uphill to the right). 4 squares are established, and in the skin of them, the cross itself crosses itself. Cross the crosses of the anti-Godinnikov arrow starting from the lower right square. After that, put the frying pan on a strong fire, start heating the power. At the same time, stir with a fork on a stake

  • first, take the negative,
  • and in a different way - independently turn the psuvannya to the one who sent:

Let the salt cool and pidspati under the feet of the enemy. And yet, in that mood, you know for sure that you are guilty of your troubles, that it is magical for you to harm yourself, and you yourself read in yoga book strong zmova, to turn the psuvannya, I’ll point it. However, if you are not blamed for your misfortune, if you have no ability to throw it with a deposit, then carry it on the cross, where the people go.

Garna zmova vіd psuvannya іz povernennyam - Zmiv on living water

And the axis, as you can take the negative from yourself with living water, and turn back to the one who has crushed the psuvannya. Robiti is so necessary. On the third day after the last month, rise at the dawn and go to the dzherel. Scoop up a ladle of water and say:

Immediately pour water on your head and say the strongest words of the Chaklunskoy zmovi, so that you can take a psuvannya from the turns:

With water you can take a bath not only for yourself, but for other people - from a close relative or from a client who asks for help to come.

Psuvannya and pristrіt back pіde, on the one who yogo navіv.

Otzhe, stronger psuvannya taken from people. But do not check, that tomorrow you will be thrown into a new life. It appears that it is not enough just to remove the energy negative. It is necessary to get rid of yoga naslіdkіv. And on the whole there is a significant hour, more than one monthly cycle, roughly seemingly. I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, respect how to turn my dobrobut after the psuvannya - food, more relevant for rich people, because people often know magic attacks.

Turn your back after a dream - how to become prosperous and happy again

A different kind of psuvannya that curse is in the arsenal of the skin chaklun. And, naturally, magicians are stuck in their practice. Steal is a variety of destructive chaklunism. Kradnik does not destroy the blessings of the victim, with the help of which a channel is created, by which the blessings of life flow to the magician - vikonavtsyu, chi to the deputy. Scrape in, drag everything that is worth it -

How to turn your dobrobut after psuvannya?

Need work on the positive. What does it mean? Buv drag pennies -

  1. perform rituals for pennies,
  2. well-being
  3. good luck,
  4. vikonannya bajannya, nareshti.

They stole the beauty of that string - please yourself with rituals for beauty. And so it is with everything. It takes an hour and a hard time to work, to redeem the time spent and to know new blessings.

Beginners often ask me, magician Sergius Artgrom, food, why should I go after clumsy cleansing, and why should I turn around after znyatya? If the magician is engaged in purges, he turns to the Forces to intercede for you, clean up bad luck in the valley, turn the stolen luck, I'm healthy otherwise. Here it is necessary to understand that without a clear directed contact with the Forces - be it the Gods, Bis, dead light and etc. the result will be insignificant. Ale, navit with good contact, as if the banner of life’s blessings is strong, initiated by a right magician, for whom there is a mitzna zahist, and a lead, and a hassle of standing with locks, then turn into negativity, and then more turn the psuvannya to the one who killed, be even more important.

Beginners cannot cope with such rituals, here you need real magical help. The robot of a strong magician has to be cleaned once in a while. In especially foldable moods, chaklunism is carried out in a complex way from the zastosuvannyam of various rituals of denial of negativity. So, and vrahuyte, scho when cleaning with turns, for example, as if you rob rite of turnіz zastosuvannyam svіchok, not far away share that all the negativity turn to stealth. And here you risk getting entangled in a magical war.

Whom magicians are trying to hide. And even the newcomers are guilty of weaving in the light of the imovirnosti of the magical war, especially as the strongest enemy. So, my dear, you are pleased with the magician Sergius Artgrom, what is the ability to spread, what is the choice between purges from rotations and purges to simply spitting on the negative, to work more quickly like this ritual. Pomsta is good all the time. Do not look for trouble, especially as long as you have little strength and dosvіdu. I, concluding the article, I, the magician Sergiy Artgrom, ask for food, why do you need to turn after the day? Vaughn does not turn around, you do not know until the end. Possibly, for some hour you will ease the negative and feel relieved. Ale, even though the psuvannya was put in place, it didn’t work, the program is more practicable with a new force.

You often give us the same food: How to turn the psuvannya to the one who її zrobiv and chi is possible in the fire? So, it’s possible, even if you don’t want to. About those, how to turn the negative force, and also about those that sometimes become impossible, we’ll talk today.

Ale persh for all the warto tell about those why you don’t have to go out and turn the “good” to the author or the deputy “creator”. From one side everything is banal here, from the other side it is not easy. The reasons are usually:

  1. the one who wants to turn his back (at whom to work independently) has little powerful energy of elementary knowledge.
  2. at the "author" (at to this particular type the word "author" should be chosen more, more it means that it is a substitute for a lieutenant) to stand an arduous zakhist, which does not always break through.

There are two main reasons why "nothing comes out". What kind of exit? Know the maestro, who will help you with your help, or learn all the magical wisdom, and the most important - I will power(Mi at once about energy). Well, and most of all: the one who doesn’t rob anything, the one can’t do anything.

Since then, if the language goes about those, to turn the psuvannya (otherwise the negative one) back, turn to the additional elements, we can still do it. Up to these "elements", for example, can lie: Water, Fire, Strength (or the Earth itself), wisk, mirror.

Іsnuyut rituals of cleansing and turning of the soul, which can be carried out independently, at the same time, such rituals, as it is impossible to vikonate independently for the living minds, for example, the ritual of waving with wax. The person herself, without any help from outside, is hardly able to lead.

Today we will tell you about those ways of turning back, how you can do it on your own, and about those, how to seek help from someone close to you.

Turn the piping for additional salt

This ritual can be called a "classic of the genre." Vin is the most simple, safe and accessible to the skin. For yoga you will need:

  1. Fourth (ideally!) force(about those how її prepare, you can find out from ours), but її we don’t know - nothing terrible. Pіdіyde y zvichayna the strength of the great broomstick. It is important that she won without additives and did not mist iodine. You will need to speak for yourself. The axis is the words that need to be said on it:

  2. Dali you need new white stretched(otherwise, it’s another piece of fabric, which hasn’t been victorious before). A piece of matter, otherwise, spread out on a pidlog, a naked (on a person it’s not guilty to wear any clothes) to stand on a cloth and, picking up a vessel in which you know the power, begin to “mivatize” with it. Gaining strength at the hand, it is necessary to work like this yourself, as if you are working a shoranka, vmivayuchi guise. Ale in this mood, you deserve "miti" all body. Ruhayuchis vіd verіvki down to five. When you need to read the language, the axis of this word:

    "Sil Matinko,
    Take away, serpent z me all the lessons-troubles,
    All the rubbish, all the evil spirits, all the damage, all the damnation.

  3. In addition, since everything has been conquered by you, it is necessary to carefully remove the force from the body of the body. All can sipatisya on prostration. We gave the "vіdpratsovanu" sil so carefully taken into a container, for example, a jar guilty at the crossroads of roads. Spread the best sleep. Leaning on the crossroads (singingly, it is not necessary to explain that the given manipulation is carried out at night, if there are no people at the crossroads), you need to move one more sound, the axis of one word:

  4. Vlasne, after that you will need a movchka to drink home. Reshta will be already without your help.
  5. It seemed to me that there is no single way to get the money and turn all the gifts back to the faker. There is only one way to purify yourself for additional salt.

    How to turn the psuvannya to the one who її zrobiv

    Let's take a look at one of the okremikh vipadkіv, if you were thrown, for example, goals or the ground. You have shown and clearly understood what it is and how it can end. In such vipadkas, it’s the same to fight. You need to carefully, without sticking to the bottom, sip on the new Thursday (Ideally, as if it’s not, then it’s a great broomstick) go through Fire.

    If everything is safe, it is necessary to move the mind, the axis of this word:

    If everything is gone, the little ones carefully clean everything up, not sticking around with your hands and dispose of it (the best way is to burn it). Vіnikom and sovkom tsim can no longer be curry. Do not forget about those who are the First Elements: Fire, Water, Earth (and її analogue - strong) it is necessary to ask for help on the cob, and in the kintsi - dyakuvati.

    Let's turn it over for help with a threaded thread

    Clean up and turn the stitching back, you can help with a special threaded thread, more precisely a ball of threaded threads, wrapped in a scarlet color. To carry out this ritual, a deyak is right. The best thing to do is to work independently, without going to the outside help. Wanting to deyakih dzherelakh zaznazhetsya, scho to carry out the ritual obov'yazkovo need helpers.

    If you still lied to the point of “helping a friend”, then you know that only that person can act in this role, that you believe, like you, a person, you don’t have any doubts. Tse is important.

    Yakscho Well virishili vykonuvati ritual samostіyno, only better. For all the same, I can’t tolerate any fuss, or arguing information.

    Otzhe, it’s necessary for you, having become the guise of a zahid, to put a string on your left leg, and to begin to unroll the ball itself. Rozmotuёmo yogo for the year's arrow, with which we use these words:

    It is necessary to repeat this call until the ball is unwound again. As soon as it happened, it’s necessary AGAINST the year’s arrows to turn to the faces on the skhіd i, taking the tip of the thread to start winding it into a ball, with the words:

    So it goes, as if in a tangle of winding the ball, you need to repeat this loop until quiet feast, until the thread is wound back into a ball. Just wind up the thread, you need to burn the ball.

    In the Internet space, there are a lot of different rites, which describe this ritual, which people go to for the help of helpers. In our opinion, stench (pomіchniki) is not needed. If you do yoga for the help of third-party people, then your special person is on the right, but we recommended that you trust yourself more and carry out similar practices on your own, without devoting yourself to the power of secrets of all and everything, if you want, the result is instructed.

    Turn psuvannya for help wax

    It’s a pity, but you can’t do it all by yourself. For the new you need helpers. Wanting, zvichayno, more beautiful than Bulo b, yakbi Vi turned back to the aid of the master. The age process of wilting with wax vimagaє singing rightness. At that very hour, it’s time to be brought to work up front. If you don’t read anything, then you won’t know anything in your bag. That's why you never tried to win, don't fight, try the algorithm pointed below and you'll see everything.

    Especially given the algorithm of reading will be similar to tim matus, if you want to clean your children, but there is no one to go after them.

    So, for cleansing that turn to negativity, you need to step forward:

    1. a deep cup, in Yaku Vynallte water (pour it as practical as possible to the brim, but with whom the cup is guilty of buti pidomnoy, even if you happen to trim over the head of those people, for which you know the psuvannya).
    2. a small saucepan with a lid, in which you will melt the whisk (with a lid, for these reasons, that as soon as the whisk heats up, it’s more often “shoot”, the breezes fly everywhere).
    3. well, nareshti, sam vіsk. So, so, right-handed bjoliny vіsk, without living houses. (Yogo can come from any beekeeper or in the store, which is engaged in the sale of honey and health products).

    First, what is necessary to grow, to drink the temple. With this, if the wine is heated, it is necessary to read the zmov, the axis of the yogo word:

    As soon as the heat has melted (I am guilty of boiling, well, or accept it, be as close as possible to the boil) over your head, that people, like you rejoice.

    It is important to know that most of the time the whisk is heated on a hot fire (at least it’s hot), but you can bring it to the required level and for the help of a water lazna (it’s better for a richer one). Here, the skin has its own sounds, advantages and agility. There is no single rule.

    If you clean your child, then, obviously, you won’t be able to trim a basin of water over your head. If you clean the already grown-up people, then you can take the entire pelvis over your head. Tse not so long ago. That th result, what a visk gives, a variant of that, to know some kind of incompetence.

    It is important to know that this kind of cleansing is carried out only before Sunset, and only on the Moon, which subsides. Yakshcho the Sun is strong, better than the dawn of the coming day. Literally with the first pivnyami (and the stench begins to sleep, if it’s still dark on the street), you can perform a ritual.

    Like only a volky trich (so, you happen to melt the whisk and again wilt it in a cup of water, as if three people are hovering over their heads, they rejoice), you can use it. We implanted the word "possible", replacing the word "necessary". There is not a single vimogi in this vipadka. Htos stverdzhuє, scho vіsk pіlіvki obov'yazkovo need to be disposed of, for example, zradivshi yogo Earth or Fire. Htos navpaki, it seems, scho zovsіm not obov'yazkovo and with cim wax can pratsyuvati y nadalі. Obviously, those who, if three times a cup of water is in a cup of water, spread over their heads, will once again need to be brought to a boil in order to clear the windy information, as if removing wine. Dalі tsim wax you can speed up without any fear.

    Wail with wax for a stretch of one or three, and for an hour and nine (in especially important moments) once in a while, or with a break. Water, as it is in a cup, immediately after the purification procedure, wiggles around the same place, there is no one to walk.

    The very vilivannia of the drive is also accompanied by a sound, the axis of the yoga word:

    “Vodytsia Matinko!
    Through you I turn everything that s (im'ya) took,
    To the one who has done evil to him.
    Whoever gave birth to evil, reap yogo.
    So that i buti "

    Nadali varto buti protect. As if you suspect that you should get a lot of “good”, in the presence of such people you should give a war. Aje stinks, mov the plague, we will open us and all life. And then more, accept gifts or talk about special things, share plans for the future, brag about thinly, such representatives of the human race are definitely not a trace.

    It is necessary for me to marvel at what you know under the threshold. Chi did not bring you "good" people "gifts". Obviously, you can’t grab everything with your hands, bring it into booths, etc. Vіnik and scoop, as if everything was “happiness” cleaned up, vykidaetsya on the smіtnik. As if you didn’t have any bad luck (the wine is brand new, that little scoop is expensive and pretty), health is more expensive for a wine and a scoop.

    Yak ahead of time, that ozbroєny. Obviously, such a person will not be able to rejoice for a long time and ask for help from those who can take help.

Turn the psuvannya to the one who її zhrobiv - the way to get rid of the negative is less careless, lower than the dark force. Turning back, you transfer the infliction of shkodi, which sent a similar one to the one that got to the bottom of the damned.

How to recognize who nav_v psuvannya

Before that, turn the psuvannya back, it is necessary to declare guilt. Use 3 ways.

  1. I instructed to drive in flowers from the house, reading the call: “Whoever misbehaves me, I call with flowers. If you don't come, you'll lie down at the grave."
  2. Heat the whisk for a couple, then weddle near the water, proclaiming: "I pour the whisk - I reveal it." The figure of a woman, the moon, the litany - the woman was robbed of her lust. Rhombus, tiger, raven, square - man.
  3. Boil water, throw 7 old springs, say: "Whoever hurts me, bring the devil." The lie person invariably sees the alarm of the one who wants to turn back.

However, the methods of z'yasuvati, to whom to turn the psuvannya, do not include pardons. The guests, who sometimes dropped by after the rites, are vipadkovi vіdvіduvаchі.

Important! Following the respect of the guest's camp, laudation, the constant blessing of goodness, tukavist to a special life are signs of a secret disobedience, which should be turned back.

How to turn the curse on the one who sent yoga

Turn evil to the one who sent yoga, є rich methods. Deyakі ways to turn nebrozichlivtsyu psuvannya back look implausible, the process of skin pratsyuє flooring is effective, it is possible.

How to turn the psuvannya to the one who її having created, for additional salt

Rites that victorious strength allow you to turn back the curse, if the ritual is simple. Turn back psuvannya is available in this way:

  • at young people they play a frying pan, hang 5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • if the product is repaired, burnt, black (possibly, more lunatic crackle), then transfer it to a black hustka;
  • bury the pack deeply at the nearest crossroads, read the zmovu;
  • walk, uniquely wrap around, move.

Speak the text: “I’m hoarse at the hustka, I’m going to tie it up, I’m calling out to the forces of light. An unkind person will see me, and the unkind people will turn around fiercely. Amen."

Important! The rite, to turn the psuvannya back, is recommended to carry out a few times, it is necessary to take a lot of new packaging. Next, stock up on some bags, boxes of products.

How to turn the damage to the one who brought the damage, for additional wax

The ritual, in order to turn the falsehood of the psuvannya back, is carried out before sunset, if the month changes. It is permissible to work a lie, in the afternoon, in the evening (before sunset). Required tools:

  • natural bjoline whisk;
  • glibok, protein is small, capacity for water;
  • a small saucepan for melting wax (a lid on an obov'yazkov, heated material can splatter).

It is possible to turn the psuvannya back, until the installed circuit is finished. Order of action for turning backwards:

  1. They spit on whisk. Either the process takes place in a water bath, or direct fire. At the process, they say: “Voshchina, a product of bjoliny, take away my sadness-grit. Psuvannya shvidki bdzholi pity, from the body evilly scream. Psuvannya into the water cleanly see, know freedom, go to the master, and get away from those close to me! ".
  2. The melting of the vіsk povіlno wag the bowl with water. The cup must be trimmed over the head of the damned. At the process, they say: “I fill it, I pour it with a jet. I am cursing the psirchu, I am hurting the ailments.
  3. The procedure, to turn the chaklunov back, is carried out three times, moving the material, spitting again, waving near the water.
  4. V_sk utilize, burn the bagan or bury it. Speak, spell in case of misery is not required.
  5. Water from the tank, where the material was added, wag around the deserted place with the words: “Mother-voditsa, I turn everything with you, that (the name of the damned one) is taken. Whoever gave birth to misfortune, let him take yoga away again. Amen."

It is necessary to remember - to utilize the material, follow far away from the life, turn around, do not look around.

Important! V_sk, to turn the psuvannya vіdmi back, to take it unbarred, bazhan to high clearings. Rarely can you melt down a church candle into a temple. However, the ideal option is to buy foundation, special wax. I take the product at the markets, at the bdzhilnitsky stores. Golovne rule: light vіsk - pure vіsk.

How to turn people's yogo negative back for help with a thread

A splendid ball of scarlet-red-lined yarn helps to turn back the wind to the one who has grown.

It is necessary to take a ball, become accusations at the start. For the chosen side of the world, it is necessary to speed up with a compass. Put a thread under the lion's foot, start unwinding the ball behind the year's arrow.

At the process, they cast a spell to turn the damage to the one who has grown back: “To the right, you’ve finished it, the word is gone, go from my shkir, go from my meat, leave my brushes, leave the blood. All go to the thread of the red, what is evil is crushed.

The ball needs to be rewound again. Then, against the year's arrows, they turn to the faces of Skhid, take a thread, wind the ball back. Read a spell: “I strengthen my word, I know someone else. I create my right - I will tie someone else's thread with a thread. I twist the ball - I blink with a lock. I am correcting the evil back.”

After a ball after 3 days, burn it far away from the dwelling. If you are unkind, it is permissible to give a gift, throw a ball of youma, so that you can turn the psuvannya of falsehood back.

How to turn the psuvannya back to the one who navіv, for the help of a mirror

You can turn the psuvannya back to the one who sent it with a great looking mirror. Dodatkovo need a candle.

Light a candle in front of the great mirror. To marvel at the sight of half a mind, to imitate: “I will lie, I remember. I’ll see the road - I’ll cross. I will carry you to the threshold. There are two angels behind me, Mother of God is in front of me. Vygoloshuyut stench - bis, take your own, famously see the thieves, let them live with them, what are you, do not repent of the docks.

Let's put out the candle, go to sleep. Bazhano do not attach the image to the unkindness, trust the natural break of the podia.

Important! The mirror needs to be great, wipe it thoroughly in front of the baguette. To turn the psuvannya back, the surface is guilty buti as clean as possible.

How to turn the psuvannya to the one who has grown, for an additional lining

Knowledge pіdklad - vіdmіnniy іnstrument turn psuvannya falsehood back. The treasure is often known at home, on the threshold, on the balconies, at the postal screens:

  • hospitality items;
  • suspected powders;
  • sewing accessories;
  • weaves of fabric;
  • embellish;
  • pennies;
  • spices;
  • visc;
  • ink;
  • thyrsus.

It is not possible to chop objects with hands. The vine is wetted with holy water, swept away over the threshold, yaknaidal. With whom they vibrate: “I’m running wild, I don’t let me go beyond the threshold, I’ll sweep it far away. Let's turn around, the stars have come. Evil to the one who sent, let it go, fear of you navi. Amen."

Let's sweat the vinik, we'll sleep, we'll drink, we'll grow far from the booth. It is permissible to bury the result of the reworking or put it into a river.

An alternative option is to put on the gum mittens, put a deposit to the damned booth. Lay down the threshold with the words: "Take away your evil." Let's go home. This is the simplest way to turn the negative to the one you look like.

How to punish a person, how to direct a psuvannya, for help gol

Turn the negative back to the one you came to, rejoice with the rite with goals, gray liver, metal tatseya.

  1. 4 days before the ritual, 7 new heads are buried on the zvintar. At the day of the ritual, they sing.
  2. Put the liver in the middle of the metal tray.
  3. The heads are built in according to the devil, vimovlyayuchi zmovu: “The head of the one who cursed heaped! Tsya head harbored evil! Qia - to the one who let loose the language! Qia - to fit into life unkindly! Tsya liver to build in! Quiet kill your head! Stay - trouble youma come!”.
  4. Then I wrap the liver with a black cloth, wine was served in the booth.
  5. After the ritual, it is supposed to carry out the cleansing of the life, the cursed person.

Deyakі rejoice, and not unbelievably, bury the sprout from the liver deep into the ground, so that the stray creatures did not know the meat and did not harm themselves, shoveling their necks.

Important! You can’t forget - turning back is not a platform. I don’t need anything to renew the justice of the sleeping man. However, if the ritual is carried out with the method of punishment, revenge, it is possible to strengthen the curse. Then turn the psuvannya back, may the right be unkind.

Prayer for turning back to the one who has grown

Christianity is placed uncommendably up to the independence of justice, and up to magic it is sharply negative. Therefore, prayers are more important than directing not so much towards turning back, but towards the negative. However, there is a rite that indirectly allows you to turn the psuvannya back to the one who sent it.

  1. Prepare 3 church candles, silver grass, a bunch of white fabric, icons of St. Panteleimon, the Mother of God, Jesus Christ. It is permissible to supplement the images of your patron saint, the guardian angel.
  2. When the sun went down, it was easy to put up icons, in front of them - a gift with candles.
  3. Light candles, while the stench burns, read "Our Father". Repeat the necessary number of times.
  4. If the fire has melted again, the material is taken, and the sack is rushed.
  5. The kulya is wrapped in cloth, vindicated, buried under the roots of the wasps, saying a prayer: “The person of an unkind curse has sent, I do not curse evil. I twist a ball of wax, put magic in a new one. Worry about justice, if God zabazhaє - punish the falsehood. Amen."

Vranci go to the church, light a candle for a healthy enemy. It is important that the result will be a fair punishment for the falsehood of turning to you psuvannya.

Important! A rite, a prayer, it is guaranteed to take the negative, a prote guarantee of the return of the falsehood of the day. Slid down, as if the unkind person was deprived of the bezkarnym.

How to understand that the ritual was spratsyuvav

Yakshto turn the evil of the enemies back, next to change, that the rite was spratsyuvav. Head signs:

  • the damned became better;
  • the camp of the accursed timchasovo pogreshitsya, potim - rіzke polypshennya;
  • a healthy atmosphere will appear at the victim's booth.

Possibly, for a few days, some of the known ones will come with vibes from some insignificant drive. Not varto vibachetisya vіdrazu, bagan bud for 2-3 days. Іsnuє vіrogіdnіst - tse one who will bring damage, who will lighten his punishment.

The effects of the turnaround

Turning the psuvannya back may have consequences, but the stench will stink more than a person, as if sending a negative. The most common rule is that the magician should turn around to fight back stronger for the one who won the force. Theoretically, it is possible to induce a deadly end, a protée is very rare. Notes of turning back for the most damned day, prote can be the same side effects:

  • I will become a Timchasov;
  • feel sorry;
  • innocence.

Nadovgo, vtim, there are no such folds. After 1-2 days, be it as a reminder, stop letting yourself know about yourself, life will turn to a great rhythm. Possibly, the timchas smuga of spring will bud.

Important! Deyakі to please less importantly psuvannya, not turning around. However, a little bit of bezkarnostі can give rise to bezvіdpovіdnіlіnі navіdnika negative.


Turn the psuvannya to the one who її zhrobiv - may be the inspiration of justice with a hand. The last things are different, the essence of the problem lies in the fact that the hoaxer does not think that yoga diy should be left with no cards.

Persh nizh komus occultly dirty tricks, I raja all think about sin psuvannya. If you pretend to be filthy otherwise, before that, trying to chakluvati independently, you can and yourself find out about all the "prinad" I will become a zip-sowed chaklunism. And the return line is not just words.

More than that, there are special rites that allow you to turn your back to the one who is born. And don’t think to calm yourself down with hope that, having turned to the witches chi chaklun to aim at the enemy, you are left in safety, saying that all the chaklun rob yourself, but you don’t have to. Fools. See yourself hit chaklun vіdvede, and the axis see you - tse pitanya. In addition, there is a magical rule: pay for the support to the one who is the initiator. І to pay not only sin!

Self-supporting ceremonies for turning back

People commit different sins. Ale, for black chaklunstvo, a heavy guilt is laid on a person, especially as a sin of psuvannya, having taken a guilty wine. Do not take empty space: through you, someone suffers, but you will suffer in your hour.

  1. The first rite is a return blow chi turning psuvannya

Sip on the frying pan with strength, so that the bottom will be completely covered, on the salt across the entire surface of the bottom, cross with a fork. 4 parts are settled, and crossed into the skin of them. Robiti like this: against the Godinnikov arrow, starting from the right lower part. Let's put the frying pan on the stove for a strong fire and heat 15 quills.

For a long time, try to stir the saw on the stake and say to the chaklunsky zmov at the turn of the psuvannya: Go, my ailment, my sorrows, go, zazdrіst, hatred, evil chaklunstvo, there, the stars came, on the slave (slave) (im'yarok). I don’t shoot hard, but my enemy. You are robb (rob) me, and I will see you. Amen."

Let me promise you the strength to take it and hang out there, de sound to go to the one who is dirty to you.

  1. The rite is different on the turn of the psuvannya to the one who її sent

Take the liver, be it a creature, and build nine heads into it. Having built a pershu head, say:
"Tse to the one who has an eye of the mind!".

  • On a friend’s head, say: “Tse to the one who let the spoil!”.
  • The third goal is slandered: “Tse to the one who has done evil!”.
  • On the fourth head, it seems: “This head pierces the liver of my enemy!”.
  • On the heel of the head, it seems: “Tsya golka squeeze your tongue!”.
  • On the shost: "Tsya golka tidy yogo evil thought!".
  • On somu seem: "Evil thought, turn to the new one!".
  • On the eighth: "Mortal force, turn to the new one!".
  • At the end of the ninth hour, they say: “Black eye, shut up!”.

Let's sweat this liver on a clean cloth and bury it with pus, or hove near the life of the one to whom the return of the psuvanny is recognized.

I helped me to overcome difficulties and protect myself from unkind people, Oberіg vіd prytu that psuvannya. Vіn protect people from the forces of evil, Energy vampires on robots and in sim'ї, specially induced psuvannya, those evil thoughts of enemies. Look at me and remember yoga maybe on the official website

  1. The third rite on the return of the lieutenant

This is the old working method from strong magic. Kolis, vikoristovuyuchi yogo, recognizable by sight.

Pour milk into the frying pan, put it on the fire, and if bulbils begin to appear on the surface of the milk, prick the skins from them with a knife, adding: “the axis of you in the eye”, “the axis of you in the head”, “the axis of you in the heart”, “the axis you at your feet, etc.

Here you need visualization. Tsey way to turn to your enemy’s foe pidide tim, who can create thoughts and reach the trival term to subdue them.

  1. The rite of quarters on the turn of the Chaklunsky psuvannya її іnіtіator

Put a pot of water on the stove, check when the water boils. At boiling water, they throw it with a sip of salt, and on the skin sap it seems: “As the water boils, so that in you (I’m the one who instilled the psuvannya) in the middle everything boiled! Strength at the vіchі! I'll pop you in the teal! Amen."

In this article, we’ll talk about those, how to turn back the psuvannya to someone who is zrobiv. People who have the honor to send a psuvannya on a person should be forgotten by those who have magic understanding of a back blow. Tse inevitably a fee for the zapodiyane for the help of Chaklunsky rituals evil. Let's find out how to pretend to send a message and direct yoga to a person, as if he was the culprit of such an injection.

People who have been violating their enemy for additional magic need to remember those who, if there were any negative forces, will obov'yazkovo turn back. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya zavdyaki law of conservation of energy chi karmi. As a rule, a person who wants to bring a psuvannya, turns for help to the magician. And that one, not bazhayuchi rizikuvati yourself, to transfer the blow from the guard to the deputy. Now you yourself are a leader, and not a magician, we bear all the responsibility for your deeds.

As if the victim was suspected of being unkind and trying to turn it around for the help of special rites, check the negative at the three-time rosemary for the deputy. It’s worth noting that, on which it was directly poured in, it was like a bula of yogo strength, that by sending a psuvannya threaten ailments, self-esteem, problems in work, or cause death.

At any time, the deputy suffers more because of his vchinka, the victim is lower, like, for sure, this magical injection is taken at once.

If you want to induce negativity, you yourself will always turn to the head of the government, you also use impersonal rituals of turning the trap.

If you suspect that you were given a magical blow, it is necessary to act negligently. In order to ward off the negative infusion and turn yoga to the deputy, special rites can be performed.

Golovnya, about what it is necessary to remember when trying to turn the escort to the deputy, - in any case, you will not try to catch evil on him for the help of magical infusions from the guardian. Otherwise, you will not have the same viability for your work, just like wine.

How to imagine the psuvannya when podkladі

The role of the pilgrimage can be played by objects: soil, strength, vugillya, droplets of wax, heads, nezrozumіlі gortka chi rіdina. It's just that the stench doesn't sound like that. If you remembered such a suspected speech on your threshold, do not hang around. It is necessary to carefully pick them up with a wreath and burn them, or else they were thrown into the grave and filed into the booth.

Now it’s necessary to remove the damage and turn it back to the right man, to wind it up until you don’t have anything turbulent and life continues to go like a dream. If you don’t react negatively to the deposit, then you can be pizno.

Having seen the suspected objects of the entrance door or the wind, it is necessary to cross one twelve times and say:

Having read the call, you can tidy up the treasure, not sticking up to the new and not bringing in the living. All the objects that you were sticking around with yoga, it is also necessary to throw away or burn.

The ritual of ryatuvannya vіd pіdkladu for help vіnik

Sound zastosovuєtsya at the vapadki, if you have picked up a suspicious object, walking out of the house. You need a vіnik, salty water or a real budyak.

Under the hour of the ritual, diet in this order:

  • Trembling with your left hand, read the words of the move:

Hello to you, bida-mother. I’m fixing your gate, but you can’t get in to your hut. So, I'm not nice to you.

  • Look out on the street and close the entrance doors or the cloak behind you. Take a deposit for help of a vine and burn it or bury it in a wasteland.
  • Turning back home, start cleaning the life. Take a good look at the application for other suspicious speeches, even if there may be more than one.
  • Heat the water and add power to it. Rozchin may be more like salted potatoes. You can also vicorate for this rite herbal infusions, for example, budyaki, thyme or sprinkling.
  • Walk around the whole house for the year's arrow, sprinkles with salty roses on the walls, leather tufts and doors, reading with such a sound:

Under the hour of carrying out this ritual of the night, that door may be wide open, so that negative energy could easily fill the houses.

How to turn the psuvannya, point the sill with pepper

Even more often unkind people go to the piss, crushed on the strength of that pepper. At this time, the victim can know the white of his doors and in special speeches and the attributes of a magical rite. It is necessary to take such a psuvannya yaknaishvidshe, until the child starts to get out. To turn back, to conduct such a ceremony.

For the ritual, it is necessary to collect water from three dzherel, for example, rivers, lakes and wells. But just don't vicorate the water from the common stagnant waters. So take a stone and eat in this order:

  • Place the selected water in one bowl and throw a small fireplace in there.
  • Then we need to light a candle and read this sound:
  • It is necessary to wash the place with zamovlenoe water, for they knew the treasure. The stone with which it is necessary for three days to leave the white of its doors. It is not possible to tidy up for a month for a stretch of yoga.
  • Three days later, it is necessary to place a small stone on those places, devi yogo knew. Now the damage has been inflicted; now there is no power over you and you can turn to your leader.

How to turn the psuvannya, how do you know the right man

If you are sure that you are sure that a particular person has sent a curse on you, you can turn to help such a rite.

  • Prepare a fresh homemade egg.
  • Wrap the whole body with an egg after the year's arrow, reading with such a call: “I’m taking the piss, I’m putting it in an egg! I’ll turn it around, I’ll forget it!”
  • After that, it is necessary to lay an egg under the door, which sent a psuvannya. You can also come up with another way, how to work so that the keeper of the psuvannya steps over the egg. Golovnya, don’t let this baby grow innocent, someone from your relatives you know.
  • After which egg it is necessary to break it and throw it into the toilet. Negative action for every pide to your own leader.

When vikonannі ritualіv pіslа pіslаnnіnі psuvannya nebhіdnі іnbіvnіnі svіvnenіm, hto іt's guilty іѕ vplіvі. If you turn the psuvanna of an innocent person, then you yourself will become a keeper of the psuvanya and you will confess evil for the zapodiya.

Before the vicons of the rite, it’s a good idea to try your falsehood, strangle that hatred in your soul to a new level, rightfully avenge it not to think of evil.

If you are definitely not inspired, who has sprung on you, it is better to bring in negative energy from your biofield and deprive the most powerful forces of judgment. It's better for you to know to whom the won is recognized.

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