How to recognize the magic infusion. How to recognize, what is it for people? What is magic, and how is it won

Magical defeat lowers the energy level of the chakri. As soon as the chakra works over the full strength, then the boundaries between the zones of vidpovіdalnosti begin to manifest imbalances.

As if with a raptom "It didn't go so well", why did the "smuga of bad luck" start, the ailment appeared raptly, and the doctors throw up their hands and cannot understand the reason, great is the mind, what is on you є magical infusion.

People and rituals

People can be divided into three categories:
- with a special faith in magical power, qi people are rooted in magic in everyday life with a drive and without a new one,
- people are afraid of magic, and they are unique in everything that is worth it,
- zovsіm not to believe in the foundation of a spell that brings children and juveniles to the category.

Next, indicate that the third group itself is especially unsafe. Quite often there are fluctuations, that children, for the sake of the heat, read the words for death, for welding, and simply tell fortunes. Ale, they don’t think about the legacy. And vpliv vіdbuvaєtsya - once in a while, and sometimes in an hour. First, let's talk about the influx of traces of magical rituals, it is necessary to know a little about them and see that ability.

Magic buvaє three kinds:
- Bila - the best energy and the purest energy on earth. For the help of white energy, it is possible to remove the negative from the life of a person, to save death, to overcome ailments and fears.
- Sira - the sum of the elements of white and black magic.
- Black - evil mіts, given to people evil spirit. When you turn to such a magical system, be sure that your payment will not be specifically in a penny equivalent. Hi! You will pay a penny for the work of a chaklun, and for the same victorious work of such magic - with your soul.

Spell, cast on the pomst, sickness, death, cast a spell on pennies already with black magic. It dawned on me that the skin has a magical infusion of my singing character. Bila is a defender, a likuvannya, a talisman, an appreciator of that other thing that brings good. When you read more zms, you already rush goodness and light, purification.

Black magic - the ability to infuse the life of people calling. With victorious rituals of such energy, having poured into a person, a great, strong one emerges. Take, sho zdatne z blushing robiti virodka chi navpaki. Take away everything from the rich man, I will increase the rarity. It can be said that such magic goes to the point of humiliation, humiliation and just take care of other people.

It’s neobov’yazkovo, that someone who has annoyed people, just seems to be fighting. The father-in-law may simply not be like a bride, or a person has chosen to drink from the squad to the kohanka. Options are anonymous. And all the stench is banal and rozvyazuvani without magic ritual.

It is necessary to cast spells with this magic more carefully, for those who do not know how to understand what will happen after reading the spell. Yaka z forces (black chi bila) will feel you and help you.

The situation is as follows: after reading the words about help in the kohanna or penny well-being, everything starts in the same way. You don’t take away the bad, but there are even more problems. Or take it, but not so, as you wanted.

Having learned about the possibilities of the forces of magic, you see, you can go to the specifics.

Respect, you are enchanted

Signs of magical rites, directed at a specific person, appear as strong life ups and downs. The first and the most important sign - a new change in the gradation of the person's witness. A right hard worker or a fighter against drug addiction can himself pretend to be a drug addict, or a person who is immeasurably drunk.

You often slip into the gap between 3 and 5 hours and you can’t fall asleep - this is a practical 100-hundred-thousand sign that a magical robot is being carried out on you.

As if raptomly blaming the stinginess and tightness in the space of breasts - you should speak about the penetration of someone else's energy into your aura, trying a magical chi psychic infusion.

Your life will take on a sharply destructive character - you don’t hang around, you will have nightmares. Possibly, everything called out a magical infusion.

Your sounds have drastically changed, your body reacts inadequately to alcohol, you start drinking rich redini, you feel a little bit of internal anxiety, you don’t know your own place, you start to lose weight or, suddenly, gain weight. Unreasonable deterioration in health, ill health, weakness, apparent severity in the whole body without any medical reasons to talk about those that are magical on you.

Even better negative energy is felt by children and creatures. That is why neither, nor else “does not love” you, or sharply changed your appointment (and other signs are guarded), then, perhaps, you should sign up for an appointment with a healer or a psychic.

A sign of a negative influx is impersonal and most often it is important to diagnose. Lyudina zavzhdi herself pіdsvіdomo vіdchuvaє, scho її life is not so and rob vibіr zvіrtatisya chi not zvіrtatisya to fahivtsіv galuzі esotericism.

Why should such negative robots slander against you? As a rule, it is directed at your energy, your potential wealth, material wealth, good luck, health, prosperity, youth, fate of life and something else. Vіdzhati easier, nіzh napratsyuvati.

Chaklunstvo, directed at you, we give as a reaction to the church, prayers and incense. If it’s crushed on you, you won’t feel comfortable there, de smell of incense. Mozhlivy vomit reflex chi vtrata svidomosti. You can start unknowingly, almost breathlessly native cross, vinikne bajannya yogo znyati So it’s moments, if the cross just knows itself from shiї (the thread is torn or the lancet, the cross when bathing just zmivaє) - these are signs of death.

The manifestation of evil spells

It is enough to walk to the church and listen to your thoughts. You can perform singing rituals and budinki.

Black candle and silver

For the ceremony, it is necessary to stock up on a church candle and silver embellishment. This magical process helps to understand, what is a black love spell on people, be it some kind of magic, absolutely everything is infused, like injecting into freedom and freedom.

The best hour for this procedure is opivdni. From the lion's hand, it is necessary to take a silver, from the right (as one is guilty of being on equal hearts) - a candle to burn. With a stretch of 15 minutes, it is necessary to abstract from any thoughts, try to relax, clearing the mind. Like a candle to smoke, shoot, spark - without a trace, a love spell is present. It is also a sign that a person is under the infusion of dark magic, black infusions. Like a candle burning evenly - you can relax: it’s a magical day.

The strength of the photo

It is impossible to call in any time, as suspicions creep in that there is a love spell on a kohaniy people. With a simple magical approach, which is more reliable to know, what black magic is pouring in, this is a rite from the illustration of that photograph. It is necessary to stock up on a fresh photograph, even if there is a new sign, we will be sure of the result.

Late in the evening, if no one in the household is already able to disturb the one who is violating the ritual, it is necessary to be more gracious at the table. For the procedure, you need a saucer, put a sign on the yak. The photograph is necessary with a thin ball, but I will cover it with a white sill, husky to the beast. Seeing off the rest of the day, a person can become angry at light emotions.

The concentration can be around 15 quilin. Then you can go to sleep. The photograph on the saucer may be left on the pedestal. Vranci can be started before the result is achieved.

In retrospect, if the sign is filled with such itself, like in the evening, one can ascertain the fullness of black magic. And yet, if you remember the dark ones in the photograph, then there is no doubt about it - the magic is present.

After this rite, the sign flashes into a white arch paper and spit. It is impossible to talk about the results of the rite at any given time.

Znyatya magical infusion

The magical world has impersonal rites, which help to purify a person in the form of a person, whether it is a person, it is obvious, it is necessary to make an object, whether or not they are making a call.

If a person begins to behave in an unruly manner, pulls himself to an unsympathetic person, and begins to indulge in magic, you can try to indulge yourself in the form of spells independently. Singing rite, building zupiniti magical infusion.

Before that, how to proceed directly to the ritual, it is necessary for a few days to finish fasting, not to enter into a relationship with an intimate character and to think about the implementation of this ritual. The procedure needs to be worked on, if the month is going to decline. Take the following words: a thread of black and white, a candle, a tassel of arched shape from the sternum of the trigger. It is necessary to wrap one beak of the brush with a white thread, and the opposite beak with a black one, in the middle, turn a candle and light it. Then we need to break the brush into 2 parts and read it out loud: “As if the dead brush does not grow, then I don’t grow up for me (name, the one who performed the love spell).” So that you no longer guess about yourself, bits of living materials, and especially a brush, you need to bury in the areas of the place, which are roztashovanny one another. At the process of zarivannya, say the phrase: “As these brushes are far away, one is one, so are men (I am an individual, how I created a love spell) one is one, far away.” Having completed all the procedures, follow the steps, do not wrap yourself up.

However, before that, how to proceed to the conclusion of the negative magical influx, it is necessary to reconsider in the manifestness of magic, so you are definitely not inspired, rather do not hurry. Even if you know the unknown infusion of spells, you can threaten with insults for everyone.
Remember! Magic is a rather thin, unsafe science, and you can’t endure neobachnyh diy, not everything can be corrected. Take care of yourself and think about the consequences!

As you laid the hat out of the princess and rapt it became commemorative that the princess pretended to be a toad, you don’t know what you will do, how to live together with a monster, most of all you sang like a love spell, and this year was a diy.

The fact that you once loved and were at once with less and less and rapt sharply changed and went from one hour to another to speak about those who singly bewitched you. How to reveal chaklunstvo? What can you say that you have been bewitched?


As a rule, the water in this vipadka can be either consecrated or collected from a clean dzherel. The first step is to start before the manifestation of black magic, take an egg from your hand, try yoga until the hour when it becomes warm with the warmth of your hands.

In this way, you don’t only greet him, but you also transfer all the information to him. And even more precisely your energy. Like a photo, then you need to lay an egg on the surface of the picture, roll a couple of quills behind the image. It is necessary for the egg to be able to collect all the necessary information about the specialty of the photo.

If the egg has absorbed your energy and information about the person from the sign, beat yoga into the basin with water. As soon as you catch your guts by the water, you can respectfully look at the picture that presented itself to you.

Marvel respectfully, especially the cost of the middle of the storage room of the eggs. The presence in the picture of swellings in looking at the skeins, the varying integrity of the filling of the egg, confirms that black magic has been stuck in you.

To know the confirmation, to conduct another verification as a control. Tse means that you will need to beat an egg near the water, put it in the dark, and deprive it for production. Raptom, the picture changed in a filthy way, no doubt that you had magic stuck.


You can signify divination for the help of candles, which come in the church at once from the virob of srіbla, lansy, kіltsya, or earrings. The very procedure of carrying out this ritual starts from the burning of a church candle, right hand and pіdnіmіt on equal hearts.

Silver item, and sit s close ochima tsyomu has a camp a quarter of a year. Just try to clear out all your thoughts at once.


Until then, it is necessary for the mother to know the individual, if you want to distort the spell of the love spell. Have a drink of salt with water, pierce with a knife the candles of the temple, melt yoga with thoughts about those who will tickle you.

If you want to call out the presence of magic in a third individual, then you can’t do without a sign, which is necessary to put a charge at that moment, if the heat is heated. In order to find out about everything in a sing-song manner, you will need to occasionally crush a sign with a person on a new one in a new age.

Be respectful and vow, that in this particular moment, narration of the vіsk victorious only once, then just vikdaєtsya in the middle.

With wax, which melts, draw a trichi over the head of the individual or along the upper part of the sign.

Then place the dishes with melted wax in the middle of the pelvis over the surface of the water and throw the bowl with wax near the water with a sharp blow and bud until the wine is overtaken.

Tim, while you are caught, you can take away the first information. Just like a small piece of wax, the water was left with a gap, and the upper part of the wax, which is caught, without humpbacks and waters, does not mean magic.

And yet, the water has become a little cloudy, on top of the humpback wax and the reverse side of the wax caught with humpbacks and outgrowths can be boldly hardened, in which case you couldn’t do it without a love spell, which you need to see negainoly!


How to recognize, zastosovuvalsya magic chi nі, we z'yasuvali. What they are, they haven’t looked at yet. Golovnya, having poured into the will and bajannya of an individual, as if through a singing interval, for an hour, he wastes his power in a burst and transforms into gunpowder.

Under the spell of a love spell of some other chaklunstva, the specialty of such a zastosovaya magic falls and transforms into no one needs a person, degrades.

Sound like this, people, after an hour after the magical infusion, drink themselves into drunkenness and end their lives with self-destruction. no one needs it.

Do you blame the power, before having bewitched you, that you have reached what you so much bazhal, and wine does not appear to be needed by anyone, do you need it like that, don’t you need it like that?

Ale, but you still did the magic, remember that you bring trouble to both sides, and that one, who bewitch and that, who bewitch. And before that, don’t forget that a love spell can have a mother and a turning effect, the deputy of a bazhan kokhanny will take away strong hatred.

And why else should you put a spell on yourself, Don’t forget about the magic spell before you start the process of love spell.

Love spell - tse ill, and as if ill, it may have a number of symptoms.


Before the main signs of a love spell can be seen:

Magical defeat lowers the energy level of the chakri. As soon as the chakra works over the full strength, then the boundaries between the zones of vidpovіdalnosti begin to manifest imbalances.

As if with a raptom “It didn’t go so well”, because the “smog of bad luck” began, the ailment appeared raptly, and the doctors shrug their hands and cannot understand the reason, great is the mind, that you have a magical fire.

People and rituals

People can be divided into three categories:
- with a special faith in magical power, that people are rooted in magic in everyday life with a drive and without it,
- people are afraid of magic, and they are unique in everything that is worth it,
- zovsіm not to believe in the foundation of a spell that brings children and juveniles to the category.

Next, indicate that the third group itself is especially unsafe. Quite often there are fluctuations, that children, for the sake of the heat, read the words for death, for welding, and simply tell fortunes. Ale, they don’t think about the legacy. And vpliv vіdbuvaєtsya - once in a while, and sometimes in an hour. First, let's talk about the influx of traces of magical rituals, it is necessary to know a little about them and see that ability.

Magic buvaє three kinds:
- Bila - the best energy and the purest energy on earth. For the help of white energy, it is possible to remove the negative from the life of a person, to save death, to overcome ailments and fears.
- Sira - the sum of the elements of white and black magic.
- Black - evil mіts, given to people by evil spirits. When you turn to such a magical system, be sure that your payment will not be specifically in a penny equivalent. Hi! You will pay a penny for the work of a chaklun, and for the same victorious work of such magic - with your soul.

Spell, cast on the pomst, sickness, death, cast a spell on pennies already with black magic. It dawned on me that the skin has a magical infusion of my singing character. Bila is a defender, a likuvannya, a talisman, an appreciator of that other thing that brings good. When you read more zms, you already rush goodness and light, purification.

Black magic - the ability to infuse the life of people calling. With victorious rituals of such energy, having poured into a person, a great, strong one emerges. Take, sho zdatne z blushing robiti virodka chi navpaki. Take away everything from the rich man, I will increase the rarity. It can be said that such magic goes to the point of humiliation, humiliation and just take care of other people.

It’s neobov’yazkovo, that someone who has annoyed people, just seems to be fighting. The father-in-law may simply not be like a bride, or a person has chosen to drink from the squad to the kohanka. Options are anonymous. And all the stench is banal and rozvyazuvani without magic ritual.

It is necessary to cast spells with this magic more carefully, for those who do not know how to understand what will happen after reading the spell. Yaka z forces (black chi bila) will feel you and help you.

The situation is as follows: after reading the words about help in love or a penny well-being, everything starts in the same way. You don’t take away the bad, but there are even more problems. Or take it, but not so, as you wanted.

Having learned about the possibilities of the forces of magic, you see, you can go to the specifics.

Respect, you are enchanted

Signs of magical rites, directed at a specific person, appear as strong life ups and downs. The first and the most important sign - a new change in the gradation of the person's witness. A right hard worker or a fighter against drug addiction can himself pretend to be a drug addict, or a person who is immeasurably drunk.

You often slip into the gap between 3 and 5 hours and you can’t fall asleep - this is a practical 100-hundred-thousand sign that a magical robot is being carried out on you.

As if raptomly blaming the stinginess and tightness in the space of breasts - you should speak about the penetration of someone else's energy into your aura, trying a magical chi psychic infusion.

Your life will take on a sharply destructive character - you don’t hang around, you will have nightmares. Possibly, everything called out a magical infusion.

Your sounds have drastically changed, your body reacts inadequately to alcohol, you start drinking rich redini, you feel a little bit of internal anxiety, you don’t know your own place, you start to lose weight or, suddenly, gain weight. Unreasonable deterioration in health, ill health, weakness, apparent severity in the whole body without any medical reasons to talk about those that are magical on you.

Even better negative energy is felt by children and creatures. That is why neither, nor else “does not love” you, or sharply changed your appointment (and other signs are guarded), then, perhaps, you should sign up for an appointment with a healer or a psychic.

A sign of a negative influx is impersonal and most often it is important to diagnose. Lyudina zavzhdi herself pіdsvіdomo vіdchuvaє, scho її life is not so and rob vibіr zvіrtatisya chi not zvіrtatisya to fahivtsіv galuzі esotericism.

Why should such negative robots slander against you? As a rule, it is directed at your energy, your potential wealth, material wealth, good luck, health, prosperity, youth, fate of life and something else. Vіdzhati easier, nіzh napratsyuvati.

Chaklunstvo, directed at you, we give as a reaction to the church, prayers and incense. If it’s crushed on you, you won’t feel comfortable there, de smell of incense. Mozhlivy vomit reflex chi vtrata svidomosti. You can start unknowingly like a poison in the form of a native cross, vinikne bazhannya yogo son. So are the moments, if the cross just knows itself s shiї (the thread is torn or the lancet, the cross when bathing just twists) - these are the signs of a dream to die.

The manifestation of evil spells

It is enough to walk to the church and listen to your thoughts. You can perform singing rituals and budinki.

Black candle and silver

For the ceremony, it is necessary to stock up on a church candle and silver embellishment. This magical process helps to understand, what is a black love spell on people, be it some kind of magic, absolutely everything is infused, like injecting into freedom and freedom.

The best hour for this procedure is opivdni. From the lion's hand, it is necessary to take a silver, from the right (as one is guilty of being on equal hearts) - a candle to burn. With a stretch of 15 minutes, it is necessary to abstract from any thoughts, try to relax, clearing the mind. Like a candle to smoke, shoot, spark - without a trace, a love spell is present. It is also a sign that a person is under the infusion of dark magic, black infusions. Like a candle burning evenly - you can relax: it’s a magical day.

The strength of the photo

It is impossible to call in any time, as suspicions creep in that there is a love spell on a kohaniy people. With a simple magical approach, which is more reliable to know, what black magic is pouring in, this is a rite from the illustration of that photograph. It is necessary to stock up on a fresh photograph, even if there is a new sign, we will be sure of the result.

Late in the evening, if no one in the household is already able to disturb the one who is violating the ritual, it is necessary to be more gracious at the table. For the procedure, you need a saucer, put a sign on the yak. The photograph is necessary with a thin ball, but I will cover it with a white sill, husky to the beast. Seeing off the rest of the day, a person can become angry at light emotions.

The concentration can be around 15 quilin. Then you can go to sleep. The photograph on the saucer may be left on the pedestal. Vranci can be started before the result is achieved.

In retrospect, if the sign is filled with such itself, like in the evening, one can ascertain the fullness of black magic. And yet, if you remember the dark ones in the photograph, then there is no doubt about it - the magic is present.

After this rite, the sign flashes into a white arch paper and spit. It is impossible to talk about the results of the rite at any given time.

Znyatya magical infusion

The magical world has impersonal rites, which help to purify a person in the form of a person, whether it is a person, it is obvious, it is necessary to make an object, whether or not they are making a call.

If a person begins to behave in an unruly manner, pulls himself to an unsympathetic person, and begins to indulge in magic, you can try to indulge yourself in the form of spells independently. Singing rite, building zupiniti magical infusion.

Before that, how to proceed directly to the ritual, it is necessary for a few days to finish fasting, not to enter into a relationship with an intimate character and to think about the implementation of this ritual. The procedure needs to be worked on, if the month is going to decline. Take the following words: a thread of black and white, a candle, a tassel of arched shape from the sternum of the trigger. It is necessary to wrap one beak of the brush with a white thread, and the opposite beak with a black one, in the middle, turn a candle and light it. Then we need to break the brush into 2 parts and read it out loud: “As if the dead brush does not grow, then I don’t grow up for me (name, the one who performed the love spell).” So that you no longer guess about yourself, bits of living materials, and especially a brush, you need to bury in the areas of the place, which are roztashovanny one another. At the process of zarivannya, say the phrase: “As these brushes are far away, one is one, so are men (I am an individual, how I created a love spell) one is one, far away.” Having completed all the procedures, follow the steps, do not wrap yourself up.

However, before that, how to proceed to the conclusion of the negative magical influx, it is necessary to reconsider in the manifestness of magic, so you are definitely not inspired, rather do not hurry. Even if you know the unknown infusion of spells, you can threaten with insults for everyone.
Remember! Magic is a rather thin, unsafe science, and you can’t endure neobachnyh diy, not everything can be corrected. Take care of yourself and think about the consequences!

This article is a continuation of those “Magic vliv on people”, zapochatkovano. It will be simply miraculous, as if from the beginning you will read this small article. It will help you better understand the material presented below.

  1. 1. Lyudina raptom, having begun to remember, that in the case of the primal (primary) schoden navantage of the wines, becoming more energized. I should be especially wary, because then, or drowsiness is piled up at the strictly singing hour of doby.
  2. 2. A person is permanently unwell, she is constantly rejoicing, she literally “transitions” from one ailment to another. Wanting to know recently zzdorov'yam everything was good. Doctors just throw up their hands. A person often, without any reason, has moods of depression, and even a few months later, his moods are calm and equal. People begin to dream of wonderful and unacceptable dreams.
  3. 3. Leaping, you can’t immediately join the active camp, you need another hour to lie down, come to you after sleep. The people often began to have headaches of an indistinct march. Doctors cannot diagnose them, and they cannot establish the cause of their appearance. Appointed likuvannya not to bring special relief.
  4. As if taking on a person as a “handy man”, which works through a wax or crushed from another material, a lyalka, in a new one, often blame the bestial bill in the various places of the body, or build into the new, or pierce the gostra) (
  5. People often blame themselves for wandering into something grossly vile-sticky, and they want to look out of the whole thing, literally not enough in chlorine. Abo navpaki, vіn not enough pіd palitsі zmushuє yourself zdіysnyuvati schodennі gigiєnіchnі procedures.
  6. As soon as people begin to pick up rubbish that bezladdya. Youmu often wonders that unacceptable odors hover around for a long time. You should sing loudly, sound lower, and also give an unacceptable smell. Despite the fact that earlier for the new priming of purity, that order was a natural right.
  7. A person constantly takes away some of the worst injuries - now it hits, then it hurts, then it buckles. Vіn "zachіpaє" all kuti that shoals, schos misses, spills, breaks. Such hostility, that vin raptovo became like an ungrabable, nіbi yogo body rіshuche is moved to yоmu pіdkoryatisya.
  8. The clothes of the people begin to roam and roam in the kіlka once more, lower sig- nificantly. If you want wine, like before, wear it neatly. Especially tse pomitno on knitted speeches. The stinks nibi drank and shot with a shotgun, and they are attacked by a majestic number of small girls with arrows. Aje wine bought її in a decent store, and wearing only a few times.
  9. People begin to sing whether they are wondrous speeches in places that are not suitable for others. For example, the earth or sand, tangled hair, threads, needles, klaptiki inside domestic creatures (mostly dogs or intestines), wanting no dogs in your booth, no guts, withered leaves, namistini, dry beads are thin.
  10. It’s as if it’s not possible for a person to understand that his social life may have stuck. More than a few months ago, I was an active participant in various business sports and big parties, and I began to forget to ask, or to pronounce to take a part in different sports - chi business and friends come in. Yogo friends-know all the more likely to know an hour to talk to him, or they don’t, or the stinks become more and more strimanim at talking to him. Vіn perebuvaє with his own "social vacuum". If you don’t want to see the emotional crises of everyday life, and even without giving anyone a sense of reason, so that you can light up the world by flooding yoga in peace.
  11. On the people, without the usual drives from її side, people began to "naїzhdzhat" otochuyuchi yogo and known and unknown people.
  12. People inadvertently show that they are interested to the point of a different position, and she herself ceases to be of any interest to them. So, you also stop caring about your own status. Z cholovika chi zhіnki vіn transitions in the category “just a person”. Without article, without vіku. Just human istota.
  13. Pochalis yaksіs drіbnі (and perhaps not even more drіbnі) unacceptability on the robot. Wanting earlier on the robot everything was good, do it calmly and evenly with your dignity without any other bad and bad force majeure and conflicts.
  14. Schos nezrozumile began to be created for a penny. Navit as nominally people’s income has not shrunk, but recently they could afford their own life, and it’s possible, navіt went into vodklasti on admission or on great purchases, then now you’re looming those pennies їy lda vdaetsya to call kіntsі z kіntsami. Constantly blame situations that require unscheduled vitrates.
  15. On an addition to the shortage of pennies, it’s good for someone to get out of tune, otherwise, it will burn out some other technique and electronics.
  16. As soon as after all the bells, you start to get better, and the people, having changed, start to be like a plan, and proceed to their implementation, without a bar of guilt, they show that all the yogo inaccuracies are again piled on the new one. Plan to ruin your eyes. None of the inaccuracies blew him away, and hid here for the nearest kut, and checked on the new one, to pounce on the new one with new strength.
  17. Another unique indicator is the reaction of creatures. Shche zovsim recently at the people buli garni vodnosiny with the creatures, and the creatures gave it to you in return, but in the new one it was neutrally placed before the creatures, then at once the stench began to attack the people, bark at it, throw the chest of the earth at it, or react to it with some other wondrous rank. Near such a person, literally, little by little, the guts appear, and either go instructed to get out of them, or they constantly cross the road, otherwise they seem to show their interest up to the new one. (It’s allowed, that the respect of the intestines was promoted - that’s an indication for a love spell. I didn’t mark such an obvious link.)
  18. Fully satisfied with the life of a person who can be worthy of a robot, good stoks with close rapt, literally in front of his eyes, begin to drink alcohol without everyday reasons. I can’t explain myself why in the new raptom I got so drunk on alcohol. (The deyakі zrozumіli, tsіliteli іn. fahіvtsі іn. fahivtsі in galuzі esotericists vvazhut that such a rapt alcoholism - tse statement on those that people planted / attached so the titles of pіdselentsіv, or alcoholic spirits, or the work was carried out through the day.)
  19. Humans become harmonious, but sometimes it is impossible to resist the negative risks of their character. The strength of the will is now unfathomable where you know.
  20. People from zusillyam zmushyu themselves take up the vykonannya namіchenih references. Often, you just start adding them to the inexhaustible “let’s grow, for a year, tomorrow, at the weekend” just. And much of what was conceived is never realized, losing its relevance. And we’ll sweat another “grizze” for ourselves for the indestructibility, through those who are helpless in the ganchirka, but still don’t bring the chat to completion. Growing mountain of unfinished and unfinished references.
  21. So, if a person, having suspected that it’s not good, starts shukati fahivtsya, which can help you figure out what’s going on with her, it’s constantly possible to “introduce” these thoughts, but such a fake. Abo "pіdshtovhuє" turn around at the reception to a charlatan, who does not dare to honestly pay him a penny. And, apparently, by no means is it worthy of all negativity to create your own black on the right with people and far away.

P.S. I did not cite the borrower “VI. YOU," thinly, but replaced them with the word "PEOPLE". so that people of distrust did not start to take it and show it as their own “diagnosis”. Once again I call on you to reach all these points with the maximum possible discretion. About every vipadok, as if you have revealed in yourself all the more refurbished more points, and have sent a visnovka like “Life is over” or else in every soul, let's think again at once. Turn over your bells and whistles once more, having changed your mind on a sprat of simple meals, as if you are going to change at the “bag” article on this topic.

Well, you are absolutely convinced that a few points from this list are 100% your attitude, apply all your strength and help, what you have to spend on reception to a competent fahivtsya, and respond to the negativity, which is early enough to destroy your life.

If you have such a distorted "in the fighting minds" people - turn to her. If not, then you can get back to me. I will try to help you figure out what is going on with you and your life, and how you can get into it.

With respect to your looking at your values,
Natalia Vammas.

Understanding the meaning of this prejudice is known to people who are far from magic. Every once in a while, the floorings are laid down in a filthy rank, so that skeptics will think about it: “Why didn’t someone trick me?” What are the clumsy ways, how to recognize, what is the use of people? And what work, how did the witch give positive feedback?

We can see the presence of the magic infusion independently

If you wear a hoop, you can distort the appearance of the ring, or you can stick it, having taken the embellishment and checking it with an insignificant onslaught on the shoe. As if smuga, which has lost its inflow, will be light or erysipelas, it means that you won’t care much about it, but from what it will be black - it means that you really need to indulge evil. However, a smuga of unnatural color can have a whole prose explanation. Sometimes a dark trail of a ring on the shkіrі to tell about problems with nirkami. Well, you regularly have a green skin in contact with gold embellishments, go through a cardiologist - without a doubt, you have problems with the cardiovascular system.

How to recognize, what is on people's psuvanya, vicarious egg?

Bazhano, during the hour of the re-checking, the person was sleeping and did not know about the follow-up, what to go through. Need to take chicken egg, - We’ll be fresher, we’ll be better. He is carried out according to the guise of trichi for the year's arrow. Let's break the eggs, as if it were zipsuvalos - it means, psuvannya є. Well, if the product has saved its freshness - there is not much to complain about. Surely, not everyone wants to dedicate those who are away from their secret places, obviously, richly ask someone: "Can you do it yourself?" Take a bottle of water and break an egg in it. Then sit on the table, squeezing the boarder up to your chest. Put a bottle on the dome and trim it with your hand. It is necessary to wipe the homeland at least 5 khvilin. Let us carefully take the bottle and evaluate the egg by the water. It may be possible to spread only a little yellow, or less protein, an egg may become cloudy, or remember to change your color - these are signs of evidence of the presence of psuvannya.

How to signify, without rituals, that witch?

Sound a person, for example, there is a negative magical influx, often feeling unwell. Tse can be banal headaches or toothaches or serious infections of chronic illnesses. Often, when sleeping, a person often gets cold and may develop an elevated temperature, coughing and other signs of illness. Sleep disruption - the sign of the magic spit is also widened - either post-sleeplessness, or else, now, for the night, sleepiness and drowsiness, so as not to pass, wake up immediately after awakening. The very hour to ask for food, as a recognition, chi є on people psuvannya, as if you are calm and appeased, knowing that your relative has sharply become drіvlivym, you can be nasty without nudity, regularly swear evil at otochyuchih. Sometimes a person can behave in such a way, nibi її podminili, we can sharply change in mood, and then we force ourselves to guess, which itself caused a similar behavior. The very same psuvannya chi is like a phenomenon characterized by regular failures, most often in all spheres of a person's life. Zrozumіlo, smugi nedachі hour after hour traplyayutsya at the skin, but if you succeeded in singling out the meaning of the term, and the problems are too serious, it's time to think about it, how to recognize, chi є on people psuvannya chi nі. The ritual, which helps to signify reliably, can be carried out by a magician, hunt for professional help, as if you are afraid of playing with the sweaty forces especially.

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