A bird with a red tail, like a humpback. Nature is alive: the robin is a small bird, but even more proud! blue-headed miracle bird of paradise


Drongo - zagin Gorobin, Drongo family

Black drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus). Place of residence - Asia. Rozmax krill 40 cm Vaga 70 g

This family includes about 20 species of birds that inhabit the tropics of Asia and Africa. characteristic sign drongo є dovgim, with vimkoyu, tail. The last one on the new one is 2-3 times more expensive than the other.

Dubonos - zagіn Gorob'їnі, family V'yurkovі

Dubonos (Coccothraustes coccothraustes). Place of residence - Africa, Eurasia. Dovzhina - 18 cm Vaga 60 g

As you can see from the name, homemade rice tsієї small, well-tailored birds є dzhob. Grosbeak vines are massive, clinging for "clacking" fruit and fruit tassels: cherries, cherries, wild cherries.


Dubrovnik is a zagіn of Gorob'їnі, a family of vivsyankovs.

Dubrovnik (Emberiza aureola). Place of residence - Pivnichna Evropa, Pivnichna Asia. Rozmax krill 24 cm Vaga 25 g

Dubrovnik, according to the farbuvanny plumage, is reminiscent of tropical birds - the flooring is out of the blue. Prote linger tsі representatives vіvsyanok і vіvnіchnih krai. Dubrovnik - tezh vіvsyanka medium rosemіrіv, zavdovki up to 17cm. The head of the male snail mayzhe black. Throat and chest chew. The back is chestnut chi chocolate. Cherevo brightly-zhovte. On the chest there is a commemorated narrow "collar" of chocolate color. Khvist weakly vilchasty. Females are stormy, with a yellowish coat and dark barves on the back and sides. Numbers of birds trapleyutsya all over Europe. Typical places of residence of birds - overgrown with chagars, flood rivers, fox galyavins, onions with high rіznotrav'yam. In the midst of the winter in Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia, the dubrovniks are collapsing on the brink of the Skhid and less sweating for the pivden. To Europe they fly pizno - for example, grass that on the cob of worms. The song is uncomplicated, but reception; composed of twink flute whistles.


sleeping lark

Javan lark (Mirafra javanica). Zagin Gorob'yachi, a family of larks. Place of residence - Australia, Asia, Africa. Dovzhina 13 cm Vaga 20 g

Increased number of birds in Africa, Asia, Europe; 1 kind of bag in America and 2 kinds in Australia. People fell in love with larks on the floor, because the stench acclimatized the people, you see in the places where it didn’t exist before.


Zhulan - zagіn Gorobtsіnі, Shrike family

Shrike (Lanius cristatus). Place of residence - Europe, Asia. Rozmax krill 30 cm Vaga 30 g

In herbs from warm lands, cicada birds - zhulans arrive. Є th osiliy looked - the Indian zhulan, sho lingering in the speck belt of Asia.


Fox zavirukha

(Prunella modularis). Zagіn gorobinі, family of zavіrushkovі. Place of residence - Asia, Africa, Europe. Dovzhina 1 5 cm Vaga 20 g

The hawkers are small, secretive birds with incomparable feathers. You can shoot them in dense chagar forests or low trees, on stony osips in front of them and yariv. Most of the stench's life is spent on the earth, peeing on the clods and other spineless creatures, which they take from the grass and the grass. In autumn, you want to eat ripe berries and fresh herbs. At the favorite time, the males sleep richly; Maybe, the fox curler, which is not viable, the aloe dzvinka pisenka, has long been attached to the respect of those who like to trim birds in domestic minds. The bird's nests grow near the chagar trees and trees, and the ale obov'yazkovo is not high above the ground. They can rule the life and at the crack of the stone.


Robin - Zagіn Gorobtsіnі, Drozdov family

Robin (Erithaucus rebecula). Place of residence - Asia, Africa, Europe. Rozmax krill 20 cm Vaga 20 g

The robin in Russia is more common under the name "robin" - through a bright raspberry with a yellow veil filled with fleas on the throat.


Zvonar - zagin Gorobin, Kotingov family

Holologiy dzvonar (Procnias nudicollis). Place of residence - America. Rozmax krill 50 cm Vaga 200 g

Dzvonari or dzvinochki birds - a common name for birds that linger in the tropical forests of Latin America. They also call them “forgers” in Spanish, perhaps, the booming voice of the bell ringer tells the inhabitants of the city the sound of a hammer blowing about the kovadlo. Deyakі zvonarі krіm metal rapping see naynespodіvanіshi sounds - croaking, whistling and winding left roar.

Who knows a small black bird with a ruddy ruddy tail, as if it were stolen forever, who lives in gardens and parks. For the yaskravy tail, commemorated from afar, she took away the name of the redstart. And if the male bird of this bird is more memorable - it’s more pack, it’s dark itself, and the tail is brightly red, then the very young birds don’t fall like that at the witch. The stench of a brown-gray zabarvlennya, with a light cherevets and throat. Ale is characterized by a prominent sign - a rudial tail, which is good, they have the same thing.

For the cob small video with the characteristic cry (I don’t sing!) of a redstart. Sitting on the hillside, walking into the wind, swaying with its tail and seeing a characteristic cry - "fyuїt-tik-tik-tik":

The largest view of the house and the widest we have is the zvichayna gorіkhvіstka (there is the garden gorіkhvіstka, the redstart-surplus). Tsya dribna, dribnisha gorobtsya, birds of the flycatcher family with a brightly ruddy tail, which often smacks out. As a result, the ore of the flame becomes kindly commemorated on the aphids of the gray back and the brown wings of the birds and guess the fire that flares up. Other old signs tsієї birds: in males of rudi the whole bottom of the body, the sides of the head and the throat are black, and the forehead is white (the stars are called the extra). Females are light-stormy, dark beasts, with brown wings. Juvenile storm individuals with dark strings. The head prikmet - orange-red tail - є і males, і females, і young birds.

Rudy, the "burning" tail of the bird, becoming the drive for the Russian name. Fire tail was also designated by Carl Linnaeus, who in 1758 described a hornwort under the Latin name Phoenicurus phoenicurus, which can be translated as “Phoenix tail”. Phoenix, guessing, zgіdno with an ancient retelling, burning at the fire and reviving again, and in Greek the word οὐρά means a whip.

In English, redstart is called redstart. The word start in to this particular type descend to Middle English stert and Old English steort "hvist". Before the word start, which means “start” (from the Old English styrtan “jump”), there is no change. Rudiy's tail of the bird fell into the eyes of other peoples. That is why in rich language the name gorіkhvіstka means "red tail" (Italian codirosso, Swedish rödstjärt, Greek κοκκινούρης, Danish rødstjert, Belarusian oretail). At my Spanish the gorіkhvіstka has the same name abanico, yak literally means "dream". Might, dear Spaniards, remember that the male of the redstart periodically opens its tail, like it was blowing. The Finnish name for the gorіkhvіstka is leppälintu "wilhov bird". Rumuni is called її codraş, which can be translated as “foxman”, but also known as coadă-roşie “red tail”.

Redstart lives in leafy forests, often in gardens and parks. Nests are out of reach in hollows, stumps, sometimes nested on the ground under bushes. The redstart will settle in the niches of the people, build in the wood towels. Sound the gorіhvіst low, on the branches of trees, on the bushes, zlіtaє on the ground, de shukaє yourself. However, the male who sleeps can take a place on the top of the tree.

Ivan Shamov, a familiar with the bird's spivu, wrote about the hornwort: early morning, as soon as the woman was bright to appear at the gathering, the bird deafens the garden with her modest characteristic dog; in the grassy month of її the dog is not interrupted to wind the night. You can’t hear the words: fі! re-re-re-re, bloom-bloom! ... so invariably repeating in one plan, but it's a miracle that the redstart can never put one and the same ending in his song, but rather new. The first time the bird is like a cicava, you will listen out of satisfaction and try to pick it up, as if it will be over. Sound it out of the positives of various birds. Okrim tsієї pisnі redstarts, the reader is perfectly chuv її characteristic poses: uїti! go away!, I repeat loudly and trivaly, especially in front of a scoundrel, and if you are turbulent, shout: go-te-tik! (“Our singing birds”, 1910).

At spivah and cries of rich birds, the people sounded a little understood the words and phrases. For example, it was important that the lapwing asked: “Which you? chiї vy? And Mikita Bachiv?”. Such a folk interpretation and spivu of redstart has not gone unnoticed. The villagers of the Smolensk province respected that the redstart boasted "I was in St. Petersburg, I was in St. Petersburg ... Peter bachila, Peter bachila."

Harchuєst gorіkhvіst komakhami. Birds whispering on the ground and on the needles, you can catch on the fly. Ornithologist A. N. Promptov in 1940, having bred, that the redstart, that vigodovuє chicks, brought food to the nest 469 times a day. The gorіkhvіstki sing like on clods, which fly, so on the caterpillars. The diameter of the myslivskoy dilyanka is 200 - 300 meters. For example, let's add berries to your diet.

A summer apartment of the splendid redtail can be found near the great gardens, on the knots, in the fields. Qi birds build nests in the hollows of old trees. Zvichayny gorіkhvіstki their ptashenyat most often komakhs-skіdniki, so gardeners and city dwellers love them so much.

Pari gorikhskhod often zberіgayutsya protyag dekіlkoh rokіv. Males turn to nesting place earlier than females. The stench is whispering a place for a nest: ring out the hollow chi kupa hmizu. Knowing the place, they call out females, not going far from the village: they can take the place. There is one more way, how to incubate a female - to climb into the hollow and set the name of the tail. The female whispers to the male and flies near the hollow. As soon as partner programs appear, the male will immediately start playing games. When the female approaches the future nest, the male sings a song and shakes his head, showing a white cholo, spin around his axis. When the birds mate, and at once they blow a hollow with dry grass, with bark there with moss. At the final stage of the "child of the room" they are insulated with down and wool. The female lays 6-7 eggs and nasidzhuє їs stretching for two days, hour after hour, she fills the nest, to overcome hunger. To the birds, who appeared two days later, I can bring insults to the birds.

Before the obov'yazkіv male gorіhvіstka also enter the nest in cleanliness for the first few days after the appearance of the chicks. The male bears the child's excrement from the child's name. After 2 days later, the light of birds appeared to start flying. However, if the female lays a clutch for a friend, the male continues to chick from the first brood. After the people chick from another masonry, the older chicks start an independent life.

In Europe, mountainous people live in bright wild forests, and in Africa and Asia Minor they also inhabit wild foxes. The stoney area and the rocks of the girsky bows overflowed with close relatives - the black mountainous.

In some gardens, you can feel insults, see these birds. In the middle of the beloved place of residence of the mountainous city - old parks and avenues, de rich of old hollow trees. Near Berlin, the mountaineers settled in the city parks, orchards and flower gardens. In our days, the Russian populations are growing in numbers in the Western forests. For example, sickle hornwort start to get ready to come to Africa in the heat. Spend the winter in the countryside, roztashovanih on the day in the Sahara.

Gorіhvіstki live with different clods and spiders, such stench you know on the ground, on the stovburs of trees, and leaves and leaves. The sight of a bird to catch clods in the field, looking at the species of buttocks from the ambush.

Gorikhvist does not hurry to spymany vidobutok - a bunch of wines to carry yoga in a safe place. Great clods, for example, beetles, out of the distance, were pinned down with a blow to the ground, and the horsemen's legs were crushed. Crimean caterpillars, ants, dry mollusks and bagatonizhok, birds eat berries and fruits. The little birds of the house make a little more detailed hedgehog, that the birds have grown up to crush the cob and give them less than a second to the little birds.

The careless little birds often bring the fathers to full physical discharge, even the birds come to the nest up to 500 times a day, bringing food to the little birds in the nest.

Gorikhvist often nests in order with the pope or the titmouse. She willingly lays eggs in specially prepared nest boxes. The more there will be roosting її budinochok in the garden, there are more chances for the successful reproduction of birds, well, for the mind, that the neighborhood has enough їzhi. Gardeners are happy, if there are coma-hoid birds on their plots. The "friendship" of people with redstart will bring them great mischief. The adzhe bird will help gardening in the presence of various coma-shkidnikiv: beetles-konikіv, bugs, caterpillars, leafworms and mosquitoes.

Tsіkavі facts about gorіhvistki:

  • Gorihvistki, like wagtails, steal their tails uphill and down.
  • Zvichayna gorіkhvіstka can attack her own vibrancy, sipping yogo, for example, near the window.
  • The male roams on the species near the polly, just like the female roams on the surface of the earth.
  • The name of this bird is to talk about those that have a bright tail. Він "to burn", adzhe pіr'ya tail maє fiery color.
  • In the nest of the redstart, the zozulya most often sheds its eggs. Gorihvіstki talk about cuckoos like about sweet birds.

On the territory of Russia, there are still a few representatives of the redstart genus. The Siberian Redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus) lives in a similar Siberia. In the mountains of Altai, Sayan and Tien Shan there are gray-headed redstart (Phoenicurus caeruleocephala), red-backed redstart (Phoenicurus erythronotus) and red-bellied redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogastrus). The rest of the names of the species can be seen in the Caucasus.

The jay, a great brightly enchanted bird with a small forelock on its head, knows how to master or a nomadic way of life. Qiu the universal bird from the Vranov family is already afraid of the humpbacked titmouse.


(Garrulus glandarius) - Great bird of the Vranov family. Won zavbіlshki z vgodovannogo dove. Dovzhina - up to 37 cm. The jay, which is doing it, is creating an attack on the larger bird, sitting on the tree's ridge below. If you want to once sing the water of the jay, or if you respectfully look at it, then you will always recognize the omnipresent representative of the birds. The jay may be more characteristically zabarvlennya: rude gray head and back, black tail and wing. Bile overhang. Zgin krila (“mirror”) is embellished with yaskrave blakitne fir'ya with black husbands and great whites. In the field of goodness one can see white patches on wings and white overhang. Lighter throat maє black smugs from the sides. Young birds can be counted for a large short tail and rudimentary feathers. The jay is a bird of light or white-black eyes. Young birds have a brown stench.

The jay's head is large and round. On it there are short black "antennae" to wash, and a forelock. Khokhol zovsіm is not so miraculous, like at. Vіn more guessing skuyovdzhenі fіr'їnki. In the European jay, the forelock is light with black hens, in the Siberian jay it is ocher-rudy, and in the Caucasian (Crimean) jay it is black.

Ornithologists have to describe more than old look and the behavior of the birds, and the th їхній voice so that yogo could be recognized by the differently-voiced choir birds. The axis is described as a spіv soїk at the signer of the birds: “The call is a rude, sharp cry of“ kzheek-kzhek-kzhek ”and a hooting“ kei-kei ”. The song is quiet and even more foldable, composed of various sounds that creak and gurgle” (“Birds of Russia”, N. Arlott and V. Khorobry). Jay, yak and richly Crows, can build up the voices of other birds.

Soїk іnоdі stray z kukshiv (Perisoreus infaustus), the other bird of the Vranov family. Kuksha dribnisha for a jay. Vaughn has more monotonous brown-gray plumage and a dark brown forelock on her head. Tsey birds see the victory of coniferous forests. Vaughn is richly dovirlivish for the laklivu jay. The watering of the kuksha is light, with which bird the tail is blown.

Where is the jay?

Jays linger in the greater part of Eurasia. In Russia, birds are found more importantly near the forest zone. Give priority to leafy and swaying forests. Do not waste your time settling down for oak trees. Jays often settle and nest in the midst of chagars, they can be seen in the mountains at altitudes up to 1600 meters. In autumn, birds come from gardens and vineyards. Jays lead an osіl or nomadic way of life. Deyakі birds become migratory. The jays are collected from small birds. Under an hour more trivaly shifts are added up for 20 - 30 birds.


The jay breeds birds already from a single vіku. The favorite songs of the awakening males are often formed from the sounds of other birds and the melodies. Betting is settled with a hanging, yakі proceed to the wakefulness of their nests. This bellowing bird, which screams loudly, subsides during the nesting period. At this hour, you can't see the maya and not a bit. The jays will make their nests on the trees not high above the ground, sometimes in the midst of the chagars that have grown. The nest of these great birds is small (about 20 cm in diameter, up to 10 cm deep), it looks like a bowl. The male and the female will have their own mitzne and the bagatosharov's nest is fast, only for a day. The masonry is stacked from 5 - 7 (up to 10 pcs.) Light brown mottled eggs. As if it were a tragedy in the first clutch, then the birds repeat the test of the mother's offspring without a hitch.

Jays lay eggs for 16-17 days. Both fathers are vigovouyut. Your “working day” begins with a daylight and ends late in the evening. Chicks grow fast. At the end of 20 days, the stench is repaired by the lords from the nest.


The jays are eating the dewy (especially in the autumn, that vimka) and the creature's hedgehog. Even love acorns, the shell of which is easy to splinter with your jaw. Jays prepare acorns for the winter at the majestic kіlkostyakh. If you give credit to the current authors, then a vaga of such stocks can be over a couple of kilograms.

What do you write about jays, what are they preparing for the winter, O.M. Formoses at the book “A Companion to the Slow Drinker”: “The jays cry at the spring - the yellow scurry around the foxes for whole days, stretching hundreds of acorns for their winter reserves. The stinks of acorns beat the foundations of rotten stumps, under the singed leaves and moss pillows. Sometimes, stuffed with acorns in the tongue of a bear, the jay walks for a kilometer in the forest and attaches its burden to the chagar-garden of the stepovaya beam and young pine plantations. Part of the acorns, zabutih or consumed by the jay, sprouting, and young sticks - living traces of the її osinnoї "roboti" - raptom z'yavlyayutsya far from the fruitful oaks. In the natural expansion of the oak, the shaggy and galaslivy birds play the same role, like thrushes, warblers and robins in the wide yagid trees. Vlashtovoyuchi store, jay behave more carefully; it's important to know. It’s easier after a snowfall with traces of digs to protect the month, where birds take out their reserves, prihovani pіd hour of leaf fall.

In the fields, lying down to the fox, and in the cities of the forest forest forces, the jays, after picking potatoes, pick up the dried bulbs that are left out, and stretch them just like an acorn. In open places, it’s not important to watch out for a bird, we’ll take potatoes, but in some plots the fox vine yogo hova, I didn’t walk away. ”

Spring, in the fall of that autumn, the jay is eager to eat coma: ants, beetles, bugs, panicles, bronzes, caterpillars, spiders and other bugs. її The menu includes and great komakhi: herbal beetle, beetles and hornets. Great jays can allow themselves to create such a kind of booty, like shrews, lizards, toads and dribbling birds. Jays often roar, roaring the nests of other birds.

Why don't they flood jays on your lot? We have three jays spreading humpbacked and titmouse, like stingy whites. Gorobtsі and titmouse are afraid of these great birds more, lower than the small woodpecker. The jays tug effortlessly from the anniversary of the shmatka of white bread, the ruins of them in the snow. Vimku tsі oberezhnі і navit polohlivі masivnі birds to be afraid of any kind of rush like people, and navit dogs.

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Most often they linger at the foxesthat steppeRussia and the light of birds may be stormed by Bure, or the green plumage allows these representatives of the world of fauna to become unremarkable among the treeschi grass.Ale inodi innatureyou can bachiti and brightly zabarvlenyhbirds. They also look spectacular, for example,birds with a red head.With such a bright lash, so ring out to serveernatimzakhist. Appearing raptovo in front of the eyes of the hut, the stink of beating yogo from the pantel. As a result, the potential victim can win an hour and run.

List of birds with red feasts on their heads

At our country Volodarїy podіbnih yaskravih embellishment zustrichaetsya, unfortunately, not so already rich. You can fly a big red streak on your head less in such birds, like:

    black woodpecker;

    chechitka is great.

So Russia has bagsbird with red head. Seenout to the groupwaterfowl. calledtsya pitchingred-headed nirk.

Most often brightly zabarvlennі ptakhi zustrichayutsya in nature near the tropics. For example, even effectively looking red-capped pipra, as if bagging in the lands of Pivdennoy America. Deyakі representatives of such embellishments in the tropics are widely widened. Others narakhovuyut less obmezhena kіlkіst osobin. To the rest of the group of birds lie, for example, recently discovered by zoologists Bokermann's manakin, who lives exclusively on Araripskom Nagir'ї near Brazil.Tsej birds can be reduced-white zabarvlennya tila and chizuyetsya chervonim sholom.

Green woodpecker: description of the wider area

In Russia, the representative of the birds sacks less in the European part. At the descent, the area of ​​​​yogo expansion of the surroundings of the Volga valley, at the pіvnochі - the Finnish influx. The largest populationsgreen woodpeckersDesignated in Germany, France and Spain. Most of these birds grow in broad-leaved forests, parks and gardens.

The main signs of these birds are olive-green feathered coats and krill, as well as a bright-red cap on the head. Under the chimney of the woodpeckers of the same varietydarkwife, what will guess the vus.The front part of the head of these birds is black and on aphids green cheeks and red caps look like an effective mask.

Shout out to the birds tsiliy rik. The voice is like that of females, so are malesgreen woodpeckersharp and poignant. A lot of people, yakі chuli spіv tsikh ptahіv, yogo with a roar and a scream. treetseywoodpecker dovbaє rarely. Treliv, as the primal representatives of the mind, when joking about in the village of wines, it is practically not possible to see them.

Description of the black woodpecker

Whose bird with a red headexpanded onall territories of Russia. The black woodpecker grows near the riches of other countries of Europe and Asia. Other representatives of the Yogo family are seen in a vugilna zabarvlennya pir'ya body and krill, as well as a bright red hat on the head. Rozmіri tsey feathered baggy lіsіv maє chimalі.

The relatives of other woodpeckers have one of the largest varieties.important chiaclose500 r. Rozmax and krill of the black woodpecker to become 70-80 cm.

The dziob of this representative had a lot of feathers. Behind the bazhannym birds, you can easily break through the hard wood of a pine tree, a tree or a cedar. To this the black woodpecker lives, on the vіdmіnu of the green, like in broad-leaved, and coniferous forests.

One of the features of the tsієї tsіkavoї є those who are practically not afraid of people. Up topeople who went to the forest, deyakindividuals often, navpaki, show majesty tsіkavіst. Such woodpeckers can for years watch for mushroom pickers and thoughts, following them and flying from tree to tree.

Regardless of the presence of a bright hat, remembering a black woodpecker in the middle of a leaf is easy to mow down. You can see this bird mainly only by thick trills, which can be seen when getting worms from the village.

The tap dance is great

Tsey fox streak birdlikewise, they seem to be red-skinned with red patches on their heads. Truth be told, the rest of us may not be too great. A bag of tap dance is common in the tundra and forest blends of Russia, America and Europe. Zustrichaєtsya tsey representative of the birds is different from Asia.

Keep this little bird in total close to 15 grams. It is important to live out of our roslin - it is important for the vilkhovs, pines and birches. The top of the body of the tap dance is sizable; The bottom of these birds is white. Like a back, yoga is covered with majestic strings. In females, a red color can be more than a cap. Males hatch with a raspberry breast. On the tail of a splendid tap dance, wind a sprat of black fir.

The voice of that little bird with a red head, which guesses behind the humpbacked roses, is even twinkly. Moreover, її "pі-p'yu" and "even-even" can be almost practically without interruption. The birds are not only belligerent, but rather spiky. In this plan, the stench is easily swayed by its outstanding vessels - tits and siskins - jumping from chick to chick, and sometimes hanging upside down in order to reach out to feed.

Chervonogolovy nirok - what kind of bird?

Tsei representative of the family of birds sacks inzdebіlshoy in the dead latitudes of the Central part of Russia and Siberia. For expansionstsya is waterfowlsomething to do with a mallard. The individual has grown up to weigh approximately 700-1000 grams. Seenredhead nirokto the group of waterfowl migratory. The wing and body of the tail and breast are black, the head is red-brown.

This representative of the birds is gagging with an oversized hedgehog. Nestsredhead jockI will be like at peace, and at dry places. In Russia, this nirok is valued by a valuable tradebird.

Chervonoshapochna pipra

Tsikh effective little birds Pivdenny America can be seen mainly in the tropical forests of Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and Colombia. Chervonoshapochnaya pipra eats the biggest fruit in the world. Every once in a while a bird will eat and grow up. Tsіkavoi osobli_styu pіpri є those who, whether it's їїжа, are over-etched into her slunk literally for 15-20 quills.

Zabarvlennya in which representative of the tropical birds is black. On the aphids of the body, the tail curled like a red head, they look even brighter and more effectively. For the way of life, the birds of the bird are strongly spoiled by the titmouses. Live stink like small families and love purhati between the bushes of trees and chagarniks.

tse voicethfoxbirdswith a red headdosit dzvinky. "Pіє" pipra often. The male of this bird, for example, periodically sees short sounds that say “psit”, signifying in such a rite that I will hold the tree in the territory. Pipra females also dosit "noisy".

Birdy sopilets

This representative of the birds, expanding on the entire territory of Russia, may even look more attractive. The red color on the head is localized mainly in the area of ​​the cheeks, troch widening on the forehead, and sometimes winding the chubok. The body of this bird may have a gray-rozhevy vіdtinok. Near the eyes of the soul are good remembering black eyepieces. The growth of the dark pіr'ya in the new one is also under the leg, on the wings and on the tail.

Rozmіri tsya good znayoma rich bird may be small - close to 20 cm. Amateurs do not sing often. And to shy away, at the thought of nature lovers, it’s not good. The small birds linger, more importantly among the zmishani, birch and coniferous forests. Citizens of birds sometimes fly to the city. Sopіltsі are eating berries and fruits.

Rіdkіsny manakіn Bokermann

Pro qiueffectiveunimaginablebirdswith red feasts on the headornithologists recognized only 1996.It was revealed її bulo vipadkovo on the Araripi nagіr'ї in the Brazilian state of Ceará. The area of ​​residence of manakin Bokermann is about 1 km 2 . Looking at this bird even more effectively. Her plumage is whiter. Only on the tail and along the edge of the krill є black fir'їnki. On the head of this rare manakin, there is not a hat, like the rich and other representatives of the family have birds, but a bright-red forelock of an unusual shape, which casts a helmet on a military one. Bokerman's manakin bag is more importantly entrusted from the ocean, near the coastal forests.

chervonogolovi papugi

Exactly with a red head,descriptions above,in the houseless important for ornithologists and great lovers of the family of birds. All people chanted about parugs. The birds themselves, for a wink of chiba scho pavichiv, are awakened in nature by the most beautiful zabarvlennyam. Obviously, in this group of birds and effective red-headed varieties are heard. Such an addition to the zabarvlennya mayut, for example,usisto parrots. Otherwise, they are called plum-headed.

necklacesand the daddy doesn’t care great roses. The head of a dozhina of such a bird becomes 33-35 cm at a time from the tail.Only the males of the same variety can think of a red head. The body of the parrot is painted in a yellow color, and the wings are in a new green. The tail has a sprat of black seeds. The male can also be teased for the dark thin namist on the shii. In nature, the number of birds is wider in India, Pakistan, Sri Lancia. In Europe and Russia, they often take revenge on domestic minds - on clitins.


Іє a red flame on the head and in one of the most popular among the bird-lovers of the parrots - koreli. The birds have red feathers growing in the region of the cheek. Rosemary parrots korela may be small - about 30 cm with a tail. The infestation of the body of which bird will sound lower and whiter. Or rather entrusted with red cheeks to the height of the zhovtuvat pir'ya. Maє tsey kolіr i dovgy forelock koreli. Males of this variety are sometimes light gray or olive. Zustrichayutsya in nature and other zabarvlennya koreli. Ale, the cheeks of which parrot may be chervoni.

At wild nature koleli linger more importantly near the coastal tropical water forests. So often you can bachiti in eucalyptus hay or just wind it in shrouds.

amadini birds

The number of birds also look even more effective. Deyakі lovers vvazhayut їх representatives of the parrot family. However, the thought of tsya pardon. Amadini is considered to be of the genus of yurkov weavers. The red patches of these little birds are spread on their heads not on the poppies, but in the region of the cheeks. Take amadini in the order of 80-110 grams. The back of their line is gray-white-black. The bottom of the body is turned into white. A creamy cheek, a red color in the finches, paws, legs and sides under the wings. Females and males are practically no different.

In the wild, amadini are wider in Africa, Asia and Australia. The stench lingers unimportantly in the dense chagar forests on the outskirts of the forests. Live Amadini great zgray. In Europe and Russia, they are embodied in clitins.

American cardinal

The head of this bird may be the same, as in the manakin Bokermann. A thick, low forelock is also smelt-like in shape, and scintillated in a bright-red color.However WhigflirtVіn at tsimu gostrіshiy i vyshchiy, scho nadaє ptіvі ptі trochі kom_ії form. The color of the body in these birds can be different. In the wild, you can drink sirikh, zhovtih, olive cardinals. Ale, representatives of the family are often seen among the foxes with a lot of red zabarvlennyam.

Many birds live in rich parts of the world. Ale, the widest variety is Americanredcardinal. The habitat of this bird is located in the southern part of the USA. In this country, it’s better to love it as a symbol of the New Rock. It is not uncommon for the inhabitants of the United States to take revenge on these birds in clitins. In naturea birdwith a red forelock on his headbeforechance to live in dense forests of a different type. So often you can see її in gardens and parks.

The song of the cardinal troch is a trilling nightingale. Moreover, the females mayut with the voice of the mother so very kindly, like the males. The red cardinals eat mainly the fruits of the same roslin. Sometimes you smell the stench and the horses and the cicadas.

The robin is a bird, a photo of which is lower, small, vociferous! The birds took their name away for those who love to sleep at the gathering of the sun and at the sunset of the sun. Before the speech, many birds are still known under the name "robins". So they called them for those who love to settle in raspberries. Let's talk about them.

The twinkling voice of the robins repeatedly stunned poetry. Zoologists classify the robin as a family of thrushes. The robin is a bird that roams with close spores from the nightingales. Today, zoologists only know about two things:

  • Japanese robin.

Birds are small

The robin is a small bird to finish off. Dovzhina її feathered tіltsya - less than 15 centimeters. With whom, the length of the krill of the tail is close to 7 centimeters! Important robin Mayzhe 18 grams. Її dziobik is thin and not long. The tail is long, and the paws are thin, scarlet. However, at first glance, a robin can look like a little plump bird. Really, it's not! On the right, in the fact that the plumage of the robins is more fluffy and soft, and the feathers themselves do not fit snugly enough to the torso, there is a “really” effect.


Having offended you see robins, they are already similar in their zabarvlennya. Zvichayna robin has olive-gray wings, tail, upper part and light-gray tummy and breast. Її forehead and neck - bright-zhovtogaryachі. Її Japanese relative can be on the entire upper part of its body ruddy, which are angry with the color of the breast. Її cherevtse - gray-bluish. Like females, and males pofarbovanі however.

Area of ​​residence

The robin is a bird, widening in rich countries. A simple robin inhabits all of Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Africa. Japanese has been expanded in Japan and China. Deyakі z tsikh ptakhіv є migratory. All fallow in For example, Siberian robins winter near Western Europe, near Pivnichno-Western Africa and Asia Minor. Their Japanese relatives from the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin are wintering up to Japan.

way of life

The bird is a robin, which does not succumb to the vocal mastery of the nightingale itself, as a hut. They eat out beetles, ground beetles, bedbugs, ravliks, bagatonizhkami, spiders and other commas. In summer and autumn, robins are not opposed to ripe berries and new ones.


Malinivki live alone. More than that, they can change their character too! In these little birds, there is an instinct of authority. Males signify their territory with their voice. These songs begin with some kind of creaky sounds, and end with the divine ringing of twinkles, similar to the trill of a nightingale.


The stench of the two breeds during the season. Cover your own nests on the ground. The ringing of the nest guesses a neat bowl, which from the fibers of roslin and korintsiv.

The robin is a bird, which greets itself with an enviable popularity among its enemies. On robins, falcons and owls peck. These nests are full of fox guts, martens, ermines, thori and weasels.

Malinivka is that person

Lyudina fell in love with the robin for a long time for its twinkling voice and garne for a scary zabarvlennya. The robin is like a sleeping bird. In captivity, the stinks chirp swiftly to the people, flocking tame. Already for tyzhenka, the robin will allow the ruler to reach him.

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