R_k p_vnya yakіs rіkі vіdnosjatsya. R_k P_vnya behind the Skhidny horoscope: like people people are born under this sign. Red Fire Piven

The tree is one of the most beautiful symbols of the Hidden horoscope, and it means that the whole world will be filled with boisterous podia, like a flood of water from our life on the coming rocks. Before global characteristics The symbol of this fate is such vivacity, like a hostile mind, partiality, emotional unstrikingness, inspire warlikeness in a singing sensation, enchantment and charm, but with it, sillness to superficial mirkuvan and hisism. Eternal companion Pivnya - whole dashing luck, like loving positive and courageous people.

Sob the river of Pivnya brought you a minimum of expenses and a maximum of corrosity, it’s necessary in a better way, it’s right to use it, but in a different way, behave in such a way that the symbol of rock is nice to you. Read about the whole lot more below.

An hour on the cob and the end of fate

Chinese New river rises above the night against the 1st day, ale in the kilka tizhniv in the morning. Below are the dates for the present and final fate of Pivnya:

  • From 01/22/1909 to 02/09/1910 - the river Zemlyanoy (Zhovtogo) Pivnya;
  • From 02/08/1921 to 01/27/1922 - Metalevy (White) Pivnya river;
  • From 01/26/1933 to 02/13/1934 - the river of the Water (Chorny) Pivnya;
  • From 02/13/1945 to 02/01/1946 - the river of Derev'yany (Blue) Pivnya;
  • From 01/31/1957 to 02/17/1958 - river of Vognany (Chervony) Pivnya;
  • From 02/17/1969 to 02/05/1970 - Zemlyanoy (Zhovtogo) Pivnya river;
  • From 02/05/1981 to 01/24/1982 - the river of Metalevy (White) Pivnya;
  • From 01/23/1993 to 02/09/1994 - the river of the Water (Chorny) Pivnya;
  • From 02/09/2005 to 01/28/2006 - the river of Derev'yany (Blue) Pivnya;
  • From 01/28/2017 to 02/15/2018 - the river of Vognany (Chervony) Pivnya;
  • From 13.02.2029 to 02.02.2030 – Zemlyanoy (Zhovtogo) Pivnya River;
  • From 02/01/2041 to 01/20/2042 - Metalevy (White) Pivnya river.

Yak Yogo Zustriti

Zustrit the symbol of the fate of the hotel, and bring you success!

Your image - sho vdyagnuti

Oskіlki Pіven - a proud bird and yaskraviy, choose the best choice for the holy bird. You can also dress in red, orange, burgundy, yellow and brown colors - smut, so that the colors of the farb were abundant. So Piven does not have anything against the black color. All those goydaєtsya and embellishment. Try unique cold and pastel tones in clothes - only bright and warm colors, which are associated with half-lights, which burn, with turbulent emotions and passion.

New style - what to cook

The basis of a new table can be a plant growing, and vegetables, fruits and cereals. Permissible riba and in any quantity. M'yasna Strava you can also be present, but it’s your fault to be bird meat. Do not anger Pivnya and chicken eggs on the table, wind up like a stink dribly spiced at the salad.

It is no less important to decorate the style from the adopted features of the symbol of rock. Make Pivnya happy with some kind of bright element, for example, red, orange or yellow servets. You can light a candle of one of these colors - the elements of fire cannot deprive Pivnya of baiduzhim.

Put a small figurine, a toy on the new table, or wind a cardboard leaflet from the image of the symbol of fate, and in order with it - often look at the nasinnya, granulate, or be like a grain on a saucer.

How to behave

Podії vydbuvatimutsya, in principle, the same way, like in any other hour, but the nature of the fate of Pivnya will deprive them of its own trace and, perhaps, vpline on their form.

Life Specialist

Especially happy on the Pivnya River to bring you approximately the following:

  • Smile. Piven does not know timidity, which is what you should have been for a long time, show initiative, let it not be obvious. The river Pivnya has the luck to love quietly, who does not follow the call of the heart, but it doesn’t mean that you can work everything that you are tempted. Behind some kind of madness, there may be a row of inaccuracies, as if we were gaining wraps like a snowball;
  • Give to the partner of freedom. The bird is biased and volitional, don’t try to control it, and even more so, feed yourself to the kohan people. Tsey rіk is similar to a lottery, and not to the vibudovuvannya of special happiness for zeglins;
  • Vіdmova vіd vipadkovyh zv'yazkіv. As it seems, Piven is “a wealthy woman”, but don’t go to someone else’s chicken coop. A search for a suitable fate can lead not only to serious inaccuracies, but also to tragic podias. Natural beauty may be less than a hut, that’s why you need love from the suspіlstі vіpadkovykh znayomih, or it’s very soulful to achieve reciprocity in the form of a person, like a stosunka you don’t need - tse verny way to rozcharuvan that vtrat.

Robot that career

Achieve promotion in service, or you can increase your earnings in advance of the coming days:

  • Showing initiative. An unsmiling behavior on the river of Pivnya can only lead to stagnation, so don’t check in the share of favoritism, but die! If you are claiming to be a worker, look for ways to tell the authorities that this settlement can be yours by right! Tilki without impudence and attributing to themselves inescapable virtues - Piven not to love nonsense and vdavannya;
  • Streaming. Rik Pivnya is literally streaked with emotions, at some hour it’s important to turn around. Tim is not less, if you happen to have a little patience, if you see whom we have deposited, bring it more success, Chim vіdchaydushny poshuk proving vlasnoї rightness;
  • Vminnya d_yati outside the box. For obov'yazkom service, a lot of people are driven out of the same frame, but other activities for the scheme are out of order. The authorities will obov'yazkovo evaluate your erudition, hospitable mind and take decisions on the go.

Material background of life

At the rivers of Pivnya, it is necessary to install such a blue with finances so that the stench multiplies. Who will help you with the following:

  • Vіdmova vіd zayvih vitrat. Piven emotsiyny, to that you periodically blame the bajannya to "lower" a decent sum of pennies on unplanned rozva. Diet like this, as you care for your needs, please your loved ones with gifts - Piven is not scary, but everything can be in the confines of the reasonable! Protect the fact that in the river of Pivnya there will be enough willing people to cheat on you for pennies and flattery;
  • Smart investment. Have rіk Pіvnya good luck favors that active people. If you want to show your right, die, but give respect to all the details please. In some rivers, people are smarter up to spontaneous praise decisions, and in others, competitors and unkind people can speed up. Do not varto and rizikuvati without a zayvoї consume, be a kind of rizik may be buti vipravdanim. Avoid vain adventures, especially if you are talking about breaking the law. This hour cannot be called calm, you can create problems for yourself, leaning on the wrong hour and in the wrong place, nothing special about it;
  • Honest behavior. Do not fall on a stranger, Piven is a vlasnik. Whether it's a deceit, saving easy pennies, appropriating other people's merits, and everything in your heart can cost too much. On the river Pivnya, you need to be able to earn an honest way. Be it a dribnitsa, which is worth swinging at someone else's good, carrying in itself a risk that will turn into a grandiose scandal, the second friend of the working place will have a good reputation.

People, people on the river Pivnya

short description

Lyudina, born on the river Pivnya, rejoices at non-strimanity and straightforwardness. You can’t take your emotions and say those who think, who often start to feel a little quiet, who to love. The first hostility about this person, however, may appear tempting.

People and women, people in the river Pivnya, have a hospitable mind and natural wine. The stench easily and quickly adapts to the new minds of life, without special zusli to start the need for knowledge, and more headily, endowed with a name charm that does not deprive them of the habit of becoming.

Cholovik Piven

Before a person, narodzhenoї in the river Pivnya, it is impossible to be placed neutrally - either to love to madness, or to see her through a fortune. Cholovik Piven - tse "the first lad in the countryside", the soul of the company, and the approaching companion at once. According to the new cry, about the new dream, for the new fight the right battles, which only further promote the self-esteem and rob the yoga more.

Piven to cherish your freedom, it’s rare to be friends with that early age. Having made friends, continuing to lead a large way of life, flirting flirtatiously with the chandeliers and not needlessly taking over your reputation.

At the car'er, ring out, the win is successful. For rahunok in oneself, charisma, and instilling singing impudence, vin otrimue promotion for promotions, especially as a robot is connected with advertising, journalism and politics. Zagal qiu people can be characterized as lucky and daring, as if the whole hour rushes forward unrespectfully on whether or not the bands.

Zhinka Piven

Zhіnka, narodzhena in the river Pіvnya, maє natural brilliance, bazhannya look good and live in the center of respect. Won befits the people and often koristuetsya tsim. For the sake of her stench, prepare for shalenі vchinki that great sacrifice, but it is impossible for the woman of Pivnya to be zatsikavit with a promising alliance - їй needs alive emotions.

For a crazy person, she will forever be a mystery, and only one, for whom she is permanent - not for her intransigence. In order to take happiness from your beloved, make your family happy, you need to direct your energy towards a peaceful channel. Tse mozhe buti tsіkava robot, creative employment, sport - that's always good, but do not sit idle! Zhіnka Pіven' is diyal, that's why it's so unbearable for her that you can live in life.

The symbol of Pivnya in a similar horoscope is hoarse, non-transferring and yaskravy. Bagatyokh tsіkavit, yakі rocks Pіvnya buv i will be.

  • In 1981, the capital of the Metalevy Pivnya river, so will be in the 2041 roci.
  • At 1993 Water Pivnya, vin bu 1933 roci.
  • 1945 and 2005 to the fate of the Derevny Pivnya.
  • 1957 Fire Pivnya, also will be wine in 2017 rotation.
  • 1969 Land Pivnya, wine will be in 2029 rotation.

Now let's take a closer look at the i symbol itself. famous rice skin care Pivniv.

People of the people, why the fate, sound, purposeful. Forever know what you want and how to reach it. The stench is to make a plan, like a stink to breathe. True, buvaє, they can overdo it for an hour, which will greatly annoy the restless. Metalevy Piven in no way come out of its own way. Yogo is stuck for an hour playing an evil heat on him. That often youmu does not dare to reach what he wants.

1993 rok of a Pivnya, and what wine will you bring to the people, the people of whose fate?

Poperedniy river of the Water Pivnya bu u 1933 roci. Everyone remembers what an hour cost in the history of the SRSR. In the yakі rocks of Pivnya, tsіkavit dermal, and the axis is vin for Pivnya, not everyone thinks. Water Piven - this person is already rickety, she won’t like to sit on the mіstsі and checks osyayannya. Vіn, as a rule, volіє dіyati. Biting about fixing the doors of the docks, the docks do not take away their own. Lyudina, the people who are familiar with it, it’s important to argue with her, talk about it with her, but it’s impossible to reconcile. The new one has a clear thought for everything, the varto also means that it’s funny to talk to him. Bazhannya is all strimko robiti and vіdpochiti - the axis is yakіst, for an hour they do not allow the bazhany to reach.

1945 and 2005 - who checks for quiet, who was born in the world?

To finish the success of the future, even the Village Piven of the building will fluctuate in any situation. The priorities in the new are always the right people, and we will decide later. Tse duzhe is an honest and self-satisfied symbol. Everything is good, ale people, narodzhena on the river of the Derevny Pivnya, forever fraternize for 10 indulgences at once. Well, it's obvious that one day it doesn't go well.

1957 and 2017 - what do people look like in the world?

In yakі the rocks of the river Pivnya would not be boo, the elements did not play a great role in the share. Golovne - tse means a symbol. Fire Piven- the leader of life, lead the people behind you. Zdatny keruvati and pіdkoryati sobі. Mustache the new leader and get ready to greet him. Representatives of this sign do not mind, they are put up to people, they stink, that you should make a ration. But other people's problems do not chirp, do not like grief and suffering. Be sure to fight for the truth, what to finish with the rice of the character.

1969 and 2029 - the fates of Pivniv Earth. What do you check on them?

As a rule, people of this sign diligently practice and achieve success with someone alone. Do not rozporoshuyutsya for a couple of rights at once, to reach success in their sphere of activity. People, people in the circle, are more intelligent and penetrating. Having set yourself up for a meta, destroy everything in order to come to it. Call them all out. Busy Lover- Tse robot, they don’t have much time for repairs, that bajannya tezh.


In yakі roki rіk Pivnya would not buv, this is the very symbol. Lyudina, narodzhena under her, is already strong, mіtsna, so love pratsyuvati. For those who go out to reach their own goal, for those who don’t, they don’t. Ale zavzhd tsya people go through life with a proudly raised head, like a piven!

Practically marooned to muse the people who were born on the river Pivnya, to praise the decision, in front of them, having sung their minds. People, people of this fate, can think clearly, spiraling on logical ropes, and sound not accepting the pressure of calls.

As if they are allowed to practice at the visible independence, do not hesitate to take part in the permanent zmagannya z vikonannya plan, stink, as a rule, more lower building reach be-such heights at the car'er. If people take an hour to think calmly, and also the ability to win their own way, better for everything, they attach the stink of vibratory and creative ideas, as if they were going for the benefit of the sleepy community.

The negative image of such people is the impossibility of embracing different ways of solving one and the same problems, and in that case, as other people see them, for sure, it’s not safe that you will feel the stench in pasta. Takozhzh, Impae, it is important for Pam'yatati, if people reached the acts of the Finansky self -stinosti, the stunning of the unique spocusi rosterati accumulated Unsobazhezhennya Shvidko і Nedbalo is the male weakness, I ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї roboti.

It’s not surprising, sing love for these people - the least, the most different kind of vіdpovіdalnostі, viklik dolі, with which to lie down vіch-na-vіch. Imovirno, the life of these people will have a lot of love and romance, because people of this type will enjoy themselves outside and always change at the center of respect from the side of the relative state. Tim is not less, people on the river Pivnya will be inclusive of his cohanim. And in light of the fact that people have a garnier relish and love garne branya, the middle of a conspiracy and a campaign, the stench will be able to create a romantic atmosphere and sharpen the turbot of their kohanih. In other words, you can stink, like putting a pill in your eyes with your enchanting sound, so impress the speaker with an extraordinary sharpness of mind.

However, there is no security, that such a person, having leaned not in the ability to correctly recognize his partner, can be injured and disappointed, like a kohanna, so in life in general. At love notes z Pivnem varto buti vіdkritimi and honesty, make you want to praise them and share your enthusiasm, obviously, as a partner of lashing on trivalі stosunki.

From the other side, as if it’s always the blues to try for a long time, among the wealthy, the people on the river Pivnya, there is a tendency to freedom, often they show some interest in their fasting partner, and early on they start looking for new money. However, as if, buoying in the old lines of water, their partner constantly supports the interest of Pivnya, then it’s too early to pounce on this blubbering, and the wine of prudence, that I am such a person, I don’t know how to spend it.

Celebrities who were born on the river Pivnya Actors: Alexander Suvorov, Alexander I, Ivan Konev, Ivan Bagramyan, Volodymyr Dal, V'yacheslav Shishkov, Mikhailo Prishvin, Ivan Pavlov, Yakiv Sverdlov, Oleksandr Kolchak, Andriy Gromiko, Kostyantin Zaslonov, Socrates, Enriko Caruso, Richard Wagner, Richelieu, Erik Clapton, James Fenimore Cooper, Joan Collins, Elton John, Alisher Navoi, Michel Pfeiffer, Roman Polanski.

Yak and why zustricha ryk Pivnya 2017

The upcoming 2017 passed under the sign of Pivnya. Pіven - proud, loud, brightly-lined life-radius creation. Vin - a symbol of the beginning of the new, dosvetny, vin first straight ahead of the day, what it is now, and loudly informing us about it. People, people of this fate, are inspired by elegance, redism and charisma. They are dressed with great retelnistyu and can spend big pennies on their picks, at one time they can earn money conservatively from their stars. These are natural leaders, wanting to make close quarters with great difficulties. The stench is more accurate in the assessments, the shards are more cautious; the stench is simple and straightforward, but fool them into letting go, the stink shards are endowed with protection, hospitable intelligence and penetration. To love buti in the center of respect, so that they flattered them and bestowed them with compliments. A hospitable tongue, guilty and obliging piven, you should love to die, and you can spend all your life in search of your ideal. Vіn smiles and sighs, even more intellectual, do not cry, do not swear. Razbіrlivy in acquaintances and in friendship. And if someone is already dead seriously, you can donate more money for a happy kohanoi people. The best of yogo rice is to win over the obitsyanka, the pride and the sense of goodness.

How to decorate the steel of a new one



The Rick of the Chervonogo Fire Pivnya 2017 enter into your rights on September 28, 2017 and say goodbye to us at night from 15 to 16 February 2018.
Whose river will be more important for the history of human civilization, wines will be more stringent, clear, full, global podia, which will be forgotten. The main color of rock is red, which instills beauty, energy and that power. To that, the forces of good will be granted additional support to overcome evil in all its manifestations. The element of fate of Pivnya 2017 is the fire, then, to burn out the richness of our bіd i, like a phoenix bird, we are born for a new happy life. Wine-growers will be especially generous, who do not follow easy paths and crooked stitches, do not violate moral and legal laws, speak little and work hard, and earnestly, by grain, create the foundation for their success and kindness.

Why do you have a new river of pivnya 2017

How to decorate booths / apartment



Yak correctly zustrіti 2017 prik, schob appease
yogo patron - Chervony Fire Pivnya

mark characteristic

Piven is one of the most famous representatives of the Hidden Horoscope. Yaskraviy, elegant, demonstrative, comradely - vіn vіmagaє respect for his person and take yoga too much. Beloved by the opposite article, it can be safely overcome. Love yourself more, rarely become attached to anyone. Be stingy with compliments and confession.
Lucky in love, and on the right. Build a warm mind and privacy. Even more practical and always worthy of our special interest. Conservative and not weak to change. Start turbulent about your old-fashioned, to love relatively choose clothes and not be dressed. Yogo vibir is an expensive dress of elegant style.
Overly cautious and penetrating, don’t try to beat Pivnya. But more compliments and words of suffocation are even more important for someone else, you will need to express your writing.
The character of Pivnya is straightforward, flamboyant, possessive.
To love more often in nature, especially in the company of friends.
To the satisfaction of the regional dacha, garden, apartment. To love comfort, expensive speeches, vishukani wines. Be it technіchnі novelties, you can attach yourself to your needs.
The tree is more powerful and rozbіrlivy.
Do not be stingy with the kohanni, allowing you to love yourself, it is rare to love yourself. Love for oneself and one's own voice often zavazhet you to create a harmonious sim'yu. Among the people of this sign, there are the most inveterate bachelors, who give priority to the family ties to the free lover. Pivnya to love for your temperament, smart to splurge and tame love intrigue, for mystery that charm. Tse miraculous kohantsі, yakі know the mustache of the subtle romantic gri. But their aesthetic advances often do not allow them to recognize a black partner for themselves, a kohan.

Best love partners for Pivnya - BIK or ZMIYA

New fears.

Rik Pivnya 2017
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Aries
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Taurus
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Bliznyukiv
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for cancer
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Lev
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Divi.
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Tereziv
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Scorpio
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Striltsa
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Capricorn
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Aquarius
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for ribs

Chinese River Pivnya 2017

  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Shchur
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Bik
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Tiger
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Rabbit
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for the Dragon
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Zmії
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Horse
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Kozi
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Mavpi
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Pivnya
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Dogs
  • Rik Pivnya 2017 for Pig



The sign of Pivnya at a similar horoscope is to finish the cicavia, non-transfers and jaskra. Bagatyokh tsіkavit, at the yakі Pivnya buv i will be.

  • In 1981, the capital of the Metalevy Pivnya river, so will be in the 2041 roci.
  • At the Water Pivnya, vіn buv shche
  • 1945 and 2005 to the fate of Derev'yany Pivnya.
  • 1957 Fire Pivnya, also will be wine in 2017 rotation.
  • 1969 Earth Pivnya, wine will be in 2029 rotation.

Now, let's take a closer look at the very sign of that kind of skin care.

1981 rok of a Pivnya, and what wine do we say?

People of the people, why the fate, sound, purposeful. Forever know what you want and how to reach it. The stench is to make a plan, like a stink to breathe. True, buvaє, they can overdo it for an hour, which will greatly annoy the restless. Metalevy Piven in no way come out of its own way. Yogo is stuck for an hour playing an evil heat on him. Youmu himself often does not dare to reach what he wants.

1993 rok of a Pivnya, and what wine will you bring to the people, the people of whose fate?

Poperedniy river of the Water Pivnya bu u 1933 roci. Everyone remembers what an hour cost in the history of the SRSR. In the yakі rocks of Pivnya, tsіkavit dermal, and the axis of wine for Pivnya, not all. Water Pіven - tse people are more rotten than not to like to sit on the mіstsі and checks osyayannya. Vіn, as a rule, volіє dіyati. Biting about fixing the doors of the docks, the docks do not take away their own. Lyudina, the people who are familiar with it, it’s important to argue with her, talk about it with her, but it’s impossible to reconcile. The new one has a clear thought for everything, the varto also means that it’s fun to talk with him. Bazhannya all shvidko robiti and vіdpochiti - the axis is yakіst, for an hour it does not allow you to reach the bagan.

1945 and 2005 - who checks for the quiet, who was born in the world?

To finish the success of the future, even the Wood Piven building will be flung out of any situation. The priority of the new one is always the right people, and the reshta is already sweaty. Tse more honest and self-satisfied sign. Everything is good, ale people, narodzhena in the river of the Derev'yany Pivnya, forever fraternize for ten ceremonies at once. Well, it's obvious that one day it doesn't go well.

1957 and 2017 - what are the checks for born in the world?

In yakі the rocks of the river Pivnya would not be boo, the elements did not play a great role in the share. Golovne - tse means the sign itself. Fiery Piven is the leader of life, the leader of the fire leads the people behind him. Zdatny keruvati and pіdkoryati sobі. Mustache the new leader and get ready to greet him. Representatives of this sign do not mind, they are put up to people, they stink, that you should make a ration. But other people's problems do not chirp, do not like to sumuvat and suffer. Be sure to choose the truth, which is to finish the character with garlic rice.

1969 and 2029 are the fates of Pivniv Earth. What do you check on them?

As a rule, people of this sign diligently practice and achieve success with someone alone. Do not rozporoshuyutsya for a couple of rights at once, to reach success in their sphere of activity. People, people in the circle, are more intelligent and penetrating. Having set yourself up for a meta, destroy everything in order to come to it. As a rule, they all come out. In love with busyness - tse robot, on vіdpochinok stink zovsіm not to waste an hour, that bajannya tezh.


In yakі roki rіk Pivnya would not buv, this is the very sign. Lyudina, narodzhena under her, is already strong, vitrival, and also love pratsyuvati. For those who go out to reach their goals, for those who do not. Ale zavzhd tsya people go through life with a proudly raised head, like a piven!

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