Children, folks in the rotation for the signs. Your little one is Terezi. People on the river of Fire Pivnya - creative people in the future

Children, people of 2017 rots, change under the spit Fire Pivnya. The child has a vibrancy, energy and purposefulness. Biytsova proud bird active and easy-going, helping to achieve success. The horoscope is good for the skin sign. The birth of a child on the river of Fire Pivnya means the beginning of a little leader. If children grow up, achieve success in science, architecture, winemaking and future work.

Malyukov, who has come into the world in 2017, can be well integrated with the non-Gamonic energy given by the Fire Pivn. From the first years of life, it is better to deliver a variety of developments for children and riches to take. Extraordinary hobbies and creative ideas will help to expand the expanse of ideas and logical beginnings, like becoming a good luck in the future. Childish horoscope prophetic great success have navchanni that sitting. The character of the children, the people of 2017, shimmers with bright farbs, like the proud fighting Piven.

The main features of the malyuki from the horoscope of 2017:

  • Visible leadership qualities
  • Vpertist and purposefulness
  • Vira at traditional family values ​​and instill conservatism
  • Vіdkritіst i vіdvertіst
  • Kindly vindicated intuition
  • Flexibility to creativity

Vivchivshi horoscope and pouring stars on the people of the little one, you can signify the model of vihovennia and maximize the potential of the child. If Kurchat is pissed off, stink with your achievements to the readers and fathers.

Children of Avni

The Child-Aries, born in the river of Fire Pivnya, is revered by a great vpertistyu, purposefulness and strong-willed character. At the same time, there may be more honesty and more honesty, and the nature of such honesty will prevail in others. Aries can have a gnuchkiy mind and build-up to get rid of otochuyuchy to the top of high-handed problems. Otochennya, as a rule, chooses successful people, as they occupy a high tenement.


Even more vperty sign to love napolyagat on your own to the end. Child-Taurus 2017 is self-singing and sing-song, may have beautiful leadership qualities and sing-songly reach success. To reach the goal set, it can be easy to trespass. More energy and stronger not tolerate total control. The child-Taurus rejoices in courage and earns the recognition of his pardon.

Twin kids

The sublime and windy sign, the active and all-encompassing revelations. Love creativity and respect for yourself. Even the intuition of the Bliznyuks, under the plethora of Pivnya, is more or less blamed, it manifests itself well in business and in the kohanna. Energetic people can overestimate their ability, but they always get lost when doing business in the very center of respect. It’s better to give Bliznyukov new freedom in hundreds of women and women, you don’t recognize a repeated sign for the sake of mistrust.


Under the infusion of Pivnya child-Cancer people are more super-cheerful. Vin often hesitates about the correctness of his vchinkiv and can lose good chance, if you need a smart move. At different times, children can take the image for a long time. It’s better for children to want and highly appreciate all the reach of a child, to give an impression to in power. Finish passive on the robot, do not storm the car'ern, get off. Appreciate the calmness of the home and often be happy with the slave.

Children Levi

Little lion children already from childhood show the character of the king of animals. Natural leaders, zarazumili and gradually blame grandiose plans. It is not hisstical that they highly value Nadan to help, they are generous and kind. Even more tolerant people, but not to endure, if they are mischievous with trust.


Ditina-Diva rejects the impersonal positive qualities of the fiery symbol of fate. Modest Divi in ​​2017 otrimuyut courage and self-confidence, focus on the result. Children bazhatimut kar'ernih feats, voditymut pratsiovity and advancing a sense of justice. Boastful and ambitious. In a special life, success is also attained, garni vodnosiny in this case, ekonomny pіdkhіd to the state to secure the Divine stable life.

Children Terezi

Ditina-Terezi, narodzhena on the Pivnya River, little more than a small diplomat. Calm and vrіvnovazheny, can vminnya bypass the guests of the kuti and do not allow conflicts. I take the fate of the super girls from satisfaction, pick the right arguments, but don’t bend the chickens. If Teresa's character is open again, they check for a successful career in the legislature, the military sphere. From the suspicion to be put up to business propositions and knowledge, prote can have mercy in a special life.

Children of Scorpions

For little Scorpios, the horoscope is not very friendly. Give the little one a purge of courage and energy, and let us allow the ability to stream one’s feelings and emotions. Good practitioners can both practice in a team, so be incorruptible workers. As a child, sharpen Scorpio with love and caress, to help smooth out his innate aggressiveness. It is easy to accept decisions and to complete the outlined plan. Mayut vіdmіnne a little bit of humor.


Creativity, specialty, honesty and courage. The edges of the boastful Striltsiv are shimmering, like an arborescent plumage. The stink babbles without a grain of salt about everything, it’s good to know, I’m well-dissolved and unstoppable enthusiasm. To love new enemies is more expensive, to be more happy with your love.


Honest and pracial people, assimilate their knowledge and ability, recognize themselves as an unparalleled authority for everyone. Effort and commitment to the future will be safe for Capricorns and success in passing through career gatherings in the right place. A modest intellect is worthy of a touch, highly appreciating the hospitable mind of a spiritualist. Not heavy to love favors.


The horoscope of the water representative of the zodiac shows the mass of positive qualities for the child. Fired Piven endows the little one with kindness and a lifelike mood in life. Aquarius pragmatic change the world and grow it better. Ale, a good-natured character can play an evil heat with a child and make it easy to get good.


Rather than for this sign, no one can cope with conflict situations, Ribi will appear dry from the lead in any kind of fall. Children-Ribi will be good friends, like people with a cheerful character. The stinks hover in the darkness and will be inconceivable plans. Suitable for protilezhnoy status, it is often cym coryst.

The sounds of that character of children, born near the rivers of Fire Pivnya, begin to form from the first months of life. It’s better to give a shout out to all the positive qualities of a child. The horoscope prophesies the appearance of strong and successful people. Zirki vpevnenі, scho varto nationalize the child itself in 2017 roci. Heavenly luminaries beneficially poured into the lot.

Horoscope of summancy: a child under the sign of the zodiac lion on the river of pivnya - the most recent description, less theory, founded on astrological warnings of a thousand thousand.

Typical Leo is a generous and generous person, with majestic charm and generosity.

A child born under the sign Leo-Piven is welcome and knows spilnu mova with some kind of people. Get ready to volunteer to help. May you grow up not for a century of thought, always ready to show your voice and turbota. Tsі Levi bіsh vіdkritі for svіtu.

If you control your emotions, you will become a wonderful friend for anyone. Prote, vіdchuvaє folded, if you need to express your thoughts, feel like before the kimos, navit before your relatives. It is important for you to share your disappointments and failures.

May it be more beautiful to feel the humor and always ready to cheer up the sumptuous and skryvdzhenikh. Yogo friendliness and words of encouragement can inspire optimism in anyone. Love politics and world news.

The older man has a superbly good-natured prote, not up to pennies. Behind him, it’s hard to go shopping;

Not marveling at a good-natured character, sometimes you can be masterful and gallant. You can take leadership up to your hands, you can’t ask for anything about it. If you respect yourself right, maybe you become even more intrusive, but in the form of friendliness, you don’t leave a trace.

child under the sign of the zodiac lion on the river pivnya

People under the sign of Leo on the river Pivnya Chudov. Yaskravist Pivnya entrusted from the kingdom of Leva to celebrate the inexorable hostility. Which sign has goodness and generosity. Pіven-Lev comradely and miraculously get along with otochyuchimi. However, the fault of self-singing is the star of yoga eternally povchat. It is necessary to say, to bring the charm of this sign to the point that it is often taken to the point of respect. It is unlikely that I know the judgment from the side - Piven-Lev takes only a good thought. Prote, since we have endowments, let us have a kind heart and remember our neighbor. Piven-Lev can always look miraculously - the outer side is even more important for this sign. Vіn pragne zahoplennya suspіlstva - and most often take it away. Piven-Leo is selfish and from satisfaction accepts the recognition of alienated people. It is possible, to instill here his mystic, but yogo charіvna charіvnіst zavzhd vіdovuє yogo in the eyes of loved ones.

On the right, there is a sign of mischievous prospects - maє miraculous delicacy. You can help the kar'eri youmu and, no wonder, instill selfishness. Vіn stubbornly go to the heights, but zayva self-singularity turns your head, sometimes leading you far away from meti. It is an impermanent and building purge to choke on new projects without completing the previous ones. Luckily, at this sign Leo is in the lead, which is able to go to the designated horizons. Piven-Lev of the building is a talented kerivnik, but the style of yogo kerivnitstva can be somewhat authoritarian. Vіn praciovity and napolglivy, and yogo zavzatіst can be more than congratulations. On top of that, to the sign of success everywhere, you can all in all be able to invest in success, be it right.

Levi people on the river pivnya

In special vodnosinakh, Piven-Lev is just a gift of the share. Vіn miraculous, generous and building partner's day on the p'edestal of his feelings. Vіn vmіє vlashtovuvati romantic zustrіchі and podnoshit unforgettable surprises. This sign is corrosive with the sawy respect of the protilezhnoy state - that one cannot be otherwise. Vlasnu homeland Piven-Lev is ready to defend in the whole world - in the lower and dbaylivy. Ale the leader in this happy homeland will be less wine - and you don’t need to forget about it.

Children, people at the 2017 roci of Fire Pivnya

The coming period - tse river of Chervonogo Fire Pivnya. I fathers of children, like mothers be born in 2017 It’s even more important to know in advance, like a symbol for a baby, - with some character, with some features of Fire Piven, to reward a child.

The sign of the Zodiac, as such, as a similar sign, may have unique individual power and strength, as it manifests itself in the character of a skin person and in її in the spirit of success. Vіn forms in nature people deakі taktіchnі zdіbnosti and є one of the methods of the twelfth system of behavior.

A similar sign to the horoscope for the fate of the people forms the laws and minds of the minds of the people with її otochennyam, in the process of any victorious one of the systems of behavior for the sign of the Zodiac. A similar sign can be called a strategy, shards of wine form a field of activity for a person, and the principle of establishing a calling world to a city of a person.

2017: what will be the child, the people under the sign of the Fire Pivnya

Vognaniy Chervoniy Piven was more than cheruvati in 2017 by rock more than 28 September and its refurbishment was less than 15 February 2018.

Ten earthly milestones of a similar monthly cycle are called YU , and the symbol її is Piven. Tsya chinese gіlka vkazauє on zazyatіst i, vіdpovіdno, children, people of this fate, vіdrіznyatimuyutsya the greatest praciallyubnіstyu, diligence and vitrivalіstyu.

Such a child learns quickly, is proactive and loves to practice. Fiery Pivnya needs to be occupied. Malyuk-Piven is naturally optimistic and good-natured. The new one has a splinter of plans in stock. Everything can be in perfect order, but if it turns out to be wrong, then a child without a wagon will more often rework everything that can be used for a hand.

Piven is yaskravy, straightforward, ale loyal to others, masterful, merciful, virny, emotional, generous and at the same time practical and hospitable, in fact, its centric and svavilny.

Children, who were born in the river of Fire Pivnya, grow up as creative people, as if they were vinyatkovo willpower and unabashed leadership zdіbnosti. Fire Piven knows how the greatest swiftness and the best reach of the delivered mark, successfully overcoming difficulties.

Children, people on the river Pivnya elemental fire - the future directors, musicians, winemakers, engineers and architects.

Judging by the horoscope for 2017, the river of Chervony Pivnya, children of a deep and penetrating mind are born at this hour. In the future, the little ones will become talented practitioners, as they flourish in any food. In childhood, girls and lads develop more actively and show independence already in the early age.

Fathers on a note: the children of Pivnya need to be yearned for their labors and reach. However, spoiling the little one is not a varto. The child is guilty of wisdom, which is no longer accepting the correct decisions and making the correct changes, she will take away the city.

Children's horoscope 2017 for the signs of the Zodiac

Piven and Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Children-Avni, people on the river Pivnya, are awakened by their strong-willed character and warlike behavior. Aries is superbly cunning, able to know how to get out of a folding camp, relying only on his hospitable mind and willpower. Aries, who were born in 2017, will, as a rule, leave people who occupy high positions. Aries under the power to reach the end of their problems. In other words, Aries is under the sign of Pivnya to support others of his own thoughts. Pivni-Ovni sound є supra-soundingly honest and the same vimahayut in others.

Piven and Taurus (21.04 – 20.05)

Tiltsy, people under the sign of Pivnya, sound zukhvali, self-singing, don’t give up anything to lonely people, the stench is strong that energy. Podіbne poєdnannya značіv means the re-evaluation of leadership qualities, like to be able to and love cunning. Pivnі-Tiltsі always help us suffering. Not to love, if they don’t care about them, and don’t try to win over other people’s thoughts, to bring on the nearest and dear ones. Tiltsі fate Pіvnya boldly recognize the pardons and vibachayutsya.

Piven and Bliznyuki (21.05 – 21.06)

Mabut, Bliznyuki - the most important sign from Pivniv. Superactively and variously separated individuals. Often Pivnі-Bliznyuky overestimate their ability, and yet their energy helps them to keep going at work. This sign may be named slightly like a kohanna, so it is in business. To give Bliznyukov's freedom and turn off jealousy, in no way change and hurt.

Piven ta Rak (22.06 – 22.07)

Cancer, perhaps, is the most important sign of Pivnya. With the fact that Cancer knows what he wants, he cannot go forward through his sumniv. Crayfish-Pivni are easily irritable and sensitive enough to rob them with vindictive ones. Don't like to get excited and constantly try to get out. Crayfish rock Pіvnya is also easy to stick to something new. The stench of the great house. Cancers are the most common among Pivniv, often they are happy with them. Passive until that hour, until you start to get your own interests.

Piven ta Lev (23.07 – 23.08)

Levi Pivnі love rozkіsh and beautiful speech. Commanders for the spirit, forever future grandiose plans and boldly follow them, doing the same and looking sharp. Proud and troch zarozumili. Such people will always be vdyachni for nadan їm, I will help them more and more honestly. The lion, the people on the river Pivnya, is the only sign that has not adopted the pivnyach hisism. The lion is forever noble and generous. However, there is no trace of the wickedness of the angelic patience, so as not to wake up the new hut.

Piven i Diva (24.08 – 23.09)

It is super-friendly when the heavenly signs come. Pіven dodaє Dіvі smilіvіst, їy їy brakuіє, sho vіlivaєєєє in reach ії і ієє ієє sієє uspіh. Pivnі-Dіvi practice a lot and do not allow themselves to be snarled at the quill. Even more restless and may feel a little hypertrophied justice, in principle and ambitious. Divi, people on the river Pivnya are thrifty and economical. Prote pіvnyache bravado blooms here in exuberant colors.

Piven ta Terezi (24.09 – 23.10)

Terezi-Pivnі diplomatic and nі kriplі not aggressive, mayut gnuchkіstі, ale won not grow into chuynіstі і rozumіnnya. Terezi vmіyut obminati gostrі kuti. Ignorant of their balakuchіstі and love to superechok be-what kind of character, Terezi-Pіvni do not blame nisenіtnitsі, that all їхні arguments are argued, but promote honesty. It is from such people that miraculous protection of the law of chi military comes. Terezi zakohani in itself, with care to be put up to new business acquaintances and propositions. They can build up fools less in love places.

Piven and Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

Zі Scorpion, narodzhenim near the river Pіvnya, it’s easy to blend in with each other and be stunned by something. Energetic and courageous, Pivni-Scorpios cannot manage their emotions under control. Vmіyut pratsyuvati and zmushuvati pratsyuvati іnshih. Nepokhitny in their decisions, they didn’t sound a lie, to make a hospitable mind and even promote. Such people have a good sense of humor. I love the tactic of using a superman - catch yoga znenatska. Scorpions-Pivnі require love and caress. Otherwise they become aggressive.

Piven and Strilec (23.11 – 21.12)

Striltsі under the sign of Pivnya are superbly praised by people, building basics without a tooth, making the gift of reconciliation. Smily ta vіdvertі. Uyava at Striltsiv-Pivniv is scattered on the most important level, and the enthusiasm is off scale. Representatives of such a change of sign are rarely allowed to bring it to the end, but then the stench will love the change and it will be more expensive. Become good Sims.

Piven and Capricorn (22.12 – 20.01)

Capricorns are not praised, like a mustache Pivni, prote yakist tsya transform here into cold authority. Such people do not tolerate whether it is a lie, over the door. The diligence and practicality of Capricorns-Pivniv help them to achieve perfection in whatever is right. The modest and unimpressed Capricorns are to be loved by the souls. Representatives of these signs set the intellectual life more for love.

Piven and Aquarius (21.01 – 18.02)

The dawn of the utopian thought of Aquarius, who suffers from super-idealism and forever busy with unfinished projects. Pivnі-Vodoliї zhittєradisnі and check in the world less good. Building on sacrifice for the sake of a greater goal - to build a happy people. Tsim often koristuyutsya unkind people. At Aquarius it is easy to suffocate, to the one who knows how to hear, and also speak licorice.

Piven ta Ribi (19.02 – 20.03)

Ribi, people on the river Pivnya, remember to listen, be like a bee, sleep in the soul and give joy. However, don’t get inspired by yourself, super smart. Ribi-Pivni often hover in the dark, physically out of order. It’s even more important to catch a friend, if there is a conflict situation, people will see themselves without clothes, to be able to successfully cory with cim.

What will be the children, the people of 2017 roci, according to the signs of the zodiac

The patron saint of 2017 is Vognaniy Chervoniy Piven. At the thought of astrologers, this symbol is bestowed on children, the people of 2017 are rich in positive traits, among whom you can see kindness, honesty and optimism. Rik Pivnya is a very pleasant period for the birth of children. However, to be more precise, how the mothers of the children will be in character, how they appeared in the world in 2017, it is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of these signs of the Zodiac.

Children, people of 2017

The river of Pivnya has come unforgettably, and not just Pivnya, but Fire-Chervony. Moms and daddies of the future little ones are chirping: children, people of 2017, how they will stink for months, like a bird is stubborn in line with the character of a baby. What are the characteristics of Fire, a symbol of fate to pile up the krihta?

Everything is stale and in that, in which month the new peoples appear, so that the characteristic was reportable, it’s best to look at the signs of the zodiac of a similar calendar. Behind the characteristics of the signs, you will be able to recognize, how Pivnik will be in contact with success, how talented you are in your mother, what you love, why you are happy, how the profession is more suitable for you and more information can be gleaned from the horoscope.

Zagalna characteristic of malyukiv, on the river Pivnya narodzhenikh

Chervony Piven to enter into its own right, not 1 September, as I think it’s too rich, but less than 28 and cheruvate time until 15 fierce, but even more 2018 fate.

How to talk about wild characteristics child, as it appeared in 2017, then it will be initiative, practical, always gravitate to knowledge, love to read something new, drinkable and absorb all new information like a sponge.

Little Piven is more talented, optimistic and may be kind, big heart, in which love is avenged to everyone who feels it. The karapuzik is simply adored, if all the speeches are in perfect order and if they are childish, there are no problems for choosing toys from the family from the fathers.

What else unites all children who were born in the river of the Half-Lumy Pivnya - brightness, love to straightforwardness, everything speaks directly in the eyes, optimism, dominion, courage, proud surrender, at the same time loyalty, diplomacy, practicality, statehood. Deyakі yakosі superchlivi, аlе at іy special stench it's easy to get along and get along.

Children, people of 2017 are right leaders, they love creativity, they will be miracle artists and musicians, composers and sculptors. Everything that is reachable in the future Piven, if it is less than a wave of majestic willpower, I can go to the set goal, successfully overcome the difficulties.

The element of our little ones is fire, and tse means that nature, vibukhova, ale glibok, thin, sensitive, sensible and penetrating, will appear in this.

At the sight of other children, the boys and the girl, as if they perebuvayut under the power of fire, will be the most active among the other children, they will develop more and show self-reliance in any kind of food, reach out to any kind of information.

On a note to the fathers: try less to bark the little one, want everything to be done, praise whether it’s a virib, be it a little one and read a virshik. Fire children are easily irritated and can be embarrassed through a dribbling. Ale needed to work so that the child would understand: good vchinki - praise and rewards, bad - little punishment. Let's take a look at everything in more detail, the very same way the character and horoscope of the child will be tied.

What will be the children, the people of 2017, the rolls, the horoscope for the months

Tsikh karapuzikiv vіdrіznyatime volova, strong, not afraid of your word, voyovnicha vdacha. Little Aries will be more cunning and sly, he will be able to rely on his own powerful mind and strong will. It is necessary to say, the mind of the girls and the lads, even the resentments are not vices - the gostry and the dope. Dodamo, that these lads are able to order their own people, be careful to listen to yourself, don’t hesitate to reach your goals, but like the stench of goodness and always come to the rescue.

Taurus and Chervony Pivnik

Let's say about tі milі karapuzi. The stench is more self-singing, to love yourself, often look at the looking glass, it is stronger to finish him mystical. To love forever buti in the center of respect, they have no personal leadership traits, miraculous oratorical vibes, able to flatter, cunning, know diplomacy from pelyushok. Tilts try to help all those who are suffering, they can’t stand it if they are punished, if they are irritated and terrified of working without care, they can give a message to their loved ones, wanting to love and protect them. Taurus - Pіven always remember to recognize your pardons and do not be afraid to let go, as if you were not right. Such a set of leadership traits can be enjoyed by your little one.

Pivnik and Bliznyuk

This is already a summer, sleepy little baby and wine that was found from the best Petushki in your horoscope. Bliznyuk millet is mega hyperactive and raznobіchno rozvineny, tsіkavitsya literally everyone. Even more often, this sign is overestimating one’s ability, but do not lose heart and energy is bursting, which is over the edge, boldly moving forward, unaffected by bad luck. The twins have a good intuition for love on the right, the same for business. Tsej cholovіchok vіddaniya and nіkoli not hurt, and the axis is jealous of someone else's.

Rak and Pivnik

Povnopravnі volodarі lіta i sun, ta sche y plus to the fiery element vzagali go out nuclear sumish. The children of the most superelective and the most extraordinary of us. You must always know what you want, but sometimes you can be afraid to work the first few steps through constant doubts and experiences. Crustaceans do not like to grow up in people, and if they do, they are very worried. It is important to stick to the new and start to practice the recognition of the otochyuchih. This sign of the zodiac is the most and most successful, often happy when you have your own family. The stench is less passive until quiet feast, until one has stumbled upon their interests, or, having not tried to get on the road to the point of death, they always throw themselves at the zahist of kokhanih people. In anger they don’t chop better. And vzagali, Pivnі - Crayfish people are soft and kind.

Lev'yata and Pivni

Tsі tsars volіyut rozkіsh, buduyut grandiose plans for the future, mrіyniki, graceful, proud, often lift up nіs, zarozumili. Ale, with all of it, but they are venerable and did not adopt his pivnya, perhaps, from their representatives in the horoscope. The lions are always generous, the tolerant ones are noble, the evil ones are not warto, even if there is a hut in front of you.

Diva and Pivnik

Tse miracles are near the horoscope, as only can be seen. Give the fire a fearful Divine courage, goodness, self-respect, straight on the right path, where you can reach the reach of the mark. Representatives of the sign of pracelebration, and do not like marnuvati every hvilini of the free hour. Divi economical, principles and ambitious. Another nuance: Pvniki under the sign of the dear Divi is superbly praised.

Vagi and Pivnik

The stench of the right diplomats, the strange ones are shy. Vaga easily bypass gostri kuti, and unique conflict situations. Love to catch up, but not to endure scandals. Promo tsikh Pivnіv zavzhd arguirovanі and chesnі. Children already love themselves, so they are narcissists. Terezi is always careful to set up new acquaintances and acquaintances. Lack of knowledge in the kohanna, trustworthy and even more naive.

Scorpions and Pivni

With these representatives of the horoscope, it’s already easy to get together and in some way sway. Tsі signs to love to make yourself kings and queens forever and ever. Emotions stink under zhorstkom control, hoot a hospitable mind, miraculously smell the humor and miraculous intuition. Scorpios love to snuggle in the exchanges of kohannya and caresses.

Strilec and Pivnik

Tse supra-divine praises and poser, they melt without a dent in years, but at the same time they are reconciled. Striltsy lovers of death, they will try the locks, hover in the gloom. The interest of these people is simply over the top, but it is rare to bring it to its logical conclusion. Garni simyanini.

Capricorns and Pivni

These are great braggarts, representatives of the sign of love to coquette and love to show their authority in front of others, hate if they compete with them and doubt the decision they have made. Great modest, more diligent, practical. People value intelligence more, lower cost.

Aquarius and Pivniki

Characteristics of the sign are hisististic, great idealism, love to engage in utopian plans and projects, want to pursue the whole world with goodness and love. It's naїvnіstyu to love snarling evil people in their sly mischief. Vm_yut hear that chuti.

✉ Zvorotniy call

Often before the people, a little tato and mother wonder about those who are better than yoga. I seek help to get to horoscopes, to get to know the nature of the child in advance. The portal "About Sim'yu" prepared for the future fathers the characteristics of children, the people of 2017, until now, before the speech, it has already been gone for 96 days.

Mіzh іnhim, zgіdno zі skhіdnym vchennyam, Vognaniy Chervoniy Piven pochne keruvati 2017 rock less than 28 sichnya This warehouse has its own renovation no more than February 15, 2018.
The Chinese call ten earthly heads Yu, pointing to arrogance and, apparently, children, the people of this fate, are encouraged by the greatest praciality, diligence and virility. Such a child is smart, enterprising and love pratsyuvati.

Positive viability, as the most common taman children-Pivni:

creative cob;

Features that can impress a small person:

power position;

From the first fates of life, it is better to transfer a variety of developments for children and a lot of people to take. Extraordinary hobbies and creative ideas will help to expand the expanse of ideas and logical beginnings, like becoming a good luck in the future. The character of the children, the people of 2017, shimmers with bright farbs, like the proud fighting Piven.

Know what you want

Fire Piven knows how the greatest swiftness and the best reach of the delivered mark, successfully overcoming difficulties.
Note to the fathers: the children of Pivnya need to yearn for their work and reach. However, spoiling the little one is not a varto. The child is guilty of wisdom, which is no longer accepting the correct decisions and making the correct changes, she will take away the city. It is natural to control the sudden overgrowth of strong leadership qualities in any child teams, for you know that mom doesn’t need to take control of her child, joining in with everything.

From the early childhood, such a person is merry, you can fold it up on the go, be it like a sky. Ale, not caring about love to the cost of that good, pivniki are conservative. You don't like parts of the move, there is a great crowd of people that change the plan. Stability and steel are those that are necessary for the normal development of a child, born in 2017.

Tato - head

I lads, and the girl will highly appreciate the role of her father. For the young lady, її tato will become a looker of a strong state, a supportive support. That is why mothers do not get angry and jealous of promoting interest to the father. For a lad, tato is tse, insanely, a legacy of inheritance, a life butt.

Mothers for children, people on the river of Pivnya 2017, this is a model of priilnosti, kokhannya, tenderness and sensitivity. It’s like a smell to carry the last of your life with a stretch.

Don't hesitate to develop

Small children, people on the river Pivnya, can’t sit on the mists. The stench of cіkavі, kmіtlivі, postіyno chimos occupied. Like the boys, so the girls are characterized by an analytical mind and a creative potential, so astrologers do not recommend hiring them for a robotic profession. Already from the early fates, direct the study of science and science.

Zgіdno zі poserezhennyami, among the people on the river Pіvnya a lot of artists, musicians, writers and politicians. In the prospect of such children, there is a check of career growth and wealth, and even less for the mind discipline and struggle with nights.

Do not be surprised that your child does not develop beyond fate. Pivnu lie down natural life wisdom. Look at that perekonannya sometimes wondering otochyuchih. Ale de shukati podtrimku, and then with his fathers. To love your little one like this, like a wine, with a lot of wonders.

Children Pivnі more different: they can be born as right "quiet", or they can be "spoiled", not letting you sleep at night and swaying until their candidacy has been strengthened respect.

For children, people on the river Pivnya, 2017 the river is about to be true and important to the famous. Aje skin father is zamislyuєєєєєєєєєє, like the river of the people of the child vpline for the whole її far away share, development of character, yogo zdіbnostі, talents that special features. The skin of new peoples already at the moment of the appearance of the light is unique and non-repeating. However, the children who came into the world in 2017 are endowed with leadership qualities, courage and practical character.

Children, people of 2017 roles: characteristics

Axis and the moment of the birth of a little man. The symbol of rock 2017 of the encounters with Fire Pivnem. Tsі small deserts repeatedly bring their point of view, the current state of interest. Irrespective of the inclination of their character, such children will always win leadership and p'edestal, victory is important for them. Hirkota is shocked by them painfully.

Malyuks are powerful and pratsovity. Such dіtlakhs can reach great heights. For them, the difficulties are not terrible. We must manage to cope properly. Prote the little ones are drawn to the heat to the good and the need to change their primary way of life. Little pivniki are conservative specialties. The soul stinks of an optimistic mood and a singing part of confidence, zhorstnost and innocence in the accepted decision.

For their fates, children, the people of 2017, grow up as older lads to predict future futures and thoughts in a grown-up way, lower their same age. As soon as a child showed up sick to the point of painting, then his mastery at the art of the lad is perfected to the point. І not maє znachennya, skilki for tsgogo it is necessary forces and diligence. The mustache of the little one is directed exclusively to the result.


Sichnevi little ones are funny and restless individuals. The stench does not sit in one place, they need a thirst for freedom. Energetic and life-radiating children, people of the year of 2017, will charge with their mood all the restful people. For them, there is nothing unreasonable or foldable. The tamanny їm roz and strategic thoughts to know how to get out of any situation, no matter how important it would be. Such children lead other people behind them, become insane leaders and carry the same quality of life improvement: at home, on a robot, among friends.


The children of the fierce are rich lads. Don't be surprised if your child is actively hoarding nuclear physics, instead of changing the structure of the atom and the її parts of the child. Adzhe children, people of the fierce fate of 2017, actively cultivate this world and know themselves less from science, wine and technology. Give them such a boon. Let your child be happy in the presence of a microscope you, fathers, or a generating attachment. Your sin chi donka is making a great contribution to the development of science and technology in the future.


Children, people near the birch of 2017 fate, dear friends and good-natured. For such children, having shown love and turbot from the side of the father, stand in the first place. The stench will surprise you with your craving for knowledge and practice of new speeches, global change of knowledge. However, the little ones are very shy, to the point of a negative splash from the side, be it a person, which can significantly change their life without a turbot. A lot of people from "pіvnikіv" will be choked with art, music and sports. Discipline and all kinds of stench become for their one-year-olds brightly showy children.


Little quiet children are calm and peaceful in nature. The nature of the little ones is accommodating and soft. Kindness and chuynist, a child without a middle ground play an evil heat with the quietness of the year. That is why there are a lot of children, the people of the year 2017, already in school lava become closed. The fathers are guilty of pidbadyoruvati the little one, and let him listen to life, for the sake of ruling the world, otherwise the child’s psyche will break and become quarrelsome.


The main characteristic of rice to the nature of herbal fidgets is povіlnіst. Don't be surprised if your child properly ties up the shoelaces, picks up speeches or prepares for the future control robot. Grass babies all relativly dim and consequently call. As such children have doubts about the correctness of their opinions, they should leave their comments with them. The little ones are patient and hard-working.


Children, the people of the red 2017 rock, next luck and happiness. However, on their way, there will be a little bіd that crossover, like the stench will pass "to the mouth of the winds of evil." Maliukiv zakhoplyuє painting, ceramics and architecture. Children will be suffocated by music, imaginative art and aspiration to everything beautiful. At once, from the advent of success, the hour of change of that beast will rise. Ale popri everything, lads become optimists and realists of everything that is experienced in life.


How do you put food, what will be the children, the people of the lime 2017 rock. Do not hesitate, your child will become an irreversible leader in life. From the very beginning, the lads of the linden build their fathers with diligence and diligence. Stink pratsyuvatimut, schob to please yourself and your mothers and tat wіdmіnmi vіdmіtkami in school and other special achievements. However, it is not varto їm to harrow to take up the love of the right. If you don’t have to go out at the Ditlakhs, the stench jokes about the reason in yourself and become unsettled. Fathers follow the children's reach.


Children, people in serpnі 2017 fate, kind and comrade individuals. However, the character of the little ones will show the rice of proud and selfish feelings. For such lads, there is no negative impact on their fathers. In another turn, scandal and hysteria are safe for you. The stench of praise is that egoistic.


Children, people of the spring of 2017, are more distrustful and sympathetic, kind and considerate. The stench is afraid of zavdati komus shkodi. In the intellectual plan, all the stinks are sloppy, they don’t need to explain for a long time. In children-September children, the zorova and auditory memory are strongly deranged, which is confirmed by that light-gazer for the child. For their nature, the lads, that girl, look like one-liners in cunning, warmness and intransigence. With proper training, the development of such little ones is rich, some of them become gifted people, povnimi life force of those ideas.


Goodness, arrogance and arrogance are not seen by children. However, the nature of these little ones is invisible to the nature of them - they are uptight and nervous, zarozumіlіst. Not obdіlenі rozvinennymi іtelektualnymi zdіbnosti. Having set your own well-defined mark, the child with all his strength will gain his reach. Purposefulness, arrogance, and an orientation to win is a special feature of young children, the people of the future of 2017.

leaf fall

Little representatives of Taurus, who appeared in the world in the last month of autumn, part of the psychic and seers. It is not the fault of the fathers that the little one was surprised by the vibes of the little one, and they crossed the future. Child knows where to go. Children, people in the fall of 2017 rock, forever will be at the center of respect. The character of the little ones is stable and indestructible. In times of inaccuracies of leaf fall, children are at odds and at odds, they are very worried and try to know how to leave. Such children do not forgive deceit for the sake of it.


Babies, narodzhenі at breastfeeding months, may have a folding character. It is important for such children to be good. One-year-olds, as grown up, it is important to think about them. The lads will not give in to compromise and stand up for their point of view, the docks will not be accepted. Comrade, but at the same time conflicts. Prote are such children of talent and all-round separation. The stench masterfully play on the rіznih musical instruments and write pictures. Ale, the primal and drastic nature of the hour at the hour appears and let us know.

Children, yakі were born on the river Pivnya in no way be left unmarked. Yaskra and impulsive in the nature, the stench is ready to share its energy and turn the respect of the otochyuchy. For successful self-development in life, the father of the children-Pitushkiv is responsible for helping them. Otherwise, the stench can aggravate all their activity.

In these articles:

The injection of the Pivnya sign on the specialty

Your splash is expanding, it’s less than quiet little ones, like they were born after the 28th of September. As the date of birth is closer to the middle of the year, then the more pronounced expressions are characteristic of the representatives of this sign. The main characteristics that are seen in all peoples of this rock:

  • emotion;
  • schilnіst to leadership is clearly pronounced;
  • straightforwardness;
  • generosity;
  • mercy;
  • respect and honesty;
  • impulsivity;
  • empathy;
  • purposefulness.

There is no great difference between the character of the lads and the girls. More importantly, in some period of time children are born. The girls and the lads, as if they appeared as an influx, more to realize the realization of leadership qualities. The stench of the balakuchi and become the soul of the company.

Those, whose people spend autumn and winter, are more smart to creativity. Girls often become actresses and practitioners of social centers. Boys can be engaged in architecture and painting.

His centrism is also attached to him. Even if you play hard in the childhood of your troubles, you can get stuck with serious problems in the future.

Peculiarities of breeding children-birds

Element of Fire to rob children vibukhovymi and not peredbachuvanimi. The fathers needed a lot of patience, so that they could sit down for the small rock of Pivnya. “Khnє bazhannya all the nobility and bіgti kudis for new enemies, swidko vtomlyuє. Ale is less mature. Children themselves can sacrifice good sleep for the sake of new victories.

In order to mutually add up, it is necessary to do the following:

  • the little ones of 2017 are guilty of good understanding between what is permitted;
  • it is necessary to teach them calmly to take advice, and to bring those who stinks can be the center of any company;
  • praise them for their respect, participation in the process of victorious home functions;
  • zmushuvati vitrimuvati regime of the day that eating, so that the stench slowly mastered self-discipline;
  • do not go on about the drive, it's easy to start manipulating fathers and close relatives.

Children, people in the river of fire Pivnya, especially require love and respect.

Character and temperament child 2017 rock

Piven nadіlyaє їkh neimovіrnoy zazyatіstyu. If you reach the planned mark, the stench can sweep everything in its own way. That is why they are rightfully afraid. The world's grown-up children learn to show patience.

Behind the temperament of the baby, sound sanguine or choleric. The middle is quiet, which appeared in the autumn-winter period, more phlegmatic natures. Therefore, the stench is less fuse and more assiduous. Children are expected to master the routine of the robot and learn from the smallest details. Stink more smart before looking at that creation of speeches with your own hands.

Such children love merrily, that there, de їх єх, ready to do it yourself. As a result, it is easy to know friends. It is jealous to be placed before the appearance of other little ones in them, so that they should care for the fathers at the hour of planning the pregnancy.

As if the stench did not consider sufficient respect, built on self-destruction:

  • fall into depression;
  • show aggression;
  • robit vchinki for evil;
  • shut up problems.

Tse is easy to correct. It is enough to show your fire to the fiery children. Moreover, in a grown-up camp, they save their consumption.

To love to otochuvat yourself with sharp speeches and objects. In odyas, ways of self-realization are whispered. Tse attract to them other extraordinary features.

Talents and future professions

In 2017, the people of 2017, the children of the little ones, quickly begin to understand the power of pennies. To that, be it a profession, connected with business and finance, bring success to them:

  • bankers;
  • accounting;
  • brokers;
  • insurance agents;
  • credit specialties;
  • sales managers;
  • pіdpriєmtsіv.

Darunok oratory that natural leader often induces little politicians. Building management is assigned to different organizations charitable funds, social and creative projects.

There are even more people among the representatives of the creative industry. Successful artists, musicians, artists emerge from the quiet, who were born under the infusion of the elements of Fire. It is more necessary to encourage and encourage talents from children. Otherwise, the stinks are fought from the inner light, which will bring energy to the west.


Mustaches of the fathers are turbulent about the health of the cry. Children of 2017 do not have great problems in this sphere. Like and іnshі, stinks sometimes get sick with colds and get sick. Particularly unheard-of children can troch more often get GRZ, because they don’t chase after themselves for an hour of walks.

As the brains are created for zamikannya, they can be guarded by neurological discord:

  • memory loss;
  • enuresis;
  • shkirny sverbizh;
  • biting nigtiv.

For active Piven, there is a risk of injury, even if you want to do everything independently. That is why it is necessary to hold vikhovnі conversations with them in order to preserve your health.

In the period of growth, he needs more vitamins, because the raven of energy vitamins and the stink is always high.

Successes and inflexibility at the navchanni

The main problems in the navchannі malyukіv, narodzhenih in 2017 roci, caused by two opposite reasons:

  • stench exudes other children at the acquired material, they become bored in the lessons;
  • don’t sit still, it’s hard for him to conquer those who try to give a teacher. It is important to gain knowledge independently for the best.

It is not easy for a teacher to practice with Pivny. And if you want to get involved in the process with the topic of the lesson, then the children will give the right satisfaction. Aje stinks can make a drunken mind, and also love to work in a team. There is a large number of leaders among classmates who will lead to a high average ball in the class.

For the development of respect and attendance at school for fathers from the first fate of life, the next work is small in the right.

Children, yakі were born at 2017 roci Pivnya, will delight their mother and tata. On the Batkіv, they check for savage damage in the form of conflict with fiery little ones. If the stench will be respectful to the little ones, then the stench will repeatedly give them a reason for pride.

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