How to signify, what is magic on people. How to signify a magical injection into a person. Re-verification of the presence of black magic on sirniks

Sometimes the life of a person begins to collapse with such a majestic swedishness that it is simply impossible to know the real reason for such negative podias. The weakest problems are more likely to be seen in the camp of a chronic illness or chronic illness. The axis of only the strongest problems is fixed in a special way of life, in the car'er sphere and the financial side. Like black smuga vinikla raptovo, then for everything they sent a negative injection at you. Get out there for the help of black magic. In principle, you can always sing the signs of chaklunstvo on people. The stench will reopen the building right reasons Viniknennya black smuga.

Golovnі signs psuvannya that pristrіtu on lyudinі

Signs of psuvannia can be the most manic. The stench in a different way is prescribed to a skin person. It is important to know the main signs of attachment, or psuvannya on people. In some vipadaks, mothers can have such a strong infusion that they bring specialness to death. It is even more important for him to recognize її presence and more quickly її.

It is easy to know the signs of psuvannya chi attached to people. It would be better to analyze yoga behavior and become a shack of life. Chaklunstvo induced in order to be able to brіzko and effectively bring into the life of the victim a lot of hardships. The stench is directed at those that the person thought she was humbled and, in her own state, only exaggerated the effect of magic.

Usі symptoms lie only in the case of the person who performed the negative ritual. Most of the time, such signs of attachment are heard, or they are pierced by people. We are suffering for a healthy sacrifice. Moreover, the ailment manifests itself sharply, which means it’s very important. It is problematic for doctors to voice the diagnosis, shards of ailments for all health tests. Women can’t be conceited, wanting to be able to stink to such an ailment. The victim begins to constantly suffer in the face of fluctuations in the vag. Come on, they start to be afraid of darkness. Claustrophobia often develops.

Deyakі individuals suffer in view of the fact that in their life there are no kohanoi people. Be-yakі try to make new love stand, end in failure. Domestic creatures stop spending an hour with their master. The stench cannot hang out with him in one place.

A man's kohanka can work for those who have abandoned their squad. Moreover, they don’t sing that stench can be a mother to a sleeping child. The druzhina after spending a person starts reviving in their own shkіdlivі zvichki and just spends the sense of life.

Who and what rank can induce negative chaklunstvo on the victim

You can always normalize your life the way you did before. Axis only for whom you need to know a way not only to diagnose problems. It’s necessary to shukati and a way to get rid of the negative magical influx. Luckily, in magic you can find the best rituals for skin people.

Induce psuvannya chi pristrіtu pіd force іlki ієї individuals, yak constantly maє zv'yazok z magicіyu. Zvichaynіy people it is important to carry out such rites, even for whom you need not less special knowledge of magic, and energy is strong. In some cases, unkind people turn for help to fahivtsiv, so that a negative influx at a quick pace was recognized by people.

If you want to find out who, having created such an unacceptable vchinok with you, it will be even more coherent. Deyakі chakluni nastіlki strong, scho signify їхнє communion to such a ritual is practically impossible. You are more to blame for memory than those who bring negativity on you, your sharpening is less close. Third-party privacy is even more important, even if you need access to your donkey. In certain moods, it is necessary to speed up with your special speeches.

You can put a psuvannya on the following speech:

  • food products;
  • speech of an individual character;
  • an object, like a vikonovets, to offer sacrifice as a gift;
  • pіdkladi: it is necessary to put such objects on the victim in such a rank, so that they don’t get out, then it’s necessary to put them in the booth, or pin them to the robe - most often, as a pіdklad to act as zvichaynі gostrі objects;
  • zvintarni or dead attributes;
  • photographs of abo lyalka Voodoo;
  • blood, hair and sperm.

How can you spell a curse

Even more often the victim is cursed. The symptoms of such an injection are somewhat similar to the symptoms of an appendix, but the axis can only be a richly strong effect. In addition, as a curse is forced on the victim, she begins to have black smuga in life. Beginning impersonal tragedies. Tse can turn around like the death of close relatives, so in the near family vіdnosinakh. Even more often there are separations, otherwise the camp is healthy.

Fakhіvtsі in the gallery of magic zumіli to see a sprat of an important sign of a terrible and strong curse. The victim can feel the singing fear of the coming day. A panic attack begins through those who are simply not inspired by tomorrow. At the same time, it’s not just the older members of the family that die, but also the children. The men and women in the family begin with wicked shkidlivymi zvichki. Deyakі individuals indicate the fact that the stench has ceased to take the opposite direction to become serious. There is a constant fear of new stosunki.

The magical injection into the people is created by the method of strangling the will that is introduced into the energy of the people. How to independently signify magical infusion for a person? Іsnuyut singing signs and special rites, yakі help to recognize the magic. Ways and methods of deyakyh rituals are mirozkrivaemo at this article.

Mutual kokhannya is one of the most important storehouses of our happiness. Chantly, there is nothing better, lower life and nobility, what a person is, for sure there will be order and always keep up that prudence regardless of the situation.

To know such a person is hard to finish. And if the vines get together, then you know that no forces can separate you. Sorry, keep it that way.

Pairs sometimes break up, dreams - break up. І one on the right, if everyone is looking for mutual bazhannyam, and zovsіm іnsha - if one of them is still dying, it feels like. Ale nayzhahlivishe - if a couple breaks up through magic. The magical injection of the appointee himself is easy to finish through the hand of the energy man.

If you have a suspicion of victorious magic if you have people close to you, you should know one word. It is not possible to assign magic to a person for being one specific sign.

You need to be careful and analyze the behavior of a person who is bewitched. The strangeness and respect to the spiritual and physical will become a person in the course of certain rites to help them to reconsider in the presence of reality and the presence of a surge of magical forces. Only marriage is a sign that officials will be witnesses to the magical rite.

If it is possible that your other half, or you yourself recognized the magical infusion, then it is necessary to respectfully guard for your behavior.

Increased aggressiveness, maniacal potyag to the object of kohannya, pessimistic moods, deterioration of health and permanent unacceptability in all spheres are just signs of a magical influx. Remaining perekonatisya can only be done through special rites and rituals.

For the vicoon of which rite you need the presence of a photograph, that was great power. Magic power salts are breathed in with special power, which allows them to wink and for the rites of znyattya magical infusions of that їх appointment.

Late in the evening it is necessary to sit at the table and put a sign on the saucer. On top of the sign, it is necessary to gather strength: a fairly small amount. Important, so that the whole sign will be covered.

With a stretch of fifteen whilins, concentrate the light energy in yourselves. Think about the blue sky and those miracles - it will help you to get it right. After ten minutes, break your sleep. It is not possible to speak to anyone, watching TV and listening to music is also not recommended.

Before the coming day, carefully look at the sign:

  • If the wines were filled with such, as if they were, then the magic of the people from the sign was not victorious.
  • Well, in the photograph, they seem to have lost a trace of a dark color, it’s not enough to talk about the obviousness of the infusion.

After the rite, it is necessary to throw it away, and take the photo away from the white arkush paper and clean it from the inaccessible dark place and do not show it to anyone. How to navit it turned out so that you are your close people you know magic, don't panic - special rituals will help you to stay calm.

Significantly pouring magic into a person to help the rite, the main warehouses of such a component:

  • sire egg;
  • photograph of a person, a yak, perhaps, recognized a love spell;
  • a bottle of jarl of holy water.

Vіdpovіdalno pіdіydіt before choosing a photo. The person in the photo can be alone and the quality of the photograph can be garnoy.

Vikoristovuvaty need a sign, crushing a maximum for the river before sunset.

In order to find out about the presence or the daytime infusion, it is necessary to stretch ten minutes to drive an egg over the sign. You should fight so that the egg removes all the information from the photograph.

If you have energized, as if you were signifying a magical injection on yourself, then in such a state you will perform the rite of candles.

This ritual helps to reveal magic with maximum accuracy. The vicons of the rite transfer the victorious one of the church candles and the silver viroba.

What a jewelry embellishment is miraculous. At the lion’s hand I’ll decorate it, and with the right hand on the equal heart I need to trim the candle.

The next stage - we squash our eyes and, without thinking about anything, we sit like that for fifteen minutes. Like a candle for the whole hour, it sparkles, smokes, shoots, and black liquor appears - it means magic. As soon as a candle is lit, sound, then there is no magic splash.

Recognition of the presence or presence of the magic chi of Chaklunsky infusion will help and attack the method. For vikonannya of this rite, the following components are needed:

  • church candle;
  • dzherelna, river or well water;
  • a photograph of a person who is possibly bewitched.

With a knife, it is necessary to cut a candle on small pieces and place it in a ladle. Put the sign of a person next in front of a vessel with water.

Updovzh triokh khvilin slid trimati vіsk svіchok over a photo of a person. The deputy of photography can sit and the person herself.

When the hardness is hardened with water, it’s hard to see, taking different cunning outlines. If you become firm, it is necessary to blame it for looking at it.

Yakshcho є kalamutni vіdgaluzhennya, kostrubata structure or the water darkened, then magical diya presence. Well, as well as a shmatok of good health, without a rich vіdgaluzhen, then there was no victoria of magic charms.

As you can see that they have become the object of a magical infusion, it is necessary to start respecting your own houses. Try to guess what you didn’t know at home, in front of the threshold, there are wonderful objects.

Tse can be broken sirniki, hairpins, buttons, heads, particles of outside, hair, earth and sand. Any of the known objects can testify about those that a magical rite was performed for you as one of the members of your homeland.

If you knew that you suspected it, then don’t think of wikidating and follow the magic in your own bucket for the mind. At the same time, do not burn anything and do not fill it in a booth. Some people like burning objects that took part in magical rituals can be as bad as the speeches themselves.

If you know that there is a house on the threshold, you need to stick it with a broom or a scoop, without sticking to them. It is best to tidy up such knowledge and find out about your life.

Tarot layout for the magical injection

In order to achieve the magical infusion, I know how to make a lot of money, and we only looked at them. In addition, there are impersonal changes in the behavior of people, as if they signal about magic vtruchannya.

However, before proceeding to the end of the negative magical influx, it is necessary to reminisce about the manifestness of magic. If you don’t get caught up to the end, then don’t hurry, but watch out for the people. Even if you know the unknown infusion of magic, you can threaten with insults for everyone.

Usі recommendationsії tsієї statі can be vikoristani wonderful people, scho do not think up to magic and esoterics of the same day. So what is needed in order to independently appoint chi є on you magical influx of chi ni?

Nasampered - caution. Even better, as you are reporting to the schodennik. If you analyze things that you experience in life, it will be easier. You don’t have a child like that, you have to rely on your memory.

Otzhe, pererakhuєmo the main power of the magic attack. The main rule is that, be it a black magic attack, it is allowed to be picked up by a person's life energy. Lyudina is not only biological, but also energy-informational. Human energy centers are chakri. On the body of the human chakras there is a majestic number, but behind the tradition one can look at these main ones:

  1. Muladhara is the base of the range.
  2. Svadhistana - trochi below the navel.
  3. Manipura - trochs below the sleepy gossip.
  4. Anahata - on equal hearts.
  5. Vishuddha is the basis of shi, a depression above the chest wall.
  6. Ajna - between the eyebrows, at the center of the brain.
  7. Sahasrara - top.

Magical damage lowers the energy level of the chakra, and in especially important situations, it can close the chakra completely. As soon as the chakra works over full force, then the boundaries between the zones of vidpovіdalnosti begin to appear energy imbalances. Zreshtoy tse brought to the sickness of the physical body, the old one before the hour of death.

Be-like a person, like to inspire no occult and esoteric zdіbnosti, vіdchuvaє energy waste. Let's look at the main signs:

  1. Constantly aware of the cold, chills, regardless of those who have a normal body temperature.
  2. Depression for no apparent reason.
  3. At the same time on the robot, or else the hour of vikonanny works according to the state.
  4. Increased dramatization.
  5. In the days of coordination, a person under a magical influx often starts to swell, open doors, nezgrabny, sloppy.
  6. Rizka vіdsutnіst pennies, they stop paying, reduce wages, get out of work, zamovniks, buyers from the business.
  7. In the days of good luck, contracts are built under the magic, do not be happy at home.
  8. Magic does not let people hang, it takes more than an hour to sleep.
  9. They are ill, which is impossible to diagnose.
  10. A person becomes a muck, knowing the will of that bazhannya to live.

As if there are three and more of these factors, it’s even better to go through a diagnosis with a psychic or a magician, there’s a great impression of what you have a negative magical influx, attachment, spell or love spell.

Re-verification of the presence of black magic on sirniks

The ritual can be carried out only purely in the form of magical infusions of a person. Otherwise, the results will be inaccurate.

You need:

  1. Holy water.
  2. Trinity icon.
  3. Faceted glass bottle.
  4. Whisk (not stearic!) candle.
  5. New box of sirniks.

Light a candle in front of the icon. Ideally, a candle should be lit in the holy fire of Rusal, which is saved in an unburned lamp in the church. Ale oskolki tsyu umova vdaetsya vikonati far from zavzhd, you can speed up with sirnik (and in no way zapalnichkoy). After that, as the candle burned out, we read for the purification of the fire and myself a prayer to the "Holy Spirit" 9 times.

We pour water at the bottle. We cross the flask of trichi.

We offer sirniki in a quantity of 5 pieces per table.

We give water in a glass to the hands of the one whom we check. Guilty of Trimati sobі on equal hearts.

With the first siren, we robbed a cross over my head. At a distance of 5-7 centimeters from an individual. After something we throw at the bottle.

Another sirnik is similarly cross behind the back and thrown at the flask.

The third siren crossed from the left side of the flask.

The fourth is a cross from the right side.

The fifth siren is scorched in front of him, who turns to magic, and he also fights cross and wins also throws himself into a flask.

The results of diagnostics for magic:

  1. The sirnika went out while you robbed the cross:
    • Above the head - magic is sent to the punishment of the Greater forces, but it is self-sounding;
    • Behind the back - a negative magic program from the past. patrimonial psuvannya);
    • In front - pristrіt, psuvannya chi cursed were sent in disguise (at the hour of the scandal, with zustrichi, they cursed at the vіchi);
    • The right-hander - magic is tied to relatives (birth damage, or to relatives, having spurred, cursing) or to relatives (a friend of the zadrosty zipsuva);
    • Zliva - the magic is taken away from a person you don’t know (locking the spell, the magic is set in the wind, the item was lifted, the water was filled with negativity).
  2. As soon as the sirniki went to the bottom, then the negative magic program is present, and the strength to lie in a large number of sirniks that drowned. Turn to fahivtsya! Do not varto shukati sensu at the vіzerunkah at the bottom of the flask. Only fakhivets of the building are exactly indicative of the negative.
  3. As if one siren has begun to sink, and yet part of it is on the mountains, water, or without a middle under the surface, it means that your energy is strong and repair magic. If you report zusil, then you can learn magic on your own.
  4. The mustaches are left on the surface - there is no negativity on you.

After that, as the result of readings, do not put out the candle! Sound of God. Water needs to be poured into the sewerage system, otherwise it’s empty, but at the same time it’s not a threshold. Sirniki vykinuti similarly to wasteland or smіttєprovid. It's best to burn the candle to the end. Wikidati її not varto, shards through it on perveryaєsya you can make a psuvannya.

The magical injection into the people is created by the method of strangling the will that is introduced into the energy of the people. How to independently signify a magical injection into a person? Іsnuyut singing signs and special rites, yakі help to recognize the magic. Ways and methods of deyakyh rituals are mirozkrivaemo at this article.

Mutual kokhannya is one of the most important storehouses of our happiness. Chantly, there is nothing better, lower life and nobility, what a person is, for sure there will be order and always keep up that prudence regardless of the situation.

To know such a person is hard to finish. And if the vines get together, then you know that no forces can separate you. Sorry, keep it that way.

Pairs sometimes break up, dreams - break up. І one on the right, if everyone is looking for mutual bazhannyam, and zovsіm іnsha - if one of them is still dying, it feels like. Ale nayzhahlivishe - if a couple breaks up through magic. The magical injection of the appointee himself is easy to finish through the hand of the energy man.

If you have a suspicion of victorious magic if you have people close to you, you should know one word. It is not possible to assign magic to a person for being one specific sign.

You need to be careful and analyze the behavior of a person who is bewitched. The strangeness and respect to the spiritual and physical will become a person in the course of certain rites to help them to reconsider in the presence of reality and the presence of a surge of magical forces. Only marriage is a sign that officials will be witnesses to the magical rite.

If it is possible that your other half, or you yourself recognized the magical infusion, then it is necessary to respectfully guard for your behavior.

Increased aggressiveness, maniacal potyag to the object of kohannya, pessimistic moods, deterioration of health and permanent unacceptability in all spheres are just signs of a magical influx. Remaining perekonatisya can only be done through special rites and rituals.

For the vicoon of which rite you need the presence of a photograph, that was great power. The magical powers of the salt are awakened by a special force, which allows you to victorious and for the rites of znyattya magical infusions of that їх appointment.

Late in the evening it is necessary to sit at the table and put a sign on the saucer. On top of the sign, it is necessary to gather strength: a fairly small amount. Important, so that the whole sign will be covered.

With a stretch of fifteen whilins, concentrate the light energy in yourselves. Think about the blue sky and those miracles - it will help you to get it right. After ten minutes, break your sleep. It is not possible to speak to anyone, watching TV and listening to music is also not recommended.

Before the coming day, carefully look at the sign:

  • If the wines were filled with such, as if they were, then the magic of the people from the sign was not victorious.
  • Well, in the photograph, they seem to have lost a trace of a dark color, it’s not enough to talk about the obviousness of the infusion.

After the rite, it is necessary to throw it away, and take the photo away from the white arkush paper and clean it from the inaccessible dark place and do not show it to anyone. As if to inspire, it turned out that your loved one recognized the magic, do not panic - special rituals will help you to stop.

Significantly pouring magic into a person to help the rite, the main warehouses of such a component:

  • sire egg;
  • photograph of a person, a yak, perhaps, recognized a love spell;
  • a bottle of jarl of holy water.

Vіdpovіdalno pіdіydіt before choosing a photo. The person in the photo can be alone and the quality of the photograph can be garnoy.

Vikoristovuvaty need a sign, crushing a maximum for the river before sunset.

In order to find out about the presence or the daytime infusion, it is necessary to stretch ten minutes to drive an egg over the sign. You should fight so that the egg removes all the information from the photograph.

If you have energized, as if you were signifying a magical injection on yourself, then in such a state you will perform the rite of candles.

This ritual helps to reveal magic with maximum accuracy. The vicons of the rite transfer the victorious one of the church candles and the silver viroba.

What a jewelry embellishment is miraculous. At the lion’s hand I’ll decorate it, and with the right hand on the equal heart I need to trim the candle.

The next stage - we squash our eyes and, without thinking about anything, we sit like that for fifteen minutes. Like a candle for the whole hour, it sparkles, smokes, shoots, and black liquor appears - it means magic. As soon as a candle is lit, sound, then there is no magic splash.

Recognition of the presence or presence of the magic chi of Chaklunsky infusion will help and attack the method. For vikonannya of this rite, the following components are needed:

  • church candle;
  • dzherelna, river or well water;
  • a photograph of a person who is possibly bewitched.

With a knife, it is necessary to cut a candle on small pieces and place it in a ladle. Put the sign of a person next in front of a vessel with water.

Updovzh triokh khvilin slid trimati vіsk svіchok over a photo of a person. The deputy of photography can sit and the person herself.

When the hardness is hardened with water, it’s hard to see, taking different cunning outlines. If you become firm, it is necessary to blame it for looking at it.

Yakshcho є kalamutni vіdgaluzhennya, kostrubata structure or the water darkened, then magical diya presence. Well, as well as a shmatok of good health, without a rich vіdgaluzhen, then there was no victoria of magic charms.

As you can see that they have become the object of a magical infusion, it is necessary to start respecting your own houses. Try to guess what you didn’t know at home, in front of the threshold, there are wonderful objects.

Tse can be broken sirniki, hairpins, buttons, heads, particles of outside, hair, earth and sand. Any of the known objects can testify about those that a magical rite was performed for you as one of the members of your homeland.

If you knew that you suspected it, then don’t think of wikidating and follow the magic in your own bucket for the mind. At the same time, do not burn anything and do not fill it in a booth. Some people like burning objects that took part in magical rituals can be as bad as the speeches themselves.

If you know that there is a house on the threshold, you need to stick it with a broom or a scoop, without sticking to them. It is best to tidy up such knowledge and find out about your life.

Tarot layout for the magical injection

In order to achieve the magical infusion, I know how to make a lot of money, and we only looked at them. In addition, there are impersonal changes in the behavior of people, as if they signal about magic vtruchannya.

However, before proceeding to the end of the negative magical influx, it is necessary to reminisce about the manifestness of magic. If you don’t get caught up to the end, then don’t hurry, but watch out for the people. Even if you know the unknown infusion of magic, you can threaten with insults for everyone.

As you laid the hat out of the princess and rapt, it became memorable that the princess pretended to be a toad, you don’t know what you will do, how to live together with a monster, most of all you sang like a love spell, and this year was a diy.

The fact that you once loved and were at once with less and less and rapt sharply changed and went from one hour to the next to the next to tell about those who singly bewitched you. How to reveal chaklunstvo? What can you say that you have been bewitched?


As a rule, the water in this vipadka can be either consecrated or collected from a clean dzherel. First proceed before the manifestation black magic, Take an egg in your hands, try yoga until the hour when it becomes warm from the warmth of your hands.

In this way, you don’t only greet him, but you also transfer all the information to him. And even more precisely your energy. Like a photo, then you need to lay an egg on the surface of the picture, roll a couple of quills behind the image. It is necessary for the egg to be able to collect all the necessary information about the specialty of the photo.

If the egg has absorbed your energy and information about the person from the sign, beat yoga into the basin with water. As soon as you catch your guts by the water, you can respectfully look at the picture that presented itself to you.

Marvel respectfully, especially the cost of the middle of the storage room of the eggs. The presence in the picture of bulges in looking at the skeins, the varying integrity of the egg filling, confirms that black magic has been stuck in you.

To know the confirmation, to conduct another verification as a control. Tse means that you will need to beat an egg near the water, put it in the dark, and deprive it for production. Raptom, the picture changed in a filthy way, no doubt that you had magic stuck.


You can signify divination for the help of candles, which come in the church at once from the virob of srіbla, lansy, kіltsya, or earrings. The very procedure of carrying out this ritual starts from the burning of a church candle, right hand and pіdnіmіt on equal hearts.

Silver item, and sit s close ochima tsyomu has a camp a quarter of a year. Just try to clear out all your thoughts at once.


Until then, it is necessary for the mother to know the individual, if you want to distort the spell of the love spell. Have a drink of salt with water, pierce with a knife the candles of the temple, melt yoga with thoughts about those who will tickle you.

If you want to call out the presence of magic in a third individual, then you can’t do without a sign, which is necessary to put a charge at that moment, if the heat is heated. In order to find out about everything in a sing-song manner, you will need to occasionally crush a sign with a person on a new one in a new age.

Be respectful and vow, that in this particular moment, narration of the vіsk victorious only once, then just vikdaєtsya in the middle.

With wax, which melts, draw a trichi over the head of the individual or along the upper part of the sign.

Then place the dishes with melted wax in the middle of the pelvis over the surface of the water and with a sharp blow throw the bowl with wax near the water and bud until the wine is overtaken.

Tim, while you are caught, you can take away the first information. Just like a small piece of wax, the water was left with a gap, and the upper part of the wax, which is caught, without humpbacks and waters, does not mean magic.

And yet, the water has become a little cloudy, on top of the humpback wax and the reverse side of the wax caught with humpbacks and outgrowths can be boldly hardened, in which case you couldn’t do it without a love spell, which you need to see negainoly!


How to recognize, zastosovuvalsya magic chi nі, we z'yasuvali. What they are, they haven’t looked at yet. Golovnya, having poured into the will and bajannya of an individual, as if through a singing interval, for an hour, he wastes his power in a burst and transforms into gunpowder.

Under the infusion of a love spell of some other chaklunstva, the specialty of such a zastosovaya magic descends and transforms into no one needs a person, degrades.

Sound like this, people in an hour after the magical infusion become drunk, or they end their lives with self-destruction. Sound, such a person is obsessed with what they have bewitched, suffer from food, who can be, and as a result, a handful of problems in work, if the work is allowed, as a result, it becomes not needed by anyone.

Do you blame the power, before having bewitched you, that you have reached what you so much bazhal, and wine does not appear to be needed by anyone, do you need it like that, don’t you need it like that?

Ale, but you still did the magic, remember that you are not safe on both sides, and the one who bewitch and the one who bewitch. And before that, don’t forget that a love spell can have a mother and a turning effect, the deputy of a bazhan kokhanny will take away strong hatred.

And why else should you put a spell on yourself, Don’t forget about the magic spell before starting the love spell process.

Love spell - tse ill, and as if ill, it may have a number of symptoms.


Before the main signs of a love spell can be seen:

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