Entrance to the yard for passage 1.5 2. Entrance to the yard Minecraft. Small video look at the map

We suggest to you a great folding project. Map Vtecha z v'yaznitsі rightly majestic. Sob_dit її tsіlkom, navit with friends you need a lot of years. For the escape you are guilty, choose a prison block. Skin from nine prison blocks of chanting in the singing style, so you can boldly taste your taste. On this side you can download the map for minecraft Vtecha v'yaznitsi 1.5.2. Not included, which is practicable on other versions.

You will soon show up at the prison parking lot with buses, you will be greeted by cameras. Dali need to plan ahead, and help you with whom: a black market, on which you can pick up colorful objects, secret mines in the pit, de hove all the necessary resources and secrets that allow you to take unique tools. Map Vtecha from Tyurmi for Minecraft is guaranteed for a large number of people, so call your friends and have fun together.

Small video look at the map

Instructions from the installation

Get the card on the computer. Take all the files from the archive, be it an archiver program and copy them to the folder %appdata%/.minecraft/saves.

Escape Prison 2 Escape Prison 2, like a bula was inspired for graves, like you want to try out those that are similar, so that you can get out of the full range, filled to the brim with security and other types of insecurity. This is an extraordinary card, as if you put your respect behind the first whistle, and you will be tempted to get excited, the docks will not end. We recommend that you give Escape Prison 2 a chance, as you quickly develop and develop a large map of riddles, as your skills will rise to their absolute limits.

How can you say for the name, Escape Prison 2 map target - get out of the way. It should sound like a folding factory, and it’s insane that you will have access to an arcane amount of resources in the middle of the pit, and there will also be different guards, like they will follow your skin move. It is also necessary to follow the different rules of that regulation, as you will need to wait, perebuvayachi in this place, to that, swell, insanely, be more impossible for the zavdannyam. However, until quiet feast, as long as you are vigilant and virishuvatimete zavdannya, scho to stand before you one by one, you obov'yazkovo will rest against tsoma.

It dawned on me that the card is in trouble - to finish a folding card, it’s your fault to play only in it, as you have a mastery of puzzle cards and you know how to get around the attack. Tim is not smaller, if you really want to play on the map, but not necessarily the mother of the beginners for її completion, it's easier for you to try. Easy Mode basically adds checkpoints to the map to help you progress, and checkpoints to make your speech easier. Everything is said that zrobleno, Escape Prison 2 minecraft map , yaku vie love shokhvilini.

A series of maps for the passage "Vtecha z v'yaznitsі Minecraft", which consists of 6 parts. Є svіy vlasny plot, for the like of a hero, they ring at the vbivstvі and sadzhayut for 20 years at the sycophant regime. Win, obviously, not wine and do not choose to put up with such a virus and choose to go. Ale, the engagement is more serious and it will not be easy to get out of it. Everywhere there are guards, high walls, flood gates, and doors, and even a compartment of passage. Vіdmіnny viklik to those who are in vpevneniy in their power.

You will be given hints and different tensions, what and how did you work. You will be able to craft and create different speeches and objects from these resources, as you know the world's passage. But the main rule is not to block, do not ruin anything and do not cheat, for all interest is lost. Ale, I’ll give you a little hint. get stuck at dirka in the stele and you can go through the picture«.

For those who are stuck here and do not know what work they have done, a video spoiler for the passage of the map.

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