Look for prosperity, she will do good at home. How to create well-being that penny wealth for your family ... Or else one more woman's way to get pennies to a house What a mother needs at home for well-being

. 1. Always take a gift in a store, but it’s not that big. As if there is not enough pennies in the cashier for the task, check, change the docks.
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2. Don't give pennies to anyone who looks like he's been burned. Fold the banknote navpіl and stretch it with a folded end in front. If you don’t have joy and give pennies on the other side, your wealth will become depleted.
3. Don't throw pennies on the ground for a reason; akshto navit dribna coin fell, pіdnіmіt її.
4. Don't think about banknotes, don't wear them with coins in your guts.
5. Do not trim old checks in the gamantz - this is how you get the credits to yourself.
6. If you have won the lottery, don’t hesitate to share this sum with your friends, or donate part of it to the church. Otherwise, you will soon spend such a sum, like you won, or you can get more.
7. Put a banknote at the new arrivals and do not spend it for a long time - a penny is due to call to your new house.
8. Sob not to run out without a penny, do not put a hat on the table, mittens and keys.
9. Pennies go like water; you can’t put the wrong plumbing in the booth, so that the leak can go away.
10. Don't cut your own hair, don't tease your chubok, otherwise you'll lean on the miline.
11. If you let the hamanets in and from the new pennies fell, pick them up with your right hand, moreover, you should leave the shoes on the bottom (or the earth) if you want one coin. With whom you can say: "I will deprive one - otherwise I will take it away."
12. On the day of the payday, do not waste your daily pennies - you can spend a penny overnight at home, in order to fall in love with yoga.
13. Ask for a salary increase on Wednesday afternoon.
14. If you are given a borg, trim your gut in the gut.
15. How to pierce left hand, come without money
16. Distribute all the rubbish from the gamantsya in a week to the women, or you will spend it yourself, otherwise you will be rich only on ruble pennies.
17. After the guests leave, put a tablecloth on the street at the table, at the table. Then pennies will be found in the booth.
18. Don't touch the table with your hand - spend a stable income
19. Follow the pidlog from the threshold, and not to the threshold, so that you don’t have goodness in the house, Do not work this evening - you’ll be good to be pissed off.
20. Do not leave in the evening smіttya, otherwise you risk being plundered.
21. If there were pennies, cut off the nails of the second Friday.
22. Do not whistle at home - call for vigilance. Whistle in order with another person - you must have pennies in the new one.
23. Do not drink in the same apartment with different vines - get married with riches in kutah.
24. Do not deprive coins on the table, banknotes and an empty plate - before spending money. Deprive the keys - spend power.
25. Do not stand on the edge, so as not to block the path of prosperity, which is going to the house.
26. Let the Borg go to bed, but not in the evening.
27. Put a shard of coins on the tablecloth in the kitchen - so you will attract the turn of the borg.
28. After the entry of an unfortunate guest, commemorate the houses, especially cut that threshold - you will see the filthy energy industry.
29. Chestnuts are honored with penny talismans. Put a sprat of fruit at the screen with a penny, or in a bag, entrust it with haman.
30. At the hour of changing clothes under the bridge, like a passing train, put a penny hamanets on your head and walk a sprat of rocks.
31. If you spend everything that was in the hamanz when buying a speech, then as long as you wear tsyu rіch, you will see the miserable lack of koshtіv. Navpaki, as if you have lost a decent amount of pennies, you don’t know what you need.
32. Do not let go of the old gamanci - zrobivshe, you will reap penny luck.
33. If you see someone else's dishes, a bank or a cat, turning them, put some object there - your booth will always have prosperity.
34. Do not pour alcohol on a vase - all cups and kelihi are on the table, otherwise pennies will flow out of the house.
35. Forward in the rotation, having felt the zozula, take silver coins from your hand - you will have pennies in your hand.
36. Show a coin or a banknote to a young month and say over your shoulder: "Month-month, give me pennies!"
37. At the next day, do not engage in the preparation of products, otherwise you will be penniless.
38. Do not save torn banknotes - exchange them at the bank for new ones, otherwise material success bypasses you.
39. Do not deprive the bottom of a loaf of bread, so that hunger will disappear.
40. If you want to keep one paper note and a skein of coins in the hamantz, the empty hamant will add a lot.
41. It’s better to spread the place more quickly so that there is a wall or a partition behind you. Well, if you don’t mind, you don’t allow it, to wrap a robotic armchair with a high back - we’ll protect you from behind in the influx of negative, pennyless streams.
42. If you want to be in power in the company for a long time, uniquely spread the work space on the contrary going down and under overhanging objects.
43. Place on the working table your biggest photo in the distance, as if it was crushed at the moment of an important moment for you. Vono nadikhatim you on new access.
44. For example of the day, clean up the mess on the work table. Otherwise, the trouble of yesterday will be transferred to a new day and start productive work.
45. Interrupt the roblyachs for those to drink tea chi kawi, pour the last kuhol chi flask. Nepovnі judge obіtsyat lack of pennies and empty vitrati.

Raptova crisis in the country zmushu rich people more often and more often go into the search for additional income. As soon as the situation with finances in the booth becomes more cunning, it is more peacefully planned, we do not allow ourselves to be supercilious, we try not to look. But if you don’t take away your work, as if you don’t take away additional economic education, you don’t designate anyone as the intercessor of the director and don’t shine on the great-grandmother’s great-grandmother’s state of Alabama. And the axis of psychologists and leading astrologers recommend impersonal pleasures, how to get pennies to a booth, and obov'yazkovo speed them up in everyday life increase your goodness.

How to become bagatim sing-song

Our ancestors also talked about the options for obtaining material well-being. Rich example, yakі dіyshli up to our time, we are now zdayutsya absurd and absolutely idle. For example, they tried to shove the dzhmel into the grandmother’s screen, or else to wear a jacket of a water beetle in the intestines.

I, Tim not less, pragnuchi zbіlshiti kіlkіst kіlkіst banknotes in your hamantzі, navіt nayzapeklіshi skeptics often respectfully play all the rituals, like so chi іnakshe pov'yazanі z pennies. Be it a wedding ceremony, for example, obov'yazkovo includes the process of picking up the names. Tse obіtsyaє їm zamozhne life in abundance.

What to listen to

It is a rich sign, like the All-World itself overpowers us, in fact, it is efficient and effective. It is important to read and recognize them correctly. Become aware of the widest strains on financial success.

Signal Decryption
Raptom sverbіla lion valley Check for finances.

To achieve a greater effect, tap on wooden surfaces or just splash in the palms.

Unexpectedly, the bedroom rose bloomed
  • Wealth is already practical to stand on the threshold of your booth.
  • One mind - do not rearrange the ticket in another place.
Know a coin, gold chi pіdkovu
  • Good luck and luck in pennies to accompany you, as if you will say goodbye to your acquaintance.
  • Spend the coin in the store, take the gold to the pawnshop, and give away the gold, not showing it to anyone.
We knew the stable with chotirma pelyustok Like a vapadku z pіdkovoy, znakhіdku it is necessary to take away from the eyes of the eyes.
Metelik, God's Korivka or flying bear flew in at the windows
  • At the same time, it is not possible to drive in the raptovs.
  • Just trim the apartment with a clear cut.
  • The guests leave your booth, having lost their wealth and income.
"Gift" on an occasion like a bird Who knows a lot that you don’t need to fight with your drive.
  • Tsya prikmet - nayvіrnіsha mozhlivіst ochіkuvati ponovnennya financial well-being without a bar.

How to lure finance

Alas, how can you work, if there is no bazhannya to sit and check for handouts in front of our All-Sveta? You can try to get success from pennies yourself. For whom there are many different options.

Like attributes for these purposes victorious figurines of similar gods, talismans, especially aromas or just domestic creatures. So that the scale of the family budget was raised to the highest level, whether it be better than the other.

The rustle of the banknotes is richly low, which makes it seem special to itself. So it’s necessary to work, so that cooking was always done in your guts, like earning pennies to a house.

Listen to the wisdom of the people, as you recommend, how to behave and do not slander wealth:

  • Paper bills cannot be wrinkled, crumple and tear. Stand up to them with a tremulous guard.
  • Periodically reschedule all the cooking that you have in your booth. Ale does not work at night, to that who is well after the next day.
  • Don't worry about it, other people make money, don't cheer them up.
  • Give mercy with the words: "Never harm the hand of the one who gives."
  • Hungry people for sure call for food.
  • You cannot donate food from a building. It seems to me that in this vipadka the vigilance will turn into disguise before you.
  • Give penny signs with your right hand, and take with your left.
  • How do you ask the borg at Mondays or at a monthly growth, vіdmovte.
  • Let's see, also, having checked, if the next month has passed.
  • Credit should be issued if the month is young.
  • Manicure or pedicure at the second and Friday guarantees financial support.

Yak not slyakat penny dobrobut

How to rob it so that the statutes settled in your booth for a long time.

I use a number of methods, yakі vdlyakuyut well-being that prosvіtannya sіm'ї, ale є y so, yakі lure penny luck that vesіnnya. It is important to remember everything, so that you can speed up at the right moment with the right joy.

How to lure pennies Scho vіdshtovhuє fіnansi - Law of vigilance
  • It is necessary to set up a vinik and burn down the hair.
  • The original solutions will be a bunch of souvenirs, which hang over entrance doors.
  • Clean up the life.
  • Forgive uncommon speeches, beaten plates or cups, old clothes.
  • Part of the space is open for new pridba.
  • Obidniy stіl, covered with a new, garne tablecloth.
  • Put a large bill under the tablecloth. The deposit is required 3 days before the last month. If you can spend pennies.
  • A penny tree and other home grown trees.
  • Speech calls out a bright, red color.
  • Empty dishes on the table, moreover, the dances are on the edge of negligence.
  • Cleaning up the territory after sunset. It is also not recommended to blame for the middle house of the smittya at the same time.
  • Prati smіtya, scho left on the table, without ganchirka, for a helping hand.
  • It’s better to carefully pick up a tablecloth and chill out on the street.
  • Can't sit on the table.
  • Saving pennies from the front.
  • At once, from the in-line s-p_d of the broken taps with water, finances can flow.
  • Vipadkovo is devoid of an open toilet lid.
  • Whistle at the donkey

As if you believe that the prosperity of the budinka is not your guest, but a real bagman, it is necessary to create a special mind for the new creation. Only in this way you don’t put more food, like earning pennies in the booths.

How to lure luck from pennies for additional speeches, creature, roslin

You yourself love beautiful images, create a singing lull among the inhabitants of penny bills, then they will not want to deprive you.

It is possible to save money for the help of special attributes, outstanding growths, to create creatures.

Attribute Yak vikoristovuvati
Statues and images
Tua Pe Kong
  • These are the gods who sing, as if they sang a sing-song infusion on material goods.
  • If you are familiar with the recommendations of Feng Shui, then place them in a close proximity to your life.
  • Himself guilty of vidpovidaє for wealth.
  • This is an Indian god, endowed with an elephant's head.
  • Vin podbaє about the prosperity of your booth.
  • Ale, if you still had a penny, don’t forget that you rarely live.
Slov'yanskі Budinkovі Take care of your homeland in the face of adversity, attract finance and stability, strive for the constant increase of your penny screenshots.
Green color candles
  • More suitable for romantic natures.
  • The stench of the building is to increase financial prosperity on the sloping river, a special emphasis is to fight on colors, the green seems to win.
Wheat, buckwheat, rice chi corn A dekilka of grains from one of the overexploited cereals in your hamants regulates financial flows in the right way.
Bobov, horseradish
  • It is positive to add that stability to prosperity.
  • Hrin is a penny talisman, a kind of virity, dry it and place it at the shaf.
Chestnut, cloves, mustard Sew little bears, put one of the ingredients in there and save pennies for earning.
Cinnamon, mint, ginger, patchouli The aroma of roslin cichlids is beneficially poured onto penny streams that are steadily flowing.
  • China has a whole ceremony, de victorious rice to attract wealth to the booths.
  • For її carrying out yoga, they sip around the bowl and throw coins on the day of the monthly month.
  • When it is necessary to take care of the fact that the preparations will be stilki, skolki rice grains.
Live helpers
  • It has always been important that the guts of the building are better for other creatures, to be friendly to the financial situation in the sim'ї.
  • I give special priority to blacks or sirim.
Gorobtsі, pigeons
  • Obov'yazkovo encourage hungry birds, especially during the winter period.
  • Go ahead and tell them what to bring you a penny wealth.
Toad The most ideal superfinancer of various peoples.
  • The toad was always a symbol of prosperity.
  • I don’t start living obov'yazkovo, take a statuette and put it on a new bill.
Gamanets An important role is played by the color of your purse.
  • In short, it will be red, black, golden and brown. Gamanets is not guilty of being old and shabby.
  • Do not save paper pennies and rubbish in the new bed.
  • For this wicker, write a special note.
  • Follow the rotting of the front side of the names of paper penny signs.
Screenshot from natural materials Cooking, which is taken to the booth, may lie at the singing place.
  • Get a special screen or a screen.
  • Do not forget to throw a lucky sin, which will attract additional financial flows to yourself.

How to know your happy sin

It’s important that for our skin it’s our own, especially a bill in the distance, like a trick, like getting a penny to a booth.

Most of them lie like this:

  • Maє number sіm at the number, scho repeat sprat times,
  • Number to revenge the date of birth,
  • The initials of that series are being played,
  • Previously forgotten in clothes, but known by the year.

Someone who takes an ordinary hundred rubles, folds it in a singing rank at the shirt, which transfers the protection from unspent deposits.

Not all examples of that zaboboni came to us from the depths of centuries. Acts were invented already at once.

  • The modern myth-makers saw little signs of the euro or the dollar on the snout. So they are trying to get their currency overdue. For the time being, there is no change of mind. More close to the truth is the last vitvir of the current suspense.
  • I can take away my salary, to the last penny, spend the night in a booth.

The whole proposition is true, as it doesn’t let you work for the sake of vitrati. And, then, all the same, it’s better to come closer to the proponed peoples of faith, better for all of us, and there’s a reasonable grain in them, as if I’m getting more pennies in the money I’ve taken.

How to get good luck and pennies in the house of a zmova find a way

It was better for everything, our skin blamed us for the drive of what we applied too much strength, but the result, which had dominated a penny option, was not visible.

In this situation, it turns to magic, as you imagine impersonal rites and rituals from the acquisition of wealth. But do not forget that the stench is less effective in different countries.

Magical rituals for the improvement of financial well-being

Think about it and turn it over on your own.

Naming the ritual Necessary speeches Yak spend Yak practice
Cleaning up
  • Zhmenya dribnitsa
  • holy water
  • Special mood
  • Reading priorities
  • Creativity and fantasy
  • Dock, if the Moon will be in your growing phase.
  • Cleanse your life in front of the uncultivated moth. Give special respect to the kuts.
  • Kuti at your apartment is not to blame, but it is forced by nothing, it will help you to stagnate energy.
  • It's too early to lie, before the Sun's descent, whisper special words over the coins, and then - over the water, in a way to place your dribnitsa (pointed below).
  • After that, remember all the lies in the apartment with her, showing that you think more negatively, and attract a penny mass to yourself. b
  • If the magical manipulation is completed, the water wriggles under a tree near the yard, and the pennies go to a quiet place, sunk in a white hustinka. They are saved for a month, and then you can victorious in other rites.
All fall in vіd namirіv ta istinnoї vіri vykonavtsya.

It is your responsibility to put as much as possible all your strength and that is your responsibility for the responsibility you have committed.

Be clear about what you really want.

Tse zovsim does not mean that on the coming day you will know your belongings, or a penny bear under your bed. Possibly, you may be asked to take up another tenant, as to help you assert yourself in the financial plan.

Zmova for pennies and good luck to read on a coin

Zmova for good luck in life read

Zmov on a coin near the water to perform a ritual-reading (3 times)

Push rituals for penny dobrobut
Received all the forces of the roaming family
  • Nova black hustka
  • green candle
  • tea saucer
  • 7 coins
One of the most difficult rituals, how to get pennies to a house.

How to spend:

  • Dock the first days after the new month.
  • At the time of the magical events, you may have a night shirt without a cuddly.
  • Sit at the table, on which a hustka is spread, a saucer with coins is placed.
  • Light a candle, and move it along the course of the year arrow over the penny, adding the words of the rite.
  • Let's dig pennies at the crossroads.
  • With whom it is necessary to whisper: “Damn the fee, I’m rich in gold!”
  • Go home, don't look back.
  • In this rank, you pay for those who open paths of penny well-being in front of you.
Month, as you grow, gives you the additional opportunity to earn money for your performed ritual. Most of the time, literally in a few days, you will be able to get a supply of goodwill and an increase in penny income.

Spend yoga in monthly cycles, but not more than once, only the same yoga robot will be correct.

Stamping over coins (7 times)

Mirror penny love spell

What is needed:

  • New mirrors - 2 pieces
  • 3 coins
  • green candle
  • There was a candle

How to perform a ritual

Before carrying out the rite, it is necessary to light a white candle, read the Lord's Prayer to the eye.

  • Stash її levoruch and do not extinguish it with a stretch of the process.
  • New mirrors, as if they hadn’t been in vvitku earlier, are installed one opposite, and coins are placed between them and a candle of green color with singing words is lit (pointed below).
  • Check that the mirrors reflect all objects.
  • Read the zmovu (pointed in the distance), respectfully focusing on the purpose of the ceremony.

What work with the attributes of the following day:

  • light the stump of a candle at the service in the church (repeating three times: “Like reading a prayer for the health of the Lord three times, so the pennies in my pockets accrue! Truly!”),
  • looking-glasses in a secret place, vicorist only for the coming magical rituals,
  • keep coins for your mother with you.

Korisno mother penny amulets:

If you perform penny rituals

If you see that your life has become stagnant, you need to change cardinally, then obov'yazkovo try to carry out all the appointments. The effect of them is to achieve trivaly and building savings by stretching for a few cycles of the month. The whole method is simple and helps to help reach the target. The cream of penny streams, like pouring from your homeland, you will know more calm and happiness in a special life.

Prayer for pennies when a candle is lit (green color)

Tsey virok over the speeches of vimoviti (40 times)

What you can’t work - sob don’t slyakat pennies

Conducting magical events, never forget about the material essence of our thoughts and words.

  • At the same time, you don’t worry about the day of finance, the day of the same marriage.
  • You can focus your mind on achieving a positive end result in seeing non-financial flows, which will bring you stability and prosperity.
  • Everything is to be deposited in spite of the willingness to try all the methods of obtaining wealth.

It won't hurt you, you're on your feet, you're welcome.

Take a look at your life orientation, change the sounds of that likeness, and with a wonderful rapt show how you can begin to speak non-primary speech. Try to manage finances wisely, get better. Wealthy people never lament and win great obsyagi robs. Watching the information, how to get pennies to the booth, remember that you don’t rely solely on the “manna from heaven”. Trohi zusil, and you take away those that you effectively merit with your copy of practice.

Read more than the other.

Zmova for the well-being gives people a great impression and the ability of the one who gets in the way of the set goals. Zmova, for the well-being of the building, attract financial wealth, win over negotiations, win over super things. To help you get through the service gatherings and take away the Bazhan settlement, finish the repairs at the booth as soon as possible and without any special expenses and bring relief to this from innumerable weldings. In other words, having read such a word, you grant grace to your relatives and loved ones, who help them solve all problems. Having dealt with the problems of stench, it becomes easier to put up to other hardships and welding in this way to another plan. Then you will pass, and love and friendship will fall into the booth.

Zmov for well-being can be done even if you internally understand that you need help because of what you see, that you were sent a psuvannya, a block, they zrobily zmovu for the disintegration of sim'ї.

How do you think about well-being to spratsovuyet shvidshe?

Naturally, whoever asks for a big heart and a big one, otrimu richly swidshe, lower people, for example, mercantile goals. First read zmovu, think about why you ask the All-Sveta for such a gift. Perhaps everything is not so bad with you, how do you show yourself? If you can’t bring another car for your family, or you don’t go on a road trip across the cordon, you have a mercantile, greedy character for the well-being of the financial plan.

If you care that your efforts have been expended and that you know the troubles (in view of which the discord and parts of welding are involved), then, better for everything, zmov for well-being - tse those that are contagiously and negligently lying to you in the wake and attachment.

For the sake of well-being, you can read for a month, what comes, sob to strengthen the word. The very same period, having poured into the cosmos on a person, wins and all-world bestows blessings in more times, less in other months.

It’s not a sin to read the zmovu and the middle of the day. Ale, try to work very early, at sundown, or at the very peak of the activity of sleepy warmth, if you can absorb more positive energy in yourself.

Dekilka zmov for well-being.

Speak for kindness at other times. As you stand up to your kindness and shanuєte traditions of your family, it doesn’t matter to you to start one of the twisted fates and people seriously look for new opportunities and sincere kindness for all the motherland for the whole stream river. Tsya Zmov is read on September 14 before Tim, as a system for Svyatkovy style i mean old new river. Forget that you don’t celebrate sacredly, hold the evening for all your relatives, so that you exchange warm blessings and traditionally embrace one another, exchanging warm family energy, so that no one for the whole world can confuse your thoughts.

For tsієї zmovi you need clean drinking water. You can take from the girsky dzherel, at the church, or, at the extreme vapadok, buy filtered water. Significantly, the best, as if the water would be true from the nature's core. From the 13th to the 14th of September at night, put the water so that it would have a month of light, cross the vessel with water and lie down to sleep. Early early, still sleep in the booth, go to the water, look into it, laugh at your own imagination and imagine the whole future river. Let me know that you will be happy all at once at this year's table, that you will be glad of spring, holidays, be like a train, going to a picnic. How to make gifts to your loved ones. Dip the fingers of your right hand near the water, flatten your eyes, inhale deeply your thoughts and read out the sound:

I will get up early in the morning, I will bless all the creations of God, the earth, the sky, the wind, the water, the sun, the moon and the part of the stars. I will bless the New Year of the Lord and all the days to come. I will pray to the Lord God, I will ask the Lord God. Lord God, Creator and Creator of all visible and invisible creatures, who, having created the hours and years, bless the new river Himself, which begins this day, which the world loves to see Your breath for our salvation. Allow us to spend this river and richly someone in a new world and good fortune with our neighbors; remembrance of that Holy Ecumenical Church everywhere, as if you yourself fell asleep at Jerusalem, and consecrated that most pure Blood with the saving sacrifice of the beaten Body. Bring our countryside, save and glorify; longevity, health, prosperity of the fruits of the earth, give us that nobility; me, your sinful servant, your relatives and my neighbors and all blessed Christians, like our true supreme Pastir, harrow, fence and on the path of salvation affirm, so that we, following him, after the long-lived gl of a prosperous life in your Kingdom of Heaven, reach your heavenly world . and vouchsafed eternal bliss with your saints. Give, Lord, to the house of which we are prosperous and in Your likeness, our daily bread, the slab of gold, and more than that, Your light. Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is necessary for me to remind the nobility. Vimovlyaєtsya vin time on the river and without hesitation. For the sake of your well-being, these words are not so important.

Trim pennies in gamantz with the front side to yourself

Zmova for a penny dobrobut at her gamantsi

As much as you need a penny, but remember that the stench is irrevocably and swiftly coming from your gamantsya, the time has come to put Yogo in order. We will pull everything out of the portman that is in the new. Now store your pennies neatly, a banknote to a banknote for an increase. Okremo in hamanets fold drib'yazok. Vaughn is not guilty of buti rozkidana all over the area and is no longer guilty of covering banknotes. Tse zbivaє z pantelik penny energy. Don't save checks in stained glass, fold them up. Everything that has gone for your good is obligatory for you to turn around. Everything that you have spent for the benefit of others, turn around. If a check is in the gammon, it is important that the pennies are not spent, but are in the middle of the gamance with the exact number.

If you have put things in order in the hamants, look in there and promote:

I'm going young, from Nova, I'm dragging money from Bela Lake. Nazustrich me three sides, three saints: Minodora, Mitrodora, Nimfodora. Take, sides, by coin, bless Christ God for me, send me all good, gold and silver. About the holy martyrs Minodoro, Metrodoro, Nimfordoro! We are rushing up to you with fervent prayer. Pray for the Lord, let the sorrows and misfortunes of the invisible grace of Your protection us, His servants, and save, and Your glory, like the sun is not clear, let it be worthy to see. Hurry us in our humble prayers and do not have mercy on us, sinners, and do not have mercy on us, Christ God, with His bounty. We send glory to Yomu with the unearned Yogo Father and the Most Holy and Good and Animal Yogo Spirit, forever and ever and for ever and ever. Amen.

Zmova shorty:

Like a star in the sky, like ears of corn by the field, like water by the sea, so in my gamantz a lot of pennies don’t change. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For the well-being of the Sim, you can vindicate images of Scandinavian runes. Your knowledge is cleared by the energy of your ancestors and it is reliable to give accurate indications of your power, they will beat the hell out of it, lead to the best of your knowledge.

Penny runes: Dagaz, Eyvaz, Turisaz, Fehu

Rooney can rahuvati chi malyuvati okremo. The best charm charms for well-being with vicarious runes squirm from a tree or are painted on a stone. A talisman from a zmovoy can be worn in the hamantz itself, victorious like a keychain. Often people are happy to get a tattoo from a runic combination for well-being.

In the name of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, amen!
Koshtuє my budinok from stone (call what)
Mitzny and supremacy, blessed by the Lord.
Happiness spovnyuєtsya, lyubov'yu zmіtsnyuєtsya.
Protects from enemies, joy, calmness, blessing with light.
Let it be so for ages and ages. Amen.

Materials that can and should not be used for well-being

For the sake of goodwill, the following materials are suitable:

  • Srіblo;
  • Wood;
  • That yellow candle is green;
  • Monthly morning;
  • Water;
  • Babies with the meanings of goodwill and prosperity (fish at the rate, various colors of strings, trees with fruits, garna mitla, grandmothers, fever - birds and pivni, Russian vizerunki);
  • Coin from gamants

If you plan to read a letter for the well-being of your family, de bude zgadana sіm'ya or a person's well-being, as wealth and quiet guilt, it will turn out to be serious for you, injuries, and ailments. You become a conducting channel, through some kind of air pass all the good things, like you see and vibrate people. If the prohannya about well-being is directed solely for the benefit of one's own family and oneself, without bumping into others, you are the recipient of soft grace, the energy of the cosmos. If you read zmovu vіd zazdroshchiv, you will see the positive energy from the enemy. Ale, at the same time, before you go over other people's problems and ailments, plus your own wormhole, the shards of the All-World will never be overwhelmed by the quiet, who, without fear of earning, succumb to others.

Aim for well-being, breathe silently and see your energy on the very first day, after reading that, you set yourself up for goodness and mutual understanding in this. And there, de panue the world of that love, zavzhd є th financial prosperity.

Be friendly with your bajans and eat generously kindly.

The similar philosophy of feng shui for more than 3000 years is enriched with special gifts for the skin, who wants to grow their buds more calm. Well-being in the booth - it’s all the more important.

At to the current world booths are not the same great value for people, like a long time ago, that we spend less and less than an hour. But it’s not enough to talk about those who don’t need to work for the light from the energy point of the dawn. It is necessary to know about those speeches that bring happiness, and those who are more likely to be called. Feng Shui has some special rules, so you can improve the home atmosphere and get more positive energy from your life.

Feng Shui rules, you can't forget about yaks

First rule: keep your house clean. This is the most important rule, you can’t forget about the yak. Wash the dishes every hour, rub the pill and trim all the speeches on your feet. In another case, you may be subject to serious health problems and moods. In a clean booth, make it more comfortable, so get yourself used to order.

Friend's rule: pure povіtrya - a pledge of a burning mood. Check out the appointments of the day, so that you get less excited and hang out more in front of the robot. It seems that I will improve the brain activity, increase intuition.

Rule of three: at the corridor, spread the light yakomoga closer to the door. Light can fall right on the door. Tse vіdlyakaє evil spirit that will allow you to normalize your sleep. You will have fewer nightmares.

Rule four: try to trim the yaknimenshe of prickly roslins at the booth. If you have problems with enemies, then one cactus in the evening can solve the problem, and there is absolutely nothing more than one tree in the house.

P'yate rule: in the bedroom, it’s better not to open a computer, a TV set and a work space. So at the bedroom it’s not guilty to bring water, for wine, obviously, bottles of water on the nightstands. The bedroom can only have a light closet with a minimal amount of speeches. Furnishings are of a rectangular shape. If so, the smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stone, then the better. This is the most important part of the house, there is no place for supernatural things.

Choste rule: at the bedroom it is not guilty to have a lot of red speeches. The colors of the tsієї kіmnati may be mundane, calm. Tse can be white, gray color, pale green, brown.

Some rule: in the kitchen it’s not guilty to mirror. Mustaches, mop that miyuchі zasobi Stay near the bathroom. The kitchen is the place for the collection of this place, the place is there, so there is no fault of the TV there. At the same time, it is more popular to put a TV set in the kitchen, but it is fundamentally wrong. Nothing and nothing is guilty of interfering with the harmony of the kitchen.

Rule eight: on the working area and in the vital area, pyramids of the correct form can be placed. The stinks will concentrate positive energy in themselves and give you її if you will instruct.

Rule of Nine: in the center, be it a room, it’s not to blame, but there’s nothing zayvogo, no furniture. Prices are for the vitals, the kitchens, and the bedrooms. The center of any destination is the place of free circulation of the energy of Qi.

Rule ten: in front of the entrance doors, obov'yazkovo may hang a red line. Vaughn instills evil spirits and saves calm people, as if they live at the booth.

Rule Eleven: at the same time, do not wink to embellish the booth of a picture with violence, war, blood thinly. Pictures are due to reflect your creativity. Tse mozhe buti the sea, fox, burn at the bedroom; family portraits at the vital; images of pennies at the offices.

Rule of twelve: work on the rearrangement of furniture, if you realize that life needs to be changed. Tse help you to wake up, rozpochat new things, and plan ahead for the future.

Rule of thirteen: obov'yazkovo, let's say motloh, products that were spoken, uncommon speeches. You can’t keep at home those who won’t be at your mercy anytime soon. Navіt yakscho vy all uncommon speeches are far away from the eyes, all the same negative is shown there, de vy don’t check on anything.

Chotirteen Rule: bedroom space can be free and clean. Don't place furniture too close to the bed. Gostri kuti is not guilty but straightened out on a lizhko.

Rule of Fifteen: try to pick up aromatic sticks and candles more often, so that the reception aura will always prevail at the booth.

Rule of sixteen: Whisk two to three colors at the skin room. There is no more victorious sense, but less is not possible. If the room is absolutely monotonous, the Qi energy in it is simply ruined. With this, the lower part of the room can be vikonana in dark tones, and the upper part - in light ones.

The skin of the rules described above does not matter. All the stinks at once will help you build your own houses with the abode of happiness and that bright energy. Do not bypass these rules, as if you want to transform your life in the place of reception and shelter until creation.

The rule of designing booths will help you to relieve stress and find the strength to move forward. Tse your fortress, your zakhist, then try to practice over her in the first line.

Like a lot of people in Russia today, they sit over gamants, convulsively puffing up pennies, but in a new way, they try to be smart, like stretching them for a whole month. However, sometimes it seems that the stench just leaks through your fingers, and the total supply of pennies at the booth becomes just a permanent problem.

It’s a lot of what the person is guilty of here, the shards are out in the air for a penny energy. Obviously, you need to buy hundreds of amulets and take care of all of them, but if you don’t work, then you don’t need a check of riches that were called on your head. Ale and forget zovsіm about them not warto.

To the very same, a skin person can know the foundations of how to lure pennies into the booths for the help of energy.

Dani at tsіy statti, for the sake of already a long time to bring their effectiveness and with tsomu є simple from vikoristanny.

Really lure pennies from your houses, and it’s easy to get good luck and it’s not necessary to break the folding mathematical right. Such zagalnі rada can vikonati be-yakіy lyudinі, so it’s not uncommon for this varto to acquire these knowledge.

Use 4 gossip, under the hour of vykonannya of which you can bude a rush of finances. Axis how to get pennies in the houses:

Folk examples

How to get pennies in the houses, less knowing deyaki folk examples? It is not for nothing that people have long been trying to get to the same pennies for the help of other folk methods. Axis of finding and finding them:

  • don't hesitate to donate. Blagodіnіstі nі skіlki not disgrace you, even if for povіr'ami all those who have seen it, turn at the court's rozmіrі. Therefore, boldly give mercy to needy people;
  • if your house is too small, then obov'yazkovo shove a small silver coin for it. She will help you earn more pennies. Just a trace of the skin once, passing the threshold, say: “I go home, pennies for me”;
  • women often slacken manicures, prote yakscho you will transfer yoga to Friday on Tuesday, then it’s busy bringing surpluses;
  • A small ceremony with patchouli oil will significantly improve hamanets. For whom to take a penny bill, for the first one, smear it with oil. So you will become an amulet, like a penny, like you wear yogo in gamantsi;
  • the month is also a helper for the viconan penny magic. For the first time, the banknote is shown for a month on the very young man and the words are put on him step by step: “for a month, the people are given, the pennies are given”.

Yakі kіmnatnі roslini get pennies to the booth

Light grew up through a rich thousand, like before, it becomes overly taemnichim. As it appeared, the stench of the building is to be cast on those who want to lure pennies into the houses. It has long been noted that skin roslin can have its own meaning through a special energy. So how can they make that particular person?

Quite, how to get pennies to a booth:

  1. Cactus - protectors from stealing, yak, through their thorns, also strung riches on them, so that they can pass through. Obov'yazkovo, keep a sprat at home different types given roslini;
  2. Tovstyanka maє small leaves, like all your own with a sultry look guess coins. Possibly, the very thing gave the growth the opportunity to earn pennies. Do not shave off the leaves of the plant - it will negatively appear on the budget. To make a penny potik of red or greenery a mountain worker with a dew, put it on a pivdenniy skhid, and bury a coin in the root;
  3. Geranium can be found practically in the skin booth. She herself won’t earn more than a penny in this, but simply well-being.

Zvichayno, іsnuyut і іnshі roslini, zdatnі zaluchit pennies in budinok, аlѕе thіѕ three іnѕtоtnіshі pomіchniki.

Getting pennies to the feng shui booth

It’s already rich to make a person learn to learn to cherubate with the necessary energies. One of these ways is Feng Shui. At the present moment, the Chinese authorities can win a little money, so that they can earn pennies from the building. How to get pennies in the house according to Feng Shui:

  1. Take a compass and find out your line of sight. Tsya kіmnati zone will become a special place of Wealth. Pennies get two elements - Wood and Water, the same stench will panuvat here, not suffocating with anyone else. Vіdpovіdno to Feng Shui everything can be in absolute harmony;
  2. Now, to activate the Wealth zone, put the next one in a new tovstunka, more visible to everyone, like a penny tree. Vono will become a symbol, which is the best money;
  3. Qiu zone should also be filled with different wooden pellets. Here you have everything that your imagination can think of. Just keep in mind that the stench can viklikati in your malt. Also, other symbols are sent to the center of the zone, tied with a penny, for example, a toad with a coin in its mouth. If you have a screen with koshtovnosti, then here it will be a place;
  4. Now, if the zone was filled with the elements of the Tree, the hour of Water has come. The most relevant section will be an aquarium with fish. Just do not overdo it with the element, even if you can choke the star out again. If there is no way to start an aquarium, just put a bowl of water or hang a picture;
  5. Dotrimuytes at tsmu kutku kolorovoї gami. For water, the stench will be blue, black or violet, and green for wood.

By itself, feng shui is the symbol of the mova, to add respect to the details to that varto.

Seek to get pennies to the booth

So, help to create a stable penny channel, which will help to move income. Golovne dotremyte 2 vagomi rules:

  • the spells of penny magic are only available for a month, as you grow;
  • ignite the candles, use less sirniki, the igniters are switched off.

Father, how can you get good luck and pennies to a house?

Groshova zmova for wealth

It’s easy to finish it, but with whom it’s hard to push, especially for those who have only moved to new booth. For the next step, buy a couple of church candles and make your own magpie. One candle for prayer, and for a friend to take the shoes with you.

Let's keep the shoranka stretching for 40 days, fire it up and start reading the call. As long as the sound is sounding, the candle is guilty of burning, but after that, extinguish it again. If the candles did not stick out at once, then buy a new one. If you have lost a little, then let me burn out on the rest of the day.

Call text:

At the shid boci, Mount St. Athos, on that mountain is the Church of the Lord,
Your church has Christ's throne.
As the Lord's throne stand in the middle of the world, do not worry and do not collapse, forever rich and holy, so we will die at the slave (im'ya) standing in the middle of the whole world, do not worry and do not collapse, become rich and holy. Wealth is in the house, but famously at home. Amen.

All the groups are awakened like prayers and call out to God to save a penny tide from their family, respecting that they are guilty of earthly riches.

Other ways to generate penny energy

As it was planned earlier, there are impersonal ways to get pennies. There are more descriptions, you can know and less in the house:

  1. Crimea grew, pennies of the building to attract and stone. The stench is especially effective, as to keep them in order with the miners, or on your own as an amulet. Such stones are citrine, rhodonite, tiger's eye - they help to improve the material camp;
  2. Candle ritual - if you win a green candle in the ritual, then you will become a really hard way to get pennies. Seen once again through two speeches: to the one who has greenery and the color of wealth, and also the building of half-light, which attracts the eye. Next, light a candle and, staring at the half-light, roam about those that you need in the material sphere. After whom, write everything in Arkush in beautiful handwriting and read it out loud. Dali burn the sheet down. However, if the leaf does not burn out, then it is not possible to reapply it. After that, wash your bastard for a riddle and check until the candle burns out completely. I drank all of it, it was necessary to pick it up in an envelope and wear yoga at the gamants.

For a long time now, the psychic has been practicing with different energies, one of them for a penny, to that, at her book, she propagated a sprat of ways to get them to the booth.

  1. Open the curtains every day. It is important that penny energy come at the houses from the sleepy light, obov'yazkovo natural. Vlasne to that yogo can buti in the booth is too rich. However, after sunset, close the curtains with a bow, so that the vile energy does not penetrate at the booths;
  2. On the kitchen table, under the obov'yazkovo tablecloth, take a bill of whatever denomination. See that she didn’t have any rainy days. Better take a new one. An obidniy steel, a place for the collection of all the motherland may have a great amount of energy, to help activate a penny potik;
  3. Hang over the entrance doors a great castle, bazhano inlet. Vіn additionally close pennies at the booth, acting as a symbol of zakhist, not allowing energy to escape to freedom;
  4. Remembrance is required, if there are penny problems coming from a person’s head, then you’ll have to attack those who don’t have any problems in you with finances, and bad or bad rozpochat їх vyshishennya.

How can you talk, if you have a lot of ways to solve the financial problem, that which you didn’t take away, it’s more smut to believe in yoga, creating special psychological moods.

One more spiel was glad to receive pennies - at the offensive video.

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